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  • 8/17/2019 bhavana final project.docx


    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.



    Finance is life blood and economic development. The finance is defend as position of 

    money at the time when it is required the efficient financial system calls for The effective

     performance of financial institutions financial instruments and financial market.

    Definition of finance:

    According To Gotham and Douglas

    “Business finance can be broadly defined as the actively concerned with planning

    organi!ingcontrolling and administration of the funds used in the business".

    Features of finance:

    The main characteristics or feature of finance are depicted below

    1 Inestment o!!ortunit":

    #n finance investment can be e$plained as a utili!ation of money for profit for or returns

    investment can be done by%

    a. &reating physical asserts with the money 'such as development of land(acquiring

    commercial assets etc.) b. &arrying on Business activities.c. *cquiring financial securities.

    # !rofita$le o!!ortunit":

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    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.

    #n finance profitable opportunities signify that the firm must utili!e its available

    resources most efficiently under the conditions of out throat competitive market.

     profitable oppertunities shall be a vision. it shall not result in short term. profit at the

    e$pense of long term gains.

    % o!timal mi& of fund:

    Finance is concerned with the optimal mi$ of fund in order to obtain the desired

    and the determined result respectively. +rimarily funds are two types namely

    1 owned funds 'promoter contributions equity shares etc)

    , Borrowed funds 'Bank loan bank overdraft debentures etc.)

    ' s"stem of internal controls:

    finance is concerned with internal control maintained in the organi!ation and they

    are alter as per the requirement of its business.-owever this rules and regulations monitered at various intervals to accomplish

    the same which have been consist only followed.

    ( features decision ma)ing:

    Finance is concerned with the feature decision of the organi!ation.* “good finance" is an indicator of growth the good analytical decision shell be

     present and features respective 'economic condition) respectively.


      The subect of finance has been traditionally in to , type

    1) public finance,) private finance

    1) -u$lic finance: +ublic finance is concerned with requirement receipt and disbursement of 

    funds in case an individual * profit seeking business organi!ation.

    #. -riate finance:

    +rivate finance can be classified in to

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    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.

    a. -ersonal finance:

    +ersonal finance deals with the analysis of principal and practices

    involved in managing once own daily need funds b) Finance of non!rofit organi/ation:  the finance of nonprofit

    organi!ation is concerned with practices .producer and problem

    involved in financial management of charitable religious educational.

    /ocial and other similar organi!ationc. 0usiness finance:

    The word business means a state of being busy all creative human

    activities relating to the production and distribution of goods for 

    satisfying human wants are known as business.


    1*% T"!es of finance:

      1) short term finance

      ,) long term finance

    1. short term finance

      /hort term finance usually refers to finance required by a financial required .

    For the purchase of raw materiel payment of wages salaries and for meeting. the other day

    today manufacturing add other e$penses of a firm.

    #. long term finance:

    0efers to finance for a period e$ceeding five years usually for period of five years

    to twenty it is required for financing the fi$ed capital.

    ,ources of finance:

    1) quity shares,) +reference shares2) 3ebentures and loan bonds

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    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.

    4) +ublic deposits5) #nternal resources6) 7rant and subsidies

    1*' Financial management

      Financial management means effective use of economic resources namely

    capital funds.

      *ccording to +hilip patus "financial management is concerned with the

    managerial decisions that results in the acquisition and financing of start term of long

    term credit for the firm"

      -ere the deals with the situations that required selections of specific problem of 

    si!e and growth and enterprise.

      -ere the analysis deals with the respected in flows and outflows of funds and

    their effects on management obects

    1*( o$ecties of financial management

    1 The increase in si!e and influence of the business enterprises., 8ide distribution of corporate ownership2 /eparation of ownership and management4 financial planning and success promotion of an enterprise5 *cquisition of funds as and when required at the minimum possible cost.6 prepare use and allocation of fund9 Taking sound financial decision: #mproving the profitability decisions; #ncreasing the wealth of the investor and the nation

    1.2 Im!ortance of financial management:

    1) The increase in si!e and influence of the business enterprises,) wide distribution of corporate ownership2) separation of ownership and management4) financial planning and successful promotion of an enterprise5) *cquisition of fund as an when required at the minimum possible cost

    +repare use and allocation of fund9) Taking sound financial decision

    :) #mproving the profitability decision;) #ncreasing the wealth of the investors and the

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    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.

    -art 0

    3eaning of !rofit ma&imi/ation

    #n economics profit ma$imi!ation is the short run or long run process by which a firm

    determines the price and out put level that returns the greatest profits. There are several

    approaches to this +roblem . The Total 0evenue=total cost perspective is based on the fact

    that total profit reaches its ma$imum point where marginal remove equals marginal cost.


    +rofit Ma$imi!ation refers To the process where by companies focus an ma$imi!ing

     profit or getting The best possible profit in their particular kinds of business.

    Definition of !rofit ma&imi/ation

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    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.

    “Bonneville and 3eweys "Financing consists in the raising providing and managing of 

    all money. capital or Funds of any kind To be used in connection with the business.

    “0eosborn" The finance function is process of acquiring and utili!ing funds by business.

    -rofit ma&imi/ation techni4ues includes

    1 5aste minimi/ation*

    it the process and the policy of reducing the amount of produced by a person or a society

    8aste minimi!ation involves efforts to minimi!e resource and energy use during

    manufacturing for the same commercial output usually the fewer material are used the

    less waste is produced

    8aste minimi!ation usually requires knowledge of the production process cradle to 7rove

    analysis 'The tracking of materials from their e$traction to their return to earth) and

    detailed knowledge of the composition of the waste

    # +ean manufacturing lean enter!rise

    /imple “lean" is a production practice That consider The e$penditure of resources

    for any goal other than the creation of value for the end customer to be wasteful and thus

    a Target for elimination .working from perspective of the customer who consumer a

     produce who consumer a product or service “value" is defined as any action or process

    That a customer would be process that a customer would be willing To pay for.

    ssentially lean is &antered on preserving value with less work. >ean

    manufacturing is a management philosophy derived mostly from the Toyota production

    system 'T + /) 'hence The Term toyotaisem is also prevalent) and identification as “lean"

    only in the 1;;?s. T+/ is renowned for its focus on value but There are varying

     perspective on how This is best achieved the steady growth of Toyota from a small

    company To the world largest automaker has focused attention on how it has achievedthis success.

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    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.

    % Flat Organi/ation ,tructure

    #t is an organi!ation That has an organi!ation structure with few or no levels of 

    middle management between staff and e$ecutive the idea is that will trained workers will

     be more productive when they are more directly involved in the decision making process

    rather than closely supervised by many layers of management This structure is generally

     possible only in smaller organi!ation can retained a structure but cannot keep a

    completely flat manager @To= staff relationship without impacting productivity.

    Argani!ation can retain a streamlined structure but cannot keep a completely flat

    manager=to=staff relationship without impacting productivity.

    ' la$our reduction though inestment in a!!ro!riate technolog"

    #s an ideological movement'and its manifestations)originally articulated as

    intermediate technology by the economist 30 Frnst friedrice"Frit!" /chumacher in his

    influential work. small is beautiful. Though the nuance of appropriate technology vary

     between fields and applications it is generally 0ecognised as encompassing technological

    choice and application that is small scale decentrali!ed labour=intensive energy=efficient

    environmentally sound and locally controlled. Both /chumacher and many modern=day

     proponents of appropriate technology as emphasi!e the technology as people cantered.

    '* la$our cost reduction:6

    #t would be difficult to find a small business or start=up these days that is not

    concerned with labour cost. 8hether its a standard 4? hours a week or overtime thats

    driving up costs there are ways to helps with the pain. 8e though 8ed put together or list

    of some e$amples that we think illustrate the best ways reduce direct labour costs.

