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Bible Passage: John 11 (Lazarus Raised from the...

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Jesus Has Power Over Death Schedule Anticipate 5–10 minutes Celebrate & Respond Large Group 35–55 minutes Respond & Bless Small Group 20–25 minutes Bible Passage: John 11 (Lazarus Raised from the Dead) Environment: LOVE AND RESPECT In this lesson we see the environment of LOVE AND RESPECT through the raising of Lazarus when Jesus foreshadowed His own death and resurrection in order that all barriers between God and mankind would be removed. REMEMBER VERSE For I am convinced that neither death nor life … neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38–39 3.12 date: © 2014 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.
Page 1: Bible Passage: John 11 (Lazarus Raised from the Dead)storage.cloversites.com/stoneycreekchurch/... · In this lesson we see the environment of LOVE AND RESPECT ... If brevity is the

Jesus Has Power Over Death


5–10 minutes

Celebrate & RespondLarge Group

35–55 minutes

Respond & BlessSmall Group

20–25 minutes

Bible Passage: John 11 (Lazarus Raised from the Dead)

Environment: LOVE AND RESPECTIn this lesson we see the environment of LOVE AND RESPECT through the raising of Lazarus when Jesus foreshadowed His own death and resurrection in order that all barriers between God and mankind would be removed.

REMEMBER VERSEFor I am convinced that neither death nor life … neither height nor depth,

nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:38–39


© 2014 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.

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Sponsored by David C Cook, The Gathering is a unique event focusing on spiritual formation and family ministry…where you will be inspired, refreshed, and renewed. You now have two locations to choose from—Costa Mesa, CA and Chicago, IL. Both events will feature the same keynote speakers and many of the same workshop topics. Seating is limited in both locations so register today! You don’t want to miss this exciting opportunity to network and collaborate with other ministry leaders and gain practical insights for your church.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? • Children’s & Family Ministry Pastors & Directors• Senior Pastors• Volunteers• Youth Pastors/Leaders






MAY 7-9

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© 2014 David C Cook

Tori FunkhouserTru Team

InspireI once heard a podcast titled “Unconditional Love.” The podcast began with a man describing who Martin Luther King Jr. was to his three-year-old daughter. The father told her that Martin Luther King Jr. was a good man who had fought to free people from suffering—but that one day someone killed him because he did not like what Dr. King was saying and doing.

A few weeks later, the man was driving down the road with his daughter when she spied a cross on the roof of a church. “What’s that, Daddy?” she asked. The man told his daughter that the cross represented Jesus Christ. He told her who Jesus is and how He loved everyone on earth and came to save them.

“Did they kill Him, too?” she asked.

I have thought about this story many times since I heard it. The innocence of this child’s question highlights the incredibleness of what Jesus did on the cross. Her logic of connecting the two events points to what Christ came to save us from—human blindness to what is good and human refusal to accept God.

But unlike Martin Luther King Jr., Christ defeated death. He rose again to save us from the penalty of our sin. In fact, Christ defeated the very sin that killed Him. Though many people have refused to accept Him, we know that Christ has power over death in an all-consuming way. In fact, Philippians 2:10–11 says, “At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

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© 2014 David C Cook

EquipIn the narrative of the death of Lazarus, we see Jesus feel our pain and empathize with our sufferings in a truly unique way.

Jesus’ emotions came in different forms in this situation. In John 11:33 we see that when Jesus arrived on the scene, He was “deeply moved.” We can easily mistake that for empathy for His friends, but the Greek word used refers to more of a deep, indignant displeasure. The passage doesn’t clearly state why Jesus was upset, but the focus of His anger seems to be the group of Jews who accompanied Mary while loudly and demonstrably weeping and wailing. Oftentimes funerals in the ancient near east were accompanied by professional mourners who were paid to loudly weep. This hypocrisy evidently didn’t sit well with Jesus, who was genuinely moved by the suffering and emotions of His friends. The hypocrisy of the Jewish leaders is what drew the anger of Jesus more than anything else.

This anger quickly gave way to empathy in the revelation of Jesus’ heart for their sadness. If brevity is the soul of wit, then this, the shortest verse in the Bible, most aptly captures the pathos of the scene in two simple words: “Jesus wept” (John 11:35). Through this brief utterance we can grasp the love and respect Jesus has for us. Jesus knows our weaknesses and struggles, and that’s because He has shared them.

