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Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word

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  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Books on Prayer

    Arranged by Author.........................................................................................................................1Arranged by Title...........................................................................................................................36

    Arranged by Author

    Last Name Author First Name Author Title

    A A A

    Acker J. W. Teach Us to Pray

    Adams Henry W. I cried He ans!ered" A Faith#ul $ecord o# $emarkable Ans!ers to Prayer

    Adams John A. %od&s 'i#s'( The Problem o# Unans!ered Prayer

    Ahrendt )i*ian Prayer +eeting To,ics

    Ahrendt )i*ian A -all to Prayer

    Ahrendt )i*ian +ore Prayer +eeting To,ics

    Aitken W. Hay The i*ine /rdinance o# Prayer

    Aldrich Jose,h Prayer 0ummits( 0eeking %od&s Agenda #or 1our community

    Ale2 +arlee Hudson Taylor( the missionary !ho !on a nation by ,rayer 34567389:

    Ale2ander J. W. The $e*i*al and Its Lessons

    Alleine $ichard A -om,anion #or Prayer In Times o# ;2traordinary anger

    Allen Nancy Prayer

    Allen -harles The Lord&s Prayer( An Inter,retation

    Allen $. ;arl Prayers That -hanged History

    Allen -harles L. Prayer -hanges Things

    Allen -harles All Things Are Possible Through Prayer

    Al*es ;li=oston+ass.?

    0ongs o# ,rayer and ,raise

    Ames William The +arro! o# Theology =ook 6 ch 8

    Anders Isabel The Lord&s ,rayer( Peace and 0el#7Acce,tance #or Those in $eco*eryAnderson Leith When %od 0ays No( isco*ering the %od o# Ho,e =ehind the Ans!ers

    We&d $ather Not Hear.

    Anderson L. =ecoming a Friend With %od

    Anderson Tony +arshall Prayer A*aileth +uch

    Anderson Leith Praying to the %od 1ou -an Trust

    Anderson and +ylander 0etting 1our -hurch Free

    Angelica +other +. Li*ing Prayer

    Anson ;l*a Ho! to @ee, the Family that Prays Together #rom Falling A,art


  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Last Name Author First Name Author Title

    A,,TrT %uy ialogue !ith %od

    Archer J. W. Teach Us to Pray

    Arthur @ay Lord Teach +e to Pray in 64 ays

    Auch $on He Hears your Prayers

    Austin =ill $. Ho! to %et What 1ou Pray #or ( Harmoni

  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Last Name Author First Name Author Title

    =ennett Arthur The )alley o# )ision( A -ollection o# Puritan Prayers and e*otions

    =erkey 0te*en The $ole o# Prayer in ;*angeli

  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Last Name Author First Name Author Title

    =ounds ;. +. Prayer E $e*i*al

    =ounds ;. +. Pur,ose in Prayer

    =ounds ;. +. The Wea,on o# Prayer

    =ounds ;. +. ;. +. =ounds on Prayer

    =ounds ;. +. Po!er Through Prayer

    =o!ie Walter $ussell Li#t U, 1our Hearts

    =oyd +alcolm Are 1ou $unning With +e Jesus

    =rad#ord ;ugene Intercessory Prayer

    =radsha! Paul F. aily ,rayer in the early -hurch ( a study o# the origin and earlyde*elo,ment o# the di*ine o##ice

    =randt $obert L. The 0,irit Hel,s Us Pray A =iblical Theology o# Prayer

    =randt $. L. Praying !ith Paul

    =rane %race Adol,hsen $ece,ti*e Prayer( A -hristian A,,roach to +ediation

    =rannon Wilbur W. It&s Altar Time

    =rase Lee Praying From %od&s Heart( ;2,eriencing the Po!er o# %od 7 FocusedPrayer.

    =rayton Anthony E +arBorie Prayer %rou, %uide


  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Last Name Author First Name Author Title

    =unyan John I Will Pray !ith the 0,irit and !ith the Understanding Also

    =unyan John What Prayer Is Prayer

    =urgess F. J. Watching unto Prayer

    =urkhart $oy A. The 0ecret o# Li#e

    =urr $ichard A. e*elo,ing 1our 0ecret -loset o# Prayer

    =urr $ichard A. Prayer Princi,les #or Intimacy !ith %od

    =urroughs Jeremiah %os,el Worshi,

    =us!ell Jr. J. /. Problems in the Prayer Li#e

    =utler =. -. Prayer an Ad*enture in Li*ing

    =uttrick %eorge Prayer

    =uttrick %eorge 0o We =elie*e 0o We Pray

    =uttrick %eorge Arthur The Po!er o# Prayer Today

    =utts @im The Praying Family -reati*e Ways to Pray Together

    =yrnes Helen L. Watch and Pray( To,ics and Hel,s #or -ircles o# Prayer e*otional Hours1oung Peo,le Personal 0tudy

    =yrum ;noch ;d!in The 0ecret o# Prayer( ho! and !hy !e ,ray

    - - -

    -abrol Fernand Liturgical Prayer( Its History and 0,irit

    -al*in John /# Prayer a Per,etual ;2ercise o# Faith. And the aily =ene#its eri*ed#rom It

    -am,bell James +. Prayer in Its Present ay As,ects

    -am,bell James +. The Place o# Prayer in the -hristian $eligion

    -am,stra ouglas The Praying -hurch Idea =ook

    -a,en ;dard Warren The Haystack Prayer +eeting

    -arden John A World at Prayer( The Ne! ;cumenical Prayer %uide

    -arey Walter J. Prayer and 0ome o# Its i##iculties

    -arlson %. $aymond Prayer and the -hristian&s e*otional Li#e

    -armichael +ary Har!ell Wea,on o# Prayer

    -arre -a,tain ;. %. Praying Hyde

    -arroll =. H. +essages on ,rayer( com,rising ,ungent and ,enetrating sermons on asubBect ,erennially *ital to e*ery -hristian

    -arruth Thomas A. Total Prayer #or Total Li*ing

    -arson . A. Teach Us To Pray( Prayer in the =ible and the World.

    -arson . A. A -all to 0,iritual $e#ormation( Priorities #rom Paul and His Prayers

    -arson . A. The Fare!ell iscourse and Final Prayer o# Jesus ( an ;2,osition o# John373G

    -arter -harles W. As They Prayed77%reat =ible Prayers

    -ar*er W./. Thou When Thou Prayest

    -assidy 0heila Prayer #or Pilgrims ( A =ook About Prayer #or /rdinary Peo,le

    -asteel John L. $edisco*ering Prayer

    -astelli Jim Ho! I ,ray

    -astro ;milio When We Pray Together

    -atherine o# 0iena ialog o# -atherine o# 0iena

    -a*nar Jim Partici,ating in Prayer +eetings

    -a*nar Jim Leadershi, o# Prayer +eetings

    -a*nar Jim Leading +usic at Prayer +eetings

    -edar Paul A Li#e o# Prayer

    -had!ick 0amuel %od Listens to the -rying Heart in the 0ecret Place

    -had!ick 0amuel %od Listens or The Path o# Prayer


  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Last Name Author First Name Author Title

    -had!ick 0amuel The Path o# Prayer

    -ha#er Le!is 0,erry True ;*angelism or Winning 0ouls by Prayer

    -hambers /s!ald I# 1e 0hall Ask( $e#lections /n the Po!er o# Prayer

    -hambers Talbot W. Hours o# ,rayer in the noon ,rayer7meeting

    -hambers /s!ald @nocking at %od&s door >A little book o# ,rayers?

    -hambers Talbot The Noon Prayer +eeting o# the North utch -hurch

    -hambers /s!ald Prayer( A Holy /ccu,ation

    -ha,man $e2 A @ind o# Praying

    -ha,,ell -lo*is 0ermons on the Lord&s Prayer

    -harles e!eese Prayer in =a,tist Li#e

    -harnock 0te,hen A iscourse o# elight in Prayer

    -hase Frederick Henry The Lord&s Prayer in the ;arly -hurch

    -hester Ann ;. Prayer no!( a res,onse to the needs #or ,rayer

    -heyney Arnold =. Writing77 A Way to Pray

    -ho Paul a*id 1onggi Prayer( @ey to $e*i*al

    -ho Paul a*id 1onggi Praying With Jesus

    -ho Paul a*id 1onggi Prayer That =rings $e*i*al-hoy Leona Andre! +urray( A,ostle o# Abiding Lo*e

    -hristenson ;*elyn A Journey into Prayer

    -hristenson ;*elyn Unleashing %ods Po!er( What %od oes When Women Pray

    -hristenson ;*elyn Lord change me

    -hristenson ;*elyn What Ha,,ens When 1ou Pray #or Family

    -hristenson ;*elyn What Ha,,ens When Women Pray

    -hristenson ;*elyn T!o by ;*elyn

    -hristenson ;*elyn A Time to Pray %od&s Way

    -hristenson ;*elyn What Ha,,ens When %od Ans!ers Prayer

    -hristenson ;*elyn -hanging 1our Li#e Through the Po!er o# Prayer

    -hurch F. Forrester The +acmillan =ook o# ;arliest -hristian Prayers

    -lark F. ;. The 1oung Peo,le&s Prayer +eeting in Theory and Practice

    -larke James %reat 0ouls at Prayer

    -larke John Henry William =lake 3G:G7346G on the Lord&s Prayer

    -larkson ;dith +argaret /ur Father" The Lord&s ,rayer #or children

    -lements $onald ;. In 0,irit and in Trust( Insights #rom =iblical Prayers

    -obb ;. Ho!ard -hrist Praying

    -obbet Thomas %os,el Incense( Practical Treatise on Prayer

    -oburn John =. Prayer and Personal $eligion

    -ockman Nelda $. A Layman Looks at the Lord&s Prayer Leader&s %uide

    -oggan onald The Prayers o# the Ne! Testament

    -oke Paul +ountain and Wilderness

    -oleman $obert ;merson Introducing the Prayer -ell

    -onstable Thomas L. Talking to %od ( What the =ible Teaches About Prayer

    -on*erse Florence The House o# Prayer

    -on!ell $ussell H. ;##ecti*e Prayer

    -ook -harles A. Practical ,ortions #or the ,rayer li#e" selected thoughts on ,rayer #or eachday o# the year