    (* 3ar)et deelo!ment:6

    /trategy targets non=buying costumer in currently targeted segments in also targets

    new customers in new segments.

    Market development strategy entails e$panding the potential market through new

    users are new uses.

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    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.

    demographic segments. new institutional segments or new psychographic segments.

    *nother way is to e$pand sales through uses for the product.

    2* !roduct line e&tension:6

    is the use of an established products brand name for a new item in the same

     product category e$tensions occur when a company introduces additional items in the

    same product category under the same brand name such as new flavours colours added

    ingredients packing si!e this is as opposed to brand e$tension which is a new product

    in a totally different product category. >ine e$tension occurs when the company lengthens

    its product line beyond is current range. The company can e$tend its product line down @ 

    market stretch.

    -rofit ma&imi/ation the marginal a!!roach:6

    To obtain the profit ma$imi!ing output quantity we start by recogni!ing that profit

    is eqal to total revenue 'T0) minus total cost 'T&) given actable of cost and revenue at

    each quantity we can either compute equation or plot the data directly on graph finding

    the profit ma$imi!ing out put is an smile as finding the out put and at which profit

    reaches its ma$imum that is represented by output Cin the diagram.

    There are two graphical ways of determining that C is optimal. firstly we see that the

     profit curve is at its ma$imum at this point '*) second we see at the point 'B) that the

    tangent on the total cost curve 'T&) is parallel to the total revenue curve 'T0). The

    surplus of revenue net of cost 'B&) is the greatest.

     -rofit ma&imi/ation:6

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    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.

    The total approach if total revenue and total cost figures are difficult to procure.

    This method may also use for each unit sold marginal profit equal marginal revenue

    minus marginal profit negative. Marginal revenue equal marginal cost marginal profit

    since total profit increase when marginal profit is positive and total profit deceases when

    marginal profit is negative it most reach a ma$imum where marginal cost is !ero or 

    where cost equal marginal cost marginal revenue.

    This is because the as collected positive profit up until the intersection of M0 and M&.

    O$ectie of the !rofit ma&imi/ation:6

      * firm obective is the ma$imi!ation of the e$pected present value

    following types are

    1) The e$pression does not quit have the same emotional impact of profit ma$imi!ation

    even through it means essentially the same thing.,) $plain why economic profit is pften imposiable to measure.2) $plain the principal @agent problem4) 3efined fi$ed cost marginal revenue product5) &omute marginal revenue product when given marginal revenue and marginal

     product.6) 8hen given data on out put marginal revenue and marginal cost determine which

    level output ma$imi!e profit.9) 8hen give data on level of input marginal revenue product and marginal resource

    cost determined the level of in put that ma$imi!e profit:) /how how the two ways to ma$imi!ation profit uses the information from the three

    constraints firm faces 

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    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.

    C7A-TER #


    #*1 Introduction

    The research has to prepare appropriate design. *fter formulation of hypothesis so

    that hypothesis can be lasted the reaches design guide the researches for collection of 

    relevant data. with ma$imum e$peditor of effort time and money.

    #*# Research meaning

    0esearch design is conceptual structure with in which researches would be

    conducted the research

      #t inform what wherehow when by what means a research study is to be


    Definition:6 sellic and others

    “* research design is the arrangement of condition for collection and analysis of 

    data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in


    #*% Title of the stud"*

      The study on “profit ma$imi!ation" at vaishnavi co=co product.

    #*' ,tatement of the !ro$lem:6

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    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.

    3ata collection refers to the assembling for the purpose of particularly

    investigation of entirely new data presumably not already available in published sources.

    &ollection of data includes

    a) +rimary data b) /econdary data

    a. -rimar" data6 the data is collected from first time. #t is original information gathered

    for a specific purpose and provides up to date accurate and relevant information. #t was

    collected to the personal interview with the senior officer of the vaishnavi co=co product

    industry. #t is obtained by face to face interaction.

    $. ,econdar" data% = These data are available for ready and reanaly!ed has they were

     previously meant for another purpose.

      The data was collected by ournal industry profiles criteria in the field of financial

     packages and also bank reports like

    • Financial statements

    *nnual reports• Balance sheets.

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    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.

    #* cha!ter scheme

     Cha!ter 1


    This chapter deals with the introduction and information about profit



     0esearch designThis chapter deals with the research research design title statement of the

     problem scope of the study obective research methodology limitation of the



     Com!an" !rofile

     This chapter deals with the introduction of the industry service full information

    about vaishnavi co=co product.


     3ata analysis and interpretationThis chapter e$plains about the analysis and interpretation of the topic of 


    Cha!ter (

    Finding suggestion and conclusionThis chapter e$plains the findings from our study what we done in research on the

     basis of that we can make conclusion and made suggestion to rectify the loop

    holes of the industry0i$liogra!h"


    C7A-TER :%

    A* Industrial !rofile

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    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.

     %*1 Introduction to coconut:

      The &oconut palm 'cocos nucifera) is a number of family *recaceae 'palm

    family). #t is the only accepted species in the genus &ocos. The term coconut can refer 

    to the entire coconut palm the seed or the fruit which botanically is a drupe not a nut.

    The spelling cocoanut is an archaic form of the word. The term is derived from 16 th=

    century +ortuguese and /panish coco meaning “head" or “skull". From the three

    indentation on the coconut shell that resemble facial features.

      Found throughout the tropic and subtropics area the coconut is known for its great

    versatility as seen in the many uses of its different parts. coconuts are part of the daily

    diets of many people. &oconuts are different from any other fruits because they contain alarge quantity of “water" and when immature they are known as tender=nuts or elly=nuts

    and may be harvested for drinking. 8hen mature they still contain some water and can

     be used as seed nuts or processed to give oil from the kernel charcoal from the hard shell

    and coir from the fibrous husk. The endosperm is initially in its nuclear phase suspended

    within the coconut water. *s development continues cellular layers of endosperm deposit

    along the walls of the coconut becoming the edible coconut "flesh". 8hen dried the

    coconut flesh is called copra. The oil and milk derived from it are commonly used in

    cooking and frying% coconut water within is a refreshing drink. The husks and leaves can

     be used as material to make a variety of products for furnishing and decorating. #t also has

    cultural and religious significance in many societies that use it.


      &ocos nucifera is a large palm growing up to 2?m';:ft) tall with pinnate leaves

    4=6m' 12=,?ft) long and pinnae 6?=;?cm long% old leaves break away cleanly leavingthe trunk smooth. &oconuts are generally classified into two general types% tall and

    dwarf. An very fertile land a tall coconut palm tree can yield up to 95 fruits per year but

    more often yields less than 2? mainly due to poor cultural practices. #n recent years

    improvements in cultivation practices and breeding have produced coconut trees that can

    yield more.

    Coconut ;ater

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      &ocount 8ater serves as a suspension for the endosperm of the coconut during its

    nuclear phase of development . >ater the endosperm matures and deposits on to the

    coconut rind during the cellular phase.

     &oconut 8ater contains sugar dietary fiber proteins antio$idants vitamins and

    minerals and provides an isotonic electrolyte balance. #t is consumed as asports drink.

    Mature fruits have significantly less liquid than young immature crring spoilage.

    &oconut water can be fermented to produce coconut vinegar .

    &oconut milk not to be confused with coconut water is obtained primarily by

    e$tracting uice by pressing the grated coconuts white kernel or by passing hot water or 

    milk through grated coconut which e$tracts the oil and aromatic compounds. #t has a fat

    content around 19D 8hen refrigerated and left to set &oconut cream will rise to the top

    and separate from the milk. The milk can be used to produce virgin coconut oil by

    controlled heating and removal of the oil fraction.

