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Bleach D20 Classless Epics

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Epic Levels

Epic SkillsSkills continue to accrue after twentieth level as normal. Favored Skills gain 1 point every level while Non Favored Skills receive 1/2 a point each level. After twentieth level, you gain access to Epic Skill Usages (See Below) In regards to Attack skills, you never gain more than 4 attacks unless a feat allows it.

Epic FeatsYou still gain one feat every level and one extra feat every level divided by three. At level 21+, you have access to Epic Level feats

Statistic BonusesYou gain 2 Attribute Points every level divisible by 4, and +1 to all statistics every level divisible by 10

Action DiceYou gain 1 Action Dice every level divisible by 5

Hit PointsYour hit point gain per level continues to be 5 (modified by feats if applicable)

ReiatsuReiatsu accrues as normal.

Damage ReductionDamage Reduction continues to accrue at 1/- per level

Leveling Up after Twentieth Level

Level Benefits

21 Two Feats, +1 Favored Skills, +1 Non Favored Skills, +1/- DR

22 One Feat, +1 Favored Skills, +1/- DR

23 One Feat, +1 Favored Skills, +1 Non Favored Skills, +1/- DR

24 Two Feats, +1 Favored Skills, +2 Attribute Points, +1/- DR

25 One Feat, +1 Favored Skills, +1 Non Favored Skills, +1 Action Dice, +1/- DR

26 One Feat, +1 Favored Skills, +1/- DR

27 Two Feats, +1 Favored Skills, +1 Non Favored Skills, +1/- DR

28 One Feat, +1 Favored Skills, +2 Attribute Points, +1/- DR

29 One Feat, +1 Favored Skills, +1 Non Favored Skills, +1/- DR

30 Two Feats, +1 Favored Skills, +1 Action Dice, +1 All statistics, +1/- DR

EPIC CHARACTERS ATTACKING MULTIPLE WEAKER OPPONENTSAny epic-level character can make a regular attack that automatically kills one low-HD opponent per epic Level he or she has, without needing to make a roll. For this purpose, a low-HD opponent is any creature at least 20 Levels below the level of his or her attacker.For example a 25th Level epic shinigami treats all creatures of 5 Levels or below, as low-HD opponents.The attack used could be kido, melee, sneakiness, pure power or whatever means suits the character. No Reiatsu or other resources need be expended to make this attack — the opponents are very nearly beneath the character’s notice, and are swept aside without a second thought. This can be especially useful when in a mass battle.Furthermore, the epic character may move at up to 2 x Base Speed while making these attacks, without penalty. Any low-HD creatures that would, at any time during the round, be close enough for the epic character to attack in melee, may be targeted. In effect, an epic character only attacking low-HD targets may virtually ignore their soon-to-be-ended existence. This only applies so long as all the attacks made are against low-HD opponents — a character wishing to use one or more of his or her attacks to strike more experienced targets must abide by the usual rules concerning the use of standard, move and full actions.For example: Hoshiko, a 25th Level shinigami, could kill up to five low-HD targets on each of her four attacks each round, for a total of 20 foes slain per round!

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Epic Skills

Despite the near-magical nature of some epic level skill uses, all uses of skills are considered exceptional abilities (except if noted otherwise), and thus function normally even within areas of antimagic.

Skill Synergy

Many skills are noted as granting a synergy bonus to the use of another skill when a character has 5 or more ranks in the first skill. This synergy bonus increases by +2 for every additional 20 ranks the character has in the skill.

Skill Descriptions

This section describes new DCs and new modifiers for skills.


The following DC's assume you are in a living body or a gigai, not a spirit body. This also assumes you are spiritually aware.

Surface DC1. Includes any other surface that couldn’t support

the character’s weight, such as a fragile branch.

1-2 inches wide 20Up to 1 inch wide 40

Hair-thin 60Liquid1 90Cloud 120

Balance on another character's head without permission 30

Eyes closed, total darkness, or other situations with no visual cues. +5

Surface is swaying erratically(like a tightrope in heavy wind)



The character can implant a non-magical suggestion in a target, display a false alignment, or disguise his or her surface thoughts.

Example Circumstance Sense Motive Modifier

Instill suggestion in target +50

Task DC

Display false allegiance 70

Disguise surface thoughts 100

Instill Suggestion in Target

This is identical to the effect of the suggestion spell, except that it is non-magical and lasts for only 10 minutes. It can be sensed as if it were an enchantment effect (Sense Motive DC 25).

Display False Allegiance

The character can fool Allegiance-sensing effects by displaying a false alignment of his or her choice. Once set, a false allegiance remains as long as the character remains conscious and awake. Setting or changing a false allegiance requires a full-round action.

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Disguise Surface Thoughts

The character can fool spells such as detect thoughts (or similar effects) by displaying false surface thoughts. While the character can’t completely mask the presence of his or her thoughts, he or she can change his or her apparent Intelligence score (and thus the character’s apparent mental strength) by as much as 10 points and can place any thought in his or her “surface thoughts” to be read by such spells or effects. If a character attempts to use Sense Motive to detect his or her surface thoughts (see the Sense Motive skill description), this becomes an opposed check (though any result lower than 100 automatically fails).


The character can climb otherwise unclimbable surfaces.

DC Surface

70 A perfectly smooth, flat, vertical surface

100 A perfectly smooth, flat, overhang or ceiling


Computer use does not have an epic usage.


The character can cast spells with somatic components even while grappled.

Task DC

Cast a kido without incantation while grappled 50 + kido bracket


The character can craft items more quickly than normal.

Task DC

Quick creation +10 or more to DC

Quick Creation

A character can voluntarily increase the DC of crafting an item by any multiple of 10. This allows the character to create an item more quickly (since he or she will be multiplying this higher DC by his or her skill check result to determine progress). The character must decide the increase to the DC before making the check.


Decipher Script has no epic usage in this system


Quick set detonator. You can reduce the time it takes to set a detonator.

Reduce to DC Modifier

1 round +20

Move-equivalent action +50

Free action +100

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The character can turn a person into a fanatic follower. Refer to the accompanying table.


New Attitude

Hostile Unfriendly Indifferent Friendly Helpful Fanatic

Hostile Less than 20 20 25 35 50 150

Unfriendly Less than 5 5 15 25 40 120

Indifferent — Less than 1 1 15 30 90

Friendly — — Less than 1 1 20 60

Helpful — — — Less than 1 1 50


The attitude of fanatic is added here. In addition to the obvious effects, any NPC whose attitude is fanatic gains a +2 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution scores, a +1 morale bonus on Will saves, and a -1 penalty to AC whenever fighting for the character or his or her cause. This attitude will remain for one day plus one day per point of the character’s Charisma bonus, at which point the NPC’s attitude will revert to its original attitude (or indifferent, if no attitude is specified).

Treat the fanatic attitude as a mind-affecting enchantment effect for purposes of immunity, save bonuses, or being detected by the Sense Motive skill. Since it is nonmagical, it can’t be dispelled; however, any effect that suppresses or counters mind-affecting effects will affect it normally. A fanatic NPC’s attitude can’t be further adjusted by the use of skills.

Attitude Means Possible Actions

Fanatic Will give life to serve you Fight to the death against overwhelming odds, throw self in front of onrushing dragon


The character can rush his or her Disable Device attempt, reducing the amount of time it takes to perform the attempt.

Reduce to DC Modifier

1 round +20

Move-equivalent action +50

Free action +100


The character can change his or her apparent height and weight much more than normal.

Disguise Modifier

1. Can be negated by any effect that can duplicate a height and/or weight change of this degree.

Change height and/or weight 11% to 25% -251

Change height and/or weight 26% to 50% -501


The driver of the vehicle can jump distances that are heretofore unknown.

Distance DC Distance DC

41-55 feet 55 111-130 feet 95

56-70 feet 65 131-150 feet 105

71-90 feet 75 151-170feet 115

91-110feet 85 Each additional 20 feet Add 10

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The character can pass through spaces smaller than his or her head, or even through a wall of force.

DC Task

80 Extremely tight space

120 Pass through wall of force


The character can forge handwriting he or she haven’t even seen.

Condition Reader’s Check Modifier

Forge document without sample +50

Forge Document without Sample

The character can forge a document without having seen a similar document or having a sample of the handwriting to be copied.


The character can gather information without eliciting suspicion.

Task Check Modifier

Avoid suspicion -20

Avoid Suspicion

By accepting a -20 penalty on his or her Gather Information check, a character can avoid any suspicions that might otherwise be aroused by someone pursuing sensitive information.


The character can handle creatures other than animals, and can teach or train in much less time than normally required.

Task Time DC

Rear magical beast 1 year 30 + HD of magical beast

Train magical beast 2 months 40 + HD of magical beast

Rear vermin 6 months 35 + HD of vermin

Train vermin 2 months 50 + HD of vermin

Rear other creature Varies 40 + HD of creature

Train other creature 2 months 60 + HD of creature

Reduce Teaching/Training to… DC Modifier

1 month +25

1 day +50

1 hour +75

1 minute +100

Reduce Teaching/Training

Normally, teaching or training a creature requires two months of time. A character can accelerate the process of teaching or training a creature, reducing the time required to the listed time, by adding the DC modifier to the base DC for teaching or training the creature. A character can’t reduce the required time to less than 1 minute.

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The character can hide others as well as hiding him or herself.

Task Check Modifier

Hide another -30

Hide Another

By accepting a -30 penalty on his or her Hide check, a character can hide another adjacent creature whose size is no more than one category larger than the character’s own. Modifiers to the check for the size of the creature still apply, as do all other penalties, including those for moving faster than half speed. Likewise, a character can only hide another creature when it is not under direct observation by a third party. The creature the character hides remains hidden until it is spotted or it takes some other action that breaks its concealment, as normal.


Intimidate does not possess an epic usage.


The DC to intimidate any creature whose attitude is fanatic is increased by +20.


Investigate does not have an epic usage.


Jump does not have an epic usage.


Knowledge does not have an epic usage.


The character can pinpoint the location of an invisible creature, or detect an illusion with an auditory component.

DC Task

80 Defeat illusion with auditory component

Defeat Illusion

The character can automatically detect any illusion with an auditory component for what it truly is. No Will save is required, and the character doesn’t have to interact with the illusion (but he or she must be able to hear its auditory component). Special: A character can use Listen to notice the presence of an invisible creature (generally opposed by a Move Silently check). If the character beats the DC by 20 or more, he or she can pinpoint the location of the invisible creature, though it still maintains total concealment from the character (50% miss chance).


Move Silently does not have an epic usage.


Navigate does not have an epic usage.

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The character can sway an audience’s attitude with his or her performance.

Initial AttitudeNew Attitude

Hostile Unfriendly Indifferent Friendly Helpful Fanatic

Hostile Less than 20 20 25 35 50 150

Unfriendly Less than 5 5 15 25 40 120

Indifferent — Less than 1 1 15 30 90

Friendly — — Less than 1 1 20 60

Helpful — — — Less than 1 1 50


The attitude of fanatic is added here. In addition to the obvious effects, any NPC whose attitude is fanatic gains a +2 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution scores, a +1 morale bonus on Will saves, and a -1 penalty to AC whenever fighting for the character or his or her cause. This attitude will remain for one day plus one day per point of the character’s Charisma bonus, at which point the NPC’s attitude will revert to its original attitude (or indifferent, if no attitude is specified).

Treat the fanatic attitude as a mind-affecting enchantment effect for purposes of immunity, save bonuses, or being detected by the Sense Motive skill. Since it is nonmagical, it can’t be dispelled; however, any effect that suppresses or counters mind-affecting effects will affect it normally. A fanatic NPC’s attitude can’t be further adjusted by the use of skills.

Attitude Means Possible Actions

Fanatic Will give life to serve you Fight to the death against overwhelming odds, throw self in front of onrushing dragon


Pilot does not have an epic usage.


Profession does not have an epic usage.


Read/Write Language does not have an epic usage.


Repair does not have an epic usage.


Research does not have an epic usage.


The character can stand upon his or her mount in combat.

DC Task

40 Stand on mount

50 Unconscious control

60 Attack from cover

Stand on Mount

This allows the character to stand on his or her mount’s back even during movement or combat. The character takes no penalties to actions while doing so.

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Unconscious Control

As a free action, the character can attempt to control a light horse, pony, or heavy horse while in combat. If the character fails, he or she controls the mount as a move-equivalent action. A character does not need to roll for warhorses or warponies.

Attack from Cover

The character can react instantly to drop down and hang alongside his or her mount, using it as cover. The character can attack and cast spells while using his or her mount as cover without penalty. If the character fails, he or she doesn’t get the cover benefit.


The character can sense the presence of magic in an area.

Task DC

Sense kido 60

Sense Kido

The character senses the presence of any active magical effects in the area being searched. The character can’t determine the number, strength, or type of the effects.


The character can discern a target’s alignment and even detect surface thoughts.

Task DC

Discern one allegiance 60

Discern all allegiances 80

Detect surface thoughts 100

Discern one Allegiance

This use of the skill lets a character discern one of the target's allegiances. A character can’t retry the check, and he or she can’t use this to discern more than one allegiance (but see below). The target must be visible and within 30 feet of the character.

Discern All Allegiances

This use of the skill lets a character determine all the target's allegiances. The character can’t retry the check. The target must be visible and within 30 feet of the character.

Detect Surface Thoughts

This lets a character read the surface thoughts of a single target (as the 3rd-round effect of the detect thoughts spell). There is no saving throw to resist this effect, though the target can use Bluff to disguise his or her surface thoughts (see the Bluff skill description), in which case this becomes an opposed check (any result lower than 100 automatically fails). The target must be visible and within 30 feet of the character.

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The character can lift another’s weapon and perform major feats of legerdemain.

DC Task

50Lift a sheathed weapon from another creature and hide it on the character’s person, if the weapon is no more than one size category larger than the character’s own size.

80Make an adjacent, willing creature or object of the character’s size or smaller “disappear” while in plain view. In fact, the willing creature or object is displaced up to 10 feet away—make a separate Hide check to determine how well the “disappeared” creature or object is hidden.


Speak Language has no epic usage.


You can identify the basic workings of someone's release without seeing it released. This takes a DC 50 + Character's Level.


The character can pinpoint the location of an invisible creature, or detect an illusion with a visual component.

DC Task

20 Notice presence of active invisible creature

30 Notice presence of unmoving, living invisible creature

40 Notice presence of inanimate invisible object

40 Notice presence of unmoving, unliving invisible creature

80 Defeat illusion

A character can use Spot to notice the presence of an invisible creature. The relevant DCs are reprinted here. If the character beats the DC by 20 or more, he or she can pinpoint the location of the invisible creature, though it still maintains total concealment from the character (50% miss chance).

Defeat Illusion

The character can automatically detect any illusion with a visual component for what it truly is. No Will save is required, and the character doesn’t have to interact with the illusion (but he or she must be able to see it).

Using Spot to Read Lips

Task DC Modifier

Read lips while moving at up to full speed +20

Pronounce unfamiliar language +20

Pronounce Unfamiliar Language

This use of the skill allows a character to repeat the speech of an observed creature, potentially allowing a comrade to translate the speech. It doesn’t grant the character any ability to understand the language spoken.

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The character can ignore the effects of terrain on movement and withstand even the harshest weather. If the character is capable of tracking, he or she can identify the races of creatures being tracked.

DC Task

1. Requires the Track feat.

40 Get along in the wild while moving at full speed. The character can provide food and water for one other person for every 2 points by which the check result exceeds 40.

60 Automatically succeed on all Fortitude saves against severe weather. The character can extend this benefit to one other character for every 2 points by which the check result exceeds 60.

60Ignore overland movement penalties of terrain. The character and his or her mount can move at full overland speed regardless of terrain. The character can extend this benefit to one other character for every 5 points by which the check result exceeds 60.

60 Identify race/kind of creature(s) by tracks.1

Wherever the character is, he or she can determine the direction to a location on the same plane.

DC Familiarity with Location

40 Very familiar

60 Studied carefully

80 Seen casually

100 Viewed once

120 Description only

With a successful check, the character knows the direction to the desired location. This merely points the character in the direction of the location; it doesn’t provide him or her with information on how to get there, nor does it take into account any obstacles in the path. “Very familiar” represents a place where the character has been very often and where he or she feels at home. “Studied carefully” represents a place the character knows well, either because he or she has been there often or has used other means to study the place. “Seen casually” is a place that the character has viewed more than once, but which he or she has not studied. “Viewed once” is a place that the character has seen once, possibly using magic. “Description only” is a place whose location and appearance the character knows through someone else’s description.


The character can swim up vertical surfaces, or swim much faster than normal.

DC Task

80 Swim up waterfall

Swim up Waterfall

This use of the skill allows a character to swim an angled or vertical surface, as long as he or she remains completely or mostly immersed in water. Other examples might include swimming up a whirlpool or an incredibly large wave.

Circumstance DC Modifier

Speed swimming -20

Speed Swimming

By taking a -20 penalty on the check, a character can swim his or her speed as a move-equivalent action, or double his or her speed as a full-round action.


The character can greatly speed a patient’s recovery of hit points.

Task DC

Quicken recovery 50

Perfect recovery 100

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Quicken Recovery

The character can allow a character to regain hit points in a single hour as if he or she had provided long-term care for a full day (2 or 3 hit points per level, based on activity). The character can quicken the recovery of up to six patients at a time. No character’s recovery can be quickened more than once per day (even by different healers).

Perfect Recovery

The character can allow a character to regain hit points in a single hour as if he or she had provided long-term care for a full week (2 or 3 hit points per level per day, based on activity). The character can use perfect recovery on up to six patients at a time. No character’s recovery can be perfected more than once per day, nor can perfect recovery and quicken recovery both be used on the same patient in the same day (even by different healers).


The character can fall from great heights without taking damage, move greater distances with an adjustment, or “climb” vertical surfaces with a series of bounces.

DC Task

30 Treat a fall as if it were 20 feet shorter when determining damage.

35 Free stand.

45 Treat a fall as if it were 30 feet shorter when determining damage.

50 Climb vertical surface.

60 Treat a fall as if it were 40 feet shorter when determining damage.

100 Ignore falling damage.

Free Stand

The character can stand up from prone as a free action (instead of as a move-equivalent action).

Climb Vertical Surface

The character can climb up to 20 feet (as part of normal move-ment) by jumping and bouncing off walls, trees, or similar vertical surfaces. The character must have at least two vertical surfaces to bounce off, and the two must be within 10 feet of each other.

Ignore Falling Damage

The character can fall from any height and take no damage.


A character with 25 or more ranks in Tumble gains a +5 dodge bonus when executing the fight defensively standard or full-round action, instead of a +2 bonus (or the +3 bonus from having 5 or more ranks). Increase this dodge bonus by +1 for every 10 additional ranks above 25 the character has. A character with 25 or more ranks in Tumble gains a +10 dodge bonus to AC when executing the total defense standard action, instead of a +4 bonus (or the +6 bonus from having 5 or more ranks). Increase this dodge bonus by +2 for every 10 additional ranks above 25 the character has.

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Epic Feats

Epic feats have the default prerequisite of 21 Levels plus.

ARMOR SKIN [EPIC, COMBAT]Your skin is like armor, providing great defense against blows of all kinds.Benefits: You gain a +4 natural armor bonus to armor class, or your existing natural armor bonus increases by 4.Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.

BLOOD RAGE [EPIC, BASE]The more wounded you are the greater your rage.Prerequisites: Cha 25, Rage 5/day.Benefit: When reduced to below 50% of your hit points your Strength, while raging, increases by +4. When reduced to below 25% of your maximum hit points your Strength increases by a further +4.