    -oo,rider %eorge ;lisha The Preacher and His Prayer Li#e

    -orbin Linda G Ways to Pray #or 0,iritual Leaders

    -orle ennis isci,line o# Prayer


  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Last Name Author First Name Author Title

    -orn!all Judson Praying the 0cri,tures

    -orn!all Judson The 0ecret o# Personal Prayer

    -orn!ell Judson The 0ecret o# Personal Prayer

    -ouser Thomas $eal +en Pray( Prayer Thoughts #or Husbands and Fathers

    -o*e %ordon $e*i*al No! through Prayer E Fasting

    -o!an John F. Ne! Li#e in the /ld Prayer7+eeting

    -o!art John W. Why don&t I get !hat I ,ray #or

    -o2 ;nos @incheloe Where is the Lord %od o# ;liBah

    -ra!#ord an %i*ing /ursel*es to Prayer

    -ra!#ord an $ Prayer Walking( A Journey o# Faith

    -ra!#ord an The Prayersha,ed isci,le

    -richton J.. -hristian -elebration( The +ass The 0acraments The Prayer o# the-hurch

    -rockett +arsha Wea*ing a Li#e o# Prayer

    -rouse $obert Theology o# Prayer

    -rum, a*id +ichael Jesus the intercessor ( ,rayer and -hristology in Luke7Acts

    -rum, a*id Jesus the Intercessor Prayer and -hristology in Luke7Acts

    -ullman /scar Prayer in the Ne! Testament

    -urran 0ue The Praying -hurch

    -ushman $al,h The Prayers o# Jesus

    -uyler Theodore L The +odel Prayer +eeting

    -ymbala Jim Fresh Po!er

    -ymbala Jim Fresh Wind Fresh Fire

    -ymbala Jim Fresh Faith

    -y,rian 0t The Lord&s Prayer

    alrym,le John 0im,le Prayer


  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Last Name Author First Name Author Title

    ennis Jay The Prayer ;2,eriment

    e$emer =ernard $. The A,ostle o# Prayer

    eshler =yron The Po!er o# the Personal %rou,

    e)ries John F. The Faith to =elie*e( A bicentennial Prayer and =ible 0tudy

    e)ries John F. The Light to 0ee A =icentennial Prayer and =ible 0tudy

    eWeese -harles Prayer and =a,tist Li#e

    eyneka Peter +uch Prayer +uch Po!er

    iet< ;ddie What oes Prayer ;nable %od to o

    ilday $ussell H. Prayer +eeting $esources

    obson 0hirley -ertain Peace in Uncertain Times( ;mbracing Prayer in an An2ious Age

    odd =rian J. Praying Jesus& Way( A %uide #or =eginners and )eterans

    odd +. ;. The Prayer Li#e o# Jesus

    ods +arcus The Prayer That Teaches To Pray

    odson @enneth Prayer ,o!er #or this hour ( With scri,ture ,roo#

    oherty -atherine de Hueck Poustinia( -hristian 0,irituality o# the ;ast #or Western +an

    ollo## ;ugene insmore It -an Ha,,en =et!een 0undays

    ollo## ;ugene When I&m /n +y @neesonehoo Paris Prayer in the Li#e o# Jesus

    ongre $aBas @rishnarao Pandita $amabai" a li#e o# #aith and ,rayer

    onne John The ,rayers o# John onne

    ood =rian Praying Jesus& Way

    orsett Lyle ;.+. =ounds +an o# Prayer

    ossey Larry Healing !ord ( the ,o!er o# ,rayer and the ,ractice o# medicine

    oty Thomas @. Hints to Fishermen

    oty Thomas @. Prayer Li#eCde! ro,s7C

    oughty W. L. The Prayers o# 0usanna Wesley

    o!d 0haryn ;chols Prayer ,o!er and the ,roblem o# su##ering ( +ark 33(6676: in the conte2to# +arkan theology

    rum!right +inette The Li#e That Prays $e#lections on Prayer as 0trategyrum!right Huber L. Prayer $edisco*ered

    u =ois William ;d!ard=urghardt

    Prayers #or ark Peo,le

    ue!el Wesley L. Abla

  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Last Name Author First Name Author Title

    ;astman ick Li*ing E Praying In Jesus Name

    ;astman ick No ;asy $oad( Ins,irational Thoughts on Prayer

    ;astman ick Lo*e on its @nees

    ;astman ick ick ;astman on Prayer

    ;astman Li*ing and Praying in Jesus& Name

    ;astman ick The Jericho Hour

    ;astman ick =eyond Imagination

    ;astman ick A -elebration o# Praise

    ;astman ick The Hour That -hanges the World( A Practical Plan #or Personal Prayer.

    ;aton @enneth +en on Their @nees

    ;beling %erhard The Lord&s Prayer in Today&s World

    ;dman ). $aymond They Found the 0ecret

    ;d!ards Jonathan Hy,ocrites e#icient in the uty o# Prayer

    ;d!ards Jonathan The +ost High A Prayer7Hearing %od

    ;d!ards Jonathan A Humble Attem,t to Promote the Agreement

    ;d!ards Jonathan The Li#e o# $e*erend a*id =rainerd

    ;ims Leroy Prayer( +ore than Words;lli## Tom A Passion For Prayer

    ;lli## Thomas . Praying #or /thers

    ;lliot ;lisabeth And When 1ou Pray

    ;lliot ;lisabeth Notes on Prayer

    ;lliott Norman Ho! to =e the Lord&s Prayer

    ;llul JacDues Prayer and the +odern +an

    ;lmore Tim Pi*otal Praying( -onnecting With %od in Times o# %reat Need

    ;merick 0amuel A +anual #or Prayer %rou,s

    ;ngstrom Theodore Workable Prayer +eeting Programs

    ;,, Theodore H. Praying !ith Authority

    ;,, Theodore H. Unta,,ed $esources

    ;rb William H. The Lord&s Prayer

    ;rickson @enneth Po!er o# Praise

    ;rickson +ary ;. Ad*enture at Hidden Ha*en $anch( Learning about Prayer as a Family.

    ;*ans William Why Pray

    ;*ans Anthony T. Tony ;*ans s,eaks out on ,rayer

    ;*ans Louis Hadley -an 1ou $eally Talk to %od

    ;*ans William Why ,ray

    ;*ely Louis The Prayer o# +odern +an

    ;yre 0te,hen . ;ntering %od&s ,resence ( A month o# guided Duiet times

    ;yre 0te,hen . uiet time dynamics ( !hat ha,,ens !hen !e meet !ith %od

    ;yton $obert The Lord&s ,rayer ( Kmicro#orm sermons

    F F F

    Faris John T. The =ook o# Ans!ered Prayer

    Farmer Herbert H. The World and %od A 0tudy o# Prayer Pro*idence and +iracle in -hristian;2,erience

    Farrar Frederic William The Lord&s ,rayer" sermons ,reached in Westminster abbey

    Farrell ;d!ard J. Prayer is a hunger

    Ferre Nels T.0. A Theology #or -hristian Prayer

    Field Faye Walk and Pray

    Field $achel Prayer #or a child


  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Last Name Author First Name Author Title

    Fi#e ;ric 0. Prayer( -ommon 0ense and the =ible

    Finley James The a!akening call ( #ostering intimacy !ith %od

    Finney -harles %randison The Primiti*e Prayer7+eeting

    Finney -harles %randison Lectures on $e*i*al >Lectures : M 4?

    Finney -harles %randison Princi,les /# Prayer

    Finney -harles %randison Lecture )III +eetings #or Prayer

    Finney -harles %randison The Pre*ailing Prayer +eeting

    Finney -harles %randison The +emoirs o# -harles %. Finney ed. %arth $osell

    Finney -harles %randison Lecture I) Pre*ailing Prayer

    Finney -harles %randison Lecture )I The 0,irit o# Prayer

    Finney -harles %randison Lecture ) The Prayer o# Faith

    Fish $oy When Hea*en Touched ;arth The A!akening o# 34:4 and Its ;##ects on=a,tist

    Fisher Fred L. Prayer in the Ne! Testament


  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Last Name Author First Name Author Title

    French I*an Princi,les and Practice o# Prayer

    Frit< @urt )on %reek Prayers


  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Last Name Author First Name Author Title

    %ire @en =et!een Hea*en and ;arth

    %ladden Washington The Lord&s ,rayer ( se*en homilies

    %la,hr T Talking !ith %od ( studies on ,rayer

    %oddard Ne*ille Lancelot Prayer ( the art o# belie*ing

    %oetsch $onald W. Po!er Through Prayer


  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Last Name Author First Name Author Title


    %rubb Norman $ees Ho!ells 7 Intercessor

    %uardini $omano The Lord&s Prayer

    %uest John /nly a Prayer A!ay( Finding ee,er Intimacy !ith %od

    %unstone John The -harismatic Prayer %rou,

    %unter 0yl*ia Pray Portions

    %uteditor? Jesse /,en Prayer

    Ham ;d!ard ;. The 0tory o# an all ay Prayer +eeting

    Hamilton Herbet Al#red -on*ersation With %od( Learning to Pray

    Handyside James +elt the IcebergsO >,rayer?

    Hanes a*id +y ,ath o# Prayer

    Hanne John A. Prayer or Pretense

    Hansen a*id Long Wandering Prayer An In*itation to Walk !ith %od

    Harkenss %eorgia Prayer and the -ommon Li#e

    Harkness %eorgia Ho! to Find Prayer +ore +eaning#ul

    Harkness %eorgia Prayer and the -ommon Li#e

    Harner Phili, =. Understanding the Lord&s Prayer

    Har,er 0te*e Prayer +inistry in the Local -hurch

    Harries $ichard Prayer and the Pursuit o# Ha,,iness

    Harrington onal Prayer #or Parish %rou,s

    Harris John The House o# ,rayer

    Harrison Norman =. His in a Li#e o# Prayer

    Hartley Fred Lord Teach Us To Pray

    Hartley Fred ;*erything by Prayer Armin %ess!ein&s @eys to 0,irit7Filled Li*ing

    Har*ey ;d!in and Lillian Ho! They Prayed

    Har*ey ;d!in E Lillian Asking Father

    Har*ey ;d!in E Lillian Ho! They Prayed *olume 5


  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Last Name Author First Name Author Title

    Har*ey ;d!in E Lillian $oyal ;2change

    Har*ey ;d!in E Lillian @neeling We Trium,h >t!o books?

