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Bible Survey 2014-1.doc

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BIBLE SURVEY The Structure of This Notes: Introduction PART I: THE WORLD OF THE BIBLE PART II: GREAT BIBLE SUMMARIES AND INTERNAL OVERVIEWS/REVIEWS PART III: OVERVIEW OF OT PART IV: SURVEY OF OT BOOKS. PART V: OVERVIEW OF INTERTESTAMENTAL PERIOD. PART VI: OVERVIEW OF NT PART VII: SURVEY OF NT BOOKS. PART VIII REFERENCES. Note: The material given here is liberally adopted and compiled from the References given at the end. Participants are encouraged to refer the original works and do further detailed study . 1 | Page Compiled By N.Theivarajan for UESI-TN BS2014



The Structure of This Notes:

IntroductionPART I: THE WORLD OF THE BIBLE PART II: GREAT BIBLE SUMMARIES AND INTERNAL OVERVIEWS/REVIEWSPART III: OVERVIEW OF OTPART IV: SURVEY OF OT BOOKS. PART V: OVERVIEW OF INTERTESTAMENTAL PERIOD.PART VI: OVERVIEW OF NT PART VII: SURVEY OF NT BOOKS.PART VIII REFERENCES.Note: The material given here is liberally adopted and compiled from the References given at the end. Participants are encouraged to refer the original works and do further detailed study .IntroductionHere is an extract from the introductory chapter from Exploring Old testament By. W.T.Purkiser et.el on the importance of studying Bible.

The average student approaches the study of the Bible with one of the several different attitudes.

Unfamiliar with its contents, may wonder if he will be able to understand its meaning. Others may feel that long familiarity with Bible at home and in church makes further study of its pages an unnecessary task. Some have always held the Bible in a certain degree of awe, but have not devoted much time or care to its systematic study. The expectations to find the treasures in it with systematic search gives extraordinary results.

a) The Bible as a great Literature:

It is the best seller of all ages. It has become the virtual standard of literary expression. The world literature is full of biblical allusions. All the works of literary masters works are full of biblical references. There are hundreds of instances where consciously or unconsciously ,literature and modern writing makes use of Bible.

b) The Bible as History.

Bible preserves historical data of untold values and it stimulates unceasing inquiry into the backgrounds of the earliest human culture. Discovery after discovery has established the accuracy of innumerable biblical details and has brought increased recognition to the value of the Bible as a source of history .

c) The influence of Bible on Civilisation.

For more than 1000 years ,the Bible collectively has gone hand in hand with civilisation ,science, law etc. The influence of the Scriptures in civil law is often unrecognized but very real. The first great re-codification of Roman Law was made by Justinian and is the basis of constitution of practically every modern European and American states and other democracies. This law was shaped on the norm of biblical institutions .

The passion of social righteousness, democracy, industrial liberty, universal education, equal suffrage, child welfare, civic purity and international brotherhood are all inspired by the Bible. The reformatory movements which have removed much of the blight of inhumanity to children ,women, convicts and animals owe their inception and progress to the Bible .

Dr.Howard A.Kelly one of the leading medical scientists says Where Bible is dishonoured , life becomes cheap and science an early victim or it survives in destructive form

The greatest artists have always been interpreters of normal life. No one can be really great artist who lacks the fundamental quality of moral and religious earnestness .Such men have always have found the best material for their messages in biblical narratives.

Daniel Webster says If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible our country will go on prospering and to proper, but if we and our posterity neglect its instruction and authority , no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury our glory in profound obscurity

d) The Bible as a norm for Philosophy and Ethics.

Wilbur Wilberforce the great English social reformer says I never knew the real happiness until I found Christ as Saviour. Read the Bible. Through all my perplexities and distresses , I never read any other book , I never knew the want of any other

Woodrow Wilson in a transmission to servicemen during world war I The Bible is the word of life. I beg that you will read it and find out for yourself .Read , not little snatches here and there , but long passages that will readily be the road the heart of it .You will find it full of things you have wondered about and been troubled about all your life..

e) The Bible and general education.

General education seeks to discover those elements in culture which should be part of the experience of every educated person, regardless of his calling or profession. It is a healthy antidote for the disease of overspecialisation which has afflicted higher education during the last half century. The need for a broad base of culture , as well as technical skills is becoming clear as modern inventions give us more and more leisure time.

General education stresses the need for educating young people as men and women , as well as educating them as ministers, doctors , lawyers, engineers ,teachers and business people . Here, knowledge of Bible becomes of greatest importance . A serious study of Scriptures acts across all departmental lines . It enlists the aid and contributes to the understanding of history, literature ,art, ethics ,psychology, philosophy, societology, geography and many other areas of learning.

Dr. William Lyon Philips Faculty of Yale for 41 years says Everyone who has a thorough knowledge of the Bible may be truly called educated.... Knowledge of the Bible without a college course is more valuable than a college course without Bible.

In Bible we have profound thoughts beautifully expressed .It is a revelation of divinity and humanity, it contains the loftiest religious aspirations along with a candid representation of all that is of earthly .f) The Bible and Religion.

Changing opinion about Bible do not change it. The spiritual value of Bible lies in its unique place as the historic record of Gods redemptive love for man accomplished through Christ and conveyed to the hearts of men through all the ages by The Holy Spirit , the Sprrit of Truth. It is the word of the living God , and nothing could be more vital than knowing the Word of the Lord .Every capacity of mind is challenged by the Bible: the intellect by its truths for understanding any doctrine, the emotions by its unparalleled insights for devotion and inspiration ,and the will by its ethical guidance for the conduct of life. Books born in the minds of men come and go .The Bible is the book for all ages , always timely because timelessness in its eternal varieties.

John Wesly Oh! Give me the book! At any price, give me the Book of God! I have it: here is the knowledge for me Let me be a man of one Book...Part ITHE WORLD OF THE BIBLE

1.0 Fertile Crescent

World of the Bible stretches from Spain on the west to the Persian Gulf on the east, from the black and Caspian Sea on the north to the southern end of the Red sea. Palestine is the center around which the whole drama revolves around. The key area is called the 'Fertile Crescent', a semi circle from Egypt and Sinai (east and south east) to Mesopotamia (west), from the Nile valley to the alluvial plain near Euphrates and Tigris (south west), to the north is the Mediterranean shore.

2.0 Palestine (Canaan)

Territory of 150 miles long and 80 miles wide (see map)

The Coastal strip - ancient land of Philistines, Marshy and beautiful known for woods

The Central Highlands - mountain range, Galilee, Nazareth and Jerusalem lie here.

The Jordan Valley - Valley, Gennesaret lake and Dead Sea

The Eastern Tableland - Plateau where 2 and 1/2 tribes inherited, Gilead.

It was a buffer state between three major dynasties Assyrians, Babylonians and Egyptians.

3.0 Israel and Neighboring Countries.

4.0 The NT Period Palestine Region

5.0 The Good news of Salvation Spreads

Part IIGreat Bible Summaries and Internal Overviews/Reviews1.0 Summary of OT and NT.

God Has Spoken Fully and Finally in His Son: Hebrews 1:1-3

After God spoke long ago in various portions and in various ways to our ancestors through the prophets, in these last days he has spoken to us in a son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he created the world. The Son is the radiance of his glory and the representation of his essence, and he sustains all things by his powerful word, and so when he had accomplished cleansing for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.

2.0 Summary Of OT by Our Lord. Mt.22:37-40This is all the Law, Prophesies (and writings)

Jesus said to him, Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. The second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the law and the prophets depend on these two commandments.

3.0 Summary of NT By John The Apostle.Jn.3:16-19

God so.. Loved the World

For this is the way God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world should be saved through him. The one who believes in him is not condemned. The one who does not believe has been condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the one and only Son of God. Now this is the basis for judging: that the light has come into the world and people loved the darkness rather than the light, because their deeds were evil.

4.0 One simple Summary of OT&NT.

Genesis 1-11Genesis 12-MalachiMatthew-Revelation

Need For Redemption Redemption Of Israel NationRedemption Of all Nations

5.0 Some Internal Overviews/Reviews. Deutronomy:1-4

Joshua 24

Ps 78, 105,106


Acts7, 13:16-41

Heb.1-12 .PART III


1.1 Preamble

1 Bible mainly covers Gods dealing with The Mankind, The Nation Israel , The Nations and The Church

2 Bible is the faith testimony of Israel and that of the Church

3 The main purpose of the Bible is to lead the readers to Salvation. This is far more than merely forgiveness of sin. It includes the whole sweep of Gods purpose to redeem and restore mankind , indeed all creation. Bible unfolds Gods total plan.

4 The salvation is conceived in the Eternity past, Achieved at a point in time, Worked out historically in human experience, Will reach its consummation in the eternity future.

5 Bible as a whole is having Pattern, Progression and Unity around the great theme of Salvation.

1.2Scripture Intersects our lives.1 Scripture is having authority over the ongoing life of community as well individuals

2 The narrative history/ law/prophesy/Poetry of the Scriptures intersect our contemporary lives in away to inform and transform lives of individuals, communities and nations.

1.3The influence of the Biblical witness.

1 The witness takes many forms such as History, language, Story,Song and Prophesies. When we read , we are invited to see and hear the witness and respond appropriately.

2 We enter the literary world of Israel and have the impact of them on us. We share, learn, mourn along with the experiences of God and His chosen people.

3 The surprising stories, unflinching involvement with the moral issues, willingness to face human ambiguity and constant testimony of Israel to a demanding and caring God makes impact on us so that we are challenged to re look the way we look at ourselves, others and public issues of our time.

