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Big Clearance Sale At viL I G H ’ S€¦ · ,tv alfoad ‘. ‘t'lt,: Th KDITOUIAI. mUlil s....

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Big Clearance Sale At viL I G H S . Commencing Monday Morning, August 19th, We Will Offer Our Entire Stock Of Spring and Summer Goods, at Cost For One Week. T. COMPANY. 'ill Ml1 Jlril':. X v.- V, <1' n i. !. \ KK\ TUI KM'A\ Mmkmv,. W ALEX G. KOLLOCK KHIT' MiljM4ri|iH»n. In A il x aiici : (I lie Veur......... .............................. j 1 mi Mix .......... ".ii (Vuti- Three Mur.ih'....................... 'i> fVnte ADVERTISING RATES, Ifcrt'iiiiulili'ami iimk' kiiiiwi: on Alipli i lllii :i. uTati The r r,. i. r.ii,>: 'iTa: :ia: ti)o ear a Tin'\- hi Wash:1 ami tho n. ,tv alfoad .t'lt,: Th KDITOUIAI. mUlil s. Since he came within Tsh votes of the Senatorship, Vardanian thinks they oupdit to privt the job anyhow. It mav be a week or two before Mr Foraker is able to realize iort t hat lie Mikado id rites poetry do'ibtless ..a >tarted by •me mean Cali- fi 'i :a Mr W I) How ells says it is a crime ro accept money for writ- ing poetry. It is benevolence to acce it it for nm writing' poetry however. If Senator La Folletteshall win the presidency through his vegetarian boom he will certain- ly be "all the mustard. " You hear as usual that harvest hands are wanted in Kansas, him ])id it ever occur to you that other states want harvest hands so'.1 Sts ■ir whether Taft sat down on him phone: or merely stepped on his toe.-. Senator Dick still refuses Tile Sultan i putting i; irkey. hut it do all of Ids tel< - s sa t c alking to tuation. hut to print - a -ng .o With this and nure rit- talk over the Ohi it might he impi his remarks if hi. Cortelvo ' is i hi enee. He; natioi •t.'eg t iitishurg put;e water. air it may aspire to a p.ii't izenship in another gi :.. ration or I W( >. St Louis lias the largest iight- niug rod faetory in t.'f world. We suppose tile demand has in- creased on account of tlamiinher of candidal's for i lie pivsio', n: ud nominati' >n. The manufacturers ai e in faver of I Avering the tarill dutics on raw material, and raising them on, manufactured products. Thus they would "get" the farmer coming and a going'. that he w to the narem in the good old wax In Richmond Ya. Mr Angel ha just been sent to the penitential' He .|H( ud .■ml', -asi no (tied 1 iwu u., f bee stinging, causin'' |. The Sting of the P e: ide each t"W!;-hip in the o th.;.! he meets, for an, ih "tl tile Ijllestioli if he whu;, etilighten himself. The News admits the tru our statement No if, as to disregard by most automob of the law regulating speed. Tile News says that the coun- try people will soon begin to use automobiles and a few more years time will settle the whole question. We think it will he some time before the maturity ef the peo- p'e get automobiles. Possibly SOMK may he deterr- ed by an I'M'ROGKSSIVK belief that they may endanger the safety or peace of mind of some of their neighbors. County Messenger. We think there is very little profit in pursuing this discin'- sioii fur! Ire and really there n nothing to au.'Wer in the above. WT1 would uke to remark, how- ever, that he suggestion by 1 "ditor of '' ed it; e .• . U'e i: , ; \\ i i \ i; i v I .\« i \ hotl \ 'nlion hi Know' S ' \ \\.i \ \ l < >10 < M I In lh In T h i A: r an no: I hr \-r nt .V.h *l l\ io.m n >1 «■ n « (ion . (»r about a a and a lialf Mr W F Early passed away at his home on Broad .