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Big redesign final powerpoint

Date post: 18-Jul-2015
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RIT Band Addressed: 201-210 Standards Addressed:E4-5.6 (Compose effective pieces of writing in response to prompts) E4-2.8 (Read independently for extended periods of time to gain information) E4-1.7 (Evaluate an author’s use of genre to convey theme)E4-1.4 (Evaluate relationship in text-theme, etc.) E4-6.8 (Design and carry out research projects) E4-6.5 (Create written works, oral and auditory presentations, and visual presentations.)

RIT Band Addressed: 201-210

Standards Addressed:E4-5.6 (Compose

effective pieces of writing in response to

prompts) E4-2.8 (Read independently for

extended periods of time to gain information)

E4-1.7 (Evaluate an author’s use of genre to

convey theme)E4-1.4 (Evaluate relationship in

text-theme, etc.) E4-6.8 (Design and carry out

research projects) E4-6.5 (Create written

works, oral and auditory presentations, and

visual presentations.)

Original slide flaws-cognitive overload with standards which are not student friendly, poor color and font choice, cluttered, moving image.Corrections as per design principles: Good visual design makes easily understood, and presents matter in clear, appealing manner. Kept design simple, used balance and symmetry, emphasis of point of learning, harmony of color choice, as well as using fonts wisely. Used cognitive principles of continuity, no popups, no animation, no scrolling. Also, coherency-eliminated unrelated graphics and content. Entire presentation includes many of Vella’s principles for effective adult learning, which is important because most students are 18 or older. These principles are: engagement, teamwork, immediacy of learning, respect for learners as subjects of their own learning, praxis, sequence, safety, and a sound relationship between teacher and learner for learning and development.

Created By: Dawn Anderson

In order to fully appreciate literature,

one needs to explore all aspects of

the world which contributed to a

work’s creation. Within groups, you

will explore the world at the time in

which the famous Gothic novel,

Frankenstein, was written. Each group will

be assigned one core subject to explore.

Your group will present your findings and

completed activities.

Cognitive load theory is used by chunking learning information into schemas, which classify the learning information by subject area, then tying the learning back to the novel. The term gothic will be investigated, the history of the time period, and the scientific relevance of the novel explored. Also, simple mathematical procedures will be tied in. This design also reduces working memory load by spending class periods submerged within one learning activity at a time, as opposed to the teacher presenting and students learning information by rote memorization. The point of the unit is related within personal terms, and simplified.

To help you to more deeply analyze and appreciate the famous Gothic novel, Frankenstein, you will explore many aspects of the time period. This includes a background of the author, gothic elements, and the scientific and historical significance of the novel’s themes.

Complete the challenges presented:

The original slide was a quest with links to 8 different activities. According to theory of cognitive overload, this is incorrect, so I removed the entire slide and replaced it with learning objectives. Gagne’s instructional design theory includes gaining attention, which was the purpose of the first two slides, and also informing the learner of the objective. I also took out UDL flaw of moving slide.

Your objective is to learn how to dig deeper through using research when reading a novel. You will discover how the time period is reflected within a writer’s creation. You will learn to recognize and comprehend the use of Gothic elements. You will use higher level thinking skills in order to complete activities, including evaluation of material, analyzing how information pertains to novel creation, and creating your own original responses. You will work collaboratively to create responses using valid evidence from research.

Challenge: Click the following link to complete

the Literature web quest.


This slide did not need much revision. It contains a web quest which I had created, and is simple and gets to the point. I added one image to add to learner interest and engagement within theme, and made the screen more readable.

Challenge: Click the following link to complete

the Literature web quest.


Challenge: Explore the following historical events which contributed to Frankenstein’s creation. Be prepared to present your findings to the class, including relating the event to the novel.

Industrial Revolution, England

French Revolution

The Reign of Terror

Invention of Guillotine

The original slide contained missing links. I eliminated one topic to reduce cognitive overload, and simplified text by explaining what the learner is to research. Having students use the web to find results of one subject at a time applies cognitive principle of segmenting by breaking down learning into small segments, links provide multimedia principle with sites including words and graphics, coherence principle is used by focusing on one aspect at a time. All students are also members of history class, so cognitive learning theory is used by students tying new knowledge to information from their long-term memory. Also, I followed design principle of eliminating bullet points. Merrill’s first principles of activation are used by activating existing knowledge. Integration principle is used by new knowledge being integrated into the learner’s world. Principles of interactive engagement are used as students are actively pursuing information and creating their own learning environment. This increases motivation and optimizes information processing.

