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BHirm soesR 10 47from those jokes, foe now the presi dents leave in the winter, January 20, and they...

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local NOTES ^ it’a mil c^er now. Did it iro HlBltTOU? ^ imguHur meeting oi the W. C. f 0. win be held mt the home of Ooit>ett, l>nter etreet. afternoMi. Novexniber 10, mt l^tlock. ^ Wotnenle Relief OcMpe held m ^ meeting Tueoday night, after electlwi retiima were recelTed, being present and enjoying ^ refreahmente aenred' toy the (W» Workl'a Temperance Sunday waa 0grnd pretty generally this week. Ileanor Shaw Smith addreaeed , meeting at the llethodiet church ipjgy evening on the genend topic g temperance. tiioae who wieh to contribute ^gaed fruit, vegetatolea, jelly or jam n the King’s Daughten Home at fl^ville for Thankagiving are re- to leave the same at Mrs. f. A. Holctomb’s on or before No- imber'lS. When they come to you after next fiiti"^~r you will know aoon liom we mean by “they”), asking ^ to Join the Red Croesi don’t turn down. Tour dollar will make a member for a year and wiU gd in the very worthiest caiise in IS world. Pr. C. b. Liehman of the Normal gerity addreeed the Monroe Coun- ty 8ehooimai|fters*.,C10b' in the Y. M. C . A. building in Rochester last ove- mg; . his topic was “Trenda and cmages in Teacher Training in New Tork State.* If any<me Is quaUlled a talk on that topic it is Dr. Leh- nn. krs. Fred R e h )^ of Mt. Morris km been appoints district deputy piad matron and Wilson S. Beatds- liy Of I^uxiOa, ' aedateiit g-zvuid lee- tger of Livingston district, 0. E. S. 4 punhy succeeston in tbe case of ts. Rebban. apparently. Her bus- had was nssistaiit grand lecturer nee, only a' few years ago. Avon high pchool Was burglarised bit Satureby* morning, and tbe tUeves got About $1,000 worth of HBlcal Instruments, scientific'' and M tlce appatratus and equipment. Tbey gained entrance through the PWA r e s id e n t engineer’s office, wbere they got a ohair which they md to enter the window of the Miff buUding. State troopers have ka invmkigating. A Metro-Ooldwyn movie of five ink idiowiag life at the Mascmic in Htioa and the summer eaop at Roufid lake in the Adiron- Iff xnft|ck&^ &toui* of tlie the sponsorship of Mas<»ic lodges. It WW be shown in Oene- so on Thuiisday. December' 8, com- i:g here from Palmyra where* it w tU show on I>ecemt>er 2, and go- by fn»n here to Batavia on Decem- kr 4. Livingston county farm buresui ■embers should hold Thursday, No- fanber 10, and attend the annual atebng of tiheir assodation. The aeeting wUl be held in tbe Geneseo Mding and dinner will be served »jr the Gehe^o grange. A noted ipeaker is being secured and an ad- dbknal feature will be awarded to koM who have been members of the hrm bureau for the past 10 years The 17th- annual meeting of the Nw York State Federation of Home Bureaus will be held November 10, U. 12, at Hotel Onondaga. Syracuse, ilia. John lAvery of Geneseo is the :^.=hU d e l e g a te for Livingston (ouBty. Other memben of the ex- •oittve board planning to attend are H m . Janet Wabur, 0sst AvOB. WhO altemate; Mrs. E. S. Heath, Li- ■=^a; Mrs. Howard •»: and Mrs. Lewis Pelton, Dans- «e, and Miss Ethel U Wadsworth, *^Uaty agent. Geneseo grange will meet next ^aski^y night, Novemlber 10, with iptcBic oipper at 6:30 o’clock pre- kiteg the meeting. The committee Of Mrs. R. J. McCaughey, htomian. Mr*. Leo Carey. Mrs. La- ’kla Currie. M ri John Spratt and hi*. John Clarke. Bach member is hpiested to bring enough rolls for own famllie*. and another dish. ®®ce» for the coming year win be ’••cted thal night. The attendance ■Astartsi with this meeting, and ® BMinbeiw are urged to be present. The Ladles' L.O.L. win hold th d r ^aaHatlon of tuncers Saturday eve- *kg, Novconber 7. The ofBlcefa to ^ hutaned by Grace Meade of ^Wheeter ang her staff are: Worthy Sarah FauMs; deputy nds- Ena Lynn; chsplaln, Sarah secretry. Alice Thompson; onr. Anna VhnClse; financial Agnes Praw; U t cooduc- ^ MUdred Slane; ad oooductress. Jj"* Stewart; 1 st lecturer, Orsce 2d lecturer, Margaret John- ^ inside gUart^ Margaret Oastan; Ik guard. LavlQia Currie; color k. Ellxbbeth Thompeon; past Mary .MibCeown; 1st trus- gamh Wade; Id trustee. Madl- ^ HBObughay; pianist, Mary Davis. The season fCr dudes and raccoons Caledonia is to have a movie theater, it opens on November 6. Basketball starts In Geneseo next week when the Niagara Dniversity Sbctenslon team comae here to bat- tle on the Normal court The date wiH be November IS. Mrs. John Lavery expects to go to Syracuse to attend the sUU farm and home bureau ftederatlon meet- ing on November 10, U, and 12, as a delegate from tbe local chapter. The flower show to be held in