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BHU PET 2012 M.F.a. Textile Design

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  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2012 M.F.a. Textile Design


    Set No.1 Question Booklet No. 00060

    12P/258/2To be filled up by the candidate by bluelbltlck ball-point pen)

    Roll No1L -- ---- -----1...---L---L--LI JRoll No. Write the digits in words) ............................................................................................... .

    Serial No. of Answer Sheet ............................. .............. . .........................................DII) aDd Date ................................................................... Signature of IDvigilator )


    Use only bluelblack ball-point pen in the space above and on both sides of the. Answer Sheet)1. Within 10 minutes of he issue of he Question Rooklet, check the Question BOoklet to ensure that itcontains all the pages in correct sequence and that no page/question is missing. In case of faultyQuestion Booklet bring it to the notice of he Superintendentllnvigilators fmmediately to obtain afresh Question Booklet.

    2. Do not brihg any loose paper. written or blank, inside the Examination Hall except IheAdmit Cardwithom its envelope.

    3. A separate Answer Sheet is given. i t j'hould nol be folded or mutilated A second Answer Sheetshall not be provided. Only the A.nswer Sheet will be evaluated.

    4. Write your Roll Number and Serial Number of he Answer Sheet hy pen in the space prvided ahove.5. On the/ront page oflhe Answer Sheel, wr.ite by pen your Roll Number in the space provided at

    the top and by darken ing tl,e circles at the bottom. Also, wherever applicable, write the Quel'itionBooklet Number and the Set Number in appropriate places.

    6. No overwriting Is allowed in the entries o f Roll No., Question Booklet no. and Sel no. (if IIny)on OMR sheet anti RiJII No. and OMR ,fhet't no. on the Queston Booklet.

    1 Any change in t h ~aforesaid entries is 10 be verified by Ihe iRvigiialor, otherwise il wil/ be t a b nas ,.,,",a"means,

    I . Each qUf :iIiOfi i l l /h is Booklet is/aI/owed by f(Jur alternative answers, For each que,'flion. y )Uare 10 record Ilu i:Ofn::..:; , lp lWII 11 the , u w ~ rSheet by darkening the appropriate i ~ / ein Ihecorrespo1tding row u/ lne .tn.\'w,"r Sheet, by pe .tS mentioned in the guidelines given on thef int page o f he Am wer Sheet.

    9. For each question, darken only one circle on the Answer Sheet. If you darken more than one circleor darken a circle partially, the answer will he treated as incorrect.

    10. Note that the answer once filled in ink cannot be changed. l jyou do not wish to attempt ~questiun, ietlw ail/lie cirdes in the corrcsponding row blank. (such queMion will be awardedzero murks).

    11. Fur rough work, lise the inner back page of the title cover and the blank page at the end of thisBooklet.

    11. Deposit oniy OMR Answer Slleet at the end of the Test.13. You are nol p n n i u ~ dto leave the Examination Hall until the end of the Test.I4.l facandidate attempts to use any fonn of unfair means. he/she shall be liable to such punishment as

    the University may dett:rm,ne itod impose (In himlher.

    Total No. of Printed Pages: 16 [0 1'fr0 R if3/f frlr ra- I< '11fIg

    AglaSem Admission

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2012 M.F.a. Textile Design


    1 2 P 2 5 8 2


    UIr q;l f

    AglaSem Admission

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2012 M.F.a. Textile Design


    Time : 60 Mlnut~ : 6 fiR?

    12P /258 /2No. o f QuestioGs : s

    m"Q>'t.tlJllT : sFul l M a r k s : 1 5

    N : 1 5

    lIIote: (1) Attempt as many questions as you can. Each question carries 3(Three) marks. One mark will e deducted/or e ch Incorrec:tanswer Zero mark will be awarded for each unattemptedquestion

    3 1 f > m f ~w-it q;J W' m ""W'I < itl w- 3 R l llli m,

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2012 M.F.a. Textile Design


    12P/258 /2


  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2012 M.F.a. Textile Design


    12P/258 /2

    06. Archaeological finds on the walls of early primitive homes have revealed drawings and designs of :(1) Buildings (2) Geometrical Patterns(3) Animals and birds (4) Plants Grass

    ~ 1

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2012 M.F.a. Textile Design


    12P/258 /2

    10. Which is the cool colour?(1) Orange (2) Red (3) Black (4) Blue

    ft 0 $ ' l?T i'T ~ m ?