4 The boldness of the people who experienced Gods presence, fellowship& power and their powerful expressions in various forms pull us into such experience in our life context.

5. There is coherence and continuity of : Gods presence, Gods World ,Gods People

&Gods work

1.0 Overview of OT

Total No. of books: Thirty nine

Author: God the Holy Spirit and many human authors from different backgrounds and different periods

Divisions (in English Bible): History (Genesis to Esther - 17), Poetry (Job to Song of Solomon - 5), Prophecy (Isaiah to Malachi - 17).

Divisions (in Hebrew Bible): Law, Prophets and Writings.

Law / Pentateuch: The First Five Books Prophets :Joshua,Judges,Samuel,Kings,Isaiah,Jeremiah,Ezekiel,12Minor Prophets

Writings: Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Song of Solomon, Ruth, Lamentations, Eccleastes, Esther,

Daniel, Ezra, Chronicles. 2.1 OT Period and Books- Simple Overview.

TimeBeginningBC 2090 AbrahamEra of formationBC 1375 JoshuaEra of TheocracyBC 1043 SaulEra Of MonarchyBC 586 JeremiahCaptivityEar Of RestorationBC 430 Nehemiah

Major ThemesCreation

Fall of Man

Flood715 Years



3.Land332 Years


2.Judges457 Years



3.Single70 Years

1.Captivity86 Years


Foundational BooksGenesis





I Samuel

I Kings

II Samuel

II KingsEzra


Complementing Books Leviticus


I Chronicles

II ChroniclesEsther

Prophetical BooksNorth: South: Amos Joel

Hosea Micah




Jeremiah LamentationsForeign Nations:







Wisdom BooksJobPsalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song Of Solomon

2.2 OT Broad Stages Broad OverviewSl NoStagesMajor OT

Portion/BooksWhen & WhereWhat HappenedEvents/People



1CreationGen.1:1-11Probably Around 4000-2000.

Ancient LandsCreation ,Fall,Flood, DispersionMoses


Job 360 years

Call of Abraham


Hebrews in Egypt. 1880End of Genesis


Ur-Haran-Canaan-Egypt-Canaan-EgyptAbraham, Isaac,Jacob, Joseph

Individuals Families-

People Groups- in Formative years of Israel.

Revelation opens upMoses

275 Years70 people to about 20 lakhs people

3ExodusExodus, Leviticus,

Numbers, Deuteronomy80+40 years

Moses Aaron:1525


Arrival of Canan:1405Egypt-Mt Sinai:250kM

Sinai Kadesh:250kM

Kadesh-Moab:400kMRevelations takes shape

People part of Nation shaped

Deliverance of the People of the Nation from Egypt.

Constitution of the Nation Given.Preparation of the people to enter their Promised land.Moses



East of Jordon&

Gilgal based campaigns in CanaanRevelations continues.

People of Nation entering the promised Land with constitution

Entry, Victory,Category, Agree,




God ruling through LeadersJudges, Ruth,

I Sam.1-71380-1050

330 Years

Settling Problems in the promised Land

Canaan and neighboring landsRevelations blurred.

A cycle of obedience& peace, sin , unbelief ,idolatry, repentance and again obedience& peaceDeliverance through 6 major and other minor Judges.



Gad the Prophets


United KingdomISam.8-31

II Samuel

I Kings 1-11

I Chronicles

II Chronicles 1-9

Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon120 YearsSaul:1050-1010David:1010-970Solomon:970-930

UK and surrounding nations Revelation revived

Three Typical kings.

All had good start but one finished properlyI&II Samuel

Prophet(s)who lived shortly after Solomons death who had access to Samuel and 3 UK kings records.

Poetical books .

Multiple Authors


Divided KingdomI Kings 12-22

II Kings

II Chronicles 10-36



Zephania,Jeremiah,Lamentations ,

HabbakukIsrael in Picture:210 yearsThen Fall To Assyria in BC722

Judah in Picture:


Daniel Exile :605


Destruction of Jerusalem:586

DK and surrounding nations, Super Powers

Egypt, Assyria,

BabyloniaContempt of revelation and consequences.

The Divided Kingdom.

The Kings , people and politics of their time.

The Voice of the Lord Through Prophets to the NationProphetic perspective

I&II Kings .Two outlooks.

Pre-exilic author/Post exilic author for people in exile

Priestly perspective

I&II Chronicle.

Ezra, Nehemiah team for returned people

8ExileDaniel, Ezekiel605-535: 70Years Foreign Lands Judgment and emergence of synagogue

9ReturnEzra, Nehemiah,Esther

Haggai, Zachariah, MalachiThree returns:




Around 100 Years by BC 400 The OT revelation EndsForeign lands to Back to the Promised Land but without independenceReturn of Revelation.

Non temple based , nation based spiritual movement based on revelation takes root Ezra&

Nehemiah team, Persian Jew

2.3 Social settings of the Old Testament

Central place of family in society, inferior status of women and sharp cleavage between Hebrews and the rest


Shepherds - Nomadic life style from Ur to Egypt as shepherds looking for pasture Patriarchal society with no friendly dealings with neighboring clans - From Egypt they marched out as a unified nation with a destiny - livestock mainly of sheep and goats (milk, meat and wool)

Warriors - In order to conquer the land they were forced to become warlike people -judges as warlords.

Farmers - having entered Canaan from nomads, they became Agriculturalists - adapted from Canaanites - got introduced to Fertility cults - main products were grain (wheat and barley), Olive oil and wine -ancient fruits figs and Pomegranates

Tradesmen - Although agriculture was the main occupation, there were small number of smiths, traders and priesthood - after dispersion they went to the ends of the world as traders.


Israel till the period of Judges - TheocracyMonarchy existed from Samuel's period - the lineage of twelve tribal clans held this together - after Solomon's period two Monarchies existed - rich became rich and poor became poor - internal weakness and external attack led to the fall of both kingdoms - the ten northern tribes were deported by Assyrians - mixed breed replaced -a few escaped to Egypt - In South Babylonians siege and take them as captives -later a small number return from Babylon exile.Exile - faithful Israelites still worshipped Yahweh in exile - synagogue emergedcultural influence - they were treated well in exile - Jewish Diaspora emerged Return-After return priests got more respect and prophetic ministry was sidelined - adjustment problems for those who returned - temple rebuilt - Judea became semi autonomous city under Persians Part IV.

1.0 Survey of OT Books.1.1Beginning & Gods dealing with the mankind. Gen Chapter 1 - 11about 2000 years

Genealogies: 10 in Genesis , 6 in chapter 1 11 (This is the account of is the refrain)

2:4Heaven & Earth

11:27 Torah


25:12 Ishmael


25:19 Isaac

10:1Noah's sons

36:1,6 Esau


37:2 Jacob

Chapter 10 gives Table of Nations .

Genealogies show that every person- chosen & non Chosen is kin to every other- even more human & non human are linked together in one large extended family

They stress God's ongoing essential authority- Bringing new life in to being and ordering them into families

Major themes- creation, fall, flood and division of mankind

The fellowship of individuals with God - Enoch, Noah

People Groups development - Nomads/ Tribal groups / city groups

God creates, blesses, gives laws, judges, grieves, saves, elects, promises, makes covenant, provides counsel ,protects confers responsibility to human beings and holds them accountable

He is actually engaged with individuals, families, nations & world . Makes the Covenant with Noah God has created every thing good

The entry of sin affected all relationship

God has rejected annihilation as a means to accomplish his reformation . Has graciously chosen more vulnerable , long term engagement working from within the very life .

The world continues to live and breath and to establish families and nations because God makes a gracious, unconditional commitment to stay with the world , come what may be in the wake of human sinfulness

The commitment made evident in a new divine strategy to work through one family to save and bless all families

1.2God forms the People of Israel

Forming the people from Abraham. The family stories Gen .12 36 & the story of Joseph Gen. 17 -50 covering Promises made , threatened and fulfilled

I The Descendants of Terah (Gen 12 - 25)

The Abrahamic promise, covenant as well as demand on him

The movement of Abraham: Negev - Egypt- Palestine- Mamre- Gerer- Palestine - Mamre

Righteousness of Abraham Gen 15:6 . Prayer & Justice Gen.18

The seal of the covenant on His fear God, Obedience& Walking before God. II The descendents of Isaac- Gen 25 - 37

Places:Abraham was moving about in the South- Beersheba, Hebron, Mamre but Jacob is located in / near Bethel, Peniel , Shecham further North to Abraham stories

Theme:Conflict occurring within the household and the extended family.

Jacob / Esau: Condition to remain in part of covenant is by circumcision & natural choice

Isaac / Rebecca: Rebeccas plan for Jacob becomes god's plan for Israel. More over it becomes the plan that Isaac accepts 28: 24. The human plan & divine plan merge in Jacobs

Jacob- Laban: Both are clever and engage one another

Rachel & Leah:

Deceit is playing its role in all these conflicts. But God overrules.Promises & covenant face problems. But God is at work from all sides.

Jacob & God

The divine encounter after all the conflicts leads to transformation .In the human conflicts and accommodation & moving ahead as the Lord leads matter. In the encounter with God , total submission & transformation matters.

IIIThe decedents of Jacob (37:2- 50: 26)

Joseph A man with dream is pushed into the pit. God lifted him up from the pit to high rank in Egypt. On positioning Joseph , the story returns to the journeys.

