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Blended Learning Course

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Blended Learning GUIDELINE Prepared by: i-Learn Centre HEA, UiTM SHAH ALAM For Lecturers, Students and Admin



Prepared by: i-Learn CentreHEA, UiTM SHAH ALAM

For Lecturers, Students and Admin


:: Table of Content ::

FOR LECTURERS GUIDELINE i-Learn Centre, UiTM and Blended Learning What is Blended Learning? Models of Blended Learning Advantages of Blended Learning Guideline and Responsibility of the lecturers Supervision and Quality Control Mechanism How to use i-Discuss FOR STUDENTS GUIDELINE Why choose Blended Learning Guideline and Responsibility of the Students How to participate in Blended Learning? FOR ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDELINE How to monitor Blended Learning

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content page


What is Blended Learning

i-Learn Centre, together with Academic Affairs Division, are gearing towards the Blended Learning concept by introducing it to UiTM students and lecturers in 2009. The project involves lecturers and students both at the main campus and branch campuses.The face-to-face lecture session is integrated or blended with the online tutorial session as part of the effort to surmount the pressing issue of space constraints. The lecture session is handled as usual but tutorial into e-totorial with the same weightage. Generally there are two initiatives regarding blended learning. The first one concerns the replacement of tutorial session of suitable courses into e-tutorial. This type of Blended Learning in UiTM comes in several models based on its time distribution namely the 50:50 model, 60:40 model, and 70:30 model. The first model means that the lecturers conduct the 50 percent of the total time handling face-to-face sessions and the other 50 percent is handled online. The second model depicts that the lecturers conduct 60 percent of the total time handling face-to-face sessions and the other 40 percent is handled online and the same goes for the 70:30. This allows the lecturers the flexibility of familiarizing themselves with the blended approach as well as organizing their time according to the model that suits them the best. The second type of blended learning does not replace the tutorial session but rather an extension of the learning time enjoyed by the students. This approach is actually an asynchronous learning time for the students to be able to continue with their learning and communicate with their respective lecturers beyond the classroom time.

Blended Learning is the process incorporating many different ways in which people learn (learning style) through the use of “blended” virtual and physical resources that contain a variety of learning activities with the use of technology, lecturer and peer interaction.A typical example of the delivery method of blended learning would be a combination of technology-based materials along with face-to-face instruction used in the content delivery. A lecturer can begin a course with a well-structure lesson in the classroom, and then to proceed with follow-up tutorial online. The students then join the online tutorial to continue the learning experience. The integration of a Learning Management System and the traditional face-to-face instruction also befits the term blended learning.

i-Learn Centre, UiTM and Blended Learning

For Lecturers Guideline

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Some advantages of Blended Learning

1.Flexibility of space and time. Reduce high requirement of space for classes. 2.All communication in the learning process are archived for future reference. 3.Individual time communication. Students are both required and guaranteed the opportunity to present their opinions without undue duress or influence from others who disagree or monopolize the discussion.

4.Students need to read and formulate their thoughts before writing it down thus taking responsibility in their self learning.

5.Learning occurs 360-degree (socialization) in the forum that helps promote a high level of learner interaction and accountability as the comment/ input / understanding of the subject matter viewed by many. 6.Interactive, constructive and cooperative engagement provides opportunity to share ideas and responsibility for researching and providing information about assignments. 7.Reduce inhibition of students by reserving their own judgments imposed by themselves. 8.Student involvement can be clearly and easily tracked by reviewing written interaction on particular topics and summarizing the times and dates of communication.


Guideline and Responsibility of the lecture

Supervision and Quality Control Mechanism

1.Actively using the interactive module in the i-Learn Portal. 2.Fulfilling the 1 or 2 hour tutorial per week for 14 or 24 hours per semester as per requirement which is equivalent to the actual tutorial session. 3.Among the suggested online activities: •Learning Material distribution •Discussion/guideline on coursework/ assignment •Conducting online quizzes •Weekly topical discussion prepared by lecturers •Group academic discussion. •Student’s general Q&A session •Discussion on past quizzes, test answers and assignments. •Distribution or announcement of mark for quizzes, tests, and other evaluation 4.Queries or discussion require prompt responses within 48 hours.

1.The lecture’s total online presence for the e-tutorial session is calculated cumulatively at the end of the week (1 or 2 hour per week) or at the end of the semester (14 or 24 hours per semester)

2.The online presence report is viewable by the lecturer and the Deans of the faculties concerned.

3.The monitoring and control of student’s participation is generated automatically by the system.

