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Binary multilevel software, matrix mlm software, online binary software, generation software, help...

Date post: 07-Aug-2015
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MLM PLAN There are two modules 1. Admin Module 2. Member Module
  1. 1. MLM PLAN There are two modules 1. Admin Module 2. Member Module
  3. 3. 1. Settings Admin settings Update Admin Here u can update the Admin details Change password Here you can change the Admin Password he
  4. 4. Add Franchise You can add Franchise details View Franchise You can view the Franchise details
  5. 5. View Franchise You can view the Franchise details SMS URL SMS related API details can be seen here
  6. 6. Member Admin Registration New Registration In this menu you can do the registration for Root ID(Company ID)
  7. 7. View Registration You can View & update the Root ID details here
  8. 8. Client Registration View Registration You can View , Update & deactivate the Client Registrations here Deactivate Clients You can see the details of Deactivated members here
  9. 9. 3. E Pin Manager Generate pins Here you can generate pins for different packages
  10. 10. View Generated Pins You can view the generated pins here
  11. 11. Assign Pins Here you can Assign the generated pins to different User IDs
  12. 12. View Assingned Pins Here you can find the details of pins assigned to users
  13. 13. Pin Request This will contain report of pins requested by members
  14. 14. 4. Payout Create & View Payout Here you can create and view the payout details like Binary income, TDS, Admin charges etc
  15. 15. 5. Gallery Manage Album Here you can Create and View the Albums Manage Photo Here you can Add and View photos in the created Albums
  16. 16. 6. More Links News Manager Here you can create and view the news which will be scrolling on your home page of the website
  17. 17. 5. More links Award Request A member can request for award after satisfying Eligibility Criteria
  18. 18. Compose Mail Inbox Sent Items
  20. 20. 1. Profile Welcome Letter View Profile Here you can view/edit your profile
  21. 21. Change Password Here you change your password
  22. 22. 2. My Network Genealogy Here you can see your Tree Structure
  23. 23. Downline members This report contains details of your downline members
  24. 24. Geneology by dates This report provides datewise search option to view the downline members
  25. 25. 2. My Account Payout Here you can see payout details of the member
  26. 26. 4. Manage Pin Pin Bank It will contain a report of all used and unused pins
  27. 27. Pin History It will contain a report of all transferred and received pins
  28. 28. Pin Transfer Here A member can transfer pins to another member Pin Request Here A member can request for pins from Admin
  29. 29. 5. More links Award Request A member can request for award after satisfying Eligibility Criteria
  30. 30. Compose Mail Inbox Sent Items
  31. 31. THANK YOU