COMBAT ARCHERY [EPIC, COMBAT]Enemies that previously thought you vulnerable to attack are always surprised when they see quite the opposite.Prerequisites: Dodge, Mobility, Point Blank Shot.Benefit: You do not incur any attacks of opportunity for firing a bow when threatened, and you gain a +4 bonus to attack rolls with bows when within 30 feet of a creature. This bonus stacks with Point Blank Shot.Normal: Without this feat, you incur an attack of opportunity from all opponents who threaten you whenever you use a bow.

CONSTANT BANKAI [EPIC, ZANPAKUTOU]Prerequisites: Constant Release, Greater Constant ReleaseBenefit: You gain one Bankai Ability on your constant released Zanpakutou per 3 levels over level 8 you possess. Every three levels after this feat is taken, add an additional Bankai ability to your list. In addition, You may choose the same shikai ability once per 2 character levels instead of once per three. Multiply your Reiatsu by 4 during battle.

DEXTROUS FORTITUDE [EPIC, COMBAT]Your ability to slip away from danger extends to your fortitude.Prerequisites: Dex 21, slippery mind feat.Benefit: When targeted by an effect that requires a Fortitude saving throw, you may make a Reflex save instead to avoid the effect (evasion is not applicable, but mettle is).

DEXTEROUS WILL [EPIC, COMBAT]Your ability to slip away from danger extends to your will.Prerequisites: Dex 21, slippery mind feat.Benefit: When targeted by an effect that requires a Will saving throw, you may make a Reflex save instead to avoid the effect (evasion is not applicable, but mettle is).

DIRE CHARGE [EPIC, COMBAT]Charging holds dire consequences for your foes.Prerequisite: Improved Initiative.Benefit: If you charge a foe, you can make a full attack against the opponent charged, and you deal an additional 2d6 damage on all attacks. In addition, you are able to charge at three times your speed, and your critical multiplier while charging is increased by 1.Normal: Without this feat, you may only make a single attack as part of a charge.

ENERGY RESISTANCE [EPIC, SOUL] You gain a durable resistance to all types of energy.Benefit: You gain resistance 50 to one type of energy, or your existing resistance to one type of energy increases by 50. This feat stacks with energy resistance granted by permanent effects, but does not stack with non-permanent effects.

EPIC ACTUALIZATION [EPIC, SOUL]Prerequisites: Full Actualization, MurikaiBenefit: You can activate all your Bankai powers within yourself without your Zanpakutou. If you have a weapon in hand, you can have it function as your Full Zanpakutou including Murikai Powers and damage.

EPIC BLOODED [EPIC, BASE]Prerequisites: BloodedBenefit: You gain +5 hit points per level.

EPIC DAMAGE REDUCTION [EPIC, BASE]Your ability to reduce damage taken improves.Prerequisite: Con 21.Benefit: Your existing damage reduction increases by +5/-

EPIC MUTATION [EPIC, BASE]Prerequisite: Mutation with Statistic ChosenBenefit: You gain a +10 Bonus to the selected attribute.

EPIC HEROIC SURGE [EPIC, GENERAL]Prerequisite: Heroic SurgeBenefit: The character may take an extra full round action in a round, either before or after the character’s regular actions. The character may use Heroic Surge a number of times per day equal to their level divided by 10 (round up), but never more than once per round.

EPIC HOLLOW WITHIN [EPIC, CHARACTER]Prerequisites: Perfect Hollow WithinBenefit: Once per day when you are reduced to negative one half your hit points, you are revived to one third your maximum hit points but your Hollow takes over superseding Calmed Heart. To wrest control back from your Inner Hollow you must make a will save with a DC (15 + Character Level + 1 per hollow growth power your hollow possesses)

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EPIC PRESENCE [EPIC, GENERAL]Prerequisite: Charisma 30+, Reiatsu Rating 2,500+Benefit: You may choose an ally within 100 feet of you. That ally receives a bonus equal to your charisma modifier to attack and damage rolls for 3 + Spell Score modifier rounds. This effect may be done 3 + Wisdom Modifier times per day.

EPIC SNEAK ATTACK [EPIC, COMBAT]Prerequisites: Hide 24 ranks, Move Silently 24 ranks, Sneak AttackBenefit: You deal an extra 1d6 damage per 4 character levels over level 20. Whenever your opponent is either flanked or is denied their dexterity bonus to AC. Sneak Attack may be used with ranged attacks, but only if the target is within 30 feet.Special: This feat may be taken a second time, raising your damage to 1d6 per 2 levels over 20 and both stack the damage with the sneak attack feat.

EPIC FRENZY [BASE, GENERAL]Prerequisite: Reflex Save 24+ Ranks, Whirling Frenzy, Frenzy 5/day, Greater Whirling FrenzyBenefit: Your bonuses to strength and dexterity in a frenzy increase to +8 and your bonus to defensive rolls and reflex saves is increased to +4, your attack penalty is still -2 You also may make a second extra attack with a the -2 penalty.

EPIC DODGE [EPIC, COMBAT]Dodging attacks has become a great strength of yours.Prerequisites: Dex 25, Dodge, Tumble 30 ranksBenefit: Twice per round, when you would be struck by an attack from an opponent you have designated as the object of your dodge, you may add a +5 dodge bonus to your AC. In addition, you gain a +1 dodge bonus to armor class at all times.

EPIC ENDURANCE [EPIC, SOUL]You are able to endure what no one has endured before you.Prerequisites: Con 25, Endurance.Benefit: Whenever you make a check for performing a physical action that extends over a period of time, you get a +20 bonus on the check.

EPIC NATURAL ATTACK [GENERAL, COMBAT]Prerequisites: Natural weapon, Unarmed Strike 24+Ranks Improved Natural WeaponBenefit: Choose one of the creature’s natural attack forms. The damage for this natural weapon increases by one step, as if the creature’s size had increased by one category: 1d2, 1d3, 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 2d6, 3d6, 4d6, 6d6, 8d6, 12d6.

EPIC FORTITUDE [EPIC, COMBAT]You have become a walking wall of fortitude, boasting the utmost health.Benefit: You gain a +6 bonus on all Fortitude saving throws.

EPIC PROWESS [EPIC, COMBAT]Your prowess with all forms of attack has extended beyond the capabilities of even the most powerful masters.Benefit: Gain a +4 bonus on all attack rolls and can no longer botch attack rolls.

EPIC REFLEXES [EPIC, COMBAT]You have become a dancing leaf of reflexes, boasting the utmost agility.Benefit: You gain a +6 bonus on all Reflex saving throws.

EPIC REPUTATION [EPIC, SKILL]Your reputation precedes you no matter where you go, and that's a good thing in any social circle.Benefit: You gain a +6 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks. This also grants you a +10 to Reputation.

EPIC SKILL FOCUS [EPIC, SKILL]Your focus on a particular skill is so strong that you develop it to levels unknown.Prerequisite: 20 ranks in the non-base skill selected.Benefit: You gain a +15 bonus on all skill checks with that skill.Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a different skill.

EPIC SPEED [EPIC, COMBAT]Prerequisites: Dex 21, Run.Benefit: Your speed increases by 40 feet, and when you run, your speed is instead multiplied by 15. This benefit stacks with increased speed granted any other effects or abilities.Special: This feat only functions when you are wearing medium armor, light armor, or no armor.

EPIC HEROIC ATTRIBUTE [EPIC, BASE]Benefit: One of your statistics increases by 4 point, and your non-basics skills governed by that stat gain a +4 bonus.Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time it applies to a different stat.

EPIC UNARMED STRIKE [EPIC, GENERAL]Prerequisites: Unarmed Strike Skill 24+ Ranks, Advanced Unarmed StrikeBenefit: Increase the damage you deal with your Unarmed Strike by one die size (1d6, 1d8, 2d6, 3d6, 4d6, 6d6, 8d6, 12d6.) Normal: Unarmed Attacks deal 1d8 damage with the Advanced Unarmed Strike feat

EPIC WILL [EPIC, COMBAT]Your mind has become as a diamond--pure and hard. Your willpower is unprecedented.Benefit: You gain a +6 bonus on all Will saving throws.

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FAST HEALING [EPIC, COMBAT]Your body's ability to mend itself over time has become uncannily trained. Gaping wounds that would kill a great warrior leave hardly a scar on you.Prerequisite: Con 25.Benefit: You gain fast healing 5, or your existing fast healing increases by 5. This feat does not stack with fast healing granted by non-permanent effects.Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack. Each Time you take it the Con required is increased by 5.

GREATER CRITICAL [EPIC, COMBAT]You are adept at striking at your foes most vulnerable spots.Prerequisites: Attack Bonus +25, Improved CriticalBenefit: Your critical threat range is tripled. This supersedes and does not stack with the Improved Critical feat. A weapon with an initial threat range of 20 becomes 18-20. A weapon with an initial threat range of 19-20 becomes 15-20. A weapon with an initial threat range of 18-20 becomes 12-20. A weapon with an initial threat range of 17-20 now threatens on a 9-20. Special: This effect does not stack with keen or similar weapon special abilities.

GREATER CRITICAL MULTIPLIER [EPIC, COMBAT]You can increase the power of your critical hits.Prerequisites: Base Attack Bonus +25, Epic Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Specialization, Improved Critical Multiplier, Str 25, Weapon Specialization.Benefit: You can increase the power of your critical hits. If the weapons critical multiplier was originally x2 it becomes x3. If the weapons critical multiplier was originally x3 it becomes x5. If the weapons critical multiplier was originally x4 it becomes x7.

GREATER POWER ATTACK [EPIC, COMBAT]Your blows are uncompromisingly brutal.Prerequisites: Power Attack, Str 25.Benefit: For every 2 points of base attack bonus you expend, you gain a +3 bonus to damage.Normal: Typically power attack allows you to trade 1 point of base attack bonus to add one point of damage.Special: If you attack with a two-handed weapon, or a one-handed weapon wielded in two hands, instead add three times the number subtracted from your attack rolls.

IMPALING SHOT [EPIC, COMBAT]Your shots can impale a target to any adjacent terrain.Prerequisites: Dex 25, Improved Precise Shot, Str 25.Benefit: Any opponent struck by your shot must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your base attack bonus + your Strength modifier) . Such wounds are deep and must be pulled from the body. The victim can remove the missile quickly, as a free action suffering an additional amount of damage equal to their causing an additional amount of damage equal to the base damage dice of the missile. e.g. The arrow dealt 1d8+15 points of damage to the target who failed their saving throw and was pinned to an adjacent wall.

Special: The missile must be longer than the target is deep. A typical arrow can impale a Medium size creature, but not a Large creature.

IMPROVED COMBAT CASTING [EPIC, COMBAT]Prerequisites: Combat Casting, Concentration 25 ranks.Benefit: You don’t incur attacks of opportunity for casting spells when threatened. In addition, you gain a +8 bonus on Concentration checks.

IMPROVED COMBAT EXPERTISE [EPIC, COMBAT]You are able to deflect and parry attacks with ease.Prerequisites: Combat Expertise, Combat Mastery, Dex 25.Benefit: For every 2 points of base attack bonus you expend, you gain a +3 bonus to Armor Class.Normal: Typically combat expertise allows you to trade 1 point of base attack bonus to add 1 point of Armor Class.

IMPROVED COMBAT REFLEXES [EPIC, COMBAT]Reflexes honed, you're ready to hit anything that leaves an opening, while defending yourself better than you were able to before.Prerequisites: Dex 21, Combat Reflexes.Benefit: There is no limit to the number of attacks of opportunity you can make in one round. (you still can’t make more than one attack of opportunity for a given opportunity.) You also gain a +1 bonus on Reflex saves.

IMPROVED DEATH ATTACK [EPIC, COMBAT]Prerequisites: Death attack feat, sneak attack +5d6.Benefit: Add +5 to the DC of your death attack, and reduce the time you need to use death attack by one round, to a minimum of one round.Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack. To a max of 3 times, However the DC only increases by 2 each time.

IMPROVED FINESSE [EPIC, COMBAT]Your strikes rely wholly on precision rather than power.Prerequisites: Dex 25, Weapon Finesse.Benefit: Your can use your dexterity bonus as a damage bonus instead of strength.Normal: Typically you add your strength bonus to damage.

IMPROVERD MANYSHOT [EPIC, COMBAT]Prerequisites: Dex 19, base attack bonus +21, Many-shot, Point Blank Shot, Rapid ShotBenefits: As Manyshot, but the number of arrows you can fire is limited only by your base attack bonus (two arrows, plus one arrow for every 5 points of base attack bonus above +6), and the penalty to attack rolls is only -2 per three arrows fired (-0, -0, -2, -2, -2, -4, -4, -4, -6, etc.)Special: Regardless of the number of arrows you fire, you only apply precision-based damage (such as sneak attack damage or the ranger’s favored enemy bonus) once. If you score a critical hit, only one of the arrows deals critical damage (your choice); all others deal normal damage.Normal: With the Manyshot feat, you are limited to a maximum of four arrows fired (when your base attack bonus is +16 or higher).

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IMPROVED STUNNING FIST [EPIC, COMBAT]Prerequisites: Dex 19, Wis 19, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist.Benefit: Add +5 to the DC of your stunning attack. This also allows you to stun any creature. INFINITE DEFLECTION [EPIC, COMBAT]Prerequisites: Dex 25, Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Improved Unarmed Strike.Benefit: You may perform any number of deflections each round, as the Deflect Arrows feat, except you can deflect spell effects with a successful Reflex saving throw, and you can deflect ranged attacks while flat-footed. You must still be aware of the attack, however.

LEGENDARY CLIMBER [EPIC, SKILL]Prerequisites: Dex 21, Balance 12 ranks, Climb 24 ranks.Benefit: You can ignore any check penalties applied for accelerated climbing or rapid climbing, and should you ever fall, the distance of the fall is considered fifty feet less. This stacks with Tumble's falling damage mitigation factor.Normal: Without this feat, you take a -5 penalty on Climb checks when attempting to cover your full speed in climbing distance in a round, or a -20 penalty when attempting to cover twice your speed in climbing distance in a round, and you take normal falling damage.

LEGENDARY LEAPER [EPIC, SKILL]Prerequisite: Jump 24 ranks.Benefit: You don't need to move to attempt a running jump, and you are treated as two sizes larger for the purposes of Jump checks and jump height. You also gain the ability to perform special jumping maneuvers--the wall jump and the midair leap. You may jump up to a vertical surface, leaping off it as if you had made a running jump (effectively two jumps). You can continue to do this until there is no vertical surface to push off of. You may also jump in midair, jumping once, then jumping again at half the distance.Normal: Without this feat, you must move at least 20 feet in a straight line before attempting a running jump, and there are no jumping maneuvers you can perform.

LEGENDARY RIDER [EPIC, SKILL]Prerequisite: Ride 24 ranks.Benefit: You don’t take a penalty on Ride checks when riding a mount without a saddle (bareback). You never need to make a Ride check to control a mount in combat (and even controlling a mount not trained for combat doesn’t require an action). You may also ride while standing on a mount's back by making a Balance check of DC 1 per 5 feet the mount moves. This allows you to make a leap attack dealing +4d10 damage and forcing your opponent to be flat-footed if the attack is successful.Normal: Without this feat, you take a -5 penalty on Ride checks without a saddle, and must make a Ride check to control a mount in combat (and controlling a mount not trained for combat requires a move action). You are not able to ride by standing on the mount.

LEGENDARY TRACKER [EPIC, SKILL]Prerequisites: Wis 23, Track, Knowledge (nature) 24 ranks, Survival 24 ranks.Benefit: You can track creatures across water, under-water, or through the air. This adds the surfaces of water, underwater, and air to the list of surfaces found under the Track feat. You are also entitled two Spot checks to notice hidden enemies, invisible enemies, and two Search checks to notice hidden doors and similar secret things.Surface DC: Water - 60 Underwater - 80 Air - 120

LEGENDARY WRESTLER [EPIC, COMBAT]Prerequisite: Str 23, Dex 21, Combat Martial Arts, Escape Artist 24 ranks.Benefit: You gain a +15 bonus on all grapple checks, and you are no longer penalized for grappling against larger opponents.

LINGERING DAMAGE [EPIC, GENERAL]Prerequisite: Sneak attack +8d6, crippling strike feat.Benefit: Any time you deal damage with a sneak attack, that target takes damage equal to your sneak attack bonus damage on your next turn as well. Any sneak attack effects also last an extra round.

MIND OF STEEL [EPIC, GENERAL]Prerequisite: Intelligence 30+, Spellcaster, Reiatsu Rating 2,500+Benefit: Once per day per point of spellscore modifier, as a full round action you may concentrate your reiatsu to Regain Spell Points equal to your Spell Score.

MOBILE DEFENSE [EPIC, SHINKOUKENJIN]Prerequisites: Dex 15, Dodge, Mobility, stand tall 3/day.Benefit: While standing tall, the character may take one 5-foot adjustment each round without losing the benefits of the stance. Once per encounter, if an ally is in danger (being attacked), as an immediate action, you may move up to your speed to protect them without losing the benefits of the stance. You come between your ally and the attacker, forcing the attacker to roll against your defense and saves instead of your ally's.Normal: Without this feat, a character can’t move while in a defensive stance.

MONSTEROUS FORTITUDE [EPIC, GENERAL]Prerequisite: Constitution 30+ Blooded, Endurance, Reiatsu Rating 2,500+Benefit: When calculating your hit points, you add double your constitution modifier instead of normal. You also gain a +10 bonus on any constitution based checks. This overlaps the bonus granted by Endurance.

MONSTEROUS REFLEXES [EPIC, GENERAL]Prerequisites: Dexterity 30+, Reiatsu Rating 2,500+Benefit: Your movement speed increases by 10ft per 5 levels. You now add both your Intelligence Modifier and your Dexterity Modifier to Defense and Initiative. If you already add your Intelligence and Dexterity Modifiers to defense, add your Constituion modifier to defense in addition.

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MULTIWEAPON REND [EPIC, COMBAT]Prerequisites: Dex 15, base attack bonus +9, three or more hands, Multiweapon Fighting.Benefit: If you hit an opponent with two or more weapons (wielded in different hands) in the same round, you may automatically rend the opponent. This rending deals additional damage equal to twice the base damage of the smallest weapon that hit plus 2 times your Strength modifier. You can only rend once per round, regardless of how many successful attacks you make.Special: This feat replaces the Two-Weapon Rend feat for creatures with more than two arms.

OMNICOMPETENT [EPIC, SKILL]You know all skills.Prerequisites: Int 30.Benefit: All skills become Favored Skills for you.

OVERWHELMING CRITICAL [EPIC, COMBAT]Prerequisites: Str 23, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (chosen weapon), Power Attack, Weapon Focus (chosen weapon).Benefit: When using the weapon you have selected, you deal an extra 4d6 points of bonus damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon’s critical multiplier is ×3, add +8d6 points of bonus damage instead, and if the multiplier is ×4, add +12d6 points of bonus damage instead. Creatures immune to critical hits don't take extra damage from the critical multiplier itself, but they do take the additional damage granted by this feat. Enemies also start to bleed out over time, resulting in 1 Constitution damage every round for 1 + Str modifier rounds.Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take this feat, it applies to a different type of weapon.

PENETRATE DAMAGE REDUCTION [EPIC, COMBAT]Benefit: Your attacks bypass 5 damage reduction of any type.Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you gain another 5 damage reduction penetration.

PERFECT CLEAVE [EPIC, COMBAT]Your blows power through the opposition.Prerequisites: Cleave, Great Cleave, Str 35, Superior Cleave.Benefit: Cleave after scoring a critical hit.Normal: Typically you must drop an opponent to zero hit points to gain another attack while cleaving.

PERFECT INITIATIVE [EPIC, COMBAT]You always act first.Prerequisites: Improved Initiative, Superior Initiative.Benefit: You always act first. Two beings with this ability would roll for initiative normally against each other.

