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Bison Courier, May 30, 2013

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  • 7/28/2019 Bison Courier, May 30, 2013


    Bison CourierOfficial Newspaper for the City of Bison, Perkins County, and the Bison School District

    A Publication of Ravellette Publications, Inc.

    P.O. Box 429 Bison, South Dakota 57620-0429

    Phone: (605) 244-7199 FAX (605) 244-7198


    Volume 30Number 50May 30, 2013

    Includes Tax

    Bison senior finishes second in sixth annual Rising Star of the West Scholarship Bison High School senior Shaley

    finished second in the seventh an-nual Rising Star of the West schol-arship contest on KEVN BlackHills FOX TV, sponsored by BlackHills FOX and First InterstateBank. She wins a $2,000 collegescholarship. The four finalists inthis years contest each deliveredfour on-air commentaries whichwere rated by both on-line viewersand a Black Hills FOX panel. Thewinners were picked by a combi-nation of those groups. Home-school senior Rae McKee of Nemois this years winner. She receivesa $4,000 college scholarship.

    Wall High School senior RyderWilson took third place and a$1,000 scholarship.

    Belle Fourche High School sen-ior Zac Christy finished fourth andis the winner of a $500 scholar-ship.

    KEVN Black Hills FOX TV gen-eral manager Cindy McNeill says,I was especially impressed with

    the tremendous years contestanthrilled to get pasuch a wide varities from all aHills.

    South Dakota dent, Bob Nicholsterstate Bank is Rising Star of tscholarship progsays, First Interted to helping maties a better plaand work. We cyear's scholarshiwish them well in

    ademic endeavorMcKee joins J

    Annelise Ewing amingson of SpearShad Christman School, St. ThomBrennan and LJordon Barthel aRising Star of thship contest.

    By Beth HulmPerkins Countys brand newnel, the Comprehensive Plan-ng Board, met for the first timest week during the noon hour atoms Place in Bison.That board has been appointed

    the County Commission toork with Blaise Emerson and AlieMersseman of Black Hillsouncil of Local Governments toaw up a road map for the fu-re goals and development ofrkins County.Emerson admitted that the ne-ssity of writing a plan is cer-inly being pushed by oil activitythe north and how the countyll re-act to that. Its purpose,

    wever, is not How are we goingsurvive? but How are we goinggrow?Lemmons committee memberave Johnson said, Its a goodme to be doing it.A Comprehensive Plan does notctate that there would ever bening ordinances to govern lande but without a Comprehensivean in place there could never be

    n ordinance. Its the horse thates before the cart.It doesnt need to be a big, ex-avagant plan, Emerson said.t, according to DeMersseman, it

    is a pretty intensive process.This first meeting was to pre-

    pare a timeline for completion ofthe project by next fall, which in-cludes a great deal of public input.

    The new board has alreadybegun to target community groupsto interview and a survey is beingprepared for individuals to com-plete. We want to get as manyperspectives as we can, De-Mersseman said.

    Survey questions will includeidentifying the major strengths ofthe county and what improve-ments would make living here bet-ter for its people. What are thehopes for the future? What typesof business and services are

    wanted and needed?Nobody will have to sign their

    names to the survey but it will tar-get age groups, how many yearsthe respondent has lived inPerkins County and their zip code.

    The survey will be available lo-cally and also on-line athttps://www.surveymonkey.co/s/perkinsplan. A webpage is also beingdeveloped at perkinscountyplan.blogspot.com.

    DeMersseman will also studybackground data to get a feel fordemographics within the countyand the board will review the re-

    cently completed plan that Hard-ing County did. Theyll also belooking at plans written in neigh-boring North Dakota counties.Emerson said that he will work ongetting a feel for local businessesand the agricultural community.He commented, The drought hashurt the economy quite a bit forquite a few years.

    Board member Todd Fink,Prairie City, thinks that a verycritical point to address is thatkids go off to college and to otherjobs instead of returning to familyfarms and ranches. Another factor,he said, is that the remoteness ofthe county makes it difficult fornew business because of the costs

    of shipping freight in and goodsout.

    Johnson, however, thinks thatthe railroad going through Lem-mon should be highly exciting tonew business. He urged the boardto look for the positive in allchanges.

    Joining Johnson and Fink onthe new board are Vaughn Meyer,Sorum; Chuck Anderson, Meadow;Geraldine Peck and Dan Kvale,Bison; and Reggie Kennedy, ruralFaith.

    By September the group hopesto have a draft of the history and

    county profile completed. Next,will be the first in a series of twopublic open houses, which will behosted in various communitiesthroughout the county both times.

    The Comprehensive PlanningBoard wants to have a final draftof their plan completed by October,to be followed by the second roundof public open houses.

    The people of Perkins County

    will have sufficiethat plan before and adoption eaYear. Perkins Couers will have the

    Ideally, the plviewed every fiveto DeMersseman

    Theres no suchange, Emerso

    Comprehensive planners meet for first t

    Highlights & HappeMixed couples golf league willstart on June 4th and fun night onJune 6. Any questions or to sign upcontact Jeffrey Johnson at 390-3743

    90th Birthday Open House forAnna Goddard, June 1, at theSturgis Senior Citizen Centerfrom 2 - 4 p.m. No gifts please.

    Prairie Fellowship Parish willbe hosting a farewell potluck forPastor Margie and Brook Hersheyat the Lions Club park in Bison onWednesday, May 29th at 6:30 pm.

    Meat, buns, cdrinks will be pFellowship Parisasked to bring salThe public is invi

    Arrow Transit prtion for appointmemore. Rapid city triand 3rd Wednesdamon to BismarckWednesday and $25.00. lemmon Wednesday for $20mation 374-3189.

  • 7/28/2019 Bison Courier, May 30, 2013


    Kids Fishing Day, Sunday June 9 from 2 - 5 p.m.at the Blacktail Trailhead. Call 374-3592 for information.

    Anyone interested in singing in the choir forthe Gala Day's Church Service please meet at GraceBaptist Church Wednesday night, May 22 through June19 at 7:30 pm.

    The American Lutheran Church is seeking weddingdresses, baptism gowns and Easter hats from 1913 - 2013to display during their 100 Year Anniversary program. Ifyou have an item or know of someone who does, pleasecontact Salli at 605-244-5491.

    Alcoholics Anonymous is meeting weekly in Bison.The group meets every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in thebasement of the Presbyterian Church. Everyone is wel-come.

    To have your NON-PROFIT meeting listed here, please sub-mit them by calling: 244-7199, or e-mailing to: [email protected]. We will run your event notice the two issues priorto your event at no charge.


    weekin Bison

    Page 2 The Bison Courier Thursday, May 30, 2013

    Classic Cleaning CompanyCarpet and Upholstery Cleaning without Steam

    Only Dry Foam Touches The Carpet

    Fast dryingNo shrinking or mildew

    Bud & Mary Lee Drake605-244-7555

    Cell 307-746-5416

    Lifeline: affordable telephone sefor income-eligible consumersBackground

    Lifeline is a government benefitprogram that provides discountson monthly telephone service foreligible low-income consumers tohelp ensure they have the oppor-

    tunities and security that tele-phone service affords, includingbeing able to connect to jobs, fam-ily, and 911 services. Lifeline issupported by the federal Univer-sal Service Fund (USF).

    What Benefits are AvailableUnder the Lifeline Program?

    Lifeline assistance lowers thecost of basic monthly local tele-phone service. An eligible cus-tomer will receive a discount of$9.25 per month. Federal rulesprohibit eligible low-income con-sumers from receiving more thanONE Lifeline service per house-hold.

    Lifeline can also include TollLimitation Service, which enablesa telephone subscriber to limit theamount of long distance calls thatcan be made from a telephone.

    Link Up provides eligible low-in-come consumers living on Triballands with a one-time discount ofup to $100 on the initial installa-tion or activation of a wireline orwireless telephone for the primaryresidence. Tribal Lands Link Up

    also allows consumers to pay theremaining amount that they oweon a deferred schedule, interest-free. Federal rules prohibit eligiblelow-income consumers from re-ceiving more than ONE Link Up

    discount at a primary residence.Eligible consumers may be eligiblefor Link Up again only after mov-ing to a new primary residence.Link Up support is only offered tocarriers who are building out in-frastructure on Tribal lands so notall carriers may discount their ac-tivation fee. Enhanced benefits areprovided to low-income consumerswho live on a federally recognizedIndian Tribe's reservation.How Do I Qualify for LifelineDiscounts?

    The Lifeline program is avail-able to eligible low-income con-sumers in every state, territory,commonwealth, and on Triballands. You must be eligible to en-roll. To participate in the program,consumers must either have an in-come that is at or below 135% ofthe federal Poverty Guidelines orparticipate in one of the followingassistance programs: Medicaid;Supplemental Nutrition Assis-tance Program (Food Stamps orSNAP);

    Supplemental (SSI); Federal Publictance (Section 8);Low-Income Hotance Program (L

    Temporary AssFamilies (TANF)National Schogram's Free Lunc Bureau of IndiaAssistance;Tribally-Adminrary Assistance lies (TTANF);Food DistributIndian ReservatiHead Start (if icriteria are met);State assistanceplicable).

    When you qualabove programs,plete a Lifeline Acation. For more ifind out if you qugrams, call yourcompany, state Pumission, or the Fecations CommisCALL-FCC. You Lifeline Across A[www.lifeline.gov

    Judy Lewis of Sturgis and SarahLewis of Brookings spent a coupledays during the week with Art andMarilyn Christman.

    Martina Ham visited with Mari-lyn Christman Friday afternoon.

    Saturday evening, Mary EllenFried was a supper guest of HerbFried and to visit with Danny andNancy Stetler of Lincoln, ND; Johnand Tina Stetler and boys of Min-neapolis, MN; Steve and Cora Friedof Rapid City. They were visitingHerb for the Memorial weekend.

    Vonnie Foster took Bernie Roseto Esther Johnsons 98th birthdayopen house Saturday afternoon inLemmon.

    Fred and Bev Schopp were Tues-day supper guests of Ray and JulieSchopp and family to celebrateFreds birthday.

    Thursday evening, Fred and BevSchopp were among the manyguests of Pat and Barb Clark as

    they hosted a reception for their sonTayte Clark who graduated fromSunshine Bible Academy.

