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BIS Working Papers No 597 Bank Networks: Contagion, Systemic Risk and Prudential Policy by Iñaki Aldasoro, Domenico Delli Gatti, Ester Faia Monetary and Economic Department December 2016 JEL classification: D85, G21, G28, C63, L14 Keywords: banking networks, systemic risk, contagion, fire sales, prudential regulation
Page 1: BIS Working PapersBIS Working Papers No 597 Bank Networks: Contagion, Systemic Risk and Prudential Policy by Iñaki Aldasoro, Domenico Delli Gatti, Ester Faia Monetary and Economic

BIS Working PapersNo 597

Bank Networks: Contagion, Systemic Risk and Prudential Policy by Iñaki Aldasoro, Domenico Delli Gatti, Ester Faia

Monetary and Economic Department

December 2016

JEL classification: D85, G21, G28, C63, L14

Keywords: banking networks, systemic risk, contagion, fire sales, prudential regulation

Page 2: BIS Working PapersBIS Working Papers No 597 Bank Networks: Contagion, Systemic Risk and Prudential Policy by Iñaki Aldasoro, Domenico Delli Gatti, Ester Faia Monetary and Economic

BIS Working Papers are written by members of the Monetary and Economic Department of the Bank for International Settlements, and from time to time by other economists, and are published by the Bank. The papers are on subjects of topical interest and are technical in character. The views expressed in them are those of their authors and not necessarily the views of the BIS.

This publication is available on the BIS website (www.bis.org).

© Bank for International Settlements 2016. All rights reserved. Brief excerpts may be reproduced or translated provided the source is stated.

ISSN 1020-0959 (print) ISSN 1682-7678 (online)

Page 3: BIS Working PapersBIS Working Papers No 597 Bank Networks: Contagion, Systemic Risk and Prudential Policy by Iñaki Aldasoro, Domenico Delli Gatti, Ester Faia Monetary and Economic

Bank Networks: Contagion, Systemic Risk and Prudential PolicyI

Inaki Aldasoro1, Domenico Delli Gatti2, Ester Faia3


We present a network model of the interbank market in which optimizing risk averse banks lendto each other and invest in non-liquid assets. Market clearing takes place through a tatonnementprocess which yields the equilibrium price, while traded quantities are determined by meansof an assortative matching process. Contagion occurs through liquidity hoarding, interbankinterlinkages and fire sale externalities. The resulting network configuration exhibits a core-periphery structure, dis-assortative behavior and low density. Within this framework we analyzethe effects of a stylized set of prudential policies on the stability/efficiency trade-off. Liquidityrequirements unequivocally decrease systemic risk, but at the cost of lower efficiency (measuredby aggregate investment in non-liquid assets). Equity requirements also tend to reduce risk(hence increase stability), though without reducing significantly overall investment. On thisbasis, our results provide general support for the Basel III approach based on complementaryregulatory metrics.

Keywords: banking networks, systemic risk, contagion, fire sales, prudential regulationJEL: : D85, G21, G28, C63, L14.

IThis version: 14 December 2016. For helpful comments we thank two anonymous referees, Dietrich Doman-ski, Ingo Fender, Michael Gofman, Christoph Roling, Martin Summer, and participants at the Banque de Franceconference on “Endogenous Financial Networks and Equilibrium Dynamics”, Isaac Newton Institute for Math-ematical Sciences Workshop “Regulating Systemic Risk: Insights from Mathematical Modeling”, CambridgeCenter for Risk Studies conference on “Financial Risk and Network Theory”, Bundesbank/ESMT/DIW/CFSconference “Achieving Sustainable Financial Stability”, European Economic Association Meetings 2014, Bun-desbank seminar, Chicago Meeting Society for Economic Measurement 2014, ECB Macro-prudential ResearchNetwork Conference, FIRM Research Conference 2014, Unicredit Workshop at Catholic University in Milan“Banking Crises and the Real Economy” and DFG Workshop on “Financial Market Imperfections and Macroe-conomic Performance”. Parts of this research have been supported by the Frankfurt Institute for Risk Manage-ment and Regulation (FIRM). Aldasoro and Faia gratefully acknowledge research support from the ResearchCenter SAFE, funded by the State of Hessen initiative for research LOEWE. Delli Gatti gratefully acknowledgesfinancial support from the FP7 SSH project RASTANEWS (Macro-Risk Assessment and Stabilization Policieswith New Early Warning Signals). Any views expressed here are our own and do not necessarily reflect those ofthe Bank for International Settlements.

1Bank for International Settlements. E-mail: [email protected] University of Milan. Largo Gemelli 1, 20123 Milan, Italy. E-mail:

[email protected] (Corresponding author).3Goethe University Frankfurt & CEPR. E-mail: [email protected]

Page 4: BIS Working PapersBIS Working Papers No 597 Bank Networks: Contagion, Systemic Risk and Prudential Policy by Iñaki Aldasoro, Domenico Delli Gatti, Ester Faia Monetary and Economic

1. Introduction

The propagation of bank losses which turned a shock to a small segment of the US financialsystem (the sub-prime mortgage market) into a large global banking crisis in 2007-2008 wasdue to multiple channels of contagion: liquidity hoarding due to banks’ precautionary behavior,direct cross-exposures in interbank markets and fire sale externalities. In the face of shocks toone segment of the financial markets and increasing uncertainty, banks start to hoard liquidity.As a result of the market freeze,4 many banks found themselves unable to honor their debtobligations in interbank markets. To cope with liquidity shocks and to fulfill equity requirements,most banks were forced to sell non-liquid assets: the ensuing fall in asset prices5 produced, undermark-to-market accounting, indirect losses to the balance sheet of banks exposed to those assets.Liquidity spirals turned then into insolvency.

Several papers have shown that credit interlinkages and fire sale externalities are not ableto produce large contagion effects if taken in isolation (see for instance Caccioli et al. (2014)or Glasserman & Young (2014)). Our model embeds both channels and envisages a thirdcrucial channel, namely liquidity hoarding (see also Afonso & Shin (2011)). To the best of ourknowledge, so far no theoretical model has jointly examined these channels of contagion to assesstheir impact on systemic risk. After dissecting the qualitative and quantitative aspects of risktransmission, we use the model to determine which prudential policy requirements can strikethe best balance between reducing systemic risk and fostering investment in long term assets.

To examine the above channels of contagion and to assess the efficacy of various types ofprudential constraints, we build a banking network model. The model consists of N risk averseheterogeneous banks which perform optimizing portfolio decisions constrained by equity andliquidity requirements. Our framework integrates the micro-foundations of optimizing banks’decisions within a network structure with interacting agents. Indeed, we do not adopt theconvention often used in network models according to which links among nodes are exogenous(and probabilistic) and nodes’ behavior is best described by heuristic rules. On the contrary,we adopt the well established economic methodology according to which agents are optimizing,decisions are micro-founded and the price mechanism is endogenous. Once prices are determinedin our model, trading partners in the interbank market are obtained through an assortativematching process (a complementary alternative to our approach is pursued in Anand et al.(2015)).

The convexity in the optimization problem has two implications. First, a bank can be both aborrower and a lender at the same time: this is a realistic feature of interbank markets. Second,coupled with convex marginal objectives in profits, it generates precautionary liquidity hoard-ing in the face of large shocks. The emerging liquidity freeze contributes to exacerbate losspropagation. Banks invest in non-liquid assets, which trade at common prices, hence fire saleexternalities emerge. Our banks also trade debt contracts with each other in the interbank mar-ket, hence defaults and debt interlinkages contribute to loss propagation. Markets are definedby a price vector and a procedure to match trading partners. The equilibrium price vector (inboth the interbank and non-liquid asset markets) is reached through a tatonnement process,6 inwhich prices are endogenously determined by sequential convergence of excess demand and sup-

4The increase in the LIBOR rate was a clear sign of liquidity hoarding. After the sub-prime financial shockthe spread between the LIBOR and the U.S. Treasury went up 2% points and remained so for about nine months.As a mean of comparison during the Saving and Loans crisis the spread went up 1% point and remained so fornearly a month.

5Fire sales are akin to pecuniary externalities as they work through changes in market prices and operate inthe presence of equity constraints. See Greenwood et al. (2015) and Mas-Colell et al. (1995), chapter 11.

6See also Cifuentes et al. (2005), Bluhm et al. (2014), Duffie & Zhu (2011).


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ply. Once prices are determined, actual trading among heterogeneous banks takes place throughan assortative matching process.7 Before examining the contagion channels in our model weassess its empirical performance and find that it can replicate important structural/topologicalfeatures of real world interbank networks (core-periphery structure, low density, dis-assortativebehavior).

In order to evaluate policy alternatives and the interplay of contagion channels, we exposethe model to shocks to the non-liquid asset portion of banks’ balance sheets. This generates areduction in the price of such assets, which can be self-reinforcing, and which also triggers thecontagion channels outlined above.

In assessing the contagion channels we find a strong connection between the contribution ofbanks to systemic risk and their total assets.8 When considering specific balance sheet items,we find that both high interbank borrowing as well as high investment in non-liquid assets areimportant in explaining the contribution of banks to systemic risk generation. High interbankborrowing increases the scope of risk transmission through direct debt linkages. Investmentin non-liquid assets enlarges the scope of fire sale externalities. Both channels are amplifiedif we take into account risk averse banks. When we analyze the impact of regulatory policyinterestingly we find that an increase in the liquidity requirement reduces systemic risk moresharply and more rapidly than an increase in equity requirements. As banks are required to holdmore liquidity, they reduce their exposure in the interbank market as well as their investmentin non-liquid assets in absolute terms. The fall in interbank supply produces an increase inthe interbank interest rate, which, due to asset substitution, induces a fall in non-liquid assetinvestment relative to interbank lending. Banks become less interconnected in the interbankmarket and less exposed to swings in the price of non-liquid assets. Both channels of contagion(cross-exposures and fire sale externalities) become less active. With an increase in the equityrequirement instead the demand of interbank borrowing falls and so does the interbank rate.Banks substitute interbank lending, which has become less profitable, with investment in non-liquid assets. While the scope of network externalities and cascades in debt defaults falls, thescope of pecuniary externalities increases. On balance, systemic risk, and the contribution ofeach bank to it, declines, but less than with an increase in liquidity requirements.