PERFECT COMBAT MARTIAL ARTS [EPIC, GENERAL]Prerequisites: Advanced Combat Martial Arts.Benefit: Your unarmed strikes critical hit range is increased to 18 – 20Normal: You critically hit on a 19-20

PIERCING SHOT [EPIC, COMBAT]You can shoot through opponents.Prerequisites: Dex 27, Impaling Shot, Improved Precise Shot, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Str 27.Benefit: Your missile attacks are so powerful that they can pierce an opponent and carry on through, dealing damage to other foes directly behind them. The missile loses range equal to ten times each pierced targets space. You have a chance to hit those directly behind the initial target, using the same attack roll. But each time you pierce a target reduce the attack roll and damage by 5 . Treat large opponents as two targets, huge opponents as four, gargantuan opponents as eight targets and so on.

POLYGLOT [EPIC, SKILL]Prerequisites: Int 21, Speak Language (five languages).Benefit: You can speak all languages. If you are literate, you can also read and write all languages (not including magical script). In addition, any kido you cast that involve text, symbols, or the like gain a +1 bonus on DC's and caster level, and a +6d6 damage bonus (if it already deals damage). This damage only applies to hit point damage. When using the Decipher Script and Forgery skills, you take half the normal time required, and you gain a +2 bonus on both skills.

POWER ATTACK MASTERY [EPIC, COMBAT]You have truly mastered the art of sacrificing accuracy to generate more power with your attacks.Prerequisites: Power Attack, Str 25.Benefit: You can determine how much base attack bonus you want to sacrifice for every individual attack. Normal: Normally you must decide on how much base attack bonus you will sacrifice at the beginning of the round and that applies universally to each attack you make that round.

REFLECT ARROWS [EPIC, COMBAT]Prerequisites: Dex 25, Deflect Arrows, Improved Unarmed Strike.Benefit: When you deflect an arrow or other ranged attack, the attack is reflected back upon the attacker at your base ranged attack bonus, and the attacker is considered flat-footed.

RUINOUS RAGE [EPIC, COMBAT]Prerequisites: Str 25, Improved Sunder, Power Attack, rage 5/day.Benefit: While in a rage, you ignore the hardness of any object you strike. Also, double your Strength bonus for the purposes of any Strength check made to break an object with sudden force rather than by dealing normal damage (including bursting bindings, such as ropes or manacles). Additionally, you may make a Strength check in a grapple while an opponent is pinned to crush them with a DC of 10 + creature's natural armor bonus. Creatures crushed in this way take 10d6 damage

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SECOND STRIKE [EPIC, COMBAT]You gain a second chance at dealing damage.Prerequisites: Dex 25, Int 25.Benefit: Your misses have a chance of hitting an adjacent opponent within reach. Use the same attack roll but give an adjacent opponent a +10 circumstance bonus to their Defensive Roll for the purpose of whether they are struck by the blow.

SHATTERING STRIKE [EPIC, COMBAT]Prerequisites: Epic Unarmed Strike, Concentration 25 ranks.Benefit: When using an unarmed strike to attempt to break an object with sudden force (rather than by dealing normal damage), make a Concentration check rather than a Strength check, also adding your Wisdom modifier to the check (stacking with Eagle Claw Attack). The break DC remains the same. Using Shattering Strike is a standard action. You can’t use Shattering Strike to escape bonds (unless you are so bound as to allow you to make an unarmed strike against your bindings). You may also perform special attacks against creatures with spell resistance and armor. Against foes with spell resistance, you may use a full-round action to strike a creature's very soul, reducing their spell resistance by 20. This requires a melee touch attack. Against foes with armor or natural armor, you may use a full-round action to strike a creature's outer shell, reducing armor or natural armor bonuses by 8. This requires a successful melee attack. Magical manufactured armor is allowed a Fortitude save of DC 25 to avoid the effect.

SPECTRAL STRIKE [EPIC, COMBAT]Prerequisite: Wis 23.Benefit: Your attacks deal damage normally against incorporeal creatures. You are also able to make a touch attack five times per day.Normal: Without this feat, even attacks that can damage an incorporeal creature have a 50% chance to deal no damage

KIDO KNOWLEDGE [EPIC, KIDO]Prerequisite: Ability to cast spells of the maximum normal spell level of an arcane spellcasting class.Benefit: You learn up to three new kido of a grade bracket you can use.Special: You can gain this feat multiple times.

SPELL OPPORTUNITY [EPIC, KIDO]Prerequisites: Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Quicken Spell, Spellcraft 25 ranks.Benefit: Whenever you are allowed an attack of opportunity, you may cast (and attack with) a touch spell as your attack of opportunity in addition to a melee attack.Normal: Without this feat, you can only make a melee attack as an attack of opportunity.

SPELLCASTING HARRIER [EPIC, COMBAT]Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes.Benefit: Any spellcaster you threaten in melee provokes an attack of opportunity if he or she tries to cast defensively. You get a +8 bonus on this attack roll and the damage you deal with this attack is treated as 8 higher for the purposes of Concentration checks.

STORM OF THROWS [EPIC, COMBAT]Prerequisite: Dex 23, Point Blank Shot, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot.Benefit: As a full-round action, you may throw a light weapon at your full base attack bonus at each opponent within 60 feet at a +4 attack bonus. All light weapons thrown need not be the same type.

SUPREME CLEAVE [EPIC, GENERAL]Prerequisite: Cleave, Great Cleave, Str 25+Benefit: You may take a five foot step between cleaves. You may not take more than one five foot step in any given round.Normal: You may not move while using cleave.

SUPER FAR STEP [EPIC, FLASH STEP]Prerequisites: Increased Far Step, Far Step, Flash Step 24+ RanksBenefit: Add +30 to your flash step checks (This overrides Far Step)

SUPERIOR FLURRY [EPIC, COMBAT]In battle you are a blur of kicks and punches.Prerequisites: Base Attack Bonus +24, Greater Flurry feat.Benefit: You gain a third extra attack at your highest base attack bonus.

SUPERIOR INITIATIVE [EPIC, COMBAT]Prerequisite: Improved Initiative.Benefit: You get a +12 bonus on initiative checks. This bonus stacks with Improved Initiative. In addition, you are now allowed to take 10 on initiative checks, and if you are the first to attack in an encounter, you gain a +10 foot bonus to speed and +2 to attack and damage.

SUPREME DODGE [EPIC, COMBAT]You have eyes on the back of your head.Prerequisites: Dex 30, Dodge, Mobility,Spring Attack, Uncanny Dodge .Benefit: You gain your Dodge bonus against all opponents.Normal: Typically you only gain your Dodge bonus against a single opponent that you have designated.

SWARM OF ARROWS [EPIC, COMBAT]Prerequisites: Dex 23, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus (type of bow used).Benefit: As a full-round action, you may fire an arrow at your full base attack bonus at each opponent within 60 feet at a +4 attack bonus.

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TERRIFYING RAGE [EPIC, BASE]Prerequisites: Intimidate 25 ranks, rage 5/dayBenefit: While you are raging, any enemy that views you must make a Will save opposed by your Intimidate check or become panicked (if it has HD less than your character level) or shaken (if it has HD equal to or up to twice your character level) for 4d6 rounds. These effects stack with a creature already shaken or panicked, to increase the "level" of fear by two (if the creature would normally be panicked) or one (if the creature would normally be shaken). An enemy with Hit Dice greater than twice your character level is not affected by this feat.

TIMELY DODGE [EPIC, COMBAT]You can time your dodges to place opponents in harms way.Prerequisites: Dex 25, Dodge, Mobility, SpringAttack.Benefit: Any opponent who misses you has a chance of hitting an adjacent opponent of your choice. Use the same attack roll, but give the adjacent foe a +10 circumstance bonus to its Armor Class.

TWO-WEAPON RIP [EPIC, COMBAT]Prerequisites: Dex 15, base attack bonus +9, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon Fighting.Benefit: If you hit an opponent with a weapon in each hand in the same round, you may automatically rip the opponent. For every attack that hits after those two attacks, you are allowed another rip. This deals additional damage equal to the base damage of the smaller weapon plus two times your Strength modifier. Base weapon damage includes an enhancement bonus on damage, if any.

UNCANNY ACCURACY [EPIC, COMBAT]Prerequisites: Dex 21, base attack bonus +11, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Improved Precise Shot, Spot 20 ranks.Benefit: Your ranged attacks ignore the miss chance granted to targets by concealment, total concealment, and cover. Your ranged attacks also gain a +1 bonus to hit.

UNCANNY POWER ATTACK [EPIC, COMBAT]You have the uncanny knack of balancing skill with power.Prerequisites: Power Attack, Power Attack Mastery, Str 25.Benefit: You automatically power attack for the amount of damage exceeding your attack roll. Your power attack bonus cannot exceed your attack ranks.

WISDOM OF THE AGES [EPIC, GENERAL]Prerequisite: Wisdom 30+, Reiatsu Rating 2,500+Benefit: Add your Wisdom Bonus to all core skill checks. In addition, you can no longer critically fail any skill check.

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Epic Shikai Abilities- Must be level 21+ to take these abilities- Must have the requisite amount of abilities to take.- Can only take an Epic Shikai ability once per 6 levels


Epic Oblivious Strike: Requires Oblivious Strike and 8 other Assassination Type abilities to take. You may as a standard action make one attack that ignores the damage reduction of your target. You may use any damaging attacks you have in this way, but only if they would take a standard action or less.

Improved Epic Oblivious Strike: Requires Epic Oblivious Strike to take. You may make an epic oblivious strike as part of a full attack action. You may make an additional Epic Oblivious Strike for each time you take this to a maximum of the maximum number of attacks you can make in a round.

Shadow Assassination: Requires 9 Assassination abilities to take. You may attack from a shadow within 10 feet of you while using your Shadow Cloak ability. If you do, you benefit from +2d6 Sneak Attack damage and the target is caught flatfooted. If you make a full attack action from hiding, you only gain this benefit on the first attack in the round.

Improved Shadow Assassination: Requires Shadow Assassination to take. If you make a full attack action while making a Shadow Assassination Strike, you may gain it's benefits to an additional attack in that round. This may be taken multiple times to gain additional attacks that gain this benefit to a maximum of your maximum attacks for the round.


Perfect Armor of the Gods: This requires Superior Armor of the Gods. You gain a single armor ability that requires a +6 bonus. You may take this ability multiple times, each time increasing the bonus you may take by 1 (IE 2x you gain a +7 Bonus)

Shield of the Divine: This requires 9 Barrier abilities to take. You gain a bonus to all defensive d20 rolls equal to your spellscore modifier. You may take this multiple times, each time you gain a +1 to all defensive rolls.

Improved Reflective Shielding:This requires Shield of the Divine, Reflective Shielding and 8 other Barrier abilities to take. If you successfully defend against an attack using your barrier abilities, you may choose to deflect the attack back at another legal target. You may do this once per round, and the attack targets the user at the same roll it targeted you at. You may take this multiple times, each time you take it you gain another use of this per round.

Armor of Hades: Requires Perfect Armor of the Gods to take. If you are grappled by an opponent who attacks you in the grapple, that opponent takes damage as if you had successfully attacked them with your Zanpakutou. Each time the opponent attacks you, hit or miss, they take this damage. This does not ignore damage reduction but does not cause you damage if you fail to overcome their damage reduction.


Epic Wounding: This requires Greater Wounding to take. Your weapon deals 4 points of constitution damage.

Bleed Fortification: If you critically hit on your opponent, and that opponent has Fortification or any higher ability on their armor, you may ignore one level of that fortification to a minimum of 0% chance of reducing a critical hit. This can be taken multiple times, each time ignores an additional level of fortification. This can never result in an augmentation of your critical hit.

Bloody Holes: This requires Wounding to take. If you deal constitution damage with an attack, you also deal an equal amount of strength damage.

Greater Blade of Blood: Requires Improved Blade of Blood to take. You may sacrifice 5 points of constitution to use your enhanced blades of blood damage for the rest of the encounter. Should you choose to do this, you may only apply the Blades of Blood enhancement once in that encounter.


Superior Mantle of Bone: This requires 6 Bone Abilities, Mantle of Bone, Improved Mantle of Bone and Greater Mantle of Bone to take. You use 100lbs of bone to create a suit of armor as Greater Mantle of Bone, but this suit also stops the first 10 + 1/2 Level damage of any type to be directed at you unless an ability states that it overcomes this reduction.

Epic Weapon of Bone: Requires Superior Weapon of Bone and 6 other Bone Type abilities to take. You may use 125lbs of bone to create an even more massive hammer that deals 4d8 base damage and has a +4 enhancement bonus per attack you can make in a round. You are proficient with the use of this hammer. You take a -6 penalty to attack rolls when using this hammer unless you have the Monkey Grip* feat in which case it is reduced to -3. If you have the feat Titan's Grip*, it is reduced to Zero (*See Darkness and Starlight)

Greater Armed Skeleton: Your skeletons are armed with an exact replica of your released Zanpakutou. This only emulates your Shikai. You still cannot summon anything with this ability.

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Epic Armed Skeleton: Your Skeletons are armed with an exact replica of your released Bankai Zanpakutou. You still cannot summon anything with this ability.

Epic Animate Bone: Your Skeletons can become Colossal + in size by animating Bone. This uses 125lbs of Bone.


Advanced Harm's Way: This requires Perfect Harm's Way to take. The extra untyped damage you deal to an opponent you have taken damage from for your charge increases to 6d6.

Epic Harm's Way: This requires Advanced Harm's Way to take. The extra untyped damage you deal to an opponent you have taken damage from for your charge increases to 9d6.

Greater Greatest Fear: This requires Greatest Fear to take. Your bonus versus Fear Effects increases to +20, and the bonus you grant others within your aura increases to +8

Harm Schizm: This requires 9 Courage Type abilities to take. You may have more than one charge. The number of charges you can have is equal to your Spellscore Modifier. If an attack would target more than one of your charges, you may momentarily split yourself to protect all of them providing they meet the conditions of your Harm's Way abilities. You still take damage from all attacks you block for your charges.


Eclipse: Requires 9 darkness type abilities to take. You create a limited eclipse as if a heavenly body moved between the sun and the earth. The radius of this eclipse is 1 mile, which is plunged into complete darkness. The eclipse lasts for 1 hour or until the sun sets whichever is shorter. You may take this multiple times to increase the radius by another mile, or to increase the time for another hour.

Shredding Darkness: Requires 9 Darkness type abilities to take. You may attack anyone within your darkness as if you were in melee with them. The attack does any damage your zanpakutou would deal including enhancements and zanpakutou abilities. You may take this ability more than once to increase the number of targets you may attack at once by 1.

Darksense: You can see in darkness as if it were light at all times whether your zanpakutou is released or not.

Worst Nightmare: Requires 12 Darkness type abilities to take. When you use this ability you literally become the worst nightmare of the being that views you. All creatures viewing you are subject to this effect, though you may exclude allies from the effect by sacrificing 2 points of charisma. All who view this must make a will save (DC 15 + Character Level + Charisma modifier) or fall to -1 hit points and stable out of sheer fright. If you make the save you are immune to this ability for 24 hours. Those effected are immune to this ability being used on them again for 24 hours.

Nightwalker: Requires 9 darkness abilities to take. You may use this ability once per day to summon a Nightwalker (MM 196). You may take this ability multiple times to summon again once per time taken per day. This ability lasts as long as your zanpakutou is released or the creature dies.


Advanced Gravetouched Weapon: Requires Superior Gravetouched Weapon to take. Your negative energy damage increases by an additional 2d6 for a total of 8d6 damage

Epic Gravetouched Weapon: Requires Advanced Gravetouched Weapon to take. Your negative energy damage increases by an additional 2d6 for a total of 10d6 damage.

Energy Drain: Requires 12 Death Type abilities to take. Whenever you strike with your Zanpakutou, the opponent struck must make a fortitude save (Constitution Based) or take 1 negative level. This negative level lasts for 24 hours and never results in actual level loss. Each strike deals one negative level, two on a critical hit. If you have more negative levels than you have levels by this effect, you fall into a coma for 24 hours or until such time as the negative levels are removed by a healing effect.

Gravestrike: Requires 9 Death type abilities to take. Once per round, you may resolve a Melee or Unarmed attack as a Touch attack. This attack deals an additional 1d6 negative energy damage per attack you have left to make that round.


Epic Distortion: Requires Perfect Distortion taken five times to take. Your distortion dice becomes a d20

Epic Backbiter: This requires Superior Back Biter to take. If the will saving throw fails, the user attacks themselves for a number of rounds equal to the user's charisma modifier.

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Epic Microcosm: Requires 9 Distortion type abilities to take including Microcosm. Your Microcosm affects enemies within a 20 foot burst around you instead of single targets. This may be taken multiple times each time add 10 feet to the area of the burst. Using the burst is a standard action.

Macrocosm: Requires 12 Distortion type abilities to take. You treat a 30 foot area around you as divinely morphic in nature. This means that you control everything within that area that has no intelligence score. Beings with an intelligence score are not under your control. You may take this multiple times to increase the area by 10 feet.


Epic Dragonshape: Requires Greater Dragonshape taken to Colossal to take. Your Dragonshape is now Titanic and gains +10 Strength, +4 Con and +1 Natural Armor for the size increase.

Blindsight: Requires Blindsense to take. While your Zanpakutou is released and you are in Dragonshape, you gain Blindsight out to a range of 30 feet. This replaces your Blindsense ability. This may be taken multiple times to gain +10 to the area your Blindsight works in.

Greater Frightful Presence: Requires Frightful Presence to take. If your opponent fails their save against your Frightful Presence ability, they are Panicked instead of shaken.

Greater Elemental Immunity: Requires Elemental Immunity taken the maximum amount of times. Once per day per point of Spellscore Modifier, you can make yourself immune to the element you are resistant to with Elemental Immunity. This lasts one round per level and cannot be activated more than once per 2d6+3 Rounds.


Potent Acid: This requires 9 Earth type abilities to take. Your acid damage ignores the first 10 points of acid resistance it comes across. You may take this up to 5 times to ignore 50 points of acid resistance.

Adamantine Strike: This requires 9 Earth type abilities to take. You may make a melee attack as part of a full round action. If the attack hits, you gain an additional 20 damage reduction and 20 resistance to all elements for one round. You may take this ability multiple times. Each time it's taken you can your resistances and damage reduction increases by 10, or the duration increases by 1 round.

Fortifying Stance: You may adopt a fortifying stance as a standard action. While in this stance critical hits against you have a +25% chance to be negated. This stacks with the Fortification Armor ability. You may take this multiple times each time it is taken increase the resistance to critical hits by 25%. You lose the benefits of this stance if you move more than 5 feet for any reason (Such as a bull rush or telekinesis) or if you are disarmed of your Zanpakutou.

Earthen Grip: While your zanpakutou is released you are immune to the effects of forced movement of any kind regardless of source. You may suppress and reinstate this resistance as a free action. If your zanpakutou is constantly released, you must activate this ability as a standard action and the immunity lasts for 3 + Constitution Modifier rounds before having to be reactivated 1d4+1 rounds later.

Terra Cotta Dragon: Requires Terra Cotta Soldier, Terra Cotta Lion and Manipulate Earth to take. As a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity, you animate a colossal sized chunk of stone into a Rank 6 Golem. This Dragon lasts for a number of rounds equal to half your Spellscore Modifier before crumbling to dust. Once you summon your dragon for the first time, it's Shikai picks are set in stone for any other time you summon your dragon. They cannot be changed with another summoning. You may take this multiple times to extend the golem's duration by 1 round.

Superior Terra Cotta Army: Requires Terra Cotta Army to take. Your soldiers are now level 3 golems instead of level 1 golems.


Advanced Dire Hunger: Requires Superior Dire Hunger to take. Add twice the victim's strength modifier to their damage with their bite attack. In addition, the damage of the bite attack increases another size (to 3d6).

Advanced Water Extraction: Requires Water Extraction taken 4 times to take. You may take Water Extraction four more times to a maximum of a rank 8 golem.

Greater Dehydrate: Requires Superior Dehydrate to take. Your dehydrate ability now works against all targets within 20 feet of you. You may take this multiple times to increase the area by 10 feet.

