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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

In English Letters



Student Number: 094214082












Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

In English Letters



Student Number: 094214082
















Romans 12:12




My greatest gratitude goes to Jesus and Mother Marry who have given me

strength to accomplish this undergraduate thesis. I would like to thank my parents:

Chris Diaz and Caecilia Diaz, my sisters Cindy and Mutia, and also my brother

Roberto and Joseph for their support and endless love. They are my real guardian

angels. Thank you also my four-leg kids who always accompany do my thesis.

To my thesis advisor, Ms. Sri Mulyani, thank you so much for guiding me

until I finish this undergraduate thesis. Thank you for the support and advice, it

means a lot for me because Ms. Sri still gives me a chance to finish my thesis. Also I

would like to thank Ms. Elisabeth Arti Wulandari for giving me advice and chance to

finish this final thesis. Especially, I would like to thank Mr. Hirmawan Wijanarka as

Head of English Letters Department for giving me chance to finish my undergraduate

thesis. I also would like to thank all the lectures in English Letters Department for

their guidance and for leading me to achieve my dream. I would like to thank the

secretariat staff of English Letters Department, Mbak Ninik, who has helped me a lot

with the paper work.

For all my friends Puput, Bene, Naomi, Rosita, Anin, Siska, Ovi, MbakLidya,

Mbak Bea, and Mov who always support and believe in me thank you so much. I

sincerely thank all the people whom I cannot mention one by one and who have given

me a hand during the writing of this undergraduate thesis.

Angelin Elizabet Buiswarin Diaz




TITLE PAGE …………………………………………………………………….. ii

APPROVAL PAGE ……………………………………………………………… iii

ACCEPTANCE PAGE ………………………………………………………..... iv


STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ……………………………………………… vi

MOTTO PAGE ………………………………………………………………….. vii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ….……………………………………………………. viii

TABLE OF CONTENTS …….…………………………………………………… ix

ABSTRACT ….…………………………………………………………………….. x

ABSTRAK ………………………………………………………………………… xi

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………… 1

A. Background of the Study ….……………………………………………. 1

B. Problem Formulation ….……………………………………………….. 4

C. Objective of the Study ….………………………………………………. 5

D. Definition of Terms ……………………………………………………... 5


A. Review of Related Studies………………………………………………….. 7

B. Review of Related Theories………………………………………………… 8

1. Theory of Characters…….…………………………………………….. 8

2. Theory of characterization…………………………………...……….. 10

3. Theory of Setting………………………………………………………. 12

4. Theory of Discrimination……………………………………………… 13

C. Review of Socio cultural - Historical Background in India……………….. 14

D. Theoretical Framework…………………………………………………….. 16

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY………………………………………………….. 18

A. Object of the Study………………………………………………………… 18

B. Approach of the Study……………………………………………………… 19

C. Method of the Study………………………………………………………… 20

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS……………………………………………………………. 21

A. Character of Bhima…………………………………………………………... 21

B. Setting in the Novel…………………………………………………………. 31

1. Seting of Time …………………………………………………………… 31

2. Setting of Place………………………………………………………….. 32

3. Setting of Society………………………………………………………… 36

C. Class Discrimination in Bhima’s Life ……………………………………….. 39

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION…………………………………………………………. 44

BIBLIOGRAPHY……………………………………………………………………….. 46




Diaz, Angelin Elizabet Buiswarin. Bhima’s Struggle against Class

Discrimination in Thrity Umrigar’s The Space between Us. Yogyakarta:

Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University,


The Space between Us by Thrity Umrigar potrays class discrimination in

India. Umrigar is a journalist and creative writing teacher. This is her second

novel, set in modern India. In India the class discrimination became a common

issue. There was a separation between the upper-middle class and the lower class.

The injustice treatment done unto the lower class by those above them. The novel

tells about the relationship between servant and her mistress. They have the

parallel experiences that connect them, but there is “the space between them”. By

the injustice treatment by the higher class, Bhima, the main character struggle for

her life and her family to get a better life.

In order to reveal the class discrimination, the thesis is concerned in three

problems. The first problem is aimed Bhima’s character. The second problem is

aimed to the setting and society in Bhima’s life. The last problem is aimed to

reveal the class discrimination in India through the characters and setting in the


The researcher of the Undergraduate thesis conducts library research to

answer those three problem formulation. In this study, the researcher uses socio-

cultural historical approach to analyze the novel. The review of historical

background in India used to understand the social circumstances in India from the

past life and modern era.

The result of the analysis shows the class discrimination still exists in

India modern era. The setting of society shows the difference class between high

class, middle class and low class. Bhima as a low class often get bad treatment by

her society. She works in a Parsi’s house. Her mistress, Sera, always treats Bhima

well but in some cases she also discriminate Bhima. The characteristics of Bhima

make her struggle against the class discrimination. The big case that afflicts

Bhima about Maya makes them leaves Dubash family house and try to get a better

life together.

Keywords: Class, Discrimination




Diaz, Angelin Elizabet Buiswarin. Bhima’s Struggle against Class

Discrimination in Thrity Umrigar’s The Space between Us. Yogyakarta:

Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2016.

The Space between Us karya Thrity Umrigar adalah kisah yang

menggambarkan tentang diskriminasi kelas yang terjadi di India. Umrigar adalah

seorang jurnalis dan pengajar menulis kreatif. Novel tersebut adalah karya kedua

yang ditulis olehnya, berlatar di era modern India. Di India diskriminasi kelas

merupakan persoalan umum. Terdapat jarak di antara kelas atas-menengah dengan

kelas bawah. Perlakuan tidak adil terjadi pada kelas bawah yag dilakukan oleh

kelas di atasnya. Novel tersebut bercerita tentang sebuah hubungan antara asisten

rumah tangga dengan majikannya. Mereka memiliki kesamaan pengalaman-

pengalaman yang mengaitkan mereka, tetapi tetap ada “jarak di antara mereka”.

olhe perlakuan yang tidak adil yag dilakukan kelas yang lebih tinggi, Bhima,

karakter utama berjuang untuk kehidupannya dan keluarganya untuk mendapatkan

kehidupan yang lebih baik.

Untuk mengungkap diskriminasi kelas, skripsi ini memfokuskan pada tiga

permasalahan. Permasalahan yang pertama bertujuan untuk melihat karakter

Bhima. Permasalahan yang kedua bertujuan untuk melihat latar dan lingkungan di

kehidupan Bhima. Permasalahn yang terakhir bertujuan untuk mengunkap

diskriminasi kelas di India melalui karakter dan latar pada novel.

Peneliti melakukan penelitian kepustakaan untuk menjawab tiga rumusan

masalah. Pada studi ini, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan sosio-kultural historkal

untuk menganalisa novel. Ulasan tentang latar belakang sejarah di India

digunakan untuk memahami keadaan sosial di India dari masa lampau hingga


Hasil dari analisis menunjukkan bahwa diskriminasi kelas masih terjadi di

India pada masa modern ini. Latar lingkungan menunjukkan perbedaan kelas

antara kelas atas, kelas menengah, dan kelas bawah. Bhima sebagai seorang pada

kelas bawah sering mendapatkan perlakuan buruk dari lingkungannya. Dia

bekerja pada keluarga Parsi. Majikannya, Sera selalu meperlakukan Bhima

dengan baik tetapi pada beberapa hal dia juga mendiskriminasi Bhima.

Karakteristik Bhima membuatnya berjuang melawan diskriminasi kelas. Masalah

besar yang menimpa Bhima dan Maya membuat mereka meninggakan rumah

keluarga Dubash dan mencoba untuk mencari kebahagian mereka bersama.

Kata kunci: kelas, diskriminasi





A. Background of the Study

People are born equal, they cannot choose to belong to a certain caste. It

means that all people should treat others and be treated equally. Unfortunately,

discrimination is still found in social life.

Harris in Cultural Anthropology states that India’s legal system today

encourages discrimination based on caste identity. Caste still plays an important part

in the people’s everyday lives. Hindu religion continuous to have powerful sanctions

against those who violate caste prescriptions (2007:202). Each caste is a social

stratification of person’s placed in society. India contains the world’s largest Hindu

population and as a result of the Hindu religion, India is structured by the castes


Caste is inherited and it is expected to determine people’s opportunities in

their lives. The caste system is made up primarily of three levels. The upper caste

often discriminates against the lower and middle castes.