The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 relates our paper to the literature.Section 3 describes the model. Section 4 presents the baseline network topology and discussesthe empirical matching. Section 5 analyzes the response of the network model to shocks tonon-liquid assets and the contribution of each bank to systemic risk. Section 6 focuses on thepolicy analysis. Section 7 concludes. Appendices with figures and tables follow.

2. Related Literature

There has been a recent surge in interest in the analysis of contagion, particularly usingnetwork models. Three main channels have been explored in the analysis of contagion. Thefirst is the direct interconnection channel. The transmission mechanism which generates cas-

7This is inspired by Becker (1973). The numerical algorithm designed to implement the equilibrium obtainedthrough assortative matching is an iterative minimum distance algorithm along the lines indicated by Gale &Shapley (1962) and Shapley & Shubik (1972).

8Systemic risk is measured by the share of assets of defaulting banks to total assets in the system andbanks’ contribution to it by means of the Shapley value. The latter has been borrowed from the literature onboth cooperative and non-cooperative games. See Shapley (1953) and Gul (1989) respectively for the seminalcontributions, and Drehmann & Tarashev (2013) and Bluhm et al. (2014) for applications to banking. Inparticular, we follow closely the latter. Other centrality measures for systemic importance are considered in oneof the appendices.


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cading defaults via direct interconnections is typically modeled using lattice-theoretic modelsand solving for the unique fixed-point of the equilibrium mapping (see among others Eisenberg& Noe (2001), Afonso & Shin (2011) or Elliott et al. (2014)). A second contagion channelis due to fire-sale externalities (often referred to as pecuniary externality, see also Greenwoodet al. (2015)) which emerge in presence of asset commonality and mark-to-market accounting(see among others Cifuentes et al. (2005)): as one bank is hit by a shock, it tries to sell assetsto meet VaR or capital constraints. Under mark-to-market accounting, the endogenous fall inmarket prices negatively affects other banks’ balance sheets. Cifuentes et al. (2005) formalizedthis mechanism, which was subsequently used by Bluhm et al. (2014) among others. In par-ticular, our paper builds on the latter contribution. There are also recent works that embedboth channels within micro-founded models of banks (see Bluhm et al. (2014) and Halaj & Kok(2015)).

Our model encompasses both channels and shows that both are important to account for riskpropagation. Moreover, we bring to the fore a third mechanism based on liquidity hoarding: oncefinancial distress has emerged banks become more cautious and hoard liquidity. The ensuingliquidity freeze amplifies risk propagation. A similar channel is present also in Afonso & Shin(2011) and Acharya & Merrouche (2013).

Our paper also speaks about the tension between risk-sharing and risk-contagion in networks.While on the one side increasing connectivity might foster risk-sharing and liquidity, on the otherside it increases the exposure of each bank to shocks, particularly so if clusters are not evenlyspread. An early contribution emphasizing the risk-sharing role of networks is Allen & Gale(2000) which shows the existence of a monotonically decreasing relation between systemic riskand the degree of connectivity. In their model each bank is linked only to one neighbor alonga ring. They show that the probability of a bankruptcy avalanche is equal to 1 in the creditchain, but that, as the number of partners of each bank increases (namely when the creditnetwork becomes complete), the risk of individual default goes asymptotically to zero due to theimproved risk-sharing possibilities. More recent views instead emphasize the role of contagionand show that a trade-off emerges between decreasing individual risk due to risk sharing andincreasing systemic risk due to the amplification of financial distress. Battiston et al. (2012)show for instance that the relation between connectivity and systemic risk is hump shaped: atrelatively low levels of connectivity, the risk of individual default goes down with density thanksto risk-sharing while at high levels of connectivity, a positive feedback loop makes a bank underdistress more prone to default as the number of partners under distress increases. Gai et al.(2011) also derive a non-monotonic relationship between connectivity and systemic risk. Thepaper by Elliott et al. (2014) also studies how the network structure affects the balance betweenrisk-sharing and contagion risk. Finally, the trade-off is examined in ?, who explore how marketsegmentation can improve it.

Our paper is related to the literature analyzing metrics of systemic risk and measuring thecontribution of each bank to it (namely metrics of systemic importance). A connection canalso be established with the literature analyzing matching mechanisms in markets along thelines indicated by Becker and Shapley and Shubik (see for instance Becker (1973) and Shapley& Shubik (1972)). Finally, our paper is related to an emerging literature studying prudentialregulation in financial networks (see for instance Gai et al. (2011) among many others).

3. The Banking Network

At a general level, a network can be represented by a list of nodes and the links connectingthem. When applied to banking, it is straightforward to identify the nodes with banks andthe links with the borrowing and lending relationships between the banks. In this spirit, the


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interbank system can be succinctly summarized by a matrix X with element xij representingthe exposure (through lending) of bank i to bank j. We consider a financial system consisting ofN banks, hence the matrix X will be of dimension n×n. Two important features of our networkare worth noting: (i) it is a weighted network, i.e. a link between banks i and j is indicated bythe element xij ∈ R≥0 and represents the amount (in money) lent by bank i to bank j; (ii) itis a directed network, i.e. the existence of a link in one direction does not imply the existenceof a link going in the opposite direction and therefore the matrix is not necessarily symmetric(xij 6= xji, i 6= j). Notice that each bank can be both a borrower and a lender vis-a-vis differentcounterparties. An important aspect is that cross-lending positions (hence the network links)result endogenously from the banks’ optimizing decisions (see next section) and the markets’tatonnement processes. Banks in our model are characterized also by external (non interbank)assets (cash and non-liquid assets) and liabilities (deposits). As usual, equity or net worth isdefined as the difference between total assets and total liabilities. By assumption, banks areheterogeneous due to different returns on non-liquid assets and the levels of calibrated equityand deposits.

Prices in the interbank market and the market for non-liquid assets are determined bytatonnement processes. In setting up the benchmark banking system the interbank tatonnementprocess is instrumental in delivering interbank market equilibrium, whereas after setting the sys-tem and in the aftermath of a shock the tatonnement process in the market for non-liquid assetscaptures the unfolding of fire sales and is instrumental in the amplification of the shock trans-mission process. The logic of the tatonnement processes implies the introduction of fictitiousWalrasian auctioneers (see also Cifuentes et al. (2005) or Duffie & Zhu (2011)) which collectindividual notional quantities, aggregate them and adjust the relevant price in order to bringthe notional aggregate demand and supply in line with each other.9 Once a clearing price hasbeen achieved, actual trade takes place. Traded quantities in the interbank market are deter-mined according to a closest matching algorithm which operationalizes an assortative matchingmechanism along the lines of Becker (1973) (see Section 3.2 for details). A general overview ofthe model and the channels which operate in it are described visually in Figure 1.

3.1. The banking problem

Our network consists of optimizing banks which solve portfolio optimization problems sub-ject to regulatory and balance sheet constraints. Banks are risk averse and have convex marginalutilities.10 The convex optimization problem allows us to account for interior solutions for bothborrowing and lending. Banks are therefore on both sides of the interbank market vis-a-vis dif-ferent counterparties: this is a realistic feature of interbank markets and is a necessary conditionfor a core-periphery configuration to emerge (see Craig & von Peter (2014)). Furthermore we as-sume that banks have convex marginal utilities with respect to profits.11 Empirical observationshows that banks tend to adopt precautionary behavior in an uncertain environment.12 Convexmarginal utilities allow us to account for this fact, since in this case banks’ expected marginalutility, hence banks’ precautionary savings, tends to increase with the degree of uncertainty.

9Banks in our model are risk averse, hence have concave objective functions and linear constraints. Theconvexity of the optimization problem and the assumption of an exponential aggregate supply function guaran-tees that individual and aggregate excess demand and supply behave in both markets according to Liapunovconvergence.

10See Halaj & Kok (2015) for a similar approach with risk averse banks and for a discussion between riskaverse versus risk neutral modeling of banks’ optimization problem.

11This amounts to assuming a positive third derivative.12See also Afonso & Shin (2011).


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Banks optimize

ib tâtonnement

ib mkt equilibrium Optimal quantities

obtained (ci, ni, li, bi) Matching


Financial System complete

Compute network metrics & systemic


Shock hits

Fire sales of nla

nla tâtonnement

ib transmission

Compute systemic risk

Figure 1: A bird’s eye view of the model.

Banks’ portfolios are made up of cash, non-liquid assets and interbank lending. Moreover,banks are funded by means of deposits and interbank loans. Hence, the balance sheet of bank iis given by:

ci + pni + li1 + li2 + ...+ lik︸ ︷︷ ︸≡li

= di + bi1 + bi2 + ...+ bik′︸ ︷︷ ︸≡bi

+ ei (1)

where ci represents cash holdings, ni denotes the volume and p the price of non liquid assets(so that pni is the market value of the non liquid portion of the bank’s portfolio), di standsfor deposits and ei for equity. lij is the amount lent to bank j where j = 1, 2, ..., k and k isthe cardinality of the set of borrowers from the bank in question; bij is the amount borrowedfrom bank j where j = 1, 2, ..., k′ and k′ is the cardinality of the set of lenders to the bank in

question. Hence li =∑kj=1 lij stands for total interbank lending and bi =


j=1 bij stands for

total interbank borrowing.13

The bank’s optimization decisions are subject to two stylized regulatory requirements:

ci ≥ αdi (2)

ci + pni + li − di − biωnpni + ωlli

≥ η (3)

Equation 2 is a liquidity requirement according to which banks must hold at least a fraction αof their deposits in cash.14 Equation 3 is an equity requirement (which could also be rationalizedas resulting from a VaR internal model). It states that the ratio of equity at market prices (at the

13Note that since banks cannot lend to nor borrow from themselves, we set lii = bii = 0 ∀ i = 1, ..., N .14Basel III proposes the liquidity coverage ratio (LCR), which is somewhat more involved than Equation 2.

Given the stylized nature of our model the LCR is not easy to capture, yet we consider that the liquidityrequirement in Equation 2 provides a good approximation to the constraints faced by the bank in terms ofliquidity management.


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numerator) over risk weighted assets (at the denominator) must not fall below a certain thresholdη.15 Cash enters the constraint with zero risk weight since it is risk-less in our model, while ωnand ωl represent the risk weights on non-liquid assets and interbank lending respectively.

