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October 2017 Herald Bispham All Hallws 0 Your Parish Magazine “Above all, love each other deeply, because Love covers a multude of sins” 1 Peter 4:8

October 2017



All Hallws 0 Your Parish Magazine

“Above all, love each other deeply, because

Love covers a multitude of sins”

1 Peter 4:8

The Rector’s Letter

October 2017

“What a weekend!” Over one extended weekend, we covered the range of life: wedding anniversary, baptism, birthdays, declining health and death. On the Friday, Diane and I celebrated (in an understated way) our 38thwedding anniversary, taking us back to 1979 when we transitioned from two singles to a wedded couple. Much of what followed on the Saturday and Sunday was related to that transformation and its consequences. We had spent the past two weeks looking after our two oldest grandsons, Euan & Zach, and during the Friday, their parents arrived along with Emma & Carl with their two children, Jake and Megan.

The family was gathering for

Megan’s baptism, our ninth grandchild, and only second girl. Megan had a choice of her mother’s and her grandmother’s baptismal robes (mother’s got chosen), and summoned the widest gathering of the family for some time. Many had travelled to arrive Friday night and by Saturday were arriving for the midday celebration, while the hall was being dressed for action. Our four children, their spouses, nine grandchildren, my brother and his wife and family, my second brother, my sister and her husband and part of her family, along with lifelong friends who were at our wedding 38 years ago, Carls’ parents, brother and wife, and many of Carl and Emma’s friends, around 50 in all. A lot of catching up and chattering took place until folk began to disperse around 6pm.

Nathanael had a great plan for the

Sunday, as he and his Godfather Paul, over for the baptism, shared a birthday and would celebrate a combined 99 years (36 & 63), so we would have his favourite: a barbeque in our garden. “I told you in

February!” “You didn’t – but how far have your plans progressed?” “I’ve got 8 burgers.” In fairness, by lunchtime, there was a full blown barbeque and birthday party, celebrating the passing of another year.

On Monday, Carl & Emma took

their family and us to visit a lifelong friend of Diane’s now living in Liverpool, Emma’s Godmother and a significant part of Diane’s own Christian development. She now has 24 hour care and is confined to a wheelchair but with a razor sharp mind. We had a lovely day with her and a picnic next to the dock with Jake playing in the sun, but again, she reminded us of the transitions of time, the linear nature of the life we lead.

On Tuesday, Emma had a farewell

meal with a school friend now returning to Hong Kong, but rushed back to attend the vet. After a relentless 18 month campaign, Emma was finally granted a cat for Christmas 1999. The kittens were born on 19th October and were ready to leave their mother just after Christmas. We took the excited 13 year old to choose her kitten and ended with Sooty and Sweep. 10 years later, Sooty had a stroke, but Sweep kept on going – he would have been 18 this October, but his deteriorating medical condition meant the family took the difficult decision over the weekend to end his life, hence the vet. You can imagine the tears from both of us, but it was the right and necessary decision – he was a truly lovely and people friendly cat and a regular at church – another life transition.

I was reminded of the writer of

Ecclesiastes: For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:2 a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to

All Hallows: Your Parish Church

Sunday Services at All Hallows

8.00am Traditional Holy Communion

(Every Sunday)

9.30am Modern Worship

(Holy Communion 4th Sunday)

11.00am Traditional Worship

(Holy Communion 1st Sunday)

6.30pm Evening Worship

(Holy Communion 3rd Sunday)

Midweek Services at All Hallows

Thursdays at 11.00am Traditional Holy Communion

(In the Gospel Chapel)

pluck up what is planted;3 a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;4 a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;5 a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;6 a time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;7 a time to tear, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;8 a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace.(The Bible, Ecclesiastes 3.1-8)

It is a strange book to find in the bible, as it embraces all of life’s experiences and repeatedly comes to the conclusion “Vanity of vanities,” says the Preacher, “vanity of vanities! All is vanity.”( Ecc 1.2). His observation is that everything, all of those significant transitions we celebrated, all of life itself is meaningless or literally ‘vapour’. What he is describing is life without God and His hope; the context is the bible and the antidote is Jesus: I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.(John 10.10b). It is Jesus who gives all of life its meaning and the key transitions their significance.

Praying that you may find in Christ Jesus the love and purpose which makes life’s transitions a joy and not a burden. Your servant in the Lord Jesus Christ, Simon Cox.

Rector The Rev’d Canon Dr. Simon Cox

The Rectory, 86 All Hallows Road,

Bispham, FY2 0AY.

Church Office: 01253 274172

Email: [email protected]

Get in touch:

Simon Cox

The Bible was written...

Dates for your diary

over a 1500 year span (from 1400 B.C to A.D. 100)

over 40 generations by over 40 authors from many walks of life (kings, peasants, philosophers, fishermen, poets, statesmen, scholars)

in different places (wilderness, dungeon, palaces)

in different moods (heights of joy, depths of despair) on three continents (Asia, Africa, and Europe)

in three languages (Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek)

Café Church Friday 6th Oct and 3rd Nov

at 7:30pm in The Stable.

