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BIHI I Hf - University of...

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r iwrRi i . K,, tCrMmA'JBU ii..Pi7'.i I'JicjjwimCTjwiuMAVi'aJUMvagacacitri ;!!5Ca??;",",'f sJpa M , I I 1 Hf UWS vA. (TV 1 KMm. ff i L. BIHI i ftf' (f JjT I I r I I I I -- -c wrptM.vini:fyn7 iiv jiij u.u.wmmi.u Bu.uutftwatijjg'j'fiaj'.'u.fgwp,',it:ijL.'''rwn',Wi''ij'" tj"ppgeB jf j jy-i- f 'TJfjajijf Vol. Xn. No. 1810 HONOLULU, II. I.. 'MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 23, 18S8. BUES80RIPTI0N CO 0ENT8 PER MONTH. tei r THE DAILY BULLETIN ipnuted and published at tho oillce, ucen Street, Houolulu, II. I.,cvery afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, 50 conts par Month. Addros9 nil Communications Daiivy Bulletin. Advertisements, tc ensuro insertion, Bhould bo handed in before ouo o'clock r. m. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprlotor W.A.S.Boals Shipping Rcportor & Collector JAS. G. CLEVIOR, Manager. Bulletin Steam Printing Office. Newspaper, Book nnd Job Printing of all kinds dono on the most favorable terms. Bell Telephono No. 258 Mutual Telephone No. 250 Daily Bulletin Sniff Published twice a Month. An intcicsting and comprehensivo publication, and contains from 40 to CO columns of reading matter on local top ics, and a complete resume of Honolulu and Island News. It is tho bust paper imblUhcd in the Kingdom to send to 'rlcnds abroad. Subsciipiion (mailed) 82.00 a year. Commission Merchants. TT & Co., Qeneral Commission Agents. 070 ly Honolulu G. W. MACFARLANE & Co. MPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Honolulu. H. I. Queen street, - - 1643 BREWER z COMPANY, O . (Limited) GkNEBAL MltRCAHTILll AHD Commission Agents list of officers: P. C. Jones, Jr. .. .President & Manager J. O. Cartkh. .. ..Treasurer & Secretary DIKECTOK3: Hon. O. R. Bisuoi'. S. C. Allen, H. AVateruouse. ajaiy T. WATERHOUSK, JOHN Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen st , Honolulu. 1 S. N. Castlc.-- J. B. Atherton-- C P. Castle & OOOKE, CASTLE Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealeisin General Merchandise, No. 80 King Bt , Honolulu. 1 Clauj SprecfceH. Wm. a. Irwin. G. IRWIN fc COMPANY, w. Sugar Factors ana Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 GRINBAUM & CO., MS. Importer? of General Mer chandise, and Commission Merchants, Honolulu, and 124 California, street, 1 San Francisco, Cal. & OO., WILDER Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. 1 R. Lowors, ". J. Lowrey, O. M. Oooko. Si OOOKE, LEWER8 to Lewcrs & Dickson.) Importers and Dealcis in Lumber and all kinds ot Building Materials, fort street, Honolulu ' 1 G-onsalve- is Ssz Co., Wholesale Grocers & Wino Merchants 289 Beaver Block, Honolulu. Nojice of Removal! S THOMAS LINDSAY, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Has removed to'ono of the Netr Stores In tho Tlionius Jtloclt, King Street, Three doors from Cattle & Cookes', Where he is prepared to manufacture all kiiids of Jewelry. 00 HR. GERTZ, g, No. 80 Fort street, nonolul,'' Importer and Dealer in Gent's, Ladies' and Children's boots, shoes and slippers. ALVINH. RASEMANN, Book-Bind- er PAPER-RULE- and BLANK-BOO- K Manufacturer. Book Binding of all description neatly aud promptly executed. Campbell Block, Rooms 10 and ll,Mtr. 7.22 chant street. ly THE DAILY BULLETIN -- The popular paper published. Professionals. M. THOMPSON, Oillce in Campbell's Block, Cor. Fort & Merchant St;., Honolulu, H. I. PRACTICES IN THE COURTS. EST" When desired, will glvo the law in a written opinion, as to tho probable re- sult of the contention upon the facts stated. 15881T JM. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LATV and Notary Public. Real Estate in any part of the Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans ncgotia ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Garetto Block), Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands 190 CECIL, BROWN, Counsellor at Law Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ac knowledgments of Instruments for the Island of Oahu. Merchant btrcet, Hono-'ul- u. 1 J Alfred Magoon, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 173 42 Merchant stieet, Honolulu, ly JOHN A. HASSINQER, Agont to take Acknowledgments to Coutiacts for Labor. Interior Office, Houoluln. DOCTOR WEBB. Office and Residence next door to the Ainuicin Minister's on Alakca street, between Hotel and Bcictunia stieols. Office Hours from ,7 to 9 a. m.; from 1 to 3 p. m, and 7 to 8 p m. Telephone . 91 2m MAX HAEDICKE, M. D. ana Wurccon. (8 to 10 a.m. Office Hours 11 to 3 p m. (7 to 8 p.m. Office and residence: Cor. of Adams' Lane aud Union Street. ' S3 Uliitiwil Telephone 45S. lm OR. IWAI, Japanese. Physician and Surgeon. taking the place of Dr. Goto, Will treat Leprosy after Dr. Goto's Method. "Will visit patients at their residence, by request. All other diseases treated at his office corner' of Punchbowl and Berelania streets. Office hours 1 to 6 p. m. ; On Sundays 8 to 12 a. m. Bell TclcDhono No. 3S7. 09 Cm J. H. SOPEB, M. D. Consulting Physician and Surgeon. S, W. Corner Sixth and Market btreets, opposite Hawaii Nei Millinery Estab- lishment, San Fiaucisco. 28 11. M. CENSOR. a. w. iuitii. BENSON, SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 & 116 Fort Street, - Honolulu. Depot for Boericko & Soeolilk's HOMCEPATH1C MEDICINES, Btcksetker's Perfumes and Toilet Requisites, 12y HOLLISTER & CO. Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 10D Fort Street, William's Block, Hono-21- 6 Honolulu, H. I. WEMER & GO. ainimfacturlnc Jewellers, NO. 0 JFOllT STBEBT, Constantly on hand a largo assortmon of every description of Jewelry, Watches Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 9.r)8 ly HAWAIIAN HOTEL CARRIAGE CO. Carringei at all hours, day and night. Baddlo Horses, Buggies, Wagonettes and VilUge Carts with stylish and gcntlo horses to let. FOR SALE. A few Ilorhes, guaranteed. Second hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggies, Carts and Harness. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Ring up Telephone 32, or apply to MIMES &I1AYM2Y. 1571 It Pom Anps M XfOJR, SALE. Bull Calves from 10 to 13 months old. Heller Calves from 1 0 to 13 months old. APPLY TO J. I. DOWSETT. Honolulu, Juno 24, 1687. 70 I -- ; Tho Best Lunch in Town, - Tea and Ooffee at 111 Hours The luest Bins d oi Cigars & Tobacco always on hand. H, J. NOLTE, Proprlotor. The Cosmopolitan Restaurant i a Mew House. L Betliel Street Slles (Next Castle & Cooke's) Board, $5 HO per .week, 35 cts per meal. 44 50 " 23 cts " The tables are supplied with every delicacy obtainable In tho market. 21 Patronage wliciteil. lm PIONEEB mm CANDY FACTORI AND 33VIC3Iill-V- . F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and B iker. 71 Hotel St. -- JS1" Telephone 74 WOT. McCANDLESS, No. C Queen street, Fish Market, Dealer In choicest ueor, Tool, 3iutto, run, .5.C Ac Family and Shipping Oiders carefully attended to. Live stock furnished to vessels at shsit notice, and Vegetables of all kind supplied to ordr. 846 1 v TOD frfer - mi Metropolitan Meat Company 81 King Street, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager. Wholesale & Retail Butchers AKD KAVY CONTRACTOBS. 1717 ly A. M. HEWETT, Stationer & Newsdealer, Merchant Street, - Honolulu, H.I Mutual Tel. 371. - Bell Tel. 302. Law Books & Lawyers' Stationery a Specialty. Orders taken for Newspapers, Poriodi-cals- , Books, Music, etc., irom any part df the Trorld, having made all arrange, ments therefor whilst in San Fmncisco. Ketl Rubber Stnmps to Order. 71 A Now offers to Improve the breed of Island Poultry I Two Hundred Fine Hens and Roosters ex Australia, now on viow at the CALIFORNIA FRUIT MARKET, -- OW I03S- - Also a variety of Fresh Pears, Apples, Grapes, Quinces, etc. DUUltunl Tolcjlioiio 373. f rpRA-TSCIG- . Continental and Colonial . AGENCY. 36 Huo doBunkerquc, - - Paris, Executes Indents for every description of French Belgian, Swisi, German, and English Goods, at the best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices. Commission, Two and. a Half per cent. All Trade and Cash Dljtounti nllowul to Clients. Original Invoices foi warded when requested. Remittances, through a London or Paris Ranker, payable on delivery of Bbipplng documents! or, direct to tho munuger. The Ajrcncy Represents, Buys, and Bells, for Home and Colonial Firms. Piece Goods, Cashmeres, Cambiics, Silks, Vclvetb, Lawns, Chintzes, Muslins, Carpets, Cloths, Millinery, Laces, Gloves, Fringes, Parabolb, Haberdashery, Gold and Hilver Lace, Flannels, Feathers, Pearls, Boots and Shoes, Glai-s- , and China-ware- , Clocks, Watches, Jer.ellry, Fanry Goods. Electro-plat- e, Musical Instruments, Fans, Ecclesiubtical and Optical Goods. Mlrrois, Toys. Pcrfinneiy, Wiui'B, Xo , Oilman'!) btore s, Book, Artistic Furniture, btationery, Chromos, Machinery. &c, &o. 180 ly S TF YOU VVANT A SERVANT, JL advertiso In tho Daily JIullktin, orsets. Corsets. Corsets Foi a good durablo and comfortablo Corset, go to tho POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE, 101 Fort Btroot, nonolulu. ft!. S. SACHS, - - - Proprietor. Try our Abdominal Corset It is a strong, good fitting, and especially adapted for etout ladies. Our Madame Toy's Corset Is a health corset, with skirt supporters, light in weight, nnd highly recom- mended for this climate. The P. D. Corset Is bo well known that they need no recommendation. Wo hnvo them, at jueauni., in ail bizus. Our Venus Corset Cannot be beat foi elegance of fit and for comtort ; it is a 500-bon- o corset, and we cm recommend them to wear. Our Riding Corset Is just what is wanted hcie ; wo had them especially made ; they nre short, strong and comfoi table, and a trial of them will prove that they aro tho best over imported iiilo this Kingdom. Our Nursing Corset Is a good fitting nnd comfortable corset, and low in price. We hao a number of different brands too numerous to mention, but wo guarantee that our pi ices uio tho lowest, and inspection is solicited. HAY ' AY AND -- GRAIN GRAIN. Largest Stocks, Choicest Quality, Lowest Prices. Telephones 175. Corner A. MORGAN, Blacksmith Work : & Carriacro Building ttv X'amtiiig and ' 79 & 81 Kins street, - OM Boss Premises JSuti-jmee- s from Kinff and Morolmut St. Every description of work in tho above lines performed in a first-clas- s manner. Also, Horse Shoeing: a Specialty. EST Bell Telephone, 1C7. -- t&t (327 ly) - Bell Telephone, 167. -- I J01 ITT .8 C2T by S. 1C0 Edinburgh & Queen Streets. y&c KvSf - 'v Trimming. I Stree t GO Bpreckels & Co.'a Bank. Granite, Iron and Tin Ware Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns, WATER PIPE and RUBBER H0SE House Keeping Goods, PLUMBHTC, TIN, COPPER AND 003 SHEET IRON WORK. GEO. ENGELHARDT, (Formerly with Samuel Nbtt), Importer nnd Donlei in STOVES, CMAH3DEL8ERS, LAMPS, OKOOKEKY, GLASSWARE, HOUbE FURNISHING 11AKDWAHK, AGATE IRON AND TINY7AHK. Agent HalFs Safe and Lock Company. Beaver Block, - Fort Street. Store formerly occupied NOTP, opposlto EAEE CHANCE FOE INVESTMENT BETTER THAN A GOVERNMENT BOND opfei:d by Tim C " 11 I " M ASSETS OVEU TUP. IXITCD bTAl'ES. THE protection of Llfo Insurance (omhlned with the Investment Principles of Savings Hank. Eintnpluof uSO.ycur Endowment Policy for 10 000 taken out at tho ago of 25 ears : OF Auuual Tolul Premiums C h Fund Premium. Paid in 20 jrh. Thai duo. $487 $9,740 $10,110 Estimates for diffcient amounts and 'different ages cheerfully given. Protect your faintly from future want or provido for jour own old age. Policies Free, Indisputable, Nonforfeitable, &e., &c. For full particulars, apply to J. Cartwright, 1C10 ly General Agent, Hawaiian Islands. GEORGE LUCAS, --- U A -- ifftF and Bulldcr,S Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla- nade, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Bashesi Doors, aud all kinds of Wood-woi- k finish. Turning, Sciollaud Bind Sawlnp. All kinds ot Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from tho other solicited Contractor niul Itnihfrr. Store1? aud oflkes llttcd up, Estimates given on all kinds of briok aud wooden buildings, Plain and Spccincations EST OOlcc, 110 Beretania St.; Mutual Telephone, y52; Postofflco Box, 100. 322 ly raa fe? P3 PLANING LULL. L AInlccn, near tjueon St, Tcleiihono 55. F. RUPPREOHT, Fresco Iaiiitex, 126 Nuunnu St., Honolulu, H. L 5G Urn Oflioo 42 Merchant St, Honolulu- - Collector & Real Estate Agent. 16 ly ft-p- r' Honolulu ikon Works, co&$)Steain engines, sugar mills, boil- ers, coolers ; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 J. IIOPP 8c CO. 74 Kinr Street. Mauufaeturers nnd Importers of all kinds of Furniture & Upholstery Goods FINE BEDDING A SPECIALTY. All kinds of Jobbing promptly attended to. CHAIRS TO RENT ForBslU or Paitic in small orlaige 831 nunntitk"). ly.. -- IN3E-VF- Merchant Tailoring Establislim't The undersigned having opened a first. class Merchant Tailoring Kbtuli. Bailment at thu Cor. King and Bethel Streets, (Dumon Building) under tho firm name of F.Habermacher&Co. Begs Uao to "solicit the pjtrouige of his f i leads and public generally. S6 Cm p. HABERHACHER. LABNE & CO. Havo a J.i rgo Stock of tho VEBY BEST HAY. CS-raii- i, Eitc, Which is offered at Lowest Market Prices AND-Doliv- orod Frootoany part of the City AGENTS FQU THE Faoiflo Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF CALIFORNIA. Agents for tho Hoover Telephone. CommissionerofDcodsforCalifornia Telephono No. H7. ' 700J i i 1 . c t . i, i..i rf.. ..r. -- t- - A1. -- ,.,, ? ftia.aiisMi ''MSmk&d&M-- 4lfcJkief2 &."&K wlikjm,i v- - Clne9W-aSlM- "Alrf.,- - "UMA BfeMki.-K- . && mm. surance Go. Alexander 980,000,000. Equivalent Paid Annuity Up Policy for Life. uu foi Life $43,800 $1,310 FIRE, LIFE, D MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Piro Insuranco Co. Assets, $5,055,000 Commercial Insuranco Co. (Fire aud Marine) Assets, $450,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assuranco Corporation (Fire and Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South. British Fire and Marino Ina. Co Capital $10,000,090 Now York Life Insuranco Co. Assets, $75,000,800 C. O. BEEGER HONOLULU. General Agent, Haw 'n Islands. lC53 1y CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Firo &. Marine Insur'co Agents. AGENTS FOIl Tlic Sow Kn (jland MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMP'Y, of Boston. Tho iEtna Fiio Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn. Tlio Vntou 'Iro and Parine Insurance Co. of San Francisco, Cala. 101 ly Prussian National Insurance Comp'v KSTAULISUED 1845, Capital, 9,000,000 Relchsraarki. rPHE undersigned, having been a X pointed agent of the above Company for the Hawaiian Islands, is prepared to accept risks, against Fire, on Building. Fuiiiiture.Mcrchandise, Produce, Sugar Mills etc., on the most Favorable Tern Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payablo In Honolulu. H. IUEMENSOIIMEIDEK, C70 ly at Wilder & Co's. Hustace& Robertson, BRAYMEK. LL orders for Cartage promptly at. XX tended to. Particulur attention paid to tho Storing 8c Shipping of goods in transit to tho other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prises. Oflloe, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'i auction room. 082 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19. The Inter -- Island Steam Navigation Co., Limited, Keep constantly on hand for sal Steam Family and Blackimitk Coa and a general assortment of 415 Bar Iron. TAHITI LEMONADE WORKS. HIGH CLASS AERATED WATERS. Lemon Soda and Ginger Ale of all in. ferior (juulity, tn tmall bottles, as by Chiqamen at riu cents a bot. tic, nre not and uill not be made at this establishment, 17C0 1 -- 4 M


