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Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at http://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?journalCode=kcam20 Download by: [MPI Max-Planck-Institute Fuer Kolloid & Grenzflaechenforschung] Date: 29 October 2016, At: 19:09 Cell Adhesion & Migration ISSN: 1933-6918 (Print) 1933-6926 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/kcam20 Binding equilibrium and kinetics of membrane- anchored receptors and ligands in cell adhesion: Insights from computational model systems and theory Thomas R. Weikl, Jinglei Hu, Guang-Kui Xu & Reinhard Lipowsky To cite this article: Thomas R. Weikl, Jinglei Hu, Guang-Kui Xu & Reinhard Lipowsky (2016) Binding equilibrium and kinetics of membrane-anchored receptors and ligands in cell adhesion: Insights from computational model systems and theory, Cell Adhesion & Migration, 10:5, 576-589, DOI: 10.1080/19336918.2016.1180487 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19336918.2016.1180487 Accepted author version posted online: 13 Jun 2016. Published online: 13 Jun 2016. Submit your article to this journal Article views: 50 View related articles View Crossmark data
Page 1: Binding equilibrium and kinetics of membrane-anchored ... · ARTICLE HISTORY Received 2 February 2016 Accepted 13 April 2016 ABSTRACT The adhesion of cell membranes is mediated by

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Cell Adhesion & Migration

ISSN: 1933-6918 (Print) 1933-6926 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/kcam20

Binding equilibrium and kinetics of membrane-anchored receptors and ligands in cell adhesion:Insights from computational model systems andtheory

Thomas R. Weikl, Jinglei Hu, Guang-Kui Xu & Reinhard Lipowsky

To cite this article: Thomas R. Weikl, Jinglei Hu, Guang-Kui Xu & Reinhard Lipowsky (2016)Binding equilibrium and kinetics of membrane-anchored receptors and ligands in celladhesion: Insights from computational model systems and theory, Cell Adhesion & Migration,10:5, 576-589, DOI: 10.1080/19336918.2016.1180487

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19336918.2016.1180487

Accepted author version posted online: 13Jun 2016.Published online: 13 Jun 2016.

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Page 2: Binding equilibrium and kinetics of membrane-anchored ... · ARTICLE HISTORY Received 2 February 2016 Accepted 13 April 2016 ABSTRACT The adhesion of cell membranes is mediated by


Binding equilibrium and kinetics of membrane-anchored receptors and ligands incell adhesion: Insights from computational model systems and theory

Thomas R. Weikla, Jinglei Hua,b, Guang-Kui Xua,c, and Reinhard Lipowskya

aMax Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Department of Theory and Bio-Systems, Potsdam, Germany; bKuang Yaming Honors School,Nanjing University, Nanjing, China; cInternational Center for Applied Mechanics, State Key Laboratory for Strength and Vibration of MechanicalStructures, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China

ARTICLE HISTORYReceived 2 February 2016Accepted 13 April 2016

ABSTRACTThe adhesion of cell membranes is mediated by the binding of membrane-anchored receptor andligand proteins. In this article, we review recent results from simulations and theory that lead tonovel insights on how the binding equilibrium and kinetics of these proteins is affected by themembranes and by the membrane anchoring and molecular properties of the proteins. Simulationsand theory both indicate that the binding equilibrium constant K2D and the on- and off-rate con-stants of anchored receptors and ligands in their 2-dimensional (2D) membrane environmentstrongly depend on the membrane roughness from thermally excited shape fluctuations on nano-scales. Recent theory corroborated by simulations provides a general relation between K2D and thebinding constant K3D of soluble variants of the receptors and ligands that lack the membraneanchors and are free to diffuse in 3 dimensions (3D).

KEYWORDSbinding constant; membraneadhesion; membraneroughness; protein binding


Cell adhesion processes and the adhesion of vesicles tothe membranes of cells or organelles depend sensitivelyon the binding constant and binding kinetics of themembrane-anchored receptor and ligand molecules thatmediate adhesion. Since the binding equilibrium con-stant K2D and the on- and off-rate constants of thesereceptor and ligand molecules are difficult to measure intheir natural 2-dimensional (2D) membrane environ-ment, a central question is how they are related to thebinding equilibrium constant K3D and the on- and off-rate constants of soluble variants of the receptors andligands that lack the membrane anchors and are free todiffuse in 3 dimensions (3D).1-10 The binding constantK3D and on- and off-rate constants of these solublereceptors and ligands can be quantified with standardexperimental methods.11-13

The binding equilibrium constant K2D of membrane-anchored receptor and ligand molecules has units ofarea, while the binding constant K3D of soluble variantsof these molecules has units of volume. Bell and co-workers14 therefore suggested the relation K2DDK3D=lcbetween the binding constants with a characteristic con-finement length lc that balances the different units of

these constants. However, experimental data for K2D andK3D of several receptor and ligand pairs lead to values ofthe confinement length lc that can differ by orders ofmagnitude, depending on whether K2D is determinedwith fluorescence methods or with mechanical methods.1

Fluorescence methods15-21 probe the binding equilibriumof receptors and ligands in equilibrated adhesion zonesof cells and lead to values of lc of the order of nano-meters. In contrast, mechanical methods22-31 probe thebinding kinetics of anchored receptors and ligands dur-ing initial contacts and typically lead to values of lcbetween tens of micrometers and millimeters in celladhesion experiments.1

In this article, we review recent results from computa-tional model systems and theory that provide generaland novel insights into the relation between the bindingequilibrium and kinetics of membrane-anchored recep-tor and ligand molecules in 2D and the binding of solu-ble variants of these molecules in 3D. A central aspect ofthese computational and theoretical results is that therelation between the binding equilibrium constants K2D

and K3D involves 4 characteristic lengths, rather than asingle confinement length.9 Two of these 4 lengths arecharacteristic lengths of the receptor-ligand complex

CONTACT Thomas R. Weikl, MD [email protected] Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Department of Theory and Bio-Systems,Science Park Golm, 14424 Potsdam, Germany.

Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at www.tandfonline.com/kcam.© 2016 Taylor & Francis

CELL ADHESION & MIGRATION2016, VOL. 10, NO. 5, 576–589http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19336918.2016.1180487

Page 3: Binding equilibrium and kinetics of membrane-anchored ... · ARTICLE HISTORY Received 2 February 2016 Accepted 13 April 2016 ABSTRACT The adhesion of cell membranes is mediated by

that reflect variations in the binding site, and howstrongly the local membrane separation at the location ofthe complex is constrained by the complex. The remain-ing 2 lengths are the average separation and relativeroughness of the apposing membranes and, thus, charac-teristic lengths of the membranes. The relative mem-brane roughness is the local standard deviation of themembranes from their average separation due to ther-mally excited shape fluctuations on nanoscales.

The binding equilibrium constant K2D stronglydepends both on the average membrane separation andthe relative membrane roughness, which helps to under-stand why mechanical methods that probe the bindingkinetics of membrane-anchored proteins during initialmembrane contacts can lead to values for K2D that areorders of magnitude smaller than the values obtained fromfluorescence measurements in equilibrated adhesionzones.9 In equilibrated adhesion zones that are dominatedby a single species of receptors and ligands, the averagemembrane separation is close to the preferred average sep-aration for receptor-ligand binding at which K2D is maxi-mal, and the relative membrane roughness is reduced byreceptor-ligand bonds.3,7 During initial membrane con-tacts, in contrast, both the average membrane separationand relative membrane roughness are larger, which canlead to significantly smaller values of K2D.

Characteristic lengths of membranes andmembrane-anchored receptors and ligands

A membrane-anchored receptor can only bind to anapposing membrane-anchored ligand if the local mem-brane separation l at the site of the receptor and ligand iswithin an appropriate range. This local separation l ofthe membranes varies – along the membranes, and intime – because of thermally excited membrane shapefluctuations. Experiments that probe the binding equilib-rium constant K2D or the on- and off-rate constants konand koff imply averages in space and time over mem-brane adhesion regions and measurement durations.Our recent simulations and theories indicate that theseaverages can be expressed as9,10


K2D.l/P.l/dl (1)

kon DZ

kon.l/P.l/dl (2)

where K2D.l/ and kon.l/ are the binding equilibrium con-stant and on-rate constant as functions of the local mem-brane separation l, and P.l/ is the distribution of localmembrane separations that reflects the spatial and tem-poral variations of l. The single-peaked functions K2D.l/and kon.l/ are maximal at the preferred local separation

of the receptors and ligands for binding, and have char-acteristic widths that depend on the anchoring, length,and flexibility of the receptors and ligands.9,10 The off-rate constant follows from Eqs. (1) and (2) askoff D kon=K2D. Our simulations also show that the dis-tribution P.l/ of the local separation is well approxi-mated by the Gaussian distribution

P.l/’ exp ¡ .l¡ l/2=2ξ2?� �


pξ ?

� �(3)

in situations in which the adhesion of 2 apposing mem-branes, or membrane segments, is mediated by a singletype of receptors and ligands.9,10 Here, lD h l i is theaverage separation of the membranes or membrane seg-ments, and ξ ? D

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffih .l¡ l/2 i

pis the relative roughness

of the membranes. The relative roughness is the standarddeviation of the local membrane separation l, i.e. thewidth of the distribution P.l/. The distribution P.l/describes both the spatial and temporal variations of thelocal membrane separation l of 2 apposing membranes,or membrane segments. Related temporal averages forthe on-rate constant kon and off-rate constant koff atfixed membrane locations have been employed by Bihret al.32

The Eqs. (1) and (3) illustrate 3 characteristic lengthsof the binding constant K2D. These lengths are the widthξRL of the single-peaked function K2D.l/, which reflectshow strongly the local separation l is constrained by areceptor-ligand (RL) complex, and the average separa-tion l and relative roughness ξ ? of the membranes. Afourth characteristic length that affects the relation of thebinding constants K2D and K3D in our theory is the ratioVb=Ab of the translational space phase volume Vb of abound soluble receptor in 3D and the translational phasespace area Ab of a bound membrane-anchored receptorin 2D, relative to their ligands (see below). Similarly, 3characteristic lengths of the on-rate constant kon are thewidth ξTS of the single-peaked function kon.l/, whichreflects variations of the local separation l in the transi-tion-state (TS) complex for binding, the average mem-brane separation l, and the relative membrane roughnessξ ? , according to Eqs. (2) and (3).