Jesus knew how this would end because He has power over life and death. He knew Lazarus would be reunited with his family. And He knew the glory that would come to the Father. This was a necessary preview of His power over death that His friends would need to see as His own demise approached.

Environmentof LOVE AND RESPECTWithout love, our faith becomes futile. Children need to experience love and respect in order to receive and give God’s grace. Innate in this environment is the value that children are respected because they embody the image of God. We must speak to them not at them, and we must commit to an environment where love and acceptance are never withheld due to one’s behavior.

The 10 Environments guide us in creating a climate that puts God on display. Encourage your families to discover more about creating the environment of LOVE AND RESPECT in their homes by checking out HomeFront: A Spiritual Parenting Resource and Spiritual Parenting by Michelle Anthony.

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© 2014 David C Cook

SupportTherefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:14–16

In John 11, we see a clear picture of how Jesus sympathizes with our weaknesses. He feels anger on our behalf, and He feels sadness along with us. Through His empathy, Jesus offers us a picture of what it means to love and respect others. Though He is God, and we are merely human, He loved and respected us enough to come and be one of us—to feel our pain, to be tempted, and to take away the bondage of sin and death.

Take a walk or find a quiet place and think about Jesus as the One who not only saves us from death but also empathizes with our weaknesses. Boldly ask Him to fill you up with the knowledge of His love and empathy for you.

Then, through the knowledge that only His Spirit can provide, lead the kids into an experience with God, whose great love is consistently amazing. Pray they feel the depth of Jesus’ love and respect for them too.

























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© 2014 David C Cook

Lesson Overview

Experience Time Summary Supplies/Prepare (For Quarterly Master Supply List, see Resource Files)

Anticipate//Small Group Check-In

5–10 min.

Encourages interaction among kids, leaders, and parents; engages the kids in curiosity and anticipation of the lesson; and creates an inviting atmosphere.

Mummy Clothes• toilet paper (1 large roll per child)• masking tape

Celebrate//Large Group

20–35 min.

Establishes community andtells stories both personaland biblical in a fun andengaging way.

Traditions• mementos for your church Traditions

(rocks, marbles, gum balls, etc.)• Remember Verse cards, slide, and animation

(see Resource Files)

Connect Question• Connect Question slide (see Resource Files)

Connect Activity: Crisscross Conversations• Connect Activity slide (see Resource Files)

The Big God Story • Bibles (1 per child)• Timeline slide and animation (see Resource Files)• images: Grave, Mummy (see Resource Files)• audio: John 11:43 (see Resource Files) • old tan sheet or tan fabric (cut to approx. 3’ x 6’)• food container or take-out box

Respond//Large Group


Creates space for childrento respond to the Holy Spiritin worship and communityas a large group.

• poster board or butcher paper (3’)• tape• markers• slide: Mark 8:34 (see Resource Files)

Respond//Small Group


Discusses truth, reflectson the lesson, engages inrelationships, and createsa project or a piece of artindividually or together.

Reflect: Jesus Has Power Over Death• Bibles (1 per child)

Create: Grave Clothes• fabric strips (misc. colors and patterns; each

approx. 2” x 12”; 1 strip per child)• canvas (approx. 12” x 15”)• fabric glue• optional: tarp or plastic tablecloth

Bless//Small Group

5 min. Sends the kids out with a sense of peace and blessing so they can be a blessing to their families and others.

• Bible• HomeFront Weekly (1 per child; see Resource Files)• HomeFront: A Spiritual Parenting Resource

(1 per family; see Resource Files or www.HomeFrontMag.com)

*To make metric conversions, search the Internet for a metric conversion chart or calculator.

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© 2014 David C Cook


Anticipate// 5–10 min.

An energizing time for parents and kids to start engaging with the material that will be presented in the lesson.

It is intentionally designed to spark curiosity and cultivate a sense of awe and wonder about God.

Encourage parents to participate in this time with their kids.

Small Group Leaders


Mummy ClothesLead the kids in a fun ANTICIPATE during which they use toilet paper to wrap themselves up like Lazarus.

SUPPLIES• toilet paper (1 large roll per child)• masking tape

SET UPSet out the toilet paper and tape for the kids to use.