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ipnuted and published at tho oillce,ucen Street, Houolulu, II. I.,cvery

afternoon (Sundays excepted).Subscription, 50 conts par Month.

Addros9 nil Communications DaiivyBulletin.

Advertisements, tc ensuro insertion,Bhould bo handed in before ouo o'clockr. m.

WALTER HILL Editor and Proprlotor

W.A.S.Boals Shipping Rcportor & Collector

JAS. G. CLEVIOR, Manager.

Bulletin Steam Printing Office.

Newspaper, Book nnd Job Printing of

all kinds dono on the most favorableterms.Bell Telephono No. 258

Mutual Telephone No. 250

Daily Bulletin SniffPublished twice a Month.

An intcicsting and comprehensivopublication, and contains from 40 to CO

columns of reading matter on local topics, and a complete resume of Honoluluand Island News. It is tho bust paperimblUhcd in the Kingdom to send to'rlcnds abroad.

Subsciipiion (mailed) 82.00 a year.

Commission Merchants.

TT & Co.,

Qeneral Commission Agents.

070 ly Honolulu



Honolulu. H. I.Queen street, - -1643

BREWER z COMPANY,O . (Limited)


Commission Agents

list of officers:P. C. Jones, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ. O. Cartkh. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary


Hon. O. R. Bisuoi'. S. C. Allen,H. AVateruouse.

ajaiyT. WATERHOUSK,JOHN Importer and Dealer in General

Merchandise, Queen st , Honolulu. 1

S. N. Castlc.--J. B. Atherton-- C P. Castle& OOOKE,CASTLE Shipping and Commission

Merchants. Importers and DealeisinGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King Bt ,

Honolulu. 1

Clauj SprecfceH. Wm. a. Irwin.G. IRWIN fc COMPANY,w. Sugar Factors ana Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

GRINBAUM & CO.,MS. Importer? of General Merchandise, and Commission Merchants,Honolulu, and

124 California, street,1 San Francisco, Cal.

& OO.,WILDER Dealers in Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. 1

R. Lowors, ". J. Lowrey, O. M. Oooko.Si OOOKE,LEWER8 to Lewcrs & Dickson.)

Importers and Dealcis in Lumber and allkinds ot Building Materials, fort street,Honolulu ' 1

G-onsalve- is Ssz Co.,

Wholesale Grocers & Wino Merchants

289 Beaver Block, Honolulu.

Nojice of Removal!

S THOMAS LINDSAY,Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Has removed to'ono of the NetrStores In tho

Tlionius Jtloclt, King Street,Three doors from Cattle & Cookes',

Where he is prepared to manufactureall kiiids of Jewelry. 00

HR. GERTZ, g,No. 80 Fort street, nonolul,''

Importer and Dealer in Gent's, Ladies'and Children's boots, shoes and slippers.



Manufacturer.Book Binding of all description neatly

aud promptly executed.Campbell Block, Rooms 10 and ll,Mtr.7.22 chant street. ly

THE DAILY BULLETIN -- Thepopular paper published.


M. THOMPSON,Oillce in Campbell's Block, Cor. Fort &

Merchant St;., Honolulu, H. I.


EST" When desired, will glvo the law ina written opinion, as to tho probable re-

sult of the contention upon the factsstated. 15881T


and Notary Public. Real Estate in anypart of the Kingdom bought, sold andleased, on commission. Loans ncgotiated, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Garetto Block), Honolulu.Hawaiian Islands 190

CECIL, BROWN,Counsellor at Law

Notary Public, and Agent for taking Acknowledgments of Instruments for theIsland of Oahu. Merchant btrcet, Hono-'ul- u.


J Alfred Magoon,ATTORNEY AT LAW.

173 42 Merchant stieet, Honolulu, ly

JOHN A. HASSINQER,Agont to take Acknowledgments

to Coutiacts for Labor. Interior Office,Houoluln.

DOCTOR WEBB.Office and Residence next door to the

Ainuicin Minister's on Alakca street,between Hotel and Bcictunia stieols.

Office Hours from ,7 to 9 a. m.; from1 to 3 p. m, and 7 to 8 p m.

Telephone . 91 2m

MAX HAEDICKE, M. D.ana Wurccon.

(8 to 10 a.m.Office Hours 1 1 to 3 p m.

(7 to 8 p.m.Office and residence: Cor. of Adams'

Lane aud Union Street. 'S3 Uliitiwil Telephone 45S. lm

OR. IWAI,Japanese.

Physician and Surgeon.taking the place of Dr. Goto,

Will treat Leprosy after Dr. Goto's Method.

"Will visit patients at their residence,by request.

All other diseases treated at his officecorner' of Punchbowl and Berelaniastreets.

Office hours 1 to 6 p. m. ; On Sundays8 to 12 a. m.

Bell TclcDhono No. 3S7. 09 Cm

J. H. SOPEB, M. D.

Consulting Physician and Surgeon.S, W. Corner Sixth and Market btreets,opposite Hawaii Nei Millinery Estab-lishment, San Fiaucisco. 28

11. M. CENSOR. a. w. iuitii.


Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,113 & 116 Fort Street, - Honolulu.

Depot for Boericko & Soeolilk's

HOMCEPATH1C MEDICINES,Btcksetker's Perfumes and Toilet

Requisites, 12y


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

10D Fort Street, William's Block, Hono-21- 6

Honolulu, H. I.

WEMER & GO.ainimfacturlnc Jewellers,

NO. 0 JFOllT STBEBT,Constantly on hand a largo assortmon

of every description of Jewelry, WatchesGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

9.r)8 ly


Carringei at all hours, day and night.Baddlo Horses, Buggies, Wagonettes andVilUge Carts with stylish and gcntlohorses to let.

FOR SALE.A few Ilorhes, guaranteed. Second

hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggies,Carts and Harness.

PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES.Ring up Telephone 32, or apply to

MIMES &I1AYM2Y.1571 It

Pom Anps MXfOJR, SALE.

Bull Calves from 10 to 13 months old.

Heller Calves from 1 0 to 13 months old.


J. I. DOWSETT.Honolulu, Juno 24, 1687. 70

I--;Tho Best Lunch in Town, -

Tea and Ooffee at 111 Hours

The luest Bins d oi

Cigars & Tobaccoalways on hand.

H, J. NOLTE, Proprlotor.

The Cosmopolitan Restaurant

i aMew House. L Betliel Street

Slles(Next Castle & Cooke's)

Board, $5 HO per .week, 35 cts per meal.44 50 " 23 cts "

The tables are supplied with everydelicacy obtainable In tho market.21 Patronage wliciteil. lm


AND 33VIC3Iill-V- .

F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and B iker.

71 Hotel St. -- JS1" Telephone 74

WOT. McCANDLESS,No. C Queen street, Fish Market,

Dealer In choicestueor, Tool, 3iutto, run, .5.C Ac

Family and Shipping Oiders carefullyattended to. Live stock furnished tovessels at shsit notice, and Vegetablesof all kind supplied to ordr. 846 1 v

TOD frfer -mi


Meat Company81 King Street,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager.Wholesale & Retail Butchers



A. M. HEWETT,Stationer & Newsdealer,

Merchant Street, - Honolulu, H.IMutual Tel. 371. - Bell Tel. 302.

Law Books & Lawyers' Stationery a Specialty.

Orders taken for Newspapers, Poriodi-cals- ,Books, Music, etc., irom any part

df the Trorld, having made all arrange,ments therefor whilst in San Fmncisco.

Ketl Rubber Stnmps to Order.71


Now offers to Improve the breed ofIsland Poultry I

Two Hundred Fine Hens and Roosters

ex Australia, now on viow at the


--OW I03S- -

Also a variety of Fresh Pears, Apples,Grapes, Quinces, etc.

DUUltunl Tolcjlioiio 373.f


Continental and Colonial

. AGENCY.36 Huo doBunkerquc, - - Paris,

Executes Indents for every descriptionof French Belgian,Swisi, German, and English Goods, atthe best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices.

Commission, Two and. a Half per cent.All Trade and Cash Dljtounti nllowulto Clients. Original Invoices foi wardedwhen requested.

Remittances, through a London orParis Ranker, payable on delivery ofBbipplng documents! or, direct to thomunuger.

The Ajrcncy Represents, Buys, andBells, for Home and Colonial Firms.

Piece Goods, Cashmeres, Cambiics,Silks, Vclvetb, Lawns, Chintzes,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Fringes, Parabolb, Haberdashery,Gold and Hilver Lace,Flannels, Feathers, Pearls,Boots and Shoes, Glai-s- , andChina-ware- , Clocks, Watches,Jer.ellry, Fanry Goods.Electro-plat- e, Musical Instruments,Fans, Ecclesiubtical andOptical Goods. Mlrrois, Toys.Pcrfinneiy, Wiui'B, Xo ,Oilman'!) btore s, Book, ArtisticFurniture, btationery,Chromos, Machinery. &c, &o.

180 ly S

TF YOU VVANT A SERVANT,JL advertiso In tho Daily JIullktin,

orsets. Corsets. Corsets

Foi a good durablo and comfortablo Corset, go to tho

POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE,101 Fort Btroot, nonolulu.

ft!. S. SACHS, - - - Proprietor.

