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Biological disasters might be caused by.docx

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  • 8/14/2019 Biological disasters might be caused by.docx


    Biological disasters might be caused byepidemics, accidental release of virulentmicroorganism(s) or Bioterrorism (BT) with the use Parthenium hysterophorus not kill in theshort term but thrust nations towardssocio-economic disasters. Another example is theHuman Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)/AcquiredImmuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) epidemic inSub-Saharan Africa, that has wiped out the benefitsof improved health care and decimated theproductive segments of society leading to economicstagnation and recession.Recently, some events experienced in Indiahave h1111ighlighted such issues. The outbreak ofplague in Surat which was relatively small,disrupted urban activity in the city, generated anexodus and lead to a massive economic fallout.The ongoing human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immuno deficiency syndrome epidemicin different parts of the country is leading to thediversion of substantial resources. The spread of

    the invasive weedParthenium hysterophorusafterits accidental introduction into India has had widerepercussions on human and animal health, apartfrom depleting the fodder output.Infectious agents are constantly evolving, oftenacquiring enhanced virulence or epidemicpotential. This results in normally mild infectionsbecoming serious. The outbreak of Chikungunyathat started in 2005 is one such example.In recent times travelling has become easier.More and more people are travelling all over the

    world which exposes the whole world to epidemics.As our society is in a state of flux, novel pathogensemerge to pose challenges not only at the point ofprimary contact but in far removed locations. TheMarburg virus illustrates this. The increasedinteraction between humans and animals hasincreased the possibilities of zoonotic diseasesemerging in epidemic form.

    afterits accidental introduction into India has had wide

    repercussions on human and animal health, apartfrom depleting the fodder output.Infectious agents are constantly evolving, oftenacquiring enhanced virulence or epidemicpotential. This results in normally mild infectionsbecoming serious. The outbreak of Chikungunyathat started in 2005 is one such example.In recent times travelling has become easier.More and more people are travelling all over theworld which exposes the whole world to epidemics.

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    As our society is in a state of flux, novel pathogensemerge to pose challenges not only at the point ofprimary contact but in far removed locations. TheMarburg virus illustrates this. The increasedinteraction between humans and animals hasincreased the possibilities of zoonotic diseasesemerging in epidemic form.

    of biological agents such as anthrax, smallpox,etc. The existence of infectious diseases have beenknown among human communities andcivilisations since the dawn of history. The classicalliterature of nearly all civilisations record the abilityof major infections to decimate populations, thwartmilitary campaigns and unsettle nations. Socialupheavals caused by epidemics have contributedin shaping history over the ages. The mutualassociation of war, pestilence and famine wasacknowledged and often attributed to divineinfluences, though a few keen observers realisedthat some infections were contagious. Thedevelopment of bacteriology and epidemiologylater, established the chain of infection. Along withnuclear and chemical agents, which are derivedfrom technology, biological agents have beenaccepted as agents of mass destruction capableof generating comparable disasters.The growth of human society has rested largelyon the cultivation of crops and domestication ofanimals. As crops and animals became necessaryto sustain a divergent social structure, the depletion

    of these resources had far reaching consequences.Along with the growth of societies, crop and animaldiseases acquired more and more importance.Epidemics can result in heavy mortalities inthe short term leading to a depletion of populationwith a corresponding drop in economic activity,e.g., the plague epidemics in Europe during themiddle ages or the Spanish influenza between191718. Infections like Tuberculosis (TB) might

    Executive Summarynot kill in the short term but thrust nations towardssocio-economic disasters. Another example is theHuman Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)/AcquiredImmuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) epidemic inSub-Saharan Africa, that has wiped out the benefitsof improved health care and decimated theproductive segments of society leading to economicstagnation and recession.Recently, some events experienced in Indiahave highlighted such issues. The outbreak ofplague in Surat which was relatively small,

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    disrupted urban activity in the city, generated anexodus and lead to a massive economic fallout.The ongoing human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immuno deficiency syndrome epidemicin different parts of the country is leading to thediversion of substantial resources. The spread ofthe invasive weedParthenium hysterophorusafterits accidental introduction into India has had widerepercussions on human and animal health, apartfrom depleting the fodder output.Infectious agents are constantly evolving, oftenacquiring enhanced virulence or epidemicpotential. This results in normally mild infectionsbecoming serious. The outbreak of Chikungunyathat started in 2005 is one such example.In recent times travelling has become easier.More and more people are travelling all over theworld which exposes the whole world to epidemics.