ENGAGEJesus has power over death. When He told Lazarus to come out of the tomb, Lazarus got up and walked out with his grave clothes still wrapped around him like a mummy! Then Jesus said to those watching, “Take off the grave clothes and let him go” (John 11:44).

Encourage the kids to use the toilet paper to wrap themselves, a friend, or their Small Group Leader like mummies.

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© 2014 David C Cook

Celebrate//20–35 min. Host/Storyteller



Welcome and Traditions

ConnectQuestionIf you could hang out with one person who isn’t alive anymore, who would it be? Why?

Activity: Crisscross ConversationsSUPPLIES• Connect Activity slide (see Resource Files)

ENGAGEInvite the children to walk around the room, find someone they don’t know very well, and sit down crisscross (legs crossed) facing one another. Then have them discuss the Connect Question. Once they’re finished, they can get up, find new partners, sit crisscross, and discuss the question again. Encourage kids to repeat with as many people as possible during the allotted time.

Kids get to be a part of the faith community of God’s family.

They participate in traditions and share them with newcomers, connect through fun and interaction, and experience The Big God Story through storytelling.

REMEMBER VERSEThis week’s Remember Verse comes from the environment of LOVE AND RESPECT, which says, “God fills me with His love so I can give it away.” The environment changes every four weeks.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life … neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38–39

Passin’ PartyA Group TraditionHave the children “pass” an invisible “ball” from person to person across the room, adding their own personal style to the way they pass the ball. Each time the ball is passed, try to make sure someone new gets a chance to “catch” it. Play upbeat music, and encourage the children to get creative and have fun!

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© 2014 David C Cook


The Big God Story

Ponder Point: Jesus Has Power Over DeathBible Passage: John 11Storytelling Technique: Using Fabric as Prop

SUPPLIES• Bibles (1 per child)• Timeline slide and animation (see Resource Files)• images: Grave, Mummy (see Resource Files)• audio: John 11:43 (see Resource Files) • old tan sheet or tan fabric (cut to 3’ x 6’)• food container or take-out box

SET UP(Cue images and audio.)

ENGAGE(Enter wearing the tan sheet or fabric as a scarf and carrying the food container or take-out box. Hold up the food box as you talk.) Have you ever put food into a container and left it in the car for a few days? What happens to it? (Allow kids to respond. Lift a corner of the lid and peek into the container. Act as if you caught a whiff of something smelly.) Right—it starts to smell bad. Today during The Big God Story we are going to hear how God has power over death. He showed that by going to a man who had been dead for four days—and he didn’t smell too great! (Set container aside.) His name was Lazarus.

Lazarus got sick (wrap the fabric around your shoulders/arms and shiver as if you’re sick) while Jesus was in the midst of traveling around, teaching large crowds, and healing people—even restoring the sight of the blind, like we heard last week. The Bible says Jesus loved Lazarus and his sisters Mary and Martha (John 11:5). Jesus often stayed with Lazarus, Mary, and Martha when He was in their town. (Lay the fabric on ground and sit near edge of it, as if it’s a tablecloth. Pantomime taking a drink or eating.)

Leader TipBefore sharing this part of The Big God Story, tell your kids they’re about to hear a true story that’s recorded in the Bible. Open your Bible to John 11, and invite kids to follow along in their own Bibles as you storytell.

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© 2014 David C Cook

N O T E S : So when Lazarus became very sick, Mary and Martha sent word to Jesus. (Invite kids to open Bibles to John 11:3–4 and follow along. Grab two sides of the fabric and hold it as if you’re reading Mary and Martha’s letter from a scroll.) “Lord, the one you love is sick” (John 11:3). (Drape the fabric around your neck like a scarf with no loops.) Jesus told His disciples, “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it” (v. 4). And Jesus and His disciples stayed where they were for two more days. But, during that time, Lazarus died. (Lay the fabric on ground and lie on it as if you’re dead.)

After two days, Jesus told them, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going there to wake him up” (v. 11). Jesus knew Lazarus was dead, but Jesus also knew He has power over death. (Invite kids to go to John 11:21 and follow along.) When Jesus arrived (place the fabric over the top of your head like a woman’s head covering), Martha ran to Him and said, “Lord … if you had been here, my brother would not have died” (v. 21). Martha probably felt hurt that Jesus hadn’t come in time to heal her brother. But God had a different plan. (Drape the fabric around your neck like a scarf with no loops.) Jesus reassured Martha her brother would “rise again” (v. 23).