Try our Abdominal CorsetIt is a strong, good fitting, and especially adapted for etout ladies.

Our Madame Toy's CorsetIs a health corset, with skirt supporters, light in weight, nnd highly recom-mended for this climate.

The P. D. CorsetIs bo well known that they need no recommendation. Wo hnvo them, atjueauni., in ail bizus.

Our Venus CorsetCannot be beat foi elegance of fit and for comtort ; it is a 500-bon- o corset,and we cm recommend them to wear.

Our Riding CorsetIs just what is wanted hcie ; wo had them especially made ; they nre short,strong and comfoi table, and a trial of them will prove that they aro tho bestover imported iiilo this Kingdom.

Our Nursing CorsetIs a good fitting nnd comfortable corset, and low in price.

We hao a number of different brands too numerous to mention, butwo guarantee that our pi ices uio tho lowest, and inspection is solicited.



Largest Stocks,Choicest Quality,

Lowest Prices.

Telephones 175. Corner

A. MORGAN,Blacksmith Work : & Carriacro Building


X'amtiiig and '

79 & 81 Kins street, - OM Boss PremisesJSuti-jmee- s from Kinff and Morolmut St.

Every description of work in tho above lines performed in a first-clas- s manner.

Also, Horse Shoeing: a Specialty.EST Bell Telephone, 1C7. --t&t (327 ly) - Bell Telephone, 167. -- I

J01 ITT .8

C2T by S.1C0

Edinburgh & Queen Streets.

y&cKvSf-'v Trimming.

I Street


Bpreckels & Co.'a Bank.

Granite, Iron and Tin WareChandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,

WATER PIPE and RUBBER H0SEHouse Keeping Goods,


GEO. ENGELHARDT,(Formerly with Samuel Nbtt),

Importer nnd Donlei inSTOVES, CMAH3DEL8ERS, LAMPS,


Agent HalFs Safe and Lock Company.Beaver Block, - Fort Street.

Store formerly occupied NOTP, opposlto


opfei:d by Tim

C " 11 I " M


THE protection of Llfo Insurance (omhlned with the Investment Principles ofSavings Hank. Eintnpluof uSO.ycur Endowment Policy for 10 000 taken

out at tho ago of 25 ears :


Auuual Tolul Premiums C h FundPremium. Paid in 20 jrh. Thai duo.

$487 $9,740 $10,110Estimates for diffcient amounts and 'different ages cheerfully given. Protect

your faintly from future want or provido for jour own old age. Policies Free,Indisputable, Nonforfeitable, &e., &c.

For full particulars, apply to

J. Cartwright,1C10 ly General Agent, Hawaiian Islands.

GEORGE LUCAS, --- U A-- ifftF

and Bulldcr,SHonolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla-

nade, Honolulu.Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,

Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,Bashesi Doors, aud all kinds of Wood-woi- k

finish. Turning, Sciollaud BindSawlnp. All kinds ot Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders from tho other


Contractor niul Itnihfrr.Store1? aud oflkes llttcd up, Estimatesgiven on all kinds of briok aud woodenbuildings, Plain and Spccincations

EST OOlcc, 110 Beretania St.;Mutual Telephone, y52; Postofflco Box,100. 322 ly

raa fe? P3


LAInlccn, near tjueon St,Tcleiihono 55.

F. RUPPREOHT,Fresco Iaiiitex,

126 Nuunnu St., Honolulu, H. L5G Urn

Oflioo 42 Merchant St, Honolulu- -

Collector & Real Estate Agent.16 ly

ft-p- r' Honolulu ikon Works,co&$)Steain engines, sugar mills, boil-ers, coolers ; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1

J. IIOPP 8c CO.74 Kinr Street.

Mauufaeturers nnd Importers of allkinds of

Furniture & Upholstery Goods

FINE BEDDING A SPECIALTY.All kinds of Jobbing promptly attended to.

CHAIRS TO RENTForBslU or Paitic in small orlaige

831 nunntitk"). ly..

-- IN3E-VF-

Merchant Tailoring Establislim't

The undersigned having opened a first.class Merchant Tailoring Kbtuli.

Bailment at thu

Cor. King and Bethel Streets,(Dumon Building) under tho firm

name of

F.Habermacher&Co.Begs Uao to "solicit the pjtrouige of

his f i leads and public generally.S6 Cm p. HABERHACHER.

LABNE & CO.Havo a J.i rgo Stock of tho

VEBY BEST HAY.CS-raii- i, Eitc,

Which is offered at Lowest Market PricesAND-Doliv- orod

Frootoany part of the City

AGENTS FQU THEFaoiflo Mutual Life Insurance Co.


Agents for tho Hoover Telephone.

CommissionerofDcodsforCaliforniaTelephono No. H7. '


i i 1. c t . i, i..i rf.. ..r. -- t- - A1. -- ,.,, ?

ftia.aiisMi ''MSmk&d&M-- 4lfcJkief2 &."&K wlikjm,i v--Clne9W-aSlM- "Alrf.,- - "UMA BfeMki.-K-. && mm.

surance Go.



Equivalent Paid AnnuityUp Policy for Life. uu foi Life

$43,800 $1,310


MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Piro Insuranco Co.

Assets, $5,055,000

Commercial Insuranco Co.

(Fire aud Marine)Assets, $450,000

Anglo-Nevad- a Assuranco Corporation(Fire and Marine)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000South. British Fire and Marino Ina. Co

Capital $10,000,090Now York Life Insuranco Co.

Assets, $75,000,800


General Agent, Haw 'n Islands.

lC53 1y

CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Firo &. Marine Insur'co Agents.


Tlic Sow Kn (jlandMUTUAL LIFE INS. COMP'Y,

of Boston.

Tho iEtna Fiio Insurance Co.of Hartford, Conn.

Tlio Vntou 'Iro andParine Insurance Co.

of San Francisco, Cala.101 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp'v


Capital, 9,000,000 Relchsraarki.rPHE undersigned, having been aX pointed agent of the above Companyfor the Hawaiian Islands, is prepared toaccept risks, against Fire, on Building.Fuiiiiture.Mcrchandise, Produce, SugarMills etc., on the most Favorable Tern

Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payablo InHonolulu.

H. IUEMENSOIIMEIDEK,C70 ly at Wilder & Co's.

Hustace& Robertson,

BRAYMEK.LL orders for Cartage promptly at.

XX tended to. Particulur attentionpaid to tho

Storing 8c Shippingof goods in transit to tho other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest prises.

Oflloe, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'iauction room.082 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19.

The Inter -- Island SteamNavigation Co., Limited,

Keep constantly on hand for salSteam Family and Blackimitk Coa

and a general assortment of


HIGH CLASS AERATED WATERS.Lemon Soda and Ginger Ale of all in.

ferior (juulity, tn tmall bottles, asby Chiqamen at riu cents a bot.

tic, nre not and uill not be made at thisestablishment, 17C0



ft .




p- -

it, $



Officb hoaud or Health, )

Honolulu, Jan. 20, 1888. J

At a meeting of the Hoard ofHealth held this day the followingresolutions were adopted:

Whereas the City of Sau Finu-cisc- o

has been ofilcially declared bythe proper authoiitlcs. to be infectedwith an epidemic of smallpox, andthe latest reports from said city areto the effect that tlie smallpox isthere increasing:

Now.thereforo in pursuance withregulation 15 of the QuarantineRegulations adopted by the 13oardof Health, October 17th, 1883, beit resolved:

1st. That until further notice, allvessels arriving from San Francisco,less than 18 days out, not having thesmallpox on board, together withtheir pasbengers and oicws, shallbe placed in quarantine, in the outerroadstead, or in the btieain in theharbor, as may be ordcicd by thePort Physician, for a term of 18days fiom the date of leaving SanFrancisco.

2nd. 2sb passengers for portsother than Honolulu shall be allowedto land.

3rd. All passengers for Honolulushall remain iu quarantine for a tormof 18 days from the dale of leavingSan Francisco.

The place of quarantine shall beat the quarantine station, or suchother place as may be designated bythe Board of Health.

The vessel may, upon the writtenconsent of the Port Physician beallowed to come to an enclosedwharf for discharge of cargo.

No person shall be admitted tothe wharf except upon the writtenpermit of the Board of Health.

Special attention is called to Sec-

tions 15 and 10 of the QuarantineRegulations, adopted October 17,1883. Heie under appended:

15. On the arrival of a vesselat any port of this kingdom, comingfrom a port known to be infectedwith cholera, yellow fever, smallpox,scarlet fever, or any other contag-

ious or infectious disease, althoughno case of such disease may havebroken out on board during thevoyage, no person shall be allowedto land fiom her unless a period ofeighteen days shall have elapsedfrom the time of her leaving saidinfected port.

1G. On the arrival of a vessel atany poit of this kingdom which has,or has had on board during the voy-

age, any person sick of cholera,yellow fcer, smallpox, scarlet fever,or any other contagious or infec-

tions disease, the sick persons (ifpasscngeis for that port), shallbe sent to the nearest quarantinehospital for such a period as maybe deemed necessary, and thevessel, with all on board, shallundergo quarantine, if necessary,for a period of eighteen days,as the Board of Health may direct,after hearing the report of the PortPhysician on the said vessel.

But with regard to all sick poisonsother than passengers for that port,the Board of Health will not con-

sider itself bound to receive them orto take care of them- - in quarantineunless the interests of humanitymay require exception to be made.

N. B. EMERSON,President Board of Health.


Oitjck or Tin: Boaud or IlrjAini,)Honolulu, Jan, 10, 1888. J

Sealed temleis will bo received attbo Oflico ol tbo Boaul of Healthuntil 12 o'clock noon, Januaiy 23,

1888, for tbo delivery at the LopcrSettlement, on the Island of Molo-ka- i,

of one hundred and fifty cords--of Firo Wood, within threo monthsfrom the date of signing agreementfor tho game.

Itisicquired that tho wood be ofnlgcroba, monkoy-pod- , eucalyptus orany of tho luud natho woods; thatit bo cut in (-- fou: feet lengths andbo split if necesMuy, bo as to bo easilyhandled ; Hint it bo piled at Kalau-pap- a;

and that it bu measured by thoAgent of tho Boaul of Health.

x N. U. EMERSON,Piesident of tbo Boaul of Health.


FOR SALE CHEAP.Velocipede Foot. PowerBARNES' LATHE. 7i loch diame-

ter, together with chucks tools and toolcarriage. Apply to Armstrong Brallh,


Wnialua, Oaliu. ii'J lw

CORSETS, FOR YOUNG ANDJ forold.forMoutaiid for lean, for

t all nLd for thort, at Sacks' store.



Education Orndr;, )

Honolulu, .Ian. 20, 1888. J

Hon. 1'aui. P. KasoaHas been appointed by tbo Uonul of

Education, School Agent foi the Dis-

trict of Kawaihau, on the Island of

Kauai, vico tho Rev. .1. W. Smith,deceased.

W. JAS. SMITH,'11 St Sccictary.


Honolulu, Jan. 10, 1888.$All accounts audited in thisOflico must bo piesonted in dup-

licate, the duplicate copy to beretained by the Auditor.

GEO. J. ROSS,11 lw Auditor-Ooneia- l.

BISHOP & Co., BANKERSHonolulu, HauuiKn Islands

Draw Exchange ou theBauk ol Culilovnin., S. XT.

Ami tliolr agents inNEW YORK, BOSTON, HONG KONG.

lw-T6- . N. M. Itolhbchild it Son, LoudonTho Comiueicial Bank Co., of Sydney,

London,The Commcicial Hank Co.. of Sydney,

Sydney,The Hunk of Now Zealand: Auckland,

Christcliuich, and Wellington,The finnk of British Columbia, Vie- -

toria, B. 0., and Portland, Or.and

Transact, a Genctal Banking Business.(ifi!) lv


jjnjjciilg gitlliji'inPledged to neither Boot oor Party.But established lor tho bentfit'ol all.

MONDAY. JAN. 23, 1888.


AMENDMENT.In connection with the proposed

cbaifJ of the inauguration day ofthe President from March 4 to Apiil30, it has also been proposed in theUnited States Congress that theHouse of Representatives shouldbe made a permanent body asthe Senate is by providing thatone-ha- lf of the Representativesshall be elected every two years,thus doing awaj- - with the presentannoying delays and opportunitiesfor political chicanery in the

of the House every bien-nial period. Would it not be wellfor Hawaii to make a Constitutionalamendment pioviding that only halfof the Legislature shall go out ofoffice at the close of each two years?


In our issue of Saturday it wasstated that airangementswcrc beingmade by the Board of Health toquaiantine the passengers by thoMariposa for this port. The

were completed later,and a number of cottages and housesin Honolulu "declaicd to be placesof quarantine."

Considering that the Mariposahad no contagious or infectious dis-

ease on board ; that her passengersw.ere all in a healthy condition,only coming trom a place wheresmallpox is epidemic lhe3' may pos-

sibly unconsciously biing the un-

developed germs of the disease ;

that tlieic were already some casesof smallpox landed from foieignvessels at our quaiantine giounds;and that there was no proper ac-

commodation at any unoccupied partof the grounds for the Mariposa'spassengers, the above nirangemcnt

rwas probably tho best that could bomade under the circumstances, pro-

vided the places selected were themost suitable for the purpose of anyavailable.