ConvenUon ban. Rochester, for four days starting next Thursday will present^ several beautiful featurea, with hundreds of varieUes of flowers exhibition. We wlU pubUah an ad next week. t has been suggeated a game Of touch football be arranged to be played Thanksgiving between a town team and the boys who are away at college. Liet’e have the game and let the gate reoeipta, if any, go to the Red Cross or the Christmas seal sale. Checker .Champion Newell W. Banks wrote to Oeaeeeo last week in regard to coming here for an ex- hUXtioa. but the intareat in tha ai- lent game has pretty much 6M aw«y in town, and It was a v ld ^ t. that his expense money could not be raised so he will not be engaged. Mr. Banks expects to be In Florida later this year and says that the Hunt-Long match for the world’s championship in the “three move reatricUon” atyla oi checken wUl start in one of the Florida resorts on December 1. Two old Btand-toye jokee are no longer possible. We refer to: “Why Is Presidait Jloover like a tree?” Ans.—because he leaves in the eprlng. And—“What will Preeident Hoover ao on XCaroti 4tbr** JUim .— He will march forth. The latest amenOment to tbe XJ. s. cooeUtu- tion took the meaning and point from those jokes, foe now the presi- dents leave in the winter, January 20, and they no longer march forth on March 4th. You notice we had to use Hoover’s name in this, he being the last president of the March 4th inaugural date. PERSON^ NOTES Seward Gary of New York la apendlng several day* at the Big Tree Inn. Miss Aura F. SneU of Bath visited xyver the weekend with Mrs. J. Ed- waixl W ri^t. Dr. and Mrs. C. F. Flero and son, Austin, and wife of Batavia, vMted in town on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Porter R. Chandler have clo*ed their home “Westerly” and.retuijied to New Yorit.city for the winter. Mrs. James W. Wadsworth I returned to her home in this village after viettlng for several weeks Washington. D. C Capt. and Mrs. Boris Wolkonsky are e n d in g several days at Far- hills. N. J., as guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hutchinson. Emma McClymoot entertained 18 Of her friends at a birthday party last Saturday; she became seven years old that day. Surrogate Judge and Mrs. George W. Pratt of Coming were dinner guests Wednesday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Hichard E. Champ. Mrs. James Colt, Jr., and daugh- ters. who have been guests of Mm. Colt’s father, Hon. Lockwood R. Doty, left last week Wednesday for their home in SsnU Baitsra, OaL Mr. and Mra H. A. Sumvpn of Columbia. S. e.. and llM. LiM Cci* ler of Charleston, 8. C., have re- tumeU boiue mTter a. vlalt in Oen< iw*o at the home of Mr. and Mrs. flam- uri Fraser. Mr. and Mrs. James O. Mc- <>uighey and daughter, Evelyn, and Mr. and Mrs. Saxn MoCaugliey of South Uma visited list week with Mr. and Mis. WUllam CampbeU at Yoadon, Pa. Miss Henrietta Chapman is enter- taining at a bridge lunoheon Satur- day In honor of Miss Evelyn Wilder of - Cameron whoso engagement to Samuel Bennett of tin# village has Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McArthur hsd •a weekend gueets three men from Williamsport, Pa., Gsoegs H. Parke, Jr., a brother-ln-lww of Mr*. Mc- Arthur; W. C. Everett, her uncle; and J. B. Dockery. Principal R. D. Richardson of the Perry high school was a vWtor In Qaneseo last Saturday. Mr. Rich- g^r^laon reports Perry as an Ids^ place for a school man to bs lo c^ with an exceUent town, streng school gad fine cooditJoiia to ^ r^Mt year and for several year* be- fore that he was principal at Q r e ^ yUle and made a good rsootri. TRAr*aFERS OF REAL EtTATl jjiqrii LnOiorgia w*. ML Morris, fL THB LIVIMOiTOH MPUBUOAM, A&X TOUS PUMPim r PIES psizi wnnfXBST HKEX’S toue ohakox HousetWlvea of this vlelaity are asked to enter, a pumpkin pie bak- ing contest to be conducted by the Moose Aid League, tbe charitable unit of Rochester Lodge of Moosc, The contest is conducted la connec- Ooo with a bam daaos and stage V to be held la Convention '* '**“ kagtvlag eve, proceeds of which are to be devoted to the pur- chase of Christmas baskets for ds- •«rr\ng needy people. As judges, a committee eompooed oP men and women prominent la field of home economics has been elect^ Each contestant wtU be re- quired to f u r e ^ the committee with a recipe giving the exact amount of each ingredient used m her pie. AU pies entered wiU be sold at the barn dance and the proceeds tuned into the charity fund, smtrlee will close i Wednesday, Noveibber 30, at MXL Sultahle prises and certillcatss, at- testhig their champlonahlp pie bak- ing quaUUes. are offered the win- ners. Those interested can secure entry blanks and further information by iddremng Charlss R Tutty, Sr.. Moose Temple. 