Thrity Umrigar's novel, The Space between Us, examines the class division in

Bombay. The novel describes Bhima, who is a bread-winner grandmother, struggles

against the class discrimination. As the writer of the novel, Thrity Umrigar states that

she writes for two reasons: one is to express her deepest feeling about social issues in



her country, and two is to protest against some injustice in India regarding to caste


Bhima in that novel is the imitation of Thrity Umrigar’s servant who is

lovable, kind, and stoic heroism. For Umrigar, the character of Bhima is real

(Umrigar, 2006: 5). Marlies and Stacey said that

Perhaps the oldest and venerable way of describing literature as an art is to

regard it as a form of imitation. This defines of literature in relation to life,

seeing it as a way of reproducing or recreating the experiences of life in word,

just as a painting reproduces or recreates certain figures or scenes of life in

outline and color (1961: 8).

There is a relation between literature and life. The reality consist the idea of things. In

literature, the writer recreates certain figure or scene based on the reality. Umrigar in

her real life has a servant which in The Space between Us, the figure describes as

Bhima. Bhima is real, most of Indian middle and upper class households these days

have Bhima.

Bhima is a servant of a middle-class Parsi widow named Sera Dubash. Sera is

a good mistress. She treats Bhima in good ways. Sera is almost too good to be real,

but for one thing, she discriminates Bhima because of the class difference. She does

not allow Bhima to sit on the furniture nor to drink from the family’s crockery, even

though Bhima has worked in Sera’s house since Sera gets married.

Gopal, Bhima’s loving husband is crippled in an industrial accident. Bhima is

betrayed by the state since the factory where Gopal works for refuses to give him

industrial injuries disablement benefit. Instead of helping Bhima to solve problem,

the officer deludes Bhima by asking her to sign Gopal’s resignation letter. The officer



Bhima’s daughter and son-in-law died of AIDS in a government hospital in

New Delhi. Bhima assumes the responsibility of Maya, Bhima’s granddaughter and

takes her in to raises her. They travel from New Delhi to Bombay. Sera, Bhima’s

mistress, sponsors Bhima’s granddaughter to get a proper education.

Bhima really loves her granddaughter, Maya. Maya is the only family who

lives with her. In the first chapter of the novel, it is mentioned that her orphaned

granddaughter is the only child in the family who is educated. However, she has to

drop out of the college because she is pregnant. Bhima tries to find the man who got

Maya pregnant. Maya explains the story of how Viraf, Sera’s son-in-law raped her

while she works at Banu’s. He even gets her pregnant but he refuses to admit he truth.

Unfortunately, Bhima that is about to tell Sera about what has happened to Maya,

Viraf accuses Bhima of stealing his money. Moreover, Viraf persuades Sera to cast

out Bhima and Maya from their house.

The title The Space between Us creates some questions of what the story is

about. The researcher read the book thoroughly until the last chapter, and then the

researcher is challenged to analyze the class discrimination which happens in the

novel. It needs to be studied because this issue gives impact to the lower class of

India society until this present time.

The researcher is interested with the title of the novel, The Space between Us.

The title makes the researcher curious about the meaning. After read the novel, the

researcher found the main story about the bond between two women, the servant and

her mistress. The mistress is generous, she sponsors Bhima in every way but she is



well aware limits on her relationship with Bhima. The researcher choose class

discrimination as the topic because it is not really seen in the novel but the researcher

wants to discover how the high class treats the low class even though they have a

good relationship.

The Space between Us pictures the culture and the society in India. The novel

also tells about a low class woman who wants to achieve fairness in her life. She

wants to prove that her family can earn the respect of others. Bhima wants to protect

herself and her family from the injustice in her society.

B. Problem Formulation

To conduct the study, the writer has formulated three problems as written


1. How is Bhima’s character described in Umrigar’s The Space between Us?

2. How is the society in which Bhima lives described in Umrigar’s The

Space between Us?

3. How is Bhima’s struggle against the class discrimination revealed in

Umrigar’s The Space between Us?

C. Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to answer the questions stated in problem formulation.

The aims can be formulated more elaborately as follows



Firstly, this study is aimed to analyze Bhima’s character presented in The

Space between Us. Secondly, this study is aimed to know how the society in Bhima’s

life is. Thirdly, this study is aimed to show how Bhima struggles against the class


D. Definition of Terms

Fairchild in Dictionary of Sociology and Related Sciences states that

discrimination is an unequal treatment of groups of basically equal status.

―Discrimination carries with the element of unfair, unreasonable, and arbitrary

distinctions in the impositions of burdens and the distribution of flavors‖ (1969:280).

There is often unfair treatment directed against certain individual or social

group. People in different circumstances usually get different treatment. The minority

treated unequal by the majority group which has more power.

In The Space between Us, Bhima gets unequal treatment by the people in the

hospital where is her husband treated. She as a low class in India’s class system

treated unfair by the doctor. The power of Parsi as an upper middle class change the

unfair treatment by pays the hospital to give him the best of care.

The definition of class by Meriam Webster is ―a group of sharing the same

economic or social status (the working class)‖ (Merriam-webster, 2016).

The same social status of people forms a same group. Bhima is a low class

means that she is a group with a social status as a working class. The low class has



the low economic status, they work as a labor. The Dubash family is a upper-middle

class, it means that they have a social status higher than Bhima’s family.





A. Review of Related Studies

The Space between Us is set in the new millennium, in Bombay, now called

Mumbai. Caste system in India still exists until now. The novel points out the life of

high class and lower class Indian women and families.

There are some related studies that meet the similar topic with the researcher’s

topic. One of them is an undergraduate thesis by Kumala Dewi, the student of English

Letters Department of Sanata Dharma University, entitled The Class Discrimination

in India as Seen through the Characters and Settings in Vikas Swarup’s Slumdog

Millionaire. This study reveals the class discrimination in India society. She stated

that ―Class system divides the society members according to their economic

prosperity. The difference of economic prosperity level undeniably creates the gaps

of the society. This gap is the most important factor influencing the existence of

discrimination towards people from the lower classes‖ (2011:15).

Wealth and possession influence how people treat others. Lower class people

tend to have limited access and facilities that is different to what higher class people

can have. The gap between the high class and the low class seen by the economic

status. The prosperous people have more power than the people who have nothing.

Discrimination not only occurs in class system but also in race and gender.



In the second related study has the similar topic with the researcher’s topic. It

is quoted from an undergraduate thesis by Priska Niawati, the student of English

Letters Department of Sanata Dharma University, entitled Black People’s Struggle

against Race Discrimination as Seen in Taylor’s Let the Circle be Unbroken. This

study discusses the oppression by White people and the Black people struggle against

that oppression. Niawati stated that ―The Blacks are treated inhumanly by the Whites.

There are no exceptions. The Whites are superior, and the Blacks are inferior. That is

the rule.‖ (2009:2). Race discrimination shows that the white has more power to treat

the black unequal.

The White people has similar thing with the High class, they have more power

to do unfair treatment. They look similar because they get the discrimination in their

society but the discrimination is different because the White and Black discrimination

based on skin color or racism and the India society discriminate by their social status

or class. The lower class in India will get bad treatment by the higher class because

the higher class has power to do that. High class is people who have good economic

status and they are educated. Poverty and being uneducated make lower class people

to be powerless and treated inhumanly.

Niawati also said that ―the sense of superiority in white’s people minds has

become a habit and it is innate. It is surprising that even a child can know the

invisible barrier between Black and White. It shows that oppression is inherited from

generation to generation‖(2009: 2). The way of thinking about the superiority

between the white and the black people same as India, the idea of superiority



becomes a habit because their belief is inherited from the generation to

generation.The high class as a superior and the low class as an inferior.

