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Big .. elief ,For Shivering u rcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsSt... · Thcy had a fl...

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, . t - • • ., ,I "j .j ,I THE DAILY NEWS PItESENTS CHOPIN-Piano Sonatas 2 & 3 available at, Charles Hutton & Sons (Price 5 cents) Vol. 63. No . .40 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1956 'Iizzards Dashing. Hopes For\Big Ai.rliner Was E .. ICarrymg Troops elief ,For Make 658 Deaths ter's Toll \ '. t. -Fre;h blizzards! badl)' hurt \\'hen the roof of a ','.", and dashcd movie the a t r c collapsed under :' """ ,'f 'thousands of nearly 10 feet of snow. Nearly 100 .. ',. :' ,,:.lnMr; cut 01£ by children In the paclted theall'e t:· '::c· Conlinent Is en· were scratchcd or bruised. ;. .', . ,I deep.freeze of FlSD SlIOES, !lAG ;... .' Skl.troops found Ute body of a ..•... :,:",dll to G58 the: gamekceper frozen in the snow Shivering Visitors From ur op e! I i worked in rocky, rain·swept !iclds for. , Sunday to determine the cause o[ I FLY BODIES an airliner disaster Saturday in I The servicemen who died in th. Ca ' rbonear _______ which 50 persons were killed. I crash will be buried today in 1m· Police cordoned off the fields tarla military cemetery. It wal i ncar Luca airport where the still.\ understood that the bodies or the hot wreckage of the four·engined creW may be flown to Britain. Scottish Airlines plane was scat· \ Local Mal t e s e priests ask!!" terc(i. their congregations to offer pray· There were no survh·ors. , crs for the victims and their fam· The dead were the plane's crew! ilies. of five, 44 Itoyal Air Force per· I .. '" . sonnel and an army ordnance' }me>heatnrs appealed for corps private. The serl'icemen 1 \\llness reports of the crash. but were tral'elling home from thc· stepped fOrllard Suez canal zone in thc chartercd I II'I,th informatIOn. Yorl, troop transport. I rhe took off from Luca, T. It. Nclson. scnior inspector of \' after ta.;mg un more Ulan 2,000 accidents in thc Briti,h ministry pllons of fuel, for Stanstead, of transpol'l and ch'jJ al'iation. England. '11 , :: '; .,', ",," han perished I ncar Naplcs. Near Sulmona, police t-__ ,: ,,; .. ' .' I found the shoes and letter·bag of a I ':. ", ,eam:u\ was. mall man missing for three da)·s. .... , ,f\ rn others fearcd \ VllInsers bellcl'e he might hn"e ,said it was slill too carl)' to del cr· ! It is Ihat the con.tro! minc the causc of the crash. ! tOll'cr radIOed to Ule York's pllut, With him was .J. Guulding, thc, Capt. Frank COkCI', rcported senior il1l'csti"alil1" officcr \\ho I lhat smoke coming from the <!'l r- ' l' f was crnmpled right. alrera t. ': .. ",' bliuard.wl1ipPClI. been attacked by a pack of stnrv- .... ' :'lrir thc: Ing wolves. _" ............. ;: .... :rr. off the I In Brilain, hundreds o.f snail" .. : " . :'.rr l'(ollhlinl( WIUI I plows batUeli to clear malO roads '., .' "I Syr.ncy. 'l'hir.1 as new whipped the Is· · .: l'rl' haul,';) out of: lands. 11lc mercury dipped to 30 i winq of thc aircraft. I llis last message back was to I Airmcn rcmuvcd the last human: "stand by." ;.(;. degrees In London. . It.l:". ncl\' drHts In West Germany. where 32 per· : teams strus· sons hal'e died. new snow blocked . :::: ;,Ill to m01"(, than off 15 villagers in Sehleswig·Hol· .:<' '. n. ,·i1\ages. sleln. In Auslrla, an avalanche , '.:.:. "rhind Lausanne. I killed a 12.ycar·old boy. /. of shivering Thc temperature In eastern Bel·' : ..... : , f:]rm. fal'agely I gium plunged 10 16 below zero. A : . ;;:, : .... 3ilahle food and I man was found frozen · hedclothes. to. death ncar his home. : .... ::.::- fl\'cr iec·locked I For the firsl time In living ., ',<.' :. hrlic(,pter [rom a memory. Lake Trasimeno In cen· · - ... :1 to drop bread I tral !tah', where Hannibal once · " :' '" of ,en.birds (o11ght, froze over. waters 0[[ I Paris streets were desel'led be· , cause of the cold and snow fell :; .. c ••.. ',1\lIiI of Rome. a I e\'cn on tiC sun· spoiled Riviera ;:.;.,1 16 other! I playground. Lift Em])argo On To Arabia (:\1') - 1m, no common border. ident Eisenhowcr Saturday night' The Saudi Arabian elllbass\' oh· liUed Ule emhargo which luI' two' \'iousl)' was pleased by Saturday days had blocked Ihe dclivcry or; nighl', action. A spokesman said 18 light reconnaissance tani,s to "that's what we Saudi Arabia. ' State dcpartment press orricer Bl' the han on ·li· Lincoln White said that thc arms shipments to thc decidon had no bcarinr,l on Is· Easl, Eiscnhowcr rad's pcnding request for $:;0,00'),- also permitted export of SlIO,OGO OOD worth or arms. worth of automotive and aircraft! ....... ,I.L ... 9,(lian Ballet IIERE ARE THE MEMBERS of the Carbonear Air Cadet Squadron who visited here Saturday. Front row, left to right,are:-Reg Parsons, Captain; Bill Pumprey. Guy Brien, Ernest Cole and Jim Penney. Back row, left to rigllt, are:-Gerald George, Coach; John Furey, John George, Carl Penney, Junior Rossiter and Pat parts and other articles to Israel D f 1 I The president, who is in Georgia C 'eatC( n acted aftcr officials held a serie;;: o( day·long conferences in the I' B : 1 C t t state department. An official IILge on es '- "_._ I ./ ... , . . , ..... 1 -,,/ New York Hit ';"I;i\ ('I'I-The National I from lis oWn ranks. · : ' .. :"';'" which completcd ·,lts chief distinction lieS in ils · .: \.: ',\ York appeal'anee I high and tile dcvotlon with : .• ',: 110\'; \\'on I which II Is pllrsulng them." ,,::,,', hrrc \\'ho agree I He writes that it has patterned " pl'1l11ise. its del'elopment of tile last fnur · "I The not·, years after the Sadler's Wells and · company has n'o i quoles "those who arc In a posl· ,.,;. it i, dCl'cloping I tlon to knoll''' as saying that it "is ...... farlher along noll' than lis now so ! London predecessor whs I after an equal passagc of time." , Kastendleek of The Jour· Dooley. ' ._-------_.-_.-._---_. ment declarcd that after study it I was decidcd the shipmcnt of the I NEW YORK (CP)-TlI'o CanJ' tanks and othcr articles 1I'0uid dians. playing on one of 16 sceded , in line witl; United States policie;:: teams ill the National , of Iha and de·: Tournml1cnt. wcrc defeated in the _____ i fcn,ive strength of Israel and the' [irst ruunil of pIn)' Saturday nighl. ;\rnb litates. . Eric n. and Dougius Probe Charges Young Negro It was understood that :111 in· Drul')'. hoth of Toronlo, were pl::y· [Iueminl clement in Ihe deci"ion ing on a team with threc players \"015 Ihe desire o[ the presiden!: fl'OIl1 llufialo, N.Y .. when they ami his adl'i,er5 tu m:lilltain goad: lI'ere upsct b)' a :\cw York teani. rclaticn.' \rilh Saudi Arahi" with In the competition, which ends which the United States mu,t ;:oon Wednesday niglit. onc mcmher o[ , ncgatiatc ror renell'ai of Dhar:1Il each fil'c·man team sits uut but . air baSe right:; expiring in June., rna)' replace a player at the half· Saudi has becn courted by. llIark of a game. Greeks ote To Chonse nal American sa>'s the Canadian group 0 f fer e d "thc freshness. and company solidar· Ity of a young of dnncers growing up In an old tradition" and prcdlcts "that when freedom Ute company wlll grace Ihe stage In a manner worthy of a. I the SOI'iel Union fer months :lIld: Thirty·two teams remained in : the Soviets arc reportcd to hal'c the cornpctition SUllday and the VERSAILLES, France (ReUlerS)1 assembly therr. was flourishing I gled across 10 Saudi Arabia. 1 According to other reports, deals I to. sell to that coun·; elimination will continue until the Officials In France's African col. slave traflic in men, women and I 2. A slave dealer hired a few first began at an "assembly point'l tl ' Y ' S"lIdl IS n.lc two final teams meet for the onles arc investigating chargcs children from French EqualOrialj servants to take with him on a north of Tibesti ncar the Libyan, tre or. 1'251 011 dC!loslts dprbill Cup championship Wednes· that Negro girls under 15 from Africa, French West Africa a nd to l\Iecca. Once there, frontier. '. I b}' Umted, States, compames. i day night. Being Sold As Slaves Girls their territories tiring from 200,000 the French Cameroons to Saudi \ he sold them. These reports said tramport i :"0 UPSET 0; _ ... -.- ---- to 400,000 frilncs each (about $570 .Arabia and the Ycmen. La Graviere cited the case of a [rom l'ibesli to Saudi Arabia was I OffiCIals. ,Iiso contended th.t R II 1\11 dd ' to $1,140) In Saudi Arabian slave SAYS HUNDREDS SOLD Sudanese, Awad El Joud, who ac- organized by veterans of thc Ger·. 18 t:l,nks III the hands of S1mh I .·tea y. i, u ,.V. marl.cts, Hundreds of black French cit. cused his former employer of hav- man Korps nuw living in I AralHa would not upset the bal.! The Investigation has been reo j(.ens are sold in Arabian slave I ing sold him to nn Arah prince Egypt. Thcy had a fl ect of 15! anee bQII',:cen Arah st.ates i EjITlIllS T' -,\1' -A t " quested by the consultative asscm. markets Cl'ery year, he said. A fit, after making the pilgrimage to heavy cross country trucks lcft I Il'1th .. on great lradillon." G NOTABLE ACCOMPLlSmmSTS ovt The Times critic singles out Ce· lia Franca. who .came from Sarlo ,lcr's Wells to help found the Na· .\1' ,_.\ coalition of' tional Ballet, as the key to Its bly of the French Union, which man brinl:s abont 150,000 francs .' ov?r Irom Second World War. \ i Chri5liun Brotliers College whcre last week heard n first report on (about ., .A\\ad managed and,l palgns, to transport the slalcs to I8Ilt.u III ... t::A1I,... ,.Ihcavy rains hare turned the new slave traffic In French Africa. It said sla\es Ilere re. !IlS fO,rmer took I the Rcd Sca shore. . ; unpal'cd parkin" lot into a quag· adjourned lis debate on slavery to ermted In two \l'ays: ID Egypt. The former siave saId These reports said tile slal'es 'mire . • n .r"l '(,mmunilt • liners I del'elopment. "Its strenglh Is to be :; ml', lead Sunday niyhl found In the qu\le apparent gills" Constantine Kara. of Franca. he writes. i;'J . Western party In "Her accompllshments thus far awoil Ute results of the luvestiga. 1. Recruiting agents tUlired \'il· men and women scrvants with him were laken to a school' .. ' BLACK SHEEP . ,,\\..slla),sl· I" \'i tl I . F hi' I Id 't I A' J dd I f 30 d . ' iI, Ie "01 II .. lIlan 1 lose c;)r on. ages 10 the rem' co oDles or. a so were so JO 0 S al'cry. ID . e a I or a ·:lY cOllrse III . 1-' th' k'n" It· tt' d • Em manuel La G I' a v lere. re., "pilgrama ges to Mccca," man his wire wcre sold to dif. which they wcre laughl obedicncl' i In f c. I " .. 0 .) ';,s a. tlOl'ter on social affairs, told Ihe The "pilgrims" then were smug. masters. before bcin::: sold. rte l ralll \\.Itnflllt"h' 0 .,.,.r:iamentar v elections. nre notable; she ·has put togelhel' relurn; 'for 1628 of a largislt company of youngslers the charm. and looks, .as well. as :1 27,1!71 lor the support. ability. \ Tempcraturcs lJowever, Kar· "She has alrendy succeeded in Ma len' k O'V B las ts ,;:,d number of dep· giving them a fine artistic disclp· I ..... IOh to 63,. line, and she has manifestly in· I (,le,1 the first time spired them with something or her I Vancouver . .• Th.e)· own Ideals. If they lack some or S 1 ' F 1 Victoria .. .. .. ,,,(.n,h· supportmg Kar- Ihe' skU!, deplh and artistry Utat , ta zen' S 0 z·czees Edmonton come only with experIence. at R i '.\:S a hea\,\' turnout of cg nn _. •• ., . least there Is never a moment Winnipe N •••• :r,'rc than four million when they arc not clearly giving T t b . ',O:('r;. The campaign. the absolule besl that Is In them, MOSCOW (Reuters) - GeOl'gil Nlkoyan, a first dcputy premier, a " " * auou. Ie com I lOll 0 co . We arc to build up a good foundation of late model cars be· fore we pa\'e:' I Two-Hour-Old i Babv Is Found I ! QUEBEC -cp - A two·hour· but I'oting orderly. and Utal makes for a nne 'spiril once Stalin's right·hand praised til(! return to collective 1\1 awa I" .. .. finl lime sinfc the Sec· across the footllghts." . man Who stepped down as prcmier leadership in the first public ilt· Dntrca.."., War no pre· election vi. . . a ago, emerged Sunda u as lack on Stalin since Stalin lIrst Quebcc .• •• ) " 1" d I t HARD TO MARKET: This ex· rfported. Like Kaslendieek, Martin says the Intest leader to join In can. consolidated his power. . re er c on pression bogan in Ihe eighteenth I \'rnilclos 0 n e of the Canadians were "highly cour. demnlrrg his late master's policies. FOLLOWS LEAD Saini John " century when cleaning and dying . , '. pre. ageous" In night se. Malenkov now a depuly prcmler followcd Ihis lead In illonctol1 .. melhods were nol fully oev. l old bab)' girl was found in .. paper bag night in a restaur· ! ant toilet in nearby Levis, Que. , A restaurant employee heard \ the child's cries and found it when he chccked the toilet. The bahy was unclothed . i strange coalltlon Is.llceuon oI Foklnc's difficult "Lcs and of eleclric power sta· his specch and like other Soviet Halifax .. " ". ,. eloped. Since mOlt woot was . 1 Hatemcnt asserting iIIat S)'lphldcs" and' Tudor's lions, also declared Ihat any fu· leaders he not only criticized the Sydney .. •• ., white there was lillie markel for exertcd pressure on Elcgles." ture ,var "will lead to Ihe personality cult but advocated col. Yarmouth •• .. ;black wool because it was too I'n Inl'II'tar" pre. f lid plete duwnfall of the world capltnl. lcetive leadership. St. John's " •• •• hard to piocess. A doctor who examined the in· ft.nt said ·it had been born about, two hours earlier. , 0 "Sylp I es,' he sa"s "many ------------------ , ist system." He said the "unmasking" of --------- experienced eompanles have come IIIs spcech, delivered ori Friday Lavrenty Beria, exccuted Soviet Commons Members Must Be Wary "'1 lairl his group \\'ould ;:" .lter lhe election to de· to ask to throw out \·oles. 1I.\s I:OGE I experts conceded lintup of politlcians •. 10 oust Karamanlls lit ttl h.d an edge in tile \'01· W3; conceded Utat the Ilouid \\'in by anal" j. rim. which would no! .1 a >table gOI'cmment. Itpolition coalition, ealled Union, Is com· . group link· three ant!· . former premiers, This had to win at least to wrest control oC Ihe n P,arllamenl from KaT- Union In the Parlhmcnt, no nearer to doing it justice than to the 20th Communist party con· secret police chief, was a victory lhe young Canadians did." gress her e,4 was reported in .lor the party and its collectivc The two.day appearance at the Pravda,. the Communist parly leadership. Brooklyn Academy of MusiC wound newspaper. Publication of Ma len k a v's up Saturday night with act 2 of Malenkov said lhat pen'el'sion 01 speech in Sunday's newspapers "Swan Lalte" and the first two the cult of pcrsonailly had "led to confirms the view of Western ob· acts of Delibe's "Coppella." peremplorlncss of Individual deci' that he has fully acccpted No More' MajOl' Alterations day that margarine may be made I' errors and essential minor allera- [rom animal fats and fish oils and tions." these arc not illegal in Quebcc. Aftcr a two.hour debate Mr WON'T BE CEl'ISORS , s1ons, arbitrarincss . . • an (I In. the partys policies over' which In Hallsard diner. , Beaudoin ordered that Gar· Mr. Beaudoin cdi- P OI ' B d F' d Ulcted great harm on the guidance there had been previous disagree· O'ITAWA (CP) - illembe'rs o[ . 1 ot soy OUD of Ihe party anti Ihc country.' ment, Observers also belicve thilt the Commons lil(ely will exercise . He said the whole parly weI. Mnlenlwv has been fully accepled more care in fulure in whal they CHATHAM, N.BA (C.P.}-A coined with satisfaction measures by the olhcr lenders as a. member say in the House. . ground search party Saturday found the body of an RCAF pllnt ill' the wreckage of hls.T-33 jet trainer which crashed near here Fdc1ay. 10' Implement the principles of o[ the ruling party praesldlum. Speaker Rene Beaudoin has party leadership and party .Ife Defence Mlnisler Georgi served notice thnt members no elaborated bY Lenin. declared Saturday that any atomiC longer will be able to make major allack by the United States on factual alterations to Hansard - Russia would result In a tIt·for·tat the official record of House de· reprisal on American territory. bates. Changes will be confined to ZhullOv said Russia would cer· cOI'l'ection of errors and essential tilinly reply tD an atomic aUack minor altcrallons, including gram· by dropping hYdrogen and atomic mar. bomhs on U, S. terrllory. He said Mr. Beaudoin announced his in· it was "absurb" to believe Ihat In lcntion to follow this policy during tlte future nuclcar weapons could Commons discussion last week of Mr. Gardiner laId the House Feb. diner's reference to margarine be lars should be gUided. hy thIS rule 10 that Quebec institutions used reinserted in Hansard. He took full "without any reference whatever to 13,501 pounds of margarine in the blame for the dcletion and said he anybody else." ,If an important last month beforc they started buy. approved Ihe step on the under· alteration lI'as 10 be made in Han· ing cul:rale buller from the gov. standin" the words were hein" reo sard the maUer should be dealt emment, The bulter is sold to in. moved "because they were rnac· with on the Commons floor •. stilulions at about 40 cents a pound .curate. The Speaker and Hansard edItors from surplus slacks purchased should not be called On :0 from producers at 58 cents, the Mr.· Beaudoin said he is basing as censors. It be an !lIuslOn federal support price. his policy in future on rules apply· for anyone t.llnk that an Import- The minisler had parts oC his ing in the Uniled Kingdom Parlia· ant. change 10 Hansard would re- statement delcted because they ment and on a decision in 1948 maID undetecled. suggested the institutions were by the Canadian Commons commit, "We cannot, therefore, eliminale breaking a Quebec law' banning tec on debates. from' Hansard without margarine or other butter subsli. This committce stated Utat ther;) bcing a chance Utat some known as the '"U'_'''''' 2H of theJOO lilt. Lt. John Eeker of Smith· ville, On1., was 011 a training hO'p to Chatham' from lIallfax when his aircraft In the about three miles north of Sl. Margaret's, .N..B... '. Malenkov's disavowal of his for· mer chlcf followed a weel! of at· tacks by Soviet leaders on "the cult of' pers(JnnIlly" - olle·mun rule..;.,though Stallns name was not actually mcntioncd until Anas· tas Mlkoyan. one of the most pow· crful members of Stalin's old !luard, made a condemna· tion on Thursday, be c.onfined to frontline tactical the deletion on 7 from Han· purposcil.". . sard by Agricullure Minisler Gar· tules made from Imported vege. "changes suggested by members I repQrcussions will take place," he· table oils. He explained last Mon· be confined strictly to correction of said. . : . . . His here. :! ':"

, . t - • • ~ .,

,I "j

.j ,I


available at,

Charles Hutton & Sons (Price 5 cents)

Vol. 63. • No . .40 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1956

'Iizzards Dashing. Hopes For\Big Ai.rliner Was E .. ICarrymg Troops elief ,For

Make 658

Deaths ter's Toll

\ '. t. -Fre;h blizzards! badl)' hurt \\'hen the roof of a ','.", ~ll~da\' and dashcd movie the a t r c collapsed under :' """ ,'f 'thousands of nearly 10 feet of snow. Nearly 100 .. ',. :' ,,:.lnMr; cut 01£ by children In the paclted theall'e t:· '::c· Conlinent Is en· were scratchcd or bruised.

;. .', . ,I deep.freeze of FlSD SlIOES, !lAG ;... .' Skl.troops found Ute body of a ~: ..•... :,:",dll to G58 the: gamekceper frozen in the snow

Shivering Visitors From

u r op e! I BI~~:hE'7t~, i IM~~.ilali~~Cl~~~~~~\ ~~:~~die~r~~ve thte~~reC:C~~~n~ worked in rocky, rain·swept !iclds for.

, Sunday to determine the cause o[ I FLY BODIES HO~(E an airliner disaster Saturday in I The servicemen who died in th.

Ca' rbonear _______ which 50 persons were killed. I crash will be buried today in 1m· Police cordoned off the fields tarla military cemetery. It wal i ncar Luca airport where the still.\ understood that the bodies or the

hot wreckage of the four·engined creW may be flown to Britain. Scottish Airlines plane was scat· \ Local Mal t e s e priests ask!!" terc(i. their congregations to offer pray·

There were no survh·ors. , crs for the victims and their fam· The dead were the plane's crew! ilies.

of five, 44 Itoyal Air Force per· I .. '" . sonnel and an army ordnance' }me>heatnrs appealed for e~e· corps private. The serl'icemen 1 \\llness reports of the crash. but were tral'elling home from thc· fe~1' ~eople h~ve stepped fOrllard Suez canal zone in thc chartercd I II'I,th informatIOn. Yorl, troop transport. I rhe p!~ne took off from Luca,

T. It. Nclson. scnior inspector of \' after ta.;mg un more Ulan 2,000 accidents in thc Briti,h ministry pllons of fuel, for Stanstead, of transpol'l and ch'jJ al'iation. England.

'11 ,

:: '; .,', ",," han perished I ncar Naplcs. Near Sulmona, police t-__ ~=~~::t ,: ,,; .. ' .' ("'~;. I found the shoes and letter·bag of a I ':. ", ~ ,eam:u\ was. mall man missing for three da)·s.

.... , ,f\ rn others fearcd \ VllInsers bellcl'e he might hn"e

,said it was slill too carl)' to del cr· ! It is un~lcrstood Ihat the con.tro! minc the causc of the crash. ! tOll'cr radIOed to Ule York's pllut,

With him was .J. Guulding, thc, Capt. Frank COkCI', ~nd rcported senior il1l'csti"alil1" officcr \\ho I lhat smoke \\'~S coming from the • <!'l r- ' l ' f was studyil1~ th~ crnmpled right. alrera t. ': ~~ .. ",' bliuard.wl1ipPClI. been attacked by a pack of stnrv­

.... ' ',:~ :'lrir ~teamer. thc: Ing wolves. _" ............. ;: .... :rr. ~ank off the I In Brilain, hundreds o.f snail"

.. : " . :'.rr l'(ollhlinl( WIUI I plows batUeli to clear malO roads '., .' "I Syr.ncy. 'l'hir.1 as new ~torms whipped the Is· · .: l'rl' haul,';) out of: lands. 11lc mercury dipped to 30

i winq of thc aircraft. I llis last message back was to I Airmcn rcmuvcd the last human: "stand by."

;.(;. degrees In London. . It.l:". ncl\' drHts In West Germany. where 32 per·

: :""':J~' teams strus· sons hal'e died. new snow blocked . :::: ;,Ill to m01"(, than off 15 villagers in Sehleswig·Hol· .:<' '. n. ~nd ,·i1\ages. sleln. In Auslrla, an avalanche , '.:.:. "rhind Lausanne. I killed a 12.ycar·old boy. /. :'::::!~NIs of shivering Thc temperature In eastern Bel·' : ..... : , f:]rm. fal'agely I gium plunged 10 16 below zero. A : . ;;:, : .... 3ilahle food and I s:;,~·ear.old man was found frozen · ',,~,', ~!lrl hedclothes. to. death ncar his home. : .... ::.::- fl\'cr iec·locked I For the firsl time In living ., ',<.' :. hrlic(,pter [rom a memory. Lake Trasimeno In cen· · - ... :1 to drop bread I tral !tah', where Hannibal once · " :' '" .~,l; of ,en.birds (o11ght, froze over.

"""'''\~red waters 0[[ I Paris streets were desel'led be· , cause of the cold and snow fell

:; .. c ••.. ',1\lIiI of Rome. a I e\'cn on tiC sun· spoiled Riviera ;:.;.,1 ~nd 16 other! I playground.

Lift Em])argo On To Arabia

\\,ASHI:\GTO~ (:\1') - l'rcs·~ 1m, no common border. ident Eisenhowcr Saturday night' The Saudi Arabian elllbass\' oh· liUed Ule emhargo which luI' two' \'iousl)' was pleased by Saturday days had blocked Ihe dclivcry or; nighl', action. A spokesman said 18 light reconnaissance tani,s to "that's what we \l'ant~d.' Saudi Arabia. ' State dcpartment press orricer

Bl' c~lI1celling the han on ·li· Lincoln White said that thc lat~s! eens~d arms shipments to thc decidon had no bcarinr,l on Is· troub~ed ~liddle Easl, Eiscnhowcr rad's pcnding request for $:;0,00'),­also permitted export of SlIO,OGO OOD worth or arms. worth of automotive and aircraft!

....... ,I.L ... 9,(lian Ballet IIERE ARE THE MEMBERS of the Carbonear Air Cadet Squadron who visited here Saturday. Front row, left to right,are:-Reg Parsons, Captain; Bill Pumprey. Guy Brien, Ernest Cole and Jim Penney. Back row, left to rigllt, are:-Gerald George, Coach; John Furey, John George, Carl Penney, Junior Rossiter and Pat

parts and other articles to Israel D f 1 I The president, who is in Georgia C 'eatC( n

acted aftcr officials held a serie;;: o( day·long conferences in the I' B : 1 C t t state department. An official ~tatc IILge on es

'- "_._ I ~ ./


, . . , ..... 1 -,,/

New York Hit ';"I;i\ ('I'I-The National I from lis oWn ranks. sa~'s:

· : ' .. :"';'" which completcd ·,lts chief distinction lieS in ils · .: \.: ',\ York appeal'anee I high alm~ and tile dcvotlon with

: .• ',: 110\'; \\'on pral~e I which II Is pllrsulng them." ,,::,,', hrrc \\'ho agree I He writes that it has patterned " ;i~"t pl'1l11ise. its del'elopment of tile last fnur

· .~::: ~ "I The Time~, not·, years after the Sadler's Wells and · ""'::~I company has n'o i quoles "those who arc In a posl· ,.,;. :~"'C it i, dCl'cloping I tlon to knoll''' as saying that it "is

...... farlher along noll' than lis now so ! au~u5t London predecessor whs I after an equal passagc of time." , ~lllcs Kastendleek of The Jour·

Dooley. ' ._-------_.-_.-._---_.

ment declarcd that after study it I was decidcd the shipmcnt of the I NEW YORK (CP)-TlI'o CanJ' tanks and othcr articles 1I'0uid b~; dians. playing on one of 16 sceded

, in line witl; United States policie;:: teams ill the National Brid~c , of Jlromotin~ Iha p~ace and de·: Tournml1cnt. wcrc defeated in the

_____ i fcn,ive strength of Israel and the' [irst ruunil of pIn)' Saturday nighl. ;\rnb litates. . Eric n. ~Iurray and Dougius

Probe Charges Young Negro It was understood that :111 in· Drul')'. hoth of Toronlo, were pl::y·

[Iueminl clement in Ihe deci"ion ing on a team with threc players \"015 Ihe desire o[ the presiden!: fl'OIl1 llufialo, N.Y .. when they ami his adl'i,er5 tu m:lilltain goad: lI'ere upsct b)' a :\cw York teani. rclaticn.' \rilh Saudi Arahi" with In the competition, which ends which the United States mu,t ;:oon Wednesday niglit. onc mcmher o[

, ncgatiatc ror renell'ai of Dhar:1Il each fil'c·man team sits uut but . air baSe right:; expiring in June., rna)' replace a player at the half·

Saudi Ar~,bia has becn courted by. II'~)' llIark of a game.

Greeks ote To Chonse

nal American sa>'s the Canadian group 0 f fer e d "thc freshness. ~'oulhfulness and company solidar· Ity of a young ~oup of dnncers growing up In an old tradition" and prcdlcts "that when freedom e~me., Ute company wlll grace Ihe stage In a manner worthy of a.

I the SOI'iel Union fer months :lIld: Thirty·two teams remained in : the Soviets arc reportcd to hal'c the cornpctition SUllday and the

VERSAILLES, France (ReUlerS)1 assembly therr. was flourishing I gled across 10 Saudi Arabia. 1 According to other reports, deals I offcr~.d to. sell ~rm.~ to that coun·; elimination will continue until the Officials In France's African col. slave traflic in men, women and I 2. A slave dealer hired a few first began at an "assembly point'l tl'Y' S"lIdl Ar~bla IS ~lso n.lc ~enl' two final teams meet for the V~n· onles arc investigating chargcs children from French EqualOrialj servants to take with him on a north of Tibesti ncar the Libyan, tre or. 1'251 011 dC!loslts ~xplcltec! dprbill Cup championship Wednes· that Negro girls under 15 from Africa, French West Africa a nd pilgrima~ to l\Iecca. Once there, frontier. '. I b}' Umted, States, compames. i day night.

Being Sold As Slaves Girls their territories tiring from 200,000 the French Cameroons to Saudi \ he sold them. These reports said tramport i :"0 ,~~"s. UPSET 0; _ ... -.- ----to 400,000 frilncs each (about $570 .Arabia and the Ycmen. La Graviere cited the case of a [rom l'ibesli to Saudi Arabia was I OffiCIals. ,Iiso contended th.t th~, R II 1\11 dd ' to $1,140) In Saudi Arabian slave SAYS HUNDREDS SOLD Sudanese, Awad El Joud, who ac- organized by veterans of thc Ger·. 18 t:l,nks III the hands of S1mh I .·tea y. i, u ,.V. marl.cts, Hundreds of black French cit. cused his former employer of hav- man Afrik~ Korps nuw living in I AralHa would not upset the bal.!

The Investigation has been reo j(.ens are sold in Arabian slave I ing sold him to nn Arah prince Egypt. Thcy had a fl ect of 15! anee bQII',:cen th~ Arah st.ates a~d i EjITlIllS T' -,\1' -A t " quested by the consultative asscm. markets Cl'ery year, he said. A fit, after making the pilgrimage to heavy cross • country trucks lcft I ~s.:.a.cl. Il'1th \\'III~h .. Sll~~_Ar::hw: r.oti~; on 'lhecn~~lI~tin boarder~~

great lradillon."


ovt The Times critic singles out Ce· lia Franca. who .came from Sarlo

• ,lcr's Wells to help found the Na· .\1' ,_.\ coalition of' tional Ballet, as the key to Its

bly of the French Union, which man brinl:s abont 150,000 francs Mec~a. .' ov?r Irom Second World War. c~m· \ i Chri5liun Brotliers College whcre last week heard n first report on (about ~'13?): • ., .A\\ad managed ~o ·esc~pe and,l palgns, to transport the slalcs to I8Ilt.u III ... t::A1I,... ,.Ihcavy rains hare turned the new slave traffic In French Africa. It L~ Gl~vlele said sla\es Ilere re. !IlS fO,rmer cmplo~er took refu~c I the Rcd Sca shore. . !~"t ~ ~ ; unpal'cd parkin" lot into a quag· adjourned lis debate on slavery to ermted In two \l'ays: ID Egypt. The former siave saId These reports said tile slal'es 'mire . • n

.r"l '(,mmunilt • liners I del'elopment. "Its strenglh Is to be :; ml', lead Sunday niyhl found In the qu\le apparent gills" f::~,:tr Constantine Kara. of MI~s Franca. he writes.

i;'J . Western party In "Her accompllshments thus far

awoil Ute results of the luvestiga. 1. Recruiting agents tUlired \'il· men and women scrvants with him were laken to a "tl'ainin~ school' .. ' BLACK SHEEP . ,,\\..slla),sl· I" \'i

tl I . F hi' I Id 't I A' J dd I f 30 d . ' iI, Ie "01 II .. lIlan 1 lose c;)r

on. ages 10 the rem' co oDles or. a so were so JO 0 S al'cry. ID . e a I or a ·:lY cOllrse III . 1-' th' k'n" It· tt' d ~ • Em manuel La G I' a v lere. re., ~anizing "pilgrama ges to Mccca," man ~nd his wire wcre sold to dif. which they wcre laughl obedicncl' i s~n, In f c. p~r I " ..