Alienation & reconciliation

People confront God through each other and the circumstances. Multiple human dynamics involving favoritism, bragging, jealousy ,hidden plotting, all are at work in the chosen families and the extended families. The Lord is with his people and work in their lives. He works through people for his purpose .He brings reconciliation .He is not just interested in the prosperity of Joseph but to larger purposes of the Nation Israel. Joseph acknowledges the provider for higher purpose than his personal life.

1.3God Gives deliverance , Gives Law with his presence to the Nation Israel.

I Bondage, exodus , wilderness

Exodus:1-18Genesis 12-50 records how God began to populate this new nation. When Genesis ends the nation has grown to about 70people. During the 275 years between Genesis and exodus a population explosion took place and the nations population has grown to more than 20 lakhs the people element of the nation has taken root.

People formed but they are in bondage. People with promise are under the heavy yoke of bondage.

The preparation of Moses ,The confrontation with Pharaoh and the Great deliverance are the acts of self disclosure of God to Moses , Israel , Pharaoh & to the whole world

God is the liberates and leads the Nation through the wilderness. The major theme of Exodus are

1-13 Birth of Israel

14-15 Deliverance

16- 18 Struggle in the wilderness & way to Sinai

19- 24 Covenant at Sinai

25: 40 Planning & building the Tabernacle

Exodus begins with almost full absence Gods presence as it appears to the Full presence amidst Israel.

We move from a slave community building cities for others to a liberated community walking with freedom to a covenant community which builds tabernacle

We move from oppression to liberation & then to Worship

Life comes as a gift of God when there is no life through the sufferings of God Himself in Passover.

Role of human agency in Moses lays the human lay foundation for deliverance

II The Struggles of covenant life

Exodus 19- 40, Leviticus , Number, Deuteronomy.

Slaves are being transformed into a nation with written constitution and express Presence of God.

In Exo 19: 1 Israel arrives Sinai . Nearly a year and 48 chapter later Israel departs from Sinai in Numbers 10:11.The in between text is hardly a years coverage.

The law is not standalone. It is inter related with the ongoing journey from slavery to new life.

God prepares the people for divine appearance

-Chap 19

Teaching them the Ten commandments & Book of covenant -Chap 20-23

Enters the covenant with Them

- Chap.24

Gives them instruction for building Tabernacle

-Chap25 -31

God forgives their Apostasy

-Chap/32 39

The sanctuary is designed , constructed and commissioned -Chap.35 -40

Book of Leviticus.

The book of Exodus ends with the sanctuary is place. In Leviticus it becomes operational on behalf of the sinful community with sacrifices and the services of the Priests.Leviticus at centre of Pentateuch comes up with the importance of worship for the well being of community. The first 16 Chapters of Leviticus provides instructions in the way of access to God through various sacrifices . The last 11 chapters are concerned with the way to maintain fellowship with God . Ch 1 16 Focus on Priests & sacrifices

1 -7 Sacrifices & offering

8 -10 Ordination

11- 15 Discernment regarding clean and unclean

16 Day of atonement

17-26 Holiness code for community life which also include Sabbath and 7 annual

Holy days. 19:2, 21 23(I AM THE LORD. HOLY GOD, MAKES YOU HOLY)Book of Numbers

Israel as a long oppressed community, had a deeply engraved identity as slave. It does not have the resources quickly to move to a slave no more mentality. God must be at work to enable them to walk erect.Period of wandering is in part shaping the identity as Gods people. Not Egyptian slaves.People were taken out of Egypt but it was more difficult to take Egypt out of the people

Ch. 1:1 10: 10 Preparation for the Journey. Ch. 10 :11-13:33 From Sinai to kadesh

Ch 14:1-20:13 The failure at Kadesh & 40 years of wandering

Ch 20:14-21:35 The Approach to Canaan.Ch. 22-36 to 36:13 On the banks of Jordan /In the plains of Moab East of Jordan

Two census are recorded one at the beginning and the other at Ch. 26 Coping with teenagers is not an easy task even if the Parent is God explains Numbers.

Book of Deuteronomy.a) Law which follows upon that given at Sinai b) Recalls various stories regarding Sinai and wandering as well as laws from


c) Understands that the law is not given ones for all. It is integrated to life before

Sinai & after Sinai in view of needs of new times & places

d) Has an authoritative role in how the first law is interpretedTwo Broad Outlines.

Ch 1 to 4

First address remembering Israels journey from Sinai to Trans Jordan

Ch 5 - 11

Exhortation on the centrality of the first commandment. Intense fidelity to God and no other.

Ch 12-30

Various statutes. They are introduced & concluded with matters of worship. The relationship with god is king to all other relationships


Mosess departure Address .1:1-4.43

Introducing the Covenant


Expounding the Covenant


Applying the Covenant


Confirming the Covenant

31:1-34:12Sharing the Covenant

For establishing the Nation Israel, Moses was trained and equipped by his family members and University of Egypt as a Prince and 40 years. Next 40 year he was given the field training with handful of people like Jethro his father in law . After 80 years of equipping and training he was given access to the Very Presence of Gods continuously for the next 40 years to lead the people of God. Moses lead from the front with the team of people God gave him .1.4God leads the Nation to Posses the promised land.

The people of the land- Joshua & JudgesThe faith of Israel is that it is the Lord who Makes Israel possible in the world

Pentateuch is organized in anticipation of the land of promise. It is a literature of anticipation of the land. Joshua to Kings is the literature of possession of the Lord

The two together constitute a single presentation of Israel as the people to whom God has given the land of promiseTo receive the promise , Israel must either engage in military conflict with the other constituents or accommodate and compromise

JOSHUASeizing of the landCh 1:1-2:24 On The Border of the Promised Land.Ch 3-6 Entrance into Canaan

Ch 7-8 Completion of central campaign

Ch 9-10 The Southern campaign

Ch 11 1-15 The Northerner campaign

Ch 11:16-12:24 Quick overview Division of the landCh 13-21 Inheritance in the promised Land Ch 22 Return of Trans Jordan Tribes

Concluding narrationsCh 23- 24 Joshuas departure Address 21: 43-45 Not one of all good promises that the Lord made to the house of Israel had failed , all came to pass. 1:2-9 Vs 23:2-6.The book begins with the a death and ends with another death. Between the deaths, Israel begins a buoyant assurance from Joshua but it ends with a stern warning and threat from the same Joshua. The vision moved from assurance to warning. This is the problem with possessions with improper perspectives and attitudes.


In Judges , the Nation is in the path of departure from God and jeopardizes the promise of the land. Since Israel has not obeyed the Canaanites remain as traps to seduce Israel. (2:2-3,2:20;2:22-23&3:1-6)Judges:

Ch 1-3:6 Joshua to a generation that dint know Gods mighty acts for Israel

Ch 3:7-16:31 Six cycle of Judges

Ch 17-21 The fruits of Anarchy

The land is a gift .God intends those without land to receive a safe place to live.

The land is a summon. Those who live in the land must respond to the gift of God.

The land is a seduction. The safety of the land is an invitation to trust the land as

property and not as a gift which is a risk.

The books of Joshua and Judges celebrate the capacity of Yahweh to work revolutionary newness in the life of the world. The great quarrels of our time as in every time is about the land. Our obedience and approach to the land only as a gift keeps us safe in Him.Ruth:A bright Candle of God from Moab in the Period of Israels darkness

Ch 1:1-13 Sojourn in Moab

Ch 1:14-22 Ruths loyalty and commitment to Naomi and God Ch 2:1-23 Ruth Gleans in the Field of Boaz

Ch 3:1-18 Boaz the Kinsman

Ch 4:1-12 Boaz the Redeemer

Ch 4:13-22 Ruth becomes an ancestor of David and Son of David 1.5 On becoming a Nation

# The rise of Monarchy- I& II Samuel, I Kings 1-11

When Joshua died, Israel entered a new era in its national life. God did not replace Joshua with a new leader for His people. It was Gods intention for the newly formed nation to be a theocracy (God ruling) with no single human leader with priests as interpreters and enforcers of Law. But , the theocracy turned out to be a failure because Israel would not obey its own constitution. During more than 300years of theocracy God raised judges again and again in the time of failure. They went through a cycle of obedience& peace, sin , unbelief ,idolatry, repentance and again obedience& peace.

After three centuries of repeated failure , Israel demanded a human king.The conflicts with Philistines, Moabites, Canaanites, Ammonites forced them to ask for monarchy.

With Sauls coronation Israel entered a third era in history- the period of kings or monarchy. Prophet Samuel bridged the two eras theocracy and monarchy .The period of monarchy was about 450 years of Israels history. Saul, David and Solomon reigned as great kings.

# The Kingship perspectives.

God will not tolerate the faithlessness of the house of a priest.(I Sam 2:25). God will not also allow the victory of Philistines to prevail over His own people.( I Sam. 5:7-7:1)

I Sam 1-15

Samuel: When Israel is facing the uncertain future , Gods remembrance of Hannah gives hope for her as well as Israel .People who depend on God fully for their personal needs are used to meet the needs of the Nation and to bring transformation.

Saul: The threat, promise and tragedy of kingship.

Demand for the king like other nations is a rebellion against God. It is the reversal of exodus. People who came out of slavery were willingly entering into another slavery.

In the selection of Saul there was promise, sign, anointment and transformation.

Saul was outwardly pious but was unable to in the Trust on God and go forward.

His kingship was in peoples terms. He took God for granted. Since Israels future is not the future of Saul in his choices and ways God has to remove him from the kingship.