    ( 1 1Jtlfi (2) < 1m (3) l?Tffi (4) ;fu;rr

    11 To make brown we mix :

    (1) Mauve + Red

    (3) Blue + Red

    1) .ncr + < 1m

    (3) ;fu;rr + < 1m

    12 Naphthol dyes are also known as :

    (2) Orange + Blue(4) Red + Green

    (2) 11< fi + ;fu;rr

    (4) < 1m + In

    (1) Azoic Dyes (2) Vat Dyes

    (3) Sulphure Dyes (4) Disperse Dyes

    (1) ((on. ,(3) f l i

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2012 M.F.a. Textile Design


    1 2 P / 2 5 8 / 2

    14 The beginning of Greek art i s considered around

    JlT'li "Ii

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2012 M.F.a. Textile Design


    1 2 P / 2 5 8 / 2

    18 The Natural dyes are used on ......... .(1) Synthetics Fibers (2) Artificial Fib .-s(3) Man made Fibers (4) Natural Fibers

    I1'eRl'll f>lffi; Il'1' (2) Il'1'(3) ;;1

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2012 M.F.a. Textile Design


    1 2 P / 2 5 8 / 2

    22. Disperse dyes were developed originally for dyeing which fibers 7:(1) Cotton and linen fibers (2) Rayon fibers(3) Acetate fibers (4) Wool fibers

    two f'l;;f ~ i ' t~ "I"'Il'Q; '11:(1) 't:fl3) l ( ~ ~ i 't:fl

    ?2) \tllR 't:fl

    (4) ~

    23. The first synthetic iridigo was a ......... .(1) Disperse Dyes (2) Azoic Dyes(3) Vat y ~ (4) Sulphur Dyes

    ............... f t r ~ ~ f i l ' i ' 1'IT I(1) t wo s r 2) r r . c M : m I " " ~ " ' hs ri 31 s r (4) ~ ( i q ) {s r

    M be vat dayes got their name from ......... .... of indigo in vat.(1) Fermenti:og (2) Steaming(3) Boiling (4) Oxidizing

    'iii" "IT' ~ f i l $.jj 'lit ............. ~ WIT 'T'IT i 1H) , ; f t . ;JO IT 2) 'lIQ'11(3) 3 t' 11 (4) 0 l 1 1 f i ' f l : 1 ~ \ l $ ' 1m ~ l < '1

    25. Metallic colours have no affmity for the fiber and are applied andheld to the fabric with :(1) Galantine(3) Steaming

    (2) Resins(4) Starches


  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2012 M.F.a. Textile Design


    1 2 P / 2 5 8 / 2

    26 Binder and Fixer are used in which type of Printing?(1) Tie & Dye (2) Batik Printing(3) Block Printing (4) Risist Printing

    l 1 ~ o 5< -ah j q;2ffi < f

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2012 M.F.a. Textile Design



    30 What type of Saris is Baluchar ?

    (1) Printed(3) Painted

    I'm: ' it m .\ft~ ?(I) gI'm: 'liT

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2012 M.F.a. Textile Design


    1 2 P / 2 5 8 / 2

    34 In which state do the women do Madhubani ?

    (1) Maharastra (2) Himachal Pradesh(3) Bihar (4) Punjab

    ror if I ~ < ' I I < i ~ ?(1) ' ' ' ' ~ ' ' ' 5 < (2) ~ I I < I < ' I~ ~(3) (4) nr

    35 What shapes are generally used in Aripana :


    (1) Triangular (2) Rectangular (3) Squre

    ~ 1 I 1 1 C 1 : WnR if ...ret ~ ?(1) f,lj'll\aft l (2)

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2012 M.F.a. Textile Design


    12P/258 / : l

    f.r9 if ft ,,

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2012 M.F.a. Textile Design


    1 2 P / 2 5 8 / 2

    4 3 The MughaJ period when the designs on Textiles flourished was :1) 10' to 12' Century 2) 10' to 14' Century3) 16' to 17' Century 4) 19' to 20'h Century

    ' f iR ' [ ;;rm

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2012 M.F.a. Textile Design


    1 2 P / 2 5 8 / 2

    4 7 Chinnar Leaf motif is made on . . . . . . . . . . . .

    (1) Tanchoi Saris 2) Pashmina Shawls

    3) Patola Saris 4) Kullu Shawls

    1 , q (tfi4 'Of ii>i1Tfre 'q;:h . .. . IT "I 11 11 ;;mrr 1(1) tI...n;{ (2) 'llIqj'1l(3) q< l

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2012 M.F.a. Textile Design


    3 1 \ 4 ~ . i fi t f;rQ:f . t ~ 1( F Sfi:ililil i ; 1l f I l ( 3TT>W1T I f f _ awf I1lf i ; 1Il:ffi"10 I f f

    inrl'T ;fk;f/ "ISTI'fI.m iR11

    it ffflJ)10 lIT- ~ r ~ q ; 1fi:roA~ 10 fiR< ~ ~ tt ;;I flI; lIT-I'I1f if '1 3 ~ ~ am

    lIT- 'tGl 'littl ~ ~ q ; 1 'IJit 0If.r' l \ 'i"l'IT q ; l l J - ~

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2012 M.F.a. Textile Design


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