The bank’s preferences are represented by a CRRA utility function:

U(πi) =(πi)


1− σ(4)

where πi stands for bank i’s profits and σ stands for the bank’s risk aversion. As ex-plained above the convex maximization problem serves a dual purpose. First, it allows us toobtain interior solutions for borrowing and lending. Second, since the CRRA utility function ischaracterized by convex marginal utilities (positive third derivatives), this gives rise to banks’precautionary behavior in the model. As the variance of shocks increases, banks become morecautious and hoard liquidity in anticipation of higher profit uncertainty.16

Another important aspect of concave optimization is that in non-linear set-ups, the variancein assets’ returns affects the bank’s decision. Higher variance in assets’ returns reduces expectedbanks’ utility, thereby reducing the extent of their involvement both in lending as well non-liquidassets investment. This is also the sense in which higher uncertainty in assets’ returns (interbanklending as well as non-liquid assets) produces liquidity hoarding and credit crunches. In thisset up it is convenient to take a second order Taylor approximation of the expected utility ofprofits.

The second order approximation of Equation 4 in the neighborhood of the expected value ofprofits E[π] reads as follows:17

U(πi) ≈ U(E[πi]) + Uπ(πi − E[πi]) +1

2Uππ(πi − E[πi])

2 (5)

Taking expectations on both sides of equation 5 and yields:

E [U(πi)] ≈ E [U(E[πi])]︸ ︷︷ ︸=U(E[πi]) by LIE

+ UπE [(πi − E[πi])]︸ ︷︷ ︸=0 by LIE



[(πi − E[πi])

2]︸ ︷︷ ︸


≈ U(E[πi]) +1


2π (6)

where we have used the law of iterated expectations and where σ2π stands for the variance of


Given the CRRA function U(πi) = (πi)1−σ

1−σ , where σ is the coefficient of risk aversion, we can

compute the second derivative as Uππ = −σE[πi]−(1+σ)

. Notice that under certainty equivalence(namely when E[U ′′′(π)] = 0) the equality E [U(πi)] = U(E[πi]) holds at all states. With CRRAutility, the third derivative with respect to profits is positive, which in turn implies that theexpected marginal utility grows with the variability of profits. Furthermore since, U ′′ < 0,expected utility is equal to the utility of expected profits minus a term that depends on thevolatility of bank profits and the risk aversion parameter. This is a direct consequence of

15This threshold is composed of two parts: η = γ + τ . The first component (γ) is the policy-chosen capitalrequirement, whereas the second (τ) is an exogenous buffer introduced for technical reasons and which can alsobe seen as a buffer that markets require on top of supervisory capital requirements. Note that Equation 3 willtypically not be binding, given banks’ risk aversion. For more details see Table 1 below.

16 Technically, when the third derivative is positive this means that the utility becomes more concave on thetails.

17Note that all partial derivatives are also evaluated at E[π].


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Jensen’s inequality and provides the standard rationale for precautionary saving. Using theexpression derived above for Uππ, the expected utility of profits can be written as:

E [U(πi)] ≈E[πi]


1− σ− σ


−(1+σ)σ2π (7)

Equation 7 represents the objective function that bank i maximizes subject to the constraintsintroduced above. With these elements in mind the problem of bank i can be summarized asfollows:18



s.t. Equation 2, Equation 3, Equation 1

ci, ni, li, bi ≥ 0


Before moving forward and for the sake of completeness we derive next the precise form ofprofits, as well as their variance.

The bank’s profits are given by the returns on lending in the interbank market (at theinterest rate rl) plus returns from investments in non-liquid assets (whose rate of return is rni )minus the expected costs from interbank borrowing.19 The rate of return on non-liquid assetsis exogenous and heterogeneous across banks: we assume that banks have access to investmentopportunities with different degrees of profitability. The interest rates on borrowed funds arealso heterogeneous across banks due to a risk premium.20 In lending to j, bank i charges apremium rpj over the risk-free interest rate (i.e. the interest rate on interbank loans rl), whichdepends on the probability of default of j, δj . The premium can be derived through an arbitragecondition. By lending lij to j, bank i expects to earn an amount given by the following equation:

(1− δj)(rl + rpj

)lij︸ ︷︷ ︸

with no default

+ δj(rl + rpj

)(1− ξ) lij︸ ︷︷ ︸

with default


where ξ is the loss given default parameter. If bank j cannot default, bank i gets:

lijrl (9)

By equating 8 and 9 we can solve for the fair risk premium charged to counterparty j:

rpj =ξδj

1− ξδjrl (10)

18The demand for equity in our model arises as residual from banks’ asset and liability optimal choice, whilewe assume that the supply of equity is exogenous and elastic. It should be noted though that raising equitymight entail adjustment costs as investors’ supply might not be fully elastic. This would be an interesting futureextension of our model, which we believe could further amplify the fire sale externalities. As in the face of shocksbanks rebalance their portfolio to meet the equity requirement, the asset adjustment might be larger when raisingequity is made stickier.

19For simplicity it is assumed that deposits and cash/reserves are not remunerated. Note that since thesewould be a fixed number if calibrated they would only shift up or down the responses that we see from themodel. Furthermore, such shifts would be indeed hard to even perceive.

20In what follows for the derivation of the premium we draw on Bluhm et al. (2014).


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It is immediate to verify that the premium is calculated so that, by lending to j, bank iexpects to get rllij (to obtain this, substitute the premium back into equation 8). We caninterpret condition 8 also as a participation constraint: bank i will lend to bank j only if it getsan expected return from lending equal to the risk free rate, i.e. the opportunity cost of lending.By summing up over all possible counterparties of bank i, and recalling that li =

∑kj=1 lij , we

retrieve the overall gain that bank i expects to achieve by lending to all the borrowers: rlli.On the other hand, as a borrower, bank i must also pay the premium associated to its owndefault probability. Since banks charge a fair risk premium, the returns that banks obtain fromnon-defaulting borrowers offset the losses resulting from contracts with defaulting borrowers.Borrowing banks, on the other hand, must always pay the premium. Therefore the cost ofborrowing is given by: rbi bi = (rl + rpi )bi = 1

1−ξδi rlbi.

Finally, the gains from investment in non-liquid assets are given by: rninip . Given these

assumptions, the profits of bank i read as follows:

πi = rninip

+ rlli − (rl + rpi )bi = rninip

+ rlli −1

1− ξδirlbi (11)

Having obtained an expression for profits, we now compute their variance. Notice thatvolatility only derives from uncertainty in non-liquid asset returns and from default premia onborrowing. These are cross-sectional variances and they are the only which can be consideredin our setting, which is static and hence does not allow for the consideration of time series vari-ances. The return on interbank lending as well as the price of non-liquid assets are endogenousand therefore will ultimately depend on exogenous elements of the model and of the shocksassumed.21 Finally, it should be noted that in setting up the system the price of non-liquidassets is set to 1, which is a status-quo scenario in which aggregate sales of non-liquid assetsare zero and therefore no fire sales are present. Given the sources of uncertainty we obtain thefollowing volatility of profits:

σ2π = Var


+ rlli −1

1− ξδirlbi





σ2rni− (bir



1− ξδi

)+ 2


(rni ,


1− ξδi


We know that δi ∈ [0, 1]. Furthermore, even when f(δi) = 11−ξδi is a a convex function, over

a realistic range of δi it is essentially linear and it is therefore sensible to obtain the variance off(δi) through a first order Taylor approximation around the expected value of δi, which yields:



1− ξδi

)= ξ2(1− ξE[δi])

−4σ2δi (14)

We assume that the ex ante correlation between return on non-liquid assets and costs ofborrowing is zero, hence we can set the covariance term in Equation 12 to zero. This leaves uswith the following expression for the variance of profits:

σ2π =



σ2rni− (bir

l)2ξ2(1− ξE[δi])−4σ2

δi (15)

21Furthermore, given the nature of the fire sales externalities, it is virtually impossible for banks to form anexpectation about them, as they would need to know the entire balance sheet of the banking system in everystate of the world. For a similar argument see Caballero & Simsek (2013).


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3.2. Interbank Market Clearing

The interbank market clears in two stages. In the first stage a standard tatonnement processis applied and the interbank interest rate is obtained by clearing excess demand/supply. Indi-vidual demands and supplies (as obtained from banks’ optimization) are summed up to obtainmarket demand and supply. If excess demand or supply occurs at the market level, the inter-bank rate is adjusted sequentially to eliminate the discrepancy. In the second stage, after theequilibrium interbank rate has been determined, a matching algorithm determines the actualpairs of banks involved into bilateral trading (at market prices). We aim to capture here thebehavior of centralized interbank markets as opposed to markets in which bilateral bargainingis the main mechanism driving the matching of banks. Additionally, as noted by Glasserman& Young (2014), to assess the potential damage that can come from interbank connections theprecise shape of the network is not as important as some balance sheet ratios that better cap-ture this potential damage, like for instance total interbank borrowing or total assets/liabilities.These are precisely the quantities on which banks focus in our model, as we aim to assess howbanks navigate the trade-offs between the different types of externalities and their investmentin long term assets.

Price Tatonnement in the Interbank Market. For a given calibration of the model, which includesan initial level of the interbank interest rate, the bank chooses the optimal demand (bi) andsupply (li) of interbank debt trading. These are submitted to a Walrasian auctioneer who sums

them up and obtains the market demand B =∑Ni=1 bi and supply L =

∑Ni=1 li. If B > L there is

excess notional demand in the market and therefore rl is increased, whereas the opposite happensif B < L.22. Changes in the interbank rates are bounded within intervals which guarantee theexistence of an equilibrium see Mas-Colell et al. (1995)).

The clearing price process delivers an equilibrium interest rate as well as two vectors, l =[l1 l2 ... lN ] and b = [b1 b2 ... bN ] , which correspond to optimal lending and borrowing of allbanks for given equilibrium prices.

Matching Trading Partners. Once the equilibrium interest rate has been obtained, actual bilat-eral trading relations among banks need to be determined. In other words, given the vectors land b obtained during the price clearing process we need to match pairs of banks for the actualtrading to take place. We match partners by relying on the concept of assortative matching (seeBecker (1973)) described below. Practically, we need to determine how bank i distributes its

lending (li =∑ki=1 lij) and/or borrowing (bi =


i=1 bij) among its potential counterparties todeliver the matrix of interbank positions X .