    Sunday after church, Fred andBev Schopp had lunch with Ken,Rita and Ryan Becker and Bob andConnie Hourigan. Later they vis-ited with Martha Jean Peterson.

    A week ago Saturday, CarolynPetik attended Graduation inBison.

    Leif and Mirandi Bakken wereSaturday overnight guests of Jerryand Carolyn Petik. On Sunday theyall attended Baccalaureate Servicefor Tayte Clark at Sunshine Bible

    Academy. They then continued onto Fond du Lac, WI where theyspent Monday through Wednesdaywith Kurt and Leah Petik and fam-ily. On Monday night they attendedthe Woodworth Middle School vocalconcert in which Grant and Kiyawere participants. On Tuesday,they were among visitors at the

    Meadow News .....By Tiss Treibhome of Jerry's auEverson near Edgday evening they meet that Kiya paon Wednesday thJazz Concert thatwere also in. Theon Thursday.

    Thursday eveniolyn attended theception for Tayte

    Len and DarThursday overnPetik's.

    Friday afPetik visited withCarolyn Petik waternoon visitor of

    Thursday, LaVmarck arrived hoend.

    Leland, Seth, Schoon of White Luther and LuanaLuther, Luana an

    were among thosthe wedding reheDerek Schoon aschan Friday even

    Luther, LuanaLealand, Seth, ASchoon attendedDerek Schoon aschan in Lemmonnity Center Satur

    Wayne and Jeanof Lewiston, NE aand Luana Schooweeks fishing at S

    Sunday, the Luily visited the graHill Cemetery.

  • 7/28/2019 Bison Courier, May 30, 2013


    Garden Gate

    Many ThanksWe would like to thank the com-munity for the wonderful supportof the Master Gardeners fourthannual plant swap and sale inMay. This spring event is a majorfund raiser for the projects thatthe Master Gardeners work on allyear long. This year we broughtin bedding plants from a new sup-plier out of Sioux Falls. We werevery pleased with the new supplierand felt the plants were muchnicer than previous years.

    We learned a good lesson whichwe will remember for next year,we ordered too much, one of thesetimes we will get it right. We stillhad some left on the fourth after-

    noon so we planted the containerson the fairgrounds and we sharedseveral flats of flowers with thefolks in Lemmon that were hailedout Saturday evening in two nastystorms. Florence Hoff graciouslyagreed to haul the plants to Lem-mon for us.

    We got in and sent out somegreat swaps this year, lots ofhealthy big African violets andother house plants. This is a funway to share what you have toomuch of and to pick up somethingyou would like to have.

    We are no longer able to order orsell shrubs and some types ofperennials without a special li-cense. Rather than go through

    The Bison Courier Thursday, May 30, 201

    that hassle we wplants that need Thanks so much esupport, we appevery one of through the dowere swapping oalways fun to meers, the pros anWe wish you all and encourage yyour bloomers!

    "An addiction to all bad when youother choices in li

    Submitted by - KMaster Gardenertive Extension Se

    Rosebud News ............By Tiss TreibThelma Sandgren called on Jimd Patsy Miller Tuesday and got fer-izer for her plants.Thelma Sandgren made her usualp to Hettinger Friday. She visitedth her brother, Buster Van Wykefly.Thelma Sandgren attended a birth-y luncheon for Ann Weaver in Het-

    nger Friday. Others in attendance

    re Gladys Merwin and Lorraineaitfors.Thelma Sandgren played pinochlethe Senior Center in Hettinger Fri-y.Brady Ham brought a couple loadscattle over to Sandgrens Saturday.elma Sandgren went to Shirleyhnsons Saturday and caught a rideLemmon with LaVonne Foss. Theytended Esther Johnsons 98th birth-y open house. The evening finishedwith a bad storm.

    Rosebud Church held a farewelltluck following services Sunday forooke and Margie Hershey.Thelma Sandgren attended theth birthday open house for Heleneink in Lemmon Sunday.Tiss Treib hosted a 98th birthday

    pen House for her mother, Esther

    hnson Saturday afternoon in Lem-on. Many friends and family in themmunity attended. Others travel-g from a distance included Helenow of Huron, SD; Ruth Hoefert ofoux Falls, SD; June and Chesteralberer of Almont, ND; Jerry andargie of Bismarck, ND; Lorna Ben-r of Bismarck; Leona Schaaf ofen Ullin; and Bernice Thorson ofmont, ND.Jim and Patsy Miller traveled toettinger Friday to play cards andsited Violet Miller at the Nursingome.Jim and Patsy Miller traveled tommon Friday evening to put flow-s out at the cemetery and attendedShriners meeting.David Miller of Rapid City was aiday overnight guest of Jim andtsy Miller.Matt and Jim Miller spent Satur-y in Bison at a Masons meeting.tsy and Christi Miller were amongose who attended Esther Johnsonsth birthday party in Lemmon Sat-day.Christi and Matt Miller returned toeir home in Hettinger Saturday af-rnoon, Jim and Patsy Miller fol-wed them to help with any hailmage and Christi cooked them allpper.Jim and Patsy Miller brought sup-r to Nolan and Linda Seim Sunday

    evening.LaVonne Foss took Shirley and

    Lexi Johnson and Thelma Sandgrento Esther Johnsons 98th birthdayopen house in Lemmon Saturday.

    LaVonne Foss took Shirley andLexi Johnson to Hettinger Sunday.

    Sandra Friese of Buckley, WA ar-rived at Helen Meinks Thursday, tospend some time.

    Troy Meink of Virginia visited withhis grandmother, Helen Meink Fri-day.

    Troy and Christine Merkel of Texasvisited with Helen Meink Wednesday.

    Stacy Gillespie and her daughterAndi of Phoenix, AZ visited with hergrandmother, Helen Meink Friday.

    Don and Kathy Meink of Crofton,NE arrived on Helens birthday,Thursday to spend the weekend withfamily.

    Carole Preszler and Kathy Meinkhosted a 95th Birthday Open Housefor Helen Meink in Lemmon Sunday.Duane and Sue Meink; Tabbi andPaolo Mauri and Emily; RebeccaAskew; Carole Preszler and LeonardJonas; Troy and Christine Merkel;Sandra Friese; Don and Kathy Meinkwere among the family members who

    attended.Brandt Meink of Omaha, NE; Risaand Tom Moes and family of KansasCity, MO; Penny Preszler of Phoenix,AZ; Wendy Parcel and husband ofBelle Fourche; Troy Meink; Stacy andAndi Gillespie; Dee Dee Smith andfamily was among those who at-tended their grandmother, HelenMeinks 95th birthday open house inLemmon Sunday.

    Horace Seim and Dorothy Bowerswere Friday visitors of Tim andJoAnne Seim.

    Jo Seims parents, John and AnnTurtle of England and Justin and JoSeim and Jacob of Belle Fourche ar-rived Thursday afternoon at Tim andJoAnne Seims.

    John and Ann Turtle and JoAnneSeim visited with Wilford and DeloresSeim in Lemmon Sunday afternoon.

    Dorothy, Lynn, Dean, Rolland Frey;Marilyn Schwartzbauer and Noel andBraylyn Miller of Bismarck attendedthe High School Graduation of SarahDragger Sunday in Dickinson.

    Paul, Harmony and Amya Hoffmanof Glenden, MN arrived at Keith andBev Hoffmans Saturday evening.

    Sunday supper guests of Keith andBev Hoffman were Paul, Harmonyand Amya Hoffman; Jeff and JackieVan Vactor; Ty and Krista Ellingsonand boys.

    The Master Gardeners had hundreds of plants for customers to chose from.

  • 7/28/2019 Bison Courier, May 30, 2013


    THE BISON COURIERPeriodicals Postage Paid at Bison, SD 57620

    POSTAL PERMIT #009-944Published weekly every Thursday by Ravellette Publ., Inc.

    at PO Box 429, Bison SD 57620-0429Telephone: 605-244-7199 Fax: 605-244-7198

    E-mail Addresses: [email protected]@sdplains.com

    SUBSCRIPTION RATES:Bison ............................................................................$36.04Meadow, Shadehill, Prairie City, Reva & Lodgepole........$35.36Lemmon........................................................................$36.04n state ........................................................$39.00 + sales taxut of state (Includes all Hettinger addresses.)...$39.00 (no tax)

    POSTMASTER: Send address changes toThe Bison Courier, PO Box 429, Bison SD 57620-0429

    Deadlines: Display and Classified Advertising: Mon-days at 12:00 p.m. Legals: Fridays at 12:00 p.m.

    Publisher: Don RavelletteNews/Office Manager: Arlis SeimAd Sales: Beth Hulm (244-5231),[email protected]

    COPYRIGHT: Ravellette Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Nothing may beeprinted, photocopied or in any way reproduced from this publication, in wholer in part, without the written consent of the publisher.



    May 21 48 41 .40May 22 64 42May 23 65 44May 24 74 49May 25 77 49 1May 26 70 52May 27 64 47 .60

    One year agoHi 67 Lo 37

    Brought to you byGrand Electric Co-op, Inc.

    Page 4 The Bison Courier Thursday, May 30, 2013

    Kids Fishing DayMark your calendars for the an-

    nual Kids Fishing Day which willbe held on Sunday, June 9, 2013,from 2:00 to 5:00 at the BlacktailTrailhead (Pasture 9 Reservoir)which is approximately 15 milessouth of Lemmon on Highway 73.The fishing day is free of chargeand open to children 14 and under.All children must be accompanied

    by a parent or guardian and mustbring their own fishing poles,tackle, and bait.

    South Dakota Department ofGame, Fish, and Parks will againhave archery and bb gun activitiesat the event. Registration for kidsto participate in these activities re-quires a parent or guardian signa-ture. You may register at the For-

    est Service officeat the event.

    The Grand RiClub will serve athe event.

    For more infothe Forest Servi3592.

    Letter to the EditorCommoditization of the UnitedStates cattle industry

    I recently read a report by one ofour cattle market analysts, whotried to identify what issues and/orpolicies had damaged the cattle in-dustry the most. Great question ...with an exploding population thatneeds to feed itself, one would cer-tainly wonder why the United Statescattle industry is contracting.

