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BiDtrtou · 2012-12-09 · 4: WISE .AND OTHERWISE. Glass eyes for horses are now made with Buch...

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. , 4: WISE .AND OTHERWISE. Glass eyes for horses are now made with Buch pel'fection that the themBelves callnot see' through tha deception. 'Ilhe most astonishing inBtance of a man's regard for hiB word was re- cently given by a man who had killed his wife. whom he did not ,like. '. When'asked why he did not leave her instead of killing her, he replied, that on their wedding day he had promised not to leave her t.ill death should part ,them, and that he was not the .man to break hiB . "!tIr Smith, you Baid tb. at you once officiated in the pulpit,-did . you mean by . thnt, that you preached 1" ,. No, sir; I held the · light for t.he man who did preaCh." "Ah, the court · understood you differently. They supposed that diseourse came direct- ly from you." " No; sir; I only' · threw a little light on ,. Do you believe in forerunners y;' asked a nervouB old lady of Deacon 1--. "YeB, ma'am," 'replied the deacon,; .. I've seen them. ,I Bless RIVERTON JOURN AL. ' MARCUS WARD &, ·C· O. LONDON. ROYAL ULST. ER 'NORKS, . BELFAST. AMERicAN AGENOY, 6ff & 613 CHESTN. UT ST., "Have now ready for delivery, full stocks of their world-renowned BlASTER · CARDS 1881. The Largest and Most Varied Assortment in the country. . Prices ;ranging from '5 cents to $I!.OO each. me I"-exclaimed lady, ., ' . , . . ' . . . . 11 Yes," continued the fixing .' remIttIng Will have asBortments made aB deBired, and ' Bent, hiB eyes on' a dark . comer df the postage .,ald. room, "L see now I" "mercy I . WDODS·. &" . CO/S o . . . - . . , mercy 'on mel" the lady, "where?" .. There I" Baid the deacon, !fi. . ting to where his eyes were di- lee ." That cat, ma'am, may be c nU Ii forerunner, for she , runs on all fours." . BAA.G AINS BARGAINS , ,MakiIig bad worse. A rustio young- . stet- being asked out to tea by a IN JIRST OLAB8 IN UPRIGHT AIfD · friend, was admonished to praise the eatableB. PreBently the ' butter was '. paVssed to him, wlJ.en he ORGANS, ery good butter; . w .. at IS 'O it," and o.bserving.a sIpile, he added, -; ·.j, AT: PI, ANO'S, ,. and plenty of it iB." Mr. Preston PowerB, the son of Biram Powers, was.a sculptor from .baby-hood. Be used to play about liis fatlier's studio and dabble ·in the ·clay. He modeled Bmnll Og. ures, and one day made a Madonna. For tbis a man pald his (ather a dol· lar, and the .small artiBt had it for pocket .money. Young Mr. Powers ill now engaged on a figul'e Qf ., Muller." AT 1807 CheatJlut St. 1307 Ohestnut St. GED. WOODS CO.'S UPRIGHT PIANOS.' ____ . J FOR SALE ONLY BY . . G. ;' t ·U ' CK · EN · BAGH · & ' CO. .......... . .. .. ...... ------ .. , . - General Agents, E2J CHESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia, Pa. EST.A.J3LJ:SHED , WM. WILS' ON ' & S.ON" . SAMUEL JONES, G EN EItAT. . Furni'ahing. Udart&ku I A Gcueral Aaaortmeut or COFFINS AND CASKETS . Couatautly ou baud. AIIo, tbe ,' Patent Corpse Preserver. Orden by telegralD will teoelYe prompt attedtlou. MaiD Street, Kooreetown, N. J. . SIlversmiths, INVITE AN OF THIjlIR VERY FINE STOOK: OF SILVER WARES . . , IN BAaa Axn · ARTISTIC A Larlle and Varied Assortment of thE. Best Quality SILVER· WARES Oonstantly on hand. IrIAlIUF AOTORY, SALES ROOM ad CDlI'!' B'l'illlZTB. 1428 CDB'rNtrr 'B'rlilll'r, PH I LADELPH IA. · . \ . ' WEBER PIANO t J ( : , BeoaUIJ8 of ItII /Jrea' durability, )lower aud Iweetne,.. 01 tone, II cbolce or artllitB, and the '.yorbe or tbe Concert; Rooin . The 1!PRlGRfi IIBye no rlvat, 'llhe latest .'110 t. BABY GRANI)S n, , baye beeujPltl¥ etyJect tbe" DRA WING_ . ROOM ,olloHlbsTRA. ' . Wareroom,l 1117 . Phllad' •. . J. G'ETZlD, Aa8nt. $3.00 FOR ONB FINE 0A.811': SIZE REDUCED ' FROM 18.00 • ","00 "'000 GUABANTEED TO BE FINE. FINE. FlNB. . AT LOTHROPg STUDIO 1:>F nNE PHOTOGaA:l'BY, 48 N. EIO:HTH ST. t3 !!i. BIGHTH ST. PBlLADELPHIA., PA.. . TEAOHER'S BmLltS, PRAYER BOOKS' aud "HYMNALS, Iu _I to matob. 3'<AKEE;I McOAULEY. 1809 1 Chestnut, Stl'Bet, Pbiladelphla. J _ TREAGER '& LAMB, /. Book and , Job . PRINTE:aS, 82 South Seventh St., . PHILADELPHIA. t' Crowning success of S, S. Hymn Booksr 80.000 Coplea Bold In n!ontb811 ...... ..... ..... .. .. _II ... 8u\p1' 0fp1. BiDtrtou '.. . -', -" Vol. J. No.7. COWpD.'l'HW AIT & · CO., MaID Sireet, RivertbD, N. 1.: Druggists & Pharmacists, 1 - . A 'fuU line of selected and Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc:, Medicines and New Remedies. ' . · :Oompiessedpil\s a specialty. PhysiciaDs' Prescriptions .' , . . :11: B!l HALL, M. D., , . (Graduated .prlng cipae9). Lippincott Ave, N. J .• 1 unUl g A x., OIWlCll Hou .. : 11 to I x .• .,8 to 8 P. x. B!>,eren_ : .' 1Ial4!\llm Jllecfula'n. 111. D , Phlla., Pa. H. N. OU""'"" M . D., · Phll •. , Fa, Ad. Lippe, . D ••PhIla., Pt.. .- PHIL&DJljpBll AND 8"'NlfAH LIN •• . For Th' rough Tickets · to Fernandln&, ,'","'on, "lIIe, St. · A.agu.Une. Sanford. ' &od liltennodl&te l&ndlnfJ on St; lohn·. RIver and U::n::' .pply to WILLIAM L. JAMES, Agont. 0cH .. S. R. (. .... Of s.."411 .... h. 1I6 South 'l"blrd Str .. t. Pblla. · c. THOMAS .. DBALXR Ill' Ctl'OrCE ' GROCERIES, 108 Karqt St., Phila . . Goods . _reI, paeked aud dell'fered on 8teambnat; or 0II1'II rift. GI:.ORGE W. HULME, Agent ror the Gas M.achine, . And De&ler In .a •• ollne for a.1 Machines, No. III N. Snenth St. Philadelphia. .. Hotel .. ' 'Dwe11lilg HOUH •• 11;0., Plped ,&nd Fitted up ooinplete. . . Rot AL ROSE FAMILY FLOUR. Tho IIneat made In the United Sl.I\te.. Every remll,. .honld u.o U. . . BnBtEIIBK BUOKWBEAT, .!t · TIIel1nt .cirtbe IO&IOn. fJ 8: J. (,)RIPPtilN & 00., , , • . , \ ' '.J. 16 S. TI •• rd JOSEPH , CAMiBELL, _ '1'IIe Ct\e1nled . Seetateak Tomaloelt fiDe 'rmh p .... "iii ...... ,,..orv ... o IIlno. Meat: Fl'u" Pro.enod hr,:lTutt J.W ••• O.teup, ao. ." Factorj and Wareroome: NOI.III &ad n NORTH SECOND 8TR. EET, OAII1DI;N, N. l. . J. B. & SONS, lIIanurlOlunn and Dealer. In HARDWARE, CUTLERY AID TOOLS. No. 1009 Murket Stn'et, I PJlILADELPHU .. COLIO · ENUINE INCER [Eotered at tho Poat Oftlee;at Rlverkin. N. J., al &lcon4.o1 ... Kuter.] . RIVERr.rON, N. J., .MA Y 16, 1881. < . 'WORDS OF WELCOME AND Indications are that there 11'111 be a held enviable position as t .l ) . OTHER WORDS. larger summer populDtion here than centre of, leamlng. bu't ahonly after "Ordcr! 'Ordel'! Order I OrdAId during any previous year. Otcourse the death of Alexander (B. C. 393) .. that lleases e'fArybody the editors of the love of scien-· and literature , Chair I Chair I Chair I" is the noisy "' . "'" the OUBNA'L included. If the new from Athens and GreeCe gen- chorus of an old sonll· Whoever comers 'wish to know ' wbere the crally to, A)tlxandria, whe.re, may have' heard the . song is forcibly office of tbe paper i!l, we can answer ized by the I'tolemi!!!'