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Biodiversity and Evolution Chapter 4. The American Alligator, worth saving?

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Biodiversity and Evolution Chapter 4
Page 1: Biodiversity and Evolution Chapter 4. The American Alligator, worth saving?

Biodiversity and Evolution

Chapter 4

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The American Alligator, worth saving?

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Core Case Study: Why Should We Care about the American Alligator?

Largest reptile in North America

1930s: Hunters and poachers (sport, bellies, meat) • 90% killed off

1967: endangered species

1977: comeback, threatened species

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Why are alligators important?

Keystone species

Presence in food web –Gar, eggs, small gators Gator holes- dug out, freshwater, drought Nesting mounds, used by other animals Pathways- keep waterways open, hold back

changes in swamp

Medicine: blood kills certain types of bacteria, antibodies that destroy drug resistant varieties

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Four Scientific Principles of Sustainability

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4-1 What Is Biodiversity and Why Is It Important?

Concept 4-1 The biodiversity found in genes, species, ecosystems, and ecosystem processes is vital to sustaining life on earth.

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What does biodiversity mean to you?

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Natural Capital: Major Components of the Earth’s Biodiversity

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Different types of diversity Species diversity: the number and abundance of

species present in different communities

Ecosystem diversity: The variety of ecosystems, aquatic environments found in a place or on earth

Functional diversity: variety in the processes and energy flow in an ecosystem: extra uses of nests, paths of gators

Genetic Diversity: Variety in traits, genetic material found within a certain species

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Biodiversity Is a Crucial Part of the Earth’s Natural Capital

Vital renewable resources

Variety of food found in all ecosystems

Wood, fibers, energy, medicine

Waste and pest control

Air and water quality (regulation of ecosystem health

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Questions on 4.1

Q2: What are three ways that the American alligator supports one or more of the four components of biodiversity within its environment?

Q3: What are three examples of how people, in their daily living, intentionally or unintentionally degrade each of these types of biodiversity?

Q4: What are the main differences between Functional and Ecological Diversity? What are the main differences between species and genetic diversity?

Q5: Why is having a lot of biodiversity on earth so beneficial to us?

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4-2 Where Do Species Come From?

Concept 4-2A The scientific theory of evolution explains how life on earth changes over time through changes in the genes of populations.

Concept 4-2B Populations evolve when genes mutate and give some individuals genetic traits that enhance their abilities to survive and to produce offspring with these traits (natural selection).

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What does Evolution mean to you?

Do you think it happens?


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What do these pictures have in common?

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Biological Evolution by Natural Selection Explains How Life Changes over Time

Natural selection

Constant struggle for food, resources to survive

Some individuals have advantage over others

Those with tend to have more successful offspring

Charles Darwin • (gathered evidence AND published)

Alfred Russell Wallace

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What is the tree of life?

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Six Major Kingdoms of Species as a Result of Natural Selection

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Fig. 4-3, p. 81











oFirst humansExtinction of dinosaurs

Plantscolonize land

Origin ofmulticellularorganisms

Oldesteukaryotic fossils

Accumulation ofO2 in atmospherefrom photosyntheticcyanobacterium

Prokaryotes Eukaryotes

Origin of Earth

Earth cool enoughfor crust to solidify

Oldest prokaryoticfossils












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Animation: Evolutionary tree of life

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Animation: Evolutionary tree diagrams

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The Fossil Record Tells Much of the Story of Evolution

Fossils• Physical evidence of ancient organisms• Bones, casts, tracks…• Some reveal what their internal structures

looked like, some their actions

How many species leave fossils? Have all fossils been discovered?

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Fossilized Skeleton of an Herbivore that Lived during the Cenozoic Era

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The Genetic Makeup of a Population Can Change

Populations evolve by becoming genetically different

Genetic variations• First step in biological evolution• Occurs through mutations in reproductive cells• Mutations in other cells can happen , but only

reproductive cell mutations are passed on• Sometimes a mutation can result in a new

genetic trait that gives it a better chance to survive, sometimes not.

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Can a fish species willfully grow limbs and fingers if they are needed to crawl out of the water onto dry land?

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Individuals in Populations with Beneficial Genetic Traits Can Leave More Offspring

Natural selection: acts on individuals• Second step in biological evolution• Adaptation may lead to differential reproduction• Genetic resistance in bacteria, cockroaches

When environmental conditions change, populations• Adapt• Migrate• Become extinct

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Fig. 4-5, p. 83

Most of the normal bacteria die

The genetically resistant bacteriastart multiplying

Eventually the resistant strainreplaces the strain affected bythe antibiotic

A group of bacteria, including genetically resistant ones, areexposed to an antibiotic

Normal bacterium

Resistant bacterium

Stepped Art

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Humans and Natural Selection

• Is it still going on? Evidence

• Traits that might lead to differential production

• Do the number of offspring matter for human adaptation?

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Case Study: How Did Humans Become Such a Powerful Species?

