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Bibliography of Charles Darwin’s Library 11 July 2011 1770. A dictionary of the English language. 2 vols. 4th ed. London: W. Strahan. Compiled by S. Johnson. [Down, S of Josiah Wedgwood]. 1816–1830. Dictionnaire des sciences naturelles, planches. Paris: F.G. Levrault. [CUL]. 1817; 1823. Journal of a horticultural tour through some parts of Flanders, Holland and the north of France in the autumn of 1817. Edinburgh; London: Bell and Bradfute; Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown. [CUL]. 1819–1823. Introductory lectures in the year 1814, The Hunterian oration for the year 1819, and part of the Introductory lecture for the year 1815. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown. Introductory lectures, 1821 & 1823; Hunterian oration, 1819; 1815 Lecture, 1819. Bound with Abernethy, Physiological lectures, 1822. [CUL]. 1822–1831. Dictionnaire classique d’histoire naturelle. Paris: Rey & Gravier. Vols 1–17. [Down, pre-B, on B, S in vol. 1]. 1823. A dictionary of chemistry. London: Thomas Tegg. [CUL, pre-B, S]. 1824–1826. Natural history. London: Whittaker. 2 volumes of plates. [Down, pre-B]. 1827. Die Hühner und Pfauzenzucht in ihren ganzen Umfange. Ulm: F. Ebnerschen. [CUL, pre-B]. 1828. Enten, Schwanen und Gänsezucht. Ulm: Ebnerschen Buchhandlung. [CUL]. 1828–1830. The farrier and naturalist. 3 vols. London: Simpkin & Marshall. Edited by a member of the Zoological Society of London. [CUL, pre-B]. 1829. Conversations on vegetable physiology. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green. Vols. 1 & 2. [Botany School, pre-B, FD, E. Catherine Darwin in vol. 1]. 1831. Dictionary of the Spanish and English languages. Vol. 1. 5th ed. London: Longman, Rees & Co. Spanish–English. [CUL, pre-B]. 1837 and 1840. L’Institut: Sciences mathématiques, physiques et naturelles.2 vols. Paris. 1ère section. [CUL]. 1

Bibliography of Charles Darwin’s Library11 July 2011

1770. A dictionary of the English language. 2 vols. 4th ed. London: W. Strahan.Compiled by S. Johnson. [Down, S of Josiah Wedgwood].

1816–1830. Dictionnaire des sciences naturelles, planches. Paris: F.G. Levrault.[CUL].

1817; 1823. Journal of a horticultural tour through some parts of Flanders,Holland and the north of France in the autumn of 1817. Edinburgh; London:Bell and Bradfute; Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown. [CUL].

1819–1823. Introductory lectures in the year 1814, The Hunterian orationfor the year 1819, and part of the Introductory lecture for the year 1815.London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown. Introductory lectures, 1821& 1823; Hunterian oration, 1819; 1815 Lecture, 1819. Bound with Abernethy,Physiological lectures, 1822. [CUL].

1822–1831. Dictionnaire classique d’histoire naturelle. Paris: Rey & Gravier.Vols 1–17. [Down, pre-B, on B, S in vol. 1].

1823. A dictionary of chemistry. London: Thomas Tegg. [CUL, pre-B, S].

1824–1826. Natural history. London: Whittaker. 2 volumes of plates. [Down,pre-B].

1827. Die Hühner und Pfauzenzucht in ihren ganzen Umfange. Ulm: F.Ebnerschen. [CUL, pre-B].

1828. Enten, Schwanen und Gänsezucht. Ulm: Ebnerschen Buchhandlung.[CUL].

1828–1830. The farrier and naturalist. 3 vols. London: Simpkin & Marshall.Edited by a member of the Zoological Society of London. [CUL, pre-B].

1829. Conversations on vegetable physiology. London: Longman, Rees, Orme,Brown & Green. Vols. 1 & 2. [Botany School, pre-B, FD, E. Catherine Darwinin vol. 1].

1831. Dictionary of the Spanish and English languages. Vol. 1. 5th ed. London:Longman, Rees & Co. Spanish–English. [CUL, pre-B].

1837 and 1840. L’Institut: Sciences mathématiques, physiques et naturelles. 2vols. Paris. 1ère section. [CUL].


Charles Darwin’s Library 2

1838. Bible. Cambridge: The Pitt Press. [Down, the family Bible].

1839. Catalogue of the scientific books in the library of the Royal Society.London: Richard & John E. Taylor. [CUL, S].

1845. Descriptive and illustrated catalogue of the fossil organic remains ofMammalia and Aves contained in the Museum of the Royal College of England.London: Richard & John E. Taylor. [Down, I by President and Council].

1846. Catalogue of the books and maps in the library of the Geological Societyof London. London: R. & J.E. Taylor. [CUL].

1854. Psychological enquiries. London: Longman, Brown, Green & Longman.[CUL].

1857. Plans of the various lakes and rivers between Lake Huron and the riverOttawa. Toronto: John Lovell. [Down, I by M. Logan].

1866. International horticultural exhibition and botanical congress. London:Truscott, Son & Simmons. [Down].

1868. Principles of organic life. London: Robert Hardwicke. [Down, S].

1868. A sketch of a philosophy, part 2: Matter and molecular morphology.London: Williams & Norgate. [Down].

1870. Natural science, religious creeds and scripture truth. Edinburgh & London:William Blackwood & Sons. [Down, I by publisher].

1871–1872. A dictionary of chemistry. 5 vols. 2nd ed. London: Longmans,Green & Co. Additional supplement. Compiled by H. Watts. [Down].

1872. Domestic medicine, a handbook. London: Bell & Daldy. [Down].

1872. Our blood relations. London: Sipkin, Marshall & Co. [Down].

1873. Congrès international d’anthropologie et d’archéologie préhistorique(Bologna, 1871). Bologna: Fava & Gavagnani. [Down, I by Cappellini (secretaryof conference)].

1876. Das Kind: Tagebuch eines Vaters. 2nd ed. Leipzig: H. Hartung & Sohn.[CUL, I].

1876. Public libraries in the United States of America. Washington: GovernmentPrinting Office. [Down, S].

1877. The survival. London: Remington & Co. [Down, I by publisher].

1878. Natuurkundige Verhandeligen van de Hollandsche Maatschappij derWetenschappen, te Haarlem. 3rd ed. Haarlem: De Erven Loosjes. Pt 3.

1878. The supernatural in nature. London: C. Kegan Paul & Co. [Down].


Charles Darwin’s Library 3

1879–1882. Encyclopaedie der Naturwissenschaften. Breslau: Trewendt. [Down].

1880–1881. Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel, Monografien 1–4. Leipzig:Wilhelm Engelmann. [Botany School].

n.d. The British aviary. London: Dean and Munday. [CUL].

n.d. The gooseberry growers’ register for the year 1862. Macclesfield: C.Leicester. [CUL].

n.d. The rabbit book. London: Journal of Horticulture. [CUL].

n.d. Thoughts on the mental functions. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd. [Down, I].

n.d. Wanderings through the conservatories at Kew. London: Society forpromoting Christian knowledge. [Down].

Abercrombie, John. 1838. Inquiries concerning the intellectual powers andthe investigation of truth. 8th ed. London: John Murray. [CUL].

Abernethy, John. 1822. Physiological lectures, exhibiting a general view ofMr Hunter’s Physiology, and of his researches in comparative anatomy. 2nded. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown. Bound with Introductorylectures, 1819–1823. [ED, 352pp, CUL].

Acébla, Alexandre. 1878. Les Impiétés. Paris: A. Ghio. [Down].

Acharius, Erik. 1803. Methodus qua omnes detectos Lichens. 2 vols. Stock-holm: F.D.D. Ulrich. [Down, ED].

Adams, Andrew Leith. 1873. Field and forest ramblers. London: Henry S.King & Co. [CUL, I by author].

Agassiz, Alexandre. 1865. Illustrated catalogue of the Museum of Compara-tive Zoology at Harvard College, No. 2, Acalephae. Cambridge, Mass.: Sever &Francis. [Down, I].

———. 1872–1874. Illustrated catalogue of the Museum at Harvard College—Revision of the Echini. Cambridge, Mass. [Down].

———. 1877. North American starfishes. Cambridge, Mass. [Down, I].

———. 1882. The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger, Part 9, Reporton the Echinoidea. London: Longmans & Co. [Down, I].

Agassiz, Alexandre and L.F. de Pourtalès. 1874. Illustrated catalogue ofthe Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College: Echini, crinoids andcorals. Cambridge, Mass. [Down].

Agassiz, Elizabeth and Alexandre. 1871. Seaside studies in natural history:Marine animals of Massachussets Bay: Radiates. Boston: James R. Osgood &Co. [Down, I].


Charles Darwin’s Library 4

Agassiz, Louis. 1848. Nomenclatoris zoologici index universalis. Soloduri:Jent & Gassmann. [CUL].

———. 1848–1854. Bibliographia zoologiae et geologiae, corrected and edited byHugh Strickland. 4 vols. London: The Ray Society. [Down].

———. 1850. Lake Superior: its character, vegetation, and animals, comparedwith those of other similar regions. Boston: Gould, Kendall & Lincoln. [CUL,I].

———. 1863. Methods of study in natural history. Boston: Ticknor and Fields.[Down, I].

———. 1869. Address delivered on the centennial anniversary of the birth ofAlexander von Humboldt. Boston: Boston Society of Natural History. [Down].

———. 1869. De l’espèce et de la classification en zoologie. F. Vogeli, trans.Paris: Germer Baillière. [CUL].

———. 1880. Reports on the Florida reefs. Cambridge, Mass. [Down, I byAlexandre Agassiz].

———. n.d. Contributions to the natural history of the United States of NorthAmerica. Vol. 1, pt 1. [CUL, I].

Agassiz, Louis and Augustus Addison Gould. 1848. Principles of zoology:part 1, Comparative physiology. Boston: Gould, Kendall & Lincoln. [CUL].

Alder, Joshua and Albany Hancock. 1845–1855. A monograph of theBritish Nudibranchiate Mollusca. London: The Ray Society. [CUL].

Allen, George James. 1877. A report on the Hydroida. Cambridge, Mass.:University Press. [Down, I by A. Agassiz].

Allen, Grant. 1877. Physiological aesthetics. London: Henry S. King & Co.[Down].

———. 1879. The colour sense: its origin and development. London: Trübner.[CUL].

———. 1880. Der Farbensinn. Leipzig: Ernst Günther. [Down].

Allen, Joel Asaph. 1880. History of North American pinnipeds. Washington:Government printing office. [Down].

Allman, George James. 1856. A monograph of the fresh-water Polyzoa.London: The Ray Society. [Down].

———. 1871–1872. A monograph of the gymnoblastic or tubularian hydroids. 2vols. London: The Ray Society. [Down].


Charles Darwin’s Library 5

Altum, Bernard and Hermann Landois. 1872. Zoologie. 2nd ed. Freiburgim Breisgau: Herder’sche Verlagshandlung. [Down].

Anderson, John. 1871. A report on the expedition to Western Yunan viâBhamô. Calcutta: Office of the Superintendent of Government printing. [Down,I].

Andrew, J. and T. Smith, eds. 1875. Saint Bartholomew’s hospital reports.Vol. 11. London: Smith, Elder & Co. [Down, FD].

Angelin, Nils Peter. 1878. Iconographia crinoideorum. Holmiae: Samson &Wallin. [Down].

Archiac, Étienne Jules Adolphe d’. 1847. Histoire des progrès de lagéologie de 1834 à 1845. Vol. 1. Paris: Soc. Géol. France. [CUL].

Argyll, Duke of (Campbell, George Douglas). 1867. The reign of law.London: Alexander Strachan. [CUL, S].

———. 1869. Primeval man. London: Strachan & Co. [CUL].

Aristotle. 1882. On the parts of animals. London: Kegan Paul, Trench &Co. [Down].

Arnott, Neil. 1833. Elements of physics or natural philosophy. 2 vols. London:Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green. [Down].

Askenasy, Eugen. 1872. Beiträge zur Kritik der Darwin’schen Lehre. Leipzig:Wilhelm Engelmann. [CUL].

Aubuisson de Voisins, Jean François d’. 1814. An account of the basaltsof Saxony, with observations on the origin of basalt in general. P. Neill, trans.Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co. [CUL, pre-B].

———. 1819. Traité de géognosie. 2 vols. Strasbourg & Paris: Levrault. [CULS: C. Darwin HMS Beagle].

Audubon, John James. 1831–1839. Ornithological biography. 5 vols. Edin-burgh: Adam Black. [CUL, B].

Audubon, John James and John Bachman. 1846. The viviparous quadrupedsof North America. New York: J.J. Audubon. [CUL].

Aveling, Edward. 1881. The student’s Darwin. London: Freethought Pub-lishing Company. [Down, I].

Ayrault, Eugène. 1867. De l’industrie mulassière en Poitou. Niort: L.Clouzot. [CUL, I].

Azara, Félix d’. 1801. Essais sur l’histoire naturelle des quadrupèdes de laprovince du Paraguay. 2 vols. Paris: Charles Pougens. [CUL, pre-B, B?].


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———. 1809. Voyages dans l’Amérique méridionale. 4 vols. Paris: Denton.Additional atlas. [CUL, pre-B].

B., J.P. 1879. An essay on spiritual evolution. London: Trübner & Co. [Down].

Babington, Charles Cardale. 1851. Manual of British botany. London:John Van Voorst. [CUL].

Baerenbach, Friedrich von. 1877. Das Problem einer Naturgeschichte desWeibes. Jena: Hermann Duft. [CUL, I].

———. 1878. Gedanken über die Teleolgie in der Natur. Berlin: TheobaldGrieben. [Down].

———. 1879. Prolegomena zu einer anthropologischen Philosophie. Leipzig:J.A. Barth. [Down, I].