    Coconut oil

    *nother byproduct of the coconut is coconut oil. #t is commonly used in cooking

    especially for frying . it can be used in liquid form as would other vegetable oils or in

    solid form as would butter or lard


    The +hilippines are usually used in making main dishes refreshments and

    desserts. &oconut uice is also a popular drink in the country. #n the +hilippines

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     particularly cebu rice is wrapped in coconut leaves for cooking and subsequently storage%

    these packets are called puso.

      &oconut milk Enown as gata and grated coconut flakes are used in the

     preparation of dishes such as laing ginataan bibingka ube halyard pitsi=pitsi palitaw

     bukopie and more. &oconut am is made by mi$ing muscovite sugar with coconut milk.

    &oconut sport fruits are also harvested. Ane such variety of coconut is known

    asmacapuno. #ts meat is /weetened labeled as "gelatinous mutant coconut". &oconut

    water can be fermented to make a different product=nata de coco 'coconut gel).

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    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.


      &opra is the dried meat of the seed and after processing produces coconut oil and

    coconut meal. &oconut oil aside from being used in cooking as an ingredient and for 

    frying is used in soaps cosmetics hair @oil and massage oil. &oconut oil is also a main

    ingredient in *yurvedic oils . #n vanutu coconut palms for copra production are

    generally spaced ; meters apart allowing a tree density of 1??= 16? trees per hectare.

    #t provides employment and perhaps the only source of livelihood to tens of 

    thousands of people. The importance of the coconut as a source of food is indeed

    overwhelming. #n #ndia coconut is consumed in the form of tender nuts raw kernel copra

    coconut oil and desiccated coconut. /ince dish made from the coconut furnish fat proteinand some vitamins they counter balance some of the deficiencies inherent in the

     predominantly starchy foods consumed in the countries concerned. /ome of countries

    derive substantial revenue from the coconut industry. #n #ndia &oir products e$ported

    abroad earn the much needed foreign e$change.

    %*# Dis!ersal of the coconut in the 5orld:6

    -aving originated at some place in south ast *sia The coconut 8ould now

    appear to have moved eastwards the pacific and further into *merica. Towards the west it

    moved to #ndia and Madagascar over the calm tropical waters the west it moved to #ndia

    and Madagascar over the calm tropical waters. *lthough it is often referred to as an

    ocean going nut due to its capacity to float and to germinate even after floating in sea

    water for 11? days. The possibility of its dispersal through the agency of water lost their 

    viability after several days due to infiltration of salt water in to husk. Therefore the

    agency of man must also have been responsible to a large e$tent to its introduction andspread.

    This is significant from the fact that the /paniards introduced it into the 8est

    #ndies and in the southern shores if the &aribbean /ea. The +ortuguese introduced it into

    Bahia and other part of bra!il +olynesian seafarers spread it to the different islands of the

     pacific the *rabs disseminated it to the *frican coast and the Tamils together 8ith the

    mariners of the Bengal coast distributed it in to the lands of the #ndian ocean >ivelihood

    to about ten million people in #ndia.

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      &oconut contributed over 0s. 9??? crores annually to the national 73+ and

    earns 0s.,5? crores of foreign e$change by e$ports of coir products. &oconut is grown in

    more than :? countries of the world and in #ndia cultivated under varying soil and

    climate in 19 states and 2 union territories.

     The present '1;;9=;:) area under coconut in the country was 1.; million and the

     production as reached to the level of 12 billion nuts.

     %*% ;orld scenario:6

    • 3uring independence #ndia ranked 2rd #n the 8orld with a production of 2 billion


    • 3uring 9? the position of #ndia dropped to 5 th

    • But the situation improved rapidly after formation of the coconut development

     board in 1;:1.

    • Aur country climed back to the 2rd

    • +osition again mid :?.

    • Four years back ;1;;5=;6? #ndia became the largest producer of coconut in the


    • *lthough coconut id grown in more than :? countries +hilippines

    • #ndonesia and /rilanka contributed *bout 9: percent of the 8orld production.

    • *t present #ndia &ontributes ,6.?6 percent is the 8orlds shares in area.2.4 progress of coconut production %=

    • The production of coconut was 2.,: billion nuts 1;5?=51.

    • #n the last four and half decades production of coconut increased four times and

    reached to the levels of 12.?; billion nuts in 1;;9=;:.

    • *long with production the productivity has also increased form 5,2:


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    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.

    • &oconut leaves are plaited and used for thatching houses for covering retting pits

    making partition.

    • 8alls in separating different lots of husks retted in linear trenches for making

     baskets etc

    • +laited leaves are also made into several types of head gear and are worn by poor 

    men and women while out in the field.

    • < plaited coconut leaves are also used for shading seedlings mulching nursery

     beds and for fencing etc.

    • The dry leaflets are tied into small bundles a and used in villages as country torch

    in night.

    3idri$s of leaes:6

     The midribs of leaves are utili!ed for making brooms baskets fish traps etc petioles

     bunch stalks stipulates etc these are mostly used as fuel.


    • The trunks of old coconut trees are utili!ed as timber for house construction.

    • The equality of the timbers is improved if it is soaked in saline water for some

    time• dible partsG=

    • The apple or cotyledon developing during germination and the tender bud are


    • The tender husks of some varieties are edible and are sometimes pickled.

    2.6 #nvestment ApportunitiesG

    • Business Apportunities in coconutG

    • stablishment of coconut nursery.

    • 3evelopment of coconut farm.

    /upply of coconut farming tools equipments machineries and other implements.• stablishment of coco=based product processingHproduction plants.

    • stablishment of coconut post harvesting facility.

    • $portation of coco fiber peat and other raw coco products. 0etailing of coco

     based food products.

    %*8 COCONUT DE

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    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.

      &B3 is statutory body established under the ministry of agriculture government of 

    #ndia for the integrated development of coconut cultivation and industry in the country

    with focus on productivity increase and product diversification.


      &B3 is statutory body established by the government of #ndia for the integrated

    development of coconut production and utili!ation in the country with focus on

     productivity increase and product diversification. the board 8hich came into e$istence on

    1,=1=1;:1 function under the administrative control of the ministry of agriculture

    government of india with its headquarters at kochi in kerala and regional office at

    Bangalore in Earnataka. &hennai in tamilnadu and 7uwahati in *ssam. There are 6 statecenters situated Bhuvaneswar in Arissa &alcutta in west Bengal +atna in Bihar Thane in

    Maharashtra -yderabad in *ndrapradesh and port Bihar in the union territory of 

    *ndaman and nicobar islands. The board has established ; demonstrations cum seed

     production '3/+) farms in different locations of the country and now 9 farms are

    maintained . * market development cum information center has established in 3elhi. The

     board has set up a technology development center at va!hakulam near *lluvia in Eerala.

    %*9 Function of the $oard:

    • *dopting measures for the development of coconut industry inter alia.

    • #mparting technical advice to those engaged in coconut cultivation and industry.

    •  providing financial and other assistance for the e$pansion of area under coconut.

    • ncouraging adoption of modern technologies for processing of coconut and its


    • *dopting measures to get incentive prices for coconut and its products.

    • 0ecommending measures for regulating imports and e$ports of coconut and its


    • 0ecommending measures for improving marketing of coconut and its products.

    • Fi$ing grades /pecifications and standards for coconut and its products.

    • Financing suitable schemes to increase the production of coconut and to improve

    the quality and yield of coconut.

    • *ssisting encouraging promoting and financing agricultural technological

    #ndustrial or economic research on coconut and its products.

    • &ollecting statistics on coconut and its products and publishing them.