I Sam. 16 - II Sam 24.

David. The man after Gods own heart. II Sam 5:12. David perceived that the Lord had established him king over Israel , and that he had exalted the kingdom for the sake of people of Israel.

David attained the most when he received and gave things as gifts. When he attempted to grasp things with his own power, disaster followed.

Kingdom life is a gift to be received thank fully .It cannot be grasped.

I Ki 1-11

Solomon. Thoughhe stated with prayer asking for wisdom. He became an Idolatry king. In his period, the concern for equitable distribution of economic resources reflected in the Covenant is displaced by an economics of the privileged.

Israel misused the gift of Land

Solomon misused the gift of wisdom given for governance on all other things except governance.

Without land Israel hoped for the land passionately. With the land , Israel possessed it precariously. Outside the land , they were hoping for the land.In the land they were about to loose it.

The land was divided and then lost.

# Kings and Prophets in the Divided kingdom.I Ki 12- II Ki 17

Divided Israel fell. First there were two. (922BC). Then ther was one (721BC).Finally there was none(587) BC.

This segment sketch a coherent history of divided kingdom with the narrative focus on the Word of god and work of God through the prophets Elijah and Elisha

Unfortunately the apostasy shaped the Israels history. I Ki. 9:8-9. Why has the Lord done such things because they have forsaken the Lord their God.

Israel sold its privileged relationships with God for cheap things and faced punishment (II KI. 17-7-20)

Elijah & Elisa (Parallel) I Ki.17-II Ki10 focus on their ministry.

Elijah is an interruption in the monarchial history. A new Moses who bursts upon from outside the normal channel. Gilead is east of Jordan and away from the centre of power

Elijah lives deeply embedded in Israels memory, so much so that the last words of OT Mal.4: 5-6 are expectant of his return in the day of the Lord.

Elisa represents the Word and Work of the Lord who is active in every sphere of life. God works through the prophets in giving shape to the Israels history amidst the swirl of the events# Kings and Prophets in the Judah II Ki 18-25Typical Coverage of Books I ChroniclesII Chronicles

I SamuelII SamuelI KingsII Kings

Men God usedSamuelKingsChronicles



Saul( (

David( ( (

Solomon( (

19 kings of Judah( (

19 kings of Israel(



I&II Kings Some Details (Adopted from ESV Literary Study Bible )I Kings

Together, 1 and 2 Kings record the history of Gods people from the death of King David to the Babylonian captivitya span of roughly four hundred years. These books focus on the kings of Israel and Judah, although the prophets Elijah and Elisha also play a prominent role. The book of 1 Kings divides neatly into two halves. Thefirst eleven chapterstell the story of the rise and fall of King Solomon.Thelast eleven chapterstell the story of the divided kingdom. Solomons sons and their rivals wage civil war, splitting the nation in two. Many of the same events are also recounted in 1 and 2 Chronicles, which offer a somewhat more positive portrayal of Solomon and the kings of Judah. The two books of Kings fully expose royal sin as a warning not to worship any other gods. II Kings The history in 2 Kings picks up where 1 Kings left offin the middle of the account of the two kingdoms (Israel and Judah) that were formed when the united kingdom was divided after Solomon died. If 1 Kings was the decline of the divided kingdom, then 2 Kings is the fall, because by the end of the book both Israel and Judah are in captivity (to Assyria and Babylon, respectively). The four main characters are the mighty prophet Elisha and three noble kings: Joash, Hezekiah, and Josiah. The spiritual leadership of these godly men alerts us to a recurring pattern in 1 and 2 Kings: formation, deformation, and reformation. The holy kingdom that was formed on the basis of Gods covenant with David and the rest of his royal line is constantly deformed by wicked kings who lead the people of God into idolatrythe worship of other gods. From time to time, however, there is a countermovement in the direction of spiritual renewal, under the ministry of Gods word and through the initiative of godly rulers who lead the people in faith and repentance. Nevertheless, the general movement of the book is a downward spiral toward spiritual decline, as the historian reports two national disasters

I Kings PassageContentRoyal SuccessionPolitical SituationCapital

1:12:46Solomon takes Davids throneSolomonUnited KingdomJerusalem

3:14:34Solomons wisdom and wealth

5:18:66Solomon builds and dedicates Gods temple

9:110:29Solomons rule and reputation

11:143Solomons folly

12:115Rehoboams follyRehoboam, JeroboamDivided KingdomJerusalem and Samaria

12:1613:34Jeroboams rebellion

14:131The death of Jeroboam and Rehoboam

15:124The decline of JudahAbijam, Asa

15:2516:34The decline of IsraelNadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri, Omri, Ahab

17:124Elijah and the famineAhab and Jezebel

18:146Elijah on the mountaintop

19:121Elijah in the wilderness

20:122:40The end of Ahab

22:4153Two more kingsJehoshaphat, Ahazia

I Kings PassageContentPolitical SituationProphetic Ministry

1:118Elijah prophesies against AhaziahDivided Kingdom: IsraelElisha succeeds Elijah

2:125Elijah rides up into heaven

3:127Moab rebels against Israel

4:18:15Elisha works wonders

8:1629Jehoram and Ahaziah (Judah)Divided Kingdom: Israel and JudahElisha

9:110:36Jehus bloody reign (Israel)

11:112:21Joash repairs the temple (Judah)

13:116:20Twelve kings of Israel and Judah

17:141Assyria captures Israel

18:120:21Hezekiahs rescue and recoveryContinuing Kingdom: JudahIsaiah and other prophets, as well as Huldah the prophetess

21:126The worst kings of Judah

22:123:30Josiahs reformation

23:3124:20The last free kings of Judah

25:126Babylon captures Judah

25:2730Epilogue: Davids son survives

List Of kings and Prophets Given in Appendix I

1.6 Collapse/exile/ Hope of the Nation.

I Collapse

Assyrian empire rose from 745 and brought an end to Israel in 722. In 633 Assyria extended its influence to the fertile Crescent. Within 50years Assyria fell down

Demise of Assyria lead to Judean independence during king Josiah 639-609 In 626 Nebopollassar established Babylonian kingdom. By 605 Assyria is not in power. Nebuchadnezzar defeated Egypt in 605. His general Nebezaradan forcibly invaded into Judah in 598,587&581.they followed the policy of depotation. During the first deportation that Daniel would have been taken, along with other royal personages (Daniel 1:1-4). In the second deportation King Jehoiachin and others, including Ezekiel, were taken away (2 Kings 24:14-16). During the third one , the city and temple were destroyed (2 Kings 25:9-10). By the end of 540 the Babylonian empire ran out of steam.The power of Babylon was dislodged and displaced by the rise of Persia a non Semitic power from the east lead by Cyrus.

In Brief when God punished Israel and Judah along with their collapse

Assyria came and Gone

Babylonia rose and fell

Persia rose to power

II Exile.

The profound loss of formal existence in 587 did not lead to despair. rather this

became a remarkable moment in the life of Jewish community.

Exile raised questions. Is not God powerful? Faithful?

How do we have hope in exile ? and move beyond?

They voiced out their grief vocally to God directly. They drew God into their trouble through their prayers like Nehemiah and Daniel.

III Hope .

One of the most remarkable features of faith of OT is that , the exile forming part of OT characteristically asserts a new historical possibility that are rooted in God and His Goodness who fulfils His covenant.

The voices of Hope is heard from Jeremiah ,Ezekiel ,Isaiah and others.

Amidst suffering and difficulties there is hope for us in the Lord. HE IS LORD.1.7 New life , renewed community and New Crisis.

This is a life after the return from exile. It is partial restoration of Israel. Finally, in fulfillment of His promise, God restored many of the people to their own land. The final period of the history of Israel is recorded in the final two foundational books Ezra and Nehemiah. This 150 year period focuses the spiritual restoration of Judah , and on several great men who were used in that great restoration.The Book Of Esther:Gods continued providence over His people in exile is coved in this book . The setting is later than the return under Zerubbabel Books of Ezra and Nehemiah: Restoration of JudahAs the captivity had occurred in three stages (606,597 and 586BC ) so the return .

Ezra 1-6: The return under Zerubbabel (in 536 BC) and rebuilding of Temple Ezra 7-10, Nehemiah : The completion of restoration . Return under Ezra in 458 BC - Religious reformation

Return under Nehemiah 444 BC Rebuilding of Jerusalem wall and rehabilitation of the city

Reforms under Ezra and Nehemiah 1.8 Prophetical Books

God not only lead the affairs of the nation Israel by Priests, Judges and Kings but spoke to the people at many times and in various ways through the prophets. The people and the kings of Israel were reproved, corrected, consoled by the prophets. They brought special messages to the nearby nations also. While being conscience keeper of the nation Israel, they also brought revelations from the Lord about distant future also.

Broadly prophetical books addresses both the Announcements of Judgment and Oracles of salvation related to the period of prophets as well as future from a historical context . They are not given in separate compartments but with one overlapping the other. Prophetical books contain poetry as well as narratives .In these books we see God pouring out His heart through His chosen men of God .The prophets did announce the future, but it was usually the immediate future of Israel, Judah, and other nations that surrounded them, rather than our own future. The purpose of the prophets was to speak to their own contemporaries, not just us. In the prophetical books we hear from God via the prophets and very little about the prophets themselves.

The Dual Emphasis on Orthodoxy and Orthopraxy are found in prophetical books .