.) ';,s t~ a. tlOl'ter on social affairs, told Ihe The "pilgrims" then were smug. fer~nl masters. before bcin::: sold. Jl,~aSte rtel ralll rl~I'!' \\.Itnflllt"h' 0 Ilcrt~ . ,.,.r:iamentarv elections. nre notable; she ·has put togelhel'

relurn; 'for 1628 of a largislt company of youngslers .~c:, ~al'e' the c~alitlon ~I'ith charm. and looks, .as well. as :1 27,1!71 lor the support. mher~nl ability. \ Tempcraturcs

!~:;ir.l.n!l'. lJowever, Kar· "She has alrendy succeeded in Ma len' k O'V B las ts ,;:,d l~ \rI~! number of dep· giving them a fine artistic disclp· I

..... ~rl. IOh to 63,. line, and she has manifestly in· I (,le,1 fo~ the first time spired them with something or her I Vancouver

. .• rl~ctlon. Th.e)· \\~erc own Ideals. If they lack some or S 1 ' F 1 Victoria .. .. .. ,,,(.n,h· supportmg Kar- Ihe' skU!, deplh and artistry Utat , ta zen' S 0 z·czees Edmonton

come only with experIence. at R i '.\:S a hea\,\' turnout of cg nn _. •• ., . • least there Is never a moment Winnipe

N ••••

:r,'rc than four million when they arc not clearly giving T t b . ',O:('r;. The campaign. the absolule besl that Is In them, MOSCOW (Reuters) - GeOl'gil Nlkoyan, a first dcputy premier, o~[on a " "

* auou. Ie com I lOll 0 co . We arc tl'yill~ to build up a good foundation of late model cars be· fore we pa\'e:'

I Two-Hour-Old i Babv Is Found I • ! QUEBEC -cp - A two·hour·

~it!H but I'oting orderly. and Utal makes for a nne 'spiril ~talenkov, once Stalin's right·hand praised til(! return to collective 1\1 awa I" .. .. finl lime sinfc the Sec· across the footllghts." . man Who stepped down as prcmier leadership in the first public ilt· Dntrca..".,

War no pre· election vi. . . a ~ear ago, emerged Sundau as lack on Stalin since Stalin lIrst Quebcc .• •• ) " 1" d I t HARD TO MARKET: This ex·

rfported. Like Kaslendieek, Martin says the Intest leader to join In can. consolidated his power. . re er c on pression bogan in Ihe eighteenth I \'rnilclos 0 n e of the Canadians were "highly cour. demnlrrg his late master's policies. FOLLOWS LEAD Saini John " century when cleaning and dying

. , '. f~rmer pre. ageous" In thelr'openln~ night se. Malenkov now a depuly prcmler ~lalenkov followcd Ihis lead In illonctol1 .. melhods were nol fully oev.

lold bab)' girl was found in .. paper bag Saturda~' night in a restaur·

! ant toilet in nearby Levis, Que. , A restaurant employee heard

\ the child's cries and found it when he chccked the toilet. The bahy was unclothed .

i ~ t~r strange coalltlon Is.llceuon oI Foklnc's difficult "Lcs and mlnlst~r of eleclric power sta· his specch and like other Soviet Halifax .. " ". ,. eloped. Since mOlt woot was . 1 Hatemcnt asserting iIIat S)'lphldcs" and' Tudor's ~·Dork· lions, also declared Ihat any fu· leaders he not only criticized the Sydney .. •• ., white there was lillie markel for ~.I!i exertcd pressure on Elcgles." ture ,var "will lead to Ihe c~m. personality cult but advocated col. Yarmouth •• .. ;black wool because it was too 'fJ:~r' I'n Inl'II'tar" pre. f lid plete duwnfall of the world capltnl. lcetive leadership. St. John's " •• •• hard to piocess.

A doctor who examined the in· ft.nt said ·it had been born about, two hours earlier.

, 0 "Sylp I es,' he sa"s "many ------------------, ist system." He said the "unmasking" of ---------experienced eompanles have come IIIs spcech, delivered ori Friday Lavrenty Beria, exccuted Soviet Commons Members Must Be Wary "'1 lairl his group \\'ould

;:" .lter lhe election to de· '!:~i'r to ask to throw out


1I.\s I:OGE I experts conceded

lintup of politlcians •. 10 oust Karamanlls lit ttl h.d an edge in tile \'01· '~!e W3; conceded Utat the .~(tll' Ilouid \\'in by anal" j. rim. which would no!

.1 a >table gOI'cmment. Itpolition coalition, ealled

Union, Is com· . group link·

three ant!· . former premiers, This

had to win at least to wrest control oC Ihe n P,arllamenl from KaT­,adle~1 Union In the Parlhmcnt, K~ramanlls

no nearer to doing it justice than to the 20th Communist party con· secret police chief, was a victory lhe young Canadians did." gress her e,4 was reported in .lor the party and its collectivc

The two.day appearance at the Pravda,. the Communist parly leadership. Brooklyn Academy of MusiC wound newspaper. Publication of Ma len k a v's up Saturday night with act 2 of Malenkov said lhat pen'el'sion 01 speech in Sunday's newspapers "Swan Lalte" and the first two the cult of pcrsonailly had "led to confirms the view of Western ob· acts of Delibe's "Coppella." peremplorlncss of Individual deci' serv~r5 that he has fully acccpted

No More' MajOl' Alterations day that margarine may be made I' errors and essential minor allera­[rom animal fats and fish oils and tions." these arc not illegal in Quebcc.

Aftcr a two.hour debate Mr WON'T BE CEl'ISORS

, s1ons, arbitrarincss . . • an (I In. the partys policies over' which In Hallsard diner. , Beaudoin ordered that 1I1~. Gar· Mr. Beaudoin s~id Hansa~d cdi-

POI ' B d F' d Ulcted great harm on the guidance there had been previous disagree· O'ITAWA (CP) - illembe'rs o[

.1 ot soy OUD of Ihe party anti Ihc country.' ment, Observers also belicve thilt the Commons lil(ely will exercise

. He said the whole parly weI. Mnlenlwv has been fully accepled more care in fulure in whal they CHATHAM, N.BA (C.P.}-A coined with satisfaction measures by the olhcr lenders as a. member say in the House. .

ground search party Saturday found the body of an RCAF pllnt ill' the wreckage of hls.T-33 jet trainer which crashed near here Fdc1ay.

10' Implement the principles of o[ the ruling party praesldlum. Speaker Rene Beaudoin has party leadership and party .Ife Defence Mlnisler Georgi Zhuk~v served notice thnt members no elaborated bY Lenin. declared Saturday that any atomiC longer will be able to make major

allack by the United States on factual alterations to Hansard -Russia would result In a tIt·for·tat the official record of House de· reprisal on American territory. bates. Changes will be confined to

ZhullOv said Russia would cer· cOI'l'ection of errors and essential tilinly reply tD an atomic aUack minor altcrallons, including gram· by dropping hYdrogen and atomic mar. bomhs on U, S. terrllory. He said Mr. Beaudoin announced his in· it was "absurb" to believe Ihat In lcntion to follow this policy during tlte future nuclcar weapons could Commons discussion last week of

Mr. Gardiner laId the House Feb. diner's reference to margarine be lars should be gUided. hy thIS rule 10 that Quebec institutions used reinserted in Hansard. He took full "without any reference whatever to 13,501 pounds of margarine in the blame for the dcletion and said he anybody else." ,If an important last month beforc they started buy. approved Ihe step on the under· alteration lI'as 10 be made in Han· ing cul:rale buller from the gov. standin" the words were hein" reo sard the maUer should be dealt emment, The bulter is sold to in. moved "because they were rnac· with on the Commons floor •. stilulions at about 40 cents a pound .curate. The Speaker and Hansard edItors from surplus slacks purchased should not be called On :0 ~ct from producers at 58 cents, the Mr.· Beaudoin said he is basing as censors. It ~v.ou\d be an !lIuslOn federal support price. his policy in future on rules apply· for anyone t~ t.llnk that an Import-

The minisler had parts oC his ing in the Uniled Kingdom Parlia· ant. change 10 Hansard would re­statement delcted because they ment and on a decision in 1948 maID undetecled. suggested the institutions were by the Canadian Commons commit, "We cannot, therefore, eliminale breaking a Quebec law' banning tec on debates. som~lhing from' Hansard without margarine or other butter subsli. This committce stated Utat ther;) bcing a chance Utat some

known as the '"U'_'''''' 2H of theJOO

lilt. Lt. John Eeker of Smith· ville, On1., was 011 a training hO'p to Chatham' from lIallfax when his aircraft cra~hed In the waod~ about three miles north of Sl. Margaret's, .N..B... '.

Malenkov's disavowal of his for· mer chlcf followed a weel! of at· tacks by Soviet leaders on "the cult of' pers(JnnIlly" - olle·mun rule..;.,though Stallns name was not actually mcntioncd until Anas· tas Mlkoyan. one of the most pow· crful members of Stalin's old !luard, made a 51ron~ condemna· tion on Thursday,

be c.onfined to frontline tactical the deletion on 7 word~ from Han· purposcil.". . sard by Agricullure Minisler Gar·

tules made from Imported vege. "changes suggested by members I repQrcussions will take place," he· table oils. He explained last Mon· be confined strictly to correction of said. . : . . .

His wld~w \I~GS here.

• :! ':"

-, ,. I ' , . . ,

I ••

:', . , , '. '

, I; I , I

, :, t •• I,

. :: ':::

• 2 ______________ ~--~--,~~~--------------------------------------~------------------------------T~H~E~DA~I~~~N~EW~S,~M~O~N~DA~Y~,~~~o,

Britisll Oarsmen, \ R:eds Using New Weapons NoS. Game E~perts ~~~:~l~~i;;f~~~~::iza~~~t~~~~ New Way To Lords, Laborers I,', Are. Puzzled By Mr. Benson also doubts if over- Blood p .

f I shooting is the cause.· ressur

Joiiring Forces lin Ho'pe 0 Sp· Itt··lng West Area Herd LDsses a!e:~~~o;~~~~~eth~u~~~~'l~:r~: MOSCOW mcut \ e uuctlon in the central section of workcr with SUSPEe~s,-.\ ST. JOHN AMBULANCE sent, Ula Carter, G. Flight, Jean By STEPHEN scorr . ' the province and are still Increas- high bLood pressure C ed

Gosse, Inez Andl'cws, G. Ballg. Canadian Presl Staff Writer OTTAWA (CP) _ Canacllan par- Western countries "in a vital spot" By lAS iUACDONALD Lng In Cape Breton island. • sell sleeping and eati!Jlay,

. BUCHANS NEWS BUCHANS, Fcb. 15-Buchans Carol Penney. Attendant Sprites: LONDON (CPI-Brllnln's ama. Uamenlarlans werc told 'l'llursday because "our economic defences Canadian Press Staff, Writer KILLING NECESSARY tory for a ng,;n

was honoured last week by a Ian White, John Bell,' Gerry teur rowers are bending to their that Russia has begUn to Use pow. nre as weak as our mllltary de- H~LIFAX (CP)-puzzled. Nova He advises resIdents in these sec· keep him under ~hl;e I'isit from the Chief Commls. Leytc, Keith White, David Strong, oars happy hi the thought that erful economic weapons to divide fences nrc strong ," Senator Rob- scoha game experts arc trymg to lions to maintain the hunting pres- This system o[ medl liiuncr for Ihe St. John's Ambul. David Snow, David Coffin, Roger lords and laborcrs now al'e mcm. the West and "may well pick off crtson salu.' lind ?ut :\'hy deer h~rds, arc de- sure to prevent herds from bccom· tion. at the facto .... letl ance in Canada, "Ir. R. J. Ben. LeDrew, Gerald Jenkins, Ray bers of one big family dCI'oled to the NATO countries by the ballot "There is a rapidly growing Idcal c~~asmg m the pruvmce s 5.outh. ing too large to exist on present keepmg the work~' s IICU. A record number or In. Peddle, Fred Price, Keith !\lui. bringing eluslve.honors to Britain. box where she couldn't by the bay- that Russia presents a far greater I\cst;rn countle~ whlle Ihe all!mals sourci!s of food. for eight hours a daal hI!

IC'Cl'tcd ciUzells. asscmbled at Iins, Graham Thompson, Rose The start of the rowing season onet" threat to tile West by economic are increasing In o.ther se~hons. The ·estlm·ted 19'5 kill wI'IL be tors decide \I'heth y "'hill

I t1 d f bit dl' , D A Benson Wildlife biologist ~. er h

thc Hecrcation Centcl' on Thurs- 11111. Roy Prichard, Jo Pollctt, maned Ie en 0 a ler sput~ The wal'lling came from Senate: aegrcssion than she docs on a for the iands an,1 lor cst department about 3,000 few~r than 1054 wh~n sufriciently ill to stop e il day, February 9th, whcrc Mr. Earle Pike, Roy Penncy, Lcwls that slarted In the last centur>' Speaker Wishart Robertson In his military basis. She is three times S3'_'S steps cannot be takcn to man- appro~lmately 59,OOI! were slam. For this p.~rpO'e th lI'ori. Bennett gave an entertaining and Chaulk, Leslie Budden. Ol'er a discriminatory ruling that presidential address to the 132- as large as Canada and probably The biggest decline IS xpect d I equipped "ni~ht-sa'n ter~ Irl barred manual II'orkers from ro"v. tal"e dthcllherd.s kunUI the reason for c. end o' a Orla" most Instructl\'e talk, and pre. ' member Canadian NATO Parlla· has three timcs tile natural re· " ~ no Yarmouth and Digby counties: on groun s of manv bi- S senled 42 awards to recently O'GAY _ KING NUPTIALS InA' alongside the blUe bloods. mentary Association. He saW no sources. I~W'~ nc \h" ~'n"1 d "h thc southwestern shore. trial plants. • • 31'1et qualified first.nldcrs. Chairman The Amateur Rowing Association time should be lost In strengthcn' "She Is rapidly Increasing hcr I lout t I Ii nOli! I gc e The worke I of the evening was Mr. E. 1\1. BUCIIA~S, Feb. 15-0n Sat. and the National Amateur Rowlne Ing economic defences to meet the I technical skllI. to help ucvelop says, "res r ct ve leg s aUon t~ Halifax county, the largest in· sym~tom,' W~iC~'I~O :\lll'tin, Genel'1I1 !\Ianager of urday evening, February 11th., at Association have amalgamated un· new Soviet threat. them. She can probably bu~' all ~~~;iD~:mT~~~tSTbe,.~~~iUI. d~stri~1 centre, has Increas~d Its reqUire Immediate BuchallS !\lIning Company. Holy, Trillily Church, Grand der Ulc name of thc former. Ef· The association's obieclve, hel the surplus manufactured goods of . I' d h . kill SIX tlmes since 1940 wilhout ment may find himself

Falls: 1\11:y King, daughter of fectivc last ,Tan. I, nil rowing In said, Is to implement tllc economic \\'estern Europe anu give Ulem raw . A shorLne untmg. season, f~r any harmful effect on the deer a nair .or pyjamas and This' yea.r for the first time ur. P. and tile late Mrs. Kin England nnd Wales no\\.' Is con. clauses of the IS-nulion NATO materials in payment." Illstance, could result m.a drop In popUlation. a do.rmltort' bed I'n the

Buchaiu Is competing for the·... I II trolled b" the one assocIation ".1 J C Id I CCF I d d tourist trade and the mea me of ' '~'re and Provincial trophies oC Lama inc, became the bride of BARRED' u'ORKING'IAN . treaty. The assoclatlOn, maue up M. . a we I" ea el' an provincial guides. The present sea- !Ill'. Benson has come up wilh a atorlllm. _ d Harry O'Gay son oC 1\1rs Bertha " .. , oC senators and Commons mem- honor:ary vice-president of the as- t d f h 'udl r th b While sleepin

n d gh'en for the best first.1I1 team ' ,. 1.. Tile merger ends a dispute that b t lilt NATO . r d th t "tI I son e:; en 5 rom t c nll e 0 eory ased on hunting experi· I th • • an takin.

In Canada and In Newfoundland, and the late John O'Gay. former-I started In 1879 when the ARA In ertls'ltPlromo es non·m ary "thO r. la tIC In, agree I a t ltei reba September until the end of No- ecces during the west three years n e mgbt sanatoriUIl)· I I D I hi t1 Iy oC Grand Falls. The eNe. . BC v es. rea s econom c pene ra on Y vembcr in tllC back country of Yarmouth worker g~s to his \\'ork is •

~~i~~!I:'~~~ Ch~~ ~om~lssl~~:~ mony was performed by Rev. T. trod~ced what becam~, known as Russin's new economic moves hit Communists at the present time:' Sever~1 explanatlons have been county. el(amlned the local team which, Short of Buchans. Ule manual labor bar. Unde~ the , gh'cn for thc decline. under the able supervision of Mr. Given In m:mlage by Mr. R. ~lle ~o rrson ~vh~ I~ad tbeen d ~m- years of the competition first I clubs, Wcst Ham United ls slightly "But," Mr. Benson says "they He {ounu deer were most plenti-H. J ..... bblss, the Company's B. Buller, thc bride looked very b ~'e b n

t or

d a ou °toR an t fas started In 18;1. fal'orcu over Blackburn Rovers. lose a great deal of stre~gth in Cui where timber was recently cut

Salety Engineer, has been attend. charming In a semi-formal gown ? n y ra e or ~mp ymen or TWO FAVORED ' i but Chelsea Is expected to tumble the face of sport~men's results and s~arc~st on old fire barrens. ing training classes In prepara- or white n'ct and nylon with ~;~' 0 a ::.~~~~~II' arliSjnl ~~ll~; Of Ihe !il'e London clubs bUll in I before Lancashire's strong El'er· over the ,·ears.' The solution-replant burned out lion for the forthcoming com. shoulder length I'cll. Shc car- cour:!' b~ considered ~~n :mat;ur the runnIng, two and poss!blv' ton side. .Many • claim bear~, l~:nx a~1] areas And thin out hea\'i!y lI'ooded petition. l\!embel's of tile"team rled a bouquet Q,f red and white row... . ' 1 three. arc favored to advance Into I " ' WIldcat;, arc making scrl?us m- sections.

When a man savs do that" taking a from a woman as ~re r. Harris (Captain), P. King, carnations. The bridesmaid was In effect. this confined rowing the slxlh round. Two - Chariton NEW Y~RK: (API - !llargar~t' ro~ds 10 the. deer population b~t Forest cOl'er also means flood-

H. Wareham, A. Head and L. Miss Rosemary Dlngwell who for competition 10 universities, and Arsenal::-arc, drawn . ~galnst Tru~a~ ':111 glve.up her. NBC radiO thl~ lheory !s not borne out In watcr control, cool lI'atcr and ood , wore a semi-formal dress of pub'l schools d th "upper each other IIlth Charlton gaen the network Job to fill tclelislon com· se~eral counhes. fisbing g

BarrettB. tt . d t Bucll malll'c with matching head.dress nlas'sec _.. Ele". a~ e Iter til best chance of advancing. Totten mltments. Since last fall she has Bears are not plentiful in Nova •

too heavy (or her to '

:llr ellne remallle a - . ,. ,. ..n ,cars a ~ h II I I It d dl '1 i ". h ,t NBC di' S ti d th II' h'b t At th I . • 'I . d '1 hc left and carried a nosegay. The ruling was made the NARA was am 0 spur I'S S secon . I S on LIC~n a;. ess on, ra? s co a a~ ey usua ~ lerna e prescnt e ands and forests ~1~S u~h SUI~ ay \\~en k groom wns attended by Erllest 1 formed to' cater i "working oars-' Doncaster Rovers with th~ Spurs OJ" eekday ," a d a ,y tim c sene.s In the. wmter when deer are weak depart"!ent is carrying Ollt a 1'1'-

~orrec~ thing [0: the Iromll\ • IS sm!1e and thank him him b~ of service,

b~ tram for Corner roo. Leyt!!, During thc ceremony the men' 0 'ranked as fal'orlies despIte the presented Monday s Ulrough Frl- and tied ,wn by snow. forestahon program In Yarmouth

MINERS TEAM RETURNS I organl~l for the occasion, i\Ilss I Th'c discriminator\' l'ulln\( was' .handlcap of .an awa~ ~ame. da~s. S~e I~a\'es the program aller, Bea~s, wildcats and deer are counly to aid wood industries and

Y\,onne Pel1e~', pla~'ed "0 Pc I'· i droPPcll In 193; alter it had ~cn ~~~II 0 remammg London nc);t Frlda~. I kept In ~f! same ~rca It the bolster deer herds.

If it gil'es a man do things for you. Wn\' or it? '

Bl'CII:\:\S. Feb. la-The IIl1n.' rect LI!I·e·'. :\ rcceptloll for the i brought U!) In the House or Com- , NS hockc\' tcam rclurned 'to! Immc(hate friends of the young I mons but dlscllSslons on a union or • Bu~hans oil Felll'ual'Y 15th alter I couple was held at Balrd's 1I01el •• ,I thc rll'al groups conllnued until rompleting a succc;sful trip to where thc usual tuast~ were, la,! year. . th" cast reaRt. ;\Ianager Gus I honoured: . ' :-;0\\'. expert~ s~y. the mel'l:~I' Soper ~pokc highl~' of the cum·t. Th~ bride IS a membcl' or the I ~hould m~an an Imp:o.\·cment In I'!W • and rcrognition recch'cd ' tencillng staff (If Burhalls Public t!le selectJOn ami tramul:z. or na· IIl;ilc in SI. ,lohn's konl'the rarl'l School, while the groom I~ em· honal. cI:ews .. Perhaps It will .lead III' team' and thc pllhlic In gen. ployed by BucllRlls "lining Com, t'll BI11am . wmnlng Internallnnd ~r~1. '~'hil~ in ::it. John's nnd Oil pan~·. To thr. popular )'(lung I and .Olymplc honor~ that hal'c ben B~l1 1.land ! ('oupte the be~t lI'i,l1es of their· I'lll'~'n:t ,her. oa.rsmel!. I

. . iI' lar~e c'II'['ie or (l'I'cnds .I·~ c"'end I.OST.u, .\;licom En When qu('r ('d about 11e ex· i '" n"" . AI I I t B .. hE' , , ' , 'cd tiC as fills mplre gam~~' h:llltl011 gal~1' at Grand Fans on', . in \'anroul'cr for Instnnce R SUI" ~tonda~·. I'ebruilr): 13th, ~Ir.; ENTERTAIN nrislng Unll'Cl'Eity of Brltish Colum' f;opcr ~latcd thnt m his uplnlon I b:~ crell' tok top honors. Ihe l!~me ~'a~ completciy Ollt of I 13UCIlA};S, Feb. 15--.\Ir. and Before the "manual labor bar" I ro:\tl'OI lOllnld5 the enti oC the, ~Irs II J ,\bbl'" c tCl·t'l d \1'flS IiCted it took on International I I' d 'ad n d h Iclt there . , " .. S~ 11 .llIe I' ,. I' I Illr per: '~. c , ,: at a c()clltail party on Haturday IInD.lcat ons. I~ 1920 Jack Kelly.

\\'a~ r.o alterna!lle but to I.elllolc! cI'cnlng, In honour of their fif., r.,ther of .Amerlcan actress Gracel Ii.le Buchans team ~o ij\'old pus· I tcenth (l5thl wedding annlvers-I J\:el1l'. att~mpt?d to lake PHt in t

;Ihlr ph~'slenl Injury. "Ir. Sopcr I arr :\11' nnd ~ll's '\bblss were the Diamond Sculls at Ule Henle~' l'cc~lled ,th~t last scason's in· . m ~1'1~d • t' 1941 •. K . : regalla. He 5a)'S he was rejected junr! m'lously affected Buchans I CI~\lI' I I I~rru C at lIcn~ yn I became he 1I'0rked with his hands c~mpcUtion In the playdowns: c 1 n roo OI',!III'a, . ns: i as a briel:layer. He went on to dc, ti!~ rcaI'. ha\'ln!: alread)' sustain- I:md .. Their nlRny fllcnds offel :, feat tllC Henley winner later at \' cd l'a~u3lties In games with Grand congl atulatlons. ' 'I' llir Olympics. Fn\l~ and SI. John's, he sousht --. ' It Is reported he vowed that a tn al'oid nn~' auelltional Injuries . ~Ir. and IIlrs. Eric Swanson: son oC hb "11'110 would nel'er hnl'c in \'ic\\' of the quarter finals just IIC,C hosts at a cocktail party at I to work wllh his hands" 1I'0uidi a week awa)·. their homc on Tuesday cvenlng, win tile sculls and 27 years later I

It \I'as the stated opinion of F~brUary. 14.th, to ~vhlch ~ome I John I~eily did win. But that II'M ~c\'cral Ilockey fans who motor. ("cnty-six fllcnds lIere IllIlted·


1o years after the bar hau been I rd to the paper town to see II10n- - abollshcd. \' da\' e\'enll1g'~ game that Gus "Ir. and nlrs. Alan :\lacDonald I Soper and Coach lIorncll made gave an cvenlng bridge party at 1 S· T 1\ wi!c mOI'c In ealllng In their their home last week. 'Top scol'e I lxteen earns I tram': anllther fll'e·' minutes of prizes were :lVon by Dr. and lIlrs. '0 ' ' I play and someonc .lI'as bound to A. "1.Guy. In FIfth Round : be hurt-serlousl)·'. -On Fcbruary 7th the United 0 0 ' I

Church ladlcs helel tln:lr annual Brltlsb Football turkey supper and sale of fancy· I

BUCIIA:\S, Feb. la-Pupils of work. There was a IlIrge at-, . By KE!'i nlETHERAL B.P.W. OPERETTA

Buchalls Public School prcsent· tcndanec al1d marc Ulan five' Canadian Press Staff Writer I I.d a two t·,. operetta al the audl. hundred dollars was l·callzed. LOXDOX (CP) - Fll'e London :urium 011 Frlelay cvcning, Feb. : clubs arc among the 16 teams thaI I ruar)' 11th that reeh'lng the high- PERSONALS , : I11cet today in the fifth round of: ~s acclai.m {rom the large audl· BUCA:-\S, Feb. 15-"11'5. Rev Illi,e Fuutball ~ssociatlon Ch~l1en!:e I rnlc. rhe opl\~ctta, elltitled, T. Short l'lslted :llillcrtoll'n Cup compctltlon. . "Crcatures of Impulfe" by W'I JUllction on Sunda)' whcre she! All loG clubs, sun'II'ors of mort' S. Gilbert. was under the dlrec- conducted a mecting of the SUII. : ~nn ~~O entered when the annual LOll of ::Ilis5 \'I'onnc Pellcy to day Schuol teacher' and pupils ! competition got under way last I whORl a gn'st meed of praiSe Is __ .,. . , RUlluner, a~c ~embers of thc r~o;. i duc 1.01' the aimost fiawlcss pl'es- Miss "Iary Delancy spent the: ~I~~sleague s fIrst or second dll'l-I cnt~tlon, as well as to the young, tlast week lit St John's where I TI' I h' d .. ,

t th I . f d II'gllt ' . 'Ie ast t Ir d1l'lslon standal'u' ;lC ors emsc I es or II C • i ~he consulted 1\ throat specialist, be . . , f II . . I (ul pC'formallce d dial else bv the \\a) side In

C • f h • t f I I An was UII er obsen'at on at fourth round repla"s Scunthorpc

a~t a c arac ers was 115 o· St CI ' 1\1 . H It I 11 •.• I ,. P t 0'11 '!l . are s erey osp a. er United lost to second·dlvlslon LI\,-?II S. e cr, II \ I age ) ou I, many friends arc glad to sec erpool and York wa!; bested b' Edgar. lIardlng, Boombleh~rdt, she has now resumed hcr duties, Sunderland of the first dh·lsion. ~ the ,iIlage miser, Hay" ard, on the office stafl of Buchans Defeat of Scunth d Y k Slmms; village girls, Janc~ Mining Co. continued the don:'lill~c~n of ~e J.la.:'bara Harding, Lillian Loder, two top divisions In the soccer ~t.lstre5! ~Iartha, Betty Clarke; ,Rev. F. W. Bradbury B.A. B. classic that holds the same pre-Plpettc, her nlcce, Barbara D., left for Corner Brook on eminence of position on the Eng. White; Sergeant Klooque, Wnlter iVlonday to altend an executive IIsh sporting scene as the Grey Pinsent; the Mysterious Old meeting of the Gran d Fans Cup game holds In Canada Lady, Jean Percy. Country danc· Presbytery. Since ilia formation oC the pro· e:'S: Alice Chaulk, Vivian Rees, fesslonal English League In 1888 ~tyra Caines, Sheila price; Sand- R. B. Butler, Principal of no non-league or third division sld~ ~a Jenkins, Bculah Mill, Betty Buchans Public School, and Mrs. has managed to win the coveted "'imms. Loretta l\!esh, Daphne Butler motored til Grand Falls challenge cup. However, amateur Penncy, Geraldine Torraville, on February 11th to attend the teams held sway In the early Marlon Baggs, Jean Kelloway, O'Gay·Klng weddlng. They were Country Girls: J. "lcGlnn, 'Betty accompanied by Mr. E. R. Perry, take over the position of chief Snow, V. Boone, L. Higdon, 1\1. and other members of the Bueh. chemist with Buchans Mlnlng Slal'ey. Jean Bailey, Daphnc ans Public School staft. Company. A nallve of Israt'I, Cote, K. TONal'llIe. Rose Kello. Mr. G)·ter spent the pa~t flvc \I'~Y. Leone .Jenklns, maine Dick Windeburn of Canadian year~ In Canada where until reo For.\'ard. !\IlIe Boone, S. Wood. Ingersoll-Rand Company was a cently he was employed with land, "Icrrilyn ,Bakcr, Alice gucst Ilt the Staff House during the Quebec Jlthlum Corp. Woodland, 111. Locke, "Iargaret the past weekend. ,--Dixon. Drum 1Ilalorettcs: Ruth '\. J. Walker-returned from Dawc. .Judy Short, L. Simms, Samuel Gyter arrived on Sun. Corner Brook on February 14th Ena Sha.rpe, B. Walsh, S. Pin. day from Barrante, Quebec to where he spent the past fel\' _____ ...... _. ,_ .. _ .. , ____ . ______ '_. days on business for Sprague &


PLEASING TASTE make friends with



Henwood Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Higgins Ire reeeivini the congratulations of their friends on the birth of a son at Buchans Hospital on February 8th.

Dr. R. Conron 15 spendlnl I few days visiting St. John'. and plans to return to Buehlll5 by Sunday's train.

'Mrs. A. J. Delaney who ac· companied her daughtcr, Miry to St. John's last week returned via Gander on Tuesday where ,I day or two Wll spent.

W. Cossltt of Corner Brook WIS I lUest at the Staff House during a brlel visit tt) Buchan! this week.

nt. Rev. ,T. M. O'Neill, D.D., Btshop of IIr. Grace, motorcd to Buchans 011 Tuesday where he was guest of I Rev. L. O. Filz-

, gel'a Id . al lhe Presbytery. llIs Excellency was accompanied by Rev. Father W. McCarthy who was "uest of Jllr. and I\lrs. W. H. JlI&he,r during the overnight vISIt.

What you should know about Life Insurance

... and the -

SUN LIFE OF CANADA SIX and one half million Canadians

today 0\\11 life insurance. In pur­chasing their policies, these men and women recognil.ed the essential part which life insurance pluys in ensuring personal and famil~' securit~'. Their com· bined purchases have made life insur­ance Canada's most widely used form of thrift. It would hc difficult. toda· ... to find am' com­munity aCJ'()5S the nlltion without policyliolders. annuitants or benent'iaries of the Sun Life of Canatlu.

HAVE YOU REALIZED that from the day ~'Oll huy a life illsura~cc policy, YOIrr fan1i1y is protected for the full amount of the contract? In no other \Va'.' can you crea'te an immediate estate by pay­ing an initial premium.

Life insllrancc estates created through the Sun Life of Canatlll by men and women

tlle world Ol'er, were largcr in 1955 than in any preliollS


LIFE INSUIANCE, in its simplest fonn, is bought to !provide ?ollars for dependents at the policyholder 5 death. Neverthcl~s, today more life insurance money is paid to living policyholders than to bene­ficiaries. Of the $136 milJiollS (a new high) paid by the Sun Life in benefits la!t year; $94 millions went to living policyholdm.


Man~' Sun Life policies maturing during HI,,);; were paid in

the i'onn of income.

YOU MAY liE CONSIDERING bnling more life insurance. If so, make sure yo~r agent knows exactly what you want your life insurance dollars to do for your family. Then he can arrange for a benent plan. tailor-made to meet the needs of y01l1' family, which puts "future deli\'(~l'y

. dollars" to best usc. Sun Life representatives receive expert lr.Iining. Consult them for sound advice on your II--i""!ii!IiI',;

life insurance requirements.

PIIOIIAILY yOU ALREADY own life insur­ance payable to your wife on your death. TIle amount of the policy may be pay­able in a single sum. Unless you know your wife will have an immediate and pressing need for this large sum, you should consider the reinvesbnent prob­lems that will confront her. Your policy contains several optional methods of settlement which should be studied. They enable you to arrange for your' life insurance to be paid out in an income fonn suitable to your family needs,


Remember, there is no one best plan for everyone. The important thing is' to review your programme regularly. The option that fits present requirements may not do equally well for later needs. • •

To keep thelrfnsurance thoroughly up to date, thowand! of Sun Life

policyholders last year tool: advan­tage of the optional settlemenbr

provided In their policies.

REMEMBER, TOO, THAT your life insur­ance policies can be of help to you in several different ways throu$hout your lifetime. Suppose you are suddenly con­fronted with a financial obligation. YOII

could borrow against your policy, and arrange for regular repayments.

Last year, several thousand policyholdl'1ll were enabled to pus ruccessfully

through a temporary 6nancisl ~ergenc~' by bomming agurut 1\--- their Sun Life polieit!.

Yes, to make the most of your life insurance, know what you want the dollars to do, and know also how you can have these dollars 'best arranged for the job. Your life insurance agent is the man to help you, His training and experience are readily available to you without obligation at all tim~,



NIW lIPi INSUIIANCI IN 1'55, $761,854,137 -Mlnerta .. 01 $65 lI!illiont.

Tit. I."t" .rII.un~ Iver Ja,tI Ill' • C'III-


$6,S:S4,2~I,986 - represent.d by 1,223.1)66 iIIdivlduol poliClH and 742,715 GrOllp I/\JIII" allCi certifieatH.


$156,"1,795 dvrl", ms. $3,002,981,'39 ,Ine. 1171, when the ftltf SUII

Ufo policy wal mnd.


$2. IIImloll' In cllvldtnds to PQticyhcld~/S -I~ lnerem. In leal. for tho "\'tnth cOIIIKuliY'

, EVElY OWNER of a, life insurance policy owes it to himself to learn about the many ways in which payment of life insurance dollars can be arranged to ,meet particular needs. For instance, a policy bought for the protection of the family can be used to supplement re­tirement income if the children are grown-up and the policy is nO longer needed for its original purpose.

It Copy .f ,Ir. COIII/HIIIY'. fIImll"" "~5 AnnUli' R.p.rt It II.rlllll 1II1I11,tI fit "'., ,..,If'/hltl.r· ., IIIif)' lit .1t'1I1M11 '"""

T. F. HOMER, Branch 'Manager

Royal Bank Chambers 5t. John's



is I cea

south coast Ii In sight of of Miquelon S

while rescuers to their aid.