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    • ndertaking publicity activities and publishing books and periodicals on coconut

    and its products.

    • 8ith a view to accomplishing the obectives envisaged under the act the board

    has been formulating and implementing various schemes since its inception.

    %* A$out coconut industr" in India

      *fter being in the third spot for a long period #ndia has emerged as worlds largest

    coconut development board. #ndia pushed #ndonesia and +hilippines to the second and

    third spots respectively to achieve this fat said &3B chairperson Minnie Mathew.

    Minnie Matthew said coconut production in the country has increased from 14:1

    crores nuts in ,??5=?6 to 15:4 crores nuts in ,??6=,??9 while #ndonesia production

    which has 15?; crores nuts in ,??, slipped to 14;: crores nuts in ,??6=,??9. &oconut

     production in +hilippines fell from 14?6 crores coconuts in ,??, to 1,6? crores coconuts

    in ,??6=,??9. 7ood monsoon in india helped increase production while tsunami effect in

    coconut producing countries led to fall in production there. +roductivity has also shown

    an upward trend from 96?: nuts per hectare ,??5=,??6 to :165 nuts in :165 nuts ,??6=

    ?9. Eerala Tamilnadu and Earnataka account for ;?.; percent of the area and ;1.12

     percent of the production in country she said.

      Eerala produce 6;51 nuts per 5 hectare she said. &opra production is estimated at 9.5

    lakh tones per annum. &oconut thus makes a contribution of appro$imately 0s .:???

    crores to the 73+ and 0s. 65? crores to the e$ports earning of the country provides

    direct and indirect employment to more than 1? million people and provides raw

    materials for nearly 15??? coir processing units she said.

     %*1? !roduction and !roductiit" in India since inde!endence:

    • *rea under coconuts as well as production has been showing a steady incerese

    during the last five decades area under coconut was ?.62 million ha during 1;5?=

    51 and increased to 1.;1 million ha during 1;;:=;;.

    • 3uring the same period production increased from 2,:, million nuts to 14;,5

    million nuts and productivity from 5,2: nutsHha to n9:,1 nutsHha. 7rowth over 

    the period 1;5?=51 1;;:=;; was ,?4.5:D in area in production and 4;.21D in productivity.

    P.A.A.C. TIPTUR Pag "!

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    • The tremendous increase in area production and productivity during the period

    can be attributed to remunerative price availability of improved inputs including

    quality planting materials and the results of developmental work initiated by the

    coconut development board.

    %*11 ,trength of Indian coconut industr":6

    • Ane of the leading producers of coconuts in the world processing 12 billion nuts

     per annum.

    • &oconut area distributed in states and 2 union territories under different agro

    climatic conditions.

    • 2??? years tradition in coconut cultivation.

    • +remier coir manufacturing country in the world.

    •  producer of best grade milling copra in the world yielding high grade coconut oil

    known for its aroma and flavor 

    • >arge number of farmers co=operative societies in primary processing and


    • 7overnment agencies such as kerafed state trading corporation kerala state

    marketing federation in manufacturing and marketing of branded coconut oil

    small packs.

    • -undreds of reputed and established private firms in manufacturing and marketing

    of various coconut products including branded coconut oil in a small packs.

    • 8ide range of coconut products both edible and non edible available for e$ports.

    • .Technical knowhow and trained manpower for the manufacture of various

    coconut based products.

    • *vailability of research support by reputed research organi!ation such as

    &/#0ICAR AND DRDO*

    • 7ood number of cultivarsHvarieties having specific nut characteristics

     %*1# Coconut !roducts>

    1) Tender coconut water.,) &opra.2) &oconut cake.4) 0aw kernel.5) &oconut toddy.6) &oconut wood based products.9) &oconut leaves.

    :) &oconut shell based products;) &oir pith.

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    Trust areas>

    • #ncreasing the production of quality planting material.

    • &reating future production potential by bringing more area under coconut.

    •#mproving productivity of e$isting coconut holdings.

    •  #ntegrated management of maor pests and diseases.

    • /trengthening coconut industry by promoting product diversification and by

     product utili!ation.

     Achieements of coconut deelo!ment $oard>

      The progress of the the #ndian coconut sector during the last two decades can be

    classified into three distinct categories. First is the progress achieved in e$tending the

    cultivation of the crop in more ares both in traditional and non= traditional areas. /econd

    is the increase in area production and productivity of coconut in the country with the

    regress in the consumption of coconut oil in both edible and non edible sector which

    warranted the need for the development of board based processing technologies for the

    sustainable growth of the industry. Third are the problems of low # income from the

    coconut holdings due to price

    Fluctuations decline in the prices of coconut and its products which necessitated

    the need for the development of appropriate coconut based farming systems to enhance

    the farm level income.

      The stiff import duties imposed on the edible oils and restricted import of the

    coconut products played an important role in keeping the domestic price high. -ence the

    structural rigidities in the coconut industry have been keeping a hold on its performance.

    The industry has not able to unleash its true potential mainly because of its oil driven

    market. -owever by reali!ing the imperative need to become competitive the industry is

    now undergoing moderni!ation product diversification and byproduct utili!ation and

    restructuring process. &onsumer demands for varied high value coconut products are

    tremendously increasing and hence the domestic industries have become vibrant. This

    intern would help make the industry globally competitive.

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      &onsequent to the liberali!ation of the #ndian economy the domestic industry

    has not been catching up commensuration with the growth of other world leader like

    +hilippines #ndonesia Thailland and srilanka. -owever new vistas could be opened up in

    value addition and products development due to the timely interventios and concerted

    efforts of the organi!ation like coconut development board central plantation crops

    research institute central food technological research institute defense food research

    loboratory regional research laboratory /*s etc. by development and infusion of 

    appropriate technologies which have resulted in value addition in coconut and emergence

    of variety of products in edible and non edible sector.

      The economic globali!ation has made possible the integration of various regional

    markets into a world market encompassing the entire globe within its sphere.

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    *ccelerated efforts of market promotion and products awareness have fuelled the

     place of commerciali!ation.


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     private institutions contribute to the pursuit of the research and n development process of 

    coconut in the county.


    -ugh &. -arries has done the most e$tensive work tracing the probable traectory

    of cultivation for cocos nucifera. -e notes that the usual trend for cultivated plants @ 

    human selection increasing the number or si!e of the edible parts= makes little sense for 

    coconuts 8hich are already large fruited. #nstead si!e but for thinner husks and

    increased volume of endosperm the soild “meat" or liquid “water" that provides the fruit

    its food value. *lthough these modifications for domestication would reduce the fruits

    ability to float this ability would be irrelevant to a cultivated population. *mong modern

    &. nucifera notes two maor types or variantsG a thick= husked angular fruit which he

    calls niu kafa after its +olynesian name and a thin=husked spherical fruit with a higher 

     proportion of endosperm called niu vai.

      -arriers suggest that these two variants reflect a trend of cultivation in &.

    nucifera% the first coconuts were of the niu kafa type with thick husks to protect the seed

    an angular highly ridged shape to promote buoyancy during ocean dispersal and a

     pointed base that allowed fruits to dig into the sand preventing them from being washed

    away during germination on a new island. *s early human communities began to harvest

    coconut for eating and planting they 'perhaps unintentionally) selected for a larger 

    endosperm to husk ratio and a broader spherical base which rendered the fruit usefull as

    a cup or bowl the creating the viu vai type.

