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Bilingual TMX EditorTool (in German)

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The user guide explains how to work with Heartsome Europe Bilingual TMX editor.
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User Manual Araya Bilingual TMX Editor Description how to use the Araya Description how to use the Araya Bilingual TMX Editor Bilingual TMX Editor © Dr. Klemens Waldhör, Heartsome Europe GmbH, 2006, 2007
Page 1: Bilingual TMX EditorTool (in German)

User Manual Araya Bilingual TMXEditor

Description how to use the Araya Description how to use the Araya Bilingual TMX EditorBilingual TMX Editor

© Dr. Klemens Waldhör, Heartsome Europe GmbH, 2006, 2007

Page 2: Bilingual TMX EditorTool (in German)

29.06.2007 (c) 2006, 2007, Heartsome Europe GmbH 2

Heartsome Europe GmbHwww.heartsome.de

Bilingual TMX EditorThe bilingual TMX Editor is a simple to use, but efficient tool to view and edit TMX files for two languages

A language pair consists of a source and target segmentIn contrast to the TMX Editor it works just for two languages.

It contains a project tool supporting the fast checking of many TMX files.It is mainly intended for checking and editing TMX files from alignment tools.

Not recommended for huge TMX files resulting from TMX database exports.

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TUVs and TUsA TMX file basically consists of set of „TU“ which represent translations for a given concept (segment)A TU consists of one or more “TUV” which represent the language specific translation. More than one TUV per language can be contained in a TMX file.Multiple alignments form the Araya alignment tool are marked as properties:

ARAYA::MultipleTargetARAYA::MultipleSourceWith a number.

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1:1 Alignment<tu creationdate="20060807T150626Z" creationid="10c81fdcc93" changeid=""><tuv xml:lang="de" creationid="10c81fdcc93.de"><seg>Die niederösterreichische Forschungseinrichtung im Bereich eTourismus</seg></tuv><tuv xml:lang="en" creationid="10c81fdcc93.en"><seg>The Lower Austrian research centre foreTourismus</seg></tuv></tu>

1:1 Aligment

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2:1 Alignment<tu creationdate="20060807T150626Z" creationid="10c81fdcc93" changeid=""><tuv xml:lang="de" creationid="10c81fdcc93.de"><seg>Die niederösterreichische Forschungseinrichtung im Bereich eTourismus</seg></tuv><tuv xml:lang="en" creationid="10c81fdcc93.en"><prop type="EDITOR::MultipleSource">1</prop><seg>The Lower Austrian research centre foreTourismus</seg></tuv><tuv xml:lang="en" creationid="10c81fdcc93.en"><prop type="EDITOR::MultipleSource">2</prop><seg>The Lower LO research centre foreTourismus</seg></tuv></tu>

2:1 Aligment

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1:2 Alignment<tu creationdate="20060807T150626Z" creationid="10c81fdcc93" changeid=""><tuv xml:lang="de" creationid="10c81fdcc93.de"><seg>Die niederösterreichische Forschungseinrichtung im Bereich eTourismus</seg></tuv><tuv xml:lang="en" creationid="10c81fdcc93.en"><prop type="ARAYA::MultipleTarget">1</prop><seg>The Lower Austrian research centre foreTourismus</seg></tuv><tuv xml:lang="en" creationid="10c81fdcc93.en"><prop type="ARAYA::MultipleTarget">2</prop><seg>The Lower LO research centre foreTourismus</seg></tuv></tu>

1:2 Aligment

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Bilingual TMX Editor VersionsIt is available as

Single user version of Araya.It is part of the Araya Server translation tools.

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Differences to Araya TMX Editor-

Bilingual Editor does not allow to edit entriesOnly for two languages

+Command CenterProject SupportSupports converting n:m alignments into 1:1 alignment

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It is installed with the Araya Software packageInstallation goes into directory c:/Program Files/Araya. It is recommended not to change this as all initialization files map towards this directory.

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Starting Bilingual TMX Editor

Go to directory:c:/Program Files/ArayaStart: bitmx.exeOr double click :

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User Interface

Source Language Segments

Target Language Segments

N:M AlignmentsTU Number

Segment Number per language

(TUV) for multiple alignments

Source segment Target segment

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Source and Target Segment DisplayFormat information is displayed in green.Formats are sequentially numbered.

Format number

Format start

Format end

Format content

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Modifying EntriesEntries can be modified using a right mouse click on the table item = entry.