--tree'.Monday night. Aug 1 That 11 oV1 ,ck. ()n July 1. while in Charleston visiting his daughter. Mrs Robert Lathan, Mr Early sull'ered a stroke of paralysis from which he never rallied to any extent. He was brought home where he lingered until the time id' his death. W F Early was one of the best known men in this section of the state, having traveled a great deal for different oil mill com- panies. His was a genial and sunny disposition and he had a pleasant word for every one. The announcement of his death will be received with genuine sorrow : by hi- hundreds cf friends in .1 \ \v AWV\WWV\VVVVWVVWV>VVV The l Candy Kitchen, $ Null: (a lie abC P ha- ] a-' a who will .e that the! away M r hi, - Da hardly friend lowing is tak- cipfes- : 1' 'U)':- On Pearl StreeL. Has Fresh Candy Fvery day, Oranges, Apples, Bananas and other Fruits. gouthern £)istillin§: Company, ------------------- ----------- FAMILY LIQL'OR STORE ------------------------------- Goods Retailed At Wholesale Prices. A complete stock of Liquors, Peers, imported and domes- tic Wines and Ales. Mail Orders and Jug Trade A Specialty. All Orders Shipped On Day Received. \\ KITK I OK IKI( i: LIST. Southern Distilling Company, an NOinTi fkont st., Wilmington, - . . M. C. i cf o ^ones, Pearl Stv t>. At T Oeei -tol: Lva .•ii,!" T t il t I Uit '' tn i; epp.'-ite n W:-., *a i'liiilai - t hu 111 ! I e i1 -nine I'el 11, n; i .. Trinity Park Sclpei l\a; -a noth. local, nut -'a:emei.it can be Will UndeUbte if be in: ci tor less majestf. Since t h,e passage ef the pru- s inl'it ion lav in (lei ire ,a, t he At - a lanta ('oastitutii'n ha,-- puUCned si-wral poems on the subjeet of | "gftiWViers. 1 lie editor pfo- ru.-n them while laiil.v wantni ti \et tim One advantage in basing larger Republican organization 1 [1^, in the south is that there would ; he a larger element to choose Mr Rockefeller, it is reported from when it came to the appoint-1 merely smiles at the mention o ment of a federal judge. Look at that Sd'd.uuu,non line. It is th Pritchard. consumers of oil w ho are leokii ; worried and getting ready to d v.e are. : •> 1 . ■: poi'i.i';. ; hr e e.. , IM ted -uei: a till' ' . Wo d ' i 1!. e ' o 1:11 j';;:; , ■:1,' i., g i 1 ni"ti\iRo I, 1" or\ ... to us and t" nun '>! ia - 1 f.ll'P I :g!' >11 i iiat tin1 ; 'lie .o' editorials iii the Me.-- i'g r v. writt- n 11 r tlie purp' "fe :o:\ i..i:;,! ,ng fr.'or w iih t he lari..1 1 ai.d <• ape. no.-.ever, incidentallv helpi' ■■ '■ ,1"' N,,rh- ' ' 'A ii ! I. r.cvt I vjn ppol Prcp::r;:tnr\ School in t -FJ Snlllll. I Klllt V ot I CM ()!5i ».cr pint lc:uh.is. campu> 'l >cv ctity :i* c \c re*'. 1 ! a \ .I:. < :..i! I injucnt I cvtuics b\ Proir.incnt I cc I < j'. tufi'is. \ xnc M't s | \cccJin>il\ M»>- .a. <1 »1 V. ••Ik , 1 derate. Scnlm \ cars ot Phene menal Success t ju, , r .,ir 1 ,lr *N"r: nv> ,1< rr 1 ' '' I"1f iiar.-v. ie. nf e m Ave b' i! "l;\''bcAana M N0Rm' Headmaster the si|Uealing. In addition to the biggest Lass, the strongest onions, and the most luscious strawberries. Texas can now boast of having had the highest temperature this year, fo'r taking a drink of whiski The KenUiekv travel was at resteiI and lined in wh Tex; -e '. .0;:, hut that is the way It looks b us. Ti:,- i.ominatioi; at Du pnin- i>t !;:i \ m, \. t . leiNITY COLLEGE hoard a railroad bablv want to train will amend (' pro- i >hel hut she wii! probably Ik have us forget it. Ohio farmers are offering beer Wattersoidsju.lginentthat "Ke in addition to wages to their U:c'ky.ls n"u--lll° Uo!sl ^'V1'1'1'* farm hands, and once more Kan- sas realizes what a handicap she is under when it comes to harvest- ing her crops. .state in the Lnion.The St Louis baggage smasher who dropped a trunk containing harmonized dynamite may recover, but if he does he will hereafter handle trunks as if they contained eggs. Paris likes American songs and England has decided to improve of our clothes. If we could only make Germany like our tariff the European concert would he luite to cur pur- poses. Irinilj College. 1 .mil "What has become of the old- Th.e editor of the Iktrlington fashioned base hall plaver whoi 'h'bks oui position on the hit the ball so hard that'hebroke automohile.iuostion entirely un- tho hat?" asks the Spartanburg.'