. they.flourished reminded of it, when a .topio for dis- that .. he foul' branch offices are where vigorously, and ' tor " cousiderable cussion is sta1'ted in olmost any ' the Western Poet Muter kept bis, period seemeft to ha\'e concentrated company ot more than tbree persons. J Hall, i I' 1 Two enn g' et along with only moder- llCCording to udge n t lelr themse ves. " hats. . From tbe invention of printing the ateeontradietion, but three. according -0-- 'progress ot ha,a toold:taahioned Dogberry-law, "make BoaKS. rapid that it would. be impo88ible to a row "-witb the 0 short. . Often it Tire discovery of the of print- concisely trace it through its various is the ·case the · matter in dispute iog, and from that the general circii- stages to the present time; they is not clearly. understood, as for ili- latioll of p1(inted matter, has probably have been ond are written on aU oon- atanoo when one man · marle an 888er- done more toward' the civilization and ' w:itb liS many tion that a certain quotati ,n was f th ld • .:. · t.1 't delreea of merit. Watts says:' fr0m the Odyssey. and . a bystander 0 e wor _n any 0 ler agen. . , It I 'S generally ' oon--.:Ied that " ooks are a sort of dumb teacher·, somewhat SUl>crcitiouBl,', corrected ""'. J printing (at fr.om movable type) they cannot answer sudden him. affirming ·that the lines in ques, was discovel'cd' by John . Glltenberg. or explain present doubts; this is tion were from the works of Bomer. b t th 'ddl f tl fit\ee -b properly the work of 'a living instruc- I t.lIlust be a . trying position to act as a ou e ml e' 0 IC Cbairnian of . a deliberative IIssembly, century, 'altbough the Cbinese, ac, tor:' The advice of. Bacon, cordl 'ng to tlleir chronolog" IJluee it even thou!!h giveu in' t.he middle ' of hut the presiding.' officer has this ad. J , alleut the year 1120 before Christ. the oentury, . is as wise thaI.· there are "rules of W'ood engraving, the sister art of now as then: ,. SOiDe books' are to be order." On the other hand, however, . t' d h' h trib te tas . ted,othera to be chewed, and some · it is found that tbe very rules are the prl" mg, an one w IC con u s -s, , so largely in Producing the modem and ' digested." . source of the mOllt heated discuBlion. book, was of somewhat earlier origin" - .- . 0-- • .. When all bonorable gentleman ,. dating abOut the year ) 28'-5; .at a jJoint of ordel'," disorder is least, the earlies!. specimen of this PALMYRA. Im{D j nent. . a'l't is'suppose!l to have beeu executed The Cemetery here has been beau" ' Tiie render may infer that in -the course of thcse two years. tifled by the planting of a number of these remarks were suggested by the BefOl'e the applieation of printing ornamental trees. A few weeks ago protracted and eJcited Be!lsioDS of the to their production, all books were ipo the trustees of the M E . Church de- Senate of the United Ststefl, and the manuscript. and long and tedious was cided to donations of memorial Legislature of the peaceful State of the operation of duplicating copies. trees, and the "present result is tou.r- William Penn. But. he mUBt ' not Still . notwithstanding all these ob- teen beautiful evergreens' anll four itriagine that the editors of the stacles, libraries, both public ,nd deci<luous tree!, all of which have JOURNAL have reart the "proceed- private, were fOl'llHl d and maintained been set out in the Cemetery. The ingB." 'i'heir short experien<.-e has from the earliest days, and no incon. tree that attracts the most attention taught them, that, to be sujlceBBful .. siderable number of men found preflt, is a English Yew, which it is neqeRsary to go with the ma- able. in reproducing bearstbe name of Rev. W. H.Jeiferys, jority. A great many enumerators manuscript copies of the more yalu. and was planted as a memorial of his were ' required to take tile recent able works. services to the .Church during his census, but a very few could count· In 1992; the book 'selling corpora- p88torate. This tree was proviaed the relLders of the Washington and · tion of Parisconsistedoftwenty-fonr for by .contributions from his friends Harrisb. urg speecbes. And" WI:" copyists, seventeen bookbinders, nine· here. Rev. P. Y. Oalder, a much are not among them. It 'seems a teen parchment makers, thirteen ilht. esteemed supernumerary minister. great waste .of time OD t"e part of minators, aDd eig&t simple detders in whet resideR here, was not . forgottfllh the politicians, but they may as well manusCl'ipts; but, at the time. when aIid a tree was planted as a memorial their time in one way as printing was introduced, upwards of of his devotion to th? Ohurch. All another. The world moveB, and the ' six thouBand people allB sail! to have the other trees were gIven by persons sensous change all the same. . N n- Bubsisted· by tbe same means-a f&4lt I tbey'bear. · J , ture looses no that does not even if exaggerated, some- !s to thank.s· for hiS hberahty make up. Riverton reSIdents are thing for the gradual advunooment In reducmg price ot these deliSJited at the sudden outburst of of learning. and alsofor replaeing, without charge, foliage after Wintel "s ' long delay .. \ I' Thel'6' seems 1.0 have always been the dead trees in the hedge and along is one : of sweetest spots in. the .. feeling against the popularization the sidewalk. . ,,"orld, tbls and our of knowledge and the spread of edu. · The new of of . the gue.st!l who are as yet drea.mmg cation-afeeling Qot . quite dead yet- byelectmgWilham ot Its comf,?rts beautIes, wtll do and though the battle was from the S. Zelley, Presldent,.E. H. Pancoast, well to verify theIr dreamB as soon first a bard one it has been from Secretary, and Oharles Wallace, as .. day's delay is a first to last, a strife.' . Treasurer. :Jobn Springer, for m.any pleasurb deferred. The most ancient library on record . years of the Board. Hut we are wandering away from was .formed by Osymandyas, King of from the POSition .of faIllug • the subject, and it is a charactel'istic Egypt, at Memphis. Be was ' tl co- hearing. The has decIded upon of ltiverton that it malles orie ·forget temporary of David, King of Israel. a ".lu.ch needed ImprOYemen l , the unple88llnt . things. The question At a very early date the Jews frescomg of the. Church . . For Bome before the House is, .whether. loud- tached a collection of books to ' most reMon . paper wIll not stick to, the neS9 of voices, and of of their synagogueB, and, we are told walls fo.r . great of tone, and confidenoe of 888ertion a<ld that Xebemiab founded a public and now the WIll be obvl- weight to an there be liLJrary at Jel'Usalem. The fll'st Na· remoYlng the paper and sub- any argument.-'fhe JOURNAL, in the tional libral'Y founded j,n Egypt stltUtlDg Th? work Oliail',. 01· ratbel' on . the Tripod. de- secmerl te have been ' pluced under commenced, and Will be ODlshed ID a cideB the questions above rehearsed, the pl'otection of the Divinities, for short time . in' the . uegativc. In the pleasant their statues ,magnificently the -0- summer eveningll which . arc befol'e temple dedicated at once to religion A Watch needing no winding up is us, and in tbe many ploastint and' an'd literature. the latest production of European frieJidly eontests wbicb tile life Pisistratus, of Athens, was the flrBt art. It runs itself by electrlcity. An and l'\lcrcation of the. season, River- who instituted a publio library . in electric magnet fixed inside the watch ton wilt maintain no doubt its · char- Greece, and is suppoBed to been .keeps the perpetually in a acter as a place where convel'sation is the c0Ueotor of the Bcattered works state of tensIOn . . The owner haa but ftuent, bl,lt distuI'bancesare unknown, which under the name of to preserve . the battsry in proper even if the young folks and some of Homer. Aristotle was the fIrst per- working order. for which purpose the older too, are ready to "speak son recorded as poesessing a private one ortwo inspections in a . yeas are out in lIleetings." The old proverb is, library. enough. It Is the work of a Copen- Umany men, . many minds," and the Before the Ohristian Era, .AthenB· .hagen.watcbmaker.
Page 1: BiDtrtou · 2012-12-09 · 4: WISE .AND OTHERWISE. Glass eyes for horses are now made with Buch pel'fection that the ani~als themBelves callnot see' through tha deception. 'Ilhe most