Advanced Dehydrate: Requires Greater Dehydrate to take. You may now exclude allies from your Dehydrate effects.

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Potent Fire: This requires 9 Fire type abilities to take. Your Fire damage ignores the first 10 points of fire resistance it comes across. You may take this up to 5 times to ignore 50 points of fire resistance.

Epic Fire Adaptation: Requires Fire or Cold resistance 30. You may gain additional fire or cold resistance. Add +10 to your existing resistance of either type (must choose one when this is taken). May be taken four time, twice for each element. This overlaps (Does not stack with) the bonus from Epic Cold Adaptation

Burn: Requires 9 fire type abilities to take. Your attacks deal 2 points of strength damage if they successfully deal fire damage to the target.

Advanced Flame Blade: Requires Superior Flame Blade to take. Your zanpakutou deals an additional 2d6 fire damage for a grand total of 8d6.

Epic Flame Blade: Requires Advanced Flame Blade to take. Your zanpakutou deals an additional 2d6 fire damage for a grand total of 10d6 damage.


Energy Resistance: Choose one type of energy (fire, cold, electricity, acid, sonic or force). You gain Resistance 10 against that energy type. This may be taken multiple times to either increase an already established resistance or gain resistance to another type of energy. You cannot gain more than 50 resistance to any energy type using this ability. This ability overlaps (Does not stack) with the various adaptation abilities.

Empower Ability: Once per day per point of Wisdom modifier, you may empower one ability possessed by your Zanpakutou. This empowerment lasts one attack or activation of the ability in question. You cannot maximize and empower an ability.

Maximize Ability: Once per day per point of Wisdom modifier, you may maximize one ability possessed by your Zanpakutou. This maximization lasts one attack or activation of the ability in question. You cannot empower and maximize an ability. Heighten Ability: Once per day per point of Wisdom modifier, you can push your zanpakutou to it's next level. Treat one ability on your zanpakutou as if you had taken it an additional time for that attack. You choose which variable is heightened when you activate this ability.

Quicken Ability: Once per day per point of Wisdom modifier, you can push your zanpakutou to it's limits by forcing your reiatsu through it activating one ability that would normally be a Move, Standard or Full-Round action as a swift action.


Reverse Gravity:This requires 9 Gravity type abilities to take. This ability reverses gravity in a 10 foot cube area within medium range (100 feet + 10 feet per level), causing all unattached objects and creatures within that area to fall upward and reach the top of the area in 1 round. If some solid object (such as a ceiling) is encountered in this fall, falling objects and creatures strike it in the same manner as they would during a normal downward fall. If an object or creature reaches the top of the area without striking anything, it remains there, oscillating slightly, until the effect ends. At the end of the effect's duration, affected objects and creatures fall downward. Provided it has something to hold onto, a creature caught in the area can attempt a Reflex save to secure itself when the effect strikes. Creatures who can fly or levitate can keep themselves from falling. This may be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken add one additional 10 foot cube to the area of effect to be placed by the user.

Improved Weight of the World: Requires Weight of the World and 8 other Gravity type abilities to take. The strength reduction created by Weight of the World increases to -4 per round and lasts one round per character level. Strength cannot go below zero, but a Strength of zero makes the target prone.

Orbital Throw: This requires 12 Gravity type abilities to take. Orbital Throw actually thrusts the target so far from the surface of the world and at such a speed that it keeps missing the surface as it falls back, so it enters an eternal orbit. Fortitude save to take 10d6 damage instead (Constitution based). Unless the target can fly or has some other form of non-physical propulsion available, the target is stuck until someone else rescues it. The surface is 2 to 4 hours away given a 30 foot fly speed. The target may not survive that long. In the world of the living, conditions so far from its surface are deadly. Deleterious effects include scorching heat, cold, and vacuum. Targets subject to these conditions take 2d6 points of damage each from heat or cold and 1d4 points of damage from the vacuum each five minute increment. Damage Reduction applies versus damage from Vacuum and energy resistances apply versus the heat or cold damage.

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Warp Gravity: Requires 9 Gravity type abilities to take. This ability creates a sphere of warped gravity around the user at a range of 20 feet. Any within the sphere, including the user, gains a +5 deflection bonus to defense rolls and reflex saves. This may be taken multiple times each time increase the deflection bonus by +1.


Deity's Circle: Requires Legend's Circle to take. When you win a game, your zanpakutou deals an additional +3d6 damage (total 12d6)

Overdeity's Circle: Requires Deity's Circle to take. When you win a game, your zanpakutou deals an additional +3d6 damage (total 15d6)

Cheat to Win: Requires 9 Games type abilities to take. Once per day per point of spell score modifier you may declare that you are cheating (You do not have to claim this in game). When you cheat, you gain a bonus on any d20 rolls associated with your game equal to your spell score modifier + 1.

Winning Hand: This requires 12 Games type abilities to take. Once per day you may declare that you have won the game. You win the game that round. You may take this multiple times. Each time it is taken, you may use Winning Hand an additional time per day.


Epic Potency: This requires 9 Healing Type abilities to take. Any extra healing done by spending reiatsu on your reiatsu healing is intesified (Maximized then Doubled) while your zanpakutou is released.

Epic Restoration: You may return life to a target by expending 500 reiatsu. This works as the spell Resurrection.

Epic Chain Healing: Requires 9 healing type abilities to take. You may heal all targets within 30 feet of you with your Reiatsu healing. All receive the full healing of your attempt at Reiatsu Healing and it only uses up one use of your reiatsu healing. You may do this a number of times per day equal to 1 + Your spellscore modifier.

Restore the Form: This requires 15 healing type abilities and Epic Restoration to take. You may bring back the dead with your Zanpakutou by spending 1,000 reiatsu. This works as the spell True Resurrection.


Potent Cold: This requires 9 Ice type abilities to take. Your cold damage ignores the first 10 points of cold resistance it comes across. You may take this up to 5 times to ignore 50 points of cold resistance.

Epic Cold Adaptation: Requires Fire or Cold resistance 30. You may gain additional fire or cold resistance. Add +10 to your existing resistance of either type (must choose one when this is taken). May be taken four time, twice for each element. This overlaps (Does not stack with) the bonus from Epic Fire Adaptation

Blizzard: Requires 9 Ice type abilities to take. You create a 1 mile circle of extreme cold. Everything within the 1 mile radius must make a fortitude save (Constitution based) or take 2d6 cold damage each round. You may take this ability multiple times. Each time it is taken either extend the radius 1 mile, add 2d6 cold damage or up the DC by 1. The blizzard lasts one round per spellscore modifier.

Ice Block: Requires 12 Ice Type abilities to take. You may, once per day, encase someone in ice. This requires a melee touch attack, and the victim must make a DC (15 + Character Level + constitution modifier) or be subject to a temporal stasis effect. This can be reversed by any effect that would reverse temporal stasis or the ice casing takes 50+ points of fire damage whichever comes first or they themselves spend 50 points of Reiatsu per Ice type ability you possess.


An Eye for an Eye: This requires 12 Justice abilities to take. Once per day per point of Spellscore modifier, you may make a touch attack with your Zanpakutou. Before doing so you must declare a crime you are railing against. Should the victim be guilty of that crime, the are immediately hit with the spell Harm (Dealing 150 points of damage to them. This is negative energy and will heal those with undead traits.) They are entitled to a fortitude save (Constitution Based) for half damage. If the target is innocent of the crime you are railing against, they receive the benefits of a Heal spell (Healing 150 points of damage. This is positive energy and will deal damage to those with undead traits.)

Epic Strike the Guilty: Requires Improved Strike the Guilty to take. Your weapon now increases a total of 4 size categories against targets you know to be guilty of the crime you are railing against. It still does no damage to the innocent.

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Epic Guilt Defense: Requires Guilt Defense to take. Against those you know to be guilty of the crime you are railing against, you gain a +5/- Bonus to Damage Reduction. This may be taken multiple times, each time increasing the bonus to Damage Reduction by +5/- to a maximum of +25/-

Epic Justice Mark: Requires Superior Justice Mark to take. When you deal damage to your marked targets with an attack of opportunity, you deal +2d6 damage. In addition, the penalty suffered by those marked by you becomes -8. You may take this multiple times to increase the bonus damage by +2d6 to a maximum of +6d6.

Divine Justice Mark: Requires Epic Justice Mark to take. Whenever you mark a target, you deal damage to them equal to your spellscore modifier. This damage overcomes their Damage Reduction.


Epic Augmentation: This requires 9 Kidou Type abilities to take. While your Zanpakutou is released, once per day per point of spellscore modifier, you can cast any kido you know without it's incantation at full power. This supersedes the bonus granted by Incanting.

Epic Spell Blast: Requires Spell Blast to take. This increases the damage you deal with your Spell Blast to 2d6 per caster level to a maximum of the grade of the kido multiplied by 3.

Epic Shaping: Requires any Spell shape to take. You may exclude a five foot area from the effect of your spell shape effect. Taking this multiple times to gain an additional five foot area to exclude from the area of effect of your spell effects.

Spell Emanation: Requires any two spell shape abilities and Spell blast to take. You may produce an emanation effect instead of your normal spell blast. The emanation extends 20 feet from you and deals your full spell blast damage for three rounds to anyone inside or entering the spell emanation. You may take this multiple times to extend the emanation by 10 feet.


Blurring Light: Requires 9 Light type abilities to take. You bend light around yourself so sufficiently that you are always considered to be under the effects of Blur (20% Miss Chance) while your Zanpakutou is released.

Displaced Form: Requires Blurring Light to take. You bend light around yourself to the point of gaining a displacement effect (50% Miss Chance) while your Zanpakutou is released. This overlaps Blurring Light.

Invisibility: Requires Displaced Form. Your light bending skills have become perfected as you are constantly protected by a Greater Invisibility effect. Any creature that can see invisibility or see through illusions can see you, though they still must deal with your Displaced Form. Unless you can be seen, this overlaps Displaced Form.

Daybreak: Requires 9 Light Type abilities to take. You generate light so bright it hurts to look at. All creatures within 80 feet of you take 20d6 force damage if they are looking at you when you unleash this attack. Closing your eyes halves the damage. Anyone that looks at you while you unleash this attack is also blinded (no save) for 1d6+4 rounds. You may take this multiple times. Each time you take it either increase the area 20 feet or the damage by 2d6.


Potent Electricity: This requires 9 Lightning type abilities to take. Your electricity damage ignores the first 10 points of electricity resistance it comes across. You may take this up to 5 times to ignore 50 points of electricity resistance.

Crown of Lightning: This requires 12 Lightning type abilities to take. You may activate this as a free action on your turn. When you activate Crown of Lightning you let loose an emanation of crackling electricity that revolves around your body and act as guardians for you. There are 500 points of electricity damage around you, anyone within the emanation (which is 10 feet around you) takes an equal share of the damage until either all the damage has been dealt or the targets die whichever comes first. Those in the emanation are allowed a reflex save (Constitution based), to avoid the damage completely moving them out of the aura. You may take this multiple times, each time adds 100 more damage to the aura, or extends the aura 10 feet.

Pain Aura: Requires Crown of Lightning to take. Regardless of whether they make their save or not, anyone caught in your aura is staggered till the end of your next turn. Each round they remain in the aura, they remain staggered until the end of your next turn.

Absorb Bolt: Requires 9 Lightning abilities to take. Requires Reflect Bolt. Instead of reflecting a line or ray effect, you may instead choose to absorb the damage as healing on a point per point basis. (Meaning if you would have taken 50 points of damage, you instead heal 50 points of damage). You may not heal beyond your normal maximum hit points in this manner, and may only absorb a bolt as many times per round as you can reflect them. This takes up one reflection use.

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Advanced Crackling Blade: Requires Superior Crackling Blade to take. Your zanpakutou does an additional 2d6 electricity damage for a total of 8d6 damage


Epic Iron in the Blood: Requires Improved Iron in the Blood to take. Allows you to target a second target with Iron in the Blood per round. May be taken multiple times to target an additional person per time taken.

Eat Metal: Requires 9 Metal Type abilities to take. You may eat a quantity of metal equal to one half your weight. This metal heals you 4d6 hit points for eating it. You may take this multiple times to increase the healing by 2d6 damage.

Metal Juggernaut: Requires 5 Shielding Metal picks to take. While you are using your Shielding Metal ability, you gain extra damage reduction equal to your spellscore modifier, and your attacks ignore your spellscore modifier in hardness when attacking objects. Intelligent objects are immune to this ability.

Adamantine Shell: Requires 12 Metal abilities to take. This allows you to put yourself into a protective shell of the hardest metal to protect you from attacks. The shell has a hardness of 20 and 40hp per inch of thickness and is 6 inches thick. The shell is a sphere and weighs 1 ton per size category you are (Real not virtual). This shell is also airtight, with enough breathable air to allow you to survive for 1 hour within the shell before starting to suffocate (Or hold your breath.) You may take yourself out of this bubble as a move action.

Epic Repel Metal: Requires Repel Metal to take. When you repel metal, the target must make a fortitude save (Constitution Based), or be knocked prone. They also take damage if knocked prone as if they fell the distance repelled. May be taken multiple times to increase the save DC by 1.


Improved Mind Strike: Requires Mind Strike to take. Your attacks now deal both Intelligence and Wisdom Damage.

Mind the Gap: Requires 9 Mind type abilities to take. You can form schisms in the minds of your victims. Choose one target within close range (25ft + 10 ft/2 levels.) That target temporarily gains a second personality that is the antithesis of his normal personality. The two fight a mental battle, with the winner becoming dominant. The battle is decided with a Will save (Intelligence Based). At any time, the original personality may expend 10 reiatsu per level of the user to attempt this save again. The effect lasts for 3d6+3 rounds.

Epic Dominate: Requires Greater Dominate and 6 other Mind type abilities to take. You may now dominate one victim per 3 levels.

Distortion World: Requires 12 Mind type abilities to take. You create a seperate world inside the victim within close range's mind (25ft + 10ft/2 levels), forcing it to make a Will Save (Intelligence Based) or fall into this world, acting as you command for 1d4+1 rounds unable to recognize friend and foe only it's master.


Drain Power: This requires 9 Oppression Type abilities to take. You drain a person of their vital force. This imposes a -2 level drain on the target. Like all auras, this ability never results in permanent level loss, and when the aura ends the user gains back all lost levels instantaneously. This may be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken increase the level drain by 2.

Drain Mind: This requires 9 Oppression Type abilities to take. This aura subjects the subject to the spell effect confusion for as long as they don't make their saving throw and are in the oppression aura.

Drain Health: This requires 12 Oppression Type abilities to take. This aura drains the hit points of the target by 2d6 damage per round that they do not make a fortitude saving throw (DC 15 + Character Level + Constitution modifier.) The health is transferred to the aura user as healing. You cannot gain more hit points than your maximum total hit points in this manner.

Drain Body: This requires 9 Oppression type abilities to take. This aura drains the body of it's victim leaving it unable to defend itself. The user takes a -2 penalty to all saving throws until they leave the aura or the aura is shut off. This may be taken multiple times. Each time increase the penalty by -2.

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Epic Contagion: Requires Superior Contagion to take. You may release your diseases as a cloud of vapor that makes your diseases inhalation based. The cloud covers 5 feet. This may be taken multiple times to increase the area by 5 feet.

Epic Enfeebling Strike: Requires 9 Pestilence type abilities to take. Your ability damage dice becomes 2d6.

Divine Contagion: Increase the dice size of your Disease ability damage by one size category.

Remove Ability Damage: You can remove the ability damage caused by your diseases or your enfeebling strike at will. You remove 1d4 + 2 Ability damage from each damaged ability score. You may take this multiple times to increase the healing by 1d4 + 2.


Ent Qualities: Requires 9 Plant Type abilities to take. This allows you the following abilities while your Zanpakutou is released. You deal triple damage to objects you strike and for 3+ Constitution Modifier rounds per day, you only take half damage from all effects after damage reduction and resistances. You may activate the second quality as a standard action and may spread the time over multiple uses. You may take this multiple times to increase the time you can take half damage by 1 round each time.

Verdant Forest: Requires 12 Plant Type Abilities to take. As a standard action you can create a verdant forest in a 1 mile radius of you. If this is done in an area containing structures, those structures take 10d6 damage overcoming hardness. You may take this multiple times to increase the radius of the forest by 1 mile or the damage to structures by 5d6.

Animate Wood: Requires Verdant Forest and 12 other Plant type abilities to take. This allows you to animate all vegetation within 90 feet of you to human-like sentience. They become animated objects of their size who's physical stats are equal to yours +2 modified for size and whose mental stats are 3d6 each. They remain this way until you either reseal your Zanpakutou, die or go unconscious. Animated vegetation speak the languages you speak, and have human-like senses. They can use skills like a spiritually aware creature can, and have 4 trained Base Skills and 8 Trained Core Skills and are your level -2. This may be taken multiple times to increase the area by 30 feet. They are subject to your commands.

Superior Magical Vines: Requires Improved Magical Vines to take. You may apply a third Zanpakutou effect to your Magical Vines


Poison of the Mind's Eye: This excretes a poison that numbs the mind making it harder to cast kido. This drains 4d6 x 10 Reiatsu from the victim, and 4d6 x 10 Reiatsu from them one minute later. This may be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken, increase the Reiatsu drain by 1d6 x 10.

Mental Breakdown Toxin: This takes 12 Poison type abilities to take. Victims affected by this toxin suffer from the Insanity spell. This may be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken increase the DC of the poison by 1

Body Toxin: This takes 9 Poison type abilities to take. Victims of this toxin are affected by the spell temporal stasis, but they can still feel and sense their surroundings as if they were not in temporal stasis, they just cannot move and do not age. They are however, vulnerable to outside damage and actions, but are not considered helpless.

Mind Blank Toxin: This requires 16 Poison Type abilities to take. This toxin breaks down the subject's mind, making them forget their lives. They suffer 1d3 negative levels when this toxin takes effect, and 1d4 negative levels one minute later.


Form of the Dragon: This requires 12 Primal Type abilities to take. You gain the form of a dragon, chosen at the time of the change. The dragon must be within a size category you can change into with your animal form. You gain all the spell-like, supernatural and extraordinary abilities of the dragon in question for as long as this change takes place. You gain their physical statistics of as well, you retain your own mental scores, reiatsu and hit points (possibly adjusted by the new constitution score). This change only lasts 1d6 rounds. This may be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken extend the duration by 1 round.

Carapace of the End: This requires 9 Primal Type abilities to take. While in your animal or were-form, you gain a carapace that has a 10% chance to reflect any line or ray back at it's caster. You may take this multiple times. Each time it is taken, increase the chance by 5%, to a maximum of 35%.

Bite of the Heavens: This requires 9 Primal Type abilities to take. While in your animal or were-form, your bite critically hits on a 17-20 and deals x3 damage. It also causes 1 bleed damage to the target.

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Savage Bite: If you manage to trip an opponent during combat, you automatically latch on and begin savaging the body dealing 4d6 extra damage. You may take this multiple times, each time increase the damage of the savaging by 1d6.


Ranged Parry: This requires Perfect Ranged Form to take. You may parry one attack per round by using a ranged attack. That attack must be targeting you.

Improved Ranged Parry: This requires Ranged Parry to take. You may parry more than one attack per round by using a ranged attack. That attack must be targeting you.

Greater Ranged Parry: This requires Improved Ranged Parry to take. You may parry attacks meant for other characters with your ranged attack. The attacker must be within a square you threaten

Perfect Ranged Parry: This requires Greater Ranged Parry to take. You may parry attacks meant for other characters with your ranged attack within all squares you can target.


Advanced Prudence: Requires Superior Prudence to take. Your bonus to damage increases to +4d6. Your bonus to Defense, Fortitude, Reflex and Will becomes +8. This may be taken multiple times to increase the Bonus Damage by +1d6 and the bonus to Defense, Fortitude, Reflex and Will by +2.