Bagehot, Walter. 1872. Physics and politics. London: Henry S. King & Co.[Down, I, S].

Baildon, Henry Bellyse. 1880. The spirit of nature. London: J. & A.Churchill. [Down, I].

Bain, Alexander. 1864. The senses and the intellect. London: Longman,Green, Longman, Roberts and Green. [CUL].

———. 1865. The emotions and the will. London: Longmans, Green & Co.[CUL].

———. 1875. The emotions and the will. 3rd ed. London: Longmans, Green &Co. [Down, card from author].

Baird, William. 1875. The natural history of the British Entomostraca.London: The Ray Society. [CUL].

Baker, J.g. 1875. Elementary lessons in botanical geography. London: Lovell,Reeve & Co. [CUL, I].

Balfour, Francis Maitland. 1878. A monograph on the development ofelasmobranch fishes. London: Macmillan & Co. [Down, I].

———. 1880. A treatise on comparative embryology. 2 vols. London: Macmillan& Co. [Down, marks by FD].

Ball, Valentine. 1880. Jungle life in India. London: Thos de la Rue & Co.[Down].

Baly, William and William Senhouse Kirkes. 1848. Recent advancesin the physiology of motion, the senses, generation, and development, being asupplement to the second volume of Professor Müller’s ‘Elements of physiology’.London: Taylor & Walton. [CUL].


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Barclay, John. 1822. An inquiry into the opinions, ancient and modern,concerning life and organization. Edinburgh: Bell and Bradfute. [CUL, pre-B,S].

Barker-Webb, Philip and Sabin Berthelot. 1840. Histoire naturelle desÎles Canaries. Paris: Béthune. [CUL].

Barrago, Francesco. 1869. L’Uomo fatto ad imagine di Dio fu anche fattoad imagine della scienzia. Cagliari: Corveso di Sardegna. [Down, I].

Barrande, Joachim. 1870. Defense de colonies. Prague: Chez l’auteur.[Down, I].

———. 1870. Distribution des Céphalopodes. Prague: Chez l’auteur. [Down, I].

———. 1871. Trilobites. Prague: Chez l’auteur. [Down, I].

———. 1877. Céphalopodes. Prague: Chez l’auteur. [Down, I].

———. 1879. Brachiopodes. Prague: Chez l’auteur. [Down, I].

———. 1881. Acéphalés. Prague: Chez l’auteur. [Down, I to CD erased andreplaced by FD].

Barton, John. 1827. A lecture on the geography of plants. London: Harveyand Darton. [Down, pre-B, S].

Bary, Heinrich Anton De. 1864. Die Mycetozoen. Leipzig: WilhelmEngelmann. [Down].

Bastian, Henry Charlton. 1871. The modes of origin of lowest organisms.London: Macmillan & Co. [Down, I].

———. 1872. The beginnings of life. 2 vols. London: Macmillan. [CUL, I].

———. 1874. Evolution and the origin of life. London: Macmillan & Co.[Down, I].

———. 1880. The brain as an organ of mind. London: C. Kegan Paul & Co.[Down].

Bate, Charles Spence. 1862. Catalogue of the specimens of AmphipodousCrustacea in the collection of the British Museum. London: By order of theTrustees. [Down, I].

Bateman, Frederic. 1870. On aphasia, or loss of speech. London: JohnChurchill & Sons. [CUL].

Bates, Henry Walter. 1863. The naturalist on the river Amazons. 2 vols.London: John Murray. [CUL, I in both vols.].


Charles Darwin’s Library 8

Baxter, Jedediah Hyde. 1875. Statistics, medical and anthropological of theProvost-Marshal-General’s bureau. 2 vols. Washington: Government PrintingOffice. [Down].

Beale, Lionel Smith. 1865. On the structure and growth of the tissues andof life. London: Robert Hardwicke. [CUL].

Bechstein, Johann Matthäus. 1801–1805 (2nd edn), 1793–1795 (1st edn).Gemeinnützige Naturgeschichte Deutschlands. 4 vols. Leipzig: Ernsius. [CUL].

———. 1840. Naturgeschichte der Stubenvögel. Halle: Hennemann. [CUL, S].

Beechey, Frederick William. 1832. Narrative of a voyage to the Pacific.Philadelphia: Carey and Rea. [CUL, on B].

Bell, Charles. 1844. The anatomy and philosophy of expression. London:John Murray. [CUL, S E. Darwin 1844 to Ch. Darwin Nov. 28 1866].

———. 1874. The hand. London: George Bell & Sons. [Down].

Bell, John & Charles. 1826. The anatomy and physiology of the humanbody. 3 vols. 6th ed. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green. [Down,pre-B, ED].

Belt, Thomas. 1874. The naturalist in Nicaragua. London: John Murray.[CUL, S].

Beneden, Pierre Joseph Van. n.d. Mémoire sur les vers intestinaux. Paris:Mallet-Bachelier. Suppl. aux Comptes rendus hébd. des séances de l’Acad. desSciences, vol. 2.

Bentham, George. 1858. Handbook of the British flora. London: LovellReeve. [CUL].

———. 1858. Handbook of the British flora. London: Lovell Reeve. [CUL,another copy].

Bentham, George and Joseph Dalton Hooker. 1862–1883. Generaplantarum. London: Reeve & Co. Vol. 1, i–iii; vols 2 & 3, i–ii. [Botany School].

Berjeau, Philibert. 1863. The varieties of dogs. London: Dulau & Co.[Down].

Berkenhout, John. 1764. Clavis anglica linguae botanicae, or, a botanicallexicon. London: Becket, de Houdt, Hawes, Clark & Collins. [CULR, pre-B, S].

Bernard, Claude. 1866. Leçons sur les propriétés des tissus vivants. Paris:Germer Baillière. [CUL].

———. 1879. Leçons sur les phénomènes de la vie communs aux animaux etaux végétaux. Paris: J.B. Baillière et Fils. [CUL (2nd vol. only)].


Charles Darwin’s Library 9

Bernhardi, Johann Jacob. 1834. Über den Begriff der Pflanzenart undseine Anwendung. Erfurt: Friedrich Wilhelm Otto. [CUL].

Berzelius, Jöns Jacob. 1822. The use of the blowpipe in chemical analysisand in the examination of minerals. London: Baldwin, Cradock, Joy and J.Mawe. [Down, pre-B].

Beudant, François Sulpice. 1830. Traité élémentaire de minéralogie. Paris:Verdière. [Down, on B].

Bevan, Edward. 1827. The honeybee. London: Baldwin, Cradock and Joy.[CUL, pre-B, S E. Catherine Darwin].

Beverley, Robert Mackenzie. 1867. The Darwinian theory of the trans-mutation of species. London: James Niskett. [Down].

Bevington, Louisa Sarah. 1879. Key-notes. London: C. Kegan Paul & Co.[Down].

Bianconi, Giovanni Giuseppe. 1875. La Teoria darwiniana e la creazionedetta indipendente. Bologna: Nicola Zanichelli. [Down].

———. 1875. La Théorie darwinienne et la création dite indépendante: lettreà M. Ch. Darwin. G.A. Bianconi, trans. Bologna: Nicola Zanichelli. [CUL].

Bigg, Henry Heather. 1882. Spinal curvature. London: J. and A. Churchill.[Down, I].

Billing, Sidney. 1879. Scientific materialism and ultimate conceptions. Lon-don: Brickers & Son. [Down, I].

Binney, William Greene. 1878. The terrestrial air-breathing mollusks ofthe United States. 2 vols. Cambridge, Mass.: Welch, Bigelow & Co. [Down].

Blackley, Charles Harrison. 1873. Experimental researches on the causesand nature of Catarrhus aestivus. London, Paris & Madrid: Baillière, Tindall& Cox. [CUL, I].

———. 1880. Hay fever. 2nd ed. London: Baillière, Tindall & Cox. [Down].

Blackwall, John. 1834. Researches in zoology. London: Simpkin & Marshall.[CUL, S].

———. 1861–1864. A history of the spiders of Great Britain and Ireland. 2vols. London: The Ray Society. [Down].

Blackwell, Antoinette Brown. 1869. Studies in general science. NewYork: G.P. Putnam & Son. [Down, I].

Blainville, Henri Marie Ducrotay de. 1834. Manuel d’actiniologie ou dezoophytologie. Paris: F.G. Levrault. [Down, on B, S].


Charles Darwin’s Library 10

Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich. 1865. The anthropological treatises ofJohann Friedrich Blumenbach, with memoirs of him by Marx and Flourens,and an account of his anthropological museum by Professor R. Wagner, and theinaugural dissertation of John Hunter, M.D., on the varieties of man. London:Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts and Green. [CUL].

Blyth, Edward. 1881. The natural history of the cranes. London: HoraceCox. [CUL].

Boitard, Pierre. 1828. Manuel d’entomologie. 2 vols. Paris: Roret. [CUL,on B].

Boitard, Pierre & Corbié. 1824. Les Pigeons de volière et de colombier,ou Histoire naturelle des pigeons domestiques. Paris: Audot & Corbié. [CUL,pre-B].

Bolingbroke, Viscount, Henry. 1739. A dissertation upon parties. London.[CUL.1900].

———. 1748. A collection of political tracts. London. [CUL.1900].

———. 1749. Letters on the spirit of patriotism. London. [CUL.1900].

Bonaparte, Charles Lucien. 1838. A geographical and comparative list ofthe birds of Europe and North America. London: John Van Voorst. [CUL, S].

———. 1855. Coup d’oeil sur l’ordre des pigeons. Paris: Mallet-Bacheler.[CUL].

Bondi, Augusto. 1873. L’Uomo: ipotesi sulla origine (teoria darwiniana),considerazioni. Forl: Tip. Soc. Democratica. [CUL, I].

Boner, Charles. 1865. Transylvania: its products and its people. London:Longman, Green, Reader and Dyer. [Down].

Bonnal, Marcel de. 1877. Une Agonie. Angoulême: F. Lugeol & Cie.[Down].

Bonnet, Charles. 1754. Recherches sur l’usage des feuilles dans les plantes.Göttingen: Elie Luzac. [Botany School, FD].

———. 1754. Recherches sur l’usage des feuilles dans les plantes. Göttingen &Leiden: Elie Luzac. [Botany School, FD].

———. 1780. Oeuvres d’histoire naturelle et de philosophie: insectologie. 2vols. Amsterdam: Marc-Michel Rey. [Down, pre-B].

Boott, Francis. 1858–1860. Illustrations of the genus Carex. 2 vols. London:William Pomplin. [Down].

Borrelli, Diodato. 1879. Vita e natura. Napoli: Enrico Dethen. [Down].


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Bosquet, Joseph. 1852. Description des entomostracés fossiles des terrainestertiaires de la France et de la Belgique. Bruxelles: Académie royale de Belgique.[Down, I].

———. 1854. Description des crustacés fossiles du terrain crétacé du Duchéde Limbourg. Haarlem: A.C. Kruseman. [Down, I].

———. 1857. Notice sur quelques cirripèdes. Haarlem: Les Héritiers Loosjes.[Down, I].

Bostock, John. 1824. An elementary system of physiology. Vol. 1. London:Baldwin, Cradock & Joy. [Down, pre-B, ED].

Boudin, Jean Christian. 1857. Traité de géographie et de statistique médicaleset des maladies endémiques. 2 vols. Paris: J.B. Baillière et Fils. [CUL].

Boué, Ami. 1879. Autobiographie. Wien: F. Ulrich und Sohn. [Down, I].

Bourbon Del Monte, Jean-Baptiste François. 1877. L’Homme et lesanimaux. Paris: Germer Baillière. [Down, S].

Bowdler, Jane. 1819. Poems and essays. Bath: Bath. [CUL.1900].

Bowerbank, James Scott. 1864–1872. A monograph of the British Spon-giadae. 4 vols. London: The Ray Society. [Down].

Boyer, Abel. 1816. Le Dictionnaire royal françois–anglois et anglois–françois.2 vols. New ed. London: J. Rivington. [Down, pre-B, ED].

———. 1819. Royal dictionary (abridged). 23rd ed. London: F.C. & J. Rivington.[CUL, pre-B, S C. Darwin October 29th, 1825].

Brace, Charles Loring. 1863. The races of the Old World. London: JohnMurray. [Down, I].

———. 1872. The dangerous classes of New York. New York: Wynkoop &Hallenbeck. [Down, I].

Bradley, Richard. 1724. A general treatise of husbandry and gardening. 3vols. London: T. Woodward. [CUL, pre-B, each vol. S of R.W. Darwin].

Brady, George Stewardson. 1878–1880. A monograph of the free andsemi-parasitic Copepoda of the British Islands. 3 vols. London: The RaySociety. [Down].

Bree, Charles Robert. 1860. Species not transmutable. London: Groom-bridge & Sons. [CUL].

Brehm, A.e. 1864–1867. Illustriertes Thierleben. 4 vols. Hildburghausen:Verlag der Bibliographischen Instituts. [Down].


Charles Darwin’s Library 12

Brehm, Alfred Edmund. 1876–1878. Tierleben. 9 vols. 2nd ed. Leipzig:Leipzig, Verlag der Bibliographischen Instituts. [Down].

Brent, Bernard P. n.d. The canary, British finches, and some other birds.London: Journal of Horticulture and Cottage Gardener office. [CUL].

———. n.d. The pigeon book. London: Cottage Gardener office. [CUL].

Briggs, Thomas Richard Archer. 1880. Flora of Plymouth. London: JohnVan Voorst. [Down, I].

Briosi, Giovanni. 1882. Intorno un organo di alcuni embrioni vegetali. [Down].

British Association. 1834. Report of the third meeting of the British Associ-ation for the advancement of science held at Cambridge in 1833. London: JohnMurray. [CUL, S].