. ,


WISE .AND OTHERWISE. Glass eyes for horses are now made

with Buch pel'fection that the ani~als themBelves callnot see' through tha deception.

'Ilhe most astonishing inBtance of a man's regard for hiB word was re­cently given by a man who had killed his wife. whom he did not ,like.

'. When'asked why he did not leave her instead of killing her, he replied, that on their wedding day he had promised not to leave her t.ill death should part , them, and that he was not the .man to break hiB wor~l.

. "!tIr Smith, you Baid tb.at you once officiated in the pulpit,-did . you mean by .thnt, that you preached 1" ,. No, sir; I held the ·light for t.he man who did preaCh." "Ah, the court

· understood you differently. They supposed that diseourse came direct­ly from you." " No; sir; I only'

· threw a little light on ~t.'1

,. Do you believe in forerunners y;' asked a nervouB old lady of Deacon 1--. "YeB, ma'am," 'replied the deacon,; .. I've seen them. ,I Bless





6ff & 613 CHESTN.UT ST., PH~LA. "Have now ready for delivery, full stocks of their world-renowned

BlASTER· CARDS ~or 1881.

The Largest and Most Varied Assortment in the country. . Prices ;ranging from '5 cents to $I!.OO each.

me I "-exclaimed ~he lady, ., do · te~ll'.' ' . , . . ' . . . .11 Yes," continued the d~acon, fixing . ' Partl~ remIttIng Will have asBortments made aB deBired, and ' Bent, hiB eyes on' a dark .comer df the postage .,ald.

room, "L see o~e now I" "mercy I . ~.-------------------------_--------"----------------_

GIO~ WDODS·. &" . CO/So OI~AIS,: ' . . . - . . ,

mercy 'on mel" Bhr~eked ' the lady, "where?" .. There I" Baid the deacon,

!fi.. ting to where his eyes were di­

lee ." That cat, ma'am, may be c nU Ii forerunner, for she , runs on all fours." . BAA.G AINS BARGAINS , ,MakiIig bad worse. A rustio young- .

stet- being asked out to tea by a IN



UPRIGHT AIfD ~QUAR.I · friend, was admonished to praise the eatableB. PreBently the ' butter was '. paVssed to him, wlJ.en he remar~ed'f ORGANS, ,~ ery good butter; . w ... at tl~ere IS 'O it," and o.bserving .a sIpile, he added, - ; ·.j,AT:

PI,ANO'S, ,. and plenty of it,~such ~ it iB."

You~g Mr. Preston PowerB, the son of Biram Powers, was.a sculptor from . baby-hood. Be used to play about liis fatlier's studio and dabble ·in the ·clay. He modeled Bmnll Og. ures, and one day made a Madonna. For tbis a man pald his (ather a dol· lar, and the . small artiBt had it for pocket . money. Young Mr. Powers ill now engaged on a figul'e Qf ., Ma~d Muller."


1807 CheatJlut St. 1307 Ohestnut St.

GED. WOODS &··CO.'S UPRIGHT PIANOS.' ____ . ' ~__ J


G. H~ ;'t ·U'CK·EN·BAGH · & 'CO. .......... ... ~.... .. ...... ------.. ------~ , . -General Agents,

E2J CHESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia, Pa.




Furni'ahing. Udart&ku I A Gcueral Aaaortmeut or

COFFINS AND CASKETS . Couatautly ou baud. AIIo, tbe

,'Patent Corpse Preserver. Orden by telegralD will teoelYe prompt


MaiD Street, Kooreetown, N. J .



BAaa Axn·ARTISTIC nmBIDHS~ A Larlle and Varied Assortment of thE. Best Quality

SILVER· PLAT~D WARES Oonstantly on hand.

IrIAlIUF AOTORY, SALES ROOM ~.:J'D'1IB ad CDlI'!' B'l'illlZTB. 1428 CDB'rNtrr ' B'rlilll'r,

PH I LADELPH IA. · . \ .



, BeoaUIJ8 of ItII /Jrea' durability, )lower aud Iweetne,.. 01 tone, II ~be cbolce or a1~ artllitB, and the '.yorbe or tbe Concert; Rooin. The 1!PRlGRfi IIBye no rlvat, 'llhe latest .'110 t. BABY GRANI)S n , , baye beeujPltl¥ etyJect tbe" DRA WING_ . ROOM ,olloHlbsTRA. ' .

Wareroom,l 1117. OhlduDt~, Phllad' •. . J. ~. G'ETZlD, Aa8nt.

$3.00 FOR ONB ~~ FINE 0A.811': SIZE l'HOTOGR~BS.

REDUCED 'FROM 18.00 • ","00 "'000





PRAYER BOOKS' aud "HYMNALS, Iu _I to matob.

3'<AKEE;I McOAULEY. 18091 Chestnut, Stl'Bet,


J _ •



Book and, Job


82 South Seventh St., .



Crowning success of S, S. Hymn Booksr 80.000 Coplea Bold In 'Eljrll~ n!ontb811

...... ..... ..... .. .. _II ... 8u\p1' 0fp1.

BiDtrtou '~ ' '.. . -', -" ~'oum« ~ .

Vol. J. No.7.

COWpD.'l'HW AIT & ·CO., MaID Sireet, RivertbD, N. 1.:

Druggists & Pharmacists, 1 -

. A 'fuU line of selected Dr~gl4 and Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc:, P~tent Medicines and New Remedies. ' . · :Oompiessedpil\s a specialty.

PhysiciaDs' Prescriptions .care~ . full~ ~o,npoimded. . ' , .

. :11: B!l HALL, M. D., , . (Graduated .prlng cipae9).

ir~.& Lippincott Ave, Rlv~rton, N. J .•

1unUl g A x.,

OIWlCll Hou .. : 11 to I ~. x .• .,8 to 8 P. x.

B!>,eren_ : .' 1Ial4!\llm Jllecfula'n. 111. D , Phlla., Pa. H. N. OU""'"" M . D., ·Phll •. , Fa, Ad. Lippe, • . D ••• PhIla., Pt..

.- PHIL&DJljpBll AND 8"'NlfAH LIN •• . For Th'rough Tickets ·to Fernandln&, ,'","'on,

"lIIe, St. · A.agu.Une. Sanford. ' ~ntel'\lrl... &od liltennodl&te l&ndlnfJ on St; lohn·. RIver and

~'!~~.:, ,:!~te U::n::' ~IIl'!,~.r!':':':!l:m~t .pply to WILLIAM L. JAMES, Agont.

0cH .. S. R. (. .... Of s.."411 .... h. 1I6 South 'l"blrd Str .. t. Pblla.


Ctl'OrCE 'GROCERIES, ~ . 108 Karqt St., Phila . .

Goods. _reI, paeked aud dell'fered on 8teambnat; or 0II1'II rift.