Vardy and John Y were driven Ie motor dory

homes on Fox to to Burgeo

.tlCc:ee(leU In bringir.l Miquelon where and began to baij were sighted from!

residents who im' St. Pierre.

y's •


appalling lack of l'~ facilities In SI. Joilr. outdoor playground~

community centr~, a group of citizer.; lind a .way to cop"

space per one: population. The til

for a Canadian r' is 4:00 acres. Vane'

IS high as 9:00 acre: cities havc 4:00 or (

Stuart GorlCr Welfare C,

in the proble; so far as to or~ help oC his CO,WII

workshop on r !che,duh:d for Wedr ith" to see if peopl:

about the situati and find a ~o'

B. Strong. Dire,' at the Menta:

keenly interested as well. He i~ of the Welfan C. service body. H, prospects ahead f

of St. John's, m; without a '

~realljon:al facilitie~ fl' 12 up to seniG'

House, Rehabi of the ~f1d, Association. a

in his youllgcr da~' city sprouting fr

and little being dOlli lields and indonr the populace. He

arc many ptaces which Cill. be de' Dla\',ol'nt.ntls' and 1001

of communit; basic start of a 5,

three gentleman, of the Wclfare

, is trying to tark before its ~trJn~

being. met the 51''' rrcss on Sa hmby a . the situation at :

prohlem can be tenor of the :

Only the people' and a great;

needed in order t be made aware In pathetic form.

on Recreati recreation a

groups or citizen I-Children untler

3-Aduits: 4-, Two leadl'!'S ,

rL~ding "rllup \l'1iI finds at the wurk leaders arc: Child

12-.lTiss Jea:. !\Ium Carroll;· Teenagel

Cramm, !\Ir. Art AdultS-l\Jiss Anna Mr. Doug Eaton:

~Ieehan. Yi "'ali

th Harry Jllew'!' ha! ~ probl~m as 1'"

the principal ,!orkshop and wi

llie even.lng's pro which will Hall on Ma

SL John's W.elfare

know that St. Johr


9Mo accidents in N the quarter en

31st, 1955, accm released by the PUblic Works r

'129. Of these 7' w non-ratal but

,of one or I caused prup

lhq. 2 persons killel

Ped W~re passenl estnan. ' .


ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, 1 The Daily N~ws MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1956 , .. ,"



's ermen rown Carhonear Cadets- Visit St. John's~

cean mas es oat Was -Effected

"~~ ".nlh consl fisher- The dragger Colombler com· 'ing RCMP asked, the RCAF to \ took olf from the U.S. Naval base !,.. in !i~hl uf the mander by Capl. Jacoll TI;ornh1l1, orl:anlze an air search. at Argentla at noon but jailed to

" of ~1iquelon Sallll" was sent to help them, alld other A U.S. Coast Guard "irerall spot the men. ~hil~ re~cuer5 were fishing craft' were dil'erted 10

,'I Iheir ;Jill. the scene. "nnl~' .1ml Jolm Young Bul before the rescue \'e~sels al"

'''''rr Ilril'rn to sea ril'ed 1I11quclon advised that wrecl;· " nI,'lor clory alte~ age or the dory had wa~hed up on

h"IIW~ on Fmc Is· the beach with no trace of the hI ~" 10 Burgeo. occupants. It wn~ presumed Ihe

.... (cden in hrinslng lhe anchor rope broke nnd when the :·;i:q:: .. J"n where they dory wa~ drIven against the rocks , ;~~ b"~~n 10 bail h~r by heavy seas the men were too ,,(:F -J:!llcll from shore I exhausted to get ashorc.

, n,,:drnl,; who immcdi· When the motOl' dor~- was Iil'st " ~L Pirrrt'. reported mIssIng Saturday morn-

Of Lack ying Ground

Citizens ,........ !acl; of recrea· ::,: .. ::.,; i:: SI •• John's, In ':,>~ I'l:Iy:;:rounds and : ~'~::I::::Y rentres, has ; :~,':Ii' "f ci1lz~ns Inlo , : ,; ; ""Y to cope wIth

only 0:73 , :,' :,':,1,1111. ~porling and .-~ •• ;".1'(' prr one tholl'

mnny things but we fecI Ihat the need for an organized pro­gramme of nil kinds of recrca· tlon Is one of the most urgent. We know that community mind· ed cltizcns nre aware of this need. Orily by YOllr presence at this Workshop can we hope tn achieve acion which will pro\'id, this pro· gramme for our city."

Mark Anniversary loss Of u.s. Ships GnAND BANK, Feb. 18 (Spec'

lal)-Fourteen yeal's ago today the American destroyers Truxton and Pollux pilcd ashore on Chamb­ers Point In a howling winter snoll'storm with a hcavy 1055 of Iifc. But for the heroic action of the men and womcn of 51. Law· renee and Lawn who, worked all night on Ihe cliffs, many more lives would have been losl.

In recognition of the bravery and hospitality dIsplayed by these Soulh Shore people the United States Government erected a lIIe·

Boy Scouts Fund Campaign Opens Toda.y

modal lIospitnl at St. Lawre\lce. ThIs morning the residents of

SI. Lawrence and Lawn paid trl· bute to the memory of the Ameri· can sen'lcemen who perished four· ' teen years ago by attending re' quiem mass at the Roman Cath· olic Church and later Mayor Aub­rey Farrell on behalf of the Town Council and labour representatives visited, the hospital and In a short but dignified ceremony laid wreaths on the mcmorlal tnblet on thc Institution as a mark of re' spect.

Air Cadets From Carhonear Visit St. John's

The Provincial Committee of the Air Cadet T.eague of Canada sponsored a visit 10 St. John's on Saturday of Air Cadets and friends from Carbonear.

THE CARBONEAR SQUADRON of Air Cadets visited St. John's on Saturday as guests of the Kinsmen Squadron of St. ,John's. For dinner, each of the Kins men cadets took one or two of the Cal'bonear cadets to his home. Seen in the photo are, left to right:-Mr. Eugene Young, Pat Dooley of Carbon ear, Mildred Penney of Carhonear, Mrs .Eugene Young, Derek Young of the 514.Kinsmall, Keith and Richard Young,

.. ' ':'.

, . . '

.. '

",',:' ,: ".:, The desired ." : ~ l L':maclinn cHy of " " ,c) "('r~;;. \"ancou\'er , . ::: :,' 9,no acres and ;' :1 \(' 4:00 or belter.

•. ,"', .';~:I":: Godfrey of

l\Iosl speakers at Saturday's press conference wcre famlliar with the Commons in HallinK where ten baseball dljmonds and other recreational fields arc laid out, The same thing should be provld~d ror S1. John's citizens so that rather and son can get log ether with neigborhood friends Ior an arternoon of re­laxation •

The Boy Scout Association In Newfoundland slarts its cnmpaign for funds loday, and Scout~ will be calling on householders all ovcr the Clly in slIpport of the calise.

Scoutinl: in this provInce has made great strides In the past few years, And although member· ship has increased' greatly, the lel'el of opcrntlng funds has not increased 10 any great extent. To ef!lciently carryon the important work of Scouting, the local As· soclatlon is makIng this appeal to

Three bus loads of young eadets and many young women from the • community arrived in St. John's from Carbonenr on Saturday morn· ing.

They went to the Prince of : ~:, "'rlfarc Council

-''''~ ,:-, 1:1e 11roblem, lie '! ", :": ;1' In organIze,

-'::i' I1f his co·workers, . :J II :,r~ -hop on recren· ";:~:rj for Wednesday, ": : - 'N' j{ people care ,-:'::: th~ situation to

''C ,::,! find a solullon. : 5 ~:rong. Director of

:'~ ;.' J!\[' ~Ienlal Hos·. ,i:C~:Y interested in the

I' ,\'t·ll. lie Is past '! :~~ \\'rlfan. Coullcll, ',:1'lr~ body. Hc sees

Just as Important would be an Indoor centre, a communi!y hall, where citizens of all agcs can meet to play shuffleboard, billIards, table tennis, c:Ilcss or any other recreatl~n whiCh w1l1 keep us together as a commun·

Wales rink, where a hockey game between 8 picked team from the four squadrons, Lions, Kiwanis, Rotary, and Kinsmen, in St. John's resulted in the Carbonear cadets gaining a smashing victory of the public,

i sevenlcen goals to none for St.

CI · D F John's. OSln!! ate or An hOllr of general skating fo1-U lowed the hockcy game and the Music Festival young people thoroughly enjoyed

• themselves. lIy·proud cllizem!. Contestants who propose, enter. Cadets from the elty played bost

SUIP'S CREW DRUNK Ing the Klwnnls MusIc Festival to the visitors and many homes Ihl I d d th t Ih here on Saturday were full of

;~"i'rl:' ahead for the ,.!~. .lllhn·~. menially

: ,::~, lI'ilhonl n ~~'stcm " '",I r;,t'ilille~ for ehll·

i~ 1111 10 ~enior cltiz·

STOCKHOLM (Reuters)-Pollce 5 year are rem n e ,8 ere .laughing and excitement over the in MalllJoe, southern Sweden, saltl are. only six days left in which to game and the iun while the boys Fridny they had sent n party reglsler. '., and girl! snt down 10 dinner at aboard Ule 4,320·ton Finnish motor· .An offl~Jal of Ihe Fesllval Com· the dining lables Df boys from 51. shIp Olio H. noll' awaitIng an Ice· null ec saId last night Ihat the breaker'S asslslance outsIde Mal. closing date for entrIes has heen .Tohn's.

Ih'habllitntlon moe, nnd arrested nl'e of the crew sel for next Saturday, February One hosless, preparing for 'an ~~". \lId. Tuher. for "drunk and disorderlv bella. 25th. II Is known that a number unknown numbef of \'iFiting

R noted' \'101'." The men had broken into of artists Intending to cnler have cadets, had nQ less than four apple _ " • Y' un~C1' tln~'s, see~ Ule ship's stores and stolen 300 not yel registered, and they are pies, limitless potatoes, carrots,

. bOltle' of beer, poliCe sal·d. ur"ecl to do ~o wllhout delay. and steak cookcd to treat the r'" 'pr"ulill~ frolll all • eo hungry guesls.

: "::~ ill'il\~ done ahoul The party returned 10 Carbonear

;:~~';~::~;;;~iE::~r<~l~~E New .Design ,Of l)y hus at 4 p.m, on Saturday.

., r" bp del'elopcrl Public SpcakinO' , : ''',. rt, "!ld luoks to II b , : (,f rommunlty ~pirit P t St FO IT· I :l-:, 'I"r: uf a solution. OS a' ge !lmps Ina s omg It :,::re ~~l\tl1!man, spenr· ~ .! .~,~ Welfare Council Finals In the Girls Public Speak· , .~': ", t" ta~kle the Ing Contest, sponsored by the Rot· .,!"" h ,tranglcs our /lry Club, wl11 be held tonight at

"'. ..': tl\,. Slhll.t~1\'\'it. lIIcmorlal UniversIty Theatre at . .: ,'Uf,lay and dis- B.OO with an all time high enrolJ.

' .. , : ,'i"l! at len~lh. • ment of eight schools. .. • '" (':'11 be IIckecl, Schools represented In the con· "',' '. ""I" .. f the meeting test are Bishop Spencer,' Curtis r,·:,: 'he Jlr~ple can lick Academy, Macpherson· Academy,

',',. '." 1 a great awaken. Model School, Prince of Wales :,'Jed in order that the College, St. MIchael's School, Sal· "t m1~r aware that It vntion Army College, Newfound·

.=: p,thrtir form. land Academy, (':. Hrrrration will

, ~,~p rc·trcalinnal neetls , i:"U~! of dlill'ns. They '-('~,lldrl'l! IInd!'r 12; 2-

:: \rlullS: 4-Sl'lIlor . '1 '" 10 lea(!t·:'5 of ~nch ;'!",~ ~r"U)l will Ilresent ,'1, ; 1 t hi' IYorksllOp. ~";j(.:; m': Children Un. -;-'1:" J~a.. ~Iurray, ReI'. .1::",.11: Tecnagcl"Ii-l\Irs. C:,mm, ~Ir. Art Tomlin·

'" .. 'Iisl :\ nna Temple· I1n11;: 1~~loo: S~nlor

,.-"t'"" \'1 Wahh, Mr. 't'~l"

., Horn' ~I~\\-:: h~~ recogn­: r'n"I~TTI ~. 1\',.11. lie

II,. I'rincipal &peRker '~'::hho., ~nd will Intro· ."

!!C'IIt;',,,': ,,~.\·enlng's programme =: Which will be held

:;15. Hall on March 7th. " .. Nn'! Welfare Council

th?1 !it. ,Tohn's needs

terlstics. Both Jtamp5 arC being engral'ed and prInted by the Can. adlan Bank Nole Company, Ot· lawa,

Thll Honourable Hughes La· pointe, Pastmoster Generai, loday announced the delalls Df tfle two new design IVildllfe series postage st~mps that will be issllcd on thc 12th Aprll to PlIlphasizc Canada's By issuing thc5!! two postage Nlltional WlldllCe We~k. . titamJ1~, the PO&1. Office Depart·

A 4 cenl purple slamp will 11. ment .wlshes 10 .ioln with those lil~trate Caribou and a :I cent blue pl'lvale, prol'lnclal And Federal stamp will illustrate a Mountain Government. Agencies tbat are Goat. Both stamps were deslgn~d strIving to Increase the Interest by Emanuel Hahn, RCA of Tor. In the Importance of !ecurlng and onto. In develDplng . the designs, restoring the wlldllfe resources of the artist selected their outstand. Canada,. not only for their con· Ing characteristics and 1Ilustrated sldcrable economic value, but also the Mountain Goat head only and because they are a constant source a group of Carlhou In a manner of pleasure t~ thousands In every which stresscs their herd charac· walk of nre.'

To Broadrast Rotal'Y Opening , His f1onour the I,leutenant Gov· ernor and Ihe party of Rotadnns who attended the opening of the new Rotary Club at Corner Brook relurned to the city last night.

A broadcast or the inaugural "Innrr of the nf-IV Cluh wili he aired this ,mornln". at 10,30 over Ihe CBC statiDns.

PersOJial· Mr. 111. J. Pratt, manag~r of the

Royal Trust Company here, reo turnc~ .by air on Saturday from Montreal, where he had been on a business trip.

Rev. Douglas Noel, who for sev­erni' years was turate of SI. Thomas' Anglican Church, St. John's, underwent an operation at a Toronto hospital on Friday. A message recelvcd by relatlves in

. 'the cily on Saturday ~ald that the

9 Motor Accidents R . 0 te d operation was successful nnd nev. ep 1-- . Mr, Noel hi doing as wen as can , ,be expected.

;;'d~onl~ In Newrounrl. II~' q'l"rl~r ending De·

'I, 195~. ac~nrdln" to r,'t> I " rj ~'rr by Ihe Dcpart.

ubllr Works, reached a Of thm 7 WM'e fatal;

Mn·fatal lIut resulted "' on., or more per· t"Jlhrd t'ruJl~rt3' dam· ,

"li I'ltlon, killed, 4 were lI~re pa!senllers, and

n. ".-'

In the non·fatnl aeddents, 47 drivers were responsible, for 24 rivers, 82 passengers, 65 pedes· or .the total. ,- .

trlans, 3 cyclists and 4 olhers were Fallure to grant right of waYj Injured, bringIng the total to 201. ' careless 'backlng, and Inexperience,

Property damage amounted LO,and operating too fast [or driving • total of $:i24,l03.00. conditions, Inattention of' child

A breakdown of the cause IIsled and adult pec1estrlnns; and defec· for Ihese acclclents HiI'es Ihe, tl~ equipment, such as poor greatest blame to Inatt~nthlll 1111' brakes, obscured, visIon, blowouts the part or the driver, and the and glaring lighls nre all list ell next to skIdding. FollowIng 100 as I:Jlntrlbutlng raetors 10 the high clo,ely bchind anOlher car comes Rccident rale for, the last three hIMh on the IIsl, and .. intoxicated· monlhs· or 1955.

, .:.. \ ..

------Special Service At Cathedral .. ,

In keeping with the Centenary obseT\'nnces to mark the 100 years of work done by the MIssions to SeAmen In Greb! Brllilln, the Cathedral Men's BIble Class held a thanksgll'ing service In the New· foundland Cathedral at 11 a.m, ),cslcrday, . •

__ .iii ............ _~ ___ -_, ---'--'-~-----~-:-----'--'''' .. ' --------/

WHEN 'fHE CARBONEAR Air Cadet hockey team visited St. John's on Saturday as guests of the 514 Kinsman Sqljadron, they brought some ardent female supporters. Here are some of them \\'ho posed for Daily News cameraman David Butler.

~lotber Of Seven R d L t S ' Dies Suddenly e~or . a e eason . oll~rr~~S~ltre:;lenorR~~~~:ilY 45ri:~~: F P t Of B t 'd ~~fl~~e:.al~{IC~~~I;~~th~~ ~ ~~:.:~. 0 r 0 row 00 at!nck Thul's(lay night in Grandi (;nAND FALLS, frb. 181h- 1'\cw!lIundlanrl c/last anrl again earnin;;, for lilp. irn;;shol'emen. Falls. . The ~Icamer Ba~kervillc IInur,r rnlcrinl: fhe Bay of Exploil~. The: The (a:-:lol1· .• I'i,it "as a record

Mr~. R~hcl'ls nnrl l\ nrlghh~llr, commancl of Capt. ,T. G. "'iI'on, Ftcamer is nol'.' loading 6.000 ton, in itsetf bul II',W Ihe Ba!okerville, JIIrs. PatrIck 1I01lIr,\lan,' \\'rre go~m~ arri\'erl ~f. Botwood from ~lallche5. of newsprint (01' Manchester. An takes the hhloric spotlight. .. t~ n show Rt ~ppro:lll11af~ly IIInc ter, England, al'rived IAfe Satur- interesting ceremony took place o clock, .!JIlrl when paRSIII!l the rlay afternoon All gilyly del~kr.d In on board the British steamer Cax· JAIL EAST GER~IAN Post orCle!! Bulldlng, ~!rs. RQberts, !lags in honour of the distinction Ion at Botwood on Wednesday BERLIN '(AP) - A Communist took 111 ;l!ld wr., ohli~el! to rest .of being the ialest ship to arrivc whcn delegation from Ihe long· court sentenced an East Germall' on t~e slep~ of the bUl.ldmg. Her in Botwood in any shipping year. shoremen's union called on Capt. to 3!'. years imprisonment for nol condition was Immedmtcly com· '1'1 B . '11 . d Coole. and presented him with a prel'enting two youths from fleeinl municated to. the RCMP and Sgt Ie aSKelVI e experience an 'ft f t' t b' h' to the We:t, an East German , . extremely rough time of it Thurs- gl or consen 109 0 rmg IS Ansley and Const. Saunders who I' . II d F' d " steamer into Botwood at this laic newspaper reported Friday. Tht, were on duty quIckly assist cd the [a~ nI¥ I an . rI ay mornmg . .. paper said Karl Stabenow, 56, waf woman'inlo the Police S!ation ami whcn It encountere~ heavy seas season and WIth the pOSSIbility of convicted of "agitation" agains! called a doctor alid notificd her and very strong wlllds of( the meeting Ice. This meAns ext~a the Communist regime. ' husband and l\Ionsignor J. W. ,---------=-----=--.:..---Peddle. '

Mrs. Roberts was in n coma when assisted into the Police Station and she pn~secl away nfter about ten minutes. TIle body W<oS lakcn tn her residence on lIIonehr Roat! amI interment touk place in Ihe Re. Cemetery Botwood highway Friday afternuon.

Thc lule Mrs. Roherts Is the' former Agalha Price, daughler .of Mr. Anthony Price of Grand Falls, Rnd she leaves to mourn besides her faLller, a hnshand and scven children, three daughters: :IIary in , Hallfax. Ann nnll Patricia in Gr,.lId i FRlls, anrl fnUl' ~ons. L~n al Har· , mon Field. D~l'id, Allan nnrl T~rry I in Grand Falls. 1'llrl Oll~ ~i~:er, ?-1rs. Clillorrl 5aIJlPr,on, In H~lifax: to all of whom we extend deepest sympatlij',

(In England, a serl"ice of t~al1k5-giving 'was ,;held ".In W~slmmster Abbey with the.' Archblshop of Canterbury as special speaker).

The seT\'lce at the Cathedral be­gan "ith the National Anthem and prayers' led by the' ncctor. Thc lesson was rcad by C.M. Lane, one, of the official readers of the ClItBC.

The Rev. Canon .1; T. Richarrl~ was the pl'cacher and took as his text Psalm 107, part of vcrse 30 -"And ~o Hc brinl(eth them into the haven where they would bc." Canon Richards preached an In, ; spirin~ sermon un the work o[ the; Missions 10 Seamen in ports all \ over the world, including 5t.' John's.

The service was Inken hy the Rev. J. A. Slnde, Rector' of the Chthedl'nl with the Hev. J. M. Reid, Ch:IiI'IIWII of Ihe Cl\\IlC liS,

slsting. ' , The meillorable and historic SCI',

I'lce was attended by a lai'ge con gregation.. . .. _ ......

-.. "-.--~.-. •

Small and medium sizes, Cotton Gabard-ine. REG, 5.9S .......... NOW 4!!95 MEWS BROAOC:LOTIi SHIRTS Assorted Stripes. REG. 1,94"1!! 7 S MEN/S V{ORK SHIRTS Selection of bright Plaids in good qual­ity Cotlon. REG, 2,45 .......... 1.94 PAINTERS JACKETS White' Colton Drill: REG. 2.75 ..... " ....... " .......... 2,,45


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.. .


, ,


,The Daily News Slap For Lobbyist In The News By Wayfarer

The DAILY NEWS is I morning paper c:labllshcd' In 1894, and publish cd at· the News Building 3:15·359 Duckworlh Street.

. st. John's, Newfoundland, by Robinson & Company, Limited,

While the American Senate was debating a bill to remove producers of nalural gas from federal supervision, Senator Case of South Dakota intervened to say that he had decided to vole lIgainst the measure ---------------------­because he had l'eceived an unsolicited contribution to his campaign lund from a person interested in getting the legislation

about the lIvin'g theatre that is stimulating and excitlng, You don't gct, it ·in the safe way from fUms and television, There you arc only watching shadows, En· tertainlng shadows, of course, Articulate shadows, yes. But never an adequate SUbstitute for the rcal thing, The living thea· tre Is one of the oldest forms of artistic expression and it remains unique,

ftlEllBER OF TilE CI\/liADlAN PRESS . The Canadian Press Is exclusively en,

~lIled t, the. U60 (or repnblication 01 all' ne\Vs dl.'patches In this paper credited Ie' It or to The Associated Press or Reuters and also': the local news published therein,

AU Pren service and feature artides In this paper :Ire copyrlgh: and their rcpr(lo duction II prohibited,

Fordin Countries $12,00 par annullI

passcd. The House of Commons passed the bBl

just the same but an invcstigation indicated that some companies anxious to see it go through had employed high-pressure lob­bying and other dubious devices to get support for, it. And-because of these dis­closures, the efforts of the lobbyists have backfired, President Eisenhower hall vetoed the bill not because he was against it-he jSll't-but because he feels that the

Authoriled IS second class mail rosl integrify of govel'nment requires that the DUice' Department, Ottawa, lobbyists should be frustrated in their •

Member Audit· Bureau 01


MILl' S\JBSCRIl'TION RATES: designs, .

NOTES AND COMMENT 'l'he last thing on earlh in

which we would proCess any ablllly Is tile' role of drama critic, All we know about the theatre is what we like, If we find we arc concentrating on the development or a play, if we arc annoyed whell people cough or rustle progrf/.1mes, we arc sec· Ing a good show by our standard, But if we !lnd we arc Inclined to wriggle on the edgeo[ the sent, have momellts of boredom and Inattentlon, then the play (or us Is a flop,. 'fhls III hardly the basis on which to round good dramatic criticism although we doubt If lI'e arc clifferent In this respect from the main run o[ playgoers,

Of course, there arc things about play going that have nothing to do with the play itself, 'rhere arc the Intervals, for example, which arc social oceasions-cock· tall parties, If you like, which are all the betler because can· versation must be made without the stimulation of alcohol, The atmosphere o[ the theatre, is Canada ................ $ 8,00 per annun: Th~ point is that if the high-pressure

United Kingdom and a\l charactcrs had let well enough alone, Con-

I-=~~=~=~~~=~:-=~=::!:' gross and the Prcsident would have given .:: thcm the legislation ther wanted, But

MONDAY. FEBRUARY 20, 1956 just as soon as it was found that attempt~

Challenge To Co-operatives

. The! Pro\'incia11linister of Fishcries, lVII', Keougll, has issucd a ehnllengc to fishel'­inen'" co.opcrath'es, Go\'el'l1ll1cnt is pre­

had been made to buy support, the Presi­dent found it was necessary to teach them the lesson that pl'ivatc interests must riot seck by bribes to tamper the processes of govel'llment. Servc them right.

Nigerian Visit

The foregoing has becn prompt- always exciting, as much liO in cd by In visit to the London st. John's ns In New York, But Theatre Company's presentation In the final analysiS the play's o[ "Sabrina Fair". A bright and the thing and there is no harder witty play with a lot of good test o[ a company's quality ,than lines, we enjoyed e,'ery mument the weekly change or play with of It although Ive had seen it in I the great variety o[ demands London In 1954, This is pOS1libly each change makes upon the aet­where our judgment ns a critic ling .ability, versatility and emo­might be called into question .. (jonal range of the players, We How coulll a sma II repertory have been constantly amazed at company Iar from home, work· the capacity oC the London Thea­Ing In a town without proper tre Company to meel this conlin­production fnclJities, be eompnr· uous challenge. ed with a big eily company brought together to du just one particular play? Be that as it may, we still liked the local pro­duction just as much a~ the one we saw abroad: And the audlcnce clearly lOI'cd it,

pai'ed to gil'e thrill finanl:ial assistance. of The Quccn and the Duke of Edinburgh the kind it has 'gi\'en to pl'i\'ate enterpl'lsc ha\'e (;ome 'safely home from a gruelling If they are preparcd to undertalte the visit oC three weeks to the great West proccssin~ o[ salt I:o(lfish \\'hkh now gocs Afl'il:;m colony of Nigeria, It was a tour to NO\'u Scotia in well-salted forlll, undcrtaken not only as part o( the normal

This has ,'ome about becausc the Gm'- I royal duties but nbo as a mallcr of im-crnmcnt is alarmcd al thc volumc of sales, pel'ial policy and in this t'csped it has bcen We ha\'e always hnd the great· of h03\'" salted fiSh to ?io\'~' 'otia plants a trcmcndous success, est ~d\llil'ntion for pI'o[cs~iunal .' repertory, '1'he cumpany has to 10 be processcd into dricd fi. 'Con(cdcra- Thl,) huge Nigerian territory, including be Pllt together with Ill'cat care tion." said 'iYh'. Keough, ':11:19 mcant man,\' also part of thc Cameroons which were becallse of the demands tlwtl11ust things of. great value to Newfounclland, taken from Germany aftel' the first world be imposed 011 the versatility of FM the salt fish ,processol's of No\'a Sl:olia w?r, is dividcd into threc regions which each member. 'rhe pcople back

I 1 1'[ "0 d '{ stage hal'e 10 work in crampeli

it las meant n llew' ease on I C, Ul' i! er sufficiently on an ethnic and l'elig- quarlcrs and with few of the

The Iact that this company has bcen a ble to come here year aCer year is a tribute also to the cultural IntElrests Dnd standards of SI. John's, .i\Iontreal, a city with an English population four or five times as great as st. J Ohll'S, cannot support a perman­ent theatre, Nor can any other Canadian city, We ha\'e an in' dividuality ill our outlook and tusles which few mail1iand com· l11unl1les ean match and our nbillty to support professional theatl'c for foul' months of each year is one proof of this.

fishermen supply thc I'll\\' material. The ious basis to malte unity difficult, standard 'facilities of big Ihea­Marltimers make the finishcd articlc and But unit" is desired because it is thc tres, 'fhc sets 1II11st often COIl\'CY Wc ha\'e bcen anxious lo pay export it. Small wondel' that somc or thcm ambitio¥! Nigerinn leaders to become a 'nn illusion or space on a tillY this little tribute to the London should protest the intention to build e:.~- self-governing membcl' of the Common- stage, The players must put on Theatre .Compan

y, We wou!d not

. t 1 . I t 'th g , t ltb Th N' " tl I k lone play and rehearse another write it If we did not think It was perll1~Cll a cltrmg p an s WI ove~nmcn wea, e ~g.erlan~, 1em~e vcs, as ec In the same week and yet never fully deserved, We certainly help 111 Newfoundland, , for the royal VISit durmg wp1ch they de- alloW themselves to be distracted' would not write it to encourage

And so we come back to !\Ir, Keough';.; c1ared a political truce and hoped that the by this double life, 'l'his Is the peuple to sec poor actors in n challenge. Will fishermen form co.opera- unifying influence of the Crown repre- hardest kind of work, But they bad play, We do feel that those tives to procure loans to enable them to drv sented bv the Great White Qltee~ would would not deserve a~dienl'C sup' people who work so hard to please th' • f"I" ' \ 't' If f It 'port for this alone, '1 he point IS then' audiences deserve not only

ell' ow n IS I , rna te I se e. . that Ihis \VeH-halaneed company a lot of credit fur their achieve-But there wc come liP ngainst n very The people went all (Jllt to [~i\'e the Queen ure dulng a first-class Job uf en· ments but alsu a iot of support,

difficult problem, The l'cnSOll so. much nnd her husband a loyal and 'rollsint! weI- tCl'talnlng their audiences ami If they were discollraged finan-come and there is liLlIe doubt that Her thosc whu have yet to sec one of cially frum coming here, their

fish is being ~old in wet-5alted state is plain Majestv bas illustrated bv' this \'isit to their plays, ar? missing somc- regular supporters would miss 10 be seen. The a\'cl'a~e fisherman can N'g .. ,' th t th' d t' f J. 'It' . f thing worth while. them, But we still think there procure a higher re\\'ard from ot}WI' tern. ! I e. Ja a . e u leS 0 10) a ~ at e ar -- must be many people in St, POl'aI':: occupations I han hc can :;!d from mo~e than ~ocJal and may become on oc-, :\01\' although we Icnow nothing John's who ha\'e yet to discover stn.\'in!:! Cit hOlllC and emili," hi~ fLih, 'l'f; c~slon a 11111Jor in[1uclwe on I:olonial polky, I at all ahout the fil~cr aspects of whnt Ihey arc missing if they ~ " " Ilhe Ihe~lrc, we hl,e playgolng hal'e failed 50 far to see one of make maltel'~ \\,(JI'~C, stage;; hll\'\! bee'n I and 50 do a lut of olher Ilcoplc Illhe prodllclions of li1is very gooc! (lcl:a~-in!! ;md falling down, Propcrtics • _____________ ..... __ • ',In !::it, .Iohl\'~, There is ~omethillg lillic company of English playcrs

hi1\"e rot orclI kcpt up, J"adli tics ill gen- i ('\'al fhl' HIIl-cmillo;( 11<1I'c been l'cdllr:cd to, 5t tl F T d : C II Fed· B II thc lo\\'c;;t len!\ ill ':-;cwfollndlanc!'s histon'. : reng 1 or QU ay : as· or ana Ian a ct

In n ,"cal' lil,e J95-1.I'i~hcl'llIenl11i~hl ha:'c !, ____ BY_E_A~nL_L_, _IJ_O_UG_L_"I_SS.:...-___ ,WidespI"ea' (I SO(',I· !l] PCI'fol'lUS At lw.d to' ~ta\' ilt home fOl' man,' \\'cck;; to I • (;UI'C a fe\\' quintals of fish !)ccau5c the LO~nl:'l'I'''S I L . I . n II \\'cathel' that Stimmel' and full was A large hospital ann~u;lee'd ;~me llIonlhs~go that egIS atIon . 01'00 { yn atrociol1s. But they could cal'll anything ti.lelc wcre more, than 500 patients In that instltu:ion lly DON HOY'f By ·JAC!i: ~EST from fif1~' to eighty dollars a wct'k, per- Ilho nevcr rccelved any mall Md nel'er had any HALIFAX (CP) - eCl-' leader Canadian Press 51aff Wrltet' haps more, in a logging camp, It was visitors, ,~1ichacl Me Don aId 'l'hursday ~EW XOnK (CP) - The Na·

. h ' Think of whal that would be like, Inonlll nC',er called for widespread social legis· tional Ballet of Canada, on its <1!!amst uman nature that any but the born h lati d I I b'l ~ mont, Completely and absolulely alone in the on an campti sory all omo I e most extensive tour o,f the Uniled ' fi~hcrman would turn down immediate world; no one evcr wrote D letter no on • insurance as he re,slImed the Stales, staged the fIrst of three ca~h c:arnin[!!l to spend wec1,s waiting fol' to sec ~'Oll' nel'er lin inquir tl' h e ev:hr cum~ throne sp~ech debale In lhe Nora pcrformanccs at th e Brooklyn

. a chance to dry thcir fish, .,' Y lroug mon, s al1d Scotia legIslature, 'Academy of· Music Friday .. ~ enr s, , " • ~lr, McDonald, speaking. on the The company of 62 dancers and Loncl~nc.s IS onc oC the, great sorrows, and It Is thlrli day of olC 1956 seSSIOn, ad- musicians appeared under aus­

more Wldesprcnll lima we sometimes Imagine. Re. I'oc.nted a national pension scheme plces of the Brooklyn Institute of fleet for a 1110nlenl on lhe fnet thnt in pnc medlum- reconsideration of Ihe' proposcd Arts and Sciences, They presented ~ized insmution there were 500 people neglccted naUonai health plnn to providc three numbers-Chapins "Les 5yl· by relillivcs and friends and, completel shut ofl .Ilreater beneIil~, and inclusion of phides," Mahler's "Dark Elegies from the world in whl h lh Ii d 5 Y ti i11egltimato chlldrc~ In proposed and "Offenbach in the Under·