Advanced Bravery: Requires Superior Bravery to take. Your bonus to damage increases to +4d6. Your bonus to Defense, Fortitude, Reflex and Will becomes +8. This may be taken multiple times to increase the Bonus Damage by +1d6 and the bonus to Defense, Fortitude, Reflex and Will by +2.

Advanced Prudent Endeavor: Requires Greater Prudent Endeavor to take. Your extra damage increases to 4d6 per attack given up and your bonus to hit increases to +8. This may be taken multiple times to increase the bonus damage by 1d6 and the bonus to hit by +2.

Advanced Prudent Formation. Requires Greater Prudent Formation to take. While you are Flat-footed or Flanked, you gain a bonus to damage rolls equal to twice your spellscore modifier. This may be taken multiple times to increase the bonus damage by 2.


Form of Sand: This allows you to ambulate your sand around you and attack as if you were a larger creature. To use this you must use at least twice your body weight in sand. You gain one size category (with all the benefits and penalties associated with gaining a size category). All your attacks deal damage one size category larger than normal. Your sand form has regeneration equal to the number of sand abilities you have that is overcome by Fire and Water.

Improved Form of Sand: This allows you a greater form of sand. This uses up four times your weight in sand. You gain two size categories (with all the benefits and penalties associated with gaining two size categories). All your attacks deal damage two size categories larger than normal.

Greater Form of Sand: This allows you an even greater form of sand. This uses up eight times your weight in sand. You gain three size categories (With all the benefits and penalties associated with gaining three size categories). All your attacks deal damage three size categories larger than normal.

Perfect Form of Sand: This allows you ultimate power of sand. This uses up sixteen times your weight in sand. You gain four size categories (with all the benefits and penalties associated with gaining four size categories). All your attacks deal damage four size categories larger than normal. Your regeneration increases to twice the number of sand type abilities you have as the sand literally coats and covers over any injuries to your form of sand.


Potent Sound: This requires 9 Sonic type abilities to take. Your sonic damage ignores the first 10 points of sonic resistance it comes across. You may take this up to 5 times to ignore 50 points of sonic resistance.

Thunderclap: This requires 9 Sonic type abilities to take. You may, as an attack action, slam your hands together unleashing a massive thunderclap in an 80 foot cone. All within the cone take your zanpakutou's full damage (including zanpakutou abilities) as sonic damage and must make a fortitude save (Constitution Based) or be deafened for 2d6+4 rounds. You may take this multiple times to add 10 feet to the cone or the dc of the save by 1.

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White Noise: This requires 12 Sonic type abilities to take. You may as an attack action filter out all noise in an area creating a zone of white noise. Any within the area (20 feet), must make a fortitude save (Constitution Based) or be confused as the spell for 2d6+4 rounds. This may be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken increase the area by 10 feet or the DC by 1

Epic Overwhelming Sound: This requires Overwhelming Sound and 7 other sound abilities to take. Your overwhelming sound now does three times the d6's of damage instead of two times. This is still non-leathal damage.


Freedom: Requires 9 Space type abilities to take. You can cast the ninth level spell Freedom at will.

Advanced Centrifugal Force: Requires Superior Centrifugal Force to take. Your zanpakutou deals an extra 2d6 untyped damage for a total of 8d6 damage

Spacial Relocation: Requires 12 Space Type abilities to take. You may move instantaneously between one location and another as per the Greater Teleport spell once per day per spellscore modifier.

Summon Ally: Requires Spacial Relocation to take. You warp space so a rift occurs between you and a creature of your choice. This works as the ninth level spell Gate except that you may only make a gate between yourself and an ally. You may move through the gate to your ally instead of them coming to you. The gate stays open for 2 rounds. This may be taken multiple times, each time taken it will extend the duration of the gate by 2 rounds.


Epic Spider Sense: You gain Improved Flash Step Evasion while your Zanpakutou is released. If you already had Improved Evasion, you instead take 1/8th damage on a successful saving throw instead of 1/4.

Epic Spider Bite: Requires Greater Spider Bite to take. Your Bite attack moves up another size category (to 3d6.)

Spider Immunity: Requires 9 Spider type abilities to take. Once per day per point of spellscore modifier you possess, you may make yourself immune to all Mind affecting effects. This immunity lasts for 1d4+2 rounds. You may take this multiple times to increase the immunity by 1 round each time.

Caress of the Spider Queen: Requires 12 Spider Type abilities to take. Once per day per point of spellscore modifier, you may make a touch attack against a target. In 1d4 rounds, a spider swarm eats its way out of the victim on a failed Fortitude save (Constitution Based) dealing 1/2 the victim's total hit point total to them that ignores damage reduction. On a passed fortitude save (Constitution Based), The victim only loses 1/8 their total hit points. You may take this multiple times to decrease the timer by one die size to a minimum of 1 round.


Epic Toughness: Requires Improved Toughness taken 4 times. Your summoned creature has one and one quarter your hit dice (IE if you're level 24, your summoned creature has 30 levels of hit points). This may be taken three additional times adding 25% each time, maxing out your summon at 200% of your hit dice.

Augmented Critical: Requires 9 Summoning type abilities to take. Your summon's attacks critically hit on a roll of 18-20 and deals 3x damage.

Spell Effect: Requires 9 Summoning Type abilities to take. Your summon gains three spell-like abilities of a level equal to 1/3 your level + Your Zanpakutou's Intelligence modifier that it can use your wisdom modifier times per day (no matter how many times you summon it). Each spell like ability must be of a level lower than the one chosen before it. This may be taken multiple times for an additional spell-like ability each time.

Increased Damage: Requires 9 Summoning Type abilities to take. Your summon's attack damage increases by one step. This may be taken multiple times.

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Epic Level Golem: Requires Golem taken 6 times. You may take this to increase the rank of your Golem as follows. Epic Golems can take 1 Epic Shikai ability per rank above 6.Rank 7: The character summons a truly powerful golem with 525 hit points, 35 damage reduction, Land speed of 90 feet, 14d6 unarmed damage and 14 shikai picks.Rank 8: The character summons an immensely powerful golem with 600 hit points, 40 damage reduction, land speed of 100 feet, 16d6 unarmed damage and 16 shikai picks.Rank 9: The character summons an unearthly powerful golem with 675 hit points, 45 damage reduction, land speed 110 feet, 18d6 unarmed damage and 18 shikai picks.Rank 10: The character summons a colossally powerful golem with 750 hit points, 50 damage reduction, land speed 120 feet, 20d6 unarmed damage and 20 shikai picks.Rank 11: The character summons an massively powerful golem with 825 hit points, 55 damage reduction, land speed 130 feet, 22d6 unarmed damage and 22 shikai picks.Rank 12: The character summons a supremely powerful golem with 900 hit points, 60 damage reduction, land speed 140 feet, 24d6 unarmed damage and 24 shikai picks.

Epic Affect Technology: This requires Affect Technology to take. When you roll your dice to affect technology, add three times your level instead of twice your level. You cannot roll a natural one when rolling using this ability.

Epic Animate Objects: This requires Animate Objects to take. You may have a second animated object animated at one time. You may take this multiple times to gain another animated construct.

Technology Destroyer: This requires 12 Technological Type abilities to take. If you attack a construct or object you ignore all damage reduction/hardness and negate any fast healing/regeneration that it has for 2d6 + 4 rounds.


Advanced Temperance: Requires Superior Temperance to take. The bonus damage you grant to your allies is increased by 2d6 for a total of 8d6 damage.

Excessive Measures: This requires 9 Temperance type abilities to take. While you abstain from damaging opponents, you gain all the things you take away from them. You cannot have more temporary hit points than your maximum hit points (IE If you have 150 hit points, you cannot have more than 150 temporary hit points.)

Epic End to Excess: This requires Superior End to Excess to take. While within 30 feet of you, and you are abstaining from damaging opponents, all opponents take a -2 penalty to defense. You may take this multiple times to increase the penalty by -2.

Epic Piety: Requires Improved Piety to take. While you refrain from damaging opponents, you gain immunity to being flanked or being caught flat-footed in any way unless the being that does it is 4 or more levels higher than you. You may take this multiple times to increase the level required to flank or catch you flat-footed by 1.


Null Time Field: Requires 12 Time type abilities to take. While your Zanpakutou is active, all enemies within 20 feet of you must make a will saving throw (wisdom based) to be able to take any action. On a failed save the character is stuck in a static time stream till their next set of actions when they must make another save. The character is otherwise immune to all damage while in static time as temporal stasis. This can be taken multiple times each time increasing the aura by 10 feet or the DC of the save by 1.

Advanced Temporal Blade: This requires Superior Temporal Blade to take. The maximum fast healing gained by your Temporal Blade increases to 20. This also effects the bleed damage suffered by your opponent.

Epic Temporal Blade: This requires Advanced Temporal Blade to take. The maximum fast healing gained by your Temporal Blade increases to 25. This also effects the bleed damage suffered by your opponent.

Epic Precognition: The bonuses gained by Precognition becomes +8. This requires Superior Precognition to take.


Advanced Kill Zone: Requires Superior Kill Zone to take. Your damage increases by 2d6 to a total of 9d6

Epic Kill Zone: Requires Advanced Kill Zone to take. Your damage increases by 2d6 to a total of 11d6.

Brutality of War: Requires 9 War type abilities to take. When you roll damage with your Zanpakutou swings, re-roll any dice that shows a 1 on it.

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Improved Brutality of War: Requires 9 War Type abilities and Brutality of War to take. When you roll damage with your Zanpakutou, re-roll any dice that shows a 1 or a 2 on it.

Improved War Form: Requires War Form to take. Reduce the timer that your Zanpakutou shuts off from War Form to 2d4 rounds. You may take this again to make it 1d6 rounds, and once more to make it 1d4 rounds. Also, Choose a second mental statistic. You gain this as an additional bonus to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution while in War Form.

Blessing of War: Requires 16 War Type abilities to take. When you are in Melee combat, instead of being damaged by melee and unarmed strikes, you are healed by them on a 3 for 1 basis (IE if you were going to take 30 damage from a sword swing, you would instead heal 10 damage.) You cannot heal more than your maximum hit points in this manner, and you still take damage from elemental sources and ranged attacks.

Perfect Aura: Requires at least 3 Aura War abilities to take. You are now considered an ally when calculating who is effected by your auras.


Potent Water: This requires 9 Water type abilities to take. Your water damage ignores the first 10 points of water resistance it comes across. You may take this up to 5 times to ignore 50 points of water resistance.

Tsunami: This requires 9 Water type abilities to take. You generate a massive wall of water that bullrushes targets dealing damage as it goes. The wall is fifty feet long by twenty feet high when first created and moves at a rate of 30 feet per round. If it comes in contact with any being it makes a bullrush check against them with a +40 bonus to the roll (1d20 + 40). Every 10 feet that a creature is pushed deals 2d8 damage to that creature. This may be taken multiple times each time increase one of the following: The height of the wall by 10 feet, the length of the wall by 20 feet, the bonus to the bullrush roll by 5 or the damage by 1d8.

Epic Vortex: This requires Constricting Vortex to take. You may grapple one creature per level with your vortex. The damage to them while in the constricting vortex increases by 1[bw].

Drain Water: This requires 12 Water Type abilities to take. By making a melee touch attack you drain the water from a target dealing 1/2 their maximum hit points. This cannot put a target below 0, but can be used as part of a full attack action. You may use the water that you drain to power your other abilities that require water such as Tsunami or Vortex.


Epic Godslayer's Edge: This requires a +5 or better enhancement bonus to your weapon. You may take an epic ability on your weapon with an ability bonus of +6 or better. You may take this multiple times, each time confers an additional ability to your weapon.

Advanced Sharpen Metal: Requires Superior Sharpen Metal to take. Your zanpakutou deals an additional 2d6 damage (8d6 total)

Epic Sharpen Metal: Requires Advanced Sharpen Metal to take. Your zanpakutou deals an additional 2d6 damage (10d6 total)

The Razor's Edge: Requires 9 Weapon Type abilities to take. Choose one saving throw. You gain a +5 bonus to that saving throw while your zanpakutou is released. You may take this once for each saving throw.Soul of the Forge: Requires 12 Weapon Type abilities to take. Choose one special attack type (such as energy drain or ability drain.) for 3 + Constitution Modifier rounds, you are immune to that attack type. This may be taken multiple times; once for each special attack type. This takes a standard action to activate and once the duration has expired, you cannot use it again for 1d4 + 1 rounds.

WindPotent Force: This requires 9 Wind type abilities to take. Your force damage ignores the first 10 points of force resistance it comes across. You may take this up to 5 times to ignore 50 points of force resistance.

Winds of Change: This ability allows you to turn back a person's attack by using air pressure. You gain a 20% miss chance when your Zanpakutou is released due to high winds surrounding your character. You may take this multiple times to increase the miss chance by 10% up to a maximum of 50% Miss chance.

Wind Ball: You may gather the wind in an area to release it in a large burst of sudden force. All creatures within 80 feet of you takes damage equal to your zanpakutou's damage (including zanpakutou abilities) and must make a fortitude save (Constitution based) or be thrown to the outer edge of the burst taking falling damage as if they fell the distance covered. This may be taken multiple times, each time increase the size of the area by 10 feet.

Wings of Despair: This requires 9 Wind type abilities to take. You may deny a creature the very air in which they breathe. A creature so effected must make a fortitude save (constitution based) or begin suffocating. This may effect one creature per level. This may be taken multiple times, each time increase the DC of the save by 1.

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Wave of Entropy: This requires 12 Wind type abilities to take. You may as a swift action send out waves of wind from your zanpakutou in an 80 foot area. Any creature caught in this area must make a fortitude saving throw (constitution based) or become exhausted. A creature already exhausted takes 20d6 non-leathal damage if it fails the saving throw, half on a successful saving throw. This may be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken it increases the area by 10 feet.

Epic Bankai Abilities

All Epic Bankai abilities have the prerequisite of 21st level or greater.Epic Bankai Abilities can be taken once per 10 levels.

Banish: While your Bankai is active, you can attempt to banish one creature back to it's plane of origin as a standard action (Example Hueco Mundo, The World of the Living or Soul Society). If they are already on that plane of existence this ability does nothing. To banish the creature, you must make an opposed Will saving throw. Should you win the opposed will saving throw, the creature is banished and cannot return to the plane they were banished from for 24 hours.

Animus Burst: While your Bankai is active, those that die around you in a 90 foot burst are not fully killed and are animated under your control. You can control your level times your spellscore modifier in Levels of these creatures, and they follow your direction exactly. Once you reseal your Zanpakutou they move on the cycle of reincarnation. If you have any feat that grants a constant state of release, the animated dead last for one hour per character level before moving on. The animated dead have all the abilities they had when they were under their own control. This may be taken multiple times to increase the burst by 30 feet.

Automatic Kido: At the beginning of the day you designate one Kido you know that costs 1,000 or less reiatsu as your Automatic Kido. While you have your Bankai active, you can activate that Kido as a free action at full power without spending Reiatsu. This occurs once per day per point of spellscore modifier.

Reflection: Once per round you can rebound a ranged attack back on it's user. This only occurs while your Bankai is active. This does not rebound Lines, Cones or Bursts. It only rebounds Ranged Shot attacks.

Weapon Refraction: When activated, your weapon splits itself into six copies of itself. These weapons move around at your behest and attack at your whim. Each can make one attack per round at your full base attack bonus using your Weapon Attack ranks. They do not gain your Strength bonus to damage, but gain your Intelligence bonus instead. Each has all Shikai Abilities that your Bankai release has, but none of the Bankai abilities.

Retribution: While your Bankai is active, when you are struck in melee combat, you may make an attack of opportunity against the target that struck you. This does not grant extra attacks of opportunity, but you may make more than one attack of opportunity against one victim at a time.

Resurgence: While your Bankai is active; once per day, when you would be killed, you are returned to life at one half your maximum hit points. You may take this multiple times to increase the number of times per day this occurs by one.

Refreshing Wind: Once per day per point of Spellscore, but only once per encounter, while your Bankai is active, you may regain one quarter of your maximum hit point value as a standard action. When you perform this standard action, you also gain +2 to all defensive rolls (Defense, Fortitude, Reflex and Will) till the end of your next turn.

One with the World: Choose one ability you have with a daily limit on it's usage that is not Resurgence. While your Bankai is active, you may use that ability a number of times equal to your Spellscore Modifier (Minimum 1, Maximum 5) or the amount of times you could already use it, whichever is more. Once your Bankai ends, you lose access to that ability till you gain 8 hours of rest if you used if your usages or more. You may take this multiple times, each time applies to a different ability.

Augmentation: Choose one ability that has daily uses that also has numerical values (Such as Rage). While your Bankai is active, you gain double the numerical benefit from the abilities, and they last twice as long. If your Bankai ends before the ability does, the ability also ends. This may be taken multiple times, each time applies to an additional ability.

Chain Ability: Once per encounter, with a single target ability, you may target up to one quarter of your level in targets no two of which can be more than 30 feet apart. You may take this multiple times to gain an additional use per encounter.

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Epic Hollow Growth Powers- Must be 21st level or higher to take.- Can only take an Epic Hollow Ability every 4 levels.

CERO ABSOLUTE [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER, CEROSHAPE]Prerequisite: CeroBenefit: Your cero uses d8's Special: add 1 to the change time of your cero. You can only have one ceroshape per cero use.

CERO SUPREAMA [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER, CEROSHAPE]Prerequisite: Cero BocandaBenefit: Your Cero deals 1d6 per 100 Reiatsu in your maximum pool character levels to everyone within 50'. Special: add 2 to the charge time of your cero. You may only have one ceroshape on a cero at one time.

AUGMENT CRITICAL [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: Improved Critical Feat (Natural attack)Benefit: Your natural attack critically hits on a 17-20 and for x3 damage.

CERO MAGNA ABSOLUTE [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER, CEROSHAPE]Prerequisite: Cero, Cero Absolute, 31st + LevelBenefit: Your cero uses d10'sSpecial: Add 2 to the charge time of your cero. You can only have one ceroshape per cero use.

QUIMERA PARCA SUPREMA [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: Quimera ParcaBenefit: Your combined summon grows in power once then one rank per 6 levels.Rank 7: The characters summon a truly powerful creature with 525 hit points, 35damage reduction, a land speed of 90 feet, and 14d6 damage in unarmed combat. It has 14 hollow growth powers.Rank 8: The characters summon an immensely powerful creature with 600 hit points, 40 damage reduction, a land speed of 100 feet and 16d6 damage in unarmed combat. It has 16 hollow growth powers.Rank 9: The characters summon an unearthly powerful creature with 675 hit points, 45 damage reduction, a land speed of 110 feet and 18d6 damage in unarmed combat. It has 18 hollow growth powers.Rank 10: The characters summon a colossally powerful creature with 750 hit points, 50 damage reduction, a land speed of 120 feet and 20d6 damage in unarmed combat. It has 20 Hollow growth powers.Rank 11: The characters summon a massively powerful creature with 825 hit points, 55 damage reduction, a land speed of 130 feet and 22d6 damage in unarmed combat. It has 22 hollow growth powers.Rank 12: The characters summon a supremely powerful creature with 900 hit points, 60 damage reduction, a land speed of 140 feet and 24d6 damage in unarmed combat. It has 24 hollow growth powers.

EPIC CHIBI FORM [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: Chibi FormBenefit: When you gain your adult form. Instead of gaining +9 to all your statistics, you gain +2 per hollow growth power you possess if more than +9. Use whichever is higher. Count Epic Hollow Growth Powers as Hollow Growth Powers for this ability.

BALA STORM [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisites: Bala taken maximum timesBenefits: Your Bala can now attack every creature within 50 feet of you. You may take this multiple times to increase the radius by 10 feet. This is done as a full round action that provokes an attack of opportunity.

