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BHUSHAN STEELLIMITED Relations pdf/Notice/06.07.2018... · E-Mail: [email protected] For...

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BHUSHAN STEEL LIMITED BHUSHAN SSLICS/SE18 July 06,2018 Corporate Office: Bhushan Centre, Hyatt Regency Complex, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi -110066 Tel.: 91-11-71194000 Fax: 91-11-46518611 The Secretary Listing Department SSE Limited, PhirozeJeeJeeShoy Towers, Dalal Street, Mumbai - 400001 Maharashtra, India Scrip code: 500055 The Secretary Listing Department National Stock Exchange of India Limited, "Exchange Plaza", 5th Floor,Plot No. C/1, G- Siock, Sandra - Kurla Complex, Sandra (E), Mumbai-400051, Maharashtra, India Scrip code: SHUSANSTL SUB.: Submission of Notice Published for attention of Equity Shareholders of the Company in respect of transfer of Equity Shares to Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (IEPFA). Dear Sir, As per Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we hereby enclose copies of the notice issued for the attention of the equity shareholders of the Company in respect of transfer of equity shares of the Company to Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (IEPFA), published on July 05, 2018 in the following newspapers in accordance with the requirements of Section 124(6) of Companies Act, 2013 read with Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (IEPFA) (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016 : (1) Business Standard, Delhi in English (2) Business Standard, Delhi in Hindi Thanking You, ~. (O.P. DAVRA) COMPANY SECRETARY Encl. : As above. Registered Office: Bhushan Centre, Ground Floor, Hyatt Regency Complex, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi -110066 INDIA Tel. : 91-11-39194000 Fax: 91-11- 26478750 Email : [email protected] Website: www.bhushansteel.com CIN: L74899DL1983PLC014942


SSLICS/SE18July 06,2018

Corporate Office:Bhushan Centre, Hyatt Regency Complex,Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi -110066

Tel.: 91-11-71194000 Fax: 91-11-46518611

The SecretaryListing DepartmentSSE Limited,PhirozeJeeJeeShoy Towers,Dalal Street, Mumbai - 400001Maharashtra, IndiaScrip code: 500055

The SecretaryListing DepartmentNational Stock Exchange of India Limited,"Exchange Plaza", 5th Floor,Plot No. C/1, G-Siock, Sandra - Kurla Complex, Sandra (E),Mumbai-400051, Maharashtra, IndiaScrip code: SHUSANSTL

SUB.: Submission of Notice Published for attention of Equity Shareholders of theCompany in respect of transfer of Equity Shares to Investor Education andProtection Fund Authority (IEPFA).

Dear Sir,

As per Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,2015, we hereby enclose copies of the notice issued for the attention of the equityshareholders of the Company in respect of transfer of equity shares of the Company to InvestorEducation and Protection Fund Authority (IEPFA), published on July 05, 2018 in the followingnewspapers in accordance with the requirements of Section 124(6) of Companies Act, 2013read with Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (IEPFA) (Accounting, Audit,Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016 :

(1) Business Standard, Delhi in English

(2) Business Standard, Delhi in Hindi

Thanking You,


Encl. : As above.

Registered Office: Bhushan Centre, Ground Floor, Hyatt Regency Complex, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi -110066 INDIA

Tel. : 91-11-39194000 Fax: 91-11- 26478750 Email : [email protected] Website: www.bhushansteel.com CIN: L74899DL1983PLC014942