4.The final report for the continuous evaluation i.e. marks for the quizzes/ test, online commitment and participation, coursework/ assignment, is generated automatically by the system.


How to Use i-DiscussThe i-Discuss module displays the discussions that take place between the lecturers and the students under the categories of general and academics. There is also a display of main topics under each category.

The i-Discuss is a closed discussion area limited to user belonging to that particular group/ class/ privy to the lecturers and the students from other groups/classes

Lecturers have to firstly to create/initiate the main topic of discussion by clicking on the Add Discussion button before the students can join a discussion.

The following screen is displayed for the users to complete all the necessary details regarding the main topic created that will influence some of the features in the discussion thread.

Creating a Discussion (Main Topic)


Title - the title of the main topic Description - detailed description regarding the main topic Category - Lecturers can choose the appropriate category for the main topic created Online Discussion Setting - There are two options available Allow file attachments where users are allowed to upload or attach a file, and Allow new topic where users are allowed to created new subtopic in the main topic Online Discussion Password - Lecturers can set a password for the main topic discussion to allow access only to selected students in the same group

Click the title of the main topic Click on the Add New Topic button on the top right hand side of the screen as shown below. This is to create a subtopic under the main topic selected.

Users can also create a subtopic inside the main topic area as follows:

Creating a Subtopic


Posting or replying messages

Complete the necessary details as required

Title - the title of the subtopic to be created Message - the message or description regarding the subtopic created Attachment - any attachment that comolements the message / description


After that, the users get to see the discussion / posting regarding the subtopic. Click on theReply To This Message to post a reply to that particular message and provide the necessary particular such as:

Title - the title for the message / reply Message - the message / reply Attachment - any attachment that comolements the message / reply Submit button.


Why Choose Blended Learning?

Guidelines and Responsibility of the Students

How to Participate in Blended Learning in UiTM?

Flexibility of space and timeAll communication are archived for future referenceIndividual time communicationMotivate students for self-learningPromotes a high level of learner interaction and accountabilityOpportunity to share ideas and responsibility

1.Actively using the interactive module in the i-Learn Portal2.Fulfilling the tutorial hours per week for 14 week per semester requirement which is equivalent to the actual tutorial session.3.Among the suggested online activities: •Weekly topical discussion prepared by the lecturers •Group academic discussion •Student’s general Q&A session •Submission and grading of assignment4.Queries or discussion require prompt responses within 48 hours.

Students can easily participate in many of the Blended Learning activities such as the discussion forum namely i-Discuss module. The i-Discuss module displays the discussion take the place between the lecturers and the students under the categories of general and academics. There is also a display of main topics under each category. The i-Discuss is a closed discussion are limited to users belonging to that particular group/ class privy to the lecturers and the students from other groups/classes. The students can only create subtopic under any discussion and posting or replying messages.

For Students Guideline


Steps to be taken to participate are as follows:

1.Click at “group” in the “My Tools” menu.

2.Choose the correct group which you have registered in

3.Click any online discussion of your choice


How to create a subtopicStudents are required to create a subtopic inside the main topic area as follows:

1.Click the title of the main topic 2.Click on the Add New Topic button on the top right hand side of the screen as shown below. This is to create a subtopic under the main topic selected.

3.Complete the necessary details as required Title - the title of the subtopic to be created Message - the message or description regarding the subtopic created Attachment - any attachment that complements the mesage / description

4. After filling the particular required, click the “Submit” button to make your message visible to readers.


Posting or replying messages

1. After the subtopic is created, the users can post messages, responses or get feedbacks by filling on the subtopic created. 2. Then, users get to see the discussion / posting regarding the subtopic. Click on the “Reply To This Message” button to post a reply to that particular message and provide the necessary particular such as:

Title - the title for the message / reply Message - the message / reply Attachment - any attachment that complements the message / reply


For Administrative Guideline

How to monitor Blended Learning

1. Click System Admin tab

Only a few users will be given access to view usage tracking of blended learning which is:

1. Dean2. Campus Admin3. SuFO Admin

2.Click at “Tracking” menu


3.Click User’s Details- to view user’s access log

4.Key in keyword field, choose Search Field. The faculty and campus displayed are default based on registered in i-Learn Portal.

5.Click User Detail - To view user’s details


6.Click Access Log- To find out detailed information access to the system access for each user


7. Tick on the login date and insert the information needed

8. Click View Details- to find out more information about the activities at all times access to the system (subject to the page with the system tracking)
