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Biotechnology research in France · Research efforts are focused on the analysis of the...

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1 An application of science and technology Biotechnologies are applications of science and technology to living organisms and their parts. They are based on three properties specific to living things: Replication refers to the ability of microorganisms and plant and animal cells to reproduce identical copies of themselves. Molecular recognition, which is the focus of the field of immunology, points to the capacity of living things to recognize and eliminate foreign structures and molecules. Enzyme catalysis is the mechanism by which simple or complex chemical reactions are accelerated by proteins known as enzymes. The biological tools used in biotechnologies are many: microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts, molds), animal and plant cells, genes, enzymes (extracted from animal or plant tissue or from cultures of microorganisms), antibodies (proteins capable of recognizing molecules that are foreign to an organism). These biological tools may be improved through genetic or protein engineering, through synthetic biology, or through engineering of biological networks and systems. Varied applications Biotechnology applications are used in a variety of fields: medicine and health (so-called red biotechnologies), food-processing and chemistry (white biotechnologies), the environment (yellow biotechnologies), and agriculture (green biotechnologies). In the sectors of human and animal health, biotechnologies have applications in therapeutics (new medicines), prevention (vaccines), and diagnostics (immunoassays and genetic tests). New products are made from genetically modified organisms. The discovery of new treatments depends increasingly on biotechnology to identify the cause of diseases and to design, test, and produce new medicines. In regenerative medicine, functional living tissues are created to replace or repair damaged tissues and organs or to cure congenital defects and diseases. Here, biotechnologies offer great promise, as nanotechnology and biology combine to produce biosensors and “labs-on-a-chip.” Synthetic biology, which is based on convergences between nanotechnologies, life sciences, and information technology known as NBICs (for nano-bio-info-cogno), finds applications in the bioproduction sector (such as biofuels, materials derived from petrochemistry, and food additives), security (biosensors for the fight against bioterrorism), biomaterials, and so-called smart materials. White biotechnologies use living organisms (molds, yeasts, bacteria, plants) and enzymes to synthesize chemical products for many industries. Enzymes are produced for a variety of manufacturing sectors (food products, detergents, paper pulp, textile processing), biodegradable plastics, biomaterials, chemistry, and biofuels. The food industry also uses biotechnological processes, such as on-site fermentation in heterogeneous media using bacteria and yeasts and additions of enzymes often derived from cultures of genetically modified microorganisms. In the environmental sciences, biotechnologies (such as those that take advantage of the purifying power of microorganisms) are used in the industries responsible for wastewater treatment, solid-waste treatment, and soil remediation. Other biotechnologies have figured in the design of sensors used to monitor the state of the environment—for example, to detect the presence of chemical pollutants. Biotechnologies are an essential part of modern agriculture. Improved seed strains are developed using genetically modified organisms. Other applications are in animal selection and in strengthening the resilience of plants. In the realm of cell cultures, micro-algae have many new industrial uses—as sources of food and fuel, for example. Biotechnology research in France France ranks third in Europe, behind the United Kingdom and Germany, in the number of biotechnology companies operating within its territory. These 400 firms employ about 6,000 people, more than half of whom work in research and development. Biotechnologies are increasingly important in the health sector, but they have a growing role in several other sectors as well-among them the environment, agriculture, and food processing. The energy, materials, and chemical sectors are also influenced by advances in biotechnology.


An application of science and technologyBiotechnologies are applications of science and technology to livingorganisms and their parts. They are based on three propertiesspecific to living things: • Replication refers to the ability of microorganisms and plant and

animal cells to reproduce identical copies of themselves. • Molecular recognition, which is the focus of the field of

immunology, points to the capacity of living things to recognizeand eliminate foreign structures and molecules.

• Enzyme catalysis is the mechanism by which simple or complexchemical reactions are accelerated by proteins known asenzymes.

The biological tools used in biotechnologies are many:microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts, molds), animal and plant cells,genes, enzymes (extracted from animal or plant tissue or fromcultures of microorganisms), antibodies (proteins capable ofrecognizing molecules that are foreign to an organism).

These biological tools may be improved through genetic or proteinengineering, through synthetic biology, or through engineering ofbiological networks and systems.