441 East Ave.. Roch- ester. TRANSFERS OF REAL ESTATE Allen J. Wallace 1^ Exr. to Lady Barrymore toy TrsL. Geneseo. $1. Floyd M. VanBuskirk st al to Charles wf, Orevelaad, 11,000. > doorgo D. Nelson et al to dar- ^ence R. Chase, Nunda, |1. Frances Doyle and ano to James P. Doyle, Nunda, |L Bank of Lima in Liquidation .etc. to Belle L. Peck et al. i-»"«*. $1. T. Jeffersop PoweS EsL to Leon Oennes, Portage, |1. Silk Co., Inc. to Jmmn. F. Huguet, et al (4 parcels), Nunda, jOB P. Huget St tl to Ctnljtso Silk Corporation (4 parcele), Nunda, NoriMrt C. Bhnn wf to Albert E. Matooey and ano. Dansvllle, |l. Mary McNair to Lillian B.' Ore- burn, LelceMer, |l . Edith M. Damon to Danlal- R. Da- mon. Uvoola, |i . Stella E. Benner to Carl Yorks, Uvonia, $1. James Dromasos - to Steve Dro- mazoe, Dansvllle, $1. Vivian Wllsoa to Ray C. Barker, N. DehevUle. $200. Miry M. Jeoss to Jtmsi H. Jeoss, Livonia. $1. Frank H. Clark to WUbur C. Ml- nard wf. Avon, |1A00. Fiancki C. Huff by Sherlir to Hugh M. Slawsoo, Sprtofwater, $70. John T. Delsiiey wf to Mary B. Delaney et al, Atob, |000. 'TlKKnan Rosa to Ethel R. Buttera ano.. Livcnii, |1. Louie K. Rudgere wf to Mark C. Calktoi wf, Leioester, I814A0. William C. Saunders wf to Alfred L. Backer wf, Oonesus; |L Janet W. Clark to Lewis Tripp. Avon, )1. P. R. A C. Realty Corporation to Grace C Watson,. Livoola, $1. Mary T. Sna^ to Ociinide F. 8nMM>D» Oal#dociia. Sla <Srte M. Nixon to Mabel A. Rob- inson. Sprlngwater, $1. County of Uvtogeton to Earl H. Parmelee wf. ML Morris, |900. quire of W. R. BALDING or at ttos office. Tkidvl FOR RENT—“O ^ WHS So wind.* the most popolir novel of the time* You may get a copy any Urns without waiting from THE NOOK OP BOOKS. 11 Center 8L. meeeo. N. Y. 72adv3 FOR RENT—Beautiful apartmeSi lower floor, private entraaoe, finest locafkn including heat, hot water, end light. Inquire of E. BRUCE TOUNG8, Real EstmU Broker^^G^ FOR RENT—Two nioely well fur^ ■bed bedrooms, ahower bath In nsfw modem home. All oonvenknoes. No objection to one child. AH home privileges. Very reasonable. 40 Court 8L Also furnished apari- mL _________________SSadvtf FOR R E N T -^ beaotlful unfur^ ntahed steam heated apartment just deeoratad; conslettoig of ttvlngroeas. betooom, kitchanette, and hath. Hot and oold water and janitor servlea OCD TAVXZIN APAR’llfENT, SO Mnln 8L, Phone IT. 27advtl ilA ija r^ ~I ake sale —The WUlard~c&M of the Presbyterian ohureh will hold s bake sale on Friday afternoon, no- ^vember 6. at 2:80 o’okick at the CMneseo Hantwsre eter*. TSedel Bedlly Beqairemeats Our bodily requirements call for very much larger quantities o^air than of food or water. The averege food consumption is three pounds of food per person and water con- sumption four pounds, while the sir we breathe in the course of a day weighs thirty-four pounds. This vast amount bf air we breathe contains much more than the principal con- stituent geees, oxygen and nitrogen. It carries germi, mineral dust, smoke, pollen, organic particlea. NOTI6 E GP MEETINfi TG HEAR CGMPLAINTS NCnCB—That the ssesss ment roll for tbs year 1897 has been filed with the Village derk. at his offioe in the Geneseo Buumng m the Village of Oeneseo, N. T.. where tt may be seen and examined by any penon at aU times during bustoeai hours until tbe third Tuesday of No- vember, 1036, and that on said third Tuewlay of November, ISSS, at the Qeneeeo Building, in said village. during the four cflBseeutlve hours between the hours of one o'clock In the afternoon and five o’clock in the nfternoon, the Board of Trusteea. or a committee of such board, and tbs ------------- fog. the purpose of completing the useamimt roll of hearing end deteimtntng com- plsints in rslstion thereto pursuant to the provisions of Section lOB of the vlllege tow. Dated November Mid. IMS. J. W. H0TCHKI8B, 72adv2 Village Clerk. Where our tears came fram. why cata* een asver leam to read and other odd and latereettog facte i h ^ how our eye* beeame hineaa. to the American Weekly, the tributed with next 8< seter Amerloaa.—Adr. cusanEDAiis for E A L E - - ^ apnlefi |U)0 toueheL ClllmMi I* L s ^ , M»abla FRED B. HBNTY. OoDO- SALE—AntogranW 9ixmt of Mre. Chaatef^ "AutumB to the-Valley.’^ to he puhUriied No- vemtoer S. available if ontored at oooe. at THE NOOK OF BOOKS, U Canter 8L TladvS HOUSE FOR RENT-M^M^ Inquire on prsm- 72advl FOR RENT —Very a t t r a e t l v e apartmenL r n seseelwi BepCember L Inquire of DR. L. V. DUNHAM. Phone ass, Qsnseso,________ BTadvtf FOR RENT—House at 27 Living^ aton BL, with ah modatn improve- msnts. also garage. CUl Oeneaeo lSS-F-21 at noon or evenlnga. 72advS* HOUaS FOR RENT—Ail : Wadswertt street, Bdon at ones, m- of York and 1 mile west of Fowler- vlUe OB Thuredsy, Noventotr 12, s t 10:S 0 o^eloek. four hsceaC B, 7, 8 and 12 yre-. 