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      The decreased buoyancy and increased fragility of this spherical thin=husked

    fruit would not matter for a species that had started to be dispersed by humans and grown

    in plantations. -arriess adoption of the +olynesian


      -ugh &. -arries has done the most e$tensive work tracing the probable

    traectory of cultivation for &ocos nucifera. -e notes that the usual trend for cultivated

     plants @human selection increasing the number or si!e of the edible parts=makes little

    sense for coconuts which are already large=fruited. #nstead he suggests that human

    cultivation of the coconut selected not for larger si!e but for thinner husks and increased

    volume of endosperm the solid “meat" or liquid “water" that provides the fruit its foodvalue.

    *though these modifications for domestication would reduce the fruit ability to float this

    ability would be irrelevant to a cultivated population.

    *mong modern &.nucifera notes two maor types or variants% a thick=husked

    angular fruit which he calls niu kafaafter its +olynesian name and a thin=husked

    spherical fruit with a higher propotion of endosperm called niu vai.

    -arries suggest that these two variants reflect a trend of cultivation in &. nucifera%

    the first coconuts were of the niu kafa type with thick husks to protect the seed an

    angular highly ridged shape to promote buoyancy during ocean dispersal and a pointed

     base that allowed fruits to dig into the sand preventing them from being washed away

    during germination on a new island. *s early human communities began to harvest

    coconuts for eating ana planting they 'perhaps unintentionally) selected for a larger 

    endosperm to husk ratio and a broader spherical base which rendered the fruit useful as a

    cup or bowl the creating the niu vai type.

    The decreased buoyancy and increased fragility of this spherical thin husked fruit

    would not matter for a species that had started to be dispersed by humans and grown in

     plantations.-arries adoption of polynesian terms niu vai has now passed into general

    scientific discourse and his hypothesis is generally acceptedterms niu kafa and niu vai

    has now passed into general scientific discourse and his hypothesis is generally accepted.

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      3rift models based on wind and ocean currents have shown that coconuts could

    not have drifted across the pacific unaided . This provides some circumstantial evidence

    that *ustronesian peoples carried coconuts across the ocean and that they could not have

    dispersed worldwide without human agency. More recently genomic analysis of 

    cultivated coconut '&ocos nucifera >) has shed light on the movements of *ustronesian

     peoples. By e$amining 1? microsatelite loci researches found two genetically distinct

    subpopulations of coconut= one originating in the #ndian Acean the other in the pacific

    Acean. -owever admi$ture the transfer of genetic material evidently occurred between

    the two populations. 7iven that coconuts are ideally suited for Acean dispersal

    individuals from one population possibly could have floated to the other. -owever the

    locations of the admi$ture events are limited to Madagascar and coastal east *frica and

    e$clude the /eychelles. This pattern coincides with the known trade routes of 

    *ustronesian sailors. *dditionally a genetically distinct subpopulation of coconut on the

     pacific coast of >atin *merica has undertgone a genetic bottleneck resulting from a

    founder effectG however its ancestral population is the pacific coconut which suggests

    *ustronesian peoples may have sailed as far east as the *mericas


     The coconut has spread across much of the tropics probably aided in many cases

     by seafaring people. &oconut fruit in the wild are light buoyant and highly water 

    resistant and evolved to disperse significant distances via marine currents.

      /pecimens have been collected from the sea as far north as

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    Coconut germinating on 0lac) sand 0each@ Island of 7a5aii

      The coconut palm thrives on sandy soils and is highly tolerant of salinity. #t prefers

    areas with abundant sunlight and regular rainfall'15?? mm to ,5?? mm annually) which

    makes coloni!sing shorelines of the tropics relatively straightforward. &oconut also need

    high humidity '9?=:?DK) for optimum growth which is why they are rarely seen in

    areas with low humidity like the southeastern Mediterranean or *ndalusia even where

    temperatures are high enough 'regulary above ,4 & or 95., F).

      &oconut palms require warm conditions for successful growth and are intolerant

    of cold weather. Aptimum growth is with a mean annual temperature of ,9 c' :1 F) and

    growth is reduced below ,1& '9?F).

    /ome seasonal variation is tolerated with good growth where mean summer 

    temperatures are between ,: and 29& ':, and ;; F) and survival and long as winter 

    temperatures are above 4L1, & '2;=54F)% they will survive brief drops to ? &'2, F).

    /evere frost is usually fatal although they have been Enown to recover from

    temperatures of =4 & ',5 F). they may grow but not fruit properly in areas with

    insufficient warmth such as Bermuda.

      The conditions re4uired for coconut trees to gro5 5ithout an" care are>

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    • Mean daily temperature above 1,=12 c '52.6=55.4 F) every day of the year 

    • Mean annual rainfall above 1??? mm '2;.29in)

    •  epidoptera 'butterfly and moth)

    species which feed on it including Batrachedra spp% B arenosella B ariloqua' feeds

    e$clusively on &. nucifera) B. mathesoni 'feeds e$clusively on &. nucifera) and B.

    nuciferae. Brontispa longissima 'coconut leaf beetle) feeds on young leaves and damages

    a seedling and mature coconut palms. #n ,??9 the +hilippines imposed a quarantine in

    metro manila and ,6 provinces to stop the spread of the pest and protect the :?? million+hilippine coconut industry. The fruit may also be damaged by eriophyid coconut mites

    'riophyes guerreonis). This mite infests coconut plantations and is devastating % it can

    destroy up to ;?D of coconut production. The immature seeds are infested and desapped

     by larvae staying in the portion covered by the perianth of the immature seedG the seeds

    then drop off or survive deformed. /praying with wettable sulfur ?.4D or with neem=

     based pesticides can give some relief but is cumbersome and labor intensive.

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      #n kerala the main coconut pests are the coconut mite the rhinoceros beetle the

    red palm weevil ad the coconut leaf caterpillar. 0esearch on this topic has as of ,??;

     produced no results and researchers from the kerala *gricultural niversity and the

    &entral plantation &rop 0esearch #nstitute Easaragode are still searching for a cure . The

    Erishi Iignan Eendra Eannur under kerala *gricultural niversity has developed an

    innovative e$tension approach called compact area group approach '&*7*) to combat

    coconut mites.


     &ountry +roduction

      +hilippines 1;5?????

      #ndonesia 1554????

      #ndia 1?:,41??

      Bra!il ,95;?44

      /ri >anka ,,?????

      Thailand 19,164?

      Me$ico 1,464??

      Iietnam 1?:6???


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      &oconut palms are grown in more than :? countries of the 8orld with a total

     production of 61 million tones per year. &oconut trees are very hard to establish in dry

    climates and cannot grow there without frequent irrigationG in drought conditions the

    new leaves do not open well and older leaves may become desiccated G fruit also tends to

     be shed.

      The e$tent of cultivation in the tropics is threatening a number of habits such as

    mangrovesG as e$ample of such damage to an ecoregion is in the petenes mangroves of 

    the Nucatan.


    -ART 0



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     promoter of this unit has got ,, years e$perience in this line of business activity .

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    Organi/ation structure:6






      particular Cuantity *mount

    1 &han dryer  

     #srath enterprises &oonoor 'T

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    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.

    2 &onvey system for shofting drive

     powder ti shifter 5? feet with M or O

    gear bo$ *ssociated Fabricators.

    Earungal palyam

    1num 24?5??.??

    4 Belt conveyer from pin= Mill to dryer 

    *ssociated fabricators Earugal


    1 set 14,:??.??

    5 /treaming *nd bleaching equipments 1 set 4;??6?.??

    6 ffluent treatment plant 15????.??

      Total 46:626?.?


    Assum!tions :6

    The assum!tion in the !re!aration of !rofita$ilit" and fund flo5 statement are:

    1. 1)&ost as wastage due to unavailable reason is also included in the cost of 0aw

    material.,. ,)&onversion cost includes electric city labor fiel etc.2. The term loan disbursement is envisaged at rs.,.,2lakes each quarter with holiday

     period of si$ months.4. The interest on term loan and working capital assumed at 12.5D + * on redusing

    daily balance method.