B EW DE I I ,..RSOA , 5 J Y 20 8

Any parson who 8CquJI1ISShallls and become a member of the company alterdISpatch 01 AGM noIl<:V and hokflllg shares as on the CIJt-i)ff dale ie Saturday,July 71. 2018, may obta,n user 10 and passwanl by sendino request 81evutlllg@ucom. HOW8IIIIr, d person is already regIStered on NSOl e-vuIo1Oplatform then. he 'she e!lll use hls'beI exlS121guser 10and password.In case of any quenes IlIniMll1C8S refating remota •••.GlIIIIt Ianters rr~ rei!! tothe Frequon1Iy Asked OlH!stioll$ (FAOsI and e-'IOtJng user menuoI wJOiIbIe ~www.evollng.nsdIcom or call at tol free oombef 1800-222-990 or ,..., contactMs Pal ••• M""tI1I, (AssIstant Managerl, NSOl. A Root, 'A ~ Trade ~Kamala M,as Cornpouod. SenaPatJ BallI! Marg. lower PtnI, ~OO 013Email:[email protected] Members lItIendIng!he meetmg. who have not cast ~~ vole tlvougn R!I1IOI2.\IIlIltIo shaI be eble 10 YOt8 at AGM by poJ\.baIiot papetS The Members who havecast their VOl! by 11!1IIO!ee-votlng poor to !he AGM IT1IIY also attend the AGM butshallnot be entItled to east IIIe1rvote agaUlMembers enIJlled to attand and VOIsat the mcetulQ. may vole In person at by peg""ltIuoogh atllhorized repteWlratilie. ptUVlded that aD proxies in the prescribedformIlI!Jtho<h:abun duly signed by the person entitled to attend and VOlt 11 !hemeeIlI1g aIll deposrteJ! at !he Registered Office of the Company. not ialBr than411 hours beIol1l!he meenngAs lIIfotmed ear\Je~ the RaotStar of Members and the Shall! Tnmmr BockS rema,nedciosedkomSaIUlday. Juoe23, 2018 to TOOrsday, Jo..rte 28, 20181bolh daystnC~lII)( the purpose of Annual GentnI Meetlng (AGM, and dect.mrnon of final equ,tydiVIdend 1\ iscianf,ed lhatsubf1lC\ to appruval 01Member5 at tneensu'ng AGM. final8QU1t'( di.1de/ld w,n be paid to those Members whose names ajlpeat$ '" the Regl$1t!<of Mermen oIlhe Company at the dOSIllO hours 01Fnday, June 22. 20 18

For JayantAg,..,.Organics UmitedDlnesh Kapadia

Company Secretary

SHUSHAN STEEL LIMITEDReg<! Office BIlushan Ce<1tre Hyat: Regency Compie.

- 8nlkall Cama Place Ne'•• Delhi-110061lPHONE: 91·11- 711g.1ooo FAX: 9 .11-16518611,

E-malllo;[email protected]:\tNM.bIILlshlII!slee·.com;CIN l748990L 1983PlCl)14942

NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERSTransf.r of Equity Shares to Invastor Education and Protection