Th~ onl\' altcr11nli,;r. is In ma\,c it \\'ot'lh his \l'hile to I:UI'C his fi~h, That.means the Jlrol'i~iol1 of adequate facilitics on 11 cen· tralized ba.,is. It may mean a bonus on quality, It may e\'en',mean it measure of provincial price support. But whntever the means, the fael remllins that there hal' to be, incentive and without that incenti\'(! in the required measure, too many fisher­men will be content to henw sult their fish and sell it to Novu Srotia in tlfe wet'Ha\ti~cl

e cy ve, ome mes thl' government legislation to provide world," lOIleliest peo~le orc regarded as 111ghly privileged, for families of wage carners in In a matinee today the Toronto They may ha\c wealth, luxury, ond a host of cheer. prison, groiJp w!ll stage Tschaiko\'sky's ful aequr.lntanccs-yet they are lonely of hear!, The ,CCF spokesman urged Noya "The Nutcracker," completc, and and desperately so, \\fore oHen there is marc Scotia s Liberal government to JD. tonight, Tschaiko\'sky's "s IV a n loneliness in a big city than In a country village u:od,llce a car l~sW'ance scheme Lake,' Act 2, and Delibe9 "Cop,

Some people arc lun~ly because they are lIC Icci. I sl"!llar to that In Saskatchewan elia.' Acts 1 and 2, hut II/'uh:lhl~' thl' 1I1:1jlll i:y uf Illllely "gl ~~. \~:'l1Ch pruvldcd "th,~ most extc~.: The National Ballet received

stilte. I I I I pCIlP ~ UIP 511'1' ('uv,'r:ll!c a\,allable un thiS guod reviell's when it appeared in 0111' y. )~"Ull~~ I II'Y aI'" wltllfil'lIwn" 'I'h~y h:w~ cuu(int'nl." IIrUIII:I\'1I fur the fir~t lime last l'ruwl~t1, IlIlu th~il' 1111'11 IIral'ts ~1I11 th~n \l'llllllcl't'1I ~Ir, Ml'IJlln~ltI saitl the l'lu~es YC:U', A Stlol;csman K3id the ad--._---_._--_ .. ---

Inflation \\'h~' It IS Ihal Iht,.v ~I'~ )11 IIl1h:tI'JlY. I!.illl! ill ~1I1'~ !i1'1I1i:, III Ih~ 1I'~\t· l'al1l'e lil'l;cl ~al~ fllr this ~Ilgagc· I 1'.\'~I·y IUlwly tlel'M'1I ~hullhl i1l1lllir'l' III him,I,1! ern i'I'UI'IUCc'~ c"lIIllul~u,.y pal'k· fIIenl I.:IS I.tcCIl "excellent," • . " wlil'lhel' III' 1I0! 'his lunelincss I~ s~l[.illml,tcll, 11 :I~.l' p.,lIc;'.', \\111' ~ II1~XI11lUl!1 l,re- It is l'lll'1"~I1t1y UII. a slx·week , Britain A,nd

Wlt:,l tilL' Ili'ttlsh tilll't'ITlnJl.<lIl is l\uill" it Is, lie can dll sOllocthilll( ulwut 1t.-KIIII he sh III 111111111 III ~3U, I, a. $111.,411 .l'1311 cu\,· lonr of Ihe United Slates, ill which to fight inl1alirlll and nllike lltore good~ 1110 sUlll1'lhillg "llout It h~1 Ul ( cl'inu ulIly pllhhc., liability uml New Yurk" is the thinl stUll. 'rhe , 'f bl t I \ ' , ' , 111'1111~I'ty damage, Ill'c and Iiwlt cl1l1lpany oJlened ill I10chcsler 01\ al a col le cx]>ol'l'\l1~IJ' ;cts may he --:0:- 3111t II'jlh a $25U deductible clause N, y, and checked into Ncw York nccessary e\'Cll if some o[ it sounds like for collisIon. 'l'hurs'day night rollowing a five. thc worst Jdncl of political pi>),chology. Mr, McDonald 5aid many things day engagement in Buffalo. . Wh 0 had not been madc clear about the Tn both places it was weI re-

rhe new measurer. llnllOUl1Ce<l bv til(! at thers Are SaYI"ng health pl~n ~roposec1 hy Ottawa. ccil'cd. The Buffalo EYenin" News Chancellor of the Exchcqut'r, MI': Mac- , "Th~ hlg Itc.m agail!st Ill/) fed· 'cl"itic a~claimed UIC :;roU(l~ "al'l. millan, are hal'dh' dc;;i"ned to win fdends :ralf proposal ~~ Ula! .11. does nol islry. dlsciplinc and I'crsatillly"

.1 ' fl ,~, ~O ar enollgh, ho Soul. and said she \\'a~ "amazed" b II "1M. 111 uel1ce ,"otes, Som!! of them go a PARK IN TltE SUBURBS P~AN NOT CO~lrLETE pros1'CSs it h;.j made !inc/ ~h: 11ttle" further !han !Ill', Butler's "pots ;ll1d (Calgan' Hmld) It :;illII!ld have inc1ude~ C?III- In5t saw it fuur years previoltsly, p:ms budget of a few months ago, They . The Calgary Tran51~ Systcm Is In go i,head with p.lete llIodlcal care, .. hO~PI,t~hza, "SI\'~n lake," ~Iie wrote, "was include highet' prices for bread and milit 115 plan to eslablish car.parklng lob at tho subur. ~on, denUstrY'lJ",I!P Ule canng of d~lIC~d to near·perfection,"

th 1 d t· f b 'd' b3n t '11 e mentally I , rhe toUi' ends March 2.i in 51

roug 1 .a. re uc IOn 0 su 51 les on these el'lmna oops or four of its lines, The ilOpe of Premier Hicks rcplied \0 Pro· Louis, having laken Ule dancers ~ commodities. transit authorlties is that more residents will leave gresslve Conscl'valivD Leader Rob.! about 20 cities,

. . , their cars, outside the centre of the city where ert Stanfield's crillcism of a per· Brliam s cl:onomic position is critical, parldng Is n problem, and travel to Hili) r;om the sonal visit to Prime Mlnl6ter st,I-----------

The ~old Ilnd dollar reserves have suffer~d city centre by bus, L.Burent In connecllonwllh provin·: have maintained the closest IIni. n hel1vy drain. Tlle foreign trade deficit ' Clnl·federnl agreements, I son with other governmcnts in the h t b d d c.l th --, -:0:- ?I~~, Hicks o~jectcd to ,the Op. Atlantic provinces."

as 0 e l'e uce an . e amount of money' posItion leader 8 implicallOn thnt "Before seeing 1\11' St Laurent in circulation has to be l'cduced so long 1'RI\CTICAr, ltO:UAN'l'ICISM he dl,~ ~ot sce~ a tI~nitcd Maritime I s[lcnt more than ~n hour with as a large share or domestic output mU5t (Windsor Sial') Cront JQ dealmg wllh Ottawa, 'a prcmicr of another Maritime ~o into exports, ,But it is far, from certain' 'I'he French, nrc at tile one nnd same time a "I n5sur~ the House ,th~t since provinCe not of my political per· that puttIng an extra penny on a loaf of highly romantle and prllctical people, fl'hey com. the beginning of negohahons we suasion." bread will gain very mu'ch and it can lose bine these attributes, on a Ilersonal ievel, in qul\e - --. •... - - , ,......--a great deal so far as government support a _remarkr,blc,~ay" The 'systCll! of dowries stili is concerned prevails, an aSSIStance rather than an impediment

, to IllIJc, This is lllustrated by announcement of ~he Thc Labour solution is a return to cori- Ministry of Public Assistance that dowries ranging

h'ols, The Conservatives prefcr a reason- from ~flO to $90 w!1l be avallr.ble to spinsters be­ably Iree economy, 'rhe happy medium tween the ages of 21 and :10 if ~ey are poor. Thi. between the two se~ms . elusive. Raising i. mad~ po •• lble by funds provided by a phll, the costs of nccessities for the lowest-in- anlliroplst. Obviously this punishment is II roo come groups mllY be coul'ageous but it mU!1l!e chap, lie wonts 1111 younJ women til have (Joesn't seem La b'e thc way to get l' I a chance r.t martial bUss, It woulUls his soft henr:

t f' C '. na lOtta, 10 sec any o[ them wl~hout males. But be It nnted ~ut~por f~r,~ .. on:;cl'\'alive' governme.nt III he ha~ dcm'olls:raled his romalltlcls~ In a most .. Ime 0 el ISIS, . pracllcal manner. '

, " •



And Still More Surprise

Remnant Bargains ~At

. Ayres


Greens, browns, charcoal, 81 6 navy, wine, grey, blue, C ' to '66 tan, purple and white. •



Th{ right lengths for Kiddies' Overalls, Sun-shorts, etc, 6c to ].20


CRETONNE Every colour and pattern imaginable. 12c to 90(



wi .,...


E •• nlver

b{eIl1orial University hi cial events la5t wed

~, 12th. Students a dress and oeCl


' ..


, .. , 5 .

.~ . A Lesson From The Pyramids

Mr. and Mrs. John R, Dixon ciI.

J·,. ..... n 1Ii versi ty

, ,

@ \ ,:", ~ I


ilIAND-l\Ianpower, and a lesson learned from the builders of the Pyramids, recently retrived a 'f.33 Jet trainer from the frozen surface of Lake l\IelviJIe, near Goose All' Base, Labrador. The T·33 had made a wheels·up forc· ed landing on the lake surface. where the two ccupants had been rescued unhurt within six

, Fortune, who spent the past three weeks on business here, left or Saturday by R.~I.S. Nova' Scollp for Boston and New York, whefll llr. Dixon has business meetings. They plan to spend a holiday in Florida bcIoTe returning home: I

"/:l~llrial Uni\'crsity began its three day pt'ogra!Jlme · r\'cnts last wcck with University,Sunday on

l~lh, Studcnts and professors attended church :;~nli,' drc,;s ilnd occupicd rcscrved sec~ioJ:ls of the·

No doub! a man is behind this idea! Someone suggests that tlte wall around tbe ltitchen sink QC soli:! mirror so the busy housekeep..

1 er will be a ble to keep track of her I appearanec the 1Ihole ria)' thr!Jug~.

, '

\r\lm,n Cluh members at. minutes of the touchdown. ,'\\;" ,I thr lIasilicia of St. 1 The Library exhibited old books, The USAF now had ,an only I

, . E,I'I:,t ~I jA:i a.m .• \\'h~n I the mlcro.film reader and. th!) Rlightly damaged "·33 on the icc I "'c .\n·hhl,hull P. J. Skill' model oC "The Globc"-Shake. and getting the aircraft back to ,.". Ihr !cr\'icc, Thi!., spearc's l'la)'house-and gave I'lsit. Ihe base has to be a real problem, ,;:."wl h," a Communion i ors an opportunity to' sec the Tractors ami other haulins .. ,I ~1. ratrick's lIall,ll'.'callh oC written material avail. equipment could not set to the

I" h~ Ihc SI. nllnaven.i ahle to the students. T·a3, Weather moved in with a . partial thuw and then 3G inches : ,0:(' ,\"tlci:ttllln. ~Ir, hr·: Exhibitions In the Physical Edu· of snow in six days. The weight i:,;;hl, I'rc:itlcnt of \I~e : cali(ln department Included. equip- of the ~noW and the thnw iower· .,! Ihr rimlrman. and illS i ment for aetil'llIes In this field. cd the level of the icc in the lake ;~.( .\rrhbi,hllp addressed i The Monitor Room. displayed· the and the water at the edge of the

.. '(~I' .nd professors. I Carne~ie Art collection and music • '" lal.e bubbled up to freeze again :;'~jrrh ,,( England serl'ice, recordings and equipment. T~ and form a hummocked barrier

.1 Ihr Cathedral oC St.1 North Reading Room was full of ;t /I of Icc nt the edge. Saucer like E,pli;t at 11 a,m. Dr. A,! exhibits of materials relating to , ........ u ..... t;:. dips In the surfnce of the lake

\ll'an nf Arts and II Newfoundland. . e' ... .,···,~"",· Icc held unfrozen water under II,d Ihe second lesson, The Physics laboratory display. "Who taught her to play tackle football?" the snow, and the T·33 waS In the \1',111,,111 ,\hrabam, a stu· I cd experiments showing the fiuor. __ . ___ ._ middle of one of these dellres·

J..·I~ 1'.M.II! ... U.s. rat. Ot\

(l1H' ~, NU $.t\'~ •• '-

. "How do YOII know I'm overweight, Doctor":' r·· a )'be I'm . , just too short!'~ _ .'J


! ):[""'r:,,I. rcad the first, scope,' the 'radlalion thermopile, judges were Dr. A. C. Hunter, Pro- out and ask~d for the "water boy,", slons that had over 24 Inches of ;','. l'Jn~n A, H, Howitt: the propogation of sound In air fessor S. J. Carew and Miss E MI\· whose duties were cameu u,,~ Ill' water. Mr. Jack Crowell, Arlie

'.,.' ::", ,lrmnn. I photometer apparatus, etc. lard, Headmistress at Bls. hop Speno Ilr. Gushue. Ping pong finals, tug· Research expert from Headquar. ters, NEAC; advised thnt the icc -_. 'I

,:.:, : ,'llIIl'ch students and :,' The Department of Education eel' College. of·war and basketball games were d b I I I . I I I

n I h d d I I was "rotten," a term usc Y ee and, In add tlon, eaeh wore a li!e began to move and the men pu ' . ':' ,I:, nllcd Gl'nr~e Street: exhibited the man)' teaching aids Mr. Arthur Knight was the IV n· n seat 8.30 an a Va ent ne expcrts to Indicate that the icc Is 'vcst. Teams of three were led It more than a mile aeras., · l h"rd1 Dr, n3)'m~nd I which may be used for the prim. ncr of the contest. dance, attended by both members fast disintegrating, and that the tied together as a further safety the icc and over a sand bar. The ." r:c,:,knt of :llemortal,: ar)' and elementary grades in The afternoon was taken with of the faculty and student body, T.33 would disappear if it wasn't prccaution, A long rope, fitted group, looking like. men from .: ;:l'cl.n~' (rom the U~i., subjects like arithmetic, readlns, games In the C)'mnasium, begin· completed the Unlversily Day pro· I removed' very soon. . with cross bars. was attached to :lIars in the heal'y clothing. were.' · :~r I hurch, and ~lIss I lan~uage handwork, social studies ning with Inter.faculty basketball I gramme. I Two hundred men wcre dress· the T·33, skids placed under the: able to maneul'cr the 1'·33 into a

;' ":."!d rrad the Scrip. anll literature. at 2 p.m. Volley ball ootwecn the Wednesday morning students' ed in Immersion suits, water· i ail'crart, and the lug·o,war bcgan·1 position which alloll'cd heavy .' I;, \ .1 .• \, ~t('Kill1. the The Diolog~' laborator~' had live faculty fossils and the Athletic, anu professors went back to the I proof suits designed to kecp I A "coxswain" with a megaphone I machinery to lake ol'er and the.

" ;;-r.1 hl< ~crll1on on exhibits altogether Crom the prep-' Union attracteu much attention, I old routine of c1a~scs, lectures, and I pilots ali\'e In ft'igid Mtie waters! stood by anrl calle'rl the COllnl aIrcraft was ret limed to Gouse, ; ,.f l:,r mind and the aratlon of body tissues for exami.1when the facult)· called for time laboratory periuds. should 1I1CY be forccd to bail nul.: (or a concerted effort. The T.33 I .\ir Basc.

: ::r ,:,,:,,1 .. : nation under the microscope to a - - .--.-.-----.. -".- .,,--' ... _. ---'" -- .------.-.---".---. --.-----. ,-,------. -----.- .. ,.- -,

~,',i::"n .\rm)' srn'ice (or: drmonstration of the heat beat 01 .- .• .. ~:.::".1," wa!' hrld at the' a frog. •

. '. '~:,,,~rlalr Street in the; The Geolog~' department exhibit· .; " ... :' :;r:~allier C, Brown.' cd mineral collections, micro· .", ,,,, "I Eduration. led, scopic I:eolog~', maps and map read· " " ;:. I ~tajor S. Preece,: ing methods, radioactil'c minerals · ,.::.' .,:. rrad the scrip'i and the geiger counter, fluorescent .,' , .. ; 'lHlkc to the con·. minrrals and pictures Illustrating ... \~ .. Ilhnda PaUrey, ol! the life of the gcologist. . ." , ;, ;'~l',rntalil'C of the I The Household Science depart·

· F" :', (,f the Student i ment exhibited sewing, class scrap-11" cmcnt. also address· I books of clothes, and furniture. The

~~(::~~ .• no Caplain Snel· ~ tantalizing aromas ot a dinner for I:: \~, I;cor~e Compton, I eisht rloated from the kitchen as " \iC:1~nrial, took part. I visitors looked at the display of

W' ,;, '.\ ii' repeatcd in the, china bearing the Newfoundland .; l' :'" ('Hadel on Adam's: coat of arms, recently presented by .' ., ,! ~ ~t .jor Prcece led' I he Ambassador of Japan. ': J '. Rri~adicr Brown I The Chemistry department and

:C' ·'l··"a~c. J.icutenant 1 thc chemistry research department . \i," (,nthia Bridser and i attracted much attenllon with Its :,~,::, 11 r,\\',r, ~tudents .t. special work on wood derivatives.

.m· l'hri~tian witness, CoUee was served to the "!sitors by the women students from 8.30 to' 10 p.m. In the l,lniverslty An· nex.

!h~ Unlvwilr helt! During the alternoon all Grade ~-;'" \\ hen visitors from I I stUdents in St. John'J were In· '!:r \\~\comc to go to the I I'ited 10 "isit the UniversIty, and

An~ ,isit the labora· each school was allotted • special ::p I:brilr)' and the I:ym· time.

! .~ <chcdule allotlng five About 750 to 800 people visited 1(. mh place was drawn Memorial throughout the day.

r::; .bout an hour and a "!:::.plttf' the lour of sixteen UNIVERSITY DAY

'!'J~rnl! II'rre on hand to Unil'erslty Day programme slarl· ::! 1'1;1101'5 around and pro· ell on Tuesday morning with a 1:1 'Iudent! II'cre In their· talent show under the direction of :: :1'. r ~X!llallations of the Mr. Arthur Knight at ten o'clock. nbn.. Vor.alists. orchestras and the nell'

£':I::r£ rlll~ department har! mixed glee club under the direc· 1'~'~i:I"I'), inelllr!in;: urilil lion of Mr. Ignatius Rumbolt took

';:1;". <lr.liing ~nd com· part in this sho~. An amusing skit, !~, •. ;'mrnt. ~amples of "One Day In the Classroom," \lTlt· , '" ~t:. ~un'cy equipment, ten and produced by the stUdents,

r:!:t,,~. nell' in plumbing, ga,'c much amusement. : 1:::,~lIti many people and University hour followed at 11 ::!::I tll~,~in!: holV ..... ater a.m., when coffee and sandwiches : ~;" from a tap. which seem· were served and stUdents and fac­;:! lu'prn<lcd in space. ulty, had an opportunity 'to meet blo'l' laboratory exhibited together Informally. -~l'rk 10 discctlons, micro- The finals of thc public speaking

· ~~omlrations, the Ayre contest began at noon, when three " ... .., •.. - 'eachin~ exhibits and stUdents Hpoke. Betty Russell on

:1 :-:.lInn.l Research project "The Party Line"; David Kinsman ::,:~nl!" And Mosquitoes," on "J. R. Smallwood" and Arthur

0)' Dr. H. ~I. Young. Knight on "Peter 'cashin." the

igh~t fashionJowest lines ":':"~~~h t BIG, BOLD, BEAUTI~UL . , 1 •• .' . --I ;:'i:,;": /.,.. ,::<h:::i(\: I,· Mercury promises you the proudest drl\'ln:;. It, r,," ''',u~ I: \1 Ide and

I ,,:::\;::?>: J ;::':~~:"""':;'-- low; a dramatic 58)·~ ins. in ~Iontclair, MontCl'C)' ar..j CU5ton' hartltop _.L.~:~::':::,;'::~'-'" Fo"',:, if", models. Luxurious interiors feature rich, colourful n),lon and vinyb.

~~;-:;~~r~':~~~;;~~;~;'~;:~~::::" ACTS ·~;;f;2;:.;?:~;1~Z~:~:;;~~::7;;:::::1~~:~S.~~;~/:~ .......... '

MONTCtAlR cou,! till 0' 'A hawtlflolilftod.h in 3 Iupltb 'erl ..

A flN!1 V.I VAtu! flOM fOlD Of CAIIAOA

The BIG buy is ,


SAFETY.ENGINEERED FOR NEW SECURITY . For added dri.er and passen~er ~.arety, ~rercllry's siandard feature~ include new impact.absorbing steering wheel, safety ,1001' locks. Mfr.t)'· beam headlights. Seat bcll5, and prutective cU5hionill;; arc optional.

. THE BIG VALUE IN EVERY WAY See all of the new extra.value hig·car fcaturcs that the hig ~Icrcury offers this year-in beauty, performance. safety. And be sure 10 ehed,

, Mercury prices. There's a hig, beautiful '36 ~fcrcury 10 tit (1'1~' !Jud~~'

Wolch THE ED SULLIVAN SHOW on TV every Sunday


looks BIG ... feels BIG · acts BIG ... is BIG




DIAL 7008·9

,'Vanilla ICE


. ,

. ,


, 1

': , . , ",

,. ,.

r I·

I , I

t I . ) , '


I. i


I ,


6 __ --~----~----~-------~----------~----------~~~~~~~~ Half-Size Fashion Btlhv


:'Ir. and ~Irs, Sle\\'arl Z, ~Ic· ~lIss Irene Benson, Allandale ~liI1un anll Iheir son Paul lell Roud, 51. John's, and Miss Palricia here by TCA on Friday fol' I\il· Wrll1ht IIf Corner Brook arc the chener, Ontario, where ~ll'. ~Ic· t\l'lI lucky girls whll have bcun ~Iillan, who lI'a,; mllnnger for Ihe chosen In represenl the Newfound· ~Iutual Lifc As~urance Comp'll1~' Innd Canudlan ,G!rls ,In Train;"!:. at in Ncwfuundland, Iws been Irans· the N'ltlonnl C,G,I.'I, ~ump, winch ferred and promotell 10 the posl·, ~l'ilI be held In Onlarm this com· tion a~ OIssislnnt ,uperinlcndant of: llIg summer. __

agcncil's, : AT '1'111' (il,Sf:I\,\I, U:I'1' FOil c;;\sm:1I I !!is IlHillY [riends ·will he sorr;'

llr .• mll :'ll's, A[ton ,\. Clon,t:1II In iI'arn Iwt :'.fl'. Palrl~k Cnnnln6, anli thcir Iwo children. \)jane and I ~I.II.A" ~f, Mm'yslown, IS, at pl:e~: Shelly. lert here lin Friday fnr! cnl n pallent at the Genelal 1I0~pI 'th~ir new home In Gundel', whorl'i tal. ~I r. _Cluuston i,~ the mllllugcr ot I LEFT FOR TOltOSTO [lolI.toll Agenclcs. I Mr, D, R. Thistle, Queen's prln· 11I':~ISI:SS TRW , I~I" lell, ~crc by TCA IlIsI 'l'hll~s.

~I E I' Benson \liandale Ruud I dn~' for Inronto til visit his rlaugh·. is . a~' p~e~cnl nil '; business trip: ter. ~Irs. He\·. Doullios Noel. on "11c ~lalnlHnd for thc .lIlll'rlwal'e : -\'1' Gil \CE 1I0SPI1','\I, d~partment o[ .\yre & Sons, . I' IIrr ll1~n~' friends will be sorl'Y ;\1' GR.\n: 1I0SI'I1',\1. ,tn leaI'll tlml llrs .• 1, Jncnhs, Le.,

II f · I 11'1'11 11r "1'1(1 ~lul'clHlnt Huml, undcrll'ent nn op· rJ' m,H1I' rll'IlI' .. • . II G" II· il I

I I tl " I 'II'· 1'"1111 ;>;ichol· ~ralllll1 at Ie .1 uce osp a on n earn 1,1 .l >,.. • • T d Lc)lal·chanl 110,Id, whl! Ilndrnl'l'n.t I IlCS ay. __ ~n operation a~ the l,racc lIo\}lI' I IS IIUSI'IT.\1. tal ~a~t werk. I> noll' l11uch lin· ~Irs, 'I'hOIlHiS Hallell. FOl'esl I prol cd_ Road, b at prc.cnt I'cceil'ing treat· I SI'ECl,\L SI'I'.\KI·:R mcnt M Ihe Graee Hospital, lIer I

'I ~-d' d (T d) R I scll whu mnny fl'iends Wish her a spcedy .l r. r. 1\ ar e c s" I'ceu\'cry .. -

won high praise for his pia)', ! II. ' "Holdin' Ground," lit Ihe Regional --------Drama Festival In Grand Falls recently. \l'as Ihe SJlecial ~pcakel' Cl110ldren' p Puzzle ~t the jlacdonald FeIiQ\\'ship SUI" ('1

per on Thursday.

AT ST. CLARE'S lIer mnny friend~ 11'111 be ;orr)'

to learn thnt jlrs, R. G, )lcOon· ald. Fore.t Ro,al. is l'eceil'ln~ trealmenl al 51. Clarc's )lercy Hospital.

\'ISITED CIT\' ~II', and ~11", Bruce Bowden

came to St, John',; tn attrnd thc funeral of his grandfalher, thc \ale Alhert Soper. left here on Tue;da)' to rCluJ'll t~ 1111 li fax. where )Ir. BOII'IIcn Is II ,\ltdent in rirnlistry al D:llhuu,ic Unil'crsity,


LI:FT S.\1'l'IUl.\ \. ~Ir. and ~Ir,;, John n. Dixon of

Fortune. 11'110 ;;pent Ihe PII~t three wI'cks 01\ hu,inc>, herr. left on ~ .. turctny h,I' IU1.S, :\(11'11 ,Scotia 1(\1' Bn~ton and )\,'\1' \'111'1:, wherc '\Ir. J)iX<1!1 1111' lllll-lIle·, 1llC'~tiu~" Thrr I'· an \(' .pcnd II h"lill,,)' in FlOrida 1)1'101 r rl'lul'nill~ hOllle,

.~ .'8



..... '4 j


-. - --_ .. -, ---,----------'

Week's Sew-Thrifty


4804, 12-20


Accent on the Sheath for Spring

The shealh ilne fur silring a)IIII!aI'S here in Iwo \'ersioll~ from designer Larry !\Ielrich. I.ate day Prettiest for ~un, fun - chore· b CI I'JI I S JI I I t kl' I time too! You'll weal' Ihis versa. dress (Il'fll Is nn eas~11 sheath ill am er \an I y ace. cn (IPS are repea el u nce IIlC ane

tile style as a smart sports jerldn sleel'cs, Elegant sheath in silk 111'111 (right) has a satiny fini~h in cornflower and navy bllle. The -3 cotton cover-up-a terryeloth nccklinc crosscs high empire bancllllg.-8y GAILE DUGAS, :-;EA Women's Ellilor.

. . -Eabie~ caleh colds (-

oUter .wlth ea~e,.\ ,Om b?lh m'!~ires and Sickness III Ihe familv its take place .\. B may nevcr ~el ·scriQu, abr~ be prolecteLi, " b,l.t

Onc child p)a'·ino . f . ,In t:

wrong eel. A Iriend k· . ~ d ' lr.ol-

. . 14I,-24!'.

"f.Ii~m4. ~Mtt>

e It out 10 the Babt' I

obl'iously hall his !hQesl and was astonished t thtll Ihi;, is a medical Q

fol' curmg a cerlain

:Make your new sprlng fashion­a wonderful combination of natter-I ing lines, perfection in fil! This lovely long-Iorso dress in propor·, tioned especially for the shorter, I fuller figure! Comfortable step·in styling, novel collar.

Pattern 4544: Half Sizes 141"'. 16\~, IS\'., 20'1.:, 22';~, 241.:'. Size 161'. takes 41'. yards 35·inch fab· ric: 3', yard contrast.

This pattern easy to usc, sim· pic to SCI\', is tested for fil. Has complete ilIuslratcd instructions,

Send TIIIIITY·FIVE CENTS 1351 cents) in coins (slamps cannot bc t

accepted) for Ihis pallern. Print I plainly SIZE, :-;,\:\IE, ADIlRESS, STYLE SUM8EII.

Scnd order 10 ANN E ADA~!S care of ST. JOHNS DAILY NEWS, (Pallern Dept.) ,60 FRONT ST. WEST, TORONTO, O!llT. beaehcoat come summer! Ensy ------- _2-____ _

sell'lng; opcns flal, 10 iron. 'Pansy' Blue cJICt'>C (aboul :l ounce,l, 1, n 'S I agt!in.stlipst~ek and olhel' spols and Nu donb~ a man is behind this pockcl-eute trim" ••. ,Iab~espo()n pl'e,,,,rCil IlImtanl, 1 .lYUn l pot Il'lams. ~Iosl uf Ihe ~plllmg rca· idea! Someone sugg'!sts that the

Pattern 4804: llls,c~ Sill.', t2. l"b'c")lOOn s'lhd oil 1 lableSllIllJI1 ' ,gents th:!t a (!ommerlcal ~}loller II d I k'l I . k b 20 S'·, 16 I k 1""'.' ,,', . ,. SI ° l.,°h ! . I I" Itt· \\'a al'oun I cc I c len sm c H, 16, 18. . I.W , a cs .: I'inc'''tll' 1 :-ill, 300 '~all :!I'("'II a"p,tr· It ~ 1 rr I m 01 (r)"l' ealllug V an mus lISC rd' II hus' housekeep.

yal'd~ 3j·ill~h (,111I'Ie: " )'nl'd pOCo 'I aOI"- d;'ainerl, I: slier; Iwiled ham,' nv 10 gel Utem out \\'111 ;1),0 rel~o\·e s~ I "I~I:rrorbr'llek /track f her kct r~ntrast, Tran,f,n' LUI', , ahoui" inl:h Ihiell, '"DY \lICIA HART Ihe gold or silver·culored Jlal'hcles (II w~r:c~~r a thC ~\'h~r~ dn)' th~ough,

This pattei'll ea~\' 10 lise, ~Im·' . ) . I, I 1 from the nl'lon. appe,. c e " I \"1 1-\11 ~ . • f f' II ; Thu c gll\lpl'\' clot I~S al'~ u<-I - h . I I d \"I~n1.,~; (;1.,., , ... ' pIc to sc\\'. I, lest~rI 01' II. ·a,! Comhinc chl'Csc. nF"tal'd, oil., .... :' -',.'., :s' They can he and Iry·ceane_ ,-----------------i

~Ir. Edll';,rci I\(,\I~', Ili;tl'lhution I complp.t~ i11llf.lrall'(\ insll'lIl'lilllls, "nl 'illl'l'al' al'HI hlr'lIl ArI'"U"P C:'II'.IOIII(lI~\' hut,IIIlIr-' s ca\itt!~' 01' hand wet-clcaned, ho\\,c\·cl'. If I' 10 the fabric. A dl'y·c1eaner can I ''';'I1~~{"r "I Ihe \lalll' :>;1'11', lell I . Semi 'rllIIlTy·FlrJo: rJo:~TS (a5,·1 I'" '_: '., .;, ,! .• CI't'I:,el, .11')' m,l)' )e a Ilhe garment desi;:n permits and do il willi case, using special fin· I hrrr h: thr r'l'r~" F,'rl'(I~) on. cents) in I'nin, (slumps c~nnot be a,paragll~ UII ham ,h~l'o, I '>,. IlIn.ch~' 10 keep liP: , , Illol [IlO much i~ expccled in re-I ishing equipment 10 press with ~ bUHnl"~ trill til Gr~lIti (";;1\1', I accepled) 1111' this patle!'ll, Print je\ll'l'oll fr.shion. I' a; 1 c n In(h' ,1husc gold and olllel':pl;\l('d (~h-I mOI'a) of Iho,c stains. . steam and air without any prcs.j

I 'I SI'lf' "'!I~II" A1HlRESS' 'I 'I' 'tl I '. 'firs arc madc h" plal!ll~ 100 per , 'ff' ( I II f b . 'I I p nUl I' , .'., " • " ' -I tOlllhJl!~'" or III I Clel~f.r miX' I I' t'k'l c·11 ~Oldl 'rhc'c fubrlcs arc iii IcUIt 01

sure 011 IC a flC, TO \'I:-:IT \::'\(;],,\:>;11 1·1 I f·,' Illc,\lll,n ST",'I' :-;um'FII I 'I I cenl 111" on 1'1 co 'n! 1'1 I a ~ '. I' rl· Th' If OCI need to do louch-up press • • • , •• , , '" .• _ . IUl'e, Broil ~ III 4 lIle ICS rllnt 01' 'iJ\'~I"COIOl'cd coaling Thel' nre prcss wilh a Ian Iron. e Iron. y , ' .,

~Ir, !" ~"I:lh"rrl illlIl her chi!·. , Send .,,~dcr to ,:'.:>1 1\ E ;\I~,~~~~" " (I al7 lIlinutes III' un. ". -"bl' ·d luxuri~us,lookilld,1 docs nol glide ol'cr the surr~Cci I~g at.home, _do It on Ute wrongillmim~ !Ire II , "I I:! I\rut I'I;,,:C, left hNC 'I'omlll~' i. I'ery fond of rcallmg , care of Ill. ,J()JI~ S Ill\,n,\ ?iL\\S,: ,.our,c 0 ,IC " )~: ph"l ~ ani ould he "lIard;d, easily and has a lendency 10 slick I Side wllh the Iron sct for aceta Ie la,1 ThllrHI;,~ h,I' R.~I,S. :\cII'folllld· HlHI II<' Illl'c~ hhllll'I'; Hc is read· I (}'pttrl'll Dcpl.). fiO I· nON r ST" III cil('e,e IS lllrilc(\, I. ,1\ 1 le~ Sib

I~nrl tn >1!,'n,1 ;, htJJid,,~· II'ilh rela : iug abellt :1 fam,uus IlIII1l whusc I WEST, ,\,ORO:-;TO, ON'!'. --.:..:..::...:.:..::,;.::._;;,:,.::,-.::::.-------... -------------------1 IIHS III I·.ngl:,nd. birlhda,· conll!S tillS munth, If you r

II'lluld iikc a picture of this man, FI · Pears In I 1II:rl:-;,; TlUr jilin alilhe numbered duls together I amnU! ..