SIZE CHANGE [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Benefit: You can shift your size by one category either up or down gaining the benefits and penalties for doing so as a full round action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. You may take this multiple times to increase the number of categories you can shift in one round by 1 to a maximum of 4. This CAN put you above Colossal.

SUPERIOR REND [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: RendBenefit: Your Rend damage increases by 1d6 per 6 levels you possess. Also add twice your Strength Modifier to damage instead of your strength modifier.

SUPERIOR RAKE [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: RakeBenefit: You gain an additional Rake attack. You may take this multiple times to gain additional rake attacks to a maximum of 4 total rake attacks.

CRUSHING GRIP [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: Improved GrabBenefit: When you maintain a pin, you deal 1d12 damage to the target per five levels you possess.

WOUNDING CLAWS [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisites: Rake or Rend, Superior Rake or Superior RendBenefit: Should you hit with a Rake or Rend attack, you cause a wound that won't stop bleeding. The target takes one quarter of your strength modifier (minimum 1) damage each turn for 1d6+2 turns. This overcomes regeneration and damage reduction but may be staunched by a DC (15+ Character level + Strength Modifier) Treat Injury check or any sort of supernatural healing You may take this multiple times to increase the duration by 1d6 turns.

BRUTAL STRIKE [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Benefit: You re-roll any damage dice that shows a 1. You may take this a second time to re-roll any damage dice that show a 1 or a 2.

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EPIC REACH [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: Extra Limb (Tail or Tentacle)Benefit: Your Tail or Tentacle gains a 10 foot reach and can also attack adjacent targets. You may take this multiple times to increase the reach by 5 feet each time to a maximum of a 20 foot reach.

REFRESHING WIND [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: High Speed RegenerationBenefit: Once per day per point of spellscore modifier, but only once per encounter, you may spend a standard action to heal one quarter of your maximum hit points and gain a +2 bonus on all defensive rolls till the end of your next turn.

RESURGENCE [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisites: Resurreccion, High Speed Regeneration, Refreshing WindBenefit: Once per day, while in any form of resurrection, when you would be killed, you are instead healed to one half your maximum hit points. You may take this multiple times to gain multiple uses of this per day.

RETRIBUTION [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisites: Resurreccion, Segunda EtapaBenefit: While Segunda Etapaed, when you are struck in melee combat, you may make an attack of opportunity against the target that struck you. This does not grant extra attacks of opportunity, but you may make more than one attack of opportunity against one victim at a time.

SUMMON EPIC HOLLOW [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisites: Telepathy, Summon Lesser Hollow, Summon Bigger HollowBenefit: You summon even more powerful hollows to your side. Your summoned hollows have 30 hit points each per 4 levels, deal 15 damage each per 4 levels with their bite and can explode as a standard action for 15 damage per 5 levels which ignores damage reduction in a radius of 10 feet per 5 character levels and kills the epic hollow. If another epic hollow is caught in the blast of an epic hollow it will itself detonate.

EPIC MERGING [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: MergingBenefit: You may merge with a second being. You may take this multiple times to add an additional being to your merging up to the initiator's constitution modifier times.

GONZUI [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisites: ConsumptionBenefit: You may, as an immediate reaction, consume the souls of every enemy that dies within 20 feet of you, You gain +5% xp on the encounter per soul consumed in this fashion and regain hit points equal to the average constitution score of the victims.

FISSION [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Benefit: As a move action you may summon a duplicate of yourself to aid you in combat. To do this, you take a -1 on all level dependent numerical values per 1.5 level of the duplicate. (IE If you took a -6 to all level dependent numerical values, your duplicate would have 9 levels). Your Duplicate can never exceed your current virtual level (Character level - Penalties taken). You may take this ability multiple times to add a cumulative .5 to the multiplier (IE Taken twice, this would give you 2x penalty to level ratio, taken 3 it would be 2.5x penalty to level ratio, 4 times it would be 3 times penalty to level ratio). The duplicate lasts till the end of the encounter. You may not merge with a Fissioned duplicate.

BLOODY HANDS [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: Rend or RakeBenefit: If you critically hit on your opponent, and that opponent has Fortification or any higher ability on their armor, you may ignore one level of that fortification to a minimum of 0% chance of reducing a critical hit. This can be taken multiple times, each time ignores an additional level of fortification. This can never result in an augmentation of your critical hit.

POTENT ELEMENTAL STRIKE [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisites: Elemental HandsBenefit: You ignore the first 10 points of resistance of your elemental type (IE If you had this for Electricity, you would ignore the first 10 points of electricity resistance you encountered.) You may take this multiple times to increase the ignored resistance by 10 each time to a maximum of 50.

VAMPIRIC BITE [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: Bite AttackBenefit: When you successfully deal damage with your bite attack, you heal one half the damage you dealt after damage reduction.

HOLLOW BOOST [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Benefit: You may, as a standard action that doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity, for one round per point of spellscore, boost one statistic that isn't your spellscore by your spellscore (Chosen when this is taken). You may do this once per day per spellscore modifier. Multiple applications of this do not stack, and only reset the duration.

SUPERIOR GROUND AND POUND [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: Ground and PoundBenefit: You gain an additional Ground and Pound attack. You may take this multiple times to gain additional rake attacks to a maximum of 4 total ground and pound attacks.

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SUPERIOR CRUNCH [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: CrunchBenefit: Your Crunch damage increases by 1d6 per 6 levels you possess. Also add twice your Strength Modifier to damage instead of your strength modifier.

EPIC TRAMPLE [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: TrampleBenefit: You may now trample those of your own size category or lower and add 3 times your Strength Modifier to damage.

SERPENT'S GAPE [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisites: Improved Grab, Bite Attack, Swallow WholeBenefit: You may swallow any creature of your own size category or smaller and your damage increases by 1d8 + 4 damage per 6 levels you have.

CAPTAIN CLASS ZANPAKUTOU [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisites: Espada 5 Levels or Full Power Zanpakutou Vastro Lorde Power, Level 25+Benefits: Your Zanpakutou gains an additional 4 Shikai Abilities and 2 Additional Bankai abilities. This may be taken once every 8 levels (IE if you took this at 25th level, you wouldn't be able to take it again till 33rd).

EPIC SPIRIT LANCE [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: Spirit Lance Vastro Lorde AbilityBenefit: Your Spirit Lance may be used once every 3 levels and does 5d6 damage per ranged attack you have ignoring any damage mitigation.

EPIC SUPER SPEED [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisites: Run, Super SpeedBenefit: If you hit with an attack while charging, you deal double damage. On a critical hit your multiplier increases by 1 to a maximum of 8.

EPIC ELEMENTAL HANDS [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: Elemental Hands taken the maximum times available.Benefit: You may take Elemental hands 2 more times.

CERO SECCION SUPREMA [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER, CEROSHAPE]Prerequisite: Cero Seccion, CeroBenefit: Your Cero's maximum range becomes line of sight. You may only have one ceroshape on your cero at a time.Special: Add 2 to your Cero timer.

EPIC CEROSHAPE [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisites: Any 2 Ceroshapes, 31st level +Benefit: You may now put 2 Ceroshapes on your Cero at once that logically make sense.Special: Add an additional 6 to your Cero timer.

ALACRITY [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: Spell-Like Ability (Haste)Benefit: Once per round, the hollow may take an extra partial action either before or after it's actions for the round.

STICKY [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: Improved Grab, Extra Limb (Tail or Tendril)Benefit: Any creature that successfully touches or attacks the hollow with a Melee weapon is subject to a free improved grab check by the hollow as if the hollow had successfully attacked the creature with it's tail/tendril. A creature wielding a weapon must immediately relinquish it's grip on it's weapon or proceed with the grapple check. If the creature relinquishes it's weapon it is taken by the hollow, and must be recovered normally. If the hollow has the swallow whole hollow growth power, the weapon is instead swallowed by the hollow. Creatures that attack the hollow in melee without a weapon (Such as an unarmed attack or natural weapon) do not have the option to relinquish their grip and must proceed with the grapple check.

INFINITE DEFLECTION [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisites: Deflection taken 5+ times, ReflectionBenefit: You may deflect a line or ray attack once per round instead of five times per encounter. Each time you deflect an attack, roll 1d6. If you roll a 6, roll 1d4. You cannot use your Infinite Deflection for that many rounds. Regardless of how many times you have Deflection, you can only deflect once per round ever.

EPIC POUNCE [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: PounceBenefit: When you make a pounce attack, you may make an extra attack at your highest attack bonus. All Attacks you make in that round take a -3 penalty.

EPIC GRAB [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: Improved GrabBenefit: You may now use Improved Grab on subjects that are your size category or smaller.

IMPROVED TELEPATHY [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: Telepathy, 25+ IntelligenceBenefit: Your telepathy now extends to any creature.

HORRIFIC VISAGE [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: Frightful Presence, 25+ CharismaBenefit: When you use this ability you literally become the worst nightmare of the being that views you. All creatures viewing you are subject to this effect, though you may exclude allies from the effect by taking 2 charisma damage. All who view this must make a will save (DC 15 + Character Level + Charisma modifier) or fall to -1 hit points and stable out of sheer fright. Pass or fail, subjects are immune to this ability for 24 hours after the first saving throw.

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CERO SECCION MAS [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER, CEROSHAPE]Prerequisites: Cero, Cero SeccionBenefit: Your Cero Seccion can target one additional target per 4 levels. The maximum targets that can be targeted is equal to your Intelligence Modifier.Special: Add 2 to your Cero Timer. This Ceroshape modifies Cero Seccion, and therefore must have Cero Seccion already applied to the Cero to be used. This is in exception to the rule that you can have only one ceroshape on a cero.

ENHANCED NATURAL WEAPON [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: 25+ Strength or DexterityBenefit: Choose one natural attack you possess (This includes unarmed strikes). This attack does one extra base weapon damage.

REFLECT RANGED SHOT [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: ResurreccionBenefit: While resurrected, you can reflect ranged shot attacks back on their attacker once per round. This uses the same attack roll as was targeted towards you and the shooter must roll their own defense against their own attack roll. This does not rebound Lines, Cones or Bursts. It only rebounds Ranged Shot attacks.

DUPLICATION [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: Constitution 18+, Great FortitudeBenefit: You may create lesser duplicates of yourself. These duplicates are of the same type and size as you. They have the same hollow growth powers up to your first 6. They gain any Bizarre hollow growth power you have for free and this does not count towards their hollow growth powers. They have one tenth of your own hit points, and use your Attacks, Defenses and skills with a -4 penalty. There is no limit to the number of duplicates you can have at once, but you can create only your Constitution modifier's worth in a round. Should you die, all your Duplicates die with you. Duplicates only last 24 hours

UNHOLY TOUGHNESS [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisites: Any two of the following skills 24+ Ranks (Fortitude, Reflex, Will)Benefit: Add your charisma modifier to your Saving Throws. This is a profane bonus. Also, add your Spellscore modifier to your hit points at every other level (IE If you had a spellscore modifier of 10, and 30 character levels, you would add 150 hit points to your total)

OVERPOWERING AURA [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisites: 2,500+ ReiatsuBenefit: All beings within 30 feet of you that fail your passive soul crushing check take your spellscore modifier in damage per round they fail your passive soul crush check ignoring damage mitigation.

CERO METRALLETA SUPREMA [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER, CEROSHAPE]Prerequisites: Cero Metralleta, Point Blank ShotBenefit: You can now fire a number of Ceros equal to twice your character level. Each Cero fired only deals 1d6+3 damage instead of 2d6.Special: Add 4 to your Cero Timer. This Ceroshape modifies Cero Metralleta, and therefore must have Cero Metralleta already applied to the Cero to be used. This is in exception to the rule that you can have only one ceroshape on a cero.

CERO EMANACION [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER, CEROSHAPE]Prerequisites: Cero Absolute, Cero Bocanda, Cero SupremaBenefit: Your Cero becomes an Emanation center on you, extending out 30 feet. It lasts for 3 rounds. You can only have one Ceroshape on a Cero.Special: Add 5 to your Cero Timer.

MAD BARRAGE [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisites: Unarmed Strike 24+ RanksBenefit: When calculating how many unarmed attacks you gain per round, you gain one attack per 4 above 1 your Unarmed Strike skill is, maxing out at 5 attacks per round (Thus at level 20, if Unarmed Strike were a trained skill for you, you would have the following attacks, 23/19/15/11/7)

CROSS SPECIES MERGING [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: MergingBenefit: You may merge with a willing creature instead of just with a hollow. All the rules of Merging still apply. You are never the Initiator of the merging if you merge in this fashion. You may choose to end the fusion.

ELEMENTAL STORM [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisites: Energy Resistance for the energy you want, Elemental HandsBenefit: You are surrounded at all times by a aura of your element. This aura extends from you 20 feet per level and deals 2d6 damage per round to all within the aura that aren't somehow protected from your damage type. You may shut off and resume your aura as a standard action that doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity. Once up however, the only way for an outside force to end your aura is to knock you unconscious or kill you. You may take this multiple times to increase the damage by 2d6 damage.

IMPROVED MULTIATTACK [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: MutliattackBenefit: The hollow's attacks with secondary natural weapons are made at no penalty.

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FURIOUS RESOLVE [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: Constitution 25+Benefit: You have a delayed damage pool that allows you to forestall the effects of many injuries. This pool begins at 0 at the beginning of each encounter. If you are struck by an opponent, any damage dealt goes to your delayed damage pool. At the end of your next turn, you take damage equal to the total stored in your delayed damage pool, which then resets to 0. Any healing you receive can either heal your wounds, or lower your delay damage pool or split between. Any effects such as energy drain, stun or the like still effect you normally. Your Delay damage pool is equal to your constitution modifier times one third your level (IE If you had a Constitution Modifier of 7, and 30 levels, you would have a delay damage pool of 70 points). Damage in excess of your delay damage pool effects you normally.Damage in your delay damage pool gives you a bonus on attack and damage rolls equal to one sixth the amount of damage within (Minimum 1). (IE If you had 24 points of damage in your pool, you would have a +4 bonus to attack and damage rolls).

ECSTATIC KISS [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: Bite AttackBenefit: If you manage to deal bite damage to your opponent with your bite attack, at your option, your opponent must make a will saving throw with a DC of (15 + Character Level + Charisma Modifier) or be dominated by you for 1d4+1 rounds. A dominated opponent attempts to follow your direction explicitly. Making the creature do something against their own code of conduct (such as killing a family member or close friend) immediately allows a new saving throw with a +4 bonus. You may only have one dominated being at once, and you cannot use this power again for 1d4+1 rounds after it's effects end on your last victim.

CERO ADHERIRSE [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER, CEROSHAPE]Prerequisites: Cero, Any CeroshapeBenefit: Your Cero has it's normal effect, but also clings to anything caught in it's area. A Cero Adherirse lasts for 1 round. In the round after you fire your Cero Adherirse, it deals half the damage it dealt in the previous round. A foe can take a full-round action to attempt to remove the clinging of the Cero Adherirse. It takes a successful Reflex saving throw (same DC as your normal Cero) to remove the effect. Rolling on the ground grants a +2 bonus to the check, but leaves the foe prone.Special: Add 1 to your Cero Timer. You can only have one Ceroshape on a Cero at a time.

CERO GEMELO [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER, CEROSHAPE]Prerequisite: Cero, Any CeroshapeBenefit: Your Cero retains it's size and shape, but it splits into two areas that you aim separately. Each portion deals only half the damage of your normal Cero. You may overlap areas to deal normal damage.Special: Add 2 to your Cero Timer. You can only have one Ceroshape on a Cero at a time.

IMPROVED CAUSTIC BLOOD [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisites: Energy Resistance 30 with the element chosen, Caustic BloodBenefit: As Caustic Blood, but effects all creatures adjacent to you instead of just your melee attacker.

EPIC SUMMON HOLLOW [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: Devour, Summon HollowBenefit: Your summoned hollow is three quarters your level instead of one half.

EPIC HIVEMIND [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: HivemindBenefit: Your hivemind expands to 60 feet.

CONTINGENCY [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: Spell-Like AbilityBenefit: Choose one spell-like ability you possess. Once per day, you may have that spell-like ability trigger in a situation chosen when you choose this ability. The situation can be anything from simply being attacked, to as complicated as "If a Shinigami walks through my trapped area and draws their sword." This triggering is a free action and can be done any character's turn should the conditions be met and happens immediately after the condition is met. (IE if you had Ressurection as your contingeny, and you had the condition be "I die" the spell-like ability wouldn't trigger till after you were dead, but would still trigger once you died, automatically as a free action.) You may spend 8 hours in meditation to change the Spell-like ability this is tied to, and 8 further hours in meditation to change the condition.

KIDO SUCK [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: Bite attackBenefit: When the hollow hits with a bite attack, the victim loses the damage taken times ten in reiatsu, and the user of this ability gains one half that in reiatsu. This cannot put them above their one and a half times their maximum reiatsu.

GREATER VAMPIRIC BITE [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: Bite Attack, Vampiric BiteBenefit: You now heal all the damage you deal with your bite attack.

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GREATER KIDO SUCK [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: Bite Attack, Kido SuckBenefit: You now gain the full amount of Reiatsu instead of just half.

LIMITED KIDO IMMUNITY [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: Spell-Like AbilityBenefit: When you are struck by a kido, after the effect resolves, you are immune to additional castings of the same kido by that same caster for 1d6+2 rounds. Multiple castings by that same caster does not reset the duration, and after the 1d6+2 rounds is over, you will be effected again.

CERO ULTIMA [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER, CEROSHAPE]Prerequisite: Cero, Cero Absolute, Cero Magna AbsoluteBenefit: Half the damage done by your Cero results directly from profane power and cannot be reduced by any damage mitigation.Special: Add 3 to your Cero Timer. You can only have one ceroshape on a cero at a time.

FERAL FORM [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: ResurreccionBenefit: While Resurrected, you may push your body into a feral state that is less powerful than Segunda Etapa, but more powerful than Resurreccion. You gain your Spellscore modifier as a bonus to your Strength, Dexterity and Constitution for 3 + Constitution Modifier rounds. Also your Natural attacks move up one size category. After the Feral Form wears off, you un-resurrecct for 1d4+1 rounds.

CERO RECUPERAR [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER, CEROSHAPE]Prerequisite: CeroBenefit: When you roll for your cero timer, subtract 1 from the roll (Minimum 1 round).Special: You can only have one ceroshape on a cero at a time.

MAGIA FRASCO [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: Intelligence 25+Benefit: Once per day, you can create a burst of energy around yourself that lasts 3+Intelligence Modifier in rounds. The field is 5 feet per character level in diameter. While this field is up, no character can cast kido, use kido-like or spell-like abilities or supernatural abilities. Extraordinary abilities and physical hollow growth powers still function within the area.

CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: BizarreBenefit: For 3+ Constitution modifier rounds per day, you may make yourself immune to critical hits, death from massive damage, energy drain, ability damage, ability drain, polymorphing and petrification.

CERO NATURALEZA [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER, CEROSHAPE]Prerequisite: Elemental Resistance with element chosen.Benefit: At the cost of 20 hit points, you may infuse your Cero with the power of an element you're resistant to (Chosen when taking this). Your entire Cero becomes this element as does all damage resulting from it, negating damage reduction.Special: Add 5 to your cero timer. You can only have one ceroshape on your cero at one time. If you have multiple elemental resistances, you may choose this multiple times to gain additional elements you can add to your Cero. You can still only add one element at a time to your Cero.

GREATER MAGIC FANG [HOLLOW GROWTH POWER]Prerequisite: Magic Fang taken 5 times for one natural weapon.Benefit: The maximum bonus you can have on one natural weapon is increased by +10. You can take this multiple times to increase the cap again by +5.