In equilibrated membrane adhesion zones that aredominated by a single type of receptors and ligands, theaverage membrane separation is close to the preferredaverage separation of these receptors and ligands forbinding. Our simulations indicate that the relative mem-brane roughness ξ ? then is determined by the concen-tration [RL] of the receptor-ligand bonds, whichconstrain the membrane shape fluctuations9,33:

ξ ? ’ 0:2ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi.kBT=keff /





Page 4: Binding equilibrium and kinetics of membrane-anchored ... · ARTICLE HISTORY Received 2 February 2016 Accepted 13 April 2016 ABSTRACT The adhesion of cell membranes is mediated by

Here, keff D k1k2=.k1 C k2/ is the effective bending rigid-ity of the 2 apposing membranes with bending rigiditiesk1 and k2, and kBT is the thermal energy, the drivingforce of membrane shape fluctuations. For a concentra-tion ½RL�’ 100=mm2 of receptor-ligand bonds and fortypical values of the bending rigidities k1 and k2 of lipidmembranes34,35 and cell membranes36,37 between 20 kBTand 80 kBT , we obtain estimates for the relative mem-brane roughness ξ ? between 3 nm and 6 nm fromEq. (4). For a 4 times larger bond concentration½RL�’ 400=mm2, these roughness estimates aredecreased by a factor of 2, according to Eq. (4). For a4 times smaller bond concentration ½RL�’ 25=mm2, theroughness estimates are increased by a factor of 2, com-pared to the bond concentration ½RL�’ 100=mm2. Thescaling relation (4) results from the fact that the mem-brane shape fluctuations on the relevant lateral lengthscales up to 1=


p, i.e., on length scales of the order

of 10 or 100 nanometers, are dominated by the bendingenergy of the membranes. In contrast, the overall shapeof cells on length scales of micrometers is dominated bythe membrane tension and the cell cytoskeleton. Thebending energy dominates over the membrane tension s

on length scales smaller than the crossover lengthffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffik=s


which adopts values of 100 or a few 100 nanometers fortypical values of the bending rigidity k and tension s ofcell membranes.36

If the relative membrane roughness ξ ? is much smallerthan the widths ξRL and ξTS of the functions K2D.l/ andkon.l/, the binding of membrane-anchored receptors andligands is only weakly affected by ξ ? . Such situationsmay occur in focal contacts or adherens junctions, whichconsist of clusters of integrin and cadherin complexes,respectively.4,38-41 In cell adhesion zones of immune cellsand in the equilibrated adhesion zones probed with fluo-rescence methods,15-21 in contrast, the relative membraneroughness is likely of the same order or larger than ξRLand ξTS. The computational model systems and theorydescribed in the next sections indicate that the bindingequilibrium and kinetics of the membrane-anchoredreceptors and ligands is then strongly affected both by therelative membrane roughness ξ ? and the average mem-brane separation l. If the relative membrane roughnessξ ? is significantly larger than ξRL and ξTS, the bindingequilibrium constant K2D and on-rate constant kon areboth inversely proportional to ξ ? at the preferred averageseparation for binding.9,10 Together with Eq. (4), theseinverse proportionalities lead to a quadratic dependenceof the bond concentration [RL] and the overall reactionrate on the concentrations [R] and [L] of unbound mem-brane-anchored receptors R and ligands L, which reflectsthe binding cooperativity caused by the membrane rough-ness on nanoscales.3,7,10

Results from computational model systems ofbiomembrane adhesion

We have recently developed 2 computational modelsystems to investigate the binding of anchored recep-tors and ligands in their 2D membrane environmentand the binding of soluble variants of the receptors andligands that are fully mobile in 3D.7,9,10 First, we havedeveloped a coarse-grained molecular model of bio-membrane adhesion7,10 (see Fig. 1A). In this model,lipid molecules consist of 3 hydrophobic head beadsand 2 hydrophobic tails of 4 beads each, and the recep-tors and ligands are represented as cylindrical rods ofbeads, which are either anchored rather rigidly to acylindrical transmembrane domain, or more flexibly tolipid molecules. We have investigated the binding equi-librium and kinetics of both these transmembrane andlipid-anchored receptors and ligands with moleculardynamics (MD) simulations, as well as the bindingequilibrium and kinetics of soluble variants of thereceptors and ligands that lack the membrane anchors.Related coarse-grained molecular models of biomem-branes have been previously used to investigate theself-assembly,42-45 fusion,46-51 and lipid domains52-56 ofmembranes as well as the diffusion,57,58 aggregation,59

and curvature generation60,61 of membrane proteinswith MD simulations.

Second, we have developed an elastic-membranemodel of biomembrane adhesion in which the mem-branes are represented as discretized elastic surfaces, andthe receptors and ligands as anchored rigid or semi-flexi-ble rods that diffuse continuously along the membranesand rotate around their anchoring points.9 Using MonteCarlo (MC) simulations, we have determined both thebinding constant K2D of these anchored receptors andligands as well as the binding constant K3D of solublevariants of the receptors and ligands. In previous elastic-membrane models of biomembrane adhesion, determin-ing both K2D and K3D and the molecular characteristicsaffecting these binding constants has not been possiblebecause the receptors and ligands are not explicitly rep-resented as anchored molecules. Instead, the binding ofreceptors and ligands has been described implicitly byinteractions that depend on the membrane separa-tion.32,62-69 In other previous elastic-membrane models,receptors and ligands are described by concentrationfields rather than individual molecules,70-79 or receptor-ligand bonds are treated as constraints on the local mem-brane separation.33,80-83

An important aspect for the binding of membrane-anchored receptors and ligands is the flexibility of themembrane anchoring. In our computational model sys-tems, the anchoring flexibility of unbound membrane-