GI:.ORGE W. HULME, Agent ror the

Springfl~ld Gas M.achine, . And De&ler In

. a •• ollne for a.1 Machines, No. III N. Snenth St. Philadelphia. .. Hotel .. ' F~torl"; 'Dwe11lilg HOUH •• 11;0.,

Plped,&nd Fitted up ooinplete. . .


FAMILY FLOUR. Tho IIneat made In the United Sl.I\te.. Every

remll,. .honld u.o U. . . •


· TIIel1nt.cirtbe IO&IOn. fJ •

8: J. (,)RIPPtilN & 00., , , • . , \ ' '.J.16 S. TI •• rd S'~r~'.

JOSEPH ,CAMiBELL, _ '1'IIe Ct\e1nled .Seetateak Tomaloelt fiDe 'rmh p ....

"iii ...... ,,..orv ... o • ~ IIlno. Meat: Fl'u" Butte~.. Pro.enod

" ~l'" hr,:lTutt J.W ••• O.teup, ao.

." Factorj and Wareroome:


. J. B. SH'ANNO~ & SONS, lIIanurlOlunn and Dealer. In

HARDWARE, CUTLERY AID TOOLS. No. 1009 Murket Stn'et,




[Eotered at tho Poat Oftlee;at Rlverkin. N. J., al &lcon4.o1 ... Kuter.]

. RIVERr.rON, N. J., .MA Y 16, 1881. < .

'WORDS OF WELCOME AND Indications are that there 11'111 be a held tli~ enviable position as t .l ) . OTHER WORDS. larger summer populDtion here than centre of, leamlng. bu't ahonly after

"Ordcr! 'Ordel'! Order I OrdAId during any previous year. Otcourse the death of Alexander (B. C. 393) .. that lleases e'fArybody the editors of the love of scien-· and literature , Chair I Chair I Chair I" is the noisy "' . "'" the OUBNA'L included. If the new ~ from Athens and GreeCe gen-

chorus of an old sonll· Whoever comers ' wish to know ' wbere the crally to, A)tlxandria, whe.re, pa~ron­may have' heard the. song is forcibly office of tbe paper i!l, we can answer ized by the I'tolemi!!!'. they.flourished reminded of it, when a .topio for dis- that .. he foul' branch offices are where vigorously, and ' tor " cousiderable cussion is sta1'ted in olmost any 'the Western Poet Muter kept bis, period seemeft to ha\'e concentrated company ot more than tbree persons. J Hall, i I' 1 Two enn g' et along with only moder- llCCording to udge n t lelr themse ves. "

hats. ..~ . From tbe invention of printing the ateeontradietion, but three. according -0-- 'progress ot ~k.making ha,a ~n.so toold:taahioned Dogberry-law, "make BoaKS. rapid that it would . be impo88ible to a row "-witb the 0 short. . Often it Tire discovery of the a~t of print- concisely trace it through its various is the ·case tha~ the· matter in dispute iog, and from that the general circii- stages to the present time; they is not clearly. understood, as for ili- latioll of p1(inted matter, has probably have been ond are written on aU oon­atanoo when one man · marle an 888er- done more toward' the civilization c~ivable a~hjects and ' w:itb liS many tion that a certain quotati ,n was f th ld ~I • .:. · t.1 't delreea of merit. Watts says:' fr0m the Odyssey. and. a bystander 0 e wor _n any 0 ler agen. . ,

It I'S generally ' oon--.:Ied that " ooks are a sort of dumb teacher·, somewhat SUl>crcitiouBl,', corrected ""'. J printing (at l~!. fr.om movable type) they cannot answer sudden 'ques~ions

him. affirming ·that the lines in ques, was discovel'cd' by John. Glltenberg. or explain present doubts; this is tion were from the works of Bomer. b t th 'ddl f tl fit\ee -b properly the work of 'a living instruc-I t .lIlust be a .trying position to act as a ou e ml e ' 0 IC .n ~ Cbairnian of. a deliberative IIssembly, century, 'altbough the Cbinese, ac, tor:' The advice of. Lo~ Bacon,

cordl'ng to tlleir chronolog" IJluee it even thou!!h giveu in' t.he middle 'of hut the presiding.' officer has this ad. J , ~ alleut the year 1120 before Christ. the sixtee~th oentury,. is as wise van~ge thaI. · there are "rules of W'ood engraving, the sister art of now as then: ,. SOiDe books' are to be order." On the other hand, however, . t' d h' h trib te tas. ted,othera to be chewed, and some · it is found that tbe very rules are the prl" mg, an one w IC con u s -s,

, so largely in Producing the modem f~w swallo~ed and' digested." . source of the mOllt heated discuBlion. book, was of somewhat earlier origin" - .- .0-- • .. When all bonorable gentleman ,. ris~ dating abOut the year ) 28'-5; .at ~ a jJoint of ordel'," disorder is least, the earlies!. specimen of this PALMYRA. Im{Dj nent. . a'l't is'suppose!l to have beeu executed The Cemetery here has been beau"

'Tiie render may n~turally infer that in -the course of thcse two years. tifled by the planting of a number of these remarks were suggested by the BefOl'e the applieation of printing ornamental trees. A few weeks ago protracted and eJcited Be!lsioDS of the to their production, all books were ipo the trustees of the M E . Church de­Senate of the United Ststefl, and the manuscript. and long and tedious was cided to illvi~ donations of memorial Legislature of the peaceful State of the operation of duplicating copies. trees, and the "present result is tou.r­William Penn. But. he mUBt 'not Still. notwithstanding all these ob- teen beautiful evergreens' anll four itriagine that the editors of the stacles, libraries, both public ,nd deci<luous tree!, all of which have JOURNAL have reart the "proceed- private, were fOl'llHld and maintained been set out in the Cemetery. The ingB." 'i'heir short experien<.-e has from the earliest days, and no incon. tree that attracts the most attention taught them, that, to be sujlceBBful .. siderable number of men found preflt, is a bea~t.i.ful English Yew, which it is neqeRsary to go with the ma- able. ~mploymen't in reproducing bearstbe name of Rev. W. H.Jeiferys, jority. A great many enumerators manuscript copies of the more yalu. and was planted as a memorial of his were ' required to take tile recent able works. services to the .Church during his census, but a very few could count· In 1992; the book 'selling corpora- p88torate. This tree was proviaed the relLders of the Washington and· tion of Parisconsistedoftwenty-fonr for by. contributions from his friends Harrisb.urg speecbes. And" WI:" copyists, seventeen bookbinders, nine· here. Rev. P . Y. Oalder, a much are not among them. It 'seems a teen parchment makers, thirteen ilht. esteemed supernumerary minister. great waste .of time OD t"e part of minators, aDd eig&t simple detders in whet resideR here, was not. forgottfllh the politicians, but they may as well manusCl'ipts; but, at the time. when aIid a tree was planted as a memorial wa~te their time in one way as printing was introduced, upwards of of his devotion to th? Ohurch. All another. The world moveB, and the ' six thouBand people allB sail! to have the other trees were gIven by persons sensous change all the same. . N n- Bubsisted· by tbe same means-a f&4lt I ~b.os~ ' ~a~e tbey' bear. · J ~d~e . Pa~y , ture looses no ~time that s~e does not t1la~, even if exaggerated, ~ys some- !s entu.l~ to thank.s· for hiS hberahty make up. Riverton reSIdents are thing for the gradual advunooment In reducmg th~ price ot these t~, . deliSJited at the sudden outburst of of learning. and alsofor replaeing, without charge, foliage after Wintel"s ' long delay .. \ I' Thel'6' seems 1.0 have always been the dead trees in the hedge and along l~ is one :of ~he sweetest spots in. the .. feeling against the popularization the sidewalk. . ,,"orld, tbls ~lV~rton, and our sum~er of knowledge and the spread of edu. · The new B,?a~ of Tr~tees of .. the gue.st!l who are as yet onl~ drea.mmg cation-afeeling Qot .quite dead yet- OhurchorgaD1~ed byelectmgWilham ot Its comf,?rts an~ . beautIes, wtll do and though the battle was from the S. Zelley, Presldent, .E. H. Pancoast, well to verify theIr dreamB as soon first a bard one it has been from Secretary, and Oharles Wallace, as pos~ible . . ~very day's delay is a first to last, a wi~ning strife.' . Treasurer. :Jobn Springer, for m.any pleasurb deferred. The most ancient library on record .years Pre91<.le!l~ of the Board. re~l~

