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Bkump Ed Media 20080627

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aposdle New w ays... ... to w ork,learn and collaborate! A Competence-based Approach for Formalizing Learning Goals in Work-integrated Learning Tobias Ley, Barbara Kump, Armin Ulbrich, Peter Scheir und Stefanie N. Lindstaedt Barbara Kump
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aposdle – New ways ...

... to work, learnand collaborate!

A Competence-based Approach for Formalizing Learning Goals in

Work-integrated Learning

Tobias Ley, Barbara Kump, Armin Ulbrich, Peter Scheir und Stefanie N. Lindstaedt

Barbara Kump

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A Workplace Learning Context Model Process Package

Domain Knowledge Package

Competency Package

Modelling Learning Goals for Work-Integrated Learning

Implementation of the Workplace Learning Context Approach in the APOSDLE Project

Real-World Applications and a Prototype

Conclusions and Outlook

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A Workplace Learning Context Model

[adapted form Lindstaedt & Farmer, 2004]

Worker Learner


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Domain Knowledge Package

Usually: documents are stored in structured databases

E.g. Ontology

Domain Concepts


[e.g. Green, 1999]

Domain Concepts as semantic metadata

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Process PackageTwofold role of the work process:

Tasks as organizational constraints

Task at hand defines personal learning need of a worker


Sara (Engineer)

Estimating Project Effort

Analysing Project ResultsLearning Need

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Process Models

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Competency Package

Contains the competencies that are relevant for performing all tasks in a learning domain, and that can be acquired based on existing resources

Process Package:

defines the scope of competencies

Domain Knowledge Package:

limits the number of competencies (due to resources)

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Focus of the Competency Package

Human User

Task Demand (in terms of Knowledge & Skills)

Competencies: Knowledge & Skills,

Ability to perform TasksLearning Goals

(in terms of Knowledge & Skills to acquire)

Learning Opportunity[compare Schmidt, 2004; Sicilia, 2005]

Competency GapAnalysis

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Modeling Learning Goals for Work-integrated Learning –the APOSDLE Approach

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ScenarioPaul, Requirements Engineer

Recently changed his department

Build a first cut

Context Model Carry out an initial

stakeholder analysis

User ProfileTasks: Build a first cut Context ModelCary out an initial stakeholder analysis

Knowledge & Skills: Knowledge of different types of system stakeholders Understand the Syntax and Semantics of Context ModelsAbility to create a Context ModelKnowledge of diffent types of stakeholder analyses

Allocate functions between actors

according to boundaries

Competency Gap Analysis

Learning Opportunity

Knowledge & Skills: Knowledge about actors, tasks, goals and resources

Knowledge about different types of dependencies between actors

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Interlinking packages of the Workplace Learning Context Model

Task-Competency Assignment Annotation of Resources

Task History Knowledge & Skills

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Implementation of the Workplace Learning Context Approach in the APOSDLE project

[APOSDLE meta-model, Extract]

Task Demand

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Formal Specification of the Task Demand in APOSDLE

Competence based Knowledge Space Theory Korossy, 1997; Düntsch & Gediga, 1994; based on Doignon & Falmagne, 1985,


Knowledge Space Theory has been applied and tested in various fields:

ALEKS (ALEKS Corp, 2003), RATH (Hockemeyer & Albert, 1999)

Workflow Processes (Stefanutti & Albert, 2002 ), Knowledge Management (Ley, 2006; Ley & Albert, 2003)

Implications for teacher education and training (Albert, 2006), Skills of Medical Trainees (Albert et al., 2007)

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Real World Applications of the APOSDLE Workplace Learning Context Approach

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Four Application Partner specific APOSDLEs

Network of SMEs

eConsulting for Innovation-management

Large Corporation

SW Simulation

Public Org. & SME

REACH Consulting & Event-Management


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Integrated modelling methodology

Domain Knowledge Package Process PackageCompetency Package

Informal Domain Model(Semantic Media Wiki)

Informal Task Model(Semantic Media Wiki)

Formal Domain Model(owl)

Formal Task Model(owl)

Semi-Formal Task Model


Task Learning Goal Structure

(TACT => owl)




Informal Task Demand(Semantic Media Wiki)


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Informal Models – EADS Example

Informal Simulation Domain Model

Informal Simulation Tasks Model

Define Objectives




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EADS Domain Concept (Example)

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EADS Task (Example)

Informal Task Demand(in terms of domain concepts)

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Modelling the Task Demand: TACT tool

[TACT for modelling Requirements Engineering]

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and a Prototype…

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Tasks(Process Package)

Learning Goals(Competency Package)

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Resource Viewer

Domain Concepts(Domain Knowledge Package)

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Conclusions & Outlook

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Conclusions & Outlook

We have presented a Workplace Learning Context Model Concrete implementation in 4 different application domains

Allows for competency gap analysis (based on task history)

Focus of further research: Additional indicatiors for skills and knowledge

Differences in the application domains, due to certain characteristics of the domains Relatedness of process package and domain knowledge package

Granularity of the task model and the domain model

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Conclusions & Outlook

The modelling methodology was useful, but needs further revision at certain stages, e.g.

It should allow for moving back and forth from informal to formal

Formative evaluation and model revision at different modelling stages is indispensable => tools for evaluation support

Combining the APOSDLE implementation of the Workplace Learning Context Model with existing Competency Management approaches

Bi-directional (APOSDLE and existing Competency Management Approaches)

Suggestions have been made, e.g. in Ley, 2007

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Thank you for your attention!