578 T. R. WEIKL ET AL.

Page 5: Binding equilibrium and kinetics of membrane-anchored ... · ARTICLE HISTORY Received 2 February 2016 Accepted 13 April 2016 ABSTRACT The adhesion of cell membranes is mediated by

anchored receptors and ligands can be described by theharmonic anchoring energy

VanchorD 12kau

2a (5)

with anchoring strength ka and anchoring angle ua,which is the angle between the direction of the receptorsand ligands and the local membrane normal. An anchor-ing angle of zero thus corresponds to a perpendicularorientation of the receptors and ligands relative to themembrane. For our coarse-grained molecular model ofbiomembrane adhesion, the effective anchoring strengthka can be determined by fitting the anchoring-angle dis-tributions of unbound receptors and ligands observed inthe MD simulations, which leads to the values ka ’ 2:5kBT for our lipid-anchored receptors and ligands andka’ 23 kBT for our transmembrane receptors andligands.10 In our elastic-membrane model of biomem-brane adhesion, the anchoring energy (5) of receptorsand ligands is part of the overall configurational energyof the model, and the anchoring strength ka thus can be‘set’ as a parameter. We have performed MC simulationswith the 3 values ka D 4, 8 and 16 kBT .

The Figures 2 and 3 illustrate MC results for the bind-ing constant of membrane-anchored receptors andligands from 2 different simulation scenarios.9 In the first

scenario, the 2 apposing membranes are parallel and pla-nar (see Fig. 2A). The local separation l of the mem-branes is then identical at all membrane sites and, thus,identical to the average separation l of the membranes.By varying the membrane separation l in this scenario,we obtain the binding constant K2D as a function of thelocal membrane separation l from MC simulations inwhich the receptors and ligands diffuse along the planarmembranes and rotate at their anchor points. In the sec-ond scenario, the 2 apposing membranes are flexible,and the local membrane separation l varies because ofthermally excited shape fluctuations of the membranes(see Fig. 3A). These variations can be quantified by therelative roughness ξ ? of the membranes, which is thestandard deviation of the local separation. In this sce-nario, the membranes are ‘free to choose’ an optimalaverage separation l0 at which the overall free energy isminimal, and we obtain K2D as a function of the mem-brane roughness ξ ? at the average membrane separationlD l0 from MC simulations that differ in the numbers ofreceptors and ligands, and in the membrane tension. Inboth MC simulations scenarios, the binding constant ofthe membrane-anchored receptors and ligands isobtained as K2D D ½RL�2D=½R�2D½L�2D from the averagearea concentrations ½RL�2D, ½RL�2D, and ½L�2D of thebound receptor-ligand complexes, unbound receptors,

Figure 1. (A) Snapshot from a molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of our coarse-grained molecular model of biomembrane adhesion. Inthis snapshot, the 2 apposing membranes both have an area of 120 £ 120 nm2 and contain 25 transmembrane receptors and ligands.(B) Snapshot from a Monte Carlo (MC) simulation of our elastic-membrane model of biomembrane adhesion. The snapshot shows mem-brane segments of area 200 £ 200 nm2 from simulations with overall membrane area 800 £ 800 nm2 and 200 receptors and ligands ofanchoring strength ka D 4 kBT and length 20 nm.


Page 6: Binding equilibrium and kinetics of membrane-anchored ... · ARTICLE HISTORY Received 2 February 2016 Accepted 13 April 2016 ABSTRACT The adhesion of cell membranes is mediated by

and unbound ligands observed in the simulations. Thebinding constant of soluble variants of the receptors andligands can be obtained as K3DD ½RL�3D=½R�3D½L�3D fromthe volume concentrations of the receptors and ligandsobserved in MC simulations. The binding constant K3D

is determined by the binding potential of our model, anddoes not depend on the length of the complexes.9

As a function of the local separation l, the bindingconstant K2D.l/ is maximal at a local membrane separa-tion l0 that is slightly smaller than the length L0 of thereceptor-ligand complexes, and is asymmetric withrespect to l0 (see Fig. 2B and C). This asymmetry reflects

that the receptor-ligand complexes can tilt at local sepa-rations l smaller than l0, but need to stretch at local sepa-rations larger than l0. The maximum of the functionK2D.l/ decreases with increasing length L0 of the rigidreceptor-ligand complexes (see Fig. 2B), and stronglyincreases with increasing anchoring strength ka of thereceptors and ligands (see Fig. 2C). The width of thefunction K2D.l/ increases with decreasing anchoringstrength ka. These features of the function K2D.l/ can beunderstood from our general theory presented in thenext section, which agrees with the MC data without anyfit parameters (see full lines in Fig. 2).

The MC data in Fig. 3 and the corresponding MDdata of Fig. 4 illustrate that the binding constant K2D

of receptors and ligands anchored to fluctuating

Figure 2. (A) Snapshot from a MC simulation with parallel andplanar membranes. (B) and (C) Ratio K2D=K3D of the binding con-stants of membrane-anchored and soluble receptors and ligandsversus local membrane separation l for different anchoringstrengths ka and complex lengths L0 of the receptors and ligandsof our elastic-membrane model of biomembrane adhesion. Thedata points represent MC data, and the lines theoretical resultsbased on Eqs. (7) and (8). The binding constant K3D of solublevariants of the receptors and ligand is determined by the bindingpotential of the receptors and ligands and does not depend onthe complex length L0.

Figure 3. (A) Snapshot from a MC simulation with fluctuatingmembranes. (B) and (C) Ratio K2D=K3D of the binding constantsof membrane-anchored and soluble receptors and ligands vs. rel-ative membrane roughness ξ ? of 2 equilibrated fluctuatingmembranes with preferred average separation for differentanchoring strengths ka and complex lengths L0 of the receptorsand ligands. The data points represent MC data, and the linesrepresent theoretical results based on Eqs. (1), (7), and (8).