    Har*ey ;d!in E Lillian Ho! They Prayed *olume 6

    Har*ey ;d!in E Lillian Ho! They Prayed *olume 3

    Haskins orothy A Practical Primer on Prayer

    Hasler $ichard Journey !ith a*id =rainerd

    Hassel a*id ark Intimacy

    Hassel a*id J. $adical Prayer

    Hastings James The %reat -hristian octrines( Prayer

    Ha!kins Frank The -hurch at Prayer

    Ha!thorne 0te*e or @endrick Prayer7Walking( Praying on 0ite !ith Insight

    Ha!thorne 0te*e 0eek %od #or the -ity

    Ha!thorne 0te*e Prayer!alking

    Hayden =en Pray( on&t 0ettle #or a T!o7=it Prayer Li#e

    Hay#ord Jack Prayer Is In*ading the Im,ossible

    Hay#ord Jack W. Prayer,ath( Learning to Pray the Way Jesus Taught

    Hayman ;ric Prayer and the -hristian Li#eHa

  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Last Name Author First Name Author Title

    Hinnebusch Paul Prayer the 0earch #or Authenticity

    Hinson ;. %lenn The $ea##irmation o# Prayer

    Hinten +ar*in . %od is Not a )ending +achine0o Why Pray Like He Is

    Hinthorn Aletha =oldly Asking

    Hisco2 ;. T. The 0tar =ook on Prayer +eeting

    Hodge -harles -on#erence Pa,ers

    Hodge Ale2ander Prayer and its Psychology

    Hodgson Leonard The Lord&s Prayer

    Hoeksema Herman In the sanctuary ( e2,ository sermons on the Lord&s ,rayer

    Ho##man La!rence A. The art o# ,ublic ,rayer ( not #or clergy only

    Holland %race Talking With %od

    Holmes ;. ;. Prayer and Action

    Holy Li*ing Prayers Holy Li*ing Prayers

    Hoo*er John 1ount History o# the li#e and labors o# J. 1. Hoo*er

    Ho,!ood P.%.0. The $eligious ;2,erience o# the Primiti*e -hurch

    Horne John Prayer Prom,tings

    Horner William Wallace Let Us Pray

    Horton Thomas -or*in The Potency o# Prayer" A Handbook /n Prayer For The ;*eryday -hristian

    Houston Thomas The History o# the Prayer +eeting

    Houston James +. A Li#e o# Prayer

    Houston Thomas The Fello!shi, Prayer +eeting

    Houston James +. The Trans#orming Po!er o# Prayer( ee,ening 1our Friendshi, !ith %od

    Houston James The Trans#orming Friendshi, A %uide to Prayer

    Ho!ard Walden %rou,s that Work

    Ho!ard ;*an =. Praying the 0cri,tures

    Ho!e $euel L. The +iracle o# ialogue

    Ho!e Leroy T. Prayer in a 0ecular World

    Ho!er $obert %. William Farel Theologian o# the -ommon +an and the %enesis o#Protestant Prayer

    Ho!ington Nelan P. The )irgil o# Prayer

    Hubbard a*id A. The Practice o# Prayer( a %uide #or =eginners

    Hubbard a*id A. The Problem !ith Prayer Is

    Huebsch =ill A Ne! Look at Prayer

    Huegel F. J. Prayer&s ee,er 0ecrets

    Huegel F. J. $eigning !ith -hrist

    Huegel F. J. 0uccess#ul Praying

    Huegel F. J. The ;nthroned -hristian

    Huegel F. J. The +inistry o# Intercession

    Huelsman $ichard J. Pray( Partici,ant&s Handbook

    Hu##man John A. Forgi*e us our ,rayers

    Hugel Friedrich *on The Li#e o# Prayer

    Huggett Joyce Joy o# Listening to %od( hearing the many !ays %od s,eaks to us

    Hughes $. @ent Abba Father( The Lord&s Pattern #or Prayer

    Hughes H. Tre*or Pro,hetic Prayer( A History o# the -hristian octrine o# Prayer to the$e#ormation

    Hulse ;rroll %i*e Him No $est

    Hulse ;rroll Let&s Pray #or a %lobal $e*i*al

    Hulse ;rroll The )ital Place o# the Prayer +eeting


  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Last Name Author First Name Author Title

    Hulstrand onald The Praying -hurch

    Humbard $e2 The ,rayer @ey =ook

    Humbard $e2 Praying !ith Po!er

    Hum,hries Fisher The Heart o# Prayer

    Hunt T. W. In %od&s Presence( 1our aily %uide to a +eaning#ul Prayer Li#e

    Hunt Art Praying With the /ne 1ou Lo*e

    Hunt T. W. The octrine o# Prayer

    Hunt T. W. isci,le&s Prayer Li#e( Walking in Fello!shi, !ith %od.

    Hunt T. W. Prayer Li#e( Walking in Fello!shi, !ith %od

    Hunt T. W. -hurch Prayer +inistry +anual

    Hunt T. W. 1our aily %uide to a +eaning#ul Prayer Li#e

    Hunter Frances %ardner Hot line to hea*en

    Hunter A. +. A Pattern o# Li#e

    Hunter W. =ingham What oes it +ean to Pray in Jesus& Name

    Hunter W. =ingham The %od Who Hears

    Huntington William The @ingdom o# Hea*en Taken by Prayer. Q4.:9C:.99,

    Huss John Paths to Po!er A %uide to ynamic +id!eek Prayer +eetingsHuss John ;. The Hour o# Po!er( Ho! a 1oung Pastor +akes the 0,iritual Pre7eminent in

    His -hurch

    Huss John ;r*in The Hour o# Po!er( ynamic Prayer +eetings

    Hutchinson %loria 0i2 Ways to Pray #rom 0i2 %reat 0aints

    Hybels =ill Too =usy Not to Pay( 0lo!ing o!n to =e !ith %od

    Hyde John The Li#e o# Praying Hyde

    Hyles Jack ;2,loring Prayer With Jack Hyles

    I I I

    Ieron Julie7Allyson Praying Like Jesus

    International /utreach 0eeking %od

    Ironside Henry A. The mission o# the Holy 0,irit" and Praying in the Holy 0,irit

    Issler @laus Wasting Time With %od

    J J J

    Jackson ;dgar N. Understanding Prayer( An ;2,loration o# the Nature isci,lines and%ro!th o# the 0,iritual Li#e

    Jacobs James )ernon A Pocket %uide to Prayer #or -hurch /##icers

    Jacobs -indy Possessing the %ates o# the ;nemy( A Training +anual #or +ilitantIntercession

    James Francis =ertram The Way o# Prayer A =ook o# Practical %uidance

    James +aynard %. When Thou Prayest( Plain Talks on the e*otional Li#e

    Jay ;ric %eorge /rigen&s Treatise on Prayer

    Je##ries J. -am,bell The La! in the Prayer( the Ten -ommandments in the Lord&s Prayer

    Jenkins a*id L. %reat Prayers o# the =ible

    Jenkins aniel T. Prayer and the 0er*ice o# %od

    Jennings =en The Arena o# Prayer

    Jennings Theodore W. Li#e as Worshi,( Prayer and Praise in Jesus& Name

    Jeremiah a*id Prayer( The %reat Ad*enture

    Jeremias Joachim The Lord&s Prayer

    Jeremias Joachim The Prayers o# Jesus

    Jesso, Harry ;. When Prayer 0eems Not to Work

    Jesso, Harry ;. The +inistry o# Pre*ailing Prayer( Heart7Talks to Prayer Warriors


  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Last Name Author First Name Author Title

    Job $ueben P. A %uide to Prayer #or +inisters and /ther 0er*ants

    Johnson Lois Wal#rid ;ither Way I Win

    Johnson Jan When the 0oul Listens

    Johnson =en -. Learning to Pray

    Johnson =en -am,bell To Pray %od&s Will

    Johnston J. =. The Prayer +eeting and its History

    Johnston $uss E $ank ynamic Praying #or ;2citing $esults

    Johnstone Patrick /,eration World( 63st -entury ;dition

    Johnstone Patrick J. /,eration World7ay by ay guide to Praying #or the World

    Johnstone Patrick J. 0t. %. Praying Through the Windo! III ( the unreached ,eo,les

    Jones Timothy 63 ays to a =etter uiet Time !ith %od

    Jones J.. The +odel Prayer

    Jones ;li 0tanley Ho! to Pray C Including Prayers by ;. 0tanley Jones

    Jones J. Peng!en A Present7day -hallenge to Prayer

    Jones Timothy Prayer&s A,,rentice

    Jo!ett John Henry The Passion #or 0ouls

    @ @ @@amstra ouglas A. The Praying -hurch Idea =ook

    @au##man Luke ;. The Prayer o# Faith in James :(3:

    @eathley J. Ham,ton Hanna&s Praying

    @eating -harles J. Who We Are is Ho! We Pray

    @eller W. Philli, A Layman Looks at the Lord&s Prayer

    @eller W. Philli, His Way To Pray( e*otional 0tudy on Prayer

    @elly ouglas F. I# %od Already @no!s Why Pray

    @elly ouglas F. Prayer( Per#umed by His =lood

    @enyon ;. W. In His Presence

    @e*an ;. F. The Lord&s 0u,,er

    @hariton 0,aso7


  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Last Name Author First Name Author Title

    @roll Woodro! When %od oesn&t Ans!er

    @roll Woodro! ;m,o!ered to Pray

    @rummacher Friedrich Wilhelm Prayer in the name o# Jesus


  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Last Name Author First Name Author Title

    Lee Johannes +yung=hum

    When 1ou Pray

    Lee $obert ;. The =ible and Prayer

    Leech @enneth True Prayer( An In*itation to -hristian 0,irituality

    LeFe*re Perry . The Prayers o# @iekegaard

    LeFe*re Perry Understandings o# Prayer

    Lehodey )ital The Ways o# +ental Prayer

    Leske Proe*e Wendt %od&s Peo,le at Prayer

    Leslie J. H. Precious Je!els( #or 0abbath 0chools Prayer and Praise +eetings and theHome -ircle

    Le!is Peter The Lord&s Prayer ( on our knees and in His arms

    Le!is Peter $hys The Lord&s ,rayer ( the greatest ,rayer in the !orld

    Le!is -.0. Letters to +alcolm( -hie#ly on Prayer

    Le!is $ichard W. What Hinders Prayer

    Liddell ;ric isci,lines o# the -hristian Li#e

    Liesch =arry Peo,le in the Presence o# %od

    Lilley Al#red L. Prayer in -hristian Theology

    Lincoln ;nsign Aids to e*otion ( Including =ickersteth on Prayer Watt&s guide to ,rayerand select de*otional e2ercises

    Lindsay %ordon The 0ecret o# Prayer That +o*es +ountains

    Lindsay %ordon Praying To -hange the World 0eries

    Lindsell Harold When 1ou Pray

    Link +ark J. 1ou( Prayer #or =eginners and Those Who Ha*e Forgotten Ho!