Hut we are wandering away from was .formed by Osymandyas, King of from the POSition becau~ .of faIllug • the subject, and it is a charactel'istic Egypt, at Memphis. Be was ' tl co- hearing. The Boa~ has decIded upon of ltiverton that it malles orie ·forget temporary of David, King of Israel. a ".lu.ch needed ImprOYemen l , the unple88llnt . things. The question At a very early date the Jews ~t· frescomg of the. Church . . For Bome before the House is, .whether . loud- tached a collection of books to 'most reMon .paper wIll not stick to, the neS9 of voices, and p08itiv~neBB of of their synagogueB, and, we are told walls fo.r . an~ great leng~h of tlm~, tone, and confidenoe of 888ertion a<ld that Xebemiab founded a public and now the ~ifficulty WIll be obvl­weight to an R1'gllment~if there be liLJrary at Jel'Usalem. The fll'st Na· ' a~ ~y remoYlng the paper and sub­any argument.-'fhe JOURNAL, in the tional libral'Y founded j,n Egypt stltUtlDg pain~. Th? work h~ alre~dy Oliail',. 01· ratbel' on .the Tripod. de- secmerl te have been ' pluced under commenced, and Will be ODlshed ID a cideB the questions above rehearsed, the pl'otection of the Divinities, for short time . in' the . uegativc. In the pleasant their statues ,magnificently ~orn the -0-

summer eveningll which . arc befol'e temple dedicated at once to religion A Watch needing no winding up is us, and in tbe many ploastint and' an'd literature. the latest production of European frieJidly eontests wbicb ar~ tile life Pisistratus, of Athens, was the flrBt art. It runs itself by electrlcity. An and l'\lcrcation of the. season, River- who instituted a publio library . in electric magnet fixed inside the watch ton wilt maintain no doubt its· char- Greece, and is suppoBed to b~ve been .keeps the ~pl'ing perpetually in a acter as a place where convel'sation is the c0Ueotor of the Bcattered works state of tensIOn . . The owner haa but ftuent, bl,lt distuI'bancesare unknown, which ~ed under the name of to preserve .the battsry in proper even if the young folks and some of Homer. Aristotle was the fIrst per- working order. for which purpose the older too, are ready to "speak son recorded as poesessing a private one ortwo inspections in a .yeas are out in lIleetings." The old proverb is, library. enough. It Is the work of a Copen-Umany men, .many minds," and the Before the Ohristian Era, .AthenB· .hagen.watcbmaker .

Page 2: BiDtrtou · 2012-12-09 · 4: WISE .AND OTHERWISE. Glass eyes for horses are now made with Buch pel'fection that the ani~als themBelves callnot see' through tha deception. 'Ilhe most

2 R I V E R 'l~ 0 N J 0 U R'N' A L.

ani&lilpg. On the ~e 1\'0 double advaDtpge «> name a te tDoouraged,... ve to dentiall. Our couiil,r Mli e

IIQ 18th. 1881. ,tbaPk hoee whose intered In our qill~.pggellted tliat tIile geo't1 a ----- - - -:-. - -,-.. :------,~I succeee has ena1)Jed UB i,ol bring the ~lgIl' be'. reproBen ti .ot. the. lilt

The Journal is pubUsbed monthly ot whiob the last namoo Ind{vlduaf Slra"'~~if1 Workers" at Riverton, 'Burlington Co., N. J. Journal to its prcsent solid flDanoial was the bead, and it so, it would be give tbelr first recolJtlon on Tuesday by A. A. FRA8ER, JOOlf S. BIORBN,' standing. ' policy to treat bim courteou.'!!, tor evening," Maio". 17th. ~s thoaeaaon

-0- tho sako of his, prinolpal. . advancea we presume the name of thla E. H. EARNSOAW, EDW'D. PBlIUlTLBY. Subsoribers and . advertisers wbo . Our humorous editor assented ' at AlIIOoiation wiD 00 oba~erl t. RIlB~

Single 8ubec~ption 58 cents per 'have not settled tbeir accounts yitb once to this. soberly remarking 'tbat 'berrill, Bl!Jc!e~U1, If...uc!eelbrrrie-annum, ~yable m. adv~ce. us, will be ,kind enough to do so as he would be the last to wish to oitend and.'1Aat1y, .Goo,;.. .. berrle,".hicb it

AdvertIsements Inserted at reason- 800n as possible. Those wbo ba,e such an influential concern. and as be will remain until fI,lrtber Do~ice. able rates. not received bills will please notify was Dot exactly ' prepared to balance -1'ho second aonllal meeting or

his accottnt to date, he sbould not The Ladiell 0", Door Club 01 ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF us ,to tbat effect. like, by any indiscretion on his part. lli1Jerlon was held 't4t the residence .

MAILS. . -0- to subject blmself to· a "8ight draft" ot Mr. Tbos. Wrigglns, on Saturd"y

Rlvertoo P_ 0IIIce. For Ne" Yorlr ..... 7.118 A. 11. . .. Pbila ......... 11.1. .. .. S.M P. 11.

From NewYork.'3.~ P.II. .. Pblla. Us, 7.118 A. H.S.IS~ P.lI.

D. E. ~AftJ8. P. M

Back 'numbeiB ot the Journal can fC?r amount due, ' . evelling, Uth inst. be furnished to those lI"ishing to sub- Mcanwhile our indolent editor had ·Owing to the absence o( both the

engaged" Mr. The ,. in conversation, President an~ Secretary, officers to scribe. When SUbscriptions are ~nd gradually ascertained the (ollow- fill t.heir places were elected prc tem. taket¥~, are considcred as having mg (acts: " The 0" was conso- Tbe usual busin088 o( tbe meeting begun with tbe November isaue. 1880 mately aesthetic and intenee1y real.. followed. It was report4\d that ' a~ ~nd will elI:pire Octeber 15th, 1881. ' istic,desired tbe honor o(contributing proBent the Dumber o( members was

_ _ to· a leadin~ newspaper, and acci- fifty-one, twentY:fJix belag active and ' -- dentally commg acros!, a oopy of the twenty.flve IUIBOClate. , The old om-

Nothwitbstaoding some disconr. Persons1riahiDg to see Riverton in "Journal," cbanced to. see that .our cera we~ all, .e.eleoted j1fi,t.h but one agementa that we receivect when first its fresh aDd spi'iDgI' attire, should colu~ns bad been ·made the medIum exception, ~nd that was on account our little sbeetappeared in N oveniber visit it DOW'; thfte. IS ' DO 'BeUOn in of c!>nveying. to the . members of ~he o( a resiguation tend,ered by one of lad and also tbe belief by many o( tlie year wbeB ia allOw. to beUor ad- LegIslature Intelligence on .aD Im- ' the Execotive 'Comuiittee. which -.., t__ pon-nt matter, and ~jll8tl.J . supposed made it D~sary to' elect a new om-

,' our friends that tbe Journal could ,van__ OUl' .sheet to be the', meet l~oen~lal cer to 811 the vacancy. 'rwo new DOt. live (or bilf lobe' year, we have A. trip to Uris beantirulspot would 0!Ie .m·the State, and as one ~ lI"hlch members were ' olected. Damely, Dr. succeeded in conducting it tor six "repay aDy ooe~ aDd the meet PltuaD;t h18 IDte~ect w~uld .IM: appreciated. Robert White atid Mr. W. J. Roberts. months and a bal(, to tbe ' ~neral wa! M come is by water, .. by 110 OUl' Indol~t editor re,portB that. Tuesday DelI:t was decided upon for satisfaction of our Bubecril...rs 'and domg one gea &be benefit 01 tbe de- he U8D~ htm ot ~e entIre COJTeC'- hllving ·the first il,eld day. • '1'"', r hUaI' . Tbe DeI8 o( h18 BUJJPOl!I"Ons bot ~ we Other matters of minor importance ~t ~e end ~(this time, despite the Ig . . ~ver ~. , swamer could Del. eDte~ aDy propoel\lon, were dispoeed . ot, and after discus .. heat, we still continae to publiBh it. Ool~mbia, as will be seen per as ~t;re WAS. DO part o( oor paper sions on several important poiDts, the

As tbe season advanceS Riverton schedqle, Jeavea P~ladelpbia, dBily, ~umI.Ig b .... ns .*'» ~ elI:cept the meeting adjourned at 'JO P. M .. will 'become' more active, and co"~ at i P. M, .and OD .the re~m trip~ F!nancial and the W1Be and~r-

......... h th bo Wise. , .' . --;-0-quently news will be plentiful reac es e,re a ot 6. , , ••• .. ' THE RIVERTON BALL CLUB.