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Page 7: Binding equilibrium and kinetics of membrane-anchored ... · ARTICLE HISTORY Received 2 February 2016 Accepted 13 April 2016 ABSTRACT The adhesion of cell membranes is mediated by

membranes decreases with increasing relative mem-brane roughness ξ ? at the optimal average membraneseparation l0 for binding. In Fig. 3, the ratio K2D=K3D ofthe binding constant, the inverse ‘confinement length’,varies between 0.2 and 10 nm¡1, depending on the rela-tive roughness ξ ? of the membranes and on theanchoring strength and length of the receptors andligands.

In Fig. 4, the values of K2D=K3D range from 0.5 to5 nm¡1, depending on the relative membrane roughnessξ ? and on whether the receptors and ligands have atransmembrane anchor or a lipid anchor. The MD datapoints in Fig. 4 result from a variety of membrane sys-tems that differ in membrane area, in the number ofreceptors and ligands, or in the membrane potential.10

The roughness depends on the area Lx£Ly of the mem-branes in the MD simulations because the periodicboundaries of the simulation box suppress membraneshape fluctuations with wavelength larger than Lx=2pwhere Lx D Ly is the linear membrane size. In membranesystems with several anchored receptors and ligands, theroughness is affected by the number of receptor-ligandbonds because the bonds constrain the membrane shapefluctuations. For the small numbers of receptors andligands in our MD simulations, the binding constantscan be determined from the times spent in bound andunbound states.7,10

The binding kinetics of the transmembrane and lipid-anchored receptors and ligands of our coarse-grained

molecular model of biomembrane adhesion can be deter-mined from the frequencies of binding and unbindingevents observed in MD simulations.7 The binding poten-tial is identical for both types of receptors and ligandsand has no barrier to ensure an efficient sampling ofbinding and unbinding events of receptors and ligandsin our simulations. The kinetics of these events is thenstrongly enhanced compared with protein binding eventsin experiments.19-21,30,86 However, this rate enhancementdoes not affect our main results, which concern thedependence of the rate constants and equilibrium con-stant on the membrane separation and roughness. At thepreferred average separation l0 for binding, the 2D on-rates of the anchored receptors and ligands decrease withthe relative membrane roughness, while the 2D off-ratesincrease with the relative roughness.7,10 For our trans-membrane receptors and ligands, the 2D off-rate kof fincreases from about 90/ms to about 140/ms with anincrease of the relative membrane roughness from0.5 nm to 1.8 nm for the membrane systems of Fig. 4A.For our lipid-anchored receptors and ligands, the 2D off-rate kof f increases from about 245/ms to about 290/mswith an increase of the relative membrane roughnessfrom 0.2 nm to 1.7 nm for the membrane systems ofFig. 4B. The 3D off-rate of soluble variants of thesereceptors and ligands with the same binding potential iskoff ’ 400=ms. This 3D off-rate is slightly larger than theoff-rates of the lipid-anchored receptors and ligands, andabout 3 to 5 times larger than the off-rates of the

Figure 4. Ratio K2D=K3D of the binding constants of membrane-anchored and soluble receptors and ligands versus relative membraneroughness ξ ? at the preferred average separation for (A) transmembrane and (B) lipid-anchored receptors and ligands of our coarse-grained molecular model of biomembrane adhesion. The MD data points result from a variety of membrane systems. In these systems,the area of the 2 apposing membranes ranges from 14 £ 14 nm2 to 120 £ 120 nm2, and the number of receptors (R) and ligands (L)varies between 1 and 25 (see figure legends). For membrane systems with several receptors and ligands, we obtain multiple data pointsfor states that differ in the number of bound receptor-ligand complexes.7,10 The red data points in (b) result from simulations with con-fining membrane potentials that restrict membrane shape fluctuations. In experiments, such a situation occurs for membranes boundto apposing surfaces as, e.g., in the surface force apparatus.84,85 The full line in (A) represents a fit to Eq. (11) for the average membraneseparation lD l0 with fit parameter ~c2D D 2:6§ 0:2. We fit to Eq. (11) because the characteristic length ξRL of our transmembrane recep-tors and ligands is about 0.38 nm and thus smaller than the values of the relative membrane roughness of all membrane systems in (a).The full line in (b) results from a fit based on Eqs. (1), (7), and (8) with fit parameters c2D D 420§ 40 nm2, L0 D 10:35§ 0:05 nm, andkRL D 6:0§ 1:0 kBT=nm

2 for the anchoring strength ka ’ 2:5 kBT of lipid-anchored receptors and ligands obtained from the anchor-ing-angle distributions of the unbound receptors and ligands.


Page 8: Binding equilibrium and kinetics of membrane-anchored ... · ARTICLE HISTORY Received 2 February 2016 Accepted 13 April 2016 ABSTRACT The adhesion of cell membranes is mediated by

transmembrane receptors and ligands at the preferredaverage separation for binding. These results appear toindicate that the 2D off-rates of the receptors and ligandsin our coarse-grained molecular model are smaller thanthe 3D off-rate due to constraints on the rotationalmotion from membrane anchoring, which are more pro-nounced for our transmembrane receptors and ligands.2D off-rates that are slightly smaller than 3D off-rateshave also been observed for the binding of T-cell recep-tors to MHC-peptides in experiments in which the T-cellcytoskeleton is disrupted.19 In experiments with intactT-cell cytoskeleton, the 2D off-rates are affected by ATP-driven cytoskeletal forces exerted on TCR-MHC-peptidecomplexes.19,21,30,31,87

General theory for the binding equilibrium andkinetics of membrane-anchored receptors andligands