So far so good. But if the cot-

tages and houses designated aiosimply to be"dcclai ed places of quai --

antine," without being leally andtruly quai untitled, that is, their occu-pants excluded from all intercoursewith people outside, the whole thingis a fat ce. Quarantine unless strictlyand honestly enfouod had better bolet alone. It is not now a questionwhether quarantine was necessaryor advisable. That question waspreviously settled by the Board ofHealth to the satisfaction of allwho believe that prevention is betterthan cure, and quarantine resolvedupon. Then the quarantine shouldbe thorough.

But is it so?, It is not. Womake this asseition after a personalinvestigation of numerous complaintswhich have reached this office. Tho

quai antine is a farce. Thequarantined poisons and outsidershave, in several instances, had inter-com se with each other. Perhapsthe Health authorities aic not nwaicof tho fact, but it is a fact all thosame. Let us have quarantine orno quarantine: no half incasmcsina matter of tlifs Jiatuie,


Kditok Bui.t.ktix: The promptand energetic notion of the Presi-dent of tho-Boar- d of Health, Dr.Emerson, in the matter of the pas-

scngeis of the steamship City ofNew York cannot bo too highlycommended. Thai the doctor isfulfilling his duty to this community

by doing all what is humanly pos-sible to pi event the intioduction hereof a terrible scouige which wouldunquestionably exterminate thonative race is a truth that everysound thinking man must proclaim.But fuithermoro I want to add thatperhaps few men would have beenfound to so firmly do their duty andaccept the responsibility of doing it.Dr. Emoison by his action with thoCity of New York has not only savedthis city from a possible source ofinfection, but he has further beenof service to our population bysending away a new hoi do of imm-igrants which no man of sense wantsto see lteie. Tho population ofHonolulu is doubly grateful to Dr.Emerson. Citizun.


Eniron Bulletin: In your issueof Januaiy Oth 1 see an nilicle,"Ililo Notes," which speaks of mepersonally; and is such a misstate-ment of the case, that it is notice-able. In speaking of tho Tax Col-

lector of Noith Kohala bringing hisbooks to deliver to me as Goetnor'sclerk, the atticlc says, "but he re-

fused to lake charge of the books,saying that lie is not aware of suchan ollice as Governor of Hawaii."I never mid anything of the kind;and the fact is that I did lake hislax books and vouchers in the usualmanner, at the Governor's ollice, assoon as they weie ready, on Hie ."Hit

of January, giving him a leceipt infull for the same, but told him' thatwe did not know what per cent wasto be.paid for collecting, as we hadnot yet received instructions fiomthe Minister of Finance in the mat-ter, so he would have to wait abouthis pay; and that he might have tosend his accounts to the Ministci ofPittance for final settlement, as theAct to abolish the otliccof Governorwas just published in the ''Gazette"of Januaiy 3d. On the 12th inst.we rcccixed a letter fiom the Minis-ter of Finance and showed it to Hiecollector, and then he took hisbooks again. Yours truly,

F. S. Lyman.The mail which brought the

above communication, also broughta correction from our Ililo corres-

pondent, the writer of the "Notes."It appears in this issue. Ed.


Euitou Bulletin: The list ofpeople who depaited last Tuesdayon the Austtalia is enough to makeany intelligent person sick. Nowlet tho friends of the country opentheir eyes, for never before have weseen, in any one steajner, such anexodus of laboring men, artizans andmechanics, nearly all with families,and some with large ones. Allnationalities are lepicsented, andthe damage done in this one steameronly, to the cause of the populationof these Islands, cannot bo properlyestimated. I have already seveialtimes pointed out that such dopam-ines were to be expected and antici-pated as Hie natuial consequence ofthe tendency of the pi esent Legis-latui- e

in favoring Asiatic iminigia-tion- .Our white laborers, seeing

that those who can give wot k here,decidedly prefer inferior labor, pro-vided it is a trifle cheaper, andknowing that they cannot bring uptheir families on Chinese diet, arehastening away, and before long, iftilings do not change, only thosewho cannot go will he left. Butthis is not all. Most, if not abso-lutely all, these men may be putdown as having helped the ReformLeague, and of having voted for thepresent government. Now they haveleft in disgust at tho state of thingshere, also helping to disgust thosewho remain, this will make so manyvaluable voters less, and the exodusmovement is only yet beginning.What will our wiseacres, who thinkthey kifow it all, say to this? Is itnot time for such," who consideredmy warnings ridiculous, to look atthem iu earnest? And is it not timolor an anti-Asiat- ic league?

A. Mauques.

"Yes, Bobby," said the minister,who was dining with the family,"everything in the world lias its tiso,although wo may not know what itis. You wouldn't think that Hiesare good for anything, yet " "Ohyes, I would," inteiruplcd Bobby,"I know what flies are good for.""What, Bobby?', "Pa says theyaro the only things what keeps himawako when you aio preaching."

Auction Sales by James F. BorganT

fell California Apples!


Tuesday, January 24th,

At 12 o'clock neon, at my Halcsioom,Queen street, 1 will till at,

public auction,

100 Bxs of Choice Cal. Apples


In Lots to Suit.

JAS. F. MORGAN,40 It Auctioneer,


Auction Sales by Lewis J. Levey.


On Wednesday, Jan. 25lli,I will oiler at my salesroom at 10 o'clock

A. t., a nice

Assortment of Merchandisens follows:

Saddlery, Bridles and Twines.

A Large As'orlmciit of OUOCKIJUY,an Assortment of Oulinniy

ami Fine

GlassvMro, Galvanized Palls and Buckets,Iron Bedsteads, Majolica Ware, Candlos,

Bluo Mottled Soap, Curry Powder,Cinnamon, olc. etc., etc.


Liquors, Wines &. Boor, Etc., Etc.

(ST Terms Liberal, will bo niaileKnown at the time (if Sale.

LEWIS J. LEVEY,15 til. Auctioneer.

Headquarters, Honolulu Rifles!

IIo.sui.uiu, .Lin. 21, ltS8.BAITALION OltUKK, No. 22.

Tho .evcral Uun panics ol HieB illation will assemble tit the

.Annory on MONDAY, the 28rdjjr instant, ut 7 30 r. si. slurp, forBattalion Hi ill

V. V. ASHFOItD, ,Licut.-Col- . Commanding.

W$? 'Cant mid Adjutant. 45 2t


(Lincoln Block, King1 Street.)

UPSTAIRS is a se'ect Dining Roomwhcio Poulliy, if dc-ind- , willthice times a day. This room has CleanTablfi Linen, Silver Plated ate, NewChina, civil and attentive waiters, andthe T.Uile is supplied with every deli,cacy IhcMaikcts aflord.

Rates, $6.00 per Week.

DOWNSTAIRS, the General Restau-rant, is well supplied with Chan andSuhstanli.il Food ot many varieties.

Board, $4.50 per Week.

First Class Cooking a Specialty.

C. All IBEE.


THE quarteily and annual meeting ofPacific IJaidwaro Oompfny,

(Limited), will he held at thdi office onMONDAY, January 50. 1888, at 10O'clock A. M.

JAS. G. SPENODK, Secretary.Honolulu, .Tnn. 23, 1888. 40 td


A HOUSE, saddle and biidlo, on Sun.day; the owuet cm have the

sime by calling at Prank Ludswiko',Queen street. nca.t dooi to the UnionPeed Company, upon proving piopcrlyand pnjlng charges 411 It

SIOO REWARD!THE abovo rcwaid will be civenbyj

tt.,;i,i f... .!,. n.r. ..I- w.ki U.I1II-- Vtll 1.1LJU UUJ1IJJUIIJ' IIIany peison or pcreons who v.ill giveinch information as will lead to thearrest and conviction of the pcr-o- tj oipersons who maliciously unfastened andcarried away the Breeching Strips ofJ. McKcague's horse, Hack No. .12, onthe night of Piiday, January 20. 18S8,while hitched at a post on Km n street

UNITED CARKIAGE CO.Honolulu. Jnn. SI, 1SSS. 153t

e&v?& Hawaiian Livery Stables." '"-- ' 7" -- .W, MIMII.M.

Horses taken to hoard by the day, weekor month fed will, and looked nfterby careful and expciicnccd Stablemen.Carriages and all kind" of Vehicleskept clean and caied for, an oll asHarness. MIOSES PALAU,45 lm Mauiger.


A DIVIDEND of Two Dollars pershare will be payable to tho Mock-holder- s

of L O. Hall & Son. L'd, atthe oflico of the Company on MONDAY,January 23rd.

L. C. ABI.ES,45 at Hecntiry.

X W. YARNDLEY,Teacher of Munic, Viwlin uinl

Cultivation of the Voice.

YOUNG Lady Pianists I Improvoreading of Music and ability

as an accompanist by divot Ing at leastONE HOUIt weekly, day or evening,to tho pracliie of ducts



Addte-- b P, O. BOX 28.Telephone (Bell) OC'J. 4G lw


AT the adjourned annual meeting ofthe stockholders of the Kohala

Sugar Coiiipanjvhpld on tho i'Oth inst.,the followiug officers weie dieted loithe ensuing j car.

S. O. Allen Piesident.Hon. J. Moti Bmltli.Yicc-l'iesldent- .

Hon. S, N. Castle Treasuiei.Hon. J. B. Atlicrtoii becretary.C. M, Cooke .Auditor.

J. B. ATHLKTON,bmitiity.

Honolulu, Jan. 21,1668 40 lw

Tahiti. Lemonade forks.

who have on hand anyof our Bottles or discs, would

greatly oblige by tending word to iheDepot, 28 Men hunt stiect, und they willat oncu bo culled for.

OurHiitllos iinj all crystal value, midI ho woidi "TAHITI LEMONADE"WOUKS" blown tin icon.

Bell Telephone 172.Jlutuul Telephone SCO.

15 tf J. i. 1MOWN & CO.


Genenil AkcuInExport Accountants and Collootors, Real Estate, Firo &. Lifo Insuranoo

Agents, Custom-Hous- o, Loan and Exchange Brokers.Departments of Business.

Hooks and Accounts accurately lccpt and piopcrly adjusted.Collections will receive sptclnl attention and returns promptly made.Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Title

fuinl'hcd.Legal Documents and Papers of every description carefully drawn and hand.

somely engtrsscd.Copying and Translating in all languages in general utc In this Kingdom.Eoal Estate bought and sold. Taxes raid and Piopcrly safaly inturcd.Houses, Cottages, Rooms, Officos and Land leased and rented, and rents collected.Firo and Lifo Insurance effected In first-clas- Insuranco Companies.Custom-Hous- o Business transacted with accuracy nnd dispatch.Loans negotiated at favorable rales.Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers.Any Articlo purchased ot sold ou most favorable terras.Inter-Islan- d Ordors will receive particular attention.

055" All Business entrusted to our oaro will rocclvo prompt and faithful attention atmodoralo chargos.

Having had an extensive business cxpeiieiice for ocr tucnty.flvo jenis inNew York City and clsewlicrc. wo feci competent to attend to all business of tinintricate and complicated nature, or requiring (net and discretion, and rcpectfullysolicit a tilnl.

Ikll Telephone No. 274. Iltvwuiinu IJunUiohn Agroiiey.Jan. 7.88 ly


JEHx. S.JJ."li&Lxitvalid--AT-


--AND -

Fort Street Stores.37 2w

NOTICE,All pusons ate hereby forbid,den from excavating, dipgingor depositing rubbish in thostreets of this district, withoutthe written order of the RoadSupcivlSor.

II- - P. IIEBBARD,Road Supervisor,

85 lm Konn, Oahu.

Just Received per Zealandia,

I3E1W CROPNew Zealand

Kidney Potatoes!In small crates.

39 lw


-- X- Veterinary Surgeon.Office and Itesidence: 1G0 King street

Mutual Telephone 35:. Orders left atHotel Stables will bo received andprrniptly attended to. 43 3m


AN Expiess Wagon, Boston make;Pole and Shafih, marly new; aho,

one fcet of Double Harness. Apply 107Kinir stieet. 43 lw


ADBAFT. The owner can have thepiovhiK propeity and

pajing espouses. Apply at the Bui,.1.1.TIH Ofllie. 43 at

Dissolution of Partnership.

TJIIK interest of Mr. Clarence MacX farlano in the film of WEST,DOW & CO. has this day been pur-chiw- id

by Mr. Gideon West, who ai.sumes all liabilities of said linn. Alldebts due said linn are duo and payableto Mi. G. "West.

WEST, DOW & CO.Honolulu, Jan. 14, 1888.

MR. G. WEST having become soloowner of the business (milled n

under the firm name of Went, Dow &.

Ce.,, wilt, infntuie, carry on said busi-ness under the linn namo aud btylo of

G. WEST & CO.Honolulu, Jan. 15, 18b8. 80 lm

Notice of Annual Meeting.

rpiIK Stockholders of O. Brewer &JL Company, (L'd), will tak'o noticethat the annual mieiing of the Com-pany will bo held at tbo ollice on Quienstieet, on WEDNESDAY, February lbt,nut, at 10 o'clock, a. m.