Our local col~mn bas never been ' -0- PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD ,The New Club' Hou'se and Grounds . neglected. We have endeavored to ·OUR 'FIRST INTERVIEy.r. LOCAL TIllE TABLE. of the Riverton- Ball Club bave at. keep all 'objectionable matter 'from Yes, he was aesthetic; tbere was T,.IIIIII ... e Ri.t'rton f.lI' Phll"dell,hl. last bee. completed and tbe Club is

. h at 6: 0l. 6 411. 7.~" 8.US. 8.1515. tt .l5. A. X: d it, as wtill AS from all other .;.~- o( DO argulDg t at fact-you Deeded rio 2 11 8 ~~ "011 ,...,. 6"~ 10 ' now rea y and andous to rcceive r-,.... I tb ' . . .... ,.... , 'v VI, .on, .l4 lind , 11.6Q h..:n • A.'... h d II' ' eng y conversation no pro- P M C ... eng,a, .. v~otberBue BaJlClbbt,

t .e :-:or, an to fl It almOBtentlre)Y tncted interview, no ~areful stody 'T~llIIIleaYe R;.erton ror Burlington a~ 'tbe sod tieing sCarcely'il.no enough WIt ' 1\'erton news. The other col- o( the subject · to realize that 11.118' and 10.47 P. 11 • (OJ' Bonlentown 'a' yet (or Cricket. , ~he.grounds wilt be omns, as is IlOOn, are ' devo~ to 'and yet be. secmed ~ispoaed to grant' 4.1r1. 8.88 ItDtI Jlli!'! P. M. For Trenton (ormally open"'" on the. ~lsto", witb a

• all tl f II ' connectlog with !;Xllreu Ullin .. for New h "7f' 'It onginal pieces, selections, cont.ribu- ns:. lree 0 tuese inestimable York at 6.49, 7.118, 11 A. II., UU8,2.25. matc between the 'first. nine and a tiODS and advertisements. We were ,pn

Tvblleges. . . . . 8118, IU9.7.0IJ P. II. nine picked from the other members '

ked h t . ed t!.re was an aIr ()f condeaceDslon Por New York via Mnamoutb Jnnction of tbe Club. '{ . .ondce as

f b w a .our papercontalD '. about him as be entered our" Sono- at 7 ,8 A. 11 .• 1.29 P. M. Three new lsele of Tennis have

an 0 w at use It was to advertisers, tnm 'Sanctoriam" (wbere. tbe 1fhole Runda,JTraln" leave Riverton ror Phlla · been provided 'for those who;are fond ' h' b t' tl 'd edlto' I taW dolphla. at 'II.IIB A. M., 12.50 aDd IH8 ( , w IC ques Ions were promp y"lin ' na ... J " . ~as busy preparing P. II. Leave Wnrlon for, Uurlington at 0 tlils elI:ceUent ,game. Tlie follow-

·trnthfullyanswered not many i88ues !Datter for the ourr(!n~ i88u~, and we 10 A. M, anti 2 P 11 For Trenton con. ing IB • list of the games arranged ago. ,,' all (elt ~h:tt for s9me onaccountable aectlne for New York at S.BI 'P. M. · . (or the nell:t few weeks.

S .( . ....- 'be' . reasoo we owed 'him an apolo~y. -0-.- On Satur'd.ay, Ma.y ~nBt, Opening ome 0 onr su.-.." ra began to · We wai~ elI:pcctnDtly for bim to LOCALS. _ Da~ at RlvertoD. May 28tb, Rlvcr-

get very mucb worned wben th .. v annoQnce ' blS business while 'much Mr J h E I ' I' '1 ton B R C "G fI" B B 0 ad . . ,." . ,. - . 0 n arns law las sal ed . : . vs. rae y • . ' "

~w new veI1laemente appeanng ~ ~ur COndema~l.on, o.ur artist was. (or England on' business. 'J. at RivertoJi. June 4tb, Rlvertoh vs. lD each number; they were atraid usdy ~ketching hIm.. • . -Mr. Samuel O. Oook is making "Foote1 8; B. C., at"RI~erton. Junc' that we were going to 'make the tb ~e ~:.y here say (pU'O~tbetioally) a great improvement in his property Ilth,Riverton vs. " Atlantic" 8. B. Journal wholly an advertising me- ~D a:te:::~asedt.he first time wbe ~ad on Howard street. The ohl p'ank C., ·aiso at Riverton. " lew ,we were rat er at walk is being replaced ' b ''I fI On Satorday May I.tb, thc Home

dlu~, ~d' not gIve th~m erto~gb a 1.08S howtoConducti~. Ourcourtly gravel path wbleh 1fill oxt!na done Nine began' the seaSons work by an ' readmg matter. At tbe beginnlDg edItor Ml'etcberl oot hIS hand toward '~on~ to ihttli streets. " m 4Ixciti."gi~p!e.'.1tltb ,~. PODD"~ "Pi­of our career we we~ resolved not to tbe electri.jl ' bell to Bummon tbe co)- " "':;Mr. Henry Bo-wer Ie remodcllln tary Auademy O1u\», at Oheater. the devote more than one-balf to &dver- o~ w:~rr :~h refreshments, while biB'stable.· The cUPela has been ir!. RivertonB were ,de(eated by' • . eooie tlBing purpolles, and since we have' ::rhi~pa:'~n t:r arose, alld

f HC&adllIng proved and tho wbole buUdlng newly of t~O to 8 'alter playing 10 leotage.

. e governor 0 es, weather-bOarded and nainted 1.'11.,. 'nibe fa oo~poeed o( the iuDe DOt encroached ID any way upon our demanded o( the stranger his bUai- ' -BlcvClle 'd' 1.1': be' . members as last year, 10 pre-'ous-- .

. inal . te t' F h ne " "lOg.... glln again VI -ong to n Ion. rom t e start S8. '. The roadB 'and ')ath-aYB in H' ... _. perienoe 1~ ue &0 __ ._ the number o( advertisements began ~ e never realized tbe " pOetry ot are un8U""". -':'.l tor :'11, urr::..

ea ""n some ver-wfie pf~_:' d:s;tl.h =

. motion" till . " th ha 'r-MeU • P..--, "-.1"'5 to Increase, and lut. luue we were I h wo BaW WI W t m~tch- --A rbutui "48 very pleotiful thle son.

obliged to put a damper on receiving oeu': '=en~~~:,tled ~: pn;n~ ,sPrlnt,:nd large Dombers o( persons =::!!!!!!!!!!!~;IJ!J I!II!!-I!!I!!I!!!!!!!!!!I!!!I!!!!!I!I!!!BI!!.

