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Big Data Management and NoSQL Databases Lecture 9. Graph databases Neo4j Doc. RNDr. Irena Holubova, Ph.D. [email protected] http://www.ksi.mff.cuni.cz/~holubova/NDBI040/ NDBI040
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Big Data Management

and NoSQL Databases

Lecture 9. Graph databases – Neo4j

Doc. RNDr. Irena Holubova, Ph.D. [email protected]



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Open source graph database The most popular

Initial release: 2007

Written in: Java

OS: cross-platform

Stores data in nodes connected by directed, typed relationships With properties on both

Called property graph


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Neo4j Main Features (according to Authors)

intuitive – a graph model for data representation

reliable – with full ACID transactions

durable and fast – disk-based, native storage engine

massively scalable – up to several billions of nodes / relationships / properties

highly-available – when distributed across multiple machines

expressive – powerful, human readable graph query language

fast – powerful traversal framework


simple – accessible by REST interface / object-oriented Java API

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RDBMS is optimized for aggregated data

Neo4j is optimized for highly connected data

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Key-Value (Column Family) Store

vs. Neo4j

Key-Value model is for lookups of simple values or lists Column family store can be considered as a step in evolution of key/value stores

The value contains a list of columns

Neo4j lets you elaborate the simple data structures into more complex data Interconnected

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Document Store vs.

Neo4j Document

database accommodates data that can easily be represented as a tree Schema-free

References to other documents within the tree = more expressive representation

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Neo4j Data Model – Node, Relationship, Property

Fundamental units: nodes + relationships

Both can contain properties Key-value pairs where the key is a string

Value can be primitive or an array of one

primitive type e.g., String, int, int[], …

null is not a valid property value nulls can be modelled by the absence of a key

Relationships Directed (incoming and outgoing edge)

Equally well traversed in either direction = no need to add both directions to increase performance

Direction can be ignored when not needed by applications

Always have start and end node

Can be recursive

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Type Description Value range

boolean true/false

byte 8-bit integer -128 to 127, inclusive

short 16-bit integer -32768 to 32767, inclusive

int 32-bit integer -2147483648 to 2147483647,


long 64-bit integer -9223372036854775808 to



float 32-bit IEEE 754 floating-point


double 64-bit IEEE 754 floating-point


char 16-bit unsigned integers

representing Unicode


u0000 to uffff (0 to 65535)

String sequence of Unicode characters

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What How

get who a person follows outgoing follows relationships,

depth one

get the followers of a


incoming follows relationships,

depth one

get who a person blocks outgoing blocks relationships,

depth one

get who a person is

blocked by

incoming blocks relationships,

depth one

What How

get the full path of a file incoming file relationships

get all paths for a file incoming file and symbolic link


get all files in a directory outgoing file and symbolic link

relationships, depth one

get all files in a directory,

excluding symbolic links

outgoing file relationships, depth


get all files in a directory,


outgoing file and symbolic link


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Neo4j “Hello World” Graph – Java API

// enum of types of relationships:

private static enum RelTypes implements RelationshipType




GraphDatabaseService graphDb;

Node firstNode;

Node secondNode;

Relationship relationship;

// starting a database (directory is created if not exists):

graphDb = new GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabase(DB_PATH);

// …

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Neo4j “Hello World” Graph

// create a small graph:

firstNode = graphDb.createNode();

firstNode.setProperty( "message", "Hello, " );

secondNode = graphDb.createNode();

secondNode.setProperty( "message", "World!" );

relationship = firstNode.createRelationshipTo

(secondNode, RelTypes.KNOWS);


("message", "brave Neo4j ");

// …

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Neo4j “Hello World” Graph

// print the result:

System.out.print( firstNode.getProperty( "message" ) );

System.out.print( relationship.getProperty( "message" ) );

System.out.print( secondNode.getProperty( "message" ) );

// let's remove the data:


(RelTypes.KNOWS, Direction.OUTGOING).delete();



// shut down the database:


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Neo4j “Hello World” Graph – Transactions

// all writes (creating, deleting and updating any data)

// have to be performed in a transaction,

// otherwise NotInTransactionException

Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx();



// updating operations go here

tx.success(); // transaction is committed on close


catch (Exception e)


tx.failure(); // transaction is rolled back on close




tx.close(); // or deprecated tx.finish()


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Neo4j Data Model – Path, Traversal

Path = one or more nodes with connecting relationships Typically retrieved as a

query or traversal result

Traversing a graph = visiting its nodes, following relationships according to some rules Mostly a subgraph is visited