    Little James In Touch !ith the Throne

    Lle!elyn $obert Praying Home( The -ontem,lati*e Journey

    Lle!elyn $obert Prayer and -ontem,lation

    Lloyd W. F. T!o 1ears in a %ro!ing Prayer +eeting

    Lochman Jan +ili The Lord&s ,rayer

    Lockyer Herbert All the Prayers /# the =ible

    Lockyer Herbert Ho! I -an +ake Prayer +ore ;##ecti*e

    Lockyer Herbert The Po!er o# Prayer

    Loe! JacDues Face to Face !ith %od( The =ible&s Way to Prayer

    Lohmeyer ;rnst /ur Father" an Introduction to the Lord&s Prayer

    Long =rad Prayer That 0ha,es The Future

    Long @athryn Teresa The $e*i*al o# 34:G7:4 ( inter,reting an American religious a!akening

    Long @athryn The $e*i*al o# 34:G7:4( Inter,reting an American $eligious A!akening

    Longenecker $ichard Into %od&s Presence

    Lord Peter Hearing %od

    Lo*orn Tom Ho! to =uild a Praying -hurch

    Lo!der Paul . Let Us Pray

    Lo!ry -harles Wesley To Pray or Not to Pray

    Lucado +a2 >;? A Thirst #or %od( 0tudies on the Lord&s Prayer

    Lucas aryl J. 39G uestions -hildren Ask About Prayer

    Luccock Hal#ord ;. The +id7Week 0er*ice

    Lundgren -arl ;d!ard A Program #or +entoring Prayer #or the ion ;*angelical -hurch

    Lundstrom Lo!ell Praying With Po!er

    Luther +artin A 0im,le Way to Pray

    Luthi Walter The Lord&s Prayer( An ;2,osition


  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Last Name Author First Name Author Title

    Lynse ;lana Flames o# re*i*al( igniting the hearts o# a nation through ,rayer

    Lyrene ;d!ard -harles The $ole o# Prayer in American $e*i*al +o*ements 3G9734M9

    + + +

    +acArthur Jr. John F. ;*angelistic ,raying

    +acArthur Jr. John Alone !ith %od( The Po!er and Passion o# Prayer.

    +acArthur Jr. John F. Jesus& high7,riestly ,rayer ( study notes John 3G C John +acArthur Jr "edited and outlined by +ike Taylor.

    +acArthur Jr. John F. Jesus& Pattern o# Prayer

    +acArthur Jr. John F. The isci,les& Prayer

    +acArthur Jr. John F. ;lements o# true ,rayer

    +acArthur Jr. John F. ;*angelistic ,raying

    +acArthur Jr. John Jesus& Pattern o# Prayer

    +acartney -larence ;d!ard Wrestlers With %od( Prayers o# the /ld Testament

    +acartney -larence ;. Prayers o# the /ld Testament

    +acartney -larence ;d!ardNoble

    The Lord&s ,rayer

    +acartney -larence ;d!ard Prayer At the %olden Altar

    +acaulay Jose,h -ordner A#ter This +anner" Thoughts on the Lord&s ,rayer

    +aconald Ho,e isco*ering Ho! to Pray

    +aconald James The Prayer +eeting

    +acgregor %eorge Hogarth-arnaby

    True Praying in the Holy 0,irit

    +acgregor 0r %eorge Hogarth-arnaby

    Praying in the Holy %host

    +acIntyre a*id The Hidden Li#e o# Prayer

    +acIntyre a*id +. The Prayer Li#e o# /ur Lord

    +ack Wayne A. Ho! to ,ray e##ecti*ely

    +ackintosh -. H. Prayer and the Prayer +eeting

    +aclachian Le!is -ommon 0ense About Prayer

    +aclachian Le!is Teachings o# Jesus on Prayer +aclachian Le!is Ho! to Pray #or Healing

    +aclachian Le!is Intelligent Prayer

    +aclachlan Le!is T!enty7T!o>one? 0te,s to Positi*e Prayer

    +aclachlan Le!is The Teaching o# Jesus on Prayer

    +aclaren Ale2andra The 0ecret o# Po!er

    +aclaren Ale2ander /ur Father" e*otional 0tudies on the Lord&s Prayer

    +ac+illian John A. Authority o# the =elie*er C Intercessor C

    +ac+illian John A. ;ncounter !ith arkness >5 books in 3?

    +acNutt Francis The Prayer That Heals( Praying #or Healing in the Family

    +adsen Norman P. Lord Teach Us to Pray( Jesus and -hristian Prayer

    +agdalen 0ister +argaret Jesus +an o# Prayer

    +agee John $eality and Prayer( A %uide to the +eaning and Practice o# Prayer

    +ahaney -. J. We 0hould Pray

    +ain @eith Prayer and Fasting

    +ains a*id $. T!o are =etter Than /ne ( A %uide to Prayer Partnershi,s that !ork C a*id+ains and 0te*e =ell

    +ains a*id $. =e#ore 1ou Pray

    +ains a*id $. The 0ense o# His Presence( ;2,eriencing 0,iritual $egenesis

    +alco Wim -alled to Pray Ho! to =e a Prayer Warrior


  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Last Name Author First Name Author Title

    +oody !ight L. Ho! to Ha*e a %ood Prayer +eeting

    +oody !ight L. Joy o# Ans!ered Prayer

    +oody =ible Institute. Archi*es Ho! to conduct e*angelistic ser*ices and ,rayer meetings( address by +r.+oody at the -hristian -on*ention +arch 68 34GM.

    +oody =ible Institute. Archi*es Prayer and $e*i*al( The $e*i*als Led by r. $. A. Torrey came by ,rayer ( a

    college re*i*al in ans!er to ,rayer ( . L. moody re*i*als came by ,rayer (my decision #or -hrist.

    +oody !ight Lyman The %os,el A!akening

    +ooney -hristo,her Prayer( The Problem o# ealogue !ith %od

    +oore ;. W. The Pattern Prayer =ook

    +oore =eth Praying %od&s Word

    +oore T. +. Pre,aring 1our -hurch #or $e*i*al

    +ore Hannah The 0,irit o# Prayer

    +organ %. -am,bel The Practice o# Prayer

    +orris ;. J. Prayer7+eeting Theology A ialogue

    +orrison J. %. The 0te!ardshi, o# Fasting

    +orrissey @irkie /n Holy %round( A =ible 0tudy on Prayer

    +osley 0te*en $. I# only %od !ould ans!er ( !hat to do !hen you ask seek and knock77andnothing ha,,ens

    +ott John $. Intercessors the Primary Need

    +ott John $aleigh +orning Watch

    +oule Handley -arr %lyn 0ecret Prayer

    +oule Handley -arr %lyn The High Priestly Prayer( A e*otional -ommentary on the 0e*enteenth-ha,ter o# 0t. John

    +uch Terry Liberating the Leader&s Prayer Li#e

    +uck Terry -. Liberating the Leader&s Prayer Li#e

    +ueller %eorge Ans!ers to Prayer( 0ecrets o# Intercession

    +ueller %eorge $elease the Po!er o# Prayer

    +ueller %eorge The Li#e o# Trust

    +ueller %eorge Autobiogra,hy o# %eorge +uller( or A million and a hal# in ans!er to

    ,rayer C com,iled by %. Fred. =ergin " !ith concluding cha,ter by Arthur T.Pierson.

    +ueller %eorge Ho! %od Ans!ers Prayer( As 0et Forth in the Narrati*e o# 0ome o# theLord&s ealings !ith %eorge +uller C com,iled by A. ;. -. =rookes.

    +urch James eForest Prelude to ,rayer

    +urch James eForest Teach +e to Pray

    +urch James eForest 0uccess#ul -; Prayer +eetings

    +ur,hey -ecil =. Prayer( Pit#alls E Possibilities

    +ur,hey -ecil =. Prayerobics( %etting 0tarted and 0taying %oing

    +ur,hey -ecil In*ading the Pri*acy o# %od

    +ur,hy +iriam Prayer in Action

    +urray Andre! Prayer %uide

    +urray Andre! Prayer Po!er +urray Andre! ;2,eriencing the Holy 0,irit

    +urray Andre! Prayer and the -oming $e*i*al

    +urray Andre! The Full =lessing o# Pentecost

    +urray Andre! 0ecret o# =elie*ing Prayer

    +urray Andre! Jesus -hrist ,ro,het ,riest

    +urray Andre! The +aster&s Ind!elling

    +urray Andre! The =elie*er&s 0chool o# Prayer same as With -hrist in0chool o# Prayer


  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Last Name Author First Name Author Title

    +urray Andre! The Inner -hamber and the Inner Li#e

    +urray Andre! The 0tate o# the -hurch" a Plea #or +ore Prayer

    +urray Andre! The =elie*er&s secret o# intercession

    +urray Andre! The =elie*er&s Prayer Li#e

    +urray Andre! The Prayer +eeting -h 6: o# The Ne! Li#e

    +urray Andre! The 0ecret o# Intercession( a ,lea #or more ,rayer

    +urray Andre! With -hrist in the 0chool o# Prayer

    +urray Andre! The Prayer Li#e( The Inner -hamber and the ee,est 0ecret o# Pentecost