    The analyst identified two such is-sues, but he also exposed the ex-tremes that such folks as himself,certain industry groups, and some ofour more social media will go to dis-tort the facts and create smokescreens to accomplish their socialis-tic agenda. The article states thatmandatory country of origin label-ing (COOL) for fresh meat productshas added billions of dollars of coststo the livestock and meat industry.WOW billions! Somebody needs totell him that COOL has only been ineffect since 2009 and that even thepackers and retailers couldn't comeup with a figure that ridiculous.

    Then he goes on to say that theblame for COOLlies squarely with atiny minority of livestock produc-ers.

    These are the same tactics used byour monthly Beef Enquirer-like pub-lications that we get for free to cre-ate public record to try and show alack of producer support. The prob-lem is that when you look at all thelocal and state Farm Bureau, Farm-

    ers Union and cattlemen's groups you will find overwhelming producersupport for mandatory COOL.

    He then goes to say, Surveysshowed consumers didn't care aboutlabeling. WOW, I believe what wehave seen reported is just the oppo-site with multiple surveys showingconsumer support for COOL.

    And then he finishes up by sayingthat USDA (United States Depart-

    ment of Agriculture) changes willonly increase discrimination againstforeign born livestock. Not surewhat changes hes talking about, butthe ones submitted by USDA to comeinto WTO (World Trade Organiza-tion) compliance are designed to re-duce the discrimination practiceyielded by U.S. packers in an effortto kill COOL. I still think what thepackers did bordered on anti-com-petitive and discriminatory practices... a heck of a thing to witness in thiscountry.

    I point this out on COOL not be-cause I believe anyone really buysinto these distortions, as we all un-derstand the extremes these folkswill go to and certainly they havelost their credibility with the aver-age U.S. cattle producers. Rather, I

    point this out because these are thesame people and groups that toldyou in the late 80s and the 90s thatyou need to learn to compete in aglobal market; however, they opposeyou identifying your product. Theyalso told you that your competitionwas poultry and pork and not im-ports.

    Thats interesting, because it wasrecently announced that the Na-tional Pork Producers Council andthe Cattlemen's Beef Board havebeen working in partnership fornearly two years to provide moreconsumer-friendly names for 350new and older cuts of beef and porkunder URMIS (Uniform Retail MeatIdentity Standards) with some of thepork cuts adapting beef names. Nowwhile some of this appears good,other changes have the potential toreduce and confuse beef sales. Forexample, no longer is it just porkchops; now it will be ribeye chops,porterhouse chops, and New Yorkchops. So when the young housewifewalks up to the meat counter to buya ribeye for her loved one, she willbe asked by the meat retailer, porkor beef? She may then very well askthe perceived professional, What doyou suggest?

    I imagine the response by the re-tailer will depend on which productgives him the most profit, along withhis own biases.

    I understand wwent for this, but hfor U.S. cattle pmeat cut names, marked brand namlike brand names industry. Consumwith these terms those names to suctenderness and quconsumers have

    based on these namcome the brand-licut, and you donyour competitor name!

    It is well undernames simplify shprocessing of inproducts; howevechanges complicatcisions for consumise beefs abilityin the animal propromote itself. AsPeople recognize a certain intrinsic uct because of its nNew York, portethose names kinmouth water, don

    Another market

    to say, Do NOT upower of name brcan be so compellithat they may be bpurchase considenow, not with bPatrick Fleming Pork Board said isumers decision-madapting beef npork. In other womore pork ... at be

    So, as we look totion of what issuhave done the mocattle herd, I woudestructionist tradof our industry gromedia, who havesacrificing U.S. prliberalization, as commoditization tion of our industproduct identity intein domestic and stead of concentraating between ourblurring the lines./s/ Leo McDonnellLeo McDonnellColumbus, MT

    Note: Leo McDMontana and Nohelped to grow theMidland Bull TeMont., into the larperformance test i

  • 7/28/2019 Bison Courier, May 30, 2013


    Pastor Henry MohagenSlim Buttes Free Lutheran Church

    Reva, South DakotaMemorial Day

    Not to many days ago we celebrated Armed Forces Day. This is a time we honor those that are inthe military now. Those that are willing to defend our land and also the land of some foreign country

    that is under some unfair oppression. On Memorial Day we honor those that died defending (hopefullywhat is right) or what our nation has determined to defend. Wars have been controversial thru-out

    history and people wonder why the involvement. Memorial Day has become more than honoring thosewho have died for their country to also include anyone who has served our country and then to include

    family members and friends that have gone before us even with no military contact.Many of our families have had warriors that have been willing to fight a fight for our spiritual

    well-being and freedom also. Just like soldiers fighting for our country, our forefathers have tried to

    pass down Gods Word to the generations to come. This goes back to Noah following the flood. I re-member my dad telling me the battle is now yours and your generation, I am part of the old guard. It

    is interesting how quickly that term old guard now fits for me.Today we see many things in our great land that are challenging our faith and our standard the

    Bible. In the secular world we should not be surprised about some of these issues but we are seeingthese same things infiltrating the Church and the Christian circle as well. Instead of using the Bible

    as a standard there is an effort to explain around some issues to the point of acceptance. Some of theseare contrary to what scripture sets out before us.

    When Jesus was on trial before Pontius Pilate He made this statement, The reason I was born,and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.We have a tendency to shy away from truth when it makes us uncomfortable. That is just our humannature because of sin. In the Gospel of John chapter 20 he writes; but these are written that you maybelieve that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

    We first need to believe this truth ourselves and then work to instill that into the next generationand the generations to come. So some Memorial Day out family will say, there lies the Old Guard

    that fought for the truth.

    Pastors Perspective

    Grace Baptist Church Pastor Phil H

    Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship Service - 10Wednesday Prayer Mtg. - 6:30 p.m.

    Church of Christ18 mi. south of Prairie City - Worship Service - 10

    Prairie Fellowship Parish ELCA Pastor MarIndian Creek - 8:00 a.m. American - 9:30 a.m. Rosebu

    Christ Lutheran Church WELS Pastor Gerhardt Juergens

    Sunday Bible Class - 8:00 a.m., Worship Service -

    Coal Springs Community ChurchPastors Nels & Angie Easterby

    South Jct. of Highways 73 & 20

    Sunday School - 10:00 a.m., Worship Service - 11

    Seventh Day Adventist Church Pastor DoSabbath School - 2:00 p.m., Worship Service - 3:

    Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church Fr. Tony GSaturday Mass: - Lemmon 4:45 p.m. Bison - 7:1

    Sunday Mass: Lemmon - 8:15 a.m., Morristown - 1Holland Center Christian Reformed C

    Pastor Brad Burkhalter LodgepoWorship Service - 8:00 a.m.

    First Presbyterian Church Pastor FlorenceWorship Service -9:30 a.m.

    Slim Buttes Lutheran Pastor Henry MReva Worship Service - 9:00 a.m., WMF 2nd Wednes

    Beckman Wesleyan Church Pastor Brad Prairie City

    Sunday School - 10:00 a.m., Morning Worship - 1

    Vesper Service - 6:00 p.m., Wed. Evenings - 7:3

    The Bison Courier Thursday, May 30, 201

    ruce E. Verhulst

    Bruce E. Verhulst, age 47 ofeeder, passed away on Thursday,ay, 23, 2013 at St. Marys Hospi-l in Rochester, Minnesota.The Funeral Service for Bruceas held at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday,ay 28, 2013 at Our Saviors

    utheran Church in Reeder. Pas-r Stephanie Swanson will offici-e and following a time of fellow-ip and a luncheon, burial will bethe Ralph Lutheran Cemetery.A Family and Friends Serviceas held on Monday evening at00p.m. at the Centennial Chapel

    the Evanson-Jensen Funeralome in Hettinger.Special music was provided byarolyn Erickson, Elizabeth Ver-ulst, and Angie Oase.Serving as casketbearers werechard Sarsland, Gene Robinson,ff Jung, Kim Hodell, Tony Dil-

    n, and Bob Sousa. All family andends are considered Honorary


    A Memorial has been estab-lished.

    Bruce Edward Verhulst wasborn June 16, 1965 in Bowman,North Dakota, the youngest of five

    children born to Ralph E. andBeatrice V. (Pederson) Verhulst.He was baptized and confirmed atRalph Lutheran Church. He at-tended grade school at Ralph andattended two years of high schoolin Scranton and then graduatedfrom Bowman High School in1984. During his high schoolyears he played football. Brucethen began working for Jim Binga-man near Prairie City on his farmand ranching operation.

    Bruce was united in marriage toLaura Lee. They lived in Lemmonwhere he worked for NoDak FarmSupply and later on began work-ing for Wheeler Manufacturing.

    On July 26, 1997, Bruce wasunited in marriage to Linda

    Finchem. They continued to livein Lemmon where they were em-ployed with Wheeler Manufactur-ing. In 2005, they moved to theVerhult ranch at Ralph whenBruce took a job working forGMHR cleaning and repairingrailroad cars in Scranton.

    Bruce and Linda moved toReeder where they have continuedto live since. He began working atthe Scranton Equity/ Pronto Partsoperating the tire repair truck.

    Bruce suddenly became ill inApril 2013 and was diagnosedwith lung cancer on April 30, 2013.

    He enjoyed fishing, hunting, rid-ing bike with his dog Cheyenne,and remodeling a 1943 interna-

    tional tractor given to him by hisdad. He loved playing cards andgambling, especially playing pulltabs, and loved going to the casi-nos.

    Bruce was a member of OurSaviors Lutheran Church, theReeder Volunteer Fire Depart-ment, Reeder Park Board, and vol-unteered for numerous activitiesand events in the area.

    Keeping him in their fondestmemories are his wife, Linda,Reeder, ND; step-daughter, ShayaFinchem, Stanberry, MO; Step-granddaughters, Nikole and Alli-son, and step-grandson, Austin;his mother, Beatrice Verhulst,Reeder, ND; 1 brother and sister-in-law, Steve and Barbara Ver-hulst, Ralph, SD; 3 sisters and 2brothers-in-law, Diane Sanford,Reeder, ND; Pam and Greg Oase,Bismarck, ND; Nancy and ScottDoe, Beulah, ND; brother-in-law,

    Neal Johnson and his family, Tiaand Tyler, Bismarck, ND; and nu-merous nieces and nephews.

    Bruce was preceded in death byhis father, Ralph Verhulst, hisgrandparents, Anders and OlivePederson and Edward and LilaVerhulst and brother-in-law, LaneJohnson; and his dear pet cats,Fred and Barney.