J. O. OAllTEH, Secretary,O. Brewer & Company.

Honolulu, Feb. 10, JS88, 40 2w

NOTICE.AT Hie annual meeting of tho United

Chinese Society held on tho OthIrst., tho following ofllceis were dulyelected.

C, Aleo PresidentGoo Kim Vico President1 am Pal TrcaBitierTon ir Phong , . . feci claryNg Oliai Abs't TnubiiierTain Wahlliu Abs't Secrelaiy

39 2w

O NICE LARGE FURNISHEDjU rooms, No. 4 Gaidcn Lane, thesecond door from Union street. Applyon tho premises. 10 if



9 &2I

si i"0

o 5 I go

W ? g oB On&

. BF $ CD


Tahiti Lemonade Depot,28 Merchant Street.

High Class Aerated Waters,

Absolutely Pure.

Tahiti Lemonade Depot; .

28 Merchant Street.

Hop A-le,

Tahiti Lemonade Depot,28 Meichant Street

Tahiti Lemonade.Tahiti Lemonade Depot,

28 Merchant Stieet.

Ginger Ale, Grenadine & Cream Soda.

Orders promptly attended to.75 cents pir dozen, delivered.

Tahihi Lemonade Depot,28 Merchant Street.

Plain Soda, equal to Schweppes. 33



A) Quality,Just received ex Mariposa, by


17 28 Merchant Street.

lei Boats for Sale.


A Few Samples of our Boats.Also, plnns and estimates of all kindsof Boats and repairs given at shortnotice. Wc use only best material intheir, construction; no Monkey.podwhatever; believing that the best laborand material pays best, both buyers andbuilder. Having already publishedprices and several essential points notgenerally known beneficial to boa'sround our Islands, which intendingpurchasers wOuld do well to note. Ourimproved facilities for building, or re.palling enablo us not only to furnisha superior artlcld but cheap, and wheiodoubt exists in this wc ileslro a compa.rative inspection, before sale, at the En.terprlEoMill or Printer's Lane, Punilt.bowl street, where sampels can be seen.

J. A. DOWER,Ship Carpenter & Builder.

Mutual Telephone 825. 88 tf

NOTICE.DURING my absence fiom this King,

son D. II. Davie will actfor mo under full power of Allot ncy.

M. DAVIS.Houolulu, Jan. 18, 1888 8J lw

fjMNEST BRANDS OF CALI-J- Lioima Poit, Madciia and Malaga,

for sale iu kegs and casca byGONSALVES & CO.,

01 Queen btreet.

JOB PRINTING o! all kinds exc.at tho Daily Bulletin Oflico

? fat u T5wH!SIj65iB5Si5jifeiiMALCOLM BROWN,

NOTARY PUBLICFor tho Island of Oahu.

Office,! : Gov't Btilldlt.g, Honolulu.aotf

Boll Tel. 172. Mutual Tol. 8G0.P O. Box 400.

J. E. BROWN & CO.,Firo Proof Stone Building,

42 Merchant Stroct


General Commission Merchants

General Agency for Haw'n Islandsof the

Burlington and Chicago' Railway

AcroH America,Connecting at Boston with the Azoroa

and MadeiraThioiigh tickets gmnted from Honolulu

Mcichandhc stored nnd sold on com-mission. Consignments solicited.

Proppitics leased, rented uud sold.Lcl'iiI documents drawn.Books audited and iidju-le-

An ounts collided.Authorized tollectoi, Mr. A. MorofJ.


THE Heminfrton Typewriter is thewriting mucliim' of tic

world. It prints 70 cliaraeteis, or wi'b.certain crmbinntion nbnut80Oi miters,with the operation of only 30 keys. Thomachine is so simple tint auj oue canwrite with it, and its imuiipul i'ion boeasily understood, that hut liuiu pnotice i, uquired to enable tiro opeialiu toacquire facility in its use. TIip averagespeed of the pen is from 15 to 0words per minute, and the average speedof the type writer is fiom 40 to 80 woidsper minute. Time spent in writingwith the pen is at least two tbiidswasted.

Orders for the aLovo instrument maybo left with the undersigned at the of

ilee of V. G. Irwin & Co., and willprompt attention. The undersign-

ed is also prepared to give purchaserslull instructions as to tbo use of thomucblue.

For fur her particulars apply toW. M. GIFFAHD,

So'eAgentfortho Hawaiian Islands.1832 lm

Yosemite Skating

3l.3u jjfiipj'

Skating! Skating! Skating!Commencing January Oth,

Hw Friday ETmii !

For Ladieb and their Escorts.

Every Friday Evening will be keptpetfectly select for ladies & gentlemen.

.Gaud in. Vtleiidanco.TIIOB1AS E. WALL,

1001 Proprietor. lyr

NOTICETHE Co.paitncrship existing between

V. Giaham and E G. Bchumau,of Holiolulu, under the firm name ofthe "Pacific Transfer Co." doing busi-ness in Honolulu, was dissolved by mu-tual consent on the 8th day of Juno,1S87. All assets and liabilities of saidfirm were assumed hy E. G. Sihuman.

nirm.,1 )B.F. GRAHAM,SS tf frE. G SOHTJMAP.

FOR RENT OR LEASE.gkAThc prunUis now occupied

jftEpJSaby 8, K. Mahoe, at Kapalama.lwraP3f'inT' """""" through Austin Lane'lhu house consists of parloi, 5 s,

kitchen, pantry and dining room.Possession given immediately.

01 Apply to J. F. COLBURN.

Notice.J E BLOWN & CO. nro

authorized to collect accounts dueto me, and their leceipt will L a suff-icient difchnrge.

A M. HEWETT.Honolulu, Jan, S, 18d. 29 lm


ALL accounts duo Mrc A. M. Mellissix months and over, will b"o

placed iu a Collectors hands withoutfurtuir notice if not raid by the' 151b,inst, MBS. A. M. MELLIS,31 2v 17 Emma sircet.

TO LET.HOUSE and LOT, terms reasonable

of T. W, Rawlins, Hawa.. ,it... c ri...nail uuiiji ITUJJIB.

Leleo, Honolulu. 3olf

NOTICE.''piIE annual meeting of the stockX lioldeis of the Hawaiian Ramie1Co. Limited, will beheld on the 2th,of January, at the office of Hon. W. R.Cislle, Honolulu, at 11 o'clock a. m.Very important business

W. F. ALLEN,...90 2w Secretary H. R. Co.

FOR SALE.Q WHALE BOATS; 1 Decked0 Whale Boat. 30 feet long, 8 feetdeep; 8 feet wide; 223 fiet Surf Boats;1 18 feet Suif Boat; 2 Decked Plunger,10 feet long, G feet 0 luches wide, 2 feet0 inches deep, with mast and sallB allcomplete; 1 2J feet Sailing Scow, withmast and sails all complete. Apply to.

E. H. RYAN.Boat Builder and General Jobber. SI tf

FOR SALE.A well-to-d- o Rooming House,

Yielding not less f100 per month.Long lease. For paiticulars apply atthis ollice. U3 lm

TF YOU WANT A SITUATIONX ttdvcrtUo in tiro DAifcY Boxletim,








mirriz'mMttymmir'ttiiir-- ' ?iSikBSS3S3S3mHfflio Aroado-EG- AN & CO. MM Awoda-EG- AN & CO. TIw ArcadoEGAN & CO, The Aroado-EG- ArM & CO. Tho Ai'oado-EG- AN & CO. son UAin

Kindergarten School ttnft rnDfte Alonwihn. n

New Store, New Goods Onll nuil Bxnmlne tho Gents' Furnishing Goods Dry Goods Have Opened --IS ATf8& Kiawo Firewood, in quaint

tics to suit purcnasers.Gent's Blue Flan'l Suits$12,00 Waiclnrrny lllocli, Fluent Custom aiatlo Clollilnc, Now Stock, Latest Ntjlcs to suit tho With tho l'lm-K- t IllHiilny or CooiIh Itcrcttiititt Street, fcw.otAppiyto

J.F.COLBUnNI'oit Hlrrct. Worth 80. Mullen A Ucnt'n l'InoHliocH. Mont l'lmtltlloriF). over hIiomii In thin Klnurtom. Mr. McGuirc's lato residence. 80 lm



MONDAY, JAN. 23. 1888.


Stinr Kinati fiom Windward portsStmr Allkahnhi from Knunl,Stmr Kllanea Hon from llumakuaStmr Jas Makeo fi om Knpaa

.lau 23Tciu Eva from EtuckaSchr Kaalokal f i om KauaiSchr Kaultlua fiom Kauai


Jan 22

Schr "V S Bowno for San Francisco nt10 a in

Jan 23

Stmr O K BIsliop for Wnlanne, Wahiluamid Koolau at 5 p m

Stmr Llkcllkc for Kaluilui mid liana at5 p in

Stinr Mokolli for Molokal at 5 p inStmr Kaala for Walanaennd Walahin, at

0 a inStmr Kllanea llou for Hamakua at 4 p mStmr Lelnia for Hamakua at 5 p m


Stmr Kinau for IIllo and way poits at4 p in

Stmr Miknbala for Kauai at 5 p m


From Hawaii and Maui, per steamerKinau, Jan 22 WD Cohoine, .IS Cone,llrs A Pferduer, Leon'or, W STerry, II 1' Wood and daughter, Hon S CLuhiau, Mrs II M Alexander, Miss LAlexander, O Copp, Mis J S Lemon anddaughter, 0 W Baldwin, (J Bosse, T EEvans and 49 deck.

From Kauai, per steamer Mikahala,Jan 22 A Dreicr, C N Spencer, Mrs HIsenberg, Miss Irishman, Miss A Wcbkc,J Alapai, S W Mahawi, Mr Hutchinson,0 Apoi, U V Vogel, A Omsted, A Sagoand wife, and 55 deck.

For the' Colonies, per steamer Mari-posa, Jan 21 Ed llore. Steerage 0F Simmonds, W Faningcr, G Giant, SCarr, L Duval, 2 Chitiesc and 57"pas-Benge- rs

iu transit."


Stmr Kinau 3,522 hags sugar, 10,000 ftohia lumber, G walu aw a, 40 hides,1G2 bags spuds, 51 bags cdm and75 pkgs sundiics.


The baik Atlanta and bktno St Luciehave been chaiteicd to ictuin to Hono-wi- tk

lumber for Lowers & Cooke.


H M S Caroline, Sir "V WisemanU S S Vandalia, Rear Admiral KimberlyBk Caibarien, PeikinsBk Lilian, DuncanBktne S G Wilder, EuggSchr W S Bowne, BluhmBk Mln, McCroneBgtne W G Invin, McCullocbBktne Planter, PenimauBktne S N Castle, HubbardSchr Eva, Aimstrong


Mr. Business is eaid to have lefttown for a vacation.

Rally mombeis Company B, Ho-

nolulu Itiilcs. Batallion drill thisovening.

. .A number of Samoan sketches ill

black and white by Mr. J. D. StronjJ,may be scon at King Bros'.

Seventy head of cattle, 30 on thoLoliua and 40 on the Kilauea Hou,leave y for Kahului, Maui.


Mr. C. Ah Hee, proprietor of theClub House dining parlors, has animportant advertisement in 's

A horse, saddle and bridlo hasbeen found, which tho owner can'have by calling at Frank Ludswiko's,Queen strc'ot. '

There will.bo a mail despatchedfrom the. Tost Office for San Fran-cibc- o

by the AV. G. Irwinclosing at 11 a. si.

The Qifartorly and Annual meet-ing of tho Pacific Hardware Co., willbe held at tho ofiico of tho Companyon Monday, Jan. 30th,

The schooner ltosario .which liasbeon plying between San Franciscoand Kahului for some timo past, haschanged owners, and is going northwhaling.

A yellow Hag flying from tho oldDudoit house on tho Hotel grounds,yesterday, contained tho words,"Quarantine Club." A

t sporting: man says that $200havo been put up on n Vandalia' pugilist, who offers to fight Hono-lulu'- u

champion to a finish.. . .

Arrangements for tho hop to bogiven by Company A of tho Hono-lulul- u

Bides, on February 22nd, arocomplete, and all that is wantingnow is tho arjival of tho duto.

It was currently loportcd abouttown this morning, that a man wasfound drowned. On working up thocase it was discovered that tho followtried to drown himself by pouringwhiskey down his gullet, but ho wasrescued in timo and lodged in thoStation House,

The entortainniont given by thoBlue llibbou League on Saturdaynight last, was well up to tho usualstandard of theso popular entertain-ments. The programmo was wellarranged, and overy number wasencored. Dr. Bcckwith mado theaddress, which was listened to withniaikcd attention.

Three whalers wcio scon off SouthPoint, Komi, last Friday. Ono hadboats down iv sign of a whnlc.

Tin: biig Lurlino loft Hilo last Sa-turday, for San Francisco, with 050tons of sugar, and Mrs. Lehman andH daughter as passengers.

The Southern California boomfever has reached tho Inland of Ha-waii, where real estate is boomingin anticipation of Wilder's railroadboom.

The 10,000 feet of Ohia lumberthat came by the steamer Kinau yes-teula- y

is from Pohoiki, and will beused in building wharves and bridgesin Honolulu.