    As our society is in a state of flux, novel pathogensemerge to pose challenges not only at the point ofprimary contact but in far removed locations. TheMarburg virus illustrates this. The increasedinteraction between humans and animals hasincreased the possibilities of zoonotic diseases

    emerging in epidemic form.Do's and Don'ts for Biological Disasters:


    Children and older adults are particularly vulnerable to biological agents. Ensure from a

    doctor/the nearest hospital that all the required or suggested immunizations are up to date.


    In the event of a biological attack, public health officials may not immediately be able toprovide information on what you should do. It will take time to determine what the illnessis, how it should be treated, and who is in danger. Close the doors and windows when abiological attack is imminent.

    Watch television, listen to radio, or check the Internet for official news and informationincluding signs and symptoms of the disease, areas in danger, if medications orvaccinations are being distributed, and where you should seek medical attention if youbecome ill.

    The first evidence of an attack may be when you notice symptoms of the disease causedby exposure to an agent.

    Be suspicious of any symptoms you notice, but do not assume that any illness is a resultof the attack.

    Use common sense and practice good hygiene.


    Pay close attention to all official warnings and instructions on how to proceed. The delivery of

    medical services for a biological event may be handled differently to respond to increased

    demand. The basic public health procedures and medical protocols for handling exposure to

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    biological agents are the same as for any infectious disease. It is important for you to pay

    attention to official instructions via radio, television, and emergency alert systems. impact

    Even a small-scale biological attack with a weapon grade agent on an urban center could cause

    massive morbidity and mortality, rapidly overwhelming the local medical capabilities. For

    example, an aerosolized release of little as 100kg of anthrax spores upwind of a metro city of a

    size of Washington D C has been estimated to have the potential to cause up to three millions of


    Biological Disaster imposes heavy demands on the National health care system and it will be thepublic health system that will be called upon to handle the consequences. An effective publichealth system with component of a strong disease surveillance mechanism, facilities for rapidepidemiological and laboratory investigation, efficient medical management and information,education and communication (IEC) are essential capabilities for countering biological disasters.

    Chemical disastersare occurrence of emission, fire or explosion involving one or more

    hazardous chemicalsin the course of industrial activity (handling), storage or transportation ordue to natural events leading to serious effects inside or outside the installation likely to causeloss of life and property including adverse effects on theenvironmentIndustrial disasters aredisasters caused by chemical, mechanical, civil, electrical or other process failures due toaccident, negligence or incompetence, in an industrial plant which may spill over to the areasoutside the plant or with in causing damage to life , property and environmentA chemicalaccidentis the unintentional release of one or more hazardous substances which could harmhuman health or the environment. Chemical hazardsare systems where chemical accidentscould occur under certain circumstances. Such events include fires,explosions,leakagesorreleases oftoxicorhazardous materialsthat can cause people illness, injury, disability or death.An example is the introduction of hydrocarbon methyl that increases the risk of heart cancer

    because it changes the way blood cells flow through the body.


    While chemical accidents may occur whenever toxic materials are stored,transportedor used,the most severe accidents areindustrial accidents,involving majorchemical manufacturingandstorage facilities. The most significant chemical accidents in recorded history was the 1984Bhopal disasterinIndia,in which more than 3,000 people were killed after a highly toxicvapour,(methyl isocyanate), was released at aUnion Carbidepesticidesfactory.

