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Biography of juan carlos

Date post: 10-Feb-2017
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Universidad de Colima Bachillerato Técnico 4 English III Juan Carlos Olivera Jiménez 5°C Marcela Nefertity Moreno Rodriguez iography of Juan Carlos
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Universidad de ColimaBachillerato Técnico 4 English III

Juan Carlos Olivera Jiménez 5°CMarcela Nefertity Moreno Rodriguez

Biography of Juan Carlos

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Juan Carlos Olivera Jiménez was born on June 28, 1998 in Colima Colima, his parents are Claudia Jiménez Lozano and Juan Carlos Olivera Vega and his sister is Claudia Daniela Olivera Jiménez

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When he was 3 years old it broke the left leg playing with his father

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He participated in a spring festival at the 4 years old where he met a pretty girl, but he doesn´t remember it very well

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He started your elementary school in José S. Benítez school where he learned to write, read and develop certain skills such as cooking and crafts

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In middle school started to be interested more for the nature and said that he would be a great scientist

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At the 8 years old he began to work with his father in his workshop. He learned to change gas and parts, measure voltages and a little of washing machines operation.

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He studied the secondary in the school 23 and there changed your idea and said that he would be a doctor

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In high school he met Claudia a person who never imaginary that would become his girlfriend for two years and a half

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Before leaving the high school made examination for entering BACH. 4 where according to the adopted the knowledge and skills of a doctor

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Recently changed his idea once more and this time decided to and confirmed to be a great chemical but it is still undecided

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In the first semester he participated in State Chemistry Olympiad but haven´t a good place, but returned to compete in third semester and this time won a chemistry and gold medal game

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Currently studying the fifth  semester in high school 4 made eager  to be or a wonderful chemical or a great doctor

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