8 head cattle, fresh Ouemaey heifer, Guernsey heifer due to freriisn. bull calf; farnring tooto^ MeCormiek binder. cuHtvatcr. plow, drag, harrow, tractor, etc.. IS acres whea^ hay. atnsr, toaaa foddar; <*k’.k«m, game, pige; hooaahold fnx^ mture tocJudtng antlquaai 50 acre farm leased to hi^eto hlddsr. Lunch aerved at noon. Itorme, cash to $10; S ma Botae over th a t/ Alfred John- eon. auctioneer. , TSedvl Hart Are **Bottom Priees** PORK U C Shoulders I The Best Meat' Buy of the Week munlty Outfitters Store, Geneseo, Friday afternoon, November 18, at 8 o’clock. 72adv2 FRIED CRICKEN supper AND BAZAAR—At Sparta First Praohy- terian chur^ at Gnnrelaad SUUon, Tuesday, Novsmber 10. Chjldran. 25c; adults, 00c. SSadv4 THAT FAMOUe CHICKEN BUF- PER—WIU bs aerved at Bants Oot^ ners, Bast Oroveland M. B. church. on ■’rUtaiy. Novemlwr 6. beginning at 5:00 o’clock. Tlcksti 60 csntA efiedvS TURKEY tUPPEII—Tbs Woman’s Auxiliary of tbs PreStoytertan ^uirch of Oenseeo w4U serve a turkey din- ner to the church pariers on Wed- needay mgto, November IS. Flru tahU at 5 (/clock, second table st 6 , o’clock and until aU ere eervea Ad- | mission 50 cents. OOadvS LOSfpPTgTJL^ LOOT—On Hallowe’en, a leather buggy cushion. Finder please notify DUNCAH CAMPBELL. 72 e4 »vl* ______ WAMnD ~ WANTED—Stogie man by month on farm. OLIVER CULfiBR' LakevlUo road, Oeneaeo. ' WANTED TO BUY—livingstcn County Atlas and Livingston Coun- ty Histoiy. WrtU 8 . O. BUHANAN, Lakeville. N. Y. 72advl YANTED—Girl to oare for child 8 years old and help with work. MRS. W. B. HASTDiaS. 0 Clark 8 t, ML Morris. 7aadv2* " WANTED—To buy a 80 Ineh bum saw complete with table and motor. Must be In good condition. Write fuM psitlculsrai XTZ. Ltvtogston RepuMican. Oeneeea 72advl WANTED—By a wQ to work at housework c. keeper. Heve a boy 14. inquire at J. DAV1D0ON*8. Beat Avon, N. Y. _________ AUOnOH CATTLE lALE^^Ubnlsy. Kotem* her 9. 1936. 13 o’okwk. ISO heed of cilUs, M l coffi ana ipnafiii ssa spring cows. OOfiead of good Ouern- 1 and Jersey hetfere, aU TB and Jy blood tomtmd. Otmrtm lur- nlshed. Bxoeptiooally high butter taet good producers. Merry Boptt, auctUmeer. J. B. AMCHIR. rriendimip. K. Y. _______ T^vl AUCTION—The Oeneeee itlvw 1 Netionel Bank of Ml. Morrie^ mort- gsgee. Will seU at pubUc auetton at U m Deile P. Long farm, aouthweat of ML Morris on the Nunda road. on Wsdnsadsy. November IL s t one o'clock. IS head cattle inrlurttog H(S- ststo ooera 4 to 8 yre, good nfiaeng bunch. 4 hrifers to freshen soon; farm tools tacludmg Deertng Under, potato digger, eulttoacker, land roll- er, hsmmi, tsrm wagons, cumva- tois. Deoriag mower, wheal rake, Myers hay car, potato digger, hay fork, double work harness, bay rope, many smaU toota, etc. 'Terms made known day of sals. L. R- —ler ' _______ Tladvl AUCTION—Tbs . Osnasse Vai^ Notional Bsnk and TruU Ca, ad- mlUatretor, win aril at puhMo a^ tlon at the aorria farm. aU of Oenasso on Friday, No- vember U. st one (/eloek. B horaea. 2. 10 and U yra, • bead cattle, 4 good Miiktotg Holetatne to ftmban goon. Oueeneey • ^ J « S d « e to HL'iLruSru’ttTS: u d WIM Mill STSd t 4 owe. iwwd e» and biHvmiga- Bveryttitag to be arid to htobaat 1 . Rolfi. and Roast Leg ’0 Lamb \% Swift's brBndBd LEAN LAMS FerPotPiB . Slictd FrBfii ^ JR mr PIGS LIVER . H) * W ® Frtih GroMdi f^mbnrf SbBBk 2 lbe^®® LbBR SliCBd BACON . . F tbs I i OiBirystonB CLAMS . 3dox*>® Smoked H A M S WholaorBalf ' BHirm soesR 1 Poimfl Pure Cbiib ^ ‘Ti’a r S i 10 lbs 47 EGGS Fresh—Grade C doz 3 2 * Salmon Pink—tall can iC Wbentles Cereal. MILK Is tall cam > R&W Brentf FI but ^ 9 9 c Mothers QiicK | m Oits ig • 1 / C PeaiiRt Brntter 2 lb jar . . CompooRd 2. 1lb pigs . dC Dog and Cot Food S a CAR Matches ^ S a* dhojiet . ^IC Crisco Slhcon - NotRral Leaf Green ^ g a Ten 802 . Alt; EARLY RISER .COFFEE Z ib szse CbeeM Vdveeta MiS' DresMag IvailllOB 229' Me PRUNES BBjg New Crop ‘TUi*’** lb 9 ^ NaMonal Apple Week WealtliF app T bo hi Lerff Hetdi letbers Pietd 7V^ Snow While GeliflowBr . . heed 15c . Hebbeid Sqneeh . lb 8c Piwpl« Top T«mipa S Ibe 5c Freek Spineck . . . . pk lOe Cbokint Oniom 10 lbs lOe Held Greet CabbtiE lb 1c FrffikDttffi . . . 8lbs85c Extra Fancy Tender <to^B PEA8 - 5108^9 Sweet Pickle Solkkice Feadiee Cocoa . . 2 |euo 25c . IbSc Ig CAR iSc 2 0-og,tlRt 15c Sliced FIneopple . . car 19c Catnip . . Ig hot 2 for 2 ^ j Ofster Cockers •aataaCtni • Mailt Cacoakit 2eaii25c . cam10c Cadflih ^ . llhhailScI Oramgo Mamalado . . 19c Good'Waro iraosG . oachSSc Red &WhiteFood Stores h:-.m
Page 1: BHirm soesR 10 47from those jokes, foe now the presi dents leave in the winter, January 20, and they no longer march forth on March 4th. You notice we had to use Hoover’s name in