This study is different from the other studies because in this study, the

researcher wants to reveal the India woman’s struggle to achieve a better life. The

researcher also uses a different novel from the both related studies.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Theories of Character

E.M Foster in Aspects of the Novel states that character is divided into two;

flat and round characters. Flat character only portrayed in a single quality; it means

the character is showed in one aspect of their appearance. It is not developed from the

beginning until the end part of the story. On the other hand, round character; it shows

the fullness of the character. Round character can shift from one point of view into

another. This character can have conflict of its own for it has ability to make up his

mind. Foster said that round character could surprise the readers by their change of

behavior in the story (1987:120-121).

The flat character is uncomplicated and it does not change nor influenced by

the situation or by the other characters. On the other hand, the round characters can

change their personality by the situation and other characters.

In a Handbook of Literature, Holman and Harmon write the specification of

character in different terms. It is divided into two; static and dynamic. Static character



states the same quality at the beginning until the end of the story and dynamic

character tends to change as the situation and circumstances change (1986: 83).

The novel is gained from the society where the author lives and even based on

the author’s life. The character in a literary work is visible image of human. The

actions speeches in literature to give the details that need for conclusions about the


2. Theories of Characterization

According to M.J. Murphy, there are nine ways to describe the character. First

is personal description; ―the author can describe a person’s appearance and clothes‖

(1972: 161). From the appearance of the characters, the readers know the

characteristic of the character. Second is other character point of view or character as

seen by another; ―instead of describing a character directly the author can describe

him through the eyes and opinions of another‖ (1972:162). Besides describing a

character directly, the author can describe the character through other perspective and

opinion. Through this, the readers may get a reflected image. The researcher wants to

expose the character as described by the other character’s opinion.

The third is by using speech. The author gives a description of character

through what character says. The author presents some clues to character whenever

he states his or her opinion. The reader can see the personality by their conversation

and guess the character in the story by their speech (1972: 164-166). Fourth is past

life; ―the author gives the readers some keys or clues to any event that helped to



shape a person’s character‖ (1972: 166).The reader can learn something about the

character’s past life.

Fifth is conversation of others. The author describes the characterization of a

character through conversation of others and the thing that says about him. It gives

the readers clue to the characters of the person who is spoken about (1972: 167-168).

Sixth is reactions; ―the author can also give us a clue to person’s character by letting

us know how that person reacts to various situations and events‖ (1972: 168). It

means reaction is a clue to know the characteristic of the character. Seventh is direct

comments; ―the author can describe or comment on a person’s character directly‖

(1972:170). By giving comment explicitly, the readers will understand what kind of

person he or she is. It is directly described by the author comment.

Eight is thought; ―the author can give us direct knowledge of what a person

thinks about‖ (1972: 171). Here, the readers have privileged position to come to the

in most thoughts of a person in a story. The last is mannerism. The author describes

the character through his or her mannerism or habits. It shows the character by stating

the character gesture and habit. The characteristic revealed by the manner of the

character (1972: 172-173).

3. Theories of Settings

Setting is one of the intrinsic elements of the novel. According to Abrams,

setting relates to the time and place of an action occurs. He argued that ―the setting of

narrative or dramatic work is the general local, historical time and social



circumstances in which its action occurs; the setting of an episode or scene within a

work is the particular physical location in which it takes places‖ (1981:75). It means

that setting is not only about place and time but also about social circumstances.

Social circumstances refer to society where the actions take a place in the literary

work. Social circumstances are helpful to reveal class discrimination.

M. J. Murphy in Understanding Unseen: An Introduction to English Poetry

and English Novel describes setting in the following.

The setting of the novel is the background against which the characters live

out their lives. In some novels the setting is important, whilst in others, it is

less so. The setting can be concerned with the place in which the character's

live and also the time in which they live. These have a great effect upon the

personalities, actions, and way of thinking of the characters (1972: 141).

The setting affects the attitude or personality of the character. It can change the way

of thinking of the character. Setting influences the character about their attitude on

doing something and how a person views about something.

Holman and Harmon also share the idea of social setting; it can refer to the

general environment of the character like religion, moral, and emotional condition. It

also can reveal the occupations and daily manner of the living characters (1986: 465).

The setting can be the important intrinsic elements on the literary work but

not all of the literary work makes setting important. The author often uses setting to

create the atmosphere or a mood. It can influence the character development and help

the reader understand the situations; environment and society.



4. Theories of Discrimination

According to Johnson A. G. in Human Arrangements: An Introduction to

Sociology, discrimination refers to the unequal treatment of people based on

stereotyped beliefs about them (1986:362). People treat others unequally by their idea

that others are different from them. Class or status difference can lead to

discrimination and unequal treatment. Discrimination may be motivated by

stereotypes; the typical image that comes to mind when thinking about a particular

group. In The Space between Us, Bhima’s character is an old woman who lives in a

slum it build a stereotype by the society that she is a low class. Slum is a an area

where the low class resides. The high class can treat her unequal.

Fairchild in Dictionary of Sociology and Related Sciences assumes that

discrimination is an unequal treatment of groups of basically equal status.

―Discrimination carries with the element of unfair, unreasonable, and arbitrary

distinctions in the impositions of burdens and the distribution of flavors

(1969:280).‖There is often unfair treatment directed against certain individual or

social group. People in different circumstances usually get different treatment. The

minority treated unequal by the majority group which has more power.

They are sitting in the dining room, sipping tea, Sera out of the blue-grey mug

Dinaz had bought for her from Cottage Industries, Bhima out of the stainless

steel glass that is kept aside for her in the Dubash households. As usual, Sera

sits on a chair at the table while Bhima squats on her haunches on the floor

nearby (Umrigar, 2006: 27).



Bhima is not allowed to sit at the same tables as Sera or her family because Bhima is

the servant from a lower class. The glass that Bhima uses keep aside by the Dubash

family because Bhima likes chew tobacco so Sera feels Bhima is dirty.

C. Review of Sociocultural-Historical Background in India

India is known as a country that is structured by the caste system in their

society. The caste system in India is influenced by the major religion there,

Hinduism. It develops the different status in the society.

Banerjee states in her journal that "India is a country with enormous diversity.

It is characterized by a huge difference in economics, political, social, cultural and

regional aspects. The social status ascribed to women varies from state to state and

region to region‖ (2013: 057). Based on that quote, it can be seen that India is a

unique country. People have different status one another which seen by the economic

status, political, social and culture aspects.

According to Ambedkar in the article written by Mahabir Singh Bhati and

Amritpal Kaur Bhati

Hindu caste system is based on a division of labor. It is determined by their

birth. The Hindu caste system favored the unity of the first three varnas and

separates the fourth varna, i.e. the Shudras from the rest and assign them all

kinds of menial jobs to them and deprive them of status, money, freedom,

equality and a decent way of living. The caste system is affected by a process

of graded inequality. All castes are not on par. They are one above the other.

Castes are all individual entities (2011:1).

The quotation points that the caste system is determined by their birth, it

means that people cannot choose their social status. They get their status since they



were born. It is given to them and cannot be changed. Status has a close relation with

prosperity, freedom, and justice. The different status makes people get unequal


Class in India exists since a long time ago, and it will be everlasting. There is

a three-level system.

The class stratification in India is divided into a three-level system: Forward

classes (higher class), Backward classes (middle and menial underclass), and

Harijans (lowest class). Members of the upper class – around 1 percent of the

population – are owners of large properties, members of exclusive clubs, and

vacationers in foreign lands, and include industrialist, former maharajas, and

top executives. There is no single set of criteria defining the middle class, and

estimates of its numbers vary widely, but ownership of cars, televisions, and

other consumer good, reasonable earnings, substantial savings, and educated

children (often fluent in English) typify this diverse group. Below the middle

class perhaps a third of population – ordinary farmers, tradespeople, artisans,

and workers. At the bottom of the economic scale are the poor – estimated at

320 million, some 45 percent of the population in 1988 – who live in

inadequate homes without adequate food, work for pittances, have

undereducated and often sickly children, and are the victims of numerous

social inequities (―Classes in India‖ 2009).