. aDy additional ones. We then con. .iole inscriptIon belngr";he 0~Grt!d1l ~ Ihaveth' lL~O}~g in search ot It dur- The Spla4l4 Steamboat Oo1Ul~ te lated · . Thl . . ng It wree ".IIL It ilabout ....... n ........ ~_. a~ b •• '-".'I •

mp Il8ulng a c:louble Iheet, bot • certainly was Inlen86; paln- dODe flowering no.. aDd the n t hto,*,~-;;"iii;e~ r~ f;!;:' . OD consideration, deCided tbat suoh tully! aw(ull~, terribl~1 (rightfully, ,Ud flowor we may i~k tor will ~ luala, ~verl,. 8qrll~D "lid Brtatol. a step would, (or several reasons, be :ee'belDli tact·to,nUmbe·IJb11l Ifllen.e. (whl~h t.be magnolia. wblcb grows tn abu'nd. Re&umIDIC. I~ ... BrtitoI iii; T.80 A. II. inexpedient. .( cve t e aesthetlo mode ance in the swamps east o( bere V.,., 11 CeulL Baouraloo,.o OeD&.; . , e expreaaion). ' M L H D I J R ¥ .

The general (avor witb which the Our bumorous editor seemed ~ Tbom:Wrl ' • OV i. . FI' Iller, • EDW. B. ,ANOOAST. Journal has met gratiles us exceed- tbink him intensely amusing, bu~ bis Henry Bo .. e~~ S~mu~l 0::::::' MAIN itT •• , .. ve .... o ... ~. J.

logly. Our olrculatlonla UP".rdi Of:~:Ji~ find bad no appreciation o( have returned to Riverton. . n COM-MISSONEK. OF DEEDS. tbree hUDdred, the majority of which poor j.:!~r ~:t~~OI'i ~~d ;'ben the -The Arecta ot Riverton have

are dl!ltributed in Riye~n aud ?hll- the card, hil ":ose~:nt :..:~~ ~:D~";id put into gooa ~n-, _·_Le_.~a::I::B~la:7n=k:-e-:oo::lIII~ta~. __ ",=--o._ b..:.an:..:d..:.._ :-adelphia. Our prlnt.lug Ie clone by sible,lntens18ed. -TIe alt41ritions at the Brick sa.UEL RUDDERDW, OODtract, and It.e nicety o( execUtiOD Our fighting editor appeared In- Hoose are progreaalng rapidly th h C . hal been the cauleotmuohoomment. :::!it ~~Oaod mottered to the boose will not 00 ready t~r ~u- ARPENTER, BUILDER Tb'ere Is one 'tblng that pleaaee us "the Deooe~"- ulr;.adV-4he . ~-l, patlon tor some time y& OQ"T::'CTOR,

rtf I I d . , .. 0 .. oonvey a lUore -The YOUD, peo I t Hi rto J'& ou ar 1,·ao that la that "e owe deloite moanin, and would have the ha ' , __ "" P e 0 ve 0 LlppiJulGt& , ... .., ..., loaftla Street"

I .e or.~..- a ey.tem o( sooiablOl, .,V.. 0 T ., •• ,'11 • . "

K I V K U '1' 0 N J 0 URN A L.

.. _. _.- "1 .. NCIAI..

The preaeo~' Secretary of tl1e Trcasury bas adopted a new mode o( refunding, n.mcly ,to exten" m"tQo ring bontls at a lower rate ot in~rest, tbe prinoipal payable at the pleasure

. o( tbe government, insteadl ot 188ulng new loan&. "hls plan seem~ to meet general approval , Tbe holders of the ~ pur cent bonds due J ul.v 1st, bave almoSt' uruinimous,ly notified ' the Treasury:Departiiien£ 'of'thelr aocel)t­alice of tbe terms o( extension, and those who ,h(l"V:e .not done 410 "would do well to bAve it ,done or to Bell their '~nds prior to ,May ~Otb, wlien the optiQn expires. The remaining 5 PcOr cents. have alab been called., all of tbe eoopoD and the first $259 .• 000.-000, tegist4lred, bonds ,presented, 1fill

. o~~equality ,iD_tWt eJ.e~t._,,+--. __ ~ law with any ' other woman' s iga. Tbis h prOT D th I '

M.. REESE, ' _

Court .Ji ~gh. loug.,.,,~, iPtsj, to be in Bookinghamsbire, and tbat county ~as not long ago ·prqclalmed an "Infected dit,rict" under tbe pro­visions of tilt! act aimed at the cattlt; plague.. The royal bailiff, Ignorant of tbe fnct, drove six royal pigs and one royal calr to tbe mal ket at Slough, where the vigilant and fearle88 11!l­tborities, finding tbat the ballur had no license, sent the animals to the pound and haul~ the ~yal servant. before the local magistrates, by whom he was flned-with costs. --

. -be extended' aUi ~r cen.t . 'l1he time .a fte~taek> upon·a ~all: . for elI:tensloD Is hmlted to 3 uly lat. rier wJ*h~.ca a~prOlloh'eC) blose .


General Insurance Broker, 841 WALNUT BT'" ,PbilL

Iu.uran.,., pJIIOed In Bellabl. Oompllul .. ou r ... orahJe tAtrm ••



We unde.rstand ~hat one ~r cent. , number 'of'chlcltensthat were feeding. premium IS now bId fo~ the exte~lIted At first the dog soarled and showed bonds. MOJiH J"elDain81n over abund· bis teeth. but ,did not 'attempt to in­ance •• Sev~lil of our Trus,t ~(l Safe jure his impudent antagonist: The ' , -, -!DeposIt 0'0 ~., refuse. to take money bantam would not be subdued .by' , at ~ven t'!o ,per ~nt. mtA;rest, and on such a moderate ' manifestation of Gross assets. . ' .. $9.068.702

• RIV£RT'()N --BAKERY • The andel'llllln''f'I wlab .. to Iilfbna the

pePple or Hi.ertoO aDd .Ioln"" tlaa& he bu opened" Bake", "t the old etaad;ot J. J~q .. Haln .lrHt, and baa a ,.... . euppl,J of .Btead. o.be and Plea ClOD­atalJtI, on baud. , SAMUEL RANK. Fancy 'oBkee babd ~o order at" . " abort DOtioe

WM.~. ¥clL.HENNY, BlverSoDo If. J., "

, .:

TiV Roorer and Sheet · Iron W~er.

Stma, .,tAn· &D4 ~ rep&ea , at ahaiteIt nottc8. ..

F. S f P~ARCE,

Central Meat Marketl ' '.. "

.T ",.cUo;' 0/ Howard ~ A!trift /!JU:, BIJ'EBTO,V, N • .T.


PRACTICAL PAINTER,· Tlnrd street, 8 per oon~. IS t.be ruling spirit. He flew upon the terrier's , nte. Can ,loans OD satIsfactory stock back, and, sticking his spurs in the Liabllitles, 4,778,295 RI'VertoW, N. J.

collateral rule at' about 4 per cent. bair to obtain a foothold apparently S 1 84 290 401. . ( R' M ' M' 'k/''( .Rallroad oorf?Orations are. taking tried to put out the ' dog'~ eyes. Ter! urp us, . ... . ., IvertoQ eat ar e: "

:adv.anltagel°f. tl118Tsh~te of t~hlDgSI' to rler, then atte~p¥ .t9 anap o~' baIi- 'Fuildsin the .O. S. $1,743,390 Th.aDde .. ll(fled.l.h •• ~oloro""theoJtIUAu ~oat ar~ oa,ns.. e~r gene , ICY tam's head, but the latkr was too . , ·orRlnrtoo uic1 YIoItlIl1 t"' h .... llll .. U .... 1& IS ex~nBlon and !nflatlOn. Orea p!,c- qOick. . ,.f\er inflicting some slight Policies written and losses .tand 00 IIIalo .t-to .Ith .. sood I1lpplJ or . .. ~~at.lons are belDg made- t? meet an- wound's bantam ftew a-sbort distance " - . . • ~-. ..~ ~ BEEF VEAL MUTTON, L~B, tlcl~ted_ increase of .. buSID~SS, and and.(,row~~s"rilly. Then he darted p~id at ' "" POR.K; LiRD'. SAUSAGE B~oU1d auythlDg ~or f:O lDterfere' baCk ag!ln !oud.mllt terrier,' half way. . RHlLAl>ELRlIIA BRANCH. ~ aud SORAPPLE: wl~b their calculatlon~, such ';'8 a Tbe terrier was agile And fighting ' . . Pooltry constantly on haud., , fallore of crops. or ralh·?a.d· strikes, bard, bnt was never able to get a bite 330 W A'LN UT' S TR'EET , Gin m ...... 11. 'roan reapeotrllllT,. , we ~I~ould flnd oursel,:es III the &ame of his opponen~ He ma~e_~ •• l!pap , , . , GEO . . B .. FOl\1'.-:

, positIOn ~s 1f~ w~~e I~ Sel)tember" every flve or six seconds, bUt: the ..... ~: ®lIttAlI~ . c!JtuzZtlmg" 1813. HIstory rcpeats Itself-Effect wily rooster always escaJ}ed ury_ " Local Representative . follow.s cal!lie.. The figbt lasted Bome flve . . ' ,

EmlgratJ(~n to .thls. country from and only ' once did ban~t.. , 7). .Y~''''OTON OOUNT~


BEEF BUTCHER: :abroad cont~nuesl.n a s~,adY ~tream, appear to be in immineDt:,~r:, ·IN·e'·JR'ANrE ROOMS an~ as It I.S estllna~ ::1t.ba~ every Bantam lost some of hi, tea~be"" in- J,,,,~.~ '! , ShU, 101' 133 & 13S Fifth Annus, . emigrant brlUgs about $_00 10 casb the fight Tenier lost one eye and CB.~il .. SLOAN M ' Fifth Street Ma' keto Phil .. ~i~ ~i~ ~he .gene~ wealth of,the ennsider~ble blood. . .... H N' . J.anager

• OOIJIlt.ry IS Increased. , v .. T . OLLY. • •

--0--'J.'he stock market is aotive, aod ESTABLISHED. IS88. prices remain firm. A 'Ms. RAPP, of Ontario .Loas .. ~ AID. \OV:Jl~ tI60.000. , Nth. Pac. Pfd. stock bas made a Toronto, is 'tho owner ofa FIBE,.liIF& AOOIDEBTAL. large advance in price during the canary which sings both .. THE BEST IS THE I'HEIPEST." past week. It is said that a dividend and dark. It was not " wilt sbortly' be paid upon it It is cripple, but aner ' it had, one '. . i. '- '- "- ' '- , '

d 'd d ) b k th I' b putated ,. CO·Mp·':NIES R"'PRESENTED. '. POOl' policy , to pay iVI en s u.pon egs ro en e 1m was am oft ..

b . d 't )'d t to d' But I't DIII .... ea A_.'" •••••••• a. ••• , Ul'e uncompleted roads, as t clr earnmgs an I was al ou Ie I ••• ra.ee tJo .. " N ..... k. N. ,J , ; a .. ld.al should be applied to construction. wouldn't sucoumb,' and' is , now as Dlreotor .. nd Qe.era. A'-MUor N •• ".rH7,

R R I· l ' . .. Ulra"" FIn {n.llru .. 00 •• Phll ..... lphl .. ~. ,On the 1st inst., tbe PenD~ . • Ive y as ev,er. Clo •• ", .Ir."t ... a •• e:' .... e ........ • declAred a 80' mi'-annual dividend of 4 ...... er._.·· .ud .. .,. .... _ ..... or'N •• .. York,·' a.r .... rd" .. nd" .III ••• " or ODnn .• per cent. and a pri'vilege of 12i per ROaT. ~~ W. RoOD" r . . "'08. B.. Tq... !I"._ ~u .... _d •• NllJAU.et ...... .,. " b ~... .... .............. QI.~ or -Iflllll~~ .cent. subscription at par .01' t e new . K~. & ·.L'u ..... 4D,' ...... 1 __ or N •• .J.n., •• ·ti~y."e .. ~ 0,

, stock tbat is to be i88ued; Holders, JIIIrtlb'rd. . ' , .ho bytbisallotment p08Be88 the right fI ... 8t k B . k ADd oth.r companl,1 or 11k.

:to obtain' fmetions'ot-sbares can sub- uOrnmlSSIOn ' OC , ro ers" :r::t~ioi~:~~I:~laed~i~~~~~~ . Th all t to JOllr oonlld.u.,.,. M), ~

'SOribe (or full sbarl)s. ese 0 - N 81S STOOK EltOHANGE PLA.OE . oY.r IlIweo ,ean .111 -menta are selling at about ; flf\een U. . parr .. t oon~ao~ and I •. -::- .,-c •• -.",-- ' ,dollars premlum ,- tbat is, holders call '.djolDlqu..SteoItEuh .. u.a, PhUadalphl ... )'OIl"I\:'.::r..:l;.or .. sell their privilege to su~sc be (or 4)a ........ 8J.O'-: •• B I 0 ,R E. &: CO., .. Mount HolI),. :'16 tor eacb share. , •• rll ..... 4)0 •• ',. I •••••• e ........


MENTAL ARITHMETIC. ' 186 S. Third Street, Pity the sorrows ot theounsusJl8C?t­

'ing man who visits a .publio &cbool :and iB asked by tbe,malicioU. teacber to oroll-examiDe .the olaas. . The ·other day. merch.llt was showing . customer from the roral dlatrlow Tel ,a oity 8ohool, a04 the miserable mail· :accepted an invitation to put ,a qUe&­.tlon to the c) ass hi meotal arithmetio. :S.ld be: .. Soppose JObD spends iln buyiog apples, two for a "",a~.· I"'u alve& James twenty-aeven. Peter teen and bis teaoher cleven,.and finds that' tour are bad', and loses six .. and .'Iives eaoh of hia brot.hers and sisters ,three, hew many brothers ~d aisters Ihad John 1" And In aix and a .quarter. seconds the whole OIUB reoreauied, .. 1121 Sir.".


IVERTON EXP&ESS. , .... . ' . ..

Meeting all Steamboats and Trains arriving from tbe city.



Carpellter . and" Builde~, .Am STREET,

RIVERTON, N. J. --0-

-0--, Estimates, Plans and Specifications To. QU •• N 01' EIIOL41fD keeps . turnilbed.

, 'pigs, but the Queen o( J!lDBland'. pisa Jobbln. promptlr attended to.

"compt .. ttAtot!oa to oorreepoad.o..... OnJera 1.1t WIlli Dr. H.II. RIYertou •• 111 reo.IYe Imm. dl .. tAt .ll.utlon.




Who18llll . .. ud Retail Deal ... In


B.i~ertoD, X. ~.

T. B. EV ANS, Riverton, N. J.,

Families supplied with rrea~ Milk and Cream. '" "

.BIvuro. MARKET. .rem I'tab. O,.atel'8. Ve •• S .. blea. PN- .

dUGe of all kinde. BuSter. IfIrSI. OIUuled Goo:1a, Foreign .. nd DomeaUo Frul&ll ~d Game In ae ... ou. ,

Goodl dell.ered free of oliaril.· Gi., ua a,tialL .


BOlD Am) O'.".To·JDu., -Will Board Ten Bo~.,~$. ,

,reasonable. ,. ," ~ ... 1.1 ;;) , GgORGE HE'NS~!U.d~()~;'

. Livery Statile, ., Riverton, N. J.

WlLLIAM M. FLOOD, , Whol_l. anet ·R.tall Deeler ID , •

VUL, LAlB ill· ItrrmH, STALLS 35' _4 353

13th Avenue Eastern :Mar~et, PHILADELPHIA.

FrIID .uta ODI, •


Butter, Eggs, Poultry. Game, &0.,&0.,

NOlI. 888. 840 aDd 1142 Eastern Market. f1r,b 81.., ... t . ... x ' rkel ... 4 Ob •• t •••• , •

GE'JRGE M. ROTH, JR, •• Wbol . . .. I. OD~ Kel .. 1. D .. I.r 10 '

Star Ha.mB, Dried Beef, Beef ~ongues, Lard, &0.

NOlI. 171 alld 178 Tenth a.eaIM. lI'U\h St. lI,uket, IIh ChOKI "u~ S~ . , Phlla.