———. 1842. Report of the eleventh meeting of the British Association for theadvancement of science, held at Plymouth in July 1841. London: John Murray.[CUL].

British Museum (F. Smith). 1855. Catalogue of British Hymenoptera in thecollection of the British Museum. London: By order of the Trustees. [CUL].

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Colin, Gabriel Constant. 1854–1856. Traité de physiologie comparée desanimaux domestiques. 2 vols. Paris: J.B. Baillière. [CUL].

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Collingwood, Cuthbert. 1868. Rambles of a naturalist on the shores andwaters of the China Sea. London: John Murray. [CUL].

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Cuvier, Georges. 1799–1805. Leçons d’anatomie comparée. Paris: Baudouin.Vols 1–5. [CUL, pre-B].

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Dallas, William Sweetland. n.d. A natural history of the animal kingdom.London: Charles Griffin & Co. [Down].

Dana, James Dwight. 1853. On the classification and geographical distributionof Crustacea. Philadelphia: C. Sherman. [CUL, I].

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———. 1860. Über die Entstehung der Arten in Thier- und Pflanzen-Reichdurch natürliche Züchtung, oder Erhaltung der vervollkommneten Rassen imKampfe um’s Daseyn (The origin of species). H.G. Bronn, trans. Stuttgart:E. Schweizerbart. [CUL].

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Delage, Yves. 1881. Contribution à l’étude de l’appareil circulatoire desCrustacés édriophthalmes marins. Paris: A. Hennuyer. [Down, I].

Delamer, Eugene Sebastian (Edmund Saul Dixon). 1854. Pigeons andrabbits in their wild, domestic and captive states. London: G. Routledge & Co.[CUL].

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Donders, F.C. 1864. On the anomalies of accommodation and refraction ofthe eye. W.D. Moore, trans. London: The New Sydenham Society. [CUL].

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Donnegan, James. 1837. A new Greek and English lexicon. 3rd ed. London:Sipkin, Marshall & Co. [Botany School, ED].

Douglas, & Scott John, John William. 1865. The British Hemiptera.London: The Ray Society. [Down].

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Dreher, Enger. 1877. Der Darwinismus und seine Stellung in der Philosophie.Berlin: Hermann Peters. [Down, I].

Drouët, Henri. 1858. Mollusques marins des îles Açores. Paris: Baillière.[CUL].

Drysdale, John. 1874. The protoplasmic theory of life. London: Baillière,Tindall & Cox. [Down, I].

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Du Prel, Karl Freiherr. 1874. Der Kampf ums Dasein am Himmell. 2nded. Berlin: Denike. [Down].

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Duchenne, Guillaume Benjamin. 1862. Mécanisme de la physionomiehumaine, ou analyse électro-physiologique de l’expression des passions. Paris:Jules Renouard. [CUL (Plates at Down), S].

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Dumont, Léon A. 1873. Haeckel et la théorie de l’évolution en Allemagne.Paris: Germer Baillière. [CUL].

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Duncan, Andrew. 1826. The Edinburgh new dispensatory. Edinburgh: Bell& Bradfute. [CUL, pre-B,].

Duncan, James Matthews. 1871. Fecundity, fertility, sterility and alliedtopics. Edinburgh: Adam & Charles Black. [CUL, I].

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Durand, Jean Pierre de Gros. 1866. Essais de physiologie philosophique.Paris: Germer Baillière. [Down, I].

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Dutrochet, René-Joachim Henri. 1837. Mémoires pour servir à l’histoireanatomique et physiologique des végétaux et des animaux. Paris: J.B. Baillière.[Botany School].

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Ecker, Alexander. 1864–1882. Die Anatomie des Frosches. 3 vols. Braun-schweig: F. Vieweg & Sohn. [Down, some marks by FD].

Edgeworth, Michael Packenham. 1877. Pollen. London: Hardwicke &Bogue. [Down].

Ehrenberg, Christian Gottfried. 1844. Vorläufige Nachricht über daskleinste Leben im Weltmeer, an Südpol und in den Meeres-Tiefen. Berlin: L.Voss. [CUL, I in each part, S].

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Eichwald, Eduard von. 1871. Geognostisch-palaeontologische Bemerkungenüber die Halbinsel Mangischlak und die Aleutischen Inseln. St Petersburg:Buchdruckerei der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaft. [CUL].

Eimer, Theodor. 1881. Untersuchungen über das Variiren der Maureidechse.Berlin: R. Stricker. [CUL, I].

Élie de Beaumont, Jean Baptiste Armand Louis Léonce. 1845. Leçonsde géologie pratique. Paris: P. Bertrand. [CUL].

———. 1848. Note sur les systèmes de montagnes les plus enciens de l’Europe.Paris: unstated. [CUL].

Emery, Carlo. 1880. Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel 2. Fierasfer.Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann. [Botany School].

Engelmann, Wilhelm. 1846. Bibliotheca historico-naturalis. Vol. 1. Leipzig:Wilhelm Engelmann. [Down].

Ercolani, Giovanni Battista. 1877. Sull’unità del tipo anatomico della pla-centa nei mammiferi e nell’umana specie e sull’unità fisiologica della nutrizionedei feti in tutti i vertebrati. Bologna: Gamberini e Parmeggiani. [CUL, I].

———. 1880. Nuove ricerche sulla placenta nei pesci cartilaginosi e nei mam-miferi e delle sue applicazioni alla tassonomia zoologica e all’antropogenia.Bologna: Gamberini & Parmegiani. [CUL, I].

Erichsen, John Eric. 1869. The science and art of surgery. 2 vols. 5th ed.London: James Walton. [Down].

Erichson, Wilhelm Ferdinand and Carl Hermann Conrad Burmeis-ter. 1834. Beschreibungen und Abbildungen der von Herrn Meyen aufdieser Reise gesammelten Insekten. Breslau & Bonn: Verlag der KaiserlichenLeopoldinisch-Carolinischen Akademie der Naturforscher. Bound with Meyen,Beiträge zur Zoologie, n.d. [CUL, S, on B].

Ernest, J.A. 1816. Dictionary, Graecium lexicon. London: J. Rivington.[Botany School, pre-B, ED].


Charles Darwin’s Library 25

Errera, Léo. 1878. Sur la structure et les modes de fécondation des fleurs.Gand: C. Annoot-Braeckman. [CUL, I].

Eschricht, Daniel, Reinhardt Johannes Theodor Frederick, andWilhelm Lilljeborg. 1866. Recent memoirs on the Cetacea. London: TheRay Society. [Down].

Eschwege, Wilhelm Ludwig von. 1832. Beiträge zur GebirgskundeBrasiliens. Berlin: G. Reimer. [CUL, on B].

Espinas, Alfred. 1877. Des sociétés animales. Paris: Baillière. [CUL].

Euripides. 1836. Hecuba. Oxford: J. Vincent, H. Slater, J. Mawman, Deighton& Sons. [CULR, S].

Eyton, Thomas Campbell. 1867. Osteologia Avium. 2 vols. Wellington,Salop: R. Hobson. [Down].

Fabre, Jean-Henri Casimir. 1879. Souvenirs entomologiques, études surl’instinct et les moeurs des insectes. Paris: Ch. Dela. [CUL, I, S].

Faivre, Ernest. 1868. La Variabilité des espèces et ses limites. Paris: GermerBaillière. [CUL, I].

Falconer, Hugh. 1852. Report on the teak forests of the Tenasserim Provinces.Calcutta: F. Carbery. [Down, I].

———. 1868. Palaeontological memoirs. 2 vols. London: Robert Hardwicke.[Down, I in vol. 1].

Farrar, Frederic William. 1865. Chapters on language. London: Longmans,Green & Co. [Down, I].

Fayrer, Joseph. 1875. The royal tiger of Bengal. London: J. & A. Churchill.[Down, I].

Fenwick, Samuel. 1871. The student’s guide to medical diagnosis. 2nd ed.London: J. & A. Churchill. [Down, FD].

Ferguson, George. 1854. Illustrated series of rare and prize poultry includingcomprehensive essays upon all classes of domestic fowl. G. Ferguson, BeaufortLibrary. [CUL].

Ferrière, Émile. 1872. Le Darwinisme. Paris: Germer Baillière. [Down].

———. n.d. Le Darwinisme. Paris: Germer Baillière. [Down, another copy].

Ferris, Benjamin G. 1871. Origin of species, a new theory. Ithaca, N.Y.:Ithaca Democrat Print. [Down].

Fichte, Immanuel Hermann. 1867. Die Seelenfortdauer und die Weltstellungdes Menschen. Leipzig. [Down].


Charles Darwin’s Library 26

Fiske, John. 1874. Outlines of cosmic philosophy based on the doctrine ofevolution. 2 vols. London: Macmillan & Co. [Down].

———. 1879. Darwinism and other essays. London & New York: Macmillan& Co. [Down].

Fitton, William Henry. 1833. Notes on the progress of geology in England.London: Richard Taylor. [Down, on B?, I].

Fitzgerald, Robert David. 1877–. Australian orchids. Sydney: ThomasRichards. Vol. 1, i–vii; vol. 2, i, iii, iv, & v. [Botany School, I].

Fitzroy, Robert and Philip Parker King. 1839. Narrative of the surveyingvoyage of H.M.S. Adventure and Beagle. 3 vols. London: H. Coburn. Addtionalappendix. [CULR, 2 copies of vol. 3, one marked by FD].

Fleming, John. 1822. The philosophy of zoology. 2 vols. Edinburgh: ArchibaldConstable & Co. [CUL, pre-B, S in both vols.].

———. 1828. A history of British animals. Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute. [CUL,pre-B].

Flourens, Marie Jean-Pierre. 1845. De l’instinct et de l’intelligence desanimaux. 2nd ed. Paris: Paulin. [CUL].

———. 1855. De la longévité humaine et de la quantité de vie sur le globe.Paris: Garnier. [CUL].

———. 1864. Examen du livre de M. Darwin sur l’origine des espèces. Paris:Garnier Frères. [CUL].

Flower, William Henry. 1870. An introduction to the osteology of Mammalia.London: Macmillan. [CUL, S].

———. 1879. Catalogue of the specimens illustrating the osteology and dentitionof vertebrated animals contained in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeonsof England. London: David Bogue. [Down].

Flügel, Johann Gottfried. 1838. English–German & German–EnglishDictionary. Leipzig: G. Liebeskind. [Down].

Focke, Wilhelm Olbers. 1881. Die Pflanzen-Mischlinge. Berlin: GebrüderBorntraeger. [CUL, S, I].

Fol, Hermann. 1879. Recherches sur la fécondation et le commencement del’hénogenie. Genève: Henri Georg. [Down, I].

Follen, Eliza Lee. 1844. The life of Charles Follen. Boston: T.H. Webb &Co. [Down].

Forbes, Edward. 1848. A monograph of the British naked-eyed Medusae.London: The Ray Society. [Down].


Charles Darwin’s Library 27

———. n.d. On the Asteriadae found fossil in British strata. [CUL, I].

Forel, J.A. 1874. Les Fourmis de la Suisse. Zürich: Zürcher & Furner. [CUL,I].

Forster, Johann Reinhold. 1778. Observations made during a voyage roundthe world. London: G. Robinson. [CUL, pre-B, S].

Forster, Thomas. 1817. A synoptical catalogue of British birds. London:Nichols, Son & Bentley. [CUL, pre-B, S Charles Darwin 1826].

Foster, Michael and Francis M. Balfour. 1874. The elements of embry-ology. London: Macmillan & Co. [Down].

Foster, Michael and J.N. Langley. 1876. A course of elementary practicalphysiology. London: Macmillan & Co. [Down, I].

Fournier, Eugène. 1863. De la fécondation dans les Phanérogames. Paris:F. Savy. [CUL].

Francisque-Michel. 1860. Du passé et de l’avenir des Haras. London &Edinburgh: Williams & Norgate. [CUL, S].

Frank, Albert Bernhard. 1868. Beiträge zur Pflanzenphysiologie. Leipzig:Wilhelm Engelmann. [CUL, S].

———. 1870. Die natürliche wagerechte Richtung von Pflanzentheilen. Leipzig:Hermann Weissbach. [CUL].

Freke, Henry. 1861. On the origin of species by means of organic affinity.London: Longman & Co. [Down, I].

Frémont, J.C. 1845. Report of the exploring expedition to the Rocky Mountainsin the year 1842, and to Oregon and North California in the years 1843–44.Washington: Gales & Seaton. [CUL].

Frey, Heinrich. 1874. The histology and histochemistry of man. A.E.J.Barker, trans. London: J. & A. Churchill. [Down].

Fritz, Hermann. n.d. Die Beziehungen der Sonnenflecken. Haarlem: DeErven Loosjes. [Down].

Frohschammer, Jakob. 1868. Das Christenthum und die moderne Naturwis-senschaft. Wien: Tendler & Co. [Down].

Gallesio, Georges. 1811. Traité du citrus. Paris: Louis Fantin. [CUL, pre-Bbut read later: S C Darwin Feb 1842].

Galton, Francis. 1853. The narrative of an explorer in tropical South Africa.London: J. Murray. [CUL, ED].


Charles Darwin’s Library 28

———. 1855. The art of travel, or, shifts and contrivances available in wildcountries. London: John Murray. [CUL, I, S].

———. 1874. English men of science: Their nature and nurture. London:Macmillan & Co. [Down, S].

Garrod, Alfred Baring. 1869. The essentials of materia medica andtherapeutics. 3rd ed. London: John Walton. [Down, FD].

Garrod, Alfred Henry. 1881. The collected scientific papers. London: R.H.Porter. [Down].

Gärtner, Carl Friedrich. 1844. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Befruchtungder vollkommeneren Gewächse. Stuttgart: E. Schweizerbart. [CUL].

Gärtner, C.F. 1849. Versuche und Beobachtungen über die Bastarderzeugungim Pflanzenreich. Stuttgart. [CUL].