    Visitation will be on Mondayfrom 1:00 to 7:00pm at the Centen-nial Chapel of the Evanson-JensenFuneral Home in Hettinger and onTuesday one hour prior to servicesat the church in Reeder.

    Condolences may be sent to thefamily at www.evansonjensenfu-neralhome.com.


    Highway Patrol CampaObey the Sign, Avoid th

    South Dakotas Highway Patrolis using the Memorial Day travel

    weekend to kick off Obey the Signand Avoid the Fine, a summer-long safe-travel campaign.

    The campaign is an initiative toreduce highway crashes and in-crease safety on South Dakotasroadways, says Col. Craig Price,superintendent of the HighwayPatrol. The kick-off weekend willinclude a high-visibility saturationpatrol on Monday, Memorial Day.

    Our statistics show that speed-ing, impaired driving and otherhazardous moving violations aremajor contributors in crashes, in-juries and deaths on our high-ways, Price said. Were kickingoff our safety campaign on Memo-rial Day weekend to get the maxi-mum public awareness of the need

    for safety on the roadways.Speed and alcohol will be the top

    two targets for the enforcement

    campaign this suThe Highway Pa

    focus will have thon reducing fatalObviously, we

    all the other trafThats the reasoObey the Sign ancampaign slogan

    Highway Patrwork in teams awith other law encies when oppoPrice said. Monpatrol will have formed troopers o

    In addition to summer safety casocial media for and will partnerDepartment of Trpermanent and p

    boards with safe-on the interstatetraffic areas in So

  • 7/28/2019 Bison Courier, May 30, 2013



    Iron PG

    130 m

    May 31



    Page 6 The Bison Courier Thursday, May 30, 2013

    Kindergarten & Third grad

    Bison Kindergarten & 3rd Grade field trip to Shadehill was cancelled on May 2beautiful rain. So, Game Fish and Parks came to the students! Keith Mutschler anshowed the students animal pelts, talked about their jobs and answered questgroup. Learning stations were set up in the gym including: fishing pole castinggations, baiting a hook and an art project. The fun day also included a movie and aJim Straight and Keith Mutschler with Bison Kindergarten and 3rd Grade Studenttain lion pelt held up in the back!)

  • 7/28/2019 Bison Courier, May 30, 2013


    The Bison Courier Thursday, May 30, 201

    alon Lundberg shows off his casting skills while Jetta Hulm, Keith Mutschler, and Robin Stapleok on.

    Jozee Veal and Heidi Collins investigate a live w

    Heidi Kopren shows students how to bait a gummy worm while Ian Arneson, Rylee Veal andson-Veal watch.

    students have Field Trip

  • 7/28/2019 Bison Courier, May 30, 2013


    Page 8 The Bison Courier Thursday, May 30, 2013

    Three Bison High golfers go to Sta

    Julianna Kari, Conner andollin Palmer were the threeembers of the Bison golf teamho qualified for a trip to Brook-gs on May 20th and 21st. Twoys of competition in the wind,ol temps and a few rain showerssted the Palmer boys and Kari

    every shot through out theurney. Julianna and Collin gotere first taste at competing ate highest level in high schoollf. They learned that your first

    experience at state can prove to betrickier to handle then you think.Water hazards seem bigger, sandbunkers tougher to get out off, andmore spectators watching can beintimidating for the first time.Even with the distractions andhazards they both gave it there allon every shot, and gained a lot ofexperience that they will take withthem through out there highschool golf career. Awesome jobthis year Julianna and Collin.

    Conner competed in his third statetourney, were he shot 88 the firstday and 87 on the second day. Con-ner finished only 6 strokes outfrom metaling in the top 25. Greatjob Conner on a awesome golf sea-son. I would to thank the parentswho helped me out at regionalsand state. With out your help itwould have made it a lot tougheron me to get the kids ready to com-pete. Thanks again, Coach John-son

    ollin Palmer at the State Meet. Conner Palmer at the State Meet.

    Julianna Kari golfing at the State Meet.

    Bison School District has the following positions available:

    Athletic DirectorCoaches:

    Head Boys Basketball and Ass't.Head Girls Basketball and Ass't.

    Head Football and Ass't.Ass't. Volleyball.

  • 7/28/2019 Bison Courier, May 30, 2013


    The Bison Courier Thursday, May 30, 201

    Farm Safety comes to Bison Elementary

    son Elementary students enjoyed an afternoon out of the classroom learning about farm safety. Students in grades kindergarten through 6th trdifferent sessions on Farm Safety. The students learned about grain bins and tractors safety, ATVs, chemical safety, animal safety, lawn mower saicity safety. The students learned the do and donts on the farm.very student in Bison Elementary received a t-shirt about Farm Safety with the help from the South Dakota Farm Bureau, Farm Credit Services of Amorage, Southwest Grain, Gebhart Ranch, Bank of the West, Dacotah Bank, Stateline Designs, Grand Electric, Northwest Supply, and West River T


    reg Fried & Ida Schmidt go over ATV Safety.

    Justin Kolb goes over Lawn Mower Safety with s

  • 7/28/2019 Bison Courier, May 30, 2013


    Page 10 The Bison Courier Thursday, May 30, 2013

    Bison FFA spring eventsKimber

    Twenty six mBison FFA chap85th Annual Stheld in Brooking

    During the

    members competeDevelopment Evkeynote speakerhypnotist, Al Snying recognition Hulm with a SiFloriculture, WiBronze Emblem iLogan HendricksEmblem in Ag Beth Seidel withblem in Horse Jtion the Ag MechKolb, Logan Hengler Weishaar,Palmer) earned aas a team. ShellyLane Kopren, MHatle, and Shaleyrecognized for

    State Degree. Cwas named the Reporter.

    The Annual Fheld on May 9, 2School lunch roostarted with opeconducted by the team. After opemembers, familyenjoyed a hambuper. Greenhand Dsented Reed ArnHulm, Paden Moody, Tony GVoller, Reece LeoPalmer for compGreenhand requof these individuviewed by a paneStar GreenhandLeonard was naStar Greenhand.ter Degrees wereney Arneson, Claner Palmer, TylLogan Hendricksdel. Les Lensegrindividual membmembers in the Auction. Thank ymunity membersFFA members! banquet, the 201cer team was anlows: Sydney ArnLogan Hendrickdent, Tessa KopLayton Hendrick

    Kimberly Peck-ReWeishaar- SentinHistorian, and TParlimentarian.

    Bison Cfor alladver

    needs 24courier@sd

  • 7/28/2019 Bison Courier, May 30, 2013


    The Bison Courier Thursday, May 30, 2013

    n March 20th many Bison FFAembers traveled to Sturgis to

    mpete in their first Career De-lopment Event (CDE) competi-n this spring. After a long daycompetition, the results were aslows:eats ID and Evaluation: Laneopren-1st place, Ty Plaggemeyer-h place, Bison Meats Team- 3rdaceilk Evaluation: Megan Serr- 4thace, Tessa Kopren- 5th place,stin Moody-6th place, Sydney

    rneson-9th, Milk Evaluationam placed 2ndoriculture: Madison Hulm- 3rdace, Floriculture Team- 5th placeg Mechanics- Logan Hendrick-n- 7th place, Ag Mechanicsam- 4th place

    gronomy- Logan Hendrickson-

    h place Agronomy, Agronomyam-5th place

    orse Judging- Horse Judgingam- 3rd place

    he Harding County CDEs wereld on March 27th . Even thoughany of our members were com-ting at History Day, we stillrned the following recognitions:

    g Mechanics : Drew Reder- 1stace, Wrangler Weishaar- 3rdace, John Hatle- 5th place, Agechanics Team- 1st placeairy Foods: Tessa Kopren 5thacevestock Judging- Layton Hen-ickson- 5th place, Livestockdging Team-5th place

    pril 3rd the FFA members trav-ed to Philip and Wall for theirst competition before state. Theson members had a very goodowing at their last practice be-

    fore state. The Wall/Philip resultsare as follows:Horse Judging-Anna Hatle-4thplace, Shaley Lensegrav- 5thplace, Beth Seidel- 8th place,Horse Judging Team-2nd placeAg Mechanics- Wil Kolb- 4th place,Wrangler Weishaar- 7th place, AgMechanics Team- 3rd placeDairy Foods- Sydney Arneson- 3rdplace, Megan Serr- 5th place,Tessa Kopren-8th place, DairyFoods Team- 2nd placeMeats ID and Evaluation: LaneKopren-7th place, Meats Team-3rd placeFloriculture- Tori Voller- 5th place,Floriculture Team- 5th place

    Bison FFA attendspring CDEs

    Bison FFA members earning a Greenhand Degree were Reed Arnneson, Tori Voller, Paden Sexton, Marranda Hulm, ToReece Leonard, Justin Moody.

    Bison FFA members earning a Chapter Degree were Sydney Arneson, Logan HendPlaggemeyer, Clayton Prelle.

    Bison FFA members earning a State Degree were Megan Serr, Shelly Peck, Wil KolbAnna Hatle, Shaley Lensegrav.

  • 7/28/2019 Bison Courier, May 30, 2013


    Page 12 The Bison Courier Thursday, May 30, 2013

    By Robert Drown,Natural Resource Specialist

    Wow, it rained! The wateringthat many have done over the lastyear or so has helped keep treesand shrubs alive but it is not asbeneficial as rainwater. Nowthings are going to start happen-ing with plant development,growth and depending on the hu-midity and temperatures associ-ated with disease and pest prob-lems. Following are some prob-lems that may show up on a treenear you and how to control them.