The class system in India divided by their economic status. The high class or upper

class is people who are wealthy and own assets and they can go anywhere they want

because they own a lot of money. The middle class is not as rich as the upper class

but they have some facilities that favor their life and also they are supported by

education. The last class system is lower class, which in the economic scale; they are

in the bottom of the scale. They live in limited housing facilities and foods. The

lowest class people are uneducated because they cannot afford to go to school and

cannot get a better job. The economic status gives impact toward the lowest class;

people treated unequally by the high class and the society.



D. Theoretical Framework

The researcher tries to reveal the struggle of a woman in India against the

class discrimination through the main character, Bhima. To reveal how Bhima’s

struggle against the class discrimination, the theories applied are theories of character,

characterization, setting, and discrimination.

The researcher uses the theories of characters and characterization to make a

clear understanding of the characters of the novel. The theories can answer the first

problem formulation on how the character in the novel is described. The researcher

also uses the theory of settings; it is used to know the relation between character and

the society. The last theory that the researcher uses is theories of discrimination. It is

used to answer the second problem formulation about how Bhima’s struggle against

class discrimination. Theory of discrimination is used to reveal the social condition.

The researcher uses the sociocultural background to analyze the class

discrimination in India society which is portrayed through the life of Bhima in Thrity

Umrigar's The Space between Us. The review on historical background in India is

used to understand the social circumstances in India from the past life and modern






A. Object of the Study

This undergraduate thesis has one main source namely The Space between Us.

This is the second novel written by Thrithy Umrigrar. She is a journalist and creative

writing teacher. Umrigrar, a former Beacon Journal staff writer, lives in Bombay until

she comes to Ohio State University. She is a middle-class girl in India. She has

published one previous novel, Bombay Time, and a Memoir, selected memories of

India childhood.

The novel used to study was published in 2006 by William Morrow, an

Imprint of Harper Collins Publishers, printed in the United States of America. This

book is the first edition. The novel consists of 321 pages and separated into 25

chapters. This novel is the national best seller novel and as a nominee of pen/beyond

margins award.

The Space between Us is a fiction novel but the character of Bhima is based

on real person. The characterization of Bhima is like the character of Umrigrar’s

servant who is kind and stoicly heroic. Umrigrar is known as a skilled storyteller. She

exposes the raw flesh under the skin of India life.

The novel sets in the new millennium in Bombay, now known as Mumbai.

This novel tells about Bhima who is repeatedly betrayed by the state. By the hospital

when her daughter and son-in-law die, by Gopal’s factory which refuses to take



responsibility of his accident. Bhima works in a Parsi’s house; people who leave Iran

and settle in India. Her granddaughter, Maya is one of her strengths to fight against

the discrimination.

B. Approach of the Study

This research uses the socio-cultural historical approach. The researcher uses

the approach to analyze the problems. In India, the class discrimination exists since a

long time ago. The event that happens in a modern era has a relation with the history

in the past life. Class discrimination in India still exists in the modern era because the

sociocultural beliefs about a class system cannot be changed and transmitted from

generation to generation. It is like the heritage in India society.

Rohrberger and Woods in Reading and Writing about Literature stated that

―critics whose major interest is the socio-cultural historical approach insist that the

only way to locate the real work is in reference to the civilization that produced it‖

(1971:9). To understand the novel, the reader should know the real situation of the

society. It has a relation between the story in the novel with the action that happens in

the reality civilization. The story in Umrigar’s talks about the class difference in

India, Bhima as a low class in the novel often discriminates by the society. India has a

class stratification built by the religion and it affects the way of people treat other.

It is important to analyze the novel uses socio-cultural historical approach

because the history and the culture in India society can show the relation between the



attitudes of people in India with the class discrimination that Bhima’s gets by the


Rohrberger and Woods also said that "they define civilization as the attitudes

and actions of a specific group of people and point out that literature takes these

attitudes and actions as its subjects matter" (1971:9). The attitudes that are presented

by the author in the story are the imitation of the attitudes which happen in the

society. Hinduism is the majority religion in India. The caste system builds by

religious rules. The attitudes of people in India depend on their caste system.

The interest in a literary work which has a history leads the researcher tries to

find the background of the author, since it usually has a relation in a story with the

history of the author. The culture that rises in a story in the novel comes from the

experience of the author.

The socio-cultural historical approach is used to analyze The Space between

Us because the researcher wants to analyze the class discrimination in India and the

researcher should know what happens with the class system in India. This approach is

used to understand the condition in India in the era of The Space between Us.

C. Method of the Study

The undergraduate thesis, Bhima’s struggle against class discrimination was a

library research. The primary data was the novel itself, The Space between Us by

Thrity Umrigrar. The secondary data were books and also several articles related to

the theories and approaches which were used in analyzing the topic.



Several steps were taken by the researcher in analyzing this research. The first

step was the researcher read the novel comprehensively. After reading the novel, the

researcher analyzed the points that could be explored in the study. Then the

researcher tried to find out the ideas of the novel and then collected the data. The

researcher gathered some references on theories and studies which were related. The

sociocultural-historical background was also used to find out about the social

circumstances in India.

The last step was the researcher conducted the analysis by answering the

problem formulations. The analysis used the theories of character and

characterization for the first problem. The researcher also used the theories of settings

and class discrimination to find out the society problem in India.





In this chapter, the researcher divides the analysis into three main parts. In the

first part, the researcher gives elaborate on the characteristics of Bhima. The second

part, discusses the settings in the novel, to show Bhima’s society. The last part

reveals how Bhima struggles against class discrimination in India’s modern society.

A. Characteristics of Bhima

The analysis of Bhima’s character is based on E.M. Foster in Aspect of the

Novel which state that character divides into two characters. Bhima is the main

character in the novel; her character is a round character which shows the fullness of

the character (1987: 120). A round character is a complex personality. In the novel

the character of Bhima change by the situation and other characters. It is shown in the

beginning of the novel, how Bhima as a grandmother treats her granddaughter


When Maya was still going to college, Bhima allowed her to sleep in as late s

possible, made gaajarhalwa for her every Sunday, gave her the biggest

portions of dinner every night. If Serabai ever gave Bhima a treat—a

cadbury’s chocolate, say, or that white candy with pistachios that came from

Iran—she’d save it to bring it home for Maya (Umrigar, 2006: 6).

Bhima realizes that Maya, her granddaughter is the only one she has. She takes care

and treats Maya well. On the contrary, Bhima turns to be different when she knows

that Maya got pregnant, she forces Maya to tell her who got her pregnant. Bhima



comes to Maya’s college to confront the man who got Maya pregnant but she find out

that he is not the father of the baby. Bhima know that Maya lies and feels


Bhima’s character not only illustrates in single quality. Even though Bhima is

known as a great grandmother but she also can be firm. Bhima feels her heart soften

and dissolve when she look at Maya’s face when she falls asleep but something shift

in Bhima’s heart when she look at Maya’s belly, she feels so angry and disappointed.

The situation affects Bhima’s character. Bhima has depth in her feelings. Bhima work

hard for herself and Maya but Maya break her heart. She wants Maya has a better

future and

Bhima is a servant in Dubash family. She is a loyal servant. She comes to her

mistress’s house, Sera’s house, on time is diligent and committed to that family.

Some times Viraf, Sera’s son-in-law accompanies Bhima to go to the market. ―Riding

next to Viraf in his air-conditioned car, Bhima smiles. She treasures this Saturday

morning ritual with him‖ (Umrigar, 2006: 91). She feels fortunate and grateful that

Viraf treats her respectfully and to show her gratitude by being a good servant.

However, she becomes angry when Viraf insult about Maya’s being pregnant who

has no husband.

After I get home from the match today, I was going to call him to get a name

of a doctor who performs—that is, one who is--you know, someone who can

help Maya get rid of the baby. It’s time to move on this, no? (Umrigar, 2006:




Bhima is shocked with Viraf’s statement as Viraf and his wife are soon to-be-parent.

On the other hand, Viraf also suggests to get rid Maya’s baby. Viraf does not even

help Maya to get the solutions of his servant’s problem. Bhima respects to Viraf but

the statement that Viraf’s gives make Bhima sad.

Bhima feels dried out, scooped out, as hollow and wrinkled as a walnut shell.