Gastaldi, Bartolomeo. 1865. Lake habitations and pre-historic remains.C.H. Chambers, trans. London: Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts.[Down].

Gaudry, Albert. 1862. Animaux fossiles et géologie de l’Attique. Paris: F.Savy. [Down].

———. 1873. Animaux fossiles du Mont Léberon. P. Fischer & R. Tournouër.[Down, I].

———. 1878. Les Enchaînements du monde animal dans les temps géologiques.Paris: F. Savy. [Down, I].

Gaussoin, Eugene. 1866. The island of Navassa illustrated. Boston. [Down].

Gee, Samuel. 1870. Auscultation and percussion. London: Smith, Elder &Co. [Down, probably FD].

Gegenbaur, Carl. 1864–1872. Untersuchungen zur vergleichenden Anatomieder Wirbelthiere. Leipzig. [Down, I].

———. 1870. Grundzüge der vergleichenden Anatomie. 2nd ed. Leipzig:Wilhelm Engelmann. [Down, I].

———. 1874. Manuel d’anatomie comparée. C. Vogt, trans. Paris: C. Reinwald& Cie. [Down].

———. 1878. Elements of comparative anatomy. F. Jeffrey Bell, trans.London: Macmillan & Co. Revised & with preface by E. Ray Lankester. [Down,I markings by FD].

Geiger, Lazarus. 1871. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Menschheit.Stuttgart: F.G. Gotta’schen. [Down].


Charles Darwin’s Library 29

Geikie, James. 1877. The great ice age. 2nd ed. London: Daldy, Isbister &Co. [CUL, I, ED].

———. 1881. Prehistoric Europe: A geological sketch. London: Stanford. [CUL,I].

Gentry, Thomas G. 1876. Life-histories of the birds of eastern Pennsylvania.Philadelphia. [CUL.1900].

Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Étienne. 1830. Principes de philosophie zoologique.Paris: Pichon & Didier. [CUL].

Geoffroy Saint Hilaire, Isidore. 1832–1837. Histoire générale et parti-culière des anomalies de l’organisation chez l’homme et les animaux. 3 vols.Paris: J.B. Baillière. Additional atlas. [CUL].

———. 1841. Essais de zoologie générale. Paris: Roret. [CUL, S].

Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Isidore. 1847. Vie, travaux et doctrine scientifiqued’Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire. Paris: P. Bertrand. [CUL].

Geoffroy Saint Hilaire, Isidore. 1854–1862. Histoire naturelle généraledes règnes organiques. 3 vols. Paris: Victor Masson. [CUL].

Gérard, R. 1879. La Fleur et le diagramme des Orchidées. Paris: Faculté deMédicine. [Down, I].

Gerland, Georg. 1868. Über das Aussterben der Naturvölker. Leipzig:Friedrich Fleischer. [CUL, S].

Gervais, Paul. 1854–1855. Les Trois règnes de la nature: Histoire naturelledes mammifères. Paris: Curmer. Vols 1 & 2. [CUL].

Giraud-Teulon, Alexis. 1874. Les Origines de la famille. Genève: by theauthor. [CUL.1900].

Girton, Daniel. n.d. The new and complete pigeon-fancier: Or, moderntreatise on domestic pigeons. New ed. London. [CUL].

Glen, William Cunningham. 1857. Collection of Poor Law Statutes. 2nded. London: Shaw & Sons. [Down].

Gloger, Constantin Lambert. 1833. Das Abändern der Vögel durch Einflussdes Klima’s. Breslau: August Schulz & Co. [CUL, on B].

Godman, Frederick Du Cane. 1870. Natural history of the Azores, orWestern Islands. London: John Van Voorst. [CUL].

Godron, Dominique Alexandre. 1859. De l’espèce et des races dans lesêtres organisés et spécialement de l’unité de l’espèce humaine. 2 vols. Paris:J.B. Baillière et Fils. [CUL].


Charles Darwin’s Library 30

Gonne, Christian Friedrich. 1882. Das Gleichgewicht in der Bewegung.Dresden: R.V. Zahn. [Down].

Gooch, Robert. 1859. On some of the most important diseases peculiar towomen. London: The New Sydenham Society. [Down].

Goodsir, John and Harry Goodsir. 1845. Anatomical and pathologicalobservations. Edinburgh: Miles MacPhail. [Down].

Gosse, Philip Henry. 1851. A naturalist’s sojourn in Jamaica. London:Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans. [CUL, S].

———. 1859. Letters from Alabama, chiefly related to natural history. London:Morgan & Chase. [CUL].

Götz, Theodor. 1853. Hunde-Galerie. 2nd ed. Weimar: Eduard Lobe.[Down].

Gould, Benjamin Apthorp. 1869. Investigations in the military and an-thropological statistics of American soldiers. New York: Hurd & Houghton.[CUL].

Gould, John. 1848. An introduction to the birds of Australia. London: Richard& John E. Taylor. [CUL, I].

———. 1861. An introduction to the Trochilidae, or family of humming-birds.London: Taylor & Francis. [CUL, I].

———. 1865. Handbook to the birds of Australia. 2 vols. London: by the author.[CUL].

———. 1873. Introduction to the birds of Great Britain. London: Taylor &Francis. [CUL, I].

Gould, William. 1747. An account of English ants. London: A. Millar. [CUL,pre-B].

Graba, Carl Julian. 1830. Tagebuch geführt auf einer Reise nach Färö imJahre 1828. Hamburg: Perthes & Besser. [CUL, on B].

Grant, Robert Edmond. 1835. Outlines of comparative anatomy. London:J.B. Baillière. [CUL].

Gratiolet, Pierre. 1865. De la physionomie et des mouvements d’expression.Paris: J. Hetzel. [CUL, S].

Graves, George. 1824. The naturalist’s companion. London: Longman,Hurst, Orme, Brown & Green. [CUL, pre-B, S Charles Darwin August 4th1825].

Gray, Asa. 1856. Manual of the botany of the northern United States. 2nd ed.New York. [CUL].


Charles Darwin’s Library 31

———. 1857. First lessons in botany and vegetable physiology. New York: G.P.Putnam & Co., and Ivison & Phinney. [CUL, I].

———. 1872. Botany for young people: Part 2, How plants behave. New York& Chicago: Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co. [CUL, I].

———. 1876. Darwiniana. New York: D. Appleton & Co. [CUL].

———. 1880. Natural science and religion. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.[CUL, I].

Gray, George Robert. 1871. A fascicle of the birds of China. London.[Down, I].

Gray, Henry. 1869. Anatomy, descriptive and surgical. 5th ed. London:Longmans, Green & Co. [Down, probably FD].

Gray, John Edward. 1831. Synopsis reptilium. London: Treuttel, Wurtz &Co. [Down, S].

Green, Charles. 1842. The history, antiquities, and geology, of Bacton, inNorfolk. Norwich: Josiah Fletcher. [CUL, I Charles Darwin from C. Lyell].

Greene, Joseph Reay. 1861. A manual of the sub-kingdom Coelenterata.London: Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts. [Down, I].

Greenwell, William. n.d. British barrows. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Greg, William Rathbone. 1863. The creed of Christendom. London:Trübner & Co. [Down].

———. 1872. Enigmas of life. London: Trübner & Co. [Down, I].

Grobben, Carl. 1878. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Männlichen Geschlechtsor-gane der Dekapoden. Wien: Alfred Hölder. [Down, I].

Grove, William Robert. 1862. The correlation of physical forces. 4th ed.London: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts & Green. [Down, S].

Günther, Albert. 1869. The reptiles of British India. London: The RaySociety. [Down].

———. 1871. Description of Ceratodus. London: Taylor & Francis. [Down].

———. 1877. The gigantic land-tortoises (living and extinct) in the collectionof the British Museum. London: By order of the Trustees. [Down].

———. 1880. An introduction to the study of fishes. Edinburgh: Adam &Charles Black. [Down, I].

Guthrie, Malcolm. 1879. On Mr Spencer’s formula of evolution. London:Trübner & Co. [Down, I markings by FD].


Charles Darwin’s Library 32

Guy, William A. 1861. Principles of forensic medicine. 2nd ed. London:Henry Renshaw. [Down, FD].

Haast, Julius von. 1879. Geology of the provinces of Canterbury and Westland,New Zealand. Christchurch: The Times Office. [Down].

Haberlandt, Gottlieb. 1877. Die Schutzeinrichtungen in der Entwickelungder Keimpflanze. Wien: Carl Gerold’s Sohn. [CUL].

———. 1877. Die Schutzeinrichtungen in der Entwickelung der Keimpflanze.Wien: Carl Gerold’s Sohn. [Down, I].

———. 1881. Vergleichende Anatomie der assimilatorischen Gewebesystem.Berlin: G. Bernstein. [Down, I].

Haeckel, Ernst. 1862. Die Radiolarien. 2 vols. Berlin: Georg Reimer. [Down,I].

———. 1866. Generelle Morphologie der Organismen. 2 vols. Berlin: GeorgReimer. [CUL, I in vol. 1].

———. 1868. Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte. Berlin: Georg Reimer. [CUL,I].

———. 1869. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Siphonophoren. Utrecht: C.Van der Post Jr. [CUL].

———. 1870. Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte. 2nd ed. Berlin: Georg Reimer.[Down, I].

———. 1872. Die Kalkschwämme. 3 vols. Berlin: Georg Reimer. [CUL, I invol. 1].

———. 1872. Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte. 3rd ed. Berlin: Georg Reimer.[Down, I].

———. 1873. Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte. 4th ed. Berlin: Georg Reimer.[Down, I].

———. 1874. Anthropogenie oder Entwickelungsgeschichte des Menschen.Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann. [Down].

———. 1874. Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte. 5th ed. Berlin: Georg Reimer.[Down, I].

———. 1875. Arabische Korallen. Berlin: Georg Reimer. [Down].

———. 1876. The history of creation. 2 vols. Revised ed. E.R. Lankester,trans. London: Henry King & Co. Revised by E. R. Lankester. [CUL, S in bothvols.].


Charles Darwin’s Library 33

———. 1877. Anthropogenie oder Entwickelungsgeschichte des Menschen. 3rded. Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann. [Down, I].

———. 1877. Studien zur Gastraea-Theorie. Jena: Hermann Dufft. [Down, I].

———. 1878. Das Protistenreich. Leipzig: E. Günther. [Down].

———. 1878. Freie Wissenschaft und freie Lehre. Stuttgart: E. Schweizerbart.[Down, I].

———. 1879. The evolution of man. 2 vols. London: C. Kegan Paul & Co.[Down].

———. 1879. Freedom in science and teaching. London: C. Kegan Paul & Co.[Down].

———. 1879. Gesammelte populäre Vorträge aus dem Gebiete der Entwick-elungslehre. Bonn: Emil Strauss. [Down, I].

———. 1879. Les Preuves du transformisme, réponse à Virchow. J. Soury,trans. Paris: Germer Baillière & Cie. [CUL, I].

———. 1879. Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte. 7th ed. Berlin: Georg Reimer.[Down, I].

———. 1879–1880. Das System der Medusen. 4 vols. Jena: Friedrich Mauke.[Down, I].

Hagen, Hermann. 1876. On some insect deformities. Cambridge, Mass.:University Press. [Down, I by A. Agassiz].

Hahn, Otto. 1879. Die Urzelle. Tübingen: H. Laupp. [Down, I].

———. 1880. Die Meteorite (Chondrite) und ihre Organismen. Tübingen: H.Laupp. [Down].

Hall, Sydney. 1829. A new general atlas. London: Longman, Brown, Green& Longmans. [Down, on B, ED].

———. 1831. An alphabetical index of all the names contained in a new generalatlas of fifty-nine maps. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Browne & Green.[CUL, on B, S].

Hallez, Paul. 1879. Contributions à l’histoire naturelle des Turbellariés. Lille:L. Danel. [Down, I].

Hancock, Albany. 1857. On the organization of the Brachiopoda. [Down, I].

Hansen, Adolph. 1881. Vergleichende Untersuchngen über Adventivbildungenbei den Pflanzen. Frankfurt. [Said to belong to CD but no indication. BotanySchool.].


Charles Darwin’s Library 34

Harris, George. 1869. The theory of the arts. 2 vols. London: Trübner &Co. [Down, vol. 1 only, I].

Harris, Thaddeus William. 1842. A treatise on some of the insects of NewEngland, which are injurious to vegetation. Cambridge, Mass.: John Owen.[CUL].

———. 1862. A treatise on some of the insects injurious to vegetation. New ed.Boston: Crosby & Nichols. [Down, I].

———. 1869. Entomological correspondence. Boston: Society of Natural History.[Down, I by editor].

Hartmann, Eduard von. 1875. Wahrheit und Irrthum im Darwinismus.Berlin: Carl Ducker. [Down, two copies].

Hartung, Georg. 1857. Die geologischen Verhältnisse der Inseln Lanzaroteund Fuertaventura. Zürich. [CUL].

Harvey, William Henry. 1849. Nereis australis, or algae of the southernocean. London: Reeve, Benham & Reeve. [Down, I].

———. 1849. The sea-side book. New ed. London: John Van Voorst. [CUL].

Hasse, Carl. 1879. Das natürliche System der Elasmobranchier. Jena: GustavFischer. [Down].

Haughton, Samuel. 1880. Six lectures on physical geography. Dublin: Hodges,Foster & Figgs. [Down, I].

Hawkins, Benjamin Waterhouse. 1860. A comparative view of the humanand animal frame. London: Chapman & Hall. [Down].

Hawkins, Richard. 1847. The observations of Sir Richard Hawkins, Knt, inhis voyage into the South Sea in the year 1593. London: The Haakluyt Society.[Down].

Head, Francis Bond. 1826. Rough notes taken during some rapid journeysacross the Pampas and among the Andes. London. [Down, pre-B].