We have derived a general theory for the binding equilib-rium and kinetics of membrane-anchored receptors andligands that agrees with the results from our computa-tional model systems. In this theory, the binding con-stants K2D and K3D of membrane-anchored and solublereceptors and ligands can be calculated from the transla-tional and rotational free-energy change upon binding.As a function of the local membrane separation l, thebinding constant K2D has the general form9







in this theory. Here, VR,VL, andVRL.l/ are the rotationalphase space volumes of the unbound receptors R,unbound ligands L, and bound receptor-ligand complexRL relative to the membranes, and Ab and Vb are thetranslational phase space area and translational phasespace volume of the bound ligand relative to the receptorin 2D and 3D. The ratio Vb=Ab in Eq. (6) represents acharacteristic length for the binding interface of the recep-tor-ligand complex and can be estimated as the standarddeviation of the binding-site distance in the direction ofthe complex.9 The rotational phase space volumes of theunbound receptors and ligands can be calculated

as VR DVL D 2pR p=2

0exp½¡ 1

2kau2a=kBT�sin ua dua. The

remaining, theoretically ‘challenging’ term in Eq. (6) is therotational phase space volume VRL.l/ of the bound com-plex, which determines the shape of the function K2D.l/.

We have found that the rotational phase space volumeVRL.l/ of the bound receptor-ligand complex can be cal-culated from an effective configurational energy HRL ofthe bound receptor-ligand complex. In our

computational model systems, the binding angles andbinding angle variations of the rigid, rod-like receptorand ligand molecules are small compared to theiranchoring-angle variations. A receptor and ligand thenhave an approximately collinear orientation in the com-plex, and approximately equal anchoring angles ua. Theeffective configurational energy is then9

HRL.l; ua/’ kau2aC

12kRL.l=cos ua¡ L0/

2 (7)

The first term of this effective energy is the sum of theanchoring energies (5) for the receptor and ligand in thecomplex, and the second term is a harmonic approxima-tion for variations in the length LRL of the receptor-ligand complex, i.e. in the distance between the 2 anchor-ing points of the complex. For parallel membranes withseparation l and approximately identical anchoringangles ua of the RL complex in these membranes, thelength of the complex, i.e., the distance between the 2anchoring points in the membranes, is LRL’ l=cos ua.With the effective configurational energy (7), the rota-tional phase space volume of the bound complex can be

calculated as VRL ’ 2pR p=2

0exp½¡Hef =kBT�sin ua dua,

which leads to

K2D.l/D 2pc2DR p=2

0e¡HRL.l; ua/=kBTsin uadua (8)

with c2D D ffiffiffiffiffiffi8p


The theoretical result for K2D.l/ of Eq. (8) agrees withMC data for our elastic-membrane model of biomem-brane adhesion without any fit parameters (see lines inFig. 2). For our elastic-membrane model, the effectivespring constant kRL and preferred length L0 of the recep-tor-ligand complex in the effective configurationalenergy (7) can be calculated from the standard deviationsof the binding angle and binding-site distance and fromthe lengths of the receptors and ligands.9 By combiningthe Eqs. (1), (3), and (8), we obtain general results forthe binding constant K2D of receptors and ligandsanchored to fluctuating membranes that agree with MCdata without fit parameters (see lines in Fig. 3). Our gen-eral theory for the binding constant K2D thus capturesthe essential features of the ‘dimensionality reduction’from 3D to 2D due to membrane anchoring.

In analogy to Eq. (7) for the bound receptor-ligandcomplex, we have postulated the effective configurationalenergy10

HTS.l; ua/’ kau2a C

12kTS.l=cos ua ¡ LTS/

2 (9)

for the transition-state complex of the binding reactionof membrane-anchored receptors and ligands, with the

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same anchoring strength ka as in Eq. (7). This effectiveconfigurational energy reflects that a receptor and ligandmolecule can only bind at appropriate relative orienta-tions and separations. The effective spring constant kTSfor the length variations of the transition-state complexis smaller than the corresponding spring constant kRL ofthe RL complex, because the variations in the binding-site distance and binding angle, which affect the effectivespring constants, are larger in the transition state.10 Thepreferred effective length LTS of the transition-state com-plex, in contrast, is in general close to the preferredlength L0 of the bound RL complex. In analogy toEq. (8), the on-rate constant is

kon.l/’ 2pconR p=2

0e¡HTS.l; ua/=kBTsin uadua (10)

for a given separation l of the planar and parallel mem-branes. The integration over the angle ua in Eq. (10) canbe interpreted as an integration over the transition-stateensemble of the binding reaction. The on-rate constantkon of receptors and ligands anchored to fluctuatingmembranes can then be obtained from an average overthe local membrane separation l (see Eq. (2)). This aver-age over local separations for the on-rate constant konrelies on characteristic timescales for membrane fluctua-tions that are significantly smaller than the timescales forthe diffusion of the anchored molecules on the relevantlength scales.10,32 In contrast, the average in Eq. (1) forthe binding constant K2D is independent of these time-scales because K2D is an equilibrium quantity that doesnot depend on dynamic aspects.