    5. &ost of packing are included marketing e$penses.

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    6. The rate of income ta$ considered per the rates applicable for the financial year 

    ,?1?=,?11 and calculated as per provisions of the income ta$ act 1;61.


     +and and $uilding:6

    The unit is proposed run in own land and building to be constructed at katha

    no.2151 *nnapura -alepalya post Tiptur taluk Tumkur district. *t an estimated cost

    of rs 96.46 lakhs.


     The unit is situated in the nearer to tiptur Tumkur and Banglore. The unit is well

    connected to roadHrailway.

    Ra5 material and consuma$les:

     The raw materials and consumables are indigenous supply available in open market

    nearby places abundantly.

    3an!o5er re4uirement

     The requirement manpower are easily available in and around the proposed unit.


    The required electrical lighting power is 65 hp and B/&AM Tiptur has agreed in

     principle to sanction the power to the unit.

    ;ater% 8ater requirement is available locally.


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     4.1 &urrent ratio%=

     This ratio is most commonly used to perform the short term financial analysis. *lso

    known as the working capital ratio this ratio matches the current assets of the firm to its

    current liabilities.


      &urrent ration P &urrent asset

      &urrent liability







    #?1?611 #?@2#@('1*## 1?@#%8@(1#*9 #*?1

    #?1161# 1@11@(9@%(9*#8 19@%92@(%1*# 2*?

    #?1#61% 8(@?#1@#?2*?? %'@2?#@19#*(# #*18

    #?1%61' 1@?@9##@829*#8 '1@##'@'(#*2 #*22

    #?1'61( 1@1'@?%2@'?*8' %@112@2%8*' #*#


    the table 4.1 represents that mthe ncurrent ratio of the vaishnavi co=coproducts

    industry. in the ,?1?=11 the the current ratio was ,.?1 and again it was increased to

    6.?; in the year ,?11=1, and in the year ,?1,=12 it was decreased to ,.19 compare

    to previous year and again it was increased to ,.66 in the year ,?12=14 and again it

    was increased to ,.;, in the year ,?14=15

    Gra!h: '*1

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    Gra!h sho5ing the current ratio

    2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-150










    2.172.66 2.92



      The graph 4.1, indicates that the current ratio of the company. it was variation

    from the year to year and more than the standard ratio of ,%1. the current asset double the

    current liabilities is considered to be satisfactory

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    '*# Ta$le 6#




     ratioP liquid asset

      &urrent liability

    TA0+E6'*# UIC RATIO




    #?1?611 9@9@1??*82 1?@#%8@(1#*9 ?*98

    #?1161# 98@2%9@98*( 19@%92@(%1*# '*88

    #?1#61% '%@(#@8?%*2( %'@2?#@19#*(# 1*#8

    #?1%61' (1@'18@8'(*2? '1@##'@'(#*2 1*#(

    #?1'61( 8@#%@%?'*( %@112@2%8*' #*?'


     the table 4., says that the quick ratio of the company. in the year,?1?=11 yhe quick ratio

    was ?.:9 and in the year,?11=1, it was increased to 4.99 compare to previous year and it

    was decreased to 1.,9 in the year,?1,=12 and again it was decreased to 1.,5 in the year 

    ,?12=14. but in the year ,?14=15 it was increased to,.?4 compare to previous year 

    P.A.A.C. TIPTUR Pag #)

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    Gra!h '*#

    The gra!h 4uic) ratio

    2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-150












    1.27 1.25




    From the graph 4., we can interpret that the quick ratio was fluctuation from tear to year .

    in the year ,?1?=11,?11=1,,?1,=12,?12=14,?14=15was more than standard ratio was


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    '*%  *B/A>T >#C#3 0*T#A

      absolute liquid ratioP absolute liquid asst

      current liabilities

      *bsolute liquiedassetPcashinhandKcash at bankK short term securities

      T*B> 4.2

    *B/A>T >#C#3 0*T#A

    Near *bsolute liquid

    ratio asset

    &urrent liabilities ratio

    ,?1?=11 1:,51:2.;2 1?,2951,.: ?.19

    ,?11=1, 55;4166.;5 1:2:6521., ?.2?

    ,?1,=12 ;?:24,:.42 246?,1:,.5, ?.,6

    ,?12=14 164;695.49 41,,445,.;6 ?.?4

    ,?14=15 :,,2;;9.,5 2;116629.4; ?.,1


     The table 4.2 clears that the absolute liquid ratio for the five financial year of the

    vaishnavi co=co products industry.in the ,?1?=11 the absolute liquied was ?.19 and it was

    increased to ?.2? in the year ,?11=1, and in the year ,?1,=12 it was decreased to ?.,6

    compare to previous year and again it was decreased to ?.?4 in the year ,?12=14. But in

    the year ,?14=15 slowly increased to ?.,1 compare to ,?12=14.

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    2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-150














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    T*B> 4.4


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    year ,?1,=12 it was increased to 1;.66 times compare to previous year and in the year 

    ,?12=14 it was decreased to 1,.,; times and but in the year ,?14=15 slowly increased to

    16.54 times compare to previous year.

     70*+4.4 3BTA0 T0< AI0 0*T#A

    2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15









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     #4.5 *I0*7 &A>>&T#A< +0#A3

     *verage collection periodP 265

      3ebtors turnover ratio

    Near 265days 3edtors turn over  



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     The table 4.5 says that the average collection period of the company. #n the year 

    ,?1?=11 the average collection was 16.19 days it was increased to 61.56 days in the year 

    ,?11=1, and in the year ,?1,=12 it was decreased to 1:.59 days compare to previous

    year. But in the year ,?12=14 was slowly increased to ,;.?; days compare previous and

    in the year ,?14=15 it was decreased to ,,.?9 days compare to ,?12=14.

    4.570*+- %*I0*7 &A>>&T#A< +0#A3

    2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
















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     The table 4.6 indicates that the working capital turnover ratio of the company in

    the year ,?1?=11 was :.:, times it was decreased to 4.91 times in the year ,?11=1, and

    in the year ,?1,=12 it was increased to 1,.2? times it was decreased to 9.,2 times yn the

    year ,?12=14 compare to previous year and in the year ,?14=15 it was increased 11.?2

    times compare to previous year.

    4.6 70*+- 8A0E# T0< AI0 0*T#A

    2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15















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     The graph 4.6 says that the working capital ratio in the year ,?1,=12 was the

    utili!ation working capital was good production and sales was higher compare to other 



    T*B>=4.9 F#Q3 *//T T0< AI0 0*T#A

     fi$ed asset turnover ratioP sales

      fi$ed asset

    year sales fi$ed asset fi$ed asst turn over  

    ratio was number of 


    ,?1?=11 ;16;?26;.,4 4221:521.21 ,.1,

    ,?11=1, 441,91:45.11 5,6?;5?2.5; :.2;

    ,?1,=12 4;9214516.:, 52161;55.54 ;.25

    ,?12=14 4;5;96,1:.99 66:19:2,.25 9.4,

    P.A.A.C. TIPTUR Pag $)

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    ,?14=15 :,62:::52.; 6,;52411.45 12.1,


     the table4.9 e$plains that the fi$ed assets turnover ratio of the company in the tear 

    ,?1?=11 was ,.1, times it was increased to :.2; times in the ,?11=1, and in the year 

    ,?1,=12 it was increased to ;.25 times it was decreased to 9.4, times in the year ,?12=14

    compare to previous year and in the year ,?14=15 it was increased 12.1, times compare

    to previous year.