Orthodoxy is correct belief. Orthopraxy is correct action. Through the prophets God calls

the ancient Israelites and Judah to a balance of right belief and right action.

This is the same thing the New Testament calls us to. Because God basically wants the same thing from us as he did of Israel and Judah we can use the Prophets as a constant reminder of Gods determination to enforce his covenant.

There are 17 prophetical books in the OT. They are to be read in the context of various historical settings recorded from I Samuel to Esther.Prophets:

To IsraelTo JudahOther Nations





Writing Prophets:




Fall Of Samaria

Pre Exilic-Zephaniah



At Fall of JerusalamLamentations

In ExileDaniel


Post ExilicHaggai



1.9 Wisdom ,order and Protest.

Israels self understanding:

What happens socially, politically, economically and militarily is the real stuff of life and real agenda of faith.

The Lord is decisively at work in the historical process of the world.God is deeply involved in the rise and fall of great powers.

Israel held together the realities of public life and public power along with the realities of God in their midst.

The Horizons of Wisdom teaching. Wisdom literature is a reflection upon lived experiences of quite mundane kinds

Wisdom literature insists that the mundane matters have ethical significance and ethical outcome. A network of givens , choices and consequences.

Wisdom reflection is a deep intellectual exercise. It is undertaken with a deep trusting curiosity about how things work with a patience matching curiosity.

Wisdom teaching is the Liturgical witness to God. e.g How much Ps 23 bears witness to God is known to all of us

Wisdom literature speaks about routine daily life , links it with the eternal reality, expresses it with literal beauty with the celebration of the witness to God.

Knowledge ,Understanding and Wisdom

Wisdom is often equated with intelligence (likewise, wisdoms contrastfoolishnessis often equated with a lack of intelligence). However, rather than mental ability, wisdom has more to do with moral ability (likewise, foolishness is more descriptive of moral deficiency, as opposed to mental deficiency). Wisdom, therefore, is more ethical than intellectual. However, wisdom is rooted in knowledge.


Understanding Wisdom

(accumulation of facts) (apprehension of facts) (application of facts)

Derek Kidner comparison of three major wisdom books to houses:

Proverbsthe seven-pillared house of Wisdom (9:1)

Jobthe wrecked house struck by the wind (1:19)

Ecclesiastesa great house in the grip decay (12:34).

Proverbs: The practical path to wisdom.

Ecclesiastes: The reflective path to wisdom.Poetical Books are not for Structured Study. They are for study and reflection with intense emotions. However, the outline here is only for appreciation of the breadth and depth Proverbs. General BackgroundProverbs are short sentences drawn from long experience. They are powerful tools of communication. They move with an air of trustworthiness , presenting traditional wisdom that has been tried and found true. Proverbs originated and were used in four principal cultural settings : family, schools, royal court and scribal circles .The notable omission from the Book of Proverbs is reference to significant aspects of faith of Hebrews: sacrifices, prayer, temple worship and salvation history.

Proverbs have an agenda to think , speak and live in the world according to the given but demanding mystery of God. Adherence to known realities is emphasized.The purpose of proverbs is given in the beginning verses of the book

Proverbs convey practical wisdom in the form of Instruction, Admonition, Numerical sayings, Better than sayings, Comparative sayings, Abomination sayings, Beatitude, Paradoxical sayings, Acrostics, Popular/folk saysings and pairs

Broad Structural Outline.

Collection 1: Discourses on wisdom chs. 19

Collection 2: Solomon's couplets expressing wisdom 10:122:16

Collection 3: Thirty sayings of the wise 22:1724:22

Collection 4: Six more sayings of the wise 24:23-34

Collection 5: Solomon's maxims expressing wisdom chs. 2529

Collection 6: The wisdom of Agurch. 30

Collection 7: The wisdom of Lemuelch. 31

Ecclesiastes General BackgroundJob ,Ecclesiastes ,and Song of Songs are non proverbial wisdom books .If proverbial wisdom sets truth on table openly visible and within easy reach of all, then by analogy non-proverbial wisdom ties truth securely in a wrapped package and places it on high shelf well out of reach and out of sight for many. Non proverbial wisdom springs from the same three sources of Hebrew wisdom tradition: tribal wisdom geared toward taming life, royal wisdom designed as type of leadership training for the Hebrew elite, and theological wisdom instilling the entire society with religious and ethical goals. It takes many forms like riddle, allegory, poem, dialogue and disputation, wisdom narrative ,fableetc, in OT

Most of the non proverbial wisdom forms are both clue and snare because they reveal and conceal spiritual truth. They invite penitent seekers into the divine mystery and confirm arrogant rebels in their godless foolishness

Ecclesiastes Some Insights on Themes.

Ecclesiastes compels us to continually evaluate and correct our understanding of God and our teaching about God in the light of the whole Biblical revelation. It unmasks the myth of human autonomy and self sufficiency and drive us all our frailty and inability to find meaning in a crooked world in the Creator creature relationship which the supreme .

Ecclesiastes espouses the most basic theme of the Bible-that life lived by purely earthly or human values ,without faith in God and supernatural values is meaningless and futile.

The author demonstrates at length the inadequacy of any world view other than the God centered one ,and he combines with this demonstration a series of affirmations of an alternate world view.

The book is structured on a dialectical principle in which opposites are contrasted to each other. The negative passages are generally with under the sun or equivalent motives .They are showing the inadequacy of money ,sex ,work ,material things, power etc. to give meaning of life. Whereas, positive passages with God centric perspectives such as :God has given ,He has made, it is Gods gift, whatever God does, God has made it so. Prof.Leland Ryken terms them as above the sun passages . He lists fifteen negative passages , thirteen positive passages and three mixed ones .

In line with this, this book brings a supernatural perspective down into the earthly sphere where life seems to be negative instead of seeking to escape to another world .One Outline: 1:1-3 Prologue

1:4-11 Meaningless Cycles

1:12-18 Futile Attempt of Human wisdom to find meaning of life

2:1-11 Futile quest to find satisfaction in pleasures and wealth

2:12-23 Futility of human work and labour

2:24-26 Enjoyment of Life is a gift from God

3:1-8 In His time there is time for everything

3:9-22 He has done everything wonderful and mysterious4:1-6 Oppressions ,sufferings and envy

4:7-12 Together with God we can stand up

4:13-16 Mysterious reversals and support to future leadership

5:1-7 Give Careful to fearful honor to God

5:8-17 Futility of Wealth and it will lead to health troubles

5:18-20 God centered enjoyably life

6:1-12 Recap of life under the sun

7:1-22 Call to correct thinking and careful living

7:23-29 How Men handle Wisdom

8:1-9 Living under authorities and Authority8:10-14 Understand the background of injustice

8:15-17 Unsearchable depth of Gods work

9:1-10 God is with the righteous so live a righteous life with His strength

9:11-18 Seek to Know Gods wisdom, time and His adequacy amidst human inadequacy

10:1-20 Proverbs in Ecclesiastes11:1-10 Amidst uncertainties sow, till the land and labor . God will be with you till the Harvest12:1-7 Before it is time Be in Time to Seek , Find and serve Him

12:8-14 You are accountable for your life .So Fear God and Follow His Commandments

Song of Songs.

Subtle and wonderful presentation of human love that participates in the divine love. Difficult to interpret and structure it . One possible outlook as God and His Church as the Groom and Bride

1:1-8 Introductary Lyric

1:9- 2:2 The Dialogue of Lovers

2:3-17 The meditation of Lady love and her Excitement over Grooms arrival for Wedding

3:1-5 Dream of Anticipation

3:6-11 King in his splendor in Rest and in Procession

4:1-15 The Beloved praising the beauty and Virtue of His Bride

4:16- 5:1 Bride and Groom in their garden 5:2-8 Sadness in Separation

5:9-6:3 Groom in His Beloveds eyes.

6:4-13 The Beloveds praise for His lady love

7:1-9 The Beloved praises His brides beauty and His joy in her presence

7:10-13 Brides longing to be with Groom

8:1-5 Wish for Beloveds acceptance at Home

8:6-7 The power of Love

8:8-10 Guarding the feeble together

8:11-14 Let the Bride and Groom be in their Vineyard.

Job. General Background .It is a protest against the conventional settlements. Job is not only an ethically good man but theologically serious man. No friend could win him in his suffering only God alone could do that.

The book revolves around the suffering of Job, the arguments of his friend against Job and Jobs arguments against them and God, and when God speaks the scene changes dramatically for Job and friends.

The friends argue from the their inadequate religious perspective not relevant to the context of and try to apply them to Job and accuse him . Job already under unimaginable physical, family, social suffering is unable to accept their counsel seeks the face of God with questions arising out of his personal situations . But in the battle between despair and faith he moves on closer to God. When God confronts Job and his friends , all that can happen is repentance, silence ,submission restoration .

The main problem around which the book revolves is why the righteous suffer. A second question is whether disinterested religion possible. That is, can a person remain faithful in allegiance to God without any guarantee of the personal benefit as a reward?. A third question that lurks in the background is , What is God like.

Job Outline.

Prologue: 1-2

Dialogue, Debate and Lamet:3

First Cycle of speeches: 4-14 Second Cycle of Speeches :15-21The Third Cycle of Seeechs:22-27

Jobs concluding monologue:28-31 Elihu speaks:32-37

God speaks and Job Replies:38-42:6


Book of Psalms General Background The attitude of trust provided Israelites the theological resources to deal with illness, personal attacks, family crisis and the national issues squarely .Psalms give the theological context of full range of human experience in both the directions. Sorrow to Joy as well as Joy to Sorrow. Hence it is the resource for reflection and meditation throughout centuries.