Barbara Kump

Graz University of Technology

Knowledge Management Institute

[email protected]

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Albert, D., Hockemeyer, C., Mayer, B., Steiner, C. M (2007). Cognitive Structure Modelling of Skills for Technology-Enhanced Learning. Paper presented at the 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2007) , July 18-20, 2007, Niigata, Japan.

ALEKS Corp. (2003), ALEKS - A Better State of Knowledge, retrieved from http://www.aleks.com.

Doignon, J. and Falmagne, J. (1999), Knowledge Spaces, Springer, Heidelberg.

Falmagne, J., Doignon, J., Koppen, M., Villano, M. and Johannesen, L. (1990), "Introduction to Knowledge Spaces: How to Build, Test, and Search Them", Psychological Review, Vol. 97 No. 2, pp. 201-224.

Green, P.C. (1999), Building Robust Competencies: Linking Human Resource Systems to Organizational Strategies, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco.

Hockemeyer, C., Held, T. and Albert, D. (1998), "RATH - A Relational Adaptive Tutoring Hypertext WWW-Environment Based on Knowledge Space Theory", in Alvegard, C. (Ed.), CALISCE`98: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computer Aided Learning in Science and Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden, pp. 417-423.

Korossy, K. (1997), "Extending the theory of knowledge spaces: A competence-performance approach", Zeitschrift für Psychologie, Vol. 205, pp. 53-82.

Ley, T., Albert, D. and Lindstaedt, S.N. (2007), "Competency Management using the Competence Performance Approach: Modeling, Assessment, Validation and Use", in Sicilia, M. A. (Ed.), Competencies in Organizational E-Learning: Concepts and Tools, Information Science Publishing, Hershey, pp. 83-119.

Ley, T., Lindstaedt, S.N. and Albert, D. (2005), "Supporting Competency Development in Informal Workplace Learning", in Althoff, K., Dengel, A., Bergmann, R., Nick, M. and Roth-Berghofer, T. (Eds.), Professional Knowledge Management, Springer, Berlin, pp. 189-202.

Lindstaedt, S.N. and Farmer, J. (2004), "Kooperatives Lernen in Organisationen", in Haake, J., Schwabe, G. and Wessner, M. (Eds.), CSCL-Kompendium - Lehr- und Handbuch zum computerunterstützten kooperativen Lernen, Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, Munich, Germany, pp. 191-220.

Schmidt, A. (2004), "Context-Steered Learning: The Learning in Process Approach", Proceeding of the IEEE Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 04) Joensuu, Finnland.

Sicilia, M. (2005), "Ontology-Based Competency Management: Infrastructures for the Knowledge-intensive Learning Organization", in Lytras, M. and Naeve, A. (Eds.), Intelligent Learning Infrastructures in Knowledge Intensive Organizations: A Semantic Web perspective, Idea Group, Hershey, pp. 302-324.

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Appendix: Competence-based Knowledge Space Theory

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Task-Learning Goal Structure: Relevant Assumptions for APOSDLE

A learning domain can be structured as a set A of tasks t A.

Each Task requires a specific set of worker knowledge and skills (task demand)

Tasks can be structured by a subset-relation based on the task demand


A={t1, t2, t3, t4, t5}


t5{c1, c2, c3, c4}

t3{c1, c2}


t4{c1, c2, c3}

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Competence based Knowledge Space Theory – Relevant Assumptions for TEWIL

A learning domain encompasses a set K of competencies c K.

Competencies are structured according to a prerequisite relation

(c1, c2) R, R K X K

c1 R c2 => c1 is prerequisite for c2

Theory: a person who has one competency c, also has all competencies that are prerequisites for c

Example: If a person has competency c2, then she also has c1

The set of competencies that a person has available is called the „competence state“ of the person

A competence state is a subset of K that takes into account the prerequisite relationship


K={c1, c2, c3, c4}




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Prerequisite Relation(Competencies)

Subset Relation(Tasks)


t5{c1, c2, c3, c4}

t3{c1, c2}


t4{c1, c2, c3}

Task Demand:takes into account prerequisite relation on competencies

Competence State:takes into account prerequisite relation on competencies

Consequently: •Each Task Demand is a feasible Competence State

•The set union of two or more Task Demands is a feasible Competence State

•The Competence State of a user is inferred by taking set unions of the task demands of all tasks the user is able to perform (Performance Pattern)

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{ }

{ }

{t1, t2, t3, t4}

{c1, c2, c3}

{t1, t2}

{c1, c3}





{t1, t2, t3, t4, t5}

{c1, c2, c3, c4}

{t1, t3}

{c1, c2}

Prerequisite Relation(Competencies)

Subset Relation(Tasks)

Competence State


t5{c1, c2, c3, c4}

t3{c1, c2}


t4{c1, c2, c3}

Task-Competency Structure

Performance State(theoretically assumed)

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The CbKST and the Learning Need… In terms of Competence-based Knowledge Space Theory in

my approach to technology-enhanced work-integrated leraning,

the Learning Need is the Discrepancy of

Task Demand (of a Task) and Competence State (of a User)

t5{c1, c2, c3, c4}

{c1, c2}

Learning Need = {c3, c4}

