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AUGUST 2015 Herald Bispham Your Parish Magazine Messy Church BBQ
Page 1: Bispham Heraldbahchurch.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/HERALD-August... · 2019. 2. 28. · PLUMBING ETC. DENIS PRIEST (D.G. & J. Priest) 112 NORBRECK ROAD, BLACKPOOL Thank you our



Bispham Your Parish Magazine

Messy Church BBQ

Page 2: Bispham Heraldbahchurch.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/HERALD-August... · 2019. 2. 28. · PLUMBING ETC. DENIS PRIEST (D.G. & J. Priest) 112 NORBRECK ROAD, BLACKPOOL Thank you our

The Rector’s Letter

“Fish, Grandma!”

Ben has been a visitor a little more frequently since his brother James was born. He plays quietly and with great concentration on elaborate Lego stories, using the Lego from the days his father was a child – indeed, he plays much like Nathanael did. Having slipped away from the dinner table, he rushed back in clutching a Lego boat with a man holding a rod-like structure. “Look, Grandma, I’ve made a man going fishing!” The words tumbled out, “He’s got a lifejacket and oars and a rod and he’s going fishing…” Grandma leant forward and asked enthusiastically in best ‘teacher-drawing–out-further-detail voice, “And what is he going to catch?” Ben looked at Diane with a slightly pitying look, and declared in an ‘I-thought-it was-obvious’ voice “Fish, Grandma!” There were no more questions!

I was reminded of when I was

struggling to find inspiration for a magazine article with my then three year old daughter playing happily on the floor. “What shall I write the magazine article on?” I asked in desperation. Without looking up, Emma replied “God, Daddy.” Sometimes the answer is simple and obvious – and sometimes it takes a child to articulate it. Knowing what God wants us to do can sometimes feel like that – He makes the answer abundantly clear, simple and obvious, while we struggle, looking for the complicated answer, making it harder for ourselves. Diane recounts how, when she was at Teacher Training College, she

and her two friends had a choice of two flats. One was near the university, had 3 rooms, and seemed perfect; the other had 5 rooms so they would need to find 2 more to share, and was an inconvenient bus ride away. Diane felt they were being led to the more difficult flat but her Christian companions over rode her with the simple and obvious answer – go for the flat the right price and size near the university. Diane added – ‘and it was of course the right decision.’ Diane had a common misconception that somehow God required her to not have the best or easiest options.

Discerning God’s will has always

been an essential task, sometimes easier, sometimes harder: I always think that Gideon is a good example of someone who needed constant reassurance in discerning God’s will. He was a ‘Judge’ in Israel about 100 years before King David, and was called to lead Israel as it was oppressed by roaming Midianites. God sends him an angel while he’s threshing (hidden in a wine press) As he’s called, overly self-conscious of his inadequacies, to lead Israel, he first believes he’s going to die because he has seen the angel of God. He undertakes the first task, destroying the pagan altar, at the dead of night. When he realises this is just the first step to defeating the Midianites, he needs two ‘proofs’ – the wet fleece on a dry night followed by a dry fleece on a wet night. On the eve of battle, he overhears the enemy interpretation of a dream which shows he will win, yet another reassurance that he has made the right decision.

Page 3: Bispham Heraldbahchurch.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/HERALD-August... · 2019. 2. 28. · PLUMBING ETC. DENIS PRIEST (D.G. & J. Priest) 112 NORBRECK ROAD, BLACKPOOL Thank you our

All Hallows: Your Parish Church

Sunday Services at All Hallows

8.00am Traditional Holy Communion

(Every Sunday)

9.30am Modern Worship

(Holy Communion 4th Sunday)

11.00am Traditional Worship

(Holy Communion 1st Sunday)

6.30pm Evening Worship

(Holy Communion 3rd Sunday)

Midweek Services at All Hallows

Thursdays at 11.00am Traditional Holy Communion

(In the Gospel Chapel)

Maybe because he thus doubts both himself and God that every defence is stripped away by God, whittling down his army of 32,000 to 10,000 and finally leaving just 300 men to face an army of 135,000 – the resounding victory that follows can only occur because God was in the driving seat all along. Gideon couldn’t quite bring himself to believe that God wanted him to have the best. In contrast, Jesus tells us, “What father among you, if his son asks for a fish, will instead of a fish give him a serpent; or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” (The Bible, Luke 11.11-13) God wants to bless us with the best, even more than we want to bless our children with the best.