local NOTES^ it’a mil c^er now. Did it iro

HlBltTOU?^ imguHur meeting oi the W. C.

f 0 . win be held mt the home of ‘ Ooit>ett, l> nter etreet.

afternoMi. Novexniber 10, mtl^tlock.

^ Wotnenle Relief OcMpe held m ^ meeting Tueoday night, after

electlwi retiima were recelTed, being present and enjoying

^ refreahmente aenred' toy the(W»Workl'a Temperance Sunday waa

0grnd pretty generally this week.Ileanor Shaw Smith addreaeed

, meeting at the llethodiet church ipjgy evening on the genend topicg temperance.

tiioae who wieh to contribute ^gaed fruit, vegetatolea, jelly or jam n the King’s Daughten Home at fl^ville for Thankagiving are re-

to leave the same a t Mrs. f. A. Holctomb’s on or before No-imber'lS.When they come to you after next

fiiti"^~r you will know aoon liom we mean by “they”), asking ^ to Join the Red Croesi don’t turn

down. Tour dollar will makea member for a year and wiU

gd in the very worthiest caiise in IS world.Pr. C. b. Liehman of the Normal

gerity addreeed the Monroe Coun­ty 8ehooimai|fters*.,C10b' in the Y. M. C. A. building in Rochester last ove- mg; . his topic was “Trenda and cmages in Teacher Training in New Tork State.* If any<me Is quaUlled a talk on that topic it is Dr. Leh- nn.krs. Fred R e h )^ of Mt. Morris

km been appo in ts district deputy piad matron and Wilson S. Beatds-liy Of I uxiOa, ' aedateiit g-zvuid lee-tger of Livingston district, 0. E. S.4 punhy succeeston in tbe case of

ts . Rebban. apparently. Her bus-had was nssistaiit grand lecturernee, only a' few years ago.Avon high pchool Was burglarised

bit Satureby* morning, and tbe tUeves got About $1,000 worth ofHBlcal Instruments, scientific'' andMtlce appatratus and equipment. Tbey gained entrance through the PWA r e s i d e n t engineer’s office, wbere they got a ohair which they md to enter the window of the Miff buUding. State troopers have ka invmkigating.

A Metro-Ooldwyn movie of five ink idiowiag life at the Mascmic

in Htioa and the summereaop at Roufid lake in the Adiron-

Iff xnft|ck& & toui* of tliethe sponsorship of Mas<»ic

lodges. It WW be shown in Oene- so on Thuiisday. December' 8, com- i:g here from Palmyra where* itwtU show on I>ecemt>er 2, and go­

by fn»n here to Batavia on Decem- kr 4.

Livingston county farm buresui ■embers should hold Thursday, No- fanber 10, and attend the annual atebng of tiheir assodation. The aeeting wUl be held in tbe Geneseo Mding and dinner will be served »jr the Gehe^o grange. A noted ipeaker is being secured and an ad- dbknal feature will be awarded to koM who have been members of the hrm bureau for the past 10 years

The 17th- annual meeting of the Nw York State Federation of Home Bureaus will be held November 10, U. 12, at Hotel Onondaga. Syracuse, ilia. John lAvery of Geneseo is the: .=hU d e l e g a t e for Livingston(ouBty. Other memben of the ex-•oittve board planning to attend are Hm. Janet Wabur, 0 sst AvOB. WhO

altemate; Mrs. E. S. Heath, Li-■= a; Mrs. Howard

•»: and Mrs. Lewis Pelton, Dans-«e, and Miss Ethel U Wadsworth, * Uaty agent.Geneseo grange will meet nextaski^y night, Novemlber 10, with

iptcBic oipper at 6:30 o’clock pre- kiteg the meeting. The committee

Of Mrs. R. J. McCaughey, htomian. Mr*. Leo Carey. Mrs. La- ’kla Currie. M ri John Spratt and hi*. John Clarke. Bach member is hpiested to bring enough rolls for

own famllie*. and another dish.®®ce» for the coming year win be’••cted thal night. The attendance

■A startsi with this meeting, and ® BMinbeiw are urged to be present.

The Ladles' L.O.L. win hold th d r^aaHatlon of tuncers Saturday eve-*kg, Novconber 7. The ofBlcefa to ^ hutaned by Grace Meade of ^Wheeter ang her staff are: Worthy

Sarah FauMs; deputy nds- Ena Lynn; chsplaln, Sarah

secretry. Alice Thompson; onr. Anna VhnClse; financial

Agnes Praw; U t cooduc- ^ MUdred Slane; ad oooductress. Jj"* Stewart; 1s t lecturer, Orsce

2d lecturer, Margaret John- ^ inside gUart^ Margaret Oastan;

Ik guard. LavlQia Currie; color k. Ellxbbeth Thompeon; past

Mary .MibCeown; 1st trus- gamh Wade; Id trustee. Madl-

^ HBObughay; pianist, Mary Davis.

The season fCr dudes and raccoons

Caledonia is to have a movie theater, i t opens on November 6.

Basketball s tarts In Geneseo next week when the Niagara Dniversity Sbctenslon team comae here to bat­tle on the Normal court The date wiH be November IS.

Mrs. John Lavery expects to go to Syracuse to attend the sUU farm and home bureau ftederatlon meet­ing on November 10, U , and 12, as a delegate from tbe local chapter.

The flower show to be held in ConvenUon ban. Rochester, for four days starting next Thursday will present^ several beautiful featurea, with hundreds of varieUes of flowers

exhibition. We wlU pubUah anad next week.

t has been suggeated a game Of touch football be arranged to be played Thanksgiving between a town team and the boys who are away at college. Liet’e have the game and let the gate reoeipta, if any, go to the Red Cross or the Christmas seal sale.

