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BimahLite  · WLS AGM – Tuesday 22nd May 2012 4 The Annual General Meeting of the Synagogue will...

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BimahLite March-April 2012 www.woodfordliberal.org.uk 1
Page 1: BimahLite  · WLS AGM – Tuesday 22nd May 2012 4 The Annual General Meeting of the Synagogue will be held in the Synagogue on Tuesday 22nd May 2012 at 8.00pm. Nominations are required

BimahLite March-April 2012www.woodfordliberal.org.uk


Page 2: BimahLite  · WLS AGM – Tuesday 22nd May 2012 4 The Annual General Meeting of the Synagogue will be held in the Synagogue on Tuesday 22nd May 2012 at 8.00pm. Nominations are required

I spent the first Sundayafternoon in February atWembley Arena,alongside 5,999 other‘Games Makers’ as weare called. We were therefor an afternoon oforientation training, whichwas delivered very

professionally by Jonathan Edwards and a varietyof others, either in person or via recordedmessages.

The 6,000 of us being trained came from all parts of the country, despite the snow, and aregoing to be fulfilling a wide range ofroles during the Olympic andParalympic Games. I wassitting near people fromNewcastle, Manchester, Strat-ford and Bristol – we all shared acommitment to make our owncontribution to making London 2012 abrilliant Games for athletes, spectators, officials,families, media, dignitaries, and so on.

Leaving the venue, Rabbi Maurice Michaels and Iboth shared the feeling that being part of such alarge orientation training group gave us an insightinto the massive scale of the operation. Werepresented 3% of the total number of volunteers,staff, and contractors involved in making theGames happen. Every individual is important to thedelivery of the whole effect that London’sorganising committee promised the InternationalOlympic Committee in 2005.

Eddie Izzard, there in person, reminded us thatthere are some people in the UK who are cynicalabout the Games. He told us that we share insomething more positive – making an experienceof a lifetime for ourselves and everyone else.

Our synagogue was here long before the Gameswere awarded, and will be here long after theyhave been and gone. We share in common thebelief that groups of people coming together cancreate something special. Whether a communitycomes together for a time-bound purpose such asthe London Games, or for an ongoing purposesuch as enriching the lives of our members and the

surrounding community, we can contributeto something much bigger than us

and make something veryspecial.

This is what everyone inWoodford Liberal Synagogue

is contributing to, and it is evenmore essential in such turbulent

economic times. This is what I need eachof you reading this to remember. More than that,we need to engage our friends and acquaintancesin the task of building something bigger and better.In the same vein, I encourage you all to join in andenjoy the fact that the 2012 Games will be on ourdoorstep. Let’s not give way to pessimism orcynicism! Instead, let’s contribute to makinginspiring and enjoyable life-enriching times!

I look forward to resuming this special task when Ireturn from my sabbatical leave, and I hope to seeyou soon.

Rabbi Richard Jacobi


Part of something bigger than ourselves

Daniel Staker is returning in March tolead some singing and musician rehearsals onall four Wednesday evenings in March, from 8.00-9.45pm. Please join in the fun and music-making. It will help planning if you phone oremail Donna in the office – 020 8989 7619 oremail: [email protected]

Page 3: BimahLite  · WLS AGM – Tuesday 22nd May 2012 4 The Annual General Meeting of the Synagogue will be held in the Synagogue on Tuesday 22nd May 2012 at 8.00pm. Nominations are required


Sar-El Volunteer Programme 2011In the Summer of1982 because of theGalilee War, the Golanheights settlementsfaced the prospect oflosing all their crops.As most of the ablebodied settlers hadbeen called up forservice, the cropswhich had ripenedwere left unattended.At this time Dr AharonDavidi (former headof the Israeli DefenceForces Paratroopers)arranged for a numberof his friends to travelas a recruitment teamto the USA. Within afew weeks 650volunteers arrived inIsrael to lend theirsupport.As a result ofthis in 1983 Sar-ElThe National Projectfor Volunteers wasfounded. Onemember of ourcommunity nowwrites about his trip to Israel to work withSar-El.

I said goodbye to mywife Lynda atWalthamstow Centraland Craig, my son,came to see me off atthe airport. I reallyhad no idea what to expect from this trip, as itwas 1994-95 when I last took part in this kind ofprogramme.

The plane landed at Ben Gurion Airport about 3amand I had to wait till 8.30am when Pamela, theSar-El volunteer coordinator, and the rest of theparty, would arrive. At this time I was very happyto learn that the base we were heading to wasnear Tiberias.

At the start of the trip we were eleven – two British, two Canadians, one Australian and six from the USA. Unfortunately by the end of the

trip we only numbered six. The volunteer jobsconsisted of fixing things. We renewed paintworkon helmets and jeeps, tested batteries and manyother duties. The two female soldiers (madrahot)who were in charge of us were very nice and veryhelpful. I spent my weekend Jerusalem and theArms Hostel in Jaffo, Tel Aviv.

I did find it strange sharing with strangers, but I really enjoyed my trip and hope to make anotherin the future.