Damian, our curate and his wife Lauren have

been wrestling with a big decision and seeking God’s will for their next step, and it has just been announced that they are moving to Thornton-le-Fylde Christchurch in the Autumn, where Damian will be Vicar. The future is never transparent, but they can go forward, confident that God has a plan for them, a plan for good, and that above all, He will walk with them through every situation. Perhaps, though, in Damian’s case, the answer to Grandma’s question is not fish, but “Men – and women.”

Praying that you may hear the loving will of

God in Christ and walk confidently in his path, enjoying his blessing and bringing glory to his name.

Your servant in the Lord Jesus Christ,

Simon Cox

Rector The Rev’d Canon Dr. Simon Cox

The Rectory, 86 All Hallows Road, Bispham, FY2 0AY.

Telephone: 01253 351886 Email: [email protected]

Get in touch:

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Note from the Editor

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Dates for your diary

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Café Church on Friday 4th Sept & Fri 3rd Oct at 7.30 (Stable)

Fylde Concert Orchestra on Saturday 17th Oct

at 7 pm (Church)

Light & Popular Music

Dad’s & Toddlers on Saturday 19th Sept

at 10am (Stable)

For details of weekly activities, please look towards the back of the Herald magazine. For more information about any of these events,

please telephone the Rectory on 351886

Messy Church on Saturday 5th Sept and

Sat 10th Oct at 3pm (Barn)

Back in Harness! A reminder that all our regular meetings will be back as usual in September after August break.

Men’s Breakfast

on Saturday 26th Sept at 9am (Squirrel)

Advertising Please note

new adverts accepted and now in place.

Testimony Faith Homes : Trinity Hospice : Gala

We have had our share of coffee mornings during July, and getting together informally in this way is so beneficial both to those organising, the ones who give their time to help, and those supporting. We had a lovely chat and cuppa, browsed the sale tables, and enjoyed one another’s

company. To those who could not come because of prior engagements, we missed you, and wish to thank you for your kind donations. What would we have done without you all?

Editor contact Brenda tel: 864815 Adverts contact Mary tel: 357279 Brenda, Ken & Janet

Page 5: Bispham Heraldbahchurch.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/HERALD-August... · 2019. 2. 28. · PLUMBING ETC. DENIS PRIEST (D.G. & J. Priest) 112 NORBRECK ROAD, BLACKPOOL Thank you our

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SPICK AND SPAN Oh Yes, even during our

break in August, the ‘Holy Dusters’ and

the ‘Maintenance Team’ can be seen dusting, polishing, cleaning, grass cutting, & trimming. They are all a

merry team skilled at what they do, and indeed, these volunteers deserve to be brought into the lime-light. Their good

nature and willingness is a joy to behold. Blessed by God and a blessing to us.

Hi ho, hi ho, It’s off to work we go!


Was a busy and happy month in which so much took place and

lots of people volunteered to help make teas, bake for coffee mornings, with mission in mind, organise the Youth

Concert Band, and oh what joy to see all those young people enjoying their

musical skills. Believe me, to be involved in helping, and making an event the best

it could be, is so rewarding. Join a Church join OUR CHURCH! Fun and blessings combined

Pastoral & Prayer All Hallows truly cares about people, and the

names of the ones needing prayer are read out each Sunday

in Church. A pastoral team meet regularly to update those on our list. Be assured

that, if any one is in need of urgent prayer, someone will meet with them and pray

with them. Also there is absolute confidentiality as the Pastoral Team come together with the needs and concerns of this Church and Community. We are a

family of believers. Know this, Jesus Loves YOU

KID’S PRAISE The young are very much a part of Sunday worship at All Hallows, having their

own bible story, enjoying each other’s company, and always a

picture to colour. They learn gently about Jesus Christ their Saviour, and in an atmosphere of safety and care. Our

teenagers are also catered for in Christian teaching, with wise and capable people who relate the gospel in a way they will

understand. Jesus loves children, the Bible tells me so

Page 6: Bispham Heraldbahchurch.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/HERALD-August... · 2019. 2. 28. · PLUMBING ETC. DENIS PRIEST (D.G. & J. Priest) 112 NORBRECK ROAD, BLACKPOOL Thank you our



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Thank you our Father for the wind and the breeze which take our kites high in the sky, blowing this way and that way, carrying them along,

colourful and bright, giving so much fun. We know you created all things and we thank you for the wind and the breeze. Amen

Wind blows us

The wind blows the trees

What is the wind for?