Growing Disciples (study: prayer: worship)

Meet 1st & 3rd Wednesday at 7.30 (Stable)

Little Lambs Weds 4th Oct & Nov 8th

10am Church Stable

Big Issue Our group for young people meets every other week. Contact Will:


Messy Church 28th October 2017 at

3pm—5pm (Barn)

Jacaranda Café Thursday 10:30am—

1:30pm Church Stable

Visits in Hospital Visit from our clergy

whilst you’re in hospital? Call: 01253 274172

Heralds—If you would like to join the ‘Walking Club’ (delivering to orphan

streets) please contact Janet 351319

For details of weekly activities, please look towards the back of the Herald magazine.

For more information about any of these events, please telephone

the Rectory on 274172

All Hallows News

Our new group Little Lambs is aimed at

0-4 year olds and their

accompanying adult.

We do interactive Bible stories plus

games, crafts, sensory play and


Future Dates: Oct 4th, Nov 8th,

Dec 6th 10am in the

Church Stable

A thank you to the Mission Team from South Africa

In July of this year we, at All Hallows', were privileged to host a team of five evangelists

from the Free State in South Africa: Thapelo, Isaac, Tiago, Kgosi and Sandra. They spent a week here where they visited and worked alongside people in several churches and schools in Blackpool. They had previously been based for one week in Blackburn and

another in Fleetwood. Their experiences in the different parts of the county gave them an insight into life in Lancashire and the welcome they received was encouraging to the

members of the team.

Kgosi one of the team said, “We have been here for three weeks of mission work and we will have a short break of a week before returning home to reflect on the work done here. What stands out for me is the warmth of the people, the energy invested in doing God’s work and the commitment.. I am so happy to see that there are so many male figures in

the church, which gives the church a more family orientated environment.” With regard to visiting schools, he said, “I enjoyed the use of technology not only in the church but the

church schools. I think parents and carers must know how the teachers in the two church school we visited are working and the discipline they are teaching the children - I saw

people serving with joy and great smiles…” Also he thought they were very well resourced compared with some of the schools in the Free State?

All Hallows' Church has a continuing link with St Patrick's Church in Mangaung, Bloemfontein.

Come along to our new board game Cafe Evening!

On the last Wednesday of every month! 6pm - 10pm

£1.50 Entrance fee

Bispham Bear

Pause For Thought

Music lifts the soul of, I hope, everyone. It has always had a special place in my life. Especially ‘Hymns of Praise’ and many other books of Christian songs that the church has used over hundreds of years. The words of them are what inspires me. Music can stop you in your tracks, it can make you cry, it can arouse you to feel good and confident. It can send you to sleep, it can make you want to cover your ears! A good film always had a good theme tune and some music doesn't stop spinning around in your head. Some people who are ill are made to feel better because of it, animals respond to it. The church building, together with an organ is designed so that the acoustics amplify and purify the sound. I sang mostly at church at first, some of us were picked to sing solo. This was a great honour and privilege for me, especially for the service on a Sunday. Mario Lanza in the Student Prince sang so amazingly strong perfect with such meaning and happiness I defy anyone to not be moved. How many people have been transformed by hearing Ave Maria? The hymns portray such in depth meanings

in the Christian world and I praise and thank God for giving me the ability to sing. Everyone can sing, many people say they are tone deaf and cannot sing but I am sure encouragement to try can extend their vocal chords and it must be healthy too. The birds and mother nature produces songs to listen to and be transcended first thing in the morning and also in the evening as well as spasmodically picking up the dulcet tones from some fast flying bird soaring across the sky. And when you consider how beautiful the world is, is it any surprise they sound so delighted? In the Bible psalms, prayers and songs brings music to our attention. Gospel songs from America had a powerful impact on congregations because of the sheer delight and sound of the lyrics and music. Music is the food of LOVE and love comes from God especially through his only son Jesus. God gave many people a talent to sing and when he does it is the most natural thing to want to share the words and music glorifying Jesus. Come into his presence with singing! Know that the Lord, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Psalm 100 2-3

Anne Park

Prayer Corner

ALL HALLOWS OCTOBER 2017 PRAYER CORNER Growing up - the passage of time: “God of the ages, you are the beginning of our journey and our

strength as we pause along the way. Hold us by the hand as we grow, show us where to seek you,

and guide our steps that we may find you. Give us devoted hearts that we may love you, and your

peace when we reach our journey’s end” (Church of England website)

Sunday - Worship - Thank you, Lord God, our inheritance and hope, for your

faithful and enduring love and compassion. Thank you for making us your people and

keeping your covenant with us throughout the ages.