Fund Authority CIEPFA)thIS NoUceISpUlI,shed pulSllanUoSectlofl124(61 oflheCompantflSAd. 2013 read,..u,InwslDr Edu<:atJon ar~ PTolf!ClOl1Fund AulJ10nty (AccounI1ng. Audit. Transfer andRe~JI1d) Rules. 20 16 ('It1e Rules 1 noofied by \he M'<!1Isbyof Co~ AIfaJrs etredivefrom September 7. 2016 ame<lded lllda's.The Rlst<!s.amongst piner mataIS COI1!an ~ for ':ans!9r 0/211~"3rH in mpecIcf whJdl d ,td6nd nas nol tIeeI\ ilitC! ordatmeO Dy the ~ for seven CIlnS8C1.I1M!yeaI'.i or more 'n !he dEmat 3tt1lUni a! L'1'>~ EducatlGn and f'nlIecI;on F\Jl1dAlJlhonty(IEPFAIAdherlng to 1M vallC reqIJ:.'I!!r<!r.t se1 QIj: ill \he Rules tne ~ ".astomrn~llcated no·vtaua' ltotheooncemea ~ h!>o5eSl'tllresare 'elDboIrans1elred to ,EPFA.sncer thesald R fortao.rtg appcopnateatllOJ\isl. ThenAldeta.ls01such sIla~ and SMresdua fer transfor _. bee<!uploaded "" N _;.e of!he Company l.e VIVo'''' bhushansleet.com The concerned shatelloldets all! thusIV<IlJI!S/Bdto dalIlIlfle unclaimed dtvldend on or befonl 0cInber 3. 2018 or such otherdala as may be eldellded. olf1elW,se Ine sharessha!l be transferred ro fEPFAThe Concerned sl\arelloldels hoiding Shares Hl physca farr. and whose shares l1l1IIiallIe III be lransrerred 10IEPFAmay note that It'e CompanywO<Jld be ssuing ~ snarecertJfIcalasIn 1<elIofll1e original share certificates hood by lite c:oncemed sharefloOders for!he purpose o[transfer 01shares 10rEPFAss penile RUleS Thereafter !he onglOal sharecerI1ficates SI1aIISland aulllmatcally cancelied and deemed non.negollableShareltokfers may note that boChlhe uncIalmed dMdend and the shares uansferred 10IEPFA IncIucIJngall cene* aarung on such 5/lares ~ ill)' can ce Claimed bade by themfIorn IEPFAal'.erfoliawlng the pnx:edIJte prescnbedbytne RulesFurlh<'r In orde! to da,m !he uncIa.med dNtdena lyingwnl! tne Company. p~se send usa wntloo appIicalIon alongMth COllYof PAN Card and the onginaf un-encashed Oivtdendwarrant or a duly filled in Letterof Jndert.aioog aV8JlabIeOIlour websde 10the ~nyorIII 1I'eRegIStrar and Share Trar-sfer Agent ('RTA') The saldappicaltCll1 $11OU,ejreach theRTAonl)(beforeOciober32016In case thashare/lolders~ave anyqueneson the SUOjec:lmaner and theRu\es. thaymayCOI1ladthe Company s Reg'S1r.I< and ShaI1l Tnwfer Agent (RTA) and I Of tne Companyat bOOwmenllOned address

Mil RCIIC Shire RegIstry Pot. ltd,8-25.1 FII'SI Poor, Oithla InduslnaiAraaPhase·H, New Delh~II0020.Ph: 011·26387320,21 fu.: 011·26387322EmlB.; k1'lesfOrser.lC8S@Itmcde'.hicom

Mi$ Shushan StHIllmitedRegd. OffIce; Shushan Ce<1:re.Ground Floor. Hyatt RegencyComplex.13h'kaj: Cama Place. ;;.,., Oelflj.l10066Phone.: 91-11-39194000E-Mail: [email protected]

For Bhushan Steel Umtt.dSdi·

O,P.OmJVIce />re$Jdenl/CorporIr.Alfllrs)

& Company SecI1!latyPlace NetY DelhiDate. July 4 2018

only shall be entitled 10 avail !he facility of remo!AGM II1rough polling paper

The facfl!ly for vallng through pollino paper sha;~GM venue to those Membels who have not ca.:votng and are pres"n! at !he AGM The Membet1I'.etr¥Ote by remote e-vallng poor to the AGM, n

; SI1a' flOI lle eml!!ed to vote again atquerie& gnevances relating to voting byI Members. 'Beneficial owners may refer the Fret("FAQs'j and e-voting manual available at uncle:email to helpdesk.evoting@Cdslindiacom or cSingn. Company Secretary at Registeredsllambllusrngh@jkcement comoral0512 671Pursuant to Secllon 91 01 t/1e Companies Ad.Members. and Share Transfer Register of the Cor.from Thursday tile 19" July 2018 to Saturdayinclusive) fortlle purpose of AGM and payment 0AGM Moreover the Dividend Warrant of 2017-2(physically by post on Tuesday tile I August201

Place . KanpurDate : 51h July, 2018 Ass VICe President {~



NonCE is hereby gIVenn!J}ard'ng 'he foIlnwmg dddttJonal dJSdosuras !11ai' $CI>emesor os!' BiackRI"r;ua .' SEBI C,rruIa! no SEll HOJWOl1JF2JCIR.P'20 I&'92cat..a June 5 2015 on GJ Green nI. OI$Qosurt! of Nel Asset Vilua (NAY) and sale I repUrd1a5e price