Checker .Champion Newell W. Banks wrote to Oeaeeeo last week in regard to coming here for an ex- hUXtioa. but the intareat in tha ai-lent game has pretty much 6 Maw«y in town, and It was a v ld ^ t . that his expense money could not be raised so he will not be engaged. Mr. Banks expects to be In Florida later this year and says that the Hunt-Long match for the world’s championship in the “three movereatricUon” atyla oi checken wUl start in one of the Florida resorts on December 1.

Two old Btand-toye jokee are no longer possible. We refer to: “Why Is Presidait Jloover like a tree?” Ans.—because he leaves in the eprlng. And—“What will PreeidentHoover ao on XCaroti 4tbr** JUim.—He will march forth. The latestamenOment to tbe XJ. s . cooeUtu- tion took the meaning and point from those jokes, foe now the presi­dents leave in the winter, January 20, and they no longer march forth on March 4th. You notice we had to use Hoover’s name in this, hebeing the last president of the March4th inaugural date.

PERSON^ NOTESSeward Gary of New York la

apendlng several day* at the Big Tree Inn.

Miss Aura F. SneU of Bath visited xyver the weekend with Mrs. J. Ed- waixl W ri^ t.

Dr. and Mrs. C. F. Flero and son,Austin, and wife of Batavia, vMted in town on Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Porter R. Chandler have clo*ed their home “Westerly” and.retuijied to New Yorit.city for the winter.

Mrs. James W. Wadsworth I returned to her home in this villageafter viettlng for several weeks Washington. D. C

Capt. and Mrs. Boris Wolkonsky are e n d in g several days at Far- hills. N. J., as guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hutchinson.

Emma McClymoot entertained 18 Of her friends a t a birthday party last Saturday; she became seven years old that day.

Surrogate Judge and Mrs. GeorgeW. Pratt of Coming were dinnerguests Wednesday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Hichard E. Champ.

Mrs. James Colt, Jr., and daugh­ters. who have been guests of Mm. Colt’s father, Hon. Lockwood R. Doty, left last week Wednesday fortheir home in SsnU Baitsra, OaL

Mr. and Mra H. A. Sumvpn of Columbia. S. e.. and llM. LiM Cci* ler of Charleston, 8. C., have re-tumeU boiue mTter a. vlalt in Oen< iw*oat the home of Mr. and Mrs. flam-uri Fraser.

Mr. and Mrs. James O. Mc- <>uighey and daughter, Evelyn, and Mr. and Mrs. Saxn MoCaugliey ofSouth Uma visited list week with Mr. and Mis. WUllam CampbeU at Yoadon, Pa.

Miss Henrietta Chapman is enter­taining at a bridge lunoheon Satur­day In honor of Miss Evelyn Wilder of - Cameron whoso engagement to Samuel Bennett of tin# village has

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McArthur hsd•a weekend gueets three men from Williamsport, Pa., Gsoegs H. Parke, Jr., a brother-ln-lww of Mr*. Mc­Arthur; W. C. Everett, her uncle; and J. B. Dockery.

Principal R. D. Richardson of the Perry high school was a vWtor In Qaneseo last Saturday. Mr. Rich- g r laon reports Perry as an Ids^ place for a school man to bs lo c ^ with an exceUent town, streng schoolgad fine cooditJoiia to ^r^Mt year and for several year* be­fore that he was principal a t Q r e ^ yUle and made a good rsootri.


jjiqrii LnOiorgia w*. ML Morris, fL


A&X TOUS PUMPim rPIES psizi wnnfXBST HKEX’S t o u e o h a k o x

HousetWlvea of this vlelaity are asked to enter, a pumpkin pie bak­ing contest to be conducted by the Moose Aid League, tbe charitable unit of Rochester Lodge of Moosc, The contest is conducted la connec- Ooo with a bam daaos and stage

V to be held la Convention '*'**“ kagtvlag eve, proceeds of

which are to be devoted to the pur- chase of Christmas baskets for ds- •«rr\ng needy people.

As judges, a committee eompooed oP men and women prominent la field of home economics has been e le c t^ Each contestant wtU be re­quired to f u r e ^ the committee with a recipe giving the exact amount of each ingredient used m her pie. AU pies entered wiU be sold at the barn dance and the proceeds tuned into the charity fund, smtrlee will close

i Wednesday, Noveibber 30, atMXLSultahle prises and certillcatss, at-

testhig their champlonahlp pie bak­ing quaUUes. are offered the win­ners. Those interested can secure entry blanks and further informationby iddremng Charlss R Tutty, Sr..Moose Temple. 441 East Ave.. Roch­ester.


Allen J. Wallace 1^ Exr. to Lady Barrymore toy TrsL. Geneseo. $1.

Floyd M. VanBuskirk st al toCharles wf, Orevelaad,11,000. >

doorgo D. Nelson et al to d a r -ence R. Chase, Nunda, |1.

Frances Doyle and ano to James P. Doyle, Nunda, |L

Bank of Lima in Liquidation .etc. to Belle L. Peck et al. i -»"«*. $1.

T. Jeffersop PoweS EsL to Leon Oennes, Portage, |1.

Silk Co., Inc. to Jmmn. F.Huguet, et al (4 parcels), Nunda,

jOB P. Huget St tl to CtnljtsoSilk Corporation (4 parcele), Nunda,

NoriMrt C. Bhnn wf to Albert E. Matooey and ano. Dansvllle, | l .

Mary McNair to Lillian B.' Ore- burn, LelceMer, | l .

Edith M. Damon to Danlal- R. Da­mon. Uvoola, |i .

Stella E. Benner to Carl Yorks, Uvonia, $1.

James Dromasos - to Steve Dro- mazoe, Dansvllle, $1.

Vivian Wllsoa to Ray C. Barker,N. DehevUle. $200.

Miry M. Jeoss to Jtm si H. Jeoss,Livonia. $1.

Frank H. Clark to WUbur C. Ml- nard wf. Avon, |1A00.

