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Blessed Sacrament ParishGear up for an over the top, under the ground adven-ture! We will ground...

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Blessed Sacrament Parish St. Mary Parish April 10, 2016
Page 1: Blessed Sacrament ParishGear up for an over the top, under the ground adven-ture! We will ground kids in the rock-solid foundation of God’s love, a love that takes us through life’s

Blessed Sacrament Parish

St. Mary Parish

April 10, 2016

Page 2: Blessed Sacrament ParishGear up for an over the top, under the ground adven-ture! We will ground kids in the rock-solid foundation of God’s love, a love that takes us through life’s

Matthew 13 Catholic Collaborative April 10, 2016____________ ____________________


From the Pastor’s Desk Rev. Chip Hines Pastor

“Do you love me?” This question is asked of Peter by Jesus after the resurrection and it is asked three times to reflect Peter’s three time denial of Jesus on Good Friday. It gives Peter his chance to be reconciled with Jesus and shows us the great love Jesus had for him and consequently us. Today, I think it would be good for us to reflect on how we love Jesus and how we love each other. Many times we say we’re acting out of love but the reality is we are acting out of self-interest. I think if we are honest with ourselves, we can see that, unfortunately, we convince ourselves that our mo-tives are pure but truthfully, if we drill down, a lot of people act out selfishness or worse yet, anger or just plain meanness. Peter was acting out of self preservation when he denied Jesus, he was acting out of fear and fear can make us do things we know are wrong or immoral and yet we do them anyway. Fear is something that disappears from Peter after the resurrection; his encounter with the risen Christ changes the fearful fisherman into the coura-geous Apostle. We too can be like Peter! We can let our encounter with Jesus Christ give us the courage to know what is right and to do what is right. Jesus gives us the courage to not be negative doomsayers but to be positive agents of goodness. How does that look? I would say, imagine the people you know who are involved with the par-ish in a positive and life giving way, you know who they are, so do I, they are the ones who work hard to help those in need or the ones who teach the faith to our kids quietly and without fanfare. They are the ones who serve on councils and committees and roll up their sleeves and make good things happen. Sitting in a pew and complaining about things never got anything done, all that does is cause a divide in the Body of Christ. Jesus and the saints were not dividers, they were agents of unity. There are ways to affect change and there are ways to live out our faith so that people’s feelings aren’t hurt or their character is not impugned and quite frankly, we need more of that in this world. We need more peacemakers, we need more agents of love, we need more positivity and we need to live out the love that Jesus Christ calls us to every day. If we can do that we’ll be on the way to truly living out our Christian faith. Peace.

Page 3: Blessed Sacrament ParishGear up for an over the top, under the ground adven-ture! We will ground kids in the rock-solid foundation of God’s love, a love that takes us through life’s

Matthew 13 Catholic Collaborative April 10, 2016____________ ____________________


Society of St. Vincent de Paul In this Sunday’s Gospel, the disciples in their struggle

finally recognize Jesus and proclaim “It is the Lord!”

Have you considered answering the call to help the

needy recognize the Lord in their life by joining the

Society of St. Vincent de Paul?

The next meeting is scheduled for April 19 at 7pm at

the St. Mary Parish Office. Should you need financial or social service assistance, want to volunteer, or to make a donation please call 508 921 1028 extension 1004 or write us at SVDP, Blessed Sacrament Church, 10 Diamond Street Wal-pole, MA 02081. Our web address is www.blessedsacramentwalpole.org/SVDP.

Mass of Anointing: May 7

Blessed Sacrament Parish will be celebrating a Mass of Anointing at 1pm on May 7 in the Blessed Sacra-ment School Auditorium. Following the Mass, there will also be a reception in the School Auditori-um. The sacrament is to be celebrated with those who are seriously ill, undergoing surgery or ad-vanced in years. The celebration of the sacrament within the Mass includes the laying on of hands, the offering of prayer by the community of faith and the anointing of the sick with blessed oil. God assures us of his love, presence and guidance in the celebration of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. There will also be a special blessing for all who care for the sick and the elderly in the day-to-day activities of the living. Do come and avail yourself of the opportunity to celebrate together God’s unconditional love for us.

Thank You! Thank you to all our parishioners who helped make Holy Week and Easter Sunday so special at both our churches. From donations for Easter flowers to beau-tify the churches to the many volunteers who served at the Masses, and all those behind the scenes, we are truly blessed to have such dedicated parishioners.

Baptism Parents Social: May 1 1:30-3pm in BSS Cafeteria

All parents who have celebrated a baptism in the past two years are invited to a casual afternoon to socialize and connect with fellow young parents. With a brief introduction, most of the time will allow for light re-freshments and mingling. Share parenting tips and resources for living out your faith at home! RSVP to Margaret Manning , [email protected] or 508-668- 4700 x1007.