Heckel, Édouard. 1875. Du mouvement végétal. Paris: G. Masson. [Down,I].

Hedericus, Benjamin. 1816. Graecium lexicon. London: J, Rivington.[Botany School, pre-B, ED].

Heer, Oswald. 1860. Untersuchungen über das Klima und die Vegetationsver-hältnisse der Tertiärlandes. Winterthur: Wurster & Co,. [Botany School,I].

———. 1861. Recherches sur le climat et la végétation du pays tertiaire. C.T.Gaudin, trans. Winterthur: J. Wurster & Co. [Botany School].


Charles Darwin’s Library 35

———. 1869. Contributions to the fossil flora of North Greenland, being adescription of the plants collected by Mr. Edward Whymper during the summerof 1867. [CUL, I].

———. 1870. Die Miocene Flora und Fauna Spitzbergens. Stockholm: P.A.Norstedt. [Botany School, I, FD].

———. 1872. Le Monde primitif de la Suisse. J. Demole, trans. Genève &Bâle. [CUL].

———. 1875. Flora fossilis arctica. 6 vols. Zürich: Wurster. [CUL].

———. 1876–1877. Flora fossilis Helvetiae. Zürich: J. Wurster & Co. Vols 1–3.[Botany School].

Héliu. 1878. La Loi unique et suprême. 1, Genèse terrestre. Paris: Brasseur.[Down].

Heller, Karl Bartholomaeus. 1869. Darwin und der Darwinismus. Wien:Universitäts-Buchhandlung. [Linnean Society of London].

Helmholtz, Hermann. 1873. Popular lectures on scientific subjects. E. Atkin-son, trans. London: Longmans, Green & Co. Introduction by John Tyndall.[CUL, S].

Henfrey, Arthur. 1847. Outlines of structural and physiological botany.London: John Van Voorst. [Down].

Henfrey, Arthur, ed. 1849. Reports and papers on botany. London: TheRay Society. [CUL].

Henfrey, Arthur. 1853. Botanical and physiological memoirs. London: TheRay Society. [CUL].

Henle, Jacob. 1858. Handbuch der systematischen Anatomie des Menschen.Braunschweig: Friedrich Vieweg & Sohn. [CUL].

Henry, William. 1823. The elements of experimental chemistry. 2 vols.London: Baldwin, Cradock & Joy & R. Hunter. [CUL, vol. 2 only, pre-B, S].

Henslow, John Stevens. 1837. Descriptive and physiological botany (Lard-ner’s Cabinet cyclopedia). New ed. London: Longman, Orme, Brown, Green &Longman. [CUL].

———. n.d. A dictionary of botanical terms. London: Groombridge & Sons.[Down, S].

Herbert, William. 1837. Amaryllidaceae. London: J. Ridgway & Sons.[CUL].

Hermann, H.C. 1860. The Italian alp-bee. G. Neighbour & Sons. [CUL].


Charles Darwin’s Library 36

Hermann, Ludimar. 1875. Elements of human physiology. London. [Down].

———. 1881. Handbuch der Physiologie. Vol. 6, pt 2. Leipzig: F.C.W. Vogel.[Down, I].

Herschel, John Frederick William. 1831. A preliminary discourse on thestudy of natural philosophy. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green& John Taylor. [CUL, on B].

———. 1833. A treatise of astronomy. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown,Green & Longman & John Taylor. [CUL, S 1838].

———. 1849. A manual of scientific enquiry. London: John Murray. [CUL].

———. 1861. Physical geography. Edinburgh: Adam & Charles Black. [Down,FD].

Herschel, Mrs John. 1876. Memoir and correspondence of Caroline Herschel.London: John Murray. [Down].

Hertwig, Oscar. 1874. Über das Zahnsystem der Amphibien. Bonn: by theauthor. [CUL.1900].

Hervey-Saint-Denys, Léon d’. 1850. Recherches sur l’agriculture etl’horticulture des Chinois. Paris: Allonard & Kaeppelin. [CUL].

Hewson, William. 1846. The works of William Hewson, F.R.S. London:The Sydenham Society. [CUL, I by editor].

Heyworth, Lawrence. 1866. Glimpses at the origin, mission and the destinyof man. London: Williams & Norgate. [Down, I].

Hibberd, Shirley. 1872. The fern garden. 4th ed. London: Groombridge &Sons. [Down].

Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. 1871. Outdoor papers. Boston: James G.Osgood & Co. [Down].

Hildebrand, Friedrich. 1867. Die Geschlechter-Vertheilung bei den Pflanzen.Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann. [CUL, S].

———. 1873. Die Verbreitungsmittel der Pflanzen. Leipzig: Wilhelm Engel-mann. [CUL, I].

Hildebrant, Gustav. 1861. Die Verbreitung der Coniferen. Bonn: CarlGeorgi. [Down].

Hinds, Richard Brinsley. 1843. The regions of vegetation, being an analysisof the distribution of vegetable forms over the surface of the globe in connectionwith climate and physical agents. London: G.J. Palmer. [CUL, I].


Charles Darwin’s Library 37

Hitchcock, Edward. 1841. Final report on the geology of Massachussets. 2vols. Amhurst: J.S. & C. Adams. [Down, I].

Hochstetter, Ferdinand von. 1866. Reise der Österreichischen FregatteNovara um die Erde . . . . Vol. 1. Wien: K.K. Hof & Staatsdruckerei / KarlGerold’s Sohn respectively. Pts 1 & 2 bound separately. [Down].

Hodge, Charles. 1874. What is Darwinism? London and Edinburgh: T.Nelson & Sons. [Down].

Hodgson, Shadworth H. 1870. The theory of practice. 2 vols. London:Longmans, Green, Reader & Dyer. [Down, I].

Hoek, Paulus Peronius Cato. 1876. Embryologie von Balanus. Leiden: E.J.Brill. [Down].

———. 1881. The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger: 10. Report onthe Pycnogonida. London: Longmans & Co. [Down, I].

Hoernes, Rudolf and M. Auinger. 1879–1882. Die Gasteropoden derMeeres-Ablandungen der ersten une zweiten Miocären Mediterran-Stufe. Wien:J.C. Fischer & Co. [Down, I by Hoernes].

Hofacker, J.D. 1828. Über die Eigenschaften welche sich bei Menschen undThieren von den Eltern auf die Nachkommen vererben, mit besonderer Rücksichtauf die Pferdezucht, mit Beiträgen von F. Notter. Tübingen: G.F. Dsiander.[CUL, on B].

Hoffmann, Hermann. 1875. Zur Speciesfrage. Haarlem: De Erven Loosjes.[CUL].

Hoffmann, L. 1881. Thier-Psychologie. Stuttgart: Schickhardt & Ebner.[Down, I].

Hofmann, August Wilhelm. 1876. The life-work of Liebig. London: Macmil-lan & Co. [Down, I].

Hofmeister, Wilhelm. 1862. On the germination, development and fruc-tification of the higher Cryptogamia. F. Currey, trans. London: The RaySociety. [Down, S].

———. 1867. Die Lehre von der Pflanzenzelle. Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann.[Down].

Hogg, Jabez. 1861. Elements of experimental and natural philosophy. London:Henry G. Bohn. [Down, S of Henrietta Crofts-Adel].

Hölder, H. von. 1876. Zusammenstellung der in Württemberg vorkommendenSchädelformen. Stuttgart: E. Schweizerbart. [Down].


Charles Darwin’s Library 38

Holland, Henry. 1839. Medical notes and reflections. London: Longman,Orme, Brown, Green & Longmans. [CUL].

———. 1852. Chapters on mental physiology. London: Longman, Brown, Green& Longman. [CUL].

———. 1855. Medical notes and reflections. 3rd ed. London: Longman, Brown,Green & Longmans. [CUL, I].

———. 1858. Chapters on mental physiology. 2nd ed. London: Longman,Brown, Green, Longmans & Roberts. [CUL, I].

———. 1862. Essays on scientific and other subjects. London: Longman, Green,Longman & Roberts. [Down, I].

———. 1868. Recollections of past life. London: Spottiswoode & Co. [Down,I].

Holub, Emil. 1881. Seven years in South Africa. 2 vols. 2nd ed. London:Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington. [Down].

Holub, Emil and August von Pelzen. 1882. Beiträge zur OrnithologieSüdafrikas. Wien: Alfred Hölder. [Down, I].

Hooke, Robert. 1667. Micrographia. London: James Allestry. [Botany School,pre-B, ED, FD].

Hooker, Joseph Dalton. 1844–1847. The botany of the antarctic voyage ofH.M.S. Erebus and Terror in the years 1839–1843: 1. Flora antarctica. 2 volsin 1. London: Reeve. [CUL].

———. 1853. Introductory essay to the flora of New Zealand. London: LovellReeve. [CUL].

———. 1854. Himalayan journals. 2 vols. London: John Murray. [CUL, I invol. 1].

———. 1859. On the flora of Australia. London: Lovell Reeve. [CUL].

———. 1876. Botany. London: Macmillan & Co. [Down, I].

———. n.d. Introductory essay to the flora of New Zealand. London: LovellReeve.

———. n.d. Memoirs of the geological survey of Great Britain. Vol. 2, pt 2.[CUL, I].

Hooker, Joseph Dalton and John Ball. 1878. Journal of a tour in Maroccoand the Great Atlas. London: Macmillan & Co. [Botany School].

Hooker, Joseph Dalton and Thomas Thomson. 1855. Flora Indica. 2vols. London: W. Pamplin. [CUL, vol. 1 only, I].


Charles Darwin’s Library 39

Hooker, William Dawson. 1838. Notes on Norway. 2nd ed. Glasgow:George Richardson. [CUL, I by J.D. Hooker].

Hooker, William Jackson. 1838. The British flora. 4th ed. London:Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans. [CUL S C. Darwin April 1841].

———. n.d. The British flora. 2 vols. 4th ed. London: Longman, Orme, Brown,Green & Longmans. [Down, FD, 1st vol. only].

Hooker, William Jackson and George Arnott Walker Arnott. 1855.The British flora. 7th ed. London: Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans.[CUL].

Hooker, William Jackson et al. 1831–1865. Supplement to the Englishbotany of the late Sir J.E. Smith and Mr Sowerby. London: J.D.C. & C.E.Sowerby. Vols. 1, 2, 4, & 5. [Botany School].

Hope, Frederick William. 1837. The coleopterist’s manual. London: HenryG. Bohn. [Down, I].

Hopkins, Evan. 1844. On the connexion of geology with terrestrial magnetism.London: Richard & John Edward Taylor. [Down, I].

Horner, Leonard. 1858. Alluvial land of Egypt. London: Taylor & Francis.[Down, I].

Houghton, William. n.d. Gleanings from the natural history of the ancients.London: Cassell, Petter, Galpin & Co. [Down, I].

House of Commons Select Committee on Wild Birds’ Protection.1873. Report of the Select Committee on Wild Birds’ Protection. London: Houseof Commons. [Down, I by C.D. Groom Napier].

Hovelacque, Abel. 1878. Notre ancêtre. Paris: E. Leroux. [Down].

Howorth, Henry Hoyle. 1876. History of the Mongols. London: Longmans,Green & Co. [Down, I].

Hromada, Adolf. 1879. Die vorsokratische Naturphilosophie und die moderneNatur-wissenschaft. Prague: Druck der Stadthaltereidruckerei. [Down].

Huber, François. 1814. Nouvelles observations sur les abeilles. 2 vols.Paris–Genève: J.J. Paschoud. [CUL, pre-B].

Huber, Johannes. 1871. Die Lehre Darwin’s. München: F. Leutner. [Down].

Huber, Pierre. 1810. Recherches sur les moeurs des fourmis indigènes. Paris:J. J. Paschoud. [CUL, pre-B].

Hubrecht, Ambrosius Arnold Willem. 1882. Studien zur Phylogenie desNervensystems. Amsterdam: Johannes Müller. [Down, I].


Charles Darwin’s Library 40

Huc, Evariste Régis. 1852. Recollections of a journey through Tartary,Thibet and China. London: Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans. [Down, S].

Humboldt, Alexander von. 1811. Political essay on the kingdom of NewSpain. 2 vols. John Black, trans. New York: I. Riley. [CUL, pre-B, on B, SChas Darwin Buenos Ayres].

———. 1826. Essai géognostique sur le gisement des roches dans les deuxhémisphères. 2nd ed. Paris & Strasbourg: F.G. Levrault. [CUL, pre-B, S].

———. 1831. Fragmens de géologie et de climatologie asiatiques. 2 vols. Paris:Gide, A. Phian Delaforest, Delaunay. [CUL, on B, S in both vols., vol. 2 ChasDarwin Monte Video Novem: 1832].

———. 1846. Cosmos. 2 vols. E. Sabine, trans. London: Longman, Brown,Green & Longmans. [Down].

Humboldt, Alexander von and Aimé Bonpland. 1819–1829. Personalnarrative of travels to the equinoctial regions of the New Continent during theyears 1799-1804. 7 vols. Helen Maria Williams, trans. London: Longman,Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown. [CUL, pre-B and on B; vols. 1 and 2 (1822, inone binding); vol. 3, 3rd edn (1822), vol. 4, 1st edn (1819), vol. 5, 1st edn(1821), vol. 6, 1st edn (1826), vol. 7, 1st edn (1829); I in vol. 1 by Henslow:‘J.S. Henslow to his friend C. Darwin on his departure from England upon avoyage round the World 21 Septr 1831’].

Humphrey, George Murray. 1860. Observations on the limbs of vertebrateanimals. Cambridge & London: Macmillan. [Down, I].

Hunt, Robert. 1854. Researches on light in its chemical relations. 2nd ed.London: Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans. [CUL].

Hunter, John. 1778. The natural history of the human teeth. London: J.Johnson. [Down, Robert Darwin].