    +urray Andre! The Prayer7#illed Li#e +ay be same as The Prayer Li#e

    +urray Andre! Prayer 0te,s to 0erenity

    +urray Andre! Waiting on %od

    +urray Andre! +inistry o# Intercessory Prayer

    +urray Andre! Po!er o# Perse*ering Prayer

    +urray Andre! The +inistry o# Intercession

    +urray Andre! Hel,s to Intercession

    +urray Andre! -om,lete Works o# Andre! +urray

    +urray Andre! Learning to Pray+urray Andre! The Po!er o# Perder*ing Prayer

    +urray Andre! Abide in -hrist

    +urray Andre! 0ecret o# United Prayer

    +yers Warren E $uth 53 ays o# Prayer

    +yers Warren E $uth Pray( Ho! to =e ;##ecti*e in Prayer

    N N N

    Na,,a +ike and Amy :6 Fun Family Prayer Ad*entures( -reati*e Ways to Pray Together

    Nash aniel aniel Nash( Pre*ailing Prince o# Prayer

    Nedoncelle +aurice The Nature and Use o# Prayer

    Nedoncelle +aurice %od&s ;ncounter !ith +an( A -ontem,orary A,,roach to Prayer

    Nee Watchman The @ey To Prayer

    Nee Watchman =urden E Prayer

    Nee Watchman Assembling Together

    Nee Watchman Let Us Pray

    Nee Watchman Ask Him Anything

    Nee Watchman -on*ersation !ith %od ;2,erience Intimacy !ith %od through PersonalPrayer

    Nee Watchman ;arly $ising

    Nee Watchman Prayer

    Nee Watchman The Prayer +inistry o# the -hurch

    Nee Watchman A Prayer For $e*elation

    Nelson Alan ;. =roken in the $ight Place

    Ne*in Al#red Prayer7meeting +anual

    Ne!berry Ian I =elie*e in Prayer Ho! to $e*i*e and ;ncourage the Prayer +eeting

    Ne!berry Ian ;nBoying %od&s Presence

    Ne!berry Ian At The Heart o# Prayer

    Ne!ton John Public Prayer

    Nhoku 0te,hen $adical Prayer #or the $elease o# %od&s +iracle Po!er

    Nicoll W. $obertson Prayer in War Time

    Northcott Hubert. The *enture o# ,rayer

    Nou!en Henri $eaching /ut( The Three +o*ements o# the 0,iritual Li#e


  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Last Name Author First Name Author Title

    Nou!en Henri J. +. The /nly Necessary Thing( Li*ing a Prayer#ul Li#e

    No*otny Louise +. A Pocket %uide to Prayer #or Women

    Nystrom -arolyn What is Prayer

    / / /

    /&=rien Peter T. A $e*olutionary A,,roach to Prayer

    /&=rien Peter T. Introductory Thanksgi*ings in the Letters o# Paul

    /gburn -al*in The 1oung ,eo,le&s ,rayer7meeting and its im,ro*ement

    /gil*ie Lloyd John Ask Him Anything

    /gil*ie Lloyd John Praying With Po!er

    /gil*ie Lloyd John -on*ersation With %od

    /ld Hughes /li,hant Leading In Prayer a !orkbook #or ministers

    /li*e Wyon The 0chool o# Prayer

    /lson @ermit First 0te,s in Prayer

    /martian 0tormie The Po!er o# a Praying Wi#e

    /rgain Alice Lucile-art!right

    Footste,s o# +ary =aker ;ddy&s ,rogressi*e inter,retations o# the Lord&s,rayer

    /rigen /rigen C translation and introd. by $o!an A. %reer " ,re#. by Hans Urs *on


    /rigen /rigen on Prayer

    /rr J. ;d!in Full 0urrender or re*ised as -hristian -ommitment( -risis and Process

    /rr J. ;d!in The Flaming Tongue

    /rr J. ;d!in The ;*ent o# the -entury

    /rr J. ;d!in The Fer*ent Prayer >concerning 34:4 re*eal?

    /rr J. ;d!in The $ole o# Prayer in 0,iritual A!akening >*ideo?

    /rr J. ;d!in An A,,renticeshi, o# Faith

    /rr J. ;. Prayer Its ee,er imensions

    /rr William W. Ho! to Pray and %et the Ans!er

    /rr J. ;d!in -an %od /r A,,renticeshi, o# Faith

    /rr J. ;d!in 0ha,ing History Through Prayer and Fasting/sborne -ecil %. Prayer and 1ou

    /sborne $. Teaching 1our -hild To Pray

    /stenson $obert J. The Lord&s ,rayer C by $obert J. /stenson

    /tis %eorge In#ormed Intercession

    /tis %eorge 0trongholds o# the 39C9 Windo!( Intercessor&s %uide to the World&s least;*angeli*ol ?

    /!en John -ommunion

    /!ens Jimmy I# my ,eo,le ... ( a handbook #or national intercession

    /!n John A iscourse o# the Work o# the Holy 0,irit in Prayer' Works *

    P P P

    Packer J. I. @ee, in 0te, !ith the 0,irit

    Page @irby Li*ing Prayer#ully

    Palmer =.+. Prayer in +oral %o*ernment

    Palmer =enBamin +organ Theology o# Prayer Full title is STheology o# Prayer as *ie!ed in the religiono# nature and in the system o# %race.

    Parker William $. Prayer -an -hange 1our Li#e( ;2,eriments and TechniDues in PrayerThera,y

    Parker Jose,h Prayers E 0ermons #rom the -ity Pul,it


  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Last Name Author First Name Author Title

    Parkhurst Louis %. -harles %. Finney&s Ans!ers to Prayer

    Parkhurst L.%. Prayer 0te,s to 0erenity

    Parkhurst Jr Louis %i##ord -harles %. Finney&s Princi,les o# Prayer

    Parkhurst Jr Louis %i##ord The =elie*er&s 0ecret o# Intercession

    Parks Helen Jean Holding the $o,es

    Paton John /ur -ottage Home( The Fruit o# a Father&s Pryaers

    Patterson =en ee,ening 1our -on*ersation !ith %od

    Patterson John T!o are =etter Than /ne

    Patterson =en Whate*er Ha,,ened to the Prayer +eeting

    Patton William W. Prayer and its $emarkable Ans!ers

    Pa2son $uth The Wealth Walk and War#are o# the -hristian

    Pa2son %erald -onditions #or Ans!ered Prayer in the Ne! Testament

    Payne Leanne $estoring the -hristian 0oul Through Healing Prayer

    Payne Thomas Prayer77The %reatest Force on ;arth

    Payne Leanne Listening Prayer

    Payne Leanne Listening Prayer( Learning to Hear %od&s )oice and @ee, a Prayer Journal

    Payne Leanne The =roken Image( $estoring Personal Wholeness Through Healing Prayer Pedersen =Born Face to Face !ith %od in 1our -hurch( ;stablishing a Prayer +inistry

    Pell ;d!ard Leigh What id Jesus $eally Teach About Prayer

    Peloubet Francis Nathan 0uggesti*e illustrations on the %os,el o# John ( illustrations #rom allsources ,icturesDue %reek !ords

    Peloubet Francis Nathan 0uggesti*e illustrations on the Acts o# the A,ostles( Illustrations From All0ources PicturesDue %reek !ords

    Peloubet Francis Nathan 0elect 0ongs #or the 0inging 0er*ice in the Prayer +eeting and 0unday0chool

    Penn William ;*ander Har*est bells No. 6. A ne! collection o# religious songs #or 0abbathschools and ,rayer and re*i*al meetings. =y W. ;. Penn ... and J. +. Hunt.

    Pennington +. =asil -entering ,rayer( $ene!ing an Ancient -hristian Prayer

    Pennington +. =asil A Place A,art( +onastic Prayer and Practice #or ;*eryone

    Pennington +. =asil +onastery ( ,rayer !ork communityPenn7Le!is Penn7Le!is -ommunion With %od

    Penn7Le!is Jessie Prayer and ;*angelism

    Perry James de Wol#e The re*ealing -hrist ( the Presiding =isho,&s book #or Lent 385:

    Perryman Frank Whom $esist

    Peterson ;ugene H. ;arth and Altar The -ommunity o# Prayer in a 0el#7=ound 0ociety

    Peterson ;ugene H. ;arth E Altar ( The -ommunity o# Prayer in a 0el#bound 0ociety

    Peterson Tracie A Wing and a Prayer

    Peterson Lorraine ying o# embarrassment77 E li*ing to tell about it

    Peterson ;ugene H. Ans!ering %od ( the Psalms as Tools #or Prayer

    Peterson ;ugene The -ontem,lati*e Pastor

    Peterson ;ugene Prayer +eeting Talks and /utlines

    Peterson ;ugene Praying the Lord&s Prayer

    Peterson =en ee,ening 1our -on*ersation With %od

    Peterson Lorraine I# you really trust me !hy can&t I stay out later

    Petit,ierre om $obert +eeting #or Prayer

    Petro 0andy Word Pictures Painted by Paul

    Petucho!ski Jacob J. The Lord&s Prayer and Je!ish Liturgy

    Petucho!ski Jakob The Lord&s Prayer and Je!ish Liturgy

    P#atteicher Phili, H. Foretaste o# the #east to come ( de*otions on Holy -ommunion


  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Last Name Author First Name Author Title

    Phel,s Austin The 0till Hour or -ommunion !ith %od

    Philli,s orthy The -hoice is Al!ays /urs

    Philli,s . . The -once,t o# Prayer

    Philli,s $ebecca Heart to heart ( a daily de*otional #or teenage girls C $ebecca Lyn Philli,s.

    Pier +ac and @atie 0!eeting +ac The Po!er o# a -ity at Prayer( What Ha,,ens When -hurches Unite #or


    Pierson Arthur Ta,,an -atharine o# 0iena An Ancient Lay Preacher" a story o# sancti#ied!omanhood and ,o!er in ,rayer

    Pierson Arthur Ta,,an %eorge +uller o# =ristol and his !itness to a ,rayer7hearing %od !ith anintroduction by James Wright.