-T fails to point Journal. We understand that he j out any errors except in our has contracted the habit of walk-1 third statement which says in ing up to the plate and striking,substance that the open' and out. j flagrant disregard of law by A Chicago woman thrashed most automobile drivers eit- her husband when she heard that j c,ourafWs n general disrespect he had failed on application for for law. a divorce. That will teach him Wcagainsubmitthatproposi- never to take such a step again 1 tion without argument, for we without first obtaining permis-1 think few reasonable men will Hl0n' ! demur to the even broader.state- Commissioner H Knox Smith, |menI <lSt'tikI ad lawless- knocks the Oil Trust right in the n<-ss encourages disrespect for spot where it had just been kick- law. ed by K Mountain Landis. As to our statements No 1 and The question whether women a~tlie feeling of the people should propose is really not worth on 'fn-' automobile question, our chile. They know too many ways contempoary pleads ignorance. I-, d the men w ithout going to We would advise the editor to i t.u extreme. ask the first three men from gaged ii raari-ae.ir; pect tile Messenger i" vigni'on.-- lor a her "I , u-. 1 Ie v. Iv tleltv the aliove .-t,gge.-n W.1D0,. l-o? IRinmn- ed Mi'- .a ;.r.. 1 ,ot - . o. t :,i.- eii.iutv'. w'ti, with l,11 eluidrep,, survive.- him. 1!:- -• .ir,■: Dr E«!- v. an! A Karl.. Mr .1 F Early. , Mis.-e- E ia Ma ; : A/.cii Far- 1 , ! _ . 1. Iv, ef thi place, an,i M:.- Robert ■■ ...u--. v. . , arie.- :n Mis.-:s-ippi o! II in.loi;!:. Lai:. ,::. ' ' I'iiarle-n MMlaiT '• - •• a Sh.arp Williams a-t he eaiMidate is ais 1 s'". ■, ivyd h. t a , brothers, j, ! j, . 'i,.',,..,1. f<>r Fnited States Si nator.-how.-l ^'<TS!'S 11 A : 1 j , ,, ai.d "l.e - -tel'. Ml1 at i'll',, .VU - Y t.ung Men u i>hing t«» Stud \ ill.n tile elUoeiat.- ot .Missis- Gin', oi v. atel .',U'V, t l aw should imestigate the sippi appreciate one of the most, The funeral scrvic w ill he held 1 superior atlxantagcs offered ill,!.', Ilmik-., :i: ,1 iii,I,,,, 1T 1 ml.. ll"-I -a to Ito S i„ , rr.-.iKncf ainl tlu* nitrrnnHiU Ju. >(.•! \ ant> l hat JUp •' •>.' ^ai. wiillu* in (iak (irovt ivincUTy. i.,i:, 'party can boast of. Ti .• ..f us 1 n ... oruirnM n » toe.....I i'ro.uo.. ................. D'w. NEWSOHI. Regis rar come in contact vvitn Iiitio! his pome from Lunpa. Ma.. Men- ______ ______ position as the !)•• r. k rdf.c :ead- i ''- fa.v. er of the House if Rtoi, it; a- lives can unlv ili;:. h:> ' 1 l1successor m that im.'.-Tot will ^ as ably advocate Democrat; D sue.', and so completely con- found Republican fallacies a> '"i-Mv ly ' y.e od Jior. es he ha.-done. In the m-rc-edatc Whitiingt..:i-,' Drug More, Senate he will he a light to lighten the Republican patriots A!! kind- a Turnip by his great learningand ability >>',■,! at i, (• Mert/. to impart his knowledge in good Pure Pieki.i.g Spice.- tor pickles stI'oiig English, polished I'; c in- ain'f ►ytch. ,p. II varities, in |i , ,, 1 i i . i i paen.ig e. . I, I I Me11 / tact with the best the worul produces. Go-Ply keep lies o!f llorseS and cattle, ttd, and aOc at i Who owned the tir.-t auto- A initingtoo s Dm" Store, mobile in Darlington county*.If you war.1 to have a good His name begins with a C. and Fdl gulden h ,. ; our Seed.-trom , 'GO Mertz. you can guess the re.-i. Kingans Kelial.ie Ham-. Preak-j fast Strip and pure Lard at j Goggeshuil Gos. 'll) Mertz i •an s ut s at (1 11 M< itj i.. -. i .nil-. •■ s- .. n, ■: : 1 < I >.I. Fish Roe at KILLthe couch CURE THE LUNGS Dr. Kings New Discovery FOR C8lS?8 AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY] OR MONET REFUNDED. the Ba 'higton Drug Co | I\< OKiOK\Ti:n 4 P' ^ v Up DARLINGTON, S. C W ITH an experience extending over a period of 27 years and "a reputation for reliable goods and square dealing, we can confidently solicit your partronage, either by mail or in person. :: :: :: :: a it it. mm; oi Pure Drugs and Patent Medicines Trusses, Syringes, Toilet Articles, Garden Seeds, Spectacles, Cigars and Tobacco. Subscribe to The News.
Page 1: Big Clearance Sale At viL I G H ’ S€¦ · ,tv alfoad ‘. ‘t'lt,: Th KDITOUIAI. mUlil s. Since he came within Tsh votes of the Senatorship, Vardanian thinks they oupdit to privt

