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Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Lithium Problem€¦ · The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis...

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Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Lithium Problem Karsten JEDAMZIK Montpellier Karsten Jedamzik, University of Porto, Cosmo11, August 24 th ‘11 – p. 1
Page 1: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Lithium Problem€¦ · The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis standard model standard BBN vanishing lepton number chemical potentials equilibrium initial

Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and theCosmic Lithium Problem


† Montpellier

Karsten Jedamzik, University of Porto, Cosmo11, August 24th ‘11 – p. 1

Page 2: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Lithium Problem€¦ · The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis standard model standard BBN vanishing lepton number chemical potentials equilibrium initial

Outline of Talk

I. Theory of standard BBN

II. Observational determination of primordial light elementsabundances/comparison to standard BBN prediction

III. Astrophysical/nuclear physics solutions to theLithium problem(s)

IV. Beyond the standard model solutions to the lithiumproblem(s)

Karsten Jedamzik, University of Porto, Cosmo11, August 24th ‘11 – p. 2

Page 3: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Lithium Problem€¦ · The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis standard model standard BBN vanishing lepton number chemical potentials equilibrium initial

The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis standard model


vanishing lepton numberchemical potentials

equilibrium initial conditions

with baryon−to−photon ratio


radiation energy density given only by

photons, electrons/positrons, neutrinos

no decaying or annihilating

relic particles

no impurities likecosmic strings, primordial black holes

no inhomogeneities in baryonsno small antimatter domains

general relativity

Karsten Jedamzik, University of Porto, Cosmo11, August 24th ‘11 – p. 3

Page 4: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Lithium Problem€¦ · The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis standard model standard BBN vanishing lepton number chemical potentials equilibrium initial

The standard BBN model at Ωbh2≈ 0.02273









10 100 1000

n i/n


T (keV)






Karsten Jedamzik, University of Porto, Cosmo11, August 24th ‘11 – p. 4

Page 5: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Lithium Problem€¦ · The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis standard model standard BBN vanishing lepton number chemical potentials equilibrium initial

SBBN: A one parameter modelCyburt et al. 08and 3He=H = (1:00 0:07) 105 (7)

FIG. 3: The light element abundan es of D, 3He, 7Li by number with respe t to H, and the massfra tion of 4He as a fun tion of . The thi kness of the bands represents 1 un ertainties in the al ulated abundan e. The yellow band gives the WMAP [3.The BBN predi tions an be ompared dire tly with urrent observational determina-tions of the light element abundan es. The BBN likelihood fun tions an be dened by a onvolution over LBBN(X) = Z d LBBN(jX) LWMAP() (8)12overconstrained → consistency checks possible

Karsten Jedamzik, University of Porto, Cosmo11, August 24th ‘11 – p. 5

Page 6: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Lithium Problem€¦ · The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis standard model standard BBN vanishing lepton number chemical potentials equilibrium initial

II. Observational determination of primordial light elementsabundances/ comparison to standard BBN predictions

Karsten Jedamzik, University of Porto, Cosmo11, August 24th ‘11 – p. 6

Page 7: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Lithium Problem€¦ · The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis standard model standard BBN vanishing lepton number chemical potentials equilibrium initial

Helium-4 from low-metallicity extragalactic HII regions


Fig. 10.| Same as in Fig. 9 but Y s are derived with the Porter et al. (2005) He iemissivities.

systematic uncertainties

atomic emissivities (changed Yp by+0.008 !)

temperature variations

ionisation corrections

underlying stellar absorption

Yp = 0.2565± 0.006 Izotov & Thuan 11

Yp = 0.2573+0.0033−0.0088 Aver et al. 11

Karsten Jedamzik, University of Porto, Cosmo11, August 24th ‘11 – p. 7

Page 8: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Lithium Problem€¦ · The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis standard model standard BBN vanishing lepton number chemical potentials equilibrium initial

Observational inferred Helium-4 with time






1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

4 He


s fr


n Y p



Karsten Jedamzik, University of Porto, Cosmo11, August 24th ‘11 – p. 8

Page 9: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Lithium Problem€¦ · The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis standard model standard BBN vanishing lepton number chemical potentials equilibrium initial

D/H from Quasar Absorption Systems

Tytler,Fan,& Burles 96

significant dispersion →

underestimated systematicerrors ?