She has nothing left to give, no love life to spare. She cannot stand the sight of

their matted, mangled, crippled bodies, their heartbreaking eagerness, the

hunger for love in their eyes (Umrigar, 2006:94).

In this situation Bhima’s character that is strong who wants to raise her

granddaughter better than her feels break. Viraf’s words shrink her dreams. At the

first time, Bhima is impressed by Viraf’s maners but after Viraf insults about Maya,

Bhima feels useless because she cannot do anything to help Maya. Bhima feels guilty

and responsible for Maya’s problem because she did not raise her properly. However,

Bhima is angry for what has happened.

Easy for him to talk about getting rid of Maya’s baby, she thinks. After all, he

and Dinaz baby are going to have a child by their own, a child who will never

know what it is to have adults plot its death. She feels a moment’s blinding

fury that is so large it encompasses Maya, Dinaz, and Viraf (Umrigar, 2006:


What Viraf stated disappoints Bhima, as an educated man the thought of abortion

should not come out. That idea breaks Bhima’s heart.

In different terms, Holman and Harmon write the specification of character.

The character of Bhima is a dynamic character which character tends to change as the

situation and circumstances change (1986: 83). The character of Bhima changes by

the situation. She can be so calm but on the other hand she can show her emotional



feeling. When she knows that Maya got pregnant and tells the lies she becomes angry

because she thinks that she cannot protect Maya and give her a better life.

According to M.J. Murphy, there are nine ways to describe the character. It

can be seen by person’s appearance, opinions of another, by their speech, past life,

through conversation of others, reactions, direct comments, thought, and the last is

mannerism (1972: 172-173).

―Sera watches as her hands, thin and dark as the branches of tree, fly over the

pots and pans, scrubbing them until they sparkle like the noonday sun‖ (Umrigar,

2006: 19). It shows Bhima’s look, she is an old woman that cannot nourish her skin.

As we progress through the book these are clear characteristics of Bhima that

surface throughout the entire novel. These are as follows

1. Caring

Bhima loves her granddaughter, Maya. Maya’s parents died when she was

child. Now, Maya is pregnant and Bhima does not know who the father of the child

is. Bhima wants to know it because she wants Maya has a husband who is responsible

to take care of her and her child. She tries to find out the father of Maya’s child.

Maya wonders that the women in the basti are gossiping her. She feels like a

prisoner and Bhima tries to soothe Maya.

Her granddaughter’s sob are landing on Bhima’s chest like fists, but still, she

is glad. Let the girl cry. Let her repent for what she has done. She puts a plate

of food before the weeping girl, resolutely looking away from the tears that

fall into Maya’s rice. ―Eat,‖ she grunts. ―A girl in your condition must eat

(Umrigar, 2006: 56).



Maya is the only one Bhima takes care of. She lives only with Maya and she

promises to her died children to raises Maya. Every time Maya feels sad, Bhima tries

to cheer her up. She gives everything to Maya. Bhima just want Maya to be happy.

Bhima is a great grandmother; she can raise Maya and by the sponsor of Sera,

Bhima can take Maya into college. Bhima loves all her family members. Before she

takes Maya with her, Maya has a parent but her parent died. Bhima also take care

Maya’s parents until they died.

Raju, Bhima’s son-in-law, is AIDS infected and is close to dying. Bhima tries

to reinforce Raju. She does not want Raju to feel sad and alone. Bhima is always

there, remaining in the hospital to take care of Raju and her other family members,

Pooja and Maya.

―Raju beta‖, she said gently. ―It is okay. We are all with you, beta. Sleep


‖Raju,‖ Bhima cried. ―Look you Pooja is here with you. I am here also. I will

take care of Pooja, I promise. And Maya,‖ she continued wildly. ―I will raise

Maya as my own child. You have nothing to worry about, Raju beta. Go now.

Go in peace (Umrigar, 2006: 144).

She also takes care of Pooja when she is sick. After Pooja’s leaving, Bhima committs

to care Maya, Pooja’s daughter as much as Bhima can.

Besides take care of her own family, Bhima also takes care of Dubash family.

She has works in Dubash family more than twenty years. Bhima loves Sera, her

mistress and all Dubash family members. She regards Dubash family as her own.

Sera being physically abused by her husband, Bhima attempts to help to take

care of Sera.



A little while later, Bhima came into her bedroom, holding a plate with two

slices of toast. ―Come on, bai, get up,‖ she said. ―You’ll get more sick, staying

in this bed. Anyway, today Bhima is going to fix you. All these dark spots on

your arms will be gone by the time the sun sets, I promise.‖…Then she

poured the oil on her rough, callused hands and began to rub Sera’s arms

(Umrigar, 2006: 106-107).

Bhima tries to make Sera feel safe and calm. Bhima had never touched Sera before

because of their status difference. They have a good relationship as servant and

mistress but Bhima realizes that they both are different. In this situation, Bhima wants

to treat Sera as a friend, she takes care of Sera because she does not want Sera sad

and feel insecure.

2. Brave

Bhima often receives bad treatments by others; by the shopkeeper in a market,

the clerk in Maya’s college, the doctor in government hospital because she is an old

uneducated woman. She is a poor woman but she is independent. She struggles in life

for her family, especially for Maya.

At the time Bhima finds out that Maya is pregnant, Bhima tries to find the

father of the baby on Maya’s womb. Bhima asks Maya about the father of her baby

and Maya hides the identity of the man who got her pregnant. Bhima hands the name,

the guy and comes to meet he suspected guy in person.

―It was up to Bhima to act as her advocate, to do what Maya was incapable of

doing – to make this Ashok Malhotra take responsibility for what he had wrought, to

appeal to his sense of honor‖ (Umrigar, 2006: 22). Ashok Malhotra is the name of the



man that Maya tells Bhima who got Maya pregnant. She encourage herself to meet

Ashok and make a marriage proposal, hopes he will accept and everything can end up


Finally, Bhima meets Ashok to ask Ashok about Maya but Ashok does not

pay attention nor respect her. It makes Bhima angry. With all of her respect, she talks

to Ashok with gratitude but Ashok still disrespects her. Her bravery makes Ashok

reveal what actually happens.

―Shut your mouth, you. Don’t you ever talk about my girl in this way.

Remember even I’m dead, I’ll come back from my grave to chop of your

tongue.‖ ―But no matter. She cannot harm my reputation. Everybody in

college knows I’m an RJS man and that we believe in purity and chastity

before marriage…. Anyway, in the RJS we are taught to respect our Hindu

women, even fallen woman, like Maya‖ (Umrigrar, 2006: 34-35).

Bhima figures out that the father of Maya’s baby is not Ashok Malhotra. She

encourage herself to comes to Maya’s college and talks to Ashok. She tells Ashok to

speak up politely about her granddaughter. She talks in bold with Ashok that his word

was rude. She tries to protect her granddaughter from the people who does not respect

her. She knows that she is uneducated woman but she show her courage to the

educated and rich man to protect her granddaughter.

3. Kind

Bhima serves Dubash’s family nicely, not only because she is a servant but

because Bhima is a kind person.



―Bhima is a decent person and good worker‖ (Umrigrar, 2006: 44). Sera said

that Bhima is decent person because she always treats Sera’s family nicely. When

Sera is stressed out, Bhima always be there to listen and sometimes motivates Sera.

―She wanted to thank Bhima for her kindness, wanted to explain to her how

hot and wonderful life felt when it trickled back into one’s veins, wanted to

tell her about how cold her heart had felt after this last encounter with Feroz

and how Bhima had warmed it again, as if she had held her cold, gray heart

between her brown hands and rubbed it until the blood came rushing back into

it‖ (Umrigrar, 2006: 110).

Sera always shares her stories, when Sera has a problem with her husband, Feroz and

also with her mother-in-law. Sera and Bhima always have story to share to each

other. Sera says that Feroz is a tormentor and she always has the healer, she is Bhima.

Bhima knows everything about Sera. She always knows and cares about Sera. When

Sera gets hit by Feroz, Bhima not only cares her but also gives her advises. Bhima

asks Sera to speak up, to defend herself by her rude husband.