Big Clearance Sale AtviL I G H ’ S .

Commencing Monday Morning, August 19th,We Will Offer Our Entire Stock Of Spring and Summer Goods, at Cost For One Week.

T. COMPANY.'ill Ml1 Jlril':. X v.- V,

<1'n i. • !. \ KK\ TUI KM'A\



MiljM4ri|iH»n. In A il x aiici :(I lie Veur......... .............................. j 1 miMix .......... ".ii (Vuti-Three Mur.ih'.......................'i‘> fVnte


Ifcrt'iiiiulili'ami iimk' kiiiiwi: on Alipli i lllii :i.


The r

r,. i. r.ii,>:'iTa: :ia: ti)o ear a Tin'\-

hi Wash:1 ami tho n. ■

,tv alfoad ‘.‘t'lt,: Th


Since he came within Tsh votes of the Senatorship, Vardanian thinks they oupdit to privt the job anyhow.

It mav be a week or two before Mr Foraker is able to realize

iort t hat lie Mikado id rites poetry do'ibtless

..a >tarted by •me mean Cali- fi 'i :a

Mr W I) How ells says it is a crime ro accept money for writ­ing poetry. It is benevolence to acce it it for nm writing' poetry however.

If Senator La Folletteshall win the presidency through his vegetarian boom he will certain­ly be "all the mustard. "

You hear as usual that harvest hands are wanted in Kansas,

him ])id it ever occur to you that other states want harvest hands



whether Taft sat down on him phone: or merely stepped on his toe.-.

Senator Dick still refuses

Tile Sultan i putting i; irkey. hut it do all of Ids

tel< - s sa t c alking

totuation. hut

to print

- a -ng .oWith this and nure


talk over the Ohi it might he impi his remarks if hi.