As we read the Psalms, we are entering into the sanctuary, the place where God meets men and women in a special way. The conversation between God and his people is direct, intense, intimate and, above all, honest.

Probably the following organization efforts brought Psalms together( We can see similar efforts recoded in Tamil Pamalai /Keerthanai compilation)

The organization under David.I Chr. 15:16-28, 16:4-43, 23:1-5, 25:1-31

Execution under Solomon.II Chr. 5:11-14, 7:6, see II Chr. 9:11, Ec 2:8

Re-organization/restoration by Jehoshaphat.II Chr. 20:21-22 and Jehoiada the priest II Chr. 23:18

Re-institution in the reform of Hezekiah.II Chr. 29:25-30, 30:27-31:2

Re-institution in the reform of Josiah.II Chr. 35:15 Note: in this verse,David, Asaph, Heman and Jeduthun (i.e. Ethan) are all (cf. II Chr. 5:12,35:25). Women as well as men were employed in professional music (II Ch35:15, Ez 2:65, Neh 7:67)

It will be very difficult to establish guideline for interpretation of Psalms since the variety baffles us. Yet some very general tips on grouping, movement, characteristics will help us to enjoy them more and more and reflect on them .

Some Broad Grouping of the Psalms.

# Psalms with historical references:

Ps. 3 II Sam 15:1-18:33

Ps. 7 The specific incident is obscure, but see I Sam 23:24-29

Ps. 18 I Sam 19:1ff, 24:1ff, II Sam 5:17ff,8:1ff,10:1ff,15:1-18:33,21:15ff, ch. 23

Ps. 30 possibly I Chr. 21:1-22:1 or 21:10-22:2

Ps. 34 I Sam 19:1ff possibly

Ps. 51 II Sam 11-12

Ps. 52 I Sam 22:6ff

Ps. 54 I Sam 23:14ff

Ps. 56 I Sam 21:11ff, 22:1, 27:1ff or similar incident

Ps. 57 I Sam 22:1ff or 24:1ff

Ps. 59 I Sam 19:8ff

Ps. 60 II Sam 8:3ff, 10:15, I Chr. 18:9-12

Ps. 63 I Sam 24:1ff, II Sam 15:1ff

Ps. 142 I Sam 22:1ff or 24:1ff# Five books.The oldest classification is to group psalms into five books, each of which ends in a doxology (extended praise concerning Gods glory) with Ps. 150 serving as a doxology for the whole Psalter. Some believe the five fold structure mirrors the five books of Moses (Pentateuch).

Book I Psalms 1-41Book II Psalms 42-72Book III Psalms 73-89Book IV Psalms 90-106

Book V Psalms 107-150

# Groupings According to Author.

Moses: Ps. 90.

David: 73 psalms mostly found in the first two sections of the book.

Asaph: Ps. 50, 73-83 (see I Chr. 16:5, II Chr 29:30).

Heman, the Ezrahite: Ps. 88 (see I Chr. 2:6, 6:33).

Ethan, the Ezrahite: Ps. 89, same as Jeduthun I Chr 15:19, II Chr 5:12.

Solomon: Ps. 72, 127.

Sons of Korah: Ps. 42-49, 84-85, 87-88 (descendants of Korah who died of

wicked rebellion, see Num. 26:10f, I Chr. 9:17ff, 6:31,33,39,44).# Groupings According to Themes

The Psalms are above all else, poetry. They are intended to be read and sung out loud, as is the case with all good poetry.They appear to be straightforward and obvious. They are not obscure, technical, or complicated. Yet, when one leaves off study of them, one is aware that the unresolved fascination endures. Any comment upon them is inevitably partial and provisional.

Creation Psalms 8,19,29,33,104,148

Exodus or Salvation History Psalms 44,66,68,74,77,78,80,81,83,

95,105, 106,114,135,136

Imprecatory Psalms about psalmists hatred for wicked.

7,35,55,58,69,79,83,109, 137,139

Innocence Psalms proclaim the psalmist innocence


Penitential Psalms confession of sin


Pilgrim Psalms sung on way up to Jerusalem

15?,24?,42,43, 50?, 78?, 81?,

84,87?,91?,95?,100?, 120-134

Alphabetic Psalms written in acrostic fashion

9,10,25,34, 37,111,112, 119,145

Torah Psalms, speak about the Law 1,15?,19,24,119,134?

# Some more thematic GroupingWisdom (instructional) psalms (e.g., Ps 1; 34; 37; 73; 112; 119; 128; 133).The Lament, begins with a complaint, but often conclude with praise. Within a lament you mayfind several of the following elements: (a) invocation, (2) plea to God for help, (3) complaints, (4)confession of sin or assertion of innocence, (5) curse of enemies (imprecation), (6) confidence inGod's response, and (7) hymn or blessing. Examples include: Psalm 3, 7, 13, 25, 22, 42-43, 44, 51, 74,79, 80 and many others.

Thanksgiving Psalms. These are similar to hymns, but particularly recount what God has done.There are three main aspects to Thanksgiving Psalms: 1) praise for a deed God has done or anexperience of God by the Psalmist; 2) it is an immediate response evoked by Gods action; 3) thetone is one of joy. Examples include: Psalms 18, 30, 32, 34

Psalms of Confidence, an expression of the psalmist's trust in God's goodness and power.Examples include Psalms 11, 16, 23, 27, 62, 91, 121, 125, 131.

Psalms of Remembrance make reference to the great redemptive acts of the past, particularly theExodus (Psalm 77:16) and the establishment of the Davidic covenant and dynasty (Psalms 89, 132).Examples are found in Psalms 78, 105, 106, 135, 136.

Kingship Psalms focus on two kings: (1) the human king of Israel (Psalms 18, 20, 21, 45, 72, 101,132) and (2) God as king (Psalms 47, 98). There is also a messianic theme throughout the Psalmscollection that looks forward to the coming Davidic king, especially in Psalms 2 and 110.

Hymns are to praise God because He is God, and we know He is because we have cried to Him andHe has acted. (e.g., Ps 8; 19; 29; 65; Ps 47; 9399)

Imprecatory Psalms or Cursing Psalms are a more radical version of the lament. In these psalms,there are curses pronounced on those who have caused the crisis. Sometimes these are peoplewithin the community who have committed injustice, and sometimes people outside who, like theBabylonians, have invaded the country and brought destruction on the nations (Psalm 137)

Penitential Psalms prayers specifically for forgiveness from sins committed (6,32, 38,51,102,130,143).

Songs of Zion, the city of God (Ps 46; 48; 76; 84; 122; 126; 129; 137);

Royal psalms, concern the king, the Lords anointed (e.g., Ps 2; 18; 20; 45; 72; 89; 110)

Another Movement in Psalms. ( Orientataion , Disorientataion and Reorientataion)

# First Movement- Orientation

Created by faithful people

Serene about faith, know God as trustworthy

Things are settled and beyond doubt

Happy, in a well-ordered world

No surprise, no fear

Express a creation faith- the world is a well-ordered, reliable and life-giving

system . Profound trust in God as one who makes this so.

No space for chaos.

Thanksgiving a major element

Social function: provides sacred canopy where faithful live without anxiety.

Psalms help to keep this reality in place, not just remind us of it. They assist an ongoing creation.

Probably comes from the secure and the well-off (Ps 16:6).

Danger- can be used to assert status quo and right of privilege

May be used for social control- to inculcate behaviour based on rewards

May be used to imply that those who do not know this reality have somehow gone wrong.

That said, these Psalms have been used and affirmed not just by the privileged, for whom they offerhope that God has yet brought creation to fulfilment.

Four Kinds:

Songs of Creation about regularity which is Gods gift (Ps 8, 33,104,145)

Songs of Torah, in which the Law is not just about moral values, but Gods will and purpose. Coherence goes hand in hand with obedience (Ps 1, 15, 19, 24, 119)

Wisdom. (Ps 14, 37)

Occasions of Well-Being. The system works. There is a correspondence between Gods will and what society does. What is Gods will in heaven may be experienced on earth. Often seen in the cycle of life events. Stress goodness of God in creation (Ps 131, 133).

# Second Movement- Disorientation

The church continues to sing of orientation in face of disorientation

It may be from hope, but it could be from denial

Use of psalms of disorientation is not denial of faith, but its affirmation

Demands we do not pretend the world is other than it really is

Demands we do not withhold anything from God

Demands a God who is present in the dark times of life

Fidelity not immutability

In the dark places, God gives new life

Psalms evoke reality and ask us to accept this is what it is like (precede experience)

Take us from safety and control

Expressing which matches experience, not religious sensitivity or facades

No matter how crude- always to God, ready to hear as things are.

Common Pattern:Plea [ address to God/ complaint/petition/motivations*/imprecation (genuine not pretended communication].Then Praise [assurance of being heard/payment of vows/doxology and

praise] * Motives vary: innocence, guilt, Gods goodness, valued by God, nature of God

Plea to praise a liturgical movement? Cf Deliverance oracles where God promises to intervene for petitioner (Jer 30: 10-11; Isaiah 41:8-13, 43:1-7.)

Airing grievance sets us free.

Personal complaint songs: 13, 35, 86

Communal:74,79, 137

Disorientation as dialogue. Need to listen as well as speak.

Trouble in relationship. Who is to blame? God, for not ensuringstability- and so urged to act in new waySome acknowledge fault is Israels (more like prophecy- and complaint in mouth of God) Even ifGod not blamed, the only one who can resolve the situation.