Varied applicationsBiotechnology applications are used in a variety of fields: medicineand health (so-called red biotechnologies), food-processing andchemistry (white biotechnologies), the environment (yellowbiotechnologies), and agriculture (green biotechnologies).

In the sectors of human and animal health, biotechnologies haveapplications in therapeutics (new medicines), prevention (vaccines),and diagnostics (immunoassays and genetic tests). New productsare made from genetically modified organisms. The discovery ofnew treatments depends increasingly on biotechnology to identifythe cause of diseases and to design, test, and produce newmedicines.

In regenerative medicine, functional living tissues are created toreplace or repair damaged tissues and organs or to cure congenitaldefects and diseases. Here, biotechnologies offer great promise,as nanotechnology and biology combine to produce biosensorsand “labs-on-a-chip.”

Synthetic biology, which is based on convergences betweennanotechnologies, life sciences, and information technology knownas NBICs (for nano-bio-info-cogno), finds applications in thebioproduction sector (such as biofuels, materials derived frompetrochemistry, and food additives), security (biosensors for thefight against bioterrorism), biomaterials, and so-called smartmaterials.

White biotechnologies use living organisms (molds, yeasts,bacteria, plants) and enzymes to synthesize chemical products formany industries. Enzymes are produced for a variety ofmanufacturing sectors (food products, detergents, paper pulp,textile processing), biodegradable plastics, biomaterials, chemistry,and biofuels.

The food industry also uses biotechnological processes, such ason-site fermentation in heterogeneous media using bacteria andyeasts and additions of enzymes often derived from cultures ofgenetically modified microorganisms.

In the environmental sciences, biotechnologies (such as those thattake advantage of the purifying power of microorganisms) are usedin the industries responsible for wastewater treatment, solid-wastetreatment, and soil remediation. Other biotechnologies have figuredin the design of sensors used to monitor the state of theenvironment—for example, to detect the presence of chemicalpollutants.

Biotechnologies are an essential part of modern agriculture.Improved seed strains are developed using genetically modifiedorganisms. Other applications are in animal selection and instrengthening the resilience of plants. In the realm of cell cultures,micro-algae have many new industrial uses—as sources of foodand fuel, for example.

Biotechnologyresearch in France

France ranks third in Europe, behind the United Kingdom and Germany, in the number of biotechnologycompanies operating within its territory. These 400 firms employ about 6,000 people, more than half ofwhom work in research and development. Biotechnologies are increasingly important in the health sector,but they have a growing role in several other sectors as well-among them the environment, agriculture, andfood processing. The energy, materials, and chemical sectors are also influenced by advances inbiotechnology.

B2T (biology and biotechnologies) - ED 273Located at Université Paris Diderot (Paris 7) and affiliated with Université Paris Descartes (Paris 5), the B2T doctoral department situatesits research program within the bounds of three interconnected medical disciplines: hematology, oncology, and cardiovascular pathology,covering fundamental knowledge as well as the biological bases of new therapies. http://www.univ-paris-diderot.fr/sc/site.php?bc=formations&np=FICHED?ND=23

B3MI (biochemistry, biotherapies, molecular biology, and infectology) - ED 516Located at Université Paris Diderot (Paris 7) and operated in conjunction with Université Paris Descartes (Paris 5), B3MI has six doctoral specialties:- Bioinformatics, genome analysis, and modeling- Biomolecules, structural biology, pathologies, and biotherapies - Genomes, epigenetics, and cell destiny - Immunology- Prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbiology- Virologyhttp://b3mi.ed.univ-paris-diderot.fr

Biology, health, and biotechnologies of Toulouse - ED 151This doctoral department at Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse 3) is composed of 20 joint research units, including one devoted to fruitgenomics and biotechnologies. Research covers several disciplines—among them oncology, developmental biology, physiopathology,pharmacology, epidemiology, microbiology, and molecular genetics.http://www.edbio.ups-tlse.fr/spipedbio/

Engineering sciences - ED 71Affiliated with Université Technologique de Compiègne (UTC), this doctoral department covers six disciplinary fields, one of which is biotechnologies, particularly industrial biotechnology.http://www.utc.fr/formation_ecole_doctorale/biotechnologie.php


Doctoral Departments


AgronomyPlant improvement and biotechnology (UMR 6026)http://www.rennes.inra.fr>Les recherches>Unités de rechercheAffiliated with doctoral department 92 (life, agriculture, health: http://www.vas.univ-rennes1.fr) at Université de Rennes 1, the plantimprovement and biotechnology lab at INRA-Agrocampus Ouest-Université Rennes 1 investigates aspects of the genetics, genomics,and postgenomics of species of major agronomic value (wheat, rape, cauliflower, peas, and potatoes).

