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Bits Specks Crumbs Flecks Short Story Collection Press Kit

Date post: 12-Apr-2017
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Burningthighs?Chillingwinters?Gotacaseof thegood old days? Bits, Specks, Crumbs, Flecks isguaranteed to cure your winter, fire dancing,house hunting, tropic weather searching, jealousspouse, bus riding blues.

Paperback Retail$17.99 CAD $14.99 USD

Digital (.PDF .mobi .ePub) Retail$8.99 CAD $7.99 USD

its, Specks, Crumbs, Flecks is prolificauthor Michael C. Keith's latest short storycollection published by Vræyda Literary,Autumn 2015. Both heartfelt and humourous, itbrings you on magical tours through parkinglots, swerving around tales of spontaneoushuman combustion, through hauntedhomeowners open windows and around thesmoke-stifled block a few times. Journey back intime with a greaser, figure out why Baxter's

house turned into a tropical weather haven anddiscoverwhatmadeaman'swifegoonaday-spashopping spree.

Filledwith Keith's clever andwitty writing style,the short fiction in Bits, Specks, Crumbs, Flecksmakes you laugh and think about the wonderfulworld we call home. And if you happen to findout what tastes like chicken in the process, that'sa bonus.

Find Bits, Specks, Crumbs, Flecks Online: www.michaelckeith.comwww.vraeydamedia.ca/[email protected] | @vraeyda | @michaelckeithRetail opportunities available. Email [email protected] orCall 604.866.4414 for retailer program.


R E V I E W S"I tried to read one story at a time... a few hours and three cups of coffee later I'd gonehalfway through! Brilliant!"

Rhet Czak, MacroMicroCosm Literary & Art Journal Editor

"He's quirky, deep and intense. I can't believe how much I laughed, then how much Ithought. Everyone who wants thoughtful humour needs to read Bits."

The Langley Review

"I heard about Michael C. Keith's new book and couldn't wait to read it. That's it! I'mstanding in line!"

Don McIntosh

Michael C. Keith

Michael C. Keith is the author / coauthor of 30book volumes and dozens of articles on thesubject of radio and broadcast studies. His titlesin this area include Radio Cultures: The SoundMedium in American Life, Sounds of Change:FM Broadcasting in America (with ChristopherSterling), Sounds in the Dark: All Night Radio inAmerican Life, Voices in the Purple Haze:Underground Radio in the Sixties, Waves ofRancor: Tuning in the Radical Right (with RobertHilliard), The Broadcast Century and Beyond(With Robert Hilliard), The Radio Station (nowKeith's Radio Station), Radio Programming:

Consultancy and Formatics, and Talking Radio:An Oral History of American Radio in theTelevision Age, among others.In addition to his non-fiction titles, Keith haspublished a dozen creative works, including anacclaimed memoir––The Next Better Place––ayoung adult novel––Life is Falling Sideways––and 10 short story collections––most recentlyThe Near Enough. His fiction has been

nominated for several awards, among them thePen/O.Henry Award and the Pushcart Prize. Hewas a finalist for the International Book Award inthe "Fiction Vision" category and the NationalIndie Excellence Award for the short fictionanthology. He is the recipient of severalaccolades in his academic field, including theInternational Radio and Television Society’sFrank Stanton Award and the BroadcastEducation Association’s Lifetime Achievementin Scholarship Award. Keith serves on the boardof the Newton Writers and Publishing Center.Dr. Keith was the first chair of the BroadcastEducation Association's Radio Division and is aprofessor in the Communication Department atBoston College. He is the former chair ofeducation at the Museum of BroadcastCommunication and serves on the executiveadvisory board of the University of RhodeIsland’s Harrington School of Communicationand Media, which honored him with its firstAchievement Award in the Humanities.

"Maybe I should make a career of this, she proposes, and I think, What would bebetter than to work for a carnival that roams the northern plains in the summerand the southwestern desert in the winter? Not much, I figure, but I can tell frommy father's plaintive expression that this is not the life he has fantasized."

~ The Next Better Place

April 23, 2015


Vræyda Media Inc

Ms. Liz Ratajczak Ratel


@vraeyda | @MacroMicroCosm

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PRESS RELEASE Prolific Author & Radio Guru Michael C. Keith Joins Vræyda Literary with Clever, Witty Yarns in Short Story Collection

Langley, BC April 22, 2015 Vræyda Media is pleased to announce that bestseller Dr. Michael C.

Keith will be releasing his short story collection Bits, Specks, Crumbs, Flecks with Vræyda Literary.

Dr. Keith is joining prestigious anatomist & humanitarian Rev. Prof Seth Ayettey (Can You Hear the Angels Sing?), Canadian poet Sapha Burnell (Usurper Kings) and Dr. Camille Goodison (Chance Wanderer & Other Tales of Hunger) under Vræyda Media’s publishing label. The Paperback & Digital Book is due

to be released Fall 2015.

A short story collection about the dangers of caring for smoking Aunts, travelling to the 50’s, and

what tastes like chicken, it’s rounded out with a smile and punctuated with Keith’s signature wry

humour. Bits, Specks, Crumbs, Flecks is a series of good yarns to sit back and enjoy. Keith is currently

promoting The Near Enough (Cold River Press). Visit Keith’s website at www.michaelckeith.com, and

his Goodreads Author site at https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/74255.Michael_C_Keith . Keith is

active on Twitter @michaelckeith.

Vræyda Literary is an independent press dedicated to speculative fiction, non-fiction and poetry. A

subsidiary of Vræyda Media Inc, it began in 2012 with the development of the West African Best-Seller Can You Hear the Angels Sing? by Rev. Prof Seth Ayettey. Publishers of the Literary Journals

MacroMicroCosm & Polymath, Vræyda Literary works to develop the speculative genre into its own

beautifully diagonal view of the cosmos. Vræyda Media pairs its literary works with cross-platform

projects in sound, film, artistic events and visual art. END

Image & Website LinksVraeyda Literary: www.vraeydamedia.ca/literary | Michael C. Keith Author Photo: https://www.dropbox.com/s/

r8dj5600n$9hjq/michael.jpg?dl=0 | Vraeyda Literary Logo: www.dropbox.com/s/mjcvxfty39cke8t/