# Third Movement: Re-Orientation

Not simply a return to the old order, follows on from disorientation and often starts there.

Never a natural solution or outcome, but a transformation brought about by God.

Personal Thanksgivings- rescue from real distress or problem (30,34, 40, 138)

Communal Thanksgivings- celebrate the salvation of the people as a group- may evolve in individual form or become general praise (65, 66, 124, 129)

Kingly psalms stress the liturgical new kingship of God. Similar to vistory songs (Exodus 15).Similar to ANE victory songs, strong historical/remembering element. Often draw on covenant-

Sinai rather than temple traditions. Often include Davidic kingship authorizes the shape of Israel. Christians may use to reflect on the kingdom of God. (29, 47, 93, 97, 98, 99, 114)

Hymns of praise- public songs sung in abandonment in praise of God: tend to declare new order rather than describe the old. Life handed over to God (100, 103, 113, 117, 135, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150)Part V.1.0 OVERVIEW OF INTERTESTAMENTAL PERIOD.

1.1 History

With Babylonian captivity ,Israel ceased to be an independent nation came a minor territory in a succession of large empires.

The Persian Period 450-330BC

For about 200years after Nehemiahs time the Persians controlled Judah, but the Jews were allowed to carry on their religious observances .During this time Judah was ruled by high priests who were responsible to the Jewish government.

The Hellenistic Period 330-166BC

In 333BC the Persian army stationed at Macedonia were defeated by Alexander the great. He was convinced that Greek language and culture was the one force that could unify the world which is called Hellenism . Alexander permitted the Jews their laws, and even granted exemption from tribute or tax during their Sabbath years. When he built Alexandria in Egypt he encouraged Jews to live there and gave them the same privileges of Greek subjects. The Greek conquest prepared the way for translation of OT into Greek (Septuagint Version ) around 250BC.

On Alexanders death the empire he won was divided by his generals Ptolemy in Egypt and Seleucid in Syria and Mesopotamia. They contented to control Palestine. Initially Ptolemy dynasty controlled them and in 198DC Seleucid rulers took over the control. The Ptolemy rulers had been tolerant to their religious practices but the Seleucid rulers were determined to thrust Hellenism on them. Copies of Scripture were destroyed and laws on Jews were enforced with extreme cruelty

The Hasmonean period 166-63

When this historical period began, the Jews were greatly oppressed. The oppressed Jews revolted led by the Judas the Maccabee. His dynasty is Hasmonean dynasty but his descendents slowly become supporters of Hellenism

The Roman Period 63 BC

In the year 63 BC Pompey , the Roman general captured Jerusalem in the dynastic clash of Hasmoneans . The provinces of Palestine became his subjects. The local government was entrusted part of the time to princes and rest of the time to procurators who were appointed by Emperors. Herod, the great was the procurator who ruled Palestine at the time of Birth of Jesus Christ.

1.2 Society

Jews were dispersed in many countries. Most of them kept their religious identities .Cut off from their temple they concentrated their religious lives in the study of Torah and the life of synagogue. This they brought into the Palestine when they returned .

Sadducees made up of aristocrats mainly became the temple control party. They rejected all religious writings except Torah ,the first five books. Relatively few in number but wielded the political power and controlled the high priesthood.

Pharisees as a party of synagogue strove to interpret the law. Although they were a small group they enjoyed the public support and influenced the popular opinion. (They were the only party to survive the destruction of the Temple in 70AD later and spiritual progenitors of the present day Judaism.)

1.3 Stage set for NT

In this background only, the years of silence was broken by an angelic messenger Gabriel who announced the birth of John the Baptist and the birth of Jesus the Messiah. God had not forgotten or gone back on His covenant promises to Abraham and his descendents by flesh and by faith.The Social setting of the New Testament

Palestine in the time of Jesus consisted of small farmers, a few fishermen near the sea, carpenters and tanners and with enough Shepherds and small town merchants - most of the wealth was in the hands of tax collectors and foreigners - priests and high priests had power - Sadducees, aristocrats were influential and controlled temple worship and its riches - Pharisees and Scribes had ecclesiastical authority - people hated publicans and tax collectors - Zealots wanted to overthrow Roman government by agitation - Slavery was common - no dealings with Samaritans - debt and harsh collecting methods were adapted.


Total number of books: 27

Gospels: 4 Matthew, Mark and Luke are called synoptic gospels

Historical (1): Acts of the Apostles

Apocalyptic (1): Revelation

Epistles (21): Pauline (13), Johannine (3), Petrine (2), James (1), Jude (1), Hebrews (author unknown) Pauline Epistles: Prison epistles (4): Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon, and Philippians. Pastoral Epistles (3): I & II Timothy, Titus

Note: It is important to realize that almost all of the epistles were written before any of the gospels. 1.1 The New Covenant .

The story of the NT is like a fast moving drama. There are scarcely sixty years between its earliest and the latest recorded events. , and bulk of the action is packed into a period of about 20 years. Compared with the long journey in time through centuries of OT , this is like a short sprint. Yet these were the events that changed the world. The NT is the centre of the story of God and mankind.

The covenant relationship God had with Abraham and the nation of Israel gives the background for the comprehensive New Covenant He made with the mankind. Gods dealing with mankind does not end at the Call of Abraham and the formation of the nation Israel. Actually this set the stage for the Lord to make The New Covenant through the Lord Jesus Christ.

God made the New Covenant available to all the nations, people groups and individuals. To make this The Lord took the route of Incarnation so that all can understand Him in Christ Jesus in full human terms and make commitment to this New Covenant.

The New Testament sets out how the birth, life ,death and resurrection of the Lord made and sealed the New Covenant .It also presents how the message of the New Covenant was taken from Jerusalem to Judea , Samaria and the whole world. These are covered in the Gospels and the Acts of apostles.

The new covenant brought in the new institution called Church which covers all nations in place of one nation. The formation of the Church, the work of God in and through the Church and the problems faced by the Church as it took shape amidst the different social, political and religious climates involving open doors, suspicions, persecutions, dramatic deliverances etc. are recorded in the book of Acts and the epistles written by the Apostles.

The culmination of everything in Christ Jesus and the judgment of the every individual and the author of all evil who set the motion of Sin in the lives of the First man and all the lives and the creation of New Heaven and New Earth are presented in the Book of Revelation.

The Living God testifies to OT and NT and says I am coming Soon

We are called to anticipate His return and fully prepared in our lives to stand before Him as His beloved

Part VII1.0 Survey of NT Books.1.1 The Gospels

Introduction to the gospels:Pencils scribble , cameras click and the whirr as pressmen write their own angle on a story. The Gospels give us different angles on the life of Christ. Matthew , Mark and Luke are like a series of photographs of Jesus .Johns Gospel is more like an artists portrait.

The photographs and portrait make us to sing

Meekness and Majesty

Manhood and Deity,

In perfect Harmony

The Man Who is God

Lord of eternity

Dwells in humanity

Kneels in humility

And washes our feet

O What a mystery

Meekness and majesty

Bow down and worship

For this is your GodThe gospels are not complete biographies of Jesus Christ. Rather, they are well written testimonies. Moreover, they have presented the edited versions of traditions that have been in existence at least for 30-40 years. All the gospels are distinct in their focus and audience. The first three are called synoptic gospels as they have a lot of material in common, whereas the gospel of John is very much distinct from the three.

Matthew presents Christ as King and the Messiah who fulfills the requirements of the OT. Contains many sermons. Probably written for the benefit of Jews.

Mark is the earliest one to be written. Presents Christ as the servant. Focus is more on what Christ did miracles. Probably written for Gentiles, especially Romans.

Luke gives a very clear and detailed account. Presents Christ as a perfect human being. More parables are accounted. Probably written for a Greek audience. All the synoptic gospels focus on Jesus ministry in Galilee.

John gives a lofty and theological perspective on Jesus and his ministry. Deity of Christ is the focus. Contains more doctrines. Written probably for a Christian audience. Emphasizes that belief in Christ is essential for salvation.

1.2 THE LIFE OF CHRIST (Following the synoptic account)

The First Thirty Years:

Born in Bethlehem, six miles south of Jerusalem (Lk.2:1-7)

Family moved to Egypt to escape the anger of Herod.

On return, take settlement in Nazareth. He spent his childhood and youth there.

The next thirty years of his life is hidden from the readers except a mention of him when he was twelve.

The Last three Years:

At the age of thirty, Jesus came into public when John the Baptist was preaching and baptizing people in Jordon river.

Jesus also was baptized by John. Divine declaration (Mk.1:11)

Quiet preparation in the wilderness, tempted by Satan (Matt.4:1-10)

Began preaching around the lake of Galilee. Not recognized at Nazareth

Galilean ministry comprised of Public teaching, doing miracles and private teaching of disciples.

Kingdom of God concept was Christs theme of preaching. He used a lot of parables.

Jesus claimed himself to be the inaugurator of this kingdom and supported his claims by his miracles and signs (Lk.11:20)

Alongside his public appearance, Jesus chose twelve men to be his disciples in his ministry (Mk.3:13-19)

By the third year of his public appearance, he had become popular among the masses.

This caused opposition to rise from Scribes, Pharisees, Herod Antipas, and later from Sadducees.

For a short time, Jesus withdrew from public to the borders of Israel (Mk.7:24)

Probably nearing the end of second year of his ministry, Jesus began to reveal himself as the messiah to his disciples more and more clearly.