Biotechnological applications to rose culture (ERT 1082)http://www.univ-poitiers.fr>Recherche>Équipes de rechercheThis technological research team affiliated with the Gay Lussac doctoral department of environmental sciences (ED 523 -http://www.ueb.eu/Theme/collegeDoctInter/EcolesDoctorales/EDSM/) at Université de La Rochelle has as its principal purpose theproduction of miniature roses that meet horticultural criteria without the use of growth regulators.

BBV (biomolecules and plant biotechnologies) (EA 2106)http://www.univ-tours.fr/recherche/biomolecules-et-biotechnologies-vegetales-bbv-116947.kjspThis research team at the doctoral department of health, science, and technology (ED 102 - http://www.univ-tours.fr>Recherche>EcolesDoctorales) at Université François Rabelais in Tours pursues analytical research into the processes involved in metabolic differentiation inplants. Research efforts are focused on the analysis of the biosynthesis paths of monoterpene indole alkaloids with the goal of usingbiotechnology to exploit the therapeutic potential of metabolites.

Biotechnology of filamentous fungi (UMR 1163)http://www.paca.inra.fr/les_recherches/unites_hors_poles/biotechnologie_des_champignons_filamenteuxThis joint INRA research unit, based at the École Supérieure des Ingénieurs de Luminy in Avignon, is affiliated with the doctoral departmentof life sciences and health (ED 62 - http://edsvs.univmed.fr) at Aix-Marseille Université. It works to expand and deepen knowledge offilamentous fungi in order to improve their ability to effect the biotransformation of lignocellulose.

Microbial biotechnology in hot environments (UMR 180)This laboratory at Aix-Marseille Université performs research on the microbiology of hot environments (essentially deep hydrothermicsystems and oil-bearing environments). It studies the structures that have allowed microbes to adapt to an increasingly oxygen-richenvironment. http://gsite.univ-provence.fr>La recherche>Études doctorales>Écoles doctorales>Sciences de la vie et de la santé

CBTIERT (targets, biotechnologies, intervention techniques and assessment for tissue regeneration) (EA 4396)http://www.u-pec.fr/pratiques/laboratoires/This host team, affiliated with the doctoral department of life sciences and health (ED 402 - http://www.univ-paris-est.fr/fr/-ecole-doctorale-sciences-de-la-vie-et-de-la-sante-svs-/) at Université Paris-Est, studies biomolecules for use in pharmacology and for their therapeuticeffects (cell therapy).

Laboratory of biotechnology and marine molecules http://www.ifremer.fr/drvvpbm/Within the department of marine biotechnologies at IFREMER (the French Institute for Exploitation of the Sea) in Nantes and Brest, researchand experiments are conducted under extreme conditions in an effort to link microorganisms capable of metabolizing and synthesizingnew molecules of biotechnological interest.

LÉBHAM (laboratory of the ecophysiology and biotechnology of halophytes and marine algae) (EA 3877)http://www.univ-brest.fr/lebham/Affiliated with the doctoral department of ocean sciences (ED 156) at Université de Bretagne Occidentale de Brest, LÉBHAM performsresearch in the field of the physiology and biochemistry of halophytes and marine algae in relation to their environment. Two directions areemphasized: (i) natural substances derived from coastal and marine plants and (ii) knowledge of the populations of coastal and marineplants.



Laboratory of algal physiology and biotechnology http://wwz.ifremer.fr/pbaAlso located at IFREMER, this laboratory carries out research projects aimed at optimizing and stabilizing the nutritional quality of algaeused in aquaculture and producing valuable molecules. Focus areas include metabolic shunts, development of a flexible platform for theexpression of recombinant molecules, and microalgae as a “cell factory.”

LVBE (laboratory on vines, biotechnology, and environment) (EA 3991) http://www.lvbe.uha.frLVBE, affiliated with the Jean-Henri Lambert doctoral department (ED 494 - http://www.ecoledoctorale.uha.fr) at Université de HauteAlsace, pursues three directions of research related to the biotic and abiotic stresses to which vines are subject: contamination of vineyardsoils with copper-based (antifungal), wood diseases, and grapevine fanleaf virus, which causes stunting and fruit loss.