    Pierson Arthur Ta,,an i*ine healing ( oes the =ible encourage us to e2,ect the healing o# thebody in ans!er to ,rayer

    Pierson Arthur Ta,,an Lessons in the 0chool o# Praye ( as taught by the Lord Jesus -hristHimsel# ( arranged and classi#ied !ith re#erence to their original order.

    Pierson Arthur Ta,,an %eorge +uller o# =ristol and his !itness to a ,rayer7hearing %od CKmicro#orm

    Pierson Arthur Ta,,an Lessons in the 0chool o# Prayer( as taught by the Lord Jesus -hristHimsel# ( arranged and classi#ied !ith re#erence to their original order.

    Pierson A.T. %eorge +ueller /# =ristol

    Pierson Ida %. Ask and It 0hall =e %i*en 1ou

    Piety Persistence Penitence andPrayer

    Piety Persistence Penitence and Prayer

    Pike Went!orth Princi,les o# ;##ecti*e Prayer

    Pilkington ;*an Paths to Personal Prayer

    Pink +ichael The Lord&s ,rayer

    Pink Arthur Walkington The ability o# %od ( ,rayers o# the A,ostle Paul

    Pink Arthur Walkington ;##ectual #er*ent ,rayer" onald $. White editor.

    Pink Arthur Walkington =eatitudes and the Lord&s Prayer

    Pink Arthur Walkington 0,iritual Union and -ommunion

    Pink Arthur Walkington A %uide to Fer*ent Prayer

    Pinnock -lark H. Unbounded lo*e( A %ood Ne!s Theology #or the T!enty7#irst -entury

    Pi,er John A hunger #or %od ( esiring %od Through Fasting and Prayer

    Pi,er John +isc Articles

    Pi,er John esiring %od ( meditations o# a -hristian hedonist C John Pi,er.

    Pi,er John A Hunger For %od

    Pittenger William Norman Praying Today( Practical Thoughts on Prayer

    Pittenger William Norman %od&s !ay !ith men" a study o# the relationshi, bet!een %od and man in,ro*idence 'miracle' and ,rayer by Norman Pittance.

    Pittenger William Norman Praying today( ,ractical thoughts on ,rayer

    Plueddemann2 -arol Prayers Around the Family Table

    Poinsett =renda When Jesus Prayed

    Poinsett =renda Prayer#ully yours

    Poloma +argret +. The )arieties o# Prayer

    Ponder -atherine Pray and gro! rich

    Po,e Ho!ard W. Prayer7meeting ,lans

    Porter ;bene

  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Last Name Author First Name Author Title

    Po!ell John Jose,h He touched me ( my ,ilgrimage o# ,rayer

    Po!ell John Jose,h He touched me ( +y ,ilgrimage o# ,rayer

    Prange ;r!in ;. A Time #or Intercession

    Prange ;r!in ;. Ho! to Pray #or 1our -hildren

    Prange ;r!in ;. A Time #or Intercession

    Prater Arnold 1ou -an Pray as 1ou /ught

    Pratt $ichard Pray With 1our ;yes /,en

    Prayer Filled Li#e The Prayer Filled Li#e Parts 3 E 6

    Presbyterian -hurch in the U.0.A.=oard o# Publication and0abbath70chool Work

    Hymns #or !orshi, ( #or use in the 0unday school the ,rayer meeting andthe home

    Prestin 0aints& aily ;2ercise

    Price /li*er W. The Po!er o# Praying Together

    Price -harles P. Liturgy #or li*ing

    Price ;. W. Acts in ,rayer

    Price +. H. Ne*er uite Praying #or Lo*e /nes

    Prichard Augustus =edlo! Three As,ects o# Prayer

    Prime 0amuel Ireanaeous The Po!er o# Praye( Illustrated in the Wonder#ul is,lays o# i*ine %raceat the Fulton 0treet and other meetings in Ne! 1ork and else!here in 34:Gand 34:4 C by 0amuel Uranus Prime.

    Prime 0amuel Ireanaeous Prayer and its ans!er( illustrated in the #irst t!enty7#i*e years o# the Fulton0treet Prayer +eeting C by 0. Irene&s Prime

    Prime erek A -hristian&s %uide to Prayer

    Prime 0amuel Ireanaeous Fi*e 1ears o# Prayer( With Ans!ers

    Prime erek Practical Prayer

    Prime 0amuel Ireanaeous The Po!er o# Prayer the N1 re*i*al o# 34:4

    Prince erek Prayer E Proclamations

    Prince erek 0ha,ing History Through Prayer and Fasting ho! -hristians can change!orld e*ents through the sim,le yet ,o!er#ul tools o# ,rayer and #asting.

    Pritchard $ay And When 1ou Pray

    Proctor W. -. The Princi,les and Practices o# Prayer

    Proudlo*e =urgess andProudlo*e

    Watching unto Prayer


  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Last Name Author First Name Author Title

    $auschenbusch Walter Prayers o# the 0ocial A!akening

    $a*enhill Leonard A Treasury o# Prayer( The =est o# ;.+. =ounds on Prayer in a 0ingle)olume

    $a*enhill Leonard A Treasury /# Prayer

    $a*enhill Leonard The %os,el o# Prayer

    $a*enhill Leonard Why $e*i*al Tarries

    $a*enhill Leonard $e*i*al Praying

    $ead a*id Ha2ton-ars!ell


    $edding a*id A. =e#ore 1ou -all I Will Ans!er

    $ed,ath Alan Prayer Its ee,er imensions( a -hristian Li#e 0ym,osium C !ith cha,terscontributed by Alan $ed,ath ... Ket al..

    $ed,ath Alan )ictorious Praying" studies in the #amily ,rayer

    $ed,ath Alan )ictorious Praying

    $ees Paul 0tromberg Prayer and Li#e&s Highest

    $ees Paul 0. Prayer and Li#e&s Highest

    $ees Jean A. -hallenge to Pray

    $e#ormed ;,isco,al -hurch The =ook o# -ommon Prayer ( o# the $e#ormed ;,isco,al -hurch ( ado,tedand set #orth #or use by the 0econd %eneral -ouncil o# the said -hurchheld in the -ity o# Ne! 1ork ... +ay 34G.

    $e#ormed ;,isco,al -hurch The book o# common ,raise ( hymnal com,anion to the =ook o# common,rayer.

    $e#ormed ;,isco,al -hurch A collection o# ,am,hlets !ith re#erence to the establishment o# the$e#ormed ;,isco,al -hurch 34G5734GG

    $e#ormed ;,isco,al -hurch.=ook o# common ,rayer.

    The =ook o# -ommon Prayer according to the use o# the $e#ormed;,isco,al -hurch in the United 0tates o# America.

    $eichard %ladys Amanda Prayer( The -om,ulsi*e Word

    $eid a*id $. Thoughts #or gro!ing -hristians

    $eidhead Paris =eyond Petition" 0i2 0te,s to 0uccess#ul Praying

    $eisinger John 0o*ereignty o# %od in Prayer

    $eutemann -harles Let&s PrayO

    $hea -arolyn -ome Pray With +e( The Po!er o# Praying Together

    $hodes Tricia +c-ary -ontem,lating the -ross

    $hymes ouglas A. Prayer in the 0ecular -ity

    $ice John $. Why Pray

    $ice John $. Hindrances to Prayer

    $ice John $. Healing in ans!er to ,rayer

    $ice John $. Prayer Asking and $ecei*ing

    $ichards La!rence ;*ery Prayer E Petition o# the =ible

    $ichards Larry ;*ery Prayer in the =ible

    $ichards orothy Fay Pray in This Way" illustrated by Jenny Williams.

    $ichardson Norman Present7ay Prayer7+eeting Hel,s #or Laymen E +inisters

    $ichardson Arleta A day at the Fair $ichardson7Jones Tessa =ear Prayers C illustrated by Tessa $ichardson7Jones.

    $immer Harry The Prayer Per#ect

    $ingenberg Loyal $. Jesus& ,rayer #or church unity and the issue o# ecumenicity todayKmicro#orm C Loyal $. $ingenberg.

    $inker $osalind Teaching -on*ersational Prayer A Handbook #or %rou,s

    $inker $osalind Teaching -on*ersational Prayer

    $inker $osalind Ho! to get the +ost /ut o# 1our Prayer Li#e

    $inker $osalind Praying Together


  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Last Name Author First Name Author Title

    $inker $osalind -on*ersing With %od

    $inker $osalind -ommunicating Lo*e Through Prayer

    $inker $osalind -ommunicating Lo*e Through Prayer

    $inker $osalind Prayer( -on*ersing With %od

    $i2on +ary ;. Prayers $ecorded in the =ible

    $obbins John W. Without a Prayer ( Ayn $and and the close o# her system C

    $oberts ;d!ard A,,les o# %old in Pictures o# 0il*er ( A -ollection o# Hymns and Tunes and/ccasional ,ieces ne! and old #or 0unday schools ,rayer and socialmeetings C by ;d!ard $oberts.

    $oberts Ho!ard W. Praying Together

    $oberts $ichard /!en 0ancti#y the -ongregation( A -all to the 0olemn Assembly and to-or,orate $e,entance

    $oberts $ichard /!en $e*i*al

    $oberts Ho!ard W. Praying Like Jesus

    $obertson Jose,hine +editations #or the Later 1ears. ra!ings by %iorgetta =ell +c$ee

    $obertson Pat +y ,rayer #or you

    $obertson John +. Here I am %od Where Are 1ou( Prayers E ,romises #or hos,ital ,atients

    $obertson A.T. Along the High!ay o# Prayer $obertson ;lla =roadus Along the High!ay o# Prayer

    $obinson -harles ;. Praying to -hange Things

    $ock Lois 0a#e this night

    $odehea*er Homer Al*an Williston Hymns( For 1oung Peo,le&s 0ocieties 0unday 0chools and-hurch Prayer +eetings

    $odenmayer $obert N. The Pastor&s Prayerbook

    $ogers Harold Learning to listen Lord

    $ogness Al*in N +y Personal Prayer =ook

    $oller Henry =. The T!entieth -entury $e*i*al( A -all to Prayer" %et $eady #or the %reatA!akening

    $osage a*id ;. +eeting %od in ;*ery +oment( The Art o# Li*ing in %od&s Presence

    $osecrans James Holmes %lad tidings( #or 0unday7schools re*i*al meetings young ,eo,le&s

    meetings ,rayer meetings and other religious ser*ices C J. H. $osecrans.