Iocco et al. 09

Fig. 7. The nine measurements of i)-ix) QSA's used in our analysis. The horizontalband represents the value of Eq. (68). an dene the following quantities:i +i + i2 Ai +i i+i + i ; (66)and dene a total 2() = Pi 2i (), where ea h ontribution 2i is expandedup to A2i terms2i () = xi i 2 1 2Ai xi i + 5A2i xi i 2! : (67)Using this pro edure we nd a value of the redu ed 2, q2min=(9 1) =2:715, whi h shows the ee t of some systemati ee ts and that one or moreun ertainties have been underestimated. If one hooses to treat all the dataon the same footing, one an a ount for this by in ating ea h un ertainty bythe multipli ative fa tor 2:715. In this ase, after repeating the pro edure, thenew minimization leads to the resultlog 2H=H = 4:53 0:04 =)2 H=H = 2:98+0:290:23 105 : (68)In (Pet08) it was argued that the determinations v) and vii) of our list are39

D/H = 2.98+0.29−0.23 × 10−5

Karsten Jedamzik, University of Porto, Cosmo11, August 24th ‘11 – p. 9

Page 10: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Lithium Problem€¦ · The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis standard model standard BBN vanishing lepton number chemical potentials equilibrium initial

The 7Li Spite plateau 1982-2009

(almost) no variation with metallicity and stellar temperature

no measurable star-to-star scatter

Interpretation - the Primordial 7Li Abundance

Karsten Jedamzik, University of Porto, Cosmo11, August 24th ‘11 – p. 10

Page 11: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Lithium Problem€¦ · The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis standard model standard BBN vanishing lepton number chemical potentials equilibrium initial

The 7Li Spite plateau in 2010 - ?

Sbordone et al. 10, Asplund et al., Aoki et al.

well defined upper envelope - plateau

no measurable star-to-star scatter at metallicities [Z]>∼− 2.7

absence of stars with 7Li/H above plateau

Karsten Jedamzik, University of Porto, Cosmo11, August 24th ‘11 – p. 11

Page 12: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Lithium Problem€¦ · The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis standard model standard BBN vanishing lepton number chemical potentials equilibrium initial

6Li/H observations

Asplund, Lambert, Nissen, Primas, & Smith


A second Lithium plateau ?6Li/H ≈ 6× 10−12 compare tostandard BBN 6Li/H ∼ 10−14

6Li and 7Li absorption features blendtogether

6Li from asymmetry of lines

asymmetry of lines from convectiveDoppler shifts ?

non-LTE hydrodynamic simulations of

two groups reach opposite conclu-


Karsten Jedamzik, University of Porto, Cosmo11, August 24th ‘11 – p. 12

Page 13: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Lithium Problem€¦ · The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis standard model standard BBN vanishing lepton number chemical potentials equilibrium initial


3He/D <∼ 1.5 for solar system Geiss & Gloeckner 07 is secure and

useful in constraing non-standard BBN Sigl et al. 96

Karsten Jedamzik, University of Porto, Cosmo11, August 24th ‘11 – p. 13

Page 14: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Lithium Problem€¦ · The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis standard model standard BBN vanishing lepton number chemical potentials equilibrium initial

SBBN Predictions against Observations

Cyburt, Fields, & Olive 08

using the Monte Carlo results from BBN as a fun tion of to give LBBN(jX) and theWMAP value of distributed as a Gaussian, LWMAP(). These are shown in Fig. 4 by thedark (blue) shaded regions. Though there are useful measurements of the 3He abundan e[56, these are diÆ ult to mat h to the primordial abundan e [57. We will show the BBNlikelihood for 3He in Fig. 4, but will not dis uss 3He any further.

FIG. 4: The theoreti al and observational likelihood fun tions for 4He, D/H, 3He/H, and 7Li/H.BBN results have been onvolved with the WMAP determination of and are shown as dark (blue)shaded area. The observational likelihoods are shown as light (yellow) shaded regions as well asalternative dotted urves. The data and distin tions are detailed in the text.Fig. 4 also shows the observational likelihoods for omparison. For 4He, the light (yellow)13









observed Li/H by different groups

SBBN + WMAP predicted Li/H

7Li discrepancy 4.2− 5.3σ

Karsten Jedamzik, University of Porto, Cosmo11, August 24th ‘11 – p. 14

Page 15: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Lithium Problem€¦ · The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis standard model standard BBN vanishing lepton number chemical potentials equilibrium initial

Situation Summary












?Karsten Jedamzik, University of Porto, Cosmo11, August 24th ‘11 – p. 15

Page 16: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Lithium Problem€¦ · The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis standard model standard BBN vanishing lepton number chemical potentials equilibrium initial

III. Astrophysical/nuclear physics solutions to thelithium problem(s)

Karsten Jedamzik, University of Porto, Cosmo11, August 24th ‘11 – p. 16

Page 17: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Lithium Problem€¦ · The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis standard model standard BBN vanishing lepton number chemical potentials equilibrium initial

Nuclear reactions/stellar atmospheres ?

stellar temperature ∆T ∼ 900K underestimatedseems impossible

narrow unknown nuclear resonances (to destroy 7Be)seems unlikely but not ruled out → need furthermeasurement

Karsten Jedamzik, University of Porto, Cosmo11, August 24th ‘11 – p. 17

Page 18: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Lithium Problem€¦ · The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis standard model standard BBN vanishing lepton number chemical potentials equilibrium initial

Depletion of Lithium in PopII stars ?