Ask The Pastor Video Blog

We have added a new feature to our website! Check out the new Ask the Pastor video blog. The videos will feature Fr. Chip answering your questions relat-ing to liturgy, scripture, prayer and religious growth. You can simply email your question for Fr. Chip to:

[email protected] You can also have some fun by asking him questions about his favorite movie, meal, and/or favorite sports team. Videos will be updated regularly so check the websites often!

blessedsacramentwalpole.org stmarywalpole.com

Page 4: Blessed Sacrament ParishGear up for an over the top, under the ground adven-ture! We will ground kids in the rock-solid foundation of God’s love, a love that takes us through life’s

Matthew 13 Catholic Collaborative April 10, 2016____________ ____________________


Blessed Sacrament Parish Sung Acclamations & Mass Readings

During the Easter Season we will be singing the Gloria in addition to the other acclamations during the Liturgy of Eucharist. If you attend the 4:00pm, 8:00am, and 11:00am Masses, the music can be found in the pew hymnal, #226-228, 231, and 232 (Heritage Mass.) If you attend the 9:30am Mass, we will sing the Mass of Crea-tion, which is not in the hymnal but is very familiar to you. You can find the words to the acclamations in the red booklets in the pews or in the hymnal starting at #146.

This week you can find the Readings at page 906.

Coffee Hour Coffee Hour continues through the Spring following the 9:30 Mass, as long as we have willing families to host. Please consider volunteering and contributing to this important ministry. You can sign up online at the following link: http://13ma.tt/BSPCoffeeHour2015 and if you need assistance, contact Mike Stover ([email protected]). You can host any availa-ble Sunday as a family or join with another family, or sign up as a youth group, peer ministry, or other com-munity organization (Knights of Columbus, Boy Scouts, etc). Tasks include setting up coffee urns, providing baked goods, and purchasing Dunkin Donuts Munch-kins with reimbursement. Instructions and sign-up sheet are at the link above. Many thanks to the families that have contributed to the success of this ministry.

Afternoon Reflection: April 10 Living Out Easter Joy

All those serving in Blessed Sacrament’s liturgical min-istries as lectors, ushers, and Eucharistic Ministers (at Mass and to homebound) are invited to an afternoon to reflect on how to live out Easter joy! Join us in the school cafeteria today Sunday, April 10 from 1:30-3pm. Margaret Manning will lead prayers and will in-clude time for socializing and light refreshments. Look forward to gathering with you! Margaret at [email protected] or 508-668-

4700 x1007.

Book Group: April 12

Blessed Sacrament Book Club, meets on Tuesday April 12, at 7:30 pm in the Community Room. The book se-lected for discussion is Jesus, A Pilgrimage by Father James Martin, SJ. Mixed with theology, history, tradi-tion, and Fr. Martin`s wisdom and wit. We always welcome anyone who would like to join us, to discuss the books we select each month.

This Week’s Second Collection Today’s second collection at Blessed Sacrament will be the monthly Balance the Budget collection, typical-ly held on the first Sunday of each month, and used to do just that: balance our operating budget. The week-ly collection has not kept up with skyrocketing ex-penses, especially insurance, salaries, and utilities, and so the monthly Balance the Budget collection helps to offset the deficit. Many thanks for your gener-osity!

Youth Lectors Ministry Fact Did you know that in addition to our 28 adult lectors, we have an active youth lector program who reads for our 9:30am family Mass? With 30 youth readers in grades 3 and up, our parishioners enjoy hearing the word of God joyfully proclaimed by these poised, confi-dent, and well-spoken youth!

Page 5: Blessed Sacrament ParishGear up for an over the top, under the ground adven-ture! We will ground kids in the rock-solid foundation of God’s love, a love that takes us through life’s

Matthew 13 Catholic Collaborative April 10, 2016____________ ____________________


Remember in Your Prayers Each week during the Prayer of the Faithful at Mass, we pray for those in our community who are sick. If you have a family member whose name should be added to the prayer list, please contact Margaret Manning at [email protected] or 508-668-4700 x1007. We kindly request that only immediate family members of the sick add names to the list. Through our parish prayer line, we also remember all our shut-ins, our un-employed, our sick, our grieving, and our own parish dead including Lilian Rickard whose funeral Mass was this past week. Call 508-668-2448 with our prayer in-tentions or to join the prayer line.

A Simple Prayer Process 1. Gratitude: Begin by thanking God in a personal dia-

logue for whatever you are most grateful for today.