    $osenstock7Huessy ;ugen Judaism des,ite -hristianity" the letters on -hristianity and Judaismbet!een ;ugen $osenstock7Huessy and Fran< $osen

    $oss +ichael $adically Plugged In( High )oltage e*otionals to %round 1our Faith

    $oss Anna Prayer ( A neglected !ea,on

    $osscu, James ;. The Priority o# Prayer in Preaching

    $ossetti 0te,hen I Am A!ake( isco*ering Prayer

    $oth $andall . Prayer ,o!er,oints

    $ouner Arthur When a +an Prays

    $o!ley -harles ;. )ictory =ells( For $e*i*al 0er*ices Prayer +eetings 1oung Peo,les0ocieties and the 0unday 0chool

    $uscoe oris +. The Intercession o# $ees Ho!ells

    $us,antini Anthony Prayera,hrases

    $uth -. W. -all to ,rayer

    $utledge ;d!ard The Family Altar ( -onsisting o# Prayers #or Family Worshi, and #or the0ick and the +ourner " !ith ,ractical re#lections on the Ne! Testament C bythe $e*. ;d!ard $utledge

    $yken Phili, When 1ou Pray

    $yle J.-. A -all To Prayer

    0 0 0


  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Last Name Author First Name Author Title

    0abiers @arl The Prayer Li#e

    0acks -heryl The Prayer 0aturated -hurch

    0allee Lynn @ant To %od #rom +om

    0allee Lynn @ant +om minutes !ith %od

    0alo#7Astako## N.I. Touching Hea*en by Prayer

    0alter oris The story o# =ible -hristian Union" a !ork o# #aith and ,rayer

    0alter oris Talks on the Prayer Li#e

    0anders John /s!ald ;##ecti*e ,rayer

    0anders John /s!ald /ur Lord&s Prayer Li#e

    0anders John /s!ald Prayer Po!er Unlimited

    0andlin John Le!is Prayers #or Parents Who -are

    0angster W. ;. The Pattern o# Prayer

    0angster W. ;. Teach Us to Pray

    0ankey Ira a*id -hurch Hymns and %os,el 0ongs #or Use in -hurch 0er*ices Prayer+eetings and other $eligious %atherings C by Ira . 0ankey James+c%ranahan and %eorge -. 0tebbins.

    0ankey Ira Allan Hallo!ed hymns ne! and old ( #or use in ,rayer and ,raise meetings

    e*angelistic ser*ices 0unday schools young ,eo,le&s societies and allother de,artments o# church !ork

    0ankey Ira a*id 1oung Peo,le&s 0ongs o# Praise( ;s,ecially Ada,ted #or Use in 1oungPeo,le&s 0ocieties church ser*ices ,rayer meetings 0unday schools andthe home circle C com,iled and arranged by Ira . 0ankey.

    0anny Lorne Ho! to 0,end a ay in Prayer

    0a,hir Adol,h The Hidden Li#e

    0a,hir Adol,h /ur Lord&s Pattern #or Prayer

    0a,hir Adol,h The Lord&s ,rayer Kmicro#orm

    0a,hir Adol,h /ur Lord&s ,attern #or ,rayer" #ore!ord by Warren W. Wiersbe

    0argent John A +emoir o# $e*. Henry +artyn

    0asso 0andy ;isenberg A Prayer #or the ;arth ( the story o# Naamah Noah&s !i#e " illustrated by=ethanne Andersen

    0a*age $obert Pocket Prayers0canlan +ichael A,,ointment !ith %od

    0chae##er ;dith The Li#e o# Prayer

    0cheidt a*id L. The best is yet to be C by @urt $ommel " translated and ada,ted by a*id L.0cheidt

    0chenck Ferdinand0chureman

    The Ten -ommandments and the Lord&s Prayer" A 0ociological 0tudy

    0cherer Paul ;. Facts that undergird li#e.

    0cherman Nosson @addish the @addish ,rayer ( a ne! translation !ith a commentaryanthologi

  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Last Name Author First Name Author Title

    0choenleber +arty e*otions #or 1our Time o# Need. Loss o# a Job

    0choolland +arian +. Leading Little /nes to %od ( a child&s book o# =ible teachings C +arian +.0choolland " illustrations by Paul 0toub.

    0chuller ;ileen +. Non7canonical Psalms #rom umran( A Pseude,igra,hic -ollection CKtranslated and edited by ;ileen +. 0chuller.

    0chuller $obert Harold Prayer ( +y 0oul&s Ad*enture With %od ( a s,iritual autobiogra,hy0ci,ione %eorge -. Timothy Titus and you ( a !orkbook #or church leaders

    0co#ield William -am,bell The =ible history o# ans!ered ,rayer

    0coggan Nita Pillars o# the Pentagon

    0cott ;. F. The Lord&s Prayer

    0cougal Henry The Li#e o# %od in the 0oul o# +an

    0cri,ture Union isco*ery 6 ( a daily =ible study and ,rayer guide

    0croggie W. %raham Paul&s Prision Prayers

    0croggie W. %raham Paul&s +issionary Prayers

    0croggie William %raham Ho! to ,ray ( an e2,osition and e2hortation

    0croggie W. %raham Ho! to Pray

    0croggie W. %raham +ethod in Prayer

    0croggie William %raham +ethod in Prayer an ;2,osition and e2hortation

    0eagren aniel Uncommon Prayers #or -ou,les

    0earle Walter >ed? a*id =rainerd&s Personal Testimony

    0el# -arolyn 0healy Learning to ,ray C -arloyn 0healy 0el# E William L. 0el#

    0ell Heny Thorne Prayer7+eeting Talks

    0ell Henry Thorne Prayer7meeting talks

    0enseman Patricia Alderdice -elebrateO( A Holiday Handbook #or -hurch Home or 0chool

    0ergio Lisa >ed? Prayers o# Women

    0e!ell oug Antoine and the magic coin

    0ha! 0. =. Po!er o# Prayer or Touching Incidents and $emarkable Ans!ers to Prayer

    0ha! @no!les The %olden %ate( A -ollection o# Ne! 0ongs #or the 0unday7schoolPrayer +eeting and 0ocial -ircle C by @no!les 0ha!.

    0ha! 0. =. Touching Incidents and $emarkable Ans!ers to Prayer

    0ha! Wiliam Jubilant ,raise #or 1oung ,eo,le&s societies 0unday 0chools and -hurch,rayer meeting .

    0ha! William Jubilant ,raise ( #or young ,eo,le&s societies 0unday schools and church,rayer meetings

    0hearer Li

  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Last Name Author First Name Author Title

    0hoemaker Helen 0mith Prayer and ;*angelism.

    0hoemaker Helen 0mith Po!er Through Prayer %rou,s

    0hult< J. ;. Fi#ty7T!o Prayer +eetings

    0iena -atherine ialog o# -atherine o# 0iena

    0il*oso ;d That None 0hould Perish

    0il*oso ;d Prayer ;*angelism

    0imco2 -arroll ;ugene Prayer the i*ine ialog

    0im,son Albert =. The Li#e o# Prayer

    0im,son $obert L. The Inter,retation o# Prayer in the ;arly -hurch

    0im,son Albert =. When the -om#orter -ame" Thirty7one +editations on the Holy 0,irit77/ne#or ;ach ay in the +onth

    0ims A. The Po!er o# Pre*ailing Prayer ( the ee, Need o# the -hurch and theWorld

    0ims A. +ighty Pre*ailing Prayer

    0ims A. %eorge +ueller( +an o# Faith

    0ims A. Prayer War#are

    0imundson aniel J. Where Is %od in +y Praying

    0ingh 0adhu 0undar At the +aster&s Feet

    0lack @enneth Praying the Lord&s Prayer Today

    0mith +ichael Nurturing a Passion #or Prayer

    0mith Herbert F. Prayer and Personality e*elo,ment

    0mith Wilbur +oorehead Prayer in the Li#e and Teachings o# Jesus

    0mith ;ddie Hel,O I&m +arried to an Intercessor

    0mith /s!ald J. The ;nduement o# Po!er

    0mith +atthe! Hale +ar*els o# Prayer 3439734G8

    0mith Alice =eyond the )eil

    0mith James H. /ur #aith#ul %od ( ans!ers to ,rayer

    0mith ;ddie E Alice The Ad*ocates

    0oderholm +arBorie ;laine Prayers That +ake a i##erence

    0orensen 0usan @it -at and the Whirling Watches( The 0tory o# a Nation =uilt on Prayer

    0outer2 John -. Personal Prayer Notebook

    0,ear Wayne $. Talking to %od

    0,ear Wayne The Theology o# Prayer

    0,encer William a*id The ,rayer li#e o# Jesus ( 0hout o# Agony $e*elation o# Lo*e( A-ommentary

    0,onheim Paul $. A Primer on Prayer

    0,ring %ardner A Plea #or Pastors

    0,roul $. -. ;##ecti*e Prayer +aking Prayer all It Is +eant to =e

    0,urgeon -. H. ;##ecti*e Prayer

    0,urgeon -.H. 0,urgeon o# Prayer 359 sermons

    0,urgeon -. H. /nly A Prayer +eeting

    0,urgeon -. H. T!el*e 0ermons on Prayer

    0,urgeon -. H. The Pastor in Prayer

    0,urgeon -. H. Lectures to +y 0tudents -h 5 Pri*ate Prayer -h Public Prayer

    0t. Teresa o# A*ila 0t. Teresa o# A*ila A Li#e o# Prayer

    0ta##ord Thomas A. The Practice o# His Presence

    0tanley -harles F. Handle With Prayer

    0tanley a*id +. =oasting in the Lord

    0tanley -harles Hearing %od&s )oice


  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Last Name Author First Name Author Title

    0tanley -harles F. Ho! to Listen to %od

    0tanley J. %ren< Prayer( The -ry #or the @ingdom

    0tedman $ay Talking to +y Father

    0tedman $ay Jesus Teaches on Prayer

    0teer $oger %eorge +ueller( elighted in %od

    0teer $oger 0,iritual 0ecrets o# %eorge +ueller

    0teere ouglas ). imensions o# Prayer

    0teere ouglas /n =eginning From Within

    0teere ouglas ). Prayer and Worshi,

    0te,hens John Under!ood A 0im,le %uide to Prayer

    0te*enson $obert Louis Prayers Written at )ailima. With an introd. by +rs. 0te*enson

    0te!art %eorge The Lo!er Le*els o# Prayer

    0te!art James H. Thoughts on the Im,ortance o# 0,ecial Prayer #or the %eneral /ut,ouringo# the Holy 0,irit

    0tidger William L. =uilding U, the +id7Week 0er*ice

    0toddard Janet Pri*ate Prayer in -hristian 0tory

    0tokes +ack =. Talking !ith %od

    0torms 0amuel -. $eaching %od&s ;ar

    0tott John $. W. The -anticles and 0elected Psalms

    0tott John $. =et!een T!o Worlds

    0to!ell Joe -ons,iracy o# Interru,tions

    0tradling Leslie ;. Praying the Psalms

    0trale F. A. The Lord&s ,rayer ( +att. -h. )I. **8735" In u,!ards o# #i#ty di##erentlanguages arranged mostly geogra,hically according to Fr. Adelung&s *ie!