    4.9 70*+- F#Q3 *///T T0< AI0 0*T#A

    P.A.A.C. TIPTUR Pag %*

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    2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-150







    !.39 9.35 7.42




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    4.: *N/#/ AF >A30/

    F *//T C#TN 0*T#A

    ,?1?=11 1,4244,: 52:2;,;4.;: ?.,2

    ,?11=1, ,,59?9?2.94 146,1,456.69 ?.15

    ,?1,=12 2?6,;?4: ;26,?;:,.:4 ?.2,

    ,?12=14 42:6694 125446149.66 ?.22

    ,?14=15 456296?,.99 129:;2,64.91 ?.55


     The table 4.: clarifies that the proprietary ratio for the five financial year of the

    company. in the year ,?1?=11 the equity ratio was the ?.,2 and in the year ,?11=1,

    decreased to ?.15 compare to previous year. but in the year ,?1,=12 it was increased ?.2,

    compare to previous year and again it was increased to ?.22 in the year,?12=14 and it was

    increased to ?.55 in the year ,?14=15 compare to previous year.

    P.A.A.C. TIPTUR Pag %"

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    T*B> 4.;

    3BT C#TN 0*T#A

     debt equity ratioP long term debt

      share holders fund

    year long term debt shareholders fund debt equity ratio

    ,?1?=11 414?4:66 1,4244,: 2.22

    ,?11=1, 1,19,9;?1 ,,59?9?2.94 5.2;

    ,?1,=12 6152121; 2?6,;?4: ,.??

    ,?12=14 :;,2;;6:.62 42:6694 ,.?2

    ,?14=15 5;62;911.15 956296?,.99 ?.9:


     The table 4.; describe that the debt equity ratio of the company in the year ,?1?=

    11was 2.22 it was increased to 5.2; in the year ,?11=1, and in the year ,?1,=12 it was

    decreased to ,.?? and in the year ,?12=14 it was increased to ,.?2 compare to ,?1,=12

    and it was decreased to ?.9: in the year ,?14=15 compare to previous year.

    P.A.A.C. TIPTUR Pag %$

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    4.; 70*+- %3BT C#TN 0*T#A

    2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-150









    2 2.03




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     F#Q3 *//T TA

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    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.

     previous year and again it was decreased to :?.,2D in the year ,?14=15 compare to

     previous year.

    4.1? 70*+- F#Q3 *//T/ TA

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    # >AA

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    ,?14=15 6,;52411.45 5;62;911.15 1?5.56


    the table 4.11 says that the fi$ed assets to total long term funds ratio of the

    company in the year ,?1?=11 was 1?4.6,D it was decreased to 42.,,D in the year ,?11=

    1, it was increased to :6.4?D in the year ,?1,=12 and it was decreased to 94.:9D in the

    year ,?12=14 compare to previous year and it was increased to 1?5.56D in the year ,?14=

    15 cfompare to previous year.


    4.1170*+-% F#Q3 *//T/ TAT*> >A

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    2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-150














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     current assets to proprietors fundsP current asset 1??

      share holders funds

    N*0/ &0

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    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.

     70*+-4.1, &00

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    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.

     T*B> 4.12

     &00 *//T 0*T#A

    current assets to total assetsP current assets

    total assets

    years current assets total assets ratios in number of  


    ,?1?=11 ,?6,;541.,, 52:2;,;4.;: ?.2:

    ,?11=1, 111;5:25:.,9 146,1,456.69 ?.96

    ,?1,=12 95?,1,?6.?? ;26,?;:,.:4 ?.:?

    ,?12=14 1?;:,,96:.,9 125446149.66 ?.:1

    ,?14=15 114?264;?.94 129:;2,64.91 ?.:2



     The table 4.12 says that the current assets to total assets ratio for five financial

    years of the vaishnavi co=co products industry. in the year ,?1?=11 the current assets to

    total assets ratio was ?.2: times it was increased ?.96 times in the year ,?11=1,

    compare to previous year and again it was increased to ?.:? times in the year ,?1,=12

    compare to previous year it was increased to ?.:1 times in the year ,?12=14 and again it

    was increased to ?.:2 times in the year ,?14=15 compare previous year.

    P.A.A.C. TIPTUR Pag

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    4.14 +0AF#T*B#>TN 0*T#A/

      70A// +0AF#T 0*T#AP 70A// +0AF#T 1??


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    4.1470*+- % +0AF#T*B#>#TN 0*T#A

    2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-150












     The graph 4.14 shows that the gross profit ratio of the company it was the

    fluctuating nature and also the company gross profit percentage was very low.

    P.A.A.C. TIPTUR Pag &&

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    70*+- 4.15

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    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.

    T*B> 4.16 *N/#/ AF AI0*>> +0AF#T*B#>#TN

     net +ort, net prot 100

      share holders funds

    0T0< A< /-*0-A>30/ #

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    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.

      the table 4.16 clarifies that the return on share holders investment ratio of the

    company in the year ,?1?=11 the return on share holders investment ratio was ;9.,,D

    it was decreased to 44.;1D in the year ,?1,=12 and again it is decreased to 1:.15D in the

    year ,?1,=12 compare to previous year. but in the ,?12=14 it is slowly increased to

    41.:9D and it was decreased to 41.5:D in the year ,?14=15 compare to previous year.


    70*+- 4.16 0T0< A< /-*0 -A>30/ #

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    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.

      the graph 4.16 clears that the return on share holders investment ratio of the

    company it was the fluctuatio nature. in the year ,?1?=11 the return on share holders

    investment was ;9.,,D it was more than the all the year.

    T*B>4.19 % 0T0< A< C#TN &*+#T*>

     return on equity capitalP net profit after ta$ 1??

      equity capital


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    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.


    the table 4.19 represent that the return equity capital of the company in the year 

    ,?1?=11 was 1,2.:?D it was decreased to 1?2.:D in the year ,?11=1, compare to

     previous year and again it was decreased to 56.:,D. but in the year ,?1,=12 it was

    increased to 1::.?55 compare to previous year and it was decreased to 161.?5D compare

    to previous year.

     70*+- 4.19

    0T0< A< C#TN &*+#T*>%

    P.A.A.C. TIPTUR Pag '"

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    1. the current ratio was continuous increase and it was more than standerd ratio i.eS ,%1.

    so that the company was liquid and liability to pay its current obligation time ass and

    when become due.

    2. t,e absolute li/uie ratio +as not satisactor.because it +as less

    t,an t,e rule o t,umb i.e .0.5.

    3 t,e compan +as aile in keeping sucientcas, bank balances.

    4 t,e +orking capital position o t,e compan +as goo.

    5 t,e compan +as ecienc utiliing t,e current assets.

    6. t,e e asset turnover ratio +as in increaseing tren. it inicates

    t,at t,e compan +as ecientl utiliing t,e e assets.

    7. t,e ebt e/uit ratio +as t,e more t,an t,e accepable norm i.e181

    t,is inicates t,at t,e claims o t,e creitors are greater t,an t,ose o

    t,e o+ners an compan ,as to epen upon outsiers or its nancial


    ! t,e proprietar ratio o t,e compan +as ver less t,is s,o+s t,at

    t,e less s,are o vt,e s,are,olers in t,e total cpital o t,e compan.

    9. t,e current assets to proprietors uns ratio +as :uctuating nature

    an t,e proprietors uns are more investe in t,e current asset.

     10 t,e current asset are increase b ear to ear in t,e total assets

    an t,e li/uiit position o t,e compan +as also improve.

    11. t,e average collection perio +as ver less t,an 30 as in all t,e

    ear. t,is sas t,at t,e better +as t,e /ualit o ebtor an /uick

    pament b ebtors.