At Caesarea Philippi, the great confession happened followed by the transfiguration event. However, the disciples did not realize the meaning of what Christ told them until all happened. With this the Galilean ministry episode came to an end.

Jesus then went up to Jerusalem to face his destiny (Mk.10:1)

On the way to Jerusalem, Jesus involved in the Judean ministry only for a brief period.

The Last Week:

When they reached Jerusalem, he receives a royal welcome Triumphal entry (Mk.11:1-10) this happened on the first day of Jesus last week. Jesus and his disciples stayed in Bethany during the night that week and came to the city during day time to preach.

On Monday, Jesus went to the temple and involved in temple-cleansing. Opposition intensifies.

Jesus enemies consult together and plot during the week.

On Thursday night, Jesus had supper with his disciples and later left to the garden of Gethsemane. Arrested there and taken to the Jewish court first. After condemning, they took him to Pilate for the final consent on Friday morning.

He was crucified on the cross on Friday by mid-day.

Forty Days before Ascension:

On Sunday of the following week, Jesus rose from the dead as he promised.

He appeared to his disciples, followers on many occasions.

After a final discourse with his disciples, Jesus ascended to the heaven (Acts 1:8).Another overview of Gospels Given as Annexure II 1.3 THE EXPANSION OF THE EARLY CHURCH (Acts of the Apostles)Acts of Apostles

Without Acts the NT leaps from an orderly history of one Man, Jesus to a collection of unexplained personal correspondences . With Acts everything fits into place .the book gives transition from the life of Christ to the new Church. It introduces the transformation of fearful disciples as fearless witnesses of the Living God. Saul the oppressor of witnesses becomes a key witness and takes the good news to almost all the known territories .The new movement built on the New Covenant is on the move in the Acts. In one sense the story of Acts goes on and on and on....The Church at Jerusalem (Acts 1-7)

Ten days after Ascension, the followers (120) were filled with the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost

The Church began to grow rapidly among Jews. Peter and John were involved in preaching and doing miracles

Persecution against the apostles (3-4) but courageous stand by them

Problems within the Church Lying (Acts 5) and complaints (Acts 6) appointment of deacons

The Martyrdom of Stephen and following persecution which resulted in the scattering of believers from the Jerusalem Church.

The Scattering of Believers and early expansions (Acts 8-11) Approx. 48-50 AD

Philip went to Samaria (met an Ethiopian on the way)

The big story Conversion of Saul

Peter met the first the gentile convert (Cornelius)

Some believers took the gospel to Antioch to the Greeks. The first Gentile church was formed here. Barnabas and Paul taught the converts here for about a year.

The first missionary Journey (Acts 13-14)

Paul and Barnabas were sent by the church of Antioch for missionary work

Mark (Barnabas cousin) also accompanied them, he left in the middle of the journey

They moved towards the Galatian towns (see the map)

Strategy: first to Jews, and when opposition arouse, he moved to the gentiles

On return, they reported to the church at Antioch

Problem caused by Judaisers and Pauls refutation (Epistle to Galatians)

The Church council at Jerusalem (Acts 15) Approx.50 AD

Key issue: Conduct of Jewish and Gentile Christians

James, the brother of Jesus preceded the meeting Perhaps the epistle to James at this time

Practical solutions for the problems letter dispatched to every church

The Second missionary Journey (Acts 15:36-18:22)

Paul and Barnabas disagreed on Mark dissension.

Paul left with Silas moved to Galatia, fro Lystra picks up Timothy

Barnabas went with Mark to Cyprus we dont hear much about their work. But Paul corrected his opinion of Mark later.

We have what Paul and co did accounted in the rest of ACTS, perhaps because of Luke who accompanied Paul

Paul was prohibited by the Spirit from going to either Bithynia or to Ephesus

Macedonian call Gospel taken to Europe

Good churches formed in Macedonian area

Paul then moved to Greece Athens and Corinth

Persecution at the Thessalonian church Timothy sent

Wrote I & II Thessalonian epistles from Corinth where he stayed for about two years

The Third Missionary Journey (18:22 21:16)

Paul moved to Ephesus a strategic city Hired Tyrannus hall and ministered for about two years regularly.

He wrote the epistles to Corinthians from here

Paul left Ephesus following a riot. He moved to Macedonian region and then to Greece. He stayed with Gaius for about three months and at that he wrote the epistle to Romans.

From Corinth, they left to Jerusalem.

Pauls days in the Prison (Acts 21-28)

Paul was arrested at Jerusalem on accusation that he had undermined Moses law

Underwent trials in Caesarea and Jerusalem

Stood before great men and witnessed for Christ

Later he was sent to Rome for final trial ship wreck

ACTS account comes to an end with this

At Rome Paul spent the next two years - He was held as a house prisoner.

The prison epistles were written during this time

1.4Epistles The new covenant had the people element in the Apostles and believers. Innumerable people from variety of nations and cultures entered the new covenant. Systematic guidance becomes necessary to lead the people. Paul and Apostles rose up to the occasion. With the guidance of the Lord they exposed OT Scripture and the Person Jesus to them in many letters for faithful following and practical living. Thus came 21 epistles to guide the Church through centuries till the return of the Lord.

1.5 The Last days of the Apostles

From the epistles, we come to know that Paul was released from Rome and traveled for about two more years

Left Titus at Crete and Timothy at Ephesus for appointing elders. I Timothy and Titus were written sometime during this.

Nicopolis (Titus 3:12) is the last known destination visited by Paul

Paul was arrested somewhere during this time and was put in Rome in dungeon

He wrote to Timothy from there.

Persecution and opposition to Christians broke out during Roman emperor Neros regime 64 AD

Tradition claims that Paul and Peter were martyred during this period.

The epistles by Peter belong to this period

Apostle John was the last one to remain He wrote his epistles on the occasion of rising heresies within the church.

Persecutions increased AD 80-90 under Domitian

Apostle John was the elder at Ephesus He was put in Patmos to die

The book of Revelation was written from there.

1.6 Revelation

Written in the context of suffering of the Church which was crying how long Lord?

Revelation gives the unique picture of Jesus Christ. The Gospels describe Jesus life on earth from different view points. The letters describe the deep significance the resurrected Christ and what He accomplished. But, the revelation shows Jesus Christ from a new perspective: as a mighty ruler of the cosmic forces. All powerful God in the standing as a Judge. Although Revelation does not remove the mystery surrounding the return of Jesus and the end of the world, it does throw light on those events. Revelation tells of Christs future triumph over all the evil in the universe.

The Bible Ends with the glorious hope of Christs return for his children and to judge the world (Rev 20:20-21) MARANATHA. AMEN.HAVING FOUND GOD


BUT ONLY A BEGINNINGPART VIII References.1.0 Bible Atlas, Access Foundation, Zaine Ridling, Editor

2.0 Survey of Old Testament by Paul N .Benware (Moody Press)

2.0 The NIV Study Bible- The Zondervan Corporation

3.0The Family Devotional Study Bible IBL Madras

4.0Users Guide to the Bible by Chris Wright (A lion Manual)

5.0 The Bible users manual The complete do it yourself guide edited by John F Balchin, David. H. Field, Tremper Longman (IVP and SU)

6.0A Theological Introduction to the old Testament Bruce C. Birch et.el

Abingdon Press Nashville

4 Understanding the Bible John Stott GLS publishing

8.0 Bible Survey Material for BS 2007 Sam K John

9.0 The World of the Bible Material for BS 2004 Roji 10.0 UESI Study Centre-2010 Dr Godwin Nickelson OT survey Notes11.0 Exploring Old testament By. W.T.Purkiser et.el, Beacon Hill Press 12.0 The Message of Deuteronomy, Raymond Brown, Bible Speaks Today, IVP13.0 Cracking Old Testament Codes, D.Brent Sandy and Ronald L.Giese,Jr

14.0 Words of Delight, A literary introduction to the Bible, Leland Ryken

15.0 Ecclesiastes: The Philippians of the Old Testament,William D. Barrick (Net Sourced)

16.0 The Book of Psalms, Danielakin(Net sourced

17.0 The Book of Psalms-Gods handbook of Doctrine Emotions and responses Chuck Gianotti (Net Sourced )

18.0 Expository Outline Series- Book Of Psalms (Net Sourced)19.0 Notes on Proverbs, Dr.Thomas L.Constable(Net Sourced)Annexure I

Kings and Prophets of Judah and IsraelThe kingdoms of Judah and Israel began as one kingdom under the rule of Saul (10481009 BC). They were divided briefly when David reigned in Hebron (10091002 BC) and Sauls son Ish-bosheth (10091008 BC) reigned in Mahanaim. Some years after Ish-bosheth was murdered by rivals, David became ruler of all Israel from Jerusalem; he subdued Israels traditional enemies (1002970 BC). Davids son Solomon succeeded him and further expanded the kingdom (970931 BC). But Solomons son Rehoboam did not manage the kingdom well, and it split into Judah and Israel (also called Ephraim in the Old Testament). The chart below presents an overview of the kings of Judah and Israel along with the prophets who served in these kingdoms. (Overlapping dates within a kingdom indicate co-regencies; see shaded areas. Prophets whose names appear in italic have written books of Scripture. Pious kings who introduced reforms are marked with an asterisk.)

Prophets of Judah

Kings of Judah

Reigns in Judah (BC)

Reigns in Israel (BC)

Kings of Israel

Prophets of Israel




10th century BC













9th century BC

























Priest Jehoiada