Let us start by defining the surplus generated by the trading as S(li, bj). Notice that liand bj , namely the lending and borrowing positions of each bank, are scalars that identify acharacteristic of each bank. Following Becker (1973) we can order the banks according to thesize of the trading position, namely the defining characteristic through which we wish to matchthem. It is possible to assume that the surplus from trading will increase with respect to thecharacteristics of banks on both sides of the market:

∂2S(li, bj)

∂li∂bj≥ 0 (16)

22This iteration takes place in fictitious time as in standard tatonnement processes. After the interest rate isadjusted, banks re-optimize their balance sheet. Banks, however, are only matched with other banks (i.e. tradewith each other) once the equilibrium interest rate has been determined.


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The condition in equation 16 corresponds to the assumption of positive complementarity inBecker (1973). Intuitively, the trading value for each pair is larger when partners are matchedwhose combined absolute excess demand is minimal. This allows banks to satisfy their excessdemand within one single trading round and avoid further search costs.23

When positive complementarities are in place it is possible to show that perfect positiveassortative matching is the efficient allocation. Indeed imagine that banks are matched so thatthe one with the highest borrowing, b, pairs with the one with the lowest lending, l, and let’sassume that the total surplus in this case is larger than total surplus under perfect positiveassortative matching. This situation corresponds to the following condition:

S(l, b) + S(l,b) > S(l, b) + S(l,b) (17)

The above condition can also be written as follows:

S(l, b)− S(l, b)− S(l,b) + S(l,b) > 0 (18)

We can then sum up over all borrowing banks the change in surplus due to a change in thelending partner: ∑


∂S(l, bj)


∂S(l, bj)

∂bj> 0 (19)

The last condition is equivalent to:


∂2S(li, bj)

∂li∂bj> 0 (20)

The condition in 20 contradicts the positive complementarity assumption in 16 proving thatmatching pairs differently would not deliver a higher surplus.

Numerically we will implement the positive assortative matching condition detailed abovethrough an algorithm based on closest matching, or minimum distance. The vectors of lendingand borrowing are ordered in descending order and transactions are assigned. For the sake ofargument, say banks i and j are the largest lender and borrower respectively, then the element(i, j) of the interbank matrix will be given by xij = minli, bj. This process goes over all pairsof banks and whatever residual desired amount that remains after every transaction is storedfor the next round of the algorithm. Since in our setting, as in the real world, banks are on bothsides of the market, some complications may arise. In particular, an issue which can emergeis that, because of the order in which the transactions are ordered, a bank will eventuallybe “matched against itself” at the last stage of the algorithm. Of course this cannot be thecase since, as mentioned earlier, we assume that banks do not trade with themselves. When weencounter such issue, the algorithm starts again from scratch but introduces a random swappingin the ordering of banks. The achievement of a solution is in this way guaranteed. In this casematching takes place sequentially following the notion of deferred-acceptance established inGale & Shapley (1962). The interbank trading matrix obtained by this method delivers a lowlevel of connectivity, providing in fact a minimum density matrix. This low level of densityor connectivity is in line with the one observed in the data. The CMA is also based on astability rationale, as it is generally compatible with pair-wise efficiency and has been proposed

23One could also assume that banks have a convex cost from trading with each additional partner. Hence fora given value of the surplus this cost is reflected in the fact that the total value from trading can be writtenas follows: S(li, bj) = f(li, bj) − c

∑ki=1 lij for a lending bank and as S(li, bj) = f(li, bj) − c

∑ki=1 bij for a

borrowing bank.


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in the seminal treaty of Shubik (1999) as most apt to capture clearing in borrowing and lendingrelations.24

3.3. Price Tatonnement in the Market for Non-Liquid Assets

In this section we briefly describe the clearing process used for the non-liquid asset market,which is modeled along the lines of Cifuentes et al. (2005) and operates once a shock has hit thesystem. As mentioned earlier, the price of non-liquid assets is set to 1 when the financial systemis set up. This is the price corresponding to zero aggregate sales and banks fulfilling regulatoryrequirements (i.e. the “status quo” price). The occurrence of shocks to banks’ non-liquid assetholdings may force them to put some of their stock of assets on the market in order to fulfillregulatory requirements. This increases the supply of assets above demand. As a result theprice adjusts to clear the market.

The logic of the mechanism can be described as follows. Consider the situation in which banki is forced to sell non-liquid assets for an amount si in order to fulfill the equity requirement. Anexpression for si can be obtained by replacing ni with ni− si in the denominator of Equation 3and solving for si. From that it is straightforward to see that si will be decreasing in pricesp, implying in turn that the aggregate sales function S(p) =

∑i si(p) is also decreasing in p.

Defining the aggregate demand function as Θ(p) : [p, 1]→ [p, 1], an equilibrium price solves thefollowing fixed point problem: Θ(p) = d−1(S(p)).

The price at which total aggregate sales are zero, namely p = 1, can certainly be consideredone equilibrium price. But a key insight from Cifuentes et al. (2005) is that a second (stable)equilibrium price exists, to the extent that the supply curve S(p) lies above the demand curveD(p) for some range of values. The convergence to the second equilibrium price is guaranteedby using the following inverse demand function25:

p = exp(−β∑i

si), (21)

where β is a positive constant to scale the price responsiveness with respect to non-liquidassets sold, and si is the amount of bank i’s non-liquid assets sold on the market.

For an initial decline in prices to, say, p0, banks will respond by putting an amount S(p0) onthe market. But given Equation 21, this will in turn push the price down to p1 = d−1(S(p0)).This generates further sales to the tune of S(p1). This process goes on until a new equilibriumprice p∗ is reached. For further details on the mechanism we refer the reader to the seminalcontribution by Cifuentes et al. (2005).

3.4. Equilibrium Definition

Definition. A competitive equilibrium in our model is defined as follows:(i) A quadruple (li, bi, ni, ci) for each bank i that solves the optimization problem P.

(ii) A clearing price in the interbank market, rl, which satisfies B = L, with B =∑Ni=1 bi

and L =∑Ni=1 li.

(iii) A trading-matching algorithm for the interbank market.(iv) A clearing price for the market of non-liquid assets, p, that solves the fixed point:

Θ(p) = d−1(s(p)).

24In a previous version of this paper we also considered two alternative matching mechanisms, namely themaximum entropy algorithm and a random matching algorithm with a loading factor calibrated to obtain adensity in between the extremes of CMA and maximum entropy. These two alternatives deliver networks witha significantly different topology. Results are available upon request.

25This function can be rationalized by assuming the existence of some noise traders in the market.


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3.5. Risk Transmission Channels in the Model

Before proceeding with the simulation results, it is useful to highlight the main channels ofrisk transmission in this model. There are three channels which operate simultaneously; to fixideas we start by describing the effects of real interlinkages.26

First, a direct channel goes through the lending exposure in the interbank market. Whenbank i is hit by a shock which makes it unable to repay interbank debt, default losses aretransmitted to all the banks exposed to i through interbank loans. Depending on the sizeof losses, these banks, in turn, might find themselves unable to fulfill their obligations in theinterbank market.

The increase of default losses and in the uncertainty of debt repayment makes risk aversebanks more cautious. They therefore hoard liquidity. The ensuing fall in the supply of liquidityincreases the likelihood that banks will not honor their debts, reduces banks’ resiliency to shocksand amplifies the cascading effects of losses. Notice that convex marginal objectives with respectto returns are also crucial in determining an increase in precautionary savings in the face ofincreasing uncertainty.

Liquidity shortage quickly turns into insolvency. Moreover, it reduces banks’ exposure tonon liquid assets. Eventually banks are forced to sell non-liquid assets if they do not meetregulatory requirements. If the sale of the assets is large enough, the market experiences acollapse of the asset price. This is the essence of pecuniary externalities, namely the fact thatliquidity scarcity and the ensuing individual banks’ decisions have an impact on market prices.In an environment in which banks’ balance sheets are measured with mark-to-market accounting,the fall in the asset price induces accounting losses to all banks which have invested in the sameasset. Accounting losses force other banks to sell non-liquid assets under distress. This viciouscircle also contributes to turn a small shock into a spiraling chain of sales and losses. Threeelements are crucial in determining the existence of fire sale externalities in our model. First,the presence of equity requirements affects market demand elasticities in a way that individualbanks’ decisions about asset sales do end up affecting market prices. Second, the tatonnementprocess described above produces falls in asset prices whenever supply exceeds demand. Third,banks’ balance sheet items are evaluated with a mark-to-market accounting procedure.

All the above-mentioned channels (credit interconnections among banks, liquidity hoardingand fire sales) have played an important role during the 2007 crisis. Caballero & Simsek (2013)for instance describe the origin of fire sale externalities in a model in which the complex financialarchitecture also induces uncertainty, which amplifies financial panic. Afonso & Shin (2011)instead focus on loss transmission due to direct exposure of banks in the money market andthrough liquidity hoarding. Our model merges those approaches and gains a full picture of theextent of the cascade following shocks to individual banks27.

Notice that the mechanisms just described are in place even if the shock hits a single bank.However to produce a more realistic picture in the simulations presented below we assume amultivariate normal distribution of shocks to non-liquid assets: initial losses can therefore hitall banks and can also in principle be correlated. Therefore our numerical exercise will accountfor the quantitative relevance of contagion by assuming also asset risk commonality.

At this stage, it is instructive to discuss the impact of the various channels also throughanalytical derivations. Specifically, using the banks’ first order conditions to the optimal problemoutlined in P we can derive expressions for the various risk-premia characterizing our model.Those risk premia provide an extent of the size and evolution of systemic risk and can be put

26It is important to note though that in the simulations the shock transmission process is kickstarted by meansof shocks to non-liquid assets.

27A short description of the shock transmission process is given in Appendix A.


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in relation to margins which proxy the contagion channels operating in our model. Of course,due to the presence of many constraints and choice variables, the optimization problem itselfis too complex to be solved analytically. This is the reason why we resort to simulations.The derivations below, therefore, aim at guiding our thoughts in thinking about contagion andinterpreting the results of the simulations.