Challenge: Follow links to investigate the time period in which Frankenstein was written. Evaluate how the following historical events contributed to the creation of Frankenstein.

Industrial Revolution, England

French Revolution

The Reign of Terror

Challenge: Using research sites below, discover how many years it took after Frankenstein was published for humans to actually create life. How many years for humans to use electricity to bring life back to a human after their heart quits beating? How many years did it take to harness lightening in a productive way? Make your own prediction of what is next, and estimate the number of years it will take.

Merrill’s first principles are used. Problem principle is used by engaging students in real-world problems. Integration principle is used while new knowledge is integrated into the learner’s world. Keller’s motivation theory is used, resources and procedures prompt motivation because students must search internet for dates in order to answer questions, then realizing the relevance of Mary Shelley’s unintended predictions of the creation of life. Visual design principles are used to make slide easily understood and by presenting matter in a clear, appealing manner. UDL principles are used by correcting colors, fonts, removing distracting graphic, and improving readability.

Task: Use your mathematical skills and research to discover how many years it took after Frankenstein was published for humans to actually create life, use electricity to bring life back to a human after their heart quits beating, and harness lightning in a productive way. Make your own prediction of what is next, and estimate the number of years it will take.

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Type your Username (IvyMonroe)

Type your Password (applesauce)

Complete the assignments listed for today.

Games can be created to focus on needed standards.

UDL principles are applied by improving color and font choices, eliminating distracting background which in turn improves readability, and replacing image with a screen shot graphic which illustrates the game which will be used. Math was the most difficult subject to integrate into this unit, but I wanted to use a game. This game would be used more as a reward, and to stimulate the mind. The principles that this game does follow are that it is proportional to the skill level of the user, it gets progressively more difficult, and students can launch and operate game independently.


Build your math skills with Frankenstein’s help.


1. Write a poem related to the novel.

2. Create a short story based on the same theme presented in the novel.

3. Create a modern day scene parallel for a section of the novel.

4. Create a written dialogue between two of the characters in a Chinese restaurant who are reading their fortunes aloud.

5. Create a script for a public service announcement, commercial, or music video related to the novel.

First slide flaws were improved by eliminating bullet points, adding a relevant image, reducing cognitive overload by cutting writing options in half, and by creating well written essay topics which allow for student creativity and expression of learning. Also, first slide was unclear as to if students needed to complete all writing tasks, so learner objectives were presented at start of corrected slide. Three choices for learner expression are offered.

Chose one of the following to create a well-written one page response:Create a news article telling about the monster sighting Create an alternate ending in which Dr. Frankenstein and the monster have their final showdownCreate a song or poem to reflect the monster’s feelings

Gothic Art and Architecture Investigation

Your Quest: Prepare yourselves to discuss the following questions with the class.1. What are the characteristics of Gothic literature?Examples? History? To help you, check out:

www.answers.com/topic/gothic-art2. What are the characteristics of Gothic art?Examples? History? To help you, check out:

www.artcyclopedia.com/history/gothic.html3. How do these examples reflect the definition of “Gothic” in your opinion?

UDL principles are followed by increasing readability, eliminating background which makes text impossible to read, and reducing cognitive overload by getting to the point. The purpose of the slide is for students to find the definition of gothic on their own, while encompassing literature, art, and architectural definitions and visual anchors. Instead of sending students to preselected sites, students are sent on a quest to create their own learning experience through exploring the web.

Your task is to investigate the term gothic. You will be expected to explain in your own words what gothic elements are, including within literature, architecture, and art.

Once completed, evaluate what gothic literature elements are present within Frankenstein.

Challenge: Through research, prepare a presentation for the class explaining how Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein illustrates the scientific progress of the time, and why it was thought, and even stated in the novel, that too much knowledge is dangerous. Be sure to include ethical consequences.

Magnetism-Use the following to learn how science is explored throughout the novel. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/exhibition/frankenstein/index.html

Current progress of our time creating life. http://www.ornl.gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/elsi/cloning.shtml


Original slide created cognitive overload, too many specific sites, and centered only on magnetism. I corrected this by guiding students to one specific theme of the novel, then freeing them to seek learning on their own. Throughout this activity, the web utilizes technology as a learning tool, and technology as a learning environment. Original slide did not follow UDL guidelines, it was hard to read, had unneeded graphics, and too much information to read. Corrected slide is easy to read, gets to the point, and is easy to understand.