Three human adaptations• Strong opposable thumbs• Walk upright• Complex brain

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Adaptation through Natural Selection Has Limits

Genetic change must precede change in the environmental conditions

Reproductive capacity • How many• How fast

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Three Common Myths about Evolution through Natural Selection

“Survival of the fittest” is not “survival of the strongest”

Organisms do not develop traits out of need or want

No grand plan of nature for perfect adaptation

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Questions on 4.2

Q1) Some people are born with 6 fingers or webbed toes. The above named features are examples of what biological concepts?

Q2) Do the features listed in Q1 have impact on the natural selection process of humans? Explain

Q3) Why does the tree of life have branches?

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There is a grandeur to this view of life (evolution)

While this planet has gone cycling on…

Endless forms most beautiful and wonderful

have been and are beingevolved

Charles Darwin

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Evolution Timeline Project/Lab

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Video: Creation vs. evolution

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Animation: Disruptive selection

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Animation: Change in moth population

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Animation: Stabilizing selection

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4-3 How Do Geological Processes and Climate Change Affect Evolution?

Concept 4-3 Tectonic plate movements, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and climate change have shifted wildlife habitats, wiped out large numbers of species, and created opportunities for the evolution of new species.

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What drives evolution?

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What determines the amount of resources?

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Geologic Processes Affect Natural Selection

Tectonic plates affect evolution and the location of life on earth• Location of continents and oceans• Species physically move, or adapt, or form new

species through natural selection

Tectonic actions: Earthquakes, Volcanic eruptions can have profound effects on natural selection• Pollution• Change in ecosystem

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Fig. 4-6, p. 85

225 million years ago 135 million years ago

65 million years ago Present

Stepped Art

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Climate Change and Catastrophes Affect Natural Selection

Ice ages followed by warming temperatures

Demise of the giants (sloth, Saber tooth tigers)

Collisions between the earth and large asteroids • New species• Extinction

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Changes in Ice Coverage in the Northern Hemisphere During the last 18,000 Years

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Science Focus: Earth Is Just Right for Life to Thrive

Certain temperature range (closeness to sun)

Dependence on water

Rotation on its axis (how fast or slow we spin)

Revolution around the sun (changes in season)

Enough gravitational mass (to hold on to the atmo)

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Animation: Stanley Miller's experiment

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Questions on 4.3

Q1) What is the connection between the environment and evolution?

Q2) Will humans evolve to a point where we can survive in space without a spacesuit or any protective device? Why or Why not?

Q3) how does pollution effect evolution?

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4-4 How Do Speciation, Extinction, and Human Activities Affect Biodiversity?

Concept 4-4A As environmental conditions change, the balance between formation of new species and extinction of existing species determines the earth’s biodiversity.

Concept 4-4B Human activities can decrease biodiversity by causing the premature extinction of species and by destroying or degrading habitats needed for the development of new species.

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Through geographic isolation• Groups of same species become physically

isolated• Migration, physical barriers (volcanoes to roads)

Through reproductive isolation• Mutation and change by natural selection occur in

isolated geographic populations long enough

• New species when interbreeding produces onlysterile offspring

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Geographic Isolation Can Lead to Reproductive Isolation

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Two species arise from one

Environments change for 2 groups of same species

Change progresses to point where breeding produces sterile offspring

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Animation: Speciation on an archipelago

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Extinction is Forever

Extinction• Background 1:5,000,000• Mass >25%• 3-5 events in history with mass extinction and low


Endemic species • Specialized• Found in only one location• Particularly vulnerable

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Golden Toad of Costa Rica, Extinct

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Science Focus: Humans Have Two Ways to Change the Genetic Traits of Populations

Artificial selection

Genetic engineering, gene splicing

Consider• Ethics• Morals• Privacy issues• Harmful effects

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Genetically Engineered Mice

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Animation: Transferring genes into plants

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Video: Cloned pooch

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Exit questions

Q10 Distinguish between geographic isolation and reproductive isolation.

Q11 Distinguish between artificial selection and genetic engineering (gene splicing)

Q12 Distinguish between background extinction and mass extinction?

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4-5 What Is Species Diversity and Why Is It Important?

Concept 4-5 Species diversity is a major component of biodiversity and tends to increase the sustainability of ecosystems.

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Through geographic isolation• Groups of same species become physically

isolated• Migration, physical barriers (volcanoes to roads)

Through reproductive isolation• Mutation and change by natural selection occur in

isolated geographic populations long enough

• New species when interbreeding produces onlysterile offspring

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Species Diversity: Variety, Abundance of Species in a Particular Place

Species diversity• Species richness (diversity in species)• Species evenness (abundance of each


Diversity varies with geographical location• Most species-rich communities• Tropical rain forests• Coral reefs• Ocean bottom zone• Large tropical lakes

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Variations in Species Richness

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Variation in species evenness

Temperate Forest, African Savannah, Canadian Aspen forest

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Science Focus: Species Richness on Islands

Species equilibrium model Theory of island biogeography• Rate of new species immigrating should balance

with the rate of species extinction

Island size and distance from the mainland need to be considered

Larger and closer is more species rich

“Island” isolated region

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Species-Rich Ecosystems Tend to Be Productive and Sustainable

Species richness seems to increase productivity and stability or sustainability of a location

More diverse ecosystem, more productive, greater biomass

More diverse, more complex web, more resistant to environmental disturbances

Only a hypothesis, more study is needed

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Questions on 4.5

Q15) Distinguish between species richness and evenness

Q16) Suppose we have 2 national parks close to each other surrounded by development. One is a large park and the other much smaller. Which park is likely to have the highest species richness? Why?