The Koyal Hawaiian Band willgive a conceit this evening at 7:30o'clock at Emma Square. Followingis the programme :

l'AUT I.Mai ch Express NoldhardtO vei turc Slavonian TillFinale BelUai lo DonizettiSelection Bohemian Girl Balfe

Ahl WclaPART II.

Selection Grand Duchess. . .OpfcnbachWaltz Nation GcncoMarch Nanou Gcncc

Hawaii PoDoi.



Monday, Jan. 23, 1888.The Court opened at 10:15 a. si.

Foreign and Hawaiian jurors in at-

tendance.Augusto do Rcgo vs. J. W. Ala-

pai, trespass. Being tried before amixed jury, will be finished early inafternoon.

V. V. Ashford for plaintiff ; "W.

O. Smith for defendant.



Monday, Jan. 26th.Geo. Patterson , assault and bat-ter- ly

on Geo. Engelhardt Saturdaynight, $10.

For drunkenness, Chas. Padding-to- n,

Frank Roach, and 2 natives,paid the usual penalty.

Ah Ning, larceny of a silverwatch from Ah Tai, on Satuulay,continued to 24th, bail $200.

Chas. MiOchel, larceny of a num-ber of articles fiom J. Morgan onNov. 5 ; continued to 2Gth.

Frank May, charged with assaultand battery on bis wife, Saturday,was discharged.

Two native casos on remand werenol. pros'd.

APPLES! APPLES! APPLES!Mr. Jas. F. Morgan will sell to-

morrow, at his salesroom, fresh Ca-

lifornia apples ex Mariposa. Theseapples arc of superior qualitj', andwill be sold in quantities to suit.Here is an opportunity for house-keepers to get a good article at auction prices.

DRAGGED TO DEATH. ,Information has been received of

a Portuguese boy who was draggedto death by a mule at WaiopaiRanch, Maui, the other day. Thelad had slipped a rope, to which themule was tied, over his wrist with arunning knot. Tho animal becamefrightened and ran. The boykept his feet for about two hun-dred yards trying all the timeto release the rope from his wrist."When a ditch was reached tho boylost his footing and was killed.


The bark Hope, Capt. Penhallow,arrived at San Francisco on JanuaryCth, after an eventful run downfrom Port Townsend. During thepassago the Hope was struck bya gale and her rudder head carried'away. Her deck load of lumber,1G.000 feet, was thrown overboardto lighten the ship. The vessel wasdocked in San Francisco on thoabove day, leaking at tho rate ofthree inches an hour. Tho throwingoverboard of tho deck load occa-sioned a loss of lumber to the ship-pers and a loss of freight charges totho baik.


No. 1, Vol. 7, of the "Planters'Monthly" is out. This is tho firstnumber issued under the new ar-

rangement. Tho pi ice has been re-

duced to $250 per year, therebybringing it within the reach of all.The present number contains somevaluable papers and communica-tions, among which is the report ofMr. Forsyth, on tho suitability oflands on different parts of thoIslands for Coffee and Cinchonacultivation. This report is lengthy,advising how, and what kind oflands, to select for cultivation, thomode of planting, cultivating andgathering tho crops, as well as givingthe location of the lands, best adapt-ed for the successful cultivation ofcither of thoso products. . The num-ber also contains anotherof a scriesofpapers on the chemistry of plants byProf. Van Slyke. A dcsciiptivc listof sugar canes cultivated in the Jam-aica Gardens,gievs a careful analysisof 51 varieties of cane, and tho kindof soil best adapted for their growth.There aio also several niticles fromcorrespondents on various topics, in

all making tho present number bothvaluable and Instructive. Enclosedwith each number of this issuo is anolo from tho publishers, stalingupon what terms the work is pub-lished, and soliciting subscriptions.Tho low price of subscription andthe interesting and valuable mattercontained in the "Monthly" shoulddemand for this Work a liberal sup-

port from all classes ot the com-



Mr. E. G. Hitchcock put in hisappearance upon the arrival of theKinau, . with a commission fromMarshal Kaulukou as Sheriff ofHawaii. He found no difllculty intaking possession of tho ollloo, not-

withstanding tho report that Ex-Sher- iff

J. T. Baker intended to con-

test his authority. So the "fun forspectators" was not realized.

By the way, it is a fortunatething for tho Bui.lktin's Hilo cor-

respondent that he is a namelessperson. Otherwise he might havefurnished some of the soid "fun forspectators" on account of an itemin - his letter two weeks ago. Itseems that the language which heattributed to Judge Lyman was notauthentic. Tho way it came aboutwas this : A certain person thoughtthat that was what ho ought to hatesaid ; and it is generally understoodthat the Judge will always do whatis right. Granting tho major andminor premises, the conclusion wasirresistible, that that was what hodid say. It is a plain sylogism.But the conclusion is inconsistentwith facts which are now known,and therefore one or the other ofthe premises must bo at fault pro-

bably the minor. The correspon-dent begs the Judge's pardon, andhopes the explanation will provosatisfactory. The error was cer-

tainly unintentional on his part, ashe wrote what was told him fortruth shortly beforo the steamerleft'.

Mr. R. W. Irwin has been lookingout for the interests of Japanese im-

migrants' and Japanese immigrationfor a couple of days. He says hefinds some Hilo planters willing toemploy an equal number of menand women, that is, to'tnkc all married men. If other planters through-out the Islands would only showsimilar forethought, tho time wouldsoon come when they would havemore fixed labor and a domesticsupply.

Mr. George Deacon, who has beenengineer .at Papaikou Mill for sometime past, leaves by the Lurline,which sails on Saturday for SanFrancisco, where he will go intobusiness. He leaves many friendswho wish him well in his now under-taking.

Steps are already taken for put-ting up a new business block on thelot made vacant by the late fire. Asusual the fire will result in an im-

provement to the town, though asevere blow to individuals.

Hilo, Jan. 19th, 1888.W III"! I". t 'J,1, !,).



Washington, Jan. 9. The Secre-tary of the Treasury to-da- y trans-mitted to the House estimates forthe settlement of the claim of Bishop& Co., bankers at Honolulu, whichhas been before Congress since 1873,for 1181.93 in gold coin, with in-

terest at 0 per cent from the date ofmaking the draft. The claim orig-inated through the failure to pay adraft in the State Department,drawn by Mattoon at Ho-

nolulu, and negotiated through theclaimants, for the relief of destituteseamen, the appropriation for thatpurpose having been exhausted bythe time the draft was presented.Bishop & Co. negotiated the draftthrough the bank of California.That bank on being apprised of tho

nt of tho draft in Washington made a demand on Bishop &Co. for tho amount, with interest ontho same. A large Arctic whalingfleet was wrecked in the Arctic, nearBehring Straits, in 1872, and thecrews were carried to Honolulu,where tho United States Consulgave them tjio necessary relief. Abill to refund tho money to Bis-

hop & Co. passed tho Senate in1874 and failed in tho House. Itwas again revived in 188G, and theSecretary of State as well as thoSecretary of tho Treasury unite inthe recommendation that it now bosettled.


A good deal of tho apprehensionprevailing with respect to the small-pox is entirely uncalled for. True,tho disease has been declared epi-

demic, but the declaration was onlythe resort of the Board of Health toobtain tho necessary powers forproperly dealing with the malady.As tho Alta rjcmardck some daysago, small-po- x is not epidemic inthe sense thatitis raging. Cases havebeen reported in nearly every wardin the city, but the disease docs notappear to spread with such rapidityas to excite general alarm, and thedeaths have been so comparativelyfew that It may be inferred that U

malady hero is a very mild typo.Nowhere has it caused a cessationof business, or anything appioach-in- g

it, and a stranger here would


never dream that a malignant dis-

ease had been officially dcclaiedepidemic, or was in any degree pre-valent, if not apprised of tho factby tho dally press. Indeed, withintho last few days, theic has been afalling off in tho number of casesreported daily, which indicates thatunder the vigorous measures adopt-ed by the Board of Health, tho dis-ease has been brought under controland its spread permanently checked.

Alta California, Jan. 14


Mr. Bondel of Tillman & Bendel,a large stockholder in the AmericanSugar Refinery, says that E. L. G.Steele Is not going to Europe for thepurpose of making arrangements sothat this refinery may produce beetsugar, and that his study of thebeet-sug- ar industry on his trip willsimply be that of an individual.He said that it would be suicidal forthe American Company to engagein tho beet-sug- ar business or pro-mote it, as it is composed principal-ly of Hawaiian planters, and tostart beet-sug- ar factories in thisStute would result only in hurtingtheir business on the Islands.

One of the reports flying about isthat a pool is to be formed betweenSpreckels and the American refineryfor the purposo of still further ad-

vancing the price of sugar. Thetruth of it is denied.

Claus Spreckels expects to havehis first beet-sug- factory in opera-tion at Watsonville by next Septem-ber, as the farmers have gone en-

ergetically into the business of rais-

ing beets. He has already beguntho erection of tho building. Themill will at first have a capacity of350 tons per day, which will bedoubled next year. Two milliongallons of water a day will ho neededat the start. Other factories will beafterwards established. S. F.Examiner, Jan. 12.



CLEAN RAGS and second handwill be gratcful'v rccciv.

ed for the uso of tho inmatci of theBranch Hospital for Lepers at Kaksako,or at the Leper Settlmcnt on Molokal,if left with J. T. Walorholisc, jr., at theQueen Street Store. t&f tf'! - - -

Tho uwlereigucd respectfully notifythe publif, that they have

opened tho


(Next above the Custom House)


First Class Chop and Lunch House,

Where their patron are assured of receivhig nothing but tthut is

lirst class iu looj, cookingnud sorving.


By strict attention to business and anearnest endeavor to please our patrons.we solicit your patronage.



A Chance to Procure a Good FayingBusiness.

r"WING to my intended departure IVy wish to sell my Cigar Store andBilliard Room This is one of the bestequipped Billiard Rooms iu the town.I have four Tablrs ot the very latestdesigns, and ono Pool Table with pa-te-

attachment.42 1m O. J. McOAKTHY.


Mrs. A. M: MellisHaving removed her Dressmaking

Establishment to

No. 17 Emma stWill be pleased lokoe her filoniN and

patrons there Irom und after Jaiumryilrd, 1888.

Mutual Tolephcno 484;; Bell 410.28 1in


The VTalklki reildence of Mr. Fred IIHajsclden situated at Kaplolsni Paikbetween Iho residences of Hon. W. G.Irwin, nud Mr. Frank Brown, U ollercdfor rent, lease, or sale. For terms applyto the undersigned.02 tf PUE1) II. HAYSKLPEK.

NOTICE.TVTrlSSRS J. E. BROWN & CO.J.TX Aro authorised to collect tor tlioBUt.MiTIN

.Honolulu Junefitli. 1K87. Ti7

NOTICE.rniIE Kuplolani Park Association willX not be responsible for any debttt

contracted in its mime without the uritteu order of in Truuurtr.

A. S. OLEGIIOUN.32 2w " President.

TF YOU LOSE ANYTHINGJL auvcrtibu it in tho. Daily Uullkti.n


. iTOR 30 DAYSfGoods Reduced in every department.

I beg to Btate that it is impossible to announce a price list of every article in my store,but my entire stock of

Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Gent's Furnishing Goods,Boy's Clothing, Ladies', Misses', and Children's Shoes,

House Furnishing Goods, Etc., Etc., Etc.,

Has been reduced, and the greatest inducements are offered.

Remember, it will pay you to visit the Temple of Fashton during this Great Sale,

Children's Cashmere Vests, short sleeves, extra quality, reduced from 75c to 25c.Ladies', Misses', and Children's Tests, in Balbrigan, Merino, Gauze, and all wool full lines,

immense reductions.Children's Sun Bonnets, from 50c to 15c. ; better qualities reduced 25 per cent.Children's Lace Caps, reduced from 50c to 15c.A splendid and large assortment of children' ce caps, sold at cost,Ladies' white wrappers, reduced from $2.50 to 1.75.Ladies' calico wrappers, only 75c.

Special attention is called to my stock of Infant's and Children's "White.wear,' every articlein that line sold at cost price.

Misses' and Children's white dresses, only 50c.

Immense Bargains in Ladies' White Underwear.Great Reduction im Embroideries, from 5c a yard up.

" " in everv description ol .Laces.(I


(C a

in Linen, Cambric and Silk Handkerchiefs,in "Window Curtains, prices reduced one half.

,in Undressed and Dressed Kid Gloves,in Lisle thread. Silk and Jersey Gloves and Mitts.

Ecruo Window curtains, reduced to 1.75 pair..

Corsets Seduced one half of former price. :

Great Reduction in Hosiery, Ladies', Gent's, Misses' and children's. t."

" " in Ladies' Jerseys, reduced, one half." " in Ladies' Parasols.

" hi s "MiKsos' mul Oliilflrrm's Sr.rn.w TTnic:........ .. . ...j" " in Flowers, Feathers and Tips. , ,,

" " in Dress Goods, Hand Satchels, &c.Linen Figured Lawn to close out at reduced prices, G yards for 1.


Ladies', Misses', and Children's Shoes will be sold at cost to close out.

During my Clearing Sale goods will be sold for Cash Only.29 lm . JUJBCJE&LIIIOJH:, 63 Ac 65 Fort t.ft Bulletin" Summary

Jan. 14. No. 29.