~Ir. Lester White. 1l0nal'enl1ll'c starting with dOL nllmber onc anti ' . tk \ I AI'enuc, i~ al pl'csc~t on Ihe ~I\lin.; ending wilh dol number thlrl~··fl\·e, Syrun; Will Make I If"\: 1. 1\ ~ •• ",. . "" It L n I

~;"~:~::;~:~"~~::~;~~~~;~ ~:;~~o~ thi, No:e~!:~:s~~~DOX I. UViJW\IJU V P LElJWl.AtlS U R E' II

Those firm, juicr wlnler pears S M 0 KI N G RELIEVE SUFFERING ONE SURE WAY THAT in the market now cun produce a I

Does More Than Work on Chest slnrlliM dc's~ert. Wanl 10 Iry it I I I' FL"l'IING PEARS (6 sen'lngs) I One cup sugar. W, cups water, I I

When a chest eold makes you miserable, you need Vicks VapoRub - the proved medi­cation that acts tI('o U:ClYS CIt 011l·r. .

When you rub It on. Vapo­Rul) qulcl:ly relleve!i muscular ~Ol'cness, At Ille ~(jme time. ,'npoRub's medicated vapors

and lal'!lc bronchial tubcs. Congestion starts breakIng up. Coughing cases, WarmIng I'ellet comes, lasts for hours.

So when colds strike, de­pend on-

V!~n! . brln[; rellefll'lth every bl'cath, Soothtn!l medication trav- Ru6~lhli.f. .. BNaffl'iaR'h .. '

.e_l_s _de_e_p_I_n_to_y;..o_I_lr_n_o_sc..:,_th_r_o_a_t_v~I'::::ll:.::and Vapatub.tt ,,~, , •• d.oII.rb.'





1.]6 teaspoon snit. \4 cup fresh I I lemon juice. 8 fresh wlnler pears. t2 lumps ;ugal', lemon exlract, I

Bring sUglll', waleI', sail and lemon juice to boiling point ill a I sauccplIll. Wash pears, cut ,Into ~'MILD" I hall'es nnd remu\'c COI·CS. (Do not ped). Add 10 sugar syrup. Cover, I Cook 25 minutes or until lender . Arrangc pears in a deep serl'ing I dish ancl surround with peal' syrup. fl NEST I Chili,

Just before serving, plaCe a lump VI RGI D.'IA I of sugar, soaked in lemon extract, ." I in each pear cavity. and Ignite.

While on Ule subject of slightly TOBACCOS I different recipes, Let's sample these ham rolls. I nUE CIIEESE IIA:lI,ASPARA· I

GUS ROLLS (8 servings) (8 servings) I

One·half cup crumbled American I

1Iy nobL. DicflenbaCiler, D.D. Sel'el'al \\'eeks ago we mnde a

lot of resolutions for Ulis year of 19j8. They were personal resolu· tlons-corrections we were going to make in Ule housekeeping hab-its of our olVn lives, .

The Spirit of Christmas and God's gift to mankind pervaded ollr thinking. We opened pte windows of our souls and God's light came into our lives. We saw a lot of mess and some unwanted shadows. So 11'0 rcsolved to 'do better,"

The freshness of 1956 Is wenrlng ofr. We write "1956" as II. d~lc, WiUlout thinking. Arc we sllppmg back inlo "pre.resolution' habits too without thlnklng'l

During Lent we can review alit good resolves. It could be Ulat we ba vc reverted to our old habits of being sellish, of putting off pray· In" until ·8 more approprlale lime, an"d of forgetting our fellow men.

lf the thought Is a bit embar· rassing, just remember that today Is a new day. God is just as ready for an Interview now as lie was on January 1.

He might even be 'Iess rushed than·He was when million~ of PCIl' pIe weremallingrp.lolulions.To. day we can "do beller,"


~1aq:eJt:t"MILD" Plain or Cork Tip Player's reach your storekeeper in speci~1

/!Wm:foll/ corlons, designed to keep the cigarettes fresh a~d protect their flavour. Buy a package or an I~II/ carlon loday.

"It's the tobacco that counts!"

Player's contain' only the finest

Virginia tobaccos. Specially

selected to give you mildness

and true tobacco taste for

pure smoking pleasure. Smoke

'Player's-the mildest, best-

tasting cigarette.

I I I I I I I I I I , I I

- ... -~---______ I



Smoke Player's-for at I~ast a week. Let your taste di~cover the mildness, the flel" your, the pure smoking pleasure of fine

Virginia Tobaccos.


Our Famolls Service Gets Out

ALL the Dirt! -• Stubborn .poll vanilh

• Perspiration di.appecil

• Colors r.vived again /

• No cleaning .dor I

• Minor mending I~I

• Delfer lasting prell "

• Liktt-new 1.1tur" reMnl,







and at our Plc.nl


-KENTUCKIAN" -"ster has donc a Iii Lancv I; I is del)llt as a mo.' di~cclor with "Th~ Kt .. CinemaS cope 'I eeill

opens tomofl'OW Theatre Ihrough V, release. He has tal:'

swashhuckli of frontier hislory 11

with a rich, warm sto it with IO\'ahlc cl

Lancastcl' himself 5t, nm as Big Eli, finds K( I confined and tame !

10 'r "\\'11 \leads for cxas, '. roolll to mOI'e! a hall

fcmininc CU-51. extrelllC nllructil'c YO~l of diffel'enl Iypcs. I

conscl'l'ati\:e sel" a small frontlel' to by Diana Lynll, ~

lol'c with Lancaster , it would be cruel t~

as a mcrchant I: and so loscs hlO\


Also-UP· TO· THE·f·

TIMF:: £rE:\'\:',(; Sit


PrInt "7 Technlcc!cr


TIM! t;\'£:-;I:\(; S

, 31.





Y~N~E\~V~S,~M~O~N~D~A~y~,F~E~BR~U~A~RY~20~,~1~9S~6 __________ ~~ ________________________________________________________________ ~ ________ • ________________________ ~7" from' Wilbur's pajama pocket, I turned and looked at the sheriH. "e had seen it, too, "Go ahead,"; he said grimly. '''rake it out."·

To See f\prrOL PARAMOllNT

-----;rudav ..

NOlO Playing


.. ·.:l·" :::1" dora' i1 finc! ':., :'i!' ::, ~ motion: WhOll his mother dies. 17·year.

,,;,11 "The I\en': 0111 Auelic !'lIu'llhy (Audie !\Iur· ",~ .. I'i'l' Tcl'lllli·. phy). sale ~upport of his five

.. .. tllJnnl'l'OW at ------.... -- -------.. -----. , ...... ', \' Ihruugh Unl. ! the ~l!oI'C wild ilnpulsl\'e back,

'."~' ',.\' Ill' ha~ lal;ell i \':[lU(\~ g.lrl. played, by Dianne ." :, : ,\\:\;llhud;!in:::; f ostu. \I !lOse natures and Inler·

.' .: '::",,::,,1' hislory aIHI, cs~s are, ~Imllar to EIi·s. .' .' :':,,11. warlll stnl'Y ! fen ~cnr·old Donald l\IacDon,

'." \' ", h'ahle I'ha.' aId who plays the appealing . il:Ill;('1f stars rule of I.anenster's motherless

'. ::\i, finds Kev. sO.n, turns is .n performance that , :I::il laml' [or, \\'111 endear 1:lIn to all uudiences, 'I"'~a" "\\'hore Other prOllllllent actors in the , , flll"'l' ahonl" ,l'ast. all of wlwlIl 'do splendid . ::,:::1' (,,,.;taI'S c1l:1rilctl'ri~at!uns include Waltel'

.. ::r,lc1il'C' yllllll~ . :'Ilallhnll, .Iohn ilL'tlclntirc. Une ,'::' ')'111' •. The :'Ilerkel, John Garradine and John

_ . "':'\',,II\'~ ~('h\l()1 Litel. : :'1'1,:,111'1' \O\\'Il 'fhe ~l'recn adaptlon of Fell"

l SI IIflll's hcst·;e11ing nOl'el, "The " !l., .)'nn.. 11' , 1.:1l'l':t,trr hut Gahrlel Horn" was \\'I'ltlen by

. II'" l'w!'i to lie. I'alllited wonner A. B, Gunthrie , :~:t'rl'l':l1It in a 1.11' .. Ilarold Ileert prodneed the , _.' 1"-",, him 10: film, '

~ . .,..-, . . --- -~ .




pres' "'_

0'''' r81lJmS,




TIMfS OF SHOWS: I \ 1.:,\1:,\(; :O;1I0\\'S: 7 O'CWCK-9,()O

~I.\ Tl:-iEE 2 1'.~I.


1,- \1\\l.'I':' ....... ,:;c. rlll1.lIm~:'\ ....... :l5c. I' \ Ill·l.IS ...... :iOc, l'1II1.1lJ1E:'\ ....... 25c.

NEXT ATTRACTION 1\1111: .I11\1:~ I:'> "(;(1011 ~lf)JtNING 1IIISS 1I0\,E"­

',' ,mil. 111:.\ '1.\, ,\ Tun.\' (iltEAT ~IUTION I'ICTURE



A.' lttODNT '- .

prInt .. 'rechlllcc!ol'

Rellmdlh,u U lilTED ARTISTS -


1:\ C;I~ri SlIOWS: 7 O'CLOCK-!l,OO

~I,\TINE.; 2 I',~I.

,'II;,SII)N PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT 1.\1.\1.~ \lJl'l 'I·S 75 CIIILDREN 35 • I •••••••• C. • •••••• c.

• ,11.11'1'0 Dl'Ll'S ...... 5Oc. CIIILDREN ....... 25c.



brothers and sisters, sees the nee· essary dismemberment of the family by juvenile authorities,

Following the Japanese sneak attack upon Pearl Harbor Audie tries to enlist in the Marines and Navy both without success be· cause he is underweight and not physlenlly qualified. The Army takes him with reservations and he Joins Company B, 111th Infnn· try, 3rd Division 'as a repllcc, menL in North Africa, His wary buddle~ are Kovnk. the Pole (RIchard Castle); Valentino. the Italian (Paull'icernll; Swope. thl' Ch.erokee (Felix Noriega); Kerl'i· gan. the IrIshman (Jack Kelly); Brandon, the Kentuckian (Char· les Drake) and Johnson. the great lover (Marsha'11 Thompson),

As they march and fight from Sicily to the Vollurno and Anzio, from Southern France to lhe Col· mar Pocket and Germany the veterans of North Africa find a friend nnd a leader of abundant courage In young Audie, They lenrn to love and protect one an· other In combat but they also learn to keep from becomIng at· tached to thc new replacements sucll as SanChez (Art Aragon); Snunders (Brett 'Halsey) and Thompson (Denver Pyle), Be· couse onc. by one the veterans lose their buddies as combat ca· sualties Rnd it does not pay to lol'e those who nrc marked for death.

Thus. Audie fights on alone, gets R battle!1eld commission. and wins the Medal of Honor when he single-handedly mans the machine gun on a burned·out tank. calls down his own artil, lery fire on bis seclion and wlpcs out two companies of Germans.

Lt. Audie'Murphy, with the en· tI~e 3rd Division In formal for­mation behind him, stands at rigid attention with the Medal of Honor around his neck while the Commanding General places an· other 1I1edai oC lIonor on anot· her.

STAR ,. 'tJ· . Monday


Three of screendom's all lime greats. Alice Fnye. Dnna And· rews and Linda Darnell, arc top. "Wilbur," she called Impatient· across his chest was a .22 repeat· II d · TiC Fly. "Do you ileal' me?" Ing rifle with a telescopl'c sl'ght, ne In went eth entury· o,,'s gripping encore hit, "Fallen An. More silcnce, maybe fh'e sec- clamped to the harrel. His feet gel." which is scheduled to open onds of it, were bare, looking pale and Monday at the Slar Theatre, Then we heard the sudden flnt somehow obscene, and I knew

Producl!d nnd directed by Otto sound, something like a screen he'd pulled the trigger with his P,remlnger, "Fallen Angel" had door slamming, a mu(fled crack toe, been acclaimed as a gripping thntechoed through the house. Behind us Nellie Tweed's ag-drama of desire and murder. as NeJ1!e Tweed jerked her head ani zed scream filled the room. powerful as the screen hns 'ever around and stared at me with She tried to fling herself across shown, The story of the love of suddenly widened cyes, The Wilbur's body, and It took both n woman for a man. a love over sheriff twitched. as If he hnd Dr. Van Horn and myself to get which hangs the terrible fnseln. been stung by a bee, Dr. Van her out of the room. I suggested nUon of another woman's b,eauty. Horn turned his gaze up the stair one of the adjoining bedrooms, and haunted by tJlC spectre of well nnd frowned, but Van Horn shook his hend, murder-is said to Hit n new peak "That was a gun." I said. We got her down the stairs and in sheer shoel! and suspense. "You're dang right It was!"· took her to a small room off the

"Fallen Angel" marks Alice The sheriff leaped for the stairs, I hall where there was a divan, Faye's most Important dramatie I was right behind him, I stayed with her. awkwardly role, She had been previously XXXIII patting her shuddering shoulders, noted for her performances in THE first door we snw was th~ while Van Horn went out to the Ught, for her plcturC'S, and re. rig),t one. I knew it was the righi sheriff's car and returned with ceived accolades [or her perfor. one, because it opened into a his black bag, Skillfully he fill­mance in "Fallcn Ange!." room that faced the street, fand ed a hypo needle. pulled up one

Dana Andrews. Who has nrc. because yel10w light filtered of NeJ1!e's short sweater sleeves. cord list of hits to his cl'edlt, fro mbeneath it. and pressed the needle gently to plunges headlong into this tense We didn't waste time shouting her arm, . and g,ripping story of a man ob. for Wilbur Tweed to open up. I "There, 1\1iss," the doclor sald Bessed by the promising Ups think that both of us knew thnt gently. "'You will be better now," and tannting smile of a woman it would be futile to shout at "Why did he do it?" she sob· whom only murder can get out Wllbu.r now, and we hit the dool' bcd, "Why did Wilbur do that? of his life forever. together with Ollr shoulders, On I-I knew he was ups;t ahout-

Linda Darnell's role of Stella the third lunge the lock let loose. about Alice. But he sitU ha~ me, in "Fallen Angel" is said to be splintering the wood beside it. He knows that I will take care by far her most fascinating and and the door burst inward, We of him!' Important. stumbled into the room,

Dal'id Raskin Is the author of Wilbur Tweed. clad in red-lht! film's popular lune. "Slowly." nnd blue striped pajamas, was on which he wrote in collaboration a big four-poster bcd, his head with Kcrmit Goell. The screen and shoulders slumped againsl a pIn ywrltten by Harry Kleiner is polished cherry headboard, He based on the novel by ~larty Hoi. was still nlive; his mouth moved land, • without Bound and one eye

• • • V AN HORN looked up at me.

jerked his head toward the door, I followed him Into the hall, "She will 'Sicep for a short time," he said in a low voice, "The sed· ation I gave her was light. But someone had belter stay with

• • • . I RE;\IOVED the paper from

Ihe pocket and unfolded it. My name was at the top and it was covered with tight penciled band· writing. Wilbur Tweed's slgn-! ature was at the bottom, I read:

1 killed Frank Osborn. I , \ - \' wanied his wife ami I wanted'

left Wilbur's room with Nellie. her money, I am in debt and the sheriff had heen alking into will 105e my business, I put a pllOne on a stand heside WiI·' poison in Frank's drink. He bur's hed. "The undertaker [rom dicd right away. Dr~ Dick Indian Landing is coming,'" he called it a heart aUaek, I knew said, "and so is Doe Jarrctt." he would, because he had often

I said, "You don't need a cor· told me that when Frank died oner to tell you that Withur com· it would be bccause of his milted suicide." hearl, and not from silicosis,

"I know, I knolV ," he said I know Dr. Dick and I kneW peevishly. "but it's the law." he would not change his mind ..

While we waitcd, the sheriff So I was safe. I planned it, and I went back upstnirs, because We were all Invited to

None of us had touched Wilbur. Alice's house'that night. I got, but the weight of his body had Frank's funeral. of course, but caused it to slump a little lower r was worried. When 1 em· on the bed. I dropped a hand· halmed him I removed the kerchief over the barrel of the heart, lungs. stomach and in· rIfle, lifted it from Wilbur's body testines to eliminate the trace!! and careully laid it across the of the poison, It was stupid arms of a nearoy chair, The 'of me, hut I wanted to protect sheriff watched me silentl~·, his myself in every detail. I never little bloodshot eyes beneath the dreamml that the Welfare thick brows not missing a mo\,e'l Commission would investigate mcnt of mine. As I turned haele and do an autopsy. When you to the bcd, I saw something I I told me about it on Friday. I hadn't noticed beforc-t11C cor· hecame frightened. That II ner of a olded paper protruding (Continued on page 12)


NOW PLAYING Approxinmtely 85 per cent of

all 1)IlS!en~er lravel In (he United States is b~ moto!' I'ehicle.

Some 820 persons of every 1000 sufIel' from some sort or sickness c\'er), yenr,

________ gleamed brightly with a final EATS POISON. JlUN £Iarc of life before it glazed and

FLOnc:.\CE, S,C, (AP) - An hnlf closed, The other eye, the eighty·ear·old boy II'US in critical righl one. was gonc, 'rhe place condllion F l'1 d II)' niter ealing where it had been was a dal'l~ enough poison to llill 25 men, The hole, Before we reached him, his poison was In a hot dog Larr)' body crumpled and his chin sank IIlallhc\\'s found on his front porch, to his chest, Lying slnnlwisc

her." I nodded, I Sheriff Abner COI'nwallis came I

down the stairs and joined liS in I'

the hall. His cigal' was badly between his teeth, I remembered I frayed. but it was still dampcd, that when Van Horn and I had I

7f.1 hi/.1riollS

: MatiorieMAm Percy KILBRIDE

/t· .... !!\~~!<',;fj

• • • • ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • • Programmes On The A.ir Today • •

CJON I\IONDAY, !<'ebruary 20

Ncws Pageant-lIIornlng Edition ,\,1\1. 7,OO-NfJd, News and Sports. 7,05-Loeal Weather. 7,15-Canadiun News and Sports, 7,30-Round the World News, 7,35-Complete Weather Round·

up. 7,45-Good News, 1l,00-Nfld, NelVs, 8.05-Provlnclal Weather. 8.15-News Commentary. B,llO-Shipplng Report. 8.25-Kiddies Corner. 8,30-Nild. News.

Newrounrllnnd Almanac 8,OO-General Pl'llvinciul News, 8,05-SUmmarr National News, 8.10-Editoria or Commentary. 8.15-Echoes front Yesterday. 8,30-What's Your Beef (Let,

tel's)' 8.35-Folk Son~ Time (Local­

Burl Ives Elc.). BAO-Party Line. 8,45-:lloments for ~reditatlon

and Joyful Hour. . (a) poems, (b) Hymn. (c) Prayer, Etc.

9,OO-General Provincial News. 9,05-Album of Favourites, 9,20-This Is Your Town (Com·

8,30-Hit of the Day. B.35-News, 9,DO-A Date with Denys, 9.15-'rhe Valley and the Hill, 0,30-A !Jate with Denys, O,45-Burtolls of Banner St.

10.00-News, 10,05-A Date with Denys, 10,30-Adopted Son. 10,55-News, 1l.00-Club 590, News. 12,05-~!llsical Menu, 12,3D-New5. 12,35-~!usical ~Ienu. 12.45-Fishermen's Forecast. 12.50-Musical Mcnu. 1.15-Sportscast, 1.30-News. U5-Ramblin' With Regan.

B.35-Complete. Weather Round· up,

8.45-Women's News, Women's World-part One

g,OO-GclIeral Provincial NeW!, g,()5-'l'he Day's 'fop SOil/:, 9,10-Thought (or the Day, 9.l5-Hymn of the Du~', !l,20-~(emory Tune., '9,25-Todu~"s Woman (Sa\Ule to

munlty Salute). 9,35-lIoedoll'n Time. 9,45-Doscl} News,

Ralllo Playhouse 10,00-l'ublic Service, 10.15-Brlght Star. lOA5-lintTY Wood Sho\\',

2,55-News. 3,00-001iars on Parade. 4,OO-News, 4.05-Snm's Coral. i.55-News,

a local Woman). , 9,30-What do You Think? (Dally

Woman's Phone Intervicw), g,a5-1t Takes a Woman. • MO-The Lighter Side. 9.45-~lurjel MeKuy. ,

10,OO-Gcneral Pro\'lncial News, lO.05-ShowUme Favourite. 10,lO-Helpful Harry (Household

Hints). 10.l5-What's on lily Mind? lO.30-Who Am I? 10.40-.1oan Blalleharrl, lOA5-The World Toda1 (inter·

national News), 10,50-Spollight on a star (PoP

StnRer). 10,55-Wife Saver. 11.00-Gcneral Provincial Ncws, ll,05-Dr. Kildare,

. 1l,35-You Asked For It (Music, Answers Anything).

11,40-Mavic Review and Ncws-Also TV. '

lU5-Your Family and You. 1l.50-H1t or the Future, 1l,55-Time Out.

Showcase Of Slars-Part One P.M. 12,OO-Bm Ring Show. l2,15-BllIy O'Cunnor Show. 12,aO-'1'o\l5 Today (Hit Pmde

'runes). New. I'agellllt-Mhl Day EelltioD I.OO-Locnl ami Nallonul Head·

lines News nnd Weather. I.1Il-Daily IntervielV. lolli-News. 1,!lO-Editorial, 1.35-Sports RevIew. 1.40-Class\l!ed Section-Bargain

Hour, • Dayllme Serlalll

IA5-Flnal Year. 2,00-1IIa Perkins. 2,15-Rond of Ll£c, 2,30-~ly Othcr LOl'e, 2,45-lmprisoned Heart,

Woman's World-Part Two a,OO-Housewlves Club, 4,OO-Gcn. Provincial Ncwi. 4.05-Besl'from the West. 4,30-Summary World Nell", 4,35-1II0re Western and Folk

Music, The Younger Set

5,oo-General Provincial News, 5.05-Plnnet Man. 5,20-Blrthday Announcements. 5.25-Chlldren's Record.

Teen Time .

i\ews l'ageunt-l.ate Edition lI,OO-Local Pl'ovincial New!, II.05-Natioll111 :-iews, l1.l5-Sporl~ Finnl. .

1I011scparty 11,30-~lusic, l2,30-General Provincial News, l2,35-:llusie. \.oo-Q:lecn and Sign._O_f_r. __

V.OCM ~HlNIIAV, I1r.hl'llal'~' 20

6,50-0n the Air. 7,OO-Brenklast Club. News.

5,OO-.Tunior Jamboree, fi.30-~[elod)' 1Ilan, (j.OO-News and Weather. R,15-Sportscast. 6.25-Lost and Found, 6,45-News, 7,00-The Woman in his Life. 7.15-0r. Paul. 7,30-Bargain Hour. a,OO-Old Favourites, 8.l5-Hockcr. 1O,30-Ncl\'~. 10,45-News, 11.00-Sporl~wt. ll.l5-This is the Stor)',


S,()O-Klds' Show. 5.30-Jlowdy Doody. G,OO-nrookfleld Runch Time. 6,30-Bowrlngs-llIckmans Show, 7,00-Toolon's-Clouston's Show. 7.30-Ayre's-Balne, Johnston's-

Steers' Early Show.


B,OO-Sld Cacsar. 9,00-lUedleine • 9,30-Denny Vaugllan Sltow.

10,OO-Wc9tlnghollse Studio Onc. ll.O~Ne\\'s-l'ubllc Service IUO-Thc Late Show.

By Ceean For Monda" February 20

Present--For You and Yours . . . Yesterday" ni!gn· live aspects clear up and )'ou'll fc~1 your old self 3gain, One

i word of camion, however: Ketp • a c he c k rei n on your tongue 'as it could gCI you inlo hot I waleI'. Be wiser than olhers-

bUI don't Iclllhem lO! Busin~s , matters should show gOQd prog· 'ress. Relationships between em· I ploye and employer particularly

'1 harmonious now. I Future • • • Outlook is Ihlt PIlSt". General Edward Brad· I the lumber induslry will can· dock arrived February 20,1755,

linuc 10 be prosperous. with as commander of British troops most types running ahead. of here. 'He came to "show colo: last year's production, Prices will niSIS how proper soldiers fight," remain fairly level. .bul Indians defeated them;

The Pay Und,er Your Sign ARIES (Botti M.reh 21 10 Ap,1I 201 LIBRA (S,pt,2J to Ott. 221 D.n'l ov<rindule. 1.· .. lIn, and drinkln, A.~CI IMPlOY" S. ,.ok .• rl.n. to rOo juu to compc-ns,ue for dlul'point~' in .umt activities which youl't becn ptst-tht romance deplrtment. plnlnlt for toa loft~ now.

: TAURUS (Ap,U21 10 M.y 201 SC9RPIO IOct, 23 to t"l ••• 22\ , A ~""" 11m. 10 make b.si.", de.I" pat. You U .~.mrlllh a ,. ... m.m 0(, ..... 'k \ li.ullflr where .. \linK I, •• n,emed. Ptoo wllh a mlnlmu,. of .rlorl, so don 1 ,dr. i pl. wi) lilt .. 10 rou. eime awa,. Get In ,.,Ir stitt.

5.30-Half Hour Feature for the Teen • Agers. Interviews, Guestl. Pop Music, Social Notes and Gossip,

News Pageant-City Edition 6.00-News In a Minute and D.

I GEMINI (M. 21 to Juft. 21) SAGITTARIUS (No •• 2J to D ••• 2It : PI .. 10 b. Wilt f,l.nd. who ~I" Itml, H.bbl .. It, ... mted uoder ,u".nl .. al. , lar In""'15, Includ. younK people in allon .. Drop Inlo • b.bby .hop .nd kC : )'Our 1'1, •• Ir y.u .an, ~'hat·. ~ ... , You'll hav, fun,

tailed Weather. 6,05-BulIctln Board. 6.l0-Nationai New •• U5-Sports Parade. 6,25-Provlnelal Newt, ' Showcase Of Stars-Part Two

6,30-Showcnse of Stars. Other "Star" Musicals. Four Star Feature

7,QO-Courtship and ' Marriace, 7. Ui-Famous Serlcs, 7.30-News, 7,.5-.Royal Stores Theatre,

: CANCER (Juno 22 to July 221 qAPRICORN (Doe. 2% '0 J.n, 191 I

Relld ft.,. .d", •• "peell brin,. fit'. \0. can ulth up Oft .11 th. odd •• nd · Ing 01 w,Il.li<I.~. y.,. .... pl.n an .ndl' ,hal,rou f'OlIp,'nr<l bec •• It Ihcy : tYC'ntrul daY-lntS wuk. aeuned ttdiOUS. The), 11 be t~I" now.

j LEO (July 23 10 Aug, 221 A9UARlUS (Ju, 20 t. Fob. III ~ A ,cod time ror a'~inlt 1a\'Oti or kckinl ~fllcr I!"port.ant m?ve:1 and decide,ns. I hell' ., advl •• , B •• Itre whcr •• irnin, I ""r"lmali.n ... n I P'Y •• rr. A<lI.o , p>'~" I, ... mnrd' should b. )'OU' byword IhlS ... ,1:. . I t'" I •

VIIlGO IA.g, 2l to Sopl. 27J . PIS~ES (F~b. !' to M.,.~ 201 : A tt1ldtIK:Y 10 shoulritr Iht prohltm .. of l'nJeer Yo hu:h ante-rests )'~u ml)" JttfD

Mhtu hu "tM. ""u in " turmoil, Itt to he IlIle:n:II~1 bUI dGn I be dlseour. htlrlul. hIli ,Il)n', ~ impou'~ lIrw'ln. l&tfi. Thr Idea Ii tounfl.

1I,30-Club 590. News. l.OO-N ews in a ~!inute and

Close· down.

CBN MONDAY, February 20

7.3D-Sign On. CBC News. 7.35-Top of tho Morning. a,DO-CBC News and Weather. 8,15-1I[usical Clock. 9.OO-Morning DCVOtioM 9.15-Program Preview. 9,30-Records at Random.

lO,OO-Musicale, lO.1O-Hit of the Day. lO.15-Iris Power. 10,25-CBC News. 10,30-Triple Treasure,

, 10,45-BBC Variety, 11.15-Schoo1 Broadcasls. 11.45-Rcgina ~IcBride. 12,OO-Announcers Choice, 12.15-Farm Brlladcast, 12A5-MidDay Set·enade. l.o0-Doyle BulJetin. l.I5-Laura Limitcd. 1.30-CBC News and Weather. 1.45-Aunt Lucv, !!,OO-Your Good Neighbour. 2.1ii-Words with Music. 2,30-Atlantic School. 2,45-The Happy Gang, 3.15-1I1an Around the Hnnse, 3,:lO-Tr3ns Canada Malincc, 4,30-CBC News, 4,35-Timcir Tunes, 4.45-Children·s Story, 5.15-~!lIsic of the Wpsf. 5,30-Fisheries Broadcast, 5,45-Kindergarten of the Air. 6.00-lnt~rmczzo. 6,25~Program Preview. 6.30-Supper Guest. B,45-Heartbeats in Sport. 7.00-CBC News and Weather, 7.l5-Curtain Calls, 7.30-Tops Today. 7,45-Doylc Bulletin. 8.15-Hour of St, Francis, B,30-Rawhide. 8A5-Margaret Mullins Sings. 9,00-National Farm Forum. 9.30-Sky Nights.

'lO.OO-Musical Program. 10,SO-CRC Symphony. 1l,30-National News,

VOUS MO~DAY, February 211

6,~O-Sign on and' Suncliu!. 0,55-S11 ndla 1 N e\V~, 8.00--lirenldnst Club, B.:!U-'I'uday's the Day, 8.45-ltex Kuur)', g,OO-It Happened last Night.

10,OO-Coffee Tim'e. 11.00-Turn back the Clock. 1l.30-Pepperrell Juke Cluh, l2,15-News and O,B, 12,30-HiIlbilly Matinee, 1.00-:Behind the Siory, 1.15-At Ea~e, 1,30-In the ~lood, 1A5-Bob Crosby, 2,OO-Jllatinee, 2,30-Martin Block, 3,OO-Army Hour, 3.30-News, 3.35-VOUS Record Room, 4.30-News. M5-Sports Unlimited. 5,OO-Panel DiscussIon • 5,30-Ncws. 5.35-Navy Hour, 6.00-The Outdoorsman. 6.15-0n the Record. 6,3O-Just Music. 6,55-Sports Page, 7.00-News. 7.15-Pepperrell Sports Desk. 7,45-Music off the Record • 8.00-The Whistler. B.30-Two for the Money, 9,00-HoJlywood Music Hall, 9.30-TrU\h nnd Consequences,

10,00-News and Weather Fllre· cast. .

l0.15-~larch of Evenls, IO:30-rol'trait~ in ~[il~ir, 11.00-~lusic 'til ~liitni):ht. 12,OD-New5 and Sign Oft,







TO-DAY OUHhrills all olllor films

for sheer, shocKinr; ow .... , ....



NEXT ATTRACTION JOliN 8EN'J'I,EY-~r,\ It'J'lIA JlYElt IN "SCARLE'r SPE,\R" ,\C'I·(JAI,I.Y t'1I,m:u IN 'l'IIE .JtJ1'lGI.E-'I'IIRII,I. AJI'1'EK 'I'JIltILt.-AI.SO "TilE \'l1.U(;J~:' WI'l'II JOliN JUSTIN -t:VA IMIU,IIEl'K-IlIti\:\t:\-nml.\NCE-A PUlGN,u';T







DOOR SALES 'l'ODAY FROM 10 A.lIl. . !'IlONE 6221

. PRICES: 2.25. 1.70! 1.15, GOc (incl,)

, :1 , ., . , I '.' ,I

.. ,! ; ,

, ; ,

. ,



, . ,



~ . I. I' I I'


l I i ,

I , ,

, .'

, , I



.(;l"(l1ld Falls: Personal I ..

r,,', o'ngregatelo' n) al Meet-I'ng HARBOUR GRACE,-Mrs. Wall· Steamship Mov :\. er Pasha, who recently entered the Grace Hospital for treatment is FURNESS WARR.EN I..INE ~1ar. 2, Halifax lIar

'.'. making .satisfactory progress, her Nova Scotia leaving Liverpool John's Mar. . 6,

:ZU'.i' emo'ralal Un-Ited Church many fmnds are pleased to hear Feb. 11. due S1. John's Feb. 17. fort AValon - L . f H 1'[ d So t n Mar. B. st. John )liss Ada Tapp who had been al I eavmg or a I. ax an s 0 Halifax Mar. 13'

• . st John's the past ten days re. Feb. IB, due Hahfax Feb. 20 and !liar 15 T' due

~i 'The annur.1 Congregational Meet· )'ear, the church was beautltully tu~ed home on Friday last.' Boston Feb. 23, Leaving Boston (Co~ner' B~~~~nga aga~n ~g of Memorial United Church, decorated 'by !hem for the ChrI~t. Feb. 24 and Halifax Feb. 28, due NFLO. CAN. nd tie", ~ralld Falls, was held In Bennett mas service. Mr. F. P. Sheppard was a visi· St J h 'M 1 S T f L' I ~Hall on Tuesday, January 31st., Woman's ASSDclatlDn: . 0 n s ar. . al 109 or Iver· Be Ie Isle llicavin~ 1956 I dl t I f II I

-he iii t I tor to the Capital on Monday last. pool Mar. 2. , 18, due St. John's Fe' . ,mme a e y 0 ow ng. A very act vc assoc at on, h s Newfoundland leal'ing Liverpool Feb. 23. ,. ZO,

"'Church Supper served by the Wo- group continued lis wonderful con. Mr. Arthur CU,rric spent a fcl\' Feb. 29. due St. John's Mar. 6, Bedford /I ltaling Hal' .~men'8 Association, trlbutlon to the life and work of days at St. John s recently. . Leaving for Halifax a~d Boston 21, due st. John's Feb ,~hl :f.: The weI! attended ~ee!lng com· the church, 'I'helr support Is un. -- . Feb 24 . "', ~Z1Icnced WIth a del'otl?Z1al perlvod wavering and :he year now past ~Irs. Alfred Sheppard, propriet· . '5~lar'J 71, ?Ue.tHahfla9x ~sla~'I' 17. dfue B~lIc 'Isle II learin'll ' : ,amductct! by the mimster, Re d. had becn VCI" acth'e and finan. re's of Loraine Beauty Salon has, t. 010 5 ., ar, . al IDg or ,,;; due St J I' ' a1:flt .-A. J. Barrcll, wl:h the opening • . entered hospital at St: J~llD';, i Lil'erpool Mar. 20. j:"~b. 28. . 0 m S Ftb. ZI, :li"mn being "Blest Be The Tie That elallll it wa~ n Ilood one with r·!1' and will be away from her busincss I Nuva Scotia Icaving Lil'crpolJl Bedrorel II Iral'ln" _'oln sOl h . r I th u no ahoul three wccks. I ~Iar. 17. due St. John's ~Iar. 23. 29, due SI. .Iohn·s ;, :..",'. d" proximately nineteen hundred dol· :: Following the pro.yer, the Obit. ars erng reR net. one 0 sa ,Leaving for lIali(ax and Ilostun ~Iar. 3. ar. ~ uary {or the 'past 'year W3S read o( Wllich \1'35 passed ol'cr to the ~Ir. and ?llrs. Wilh.el~1 and 111'0 I ~Iar, 24, due Halifax Mar. 26 and ~LAR~E STEAMrHIP and twa minutes silence obserl'cd c\11Irell. cluldrcn Carl and Cllrlslel.. lell \ Bostun Mar. 29. Lca\'ing Boston !\orth Coa,ter leal'ing in remcmbrance of departed memo The usual Icas and slles were !Iere recently to takc UP. reSilIence . ~Iar, 30 and Halifax Apr. 3 due st. N,B" Feb. H. Halifax Ftb. bers. held r.nd much catering was riont'. ID Toronto, Ont. Mr, \\ Ilhelm had I I' . . . '. st. John's Feb"O ..

