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237 VOLUMEN X - OCTUBRE 1963 - Nos. 2-3 BIBLIOGRAFIA BOTÁNICA PARA AMÉRICA LATINA CITOLOGIA Y GENÉTICA BOWDEN W. M. and H. A. SENN, Chromosome numbers in 28 grass genera from South America, Canadian Journ. Bot. 40:115-124, 1962. CAVE, M. S. and L. CONSTANCE. Chromosome number in the Hydrophylla- « V. Univ. Calif. Publ. in Botany 30(3):233-258, 1959. DESAI, S., Cytology and embryology of the Rutaceae. Phytomorphology 12(2): 178-184, 1962. HAWKES, J. G., Introgression in certain wild potato species. Euphytica, 11(1): 26-35, 1962. JOHNSTON, M. C. and B. L. TURNER, Chromosome numbers of Dyssodia (Compositae-Tagetinae). Rhodora 64:2-15, 1962. LA PORTE, J., Observaciones sobre germinación y cromosomas de algunas espe¬ cies de “Schinopsis” (Anacardiáceas) y de Esterculiáceas cultivadas. Rev. Argent. Agron. 29:29-41, 1962. ORNDUFF, R., P. H. RAVEN, D. W. KYHOS and A. R. KRUCKEBERG, Chro¬ mosome numbers in Compositae. III. Senecioneae. Amer. Journ. Bot. 50(2): 131-139, 1963. SOLBRIG, O. T., Número cromosómico de una compuesta entrerriana (Hyme- noxys anthemoides). Darwiniana 12:521, 1962. VALENCIA, J. I. Los cromosomas de Streptochaeta spicata Schrad. (Gramineae). Darwiniana 12:379-383, 1962. YARNELL, S. H., Cytogenetics of the vegetable crops. III. Legumes. A. Garden peas. Pisum sativum L. The Bot. Rev. 28(4):465-537, 1962. ceae: ANATOMIA Y MORFOLOGIA ATKINSON, L. R., The Schizaeaceae: The gametophyte of Anemia. Phytomor¬ phology, 12(31:264-288, 1963. CABRERA, A. L., Anatomy of some xerophilous plants of Patagonia. Arid zone Research XVI. Plant-water relationships in arid and semi-arid conditions. Proceed, of the Madrid Symposium: -235-239, 1962. CHOWDHURY, Ch. R., The embryogeny of Conifers: a review. Phytomorpho¬ logy, 12(3):313-338, 1963. . CORMACK, R. G. H., Development of root hairs in Angiosperms. The Bot. Rev. 28(3):446-464, 1962. DEDE, R. A. Foliar venation patterns in the Rutaceae. Amer. Journ. Bot. 49: 490-497, 1962. DE LA SOTA, E. R. y L. G. LABORIAU, Correlaciones entre esporangios y nervadura comisural en Blechnum occidentale L. (Filices, Blechnaceae). Anais Acad. Brasil. Cieñe. 33(2): 225-235, 1961,
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237VOLUMEN X - OCTUBRE 1963 - Nos. 2-3



BOWDEN W. M. and H. A. SENN, Chromosome numbers in 28 grass generafrom South America, Canadian Journ. Bot. 40:115-124, 1962.

CAVE, M. S. and L. CONSTANCE. Chromosome number in the Hydrophylla- «

V. Univ. Calif. Publ. in Botany 30(3):233-258, 1959.DESAI, S., Cytology and embryology of the Rutaceae. Phytomorphology 12(2):

178-184, 1962.HAWKES, J. G., Introgression in certain wild potato species. Euphytica, 11(1):

26-35, 1962.JOHNSTON, M. C. and B. L. TURNER, Chromosome numbers of Dyssodia

(Compositae-Tagetinae). Rhodora 64:2-15, 1962.LA PORTE, J., Observaciones sobre germinación y cromosomas de algunas espe¬

cies de “Schinopsis” (Anacardiáceas) y de Esterculiáceas cultivadas. Rev.Argent. Agron. 29:29-41, 1962.