Neo4j: Traversal framework + Java API, Cypher, Gremlin

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Neo4j Traversal Framework

A traversal is influenced by

Expanders – define what to traverse

i.e., relationship direction and type

Order – depth-first / breadth-first

Uniqueness – visit nodes (relationships, paths) only


Evaluator – what to return and whether to stop or

continue traversal beyond a current position

Starting nodes where the traversal will begin

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Neo4j Traversal Framework – Java API

TraversalDescription The main interface used for defining and initializing traversals

Not meant to be implemented by users Just used

Can specify branch ordering breadthFirst() / depthFirst()

Relationships Adds a relationship type to traverse

Empty (default) = traverse all relationships

At least one in the list = traverse the specified ones

Two methods: including / excluding direction Direction.BOTH



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Neo4j Traversal Framework – Java API

Evaluator Used for deciding at each position: should the traversal continue,

and/or should the node be included in the result

Actions: Evaluation.INCLUDE_AND_CONTINUE: Include this node in the

result and continue the traversal

Evaluation.INCLUDE_AND_PRUNE: Include this node in the result, but do not continue the traversal

Evaluation.EXCLUDE_AND_CONTINUE: Exclude this node from the result, but continue the traversal

Evaluation.EXCLUDE_AND_PRUNE: Exclude this node from the result and do not continue the traversal

Pre-defined evaluators: Evaluators.excludeStartPosition()

Evaluators.toDepth(int depth) / Evaluators.fromDepth(int depth)

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Neo4j Traversal Framework – Java API

Uniqueness Can be supplied to the TraversalDescription

Indicates under what circumstances a traversal may revisit the same position in the graph

NONE: Any position in the graph may be revisited.

NODE_GLOBAL: No node in the graph may be re-visited (default)

Traverser Traverser which is used to step through the results of a traversal

Steps can correspond to

Path (default)



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Neo4j Example




of a group

top level


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Neo4j Task 1. Get the Admins

Node admins = getNodeByName( "Admins" );

TraversalDescription traversalDescription = Traversal.description()


.evaluator( Evaluators.excludeStartPosition() )

.relationships( RoleRels.PART_OF, Direction.INCOMING )

.relationships( RoleRels.MEMBER_OF, Direction.INCOMING );

Traverser traverser = traversalDescription.traverse( admins );

String output = "";

for ( Path path : traverser )


Node node = path.endNode();

output += "Found: "

+ node.getProperty( NAME ) + " at depth: "

+ ( path.length() - 1 ) + "\n";


Found: HelpDesk at depth: 0

Found: Ali at depth: 0

Found: Engin at depth: 1

Found: Demet at depth: 1

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Neo4j Task 2. Get Group Membership of a User

Node jale = getNodeByName( "Jale" );

traversalDescription = Traversal.description()


.evaluator( Evaluators.excludeStartPosition() )

.relationships( RoleRels.MEMBER_OF, Direction.OUTGOING )

.relationships( RoleRels.PART_OF, Direction.OUTGOING );

traverser = traversalDescription.traverse( jale );

Found: ABCTechnicians at depth: 0

Found: Technicians at depth: 1

Found: Users at depth: 2

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Neo4j Task 3. Get All Groups

Node referenceNode = getNodeByName( "Reference_Node" ) ;

traversalDescription = Traversal.description()


.evaluator( Evaluators.excludeStartPosition() )

.relationships( RoleRels.ROOT, Direction.INCOMING )

.relationships( RoleRels.PART_OF, Direction.INCOMING );

traverser = traversalDescription.traverse( referenceNode );

Found: Admins at depth: 0

Found: Users at depth: 0

Found: HelpDesk at depth: 1

Found: Managers at depth: 1

Found: Technicians at depth: 1

Found: ABCTechnicians at depth: 2

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Neo4j Task 4. Get All Members of a Group

Node referenceNode = getNodeByName( "Reference_Node" ) ;

traversalDescription = Traversal.description()




( RoleRels.MEMBER_OF ) );

traverser = traversalDescription.traverse( referenceNode );

Found: Ali at depth: 1

Found: Engin at depth: 1

Found: Burcu at depth: 1

Found: Can at depth: 1

Found: Demet at depth: 2

Found: Gul at depth: 2

Found: Fuat at depth: 2

Found: Hakan at depth: 2

Found: Irmak at depth: 2

Found: Jale at depth: 3

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Neo4j graph query language

For querying and updating

Still growing = syntax changes are probable

Declarative – we describe what we want, not

how to get it

Not necessary to express traversals


Inspired by SQL and SPARQL


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Cypher Clauses

START: Starting points in the graph, obtained via index lookups or by element IDs.