———. 1860. Memoranda on vegetation. London: Taylor & Francis. [CUL, I].

———. n.d. Essays and observations on natural history, anatomy, physiology,psychology and geology. Bound with Owen, Introductory lectures, 1861. [CUL].

Huot, Jean Jacques Nicolas. 1837. Atlas complet du précis de la géographieuniverselle de Malte-Brun. Paris: Aimé André. [Down, ED].

Hussey, Mrs Thomas John. 1849. Illustrations of British mycology. London:Reeve, Benham & Reeve. [Botany School, S].

Hutchinson, W.N. 1850. Dog breaking. 2nd ed. London: John Murray. [CUL,S].

Huth, Alfred Henry. 1875. The marriage of near kin. London: J. & A.Churchill. [CUL].


Charles Darwin’s Library 41

Hutton, Thomas. 1850. The chronology of creation. Calcutta: W. Thacker& Co. [CUL].

Huxley, Thomas Henry. 1858. The oceanic Hydrozoa. London: The RaySociety. [Down].

———. 1862. Our knowledge of the causes of the phenomena of organic nature.6 vols. London: Robert Hardwicke. [CUL].

———. 1863. Evidence as to man’s place in nature. London: Williams &Norgate. [CUL, I].

———. 1863. On our knowledge of the causes of the phenomena of organicnature. London: Robert Hardwicke. [Down, FD].

———. 1864. Lectures on the elements of comparative anatomy. London: JohnChurchill & Sons. [CUL].

———. 1869. An introduction to the classification of animals. London: JohnChurchill & Sons. [CUL, I].

———. 1870. Lay sermons, addresses and reviews. London: Macmillan & Co.[Down, S].

———. 1871. A manual of the anatomy of the vertebrated animals. London: J.& A. Churchill. [CUL, I, S].

———. 1873. Critiques and addresses. London: Macmillan & Co,. [CUL, I].

———. 1873. Critiques and addresses. London: Macmillan & Co. [Down, ED,I to ED].

———. 1877. American addresses. London: Macmillan. [Down].

———. 1877. A manual of the anatomy of invertebrated animals. London: J.& A. Churchill. [Down, I, S, FD].

———. 1877. Physiography. London: Macmillan & Co. [Down].

———. 1879. Hume. London: Macmillan & Co. [Down].

———. 1880. The crayfish. London: C. Kegan Paul & Co. [Down, I].

———. 1881. Science and culture, and other essays. London: Macmillan & Co.[Down].

Huxley, Thomas Henry and H.N. Martin. 1875. A course of practicalinstruction on elementary biology. London: Macmillan & Co. [Botany School,FD].

Hyatt, Alpheus. 1880. The genesis of the Tertiary species of Planorbis atSteinheim. Boston: Boston Society of Natural History. [Down, I].


Charles Darwin’s Library 42

Ingersoll, Ernest. 1881. The history and present condition of the fisheryindustries: The oyster industry. Washington: Government Printing Office.[Down].

Irmisch, Thilo. 1853. Beiträge zur Biologie und Morphologie der Orchideen.Leipzig: Amrosius Abel. [CUL].

Jaeger, Gustav. 1869. Die Darwin’sche Theorie und ihre Stellung zur Moralund Religion. Stuttgart: Hoffmann. [Linnean Society of London, I].

———. 1871–1878. Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Zoologie. 2 vols. Leipzig. [Down].

———. 1874. In Sachen Darwin’s insbesondere contra Wigand. Stuttgart: E.Schweizerbart. [CUL].

———. 1876. Zoologische Briefe. Wien: Wilhelm Braumüller. [Down].

———. 1878. Seuchenfestigkeit und Constitutionskraft. Leipzig: Ernst Günther.[Down, I].

———. 1878. Seuchenfestigkeit und Constitutionskraft. Leipzig: Ernst Günther.[CUL].

———. n.d. Die Darwin’sche Theorie und ihre Stellung zu Moral und Religion.Stuttgart: Julius Hoffmann. [CUL].

James, Constantin. 1877. Du Darwinisme ou l’homme-singe. Paris: E. Plon& Cie. [Down].

Jameson, Robert. 1816. A treatise on the external, chemical and physicalcharacters of minerals. Edinburgh: Archibald Constable & Co. [CUL, on B, SC. Darwin Feb 13th 1826].

———. 1821. Manual of mineralogy. Edinburgh: Archibald Constable & Co.[CUL, pre-B, S].

Jardine, W., ed. n.d. The naturalists’s library. Edinburgh: W.H. Lizars. Vols9 & 14. [CUL].

Jarrold, Thomas. 1808. Anthropologia: Or, dissertations on the form andcolour of man. London: Cadell & Davies. [CUL, pre-B].

Jeffreys, Gwyn and William Benjamin Carpenter. 1876. The ‘Valorous’expedition. London: Taylor & Francis. [Down, I].

Jenyns, Leonard. 1846. Observations in natural history. London: John VanVoorst. [CUL, I].

———. 1858. Observations in meteorology. London: John Van Voorst. [Down,I].


Charles Darwin’s Library 43

———. 1862. Memoir of the Rev. John Stevens Henslow. London: John VanVoorst. [Down, I].

Jevons, W. Stanley. 1881. Elementary lessons in logic. London: Macmillan& Co. [Down].

Johnson, Samuel. 1826. A dictionary of the English language. london: C. &J. Rivington. [CUL, pre-B].

Johnson, Samuel W. 1869. How crops grow. London: Macmillan & Co.[Down, FD].

Johnston, George. 1853. The natural history of the eastern borders. Vol. 1,Botany. London: John Van Voorst. [Down].

Jones, John Matthew. 1859. The naturalist in Bermuda. London: Reeves& Turner. [CUL].

Jourdan, A. J. L., ed. 1834. Dictionnaire raisonée, étymologique, synonymiqueet polyglotte des termes usités dans les sciences naturelles. 2 vols. Paris: J.B.Baillière. [CUL, on B].

Jouvencel, Paul de. 1859. Genèse selon la science. La Vie. Paris: GarnierFrères. [CUL].

Juan y Santacilla, Jorge and Antonio de Ulloa. 1806. A voyage toSouth America. 4th ed. John Adams, trans. London: John Stockdale &c.[CUL, vol. 1 only, on B, I by FitzRoy].

Judd, John Wesley. 1881. Volcanoes. London: C. Kegan Paul. [Down, I].

Jukes, Joseph Beete. 1843. General report of the geological survey ofNewfoundland. London. [CUL.1900].

———. 1857. The student’s manual of geology. Edinburgh: Adam & CharlesBlack. [CUL].

———. 1862. The student’s manual of geology. Edinburgh: Adam & CharlesBlack. [Down, I].

Jukes, Joseph Beete, Henry De La Beche, Warington W. Smith, andRobert Hunt. 1853. Record of the School of Mines. Vol. 1, pt 2. London:Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans. [Down, I by Jukes].

Kaspary, Joachim. 1876. Natural laws. London: J.A. Brook & Co. [Down, I].

Kater, Henry and Dionysus Lardner. 1830. Mechanics (Lardner’s Cabinetcyclopaedia). London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green. [CUL, on B].

Keir, James. 1859. Sketch of the life of James Keir. London: R.E. Taylor(printed for private circulation). [Down, I by editor].


Charles Darwin’s Library 44

Kerner, Anton Joseph. 1864. Die Cultur der Alpenpflanzen. Innsbruck:Verlag der Wagner’schen Universität. [CUL].

———. 1878. Flowers and their unbidden guests. W. Ogle, trans. London: C.Kegan Paul & Co. With a prefatory letter by Charles Darwin. [CUL, S].

Key, Axel and Gustaf Retzius. 1875–1876. Studien in der Anatomie desNervensystems und des Bindegewes. 2 vols. Stockholm: Central-Tryckeriet.[Down, I by Retzius].

Kidd, William. n.d. The canary. London: Groombridge & Sons. [CUL].

Kirby, William. 1802. Monographia apum angliae. 2 vols. Ipswich: J. Raw.[CUL, pre-B].

Kirby, William and William Spence. 1818, 1826. An introduction toentomology. 3rd ed. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown. 1st ed.,vols 3 & 4 (1826); 2nd ed., vol. 2 (1818); 3rd ed., vol. 1 (1818). [CUL, pre-B].

Kirchhof, F. 1835. Das Ganze der Landwirtschaft. Leipzig and Torgau.[CUL].

Klein, Edward Emmanuel. 1875. The anatomy of the lymphatic system.London: Elder & Co. [Down, I].

Klein, Edward Emmanuel, John Scott Burdon-Sanderson, MichaelFoster, and Thomas Lauder-Brunton. 1873. Handbook for the physiologicallaboratory. 2 vols. London: J. & A. Churchill. [Down, I, FD].

Kobell, F. von. 1852. Sketches from the animal kingdom. A. Henfrey,trans. London: Henry G. Bohn. Bound with Schouw, The earth, plants andman, n.d. [CUL].

Kobell, Franz von. 1838. Grundzüge der Mineralogie. Nürnberg: JohanLeonhard Schrag. [Down].

Kohlrausch, Otto. 1877. Leitfaden der praktischen Physik. Leipzig: B.G.Teubner. [Down].

Kölliker, Albert von. 1870. Anatomisch-systematische Beschreibung derAlcyonarien. Vol. 1. Frankfurt am Main: Christian Winter. [Down, I].

Kölreuter, Johann Gottlieb. 1761–1866. Vorläufige Nachricht von einigendas Geschlecht der Pflanzen betreffenden Versuchen. Leipzig: in der Gleditschis-chen Handlung. [CUL, pre-B].

Koninck, Laurent Guillaume and Henri Le Hon. 1854. Recherches surles Crinoïdes du terrain Carbonifère. Bruxelles: Académie Royale de Belgique.[Down, I by Koninck].


Charles Darwin’s Library 45

Körner, Friedrich. 1872. Thierseele und Menschengeist. Leipzig: OttoWigand. [Down].

Kowalewsky, Wladimir. 1873. Monografie der Gattung AnthracotheriumCuv. Cassel: Theodor Fischer. [CUL, I].

Krusenstern, Paul von. 1846. Wissenschaftlichen Beobachtungen auf einerReisein das Petschora-Land im Jahre 1843. St Petersburg: Carl Kray. [Down,I by Murchison].

Kuhl, Joseph. 1879. Die Descendenzlehre und der neue Glaube. München:Ackermann. [CUL].

Kühne, H. 1878. Die Bedeutung des Anpassungsgesetzes für die Therapie.Leipzig: Ernst Günther. [Down].

Kühne, Wilhelm. 1864. Untersuchungen über das Protoplasma und dieContractilität. Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann. [Down].

Kuntze, Otto. 1879. Methodik der Speciesbeschreibung und Rubus. Leipzig:Arthur Felix. [Botany School, I].

———. 1881. Um die Erde. Leipzig: Paul Frohberg. [Down, I].

Kurr, Johann Gottlob von. 1833. Untersuchungen über die Bedeutung derNektarien in den Blumen. Stuttgart: Henneschen Buchhandlung. [CUL].

Kurtz, F. 1876. Die elektrischen und Bewegungs-Erscheinungen am Blatteder Dionaea muscipula. Leipzig: Veit & Co. [Down].

Labillardière, J.J. de. 1791. Relation du voyage à la recherche de la Perouse.2 vols. Paris: H.J. Jansen. [Down, pre-B].

Lacepède, Bernard Germain Étienne de. 1809. Histoire naturelle descétacées. 2 vols in 1. Paris: Plassan. [Down, pre-B].

Laing, Sidney Herbert. 1871. Darwinism refuted. London: Elliot Stock.[Down].

Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet de. 1809. Philoso-phie zoologique. Vol. 1. Paris: Duminil-Lesueur. [CUL, pre-B, cover is that of1830 edn.].

———. 1816–1817. Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertèbres. 7 vols. 1sted. Paris: Verdière. [CUL, pre-B, on B?].

———. 1835–1845. Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertèbres. 11 vols. 2nded. Revised by G.P. Deshayes and H. Milne-Edwards. [CUL].

———. 1873. Philosophie zoologique. 2 vols. Paris: F. Savy. New edition,revised and introduced by Charles Martin. [Down, I by Martin].


Charles Darwin’s Library 46

Lambert, Charles. 1862. Le Système du monde moral. Paris: Michel LévyFrères. [Down].

———. 1865. L’Immortalité selon le Christ. Paris: Michel Lévy Frères. [Down,I].

Lambertye, Léonce. 1864. Le Fraisier. Paris: Auguste Goin. [CUL].

Lamont, James. 1861. Seasons with the sea-horses. London: Hurst & Blackett.[Down, I].

Lamouroux, Jean Vincent Félix. 1821. Exposition méthodique des genresde l’ordre des Polypiers. Paris: Veuve Agasse. [CUL, pre-B, S].

Lanciano, Raffaele. 1872. L’Universo, l’artro e l’individuo. Napoli: Ti-pografia Italiana. [Down, I].

Lanessan, Jean Louis. 1876. Du protoplasma végétal. Paris: A. Parent.[Down].

———. 1881. La Lutte pour l’existence et l’association pour la lutte. Paris:Octave Doin. [Down].

Lankester, E. Ray. 1870. On comparative longevity in man and the loweranimals. London: Macmillan. [CUL, I].

———. 1880. Degeneration: A chapter in Darwinism. London: Macmillan.[CUL].

Lardner, Dionysius, ed. 1830. The cabinet cyclopaedia: Outlines of history.London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green. [Down, I Charles Darwin1839].

Latham, Robert Gordon. 1851. Man and his migrations. London: JohnVan Voorst. [CUL].

Latreille, Pierre André. 1802. Histoire naturelle des fourmis. Paris:Théophile Barrois Père. [CUL, pre-B].

Laugel, Auguste. 1863. Science et philosophie. Paris: Mallet-Bachelier.[Down, I].