    C com,iled by F. A. 0trale.

    0trauss Lehman Prayer( 0ense or Nonsense

    0treeter =. H. -oncerning Prayer

    0treeter =. H. -oncerning Prayer( Its Nature Its i##iculties and Its )alue

    0trong 0ydney We belie*e in ,rayer" a##irmations by one hundred men and !omen o#

    many lands edited by 0ydney 0trong.0trong A. H. 0ystematic Theology >Pro*idence related to ,rayer , 55

    0trong John Henry Jesus the +an o# Prayer

    0trou, >editor? Herbert He!itt 0ym,hony o# Prayer

    0umrall Lester 0ecrets o# Ans!ered Prayer

    0uter John Wallace Prayers o# the 0,irit

    0!anson @enneth Uncommon Prayer( A,,roaching Intimacy !ith %od

    0!ete Henry =arclay The Last iscourse and Prayer o# our Lord( A 0tudy o# 0t. John VI)7V)II Cby Henry =arclay 0!ete.

    0!indoll -harles $. Intimacy !ith the Almighty

    0!o,e +ary $uth Listening ,rayer

    0ym,osium Prayer( Its ee,er imensions

    T T T

    Talling +. P. ;##ecti*e Prayer

    Talling +arshall P. ;2tem,ore Prayer

    Talling +arshalP. ;2tem,ore Prayer Its Princi,les Pre,aration and Practice

    Taylor Jack $. Prayer( Li#e&s Limitless $each

    Taylor +rs Ho!ard =ehind the $anges( Fraser o# Lisuland 0outh!est -hina

    Taylor J. Hudson Union E -ommunion

    Taylor Alice J. 0tarting the Prayer %rou,


  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Last Name Author First Name Author Title

    Taylor Ho!ard Hudson Taylor&s 0,iritual 0ecrets

    Teilhard de -hardin Pieree The i*ine +ilieu( An ;ssay on the Interior Li#e

    Ten =oom -orrie Prayers E Promises #or ;*eryday

    Teresa o# A*ila 0aint A Li#e o# Prayer

    Tertullian Prayer

    Teykl Terry Preyed /n or Prayed For

    Teykl Terry Acts 68 =lue,rint #or the House o# Prayer

    Teykl Terry Pray the Price

    Teykl Terry Ho! to Pray A#ter 1ou&*e @icked the og

    Teykl Terry Pray and Pro! ( ;*angelism Prayer +inistries

    The @neeling -hristian The @neeling -hristian

    Thielicke Helmut The Prayer that 0,ans the World

    Thielicke Helmut /ur Hea*enly Father( 0ermons on the Lord&s Prayer

    Thielicke Helmut Ho! We Learn to 0,eak !ith %od

    Thieme $. =. The Po!er o# Pre*ailing Prayer

    Thirtle James The Lord&s Prayer

    Thirtle James William The Lord&s ,rayer ( an inter,retation critical and e2,ository Kmicro#orm

    Thirtle James In Jesus& Name Amen( The Warrant o# Prayer

    Thomas William Henry%ri##ith

    Prayers o# 0t. Paul

    Thomas $obert L. The Im,recatory Prayers o# the A,ocaly,se >=ibliotheca 0acra 36:(:96?

    Thomas J. +ounlton Prayer Po!er

    Thomas 0imon J. Higher than the -eiling

    Thomas William Henry%ri##ith

    Li#e abiding and abounding ( =ible studies in ,rayer and meditation

    Thomas a*id Prayer +eeting Talks and /utlines

    Thomas Al#red Prayers o# the /ld Testament

    Thomas W.H.%. Prayers o# 0t. Paul

    Thomas > authors? a*id Prayer +eeting Talks and /utlines

    Thom,son Le!is /. The Prayer7+eeting and Its Im,ro*ement

    Thom,son Le!is /. Ho! to -onduct a Prayer7+eeting

    Thom,son =arbara ;Dui,,ing the -hurch #or @ingdom Praying

    Thomson James %.0.0. The Praying -hrist( A 0tudy o# Jesus& octrine and Practice o# Prayer

    Thront*eit +ark A. When @ings 0,eak( $oyal 0,eech and $oyal Prayer in -hronicles

    Thurston +abel Nelson The Ad*enture o# Prayer

    Tiessen Terrance Pro*idence and Prayer

    Tileston >editor? +ary W. %reat 0ouls at Prayer( Fourteen -enturies o# Prayer Praise and As,iration

    Ti,,itt 0ammy The Prayer Factor

    Tirabassi =ecky Wild Things Ha,,en When I Pray

    Title ;rnest F. The Prayer That Hel,s Us Li*e( An Inter,retation o# the Lord&s Prayer Tittle ;rnest F. The Lord&s Prayer

    Toelke /tto W. In the ,resence o# %od ( Kde*otions #or the ne!ly married

    Tool Peter The Art o# +editating on 0cri,ture

    Tool Peter From +ind to Heart -hristian +editation Today

    Torrey $.A. The Po!er o# Prayer and the Prayer o# Po!er

    Torrey $.A. Ho! to Pray

    Torrey $euben Archer Ho! %od ans!ered ,rayer ( From the diary o# $e*. $. A. Torres


  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Last Name Author First Name Author Title

    Torrey $. A. Po!er and Peace in Prayer

    To!n -harles House o# Prayer o# %od

    To!ne T. +artin Prayer +eeting 0ongs

    To!ns ;lmer =iblical +editation #or 0,iritual =reak Through

    To!ns ;lmer Fasting #or 0,iritual =reak Through

    To!ns ;lmer Praying the Lord&s Prayer #or 0,iritual =reakthrough

    To!ns E Henderson The -hurch That Prays Together

    To!nsend Anne J. Prayer Without Pretending

    To!nsend +orris +. The Prayer o# Faith


    UrDuhart -olin Listen and li*e ( using the =ible in ,rayer

    ) ) )

    )an Anda -. A. Prayer Its Nature and -onditions and ;##ects

    )an ooren L. A. Prayer77The -hristian&s )ital =reath

    )an eller Hubert A,,roach to ,rayer )ander %riend Al*in J. e*elo,ing a Prayer7-are70hare Li#estyle

    )ander %riend Al*in J. Houses o# Prayer( Thirty7Three uestions and Ans!ers about ;*angelismPrayer -ells

    )ander %riend Al*in J. The Praying -hurch 0ourcebook

    )ander%riend Al*in Lo*e to Pray

    )arious Intercession -ollection

    )aughan Harold The Prayer Li#e o# Jesus

    )aughan Harold Ho! to Ha*e a $eal $e*eal Prayer +eeting

    )aughn -. J. The Prayers o# Jesus -hrist

    )ernon ;d!ard The Lord&s Prayer in Wartime

    )er!er %eorge Whate*er Ha,,ened to the Prayer +eeting

    )etter Irene and Judith N.-ooley

    Jesus& Prayer

    )incent +ary -lare The Li#e o# Prayer and the Way to %od

    )incent $ichard J. The Im,recatory Psalms

    )irkler +ark E Patti ialogue With %od

    )on =altsar Hans Prayer

    )on eller om Hubert Prayer in /ther Words

    )os Johannes %. The ;thical Problem o# the Im,recatory Psalms


  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Last Name Author First Name Author Title

    W W W

    Wagner -. Peter ;ngaging the ;nemy

    Wagner -. Peter -hurchDuake

    Wagner -. Peter -hurches That Pray( Ho! Prayer -an Hel, $e*itali

  • 8/11/2019 Bibliography on Prayer in Microsoft Word


    Last Name Author First Name Author Title

    Wells Amos $ussel When Thou Hast 0hut Thy oor A book #or the 0till Hour

    Wenger John -hristian The Prayer )eil in 0cri,ture and History" The Ne! Testament 0ymbol o#Woman as the %lory o# the $ace

    Wheeler =ryan Praying Al!ays !ith all Prayer

    Whelan Jose,h P. =enBamin( ;ssays in Prayer

    Whiston -harles Instructions in the Li#e o# Prayer

    Whiston -harles Francis When 1e Pray 0ay /ur Father

    Whiston -. F. Teach Us to Pray

    Whiston -harles Francis Teach us to ,ray ( a study o# distincti*ely -hristian ,raying

    Whiston -harles Francis Pray( A 0tudy o# istincti*ely -hristian Praying

    White onald A %uide to Fer*ent Prayer

    White $eginald ;./. They Teach us to Pray

    White John aring to ra! Near( Peo,le in Prayer

    White John Prayer

    White#ield %eorge Intercession ;*ery -hristian&s uty

    Whitman )irgina The ;2citement o# Ans!ered Prayer

    Whitney onald 0,iritual isci,lines Within the Local -hurch

    Whitney onald isci,lines #or the -hristian Li#e

    Whitston -harles $. Teach Us to Pray( A 0tudy o# istincti*ely -hristian Praying

    Whittaker -olin -. 0e*en %uides to ;##ecti*e Prayer

    Whyte Ale2ander Lord Teach Us to Pray( 0ermons on Prayer

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