The wind is a breeze

Joseph Carter aged 5

Page 7: Bispham Heraldbahchurch.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/HERALD-August... · 2019. 2. 28. · PLUMBING ETC. DENIS PRIEST (D.G. & J. Priest) 112 NORBRECK ROAD, BLACKPOOL Thank you our

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Backdoor Neighbours

We’re backdoor neighbours, Sue and I, We’ve watched the marching years go by,

Held little sessions o’er the fence When life was getting strained and tense,

Talked over problems and our fears Shared happiness throughout the years

Across that old back fence of ours We traded recipes and flowers,

Patterns and pinafores and pie We’ve looked deep in each other’s eyes, With understanding strong and clean In friendship such as ours could mean, We raised our families side by side Sharing each other’s joy and pride Picnics and churches … pictures shows Our little daily wants and woes Have been recounted and retold Like misers counting up their gold

We’ve shared each other’s ups and downs

Admired hats and new spring gowns Settled the nation’s big affairs

Joined hands in small heart-broken prayers

Loved . . . laughed and sorrowed down the years Companioned by our joy and tears I do not know what I would do

Without my backdoor neighbour, Sue

Edna Jaques

Page 8: Bispham Heraldbahchurch.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/HERALD-August... · 2019. 2. 28. · PLUMBING ETC. DENIS PRIEST (D.G. & J. Priest) 112 NORBRECK ROAD, BLACKPOOL Thank you our

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“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His faithful love endures forever.” Psalm 136:1

Sunday Our Worship

Thank you, Heavenly Father, that we can always have the privilege of drawing apart from the business of life, and finding rest in your presence.


World Peace Thank you, Father, for those individuals and

groups who bring hope as they strive to promote

peace and reconciliation in areas of conflict and



Our Community Lord, we pray for the

many in our community who feel lonely and

vulnerable. Help us all to reach out in friendship

and touch their lives with kindness.


Our Nation Lord God, we pray for our Queen and all those under her who guide and govern our nation. Help them we pray to know always what

is right to do, in every situation


When life is difficult We pray that you will

sustain and strengthen the many Christian

agencies world wide who provide emergency relief

and comfort in crisis situations.


God’s Word to us Father God, the troubles of

this world can divert our eyes from you. Thank you

so much for your Word, the Bible, which helps us

to stay focused as we read it daily.


Those in need Father, we pray for those who cannot rest because

they are suffering through sadness and pain, sickness and grief. May they know

your love, comfort and peace

Mobile Hairdresser




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Page 9: Bispham Heraldbahchurch.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/HERALD-August... · 2019. 2. 28. · PLUMBING ETC. DENIS PRIEST (D.G. & J. Priest) 112 NORBRECK ROAD, BLACKPOOL Thank you our

Guest Article

54/56 Norbreck Road, Blackpool (Behind Norbreck Castle)





Mistakes seen in church publications! While the vicar’s away, clergy from neighbouring parishes will be

celebrating in our church. During the Easter Day family service members of the Mother’s Union will lay chocolate eggs on the Communion table.

Tuesday at 4pm there will be an ice cream social. All ladies giving milk will please come early.

Any lady in the congregation who is thinking about joining our group of young wives should make an appointment to see the vicar.

The bishop spoke briefly, much to the delight of the congregation. Two members of the PCC remain in the hospital and are having trouble sleeping. They have requested tapes of the vicar’s sermons to help them through these difficult times.

During the final hymn the sides-men will collect our ties and offerings. The flowers on the communion table this morning are in celebration of the birth of

David, the sin of Reverend and Mrs. Smith The audience is asked to remain seated until the end of the recession.

Remember in prayer the many that are sick of our church and community. The choir invites any member of the congregation who enjoys sinning to join their

number. The choir mistress sang, "I will not pass this way again," giving obvious pleasure to the

congregation. Evening service with massage begins at 6 p.m.

The vicar is on holiday vacation. During his absence massages can be given to church secretary

Try our healing services. You won't get better. After the church service, seven year old James said to the preacher, “When I grow up, I'm going to give you some money.” “Thank you,” the preacher replied, “but why?” “Because

my daddy says that you’re one of the poorest preachers we’ve ever had.”

Please come along with your willies, gloves and cutters. Help us to make a statement in this old and sacred place.