    Apple scab is a fungal diseaseto trees and shrubs in the applefamily. The disease is most notice-able in midsummer as dull blackor grey-brown lesions on the sur-face of tree leaves and fruit. Thedisease rarely kills its host, butcan significantly reduce fruityields and fruit quality. Youngleaves are most susceptible tobeing infected within the first

    week after unfolding.Captan can be used to controlapple scab on crabapple and appletrees. The first application shouldbe done as the buds swell and openand do two or three more applica-tions spaced 10 days apart. Otherfungicides that can be used on or-namental crabapples only are pro-priconazole contained in suchproducts as Bonide INFUSE Sys-temic Disease Control, Ferti-LomeSystemic Fungicide Liquid orchlorothalonil contained in suchproducts as Bonide Fungionil,Garden Tech Daconil, GordonsMulti-Purpose Fungicide, OrthoDaconil just before the bud

    Tree Facts Upcoming disease and pest problems

    sheaths have opened.Zimmerman Pine Moth is a

    native insect that has become es-tablished throughout northwest-ern South Dakota. PonderosaPines in shelterbelts have beenmost commonly infested, but Aus-trian, Mugo, Jack and ScotchPines are also reported as hosts.It infests the tips of branches andthe main trunk feeding on theinner bark. Branches typicallybreak at the crotch area wherethey join the trunk. Dead anddying branches, most often in theupper half of the tree, commonlyindicate infestations. The first ex-ternal symptoms of injury are pop-corn-like pitch masses at woundsites. The pitch masses may reachgolf-ball size and ultimately re-semble clusters of small, palegrapes. The injury not only re-

    tards growth but also deforms thetree. Partially girdled whorls be-come so weakened that the treebreaks off.

    Permethrin contained in prod-ucts such as Bonide Borer-MineKiller and Gordons Bug-No-Morecan be used to control this pest.April is normally the time forchemical control but as late of aspring as we are having youshould be able to kill the caterpil-lars in May by soaking the treeand especially the trunk before thetemperature warms. When theystart crawling about and begin todig deep into the tree trunk theywill be killed by the poison residue

    on the bark. Repplication in Augucaterpillars thateggs.

    Diplodia Tip disease that affeScotch that arestressful conditionknown to infect healthy needles candles. It espectips and needles obeen weakened drought, injurieenough nutrientssive amounts of sinjuries inflicted finsects. It showsinjuries that ooserves to infect omost evident sigbeing infected is brown, stunted n

    short, brown neeTo control treatcontaining prochlorothalanil bsheaths have opunder apple scabtaining these acti

    My sources for were the Dr. Johnest Health SpeciForest Service GReport DiseasesGreat Plains. Imore informationing Disease and call Bob Drown ation Office at 60tension 4.

    Pine branch infected with Diplodia Fungus.

  • 7/28/2019 Bison Courier, May 30, 2013


    The Bison Courier Thursday, May 30, 2013

    Does your lawn need a makeover after 2012's heat and drou

    This spring South Dakotan'swns are coming off the 2012owing season which was full ofought and heat stress. David

    halmers Professor and SDSU Ex-nsion Turfgrass Associate offersme advice for homeowners aboutw the 2012 drought may havepacted their lawns and what tonsider when restoring theirwns this year."The drought and heat of 2012as exceptional for our area. Its given us a better appreciation

    r the role of water in caring forr landscape plants," Chalmersid.Due to the 2012 drought andatering restrictions put intoace by many municipalities,any homeowners had to makeme tough decisions. They had tocide if they would allow theirwn to go dormant or try water-g through a drought which be-me quite expensive for some.

    How well your lawn has re-own this spring depends on themount of water your lawn did ord not lawn receive last year ands maturity.Chalmers says many existingn-irrigated lawns turned brownd were unable to recover and

    art growing again in the fall duecontinued drought and heat

    ress. Whereas, he says grassesat were watered occasionallyem to have come out this springth decent growth."However the less the lawns

    were watered last year the morelikely they were to thin out beforewinter," he said.

    New lawns that were planted inthe fall of 2011 or spring 2012 butdid not receive water last summerand fall may not come back thisspring.

    "A newly seeded lawn reallyneeds an entire year of good grow-ing conditions to become fully es-tablished and to be more tolerantof heat and drought," Chalmerssaid. "If new lawns were not irri-gated, the heat and droughtcaused a lot of stress."

    He adds that shaded areas hadless heat stress and may be able torecover more easily as a result.

    Grasses vary in watering needsand how they survive dry times.

    Chalmers says that the type ofturfgrass in your lawn also im-pacts its ability to recover fromlast year's drought. He says thatgrasses that use water very effi-

    ciently, like the warm-seasongrass buffalograss, survived thedrought without much irrigation.Grass stands that were healthyand well established for at least afew years - and made up of Ken-tucky bluegrass had a good chanceof surviving.

    "Kentucky bluegrass has a sum-mer dormancy mechanism that al-lows its leaves to brown and thecrown of the plant to go dormantduring drought. Lawns will usu-ally green up again with late sum-

    mer and fall rains," he said."Whereas, fine fescues used in lowto moderate maintenance lawnscan survive dry times but theyhave difficulty with excessiveheat."

    He explains that summerweather, which includes periodicrain events, provides cool-seasongrasses with just enough water tokeep them alive and healthy dur-ing dormancy; however this wasnot the case last season.

    "When cool season grasses slow-down in growth or go dormant, thebest management practice is toapply about 1/4 inch of water everyfew weeks to keep the crown hy-drated so it can stay viable to re-grow when moisture is more avail-able," he said.

    What to do if your lawn did notreturn this spring

    If your lawn came out well thisspring then fertilizer, irrigationand weed management will help it

    to recover more before summer. Ifyour lawn is thin, or with patchesor large areas that are not recov-ering, Chalmers says spring is agood time to seed if you can counton water being available. Yet, weare nearing the end of our springseeding period. Otherwise, he saysthe best time for seeding a newlawn is August 15 to September 1.

    "As of early May the U.S.Drought Monitor still placed mostof South Dakota under some stageof moisture stress. Unless yourarea receives substantial moisturethis spring, many municipalitiesare likely to maintain watering re-strictions," he said.

    Many of these restrictions limitlawn watering to once a week andChalmers says that is not enoughto sustain any type of seeding.

    "Watering is essential whether ahomeowner is overseeding an ex-isting lawn or starting a new lawn.It needs moist soil from frequent

    irrigation and gcontact for seed tallow seedlings said. "Once per wstrictions, withoplaces any new s

    If a homeownerany seeding this Chalmers suggestheir local munpossibly qualifyirary "special excusage." These eallow for 21 to 28quent watering seed germinate a

    "But, the youngcontinue to need that to really getwithstand sumdrought," Chalmper week waterinmain in place seedlings would ptoo much moistur

  • 7/28/2019 Bison Courier, May 30, 2013


    Page 14 The Bison Courier Thursday, May 30, 2013




    ATE: May 13, 2013 TIME HELD:30 p.m. KIND OF MEETING: Spe-l/Regular WHERE HELD: Lunch-

    om/Boardroom MEMBERS PRE-NT: Arneson, Beckman, Kari,ale, Thompson MEMBERS AB-

    SENT: None OFFICERS AND OTH-ERS PRESENT: Supt. Kraemer, BusMgr. Crow, Asst Bus. Mgr. Johnson,Gene Smith, numerous patrons andstaff.


    Numerous patrons presented com-ments and concerns concerning the re-modeling or construction of the schoolbuilding.

    At 7 :00 p.m. the board moved to theregular boardroom.


    CONSENT AGENDA116. Motion by Thompson second byBeckman to approve the consentagenda with the following additions:

    #21a. Contract with IT Firm; #21b.Contract with State Dept. of Healthand #21c. Property Insurance Renewal

    Agreement and to approve the minutesof the regular meeting dated April 8,

    April 15 and the special meeting datedApril 16, 2013 and to approve the fi-

    nancial reports. Motion carried.

    APPROVAL OF CLAIMS117. Motion by Arneson second by Karito approve the claims l isted below. Mo-tion carried.















    Total Payroll for ApElem-$21,406.80;

    $4,187.88; High STitle-$5,850.94; LNetwork Managersthe Supt-$5556.$3,712.39; Fiscal-$2$3,745.78; Co-curSpecial Ed-$8,769.$3,139.16.


    BUILDING DISCUDiscussion on the neer will be contacttimates for repairs.

    APPROVE TRUSCOUNT-HISTORY118. Motion by AThompson to approtion of a History Da


    STUDENT REQU119. Motion by Th

    Arneson to enter into discuss a studentried. Chairman Kmeeting into execup.m. and back in 7:50 p.m.

    HISTORY DAY INKristen Seidel prewith information onDay Competition aan agenda showinNational History Ddents had qualified

    OPEN ENROLLM120. Motion by Beckneson to enter into e

    discuss a student ried. Chairman Kmeeting into execup.m. and back in 8:15 p.m.

    121. Motion by Beckneson to approve threquest that was carried.

    APPROVE CTRACK122. Motion by BeThompson to approNathan BurkhalterCoach in the amouthe 2012-2013 schooried.

    APPROVE RESIG123. Motion by Arne

    to approve the resiJackson as Music Tthe end of the 2012Motion carried.

    BUS CONTRACTGene Smith was prerenewal of his bu2013-2014 school ye

    124. Motion by Karito offer the same coous year with the north route. Motion

    CANVASS ELECT125. Motion by Tho


    sh on Hand 4-1-13 12676.74 3059.31 4743.59 38320.31vested in Securities 818944.29 600139.10 15914.53 69987.26cal Sources:eceipts:nterest 245.70 118.21 37.15

    Taxes 23111.85 11384.08 7970.56 1708.44Miscellaneous 2184.52

    termediate Sources:County Apportionment 839.25

    ate Sources:State Aid 38665.00

    tal Receipts: 65046.32 11502.29 8007.71 1708.44 4464.17tal Disbursements: 110334.78 1069.50 11932.06 5528.02

    sh on Hand 4-30-13 14585.03 1989.81 3811.53 37171.66vested In Securities 771747.54 611641.39 12922.24 71695.70


    CHOOLLUNCH FUND $3,785.73eceipts 6155.48isbursements 7739.57nding Balance $2201.64

    RUST AND AGENCYisbursements:

    ks Golf CourseGolf Entry Fee 60.00

    lle Fourche SchoolTrack Entry Fee 30.00

    HD-SD AgRegistration Fee 195.00

    ve MastersProm Music 270.00

    tty CashPostage 1627.07

    D FFA Fees 735.00upree School

    Spelling Fee 53.00ell Fleet Plus, Gas 96.73

    ettinger Candy, Candy 142.31ateline Designs, Supplies 84.80risti Ryen

    Supply Reimbursement 83.89ca Cola, Pop 80.00oderne Glass, Supplies 341.25dersons, Supplies 72.00

    oms Place, Meals 162.76kota Players

    Chi ldrens T heatre 1023.21wman Public School

    Track Entry Fee 125.00arren Jackson, Class Fee 139.00hool Lunch, Meals 9.00mmon School

    Track Entry Fee 115.00urgis High School

    Track Entry Fee 83.00

    venues:arbook Ad Sales 630.80neral FundMarch Reimbursement 878.07phomores, Refund 159.60espians, Play 1597.00phomores, Sale of Candy 101.70ecial Clearings

    Starting Cash 400.00A, State Convention 25.00phomores, Refund 370.40cotah Bank, Interest 1.60

    ublished May 30, 2013 at a total approximate cost of $125.07.]