Business commenced with the The Floral Committ~e prol'lded and l'con an employee of Koch Shoe. Jo m s April 5. Salilng for LII·er· N h . ' ~ , sal"n, apPol'ntmcnt of Mr. J. Cater as arranged flowers for ~he churc11 Ltd' I pool April 6. ort PlOnecr d hi h . , N.B., Fcb. 21, H~lifax Chairman, and Mr. L, Scoll as Sec. CrolD Sunday to Sun ay ": e I FURNESS ReO CROSS SI. John's Feh, 21 retarll for the meeting. The Min. service Is vcry much appreclate~ ."'" . The many' friends of ~Irs. Gra 2B.' utcs of the It,sl Annual l\Ieeting by the congreJ(ation. By Jo R. WILL ham Ash will regret to hear. ot F Fbort Hamilton leavi~g Halifax North Coaster leal'in ~ .werc then read and adopted, Friendship Circle: •..• -.- - - - - her Illness. Mrs, Ash, accompamed e. 21, due SI. John s Feb. 23, N B Feb 2B H rr ,g.l

Work Accomplished: This organlzatl\ln Cor younk 11'0' j6~g, ~~~t~atPID hy her son Arthur, and daughtcr, sailing Feb. 25 (Halifax and N.Y.) St. 'John's ~i:u- a 1 ax ,~bl. A Conden~ed Report showing me~ truly lived up to its name A~'( iHlI-JKIN' YOU'D ~!rs. Leslie Sheppard, went to SI. I Fort Avalon leaving New York North Pi~ne~r s31itnz

thc very fine work accomplished during thc year as an Informal KI-JOV\I" uA'THEF:.IN' John's on Monday evening last, Feb. 18, SI. John, N. B., Feb. 21, \ N,B., Mar. 6, Halif~r during the "ear was prcsented by ;)nd friendly atmosphere pervaded A,*H~~~ ~~l~If1SV' and entered the General Hospital Halifax Feb. 23, due SI. John's St, oJhn'; ~!ar, 12 ; Rel'erend B'arrett, In all deparl- all meetings. The sum of one ELECTRIC FAN for treatment. Feh. 25, sailing Feb. 27 (Corner Nurth Coaster i ments keen interest had been main- th~usand dollars was raised by I'" 'THERE Brook and New York). I N.B., ~Iar. 13 Halifax lained and the year had been In- thiS circle of women, four hundred NOW! Mr. William Oke was a l'isitor to Fort Hamilton leaving New York SI. John's ~I;r. 19, sailing

dcell a progress!l'c onc in the life o( which was given to the Finllllee Ihe Capital on Monday. ~1ATERFRONT lIickman's llarbour. a.,d work of 1>lemorial Unl:ed Board and fifty dollnrs contrlbut l'hurch, cd for the care of a Icper child, Among those confined to their T. HALLET LTn

L'hureh FCf\'il'e~ held rc~ularly Othcr serl'lees such as financing homes last week with prevailing DIREf'1TORY Norma Conrad, . had heen well attended, and I'ery a c!lUreh telephone formed Jl~rl of colds were Miss E. ~I, Oke of the i \' ter, is \I'a.iling to go OD doci cncoura;;ing 100 is thc numbcr thclr services to the church. Standard Office staff. . dockage lS .I'ailabk present at Communiun serl'ices i'le.n's Senlee Club: nORWOOD LU~1BEn CO. os DOCK which had he en held e;reh month Tlus Club ,.Im repor:cd 5UCCC~S ~Irs. H, Ross Sheppard and in· M.V. Thomas anU Robert hac Codroy. lJaphne and a~ \\'cll as 1111 Easler Sunday and I durins the year noll' cnded. Their fant daughter arril'ed {rom 5t. been successfully refloatcd and Hane .IIX )Iainlil. and World· Wide Communion liunday. ~utstanding e~'ent was a Laymcn's ,Tohn's on Friday el'ening last. will el'entually have further reo A. II. ~1t'RR.\1' (;rr.t interest has becn nmniCested Sundaj' held In Octohcr when the pairs, Super~r~der, name p.\. the ."oll:h of thc Church ill Ihis president of the ('Iub, Magi.trute ~{r. Stephen Payne of Ihe Dept. CANADA PACKERS L TO I Norlh Clipper, ~ailed

13 J Al b tt th I I '" of Fisheries, leaves here on Feb· .. .' for Fortune, St,

means of ~raee and the nUl1lber . , ) 0 was e speu (cr aOl • Manvlo IS moored up IIIdefln- 1 Gra~. d Bank. _ 'h i d t d b ti fIIary 17th for Halifax, N.S .. where .. ~l\cnding rcgularl)' speaks well for • C Ecrl' ee was con uc c y Ie he will attend a conference. ltd)'. , AYX}; I< SOXS LTD the fulure 01 the Church, I clerk 01 the Sesslun, ~Ir. J, Cater. Tl'cpasscy is hal'ing a general' Marjurie Inkpen, .

)1eIl\1Ier~hitl: , Other ~peclal speakers 10 the ~!r. James Sheehan \l'as a wcek· ol'erhaul. ,G . .s. Cutler, Earl Keilh, Due 10 the fact that Windsor Cluu duriug the year werc the ncv, d .. h' h I AT DOCK Ro)' moored up for the ~I P tt d M n W G en \'15Itor to IS ome lere.

had becn pl:lced all the Bishop', • r. r, erson an r., . uy. r ........ :.-==- S.S. Glencoc, Dredge P.W.D. H,M.C. DOCKYARD Fnils chargc, membership a: the T'l'lhe Chlolrs

t: I I b ., Mr. John Butt, who was taken 400, and Northern Ranger. Nal'al fire tug 3 It!

end of December, 1055, was 230 Ie "0 un ecr serv ce g vcn y d·1 I '11 h f d JOn BROS. & CO. LTD. I'essel C53-1222. both senior and junior hulr II' . _ _ ____ __ __ su ucn y I erc a ew 3)'5 ago, ' fr,milics against ~66 reported the C s a~ -- :-/4 was able to be up for a shorl . Blue Foam .diseha~ging ~3rgo of CROSBIE & CO, prcl'ious ~'car. With an ol'crsight deeply appreciated throughou~ thc U:1i'1'I1L.I..:AI~ while during Ihi5 week, and 'Ii~, r!sh. Arter dlschargmg sailed for 1Ir.V. )Ianeco which of ninc hundrcd and sCl'cnty.fil'e year. During the seasons of spec. ,HE OL-TPOSi • ,,~,. friends hope his progrcss may' tllC Grand Banks. came from the ~ouJ; the Church has a challeng. ial Impurtance in our Church life continuc. I NAVAL DOCK, SOUTHSIDE Bell Island tickle ing ta~k. Durill[! 1055 ten persons appropriate antllems wcre arI·ang. Whaler Olaf of Olscn is moor some repairs to the were rcccil'cd inlo full mcmber. cd and special carol serl'Ices [It Miss Vera Power wcnt to Sl cd up for the Vocational purHs is now moored here for ~hiJl of Ihe churl'll lIll Ill'oression Christmas werc gil'cn b)' both ,Iohn's on Saturday last. to inspect, . son. or faith r,nel tWCl II\' :ran~fer and choirs befurc lar;:e congregations, H ARB OUR G RA ( E N EW S BOWRING BROS. LTD. ON THE SOUTHSIDI thcir nalllC5 lIddc,i \I. Ihe j,'Ulil The work of the organists had MI·s. R. Babb, SI. John's, rc· (Southside Premises) The 111'0 Spanhh fishir./ ~lell1hrr~hip noll which no\\' stands. ~ot gone unno:lced and apprcela. . turned home last weck alter a I I1!.V. Terra "ol'a will get ready ers which arril'ed in pon al thrce hunored membel's. AI~o tlon was recorded 10 the organist brief "isit to her mothcr, ~Irs. L. I for thc scalfishery. Gus Carter, days ago from the Gran! durin~ thc :'car thcre were thirty for. Sunday Serl'lces. ;lIIS5 C. Giles. , Sheppard, I will be mastcr. ! fishery for supplies, , b;,ptisms, :cn I\'eddin~s lind ten aSSIStant ~Irgr.nlst )liss Audrer I -- :'II.V. AIgcrinc is on Ihe south· 'ce\l'ing lame will !a:1 burial>. AlbsbOttl, i~I::5 ,~allnll(slraBJ:rn::" ~nl (til" Old Fashl-o.n" W-I nter ~{r, Hool'er Martin of A. L. Col· 'I' side to get rcady for the seal.! Grand Banks flshery 10I! Sund~y Schnol: a 0 0 " ga s lis and Son Ltd., spent the wcek· fishery. IIOday.

This Vepartmcnt oC the Church, for the mld.\\,eek sCfl'ices. II end Rt Harbour Grace, relurning BAINE J~HNSTON & CO:. LTD. FURNESS ~ITHY & .CO, is wcll organized and ~ta[fcd lind ~lIscellaneous: .' ' to 51. John's on Sunda)·. 1 l[arguentc B. Tanner 1\'111 take,. R.:\I,S. :\ol'a Scotia .in :he main funcllons cHicientl)' The Financial ncport was brougllt i DIM _I' A' d ' P -- freight on Saturday. Feb. 1B, for \ arril'cd yesterday from 'wilh excellent work being done by to the attcntion of the meeting \ e ays al n' a' pers I Visiting Harbour Grace on Tuc~ 'H<ldge's Cove, Smith's Sound, St. 1 is expecled to sail Saturdl! teachers and officers In the inter. and It was seen' that hcre, too, ~hc I dav were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jones Within. Port Rcxlon. and for Halifax and BOllon. est of the ho~'s and gills, with the .ycnr ht':! becn a cood one, for In . .: Bn'rnes of Gander, who arc spend· \' . numbcr enroiled being 259 in all spite of heal'y expenditures mct! Due 10 the sel'ere snow slorm urday morning and were wcleomed I then. ~Ir,' Sheppard has worked I iog a vacation at POlt de Grave. & c dcparlments, Word of apprecia' during the year, the Church Is In I' which raged here last week·end by rcaders, especially Thursday's the plough night and day to clear While at Harbour Grace they wcre I Furness, Withy ompany :ioo wtoS recordcd for loyal and good fi~aneial standing, caused a road blockade for two which carried Harbour Grace notes the by-streets and lanes, and a I guests of Mr. lnd Mrs. L. C. Davi~. .del'oted serl'ice oC the superintend. The F Innneial Committee then or three days, no mails were rc· from the previous week. word o(appreeiation Is due the' I L!\'erpool st. John's BOMon Hallin 51. rnt who found It necessary because presented a Budget for 1956 and \ eelved here from Tuesday el'enlng The loell snow.plough, Mr, Ar· Town Council, and ·Mr. Sheppard In to lIb. & to to oC his duties at the mill to tendcr sllddenl), like a harbinger of good until Saturday morning. This Is thur Sheppard. drlvcr \\'as carll' for the efficient service gil'en. St. John's Boston Jlalifax st. John'l

;his resignation. tidings, a '\'ivld picture of what an unusual occurrence for many on the job of commcneing the February has proven to be so, Women's Column '"ol'a Scotia" Feb.:H Feb. 28 . J:xplorers: can be done when a congregr,tlon I years, The Dally News of 'Wed. c1enrlng of the snow b,locked far a "hard.month" and residents I ' "Ncwfoundlantj" Feb. 29 Mar. 7 7I1ar.13 Mar 17

For the llil~t ~ix ~'rJrs in:erest is I'eody to work zealously for its \ nesday. Thursday. Friday and streets, so that traffic commenced' arc terming this winter as "an old! ' "Nol'a Scolia" Mar 17 ;lIar. ~4 :I[ar.30 .\pr. 3 h.!s becn kecn in thb !!ruup and church, a cheque Cor l?t.500 was Saturdn), aI'ril'ed tu;:ether on Sat- t/) mOl'e carlyon Thursday. Since I fashioned one." ! I.IARBOU~ GRACE, Feh: 10th.-, "Newfoundland" ~ or. 4 Apr.It Apr. 17 .\pr.21 1955 was H wonderful I'car with presented by Mrs, ll, K. Good. - --.------- I ThiS quolal1on from the lips 01 B Persons contemplating passage to Europe should make nllrndancc reaching an' nil lillie year O!1 behalf of the Women's' P T I'M PSt It· Is distinguished political man who I ~f:II:~s:ad;:sn~~rn!lscd by B.O.A.C. - K.L.~1. - Sc.ndini,ja

'hi;b of ~2 mcmh"r~. Thrnul!h its Association. arent eac lers . ap e on had retired .sce~s to bear our l I lines-Pan Americron Airways - T.W.A. ~n" conn!cll:1 Jll'ogr<>nlllle the i I 'Is and boys re. Aftcr all the reports hnd becn • - I ruth. Hc said: I hal'e founo the. r .crive \'alliable trainin!! ~Ild dis. I dealt wl~h Hnd were adopted. the A., . 'at' lI'o:ld chuck full. of ~indness.1 J~~~ult UE regarding your travel problems. ciplint'. Annual sUlllmcr camp I followln!! new members were elcct SSOCI IOn S k. At K · · I wlllell, when I tlunk of It makes' FURNESS TRAVEL OFFICE ,W;lS again a worthwhilc project cd to the Board:-l\laglstrate n. CI ' C pea er Iwqnls Ime

very humble." .1 NEWFOUNDLAND HOTEL :with twu camps-one for girls and J. Abbott, Messrs. R. Morgan, G. lardv Ollcert Just rece?Lly I have heard two, -.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;.;.~~,,;.;.;;;;;;;. :anolher for hoys-heillg held, It II, Gilbcrt, W. J, Goulding, n. 01 HAnBOUR GRACE-The rcgulur, conclusion a vote DC thanks was persons, WIdely scparated. from I was impossible in the eundensed D!IIl:wall, O. HIcks, R. Baker. G -- meetIng oC the Kiwanis Club 01 expressed hy past president Alec I each other tell of how kmdne:;s I LtJ rcport to describe all the aetivl. IIleks. Jr. &. C, Allen. During the \ HARBOUR G~ACE, Feb. 14th- Harbour Grace took place on Mon- Moores and heartily cndorsed by: had been shower~d upon them' Nflda-C~nada Steamships u, .tirs or this enthusir,stic group who rceordin(! of ballots time was used Under the ausplcles DC Ihe Parent elay, Feuruary 13th. The meeting those present. when they. were 10 need of 11.\ !during thc \'car ailled the orphans. in singing old·time hymns and Teachcrs Association of the United was opened at 6.30 p,m.. with Unfortunately, during ~Ir. Stap· Without bemg asked, people had 1 "the ~lIssio~afl' Procramme of the !his period WtS immensely enjoy, Church School, a varicty concert president Frank Moores in the 1·leton's address, a fire alarm was come to show. sympathy. not only 'church and the local church, This cd. was held at Coughlan Hnll on Tues· chair with the singing or the Ode! sounded necessitating many of the by a~ expressIOn o.f wo:ds, but by I :group is under thc leadership 01 C5everal points DC Interest of day evening, February 14th. :,Iore to Newfoundland, followed by the I members of' the Harhour Grace pr~chcal dee~s w~l~h did m~ch to Miss Ruth Way and JIIlss Claris fare of the church were raised and details of this will appear in next graec. Following dinner, commun· Volunteer. Fire Brigade leaving tht' ?rlghten an mvalld s days 10 one

:Wa\', vital Importance to the luture weI. week's news notes. Ity slneing was cnjoyed with Ki. meeting., mstance, an.d In thc other to help : Canadian GIrls In Training: interesting discussions ens~ed. wanlan Les Cha(e as songmaster Next week's program will be a .temporarlly lonely person by : Durin" Ihe past \'ear this Pro- The ReI'. Mr. Brorrctt explained and Mrs, L, Pike at the piano. under the .dlrection of committee I dOI~g outsld~ chores and award~ 'grammc" was a varied one help. some of his plans for ~hc church Fire AlarID The special speaker of the even· chairman I\evin Lawlor. I ~\'hlch ot~enl'lse would have mea~t :jng the girls 10' dCl'eio~ into which Included free scating in the ins was M. P. Staplelon, chairman Special guests 'at Monday's meet· Ilne~nvemen.ce~ and so~e hardship :wholesome christian personalities church but decisions were left of the Public and Business Affairs ing ;vere. Mcl Perry or the 5t. I durm~ a diffIcult penod. 'through First Aid. Mis~lon Study lor future discussions, Shortly aftcr lea on Monday in H~rbour Grace, who gave a J~hn s LIOns Club and Wallace I There is little doubt that the :8nd serl'icc to the church and COITI' Resolutions of appreciation were evening, February 13th lhe sound· I'~ry IDfo~ma~ll'c addres,s on mUD!· "',all.ers of the. Ban~ of NOI'a world is full of people who kcel! '



I.l'Ol'illg lIalifax: February 21st..... .... .. Due st. John's Februa~ Februarv 29th .... , 0 .00. • ••• Due Sl. John's ~larch

• D StJh''Im March 9th ................ ue . a n5' 1 h ~Iareh 17th.... . .. , .... .. .. Due S1. John's ~ arc


Leavin~ Halifax: ) 1" b . ~-th Due St 1011n" Fe Iru,rl' 'C runr) ~O .... .... .... • ,. h ~!arch 5Ih ................ Duc ~I .• Iohn:, ~l:~~ll ~Iarch 13th ............. ", Due Sl. John;' . I h ~Iarch 21st. ... .... .... • ... Due SI. .Iohn s ~ He

For immcdiate clearancc pcr (!irect sailin~~ .

awks1 ins


9: NeW York 4. I 'Ioronto 1. . I CP-The la~t·j11

Black Howks ~\lol a tll'o.;wal lcad o.t Ihe

sunday IlIght back to trim the. ;\all< Lea~uc champIOns their dfort to take ,

place. . ill Iheir five ]11'1'\'

Ihe Hawk~ \Ycrc. ~~ t:le opelllng whl;.tlP headed (or allnthcr

,\Iex Delvccchio gal'e Det.roit a ::·11

period. cI'en th' (Dlcagoans outshol the

18·\1. the chicago atlacl; hc~

midw3Y in the H' " "'iek ~lieko;l;j [in''; "'~ ~, . .

lIallk gool. FII'p ml lIarr)' \Vat,on and I ;cored barely "

. at 51. .10hll·s thi­

.f FclJruary ,\.D. I , PINSENT & S~~lcltol's for



Notice To Cr~ditct,S

malleI' of t!l~ ;,~"k .f Cl.lI'cnca Y"uug

i~ :Icl'chy glrtl1 o rc:f..)lO \\.'as Illarip rOUII;!, (;l'I:cl'al

, Xcw[nuad (h,y 'J; Fclrruar:

liml Ihe fir~l 111

\\111 hI' held day B[ Fehl'lI;!!')' p.m. "I tilC officc : nerci, cr "t t:1C

in thc City flf SI. inrl! of XCW[OUI

al !:;t. .It.:m·~ tIll of l'ehruarj' 1956.

N. A. C .

'l11unitr. At, Chris:mas the anllu;)1 ext~nded Rev. and Mrs, Barrett for Ing of the fire·slrcn brou~ht the c.lpal affa~rs 111. this to\~n and o~t. Scolla. The meetmg .. 11 as brou~hlt~ ! themselves happy by "passing on" .Vesper sen'lee was presented by Ise~llces rendered since their ar, members of the Harbour Grace hned the, grO\~th. of the TO\~I~ a close ~t ,B p.m. '11th the Slngl1l .. i liltle deeds of kindness to others. ~ :thc comhined ~roup of which therc rhal ~o the Grand Falls charge. Volunteer Fire Brigade 10 the Council SIllCC Its IIIccption, Al I •• 01 the Nahunal Anthem, IOn the other hand, there are: ::lrc three led by 1>lIss V. Monre, Also .0 the treasurer, Mr, F. residence of Mr. Leonard Bray on .. .. those who are (ull o( misery., . r-liss E, Forsey and Mrs, E. lIIa~. JI!,oo~e, ami to th~ chairman o[ thc Bannerman Lake Road, where on Harbour Grace· , . W kl P d Again I quote from a wise and I

uel. el~m11l: lIIr. J. Cater. ovcrheated chimney was causing ee y ;ara e good man: "I sec two great heaps I l'ollng Pcople's UnIon: fhe congregt-llon heartily ex· alarm., H' . . . '. in this world-one of the human I MembershIp In this group for pressed their thanks to the Wo0 On arrival of the Flrc BrIgade It IStOry , . .--. happine<s and the other of human

ror rates, spacc and othcr infonnation appl)': I HARVEY & CO., LTD., General Agents, Dial; 2IS

R. N. COLE, Special Representative, St. John's, Dial 2201

~O~~g ~~n and wolmt

en increased ~j~~~ab~ess~:~~;nsu:;~r ~~~t '~:~ rha: ~lr~nd a~h:\~~;re ;~~~r~!~e ~~. Thl:A~e!~~~ ~~~r:' ~~~~J:th o( \ misery,,; , ,

I ur:nr d el

);car. d si proframme been served to such a lar~e repre their station within some mlnules. HARBOUR GRACE - from a R.C.R:C.C. lfeothic took place as IC it is possible 10 lake away ne Utt

l e ecdurtcls, hselul'sS on, fre. scntalive of the congregation . There was no damage done to JIIr, Harbour Grace Standard of Fen· usual on .Frlday. with a good al· the smallest bit from 1he heap 01

erea on an Ie 0 t mg 0 a • Bay' h 26th' 1890 t k th I ltd ·Th kl tl f' d dd . th h JI nory t~1I Th b Thus another meeting bad been r some. runry , ,we a e co' en anec .. · e wee y rou ne 0 mIsery an a .to It e ot cr. I .t~ • d tSh I 'Ii e mkem

f ers con

t· ended The year's Books were lowing, which was connected willi training classes was' gone through shall be happy. If, for instance, I

. mue c r ne wor 0 suppor. • tl B nIt I I h Sit h' h f·.J h'Id h h I 'I'n" I Grenk orph'.n through th closed. The flnnl hymn was suno" Ie e evo en l' s DC e '1, w Ie IOu a e I w o. as ost a cent, .. • w. e and the benedict! f! d Tl C ' E t I'ccently celebrated Its one ·hun· Cadets arc now studyin~ lor ael· and by gll'ing him another I car.

Foscr Parents Plan for war or. congregation hr.:! :t~pope:r:v~ t~e omlng ven S dred 'and fiftieth anniversary at ,'aneement an~· are lookmg for· wipe away his tears 1 hav~ done. phans and also, as they do each 'h h Id 1'1 r e SI John's' should be of Interest ward to the ~nnual camping perlo.d <omethlng , I __ ___ _______ _____ • res a n 0 a new )'ear but as -- t'l t St J h' 'd which comes \III in the early sum· I' •• • • - i

the mcmbers left thc Church hall HARBOUR qnACE-The an· I a cas to . 0 n s rca crs.· .. . , : exchanging \'Iews and Ideas per. nllal meeting of the parishioners "Tile annual gencral meeting. of mer.. . . I' YOUR COOKERY

Cl: ... Kt dUILOINc:. Church Hill ~ial 7061·8

We have Branches In " •• ~er Brook all'! r. '.:.11.

using wltb pride the functl~ns 01 of SI. Paul's Parish is sehedule~ th~ Bcne\'olen~ Iris~ Society. took.' . Cadets ~re now 'stu~ying for ad· 'I'he casserole or one dish cal:

I'thclr' church no doubt " d to be held on Wednesday evening pl,lee at. St. 1 atrlcks Hal! (Har· I'ancement and arc lookln" forward· . m I , lor S t' b ' 22 d i " bour Grace)· on Sunday last the ' .. ,. , ." IS one of the saving graces of

I spoken by their minister were c ruarl n, n st. Paul s Pal" lOth inst " . ' ',. ito .Ihl! annual .campmg period modern cookery. It can' be light upermost In their minds and what I ~Sh ROOI~. ~t this meeting reports The P;esldent, 'on assuming :the ,\\,~Icli co!"es up 111 the early sum and simple. Can 'be prepared well better words could one use to end s~ ~e I~~; s I e~lur~l~ ~etiVlties in chair congratulated the SDclcty'on :mer, . ; I .; , I beforehand and popped into the a wrlte.up oC such a congregation . au s ar s WI e read, and the ~ttnlnment of its 70th IInni. . .•.. I' oven a haH ho~r or so hefore Ihe

I al meeting Ihon thcfollowln~ quo ~1~~6el~~:I~ra~: e\I::~h. officers (or vcrsary and also on . Its so~nd. £I: . 2nd: ~·ssistant..,...~!~: James Quirk, meal·time. Try this one: tation from Rcv. Mr. Br.rrett s re. p • nanelal condition as shown', by· the eleete4· .' . , BAKED o:IlELET port:-, Treasurer's accounts. Afier . the : ,Treasurer-~{.r, ~atrick Farrell, 2 tablespoons butter

'Th k f th h h On Sunday, February 26th, Har· 1 t d e wor 0 e cure as bour Grace companies of the Girl usual business of the year was dis· r.e·~ ee 0 ..... ":.. . :.,'. • 2 tablespoons flour gone on-The christian festi· Guides wlli parade .to the United posed of, thc foliowing resolution. . ,Sectela.ry-:-:l!r, Patrick Walsh, ~~ teaspoon salt vals of Christmas and ,Easter' Church, where a special service In was unanimously adopted:-:' ,~eele.~t.e.4;· . :" ., ' .. ' 1 cup milk have been lully observed- .' .' " . . - . . CI\~lrmar···,<;·. Charity-Mr. Pa· 4 eggs The Sacraments admlnlstere~ ~onnectlon with Guide Thinking 'RESOLVE!>-That .'the grateIul trl~k ~eiieflsi :re·eletited. 2 tablespoons butter and the Word preached, 1 ay will be conducted by the min· thank~ of .thc Soclety.be tender~d,.! Cb~!rrnari Review. and: Corres-i • would like ~o say at this time ister, .Rev. N. B. Hodder. the eQitors' "o.f .. t~!! Sta~dara. ~nd po.nde~ce-lr[r:IPatrl~k Pendergast, \' .METHOD: Make a while sauce that I 1J:n sure my prcdeces. Boards, and. the, sexton ... With the ~olon.ist for graciously "p~b •. re·elected.· .: . '. . . wllh the. butter,. flour, salt and sors did their best as I am hcarts thankful . for the' ac. 'Ushlng the: reports. ' . i. \ .Commlttee· of . M~nagement of milk, and then add the egg yolk& doing my best to keep alight U I t r The, offi~ers, having. vacated Hall· ....... Messrs. Michael Jones, which have been thoroughly the lamp or worship and to eomp s Imen s 0 the .past let ,their seats: ~r •. 'l;homas. O'Boen ~~omas. Burke,: Tho,m.~s O'Brien beateq. Beat,the whites While they encourage '0" Parishioners to ~: ~r~e~r:t~h~~~el~!:!resh was called .~o the ~halr, wh~n the. and '.Patrick ·Doyle. ,. . are shU, and then fold them in. take advantage of every mea' eleelipn ?[, offiee·bearers fo.r .:the / The .preslqc!lt .. bavl~g resumed M~1t 2 ,t~blespoo~s butter in a of Grace. As our mlnlstern~ . ~~~~~" upon the' duU~s following y~a,r rC5u~tcd as}.Qllows: 'I~e e~al~, !I vote. 0;' tha~ks wa~ !leaVy alumm~m . skillet, and pour appreela'c gre~I" It. President - Mr .. Denis. Shea, unanlmous~y:a~eotded Mr. Thomas 10 the omelet mlxturc. Bake in a

• , every nor. . elected.. '. ". .' ,O'~rlen for the' effIciency In con· slow 325 degrees F. oven until a est shown to ~e and my family. Rlsc up, 0 men of Godl ' , ." Vlee.~resldent _ ~{r.·· Edward dJicthig. thc' business. of the meet· silver knife Inserted through the and every co operation given The Church for you doth Walt, ' Callanan, re'eleclcd,' :"'.' Ing.· .. ·, .. ',': . ',' centre comes out clean. Loosen at g~m hthe• offlel~~S of :hls Her strength unequal ttl her task; 1st. Assistant-Mr. "James'Wall, .' . . :Patrjek Welsh, Secretary. Ihe edges. Fold over' and serve im·

ure, rom e var au! RI~e up and make. her great. relected. . . -:' : Com'mitt~e" ~ooJii3:"Feb: 29, 1890. medlatelJ'. ",.' '. . . \ " ... ,~ .. ' . .

or &0

THE ROBERT REFORD COMPANY, lTD., Agen" Montreal and Toronto





From from

Saint John, N .B. Hali(a~, K.S. Feb. 2~ ~Iar. 2 ;\Iar. 9 M~r. 16

S,S. North Jioneer • Feb. 21 S.S. North Coaster • Feb. 22 5.S. North Pioneer • Mar. 6 S.S. North Coaster , 1\'Iar 13

For freight rcserva{\ons contact

R. SELLARS Special Represenfative

Telephone 5483

-the eyes

C~VILIAN I particulars on h

YOUr country by se in your own I




Win st. pat's'Blankscots3-ofst. Bon's In 3~d Round High Ho~~ey·l. Make Sweep

SI, Pat's won the first game 0(' of the second when he took passes Ihe third roune!' semi·final series from wingmates Ted Knopp and In High School Hockey on Satur· Pat Marshall to beat goalie D'ave day night by blanking the l\lac· Hapgood of Macpherson .. Tom Sulli· pherson Scots 3·0 at the Stadium. van added the third st. Pat's goal

It was the first loss of the sea· at 4.50 o( the second frame with son for the defenlling champion all assist from Greene to make the <

Macs who led Division 2 in 'the score 3·0. first round. Division 1 leaders, St. The high school series continues Pat's have yet to drop a decision.. on Thursday with Salvation Army

St. Pat's scorcd' onc,e in the first College meeting SI. Michael's at period and twice In.the second in 4.30. racking up their first shutout of ST. PAT'S-Goal: Len Norman; the season. Goalie Len Norman C. Greene, G. Malonc, T. Hickey,

.. It: mCf14RD RUN WILD e.nrn~d his gem against the hard' G. Whitten, T. Knopp, T. Sullivan,

wks Topple Red Wings, ruins Tied . For Fourth


College. Replay 6-1;

Individual Trophies

U If::1 '. " II I fighting champions. H. Hansford, H, Lac~y, P. Mar· • 1 1\f:\' S 4TVRDAY Pena ty Defenceman Clyde Green, n shnll, .T. Brownc, ,T. Hickey, J. Bar· ,.,-,.-,,'1I'1!lPPll\(, ,'J. f.l spark In the Patrician attack all ron.·D. Maliard, B. O'Neill.

I a lart 10' give the tail.el\!l~r5 Ihc season, fired the first and event· I MACPHERSON - Goal: Davc II I ual wInning goal In the first p~r· Hapgood; J. ;\Iunl'O, D. 7Iloores, .J.

: ' . .0 :,>l:~\lr'~:~'lt 0, i c~I';hnni' Wilson aIHI Rell Sullivan F H' k lod \vhen he counted an unas~islcd '!'epleman, S. Yetman, J. ~eats, D. . piled UI; the lIawk margin carly 0 roc ey goal. at 4.40. I ~hnulk, N, Gover, :T. Tillstle, ll.

Y urk 4. i in the thinl period. The Wlng~ FIrSt string centre Tom Hickey Kean, S. Browne, Wight, Andrews, .. ' . . 'bl t <"I"""e" th'II'(1 nO'II ' added the insurance goal at 1,48 Rose.

. ; .:, 1,.;:~I~tl:;IP1. 1;"t."I~('r! ;:;I~o~~ICeFC~g;;~o~'in the lasll~Ii;,·1 R ghness 'p w· '--B.---t----H-------,.': l!::\·.k, .<I'Oth'il: ut~ of pla~·. OU ee ee n 'a k ~: .. ;:';·::;::.!.l,~;:d 1;:it~il~le (;:::: i Iu~il;~ (:~fe~.I~I~~,\I~~I~~O~!o~~ o~l~~r~ . ,a m OC ey

.•.. ,: 1 :';\11 Ih .. ;';ltilln:t1! Ill'cr ;';ew York lIan/:ers" who 1.lad R It 0 5 t d .:: " rli.1l11I'il1ll< 5.:1. : urI' II bl.nnked ?O bJ Boston BruI~I.5: I'rcs1l1rnt llce llonllelley es usn . a u r ay

,:,,>:1 In Iilk(' IIl'er; UCS}lltc Ihelr \\11\, the lIawk~. . , 1'1'111", 1'11"'1 11'1'" p(I·lnt.· Ollt of 10111'lh lashed oul at rough senior TI (. . u, ," I k I I b i [II Ie I1'St game Satun!a>' sr,w Ihe first place with 0 goals and 6 a.=:·

'.' .... II',.,. Ill','I,·,I'.I' l'lllacl'-lhc NUL's la,t nla),oif 10C ey p ay n 1\ I e mel' ng" Itt fl G l' [ . I I b

Ill' t wIth tcam coaches, manager~ 1'1I0pers 5 \U 011 Ie uDllel'S Sists or 14 pomts. !: .. ' ::' ,':,'1'" a::~rl''''; berlh-el11'rentl)' ~ IOrel (y ,(IS ur. ami rc[erces on Saturday night to O. E. Marsh nctted 1I1e lone tally Next games are scheduled for "1"'1lI11~ whi,th' h,lt II and Toronto ~Iaple Lea S. And annoullccll ~tcrn measures Troopers arc no\\' in third plaeu ~Ionday, February 20th, when at: •• 1 f",. ;1I~i1I.hrr rc· 11I1VISS IN 11h. for future high sticking and with 12 poiuts. 4.30-Lancasters vs. Hurricane:; .