Fiancki C. Huff by Sherlir to Hugh M. Slawsoo, Sprtofwater, $70.

John T. Delsiiey wf to Mary B.Delaney et al, Atob, |000.

'TlKKnan Rosa to Ethel R. Butteraano.. Livcnii, |1.

Louie K. Rudgere wf to Mark C. Calktoi wf, Leioester, I814A0.

William C. Saunders wf to AlfredL. Backer wf, Oonesus; |L

Janet W. Clark to Lewis Tripp.Avon, )1.

P. R. A C. Realty Corporation to Grace C Watson,. Livoola, $1.

Mary T. S n a ^ to Ociinide F. 8nMM>D» Oal#dociia. Sla

<Srte M. Nixon to Mabel A. Rob­inson. Sprlngwater, $1.

County of Uvtogeton to Earl H. Parmelee wf. ML Morris, |900.

quire of W. R. BALDING or at ttos office. Tkidvl

FOR RENT—“O ^ WHS S o wind.* the most popolir novel of the time* You may get a copy any Urns without waiting from THE NOOK OP BOOKS. 11 Center 8L.

meeeo. N. Y. 72adv3FOR RENT—Beautiful apartmeSi

lower floor, private entraaoe, finestlocafkn including heat, hot water,end light. Inquire of E. BRUCETOUNG8, Real EstmU Broker^^G^

FOR RENT—Two nioely well fur^ ■bed bedrooms, ahower bath In

nsfw modem home. All oonvenknoes. No objection to one child. AH home privileges. Very reasonable. 40 Court 8L Also furnished apari-

mL _________________SSadvtfFOR R E N T -^ beaotlful unfur^

ntahed steam heated apartment justdeeoratad; conslettoig of ttvlngroeas. betooom, kitchanette, and hath. Hot and oold water and janitor servlea OCD TAVXZIN APAR’llfENT, SO Mnln 8L, Phone IT. 27advtl

i l A i j a r ^~ I a k e s a l e —The WUlard~c&M of the Presbyterian ohureh will hold s bake sale on Friday afternoon, no-

^vember 6. at 2:80 o’okick at theCMneseo Hantwsre eter*. TSedel

Bedlly BeqairemeatsOur bodily requirements call for

very much larger quantities o ^a ir than of food or water. The averegefood consumption is three poundsof food per person and water con­sumption four pounds, while the sir we breathe in the course of a day weighs thirty-four pounds. This vast amount bf air we breathe contains much more than the principal con­stituent geees, oxygen and nitrogen.It carries germi, mineral dust,smoke, pollen, organic particlea.


NCnCB—That the ssesssment roll for tbs year 1897 has been filed with the Village derk . at his offioe in the Geneseo Buumng m the Village of Oeneseo, N. T.. where tt may be seen and examined by anypenon at aU times during bustoeaihours until tbe third Tuesday of No­vember, 1036, and that on said third Tuewlay of November, ISSS, at theQeneeeo Building, in said village.during the four cflBseeutlve hours between the hours of one o'clock Inthe afternoon and five o’clock in the nfternoon, the Board of Trusteea. or a committee of such board, and tbs -------------fog. the purposeof completing the useamimt roll

of hearing end deteimtntng com-plsints in rslstion thereto pursuantto the provisions of Section lOB ofthe vlllege tow.

Dated November Mid. IMS.J. W. H0TCHKI8B,

72adv2 Village Clerk.

Where our tears came fram. why cata* een asver leam to read and other odd and latereettog facte i h ^ how our eye* beeame hineaa. to the American Weekly, the tributed with next 8< seter Amerloaa.—Adr.

cusanE D A iis

f o r E A L E - -^ apnlefi |U )0 toueheL C ll lm M i

I* L s ^ ,


SALE—A ntogranW 9ixmt of Mre. Chaatef^ "AutumB

to the-Valley.’ to he puhUriied No- vemtoer S. available if ontored at oooe. at THE NOOK OF BOOKS, U Canter 8L TladvS

HOUSE FOR R E N T - M ^ M ^ Inquire on prsm-

72advlFO R R E N T—Very a t t r a e t l v e

apartmenL rn seseelwi BepCember L Inquire of DR. L. V. DUNHAM.Phone ass, Qsnseso,________ BTadvtf

FOR R E N T —House a t 27 Living^ aton BL, with ah modatn improve- msnts. also garage. CUl Oeneaeo lSS-F-21 a t noon o r evenlnga.

72advS*H O U aS FOR R E N T —A il :

Wadswertt street, Bdon at ones, m-

of York and 1 mile west of Fowler-vlUe OB Thuredsy, Noventotr 12, s t10:S0 o^eloek. four hsceaC B, 7, 8 and 12 yre-. 8 head cattle, fresh Ouemaey heifer, Guernsey heifer due to freriisn. bull calf; farnring tooto^ MeCormiek binder. cuHtvatcr. plow, drag, harrow, tractor, etc.. IS acres whea^ hay. a tnsr, toaaa foddar;<*k’.k«m, game, pige; hooaahold fnx mture tocJudtng antlquaai 50 acre farm leased to h i^e to hlddsr. Lunch aerved a t noon. Itorme, cash to $10; S m a Botae over th a t / Alfred John- eon. auctioneer. , TSedvl

H artA re **Bottom Priees**

P O R K U CS h o u ld e r s I

The Best Meat' Buy of the Week

munlty Outfitters Store, Geneseo, Friday afternoon, November 18, at 8 o’clock. 72adv2

FRIED CRICKEN s u p p e r AND BAZAAR—At Sparta First Praohy- terian ch u r^ at Gnnrelaad SUUon, Tuesday, Novsmber 10. Chjldran. 25c; adults, 00c. SSadv4