Martha didn’t completely understand what Jesus meant. By this time, Lazarus had already been dead for four days! What happens to a body after it dies? (Allow kids to respond.) Right—it starts to decay. (Bunch up the fabric and cover your nose as if masking a smell. Then drape the fabric around your neck like a scarf with no loops. Invite kids to go to John 11:25 and follow along.) Jesus told Martha, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die” (v. 25). What does resurrection mean? (Allow kids to respond.) Resurrection means rising from the dead.

Martha’s sister Mary was weeping—crying very hard—and other people were with her and weeping too. (Wipe your eyes with the fabric, as if with a handkerchief.) Jesus did something really amazing: He cried with them! Even though Jesus knew Lazarus would live, He showed Mary and Martha love and respect by feeling the sadness they felt and crying along with them. (Drape the fabric around your neck like a scarf with no loops.) Then Jesus walked with the people to Lazarus’ tomb, a cave with a stone across the entrance. (Show Grave Image.) Jesus ordered them to remove the stone from the front of the cave. Martha told Jesus that the cave might smell bad, but Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” (v. 40).

So while they went to take away the stone, Jesus looked up to heaven and thanked His Father for the healing that was about to take place. He did this so that everyone else would know He came from God. Then He said in a loud voice: (Play John 11:43 Audio. Then read John 11:44 aloud. Show Mummy Image.) Everyone there was absolutely amazed! Jesus has power over death!


The Big God Story

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© 2014 David C Cook

N O T E S : Later (grab both ends of the fabric and spread your arms out wide), Jesus died on the cross to pay for our sins. He was placed in a tomb, and three days later He rose from the dead, proving once and for all that He has power over death. By doing this, Jesus made the way for us to live forever with Him.

The Bible says, “As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins … But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ” (Ephesians 2:1, 4–5). In Lazarus’ life and in our lives, God has power over death, and He uses that power in our lives because He loves us. (Tell about when you became a Christian and how God “resurrected” you from spiritual death.)


The Big God Story

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© 2014 David C Cook


This time allows kids to worship through silence, prayer, singing, giving, sharing, thanksgiving, and other ways. Make plans for your worship time, but prepare yourself and your team to hold them loosely if the Holy Spirit leads the group in a different direction.

Respond// 15–20 min. Host/Worship Leader


SUPPLIES• poster board or butcher paper (3’)• tape• markers• slide: Mark 8:34 (see Resource Files)

SET UPWrite I Will Follow Jesus at the top of the poster board or butcher paper and tape it to a wall. Place the markers nearby. (Cue the slide.)

ENGAGEWe just heard one of the most amazing descriptions of who Jesus is. Through God’s story we know that God has power over death and over all things in our lives. And death could not hold Jesus—He is our risen Lord!

(Show Mark 8:34 slide.) In the Bible, Jesus says, ”Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” (Mark 8:34). Those are powerful words. Jesus is saying that believing in Him brings eternal life. When we decide to follow Jesus, we are following the One who loves us the most, and wants to give us His best for each of our lives.

Ask yourselves: Is Jesus someone I want to follow? Do I want to live the life He calls me to? Talk to God about your thoughts.

After the kids have a moment to think and pray, invite them to raise their hands or stand up if they want to follow Jesus. Once they have had a chance to respond, encourage them to write their names on the butcher paper or poster board. (Have leaders help younger kids write their names.)

Pray for them in their desire to follow Jesus—the One who loves them more than anyone could ever love them. Note: Some kids may not know Jesus yet. Encourage these kids to pray with a leader if they are choosing to follow Jesus for the first time.

Leader TipAs the Holy Spirit speaks to the hearts of your kids, some may express an interest in beginning a relationship with Jesus. Be sure to tell their parents about this so they can pray together as a family. Offer to pray with them if they’d like. Of course, if a child doesn’t come from a Christian family, answer any questions he or she might have, and follow the Spirit’s leading as the child makes a decision to trust in Jesus for salvation.

For help in talking with kids about salvation, refer to the resource titled Explaining God’s Salvation Plan to Kids, found alongside this week’s Resource Files. You may also give copies of this resource to your families.