———. 1864. Les Problèmes de la nature. Paris: Germer Baillière. [Down, I].

Lavater, Jean-Gaspard. 1820. L’Art de connaître les hommes par la phys-ionomie. 10 vols. New ed. Paris: Depélafol. New edition by M. Moreau de laSarthe. [CUL, pre-B].

Lawrence, John. 1829. The horse in all his varieties and uses. London:Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green. [CUL, on B].


Charles Darwin’s Library 47

Lawrence, William. 1822. Lectures on physiology, zoology, and the naturalhistory of man. London: Benbow. [CUL, pre-B].

Lawson, Peter and Son. 1851. Lists of seeds and plants. Edinburgh: PeterLawson & Son. Bound with Peter Lawson and Son, Treatise on the cultivatedgrasses . . . , 1851. [CUL, I by W.J. Hooker].

———. 1851. Treatise on the cultivated grasses and other herbage and forageplants. Edinburgh: Peter Lawson & Son. Bound with Peter Lawson and Son,Lists of seeds and plants, 1851.

Le Brun, Charles. 1701. The conference of Monsieur Le Brun, chief painterto the French King, chancellor and director of the Academy of painting andsculpture. London: John Smith. [Down, pre-B].

Le Couteur, John. 1872. On the varieties, properties, and classification ofwheat. 2nd ed. London: W.J. Johnson. [Down, I].

———. n.d. On the varieties of wheat. Jersey–London: H. Payn & H. Wright.[CUL, I to C Darwin Octob 1841].

Le Hon, Henri. 1867. L’Homme fossile en Europe. Bruxelles: C. Muquardt.[Down].

Le Maout, Emmanuel and Joseph Decaisne. 1868. Traité général debotanique. Paris: Firmin Didot frères. [Botany School, FD].

Lecoq, Henri. 1845. De la fécondation naturelle et artificielle des végétaux etde l’hybridation. Paris: Audot. [CUL].

———. 1854. Études sur la géographie botanique de l’Europe et en particuliersur la végétation du plateau central de la France. 9 vols. Paris: J.–B. Baillière.[CUL].

———. 1862. De la fécondation naturelle et artificielle des végétaux et del’hybridation. 2nd ed. Paris: Libraire agricole de la Maison rustique. [CUL].

Lees, William. 1877. Elements of acoustics, light and heat. London & Glasgow:William Collins & Sons. [Down].

Leidy, Joseph. 1853. The ancient fauna of Nebraska. Washington–New York:G.P. Putnam & Co. [CUL].

———. 1873. Contributions to the extinct vertebrate fauna of the WesternTerritories. Vol. 1. Washington: Government Printing Office. [Down].

Leighton, William Allport. 1872. Lichen-flora. Shrewsbury: Printed forthe author. [Down, I].

Lemoine, Albert. 1865. De la physionomie et de la parole. Paris: GermerBaillière. [CUL, S].


Charles Darwin’s Library 48

Lemoine, Victor. 1878. Recherches sur les oiseaux fossiles des terrainstertiaires inférieurs des environs de Reims. Reims: F. Keller. [Down, I].

Lepelletier de la Sarthe, Alme. 1864. Traité complet de physiognomie.Paris: Victor Masson & Fils. [Down].

Lesson, René-Primevère. 1827. Manuel de mammalogie. Paris: Roret.[Down, pre-B].

———. 1828. Manuel d’ornithologie. 2 vols. Paris: Roret. [Down, pre-B].

Letourneau, Charles. 1868. Physiologie des passions. Paris: GermerBaillière. [Down].

Lewes, George Henry. 1860. The physiology of common life. 2 vols. Edin-burgh & London: William Blackwood. [Down, vol. 2 only].

———. 1867. The history of philosophy. 2 vols. 3rd ed. London: Longmans,Green & Co. [Down].

———. 1877. The physical basis of mind. London: Trübner & Co. [CUL, I].

Leybold, Federico. 1873. Escursion a las Pampas Argentinas. Santiago:Imprenta Nacional. [Down, I].

Liebig, Justus von. 1840. Organic chemistry in its applications to agricultureand physiology. London: Taylor & Walton. [CUL, S Charles Darwin 1841].

Lindemuth, Hugo. 1878. Vegetative Bastarderzeugung durch Impfung. Berlin:Wiegandt, Hempel & Parey. [Down, S].

Lindley, John. 1830. An outline of the first principles of botany. London:Longmans. [CUL, S].

———. 1836. A natural system of botany. 2nd ed. London: Longman, Rees,Orme, Brown, Green & Longman. [CUL, I Charles Darwin 1840].

———. 1856. School botany and vegetable physiology. New ed. London: Brad-bury & Evans. [Down].

Link, Heinrich Friedrich. 1821. Die Urwelt und das Alterthum, erläutertdurch die Naturkunde. Berlin: Ferdinand Dümmler. [CUL, pre-B].

Linnaeus, Carl. 1735. Systema naturae. Lund. [Botany School, pre-B].

———. 1783. Philosophia botanica. 2nd ed. Wien: Johan Thomas de Trattern.[CUL, pre-B].

———. 1789–1896. Systema naturae. 10 vols. 13th ed. Lund: Lund. Ed. J.F.Gmelin. Missing vol. 1. [Down].

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Charles Darwin’s Library 49

Lippert, Julius. 1881. Die Religionen der Europäischen Culturvölker. Berlin:Theodor Hoffmann. [Down, I].

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Loudon, John Claudius (ed.). 1841. An encyclopaedia of plants. London:Longman, Orme, Brown, Green & Longmans. [CUL].

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Low, David. 1845. On the domesticated animals of the British islands. London:Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans. [CUL].

Lowne, Benjamin Thompson. 1870. The anatomy and physiology of theblow-fly. London: John Van Voorst. [CUL, I].

———. 1872. Descriptive catalogue of the teratological series in the Museum ofthe Royal College of Surgeons of England. London: R. Hardwicke. [CUL, I].

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Charles Darwin’s Library 50

———. 1874. On the origin and metamorphoses of insects. London: Macmillan& Co. [CUL].

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———. 1882. Ants, bees, and wasps. 4th ed. London: Kegan Paul, Trench &Co. [Down].

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Lucas, Prosper. 1847. Traité philosophique et physiologique de l’héréditénaturelle. 2 vols. Paris: J.B. Baillière. [CUL].

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———. 1849. A second visit to the United States of America. 2 vols. London:John Murray. [CUL].

———. 1851. A manual of elementary geology. 3rd ed. London: John Murray.[CUL].

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Charles Darwin’s Library 51

———. 1853. Principles of geology. London: John Murray. [CUL, I].

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———. 1867–1868. Principles of geology. 2 vols. 10th ed. London: John Murray.[Down].

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———. 1872. Principles of geology. 2 vols. 11th ed. London: John Murray.[CUL, I].

———. 1873. The geological evidences of the antiquity of man. 4th ed. London:John Murray. [CUL, I].

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Lyell, James Carmichael. 1881. Fancy pigeons. London: The Bazaar Office.[Down].

Lyman, Theodore. 1871. Supplement to the Ophiuridae and Astrophytidae.Cambridge, Mass.: University Press. [Down].

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Macculloch, John. 1821. A geological classification of rocks, with descriptivesynopses of the species and varieties comprising the elements of practical geology.London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown. [CUL, S Chas. Darwin June1837].

Macgillivray, William. 1837–1852. A history of British birds. 5 vols.London: Scott, Webster & Geary. [CUL].

———. 1855. The natural history of Dee Side and Braemar. London: forprivate circulation. [CUL].

Mackintosh, James. 1837. Dissertation on the progress of ethical philosophy.2nd ed. Edinburgh: Adam & Charles Black. Preface by W. Whewell. [CUL, S].

———. n.d. The history of England. Vol. 1. Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown &Green. Lardner’s. No location given.

Maclaren, James. 1876. A critical examination of some of the principalarguments for and against Darwinism. London: Edward Bumpus. [Down, I].

———. 1877. Some chemical difficulties of evolution. London: Edward Bumpus.[Down, I].

———. 1878. Natural theology in the nineteenth century. London: EdwardBumpus. [Down, I].

Macleay, William Sharp. 1819. Horae entomologicae. London: S. Bagster.[CUL, pre-B].

Macquart, Justin. 1850. Facultés intérieurs des animaux invertébrés. Lille:L. Daniel. [CUL].

Magnus, Paul Wilhelm. 1870. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Gattung Najas L.Berlin: Georg Reimer. [Linnean Society of London, I].

Mallery, Garrick. 1880. A collection of gestures and signals of the NorthAmerican Indians. Washington: Government printing office. [Down].

———. 1880. Introduction to the study of sign language among the NorthAmerican Indians. Washington: Government printing office. [Down].

———. 1881. Sign language among American Indians, compared with thatamong other peoples and deaf-mutes. Washington: Government printing office.[Down, I].

Malm, August Wilhelm. 1877. Göteborgs och Bohusläns Fauna, Ryggradsd-juren. Göteborg: Göteborgs Handelstidnings Aktie-Bolags Tryckeri. [Down,I].

Malthus, Thomas Robert. 1826. An essay on the principle of population. 2vols. 6th ed. London: John Murray. [CUL, pre-B but S in vol. 1 C. DarwinApril 1841].


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———. 1826. An essay on the principle of population. Vol. 2. 6th ed. London:John Murray. [Down, pre-B, ED].

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———. 1870. Fisiologia del piacere. 5th ed. Milano: G. Bernardoni. [CUL].

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Marchand, Étienne. 1792. Voyage autour du monde. 5 vols. Paris: Im-primérie de la République. Introduction by C.P. Claret Fleurieu. [Down, pre-B].

Marshall, William. 1778. Minutes of agriculture made on a farm of 300acres of various soils, New Croydon, Surrey. London: J. Dodsley. [CUL, pre-B,I].

———. 1808. A review of the reports to the Board of Agriculture from thenorthern department of England. York: Thomas Wilson & Son. [CUL, pre-B,belonged to Josiah Wedgwood].

Marshall, William E. 1873. A phrenologist amongst the Todas. London:Longmans, Green & Co. [CUL, S].

Marsham, Thomas. 1802. Coleoptera Britannica. 2 vols. London: J. White.[CUL, vol. 1 only, pre-B, S].

Martin, W.C.L. 1845. The history of the dog. London: Charles Knight & Co.[CUL].

Martin, William Charles Linnaeus. 1845. The history of the horse.London: Charles Knight & Co. [CUL].

Martin-Saint-Ange, Gaspard Joseph. 1835. Mémoire sur l’organisationdes cirripèdes. Paris: J.B. Baillière. [CUL].

Marx, Karl. 1873. Das Kapital. Vol. 1. Hamburg: Otto Meissner. [Down, I].

Masaryk, Thomas Garrigue. 1881. Der Selbstmord als sociale Massener-scheinung der modernen Civilisation. Wien: Carl Konegen. [Down].

Maskelyne, Nevil. 1802. Tables requisite to be used with the Nauticalephemeris. 3rd ed. London. [CUL, pre-B, on B, S].

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Matthes, Benno. 1861. Betrachtungen über Wirbelthiere. Dresden.[CUL.1900].

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Maudsley, Henry. 1868. The physiology and pathology of mind. London:Macmillan & Co. [CUL].

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———. 1876. The physiology of mind. London: Macmillan & Co. [Down, I bypublisher].

Mawe, John. 1825. Travels in the gold and diamond districts of Brazil. Newed. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green. [CUL, pre-B, onB, S Chas. Darwin Octob: 1832 Buenos Ayres].

Maxwell, James Clerk. 1882. Matter and motion. London: Society forpromoting Christian knowledge. [Down, FD].

Mazaroz, Jean Paul. 1877. La Genèse des sociétés modernes. Paris: A.Lévy. [Down].

McAlpine, Daniel. 1881. Zoological atlas. Edin-burgh & London: W. & A.Johnston. [Down].

———. 1882. The botanical atlas, part 1. Edinburgh & London: W. & A.Johnston. [Down].

McClelland, John. 1839. Indian Cyprinidae, part 2. Calcutta: Bishop’sCollege Press. [CUL, I].

McClintock, Francis Leopold. 1859. A narrative of the discovery of thefate of Sir John Franklin and his companions. London: John Murray. [Down; Iby publisher to Mrs Darwin].

McIntosh, William Carmichael. 1873–1874. A monograph of the BritishAnnelids. 2 vols. London: The Ray Society. [Down].

McLennan, John Ferguson. 1865. Primitive marriage. Edinburgh: Adam& Charles Black. [CUL].

———. 1876. Studies in ancient history, comprising a reprint of Primitivemarriage. London: Bernard Quaritch. [CUL, I].

Medlicott, Henry Benedict and William Thomas Blandford. 1879. Amanual of the geology of India. 2 vols. Calcutta. Additional volume of maps.[Down, I].


Charles Darwin’s Library 55

Meehan, Thomas. 1878. The native flowers and ferns of the United States. 2vols. Boston: Prang & Co. [Down].

Meetkerke, Cecilia Elizabeth. 1881. The guests of flowers. London:Griffith & Farran. [Down, I].

Meitzen, Ernst. 1872. Bhawani. Leipzig: E.H. Manen. [Down].

Melia, Pius. 1872. Hints and facts on the origin of man. London: Longmans,Green & Co. [CUL].

Mengozzi, Giovanni Ettore. 1869. Della filosofia della medicina. Vol. 1.Livorno: Scuola italica. [Linnean Society of London, I].

Merriam, Clinton Hart. 1877. A review of the birds of Connecticut. NewHaven: Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor. [Down].

Metzger, Johann. 1841. Die Getreidearten und Wiesengräser. Heidelberg:C.F. Winter. [CUL].