7Li is observed in the atmospheres of PopII starsit may be destroyed via 7Li+p →

4He + 4He in the interieur ofthe star

atmospheric material transported into the star and 7Li-depleted gas returned to theatmosphere

Spite plateau not primordial ?

Karsten Jedamzik, University of Porto, Cosmo11, August 24th ‘11 – p. 18

Page 19: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Lithium Problem€¦ · The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis standard model standard BBN vanishing lepton number chemical potentials equilibrium initial

7Li depletion by atomic diffusion in PopII stars ?

Korn et al., Richards et al.

fine-tuned turbulent diffusion coeffi-cient DT = 400Dgs





)−3 at

log(T0) = 6.0± 0.1 → ±25%

atomic diffusion

turbulent mixing









observed Li/H by different groups

with depletion factor 1.8

SBBN + WMAP predicted Li/H

→ factor 1.8 7Li depletionbut stellar models ad hoc and tuned

Karsten Jedamzik, University of Porto, Cosmo11, August 24th ‘11 – p. 19

Page 20: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Lithium Problem€¦ · The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis standard model standard BBN vanishing lepton number chemical potentials equilibrium initial

Comments in Sbordone et al

Occam’s razor:

1. Metal-poor halo stars are always formed at the Spite plateaulevel, regardless of their metallicity. Whether the plateau rep-resents the cosmological Li abundance or is the result ofsome primordial uniform depletion taking placebefore thestar formation phase is immaterial in this context.

2. A second phenomenon, possibly related to atmospheric dif-fusion, becomes active around [Fe/H]=−2.5 and below, fur-ther depleting Li in the atmosphere of EMP stars. Such aphenomenon, aside from the metallicity sensitivity, wouldshow different star-to-star efficiency, being possibly depen-dent on further parameters, such as stellar rotation orTeff . Itsefficiency must in any case be higher for more metal-poorstars.



[Fe/H], but with increased scatter at low [Fe/H]. It would alsoexplain why, while the scatter in A(Li) increases at low metallic-ities, not a single star in this metallicity regime has been foundto lie above the Spite plateau level. It would then be consistentwith the fact that a small number of stars is still found closeto



these objects the depletion process would be somehow inhibited.Finally, attributing the extra depletion to atmospheric diffusion/ settling would not require a physical “conspiracy” capabletoproduce exactly the same depletion level regardless of metallic-ity, stellar rotation, gravity, or effective temperature, as it is ofteninvoked when diffusion is used to explain the Spite plateau.

The nature of what we refer to above as the “second phe-

Karsten Jedamzik, University of Porto, Cosmo11, August 24th ‘11 – p. 20

Page 21: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Lithium Problem€¦ · The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis standard model standard BBN vanishing lepton number chemical potentials equilibrium initial

IV. Beyond the standard model solutions to the lithiumproblem(s)

Karsten Jedamzik, University of Porto, Cosmo11, August 24th ‘11 – p. 21

Page 22: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Lithium Problem€¦ · The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis standard model standard BBN vanishing lepton number chemical potentials equilibrium initial

Destruction of 7Li during BBN by the decay of a relic particle

7Li destruction: 7Be +n →7Li +p; 7Li + p →

4He + 4He

at T ≈ 30 keV

need only 10−5

extra neutrons per baryonsome extra 2H will be also synthesized

Karsten Jedamzik, University of Porto, Cosmo11, August 24th ‘11 – p. 22

Page 23: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Lithium Problem€¦ · The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis standard model standard BBN vanishing lepton number chemical potentials equilibrium initial

Production of 6Li in cascade nucleosynthesis

6Li is very easily produced by small "perturbations" of thestandard model

Electromagnetic:γ+4He→ 3H +p

3H + 4He → 6Li + n

at T<∼0.1 keV

Hadronic:n+4He→ 3H +p+ n3H + 4He → 6Li + n

at T<∼10 keV

Karsten Jedamzik, University of Porto, Cosmo11, August 24th ‘11 – p. 23

Page 24: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Lithium Problem€¦ · The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis standard model standard BBN vanishing lepton number chemical potentials equilibrium initial

Production of 6Li in catalytic nucleosynthesis

negatively charged weakmass scale particles X−

during BBN →

formation of bound stateswith nuclei7Be +X−

→ (7BeX−) + γ at ≈ 30 keV4He +X−

→ (4HeX−) + γ, at ≈ 10 keV

X− acts as catalysator for re-actions

(4HeX−) + D → 6Li +X−

(4HeX−) + 4He → (8BeX−) + γ;(8BeX−) + n → 9Be +X−


n i=n p0:1 0:02


(8BeX) n 6Li9BeY de X = 5 104X = 5 103 s

important when Bh<∼10−2 as

with supersymmetric stau !