Task: Through group research, prepare a presentation for the class explaining how Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein illustrates the scientific progress of the time, and why it was thought, and even stated in the novel, that too much knowledge is dangerous. Be sure to include your opinion of the ethical consequences of creating and destroying life.

Go to http://www.usatestprep.com/Member-Login

Login with your School ID (silverbluffsc)

Type your Username (IvyMonroe)

Type your Password (applesauce)

Complete the assignments listed for today.

This is an entirely new slide which I created in order to include a simulation. This simulation follows many of Clark’s principles for games and simulations. It aligns with instructional outcomes, matches objectives, offers structure and learning support, and encourages reflection of instructional content. It also follows principles from the Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning. These principles include using simulators instead of reading from a textbook, it is an exploratory learning environment, and it focuses primarily on qualitative understanding based on building and using concrete models. This simulation is easy to use, is learner centered, and the work completed during use makes a difference in learning. The previous slide included HSAP practice, but seniors have taken that assessment two years ago, so the original slide is irrelevant. UDL principles used are improving readability, choosing colors wisely, choosing fonts wisely, and by eliminating the distracting graphic.


The slide below is a completely new addition. We can use multi-media elements by showing the class an actual Frankenstein movie production. Hollywood drastically alters the monster’s character as opposed to the original novel, and evaluating why is an excellent source of learning for the students. The principles used when presenting a movie in addition to the text are dual code and multimedia effects, stories and example cases, deep questions, and discovery learning. The goal is presented prior to observing the movie, and students are open to expressing their opinion, there is no right or wrong answer, but answers must be justified with relevant information they have learned.

Analyze how differently from Shelley’s novel Hollywood depicts Frankenstein’s monster. Be prepared to discuss why characters are so drastically changed when presented on the big screen.


Congratulations! You have completed the Frankenstein quest, mastered the standards, and gained knowledge about various subject areas.

Following student presentations, you will evaluate each groups presentation and create short summaries of the information presented.

Your Frankenstein Unit test will be next Friday.

The first Power point used bullets, said what a teacher could have said instead of included in slide, and does not successfully wrap up unit. The new slide includes an image of the novel, which is the focus of instruction, and gives learners one clear task to complete as a summation of the unit. Goal is stated, and students will work collaboratively. Higher level thinking skills will be used, students must evaluate material and analyze what facts are the most important, and then dig into memory to tie information together.

To conclude our Frankenstein unit, you will create a 3-5 minute collaborative presentation, highlighting what new information you have learned that is relevant to the creation of Mary Shelley’s novel.

Gagne’s nine events of instruction are used during this design. Those include gaining attention, informing the learner of the objective, stimulating recall of prior learning, presenting the stimulus, providing learning guidance, eliciting performance, providing feedback, assessing performance, and enhancing retention and transfer.

Schema technique is used by chunking information by subject.

Cognitive information processing is used by guiding learner input, then viewing the student mind as a computer which processes information to present output.

Design is created for 17-18 year old high school students, and follows Piaget’s cognitive development theory’s formal operational stage. It believes that students can think abstractly, reason logically, and draw conclusions from the information available, and apply the processes to hypothetical information.

Assimilation also is used as the student comes across a new object or event and makes sense of it by assimilating the information about the object.

Vygotsky’s theories are also used through ZPD. The current individual level of performance is assessed, performance is assisted by teacher, and future learning is created. Following ZPD, learning takes place when learners solve problems above actual level, but within potential level under teacher guidance or peer collaboration.

Overall constructivist learning pedagogy is followed through active learning, learning-by-doing, scaffolding learning, and collaborative learning.

Contiguity effects-each slide spatially togetherDual code and multimedia effects-multiple modes, verbal, pictorial, auditory, and visual used.Testing effect/spaced effects/exam expectations-constant assessments, so slow forgetting, students know to keep material accessible in memory, long-term retention required.Generation effect-learning is enhanced when learners produce answers, no answers are there to recognize.Organization effects-instead of rereading information, students are exploring it within a new context.Coherence effect-distracting, irrelevant material removed.Stories and example cases-novel teaches themes through stories, which can be generalized to many situations.Multiple examples-different disciplines and domains of knowledge used.Desirable difficulties-students must organize information and find answers themselves.Manageable cognitive load/Segmentation principle-information chunked, no clutter, information presented in discrete units to avoid overload.Deep questions-all questions posed require deep explanations, not one word answers.Cognitive flexibility-multiple viewpoints, perspectives, and points of view are acceptable.Goldilocks principle-tasks meet learner characteristics just right.Discovery learning-teacher provides guides and explicit instruction.