Merging together the bank’s first order conditions with respect to interbank lending, li, andborrowing, bi, we obtain a metric for the interbank risk premium. The latter read as follows:

IR = rl(

ξδiξδi − 1



−(1+σ) ∂σ2π

∂bi+ λ2ηωl

E[πi]−σ + σ2 (1 + σ)E[πi]−σ−2σ2



where λ2 is the Lagrange multiplier on the equity requirement. This premium provides theextent to which interbank network externalities impact risk through the propagation of debt

defaults. Notice that∂σ2


∂bican be either positive or negative thereby contributing to decrease

or increase the interbank risk premium. Whether the term∂σ2


∂biis positive or negative depends

upon whether V ar(


)is larger or smaller than the term 2nip cov

(rni ,


). The variance

of the interbank default premium, V ar(


), captures the risk of interbank debt default,

while the term 2nip cov(rni ,


)determines whether interbank default losses are compensated

by returns on non-liquid assets. If the first term is larger than the second this means that

interbank network externalities are large,∂σ2


∂bi≤ 0, and this raises the interbank risk premium.

We now merge the banks’ first order conditions with respect to non-liquid assets and inter-bank lending. This leads to an asset risk premium which reads as follows:

AR =

(rnip2− rl



−(1+σ) ∂σ2π

∂ni1p + λ2η(ωn − ωl)

E[πi]−σ + σ2 (1 + σ)E[πi]−σ−2σ2



The above asset risk premium captures the role of asset substitution for risk. Banks havealways the option to invest either in non-liquid assets or in interbank lending. If the spreadbetween the two is large banks will prefer to invest in non-liquid assets and this raises thescope for fire sale externalities. Indeed the terms on the right hand side of equation 23 all

depend upon the transmission channels linked to fire sale externalities. The term∂σ2


∂ni, which is

positive, captures the fact that higher banks’ exposure to non-liquid asset increase profits’ risk,

σ2π. A higher


∂nicontributes to increase the overall asset risk premium. Furthermore, as is well

known, fire sale externalities are larger when equity constraints bind: indeed λ2 ≥ 0 contributesto increase the asset risk premium, as the risk weight on non-liquid assets is larger than the onefor interbank lending.

At last, merging the banks’ first order conditions for non-liquid assets and interbank bor-rowing we obtain the following banks’ external finance premium:

EF =

(rnip2− rl

1− ξδi









]+ λ2ηωn

E[πi]−σ + σ2 (1 + σ)E[πi]−σ−2σ2



The above external finance premium measures the risk induced by fire sale externalities,net of the risk induced by interbank debt defaults. This premium increases when the equityconstraint is binding. As with the asset risk premium, the external finance premium positively

depends on∂σ2


∂ni, whereas the effect of


∂bion the finance premium will depend on whether this

expression is positive or negative, as discussed for the interbank risk premium.


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3.6. Systemic Risk

The 2007-8 crisis moved the attention of supervisory authorities from the too-big-to fail tothe too-interconnected-to fail banks. In the past, systemic importance was primarily seen inthe context of size, pointing to measures such as concentration indices such as the Herfindahlindex. Following the crisis experience, the concept of systemic importance was expanded toalso include those banks that are highly interconnected with others. To measure the relevanceof interconnections, an important distinction arises between ex ante and ex post metrics. Exante measures determine the contribution of each bank to systemic risk based on a time-tstatic configuration of the network. These measures are useful as they identify banks/nodeswhich can potentially be risk spreaders, but they have little predictive power, as they do notconsider the transformations in the network topology following shocks. On the contrary ex postmeasures do so, hence they can be fruitfully used in stress tests. Overall ex ante measurescan be used for preemptive actions, while ex post measures can be used to predict the possibleextent of contagion in the aftermath of shocks, an information crucial to establish the correctimplementation of post-crisis remedies.

Our focus here is on one ex post metric, namely the Shapley value28. In Appendix B wereport the performance in the numerical analysis of a set of ex ante metrics, namely networkcentrality measures, as well as their comparison with the Shapley value. The Shapley valuecomes from the literature on cooperative and non-cooperative game theory, and provides thecontribution (through permutations) of each bank to an aggregate value. The latter in our case

is computed via the ratio of assets from all defaulting banks to total assets, Φ =∑

Ω assetsΩ∑i assetsi


where Ω ∈ i identifies the set of defaulting banks. One desirable property of the Shapley valueis additivity, which in our case implies that the marginal contribution of each bank adds up tothe aggregate default probability.

Formally the Shapley value is defined as follows. Define first C as a coalition of playerswhich is a subset of the set defining all possible coalitions with N players (the latter denotedby CN ). In this spirit, C−i stands for a coalition which does not include player/bank i. Next,define vΨ a function which maps subsets of players to the real numbers (i.e. vΨ : 2N → R, whereby convention it is assumed that v(∅) = 0). This so called characteristic function will generatea value vΨ(C) for every possible coalition C: in our case this value is systemic risk when thecoalition C of banks is being shocked. Similarly, vΨ(C−i) will indicate the value generated bya coalition which does not include bank i (i.e. the systemic risk generated when the group ofbanks C, excluding i, is being shocked). With these elements in mind, the Shapley value forbank i can be expressed in the following way:

Ξi(vΨ) =


N !


(vΨ(C−i ∪ i)− vΨ(C−i)


where vΨ(C−i ∪ i) is the value obtained by coalition C−i but when also including bank i.That is, Ξi(v

Ψ) gives the average marginal contribution of player i over all possible coalitionsof player set N . In our context the Shapley value is thus a way of assigning to each bank itsaverage marginal contribution to systemic risk. Note that the index Ψ denotes different possibleshock scenarios, hence banks’ contribution to systemic risk is computed conditional on a shockvector to the banking system.29

28See Shapley (1953) for the formal problem. Drehmann & Tarashev (2013) applied this concept to bankingfor the first time, and it was subsequently used by several authors.

29As can be seen by the fact that the possible coalitions which can be formed with player set N isgiven by 2N , the computation of the Shapley value is usually subject to the curse of dimensionality. For


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4. Baseline Scenario Results and Empirical Matching

In this section we present the baseline network configuration, which we characterize usingsynthetic metrics, namely density, average path length, assortativity, clustering, betweennessand eigenvector centrality. Additionally, we consider other features of the final configurationof the network which are useful in assessing its realism. In particular we consider the ratio ofinterbank assets to total assets, the equilibrium interest rate achieved through the interbankmarket tatonnement process, the number of intermediaries in the system (i.e. banks which bothborrow and lend), and the subset of intermediaries which form the core of the system.30

Our primary goal is to verify that our banking network shares topological properties with theempirical counterparts. We indeed find that our model is able to replicate a number of stylizedfacts characterizing real world interbank networks (core-periphery structure, low density anddis-assortative behavior).

Before presenting the simulation results for the baseline structure, we describe the model cal-ibration, which is largely based on banking and regulatory data. Table 1 summarizes calibratedvalues and shock distributions.

Following Drehmann & Tarashev (2013), the number of banks is set to 20. This keeps thesystem manageable in terms of size (allowing us to track the behavior of different banks) and interms of computation time. All policy related parameters are taken from the implementationof Basel III in Europe (see the Regulation No 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of theCouncil of 26 June 2013). The liquidity requirement (α), equity requirement (γ), risk weightson non-liquid assets (ωn) and interbank lending (ωl) are set respectively to 10%, 8%, 0.2 and1.31 We use data from Bureau van Dijk’s Bankscope database to calibrate deposits and equity.We take the average of total assets for the period 2011-2013 for Euro Area (EA) banks, and usedeposits and equity (again averaged over 2011-2013) of the top 20 banks in terms of assets. Thereturn on non-liquid assets is randomly drawn from a uniform distribution over the range 0−15%(the variance is computed accordingly), whereas the vector of shocks to non-liquid assets, whichis the starting point of the shock transmission process, is drawn from a multivariate normaldistribution with a mean of 5, a variance of 25 and zero covariance (we draw 1000 shocks toevaluate the model). We set the loss given default parameter ξ to 0.5 (see for instance Memmel& Sachs (2013)), whereas we assign values of 0.5% and 0.3% to the expected probability ofdefault and its variance respectively. Finally, the banks’ risk aversion parameter σ is set equalto 2. For precautionary saving to arise such parameter must be larger than 1. Note also thatthe parameter β capturing the price responsiveness to the sale of non-liquid assets is endogenousand calculated as the number necessary to achieve a 10% drop if all non-liquid assets optimally

this reason it is normally approximated in numerical simulations by the average marginal contribution of

players to the aggregate value over M randomly sampled permutations or coalitions, Ξi(vΨ) ≈


Ψ) =1M


(vΨ(Ci ∪ i)− vΨ(C−i)


30As noted by Craig & von Peter (2014), interbank markets typically present a tiered structure, and interme-diation plays a key role in determining that structure. In particular, an interbank market is tiered when thereare banks which intermediate between other banks that are not directly connected. The two tiers thus form acore of densely connected banks and a periphery of banks unconnected to each other but connected to the core.Core banks are therefore a strict subset of intermediaries: those intermediaries that serve to connect peripheralbanks that would otherwise be disconnected from each other.

31We view γ as a floor regulatory value. The banks’ capital buffer τ (on top of the equity requirement) is setto 1%. As noted earlier, this can be seen as market requirement on top of regulatory requirements, and it alsoserves a technical purpose by guaranteeing that a shock will not push banks automatically into fire-sales (in casethe equity requirement is binding pre-shock). Note that this does not imply that all banks will choose the sameequity requirement as a results of their optimization. Furthermore, given banks’ risk aversion it will typically bethe case that the equity constraint is not binding.


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chosen by banks are sold on the market (see Greenwood et al. (2015) and references therein forprice responsiveness in fire sales processes).

Par./Var. Description ValueN Number of banks in the system 20α Liquidity requirement ratio 0.10ωn Risk weight on non-liquid assets 1ωl Risk weight on interbank lending 0.20γ Equity requirement ratio 0.08τ Equity buffer 0.01di Bank deposits Top20 EAei Bank equity Top20 EAσ Bank risk aversion 2ξ Loss given default 0.5E[δ] Expected default probability 0.005σ2δ Variance of default probability 0.003rni Return on non-liquid assets U(0, 0.15)σ2rbi

Variance of rni112 (max(rni )−min(rni ))2

Ψ Shocks to non-liquid assets ℵ(5, 25 ∗ I)

Table 1: Baseline calibration

We start by describing the partitions of banks into borrowers and lenders, the share ofinterbank assets over total assets and the equilibrium interbank rate (see also Table 2 below).Given the above calibration, the equilibrium interbank rate is 2.98%, in line with the pre-crisisaverage of EONIA. Interbank assets as a share of total assets stand at 23.7%, also in linewith real world counterparts. There are 5 banks that only lend (banks 6, 10, 16, 17 and 19), 6that only borrow (2, 5, 7, 8, 14 and 15) and 9 that both borrow and lend (1, 3, 4, 9, 11, 12, 13, 18and 20). Generally speaking banks which borrow are those whose returns on non-liquid assetsare high (and higher than returns on interbank lending). Since those have good investmentopportunities they wish to invest and require liquidity beyond the one present in their portfolio.On the contrary banks decide to lend when the rate that they receive on bank lending is higherthan the rate of return on non-liquid assets. The convexity of the optimization problem impliesthat internal solutions exist and banks can be on both sides of the market, i.e., they can beborrowers and lenders at the same time. Few large banks enter both sides of the market andact as central nodes: those banks have high returns on non-liquid assets, hence they wish toobtain liquidity for investment, but they also have large cash balances and are willing to lendto acquire a diversified portfolio.