―You are much wiser than I am, an educated woman while I am illiterate. But,

bai, listen to me – do not tolerate what he is doing to you. Tell somebody. Tell

your father – he will march in here and break his nose. You are trying to cover

up your shame, bai, I know, but it is not your shame. It is Ferozseth’s shame,

not yours‖ (Umrigrar, 2006: 111).

Sera hides her wound to Bhima because she does not want Bhima to get worried

about her. Bhima can feel what happens to Sera. Bhima wants to make Sera relieved.

Bhima always cheers her up and accompanies her in every situation, in good and bad

times. Bhima is devoted to Dubash family. She does her best for the Dubash family.

―Is the air-conditioning too strong? Viraf asks, and although Bhima is slightly

cold, she shakes her head no. Viraf baba gets hot easily, she knows‖ (Umrigrar, 2006:



92). Not only kind to Sera but as mention before that Bhima is kind to all of Dubash

family, including Viraf. Bhima feel cold but she knows that Viraf gets hot easily so

she lies to Viraf. Bhima respects to Viraf, she not asks Viraf to turn the air-

conditioner off.

Maya is the only family member that Bhima has for the rest of her life. She

will do anything to make Maya happy. Maya’s parents have already died and her

brother left Bhima and Maya, to be with Gopal. No one loves Maya except Bhima.

Bhima tries to care Maya and loves her unconditionally.

―If Serabai ever gave Bhima a treat – a Cadbury’s chocolate, say, or that white

candy with pistachios that came from Iran – she’d save it to bring it home to

Maya, though, truth to tell, Serabai usually gave her a portion for Maya

anyway‖ (Umrigrar, 2006: 6).

Bhima treats Maya with love. She always remembers her granddaughter in her home

that needs love from her parents. Bhima treats Maya like little child who needs more

attention and affection. ―Maya uses toothbrush, but Bhima simply takes the tooth

powder on her index finger and rubs vigorously on her remaining teeth‖ (Umrigrar,

2006: 10). It is proof that Bhima is kind. She always does good things to others. She

wants to make other people happy and comfortable.

4. Hopeful

Bhima is often lost in her daydream. In her silence, she thinks about Maya,

her family, Sera, Viraf, and her life. Anything that makes her sad makes her lost in

her thoughts.



―She blinks her eyes and forces herself back to the present. She is ashamed of

her envy at Dinaz and Viraf’s good fortune. Dinaz has grown up before

Bhima’s eyes, and she still remembers what a wonderful child Dinaz was, full

of hugs and laughter. A miracle that a child like that could blossom under the

shadow cast by her dark mountain of father. Once she started earning her own

paycheck, Dinaz was forever slipping a ten – or twenty - rupee note into

Bhima’s hand. And Viraf baba – so sunny, so full of mischief and light. To

punish herself for her uncharitable thought, Bhima digs her right thumb into

the palm of her left hand until the pain make her wince‖ (Umrigar, 2006; 94-


Bhima lost in her thought because she wonders about Maya’s tough life. Maya has no

parents and her brother is separated from her. Now she is pregnant and hides the

identity of who gets her pregnant. She imagines how happy Maya will be if she has a

wonderful life like Dinaz, Sera’s daughter, who has a family that truly loves her, and

also has a husband and soon Dinaz will be a mother. It is very contrary to Maya.

Maya is poor and she is pregnant in her young age.

―If I were educated, she thinks, I would know what to do. I would fine the

cure in a book; I would know how to consult – a doctor or a priest or a

teacher. But how can I cure a disease that I can’t name?‖ (Umrigar, 2006;


Bhima imagines if she is an educated woman, she would know what to do with

Maya’s pregnancy. Maya will get a better life and they will know who the father of

Maya’s baby is. Unfortunately, Bhima is an illiterate woman, she is an uneducated

woman, it makes her and Maya live in a poor condition. It makes them get

discriminated by others.



B. Setting in the Novel

Setting can be the important intrinsic elements on the literary work but not all

of the literary work makes setting important. In this novel, the theme is class

discrimination in India and uses the setting as one of the important intrinsic elements.

Setting is divided into three parts; setting of time, setting of place, and also

social setting. The analysis of setting in this novel is based on M. J. Murphy’s

statement in Understanding Unseen: An Introduction to English Poetry and English


The setting of the novel is the background against which the characters live

out their lives. In some novels the setting is important, whilst in others it is

less so. The setting can be concerned with the place in which the character’s

live and also the time in which they live. These have a great effect upon the

personalities, actions, and way of thinking of the characters (1972: 141).

There are setting of places and time found in this novel to reveal the class

discrimination in India which affects the personalities, actions, and way of thinking of

the characters. Holman and Harmon also state social setting; it can refer to the general

environment of the character like religion, moral, and emotional condition. It also can

reveal the occupations and daily manner of the living characters (1986: 465). From

the social setting it can reveal the different class by their occupation, the place where

they reside. It will show the space between two different classes.

1. Setting of Time

There is no exact time that mention in this novel. Some reviews in the novel

show that The Space between Us takes place in a modern era in Bombay which now



knows as Mumbai. In the modern era, India’s gap between the high class, middle

class, and low class in some areas are less strict but in some areas the discrimination

still exist. This era, the low class not only works as labors but they can change their

life to be better with educated their children. In The Space between Us the class

system more flexible, shows by the relationship between the mistress and the servant.

2. Setting of Place

As what is stated above Bombay and New Delhi are the cities used as the

setting of place of the story. Bombay is the place where Bhima lives and works as a

servant. Most of her life she spends in Bombay. She lives in New Delhi before she

moves to Bombay. Her children and granddaughter lives in New Delhi.

1. Bombay

Almost the entire story in the novel takes place in Bombay, India, now known

as Mumbai. Bombay is a big and modern city in India. Bombay is the most populous

city in India. Many cultures live together in India. Even in modern times, the nation is

ruled by class and social structure, firmly rooted in traditions. ―Bombay is a city of

dreams and city of hopes, the financial and commercial capital of country‖ (Katiyar,


―Even her hands were empty, now that she had unclenched them and released

her helium-filled cargo, watching until the last of the balloons had been

swallowed up by the darkness of the Bombay night‖ (Umrigar, 2006: 1).



Bombay is a big city but Bhima feels empty and lonely. Bombay works day and

night. The city does not sleep likes Bhima’s heart does not sleep anytime hopes that

her life get better.

Bhima lives in a basti with her granddaughter and she also works all day long

in Dubash family. The two places is very different, basti is a dirty building for a low

class because they have no money to buy an apartment but Dubash family house is

Bhima’s bowel moves and she clucks her tongue. Now she’ll have to make

her way to the communal bathroom before she goes to the tap, and the line

will be even longer. Usually, she tries to control her bowels until she gets to

Serabai’s house, with its real toilets. Still, it’s really enough that the condition

shouldn’t be too bad. A few hours later and there will hardly be room to walk

between the tidy piles of shit that the resident of the slum leave on the mud

floor for the communal toilet (Umrigar, 2006: 7-8).

Slums is an area where the low class resides. The facilities there are not sufficient.

They shares communal bathroom, used by all of the basti residents. People should

queue use the public toilet.

Dubash family house contrary with Bhima’s house, Dubash family lives in an

apartment. They are a Parsi. ―The Parsis, whose name means ―Persians,‖ are

descended from Persian Zoroastrians who emigrated to India to avoid religious

persecution by the Muslims. They live chiefly in Bombay and in a few towns and

villages mostly to the north of Bombay‖ (Encyclopaedia Britanica, 2016). They have

a car, a multi room apartment, a bathroom, a kitchen room, in Bhima’s house the

kitchen becomes one with the living room and use the communal toilet. Bhima works

as a servant in Dubash family since she is married and lives in Bombay with Gopal.

She spends almost her whole lives on Dubash family.



For the first time Sera comes to basti when Bhima had been sick with thypoid

fever and she unable to come to work. She decided to visit Bhima and Maya.

Although her apartment building was located less than fifteen-minute walk

away from the basti, Sera felt as if she had entered another universe. It was

one thing to drive past the slums that had sprung up all around the city. It was

another ting to walk the narrow byways that led into the sprawling slum

colony---to watch your patent leather shoes get splashed with the murky,

muddy water that gathered in still pools on the ground; to gag at the ghastly

smell of shitand God knows what else; to look away as grown men urinated in

the open ditches that flowed past their homes (Umrigar, 2006: 113).