1 LaleSl ;;, ••1abiolNAVs SIlaiI be .,aAabfe ID urutrlOi<lers II1rot.ogI1SIlort Messas,r.g ServICe SMS"1l!I;~0$: 011!hs regard Rele' re;O!Vant discIos;,res mer.»>ed in Ire Sta'oll11lll1t of Aad,lIonaa1 .eD5J~ cf DSP Sia' Rock 'r.estment ~\a"agers PI'Vat8 U"..ite<I rAMq, e AWVidspb1ilOl°'OVlslcn pe!ta!""!: 10Ptobiic:abon cf /""\5 IIIrewspapers s'1aU oe jek:~

3 humencal exampfe on C<iiCllia'UlQsa!ectawt'!:/1.JSe rs .'1i-lat1e OIIAAlC "''&llS;\S 2'ld "tile Schar(,5,0, of all SC-"E~ of :ne Fund

Annual Report:

case of ;;ndhoIoors :ose e-ma !ddr!!$5eS are ava.~tle., I!Ie FJ.!'c 1.-. amua r= cas the CiIS8ma, be WQJId r:dt ee -.t by "" emaiI and no pt:)'Slta woe; would be mati!ld 10

~.ow&\", tnosaun.il'tOIders••ho ' •••shlDn;c." "'pt.YSlca::opoaoo/II'IAarmual "'<lOtt'aoridge<l1Ihelr reglSt1a~on of e-mai\ aadresses ""m :;-!! Func,lTIi'l ~re tl1eirocticr.lO !he AMC n •• nllrabndged summary of at'Jl(;aI repat ".:I1ou! cha.'gi~ ar-, CXJSt

3 In CMe of l: hoIde!$ whose ema: adG<eSSeSal1l not a.-a!!able,.' ;ne Fund !he AMC shailsch€me or'l1U3! reoor1s orabndged surnr:talY illt.ose ~Mtdders who hi';eOllleo-<n 10real,,'

For furmer delaOs. I1Ifer SAI of lhe "'"ndIfl. Portfolio Discfosures.

The Fund Sh.IIldiSClOSe portfoiio as on the last day of trnI "lC!tltIt hall·year for all ils sct\el1leS (_SItS of M'fI'M!hin '0 days frtyn !he dose of each mcnth. hall·)1taI fBSPl!Wvef) In case ofaodresses ate reg.s!ered. !he AMC snai send VIa ema·1both I!le monthly and half·)early Slate.w;ltin 10 days from tne close of each mont/llltaJf7S' f9SIle1:!lvelyIre Fun.:wi pubiisl: an advsrtsernent 8Yl!fY haH-ye<II'discfoSing !he hos.nIlg01tne haif·)'Wtyport!oIIo on its MlOslre and 0Il1he M!bscta of AMFI SucI> adver\.:;ement shall be PIobl,shed In !he ,IWO ea1ly r:teWSpapers one eacn 11 Eng,sh and fi,f\C1M'G shaIllI'tMde a physteai alP} of !heponfoilO ..• Itnoot chargIng.,y cost on speo1ie r9Q\Jest received from a ur.i1hoIder

For runher deta,ls. refer SAI tIi the Funa

Prior to making InveslrMnlS.inveslors 1/8 requesl8d to camully read the me.anl .ddenda to IIMwnor1lldum (KIMI and Comblnod KIM 01 all schemes of !he Fund.

Any qu.rlulcl;/rffl~tJ(Jns In this "'fIlrd m.y be addressed to'DSP SlackRock Inveslmenl MINgera Pot. ltd.

erN U74140MH1996PTC099483Investment Manager for OSP BlackRock Mutual Fund

Mafatlal Centre. 10t1lFloor, Naoman Poml. Mumbai • 400 021Tef. No.. 91-22 66578000. Fax No .. 91-22 68578181Toll Free No 1800 200 4499 WINW.dspblackrOCk com

pt.acs Murnba'Oat •. July 4. 2Q 18

Mutual Fund inV_nI$ art subi.ClIO marlatl risks read aU scheme related doc:ume


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