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© 2014 David C Cook

Reflect: Jesus Has Power Over DeathWhen Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, He proved not only that He was someone who could work miracles, but also that He was God—the One who has power over death. Because Jesus died and rose again, we are able to have an everlasting relationship with God. (Encourage kids to look up the following passages in their Bibles.)

Questions for Younger Kids• Why did Jesus bring Lazarus back to life? (John 11:4, 41–42)• How would you have responded if you had seen Lazarus raised from the dead?

(John 11:43–45)• Why is it important to know Jesus has power over death? (Ephesians 2:1–5)• What are some ways we need Jesus’ power in our lives?• Have you decided to follow Jesus so you can live forever with Him? If not, would

you like to?

Pray with children who indicate that they want to follow Jesus.

Questions for Older Kids• Why did Jesus bring Lazarus back to life? (John 11:4, 41–42)• How would you have responded if you had seen Lazarus raised from the dead?

(John 11:43-45)• Do you think seeing this would have changed your life? Why or why not?• How does Jesus’ power over death affect our lives? (Ephesians 1:18–20; 2:1–5)• Have you decided to follow Jesus so you can live forever with Him? If not, would

you like to?

Pray with children who indicate that they want to follow Jesus.

Create: Grave ClothesSUPPLIES• fabric strips (misc. colors and patterns; each approx. 2” x 12”; 1 strip per child)• canvas (approx. 12” x 15”)• fabric glue• optional: tarp or plastic tablecloth

SET UPOptional: Place the tarp or tablecloth on the table.


A time to engage in relationship, reflect on the lesson with spiritual conversation, and/or create a meaningful project or piece of art.

Respond// 15–20 min. Small Group Leaders


Resource Tip“Picnic Games” activities are available for this lesson. Premium, Unlimited, and Combo users may find this resource along with the Resource Files.

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© 2014 David C Cook

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ENGAGEWhen Lazarus came out of the tomb, Jesus immediately commanded people to “Take off [his] grave clothes and let him go” (John 11:44). Jesus raised Lazarus to life! By paying for our sins on the cross, Jesus conquered death, and when we trust and obey Him, we’ll live forever with Him!

As followers of Jesus, we’re called to live differently now that we know Jesus. Today, take a minute to think about how different your life is now that Jesus has given you eternal life.

Encourage each child to choose a strip of cloth. These strips of cloth will be their “grave clothes.” Allow kids to glue their strips of cloth to the canvas in any way they choose. As each child glues down her cloth, invite her to share one way her life is different because she knows Jesus. The end result should be a colorful collage.

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© 2014 David C Cook


Bless// 5 min. Small Group Leaders


A blessing can be a prayer of commission, a portion of Scripture, or words of encouragement or guidance.

Blessings can be offered in order to ask God’s Spirit to overflow from the child’s life to bless others or prayed over a child for the purpose of declaring God’s protection, joy, or wisdom.

As you bless your kids, tell them they have the opportunity to also be a blessing to others. Encourage them to freely share the joy and love they have received from God.

Encourage the kids to hold their hands in front of them, palms up. Open a Bible and read Isaiah 25:8–9:

He will swallow up death forever. The Sovereign Lord will wipe away the tears from all faces; he will remove his people’s disgrace from all the earth. The Lord has spoken. In that day they will say, “Surely this is our God; we trusted in him, and he saved us. This is the Lord, we trusted in him; let us rejoice and be glad in his salvation.”

Ask the children to make fists and hold them up in a “powerful” pose. Then bless the kids with the following words:

May you know God has power over death and power over every situation in your life. May you know His love and feel the comfort of His Holy Spirit in your struggles.

HomeFront: A Spiritual Parenting Resource: This magazine gives families ideas for creating fun, spiritually forming times in their homes—setting aside a sacred space for family in the midst of their active, everyday lives! As the new issue becomes available each month, you may choose to print it for families or encourage them to visit www.HomeFrontMag.com to subscribe to have the magazine sent directly to their inbox. HomeFront is also available as an app for your iPhone, iPad, or Android device.

HomeFront Weekly: Be sure to send home the HomeFront Weekly for next week’s lesson! This preteaching tool for parents encourages families to spend time in God’s Word together before children arrive at church.