    ImpactsImpacts of chemical disaster may the following and can be further understood in short-term andlong-term perspectives:

    death, injury, physiological health effects and losses damage to environmental resources, like land/soil, land-use, water bodies/resources, air-

    quality and movements, local-climate, crops/forests and bio-products disruption of environmental services, e.g. water supply, aesthetic and recreation,

    environmental & public health, sanitation, garbage management damage and losses to structures, buildings, machines/equipment, facilities psychological trauma, stress and lack of well-being

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    insurance losses, and economic losses related to disruption of productivity, wages,remuneration, incentives

    increase in vulnerability to other hazards including natural and environmental exposures, and law & order instability, community outcries, litigations and public governance


    We must create a portfolio of disaster reduction actions, compiling best practice and

    lessons learned from previous disasters, and a catalogue of technologies for disasterreduction. The chemical industry should share well-developed codes, translated intoseveral languages and adapted to the different environments in which we operate.

    We should also do more to integrate environmental emergency preparedness andresponse activities into strategies and sustainable development programmes. In particularwe must identify specifi c activities, to implement relevant provisions of the 2002Johannesburg Plan of Implementation, and conform more closely with the Millenniumdeclaration and its goals.

    Discussion of emergency prevention, preparedness and response issues involving the

    competent authorities, private sector and general public must develop. We should assessthe effectiveness of existing public-private partnerships. Would the World Conference onDisaster Reduction, for instance, be an appropriate venue to create new partnerships, andif so, how should partnerships differ from existing ones?

    Lastly we must develop and enhance early-warning systems, still the most critical aspectof risk reduction. We need to create suitable technical instruments, constantly monitoredand improved by networks of professionals. The lack of suitable early-warning systems isthe key obstacle to prevention, allowing accidents to develop into fully-fl edged disasters.

    March 23, 2005:Texas City Refinery explosion.An explosion occurred at aBPrefineryin Texas City, Texas. It is the third largest refinery in the United States and one of thelargest in the world, processing 433,000 barrels of crude oil per day and accounting for3% of that nation's gasoline supply. Over 100 were injured, and 15 were confirmed dead,including employees of the Fluor Corporation as well as BP. BP has since accepted thatits employees contributed to the accident. Several level indicators failed, leading tooverfilling of a knock out drum, and light hydrocarbons concentrated at ground levelthroughout the area. A nearby running diesel truck set off the explosion.

    December 11, 2005:Hertfordshire Oil Storage Terminal fire.A series of explosions atthe Buncefield oil storage depot, described as the largest peacetime explosion in Europe,devastated the terminal and many surrounding properties. There were no fatalities. Totaldamages have been forecast as 750 million.

    February 7, 2010:2010 Connecticut power plant explosion.A large explosion occurredat a Kleen Energy Systems 620-megawatt,Siemenscombined cyclegas- and oil- firedpower plant inMiddletown,Connecticut,United States.Preliminary reports attributed thecause of the explosion to a test of the plant's energy systems.[6]The plant was still underconstruction and scheduled to start supplying energy in June 2010.[7]The number ofinjuries was eventually established to be 27.[8]Five people died in the explosion.[9]

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    April 20, 2010:Deepwater Horizon oil spillin theGulf of Mexico.11oil platformworkers died in an explosion and fire that resulted in a massiveoil spillin theGulf ofMexico,considered the largest offshore spill in U.S. history.[10]

    March 2011:Fukushima I nuclear accidentsinJapan.Regarded as the largest nucleardisaster since the Chernobyl disaster, there were no direct deaths but a few of the plant's

    workers were severely injured or killed by the disaster conditions resulting from theearthquake. October 29, 2012:Hurricane Sandycaused aConEdisonpower plant to explode, causing

    a blackout in most of Midtown Manhattan. The blue light emitted from the arc madeplaces as far as Brooklyn glow. No person was killed or injured.