UFIP (unit on protein functionality and engineering) http://www.ufip.univ-nantes.frThis CNRS research unit affiliated with the doctoral department of biology and health (ED 502 - http://www.edbiologiesante.fr) at Universitéde Nantes, studies biotechnological developments and the fundamental phenomena at work in the control of the genome and themaintenance of its integrity.

Health and pharmacologyBiotechnology of recombinant proteins for health purposes (EA 4135)http://www.univ-bordeauxsegalen.fr>Rercherche>Acteurs de la rechercheAffiliated with the doctoral department of life sciences and health (ED 154 - http://www.edsvs.u-bordeaux2.fr) at Université de Bordeaux,this host team is made up of research faculty from the École Nationale Supérieure de Technologie des Biomolécules de Bordeaux(ENSTBB), which trains engineers in biotechnologies. Two research themes are paramount: (i) the production and purification ofrecombinant proteins of therapeutic interest, and (ii) the study of biofilms in Pseudomonas aeruginosa in relation to mucoviscidosis.

LBVPAM (biotechnologies applied to aromatic and medicinal plants) (EA 3061)http://portail.univ-st-etienne.fr>Recherche>Les structures de recherche>DSTP 10Operating within the doctoral department of sciences, engineering, and health (ED 488 - http://edsis.univ-st-etienne.fr) at Université JeanMonnet Saint-Étienne, this laboratory conducts research on aromatic and flavorful plants, focusing on their volatile compounds, in orderto better understand the mechanisms of production and secretion of their smells and flavors.

CPBS (center for the study of pathogens and health-related biotechnology) (UMR 5236) http://www.cpbs.cnrs.frWithin the doctoral department of chemical and biological health sciences (ED 168 - http://ecole-doctorale-cbs2.igh.cnrs.fr) at Universitéde Montpellier 2, this joint unit houses 10 research teams that are studying infectious agents (viruses and bacteria) and pursuing thedevelopment of molecules capable of preventing the intracellular replication and intercellular propagation of these pathogens.

ISSB (institute of systemic and synthetic biology) (EA 4527)Set up at Université d’Évry-Val d’Essonne with support from Genopôle and the CNRS, ISSB consists of five research teams working to modelthe functioning of living systems. ISSB’s objective is to design, build, and characterize secure spatial and temporal genetic circuits for thepurpose of understanding and controlling genetic expression. http://www.issb.genopole.fr

LBPA (laboratory of biotechnology and applied pharmacology) (UMR 8113)At the École Nationale Supérieure de Cachan, this joint research unit is affiliated with four doctoral departments of biology, medicine,health, and engineering. Its research work turns on two themes: (i) structural and functional studies of molecular complexes linked togenetic functions, and (ii) the molecular and cellular pharmacology of cancers. For use in the structural studies, methodologies aredeveloped in parallel in the area of biophotonics, biosensors, and molecular marking. http://www.lbpa.ens-cachan.fr


Biotechnologies are central to France’s national researchstrategy

France’s top research priority: health, well-being, food, and biotechnology. AVIESAN, the national alliance for the life sciences and health: http://www.aviesan.frFounded in 2009, AVIESAN is made up of INSERM (the French national institute of health and medical research), CNRS (the nationalcenter for scientific research), CEA (the nuclear and alternative energy commission), INRIA (the national institute for research in computerscience and control), the Pasteur Institute, CPU (the conference of French university presidents), and the conference of directors ofuniversity hospital centers. Its purpose is to represent France within European and international program agencies.

Research priorities• Agriculture and the environment: Development of biotechnologies that will enable intensive agricultural production while also protecting

the environment.

• Chemistry and energy: Increased use of renewable carbon from plants, particularly cellulose-rich biomass.

• Medicine and health: To support a vigorous biotechnology industry centered on new and innovative companies.

• Microbiology: To encourage French research in metagenomics, a new branch of genomics applied to the study of complex microbialsystems.

• Health and biotechnology are the focus of a government-designated thematic project of excellence. Among the themes of the projectare bioresources for the development of agro-industrial biotechnologies, animal and plant selection, and uses for plant and animalbiomass, including biomass derived from marine sources.