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An Arch-Arrancar is a Hollow of unimaginable power. Their power eclipses the best of Captains, and can only be held at bay by Squad Zero. It has been speculated that the Espada themselves were all Arch Arrancar,, this is untrue for even within the Espada, there was room for advancement, and growth, which shows that the Arch-Arrancar are even more powerful than they.

Cuatro Espada, Ulquiorra Cifer showed the first inkling of what a Arch-Arrancar's power might be by activating his Resurrección: Segunda Etapa, but that is by far not the limits of Hollow Powers. Truly powerful Arch-Arrancars have become Abominations of the night. Truly vile creatures that border on godhood.

Encountering a Arch-Arrancar is surely a testament to your own power, for they are harbingers of apocalypse and doom, and do not enter fray for merely anyone that comes along. Truly it takes a massive

concentration of spiritual pressure to make a Arch-Arrancar even begin to contemplate moving from his position of power. Only for the most powerful, most succulent treats will a Arch-Arrancar risk injury.

PrerequisitesFeats: Hollow Feat, Swift Resurreccion ReleaseSkills: Unarmed Strike 24+ RanksSpecial: Reiatsu 2,000+

1 - RESURRECCION: SEGUNDA ETAPA [PRESTIGE]As a full round action from Ressurrecion, the Arch Arrancar can assume Segunda Etapa. The second stage of Arrancar release abilities, the Ressurreccion: Segunda Etapa, or Second Step of Ressurrection, gives the Arch-Arrancar an incredible power boost, multiplying the original Ressureccion boost by one and a half, and adding the Arch-Arrancar's Constitution Modifier to his Damage Reduction and Natural Armor. An Arch-Arrancar may hold this form for one round per (Character Level + Constitution Modifier) per day. While your in Segunda Etapa, multiply your Reiatsu Rating by 5.

2 – One Hollow Growth Power (May also look at the Arch-Arrancar Abilities Section) or Feat

3 – CERO OSCURAS [PRESTIGE]Immense in power, the Cero Oscuras functions as a basic Cero that has been intensified. The cero oscuras can be used Once per day per 10 character levels of the Arch-Arrancar. Once per Week, the Arch-Arrancar may twice Widen the line created by the Cero, but this leaves him fatigued after use. This counts as a Ceroshape.

4 – One Hollow Growth Power (May also look at the Arch-Arrancar Abilities Section) or Feat

5 – HYPER-EVOLUTION [PRESTIGE]Creatures of chaos, and change, Arch-Arrancars have the unique ability to instantly evolve and adapt to attack forms used on them. Whenever an attack form is used on a Arch-Arrancar, with the exception of Slashing, Piercing or Bludgeoning damage, the Arch-Arrancar can make a Fortitude Save DC (Enemy Hit Dice + Enemy Constitution Modifier + 20). If they succeed, they become immune to that attack form for one round per point of Constitution Modifier. This ability may be used 3+Intelligence Modifier times per day.

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6 – One Hollow Growth Power (May also look at the Arch-Arrancar Abilities Section and Epic Hollow Growth Powers Section) or Feat

7 – OVERWHELMING MALEVOLENT AURA [PRESTIGE]Anywhere an Arch-Arrancar goes, living energy seems to wither. In a radius of 100 feet around the Arch-Arrancar, all creatures must make a Fortitude Save DC (20 + One Half the Arch-Arrancar's HD + The Arch-Arrancar's Charisma Modifier) or take 1 negative level per 10 hit dice of the Arch-Arrancar. This never results in actual level loss, but persists as long as the creatures are in the aura. Whether or not the save is successful, a target cannot be effected by the same aura for 24 hours. In addition to the normal effects of level loss, you lose any feats gained at the lost levels till such time as the negative levels are restored (Leaving the aura). Unlike Level Loss, you retain all memory. If this level loss would make a creature's level hit 0, the creature must save vs Massive Damage or be instantly slain, and his soul absorbed into the Arch-Arrancar giving the Arch-Arrancar 5 temporary hit points per hit dice of the victim.

8 – One Hollow Growth Power (May also look at the Arch-Arrancar Abilities Section and Epic Hollow Growth Powers Section) or Feat

9 – UNDYING MALEVOLENCE [PRESTIGE]Nearly a god unto itself, the Arch-Arrancar has perfected it's ability to use it's second release. Double the amount of time the Arch-Arrancar may use it's second release form.

10 – One Hollow Growth Power (May also look at the Arch-Arrancar Abilities Section and Epic Hollow Growth Powers Section) or Feat

Special: You may take more than 10 levels in this class. Each even level grants you another Hollow Growth power (Chosen from the normal list, the epic list or the Arch-Arrancar abilities list). Each odd level grants you a bonus feat.

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Arch-Arrancar Abilities

Elemental Immunity: The Arch-Arrancar gains Reisistance 50 to a natural element (Fire, Ice, Electricity, Acid, Force, Water or Sonic) If the Arch-Arrancar already has resistance to the element chosen, it heals one hit point for every three hit points of damage from that element that failed to over come the resitance. If chosen again, this becomes one hit point per two damage, and if chosen a third (or fourth) time, it becomes direct healing

Increased Vitality: Choose one of the following effects. You gain that effect for your character. You may take this hollow growth power multiple times, if you choose the same bonus more than once, the effects stack.

– Increased Health: If you do not have the Blooded feat, you gain it's effects. If you do, add 4 to the hit points you gain per level.

– Increased Skill: If you do not have the the Seasoned feat, you gain it's effects. If you do, add 4 to the skill bonus you gain.

– Increased Power: If you do not have the Enlightened feat, you gain it's effects. If you do, add 4 to the ability modifier you gain.

– Increased Reactions: Gain a +4 to your Reflex Skill

– Increased Heartiness: Gain a +4 to your Fortitude Skill

– Increased Mind: Gain a +4 to your Willpower Skill

– Increased Flurry: Gain a +4 to your Unarmed Attack Skill

– Increased Attack: Gain a +4 to your Weapon Attack Skill

– Increased Aim: Gain a +4 to your Ranged Attack Skill

Empower Spell-Like Ability: An Arch-Arrancar can apply the Empower Spell feat to one of its spell-like abilities that it can use twice per day. If the Arch-Arrancar has limited use of the spell-like ability, the empowered ability uses up two uses of the ability. If the Arch-Arrancar can use the ability at will, there is no cost for empowering the ability. The Arch-Arrancar does not need to specify a spell-like ability when it chooses this feat; it can apply the feat to any spell-like ability it possesses.

Maximize Spell-Like Ability: The Arch-Arrancar can apply the Maximize Spell feat to one of its spell-like abilities that it can use three times per day. If the Arch-Arrancar has limited use of the spell-like ability, the maximized ability uses up three uses of the ability. If the Arch-Arrancar can use the ability at will, there is no cost for maximizing the ability. The Arch-Arrancar does not need to specify a spell-like ability when it chooses this feat; it can apply the feat to any spell-like ability it possesses.

Supernatural Transmogrification: Choose one Spell-Like ability you possess. This ability becomes a Supernatural ability and is usable at will every 1d4+1 rounds. You may no longer effect this ability with the Hollow Growth Powers “Maximize Spell-Like Ability” or “Empower Spell-Like Ability”

Ability Enhancement: Choose one of your Statistics. It gains a bonus equal to one half the number of Hollow Growth Powers you have. This ability can only be chosen once per Statistic (IE only once for Strength, once for Dexterity, etc) and once chosen, the bonus increases by 1 per 2 Hollow Growth Powers.

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Kaiju Class Hollow

Some hollows are forced to manifest evolutionary stages. When a high level normal hollow eats a being of Captain-like reiatsu, they are forced through evolutionary stages to reach what some consider one of the pinnacles of hollow power.

Prerequisites : 21st+ level. Size increased to colossal Feats: Hallow growth ability: cero, Consumption, Devour, Regeneration, High Speed RegenerationSpecial: Exclusive of the Arrancar and/or the Cazador Feat trees

1- CERO DORAI[PRESTIGE]Benefit: You gain a mini-cero that begins dealing 2d6 damage. Your mini-cero gets more powerful asyour Reiatsu grows stronger. Each time you gain an additional attack from your Ranged attack skill ranks, your mini-cero damage increases by +2d6. Cero Dorai has a range of 200' and uses your Ranged Attack skill, however you may use your Str mod instead of your Wis mod.

2- HIERRO [PRESTIGE]Benefit: The Kaiju adds her Constitution bonus (if any) to her AC as a natural armor bonus.

3- TRUE HIGH SPEED REGENERATIONBenefit: Your regeneration becomes equal to your character level.

4- One Hollow Growth Power

5- CERO LLUVIA [PRESTIGE]Benefit: Once plus your dex modifier times per day you may as a full round action use Cero Dorai against all enemies within 60' Instead of scoring one hit if the attack is successful, the attacker scores hits (minimum of one, maximum of five) equal to the difference between his or her final to hit roll (including all modifiers) and the target’s defense roll/or AC (including all modifiers) divided by five, rounded down. For example, if a character (with a final hit roll result of 27) attempts to hit a target who rolls a final defense value of 16, he or she would score 2 hits (27 - 16 = 11; 11 ÷ 5 = 2.2; round down to 2). Each hit delivers separate damage (Damage Reduction applies to each hit). Bonuses from critical hit multipliers sneak attacks and the like are only applied to the first hit all others only inflict the normal damage of the Cero Dorai.

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The Hidecarved

Prerequisites: Natural Armor 20+Will save +12Iron Will Hollow Growth Power [Energy Resistance]Hollow Growth Power [Regeneration]Hollow Growth Power [High Speed Regeneration]

1 – IMPROVED RESISTANCES [PRESTIGE]Add the number of feats you have from this tree to your Natural Armor and your Damage Reduction.

2 – IMPROVED IMMUNITIES [PRESTIGE]You gain a bonus to your existing energy resistance of +5 per feat in this tree. You also gain a second set of resistances equal to 5 per feat in this tree as long as it does not overcome your regeneration. If you have all five feats in this tree, you gain a third resistance at 5 per feat in this tree as long as it does not overcome your regeneration.

3 – IMPROVED REGENERATIONChoose one of the energy types that overcomes your regeneration. That type no longer overcomes your regeneration. You do not gain regeneration for having this feat. Also add the number of feats you have in this tree to the number you regenerate each turn.

4 – ENERGY IMMUNITYChoose one element you currently have a resistance to. This resistance increases to 50 if it is not already higher than this. If it is equal to or higher than this, increase it by an additional 10.

5 – SUPRESS WEAKNESS [PRESTIGE]You only take three-quarters the damage from the energy type that overcomes your regeneration. In addition you do not die at -1/2 your hit points. You die at negative your maximum hit points.

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Squad Zero Member

The Royal Guard is a special organization that performs services for the Royal family. It has a considerable amount of fighting, organizational, and executive power compared to other organizations.

They are also charged with slaying Menos Grande, though the circumstances under which they do so are unknown.

Serving the royal family being the primary purpose of the Royal Guard, they don't interfere in Gotei 13's affairs and defense of Soul Society, as seen with major threats like Aizen and his Arrancar. They are known to do whatever is required by order of the Spirit King.

The Royal Guards authority supersedes the authority of all within Soul Society.

Outwardly they appear in all instances to be a Shinigami, but all wear captains jackets with the standard symbol for their squad on the back. Each has reached the pinnacle of power for their Zanpakutou, and some rumor that there is even a further stage beyond Bankai that is practiced by the Squad Zero members. Only those that are truly of epic proportions are even brought into this squad however, and as such, nearly nothing is known about them, and even saying that someone was promoted TO the squad is a crime. No one is publicly promoted to the Zero Squad, they just retire from Shinigami life.

PrerequisitesPerfect BankaiWeapon Attack 24+ RanksReiatsu 2,000+

Special: By entering this class you become an Ouken, a Spirit Key that can enter or will the entrance to the Spirit Palace.

1 – MURIKAI (IMPOSSIBLE RELEASE) [PRESTIGE]Your Bankai has been reformed and enhanced to incredible levels by just being in the presence of the Spirit King. For one round per (Character Level + Constitution Score) per day, you may push your already released Bankai into this ultimate Murikai. You cannot release Murikai from base form or Shikai. Releasing Murikai is a full round action. To create a Murikai, you gain choices equal to three times your original shikai's and double your bankai choices. You then gain one Murikai choice and one additional Murikai choice per 10 character levels. While you have Murikai active, multiply your Reiatsu Rating by 7.

2 – SUMMON DIVINITY [PRESTIGE]You summon a sliver of the Spirit King's divine power. Once Per day per ten character levels, you may place yourself into a state of divine rapture. You gain a +6 bonus to all physical statistics, a +5 Divine Bonus to your Defense and Defense Skills (This does not give the bonus twice through the Reflex Save Skill), Damage Reduction +10/-. While in this state you are immune to binding kido, and kido that induces starvation or dehydration. You are also immune to damage that is not dealt in dice (IE if a kido says it deals a certain percentage of your HP, you are immune) and the Auto-Reincarnating special ability. This lasts for 3 + Wisdom Modifier in rounds.

3 – GREATER MURIKAI [PRESTIGE]You're power over the nearly incomprehensible power of the Murikai grows stronger. Double the length of time you can release this form. Also, your own power has grown as well. Gain up to one additional attack if your ranks in Weapon Attack are greater than 20.

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4– SUMMON GREATER DIVINITY [PRESTIGE]You are more used to channeling the divinity of the Spirit King through your body. Reduce by one step the level of tiredness you feel after using the Summon Divinity feature (Exhausted becomes Fatigued, Unconscious becomes Exhausted and if you have used all three, you are unconscious.)

5 – PERFECT MURIKAI [PRESTIGE]You have mastered the power granted to you by the Spirit King. Triple the length of time you can release your Murikai form, and gain up to one additional attack when your ranks in Weapon Attack are greater than 25, or up to two additional attacks when your ranks in Weapon Attack are greater than 30.

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Murikai Abilities

Auto-Reincarnating: Any creature struck in combat by this weapon must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 12 + User's Level) or be destroyed as if by the disintegrate spell. On a failed save, the target takes 1d6 damage per the user's character level, if this results in death, the creature is disintegrated. Hollows killed in this way are brought to the Soul Society or Jigoku as normal and the Reincarnation cycle is not interrupted by any means. Spells that return life to a target cannot be used short of an effect resembling True Resurrection or Wish. If he wills it, the Spirit King may return a creature that was the victim of this power to life.

Bashing: A Bashing weapon automatically attempts to bull rush a target on each successful attack. When Bull rushing in this manner you make the opposed strength check using your Weapon Attack Skill Ranks as the strength bonus. If you win the opposed strength bonus, you push the target back 2 feet per point by which you won the challenge (IE if you won by 15 points, you would push the target 30 feet.) IF the target strikes anything on the way, they take damage as if they fell the distance.

Belief: This weapon is aligned to one part of your moral compass (Choose one of the following per placement of this enchantment: Good, Evil, Lawful, Chaotic) and thus bypasses the corresponding damage reduction. When a weapon of belief strikes an opposed alignment target (Lawful opposes Chaotic, Good opposes Evil), this power deals +3d6 points of bonus aligned damage to the target, and the target gains one negative level (Fortitude DC 23 to remove 24 hours later). On a successful critical hit it instead deals +6d6 points of aligned damage and bestows two negative levels (or +9d6 and three negative levels if the critical multiplier is ×3, or +12d6 and four negative levels if the critical multiplier is ×4). The weapon bestows three negative levels on any opposed aligned creature attempting to wield it. These negative levels remain as long as the weapon is in hand and disappear when the weapon is no longer wielded. These negative levels never result in actual level loss, but they cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the weapon is wielded. Bows, crossbows, and slings with this special ability bestow the power upon their ammunition.

Critical Blast: On command, an critical blast weapon is sheathed in elemental power (choose from the following each time this is placed, Fire, Ice, Acid, Electricity, Sonic, Force, Water) (though this deals no damage to the wielder). On any hit, this power washes over the creature struck, dealing +3d6 points of bonus elemental damage. On a successful critical hit it instead deals +6d6 points of elemental damage (or +9d6 if the critical multiplier is ×3, or +12d6 if the critical multiplier is ×4). Bows, crossbows, and slings with this special ability bestow the bonus elemental damage upon their ammunition.

Distant Shot: A distant shot weapon can be used against any target within line of sight at no penalty for range.

Dread: A dread weapon excels at attacking one type of creature. Against its designated foe, its effective enhancement bonus is +4 better than its normal enhancement bonus. Further, it deals +4d6 points of bonus damage against the foe, and if it scores a successful critical hit against the foe, that creature must make a Fortitude save (DC 27) or be destroyed instantly and turned to dust. (This even affects creatures immune to critical hits or death magic.). You must choose your Dread Target from the following List (Shinigami, Human, Hollow, Quincy, Bounto) You may instead choose an origination or type of character (for example, you may choose The Kido Corp, or The Punishment Force as a Dread Target, but not all Kido Wielders as this is too broad)

Everdancing: An everdancing weapon is much like a dancing weapon, though it can be loosed with a free action and will fight as long as desired. It can move up to 60 feet away from its owner. Its owner can instruct it to move to a different target as a move-equivalent action. If its owner is rendered unconscious or otherwise unable to direct it, it will fight the same opponent as long as that opponent is conscious and within range. The owner of an everdancing weapon can grasp it again as a free action (assuming it is within reach).

Flaying: A Flaying weapon has it's Critical Range doubled. This stacks with Keen (IE if had a Weapon with a 20 crit, with Keen, that would make it 19-20, a Flaying weapon would make it 17-20.) and it's critical modifier increases by 1. (x2 becomes x3, x3 becomes x4 etc)

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Souldrinking: A souldrinking weapon is a terror to behold. Each successful attack forces a Fortitude Save (DC 21) or it steals a level from it's target. This type of level loss can result in permanent level loss. Once per day, a Souldrinking weapon can confer onto it's wielder a number of levels up to a maximum of it's enchantment bonus. These are not actual levels, but grant a bonus equal to the granted levels to all d20 rolls, and temporary hit points equal to your (Level x Constitution Modifier). Temporary hit points are lost first. The bonuses granted by this enhancement last for one minute per point of enchantment bonus on the weapon and you cannot grant yourself levels if you have not drained the same amount of levels before this point. Levels stored within the sword last for one week before they are lost if they are not used.

Unerring Accuracy: Ranged attacks made with this weapon negate the AC bonus granted by any cover short of total cover. The weapon’s ranged attacks also ignore any miss chance from concealment (including total concealment, but the wielder must still aim his or her attacks at the correct square).

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Master of the Four Ways

Your understanding of the four styles of shimigami combat has been taken to new levels through trail and error and most of all years of practice but you have started to realize that each style of combat is incomplete sure some maybe better in one area then you but you don't rely on only one trick you have many up your sleeve, unfortunately your biggest problem you usually don’t get to use even half you know before you opponent falls

PrerequisitesSpellcaster, Hakudo Adept, Kido Artist, Zanjutsu Master, Supersonic Strike, Zantetsuken, BankaiFlash Step 24+ ranksJikojitsugen 5+ levelsCharacter Level 21+

1 – YAIBA-TE (Sword Hand) [PRESTIGE]For one round per (Character Level + Constitution Score) per day, you may push your self to the Yaiba-te state. While in Yaiba-te you may treat any feats that effect your zanpakutou or unarmed strike as effecting both and use which ever attack roll is higher. i.e. SUPERSONIC STRIKE would read as Prerequisites: Unarmed Strike 4+ Ranks, Flash Step 6+ RanksBenefit : As your strikes get faster, your impact damage grows. Each time you gain an additional attack from yourunarmed attack skill ranks, your unarmed AND ZANPAKUTOU damage increases by +1d6.

2 – Bonus Feat

3 – KIDO SHIELD - [PRESTIGE]When using Flash-steps you may spend up to 10 x Str mod Reiatsu; each incriment gives you a +2 deflection bonus to AC and anyone who hits you before your next turn takes 2d6 damage per 10 reiatsu spent.