60 Columns of Original Matter.

Is now issued and will be found tobe an interesting and comprehensivenumber, containing CO columns ofreading matter on local topics, anda- - complete resume of Honolulu andisland news. There is no better paperpublished in the Kingdom to send tofriends abroad. Subscription 82.50per annum, including postage toforeign countries. To be had from

J. H. Soper, Merchant street,A. M. Hewett, Merchant street,and Bulletin Office.

NOTICE.undersigned hnve, bj Deed of

Trust, dated Nov. 2Ht, 1887, beennppointcd Trustees of His MajeEty'BEstate.


Honolulu, Not. SO, 1887. 03 lui

NOTICE.A LL p u tie having claims against

XJk. Ills Mnjeityn i'iaie are nHiuvsuiuIn linvu tliLlr uccouutii uiado out in de-

tail, sworn lo us to correctness, wnil pre.sent them to Col. O. I. IauVcu, at thooiuuo of II. M'BChamherlain, Honolulu,within three months from date of thisnotice.


TrnUc of His Majesty's Estate.Honolulu, Nov. 21, 1887. 03 3m

NOTICE.npHR coparlnerthlp heretofore txtsltJL ing DClween llio uiiultbij;iii.-- mi.dcrtlie Jirm muno and stylo of At. Phi).lipi&Co.has been lhls day dlssnl veil bymutual couBeut. A, Louwunbcrg retiringtherefrom.

Tho hunneas will ho continued bb.heretofore under iho samo Aim nameby M. Phillips & M Green who ubsuniBall liabilities and colleot all outstandingaccounts of eaid Hi in.


Dec. Jlst 1887. 28 4t

FOR SALE !LAHUE LOT. corner PcnsacolaONE Lunalllo Sts , which can bo

dlvldui iuto two or woro building lots,Enquire of G. WEST,

mm of Wen, uow ti Co.

TF YOU FIND ANYTHING,JL advertise It In.tho Daily, Hullktuj



A Fine Line of Hoi



Just Received at Hollister & Go.'sA largo assortment of

PERFUMES! PERFUMES!Comprising tho well-know- n brands of





WING WO TAI & CO.l Xnuiuiu Htri'ot,

Have just received ex slinr 'Alameda,"a choice lot of

Embroidered Silk Table Covers," " Pillow Cases,' " Shawls," " Handkerchiefs,

Silk Sashes, Sandal Wood &c, &c,

ALo a largo line ofChina Matting, China & Japan Tea,

Camphor Trunks, Italian Chairs,Japanese Bcreeus, Provisions, Ac.

25 1m

NOTICE.John Magnou is authorized toMil,collect for "our account, and blgn

rccuinla. J. B.HHOWN & CO.Jan. 10, 1833. If33

ju!i-- J.

" masSUJjsiJiduti ba0mat4La&&j& ,


e TmArfi "jfafte id kS

A ,'; ,. Isiik&ias5dfeai, '& "?c 'A &&-- J

iday Goo


AND RETAIL.Bteura Works, Bunny South

Tele, Boll 172,llutual 845

Depot. Merchant btrcet.Tele, Hell 172, Mutual 800.

Taliiii Leioiaie Ms.Tho undersigned having purchased

the bufiuisa of tho Tahiti LemonadeWorks, tho depot has been removed toNo. 23 Meichant Btreet.

All orders for Aerated Water ininu.fuctured at tho abovoestabllshmcut willreceive prompt attention.

J. E. HKOWNACo.P. O, Hoi 409, 1829

NOTICE.DUJUNO my ahscuco from thlg king,

Mr. W. O. Peacock will actfor me under full Power of Attorney.

G. B. HOLLAND,lloaolulu, Jan. 11,1888. SO 3

SSnulo svt 3R.en,HOiill 3Prioes.






fjt "TUB"Vt' ' " '

















Planters in tropic climos ato(o cultivate tho kola

(roc, (lie nut of which seems (o pos-

sess some marvelous qualities. Ifthe piophcsics rrgnidltig (ho bene-ficent services of certain prepara-tions of it aio realized an unspeak-able boon will be conferred on mil-lions of tho human race. For manyyears it lias been extensively usedas an excellent bccragc and sacredsymbol in tho interior of Africa, butnow its properties have every rea-son to bo far more extensively util-ized. Thcie is no doubt, from whatis already known, that it has the ex-

traordinary propei ty of counter-acting the inlluenci of alcohol, ofgiving a stimulant in wasting dis-

eases, of acting as a powerful tonicin cases of deep-seate- d injuries ofthe digestive otgans, of purifyingfoul water, of overcoming the senseof fatigue and of exciting to ardu-ous woik with the least injury to theframe.

It appears that kola nuts wereoriginally found in the western tcr-ritoii- cs

of Africa, and that boldicrsstationed along tho coast were thefirst white men who became awareof their peculiar property. Theyfound, for instance, that the chew-ing of these nuts picventcd a drunk-en headache. Not only so, butsome who have used the nut pasteas a "pick-me-up- " assert that, whileremoving the nausea, it gives themquite a "skinnier" at the smell ofwhisky, ami removes the iiritatingdesire for a "morning" to keep thestomach hearty. If the paste bemixed with cocoa paste, which itresembles closely, it produces amuch finer and more nuliitivc choc-olate. It lias been shown by

experiments that the nerveenergy produced by pai taking ofthe chocolate made with kola paste18 ten times greater than that pio-duc-

by an equal quantity of or-

dinary cocoa chocolate. So nutri-tious is this kola that with a singlecup of it a laborer can undergo aday's work without any sense ofweariness. Though it may not di-

rectly feed the muscular system, ithas the property of pi eventing thelapid waste of the tissues. So muchhave the manufacturers of chocolateboth in this country aud abroad,become alive to the excellent pro-perties of the new paste, that theyare making arrangements to piocurcit for mixing purposes as soon as itsprice becomes reasonable.

The British Government, too, hasgone tlic length of malting experi-ments upon the paste in a purestate, so as to ascertain the savingwhich would be made in the tiansitof provisions in lime of war by givingthis bcveiagc to the army. It is ofgreat service for purifying the foulwater which is so pi evalent in hotclimates. This will bo the preven-tive of many diseases, especially toEuropeans. It has also been foundvery useful in clarifj'ing beer andspirits, acting much like the whiteof an egg or isinglass. A compaii-so- n

between the composition ofkola, tea, coffee and cocoa showsthat tie proportion of caffeine ishigher in kola than in any of theothers, and it exceeds cocoa in thoobromine. Just as with tea amongold ladies, the kola maintains thehealth and strength of the body inan equal degiec upon a smaller sup-ply of ordinary food, and arrests thewaste, enabling the less energeticpowers of digestion to supply asmuch as is needed to repair thewear and tear of the solid tissues.The obromine of- - cocoa resembles

.the thcine of tea and the caffeine ofcocoa, and contains even a largerquantity of nitiogen. This elementin the kola is also very active, exer-cising an exhilarating and soothinghunger-stillin- g, and waste-retardin- g

effect upon the human system.Dr. Nachtigal gives some inter-

esting information about the kolanut from personal experience. lietried it for some time himself, andin his book on the Soudan bearstestimony to the great power it hasover the system. The craving forit becomes more intense than thatfor cither tobacco or alcohol, and hehad gieat dillleulty in giving up itsuse. In some places it is so highlyprized that for the diy powder ofthe nut an equal weight of gold dustis given in exchange. Kola, too,works a wonderful social charmamong the Soudanese. An inter-change of white kola between twochiefs is like the snuff box betweentwo llighlaudeis tho maik offriendship and peace; but a redkola sent is indicative of defiance."When a young chief has made uphis mind that lie would like tomarry the piincess of another tribehe sends to her mother a present ofwhile kola ; with anxiety he waitsin return the ariival of the whitekola as a symbol that his suit hasbeen accepted, or the red kola as ahint that his suit has been grace-fully rejected. Marunge rejoicingswould be postponed or stopped if itwas seen that tho white kola waswanting among the bride's presents.The negro of Western Africa takestho oath with intensified solemnityif ho stretches out his hand orcr kolaseeds. The Scotsman.


Many people believe that Naturehas somewhere a remedy for everydiseaso. So many and bo terribleare the ills of life, and so slight thopleasmo wo get as time flies past,that such a belief is the least faithwe can show in a gracious and all--wi-

Providence. A few remediesbut, ulas, how few! have been

found. Others, bo far, iio hidden

from human inquiry. Occasionallydeath follows quickly on tho heels oftho evil an illustration of the dan-gerous character of the ailment tobe relieved.

For example, Nervous Dyspepsiais a comparatively new disease,growing out of tho conditions ofmodern life. It is a joint affectionof tho digestive organs and of thenervous system. These two wereformerly treated as scparalo ail-

ments, and it was left for tho clear-sighted thinkers to prove that thebasis of this terrible and often fatalcomplication lies chiefly in the dis-

ordered and depraved functions ofdigestion and nutrition. Theyreasoned thus : "If wo can inducethe stomach to do its work, andstimulate the cxcietivo organs todrive out of the body the poisonouswaste matters which remain afterthe life-givi- elements of the foodhave been absoibcd, we shall haveconqucicd Nervous Dyspepsia andNervous Kxhaustion." And theywcic light. Knowing the infalliblepower of Sicgcl's Syrup in less com-plicated though similar diseases,they resolved to lest it fully in this.To leave no ground for doubt, theyprescribed the remedy in hundicdsof cases which had been pionounccdincuiablc witli perfect success inevery instance where their directionsas to living and diet were scrupu-lously followed. Ncivous Dyspep-sia and Exhaustion may almost bocalled a peculiarly English disease.To a greater or less extent half thepeople of this country suffer fiom it

both sexes and all ages. In nocountry in the jvorld are there somany insane asylums filled to over-flowing, all resulting from thisalarming disease. Its leading symp-toms are these; frequent or con-tinual headnche ; a dull pain at thebase of the brain ; bad breath ;

nauseous eructations ; the rising ofsour and pungent fluids to thethroat; a sense of oppiession andfaintness at the pit of the stomach,flatulence ; wakefulness and loss ofsleep; disgust with food even whenweak from the need of it; stickyand sliiny matter on the teeth or inthe mouth, especially on rising inthe morning; furred and coatedtongue ; dull eyes ; cold hands andfeet ; constipation ; dry or roughskin; inability to fix the mind onany labour or calling continuous at-

tention; and opprcsshe and sadfoiebodings and fear.

All this terrible group MotherSicgcl's Cut alive- Syrup lemoves byits positive, powerful, direct, yetpainless and gentle action upon thefunctions of digestion and assimila-tion. Those elements of the foodthat build up and sticngthen thesystem ate sent upon their mission,while all waste matters (the ashes oflife's fire) which, unremoved poisonand kill, ate expelled from the body

.through the bowels, kidneys, andskin. Tho weak and prostratednones arc quieted, toned, and fedby the purified blood. As the re-

sult, health, with its enjoyments,blessings and power, returns to thesuffeier, who has peihaps abandonedall hope of ever seeing another wellday.

Mother Seigcl's Cutativc Syrupis foralc by all chemists and medi-cine vendoi s, and by the proprietors,A. J. White, Limited, 35, Farring-do- n

Road, London.January 13, 1888.

Desirable Building Lots!

Situate on Fort Street, below School


Either on short or long leases at optionof tho lessee.

T 12 It HI ItaaA.SOIf.A.UIE.Enquire of HLNRV SMITH,

JO lm f&m on the Piumibo.

NOTICE.HAVE been in business at KalihiwalI for many yean,, und I huve had no

iioublu until now. Too many piitou?come to "my place, and I do not know'which of them aie had and which aregood Some ionic to my house to sleepaud steal, Now alter 8 o'clock at nightI will let no peison eome in my y.ud.If some one wuua business with mu, lithim call from without my premises. Ifhe is all light I will let him come in,but if I do not know him 1 will havohim attested. LM HANG

November 21. 1887. 87

NOTICE.IIIEHKBY forbid all persons from

premises nt Knliliiwai,c.eept on buslncf s, afler 8 o'cloi k in thoocnWig. Any one hating business withmo altei that hour, must tlr.--t call me byname bifoioenleriiigtliuprcmisca. Anyono louml tiespnssing on my promises orabout them alter that hour who haveno biibinifes theie, will bo dealt with ar.cording to law.

A. AIC.VNA.Oti Kalihiwal, Kauai

O liUSO 1IAWAIIANO.ALL persons who wont to commuui

with tho Poitueucdo, eitherfor business, or for procuring workmen,

or any other helps, will find ittho most prolllablo way to advertise Inthe Ltiso Jlawaiiano, tho new organ oftho Portuguese colony, 'which is pub.lished on Merchant street, Gazttte Build,ing, (Post-OMc- o Letter Box 15.), nndonly charges reasonable rates for advertisrrnentji

n. --v. ruJ' -r XLECTKI0mum "rr7s. mmsnlloilyliitttenr mmmm rBELTeverlnTent'tl) K2C- - vM 1 Ul'DT MADEltiivBUKnlALa. (.ClirontcDia.trio OurftJiitvijJniffJ(IV(5vlfO( KHjVo'tsBnof bothwlthorwiTii- - JwSK":tWrLa&30 '' nKirnOuroilOUT AOIDS. KK'.JirVltluiutMHlk.Iig.Ifl FOTltlo.HOarEMfcOUT fSfXl l'itl. 1675 Hend forfill Kuiui oinmt Kelt v- - i rui'iiaiiiiiotlsoit.'AiIiIihsi. MAnwrrirs n.ART'fi-rnim- u nn..

k?04 irar.YH GXl JfBTllKET, bT. TOUiB, HOT.7V BflcrMrwTO bt ban yuANOiBtxi, oat.