Deletes the whole entry = TU; use for 1:1 alignments

Deletes the whole entry = TU, including all the multiple aligned TUV

Deletes the source segment = TUV

Deletes the target segment = TUV

Mark start of a source segment

Mark end of a source segment

Mark start of a target segment

Mark end of a target segment

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Marking Entries (TUVs and TUs)Entries can be marked with a start and end marker for a delete operationStart (green) and end (blue) are shown by different colors

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File MenuClose open TMX File

Open a TMX File

Create new project

Save TMX File

Save TMX File with new name

Open project

Convert TMX File containing n:malignments to 1:1 alignments

Open Bilingual Command Center

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The Options Menu

Character set for the extraction table

User Interface Language

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The Plugins MenuConversion between

character sets

Check and recode languages in TMX files

Display ofAraya Log-


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The Help MenuDisplay user manual

Araya / Heartsome Homepage

About the bilingual extraction

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About the BiLingual BiTMX EditorBasic information about the Araya configuration is shown here.This can be important for error diagnosisUsing „Save…“ the information is stored in the specified file.

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Converting Files between different Character Encodings Source file name

Target file; will be created based on source file name and as

extension the target encoding character set

Source encoding character set

Target encoding character set

This function supports converting files between different character sets. Depending on the target character up to two files are written. If the target file is a UTF-8, 16, 32 or UCS file, two files are written. The second file with the extension „.nobom“ is a copy of the first target file, the only difference is that the BOM (Byte Order Marks) are removed from this file. This file should be used for importing, esp. when an import of an UTF-8 file is done in Araya, as the Java reading functions for UTF-8 does not over read the BOM characters. This could lead to problems when reading normal strings from those file as the BOMs are read as normal characters resulting in invalid entries.(This is a known bug in Java UTF-8 file reading, but will not be corrected by SUN!).

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Creating a Project

Enter a new project file name

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Adding TMX Files to ProjectChoose one or more TMX file using the button Add Files

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Open ProjectChoose a project file

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Project Handling

List of TMX Files to be checked

= TO BE DONE List= TBD List

List of TMX Files checked

= DONE List

Add one or more TMX Files to TBD List

Save Lists Save Lists with a new name

Remove all TMX files from DONE List

Convert all TMX files in TBD List to 1:1


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Select Item in TBD or DONE List

Selecting a file name in TDB or DONE list opens the file in the


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Right Mouse Button Support

Right Mouse Click in TBD List

Right Mouse Click in DONE List

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Bilingual Command Center 1The Bilingual Command Center is always the top window.It supports different operations in a single place.

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Bilingual Command Center 2Mark operation are used to mark specific source and target segments (TUVs) as regions for specific operations.Currently only deleting a set of entries marked (TUs) is supported.Marked TUVs are coloured in green = start and blue = end of mark region.

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Bilingual Command Center 3Delete Entry (TU) deletes either a TU entry if it is a 1:1 aligned segment or deletes the corresponding TUV pair in a TU.Delete Multiple Aligned Entry (TU) deletes a TU entry in any case including all n:m alignments contained.

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Bilingual Command Center 4Delete Source Segment (TUV) deletes a TUV source segment.Delete Target Segment (TUV) deletes a TUV target segment.Both operations only clear the segment, they do not remove them!The deleted entries are marked red.

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Bilingual Command Center 5Delete Marked Entries (TUs) deletes all the entries of a marked region using the source entry markers. It starts with the markedsource start entry and ends with the marked source end entry.

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Bilingual Command Center 6Move Up operations move the (source or target) segment after theselected entry up one itemIt overwrites the preceding item..

If this segment is

the selected entry “Move

up” will move it up one segment

This segment will be overwritten!

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Check and Recode TMX FilesTMX file name

Green lines indicate language codes supported

by Araya

Recode languages using new language for the specified TMX File


Recoded TMX file name;Consists of tmx file name, any “.tmx”

extension removed and “.recoded.tmx” added

Light yellow lines indicate language

codes not supported by Araya

Language codes supported by ArayaCombo box appears

only in case language codes in TMX file not supported by Araya

Start checking languages

contained in TMX File

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Project File Formatbitmxedit-projectD:\araya\test\trc\trctranslate.tmx,doneD:\araya\test\rpc\simplexml.tmx,doneD:\araya\test\ali\el-en\europarl-el-en.tmx,tbdD:\araya\test\ali\es-en\europarl-es-en.tmx,tbdD:\araya\test\tmxmerge\0011E.xml.tmx,tbdD:\araya\test\tmxmerge\0002E.xml.tmx,tbdD:\araya\test\tmxmerge\0003E.xml.tmx,tbdD:\araya\test\tmxmerge\0004E.xml.tmx,tbdD:\araya\test\tmxmerge\0005E.xml.tmx,tbdD:\araya\test\tmxmerge\0006E.xml.tmx,tbdD:\araya\test\tmxmerge\0007E.xml.tmx,tbdD:\araya\test\tmxmerge\0008E.xml.tmx,tbdD:\araya\test\tmxmerge\0009E.xml.tmx,tbd

File Identification

File in DONE List

File in TBD List

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ImpressumHeartsome Europe GmbHFriedrichstr. 17D-90574 Roßtal

Email: [email protected]© 2007 Heartsome Europe GmbH