Cortelvo ' is i hi enee. He;

natioi•t.'eg t

iitishurg put;e water.air it may aspire to a p.ii't izenship in another gi :.. ration orI W( >.

St Louis lias the largest iight- niug rod faetory in t.'f world. We suppose tile demand has in­creased on account of tla■ miinher of candidal's for i lie pivsio', n: ud nominati' >n.

The manufacturers ai e in faver of I Avering the tarill dutics on raw material, and raising them on, manufactured products. Thus they would "get" the farmer coming and a going'.

that he w to the narem in the good old wax

In Richmond Ya. Mr Angel ha just been sent to the penitential'He



‘-asino (tied 1 iwu u.,

■ f bee stinging, causin'' |. The Sting of the P e: ide

each t"W!;-hip in the o th.;.! he meets, for an, ih "tl tile Ijllestioli if he whu;, etilighten himself.

The News admits the tru our statement No if, as to disregard by most automob of the law regulating speed.

Tile News says that the coun­try people will soon begin to use automobiles and a few more years time will settle the whole question.

We think it will he some time before the maturity ef the peo- p'e get automobiles.

Possibly SOMK may he deterr­ed by an I'M'ROGKSSIVK belief that they may endanger the safety or peace of mind of some of their neighbors. County Messenger.

We think there is very little profit in pursuing this discin'- sioii fur! Ire and really there n nothing to au.'Wer in the above. WT1 would uke to remark, how­ever, that ■ he suggestion by •1 "ditor of ''

ed it; ■ e .• . U'e i: , ;

\\ i i \ i; i v I .\« i \ hotl \ 'nlion hi Know'

S ' \ \\.i \ \ l< >10 < M I In lh

In T h i

A: r an no:

I hr \-r nt .V.h *l l\ io.m n >1 «■ n s« « (ion .

(»r about a a and a lialf Mr W F Early passed away at his home on Broad .--tree'.Monday night. Aug 1 That 11 oV1 ,ck. ()n July 1. while in Charleston visiting his daughter. Mrs Robert Lathan, Mr Early sull'ered a stroke of paralysis from which he never rallied to any extent. He was brought home where he lingered until the time id' his death.

W F Early was one of the best known men in this section of the state, having traveled a great deal for different oil mill com­panies. His was a genial and sunny disposition and he had a pleasant word for every one. The announcement of his death will be received with genuine sorrow

: by hi- hundreds cf friends in

.1 \ \v



l Candy Kitchen, $

Null: (a lie abC P ha- ] a-' a

who will.e that the!

away M r hi,

- Da

hardly ■ friend lowing is tak-cipfes-

: 1' 'U)':-

On Pearl StreeL.

Has Fresh Candy Fvery day, Oranges, Apples, Bananas and other Fruits.

gouthern £)istillin§: Company,------------------- ----------- FAMILY LIQL'OR STORE -------------------------------

Goods Retailed At Wholesale Prices.A complete stock of Liquors, Peers, imported and domes­tic Wines and Ales. :«Mail Orders and Jug Trade A Specialty.

All Orders Shipped On Day Received.\\ KITK I OK I‘KI( i: LIST.

Southern Distilling Company,an NOinTi fkont st.,

Wilmington, - . . M. C.

i cf o ^ones,Pearl Stv t>.

At TOeei-tol:Lva.•ii,!"

T t il

t I Uit'' tn i;

epp.'-ite n

W:-., *ai'liiilai -

t hu 111 ! I e i1 -nine I'el 11, n; i ..