    July 6, 2013:Lac-Mgantic, QuebecCanada.Lac-Mgantic derailment.Forty sevenpeople were killed when there was a derailment of an oil shipment train. The oil shipmentcaught fire, exploded and more than thirty buildings were destroyed. It is the fourthdeadliest rail accident in Canadian history.

    mported plants, especially agricultural grasses for grazing, displace native habitats throughhuman cultivation and by subsequent seed dispersion. Some species aggressively invade wildlife

    areas, killing native plants and thus destroying important ecological links between indigenousanimals and associated plants. New Zealanders, during their acclimatisation programme,imported more than 1,893 species of plants (New Zealand UNCED report 1992) while Australiaimported about 2000 species of plants (Year Book Australia 1994).

    Undesirable plants and plant diseases were often imported along with the desirable plants. Someof these diseases and pests were highly dangerous and have infected wildlife areas, displacing orkilling native species. For example, the Merremia vine was introduced to Vanuatu from the UnitedStates during World War II (possibly to camouflage military installations). Today, the vinesmothers whole forests when logging opens clearings in the rainforest canopy.

    Biological disasters are often linked to physical disasters and to pollution. Cyclones, droughts orpollution can destabilise delicate ecological balances leading to a rapid proliferation of a pest ordisease. Agricultural experts believe disruption of the environment by severe cyclones in 1992and 1993 facilitated the pervasive taro leaf blight in Samoa in 1995. Pollution from fertilisers and

    sewage is thought to provide nutrients fuelling red tides and die-backs of sea grass beds and kelpin Australia..

    Nuclear;:: A nuclear and radiation accidentis defined by theInternational Atomic Energy

    Agencyas "an event that has led to significant consequences to people, the environmentor the facility." Examples includelethal effects to individuals,large radioactivity releaseto theenvironment,orreactor core melt."[3]The prime example of a "major nuclearaccident" is one in which areactor coreis damaged and significant amounts ofradioactivity are released, such as in theChernobyl Disasterin 1986.

    The impact of nuclear accidents has been a topic of debate practically since the first

    nuclear reactorswere constructed. It has also been a key factor inpublic concern aboutnuclear facilities.[4]Some technical measures to reduce the risk of accidents or tominimize the amount ofradioactivityreleased to the environment have been adopted.Despite the use of such measures, "there have been many accidents with varying impactsas well near misses and incidents".[4][5]Many of the major nuclear accidents have beendirectly attributable to operator or human error. This was obviously the case in theanalysis of both the Chernobyl and TMI-2 accidents. At Chernobyl, a test procedure wasbeing conducted prior to the accident. The leaders of the test permitted operators to

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    disable and ignore key protection circuits and warnings that would have normally shutthe reactor down. At TMI-2, operators permitted thousands of gallons of water to escapefrom the reactor plant before observing that the coolant pumps were behavingabnormally. The coolant pumps were thus turned off to protect the pumps, which in turnled to the destruction of the reactor itself as cooling was completely lost within the core.

    One of the worst nuclear accidents to date was theChernobyl disasterwhich occurred in

    1986 inUkraine.That accident killed 30 people directly, as well as damagingapproximately $7 billion of property. A study published in 2005 estimates that there willeventually be up to 4,000 additional cancer deaths related to the accident among thoseexposed to significant radiation levels.[17]Radioactive fallout from the accident wasconcentrated in areas of Belarus, Ukraine and Russia. Approximately 350,000 peoplewere forcibly resettled away from these areas soon after the accident.[17]

    Benjamin K. Sovacoolhas reported that worldwide there have been 99 accidents atnuclear power plants from 1952 to 2009 (defined as incidents that either resulted in theloss of human life or more than US$50,000 of property damage, the amount the US

    federal government uses to define major energy accidents that must be reported), totalingUS$20.5 billion in property damages.[6]Fifty-seven accidents have occurred since theChernobyl disaster, and almost two-thirds (56 out of 99) of all nuclear-related accidentshave occurred in the USA. There have been comparatively few fatalities associated withnuclear power plant accidents.[6]

    The environmental impact ofnuclear powerresults from thenuclear fuel cycle,operation, and the effects ofnuclear accidents.