4.1. Synthetic Measures of Network Architecture and Empirical Matching

Our next step is to describe the network topology by using synthetic network indicators.32

Notice that synthetic metrics describing the network largely depend upon the banks’ optimiza-tion problem and upon the matching algorithm. On the other hand, for the static networkconfiguration the three contagion channels described previously do not play a role since they

32To compute some of the network indicators we made use of the Brain Connectivity Toolbox and the Mat-labBGL library.


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become operative only when banks are hit by shocks. The network response to shocks and therole of the contagion channels for systemic risk will be analyzed in Section 5.

Figure 2 presents the baseline configuration with an interbank matrix computed via theclosest matching algorithm, given the parameters from Table 1. Different nodes represent banksand their size is given by total assets. The width of arrows indicates the amounts transactedand an arrow going from i to j indicates that i is exposed to j through lending. The numberof links is not particularly high; in network parlance, the network exhibits low density. In factthe density of the network is 7.37%, in line with the evidence from country-specific studies ofinterbank markets.33

(a) Standard representation (b) Circle representation

Figure 2: Baseline network configuration

Table 2 shows results for the other synthetic metrics considered, given the baseline parame-terization.

The first two network metrics are closely related. The density of the network is the fractionof existing links over the total amount of possible links, whereas the average degree is the averagenumber of connections per bank. Both metrics proxy the extent of diversification in the network.By construction, the CMA network presents low density and hence a low average degree: a bankis connected on average to 1.4 other banks.

The average path length is the mean shortest path between pairs of nodes. It gives an ideaof the ease with which one can expect to get from a given node to any other given node. Inour case this number is 2.6, implying that the average bank is almost 3 connections away. Theaverage path length is small, in line with real-world interbank networks (see Alves et al. (2013)or Boss et al. (2004) among others). This implies that exposure is not far away for the averagebank in the network.

Betweenness and eigenvector centrality are computed as averages for all nodes in the network.The CMA network features high betweenness and eigenvector centrality since a few banks act

33See for instance van Lelyveld & In’t Veld (2012) for the Dutch case. Regardless of the specific number, ageneral finding from the literature is that interbank markets present low density.


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Density (%) 7.37Average Degree 1.40Average Path Length 2.60Betweenness Centrality (Av.) 7.10Eigenvector Centrality (Av.) 0.13Clustering Coefficient (Av.) 0.03Assortativity

out-in degree -0.15in-out degree 0.26out-out degree -0.31in-in degree -0.44

# Intermediaries 9# Core Banks 3Interbank Assets/Total Assets (%) 23.68Equilibrium Interbank Rate (%) 2.98

Table 2: Network characteristics - Baseline setting

as gatekeepers.The clustering coefficient measures the tendency of neighbors of a given node to connect

to each other, thereby generating a cluster of connections. For our network configuration theaverage clustering coefficient is low, especially in relation to other types of networks (for instance,trade networks), and in line with evidence on real-world interbank networks (see Huser (2015)for a summary of stylized facts).

The assortativity coefficient aims at capturing the tendency of high-degree nodes to be linkedto other high-degree nodes. As noted by Bargigli et al. (2015), interbank networks tend to bedis-assortative, implying that high-degree nodes tend to connect to other high-degree nodes lessfrequently than would be expected under the assumption of a random rewiring of the networkthat preserves the nodes’ degrees. With the exception of the in-out coefficient, which presentspositive assortativity, our network presents in fact dis-assortative behavior. These results are inline with those observed in the data (see for instance Bargigli et al. (2015) or Alves et al. (2013)among others). Notice that dis-assortative behavior is associated with core-periphery structures;this is true both in the data and in our model. As already mentioned above, a necessary conditionfor the presence of a core-periphery structure is to have banks which both borrow and lend, i.e.to have intermediaries. Out of the 20 banks in our model, 9 are intermediaries. Furthermore,from these 9 banks, 3 constitute the core of the network.34

To sum up topological properties of our network as captured by most synthetic indicators,are in line with their empirical counterparts. In particular the network is characterized by lowdensity, low clustering, low average path length, dis-assortative behavior and a core-peripherystructure in which the core is a strict subset of all intermediaries. Further results for thesimulation of the baseline network can be found in Appendix B.

34Our conception of the core follows that of the seminal work of Craig & von Peter (2014). We thank BenCraig for sharing the code for the computation of the core-periphery structure.


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5. Model Response to Shocks

An essential prerequisite of prudential regulation consists in measuring systemic risk andidentifying systemically important banks. Assessing the contribution of each bank to risk prop-agation is indeed a crucial aspect of the inspecting activity that supervisors conduct to preventcrises. To this aim and prior to the analysis of the prudential policy we present some metricsthat measure the contribution of each bank to systemic risk and that allow the supervisor todetect systemically important intermediaries. In this section we focus specifically on the Shapleyvalue. Given the system-wide default probability following a distribution of banks’ shocks, theShapley value determines the contribution of each bank to it.

Figure 3 presents each bank’s contribution to systemic risk, based on the Shapley valuemethodology. The clearing algorithm for the interbank market used is that of Eisenberg &Noe (2001). We simulate shocks to the value of non-liquid assets with multivariate normaldistributions. In response to those shocks all channels of contagion are activated. First andforemost, banks become more cautious and start to hoard liquidity thereby producing a creditcrunch in the interbank market. The fall in the supply of liquidity together with the adverseshocks on some banks’ assets produces many de-stabilizing effects: some banks stop honoringtheir debt obligations, most banks de-leverage and some banks sell their non-liquid assets to meetequity and liquidity requirements. All those actions trigger further losses. Liquidity hoardingreduces the system’s resiliency to shocks: banks which do not repay their debt transmit directlosses to exposed lenders; fire sales of non-liquid assets, by triggering falls in assets prices,transmit indirect losses to the balance sheets of other banks because of asset commonality.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20−0.01













ic r








ue, m


Figure 3: Contribution to systemic risk (mean Shapley Value) by bank

By jointly analyzing the data in Figure 3 and the banks’ optimal portfolio allocations asreported in Table B.3 in Appendix B we find that the banks which contribute the most tosystemic risk are the ones which both borrow in the interbank market and invest highly in


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non-liquid assets.35 Generally speaking we find a strong connection between Shapley value andtotal assets.36 Interbank borrowing increases the extent of risk transmission through directinterconnections, while investment in non-liquid assets increases the extent of risk transmissionvia fire sale externalities. The more banks borrow and the more banks invest in non-liquid assets,the larger is their contribution to cascading defaults and to systemic risk. The rationale behindthis is as follows. Banks which leverage more in the interbank market are clearly more exposedto the risk of default on interbank debts. The larger is the size of debt default the larger arethe losses that banks transmit to their counterparts. Borrowing banks therefore contribute tosystemic risk since they are the vehicle of network/interconnection externalities. On the otherhand, banks which invest more in non-liquid assets transmit risks since they are the vehicle ofpecuniary externalities. The higher is the fraction of non-liquid asset investment, the higheris the negative impact that banks’ fire sales have on market prices. The higher is the collapsein market prices, the higher are the accounting losses experienced by all other banks due toasset commonality and mark-to-market accounting. Notice that banks which invest and borrowa lot are also those with the highest returns on non-liquid assets investment. As banks investmore they also grow in size, consequently there is also a positive correlation between banks’size and systemic risk. By jointly observing Figure 3 and total assets as from Table B.3 (whichpresents the optimal balance sheet structure in the baseline setting) we can infer, for instance,that smaller banks tend to contribute less to systemic risk. While the Shapley value shows astrong connection to total assets, the connection to other balance sheet items or relevant balancesheet ratios is not particularly strong (see Figure B.6 in Appendix B.2).37 To assess the roleof banks’ risk aversion and precautionary savings on the transmission of risk we present themain results for systemic risk by comparing the models with and without risk averse banks: seesubsection 6.1.

To test the robustness of the Shapley value we compute the ranking of systemically impor-tant banks also using alternative metrics, namely network centrality indicators. Due to spaceconsiderations, simulation results for those are presented and discussed in Appendix B.

6. Policy Analysis: Stability versus Efficiency

The new Basel III regulatory framework is an approach centered on multiple, complementaryprudential standards, with minimum requirements for both capital and liquidity. A crucial policyquestion is whether adjustments to these requirements should be expected to affect systemic riskand banks’ individual contributions to it. This will involve trade-offs. For instance, higher equityrequirements are likely to be beneficial because they reduce the extent of banks’ leverage andincrease their ability to absorb losses. Yet, this may have to be traded-off against an impairedability to invest in illiquid assets, as tighter equity requirements typically increase the extent ofpecuniary externalities (via a higher elasticity of excess asset demand). Intuitively, the tighterthe constraint, the higher may be the need to sell assets to meet the regulatory requirements inthe face of adverse shocks. Note that, in our model, the investment in external non-liquid assetsis a proxy for the integration of the banking system with the real economy so that we can takeit as a measure of efficiency and as a crude substitute for welfare. Hence an increase in equity

35Usually those are also the banks with the higher returns on non-liquid assets investment.36That said, it is important to note that “size” alone does not capture the role of too-interconnected-to-fail,

whereas the Shapley value does. This is a way of incorporating the interconnectedness metric used by theFinancial Stability Board to designate systemic institutions.

37This holds irrespective of the matching algorithm used: in exercises not reported here we have computedthe interbank matrix using other matching algorithms (which deliver a different network topology) and thequalitative message stays unaltered.