Feb. SB, '87. 1571 ly

rrtHE PEOPLES' PAPER-T- heX Doily Bulletin 00 cts per month.

fli w 5 StX' -- v A

sJf- &iiji$i


HollTel.iUH. Mutual fcl. llV.O.lIoxtlo. "

Office 88 Merchant St., Honolulu

General Business Agency.


Convoyancing a Specially It pcnulx (enroll-ed nnd abstracts of title furnished on

notice.Copying, Translating, ami cngiossing In nil

languages In genital use In tho King-dom.

Custom llouso brokerage Fhe and Lift111 bin an cc receive prompt attention.


MR. JOHN GOOD JR. AutlioilzcdCollector

Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.

REAL ESTATE,bought, sold awl rented.

Seor.il valuable pi opinion in andm omul ihc city now for alii uu (ayterms.

Convenient Cottages in desirable healthylocations in nnd neai the city to lei orlease at leusonablo rutes.

Employment Wanted by several men nndbos, a will make thcnisehcs use-lu- l

in perfoimiug tlie uiious olllecsami chores rtqulud by pinole fami-lies.

Full particulars given on appliciUionat the agency.

Ouk'is Horn Ihc other Inlands pi ompt-l- y

attended to.


tor SAX JVKANCISCO,The new nnd fine Al tteel ste unship

ameaa.Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

be due at Honolulu from Sydneyand Auckland on or about

February 12, 1888.And will leave for Uio above port withmails and passengers on or about thatdate.

For freight or passage, havingACCOMMODATIONS, apply

WSL G. IRWIN & CO., Agents.

For Sydney and Auckland,?- -


The new and line Al steel steamship

it ?ZeaSandia,Of the Oceanic Steamship Compiny, will

be due at Honolulu fiom SunFrancisco on or about

February 16, 1888,And will have prompt dispatch withmails and pusseugeis for the above port.

For height or passage, havingACCOMMODATIONS, apply

to37 WE G. IRWIH & CO., Agents.


rn n 11 LONGBIsATCII BATHA House. at Waiklki, is a favoiitcieortand bhould bo visited by all, es.peciauy uy inoso wno nave not jet seenthe place. The route is picture sque allthe way.

A Japanese and wife are now in at-

tendance nt the Bath House. Thowoman will attend to Ladies who mayfavor us with a call.

Busses leave the Pantheon Stables forUio Baths four t.inr dnllv.

W H'UAKBKU', Proprietor.

Let me have a mild

rpilE ABOVE HEQUEST IS HEARDX da ly in cigar ttoret, .indotlnr p ucph where eigais aio sold, forit is, in undisputed fact that mon Hookerspiufei a mild cigar und that thou whoiiavc for a long time smoked strongcignrs, principally imported Manilas,

lll, after having thoroughly injuiedthe hloimioh und impaired llie nervousbystem, surely want a mild cigar, if theycould find the right kind.

How many thousands, of smokeit whosutler from lots of appetite, headache,nervous irritability, aothma, etc., andwho have tiied all poH-ili- rt'iiiedltswithout btiecci-y- , might to cured if tinyknow ihut thuli sullcringa i ere "musedby llie intuiipcinto me ut auo.ig cignrs,nnd that they should only smoke mildand properly prepared ones.

ills a fact that all mild cignia agreewell with smoker?, for in most cubesthere is a lack of care in tho telcctlon ofthe tobacco, ind often tho necessaiy ex.poiicncu for it is wanting, jet thcic isone brand which suits the most fasthl iouasmoker, and that 1$


IffWhich is niado from mild, aromatic andparticularly eciccicu linn prepared

and combines till tho qualities,which may bu expected fiom a healtholgar. It causes no bad cllect of unyhind, is agiceablo to tho tasto, burnseviniy to tho end and possenses a flueuroma. No smoker should full to givo

Engclbrelit's "Sampler" CigarsA fair trial, and benefit himself at- - thesame time.

For sale Everywhere.05


Grass Seeds

Grass Seeds

Grass Seeds

Hov is llie Time to Plant



The undersigned have just lccoived,

fresh, from the Colonics,

sture brass &e

Iu great variety, nnd which

they oflcr

In Lots to Suit.

As tho rainy season is now com-- '

ing on, Plnntcis nud Graziers

are particularly called on to

Give IIibsg Grasses a Mai

WM. G. IRWIN & Go.

07 lm2j

Richard Cayford,Late F.irricr to II. R II. 1'iinco of

"Wales' 12th Itoyal Lancets.



Horses and Cattle Treated forall Diseases.

Residence: 31 Alukea Street,r. o. BOX dOS. 20tf

Ti.n rr,ii, 3 Miop, 381."" ""-1""""- ' Kesul cues, 853.

Have just received nnd placed on saleProlably the


-- OF-


These good were telcoted cpr.

chilly lor this market at theManufactory ef

Messrs. Reed & Barton,Taunton, Mats.,

And compile n great variety ofarticle?,


Uoth Ornamental mid Useful.

These beautiful presents have corao ingood time

For ChristmasMany of the m tides are particu-larly appropriate for

Wedding Presents I

and cau bojiad nt prices dryi-ng from

Tl.OO to 50.00.ESrCoino and see them for yourself.


' 'N' ti



Commission Morcliaiits


jNnvnl fcslorcNite'Gi'ocoricsltrlcko, I. lino A. Cement.

Families nnd Shipi supplied on mostrensoufthlo term.

B6T ISLAND OllDEItS SOLICITED.Mutual Tele, 2,12. P. O. Box, 470.

No. 20 Fort H., np. O. S. 8. Co'a Wharf.1800 If

LOVEJOY & CO.,Importers and Jobbers of Fine


Xo. 15 Nil u n nil HI., Honolulu.Co lELKl'HOXE COS. I3ni.w.s

Hiorse Clipping!TVTEATLY DONH and with despitch1 at the HAWAIIAN HOTEL STA-BLES. Hmd Clippers. 821f


Apples, Honey,Boned Chicken & Turkey .Breakfast GemBran, Oats,Citron, Lemon & Orange PeelCala Pt tines, Dates,Cape Cod CranberiiosEastern CodfishFrench Peas, Eolled Oat3Germea, Crackeis,Jersey Blue PotatoesKegs Family BeofLunch Tongue

And a general assortment

Olias, 3Eltitaoo, -

Telephone Both Companies 2 10.




iews !

At J. J. Iliais03 tf

For Sale! ToLctl For Lease I

FOR SALE 1 Lot of Lintl. 17Gxl08 ft.Healthy Location Good view, $960.

1 Lot of Land, in5xl08 ft. llciltby Lo-

cation, etc., $800.TO LET 1 Dwelling House, 4 rooms,

$15 pur month.1 House with Store, $40 per month.Rooms, en buite or single, from 2 to $5

per week.FOR LEASE 4 Lots, cich GLH70 feU,

for building. Good Locatloa; vrutcilaid on; teiins easy and the right par-tic-s

assisted in building.APPLY TO

FRANK GODFREY,Copj Jut mill 5eiii'i'nl IlUBlncns Agrnt

No. SA King SMect.P O. lloxli 5 Hingis.' Expicss Orilce.


Mince Meat, in 5 lb tubsNuts, Raisins,Oxfoid SausagesOnions, Wheat, Corn,Paragon BaconPlum PuddingPussian CaviarSaloon & Medium BreadSmoked BeefSalt Pork, 5 lb tinSmoked HalibutWoild's Breakfast FoodWhittakcr llama

of Groceries, for sale by

- DEsZing" Street.P. O. Box 297.

& CO.


WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS.o3?" A coiaplete line of -- ao

STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES,Fresh Goods on lee by each arrival of 1hc O. S. S. Co's Steamers. Goods delivered

to all parts of Honolulu.Island order solicited and packed with care, aud shipped to any part of the Kingdom



Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

New Goods received by every Packet fiom the Eastern States and EuropeFresh California Produce by every Steamer. All orilcrs faithfully attended .to.and Goods delivered to any part ot the city free of charge. Island orders Foli-cilc-

Satisfaction guaranteed. Post OfJlce Rot 145. Telephone No. fi'i. 108 ly- - " -- - - -- !! J'... VM, J,' ..



4S&M-ffiWtM- fcv

-- oinjEniosi:-

Every Description of

UpBiprai PirnifinnrWmmm rilliyllgExecuted with neatness and dispatch.



Utttler the nbovo heading thoDoncastcr Reporter of July Gth,1887, publishes tho following in itseditorial columns

Our readers may recall thoof a young clerk, named

Arthur llichold, falling insensibleon tho Wcatlcy Lanoxin this iownsome time ago, nnd being pickedup, as ho continued perfectly help-

less, and taken in a cab by twogentlemen to the office of F. W.Fisher, Esq; tho solicitor who em-

ployed him. On residing him toconsciousness it was 'ascertainedthat he was aflictcd with whatseemed to be an incurable disease.Vhn he was able to speak be

said he had been to his dinner andnnd was on his way back to hiswork, when suddenly his head wasiu a whirl aud he fell in the streetlike a man who is knocked don.On coming to his senses in tho soli-

citor's olilce he thought what thismight mean, nnd feared ho wasgoing to havo a fit of illness, whichwe all know is a very dreadfulthing for a poor man with a familyto care for.

With this in his mind he at oncosought tho best medical advico,telling the doctors bow ho had beenattacked. They questioned himand found that his present maladywas exhaustion of the nervous sys-

tem resulting from general debility,indigestion, and elyspepsia of achronic nature. This in turn hadbeen caused by coniinement to hisdesk and grief at the loss of dearfriends by death. Tho coming onof this strange diseaso, as'describcdby Mr. Eichold, must be of inter-est both to aick and well. He hadnoticed for several years previously,in fact, that his eyes and face be-

gan to have a yellow look; therewas a sticky and unpleasant slintoon the gum's and teeth in thomorning; the tongue coated; andthe bowels so bound and costivethat it induced that most painfuland troublesome ailments the piles,lie says there was somo pain inthe sides and back and a sense offulness on the right side, as thoughthe liver were enlarging, whichproved to be the terrible fact.Tho secretions fiom tho kidneyswould be scanty and higbcoloured,Tiith a kind of gritty or sandydeposit after standing.

These things had troubled Mr.Eichold a long time, and after hisfall in the street he clearly perceivedthat the fit of giddiness was nothingmore than a sign of the steadlyand deadly advance of the complaint,which began in digestion and dys-pepsia. His story of how he wentfrom one physician to another inseaich of a oure "that his wife andlittle ones might not como to want isvery pathetic and touching. Finallyhe became too ill to keep his situa-tion and had to givo it up. Thiswas a sad calamity.-- He was appall-ed to think how he Bhould bo able tolive. But God raised up friendswho helped to keep th wolf fromthe door. He then went to tho sea-side at Walton-on-the-Naz- e, butneither the change, nor the physicians who treated him there, didany good. All being without availhe vi3ited London, with a sort ofvague hope that somo advantagemight happen to him in the metro-polis. This was in October, 1885.

How wonderful, indeed, are thoways of Providence, which" dashesdown our highest hopes and thenhelps us when we least expect it.

While in London he stated his con-ditio- n

to a friend, who strongly ad-

vised him to try a medicine which hecalled Motiitr Scigel's CurativeSyrup, saying it was genuine andhonest, and often cured when every-thing else had failed, ne boughta bottle of a chemibt in Pimlico, andbegan using it accoidiug to the di-

rections, lie did this without faithor hope, and the public, may there-fore judge of his surprise and plea-sure when after taking a few doseshe felt great relief. He could eatbetter ; his food distresscd.hiru less ;

the symptoms we have named abated ;

tho dark spots which had floatedbefore his eyes like smuts of soot,gradually disappeared, and hisstrength increased. Before thistime his knees would knock togetherwhenever he tjied to walk. So en-

couraged was Tie now that ha kepton using Mother titigtl't CurativeSyrup until it ended in completelycuring bun.

In speaking of his wonderful re-

covery Mr. Richold Bays it madehim think of poor Robinson Crusoo,and his dcliverauco fiom captivityon his island in the sea; and added,"But for Mothor Seigcl's CurativeSyrup the grass would now begtowing over my grave."

Our readers can rest assured ofof the strict truth of all the state-ments iu this most remarkable case,

.as Mr. Richold (now residing atSwiss Cottage, Walton-ou-the-Naz-

belongs to ono of the oldest nndmost respectcdfamilies in tho beau-tiful village of Long Melford,Suffolk, and his personal characteris attested by so high an authorityas the Rev. O. J. Martyn, rectorof that paiibh, besides other excel-lent names. Wo have deemed thecase of such inporlance to tho pub-lic as to justify us in giving thisshort account of it in our columns,


&zn. .

'M HIm