Gerald Lewis-Azayear

From left to right: Paula (Sar-El), Dennis (USA), Tim (Australia), Stan (USA), Jaquie (USA), myself – Gerald (UK), Leigh (Sar-El)

Gerald standing by an old tank near base

Page 4: BimahLite  · WLS AGM – Tuesday 22nd May 2012 4 The Annual General Meeting of the Synagogue will be held in the Synagogue on Tuesday 22nd May 2012 at 8.00pm. Nominations are required

WLS AGM – Tuesday 22nd May 2012


The Annual General Meeting of the Synagogue will be held in the Synagogue on Tuesday 22nd May 2012 at 8.00pm.

Nominations are required for vacant posts on Council and all nominations need to reach the Synagogueby Monday 5th April 2012. They should indicate the name of the proposer and seconder and beaccompanied by evidence that the person nominated is willing to stand.

Any person wishing to move a Resolution at the meeting should send a copy of any such Resolution tothe Synagogue by Monday 5th April 2012.

It should be noted that according to the Constitution of the Synagogue only members not more than twocalendar months in arrears with their subscriptions shall have the right to vote at the meeting and be eligible for membership of the Council.

J Toffell, Hon Secretary


1. Opening Prayer 8. Membership & PR Report 2. Minutes of last AGM 9. Education Report 3. Chairman’s Report 10. Rites & Practices Report 4. Rabbi’s report 11. Election of members to Council 5. Treasurer’s Report 12. Election of Auditor 6. Burial & Cremation Secretary’s Report 13. Resolutions 7. Bimah Report 14. Any other business

LJ Czech Torah Scroll Shabbat at Northwood &Pinner Synagogue

Rabbi Dr Andrew Goldstein of Northwood & PinnerLiberal Synagogue will be inviting Rabbis andrepresentatives of LJ synagogues to a specialShabbat service on Saturday 9th June 2012 at theirsynagogue. [Particularly relevant for WLS as we arelucky to have one of the Czech Torah scrolls…Editor]

The service will commemorate the 70th Anniversaaryof the Deportation of the Jews of Bohemia andMoravia to Terezin and other Concentration camps.The deportations began in earnest in 1942 and thatyear was probably the year that the Torah scrollfound its way to Prague, where it was deposited until in 1964 being rescued and brought to theWestminster Synagogue in London.

For the service NPLS will invite representatives of the congregations to bring their Torah to join in a

procession and maybe read during the service.

After the service there will be a kiddush lunch andthen an afternoon seminar at which they will invitethose congregaations doing active research into thehistory of their ‘Torah town’ to share their informationwith others.

Full details will be sent out shortly.

If any WLS member is interested in this serviceplease get in touch with: Bob Kamall ([email protected]) or Donna ([email protected]) or phone 020 8989 7619 and leave your name and number.

At the time of writing we don’t know how manyrepresentatives will be invited from each synagogue.

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The Czech Scroll – our Stewardship, our Mitzvah

As you will know, we are the stewards of a specialTorah scroll, which was originally in the possessionof the Czech Jewish community of Blatna, south ofPrague. Sadly, while none of the Jews of Blatnalive on, three of itsfour Torah scrolls do,one of which is here inWoodford.

In the last Bimah, yousaw how special theceremony to welcomeback our repairedTorah scroll was. Onthe same day, we saida blessing over thenew mantles for ourscrolls, including onefor this scroll, donatedby Jenny, Stuart andFelicity Sclaire. Wefeel, and we hope youwill too, that Woodfordhas a responsibility tohonour the memory ofthe victims of theShoah from Blatna byensuring that thisTorah scroll and itsother appurtenances(binder, yad, rimonim,rollers) are repairedand restored.

Appeals made atprevious High HolyDays haveprovided about halfthe funds needed.In order to providethe remainingfunds, and giveopportunities foryou to connectyour family to thisTorah scroll in aunique way, we are

inviting people to Sponsor a Parasha. The Torah istraditionally read one parasha per Shabbat(occasionally two), and there are 54 parashiot. Youmight wish to take part in this sponsorship scheme

to remember your Baror Bat Mitzvah, theShabbat of your birth orthe birth of one of yourchildren, the Shabbat ofyour wedding, or anyother special date. Don’tworry if you cannotmatch the date to thecorrect parasha, RabbiRichard will do thisupon his return.

To take part, pleasesend a letter, enclosinga cheque for £100, anddetailing the date (day,month, year) you wish toremember and giving usthe reason, your nameand contact details, andany other relevantname(s). We will berecording in a specialand enduring way everycontributor to this task.

While Rabbi Jacobi ison study leave, pleasedirect any enquiriesabout this to Hilton(07752 234 516 [email protected]).

Richard Jacobi & Hilton Ellis

Page 6: BimahLite  · WLS AGM – Tuesday 22nd May 2012 4 The Annual General Meeting of the Synagogue will be held in the Synagogue on Tuesday 22nd May 2012 at 8.00pm. Nominations are required


Your shul needs you!Whilst walking round theSouth Woodford andWoodford Green areas, Ihave noticed that severalshops are displayingposters of Lord Kitchenerunder the banner – YourLocal Shops Need You.This appears to be alocally organised campaign

to try and persuade Woodford residents to shoplocally – perhaps to counter the real or perceivedthreat of the new Westfield shopping centre.