ORNDUFF, R., P. H. RAVEN, D. W. KYHOS and A. R. KRUCKEBERG, Chro¬mosome numbers in Compositae. III. Senecioneae. Amer. Journ. Bot. 50(2):131-139, 1963.

SOLBRIG, O. T., Número cromosómico de una compuesta entrerriana (Hyme-noxys anthemoides). Darwiniana 12:521, 1962.

VALENCIA, J. I. Los cromosomas de Streptochaeta spicata Schrad. (Gramineae).Darwiniana 12:379-383, 1962.

YARNELL, S. H., Cytogenetics of the vegetable crops. III. Legumes. A. Gardenpeas. Pisum sativum L. The Bot. Rev. 28(4):465-537, 1962.


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ATKINSON, L. R., The Schizaeaceae: The gametophyte of Anemia. Phytomor¬phology, 12(31:264-288, 1963.

CABRERA, A. L., Anatomy of some xerophilous plants of Patagonia. Arid zoneResearch XVI. Plant-water relationships in arid and semi-arid conditions.Proceed, of the Madrid Symposium: -235-239, 1962.

CHOWDHURY, Ch. R., The embryogeny of Conifers: a review. Phytomorpho¬logy, 12(3):313-338, 1963. .

CORMACK, R. G. H., Development of root hairs in Angiosperms. The Bot. Rev.28(3):446-464, 1962.

DEDE, R. A. Foliar venation patterns in the Rutaceae. Amer. Journ. Bot. 49:490-497, 1962.

DE LA SOTA, E. R. y L. G. LABORIAU, Correlaciones entre esporangios ynervadura comisural en Blechnum occidentale L. (Filices, Blechnaceae).Anais Acad. Brasil. Cieñe. 33(2):225-235, 1961,

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DE LAUBENFELS, D. J., The primitiveness of polycotyledony considered withspecial reference to the cotyledonary condition in Podocarpaceae. Phyto-morphology 12(3):296-300, 1963.

GALINAT, W. C., Form and function of plant structures in the American May-deae and their significance for breeding. Econ. Bot. 17(l):50-59, 1963.

GARCIA, V., Embryological studies in the Loasaceae: development of endos¬perm in Blumenbachia hieronymi Urb. Phytomorphology 12(3):307-312, 1963.

GONÇALVES, C. R., Sobre a provável ocorrencia de borracha no clorenquimade Rauvolfia grandiflora Mart. (Apocinaceae). Rodriguesia, 23-24 (35-36):73-81, 1961.

HAMAN, V., Weiteres uber Merkmalsbestan und Verwandsschaft-sbeziehungender “Farinosae”. Wildenowia 3(1):169-207, 1962.

KONAR, R. N., Investigations on the development of the male cones in Fitz-roya cupressoides (Mol.) Johnst. and Pilgerodendron uviferum (Dom.) Flo¬rin. Phytomorphology 12(2):190-195, 1962.

MATTOS FILHO, A. DE. Contribuçao ao estuda anatómico da duas especiesde Capparis L. (Capparidaceaé) Arquiv. Jard. Bot. Rio Janeiro 17:237-250,1961.

MELVILLE, R., A new theory of the Angiósperm flowerrl. The Gynoecium.Kew Bull. 16(1):1-50, 1962.

NEGBI, M. and D. KOLLER, Homologies in the grass embryo. A re-evaluation.Phytomorphology, 12(3):289-296, 1963.

PARENTE, M. Z. G;, Anatomia do lenho secundario de Triplaris gardnerianaWedd. Arquiv. jard. Bot. Rio Janeiro 17:251-257, 1961.

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PRAY, Th. R., Ontogeny of the closed dichotomous venation of Regnellidium.Amer. Journ. Bot. 49:464-472, 1962.

RIZZINÍ, C. T. Sistematização terminológica da folha. Rodriguesia, 23-24 (35-36): 193-211, 1961.

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ST. JOHN, H., note the fruit of Egeria naias Planchón. Darwiniana, 12:523,1962.

WARDROP, A. B., Cell wall organization in higher plants. I. The primary wall.The Bot. Rev. 28(2):241-285, 1962.