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requirements generates a trade off between financial stability (mitigation of systemic risk) andefficiency (maximization of investment in external assets). Similar trade-offs apply to liquidityrequirements.

We inspect the variations in systemic risk and in the optimal allocation for different valuesof the liquidity requirement α and of the equity requirement γ. As in the baseline setting, weevaluate the model subject to 1000 shocks.

Figure 4 summarizes the main results from the policy experiments. We consider six indi-cators. From left to right in the first half (first and second row) of the table: systemic risk(measured as the ratio of assets of defaulting banks to total assets of the system), interbanklending as a share of total assets, non-liquid assets as a share of equity; in the second half (thirdand fourth row): equilibrium interbank interest rate, aggregate leverage (solid line, left axis)and simple average leverage of the 5 most leveraged banks (dashed line, right axis) and networkdensity. For each indicator there are two panels: the upper (lower) panel shows the dynamicpattern of the indicator as the liquidity (equity) requirement increases.

We start by examining how overall systemic risk and the contribution of each bank to itchange when altering the two policy parameters. Let’s consider first the effects of changes inthe liquidity requirement (first and third row of the figure). At first glance, overall systemicrisk shows a downward trend when the liquidity parameter α goes up (see the first panel in thefirst row of Figure 4). That said, as is obvious from the chart, starting from values around 0.2systemic risk exhibits a jig-saw behavior within this general downward trend. Such behaviorposes a challenge for prudential regulators as even small changes in the liquidity ratio can havesignificant effects on systemic risk. It is therefore important to understand the origins of thispattern and its implications. First of all, by simulating the model with risk-neutral bankers weobserve a much smoother pattern. Hence convex optimization problems are a primary reasonfor this behavior. Indeed in this case the dynamic of risk has first order effects on banks’optimal decisions, which in turn become much more sensitive to all channels responsible for riskamplification (fire sale and network externalities primarily). This has important consequencesfor the prudential authority. It highlights the fact that the design of regulation in complexenvironments that feature significant risk amplification channels is a much more demandingtask than the one envisaged in simple banking models featuring linear optimization and nomarket interactions. Notice that in our simulations we have included error bands around thedynamic of systemic risk in response to changes in regulation. Those are instructive particularlyin the context of a complex and uncertain policy environment: error bands indeed provide ametric for the possible variation in the target (systemic risk) for a given policy action. Thereare some banks that always contribute to systemic risk (mostly banks 1, 2, 3, 5, 12 and 16, seeFigure C.9). The rationale for these results is as follows. As banks must hold more liquidityfor precautionary motives, their exposure in the interbank market declines, though this is notreflected in interbank assets as a share of total assets (second panel in the first row) since thereduction in non-liquid assets is quite substantial (third panel in the first row). The interbankinterest rate increases due to the scarce supply of liquidity (first panel in the third row) andbanks’ investment in non-liquid assets declines as available liquidity falls. Overall, there is astrong reduction in the scope for fire sale externalities and a relatively milder increase in thescope for network externalities. Since both systemic risk and the investment in non-liquid assetsgo down for the range of values of α under consideration, we detect a trade off between themitigation of financial instability (as proxied by systemic risk) and efficiency (as proxied byaggregate investment in non-liquid assets).

Results are somehow more complex when we increase the equity requirement. As γ increases,overall systemic risk declines over an initial range, but it stays flat after roughly 0.13 (first panelin the second row). Banks de-leverage (second panel in the fourth row) and the interbank interest


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Changes in LiqR (α)





Changes in ER (γ)







Changes in LiqR (α)







Changes in ER (γ)

Figure 4: Main results of the policy analysis. On the y-axis, in the panels of the first half of the table (first andsecond row), from left to right we measure: systemic risk, interbank lending over total assets, non-liquid assetsover equity; in the panels of the second half (third and fourth row): equilibrium interbank interest rate, aggregateleverage (solid, left-hand-side) and simple average leverage of 5 most leveraged banks (dashed, right-hand-side),and network density.


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rate declines (first panel in the fourth row) as the demand of liquid funds has gone down. Thisreduces the overall scope for transmitting default losses, and in fact interbank lending as apercentage of assets reaches very low values (second panel in the second row). However, banksalso reduce the amount of liquid assets (not shown here), while keeping the amount of non-liquidasset investment roughly unchanged (as a fraction of equity) for an initial range and then onlyreducing it slightly (third panel in the second row).38 The scope of risk transmission throughfire sales is therefore only slightly reduced. Increasing the equity requirement above 10% seemsto have a non-negligible impact on systemic risk, while at the same time not reducing efficiencyas strongly as with increases in the liquidity requirement. This improvement is concentrated inthe range 10-13%, as beyond that point systemic risk is largely unresponsive to a higher equityrequirement.

As for the contribution of each bank to overall systemic risk (see Shapley values in Fig-ure C.10) we observe that, while most banks tend to transmit less risk as γ increases, a fewinstead tend to contribute more. Since all banks are less exposed to the interbank market thescope for loss cascades through network linkages is reduced. On the other hand some banksinvest more in non-liquid assets. This exposes the latter to the swings in the market price fornon-liquid assets and increases the probability that they will engage in fire sales.

The sixth panel of the third (fourth) row describes the evolution of network density forincreasing levels of the liquidity (equity) requirement.39 Network density is increasing with theliquidity requirement parameter α and decreasing with capital requirement γ. In the lattercase, density is roughly halved over the range of values of γ considered. While the upper limitfor network density is roughly the same for the two policy exercises, it is worth noting that inthe case of changes in the liquidity requirement, density never falls below the starting value ofapproximately 6.5%, whereas it falls to almost 3.5% when increasing the equity requirement.When changing the equity requirement there is a noticeable drop starting at around γ = 0.12.The reason for this can be seen in Figure C.8b in Appendix C. The number of active banks inthe interbank market drops substantially. This is true, in particular, for those banks that bothborrow and lend. If we take the number of banks on both sides of the market as a proxy forintermediation activity, Figure C.8b shows that intermediation reaches a peak when γ = 0.12.As the equity requirement increases, fewer banks are active in the market and the ones that areactually active demand less liquidity relative to existing supply, forcing the continuous downwardtrend in the interbank rate that we see in the first panel, fourth row of Figure 4.

As Figure C.8a shows, no such development occurs when increasing the liquidity requirement.This essentially leaves the number of active banks unchanged. When the liquidity requirementincreases two countervailing forces seem at work that balance each other. As the liquidity re-quirement goes up, banks supply less liquidity in the interbank market and this has a depressingeffect on density and other measures such as closeness (not shown here). On the other hand,some banks increase their demand of liquid funds driving the interbank rate up and inducingother banks to substitute investment in non-liquid assets with interbank lending. This assetsubstitution effect increases the available liquidity in the interbank market (as shown in thesecond panel, first row of Figure 4), which in turn has a positive impact on density and relatedmeasures.

38Notice that in our model issuing equities does not entail adjustment costs. In reality, depending on thedegree of financial market development, some adjustment costs might make equity adjustment stickier. If so, itis possible that, in the face of increases in equity requirements, banks might decide to partly increase equitiesand partly reduce their assets in order to re-balance the ratio. In any case we would observe a stronger fall innon-liquid assets under an increase in equity requirements than under an increase in liquidity requirements.

39Average degree, path length and clustering coefficients paint a very similar picture so we left them out forthe sake of space.


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While we do not evaluate the joint optimality of the regulatory requirements in our model, thepolicy exercise provides support for the notion that the different requirements can be combinedto complement each other. In Figure 4, whenever we evaluate the change in a policy parameter(say, liquidity), the other policy parameter is kept at its benchmark value. Thereby, changes inthe liquidity (equity) requirement in the context of a fixed equity (liquidity) requirement leadto improvements in systemic risk. Furthermore, the path towards reaching the joint benchmarkscenario (i.e. when moving from α = 0 to α = 0.1 in the case of liquidity and from γ = 0to γ = 0.08 for equity) is associated with reduced systemic risk and minimal negative adverseeffects in terms of non-liquid asset investment and interbank market activity.

To sum up, within the confines of our model,40 increasing the liquidity requirement un-ambiguously reduces systemic risk as it reduces the investment in non-liquid assets while onlymarginally increasing the scope for network externalities. The fall in the overall non-liquidasset investment shows however that an increase in the liquidity requirement reduces systemefficiency. An increase in the equity requirement also decreases systemic risk (though the latterremains flat after γ = 0.13), but without a substantial decrease in efficiency.

6.1. Systemic Risk and Contagion Channels

To assess the contribution of each of the channels considered (liquidity hoarding, intercon-nections and fire sales) we compare the evolution of systemic risk (under different values for αand γ) under four alternative models:

• Model 1: this model is the benchmark considered so far, featuring risk averse banks andthe interaction of fire sales and network externalities.

• Model 2: this model has risk neutral instead of risk averse banks, hence the objectivefunction is linear and simply given by utility of expected profits, which in this case isequal to expected utility of profits. The constraints remain the same, and fire sales andinterbank contagion are also kept. It is worth noting that in this model there are no banksthat participate on both sides of the market simultaneously, i.e. they are either borrowersor lenders.

• Model 3: this model is similar to Model 1 but it eliminates the fire sales channel. Non-liquid assets are no longer a choice variable of banks and are instead calibrated by thevalues banks would have chosen if given the chance. Once a shock hits banks cannot sellthe assets and the transmission of distress takes place only through the interbank channel.

• Model 4: this model is a small variation of Model 3, in which we set the risk aversionparameter to σ = 0 (i.e. risk-neutral banks).

Results from the comparison exercise are presented in Figure 5, which shows the effects ofchanges in the liquidity and equity requirements on systemic risk, interbank lending over totalassets and non-liquid assets over equity.

We can summarize the difference in results as follows. First, the benchmark model (with allcontagion channels) shows larger swings in the changes of systemic risk with respect to α andγ. This is due to the fact that the presence of risk averse agents features higher non-linearitiesby triggering precautionary saving. Second, in Model 4 systemic risk increases with respect

40It is important to note that ours is a stylized model, not encompassing general equilibrium effects for theeconomy at large. Importantly, it does not feature a central bank, which could mitigate the stress in the bankingsystem following a shock. Such interventions by a central bank can be critical, in particular in terms of liquidity.