Trinity Park Sclpeil\a; -a noth.local,

nut -'a:emei.it can beWill UndeUbte if be

in: ci tor less majestf.Since t h,e passage ef the pru-

s inl'it ion lav in (lei ire ,a, t he At - a lanta ('oastitutii'n ha,-- puUCned

si-wral poems on the subjeet of | "gftiWViers. 1 lie editor pfo-

ru.-n them whilelaiil.v wantni ti \et tim

One advantage in basing larger Republican organization 1 [1“^, in the south is that there would ; he a larger element to choose Mr Rockefeller, it is reported from when it came to the appoint-1 merely smiles at the mention o ment of a federal judge. Look at that Sd'd.uuu,non line. It is th Pritchard. consumers of oil w ho are leokii ;

worried and getting ready to d

v.e are. : •> 1 . ■:poi'i.i';. ; ■ hr e e.. ,

IM ted -uei: a till' ' . Wo d 'i 1!. e ' o 1:11 j';;:; , ■:1,' i., ■ ■ g i 1

ni"ti\iRo I, 1" ■ or\ ...to us and t" nun '>! ia - ■1 f.ll'P I :g!' >11 i iiat tin1 ; 'lie .o' editorials iii the Me.-- i'g r v. writt- n 11 r tlie purp' ■ "fe :o:\ i..i:;,!,ng fr.'or w iih t he lari..1 1 ai.d <• • ape. no.-.ever, incidentallv helpi—' ■ ■■ '■ ,1"' N,,rh- ' '

'A ii ! I.r.cvt I vjn ppol Prcp::r;:tnr\ School in

t -FJ Snlllll. I Klllt V ot I CM ()!5i ».cr pint lc:uh.is. campu>

• 'l >cv ctity :i* c \c re*'.

1 ! a\ .I:.

< :..i!I injucnt I cvtuics b\ Proir.incnt I cc

I < j'. tufi'is. \ xnc M't s | \cccJin>il\ M»>-‘.a. • <1 »1V. ••Ik

, 1

derate. Scnlm \ cars ot Phene menal Success

t ju, , r .,ir 1 ,lr *N"r: n’ v> ,1< rr 1 ' '' I"1’f iiar.-v. ie. nf e m Ave b' i!"l;\''bcAana M N0Rm' Headmaster

the si|Uealing.In addition to the biggest Lass, the strongest onions, and the most luscious strawberries. Texas can now boast of having had the highest temperature this year, fo'r taking a drink of whiski

The KenUiekv travel was at resteiI and lined in


-e '. .0;:,

hut that is the way It looks b us.

Ti:,- i.ominatioi; at Du pnin-

i>t !;:i \ m, \. t .

leiNITY COLLEGEhoard a railroad bablv want to

train will amend ('

pro- i >hel

hut she wii! probably Ik have us forget it.

Ohio farmers are offering beer Wattersoidsju.lginentthat "Ke in addition to wages to their U:c'ky.ls n"u--lll° Uo!sl ^'V1'1'1'* farm hands, and once more Kan­sas realizes what a handicap she is under when it comes to harvest­ing her crops.

.state in the Lnion.”

The St Louis baggage smasher who dropped a trunk containing harmonized dynamite may recover, but if he does he will hereafter handle trunks as if they contained eggs.

Paris likes American songs and England has decided to improve of our clothes. If we could only make Germany like our tariff the European concert would he

luite to cur pur­poses.

Irinilj College.1 .mil

"What has become of the old- Th.e editor of the Iktrlingtonfashioned base hall plaver whoi 'h'bks oui position on thehit the ball so hard that'hebroke automohile.iuostion entirely un- tho hat?" asks the Spartanburg.'’‘-T fails to point Journal. We understand that he j out any errors except in our has contracted the habit of walk-1 third statement which says in ing up to the plate and striking,substance that the open' and out. j flagrant disregard of law by

A Chicago woman thrashed most automobile drivers eit­her husband when she heard that j c,ourafWs n general disrespect he had failed on application for for law.a divorce. That will teach him Wcagainsubmitthatproposi- never to take such a step again 1 tion without argument, for we without first obtaining permis-1 think few reasonable men will Hl0n' ! demur to the even broader.state-

Commissioner H Knox Smith, |menI <lSt'tikI ad lawless- knocks the Oil Trust right in the n<-‘ss encourages disrespect for spot where it had just been kick- law.ed by K Mountain Landis. As to our statements No 1 and

The question whether women a~’ t° tlie feeling of the people should propose is really not worth on 'fn-' automobile question, our chile. They know too many ways contempoary pleads ignorance.