4 – Bonus Feat

5 – GREATER YAIBA-TE [PRESTIGE]You're power over the nearly incomprehensible power of the Yaiba-te grows stronger. You may now enter Yaiba-te twice per day. Each use lasts (Character Level + Constitution Score) rounds

6 – Bonus Feat

7 – HANKI [PRESTIGE]Benefit: This technique nullifies an opponent's supernatural (Kido, Cero, Elemental Release damage...) attack by hitting them with a perfectly opposite surge of energy. The Master of the Four Ways must spend 10 Reiatsu per d6 of damage or per 10 reiatsu spent he wants to fend off. He must guess the correct amount, or can make a Spellcraft check (DC 10+ 1 per 10 needed Reiatsu). If his bid is superior to the attacker's damage dice or spent reiatsu, he has successfully nullified the attack. This is a supernatural ability.Special : If the Character already has this feat they instead may pay 10 Reiatsu per 2d6 damage or 20 Reiatsu instead of the normal.

8 – Bonus Feat

9 – PERFECT YAIBA-TE [PRESTIGE]You’re power over the nearly incomprehensible power of the Yaiba-te grows stronger. You may now enter Yaiba-te three times per day. Each use lasts (Character Level + Constitution Score) rounds

10 – Bonus Feat.

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Shinagami Acendent

PrerequisitesFeats: Sword Frenzy, Sacrifice Release

1 – JINZEN PREPERATION [PRESTIGE]Benefit: You no longer have a reiatsu score and loose access to any ability you have that requires a reiatsu score however you are now immune to being detected by your reiatsu and all your stats gain a plus 10 luck bonus. You also gain a +5 luck bonus to all base skills and damage rolls.

2 – Bonus Feat

3 – SECRET TECNIQUE [PRESTIGE]Benefit: Your Sacrifice release Zanpakutou also gains your bankai releases abilities (that it can have if both your shikai and bankai have the same ability that can not be taken more then once this release only gets it once and stack-able abilities are still restricted to once per two levels even if the original was once per three levels).

4 – Bonus Feat

5- JINZEN TRAINING [PRESTIGE]Benefits: Your Zanpakutou deals 1[BW] additional damage that does not count towards feat prerequisites. And you may use the final attack abilityFinal Attack: The Shinigami enters his sword frenzy and during this turn you must use your Sacrifice Release usually meant as an absolute last resort, this ability allows a shinigami to choose one attack their Zanpakutou can use (be it a standard physical attack, a projectile attack, a kidou attack or otherwise) and double the amount of damage dice it does. If the attack allows a save to reduce the damage, increase the save DC by 1/2 your character level, if it requires an attack roll, gain a bonus to your attack roll equal to your character level. Rolling a 1 does not equal an automatic failure on this attack roll. Abilities like Evasion or Mettle do not apply to reduce or negate the amount of damage this attack does (although they can resist secondary effects such as blindness or deafness as normal). Utilizing this attack is a full round action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity (regardless of the normal activation time of the ability used). After using it the Shinigami immediately begins losing levels. The first is lost when using Final Attack. After that they are lost at a rate of one level per three days. Once you reach a number of negative levels equal to your old level, retrain yourself as a level one character (You cannot choose Shinigami or Spiritually Aware). The Shinigami may revitalize their powers by training with a Fullbringer, thus gaining the Fullbringer feat and then retraining the Fullbringer Feat for the Shinigami feat at a later time. From then on they may choose feats as normal.

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Kaiser Human

Prerequisites: Superhuman, Unarmed Strike 24+ Ranks, Evolution, Hyper-Evolution, Superhuman Threshold taken four times.

1 – KAISER EVOULTION [PRESTIGE]Take one of your evolutions. Add 1 Shikai Choice per 3 levels you have attained and add one Bankai choice. You gain Shikai choices normally, and gain Bankai choices every 3 levels after you gain a Kaiser Evolution. While your Kaiser Evolution is active, multiply your Reiatsu by 5.

2 – KAISER BODY PERFECTIONYou gain the ability to use your skills as a Shinigami or Hollow would. You may phase through objects, stand on air, and fly at your land speed with a poor maneuverability.

3 – EVOLUTIONARY POWER I [PRESTIGE]Once per day per point of spell score modifier, you may empower someone else's attack or your own by making a ranged touch attack on that person. The attack's damage is immediately multiplied by 1.5. Also, Once per day per point of spell score modifier, you may maximize someone else's attack or your own by making a ranged touch attack on that person. You may not use both of these together at any time.

4 – EVOLUTIONARY POWER II [PRESTIGE]Once per day per point of spell score modifier, you may quicken someone's metabolism or your own by touch. You grant the target Fast Healing equal to your level for one round per character level. Also, Once per day per point of spell score, you may remove a disease, condition or single ability's damage. You can use both of these abilities at the same time.

5 – EVOLUTIONARY PERFECTIONYour flight speed becomes three times your land speed, your manuverability becomes perfect, and you can make one of your Kaiser Evolutions into a Perfect Kaiser Evolution. This doubles your Bankai Choices up till this point. While your Perfect Kaiser Evolution is active, multiply your Reiatsu by 7.

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Everyman's Hero

Prerequisites: 50% Fullbring, 100% Fullbring, Swift Fullbring, Powerful Fullbring at least onceRelevant Attack Skill 24+

1 – 110% FULLBRING [PRESTIGE]You gain an even more powerful Fullbring and may release it for one minute per character level per day. You may not take any ability more times than your level. Creating your fullbring is just like creating any other with the following additions to the list. You have three times your spellscore to create this fullbring. You cannot take any option more times than your level.

Additional AbilitiesEpic Ability Point Cost 2 – EVERYMAN'S ARMOR [PRESTIGE]

You gain a +10 Bonus versus polymorphing and petrification. You gain a +10 bonus to saves versus ability drain, ability damage, energy drain, and death from massive damage. If they do not offer a saving throw you get a fortitude save anyway at a DC of (15 + Character Level + Constitution Modifier) to which you apply your +10 bonus. You gain a +10 bonus versus mind affecting effects.

3 – 125% FULLBRING [PRESTIGE]Your 110% Fullbring lasts two minutes per level per day instead of one minute per level per day.

Bashing 6 points

Belief 8 points

Critical Blast 6 points

Distant Shot 6 points

Dread 7 points

Everdancing 7 points

Flaying 8 points

Souldrinking 9 points

Unerring Accuracy 6 points

4 – EVERYMAN'S CLOAK [PRESTIGE]You gain fire and cold resistance 20 and gain true seeing at will, along with Blind sight out to 25ft per level. You also gain the ability to telepathically communicate with any creature that has a language within 50 feet per level of you.

5 – 150% FULLBRING [PRESTIGE]You gain more points for your 110% Fullbring. You gain points towards this fullbring equal to your level. You still cannot take abilities more times than your level.

6 – EVERYMAN'S HALO [PRESTIGE]You gain Fast Healing equal to your level, and a halo above your head to signify this. This Halo can be sundered by others, or removed by you. If removed you gain no fast healing as long as it is removed. If sundered or stolen, the Fast Healing is negated for 1 minute after which the Halo returns.

7 – 175% FULLBRING [PRESTIGE]Your power of your Fullbring has grown. You can release your 110% Fullbring for three minutes per level per day.

8 – EVERYMAN'S BOOTS [PRESTIGE]You gain a divine bonus to your landspeed equal to ten times one quarter of your level.

9 – 200% FULLBRING [PRESTIGE]Your 110% Fullbring has reached it's maximum potential. You may add abilities to your Fullbring equal to 1.20x Level (IE If you are level 30, you can have an ability taken 36 times on your 110% Fullbring.)

10 – EVERYMAN'S PERFECTION [PRESTIGE]You gain a +10 bonus on all Fortitude, Reflex and Will saves. This overlaps and does not stack with the bonuses granted by Everyman's Armor. You gain Fast Healing equal to one and a half times your level which is attached to your Everyman's Halo and overlaps, does not stack, with your existing fast healing. Your Land speed increases by ten times one fifth your level which overlaps Everyman's Boots. Lastly, your ability to telepathically communicate knows no boundaries and you can telepathically communicate with any being you can perceive in any way (Including sensing via the sense motive skill).

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Epic Fullbring Abilities

Bashing: A Bashing weapon automatically attempts to bull rush a target on each successful attack. When Bull rushing in this manner you make the opposed strength check using your Weapon Attack Skill Ranks as the strength bonus. If you win the opposed strength bonus, you push the target back 2 feet per point by which you won the challenge (IE if you won by 15 points, you would push the target 30 feet.) IF the target strikes anything on the way, they take damage as if they fell the distance.

Belief: This weapon is aligned to one part of your moral compass (Choose one of the following per placement of this enchantment: Good, Evil, Lawful, Chaotic). When a weapon of belief strikes an opposed allied target (Lawful opposes Chaotic, Good opposes Evil), this power deals +3d6 points of bonus aligned damage to the target, and the target gains one negative level (Fortitude DC 23 to remove 24 hours later). On a successful critical hit it instead deals +6d6 points of aligned damage and bestows two negative levels (or +9d6 and three negative levels if the critical multiplier is ×3, or +12d6 and four negative levels if the critical multiplier is ×4). The weapon bestows three negative levels on any opposed aligned creature attempting to wield it. These negative levels remain as long as the weapon is in hand and disappear when the weapon is no longer wielded. These negative levels never result in actual level loss, but they cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the weapon is wielded. Bows, crossbows, and slings with this special ability bestow the power upon their ammunition.

Critical Blast: On command, an critical blast weapon is sheathed in elemental power (choose from the following each time this is placed, Fire, Ice, Acid, Electricity, Sonic) (though this deals no damage to the wielder). On any hit, this power washes over the creature struck, dealing +3d6 points of bonus elemental damage. On a successful critical hit it instead deals +6d6 points of elemental damage (or +9d6 if the critical multiplier is ×3, or +12d6 if the critical multiplier is ×4). Bows, crossbows, and slings with this special ability bestow the bonus elemental damage upon their ammunition.

Distant Shot: A distant shot weapon can be used against any target within line of sight at no penalty for range.

Dread: A dread weapon excels at attacking one type of creature. Against its designated foe, its effective enhancement bonus is +4 better than its normal enhancement bonus. Further, it deals +4d6 points of bonus damage against the foe, and if it scores a successful critical hit against the foe, that creature must make a Fortitude save (DC 27) or be destroyed instantly and turned to dust. (This even affects creatures immune to critical hits or death magic.). You must choose your Dread Target from the following List (Shinigami, Human, Hollow, Quincy, Bounto) You may instead choose an origination or type of character (for example, you may choose The Kido Corp, or Divine Casters as a Dread Target, but not all Kido Wielders as this is too broad)

Everdancing: An everdancing weapon is much like a dancing weapon, though it can be loosed with a free action and will fight as long as desired. It can move up to 60 feet away from its owner. Its owner can instruct it to move to a different target as a move-equivalent action. If its owner is rendered unconscious or otherwise unable to direct it, it will fight the same opponent as long as that opponent is conscious and within range. The owner of an everdancing weapon can grasp it again as a free action (assuming it is within reach).

Flaying: A Flaying weapon has it's Critical Range doubled once again beyond Keen (IE if had a Weapon with a 20 crit, with Keen, that would make it 19-20, a Flaying weapon would make it 17-20.) and it's critical modifier increases by 1. (x2 becomes x3, x3 becomes x4 etc)

Souldrinking: A souldrinking weapon is a terror to behold. Each successful attack forces a Fortitude Save (DC 21) or it steals a level from it's target. This type of level loss can result in permanent level loss. Once per day, a Souldrinking weapon can confer onto it's wielder a number of levels up to a maximum of it's enchantment bonus. These are not actual levels, but grant a bonus equal to the granted levels to all d20 rolls, and temporary hit points equal to your (Level x Constitution Modifier). Temporary hit points are lost first. The bonuses granted by this enhancement last for one minute per point of enchantment bonus on the weapon and you cannot grant yourself levels if you have not drained the same amount of levels before this point. Levels stored within the sword last for one week before they are lost if they are not used.

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Unerring Accuracy: Ranged attacks made with this weapon negate the AC bonus granted by any cover short of total cover. The weapon’s ranged attacks also ignore any miss chance from concealment (including total concealment, but the wielder must still aim his or her attacks at the correct square).

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Epic Size

SIZE MATTERSAt Epic levels, there are larger creatures than colossal. The following few pages expand upon the existing rules for size and strength, accommodating creatures of any size.

Beyond ColossalEpic characters and immortals can face threats from adversaries of incredible size, far in excess of colossal parameters, such as epic macrobes and super-celestials, among others. Therefore a method was needed to allow for creatures of any potential size. Since merely continuing the core progression indefinitely would eventually mean running out of adjectives, a scale was determined which loops the sizes continually back on themselves every thousandfold size increase (every +10 size categories). In addition the size category formerly known as Colossal+ has been changed to Titanic.Therefore, after the standard scale encompassing the first ten size categories (Fine to Titanic), we have the macro scale adding another ten size categories (Macro-Fine to Macro-Titanic), after that the mega scale and so on and so forth.Table: Expanded Scale lists ten potential scaling systems for the sake of completeness, even though its highly unlikely most will see actual use, better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.

Table: Expanded ScaleScale Example Scale ExampleStandard Humanoid Peta NebulaMacro Mountain Exa QuasarMega Planet Zeta GalaxyGiga Star Yotta SuperclusterTera Solar System Xona Universe

MICRO SCALE?While the above scaling system could theoretically be used in reverse to create a micro scale, such a thing would require a more serious revision of physical ability scores within the rules.

Table: Increased Sizes



ModifierGrapple 2


ModifierHeight orLength 4 Weight 5 Space6





Titanic -16 +20 -20 128ft – 256ft 1-8 KT 40ft 40ft 30ft

Macro-Fine -32 +24 -24 256ft – 512ft 8-64 KT 50ft 50ft 40ft

+1 Size -double previous

+4 -4 Double previous Multiply by 8

+20ft +10ft per three

size categories

+20ft +10ft per three

size categories

+20ft +10ft per three

size categories

1. A creature's size modifier is applied to it's attack bonus and Armor Class.

2. See the Grapple special attack.

3. See the Hide skill. 4. Biped's height, quadruped's body length (nose to base of tail)

5. Assumes that the creature is roughly as dense as a regular animal. A creature made of stone will weigh considerably more. A gaseous creature will weigh much less.

6. These values are typical for creatures of the indicated size. Some exceptions exist.

EXPANDED SIZEApprox. Weight: A creatures weight increases eightfold for each additional size category.‘KT.’ refers to short kilotons (1 short kiloton = 1,000 short tons).‘MT.’ refers to short megatons (1 short megaton = 1,000 short kilotons).‘GT.’ refers to short gigatons (1 short gigaton = 1,000 short megatons).‘TT.’ refers to short teratons (1 short teraton = 1,000 short gigatons).

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Table: Size Category ChangesOld Size 1 New Size Str Dex Con Natural Armor AC/Attack

Colossal Titanic +10 Same +4 +6 -8

Titanic Macro-Fine +10 Same +4 +7 -16

Macro-Fine+1 Size Category +10 Same +4

Add an additional +1 per size category


-Double Previous

1. Repeat the adjustment if the creature moves up more than one size.

VIRTUAL SIZE CATEGORIESEach permanent increase of +15 strength mimics the next largest size category. Therefore for every 15 points of strength beyond the average score for that size, the creature gains a Virtual Size Category.The mechanical benefits of Virtual Size Categories are that damage bonuses will not totally eclipse the base damage that threaten to make the rolling the dice almost obsolete.

GAINED• Dexterity (Cannot be lowered below 10) and Constitution Modifiers (see Table: Size Category Changes).• Natural Armor Bonus (see Table: Size Category Changes).• Carrying Capacity Modifier (x2 for +1 Size Category, x4 for +2 Size Categories, x8 for +3 size Categories, etc)• Increased Proficiency with Improvised Weapons.

eg. A Medium-sized creature with an inherent Strength of 40 would gain +2 Virtual Size Categories and would count as 8 strength higher for lifting heavy improvised weapons.

NOT GAINED• AC/Attack Modifier (see Table: Increased Sizes)• Grapple Modifier (see Table: Increased Sizes)• Hide Modifier (see Table: Increased Sizes)

eg. A Medium-sized creature with an inherent Strength of 40 would gain +2 Virtual Size Categories, bestowing a Dexterity penalty of -4, a Constitution Bonus of +8, and a Natural Armor Bonus of +5 and x4 Carrying Capacity. Its natural attacks would deal base damage equivalent to a Huge-sized creature. It can also wield manufactured weaponry made of materials fully 64 as dense as it could otherwise use.

Table: Virtual Size Categories shows at what strength score Virtual Size Categories are gained for each size.eg. A Mega-Fine-sized creature with Strength 347 would gain +11 Virtual Size Categories.

Table: Virtual Size CategoriesSize Average

StrengthVirtual Size Categories by Strength

+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12Fine 1 16 31 46 61 76 91 106 121 136 151 166 181

Diminutive 1 16 31 46 61 76 91 106 121 136 151 166 181Tiny 2 17 32 47 62 77 92 107 122 137 152 167 182

Small 6 21 36 51 66 81 96 111 126 141 156 171 186Medium 10 25 40 55 70 85 100 115 130 145 160 175 190Large 20 35 50 65 80 95 110 125 140 155 170 185 200Huge 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210

Gargantuan 40 55 70 85 100 115 130 145 160 175 190 205 220Colossal 50 65 80 95 110 125 140 155 170 185 200 215 230Titanic 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240

Macro-Fine 70 85 100 115 130 145 160 175 190 205 220 235 250Macro-Diminutive 80 95 110 125 140 155 170 185 200 215 230 245 260

Macro-Tiny 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270Macro-Small 100 115 130 145 160 175 190 205 220 235 250 265 280

+1 Size Category +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10

Virtual Size Categories and Temporary Strength Chan gesIf you have a temporary strength change (Such as from Rage or Ressurrecion), You gain virtual size categories if the strength gain would place you in the next virtual size category. The only difference with this is that you do not gain any Dexterity or Constitution modifiers from such a change.

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eg. An Arrancar with an inherent 40 strength resurrects and gains 16 strength, granting it a 56 strength. It would gain +1 Virtual Size Category. It would gain +1 Natural Armor, an additional multiplier for carrying capacity, and the strength needed to lift heavy improvised weapons would be reduced by 4.

Table: Increased Damage By SizeOld Damage (Each) 1 New Damage

4d6 4d8

4d8 8d6

8d6 8d8

8d8 10d10*

10d10 15d10

15d10 20d10

20d10 30d10

30d10 40d10

40d10 60d10

60d10 80d10

80d10 120d10

120d10 160d10

160d10 240d10

240d10 320d10

*Above 8d8 damage switches to d10s for simplicity in calculating really high numbers.

1. Repeat the adjustment if the creature moves up more than one size category.

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Tite Kubo: Writer and Illustrator of the Bleach Manga

Dire Reverend: Creator of Bleach d20 Classed system 2.0. We borrowed some elements from him as well.

Draxredd: This is the guy that created the original Classless Bleach d20 system

Dionon: This is Me, I created all the content within this booklet that is not copyrighted already or wasn't created by someone else. Feel free to use it as you see fit, as long as I get credit for it.

Jusditz and Jeroitz: Two people who have a talent for finding the loopholes in systems and have beeninvaluable in helping me root out the ones in this game system that even my discerning eye missed. They have also been invaluable in editing this project and correcting the many mistakes I made along the way.

Giants in the Playground and Gleemax community: For constantly inspiring me to create d20 stuff.

Wikipedia contributors (GNU Free documentation lice nse)

The Hypertext D20 SRD (Open Gaming License)

Peter Kisner for the classless d20 inspiration

Deviantart: For having such a great selection of pictures to use.

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