  • 7/28/2019 Bison Courier, May 30, 2013


    The Bison Courier Thursday, May 30, 2013

    ri to approve the results of the elec-n held on April 9, 2013 and to de-re Daniel Beckman, Jr. and DanielKvale as board members for threear terms beginning July 1, 2013. Mo-n carried. Official results are: DanielKvale-191 votes; Daniel Beckman,-158 and Chris Seidel-107.

    ORKMANS COMPENSATIONONTRACT6. Motion by Arneson second byompson to approve the contract for

    e Workmans Compensation Policy

    th ASB Trust in the amount of,004.00 for the 2013-2014 schoolar. Motion carried.

    ATIFY NEGOTIATED AGREE-ENTv Kopren presented the updated Ne-tiated Agreement for the boards ap-oval.

    7. Motion by Beckman second by Ar-son to ratify the Negotiated Agree-ent as presented. Motion carried.

    ON-CERTIFIED STAFFcommittee of non-certified staff metth the board to discuss their con-

    acts for the upcoming school year.

    8. Motion by Beckman second by Ar-son to enter into executive session toscuss personnel. Motion carried.

    airman Kvale declared the meetingo executive session at 8:45 p.m. andck in regular session at 9:50 p.m.

    9. Motion by Arneson second byckman to increase the base pay ofe paraprofessionals to $9.20 per hourd to offer longevity pay increases of

    0/per hour per year of employmentd to increase all other non-certified

    aff by .40/per hour for the 2013-2014hool year. Motion carried.

    UDGET DISCUSSIONs. Mgr. Crow walked the board

    rough the preliminary budgets fore upcoming school year.

    DHSAA BALLOTSpt. Kraemer presented the boardth ballots for their approval.

    0. Motion by Arneson second byompson to vote yes on Amendment Motion carried.

    1. Motion by Arneson second by Karicast a ballot for James Hanson for asition on the SDHSAA Board of Di-ctors. Motion carried.

    2. Motion by Thompson second byckman to cast a ballot for Clay An-rson for a position on the SDHSAAard of Directors. Motion carried.

    XECUTIVE SESSION3. Motion by Thompson second byneson to enter into executive sessiondiscuss personnel. Motion carried.airman Kvale declared the meetingo executive session at 10:35 p.m.d back in regular session at 11:45


    special meeting will be held on Mon-y, May 20, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.


    4. Motion by Arneson second byompson to enter into a contract withchnology Center in the amount of250.00 for 25 hours of technical sup-

    rt for one year. Motion carried.

    EALTH CONTRACT5. Motion by Arneson second by Kariapprove the contract in the amount$280.00 with the SD Dept of Healththe 2013-2014 school year. Motion

    rried. Kvale abstain.

    PROPERTY INSURANCE136. Motion by Kari second by Thomp-son to approve the contract with ASBfor property and liability insurance inthe amount of $14,747.00 for the 2013-2014 school year. Motion carried.

    NWAS REPORTDan Beckman gave a short report

    SUPERINTENDENTS NOTESSTARS Agreement has been signedWrestling Coop Approval

    GraduationEnd of School

    137. Motion by Kari second by Arnesonto adjourn the meeting at 11:58 p.m.Motion carried.

    Dan Kvale, ChairmanColette Johnson, Asst Bus. Mgr.

    [Published May 30, 2013 at a total ap-proximate cost of $117.62.]



    MEETINGDATE: May 20, 2013 TIME HELD:10:00 a.m. KIND OF MEETING: Spe-cial WHERE HELD: Boardroom MEM-BERS PRESENT: Arneson, Kari,Kvale MEMBERS ABSENT: Beckmanand Thompson OFFICERS AND OTH-ERS PRESENT: Bus Mgr. Crow, AsstBus. Mgr. Johnson, Engineers fromTSP, Connie Aaker and Becky Peacock

    A walk through of the entire schoolbuilding was done. A short discussionwas held with the engineers after thecompletion of the tour. They will pres-ent a proposal to the board with ideasfor repairs needed to the school build-ing.

    Dan Kvale, ChairmanBonnie Crow, Bus. Mgr.

    [Published May 30, 2013 at a total ap-proximate cost of $9.75.]




    DATE: May 20, 2013 TIME HELD:7:00 p.m. KIND OF MEETING: Spe-cial WHERE HELD: Boardroom MEM-BERS PRESENT: Arneson, Beckman,

    Kari, Kvale, Thompson MEMBERSABSENT: None OFFICERS ANDOTHERS PRESENT: Supt. Kraemer,Bus Mgr. Crow, Asst Bus. Mgr. John-son, Gene Smith, Trevor Fisher, CherylHulm and Beth Hulm

    Chairman Kvale called the meeting toorder with a call for the salute to theflag.

    APPROVAL OF AGENDAChairman Kvale asked for a motion toswitch items #3 and #4.

    138. Motion by Beckman second by Ar-neson to approve this request. Motioncarried.

    139. Motion by Arneson second byThompson to enter into executive ses-sion to discuss personnel. Motion car-

    ried. Chairman Kvale declared themeeting into executive session at 7:05p.m. and back in regular session at7:20 p.m.

    BUS CONTRACTDiscussion on the 2013-2014 busroutes.

    140. Motion by Kari second by Beck-man to enter into executive session todiscuss student issue. Motion carried.Chairman Kvale declared the meetinginto executive session at 7:40 p.m. andback in regular session at 8:10 p.m.

    141. Motion by Arneson to keep thesame routes as the previous year andto increase the bus routes only by .08cents per mile and to require all driv-ers to obtain a CDL physical for the2013-2014 school year. Motion carried.

    EXECUTIVE SESSION142. Motion by Thompson second byKari to enter into executive session todiscuss personnel. Motion carried.Chairman Kvale declared the meetinginto executive session at 8:35 p.m. andback in regular session at 9:20 p.m.

    143. Motion to adjourn the meeting at9:40 p.m.

    Dan Kvale, ChairmanColette Johnson, Asst Bus. Mgr.

    [Published May 30, 2013 at a total ap-proximate cost of $23.72.]




    The Board of Trustees for the Town ofBison, South Dakota, has scheduled apublic hearing on Monday, June 10,2013 at 7:40 p.m. at Bison Town Hall.

    At said time and place the board willconsider the application of the PerkinsCounty Fair Board for a special maltbeverage license at the Perkins CountyFairgrounds during Gala Days (June22 only, 4:00 10:00 p.m.) and duringthe Perkins County Fair on Friday,

    Aug. 16, 2013, from 4:00 to 10:00 p.m;on Saturday, Aug. 17, 2013 from 4:00p.m. 2:00 a.m. Sunday, August, 18,2013; and from 12:00 noon 10:00 p.m.on Sunday, August 18, 2012. All objec-tions thereto prior to final decisions.

    ATTEST:Elizabeth HulmFinance Officer

    [Published May 23 & May 30, 2013 ata total approximate cost of $20.16.]


    Pursuant to SDCL ch. 43-30A, notice

    is hereby given that a mineral interest

    in, on or under the following described

    lands in the County of Perkins, State

    of South Dakota, has lapsed, to-wit:

    Township 15 North, Range 10 East,


    Section 3: SE1/4.

    The name of the record owner of the

    mineral interest is LLOYD BREM-

    SETH, Madison, Minnesota.

    This NOTICE is giv

    GODDARD and B

    DARD (Goddards

    Creek Road, Prairie

    order to succeed tothe mineral interes


    Attorneys for Godd

    Max Main

    618 State Street

    Belle Fourche, SD 5


    [Published May 23

    6, 2013 at a total a


    their intention to lapsed minerals asmineral interests.

    SDCL 43-30A-02, title to the abandoests vests in the owestate in the land such mineral interthe date of the aban

    Please take FURTHeach of you, as the amineral interest o

    (60) days after the this Notice to recoclaim in the office for Perkins Countyaccordance with SDno statement of twithin such sixty (title to the abandoests will vest in Scholz, husband anof the surface inteland hereinabove d

    Dated this 17th day

    /s/ Eric M. HardyEric M. Hardy, #40

    Attorney for the ScP.O. Box 390Hettinger, North D(701) 567-2418

    Sworn to and subscr17th day of May, 20

    /s/ Nancy SecrestNancy Secrest, Not

    Adams County, NorMy Commission Ex

    [Published May 232013 at a total ap$44.13.]







    TO: W.W. Grigsby, Mahota Grigsby andCharles Niell Ross A/K/A CN Ross :

    TAKE NOTICE, that, under the au-thority granted in SDCL 43-30A-06,that Brian and Dana Scholz, husbandand wife, as surface owners of the fol-lowing described real estate situated inthe County of Perkins and State ofSouth Dakota:



    hereby give notice of the lapse of min-eral interests of the above-namedrecord mineral interest owners on, inor under the land above described, andof their intention to succeed to the min-eral interests of the above-namedrecord mineral interest owners, and of

    Dr. Jason M. Hafner

    Dr. David J. Prosser

    OPTOMETRISTFaith Clinic

    1st & 3rd Wed. of the month

    Buffalo Clinic2nd & 4th Wed. of the month


  • 7/28/2019 Bison Courier, May 30, 2013


    Page 16 The Bison Courier Thursday, May 30, 2013

    Protectinlandscapwildlife d

    Theyre cute, the

    love to eat your la

    you are battling w

    groundhogs or other

    up. And if you are

    wildlife-free at the mand prepared to pr

    fore these beautifu

    into your landscape

    Anyone who ha

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    the fence. You mus

    least 12" below the

    to 5 feet above the

    gates are also secur

    Some communit

    fences that providehelp keep deer out

    Another option is

    fence. The system

    with wire tips charg

    The plastic tip is fil

    tractant. When th

    tip it gets a light sh

    to move on to other

    Scare tactics ha

    many years. Motio

    klers, blow up owls

    rubber snakes st

    around a garden m

    unwanted critters.

    urban animals are

    may not be alarme

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    effective control. Th

    afraid of an owl th

    two weeks.