Meyen, Franz Julius Ferdinand. 1837–1839. Neues System der Pflanzen-Physiologie. 3 vols. Berlin: Haude und Spenersche Buchhandlung. [BotanySchool, FD].

———. 1846. Outlines of the geography of plants. London: The Ray Society.[CUL].

———. n.d. Beiträge zur Zoologie gesammelt auf einer Reise um die Erde.Bound with Erichson and Burmeister, Beschreibungen und Abbildungen, 1834.[CUL].

Meyer, Friedrich Albrecht Anton. 1792. Versuch einer vollständigenNaturgeschichte der Hausthiere, im Grundrisse. Göttingen: Johann ChristianDieterich. [CUL, pre-B].

Michell, John. 1760. Conjectures concerning the cause, and observationsupon the phaenomena of earthquakes. London. [CUL, pre-B, S, I “the Author’sPresent”, i.e. not to CD].

Miers, John. 1826. Travels in Chile and La Plata. 2 vols. London: Baldwin,Cradock & Joy. [CUL, pre-B, S in both vols.].

Miller, Hugh. 1849. Footprints of the creator. London: Johnston & Hunter.[Botany School].

Miller, Philip. 1748. The gardener’s dictionary. 3 vols. 3rd ed. London: forthe author. [Down, vols. 1 and 3 only].

Miller, William Allen. 1864. Elements of chemistry: Part 2, inorganicchemistry. 3rd ed. London: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts & Green.[Down, FD].


Charles Darwin’s Library 56

Milligan, Edward. 1826. A. Corn. Celsi medicinae libri octo. Edinburgh:Maclachlan & Stewart. [Down, S].

Milne-Edwards, Henri. 1834–1840. Histoire naturelle des crustacés. 3 vols.Paris. Additional volume of plates. [CUL].

———. 1851. Introduction à la zoologie générale. Paris: Victor Masson. [CUL].

Mitchell, Silas Weir. 1861. Researches upon the venom of the rattlesnake.Washington (The Smithsonian Institute) and New York (Appleton & Co.).[CUL, S].

Mivart, St George Jackson. 1867. On the appendicular skeleton of primates.[CUL, I].

———. 1871. On the genesis of species. London: Macmillan & Co. [CUL, I].

———. 1871. On the genesis of species. 2nd ed. London and New York:Macmillan & Co. [Down, S].

———. 1873. Lessons in elementary anatomy. London: Macmillan & Co.[CUL, S].

———. 1873. Man and apes. London: Robert Hardwicke. [Down, S].

Moggridge, John Traherne. 1873. Harvesting ants and trap spiders.London: L. Reeve & Co. [CUL].

Mohl, Hugo von. 1827. Über den Bau und das Winden der Ranken undSchlingpflanzen. Tübingen: Heinrich Laupp. [CUL, pre-B].

———. 1852. Principles of the anatomy and physiology of the vegetable cell.A. Henfrey, trans. London: John Van Voorst. [CUL, S].

Mohl, Jules. 1879–1880. Vingt-sept ans d’histoire des études orientales. 2vols. Paris: G. Reinwald. [Down].

Mojsvár, Edmund Mojsisovics von. 1873–1875. Das Gebirge um Hallstatt.2 vols. Wien: K.K. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei. Part 1. [Down, I].

———. 1874. Über die Triadischen Pelecypoden-Gattungen Daonella undHalobia. Wien: K.K. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei. [Down, I].

———. 1878. Die Dolomit-Riffe von Südtirol und Venetien. Wien: AlfredHölder. [Down, I].

———. n.d. Geologische Übersichtskarte Tirolisch-Venetianischen Hochlandes.[Down, I].

Moleschott, Jacob. 1866. La Circulation de la vie. 2 vols. Paris: GermerBaillière. [Down].


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———. 1877. Der Kreislauf des Lebens. Vol. 1. Mainz: Victor von Zabern.[Down].

Moleschott, Jacob and S. Fubini. 1879. Sull’influenza della luce mista earomatica nell’esalazione di acido carbonico per l’organismo animale. Torino:G.B. Paravia. [Down].

Molina, Juan Ignatio. 1788–1795. Compendio de la historia geografica,natural y civil, del reyno de Chile. 2 vols. [CUL, pre-B, on B, S in vol. 1 CharlesDarwin, Valparaiso 1834].

Moniez, Romain. 1881. Mémoires sur les cestodes. Paris: Octavo Doin. [Down,I by Alfred Giard].

Mons, Jean Baptiste Van. 1835–1836. Arbres fruitiers. 2 vols. Louvain: L.Dusart & H. Vandenbrock. [CUL].

Moore, David and Alexander Goodman More. 1866. Contributionstowards a Cybele Hibernica. Dublin: Hodges, Smith & Co. [Down].

Moore, Frederic. 1879. Descriptions of new Indian lepidopterous insects.Calcutta & London: Taylor & Francis. [Down].

Moore, George. 1866. The first man and his place in creation. London:Longmans, Green & Co. [Down].

Moore, J. 1735. Columbarinus, or the pigeon-house, being an introduction toa natural history of tame pigeons. London: J. Wilford. [pre-B].

Moore, Thomas. 1847. The poetical works. London: Longman, Brown, Green& Longman. [Down].

Moquin-Tandon, Alfred. 1841. Éléments de tératologie végétale. Paris: P.-J.Loss. [CUL].

Morgan, Lewis Henry. 1868. The American beaver and his works. Philadel-phia: J.B. Lippincott. [CUL].

———. 1871. Systems of consanguinity and affinity of the human family.Washington: Smithsonian Institute. [Down, I].

Morren, Édouard. 1871. Principes élémentaires de physiologie végétale.Gand: C. Annoot-Braeckman. [Down].

———. 1877. Actes du congrès de botanique horticole. Liège: Fédération dessociétés d’horticulture. [Down].

Morris, John. 1854. A catalogue of British fossils. 2nd ed. London: by theauthor. [Down].

Morton, Samuel George. 1854. Types of mankind. Philadelphia; London:Lippincott & Grambo; Trübner & Co. [CUL].


Charles Darwin’s Library 58

Moseley, Henry Nottidge. 1874. On the structure and development ofPeripatus capensis. [Down, I].

———. 1878. Oregon: Its resources, climate, people and productions. London:Edward Stanford. [Down, S].

———. 1879. Notes by a naturalist on the “Challenger”. London: Macmillan& Co. [CUL, I].

Mosso, Angelo. 1881. Kreislauf des Blutes im menschlichen Gehirn. Leipzig:Veit. [Down, I].

Moubray, B. 1834. A practical treatise on breeding poultry, pigeons and rabbits.7th ed. London. [CUL].

Muir, John (?). 1874. Supernatural religion. 2 vols. 2nd ed. London: Longman,Green & Co. [Down, I].

Müller, Ferdinand von. 1869–1771. Fragmenta phytographiae australiae.Vol. 7. Melbourn: J. Ferres. [Down, I].

Müller, Friedrich. 1868. Reise der Österreichischen Fregatte Novara umdie Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859: anthropologischer Theil. Wien:Kaiserlich-Königlichen Hof- und Staatsdruckerei. [CUL].

———. 1873. Allgemeine Ethnographie. Wien: Alfred Hölder. [Down, I].

Müller, Fritz. 1864. Für Darwin. Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann. [CUL, I].

———. 1869. Facts and arguments for Darwin. London: John Murray. [CULR].

Müller, Hermann. 1873. Befruchtung der Blumen durch Insekten. Leipzig:Wilhelm Engelmann. [CUL, I].

———. 1879. Die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Blumen und den ihre Kreuzungvermittlenden Insekten. Breslau: Trewendt. [Linnean Society of London].

———. 1881. Alpenblumen. Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann. [Down, I].

Müller, Johannes. 1838–1842. Elements of physiology. 2 vols. W. Baly,trans. London: Taylor & Walton. Addtional supplement. [CUL].

———. n.d. Über die Gattungen der Seeigellarven. Berlin: K. Akademie derWissenschaften. [Down, I].

Murchison, Roderick Impey. 1839. The Silurian system. 3 vols. London:John Murray. 2 parts. [CUL].

———. 1841. The Silurian system. Edinburgh: (from) Edinburgh Review.[Down, I].


Charles Darwin’s Library 59

Murphy, Joseph John. 1869. Habit and intelligence. 2 vols. London:Macmillan. [CUL, I from publisher in vol. 1].

———. 1879. Habit and intelligence. 2nd ed. London: Macmillan & Co. [Down].

Murray, Andrew. 1866. The geographical distribution of mammals. London:Day & Son. [Down].

———. 1866. The geographical distribution of mammals. London: Day & Son.[CUL].

Murray, Lindley. 1824. An English grammar. 2 vols. 5th ed. York: T.Wilson & Sons. [CUL, pre-B, on B, S Robt FitzRoy 1831].

Nägeli, Carl von. 1866. Botanische Mittheilungen. München: F. Staub.[CUL].

———. 1877. Die niederen Pilze in ihren Beziehungen. München: R. Olden-bourg. [Down].

Nägeli, Carl von and Carl Cramer. 1855. Pflanzenphysiologische Unter-suchungen. Zürich: F. Schulthess. [Botany School].

Nash, Wallis. 1878. Oregon: There and back in 1877. London: Macmillan &Co. [Down, S].

Nathusius, Hermann von. 1864. Abbildungen von Schweineschaedeln zuden Vorstudien für Geschichte und Zucht der Hausthiere. Berlin: Wiegandt &Hempel. [CUL, S].

———. 1864. Vorstudien für Geschichte und Zucht der Hausthiere zunaechstam Schweineschaedel. Berlin: Wiegandt & Hempel. Additional volume of tablesand plates. [CUL].

———. 1872–1880. Vorträge über Viehzucht und Rassenkenntnis. 2 vols. Berlin:Wiegandt & Hempel. Supplement in additional volume. [CUL].

Naudin, Charles. 1862. Nouvelles recherches sur l’hybridité dans les végétaux.Paris. [CUL, I].

Netter, Abraham. 1879. De l’intuition dans les découvertes et inventions.Strasbourg: Treuttel & Wurtz. [Down].

Neumayr, Melchior. 1879. Zur Kenntnis der Fauna des untersten Lias inden Nordalpen. Wien: J.C. Fischer. [CUL, I].

Neumayr, Melchior and Carl Maria Paul. 1875. Die Congerien- undPaludinenschichten Slavoniens und deren Faunen. Wien: Alfred Hölder. [CUL,I].

Neumeister, Gottlob. 1837. Das Ganze der Taubenzucht. Weimar: B.F.Voigt. [CUL].


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Newberry, John Strong. 1875. The structure and relations of Dinichtyes.Columbus: Nevins & Myers. [Down, I].

Newton, Alfred. 1874. Zoology. London: Society for promoting Christianknowledge. [Down, I].

Nicholson, Edward. 1874. An elementary treatise of ophiology. Madras:Higginbotham. [Down, I].

Niemeyer, Felix von. 1871. A textbook of practical medicine. Vol. 1. Reviseded. London: H.K. Lewis. [Down, FD].

———. 1871. A textbook of practical medicine. Vol. 2. London: H.K. Lewis.[Botany School, F.D.].

Nilsson, Sven. 1868. The primitive inhabitants of Scandinavia. 3rd ed.London: John Murray. Edited and introduced by John Lubbock. [Down, I].

Nitzsch, Christian L. 1867. Pterylography. London: The Ray Society.[Down].

Nogueira, A.F. 1880. A raça negra sob o ponto de vista da civilisação daAfrica. Lisboa: Minerva. [Linnean Society of London, I].

Noiré, Ludwig. 1874. Die Welt als Entwickelung des Geistes. Leipzig: Beit.[Down, I].

———. 1877. Der Ursprung der Sprache. Mainz: Victor von Zabern. [Down,I].

———. 1880. Das Werkzeug. Mainz: Diemer. [Down].

Nordenskiöld, Nils Adolf Erik. 1881. The voyage of the Vega round Asiaand Europe. London: Macmillan & Co. [Down].

Nusbaum, Jozef. n.d. L’Embryologie de Mysis chameleo. Warsaw. [Down].

Odart, Alexandre Pierre. 1849. Ampélographie universelle ou traité descépages. 2nd ed. Paris: Dusacq. [CUL].

Officier du Roi, Un. 1773. Voyage à l’isle de France. Neuchâtel: Sociététypographique. [Down, pre-B].

Ogle, John William. 1881. The Harveian oration, 1880. London. [Down].

Oken, Lorenz. 1847. Elements of physiophilosophy. Alfred Tulk, trans.London: The Ray Society. [Down].

O’Neill, T. Warren. 1880. The refutation of Darwinism. Philadelphia: J.B.Lippincott. [Down].


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Oppert, Gustav. 1879. On the classification of languages. Madras: Higgin-botham & Co. [Down, I].

Ord, William Miller. 1879. On the influence of colloids upon crystallineform and cohesion. London: Edward Stanford. [CUL, I].

Ordinaire, C.N. 1802. Histoire naturelle des volcans. Paris: Levrault. [Down,pre-B].

Ormathwaite, John Benn Walsh. 1872. Astronomy and geology compared.London: John Murray. [Down].

Orton, James. 1870. The Andes and the Amazon. New York: Harper &Brothers. [CUL].

———. 1876. The Andes and the Amazon. 3rd ed. New York: Harper &Brothers. [Down].

Osborne, J. 1881. The horsebreeder’s handbook. London: Benjamin Clegg.[Down, I].

Otley, Joseph. 1830. A concise description of the English lakes. 4th ed.Keswick. [CUL.1900].

Ovington, John. 1696. A voyage to Suratt. London: Jacob Tonson. [CUL,pre-B].

Owen, David Dale. 1852. Report of a geological survey of Wisconsin, Iowaand Minnesota. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Co. Additional volume ofillustrations. [Department of Earth Sciences Library, I by J.D. Dana].

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