Q17) Explain why species rich ecosystems tend to be productive and sustainable

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4-6 What Roles Do Species Play in Ecosystems?

Concept 4-6A Each species plays a specific ecological role called its niche.

Concept 4-6B Any given species may play one or more of five important roles—native, nonnative, indicator, keystone, or foundation roles—in a particular ecosystem.

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Each Species Plays a Unique Role in Its Ecosystem

Ecological niche• Pattern of living, species way of life and includes

everything that affects survival and reproduction

Generalist species (mice, humans, raccoons)• Broad niche

Specialist species

(Tiger salamanders, pandas)• Narrow niche

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Specialist Species and Generalist Species Niches

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Case Study: Cockroaches: Nature’s Ultimate Survivors

Cockroaches• Generalists• High reproductive rates• 10 million annually

• Eat almost anything:• Finger nail clippings,

electric cords, soap• Live and breed in all but

arctic environ• Antennae, knee joints, eyes• Sample food-avoid poison

Good: food for higher order consumers

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Fig. 4-13, p. 93

Black skimmerseizes small fishat water surfaceBlack skimmerseizes small fishat water surface

Brown pelican divesfor fish, which itlocates from the air

Avocet sweeps billthrough mud andsurface water in searchof small crustaceans,insects, and seeds

Dowitcher probesdeeply into mud insearch of snails,marine worms, andsmall crustaceans Herring gull

is a tirelessscavenger

Ruddy turnstonesearches undershells and pebblesfor smallinvertebrates

Flamingo feeds on minute organisms in mud

Scaup and other diving ducks feed on mollusks, crustaceans, and aquatic vegetation

Louisiana heron wades into water to seize small fish

Oystercatcher feeds on clams, mussels, and other shellfish into which it pries its narrow beak

Knot (sandpiper)picks up wormsand small crustaceansleft by receding tide

Piping plover feeds on insects and tinycrustaceans on sandy beaches

Specialized Feeding Niches of Various Bird Species in a Coastal Wetland

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Niches Can Be Occupied by Native and Nonnative Species

Native species

Nonnative species; invasive, alien, or exotic species• May spread rapidly• Not all are villains (farm- commercial animals)• All disturb the existing ecosystem

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Killer Bees

1957, Brazil to increase honey production

Instead killed off native bee population

Been migrating North every since

Not terror movie life, but more aggressive and unpredictable

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Indicator Species Serve as Biological Smoke Alarms

Indicator species• Can monitor environmental quality • Trout (need clean highly oxygenated water)• Birds (fragmentation, pesticides)• Butterflies (fragmentation, species loss)• Frogs (next slide)

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Case Study: Why Are Amphibians Vanishing? (1)

Habitat loss and fragmentation

Prolonged drought


Increase in UV radiation

Parasites (worms causing increase in birth defects)

Viral and fungal diseases

Climate change (2005 and 2008 studies)

Overhunting (Asia and France)

Nonnative predators and competitors

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Case Study: Why Are Amphibians Vanishing? (2)

Importance of amphibians• Sensitive biological indicators of environmental

changes• Adult amphibians• Important ecological roles in biological


• Genetic storehouse of pharmaceutical products waiting to be discovered

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Fig. 4-14, p. 94


Adult frog(3 years) Young frog

Tadpole developsinto frog


Egg hatches

Organ formation

Fertilized eggdevelopment



Life Cycle of a Frog

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What is a keystone?

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Keystone, Foundation Species Determine Structure, Function of Their Ecosystems

Keystone species • Pollinators• Top predator• Loss of keystone species lead to population

crashes of other species in ecosystem

Foundation species• Create or enhance their habitats, which benefit

others • Elephants (trails) • Beavers (build wetlands)

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Keystone and foundation species play similar role in building and

maintaining an healthy ecosystem

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Why should we protect sharks?

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Case Study: Why Should We Protect Sharks?

Keystone species• Eat dead and dying fish in the ocean• Control other populations• Strong immune systems • Wounds do not get infected• Almost never get cancer• Could help humans if we understood their immune


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Q20) Distinguish between native, invasive, indicator, keystone and foundation species

Q21) Distinguish between specialist species and generalist species.

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Writing assignment

Critical thinking questions 7, 8 on pg 98

Use ideas discussed in this or other chapters to fortify your answer to the questions

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UN Project Questions

1. Are there regions of your country with large amounts of biodiversity?

2. What climate conditions/Geologic features have influence natural selection in the major biomes of your country

3. Indicate some unique indicator, keystone, foundation, invasive and specialist species that live within the borders of your country

4. Does the people in your country get most of their food from within ?