The effective configurational energies (7) and (9)describe the bound complex and the transition-statecomplex of membrane-anchored receptors and ligandsas effective harmonic springs that can tilt. In contrast,classical theories describe these complexes as simpleharmonic springs.32,88,89 As functions of the localmembrane separation l, the binding equilibrium con-stant K2D.l/ and on-rate constant kon.l/ then have asymmetric, Gaussian shape in this classical theory (seeAppendix). However, the MC data of Fig. 2 illustratethat the function K2D.l/ is clearly asymmetric, in agree-ment with Eq. (8) of our theory. In Fig. 5, both our the-ory (full lines) and the classical theory (dashed lines)are compared to data from MD simulations.10 In thesesimulations of our smallest model system with mem-brane area 14£14 nm2 and a single lipid-anchoredreceptor and ligand, the average separation l of themembranes is varied by varying the number of waterbeads between the membranes. The relative membraneroughness in this system is determined by the

membrane area and attains the value ξ ? ’ 0:54 nm.Our theoretical results (full lines) are in good agreementwith the MD data. The results for the classical theory(dashed lines) deviate from the data because they donot reflect the asymmetry of K2D and kon as functions ofthe average membrane separation l, which results fromthe asymmetry of K2D.l/ and kon.l/.

For a relative membrane roughness ξ ? that is muchlarger than the widths ξRL and ξTS of the functionsK2D.l/ and kon.l/, the distribution P.l/ of local

Figure 5. (A) Ratio K2D=K3D of the binding constants of lipid-anchored and soluble receptors and ligands and (B) on-rate con-stant kon of lipid-anchored receptors and ligands vs. averagemembrane separation l of 2 membranes with area 14 £ 14 nm2

and a single lipid-anchored receptor and ligand in our coarse-grained molecular model. The relative membrane roughness isdetermined by the membrane area in this system and attains thevalue ξ ? D 0:54§ 0:01 nm. The data points result from MD sim-ulations. The full lines in (A) result from a fit of our general theo-retical results for K2D=K3D from Eqs. (1), (7), and (8) with fitparameters c2D D 480§ 20 nm2, L0 D 10:64 § 0:02 nm, andkRL D 7:2§ 0:7 kBT=nm

2 for the anchoring strength ka ’ 2:5kBT of our lipid-anchored receptors and ligands. The full lines in(b) result from a fit of our general theoretical results for kon fromEqs. (9), (10), and (2) with fit parameters con D 77§ 4 mm2=s,LTS D 10:63§ 0:02 nm, and kTS D 1:5§ 0:2 kBT=nm

2. Thedashed lines represent fits to Eqs. (17) and (18) obtained for theclassical Gaussian theory with fit parameters (a) Kmax

2D D 146§ 9nm2, lK D 9:36§ 0:06 nm, and ξK D 1:08 § 0:04 nm and (b)kmaxon D 42:1§ 1:4 mm2=s, lk D 9:35 § 0:05 nm, andξk D 1:41§ 0:05 nm.


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membrane separations l is nearly constant over the rangeof local separations l for which K2D.l/ and kon.l/ are notnegligibly small. The Eqs. (1) and (2) of our theory thensimplify to 9,10

K2D ’ c»2DK3D

ξ ?exp ¡ .l¡ l0/2


� �(11)

with c»2D D kaAb=� ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi




kon ’ c»onξ ?

exp ¡ .l¡ lTS/2


� �(12)

with c~on D conp.kBT/3=2=.ka


p/ for a Gaussian distri-

bution P.l/ of the local membrane separation l (seeEq. (3)). Here, l0 and lTS are the preferred average separa-tions for large roughnesses. For such large roughnesses,the dependence of K2D and kon on the average separationl is dominated by the shape of the distribution P.l/, andthe asymmetry of K2D.l/ and kon.l/ are ‘averaged out’ inEqs. (1) and (2). At the preferred average separations forbinding, i.e. at the average separations for which theGaussian functions in Eqs. (11) and (12) are maximal,the binding constant K2D and on-rate constant kon areinversely proportional to the relative membrane rough-ness ξ ? .

In our theory, the widths ξRL and ξTS of the functionsK2D.l/ and kon.l/ depends on the anchoring strength kaof the receptors and ligands, and the preferred lengthsand effective spring constants of the bound complex andthe transition-state complex9,10:

ξRL ’ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi.kBT=kRL/C .kBTL0=2ka/2


ξTS ’ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi.kBT=kTS/C .kBTLTS=2ka/2


For the lipid-anchored receptors and ligands of ourcoarse-grained molecular model, these widths areξRL ’ 2:1 nm and ξTS ’ 2:2 nm. For the transmembranereceptors and ligands, we have ξRL ’ 0:38 nm andξTS ’ 0:8 nm. For the receptors and ligands of our elas-tic-membrane model, the width ξRL of the functionK2D.l/ ranges between 1:3 nm and 5:0 nm, depending onthe anchoring strength ka and complex length L0 of thereceptors and ligands. For receptor-ligand complexes oflength L0D 40:3 nm, we have ξRL ’ 5:0 nm, 2:5 nm, and1:3 nm for the anchoring strengths ka D 4 kBT , 8 kBT ,and 16 kBT . For receptors and ligands with anchoringstrength ka D 8 kBT , we have ξRL ’ 1:3 nm, 2:5 nm, and3:8 nm for the complex lengths L0D 20:4 nm, 40:3 nm,and 60:3 nm.

Conclusions and outlook

The computational model systems and theories reviewedin this article indicate that the relative roughness ξ ? of 2adhering membranes plays an important role for thebinding of membrane-anchored receptors and ligands.For concentrations [RL] of receptor-ligand bondsaround 100=mm2, the relative membrane roughness ξ ?obtained from Eq. (4) is of the same magnitude or largerthan the characteristic lengths ξRL and ξTS of the recep-tors and the ligands in our computational model sys-tems, which reflect how strongly the local separation ofthe membranes is constrained by the receptor-ligandand transition-state complexes. The binding constantK2D and on-rate constant kon of the receptors and ligandsthen decreases with increasing relative membrane rough-ness ξ ? in equilibrated membrane adhesion zones inwhich the average separation l of the membranes is closeto the preferred average separation l0 of the receptorsand ligands for binding.