At the same time as this local campaign; theGovernment has launched an initiative to help savelocal High Streets. It would seem that, after yearsof decline local High Street shops are now interminal decline.

This leads to me to wonder what else found on atypical High Street or town is also under threat;what is the future role of the local Post Office,Library, or Synagogue?

Synagogues were invented to replace the Temple inJerusalem; rather than going to the Temple on setoccasions (Holy Days) Jews started to attend theSynagogue – an example of how Judaism hasadapted, modernised, and survived. Furtheradaptations were explored 100 years ago, asEurope became more enlightened, the accepted‘orthodoxy’ of the Synagogue service waschallenged by a new generation of modernisers –leading to what is now known as progressiveJudaism (Liberal & Reform Jews are both examplesof progressive Judaism).

The forthcoming LJ Biennial conference with itstheme of Looking Backwards Moving Forward willno doubt explore Liberal Judaism past history whilereflecting on the future. It is a future that has tocope with rapidly changing environment – we are,according to some commentators, living in a worldwhere changes are occurring at a faster rate than atany other time in recorded history.

The decline of out High Streets is one symptom ofour changing world and reflects the fact that formany people our communities are no longer placebased. Liberal Jews do not have to live in ghettosnor within walking distance of our Synagogues. Weare not defined by our attendance (or not) at weeklyservices and at WLS, in common with other Liberal

Synagogues, we try to stay in touch with membersof our community who are less able to attendservices or other Synagogue events.

WLS is still a warm, vibrant, and friendly place! Wedo have services every Friday evening andSaturday morning – even if our Rabbi is onSabbatical. Our Cheder is thriving and the childrenactually enjoy their lessons. Our community hostsvarious events from weekly bridge sessions,through adult study buddies, Chavurah Suppers,quizzes , etc. We are also a generous community –you have within a few short weeks:

Donated a total of £2,855.00 to the High Holy DaysAppeal

• £889.00 to MyIsrael

• £859.00 to London Centre for Cerebral Palsy

• £1,107 to go towards the restoration of ourCzech Scroll

• Brought in 350 items of food to donate to theRedbridge Shelter for the Homeless

• Scoffed our way through enough cakes to raiseover £179 for Children in Need

And yet …

We rely on (it could be argued that we are tooreliant on) too few volunteers – the same peoplewho time and time again always help out whensomething needs to be done. So like the HighStreet that needs more local customers, orKitchener who needed more soldiers, WLS reallycould do with more volunteers.

If we are too avoid becoming another victim of thedeclining High Street; now more than ever YourSynagogue Needs You – will you rise to challengeand offer to help out?

Bob Kamall

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We are very grateful toall those who contributedto preparing the celebratory kiddush after the service and aufruf for Josh and Philippaon 4th February.

We are also thrilled to say that the weddingon 12th February was wonderfully enjoyable,and that Mr and Mrs J Newham lookedecstatic throughout.

Richard & Lyn

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Sunday 25th MarchEntertainment to be announced

Please ring : Harriet (020 8524 4505) or Nicola (020 8418 9586) to book your

place, ensuring we can adequately cater

NEW MEMBERSto Woodford Liberal


Georgia Klein with Elijah & EveSonia Muskovitch and Naomi Muskovitch

Happy Birthday

Ellie Boot • Jack Olsen • Lara PerryJoshua Richards • Taliya Buskin • Abby Boot

A speedyrecovery to –

Joe Somogyi, Henry Goodman, Laurie Lawrence, Michael Tatch

– and all who are unwell at this time

FriendshipClub @ WLS

From 2–4pm

Cost : £3.00

Our apologies to NiccolaBaker who wrote theWoodford in Touch article in the last issue of Bimah. Itwas incorrectly attributed toJohn Chamberlin.

SincereCondolences –Judy West and family, on thepassing of her husband Alan

Marlene Malnick and family, onthe passing of her husband Ron

I wish to thank Rabbi Richard,members of the council and shul, fortheir support when my dear husbandRon Malnick died unexpectedly inJanuary. I am most grateful all wentvery smoothly under such stress.

Ron was always very fond of the shulbeing a member for 48 years. Heenjoyed being part of your lives aswell as his family.

SincerelyMarlene Malnick

Dear Rabbi Jacobi

My dearest cousin, Trudy Koskyintroduced me to your Friendship Cluband I am writing to give a specialthanks to everyone concerned with theclub.

We are welcomed with such care, loveand devotion, everything being done togive us a wonderful afternoon. All thisplus a lovely tea. It is a joy for myfriends and myself to come to yourShul and I do not have to tell you howmuch these Sundays are looked forwardto. Long may they continue.

We so enjoyed the Zemel Choir, what ajoy it was to listen to them and we hopetheir trip to Berlin will be very successful.

Rabbi Jacobi you have a congregationto be proud of and please extend oursincere thanks to everyone concerned.

Yours sincerelySadie Langsman