THAT FAMOUe CHICKEN BUF- PER—WIU bs aerved at Bants Oot ners, Bast Oroveland M. B. church.on ■’rUtaiy. Novemlwr 6. beginningat 5:00 o’clock. Tlcksti 60 csntA

efiedvSTURKEY tUPPEII—Tbs Woman’s

Auxiliary of tbs PreStoytertan ^uirch of Oenseeo w4U serve a turkey din­ner to the church pariers on Wed- needay mgto, November IS. F lru tahU at 5 (/clock, second table s t 6 , o’clock and until aU ere eervea Ad- | mission 50 cents. OOadvS

L O S f p P T g T J L ^LOOT—On Hallowe’en, a leather

buggy cushion. Finder please notifyDUNCAH CAMPBELL. 72e4»vl*

______ W A M n D ~WANTED—Stogie man by month

on farm. OLIVER CULfiBR' LakevlUo road, Oeneaeo. '

WANTED TO BUY—livingstcn County Atlas and Livingston Coun­ty Histoiy. WrtU 8. O. BUHANAN, Lakeville. N. Y. 72advl

YANTED—Girl to oare for child 8 y e a rs old a n d help w ith work. MRS. W. B. HASTDiaS. 0 Clark 8 t, ML Morris. 7aadv2* " W A N TED — T o b u y a 80 Ineh b u msaw complete with table and motor.Must be In good condition. Write fuM psitlculsrai XTZ. Ltvtogston RepuMican. Oeneeea 72advl

WANTED—By a wQ to work at housework c. keeper. Heve a boy 14. inquire at J. DAV1D0ON*8. Beat Avon, N. Y.

_________ AUOnOHCATTLE lALE^^Ubnlsy. Kotem*

her 9. 1936. 13 o’okwk. ISO heed ofcilUs, M l coffi ana ip n a fiii ssaspring cows. OO fiead of good Ouern- 1

and Jersey hetfere, aU TB andJy blood tomtmd. Otmrtm lur-

nlshed. Bxoeptiooally high buttertaet good producers. MerryBoptt, auctUmeer. J. B. AMCHIR.rriendimip. K. Y. _______ T ^ v l

AUCTION—The Oeneeee itlvw 1Netionel Bank of Ml. Morrie mort-gsgee. Will seU at pubUc auetton atUm Deile P. Long farm, aouthweat of ML Morris on the Nunda road.on Wsdnsadsy. November IL st one o'clock. IS head cattle inrlurttog H(S- ststo ooera 4 to 8 yre, good nfiaeng bunch. 4 hrifers to freshen soon; farm tools tacludmg Deertng Under, potato digger, eulttoacker, land roll­er, hsmmi, tsrm wagons, cumva-tois. Deoriag mower, wheal rake, Myers hay car, potato digger, hay fork, double work harness, bay rope, many smaU toota, etc. 'Terms made known day of sals. L. R-

— ler ' _______ TladvlAUCTION—Tbs . Osnasse V a i^

Notional Bsnk and TruU Ca, ad- mlUatretor, win aril at puhMo a ^ tlon at the aorria farm. aU

of Oenasso on Friday, No­vember U. s t one (/eloek. B horaea.2. 10 and U yra, • bead cattle, 4 good Miiktotg Holetatne to ftmban goon. Oueeneey • ^ J « S d « e to

H L 'iL ru S ru ’t tT S :u d WIM Mill

S T S d t 4 o w e . iw w d e »and biHvmiga- Bveryttitag to bearid to htobaat 1

. Rolfi. and

RoastLeg ’0 Lamb

\ %Swift's brBndBd

L E A N L A M SFerPotPiB .

S lic td FrBfii ^ J R m rPIG S LIVER . H) * W ®

F rtih G roM dif^mbnrf SbBBk 2 l b e ^ ® ®LbBR SliCBdB A C O N . .

FtbsIi OiBirystonB C L A M S . 3 d o x * > ®

SmokedH A M S

W holaorB alf '

BHirm soesR1 Poimfl P u re Cbiib ^

‘Ti’a r S i 10 lbs 47EGGS

Fresh—Grade C

doz 3 2 * ’

Salm onPink—tall can

i C

W bentlesCereal.

M I L K Is ta l l c a m >

R & WBrentf FIbut

^ ™ 9 9 cMothers QiicK | m Oits ig • 1 / CPeaiiRt Brntter

2 lb ja r . .CompooRd2. 1 lb pigs . dC Dog and Cot Food S a


Matches ^ S a*dhojiet . ^ I C

CriscoS l h c o n • -

NotRral Leaf Green ^ g a Ten 8 0 2 . A l t ;


Z i b s z s e

C b e e MVdveeta


229'M e PRUNES BBjg

New Crop ‘TUi*’** lb 9 ^

NaM onal A pple W eek W ealtliFa p p T b o hi

L e rff H e td i le tb e r s • • P ie td 7 V ^Snow W hile G eliflow B r . . h eed 1 5c

. H eb b e id Sqneeh . lb 8cPiwpl« T op T«mipa S Ibe 5cFreek Spineck . . . .p k lO e C b o k in t O n io m 1 0 lbs lO eH eld G r e e t C a b b t iE lb 1cF rffikD ttffi . . . 8 l b s 8 5 c

Extra Fancy Tender < to ^ BP E A 8 - 5 1 0 8 ^ 9

S w e e t P i c k l e

S o l k k i c e

Feadiee C o c o a

. . 2 |e u o 2 5 c

. I b S c

I g CAR iS c

2 0 - o g , t lR t 15c

Sliced FIneopple . . car 19c Catnip . . Ig hot 2 for 2 ^ j


•aa taaC tn i • Mailt Cacoakit

2eaii25c. cam 10c

Cadflih ^ . l lh h a ilS c IOramgo Mamalado . . 19c Good'Waro iraosG . oachSSc

Red &WhiteFood Stores h:-.m