Thursday God’s World - We Pray,

loving Father, for those

countries affected by the

enormous burden of

international debt, that

there may be a just and

lasting solution to the many

problems they face

Friday For the healing of memory- Loving God, may those who are suffering the hurts of the past, experience your generous love, and be renewed by the comfort of your forgiveness and merciful compassion

Tuesday For those in need Thank you, heavenly Father, that in the midst of sadness and anger , uncertainty and pain , you are there to hear the confusion and to calm troubled souls by your presence each and every day

Saturday Family Life - Father God, whose Son Jesus shared the life of a home in Nazareth, strengthen us in our daily living, that in joy and in sorrow, we may know the power of your presence to bind together and heal whatever is amiss

Wednesday Our Nation - Guide our nation, Lord, in the days and months ahead. Give to our leaders, wisdom and sensitivity to work for unity and the common good, and restore to wholeness whatever has been damaged by division and discord

Monday A Personal Prayer Thank you, dear God, for yet another day. Show me those people i can help today, and may they feel your love and experience your presence with them through my actions and words

If this ship sinks

These were the opening words of the captain of a cruise ship when asked by a passenger if he could explain the difference between a ship and a boat. "that is not so easy to explain in absolute terms" he replied "but if this ship sinks you will be looking for a boat to rescue you". It seemed that he was implying that the difference was in size, so I determined to find out. According to a naval institute, a boat, generally speaking, is small enough to be carried aboard a larger vessel, and a vessel large enough to carry a smaller one is a ship. Or, as a Navy Lieutenant put it, “You can put a boat on a ship, but you can’t put a ship on a boat.” Now, this naval convention is a good rule of thumb most of the time, but there are a few exceptions, among both naval and civilian vessels. Some yachts, ferries, tug boats, fishing boats, police boats, etc. can carry small lifeboats or dinghies, but they usually don’t graduate to ship status because of that. On the other hand, a large container ship can be carried

aboard an even bigger ship without getting demoted to a boat. I am reminded that there are many references to boats and ships of different sizes in the Bible. They range from that just big enough for one, the baby Moses floating in the bulrushes, to Noah's ark, large enough to carry men and many animals. These are stories that speak of safety, protection and deliverance. A popular saying currently is to 'do whatever floats your boat'. So it begs the question does 'whatever floats your boat' offer you safety, protection and deliverance in the proverbial sea of life? John 6:21 "Then they were willing to take him (Jesus) into the boat, and immediately the boat reached the shore where they were heading".

Dr. David Cooper

Regular Church Activities

Mother and Toddler Group - 0-5 year olds for parents, guardians, child-minders,

and grandparents’ There is a cuppa and a friendly chat in the Barn. Lots of toys with action songs and nursery rhymes. Meets Thursdays (except school holidays) in the Barn 9.30 to 10.45 am . £1 per family.

Afternoon Fellowship - meet at 2pm in the Stable each Tuesday, emphasis on

fellowship and care and concern for one another. Varied programme and visiting speakers. All adults are welcome.

Tuesday Evening Fellowship - meets at 7.15pm in the Stable the 1st, 3rd, &

5th Tuesday of each month, emphasis on fun, food and fellowship. All adults are welcome. Tel: 351319 .

Craft ‘n Chat - 2nd & 4th Friday of each month 2-4 pm for men & women, of

all age groups. Knit, crochet or other skills. Friendly atmosphere cost £1 including a cuppa! Come and learn new skills. All welcome.

All Stars - a fun filled and action packed club for children of primary school age.

Includes actions songs, games, juice & toast with Bible stories. Meets every Thursday during term time from 4.30pm to 5.30pm in the Stable. Tel: 274172 for more information.

Do you own a local business?

Our Prices May Surprise You! We currently have spaces for advertisements from local businesses. Here at the Herald we offer an extremely affordable year long advertising package. You can send us your existing artwork or our graphic designer can even help you create your own advert. The Herald is an ideal option if you are looking to strengthen a client base in Bispham. We reach over 6000 homes in the local area. Contact Mary (357279) to discuss how to promote your local business in The Herald. **Spaces now available**

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Parish Registers

Parish Registers for August 2017 Baptisms 6th Harley John McDONALD 13th Nathaniel Graeme Jim MORRISON; Ariah Cherish MARKIN

26th Megan Elizabeth Joyce HAAGENSEN 27th Eleanor Paula DONOGHUE; George Christopher CORDWELL; Jackson Gary CUNLIFFE

Weddings 11h Simon James HALLIWELL & Carley Louise DEAN 19th James John FAIRHURST & Rachel Louise O’BRIEN Funerals 21st William (Billy) Thomas CATHCART, 81 (cremation at Carleton) 30th William David George SPINDLER, 78 (Cremation at Lytham) Interment of Cremated Remains

10th Nina Jean Calder HODGSON, 89 & David Hugh HODGSON, 87 17th Alex KENDAL, 92 19th Josephine TAYLOR, 77

Garden of Remembrance 19th Doreen SMEDLEY, 79 (23rd August 2016)