    Homemade and lents can also be us

    are safe to use on fo

    fruits and vegetabl

    best results if appl

    mals start feeding.

    vent damage than

    patterns. Look for

    like those found in

    Animal Stopper lin

    of herbs and smell

    animals without r

    your guests.

    Live trapping can

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    and trapped anima

    heat and a lack o

    Plus, once you catc

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    scare tactics and fen

    imals begin feeding

    of tactics, continual

    age and make chan

    when you feel disco

    that gardeners hav

    imals in the garden

  • 7/28/2019 Bison Courier, May 30, 2013


    The Bison Courier Thursday, May 30, 2013


    USINESS-Aberdeen, SD. Want ton your own business? Well-estab-hed 38-year pet grooming business sale. Owner retiring. Begin mak-

    g $$ on your first day. Trainingth some financing available. Seri-s inquiries only. 605-225-5726.

    ABLE/SATELLITE/INTERNETSH NETWORK. Starting at9.99/month (for 12 mos.) & Higheed Internet starting at4.95/month (where available.)

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    EMPLOYMENTBRITTON-HECLA SCHOOL, K-12SP ED teacher. Closes 6/5/13. KevinColes, PO Box 190, Britton, SD57430; [email protected], 605-448-2234.

    HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATORCAREER! 3 Week Hands-On Train-ing School. Bulldozers, Backhoes,Excavators. National Certifications.Lifetime Job Placement Assistance.VA Benefits Eligible! 1-866-362-6497.

    BUILDING TRADES INSTRUC-TOR opening for 9TH 12TH gradeprogram in Northwest South Dakota.Competitive wage, excellent benefits,car provided. For more informationcontact Cris Owens, Northwest AreaSchools, 605-466-2206 [email protected].

    LARGE COOPERATIVE SEEKS In-formation Systems Manager to man-age company computer network. De-gree is required with network admin-istration experience. For more infor-mation contact Gene Lueb CHS [email protected].

    ALEXANDER, ND, SCHOOL DIS-TRICT is seeking 1 elementaryteacher, 1 Pre-School teacher, and a

    Title 1 Teacher. Send a letter of ap-plication and resume with refer-ences: Alexander Public School, LynnSims, PO Box 66, Alexander, ND58831, or [email protected]. EOE.

    ACE READY MIX - is looking for

    Ready Mix truck drivers. Competi-tive wages and benefits. Stop by thecorner of Rice Street & N BahnsonAve, Sioux Falls, or call 605- 338-0405 www.acereadymix.com.EEO/AA.

    THE ROAD TO THE RIGHT CA-REER - STARTS HERE! Statewideconstruction jobs, $12.00 - $18.00 ORMORE. No experience necessary.Apply online www.sdwork.org. #con-structionjobspaybetter.

    MYRL & ROYS PAVING now hiringCDL drivers. Competitive wages andbenefits. Stop by the corner of Riceand N Bahnson Ave, Sioux Falls, orcall 605-334-3204 www.myrlandroys-paving.com. Women and minoritiesencouraged to apply. EEO/AA.

    DOUGLAS COUNTY COMMIS-SION is taking applications for full-time Douglas County Highway Su-perintendent. Must have valid ClassA Driver s License. Experience inroad/bridge construction/mainte-nance. For application contact: Dou-glas County Auditor (605) 724-2423.

    DIRECTOR OF POLICY ANDLEGAL SERVICES AssociatedSchool Boards of South Dakota

    (ASBSD) seeks a person to serve asDirector to handle legal and policyservices. Qualifications Law De-gree. Experience in education, publicpolicy, adjudication of workers com-pensation claims, public sector laborlaws, human relations and health in-surance is preferred. Application

    deadline, Noon, June 14, 2013. Con-tact Katie at: [email protected], 605-773-2502, or ASBSD, PO Box 1059,Pierre, SD 57501 for complete appli-cation materials orhttp://www.asbsd.org/page190.aspxSalary and benefits competitive. Anequal opportunity employer.

    THE ROAD TO THE RIGHT CA-REER - STARTS HERE! Statewideconstruction jobs, $12.00 - $18.00 ORMORE. No experience necessary.

    Apply online www.sdwork.org. #con-structionjobspaybetter.

    SMART SALES AND LEASE seeksbookkeeper. Work from home. Hourlywage based on experience. M-F 8-4,Degree/management experience aplus. Resume, questions:[email protected].

    CUSTER REGIONAL HOSPITALhas full time Occupational Therapist,RN and LPN or Medical Assistantopportunities available. We are lo-cated in the beautiful southern BlackHills of SD - just a short distancefrom Mount Rushmore, Wind CaveNational Park, Custer State Park,Jewel Cave National Park and manyother outdoor attractions. Call 605-673-2229 ext. 110 for more informa-

    tion or go to www.regionalhealth.comto apply. EOE.

    THE ROAD TO THE RIGHT CA-REER - STARTS HERE! Statewideconstruction jobs, $12.00 - $18.00 ORMORE. No experience necessary.Apply online www.sdwork.org. #con-


    FINANCE OFFICfull time, accountinessary. Responsibling system: budgeSalary DOE, qualiftion contact City 598-6515, EOE.

    LOG HDAKOTA LOG HOresenting Golden E

    building in easterwestern South &Scott Connell, 605Connell, 605-264-neagleloghomes.co

    NOTIADVERTISE INstatewide for onlySouth Dakota StaNetwork to work words for $150. Ea$5.) Call this news3697 for details.

    SEARCH STATEMENT Listings, sotion and other optiingsearch.com Souing Development A

    WANWANTED: HUNTPheasant, qualityclass+, Whitetail and Merrium Turk8064.

  • 7/28/2019 Bison Courier, May 30, 2013


    Its been such a nice soggy week.he rainfall since last Monday to-led 1.14 inches and its still rain-g as I write this on Memorialay. We only got 44 hundredths onturday while some folks got sev-al inches, but were thankful wednt get any of the hail that ham-

    ered several places around here.ter church Sunday morning,

    manda Schuchard showed me adeo she took of the hail thatped out all her plants and dam-ed their grass. There were re-rts of several new lambs killed

    the hail, severe damage tomes and vehicles, and funnel

    ouds sighted north of Sturgisd west of here in Montana.Even with all this moisture, myrden doesnt look good. The onlyings up so far are radishes,rnips, lettuce, and a couple cu-mber plants. I got some tomato,pper, and cabbage plants atorthwest Supple when I went tommon Thursday to get two newcliners from Olson Furniture.hen I set the plants out on Fri-y the ground was still dry a cou-e of inches below the surface, soeve got a lot of catching up to dofore the drought is broken.We lost three friends this week.uce Verhulst and Lyle Parfreyth passed away on Thursday.

    Ralph Trevillyans funeral wasFriday in Buffalo and lots offriends gathered to bid this won-derful man a last goodbye. Imgoing to miss not having Ralpharound to ask advice about gar-dening, history, and archeology. Hewas a wealth of information and so

    much fun to visit with. Our sym-pathy goes out to the families ofthese fine men.

    Reub got Peder Tenold to haul atruckload of belting home fromGillette on Friday so these guyscan build more corral panels. Reubrode along with Peder and theyvisited with Guy on the phonewhile they were out there. Pederwill be going back next week tohelp Guy with a building project.

    Casey and his crew gatheredpairs to take to our Horse Creeksummer pasture on Thursday andtrailed them as far as the Hack-amore ranch where they left themfor the night. They shot two foxpups on the way home late that af-ternoon. Saturday Reub and I tookthe Kubota up to Horse Creek andfixed fence while Casey and thecrew finished trailing the cowsinto the Horse Creek pasture.

    I took my camera along to takesome pictures of some rocks upthere that really intrigue me.There are several sandstone tow-

    ers that have holes coming upthrough the center that go deepunderground. Im guessing thatthey either had trees growing upin the middle of each tower thatrotted way leaving the hole, or,and this is my best guess, theywere formed as pipes to release

    gases or smoke during the volcanicactivity in the area that alsoformed the lava bombs and vol-canic rock scattered all over upthere. I wish Dr. Phil Bjork fromthe School of Mines was still aliveso I could ask him about this. Iveread and re-read John Paul Griesgreat book Roadside Geology ofSouth Dakota and cant find any-thing about these rocks in there,unfortunately Gries passed awayin 2003 so I cant ask him aboutthem either. Can any of you recom-mend a geologist who might beable to answer my questions?

    Pastor Henry and Linda Moha-gen were in Colby, Kansas thisweekend for the wedding of IdaSchmidt and Eric Sander. JimPetik gave the Gideon message atSlim Buttes Lutheran Sunday inHenrys absence. The weathercleared off enough by Sunday af-ternoon that Reub and I were ableto get the Glendo Cemeterymowed and cleaned up beforeMemorial Day.

    When we finished at the ceme-tery we drove over to check outhow the Nashs were doing and gotthere just in time to visit withDennis, Roger, and Dale Nash,along with Larry Hendricks andDarwin Huiner who were helpingthem brand. We got caught up on

    what the neighbors were doing,checked out Dennis new .44mag-num pistol with scope, Darwinsnew little titanium .22 rifle, andsolved most of the worlds prob-lems before we let them get backto the cows. Love this neighbor-hood!

    Ill leave you with this articlethat Joe Lowe, former state wild-land fire coordinator, wrote for theRapid City Journal on MemorialDay in 2006:Reflections on Memorial DayAs Memorial Day approaches,

    I've been spending time reflectingon its meaning. To me it comeswith some sadness as I lost my fa-ther during World War II when mymother was seven months preg-nant with me.

    My Irish mother always ex-pressed to me that my father gavehis life for his country, and theyboth thought it was necessary toprotect the world from the Axis in-vasion.

    Two decades later, my favorite

    uncle was killed ihe threw himsgrenade to save oater.

    My father andthis sacrifice so the unique and sphave in the Unit

    freedoms were eawilling and dedicAmerican veteraa high price fothroughout Amer

    We should feelin a country whethe church of ourfreely about thindisagree and enjonot available in othe world. We mmitted to the Unour country and wpart in keeping it

    This Memorialsome time reflecdoms we enjoy, anacts of devotion bwho are now decemate contributioremembered.