MATCH: The graph pattern to match, bound to the starting points in START.

WHERE: Filtering criteria.

RETURN: What to return.

CREATE: Creates nodes and relationships.

DELETE: Removes nodes, relationships and properties.

SET: Set values to properties.

FOREACH: Performs updating actions once per element in a list.

WITH: Divides a query into multiple, distinct parts.

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Cypher Examples Creating Nodes


(empty result)

Nodes created: 1

CREATE (a {name : 'Andres'})




1 row

Nodes created: 1

Properties set: 1

CREATE (n {name : 'Andres', title : 'Developer'})

(empty result)

Nodes created: 1

Properties set: 2

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Cypher Examples Creating Relationships

START a=node(1), b=node(2)




:RELTYPE[1] {}

1 row

Relationships created: 1

START a=node(1), b=node(2)

CREATE a-[r:RELTYPE {name : a.name + '<->' + b.name }]->b



:RELTYPE[1] {name:"Andres<->Michael"}

1 row

Relationships created: 1

Properties set: 1

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Cypher Examples Creating Paths

CREATE p = (andres {name:'Andres'})-[:WORKS_AT]->neo<-

[:WORKS_AT]-(michael {name:'Michael'})




{},Node[5]{},:WORKS_AT[3] {},Node[6]{name:"Michael"}]

1 row

Nodes created: 3

Relationships created: 2

Properties set: 2

all parts of the pattern not

already in scope are created

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Cypher Examples Changing Properties

START n = node(2)

SET n.surname = 'Taylor'




1 row

Properties set: 1 START n = node(2)

SET n.name = null




1 row

Properties set: 1

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Cypher Examples Delete

START n = node(4)


(empty result)

Nodes deleted: 1

START n = node(3)

MATCH n-[r]-()


(empty result)

Nodes deleted: 1

Relationships deleted: 2

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Cypher Examples Foreach

START begin = node(2), end = node(1)

MATCH p = begin -[*]-> end foreach(n in nodes(p) :

SET n.marked = true)

(empty result)

Properties set: 4 can be combined with any

update command

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Cypher Examples Querying

START john=node:node_auto_index(name = 'John')

MATCH john-[:friend]->()-[:friend]->fof

RETURN john, fof

john fof

Node[4]{name:"John"} Node[2]{name:"Maria"}

Node[4]{name:"John"} Node[3]{name:"Steve"}

in general: node:index-name(key = "value")

neo4j.properties file:







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Cypher Examples Querying

START user=node(5,4,1,2,3)

MATCH user-[:friend]->follower

WHERE follower.name =~ 'S.*'

RETURN user, follower.name

user follower.name

Node[5]{name:"Joe"} "Steve"

Node[4]{name:"John"} "Sara"

List of users

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Cypher Examples Order by

START n=node(3,1,2)


ORDER BY n.name





We can use:

• multiple properties

• asc/desc

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Cypher Examples Count

START n=node(2)

MATCH (n)-->(x)

RETURN n, count(*)

START n=node(2)

MATCH (n)-[r]->()

RETURN type(r), count(*)

n count(*)

Node[2]{name->"A",property->13} 3

TYPE(r) count(*)


count the groups of

relationship types

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And there are many other features Other aggregation functions

Count, sum, avg, max, min

LIMIT n - returns only subsets of the total result SKIP n = trimmed from the top

Often combined with order by

Predicates ALL and ANY

Functions LENGTH of a path, TYPE of a relationship, ID of node/relationship,

NODES of a path, RELATIONSHIPS of a path, …


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Gremlin = graph traversal language for traversing property graphs Maintained by TinkerPop

Open source software development group

Focuses on technologies related to graph databases

Implemented by most graph database vendors

Neo4j Gremlin Plugin

Scripts are executed on the server database

Results are returned as Neo4j Node and Relationship representations


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Gremlin Property Graph


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TinkerPop and Related Stuff

Blueprints – interface for graph databases

Like ODBC (JDBC) for graph databases

Pipes – dataflow framework for evaluating

graph traversals

Groovy – superset of Java used by

Gremlin as a host language

http://www.tinkerpop.com/ http://groovy.codehaus.org/

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Gremlin Examples

gremlin> g = new Neo4jGraph('I:\\tmp\\myDB.graphdb')

==> neo4jgraph[EmbeddedGraphDatabase[I:\tmp\myDB.graphdb]]

gremlin> v = g.v(1)


gremlin> v.outE




gremlin> v.outE.inV




gremlin> v.outE.inV.outE.inV



Gremlin steps:

• adjacency: outE, inE, bothE, outV,

inV, bothV

• to skip edges: out, in, and both

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Gremlin Examples

gremlin> v = g.v(1)


gremlin> v.name


gremlin> v.outE('knows').inV.filter{it.age > 30}.name


gremlin> v.out('knows').filter{it.age >




regular expression


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Gremlin Examples

gremlin> g.v(1).note= "my friend" // set a property

==> my friend

gremlin> g.v(1).map // get property map

==> {name=marko, age=29, note=my friend}

gremlin> v1= g.addVertex([name: "irena"])

==> v[7]

gremlin> v2 = g.v(1)

==> v[1]

gremlin> g.addEdge(v1, v2, 'knows')

==> e[7][7-knows->1]

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Neo4j Transaction Management

Support for ACID properties

All write operations that work with the graph must be performed in a transaction

Can have nested transactions

Rollback of nested transaction rollback of the whole transaction

Required steps: 1. Begin a transaction

2. Operate on the graph performing write operations

3. Mark the transaction as successful or not

4. Finish the transaction Memory + locks are released (= necessary step)

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Neo4j Transaction Example

// all writes (creating, deleting and updating any data)

// have to be performed in a transaction,

// otherwise NotInTransactionException

Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx();



// updating operations go here

tx.success(); // transaction is committed on close


catch (Exception e)


tx.failure(); // transaction is rolled back on close




tx.close(); // or deprecated tx.finish()


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Neo4j Transaction Management – Read


Read operation reads the last committed value

Reads do not block or take any locks

Non-repeatable reads can occur

A row is retrieved twice and the values within the row differ

between reads

Higher level of isolation: read locks can be

acquired explicitly

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Neo4j Transaction Management – Write

All modifications performed in a transaction are kept in memory Very large updates have to be split

Default locking: Adding/changing/removing a property of a node/relationship

write lock on the node/relationship

Creating/deleting a node write lock on the specific node

Creating/deleting a relationship write lock on the relationship + its nodes

Deadlocks: Can occur

Are detected and an exception is thrown

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Neo4j Transaction Management – Delete Semantics

Node/relationship is deleted all properties are removed

Deleted node can not have any attached relationships Otherwise an exception is thrown

Write operation on a node or relationship after it has been deleted (but not yet committed) exception It is possible to acquire a reference to a deleted relationship /

node that has not yet been committed

After commit, trying to acquire new / work with old reference to a deleted node / relationship exception

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Neo4j Indexing

Index Has a unique, user-specified name

Indexed entities = nodes / relationships

Index = associating any number of key-value pairs with any number of entities We can index a node / relationship with several key-

value pairs that have the same key

An old value must be deleted to set new (otherwise we have both)

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Neo4j Indexing – Create / Delete Index

graphDb = new GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabase(DB_PATH);

IndexManager index = graphDb.index();

// check existence of an index

boolean indexExists = index.existsForNodes("actors");

// create three indexes

Index<Node> actors = index.forNodes("actors");

Index<Node> movies = index.forNodes("movies");

RelationshipIndex roles = index.forRelationships("roles");

// delete index


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Neo4j Indexing – Add Nodes

Node reeves = graphDb.createNode();

reeves.setProperty("name", "Keanu Reeves");

actors.add(reeves, "name", reeves.getProperty("name"));

Node bellucci = graphDb.createNode();

bellucci.setProperty("name", "Monica Bellucci");

// multiple index values for a field

actors.add(bellucci, "name", bellucci.getProperty("name"));

actors.add(bellucci, "name", "La Bellucci");

Node matrix = graphDb.createNode();

matrix.setProperty("title", "The Matrix");

matrix.setProperty("year", 1999);

movies.add(matrix, "title", matrix.getProperty("title"));

movies.add(matrix, "year", matrix.getProperty("year"));

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Neo4j Indexing – Add Relationships, Remove

Relationship role1 =

reeves.createRelationshipTo(matrix, ACTS_IN);

role1.setProperty("name", "Neo");

roles.add(role1, "name", role1.getProperty("name"));

// completely remove bellucci from actors index

actors.remove( bellucci );

// remove any "name" entry of bellucci from actors index

actors.remove( bellucci, "name" );

// remove the "name" -> "La Bellucci" entry of bellucci

actors.remove( bellucci, "name", "La Bellucci" );

3 options

for removal

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Neo4j Indexing – Update

Node fishburn = graphDb.createNode();

fishburn.setProperty("name", "Fishburn");

// add to index

actors.add(fishburn, "name", fishburn.getProperty("name"));