    The routine health risks andgreenhouse gas emissionsfrom nuclear fission power aresmall relative to those associated with coal, oil and gas. However, there is a "catastrophicrisk" potential if containment fails,[1]which in nuclear reactors can be brought about byover-heated fuels melting and releasing large quantities of fission products into theenvironment. The public is sensitive to these risks and there has been considerablepublicopposition to nuclear power.

    The 1979Three Mile Island accidentand 1986Chernobyl disaster,along with highconstruction costs, ended the rapid growth of global nuclear power capacity.[1]A furtherdisastrous release of radioactive materials followed the 2011 Japanese tsunami whichdamaged theFukushima I Nuclear Power Plant,resulting inhydrogen gas explosions andpartial meltdownsclassified as aLevel 7event. The large-scale release of radioactivityresulted in people being evacuated from a 20 km exclusion zone set up around the powerplant, similar to the 30 km radiusChernobyl Exclusion Zonestill in effect.

    Nuclear safety and securitycovers the actions taken to prevent nuclear and radiationaccidents or to limit their consequences. This coversnuclear power plantsas well as allother nuclear facilities, the transportation of nuclear materials, and the use and storage ofnuclear materials for medical, power, industry, and military uses.

    The nuclear power industry has improved the safety and performance of reactors, and hasproposed new safer (but generally untested) reactor designs but there is no guarantee thatthe reactors will be designed, built and operated correctly.[1]Mistakes do occur and thedesigners of reactors atFukushimain Japan did not anticipate that a tsunami generated by

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    an earthquake would disable the backup systems that were supposed to stabilize thereactor after the earthquake.[2][3]According toUBSAG, theFukushima I nuclearaccidentshave cast doubt on whether even an advanced economy like Japan can masternuclear safety.[4]Catastrophic scenarios involving terrorist attacks are also conceivable.[1

    A good way to define man-made disasters is a disaster resulting from human intent,negligence, or error. The results are usually wide scale destruction, and high cost. Oilspills are examples of man-made disasters. Anthropogenic hazardsor human-made hazardscan result in the form of a human-made disaster. In this case,anthropogenicmeans threats

    having an element of human intent, negligence, or error; or involving a failure of a human-made

    system. It results in huge loss of life and property. It further affects a person's mental, physical

    and social well-being. This is opposed tonatural disastersresulting fromnatural hazards.Man-

    made disasters are the consequence of technological or human hazards. Examples include

    stampedes,fires, transport accidents, industrial accidents, oil spills and nuclear

    explosions/radiation. War and deliberate attacks may also be put in this category. As with

    natural hazards, man-made hazards are events that have not happened, for instance terrorism.

    Man-made disasters are examples of specific cases where man-made hazards have become

    reality in an event.

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    There isgrowing recognition that technological risks and disasters may begin to surpass natural disastersin terms of their threats, frequency, and damage to human life and property and environmentaldegradation. The extent of physical, psychological, social, and environmental damage ofdisasters such as Chernobyl, Bhopal, DC-10 crashes, and asbestos-related illnesses are greaterthan devastations caused by some floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes. And, as we have madeclear, the continuing threat of nuclear war, not to mention the threat of biochemical war, arepotential human-made disasters that will challenge the survival ingenuities of the human race.

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    As our ability to assess the impact of technology on society increases, there is reason to believe that

    human beings may yet develop the capacity to cope more adaptively with human-made disasters. an-

    made disaster refers to a disaster resulting from man-made hazards such as error or negligence,

    unlike the natural disaster which result from natural hazards. Man-made disaster can also be

    referred to as anthropogenic and they include terrorism, civil disorder, war and other

    technological hazards.

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  • 8/14/2019 Biological disasters might be caused by.docx


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