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MARTICORENA, C., 1. Morfología de los granos de polen de Euphorbiaceaechilenas. 2. Morfología de los granos de polen de Malpighiaceae chilenas.3. Aberraciones morfológicas en granos de polen de Tropaeolum tricolorSweet. Gayana, Bot. 5:1-21, 1962.

MOREIRA, A. X., Aplicação do índice Szadeczky-Kardoss na terminologia pali-nologica. Bol. Mus. Nac. Rio, Bot. 20:1-4, 1959.

MOREIRA, A. X., A terminologia palinologica. Evolução desde Faegriee- Iversenate as proposiçoes de Lucknow. Bol. Mus. Nac. Rio. Bot. 21:1-4, 1959.

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VOLUMEN X - OCTUBRE 1963 - Nos. 2-3 239


AHMADJIAN, V., Investigations on lichen synthesis. Artier. Journ. Bot. 49:277-283, 1962.

EVENARI, M., Plant physiology and arid zone research. Arid Zone Research18. The problems of the Arid Zone. Proceedings of the Paris Symposium.175-195, 1962.

LEONARD, E. R., Inter-relations of vegetative and reproductive growth withspecial reference to indeterminate plants. The Bot. Rev. 28 (3):353-410,1962.

SORIANO, A., Germination of Stipa neai in relation to imbition and moisturelevel. Arid Zone Research XVI. Plant-water relationships in arid and semi-arid conditions. Proceed, of the Madrid Symposium: 261-264, 1962.


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FULFÜRD, M. Segregate genera of the Lepidozia complex (Hepaticae). Part. 4.Telaranea and a review of the Lepidoziaceae. Brittonia 15:65-86, 1963.

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ARISTEGUIETA, L., Una especie nueva de Senecio (Compositae) de la GranSabana, Edo. Bolívar, Venezuela. Bol. Soc. Venezol. Cieñe. Nat. 23 (101):96-97, 1962.

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FREEBERG, J. A., Lycopodium prothalli and their endophytic fungi as studiedin vitro. Amer. Journ. Bot. 49:530-535, 1962.

FREIRA DE CARVALHO, L. D’A., Oxalidaceae do Estado da Guanabara. Ro-driguesia, 23-24 (35-36):49-54, 1961.

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JONHSTON, M. C., Revision of Condalia including Microrhamnus (Rhamna-ceae). Brittonia 14 (4):332-368, 1962.

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KRAPOVICKAS, A., Dos especies nuevas de Monteiroa (Malvaceae) del Estadode Santa Catarina. Sellowia 14:61-65, 1962.

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MACBRIDE, J. F., Flora of Perú. Solanaceae. Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Bot. Ser.13(V-B, N° 1):1-267, 1962.

MARTINEZ CROVETTO, R., Estudio taxonómico-biométrico de Schinus molley Schinus areira (Anacardiaceae). Bonplandia 1 (3):225-244, 1963.

MATHIAS, M. E. and L. CONSTANCE, The andean genus Niphogeton (Umbelli-ferae) revisited. Brittonia 14:148-155, 1962.

MATHIAS, M. E. and L. CONSTANCE, A revision of Asteriscium and somerelated Hydrocotyloid Umbelliferae. Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 33(2):99-184,1962.

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MICKEL, J. T., An annotated list of the Anemia collections in the HerbarioBarbosa Rodrigues. Sellowia 14:47-49, 1962.

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SANDWITH, N. Y., Contributions to the Flora of Tropical America: LXVIII.Notes on Bignoniaceae. XXVI. Kew Bull. 15 (3):459-466, 1961. .

SANDWITH, N. Y., Contributions to the Flora of Tropical America: LXIX.A new genus of Peridiscaceae. Kew Bull. 15 (3):467-471, 1961.

SKOTTSBERG, C., Zur Naturgeschichte der Insel San Ambrosio (Islas Desven¬turadas, Chile). 2. Blütepflanzen. Arkiv for Bot. Ser. 2,4 (15):465-490, 1963.

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the taxonomic position ofon

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