From Nick Bralesford

Painter and Decorator


48 Salmesbury Avenue, Bispham

E: [email protected]

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Peter Harrison


07875 311938

Telephone Bispham’s Cake Lady...

Lauren’s Creative Cakes for Special Occasions

Page 10: Bispham Heraldbahchurch.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/HERALD-August... · 2019. 2. 28. · PLUMBING ETC. DENIS PRIEST (D.G. & J. Priest) 112 NORBRECK ROAD, BLACKPOOL Thank you our

Regular Church Activities

For all Bibles, Books & Cards 45 Abingdon St Blackpool

Tel: 01253 624160

from Fleetwood

Call Colin on 07920 473 460

Valentine’s Fresh Fish

Mother and Toddler Group - 0-5 year olds for parents, guardians, child-minders, and grandparents’ There is a cuppa and a friendly chat in the Barn. Lots of toys with action songs and nursery rhymes. Meets Thursdays (except school holidays) in the Barn 9.30 to 10.45 am & 12.45 to 2.15m. £1 per family.

Afternoon Fellowship - meets at 2pm in the Stable each Tuesday, emphasis on fellowship and care and concern for one another. Varied programme and visiting speakers. All adults are welcome.

Tuesday Evening Fellowship - meets at 7.15pm in the Stable the 1st, 3rd, & 5th Tuesday of each month, emphasis on fun, food and fellowship. All adults are welcome. Tel: 351319 .

Craft ‘n Chat - Please note will be 2nd & 4th Friday each month 2-30-3.30 for men and women, of all age groups . All most welcome. Knit, crochet or other skills. Friendly atmosphere with a cuppa! Come and learn new skills.

All Stars - a fun filled and action packed club for children of primary school age. Includes actions songs, games, juice & toast with Bible stories. Meets every Thursday during term time from 4.30pm to 5.30pm in the Stable. Tel: 595873 for more information.

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Editor’s Extras

With a thankful heart So much to thank our Heavenly Father for. Relaxing in the garden there is so much colour, birds singing merrily, bees busy pollinating each flower, the sky in it’s splendour, and a feeling of being so absolutely blessed and thankful to Him for His mercy and goodness towards me. Thanking Him as

we celebrated in Edinburgh our granddaughter Hannah’s Graduation. She achieved a First in Psychology. We were all so proud of her. May I wish all our readers special celebrations, time with family, God’s gift of summer sunshine, and the warmth of His love.


WORK UNDERTAKEN Stephen McGauley Proprietor


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Page 11: Bispham Heraldbahchurch.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/HERALD-August... · 2019. 2. 28. · PLUMBING ETC. DENIS PRIEST (D.G. & J. Priest) 112 NORBRECK ROAD, BLACKPOOL Thank you our

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Parish Registers

BAPTISMS 07.06.2015 Andrew Thomas INMAN; Libby Jane INMAN 14.06.2015 Evie-Grace Dorothy HALL; Poppy May ROBINSON; Sienna Rose PORTWOOD 21.06.2015 Paul Michael DAVIES; Lucy Louise JONES; Paul-Junior DAVIES 28.06.2015 Freya Sandra JONES; Oliver Stuart Anthony ROGERS

WEDDINGS 06.06.2015 Daniel Stephen ALEXANDER & Joanne Rebecca CURWEN 20.06.2015 Jonathan (Jon) Paul LEESON & Louise BRADBURY

FUNERALS 08.06.2015 Minnie WIDDOWSON, 87 (Cremation) 10.06.2015 Bessie TAYLOR 92 (Burial) 12.06.2015 Wilfred (Wilf) HAITH, 85 (Cremation) 15.06.2015 John Edward HUGHES, 86 (Cremation) 19.06.2015 Margaret (Madge) EASTHAM, 94 (Cremation) 29.06.2015 Margaret CULLEN, 89 (Cremation) 29.06.2015 Reginald TICKETT, 95 (Cremation) 30.06.2015 Margaret BEARDOW, 80 (Cremation)

BURIAL IN CHURCHYARD 18.06.2015 Derek George ELLISON, 82

INTERMENT OF CREMATED REMAINS 15.06.2015 Rona Simpkin PERCIVAL, 85 (17.07.2014)

Each Sunday at All Hallows there are a few who meet at 6pm in the Stable to share fellowship together, and to pray for the sick and those in need in our Parish.

If you care to join us you would be most welcome.

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