Karsten Jedamzik, University of Porto, Cosmo11, August 24th ‘11 – p. 24

Page 25: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Lithium Problem€¦ · The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis standard model standard BBN vanishing lepton number chemical potentials equilibrium initial

The lithium friendly parameter space








102 103 104 105 106

τ (sec)








105104103102 τ (sec)


h2 Bh



Karsten Jedamzik, University of Porto, Cosmo11, August 24th ‘11 – p. 25

Page 26: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Lithium Problem€¦ · The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis standard model standard BBN vanishing lepton number chemical potentials equilibrium initial

Signatures at the LHC !

A metastable particle X with life time between100− 1000 sec, if not too massive, could be potentially

produced at the LHC (since having at least some hadronicinteractions), and ...., if electromagnetically or stronglyinteracting stopped in the detector → smoking gun fornon-standard BBN → possible connection to the dark


Examples:Gluino in split supersymmetry

supersymmetric stau Next-to-LSP with gravitino LSP

Karsten Jedamzik, University of Porto, Cosmo11, August 24th ‘11 – p. 26

Page 27: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Lithium Problem€¦ · The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis standard model standard BBN vanishing lepton number chemical potentials equilibrium initial

Solving the 6Li and 7Li problems by WIMP annihilation ?







10 100 1000

uu-quark, 6Li/7Li = 0.01-0.09,0.024-0.68; D/H=3.5,4.4,5.3e-5; 7Li/H = 1.5,2,3,4.e-10

6Li/H≈ 5× 10−12 produced by hadronic annihilations of lightWIMPs and correct freeze-out abundance

Karsten Jedamzik, University of Porto, Cosmo11, August 24th ‘11 – p. 27

Page 28: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Lithium Problem€¦ · The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis standard model standard BBN vanishing lepton number chemical potentials equilibrium initial


the by standard BBN at ηWMAP predicted D (and 4He) are in good agreement withthose observed

in contrast, there is a factor 3-4 discrepancy between SBBN predicted andobservationally inferred 7Li

this discrepancy could possibly be removed if 7Li is destroyed in Pop II stars, thoughhow this is done exactly is not understood

alternatively BBN could have been non-standard, e.g. including the decay of a relicparticle → potentially testable at the LHC

observations of the existence of a 6Li plateau (similiar to the 7Li Spite plateau) arecurrently controversial

6Li in abundance claimed to exist in some low-metallicity stars would be naturallyproduced by the hadronic annihilation of ∼ 10GeV dark matter withσv ≈ 3× 10−26cm3s−1

BBN continous to be a powerful probe of the early Universe and physics beyond thestandard model

Karsten Jedamzik, University of Porto, Cosmo11, August 24th ‘11 – p. 28

Page 29: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Lithium Problem€¦ · The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis standard model standard BBN vanishing lepton number chemical potentials equilibrium initial

The BBN early Universe Probe

the epoch of BBN is (one) of the furthest back reachingprecision probe of the early Universe

Almost all of the theoretical work in BBN the last threedecades has been done in exploring non-standardmodels

changed expansion rate during BBN

lepton chemical potentials

neutrino oscillations, sterile neutrinos, exotic neutrino interactions

baryon inhomogeneous models, matter-antimatter inhomogeneous models

varying fundamental constants

decay and annihilation of relic paticles during BBN

catalysis of BBN

Karsten Jedamzik, University of Porto, Cosmo11, August 24th ‘11 – p. 29

Page 30: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Lithium Problem€¦ · The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis standard model standard BBN vanishing lepton number chemical potentials equilibrium initial

BBN with decaying and annihilating particles

injection of energetic nucleons and mesons

charge exchange reactionsπ− + p → π0 + n

elastic- and inelastic scatteringsp+ p → p(n) + (p)n+ π’s

spallation reactionsp(n) + 4He →

3H, 3He, 2H+ ....

Coulomb stopping of charged nuclei3H+ e± →

3H′ + e±

injection of energetic photons and elec-trons/positrons

pair production on CMBRγ + γCMBR → e− + e+

inverse Compton scatteringe± + γCMBR → e± + γ

Bethe-Heitler scatteringγ + p → p+ e− + e+

photodisintegration γ+ 4He →3H+ p

Kawasaki, Kohri, Moroi 04,06

Jedamzik 04,06













τ (sec)













Bh = 0

Karsten Jedamzik, University of Porto, Cosmo11, August 24th ‘11 – p. 30

Page 31: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Lithium Problem€¦ · The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis standard model standard BBN vanishing lepton number chemical potentials equilibrium initial

Introducing PUNNC


PUblic Non-standard Nucleosythesis Code

Karsten Jedamzik, University of Porto, Cosmo11, August 24th ‘11 – p. 31