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to increases in α. This is empirically puzzling, although it is internally consistent with theassumptions of model 4, namely the absence of other investment opportunities beyond thosein non-liquid assets and the assumption of σ = 0. As the liquidity requirement increases,banks which are short of funds increase their demand of interbank borrowing. This raises theinterbank rate and makes interbank lending attractive for banks which have excess liquidity.Overall network linkages in the interbank market increase and so does contagion of default risk.

Our benchmark model has two important appealing features. First, it generates realisticamplifications of risk and features non-linearity in transmission channels: both are realisticfeatures of banking panics triggered by contagion channels. Second, and contrary to alternativemodels considered, it provides reasonable predictions for the response of the network to changesin policy regulations.


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Changes in liquidity requirement α Changes in equity requirement γT






















Figure 5: Model Comparison


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7. Concluding Remarks

We have analyzed a banking network model featuring risk transmission via different chan-nels. Banks in our model are risk averse and solve an optimal portfolio problem. The individualoptimization problems and the market clearing processes deliver a matrix of network links in theinterbank market. Each bank can be both borrower and lender vis-a-vis different counterparties.Shocks to one bank are transmitted through defaults on interbank debt, through price collapsesof non-liquid assets triggered by fire sales or through liquidity hoarding. Clearing in the markettakes place through a price tatonnement iterative process and through a trading matching algo-rithm, namely closest matching (or minimum distance). The network thus obtained replicatessome characteristics from the empirical counterparts. In particular, it presents low density, lowaverage degree, dis-assortative behavior and a core-periphery structure.

We use our banking network to assess the role of prudential regulation in reducing systemicrisk. We find that increasing the liquidity requirement unequivocally reduces systemic risk andthe contribution of each bank to it. As banks must hold more liquidity for precautionary motives,their exposure in the interbank market declines, though this is not reflected in interbank assetsas a share of total assets as the reduction in non-liquid assets is quite substantial. The formerlimits somewhat the scope for network externalities, whereas the latter substantially reducesthe scope for pecuniary externalities. The reduction in non-liquid assets is so strong that thereis an associated cost to it in terms of efficiency of the system, highlighting the existing trade-offbetween stability and efficiency. An increase in the equity requirement instead does not presentthis strong trade-off. Systemic risk decreases, in particular for an initial range of values of γ.The scope for network externalities is persistently reduced as the share of interbank assets overtotal assets steadily declines to reach very low values in the upper range of γ. While there isalso a slight reduction in the scope for fire sales externalities, the reduction in non-liquid assetsis relatively minor. The system becomes more homogeneous and the potential damage frominterbank market collapses is markedly reduced. This comes at the expense of having less bankstrade in the interbank market, with an associated reduction in its density.

In light of recent policy discussions, our model highlights some important trade-offs to bear inmind. First, the model suggests that increasing the equity requirement relative to the benchmarkcan yield benefits in terms of more stability without any cost in terms of a substantial reductionin banks’ non-liquid assets investments. At the same time, there are limits to this strategy. Toohigh a regulatory burden can make the requirements close to binding, which can increase thelikelihood of fire sales in the aftermath of large-scale shocks. On the other side, the results ofour model give strong support for introducing liquidity requirements in terms of their potentialfor systemic risk reduction, though with the caveat of costs in terms of reduced non-liquid assetinvestment. Finally, our results provide general support for the Basel III approach based oncomplementary regulatory metrics.

We have explored the effects of contagion and risk transmission stemming from the assetside of banks’ balance sheets. Incorporating risk originating from the liability side would takeour model one step further in the direction of realism. We leave this avenue for future research.


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Appendix A. Shock Transmission

The shock transmission process can be succinctly summarized as follows. After the vector ofshocks is drawn the supply of non-liquid assets will be affected and therefore the price will haveto be adjusted. Following such adjustment, some banks may not be able to fulfill their interbankcommitments. Such banks will liquidate their entire non-liquid asset holdings, pay as much asthey can to interbank creditors and be added to the default set. The interbank adjustment isdone following the now classic algorithm outlined in Eisenberg & Noe (2001). Note that, at thisstage, interbank connections are taken as given and banks are not re-optimizing; changes to theinterbank market structure are at this point the result of applying the clearing mechanism ofEisenberg & Noe (2001). At the same time, many banks may not be able to fulfill the equityrequirement. Within this group, two sub-groups may be distinguished. First there are thosebanks that after selling part of their non-liquid asset holdings will be able to fulfill the equityrequirement; the second group cannot fulfill the requirement even after selling all their non-liquidassets. The former group will just liquidate what it needs in order to comply with requirements,whereas the latter group will liquidate all and be added to the default set. All the non-liquidassets put on the market by all banks will be used for a recalculation of the price p and start anew round of the transmission process. When no more defaults occur the algorithm stops andsystemic risk is computed as set out in the main text.

Appendix B. Additional results for baseline scenario

Appendix B.1. Balance sheet characteristics and systemic importance ranking


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Appendix B.2. Additional results on Shapley value and systemic importance

Figure B.6 plots the Shapley value versus bank characteristics. Results point to a strongconnection with total assets as discussed in the main body of the paper. The connection toother balance sheet items is rather weak.

Figure B.6: SV vs. bank characteristics

For systemic importance measures we consider network centrality indicators. In graph theoryand network analysis the centrality of a vertex or node measures its relative importance withinthe graph. In particular, we consider the following measures: degree, closeness, betweennessand eigenvector centrality.41 Degree centrality captures the number of connections that a bankhas. In networks in which the direction of links matter, like ours, it can be divided into in- andout-degree. The former accounts for the number of links “arriving” to a node, whereas the latterquantifies the number of links “leaving” a node. Closeness centrality assesses the importanceof nodes based on how reachable they are from all other nodes (i.e. how “close” they are).Betweenness centrality gauges the relative importance of nodes based on how often they lie inpaths connecting other nodes (i.e. how important they are as “gatekeepers”). Finally, eigenvec-tor centrality is a generalization of degree centrality which captures the idea that connectionsto other nodes which are themselves well connected should carry more weight.42

Table B.4 above presents the ranking of systemic importance for the baseline setting and forall the measures considered. Depending on the measure one chooses to focus on, the assessmentdiffers substantially for many banks. At one extreme we have for instance bank 7, which can beranked first according to one measure, and up to seventeenth by another. There are some banksthat are consistently ranked high or low (see for instance bank 18 for the former and bank 17for the latter).

Another interesting question is whether systemic importance measures (i.e. centrality indi-cators) and systemic risk measures (i.e. Shapley value) deliver a consistent ranking. Figure B.7

41With this choice we cover the range of possible measures based on standard taxonomy (see for instance Alveset al. (2013)).

42In directed networks one can also subdivide closeness and eigenvector centrality, the former into in and outversions, the latter into left and right eigenvectors.


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sheds light on this issue by plotting the Shapley value versus the different network centralitymeasures considered.43 The bottom line is that there is no apparent connection between theranking provided by the two types of measures. While this may seem disappointing at firstglance, one should bear in mind that these measures are not only different algebraically, butalso conceptually. Systemic importance measures are of an ex-ante nature in the sense that allthat is needed for their computation is a matrix representing the connections between banks.Importantly, to construct these measures there is no need for a shock to hit the system andthereby no need either for the specification of behavioral responses. They are in this sense alsostatic. For systemic risk indicators to be computed one needs indeed to measure risk, and tothat end assume some kind of shock to the system.44 Furthermore, behavioral responses of somesort are needed for the shock process to converge. In this respect this type of measures have amore dynamic flavor.

Figure B.7: SV vs. centrality measures

Appendix C. Additional results for policy analysis

43In the working paper version of this paper we also perform the comparison with other family of systemicimportance indicators, namely input-output-based measures, and the message remains unaltered.

44This can be for example the targeted exogenous failure of a given institution, the sequential exogenous failureof all institutions, or as we explore in this paper, multivariate shocks to all banks simultaneously.


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(a) Changes in LiqR (α) (b) Changes in ER (γ)

Figure C.8: Number of active banks in interbank market for different values of α and γ

Figure C.9: Contribution to systemic risk (Shapley Value, y axis) by bank for different values of α (x axis)


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Figure C.10: Contribution to systemic risk (Shapley Value, y axis) by bank for different values of γ (x axis)


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Previous volumes in this series

No Title Author

596 December 2016

Macroeconomics of bank capital and liquidity regulations

Frédéric Boissay and Fabrice Collard

595 December 2016

Bank lending and loan quality: the case of India

Pallavi Chavan and Leonardo Gambacorta

594 December 2016

A quantitative case for leaning against the wind

Andrew Filardo and Phurichai Rungcharoenkitkul

593 December 2016

The countercyclical capital buffer and the composition of bank lending

Raphael Auer and Steven Ongena

592 November 2016

The dollar, bank leverage and the deviation from covered interest parity

Stefan Avdjiev, Wenxin Du, Catherine Koch and Hyun Song Shin

591 November 2016

Adding it all up: the macroeconomic impact of Basel III and outstanding reform issues

Ingo Fender and Ulf Lewrick

590 October 2016

The failure of covered interest parity: FX hedging demand and costly balance sheets

Vladyslav Sushko, Claudio Borio, Robert McCauley and Patrick McGuire

589 October 2016

International prudential policy spillovers: a global perspective

Stefan Avdjiev, Cathérine Koch, Patrick McGuire and Goetz von Peter

588 October 2016

Macroprudential policies, the long-term interest rate and the exchange rate

Philip Turner

587 October 2016

Globalisation and financial stability risks: is the residency-based approach of the national accounts old-fashioned?

Bruno Tissot

586 September 2016

Leverage and risk weighted capital requirements

Leonardo Gambacorta and Sudipto Karmakar

585 September 2016

The effects of a central bank’s inflation forecasts on private sector forecasts: Recent evidence from Japan

Masazumi Hattori, Steven Kong, Frank Packer and Toshitaka Sekine

584 September 2016

Intuitive and Reliable Estimates of the Output Gap from a Beveridge-Nelson Filter

Güneş Kamber, James Morley and Benjamin Wong

583 September 2016

Exchange rate pass-through: What has changed since the crisis?

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Global inflation forecasts Jonathan Kearns

581 September 2016

Near-Money Premiums, Monetary Policy, and the Integration of Money Markets: Lessons from Deregulation

Mark Carlson and David C Wheelock

580 September 2016

Bank capital and dividend externalities Viral V Acharya, Hanh Le and Hyun Song Shin

All volumes are available on our website www.bis.org.