• I-, d the men w ithout going to We would advise the editor to i t.u extreme. ask the first three men from

gaged ii raari-ae.ir;pect tile Messenger i" vigni'on.-- lor a her "I , u-. 1 Ie v.Iv tleltv the aliove .-t,gge.-n W.1D0,. l-o? IRinmn-

ed Mi'- .a ;.r.. 1 ,ot - . o. t :,i.-eii.iutv'. w'ti, with l,11 eluidrep,, survive.- him. 1!:- -• .ir,■: Dr E«!-v. an! A Karl.. Mr .1 F Early. ,Mis.-e- E ia Ma ; : A/.cii ■ Far- 1 , ! _ . 1.Iv, ef thi place, an,i M:.- Robert ■■ ...u--. v. • . ,

arie.- :n Mis.-:s-ippi o! II in.loi;!:. Lai:. ,::. ' ' I'iiarle-n MMlaiT '• - •• aSh.arp Williams a-t he eaiMidate is ais 1 s'". ■, ivyd h. t a , brothers, j, ! j, . 'i,.',,..,1. f<>r Fnited States Si nator.-how.-l ^'<TS!'S 11 A :

1 • j , ,, ai.d "l.e - -tel'. Ml1 at i'll',, .VU - Y t.ung Men u i>hing t«» Stud \ill.n tile elUoeiat.- ot .Missis- Gin', oi v. atel .',U'V, t l aw should imestigate thesippi appreciate one of the most, The funeral scrvic w ill he held 1 superior atlxantagcs offeredill,!.', Ilmik-., :i: ,1 iii,I,,,, 1T 1 ml.. ll"-I -a to Ito S i„

, rr.-.iK‘ncf ainl tlu* nitrrnnHiUJu. >(.•! \ ant> l hat JUp •' •>.' ^ai. wiillu* in (iak (irovt ivincUTy. i.,i:,'party can boast of. Ti .• ..f us 1 n ... oruirnM n • »

toe.....I i'ro.uo.. .................D'w. NEWSOHI. Regis rar

come in contact vvitn Iiitio! his pome from Lunpa. Ma.. Men- ______ ______position as the !)•• r. k rdf.c :ead- i ''- fa.v. er of the House if Rtoi, it; a-lives can unlv ili;:’. h:> ' 1 ‘ ‘l1’successor m that im.'.-Tot will ^ as ably advocate Democrat; • D sue.', and so completely con­found Republican fallacies a> '"i-Mv ly ' y.e od Jior. eshe ha.-done. In the m-rc-edatc Whitiingt..:i-,' Drug More,Senate he will he a light tolighten the Republican patriots A!! kind- a Turnipby his great learningand ability >>',■,! at i, (• Mert/.to impart his knowledge in good Pure Pieki.i.g Spice.- tor pickles stI'oiig English, polished I'; c in- ain'f ►ytch. ,p. II varities, in |i

■ , ,, 1 i i . i i ■ paen.ig e. . I, I I Me11 /tact with the best the worulproduces. Go-Ply keep lies o!f llorseS

and cattle, ttd, and aOc at i Who owned the tir.-t auto- A initingtoo s Dm" Store,

mobile in Darlington county*.’ If you war.1 to have a good His name begins with a C. and Fdl gulden h ,. ; our Seed.-trom

, 'GO Mertz.you can guess the re.-i.Kingan’s Kelial.ie Ham-. Preak-j

fast Strip and pure Lard at j Goggeshuil Go’s. 'll) Mertz i

•an s ut s at(1 11 M< itj i.. -. i ■

.nil-. •■ s- .. • n, ■: : 1 • < ■ ’ I >.I.

Fish Roe at


— Dr. King’s New Discovery


theBa 'higton Drug Co

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