. 1.' \ \Jl'II(.'ccillo a 1111 fiJ:ho!lng violations. :l'he sccond gamc, inlho Airforce 5.GO-Ploneers n. Signallers. • :" \1 .. llIiit a :.11 Il'all, J\I:;\\' YORK (Cl'l-Boslon lu a terse prepare.1 state. ,DIVisIon, saw ~he Mosquitoes come 5.30-Kyle vs. Home.

BILL GILLIF.S 'fop Scorer

?:~ ., .~:, ... ~ ......

RON MeCAR1'IIY Best Goalie

nOB REDMOND !\Io~t Gentlemanly, Effeclff!

SI. ~on's won ~ replay 0.1 the, Rei'. Bro. H. P. Tarrant, Presi.1 ne;;! in line, season s .. opene~ :Ylth a 6·1 v,ctory dent Ilf Ihe Intcrcollegiatc Ath.' A three man committee e[ oycr Bishop F ell~ ?". Saturda~ ietic League, was master of cere. S;lOrtswriters alld Phil Vitale held mgl.lt "nrl swept 1I1dlV:dual hOll' monies for the trophy presentation discussions on the Key Kennedy ?U1S nt t.he prcscntallon of len· Top scorcr's Gerald S. DOl'ie Trophy. Bob Redmond receives III I?l'. collegiate hockey awards after· Trophy was presented to Bill. Gil. indivillual trophy while' hl~ ftchool II al.ds. lies by 'fom Doylc for his league' retains the beautiful pcrpetual

'I he gan~e was ~ep!a~r.d ollly leading twcnty four points. Boh trophy for the year. !o~ thj PUI (hose of 11ldlVldual rce· Redmond accepted the champion. Fcildians \rent into the replay ~: t S dS n~e t ,e steaso~ 0tpener ~odn. ship troplty on behalf of his team. without Ihe services of star right· ~I~ e a 1\ en y mlO,u e perlO s winger Stan Breen and lost the mstead of thc regulatJon fifteen. The J{cy Kennedy JIIemori.1 scrvices of Graham Young and

.. :.: : "I"'!' ('\Til th("I~h I Bruins moved Into a fourth·place menl Donneiley warned team lout of a scoring slump as C. Dy· G.OO-Troopers vs. Suppers. ___ -'-.... ' .. , , .. "t,lwl the Hed i lie wilh 'f'11'onlo ~llIple Lcar~ representatives that players mond scored the first lIIosqutoc BANTAM LEAGUE

I 5undal' night when they shut nut 1\'ho raise sticks In anger 01'- goal [or four games. Tiley held The first game Saturday saw the Black Hawks and the Bisons end· ing in a scoreless deadlock, as hath goalies registered their first shut· outs ill the newly formed league.

Scoring champion Bill Gillies led Trophy [or the Most Gent!emany Danny Yetman throu"h injuries Ihe Blue .nnd Gold with 3 hat trick and effectil'e player went to Cap ,Both sulfered painful lCg injuries to run hiS goal total to fourteen. taln Bob Redmond of SI. Bon', I Young in the first period and Yet:

ial: 2151

.' ._" :.II;lr1; hrc~n to: ;';ew York Hangcrs 3·0 in a No· attempt to h.! opponents wlU the'lourth place Stirlings to n 1·1 . ".' III tl:,' >rcI1l1d' li<IIJ;11 Hockey League game here. be reported to the league by tic. R. MacNab was the marksman

Bob. Redmond, runner·up in the wb? had no pcnalties during the I man early in the second. scorml! .derby, a~ded two goals. to ;erlCs an~ had 19 points in scor· i SCORING RACE

" \ .; ·.ill";o,l:i tired thl" Gonlie 'ferry Sawchul; of the the referees and face possible for Stirllngs. , ,'" Fil'" minute,: Ill'lIins turned hacl; only 17 shots slispension' Immediately, The third game which was m

make hiS total Dine. Doug SqUires 1I1g. Goalie Hon ~leCarthy of SI.: GAP Df Feild, third in the scoring race. pon's won the Harvey and Cu. i Bill Gillies ...• , ... 14 10 2~s.

\':.,1.,,11 ;'IH; lIanl;' to ('arn his seventh shutout of the 'flte president askc(1 for no thc lIIarine Division saw the UP ".,: ,.1:. a millul.. ,C~~OIl. The crowd of It:!OO saw (li~cusslon on the matter since and coming Caribou move intu

_ IIw Hangr.r::: gi\'e one ()( thC!ir I he pr(!smncll all teams were second pface as thel· shut out Lhe

The secon,1 game o( the e\'ening had )Ionarchs and Indians bolh play a strong gnme as D. Walsh scorell 2 for Indians and (hen G. Comerford and P. Best came righl back scoring one each for Mon· archs to tic it up at 2 to 2, that's hall' it ended, :llonarchs 2, India"" 2, Referecs wore W. Butler and D. Morris.

scotrehd tthhe !onel

tBlUCS( JtalklY'l to T~OhPhY for least goals against i Eob Hedmond •• r' 9 10 19 rna e : smg ~ on 0 ac "ur· Wit a ten goal advantage over i DGug Squires •• •. 12 2 14

:'Y N oti ce pOllrrst performances of the sea· aware or ~lle s~rlousness of third place Hangers J to 0, on a phy of SI. Bon s. Tolson Chnpman of Feild who was! Brian Wakelin .• .. 6 6 12

, where they had lust unly four of injured a uumber o[ 111ayers The final game of the morning r.~:J on )ladi501\ Squ~re Gllrden icc \1 11angerol1s stick play which has lovely goal by J. Hudson.

~~' ~:, 01 Ihe I!,t.,ta 01 :!; Ilrcl'illus I~ames.. recently. '1'he 11Iceling closcd in thc Navy DiI'ision had Brilon Girls Basketball I ~uards and Unic?rns fight (or I 'fhe 7.00 ga;;;~ reat~;;5 "St:'p-;r~

I third place honours 111 a 9.00 game 3nr! Holy Cross, both of whom

; .""'1.tll, I.,~e 01 SI. illt'ok llo,tull only a II\(\I) 1I11l1C i with tbe ;11111ounccmcut. dump the front running Nclson, " 10 1:le ProvlI1cc .,1 Ihan a minule In sct thc patteI'll 2 10 0 as D. Pitcher and n. S T

and the right to meet St. B.o~'s in' I ha,'c hecn dilllil:~I(d Fr')m the tarting onight \ the fnll~,t~:tn,-~,?'or( seml.(:~:k sCI~i!il1,:o!E... , ,_

J"~I.'I\';. Cal1ad~, Ret"·· of the dlill cnn"'.'!. Lro Labine I AI I STAR PIL01" Frasc.1' netted. one each ~or Briton. ,.::, d«.a,ed. ' It>lk a PM, flOm Bill QllHcl(Cnbu5h I J.J" D. Pitcher plckcd 1111 a g,oal an,1

. :.,:,,~i:l~ III he' ;IIH11.fl'~ll1Il the ncls with a slap shot AD'DS 6'PI AYERS an assist to mOI'e inlo a second .• II hOI(' '1111" at . M. place tic wilh teammate B, ~'raser

, ":'1\" ';IP";; 01" ai.: .loh~ln~ Prirson ~.ot tl~e olher J. in the points race, each with Ii " :. ,,1 .\I{rccl E. I tWIl "':·UIII tallic!'. I hc hr~l camc __ goals and 5 assl~ts for a total of I

· . . I at jj:;J4 of the seconel pcrlOd and, .' 9 points. S. Bragg of Nelson is 111'

TUESD.1Y, f"GB. 21st. 4.30-Canadians vs. Beal·s. 5.00-Reds \'5. :llercul·Y.;. 5.30-Wings vs. Eskimos. 6.00-llaple Leafs \'.1. Capitols

~ ,h,hll'. aIOIl"


I II I II I . I I tl c ""(' (am ~lacLcllan \\a.~ namcd Sat· I I ac IW I' was la 1'1 III' I C"a I I I t Ii h f : (, I":' 1'. ,,'('('3,,·(. I". r\l'iv \'m'l: ,Ief .. llccman llill' 1Ir1 n~ II!( I .as Ie. new coac a PARRY O'BRIE·,N N I rr " '. I' , .• 'iI III sl!nd (:. 1 ,. \ . I !'II ... I". 1"'11' I the SI. Juhn s Selllor B AII·Stars '.. e,ucast e OIlS

• . .11, 1\. : U III fD< C p .. s" ,. I' PI '1 V'I I I . d " .,., ·f I,ll: 11~·.lllll~'~.: ";11 giancPllolf n~dshy';~ st·lck. rl~~ npc~~ltg (}n"Fr'\~I.e i~ 10 r~~~,::,eto

.Il .. I, lIll· I' '1'1' I's {I'II"I ''''11'11 4··U of the . 1(.. a ,SETS RECORD Stol{e COt 2 1 !.\""II\II\' of the i . ( SUI. :' g~, 'r .~ the cit)· league' from Toronto. Sib l I V -;

: " , .; ilt.: l';!sed, Oil or Ilhml pcrlod. lias a l:,nthnale ~~,e, QuIck will take o\'er the man. J .' I' f 'I 'h CIlmlng ul\ a shot hom thc right 3"crinl reins o( the stars IN SHOT PUT I Q t FO I

• '. I , .. ) (1 • arc "0 feet oul " , , .. . n oar CI' i Ina s

Girls Alnllll1ae Baskelball lI'ilil upcn tonight at Memorial ~;ym·

~::!rslll ~~~~0~i~t~~I~~~~1da~~ ~~~~c~: eer plays Collegians at 9.00. Dc· fCl1din~ champions are thc CL~I Eextettc.

SpenCeri3l1~ have chosen Iheir lineup as {ollows: Ruby ~lnl'gan. Capt; Shirlcy Cook, Lucy Feaver, Marie Cook, Lib ~lilIcr, .Toan Lewis, Ruby Andrews, Jessic Cook, Shirley Bourne, .Marge Brown •

.:" : •. 1'; \I'llit'll date the -, . : . I lB" MacLellan will havc his hands """'Cl'd 10 dis. 'I he \ iclOl~ en.hn~cel t Ie ~u~ns lUll' as \\'ell with Unicorns, whose NEW YORK (AP) - Par 1'), lONDON h I t'>;:::I" hal'il1J: cha~crs of .Ianllln!: a Stanlc~ ~up coaching reins he assumed last O'Brien shattered cvery world ea;tl~ unite(i~~;e dc~~~~~~d c~~~:1 DOll leheader In · h' daillls lI( ~Ia) 01{ II0Slllu.". lloston and for: week, He wll! guide the open en· shotput record - indoor and out· pion, reached the quarter·finals· of

.'. . I" I d mlto each hal e 48 Ilolnts. fhe try through the playof[s nnd will d h h tift I I F tb 11 H k T · h ... , n lal e 13 Leafs have played one more game. 'also hanrlle his St, Pat's squall oor-w en e go 0 a remeo<· lie 00. a Assoc.iaUoh Cup Sat· OC ey om 0' t I '. ~ h 'l:he crowd of 14:200 got most of tonight in their final game of thc OUs heave of 61 feet, H inches urday With a 2·1 victory liver Si!c· -b

. '. :.L'~,'\::.·I')·. '11~',~,".IIlI I' ,thCII' hm frol,11 a plgeoll which flew I'egular schedUle. St. Pat's are alit Saturday night in the U.S; Am· and Division Stoke City on II SIIOW' . --

'It' •• IJ'T & DAu"u ,11'11111111 the (,lIrelen and landeel on of the playoffs ateur Athletic Union champion. eoAvered ground. The two remaining games in the I r ., = "MS, I' I h i 'I' I lime' ' , .. ships.' , crowd of 61,540 tu, rned up at senior hockey series will be pIn", s: Idll.l', lor Executor. e cc sc era 5. The new nll·star coach named O'Brien, representing the U. S. Newcastles ~t. James Par~ and ed tonight at the Stadium with the \

. . . S.\'fl!J:DA V'S (i.UIES six nell' pla)'ers Saturc1ay who Air Forcc, had been trying for saw left wl11ger ~obby Mitchell first senior twin bill of the season , _ I II:\IIS 1I0UT :-I.Y. will nLtcnd ali. ~tar practice to- year.~ to" mal;e a 60·fool putt in~ score UlC winning goal In the 73rd scheduled, 1

'1', '," 1'1: of 1 ~IONTltEAI, ICP) - ,lean Be· mOl'I'OW night at 7.30. He will adel doros and last week came ClOSe! minute for Uniled, which has won ; .. ,-!. 'l \I)[.,\:\\) I livc:I\1 whillpcd 111 Ihree goals Sal· Joe .~ulrk, Ch~rlle, Walsh, Cyril with;;9 fcet, nine inchcs. His out. the c<Jve(ell eup three limes in five Newfoundland I \

: ureb)' night in a I'una 11'11)' 9.4 win ~osl;ulti. 1i00~le \ (lung, Lloyd door murk 15 60 feet, 10 inches. years. ~~~lK iWPTCY ACT ! fill' ~Ionlrcal Cal1adien~ ol'cr :-;el\' Cooke, ,John Kenny for the worl;· I Charltou's biggest crowd in 17 S·

i';cti,:e To

i York IInngcI'i-a slam·bang aflair out, bcsldcs the regular all·slar N R 'f yenrs-71,758-lI'atehed as London ervlces that produeecl 16 pcnalties, ioclud. squad. anle C erees !'ivaI Arsenal won 2-0 on goals b)' :ng two lI1~jOI'S ;1lId a misconduct, centre·forward Vic Gro\'cs and in· n I·ain.of i\ .hots On the ncts nnd Commel', HO/.key. FOI' NAIJA SeI'loeS side fonyard Jimmy Bloomfield, PASSENGER NOTICES gonl, 111 fat clu.ters. V\. :I I. • The crowd was So big that more

I1clil'~au's h~t trick ran his sea. __ thnn 150 spectators suffered in· SOUTH COAST SERVICE 5.5. Baccalieu operating on

Ihe South Coast Serl'ice will sail . fl'Om Doci; Coastal Wharf 5 p.m . Thursday, Februa1'Y 2Srd .

_" •. 'I'~' O. 'kru 'c I.ion glial C'HlIlt to ,II. lie al,1I had Wcel{'s Schedule NAlIA Referee in ChIcf ,Toe' juries in the crush and had to be " c:·:".';;,e· YI1U"':~ ~,y I an :;s:,i;t to hoost his poinl·lotnl Smith yesterdny anllollncel1 01. 1 II'ca!ed b)' a,mb!llancc men.

, ., "'1"'1' Ih~1 . I til , . Three ~nl1lr.s Wcrt! ~chClI\l\rd ill ficlnls of thn cmnin!: Senior A! Cr,'\:DE ADHI:-I~ES . ~ " "\ :.laul'i~r (lIuck('I) 11 i I' h a\' d Ihr Commercial noc!;ey Lp.ague on anl1 Senior Il hocl;c), seri~s. i . In Sco~land: Clrdr, Iht; defenl1·

:(' .',ni':~'; i:~II,ltt. "'nrc,1 hi, 31~t and 32nd ~:l3ls a11l1 Siltllnh,~'. lIe511lts showed Terra Refcrees lor .. lhc Grand Falls· I IlIg Scotllsh ~up champion, beal . :',' :',ii, IN 1.1 ,ill~11' g(lal. for ~Iulltrenl \\,Cllt tn Nova ~I()tors wilh a 4.2 vIctory Buchans Selliol' A ollarlcr . finals : Stcnhous~mUlr J·O to reach the CONNECTION BAY RUN · ";' ,\1." .':.11.' \11(:'~ I ('J;\lule l'rol'o't, DOli )Inrshnll, ol'cr ~Inmmy's nnd Avalon 'rclc· will he Oxfol'll and' Hounsell of I ql!arlcr.!mal. rOIlO!l~ I PLACENTIA BAY

. '.l JrlI:I} , " .. ,lh Bernie Geuffrlon :cnl1 .laclcie Lc. 1IlallllCacturlng. corller Brook. ' rhree of th~. l'A CUll. I:ames. Regular 9 a.m. train leaving; '. 11I( I 01.1" IIf c1"il'. phone with a 4.3 ronquest lI{ Hick. Granel Falls rr.!erecs will han. I ~lanc.hCs'lcr . City \'5 LII'erpool, 51. .John's l\Ionday, february I

" nrl,l "'~ thc' ,\1111)' l!chcntllu, ]\I'Onl'" )Jorl'alh, man's. ~Iunn ~Iutors IIc!aulted dIe the eastern finals o[ the Sen· I ShefCle!d Umted \'~ Su?derland, 20th. will mnke cOllnection at ! , ',,,, :;:.1' !!JaG "I I \J~an Prelltice r.lld Wally Berges· lheir game with tbe 'I'elegl'am nnd ior n seL'ies. St. John's refeL'ees and \\ eSI, I:am Umte~ \ s Black· Argentia with iII.V. Ilurin [or tho!

,. OI!III'c r,r thc Ilwimcr scnred for Ihe lIangcl's. eI I f Ih I \\'1'11 take care of \\'III'stle dU(I'cs I b.urn nOle.l. s, ended I.n sco,rcles_s Bay Run PI,'celltl'a B'y. . ,,: ." 1:le COIII·t llt-brntull I'll 0 k I c wlnrter ao(1 WCI'C rnppcl rom c ser es. I hcs nd 11I11 be repla)cd "cdnc' ,," 1 St Ii' ' ' " 'fillS WEEK'S SClIEDULE during ·the Shcarstoll'n·Bell Is· I • a .. .'

" (11 ••• 11 l1\ S 1'rcnticc ench rail h:s goal st1'lng "'edncsdnylO.30-Canada Pack. lnnd Senior' B best of three wlilch da~ and ThUlsda~. CONNECTION WEST RUN . \ ('11' 1 11111\(lIa lid. tn 21. -- PLACENTIA BAY

.1,.1::' this 131h \\'1'."(',". UJ ... \ST J.Jl,AFS crs I·S. East End Bakery. starts tonight. 7.1S-Imperial \'5. Gillies and .,,,. . . Friday-lO.30 Peppcrreli \'s lIar. All Regular 9 a.m. train lea\'ing · :!':ili. TOHONTO (Cl'l _ Delroit Rell vel"s. an. St. .John's Wednesday. February :1. A. CRANE, Wings, in command ali the \\'a)', ' ClOty Illter.CluJ) 8.30-Hol)' Cross \'5 • • loh's, 2211d. will make connection at I

Tru~lcc. wallope(1 Toronto :llaple Leafs 6.1 Satllrda>·-10.30 Great Eastern 9,45-Victorians \'5. Caribou. .'rgcIIII·", wl·tll ~I.V. Bllrin [01' .. ' Oil \·s. :llnmnw's. TIIURSDAY'S GA'lES " "

" ". : 1;\ :;'1'1:1-:: SJtul'llay ni;!ht and mo\'cd to wlthill AT Tim ARESA-SATUIIDAY B I L " . the West Hun Placentia Buy. lone point of Ihe second.place New 0,11 l·llbO' C,'lbO'UC 7.1f>-:lfarshnll's \'s. Horwood's.

" • \. k R . I ... , t' I fi.30-T.N. Motors 1'5. Slandard l 830-'lamnl"'s "S Atlantl'c ,: (ll' angel's 10 lie .,a IOna . " J ' • R.~O-Tclcgram n. Pepperrell. F'l lIm'key Lcuglle ~tandings, 7.30-11arl'c.v's \'S Hickman's. '1 ms.

Mechanics Win C .. nadinn X;lllon;11 nalh\'3~'~

~Iechallil'~ blanked l'ruvincial Health 2·0 lin Saturday In the Civil Sen'lcc Ilochy League ac· tion at the Arena. Scorers for the Mcchanics were Ilollett and Chan·.

'l'UESD.1 Y'S SCHEDUI.E 9.45-Boys Cillb \'5. Ramblers. Allcu.' 1 und 2- Alley., J oild 4- .

7.15-lIickman's \'5. Ramblers. 7.15-West Eml \'5. Rall\\'a~' 8.30-C.N.T. \'5. Feildians. lIlaehinist. 9,45-l!nYIiI Grnccry vs. Malnn B.3Q-G, E. Oil \'5. Pepperreli.

United.' 9.45-carlbou vs. C.N.T. .. l/lcll.~ :J umi ,1_ Allc!I., 5 and 6-

7.1" 1""', ("nil '"s. Dally Ncws. 7.1S-Victorians I'S. Feildian~. Il.:;,: ... I": ' . "3 \·s. Horwood's. : B.30-U.S.A.F. 'forb<\)' vs. Royal


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ERN COLE Of Carbonear goes after rcbound ltic1{cd out by Kinsman goalie Derek YounJ;l in Sat~'day':; hockey. game between Carl:oncar and-Kinsman Ail' Cadct SqllacirOlls which was play,ed at the Arena. l)r!fenceman Dave Sinllott tl'ie5 to stop him as Phil Currie waits lor the pass in background,

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... _ ........... ,., - _.

_._-.--_. - ,&.. ____________ -- .THE DAILY NEWS: MONDAY, FEBRUARY .' ,O~ ____________________________________________________________ -------



This ,

- • - / ..

Presented Page with

Is the


Great ,~ Eastern Oil Company Limited ,

Lewisporte News


• I ,

I I ,

ltB.P. ELECTION OF OFFICERS worlhwhlle proJeet of training the ~Uss Marie Lane. cious lunch. He was the receplent At:the annual'meeting of R.B.P. boys of Lewlsporte. C.G.I.T.-Read by Mrs. N. Win· of many splendid gifts for which

"'h!eh was recently held the elec. SUNDAY SE~VICES sor for Leaders (absent). he wishes to thank his frlends. tion: of officers took place with ~Lasl week was Christian Edues· Recommendations - Read by Mrs. Roberts, was taken serious· the foliowlnl being elected: tlon Week, and Sunday which con· Mrs. E. H. March; ly ill at "Terminal Stores" on Sat·

W. Preeeptor-'-Slr KnigM wn. eluded same was obsen'ed here at All reports were exceptionally urday last whHe shopping, and a Ham ~{ouland. B.A.' both morning and e\'enlng services good, and a motion was made to doctor was Immediately summon·

Dep. oW. Precept{)r-Slr Knight In the United Church. The morn- express appreciation to the lead· cd. She was taken as a stretcher Thomas Snow. Ing service was well., attenderl, ers o( our youth groups (or the case to her home, where her con·

Chaplain _ Sir Knight Moody whilst at the morning service, Mj!~ excellent work they have Recom· dllion has Improved somewhat, Harward. Nancy Edwars told, the story lor pllshed, especially the day school but she has heen ordered to bed

Rtl:istrar- Sir Knight Herbert the children. At the evening SCI'· teachers who leave class rooms at for an indefinite period. Her hus-Frcakc. vice. the following youth groupo 4 p.m. and continue to l\!ad a mls· band has been a patient at a 51.

ht Lceturer-Slr Knight John occup(ed the front centre pews: slon band or C.G'!.T. group. John's Hospital, where he remains Stuckle". The Tyro Group, the Sigma C. The recommendation~ will II In a part coma since last October.

Dep. Lecturer _ Sir Knight M. and Tuxis Groups and Y.r.u., accepted come to the congre· It Is hoped Mr. and Mrs. Roberts Hayward. while the left and right side pews Rational meeting for approl'al, but will soon Improve. They are the

,Pursuh-ant-Sir Knight Hector were occupied by the C.G'!.T .. and It Is understood will come to the parents of "EUose" wife of Mr'-F1:eake. Explorers. Miss Tillman,. whos'r Board of Session first, as the wish Eric Collins. .

Censors-Sir Knights John Mar. ability as a speaker Is generally of the chairman. Mrs. ~linnle Snow who was III tin and !rlalcolm Colllns. known. kept the large audience in Reports were also given of va· Is now able to get out around a

Standard Bearers-Sir Knights rapt attention as she spoke espec!' cation school and Sunday School little. Joseph Pardy and Hedley Powell. any to the youth. She did nol say conference held during the sum· Mr. Eric Hackett, Miss Jennie ~'Ier-Eir Knight Edgar :Uo)'le.,. everything would be eas)' as a mer and fall of 1955. Burt and Mrs. W. A. Taylor went A "I'err success(ul year was reo christian, but gave the facts of A social hour was' enjoyed after to Gander in car on Saturday last,

ported. Just what Is meant to young people which other business with "re- returnlns same evening. JtB.P. SUPPER I to follow Christ. No flowery slopes marks for the good and wellare Congratulations are extended to

Oc Monday last In the LOA Hall or casy life said the speaker, but of the church were discussed. Meet· IIlr. John l\Iartin who celebrated the Royal Black Preceptory serl'ed I emphasized the great peace anll ing closed with benediction by her birthday durlns the past week. I hot dinner to lIi"es and Invited contentment, the vast channels for I the chairman. Mrs. L. W. Pelley who spent a ;:uests. The eats were delicious: service to mankind such a life I' CARD PARTY holiday I'isltinc with relatives at and were srrl'ed by the members, I brings. and whatever sacrifice 15 A card game lVas enjol'ed on Halifax, N.S., returned home on who really exeelled themseh'es in, Incurred, Is rewarded a thousano'l Wednesday of this week "In the Friday, hal'lng enjoyed a I'ery pr~parlng the dinner. After cI·ery·1 fold by the knowledge o( an ablo· Masonic Hall under the Auspices pleasant holiday. '1ne had eaten as much (or even Ing joy, which only service to God, of the C. of E. Ladies Club. A Mrs. Raymond Fudge entertain· more) then ther needed, W. Pre. and others can bring. large attendance was present and ed a number o[ friends at her ceptor Sir Knight W. ~{ouland wei. The regular choir was In attend. enjoyed the cvenlng. The ~sual' home on Friday to a Stanley Party. comed the "Isitors and guests

J and ance, and sang "We would be prizes were given to the lucky All present spent an enjoyable

ca!led on the following to speak: building" tunc "Flnlandia". Alter winners. Lunch was served after evening. Dfputr. Sir Knight Thomas Snow; the address Rev. Mr. Winsor, the game ,and proeeeds were satls· CORRECTION f:ir Knight Edward Rldeouti WJI. thanked the speaker and outlined factory. An Item appearing under Grand L.O.S.A" Sister Flossie PardYi the purposes o( the different Ladles night at the Masonic Falls notes In a recent Issuc of the p,~,!. li.W. Sister Mildred Marchi groups. who stood as their group Club Room will be held by memo paper "the Dally News" should Capt. ,Jennings. S.A.i Chllplaln, Sir name was called. The service con. bers on Monda~' February 13th and have read Lewisporte" this was an Knl&ht Moody Hayward. eluded with hymn 386. a very enjoyable el'enlng Is anti. er!,or (or ommlslon) by your cor·

.-\ \1 expressed pleasure at being On Monday afternoon Misses Till· clpated. Understand a Turkey ban· I responden~ at Lewlsporte." The pre "tnt for the social hour, and man and Edwards met leaders and quet will be served to all present i Item was the W.M.S. executive \'hilors and guests expressed ap. older members of the groups at Ute by the men r meeting recently held at Grand ~rfclation for the splendid dinner, Church Hall for consultatlbn on On Febru~ry 15th a Bible Quiz Falls. "Thank You." !n:! extended best wishes to the their various problems. At 6 pm a wlll be conducted In the Church )JOCKEY IIIATCH !:..5,P for lnother '~'ear of can. supper meeting was hed, with Hall.' The competing teams will A hockey match was witnessed tmu!d sucee • .;. Misses Tillman and Edwards as be from the Y.P.U. and W.M.S. Six by a large crowd of spectators from

After the speakers had finished, guests. After the supper. whirh members of each Association will Gander and Lewisporte on Satur· ~trs, !1. A. Russell (a special was well enjoyed by the T.P.U. comprise the Teams, and an enjoy· day a(terno~n and night, when In ,guest I showed some films of local again a conference was held, when able evening Is looked forward too. the afternoon, the Senior School scenery and people. taken by her various dlscus'slons took place. ReI'. The Chapters for the Quiz are played Gander High School. The hu.;bind during t~e past year. T,he Mr. Winsor was present at all from St. John's Gospel, 18, 19, 20 result wa~ 6·3 in favour of Gander. ,lides were beautiful. and all pres. meetings, and with the youth IIf the and 21. This Event will be public, nnd at mght a game was played ent expressed appreciation to Mrs. church and community enjoyed the and It Is hoped a large number hetween Gander and Lewisporte. Russell for this kind gesture, Inspirational talks on the thlnll~ I will be preesnt. I which resulted in 8-4, In favour

f.TA. pertaining to a bettcr and noblcr I PERSONALS ,0£ Gander. Both teams worked Thc rellular meeting of P.T.A .. lIIc for youth. . Belated birthday greetlng~· Rr~ hard, and although Lewlsporle lo~t

will be held on Monday of ne~t I C, of E. Ser\'lce~ I extended to Misses Dianne Anste), ,"ct the game was well played, and weck. This aS50clalion was formed At the Church of England on 1 Donna Frenkc. lhe .spcclators (especially Lewi::· .January 25th, when the following I Sunday all sen'iccs wcre conduct.' Congratulations are extended to ' Ilorte fans). \\,~I'C well pleased witli oHicers were elected (or the com. ed by Rev. E. M. Bishop from' Mr. and Mrs. W;Il·rick Woodford the r:al11c. C,Hndcl' 1111' jl heller ('001· in. y~: ; Grand f)lls. The congregation (clt on .Ihe birth of a baby girl. . blnaliol1 III Ilia)', hl!t it. is felt (or

Prcsldctnt-Mr. Max Humphries. honoured hal'lng such a distil,. Sympathy i~ ~xtended 10 ~lr .. hoped), when I.rwispol'lc 1m re· ht Vic., rre!.-~tr. Roy Strong. I gulshed minister tn conduct thell and Mr~. Arch Stanford, Gandcl'; l~eil'c(1 1lI1l1'e training. lhc~· will: ::nd "ice Pre~.-Mr5. C. Simms. scn'ices. After thp morning sel·. on the'death oC their 10 month, play ~ hrll~l· ~Amr. Reltci' IlIck: Ret. Seely-Mrs. W. C. Woolfrey. l'lce, Ule son of Dr. and Mrs. H. old baby boy. Interment took place I next lime ,':hidl we hope \\'Oll't he Treasurer-!rlrs. J. L. Budden. r.. Wood was chrlsttned, "Paltl here and the funeral serrlec \\'as: too far dl~tont whell GRlIdcr te.m Committees will be elected and Harold." conducted by Rev. N. Winsor. I returns.

"ariDus duties assigned to them In All servlee~ ",prp. well ~ttendrll Sympathy Is also extended to RED STAR :ille U".I! l~ l! understand this and the message lI'a~ wen ~n.ln.vr.d. ,~Ir. ~nd Mrs. Pargola! Whiteway ~any ~eoplr lI'err. ~a~clnated on a;;scclal1on 11'111 beccme I'e~' ~cth'e! ReI'. ~Ir. Bishop who has noll' i on the rlcal h o( thrir 2 month olrt I Frld~y nlllhi h)' • hl'l~ht rro ~tar In th! nw future' : retired Lrom acUI'! church work baby. Interment wa~ In the U.C.! In thp. ~k)'. which lI'a~ at fir;t

GAY.GIRLS' CLUB -is lI'ell known and hi"hl~' mpccl. Cemr.lcr)·. • I' thought to hr Ihl' li;!ht of a plane. r.Oblbly Ihis smaIl Girl;' Club ~ ed in this province. by ~II whoi'e The man), Irirnrl~ of ~Ir,~. ,Iosrrh . Somr !Urn qll' it II'hrn thpJ' werr

I! !lot !(l well known H ollter' pleasure it I~ to know him. It Is Pard)' Rrp happy to ~rp her nllt. i rctllrnm~ home ~rom work at r, Lewupo!t! Club:.. but is none the! hoped this will be bllt one of many. around ~nd lookin~ milch het'l p.m., I)lhr.r~ ~all' 1\ aholll 10 p.m. ku ICU'·!. ThE club conml! of a serl'ices, the Rev. Gentleman will ter.. It look~d somcII'hat lorl!rr than small !lumber of girb. who meet be iiparp.d 10 conduct In this town,' ~I~:;~ N~nc)' Edwar,cls. Cf)nlillctr.rt I a.n onlinary .,Ial" hul !honr dl.;· reiu!.trly. Jnd are "ery I~Yll to Regret air. your time was too 3horl serVlee,~ ~t the United Churr.h· l· lInclly abol'e thr. olhcl·" )!il'in~ ~o t!m!" obbiilloR3. One evening la"Jt to "!sit with u! at our homes, but, Stanhope. on Sunday Aftcrnolln" Rppearancr of an ~eroplRno, light. 'I'eek thE r.lul:! met at the home 01 hope we will be ;eeing you again ~nd at Porterville on Slinday c"rn· rWon~lcr l£ its p~5ence can be ~!\e!! 1955 President, Miss Joan In the not too distant (uturp. and Ing. All services were well at· \ explamed). Perry, and held the election of will look forward to your" next tended and enjoyed. SOCIALS· officers which resulted as follows: visit. Mrs. Ross Noble and Mrs. Chas. On Tuesday afternoon In the

President-Marian Freake. OFFICIAL. BOARD (U.C) Wells, held R combined Stanley I Sunday School Hall, the East W.A. Vice Pres.-Hattie Freake. The United Church OiCicial, party at thp home o( Mrs. Noble I will ~PrI'~ un afternoon Valentine Rec. Secty.-Geraldlne Martin, Board held Its annUAl meeting on \' 011 Muntl3), IURt. l'I'fa. anlt 1111 F~brual'r 29th. in (he Treasurer-Angela Wornell. 'fhnrsday, February 9th. with RE'I'. ~Il'. Ch~~. rutlge elll~l·talned :I 1..0 . .40 •• 1Iull lh~ I,.O.B.A, willlitasp

~ .,0 wO

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D!: in


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They have donal#d a new chair I N. Winsor In the chair, on(1 )11'. E. ' ~1,UlllhPI' ul rrlenct~ :II her hume 1111 :I n:"hu alii I 'l'eltvi,ion program· for the Church Hall, and are pbn. Rideout as recording stell'lH·'1. The II I hlll's,by night, which wa~ l,'l'eully lIIe. with a "Share the Wealth nlng tD raise more money for, meeting opened with scl'ipturl! enjoyed. Won't say hoI\' much \VJS Qul~." I c~urcb purposes. Best of luck, reading followed with prayer by i eaten, but apparen~l)' slime pCIlI,le ----girls. the chairman. The following re.' are forgetting a shmmlng diet.