The basti looks so dirty for the Parsi woman like Sera. It makes Sera does not want to

come back to Bhima’s house. Walks to visit Bhima in the slums, Sera cannot avoid

―the flies, thick as guilt‖. When Sera want to go with Bhima or Maya, she likes to ask

them to come to her apartment or she chooses to wait in a bus shelter around the

basti. Sera, a Parsi woman who lives in apartment even only need a fifteen-minute to

comes to basti, does not want to come again to the basti. It shows the different

between the high class and the low class.

Bhima is in the kitchen, washing the dishes from the last night’s dinner. Sera

watches as her hands, thin and dark as the branches of the tree, fly over the

pots and pans,scrubbing them until they sparkle like the noonday sun

(Umrigrar, 2006; 19).

She works at Dubash family in the morning to clean up the dishes last night and

cooks for all the family members. She serves all of the things in the kitchen.

On the fourth day, Bhima come to work holding a small bundle. Sera eyed

disinterestedly when she opened the door to let Bhima in and returned to her

room. A little while later, Bhima came into her bedroom, holding plate with

two slice of toast (Umrigar, 2006: 107).



As a servant Bhima is a loyal servant, she always does anything for Dubash family.

She always accompanies Sera, taking care of her and her family. Bhima has worked

there from the first time when Sera and Feroz after get married until Feroz passed

away and Sera is soon-to-be-a-grandmother. Dubash family has their own bedroom, it

is different from Bhima’s, they sleep in the living room. Sera has the privacy on her

room, she does not let anyone come and go without permission. In a basti people can

easily know the news from the other resident there.

It has a long day, and the house is quiet because Viraf and Dinaz are out.

Bhima is almost ready to leave, but Serabai asks for a cup of tea and she feels

compelled to make it for her. She needs her daughter and son-in-law here to

make the house lively. Bhima thinks and feels a twinge of pity for the younger

woman. She remembers the months after Ferozseth passed away, how Serabai

sometimes forgot to eat lunch until she, Bhima, nagged her to eat, and how,

once or twice, she also forgot to bathe during the day (Umrigar, 2006: 292).

When Viraf and Dinaz go the office, the house is so quiet. The apartment has the

privacy, there is not crowded like a basti. From the sun rises until the sun sets, the

basti always noise by the activity of resident. Different with Dubash family house,

when people go to work, the house feels quiet then in a basti still noisy with the

activity of the other family member who does not work. The children play, the wives

do their activity like cook, wash clothes, listens to the radio, gossip, etc.

2. New Delhi

Before moves to Bombay, Bhima’s family lives in New Delhi. New Delhi is

India’s capital city. New Delhi is divided with classes. Bhima has a bad experience in

government hospital in New Delhi.



Her daughter, Pooja, and her son-in-law, Raju, died in a hospital in New

Delhi. The HIV AIDS virus attacks them. Raju transmits AIDS to Pooja and Bhima

does not know how that virus infects her children. AIDS attacks Raju first, so Raju

dies and leaves Pooja and Maya. ―Bhima brought Maya to the hospital with her the

next day and her reward was the weak smile on Pooja’s face‖ (Umrigar, 2006: 148).

After that Pooja dies. Bhima take Maya to Bombay and lives with her in a basti.

The doctor sucked in his cheeks and stared at her. ―You don’t know what

AIDS is?‖ when she shook her head no, he did not bother to hide his disgust.

―You people,‖ he said. ―God knows why the government spends lakhs of

rupees trying to educate you about family planning and all. It’s a useless

cause.‖ He stared at her another minute and the swung around on his heel. ―I

don’t have time to give you a medical lesson. Have hundreds of patients to

check on. Anyway, I’m a doctor, not a bleedy teacher‖ he began to walk away

and then stopped. ―You better go say your goodbye to your daughter, if you

want my advice‖ (Umrigar, 2006: 138).

The doctor does not give a good advice and also does not tell Bhima about the virus

that attacks her children. The doctor as an educated man talks rude with the patient’s

family member. The class differences highly seen above that the low class has no

power to cure the illness. They only can follow the fate and cannot change the fate.

3. Setting of Society

Bhima is from a low class. She works as a servant and lives in a basti. She is

an uneducated woman.

―You tell all your friends that Bhima is like a family member, that you

couldn’t live without her,‖ the teenage Dinaz would rail. ―And yet she’s not

good enough to sit at the table with us. And you and daddy are always talking

about those high caste Hindus burning Harijans and how wrong that is. But in



your own house, you have these caste differences, too. What hypocrisy,

Mummy‖ (Umrigar, 2006: 27).

Dinaz, Sera’s daughter tells her that they think Bhima as a family members but the

always treat Bhima unfair. Sera and Feroz still hold the point of view about caste

system in Hinduism. Even they are a Parsi and Muslims they treat Bhima as a

Harijans who cannot sit at the table together and drink from same glasses. Different

caste makes Sera treat Bhima in some cases as appropriate to her caste. Even Sera

said that Bhima is like her family member but their class is different so Sera does not

treat Bhima in a special way.

She had not been able to follow the actual conversation because Feroz and the

doctor had spoken in English. Still, she needed to know, for Amit’s sake.

Could Ferozseth talk like this because he was a Parsi? Everybody knew that

the Parsis were educated and rich and their women mostly wore dressed

instead of saris. In other words they were different (Umrigar, 2006: 218).

Dubash family is contrast with Bhima’s family. Dubash family is educated while

Bhima’s family is uneducated. Bhima’s family is uneducated because they are poor

people and comes from the Harijans who is low class. ―Harijans were referred to as

―untouchables‖ because they carried out the miserable tasks associated with disease

and pollution, such as cleaning up after the funerals, dealing with sewage, and

working with animal skin‖ (The Independence Hall Association, 2008). Harijans is

one of the class divides in Hinduism, it cover outcasts who, literally, do all the dirty

works. Feroz think that Bhima’s job is dirty like cleans all the stuff in his apartment.

Bhima’s habit shows that she is dirty, like chews tobacco all the time.



―Parsi is a small religious community, which exist in Mumbai. Parsis are less

than 0.02% in India. They were pioneers in establishing the modern Indian industry‖

(Daniel, 2004). Their contribution in India is much more than their proportion in

India’s population. They are educated and speak English.

From the moment Bhima awakens on her thin mattress and Sera smiles

tearfully over the onions on the chopping shows the harshly contradictory lives of

these women. One is wealthy widow lives in a grand house while the other cleans the

house and lives in the slums.

Feroz made a gruff sound that sounded like a bark. ―Then, worry. Goddamnit,

worry. Do something. If this man dies because of lack of care, I swear to you,

Kapur, I’ll have your testicles wrapped around your head so fast--- I work for

Tatas, you understand? Do you know what pull we have with the hospital

administration? One word from me and you will be out on the streets with not

even your white coat with you. And what’s more, I’ll make bloody sure not

one other hospital in Bombay hires you, you understand? (Umrigar, 2006:


Higher class people can change the situation and has power to protect the low class

that is treated injustice by the hospital. Sera pays for Gopal to have the best of care.

When Bhima does not have any idea of Gopal’s accident, Sera asks Feroz to talk with

the doctor because Sera loves Bhima. Feroz has a big power because the man like the

doctor has no power to fights with Feroz.

On the other hand, when Bhima tries to find for a man who got Maya

pregnant in the college, she gets bad treatment by the clerk. When the clerk looks at

her appearance, they ignore Bhima. Then Bhima says that she wants to meet a



student, the clerk is very suspicious. The old woman like Bhima search for a popular

man in the college makes the clerk think that there is unusual.

Caste of person in India influences the circumstances of the society. Higher

class people can treat the lower class unequally. They are educated and they have

power to do everything.