In the next years, experimental model systems of bio-membrane adhesion may confirm the effect of the rela-tive membrane roughness ξ ? on the binding constantK2D of membrane-anchored receptors and ligands. Insuch model systems, the adhesion of reconstitutedmembranes is mediated by anchored adhesion pro-teins,68,90-100 by anchored saccharides,101,102 or byanchored DNA.103-106 The roughness-dependence of K2D

can be confirmed by demonstrating that K2D increaseswith the concentration [RL] of bound receptor-ligandcomplexes, because the relative membrane roughnessξ ? decreases with increasing bond concentration [RL].Measuring the relative membrane roughness requires aspatial resolution in the nanometer range both in thedirections parallel and perpendicular to the membranes,which is beyond the scope of current optical methodsused to probe membrane shape fluctuations.107,108 How-ever, the relative membrane roughness can be measuredin neutron scattering experiments on stacks of orientedmembranes that interact via anchored molecules.102

Our general theories for the binding constant K2D andbinding kinetics of membrane-anchored moleculesreviewed in this article are in good agreement with simu-lation data for our computational model systems. Thesetheories identify characteristic properties of the receptorand ligand molecules and of the apposing membranesthat determine the binding equilibrium and kinetics. Inthe general Eqs. (1) and (2), the molecular properties ofthe receptors and ligands, including their membraneanchoring, are reflected in the functions K2D.l/ andkon.l/, and the properties of the membranes are reflectedin the distribution P.l/ of the local membrane separationl. The distribution P.l/ has the Gaussian shape (3) with

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the average membrane separation l and relative mem-brane roughness ξ ? as characteristic lengths if the adhe-sion is dominated by a single type of receptors andligands.9,10 In our detailed theories for K2D.l/ and kon.l/reviewed in Section IV, the receptor-ligand complex andthe transition-complex are described as elastic springsthat can tilt, which results in asymmetric, non-Gaussianfunctions K2D.l/ for kon.l/. Our theoretical results for theratio of the binding constants K2D and K3D of membrane-anchored and soluble receptors and ligands agree withMC data without any fit parameters (see Figs. 2 and 3),which indicates that our theory captures the essential fea-tures of the ‘dimensionality reduction’ from 3D to 2D dueto membrane anchoring, for both planar and fluctuatingmembranes. Other theories concern the binding of recep-tors and ligands anchored to essentially planar mem-branes,4,8 the binding of DNA immobilized on apposingnanoparticle surfaces,109,110 or the binding of flexiblereceptor and ligand polymers.111-114

Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest

No potential conflicts of interest were disclosed.


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Appendix: Gaussian theory for membrane-anchored receptors and ligands

In classical theories,32,88,89 the effective configurational energiesHRL and HTS of membrane-anchored receptor-ligand and tran-sition-state complexes depend only on the membrane

separation l. In harmonic approximation, such effective config-urational energies lead to Gaussian functions

K2D.l/DKmax2D exp½¡ .l¡ lK/

2=2ξ2K � (15)

kon.l/D kmaxon exp½¡ .l¡ lk/

2=2ξ2k� (16)

Here, ξK and ξk are the widths of the functions K2D.l/and kon.l/. For a Gaussian distribution P.l/ of the localmembrane separation as in Eq. (3), the averages over alllocal separation l in Eqs. (1) and (2) can be calculatedexplicitly, which leads to

K2D D Kmax2D ξKffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiξ2? C ξ2K

q exp ¡ .l¡ lK/2

2.ξ2? C ξ2K/

� �(17)

konD kmaxon ξkffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiξ2? C ξ2k

q exp ¡ .l¡ lk/2

2.ξ2? C ξ2k/

� �(18)

From these 2 equations, we obtain the off-rate constant

koff ’ kminoff exp

.l¡ lK/2

2.ξ2? C ξ2K/¡ .l¡ lk/2

2.ξ2? C ξ2k/

� �(19)

with kminoff D .kmax

on ξk=KmaxξK/

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi.ξ2? C ξ2K/=.ξ

2? C ξ2k/


Related expressions for averages at fixed membrane loca-tions in the special case ξk D ξK have been derived byBihr et al.32

The dependence of the off-rate constant kof f on the averagemembrane separation l can be understood from the first andsecond derivative of kof f with respect to l. The first derivatived kof f=d l vanishes at the average membrane separation

lk 0 D lK.ξ2k C ξ2? /¡ lk.ξ

2K C ξ2? /

ξ2k ¡ ξ2K(20)

The value of the second derivative at d2kof f=d l2at this

membrane separation is positive for ξk > ξK , and negativefor ξk < ξK . As a function of l, the off-rate constant thusexhibits a minimum at lD lk 0 for ξk > ξK , and a maximumfor ξk < ξK . Depending on the values of lK , lk, ξK , ξk, andξ ? , the location lk 0 of this minimum or maximum canadopt values that differ strongly from the locations lK andlk of the maxima of the Gaussian functions (15) and (16).Negative values of lk 0 imply that the off-rate constant kof fis monotonously increasing at positive average separationsl for ξk > ξK , and monotonously decreasing at such aver-age separations for ξk < ξK . Because the membranes can-not intersect, the average separation l of the membranesdoes not attain negative values.