MK CADETS ports were read and ,dopted' I Mr. Alan Shearon, we arc glad The first Company of Air Cadel~ Session-Read by Mrs E' II to report is feeling much better,

lI'aS (ormed here during the past March. • . . : but cannot Ret out ~roltnd, due \\"e~k, Rnd has a member~hip of 40. Steward's Board-Read b~" Mr. dOllbt1P!5~ to cold \\'eather. . I . Mr.,'\\'. Mouland is the Command. Moody Hayward. Mr. W. A. Taylor left on Satur'l Inll Otflcer. and III always Is sholl" Trustel! Board:"'Read by MI day last for Gander, from where I

in,' a keen Interest In teen aile Moody Hayward. • . he lp.fl l'la TCA .for ,Montreal on ! boys, .not only In his capaclly as Cemetery Committee-Read by business tor Steer s " holesaler.\, I the principal of schools, but in all Mr. Moody Hayward. Misses Ruth Tillman and ,NanCY other' activities. Mr. Mouland' reo S. S. Building Fund-Read by Edwards leU for St. John sand tain3 1 deep interest In youth, and Mr. Norman Forward. Gander, respectively on Mon.day Will, dpubtiess prove very efficient Parsonage-Read by Mr E last.· , in his capacity as C.O. ttl the Air Rideout in absence of' the ireas: ,\iesm.' M. A, RlIB~el ftnd A. Cldets. urer. (Mr. W. A. Taylor). Potte~ spent last ,week.end rabbit

Mr., Len Rendell is acting ~~ East W.A.-Read by Mr!. J. L. catching, no, nec4 toolother look· Adjutant. Mr. Max Humphries as Budden. Ing for Ire~h now, nu~scll nn!1 Instructor. . West W A ~Read bl' Mrs (ne,') Puller can Rupply your need~. the'

During the ,week F.O. Loggle N. Wlnso;. .. •. .. J. A. Monroe was In Town Sat· and Cpl. Knelbon have been In East Sunday School-Read by urday. from Glenwood on business Welcome Wagon tow~ In connection with the IOI" )frs. Baxter Sheppard. for hlsUrm. Hostess maUon of thl.; company, and glvlr'iI West Sunday School-Read by Mi· 1.\. M. R~ssell who \~a~ at

Ithe n~cassary Instructions regard. Mr. Scott Woolfrey, per, Mrs, Scott ~~~~re~alc:~~~nn~l~~ ~e~~~~lc~l~ em· Will Knock on Your Door ng. 5~me. Tile boys look very Woolfrey (beginners Dept) d I th ome with Gifts and Greetings

smart.-and are exceptionally hapIIY West Sunday School (Ju~l~r and U~~g OIl~e~r~::Je:e:~~ h d from Fdendly Business In th~r new uniforms. It Is under. Intermediate and Senlors)-Mr. car ~t Gander when h e ~~\ ~ Neighbors and Your stood .the Lions Club Is 100 per. Moody Hayward, per Mr Fred th ' e SI C eent behind the boysl and will bl." Moore.. '. er~ last week. Guea a certain girl Civic and Social ready 'to render any assistance Jtf. and M: Fund-Verbal report ~:n~Jl~:;d to walk to school now Welfare Leaders needed. For years the formation by Rev. N. Winsor. In absence 01 Mlchnei Hobbs was given a sur· of an, Air Cadet, Company hnl'e Mr. ,Roy Strong. prise party lit his home on 'rues. On the occasion of: been a dream, but has during thp. Amdllary \\ .,of.S.-lIIrs, E. H. day la~t on his blrlhduy IIllch ~l The Birth of a Ba.by, P,~st week become a reality. Best ~Iarch. , ' was at' the rink In In' hock~ wuhes are extended to the off!, East and West Mission Bund- until 9.30 p.m, anl 0: a~rlvnl th~ Ardvals of Newcomers to cus and boys for every future suc· Mrs. N. Winsor (for Leaders). erolVd met him and gave him his City, • cess •• :rhe cooperation. of all cltl· "Baby Band-Mrs. E. H. March, birthday bumps which sur rlserl 'h· lens is expected and· will be all- (or Ml'~. L. Budden (absent). but rather pleas~cI ~lIchacl t.a~e~ I Pone 3031 prcciated In helping promot. this Y.P.U.-Mrs. Fred Small for were played, and, the us~al' dcii. MRS. CATHERINE FOStER


7 .00-5T. PAT'S






a Nov

rlcan l;



mit same to February 29h, 1


4 H



11 'NEWS, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 19..;;.56;.... __________ -:-_________ ,;,.-_~ _________ ~-------------~--...lL ,



,Y-FEBRUARY 20th. 7.00- ST. PAT'S vs, HOLY CROSS


., 75c Bleacher .. ......... 60c General Admission '" .............. 50c

I/served ticket holders usc King's Bridge Reserve Tickets series No. 143,




, , , ,~.

~~~i MODEL -SWEEpi

. No. 7 CONTEST I Won by iMR. PATRICK KENNEDY , Southside Road West









~~;;;;;;;~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;' 13 CONTESTS STILL TO BE CLAIMED

al 8.15 p.m,



(Entrance on Bannerman St.)


BINGO '.<'; >:l.-I';\·C; Children's 1'1~)':lround ,\s:;ociuliou)



30 GAMES FOR $1~00 Door Admission 5c


"lIil;"nod heater and defrosters; custom radio; winterized; privately driven.



ra Nova Motors Ltd ..

rican Beverages. limited liquidation


person or persons having claims against mentioned Company are requested same to the undersigned not later

ruary 29h, 1956.

A. M. KING, Liquidator

SOl( 519 St. John's, Newfoundland

. -CLOTHES make the man if CHAFf

makes the clothes


'Phone 5782 Coats, Suits, Afternoon' Dresses, Formal Gowns, Rainwear, Jewellery and Hand Bags


Jumble Sale Millinery:



To-night, Feb. 20th



, PARKER & MONROE, LTD. Aclmission $1.00 Dial 5897 (Y. W.C.A.) for reservations

at 8 o'clock Wanted

WANTED TO BUY-Comics Admission 5 cents . __ . __ . _______ ..... _. ____ .' pocket books, men's slightly

worn clothes and footwear. John D, Snow. g New Gower Street. Jan4,1m

Miscellaneous TO LET to married couple.

furnished bedroom Dnd part· ly.[urnlshed kitchen, In vicinity Grace nnll St, Clare's . Hospital. Phone. 4712·H. fcb14,t!

AUCTION ALL WOOL MATTR'SSSES .re . . picked. re-covered: springs

M dny beds rewired; Inner [ ondav, ·Feb. 20tll, spring mattresses recondition· ed. Write, Phone 3B91. wire

- H. J. K!!als. 16 Mount Royal 1 30 A._~~'e=nu~e~, ______ ~----• p.m. ,_

GET THE FACTS! Writ. Intlr·

60 H d CI ' • .natlonal Correspondence . ) ea 100Ce Scltools. CaDlulian Ltd .• 2011 Argyl!! St .. Sydney. N,S.

Butchers' Cattle CONTACT A. E. HICKMAN .. Co, Ltd, Insurance Agents.

'Phonr.s 4132·345-6 P.O.B.. 984. for l'our Insurance re­qulremenls,

DEPENDABLE FIRE INSUR· ANCE-Don't risk your valu· abies to "save" /I few dOll3rs,

feb18,20 OUf fair.rate. reliable policy Rives Immedlatp prolectlon. 'Phone 6921 or write J, J, Lacey. P.O, Box 506, rep1.tf



Let The Navy Teach You Radio

.As A Communicator

(Radio and Supplementary)

In The Royal Canadian

Navv, There nrc Immedlale openlnlls

itt the Navy for young men to Learn operation and malnten· anee of the complicated radIo transmitting and receiving units of the Navy • • . ashore and afloat. Be the cars of the £Ieet while you enjoy travel, adven. ture, good pay and the comrade· ship of the Navy team, Age limits: 17 to. 25 (or up to 29' for men with previous radio experl. ence). ,

Visit 123 Waler Street or Phone 0.0366 today, or mail the coupon below. You wl11 get full Infor~atlon . with no obligation to yourself,

HCN Recrultlng Officer, 123 Water Street, St, John's, Nflil.

Please send me 'Informatlon abolil a career In the Royal Can· adlan Navy •. NA1\-lE I. I .... I I •• I. t. I I •• ~' •• It, ..... , ... , ..................... . ADDRESS ,.,., ~' ••. III." ,~ •••

••••• I I I • I ••••••• I •••••• I ••••••

AGl~ " .. "EDUCATION feb20,21,22


Scrvlce. IIIallufacturt, Laun· dry Repair Wor~ gu!)J'ontced. One day service. Frep quota. tlons. Kearneys Limited, Manufacturers. 454 Water St. .

Barber Shop

THE CENTRAL BARBER SHOP-Fast efficient sanl. tary sl!Il"Vlce, All modern equipment. five barbers, The least possible waltlng. 24 New

, Gower Street. 0pp. Adelaide Motors Ltd.

Business Opportunity TOOTH BRUSH distributors

-We require distributors for the only tooth brush of: Its khid on the markel to retail at ten cenl!ieach. We have no competition in our field. Exclusive territory can be arranged. No experience necessary. For particulars write to Gibson'S, 1643a V AN HORNE AVE., Montreal, Que. jan28,lmth

Insurf:lnce. !SK FOIt MY BROAD all.

purpose Insurance, Fire In· surance premlumf now less than ever. Your property ·.Is worth protecting. W. E, Cald· well, Insurance Agent, 'Phone 2465. Address Temple Build· Ing Duckworth St .. St. John.'s.

INSURANCE-Iowrlnll Broth­Ir Limited Insurance Depan. ment-Fve. Automobile, Mar. Ine and all Casualty lin!!,. Telephone 3131.

Contact STAN FOWLER. R" noul building, for Fire Auto­mobile and Plate Glass Insur. ance. Claims promptly settl· ed. 'Phone 5531-P.O BOll 63.

,.URNESS WITHY INSUR· ANCE Department offering dependable insurance-Auto­mobile: Fire. Burglary. Plale Glass,' Tourist Baggage. Transportation. Travel Accl. dent. Liability, Phone 2073.

ROBERT Of4WE. & SON, Fir •. Rnd Autumoblle Insu,ranec, Be safe. be Rure. Insure, Telr.­phone 2882, P.O. Box 115

. Royal Bank Chambers. St­John's.

Musicai Instruments

GIBSON GUITARS - Harner .Button Stop Accordeons and Harmonicas. Richmond Saxo­phones, lloosey Clarlnets,­Charles Hutton & Sons, P.O. feb3.eod ..

BE INDEPENDENT - RUN YOUR OWN nUSINESS, Our free powerful sample outfit Is ,iust like a department store. Now you can sell to en· tire family, clothing· .shoes. shirts, . slacks,. sp0l'tswear work clothes, jewellery, etc: Amazing money making plan. No experience necessary full or part time, Free cloihlng for personal use as extra bonus, Write for powerful sample outfit and full instruc· tions absolutely free, Dept. 1087, .Blnke Walker Co" P.O. Box 657, Montreal, P,Q. feb6,13,20,27

Agents Wanted - Male SELLS AT SIGHTI Our new . Spring and Summer samples

of made·lo-measure clothes. Low prices Big profits, Free suits. Be the first in your district. Write at once. Full or spare time Even begin· ners make big pay every day. Goodwear Clothes, Dept. 910, Box 652, Montreal, P,Q feb6,13,20,27.

$23 WEEKLY FOR WEAnING lovely dresses given you as bonus, Just show North American Fashion Frocks to

. friends. No cr.nvassing, invest, ment or experience necessary. North American Fashion. Frocks, Ltd" 2163 Parthenals St. Dept. U 3895, Montreal. feb18,2,22


distributors required to handle a line of two tone ~lfm ball pens to retall at twenty·five cents each. Ex· elusive territory' can be ar· ranged, No experience neces· sary. For particulars write to Gibson'S, 1643a VAN HORNE AVE.. l\Iontreal, Que. jan2B,1mth

GOOD HUMOR Ice·cream Corp. America's favorite iCt!·cream brings you a gold mine on wheels, Make your dreams come true. The sky's the llmit on your income. When you own a Good Humor franchise. What do you con· sider a good income? Nalne the figure. you c.an make it when you own your own protected .. Good Humor franchise; '. . this' '. 'money maker can ~ be .. yours,. You operate 'under minimum ex·· pense. You have. no rent to pay. . No real estalefaxes. You nave no credit accounts. All sales arc quick and strictly cash. Quick turn· over means quick profits. You can work as long as you wish. You are not tied down to anyone location, Submit details of your pa~: and pres· ent employment. For furth· er, Information write to the Good Humor Icc·cream Corp. 4529 Park Avenue, Montreal, Que. !eb13,8wk,M,W,S



Worth $175.00

'Phone 7771


The regular monthly meet­ing of Terra Nova Council, 1452, Knights of Columbus, will be held at the Club



" -: -. -


Rooms, St. Clare ·Avenue, on I ====::'00:=============== TUESDAY &vening, February' 21sl, at 8.30 p.m.

Business: Reading of Reports By order G.K.


JAMES J. TOBIN, Fin. Secrelary


(Issue of 2,000 tickets . on Iy at $5. for Prize of $5,000.00).

Prompt attention will be given orders phoned to 90811. feb20,61

FOR RENT Three unfurnished Rooms!

Ion bottom flat, with sink

II in kitchen, in East End


. Dial 4280L 'Apartment To -

Rent I

Self contained, heCited, :

modern, 5 room Apart­

i ment, with electric stove

I to rent. On bus line.

Call 90508 , -

AT HO'ME Mrs. Frank Murphy will be

/I At Home" at the residence of her mother, 5 Road DeLuxe, on MONDAY, February 20th, be­tween 3.30 p.m. and 6.00 p,m. rcb18,20

1955 FORD SEDAN Automatic Transmission


Extremely low mileage.


DIAL 80378-9


WANTED 200 more caretul Customers, to try our New· Low Prices.·

Kraft Dln~er 3 :pklls •. 44c. Evan9'eUne Egg. Fresh'.

and Large ........ 69c. carton Maple Leaf Bacon, 39c. pkg.· Evangeline Butter (Bob

Lewis' favourite) ...... 69c. Evangeline Fowl .... 49c. lb. Maple Leaf Chuse32c. pk9. Snowffa ke Lard ....... 29c 4 pk9S. InstaDt Jello.

Pudding ... " ............. 49t. Kllk ................ 45c. can S.O.S. Pads .. """ .... 3 for 44c. Margene •••.•• ' "" .. 28c. Ib Local Salmon •..•. 69c. can Why b. pushed oIround1 W. offer personal, courteous SERVICE, lowest SUPER­MARKET PRICES· and FREE Delivery. .

Dlai 3320


fcbi 7.18,20


The annual general meeting will be held in the

~athedral Parish Hall, Queen's Road, on

WEDNESDAY, February 26th, at .8:30 p.m.

E. EBSARY,. Secrerary

PRELIMINA,RY NOTICE The 341h' Annual General Meeling of liThe Children's Playground. Association will be held on' TUESDAY, March 6th, at 8.15 p.m. in The Sterling Restauront, Water Street. Members of the Playground Association Executive and all others interested' please keep this date open .. Fuller parliculars will be advertised prior to the meeling.


====._ ... _======== FEMAlE CLERK .. ' TYPIST ,

Permanent position, offering good Vlorking conditions

and benefits, is available 10 suilable applicant. Apply

by letter to .

Dun & Bradstreet of Canada; ltd .. . BANK OF MONTREAL BUILDING

feh20,21 _ .c' .. ~. _ .. .. _. __ ...... -

WantedT 0 Rent STORE OR OFfiCE

on or near Main St., Bell Island.


BOX 20 c:o DAILY 'NEWS IcblB,20

==-'::::::':'.--:;:'--=' ::;=:=

. Bakery & .. Confectionery Workers. International Union.

LOCAL 38(' :

An Emergency Meeting of Ihe above 'Unio~ will be held.' on MONDAY NIGHT 8:00 p.m. in the L.S.P.U; Hall on Victoria St. All members of the Soft Bread and Biscuit Division are asked to affend. Busines. is very imporlant. leb18,20 By Or.der of PRESI[)~NT


Apply in writing, stating age, edu'tation and driving experience, to .



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. , .


. : . .'


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. '1



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, ' I -


: I






T. & M. WINTERtTD. General Merchants


Canada's deputy minis IeI' of cit· izenship nnd ImmlgraUon, confer· red Friday with the heads of the Portuguese emigration junta. For· tier Is vislling Portugal in view of Canada's increasing' demand for Porluguese immigrants.

AT TIlE ,~n(S SIGN l1f&~OF jl!~ THE AND CO. ~.~IT~g OK i 'SYDNEY, Australia (AP) - Lor·

ralne Crapp, 17·year-old blonde swimming star, beat her own ladies' 410·yards frcc-sI)'le world II

record Friday with a time of five ' minules, 6.7 seconds. The' Last Hurrah

Her pre\'ious record, still a wail· ing ratification. was 5:08. Edwin O'Connor ......... .4.50

On Jan .. 14 Miss Crapp bettered The Proud Man Ihe world free.style records fol' ' 800 metres and 880 yards with Elizabeth Linington : ..... 4.50 I

I limes of 10:30.~ and. 10:34.6, re· Leezie Lindsay I spoeli vely. , Marie Muir ..... ............ 2.50

I B_IR_T_HS___ The Headland PIPPY-To ,Jean nnd Gerald' ( lB' k 350

Pippy at the Grace Hospital, oro rrr. ................. . Fehruary 18th, a son. How Communists

EATO,,-On Friday. Febl'llnry Ne. gotiate . I 17th, at the Grnee Hospital, a SOil to Ruth and Campbell Eaton. Admiral C. Turner i ---'''-EATHS - Joy .... , ..................... 3.50 I

LEWIS _ DIed suddenly Fri. The Foreseeable Future I day, February 17th, Francis George Thomson ....... ,2.00 'I'

Lewis, In his 55th year, leaving


New"Green Cabbage Etc. -. NEW TEXAS. CABBAGE, ..... ,., ............................... 50 lb. Sacks

ONIONS, No. 1 Canadian Large .............................. 50 lb. Sacks CARR~TS, No.1 Washed ....................................... 50 lb. Sacks PARSNIPS, No.1 ................... : ................................ ,50 lb. Sacks TURNIPS ,., ....... , ..................................................... 50 lb. Sacks POTATOES .............................................................. 75 lb. Sack APPLE~, 5 Point Delicious ....................... .' ..... ~ ............... 150 Coun; ORANGES, "Sunkist", 220'5 ....................................... , . ,% Cases


'PHONES 5143 • 5144 AGENTS 10 mourn his wife, one son in Great Enterprise : England. two' brolhel's, .James Herrymon Maurer ..... 5.00 I QUEEN STREET and Patrick; five sisters, 1\\I'S. '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::=~~~_ .. _ Susie Joy, i\lrs. i\lary .Joy. Mrs. Hentz of Things Not Seen . -.. --- .. -----~Iargal'et Collins in 51. ,John's, Harriet H. Houser ........ 3.50 and lII11dred nnd Kay on the The World of Bemelmans'

I nlainlnncl; nlsll Ihree gl'alldchil· : dren. The funeral takes place Ludwig Bemelman ....... ,5.75 lo·clay Monelay ot 9.30 a.m. f,rom d his late residence, 120 Pleasant The Life an Streel, 10 SI. Patrick's Church. Ministry of Jesus

Bank Of Canada Currency Called

" "Funny Stuff"

Appointed Just A Corpse At Twili2ht .


(Continued from PII'

Jacohy On Bri4ge U.C. Men's DECEPTIO~S Serviee Club

Pre-Lent Social­High Sc.hool Club

Interment at lIlount Carmel. V· T J 2 50 R.I.P. I ,"cent oy or .......... .

TEASDALE-Passed away at I Bucles and A Tiger SI. Clare's "Iercy Hospilal on I " Saturday, Feb-ruary 18Ih;, lIelcn John Masters ............... 4.50

OTIAWA (CP)-Bank of Canada cUlTency Is "funny stulf" to C. E. Johnston, Social Credit member for Bow River, but he declined Fri­day In the Commons to part with a $10 nole and a $1 nole.

why I opposed you· Nellie told me you . to do the autopsy knew I was finished nOt explain Ihe . Frank's bod~·. I waiting for yoU AIice'~ fUlleral. I wat'~hing from Ihe When you arrire. I 1'\ellic's gun. That is is leIl (or me 10 do, I for everything. I am leave :\ellic alone. Tell 10\'e her.

:-;O.TnU~IP I'AY

"'EST .IDH \'9132 • 8 ~ "'Q9~2

NORm .86 \'AQ.l + J 10763 .J 85

EAST 411 J 9 72 \'1065 +AK ",,.\743

SOUTH (D) .AKQJ "K84 . • '1942 "'KIO

~orth·Sollth \·ul. South West North Eut I r:.T. PalS J 1\.1. P;JS Pz.!$ P3!S

Op~ning lead-"'::


HARBOUR GRACE, Feb. 14th- HAIIBOUR GRACE, Feb. 13th.-The United Church Men's Servic~ Although the very unfavourabl(,

I Club held a very successful meat weather of Monday, ~'ebruary 13th, dinner on Thursday evening, Feb doubtless Inlerfered wllh the usu~1 ruary 9(h, Collowlng I1s postpone. large attendance at the annual ment owln" 10 Wednesday's haz· pre.lent social of the 1IIgh School ard." Club, Ihe affair was qu!le a suc·

The affair was well patronized In I ceFS. both .soelally and financially. 5 lie of the uncertainty oC tile The varlons stan~ were attract· \\~eather. Many who could not go Ively decorated \\'llh \'alentlnes to Coughlan Hall availed them. and wcre laden wl1h nO\'e1\les, sclves of the co~rtesy extended homc.cookery" ~ul'prlse parcel~. by the cluh In sending dinners out candy. an~ nccdle\~ork, while, th~ Thc afCair was a successful one. a((ernoon teas sen cd hy th.e clun I

1l0.\IE 1I1NTS

members under the directIOn 01 Ilhe presldenl. lIlrs. E. Goodlanu. were of the usual pleasing nature.

At 8.30 p.m. a card parly was Corc of Shoes: Ne\'er dry wei held consisting of bridge, I?riz('

shoes nem' a :Irc. Wet shoes should winners being Miss Patricia CrOll be stuffed WIth paper and left to nnd 1\11'. William Freeman. anll dry In a cool place, soles upper· nuction 45's, wllh prize winners most. being Mrs. Martin Sheppard and I

The Bath: Wipe the bath out IIIr. Fred Janes. immediately after usc. An oid The soup supper was very popu· lurklst towel Is best for Ihls. lar and this was followed by a Avoid serutnly cleaners. cup of tea. Aller which dancin):

IT isn't easy to make three no­trump in toda>",s hand against a club upenlng lead. The defenders commenced. The Fireflies Orches­

tra directed by Mrs. L. Pike, fur nished the music.

threaten to take three clubs and East decided. South must have Iwo diamonds before you can de- thrown the king of clubs from a \'elop nine tricks. holding oC doubleton K.Q. In

this case the elub suit was pretty The elimination dance prIze win· A neat bit of deception helped hopeless, so East shlfled 10 the ners were Miss Sheppard and Mr.

R. L. ~liles, Jr., oC Norfolk, presl· ueuce of spades. Badcoek, the prizes were pres on I· drnl oC the American Contract ed by Mrs. Goodland who thanke.! DritJ~c Leaguc, when he Jllo)'ed Concealing his satisfaction Miles the gathering Cor their palronage. the South cards. East 11'01\ Ihe i wun the second trick with the king The e\'Cnt which terminated with I first trick wilh the ilCC uf clubs, I of spades and led a ?Iamond. East the sinGing of the National An· and "Skinn)''' ~llIcs (Irllpped Ihe took the king oC dIamonds and ·them was "oted one of the most kin:;. I doggedly led anolher spade. enjoyable of the pre·Lent season.

Easl looked al Ihis corr! wilh Now there was no way to de· suspicion. Ills partner had led feat Ihe conlract. South won an ob\'lous fourth·best. so South with the acc oC spades and led was bound to havc a second club. another diamond to knock out ~Iorco\'er, it was unllkel)' that the ace. Deelarer was sure of South had bid no·trump with a nine tricks whether or not the singleton, regardless of West·s defenders shifted back to clubs, openinG lead. lor he could count thre \ spade~,

South was trying to fool him. three hearts, and three diamonds.

' .... ~ For Expert ... tJ~i:l.j Beauty Care ~ .J)



In Stock Now


Francisco and Antonio Manzano 213,),car-old twIn brothers who II\'e 30 miles apart, met for the first time Friday. Raised in different foundling homes each knew he had a twin brother without knowing where he was. A friend of Fran· cisco mlslook Anlonio for him on the street and aCter the mistaken IdcnUty IV a s cleared up the brothers were reunited.

First incorporated tOlYn In North Carolina was Balh, In 1705.

Most northern point In the United States Is the Northwest Angle area of JIIlnnesota, which juts Into ~urroundlng Canada.

The first ~hlp passed through the Panama Canal on Aug. 15,. '.914.

Stone Steel Water Tanks "







, "

DIAL 5141.5142 .'1;', P.O. BOX 336

Gabrielle, aged 30, belol'ed wife The World Almanac of l1al'olrl Teasclale, and daughl. er of Thos. J. and 1\11'5. Ring, 1956 ........................ ' , 1.75 "These are sacred documents,"

he said. . lea"ing (0 moul'll husband, fath· I .I:!". mother, five sisters and four I brolhers. fUlleral by motor hearse CI'0111 3 ";xeter i\ vCIlUe at 11.30 a.1I1. toriaY, Monday, with Requiem Iligh :\Iass at the Bnsilica.





CO . Mr. Johnston \\'as replying to

lilt Iio/a. Henry Murphy (L-Westmoreland) r,,:;:-tR11 • , ' , ' Who had said earlier that Alberta ':,~ ,II • farmers would prefer to have guo ~ : __ <-:nltfit.JIIIYI.14!W ' aranteed bank loans on their farm-1I_ ... ;::::;J~t;lIIi_IMI.I_:.t_ .. _""_&:I_.III.~u ..... _;::~_ stored wheat than "funny money."

THE BOOKSELLERS Mr. Murphy made the statement during the resolution stage of the

'Phone 3191 • 4425 government bill to ratify treasury --r guarantee of the loans. It was an __ , ____________ '_"__ apparent dig at .Soclal Credit mono

FUNERAL NOTICE etary policies. CHARLES STRONG, B.A. '" - •• ,---,--- "-->- ---,,-- 1111'. Johnston said Bank of Can.

The funN'al of Ihe late Bridget ada notes are "Cunny money" be· Investors Syndicate of Canada larrell will take place this morn· cauSe the bank can contract or eX. Lid. arc pleased to announce the ,'lg at 9_.30 from her late re.si. pand tIle \·alue. lit f I appo nlmen 0 1111'. C larIes :.Cllce, 5~ Allandale Road With "WJlat could be funnier than! Strong, B.A., as a rcprescnta\lve ,tequiem illass at the Basilica. that?" he asked, waving a couple I (or SI. John's. . :nlcrment at· Bclvcrdere. , of bills in the house. I '--j:UNERAL'-NOTICe--- I P7-JiI~i~~S I~'~~.~~I~i!S~1 ; ~!~~:::o~: ~~: ~j~1d a o~·j~~u~~·,

: -'Tl;~ f-~~~;;i-~i'th~-I;i~ S;muel : ;';otre • D~me.~!.gr~ec) ~ar;t~l~~:1 ~~~:ith.pa~:!cl:!a~lfso ~nell ~:::~ I Tiller will take place from 50 ~I'hcn members refer to documents I in St. John's as a result of his I Cornwall Crcf,eent on Tuesday: It I.s. customary to table Ihem. He

anlcrmcnt at :llou~t Pleasant file the bIlls With the Commons aclh'illes feb20,23

Silently I handed tbe the sheriff. He held from his eye!, closely· spaced \l'ords. had finished, he said, bur,"

"And poor Alice," I "Why don't you

he saici with ~uddcn "Ain't you caused trouble?"

I didn't answer him. nothing to do with born's death, but as aD the Commission I had c3used Wilbur Tweed's l\Iaybe Wilbur dese:nd An eye for an eye. 3r.d

(To be continuedl

I at 2,30 p.m. by motor hearse.' "~nIlmgly ~ug::es.led ~!J'. Johnslon mlny and varied communily

Cemelery. feb20,21(te\) clerk. . ----

• .:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;===;;;;;;;===:;;;;;;;;;;;;==;;;.;====;;.;;-.;;;-=-=_==. ;\\r, .Tohnston saId onlv ol'dmarv ACTOR TO TORONTO documents are labld:' "Sacred NEW YORK (CP) - Trevor


Rame' aparlment




[~bll,20 I ~----------~------_I'

documents" were a different Howard, co·star with J osc Ferrer matter. lie packeterl the bills. in "Cockleshell Heroes," will go 10

lie Ilescribed ·~Ir. "Jul'phy as "an ToronUJ Feb. 27 to do publicity eastern lawyer.expcl't" who hall and personal appearances in con· the Impudence to claim Ihe right nection with the March 2 premiere In rise anr! speak on the question of the picture at the Odean theatre, of IOHns to wheat ;!l'o\\'el'S. ; Howard, although born in England,

and seized 402

"Who tlocs he think he' is all)": spent his boyhood in Toronto and Wil)"!" he ask cr!. ! his return there will be in tile

~Ir. ~Jurphy has supporfed Ihe: nature of a homecoming.

and urns looled from Etruscan tombs ncar Included in the h1.ul 1111 sarcophagus ,,,hich politI had been offered Cor archaeological black .. S1.000. )Iuch of the .

eontl'ol'ersial legislaliun which op·: position parties' OllpOSe on Ihe i . .JAlL EAST GER:lIA~

art is smuggled out 01 sale to m~scums abroad.

--------):rounri the gO\'ermncnt should pro.' BERLIN (AP) _ A Communist "idc ca,'h advances instead. '

. . courl~ sentenc~d a.n East German STOCKHOL~I { ,----- , to 3._ ~ears ImprISonment for ~ot 'n Malmoe southern

COPS II,\LT ~1Ol'm i pre\'entmg, two youths from fleemg ~riday th~y had s~nt. ~ ~J.\DRID (AP)-P d . f' to the \\est, an East. Germani board the 4,320·ton flO:::!. • '.. .1'0 uetlCn ? a newspaper reported FrIday. The I a . .

Spamsh film slarr}ng AmerICan I paper said Karl Stabenow, 56. was sll1p Ot~ H, nOlI aetres Bets~ BlaIr has been I convicted of "agitation" against breaker . halted. lis dIrector. Jose Antonio the Communist regime moe, and arre,tdcd fiardcm, is reported in jail on sus. . . for "drunk an picion of having leftist tendencies. I'ior." The men had Police declined to confirm or deny REDS BLAST QUEMOY the ship's stores .and '1 the report. ~liss Blair. star of Ihe I TAIPEI, Formosa (AP) - Com. botlles of beer, pollee 51.'

prize·winning film "~Iarly," heads I' munist Chinese guns on the main· the cast of the Seuvia film produc. land fired 103 shells at Quemoy PLAN Alii tion. "Calle Mayor O~ain Stree!)," I ~riday the N~tionaUst Chinese AMMAN, Jordan a pIcture about the hfe of a spin· I Central News Agency reported. It lordan gO\'ernment stc!· in a tradition.hemmed Spanish I said Nation~)jst guns returned the to build air raid ~he1tcr! town. Circ and silenced tile Red artillery, country's main clue;.







TELEPHON:E 2264 - 3420' .' 4440 , "

, . . ,


Escape liner I~ (ReuterS) - A four·

airliner crashed Cairo Monday. I

64 persons on' bal whipped across

"nd!,WrIl1 near the disa: afternoon and ~eld

A fire engme ' stuck in the 5

camel corpsmcn road leadin~ to the: DC.6 crashed. OVERDUE

was about 20 III on a flight from Saigo

I\'hen' it plunged Into 15 miles southe3,

burst into flame; for Cairo airpor'

passengers but two' were French persons (

from Salgo~. • 01 the 12 Eun·lvors. In( ,'cung boYs •. wer~ br(, French hospItal m. C

01 them with onlr mmo

crash was the secont; in the Mediterranean davs. A British char: crashed at ;o.lalta on

B~ , ,

~ ,

0(. doctors at 11, Hospital informed

Oales Sunda\' that con\'incc:d ber son. ~Ii

regain' consciousnc' O.t~s, her daughter i! Michael were injured

was struck broad~i, Sept: 4. Mr. Oat~ in. the accident. has been uncoil the acddent. Hc

a gastric tube. nurses say he crk and bltlerlv but I

a sound. The only ti~ been beard to m

two months a[\( when his mother

(ractures to all of II! len arm was broug!

in a wheel chair • nurse said: "He 100',

minutes, th with tears. HI'

for ,about a minUl quite loudly, one h;:

to,,'ards his mother. was verv weak. ho

inlo 'a coma a;!a been henrd to since." AGREE

, H:1ghes, Who heal o( surgeons Bnd bra: Sunday; said the ca

(or several hours of Ihat time a una: was reached.

brain had' suffered everything humal

done for the 'also said tim day after th

tnn;C'II~Ch piece of be (rom his skull 10 e on his brain.

the operation, .~lich

companies. ' a combine I

Decembc "" IU'~rnl'rI to March :