    12 t,e return on investment +as increase rom 1!.15; to 41.!7;

    compare +it, t,e previous ear.

    13 gross prot an net prot are :uctuating uring t,e perio o stu

    +,ic, inicates t,at rm

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    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.

    • The firm to improve its short term financial positions.

    • The firm has to control wastages loss and material.

    • They should be proper utili!ation of items which are kept idle.

    • #t is suggested to maintain its operate efficiency.

    The company has to pay adequate attention to production policy and reviewconstantly.

    • The company has to take measure to decrease the operating e$penses.


      The main obectives are to promote the industry by intending to food processing

    desiccated coco powder.

    P.A.A.C. TIPTUR Pag '%

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    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.

    The main obectives are to promotes the industry by intending to food processing

    desiccated coco powder.

     Finally would likes to conclude on working in coconut industry in our that overall

     performance of the company is ust satisfactory but not and has to take the required

    measure to improve the performance.


    P.A.A.C. TIPTUR Pag '&

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      AF T-


     3#T#A< +B>#/-0/

      /-*/-# 7+T*


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    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.

    0A+ANCE ,7EET AT %1,T 3ARC7 #?11=#?1?611.


    1* source of fund

    1. share holders fund

    a. share ca!ital 82(???

    $. Reseres and sur!lus #22'#9

    TOTA+ ,7ARE CA-ITA+ 1#'%''#9

    #. +OAN, FUND,:

    a. secured loan 1?#(?11#*??

    $. Unsecured loan %11('8('*??

    Total loan funds '1'?'922

    %. DEFERRED TA +IA0I+ITB ?*???

    Total.1H#H%. (%9%#'*9

    11. A!!lication of funds

    1. FIED A,,ET,

    a. Gross $loc) 

    +ess: de!riciation



    $.Net $loc) (182%*??

    P.A.A.C. TIPTUR Pag '(

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    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.

    c. Ca!ital ;or)6 in6 !rogress '#9??9%9*?8


    #.Inestment 22'9%*#(

    %. Current assets@ loans adances:



    $.sundr" de$tors'?2%?(1*8#

    c. cash $an) $alances 19#(19%*%

    d. current assets @ loan adances


    TOTA+ CURRENT A,,ET, #?2#('1

    +ess: current lia$ilities !roisions

    a. current lia$ilities

    $. !roision



    Total current lia$ilities !roisions 1?#%8(1%

    Net current assets 1?%#?#9*'#


    a.3iscellaneous e&!enditure to the

    e&tent not 5ritten offer adusted 6,,5,.??

    Total miscellaneous e&!enditure 2##(#*??

    Total (%9%#'*9

    P.A.A.C. TIPTUR Pag ')

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    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.

    0alance sheet as at %1st march #?1#=#?1161#.

    !urticular amount

    1* source of fund:

    1. share holderss fund

    a. share ca!ital 82(???*??

    $. resere and sur!lus 1#9?(8?%*8'

    Total share holders funds ##(8?8?'

    #.+oans funds:

    a. secured loan 8?9?%982*??

    $. unsecured loan (?#'?#(*??

    Total loans funds 1#18#8?1

    %. Deferred ta& lia$ilit" 11%9(1*%

    Total=1H#H%. 1'2#1#'(2*28

    P.A.A.C. TIPTUR Pag (*

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    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.

    11.A!!lication of funds

    1.Fi&ed assets

    a.gross $loc) 

    less: de!reciation



    $. Net $loc) '9'(%?2*(

    c. Ca!ital 5or)6in !rogess '1(2'?2*2'

    #. Inestment ?????

    %. CURRENT A,,ET,@ +OAN,


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    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.


    a. mislenious e&!enditure to the e&tent

    not 5ritten offer adusted


    Total miscellaneous e&!enditure %11#2*??

    Total =1H#H%. 1'2#1#'(2*28

    0alance sheet as at %1st march #?1%=#?1#61%. 

    !articular amount

    1* source of fund:

    1. share holders funds

    a. share ca!ital 82(???

    $. resere and sur!lus #?92'?'9*??

    Total share holders funds %?2#?'9

    P.A.A.C. TIPTUR Pag ("

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    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.

    #. loans funds:

    a. secured loan 1#9??*??

    $.unsecured loan (#'?%##*??

    TOTA+ FUND, 21(%1%1

    %.Deferred ta& lia$ilit" 1''?21(*??

    Total =1H#H%. %2#?9#*9'

    11.A!!lication of funds

    1. Fi&ed assets

    a. gross $loc) 

    less: de!reciation



    $. NET 0+OC '98'(('9*9

    C. CA-ITA+ ;OR6IN6-ROGE,, ''12'?2*2'

    #. IN

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    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.

    0A+ANCE,7EET A, AT %1,T #?1' =3ARC7 #?1%61'.


    1* ,OURCE OF FUND,:

    1. ,7ARE 7O+DER, FUND,

    a. share ca!ital 82(???*??

    $.Reseres and sur!lus %'?928'*8

    TOTA+ ,7ARE CA-ITA+ '%92%28(

    #. +OAN, FUND,:

    a. secured loan %11(%%''*2%

    $. Unsecured loan (9?922#'*??

    Total share ca!ital 9#%2

    %.Deferred ta& lia$ilit" #%'#(?'*#%

    Total=1H#H%. 1%(''21'8*22

    11. A!!lication of funds

    1. Fi&ed assets

    a. gross $loc) 

    less: de!riciation



    $. Net $loc) 21?(9##*81

    c. ca!ital 5or)6in6!rogress (8((%*2'

    #.Inestment ???

    %. Current assets@ loan adances:

    a. inentories (9'?(?##*2?

    P.A.A.C. TIPTUR Pag (%

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    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.

    $. sundr" de$tors

    c. cash $an) $alances

    d.current assets@ loan adances




    Total current assets 1?9##829*#8

    +ess: current lia$ilities !roisions

    a. current lia$ilities

    $. !roision



    Total current lia$ilities !roosions '1##''(#1*2

    Net current assets 29(9%1(*%1


    a. miscellaneous e&!enditure to the

    e&tent not 5ritten offer adusted 2????.??

     Total miscellaneous e&!enditure %????*??

    Total =1H#H%. 1%(''21'8*22

    P.A.A.C. TIPTUR Pag (&

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    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.

    0alance sheet as at %1st 3arch#?1( =#?1'61(.

    !articular Amount

    1* source of funds:

    1. share holders funds

    a. share ca!ital 1(%????*??

    $. Reseres and sur!lus (21?82?#*88

    Total share ca!ital 8(2%82?%

    #.loans funds:

    a. ,ecured loan %'9'91*1(

    $. Unsecured loan (21(?#%?*??

    Total loan funds (2%811

    %. Deferred ta& lia$ilities #21((?*8

    Total=1H#H%. 1%89%#2'*81

    11. A!!lication of funds

    P.A.A.C. TIPTUR Pag ('

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    A Study on Proft Maximization at Vaishnavi Co-co Products.

    1. Fi&ed assets

    a. Gross $loc) 

    less: de!reciation



    $. Net $loc) (9?18??'*91

    c. Ca!ital 5or)6 in 6!rogress '%2'?2*2'

    #. Inestment ??*??

    %. Current assets@ loan adances:

    a. Inentories

    $. sundr" de$tors

    c. Cash $an) $alaces

    d. current assets@ loans adances





    Total current assets 11'?%2'1

    +ess: Current lia$ilities !roisions

    a. Current lia$ilities

    $. !roisions



    Total current lia$ilities !roisions %1122%8

    Net current assets 8'19('


    a. 3iscellaneous e&!enditure to the

    e&tent not 5ritten offer adusted ,????

    P.A.A.C. TIPTUR Pag ((

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