• Nano-biotechnologies are an important focus of public investment: http://investissement-avenir.gouvernement.frIn 2012, two projects of interest were among 20 projects selected for the French national program known as Investissements d’avenir(Investment in the Future),

s The DIRAN project: The goal of the project is to explore the potential of nanotechnologies for the development of a new generation ofmedical equipment for the early detection of hospital-acquired infections and a better understanding of their origins.

s The FACSBIOMARKER project: This project explores the potential of nanotechnologies for the development of new, high-resolutionmethods for early detection and diagnosis of invasive cancers and for more-effective monitoring of therapeutic processes.

• Adebiotech, a French biotech think tank: http://www.adebiotech.org

• AllEnvi (national alliance for environmental research):http://www.allenvi.fr

• ANSM (national agency for the safety of medicines and healthproducts): http://ansm.sante.fr

• Atlanpole Biotherapies, a competitiveness cluster:http://www.atlanpolebiotherapies.com

• AVIESAN (national alliance for the life sciences and health):http://www.aviesan.fr

• Biotechnologies France database (fields of activity, researchtopics, publications): http://www.biotechnologiefrance.org

• BioValley, a global competitiveness cluster: http://www.alsace-biovalley.com

• Biotechnology committee of the French federation of medicineproducers: http://www.leem.org

• Cancer Bio Santé, a competitiveness cluster:http://www.cancerbiosante.fr

• École Supérieure de Biotechnologie de Strasbourg (ESBS):http://www-esbs.u-strasbg.frhttp://www.leem.org/article/les-biotechnologies

• Eurobiomed, the Mediterranean biocluster: http://www.eurobiomed.org

• European Federation of Biotechnology: http://www.efb-central.org

• Formations Biotech, a database of biotechnology programs in France: http://www.formations-biotech.org

• France Biotech, the Web portal of French biotechnology and the French association for biotechnology: http://www.france-biotech.org

• France Biotechnologies, a directory of biotechnology and the life sciences: http://www.francebiotechnologies.fr

• Génopôle biopark (biotechnologies and genetics):http://www.genopole.fr

• Haut Conseil des Biotechnologies (HCB, the biotechnologycouncil): http://www.hautconseildesbiotechnologies.fr

• Indigo, a network of European projects in the field of biotechnology and health: http://www.newindigo.eu/npp/

• Investments in the Future (a French public investment program) – health and biotechnology: http://investissement-avenir.gouvernement.fr

• Lyon Biopôle, a global competitiveness cluster:http://www.lyonbiopole.com

• Medicen Paris region, a global competitiveness cluster of health technologies and new therapies:http://www.medicen.org

• Nutrition Santé Longévité, a competitiveness cluster:http://www.pole-nsl.org

• Biotechnology industry portal, French ministry of the economy,finance, and industry: http://www.industrie.gouv.fr/portail/secteurs/index_biotech.html



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Useful links

• ABG-L’intelli’agence, promoting career opportunities for youngPhDs: http://www.intelliagence.fr

• ANDèS, national association for Science PhD:http://www.andes.asso.fr

• ANRT, national agency for research and technology:http://www.anrt.asso.fr

• CNRS, national center for scientific research: http://www.cnrs.fr- Directory of laboratories and researchers:

http://www.cnrs.fr/fr/une/annuaires.htm- CNRS international magazine (in English):


• EURAXESS, mobility for researchers in Europe:http://ec.europa.eu/euraxess/index_en.cfm

• Fondation Alfred Kastler, hospitality and support for foreignresearchers in France: http://www.fnak.fr

• Ministry of Higher Education and Research:http://www.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr

• Oséo Innovation, the French innovation agency: http://www.oseo.fr• Website for mobile European researchers in France:

http://www.eurosfaire.prd.fr/mobility• THESA, website for thesis of Grandes Écoles (CGE):


General information

• A complete list of Doctoral Departments in France can be found online atwww.campusfrance.org>Find your program>Level Doctoral

The online catalog provides direct links to the research units within each Doctoral department. A bilingual (French and English) search engine enables users to obtain results by selecting fromamong 20,000 keywords and 80 disciplinary themes. Departmental profiles are also provided.• CampusBourses, directory of grant programs: http://www.campusfrance.org>Finance your program