// update the index entry when the property value changes


(fishburn, "name", fishburn.getProperty("name"));

fishburn.setProperty("name", "Laurence Fishburn");

actors.add(fishburn, "name", fishburn.getProperty("name"));

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Neo4j Indexing – Search using get()

// get single exact match

IndexHits<Node> hits = actors.get("name", "Keanu Reeves");

Node reeves = hits.getSingle();

Relationship persephone =

roles.get("name", "Persephone").getSingle();

Node actor = persephone.getStartNode();

Node movie = persephone.getEndNode();

// iterate over all exact matches from index

for ( Relationship role : roles.get("name", "Neo") )


// this will give us Reeves e.g. twice

Node reeves = role.getStartNode();



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Neo4j Indexing – Search using query()

for ( Node a : actors.query("name", "*e*"))


// This will return Reeves and Bellucci


for (Node m : movies.query("title:*Matrix* AND year:1999"))


// This will return "The Matrix" from 1999 only


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Neo4j Indexing – Search for Relationships

// find relationships filtering on start node (exact match)

IndexHits<Relationship> reevesAsNeoHits =

roles.get("name", "Neo", reeves, null);

Relationship reevesAsNeo =



// find relationships filtering on end node (using a query)

IndexHits<Relationship> matrixNeoHits =

roles.query( "name", "*eo", null, theMatrix );

Relationship matrixNeo = matrixNeoHits.iterator().next();


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Neo4j Automatic Indexing

One automatic index for nodes and one for


Follow property values

By default off

We can specify properties of nodes / edges

which are automatically indexed

We do not need to add them explicitly

The index can be queried as any other index

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Neo4j Automatic Indexing – Setting (Option 1)

GraphDatabaseService graphDb =

new GraphDatabaseFactory().












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Neo4j Automatic Indexing – Setting (Option 2)

// start without any configuration

GraphDatabaseService graphDb = new GraphDatabaseFactory()


// get Node AutoIndexer, set nodeProp1, nodeProp2 as auto indexed

AutoIndexer<Node> nodeAutoIndexer = graphDb.index().getNodeAutoIndexer();



// get Relationship AutoIndexer, set relProp1 as auto indexed

AutoIndexer<Relationship> relAutoIndexer = graphDb.index()



// none of the AutoIndexers are enabled so far - do that now



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Neo4j Automatic Indexing – Search

// create the primitives

node1 = graphDb.createNode();

node2 = graphDb.createNode();

rel = node1.createRelationshipTo(node2,

DynamicRelationshipType.withName("DYNAMIC") );

// add indexable and non-indexable properties

node1.setProperty("nodeProp1", "nodeProp1Value");

node2.setProperty("nodeProp2", "nodeProp2Value");

node1.setProperty("nonIndexed", "nodeProp2NonIndexedValue");

rel.setProperty("relProp1", "relProp1Value");



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Neo4j Automatic Indexing – Search

// Get the Node auto index

ReadableIndex<Node> autoNodeIndex = graphDb.index()


// node1 and node2 both had auto indexed properties, get them


autoNodeIndex.get("nodeProp1", "nodeProp1Value")



autoNodeIndex.get("nodeProp2", "nodeProp2Value")


// node2 also had a property that should be ignored.



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Neo4j Data Size

nodes 235

(∼ 34 billion)

relationships 235

(∼ 34 billion)

properties 236

to 238

depending on property types

(maximum ∼ 274 billion, always at

least ∼ 68 billion)

relationship types 215

(∼ 32 000)

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Neo4j High Availability (HA)

Provides the following features: Enables a fault-tolerant database architecture

Several Neo4j slave databases can be configured to be exact replicas of a single Neo4j master database

Enables a horizontally scaling read-mostly architecture Enables the system to handle more read load than a single

Neo4j database instance can handle

Transactions are still atomic, consistent and durable, but eventually propagated out to other slaves

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Neo4j High Availability

Transition from single machine to multi machine operation is simple No need to change existing applications

Switch from GraphDatabaseFactory to HighlyAvailableGraphDatabaseFactory

Both implement the same interface

Always one master and zero or more slaves Write on master: eventually propagated to slaves

All other ACID properties remain the same

Write on slave: (immediate) synchronization with master

Slave has to be up-to-date with master

Operation must be performed on both

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Neo4j High Availability

Each database instance contains the logic needed in order to coordinate with other members

On startup Neo4j HA database instance will try to connect to an existing cluster specified by configuration If the cluster exists, it becomes a slave

Otherwise, it becomes a master

Failure: Slave – other nodes recognize it

Master – a slave is elected as a new master

Recovery: Slave – synchronizes with the cluster

Old master – becomes a slave