    Grand River Roundup ............................................................... By Betty O

    Page 18 The Bison Courier Thursday, May 30, 2013

  • 7/28/2019 Bison Courier, May 30, 2013


    Advertising Rates:DISPLAY ADS: $4.70 per column inch.

    CLASSIFIED ADS: $5.90 for 30 words; 10 for each word

    hereafter. $2.00 billing charge applies.

    THANK YOU'S: $5.90 minimum or $3.10 per column inch.

    $2.00 billing charge applies.

    HIGHLIGHTS & HAPPENINGS: $5.90 minimum or $3.10

    per column inch. $2.00 billing charge applies.

    HAPPY ADS:With or Without Picture: $15.00 minimum or$4.50 per column inch.BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT: $36.00

    or 2x7 announcement.

    Ad Deadline is Monday at NOON! Legal Deadline is Friday

    at NOON! 244-7199 or [email protected]

    Seeking persons forRN and LPN FT/PT

    Must have good work ethic.FREE C.N.A. certificationComplete wage and complete

    benefits package for FT.For more information call

    Human Resourcesat 605-374-3871 orget application at

    Five Counties,Box 479,

    Lemmon, SD [email protected]


    Drug Free Workplace Employer

    Five Counties Nursing HomeNeed extra cash?Job security as a trained

    health care worker.

    WANTEDanted: Straw or corn stalks tole in 2013. Round or squareles. On shares or will purchasefield. Contact Tom at 605-866-05.


    anted: Pasture to rent and haynd to rent or put up on shares.ustom haying: round, mediumuare, small squares. Please call

    m 605-866-4605; 605-949-1933.B33-tfn

    HELP WANTEDULL-TIME HOME VISITOR:REC-Badlands Head Start: Pre-tal to Five is seeking a high en-gy, self-motivated and profes-onal individual to work as Homesitor in rural Perkins County in-

    uding Bison and Lemmon. Thisdividual will be working withn to twelve families (pregnantomen, infants and/or toddlers) inhome-based model. A passion forrly childhood education/develop-ent, experience working success-lly with a multi-disciplinaryam and multicultural awarenesse necessary. Strong communica-

    n skills, experience workingth families, and a valid driversense are required. This is a 12onth position. A BS/BA in Earlyhildhood or related field is pre-rred. An AA degree in Earlyhildhood, an Infant/ToddlerDA, or equivalent experience will

    considered. Applicant shouldwilling to further educational

    periences. Preference is given todividuals with Head Start, homesitation, or relevant experience.omputer experience is required.e provide a competitive salaryd benefit package. Salary is de-ndent upon education and expe-

    ence. For more information and application, please call 605-3-8837. This institution is an

    ual opportunity provider andmployer. Position open until14/13 or until filled.


    The Meadow SD Post Office isaccepting applications for the po-sition of Postmaster Relief/LeaveReplacement. A PMR/LR performsas a relief or leave replacementduring the absence of the postmas-ter. Responsibilities include cus-tomer service, distribution of mailand window service, and sale ofUSPS retail products. ThePMR/LR will work Saturdays;other workdays and hours will

    vary. The beginning salary is$11.76 per hour. Contact ShirleyM Morris OIC PMR, at 605-788-2800 for more information. Applyonline at http://usps.com/employ-ment. The US Postal Service is anEqual Opportunity Employer.


    HELP WANTED: Grand ElectricCooperative, Inc. has an openingin the Bison Office for a Custo-dian. Duties include generalcleaning, grounds upkeep, minorrepairs and painting. Some heavylifting is required. Full-time posi-tion with good pay and fringe ben-efits. Week day hours for Custo-dian are 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noonand 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Please

    submit a letter of application toColgan Huber, Director of Finance,Grand Electric Cooperative, Inc.,P. O. Box 39, Bison, SD 57620.GEC is an equal opportunity em-ployer. Deadline for submitting anapplication is May 30, 2013.


    HELP WANTED: Grand ElectricCooperative, Inc. has a full timeposition opening for a customerService Representative. Qualifiedapplicants must have a highschool diploma or equivalent, ex-perience with basic Microsoft ap-plications, computers and relatedoffice equipment with excellentoral and communications skills.Two years previous experience in

    an office or customer service envi-ronment preferred. Interested ap-plicants should submit a resumeto Penny J Nelson, Manager, Cus-

    tomer Service & Internal Opera-tions, Grand Electric Cooperative,Inc., PO Box 39, Bison, Sd 57620,telephone 605-244-5211. GEC isan Equal Opportunity Employer.Deadline for submitting resumesis May 31, 2013.


    CENTER-BASED TEACHER:TREC - Badlands Head Start:Prenatal to Five is seeking a high

    energy, self-motivated and profes-sional individual to work as a pre-school Teacher and in a home-based setting in Lemmon, SouthDakota. This individual will beworking with young children (ages3-5) and their families. Strongcommunication skills, experienceworking with families, and validdrivers license and some travelare required. A passion for earlychildhood education/development,experience working successfullywithin a multi-disciplinary teamand multicultural awareness arenecessary. Head Start experienceis preferred. Due to Head Startmandates, a minimum of an AA inEarly Childhood or an AssociateDegree in a related field andcoursework equivalent to a majorrelating to early childhood educa-tion, with experience teaching pre-school-age children, is required.This is a 40 hour per week, 38weeks per year position. We pro-vide a competitive salary and ben-

    efit package. Salary is dependentupon education and experience.Pre-employment drug screeningand background checks are re-quired. For more information andan application, please call 605-723-8837. Position open until6/28/13 or until filled. This institu-tion is an equal opportunityprovider and employer.


    CENTER-BASED TEACHER/HOME VISITOR: TREC - Bad-lands Head Start: Prenatal to Fiveis seeking a high energy, self-mo-tivated and professional individualto work as a Teacher/Home Visitorin Bison, South Dakota. This indi-vidual will be working with youngchildren (ages 3-5) and their fami-lies. Strong communication skills,experience working with families,and valid drivers license and sometravel are required. A passion forearly childhood education/develop-ment, experience working success-fully within a multi-disciplinaryteam and multicultural awarenessare necessary. Head Start experi-ence is preferred. Due to HeadStart mandates, a minimum of anAA in Early Childhood or an Asso-ciate Degree in a related field andcoursework equivalent to a majorrelating to early childhood educa-tion, with experience teaching pre-school-age children, is required.This is a 40 hour per week, 38

    The Bison Courier Thursday, May 30, 2013

    weeks per year pvide a competitivefit package. Salupon education Pre-employment and backgroundquired.For more an application, 723-8837. Posit6/14/13 or until fition is an equprovider and emp

    Seasonal HelpTown of Bison is nplications for sumto two individualshelp and one toming lesson answimming. Appliand over. Please cation from: Fina910, Bison, SD 55677 or 244-523Bison is an EqEmployer.

    ThankWe want to thatheir thoughts anflowers, food, psages and floraYour thoughtfulnbe remembered.

    Addie B

    Big, Stout Yearling Angus B

    FOR SALE February & March Yearling Angus

    Mostly calving ease bulls

    Semen checked & ready to go!

    Bulls located 3 miles SEof Downtown Rapid City

    Contact: Dan (605) 391-7090Jamie (605) 391-6399


  • 7/28/2019 Bison Courier, May 30, 2013


    Page 20 The Bison Courier Thursday, May 30, 2013

    We represent several companie

    YOU the best rate possible

    Coverage may begin two hours af

    Maurice Handcock

    Home: 837-2461

    Cell: 391-2502

    Taylor Mohnen

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    Office: (605) 433-5411

    Toll-free: (888) 433-8750

    Crew Agency, Ltd21290 S.D. Hwy. 240

    Philip, SD 57567Agri Risk Management Specialists Since 19

    Grady & Bernice Crew

    (605) 433-5411

    Heidi Porch, Busin

    (605) 433-

    Crew Agency is an equal opportunity provider.

    SDCA urges caution on proposedchanges to antimicrobial availability

    At a public hearing jointly hostedthe Food and Drug Administra-n (FDA) and the Animal andant Health Inspection Service ofe United States Department of

    griculture (USDA-APHIS) TuesdayPierre, South Dakota Cattlemen's

    sociation (SDCA) leaders urgedution regarding proposed changesthe availability of antimicrobials

    r food animal production. Due toncerns about antibiotic resistance,DA is proposing to subject some an-microbial medications to enhancedterinary oversight, requiring aterinary Feed Directive (VFD) for

    me feed- or water-delivered antibi-cs that are currently availableer the counter.The Pierre hearing was one of fiveheduled throughout the country.

    DCAjoined over 40 individuals andpresentatives from the pork, poul-y, veterinary and feed milling sec-rs to express concerns about thetential for increased cost and pa-rwork burdens that would resultthese medications are brought

    under additional veterinary over-sight. Hearing attendees also askedFDA to provide clarity about how theinformation they collect might beused and what factors will be consid-ered when determining the successor failure of the proposal.

    Todd Wilkinson, a partner in RedStone Feeders and SDCA Vice Pres-ident, discussed how antimicrobialshelp him provide a safe, wholesomebeef product and noted the changeswould increase costs for his low-mar-gin business.

    "Red Stone Feeders feeds cattle atmultiple geographic locations andworks with multiple consulting vet-erinarians. Requiring VFDs for ouroperation would mean multiple or-ders from multiple veterinarians atmultiple feed mills, all of which re-sult in increased paperwork andcosts for the feedlot, vets and feedmills," Wilkinson testified. "Addingcosts without adding benefits is con-cerning for cattle feeders, who havebeen operating on extremely narrowprofit margins," he added.

    SDCA President Cory Eich alsoreminded FDAand APHIS represen-tatives there are many rural areasthat are underserved by veterinari-ans and he pointed out concernsabout how the FDA might use thedata it collects as a result of this ini-

    tiative."In addition to concerns about vet-

    erinary availability as well as in-creased paperwork and costs, recentreleases of producer information bythe Environmental Protection

    Agency demonstrate cattlemen andwomen are justified in our appre-hensions about how additional datacollected by the Federal governmentmight be used to harm our busi-nesses," said Eich.

    SDCA urges livestock producers toreview FDA's proposed guidancedocument, which is available ontheir website at www.fda.gov. Pro-ducers are also urged to submit writ-ten comments to the FDA docketnumber FDA-2012-N-1046 atwww.regulations.gov.