C. Class Discriminationin in Bhima’s Life

According to Johnson A. G. in Human Arrangements: An Introduction to

Sociology, discrimination refers to unequal treatment of people based on stereotyped

beliefs about them (1986:362). The Space between Us tells about the different class

between a low class and upper-middle class. Bhima is a low class woman who is

uneducated. She is an illiterate woman and works as a servant. She gets unequal

treatment by her society. She fights for herself and also for her granddaughter, Maya,

to have a better life.

There is the class stratification in India is divided into three-level system:

Forward classes (higher class), Backward classes (middle and menial underclass) and

Harijans (lowest class) is poor people, in the economic scale they are in the bottom of

the scale.

The high class or upper class is people who have wealth and so many assets.

The middle class are not as rich as the upper class but they have some facilities that

favor their life and also they are supported by education. The lowest class is

uneducated because they cannot afford to get school and they do not have the



opportunity to get better job. The economic status affects for the lowest class people.

They may get unequal treatment by the society.

Dubash family is a Parsi; an upper-middle class, educate people. They speak

English fluently, they have cars, apartment with all facilities, good occupation.

Harijans is Bhima’s family; the lowest class. They are uneducated. Work as a servant

and lives in a basti.

When Bhima arrives at Maya’s college to meet Ashok, she meets the clerk

and she ignores Bhima.

Now, Bhima sought out to the clerk’s office. Sure enough, the man

was sitting at his desk, scowling at some forms in front of him. She

approached him tentatively, ―Excuse, please?‖

The man did not look up. ―What?‖ he said brusquely.

―I’m looking for a student, please? Can you help me find him?‖

There was a second’s silence as the man finished scribbling on the

piece of paper in front f him. Then, ―And you relation with the


Bhima was flustered. ―Ah. I’m his…that is, no relations. I am just

wanting to see him (Umrigar, 2006: 23).

At the first time when Bhima comes to the office and asks the clerk about Ashok,

they like does not give some respects to Bhima. Bhima remembers how Sera uses a

well-chosen words to speak, Bhima tries to show a good attitude and speak nicely to

the clerk. She talks to a clerk in gratitude and then she says that she wants to meet

Ashok Malhotra. Ashok is a reputable student in college. The clerk directly gives her

attention and tells her where Ashok is. Bhima learns from Sera how to use good

words and good attitude in talks. She encourages herself to meet Ashok.

As usual, Sera sits on the chair at the table while Bhima squats on her

haunches on the floor nearby.



I think there’s a slight difference between burning Harijan and not

allowing Bhima to use our glasses. Besides have you ever noticed the foul

odor of tobacco she chews all day long? Do you want her lips to touch our

glasses? (Umrigar, 2006: 27).

In some cases, Sera treat Bhima well like a family. But Sera does not want Bhima use

their families’ glasses and sits in a chair because she is a low class and has a different

class with Sera’s family. Sera considers that Bhima is dirty; she like chew her

tobacco and it will make Sera’s glasses dirty. Bhima is kind and she always does all

her job as well. Sera pays for Gopal best treatment in a hospital, she also pays for

Bhima’s granddaughter, Maya, for her college but she still Bhima always treats as

nothing more than the servant.

Bhima’s husband gets injured in his factory. The foreman of Gopal’s factory

cheats Bhima, by saying that Gopal just gets a right hand injured. He persuades

Bhima to sign on some papers that to allow them to give Gopal the treatment he

needs. The problem is that Bhima cannot read and write then the foreman asks Bhima

to dip her thumb in the ink and place it on paper.

The doctor where is Gopal get the treatment does not give a good treatment to

Gopal. Bhima tells Sera about that, and Sera asks Feroz to helps her and Gopal. Feroz

is a man with a power because he educate. Feroz makes Bhima strong enough to face

Gopal injury.

Feroz made a gruff sound that sounded like a bark. ―Then, worry.

Goddamnit, worry. Do something. If this man dies because of lack of care, I

swear to you, Kapur, I’ll have your testicles wrapped around your head so

fast--- I work for Tatas, you understand? Do you know what pull we have

with the hospital administration? One word from me and you will be out on



the streets with not even your white coat with you. And what’s more, I’ll

make bloody sure not one other hospital in Bombay hires you, you

understand? (Umrigar, 2006: 216).

The relation between Bhima and Sera makes Bhima feel fortunate. Sera always helps

Bhima because she considers Bhima as part of Dubash family.Feroz helps Bhima to

face the problem, Sera asks him to meet the doctor who nurses Gopal. Feroz is a man

with a power because he is educated. Feroz encourages Bhima how to face the

difficulty. In a hospital Gopal gets good treatment because of Feroz.

How Bhima treat Sera make Sera comfortable. Bhima always takes care of

Dubash family and the relationship between Sera and Bhima like a good friend but

Sera well aware with the limits on her relationship with her housekeeper. The

characteristic of Bhima which is kind also makes Sera respects, cares about her, and

always help her in any situations.

Her only granddaughter, Maya, gets pregnant by unrevealed man. Bhima is

brave; she tries to find out for a man who gets Maya pregnant. Even though Maya lies

about the man; Bhima always tries to push Maya to tell the truth. In the end Bhima

knows that the man is Viraf, Sera son-in-law. Bhima agitated and disappointed with

Maya because Maya hides this matter. Moreover, Viraf want to get rid of Maya and

Bhima. He makes up story that Bhima stole his money. Sera is very angry with

Bhima’s attitude and she asks Bhima and Maya to get out from her house. ―You’d

better get out of here before I say something that I will regret later. I can excuse you

stealing from me, but to challenge my son-in-law’s honor, that I can never forgive

you for‖ (Umrigar, 2006: 303).



Bhima is a kind person, she also takes care of other people. She is a strong

and brave grandmother. Bhima’s characteristics makes her can fight against the class

discrimination. She is kind, everything she does with gratitude makes Sera think that

Bhima is a part of her family. The two women have a bond that goes far deeper than

the employer and employee. She can struggle her life by the help of Dubash family,

but she got a bad treatment by Sera son-in-law and it makes her angry and


Maya motivates her that she must raise Maya and takes care of Maya. She

always thinks how to make her and Maya to get a better life. After she is fired by Sera

she lives with Maya and they try to restart a better life and they fill the day together.

Bhima is out for a walk, and she reflects on what has happened. She feels that

although she has lost everything, there should still be hope for something.

―I could stand here forever, she thinks. She could occupy this spot that’s

neither land nor water, wait here until the sky and the sea uncouple their dark,

intertwined limbs and separate again in the light of a new day‖ (Umrigar, 2006: 320).

Bhima has a new hope that she should continue her life to raise Maya so she

can have a better life than Bhima’s. Bhima should work hard to support herself and

Maya. She works for Dubash family more than twenty years, and now she is taking a

big risk to leaving Dubash family house. She has a light hearted spirit thinking

tomorrow can be better.





Based the analysis that is done in Chapter IV, there are some conclusions that

can be drawn. The first conclusion is related to Bhima characteristics. Bhima is a low

class woman and works as a servant in Dubash family. She works at Dubash family

for more than twenty years. From the analysis about Bhima, there are four

characteristics that can be seen. Bhima is caring, brave, kind, and hopeful.

The second conclusion is the place and time, where and when someone lives

shows that there is some discrimination. The society where discriminates Bhima who

is uneducated. The setting of places that significance with the novel is Bombay,

where is Bhima lives and also New Delhi, where her children lives and the first place

when she lives.

The third conclusion which relates to the efforts done by Bhima to get a better

life with Maya. From the analysis, it is concluded that some of her characteristics

determine her struggle. Bhima’s caring and kind nature makes Sera and Dubash

family love her and always help her to face the problems. When the society treats

Bhima badly, she still shows the good treats for the others. She always gives Dubash

family good service even through sometimes they treat her unjustly. Bravey is related

to her courage to defend when the society is not fair towards her family. Based on the

analysis about Bhima, some of her characteristics lead Bhima to face the problems of

her family.



One factor that helps Bhima through a number of times in her life is Sera, her

mistress. Sera pays for Maya’s education, that can change Bhima’s family life. Hopes

make Bhima strong and face the world. Bhima has learned the hard way how much a

lack of education can change fortunes. She chooses a big decision to leaves Dubash

family and hopes that tomorrow will be better.




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