2. Awareness: Revisit the times in the past twenty-four hours when you were and were not the-best-version-of-yourself. Talk to God about these situations and what you learned from them.

3. Significant Moments: Identify something you experi-enced in the last twenty-four hours and explore what God might be trying to say to you through that event (or person).

4. Peace: Ask God to forgive you for any wrong you have committed (against yourself, another per-son, or Him) and to fill you with deep and abid-ing peace.

5. Freedom: Speak with God about how He is inviting you to change your life, so the you can experi-ence the freedom to be the-best-version-of-yourself.

6. Others: Lift up to God anyone you feel called to pray for today, asking God to bless and guide them.

7. Pray the Our Father DynamicCatholic.com

Faith Formation Save the Dates

Middle School Summer Session - “ENCOUNTER” JULY 11-14 8-11am

We are so excited to offer a new and exciting way to keep faith alive this summer for our middle school

kids—a summer Religious Education program!4 day program will guide students toward a powerful En-

counter with God. It is a life-changing experience that will speak directly to the hearts and minds of our young people. will be required to attend every day in order to receive credit for completing the program. The other requirement will be that they participate in 4 service

and enrichment activities.

Vacation Bible School– “Cave Quest Following Jesus The Light of the World”

JULY 18 -22 12-3pm St. Mary Parish Hall Pre-school-grade 5

Gear up for an over the top, under the ground adven-ture! We will ground kids in the rock-solid foundation of God’s love, a love that takes us through life’s dark times. Registration and more information to follow.

If you have any questions, please contact:

[email protected]

508-668-4700 x2008

First Communion We ask you to keep our First Communion children in your prayers as they receive the Sacrament of the Eu-charist during the months of April & May.

Page 6: Blessed Sacrament ParishGear up for an over the top, under the ground adven-ture! We will ground kids in the rock-solid foundation of God’s love, a love that takes us through life’s

Matthew 13 Catholic Collaborative April 10, 2016____________ ____________________


St. Mary Parish Community News

New Annulment Workshop This Year of Mercy, Pope Francis has created new norms for the processing of annulments. If you, or someone close to you, longs to be reconciled with this issue, a workshop presented by the Metropolitan Tri-bunal explaining this process and answering your questions, will be held at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, April 26 at St. Edward Parish, Medfield.

Breaking Bread Dinner A group of St. Mary’s parishioners volunteered at the March 21 Breaking Bread dinner. They helped with the set-up, cooking, serving and clean-up of dinner and making desserts for the guests. A big thank you for do-ing a terrific job to Laraine Montella, Elizabeth Viano, Linda Viano, Andrea Fistner, Louise Fahey, Pat Bigelow, Gerard and Marianne Kelly, Mark Barry, Tricia Kelly, Ei-leen & Mary Hickey, Mimi Connell, Mike Grant, Mary Garrity, Tom Gregory and Liz and Kevin Kouri.

Pine Street Inn

Our next collection of tuna, peas, noodles and desserts for the guests of the Pine Street Inn will be on Friday, April 29 from 5-6pm in the Parish Center (far door, parking lot side). Last month, Olivia Malone, Emma Alosi, Megan Hamilton, Megan Hurley, Joe Lynch, Jack O’Meara, Melania St. Cyr, and Genevieve Barry served 276 guests. We had a good collection in March with plenty of Easter themed desserts. Thanks to all who contribute month in and month out. Your generosity is appreciated by the guests and staff. We also collect non- perishable food items.

Prayers for Our Service Members

If you would like to add the name of a Service Member to our weekly prayer list-ing, please contact Margaret Manning at [email protected] or 508-668-4700 x1007.

Jubilee of Mercy —Fatima Shrine

The FIFTH of a series of monthly programs connected with the JUBILEE OF MERCY will run until November 2016. The fifth gathering is set for today: + Sunday April 10 3:30 - 6pm + Theme: “Celebrating the Jubilee of Mercy: Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied" + Presenter: Members of Catholic Charities of Boston + Venue: Shrine Hall, 101 Summer Street, Holliston + No fee and no registration! All are welcome; bring a friend along! For more information call: Fr. Rocco or Fr. Joe at (508) 429-2144

An Evening with Mother Olga

The Catholic Parishes of Stoughton are pleased to pre-sent Mother Olga, founder of the Daughters of Mary of Nazareth. April 12 at 7p.m. Immaculate Conception, 122 Canton Street Stoughton, MA. The event is free, handicapped accessible, and within walking distance of the Stoughton Commuter Rail Station. For more info: www.stoughtoncatholic.org/781-344-2073

The Knights of Lithuania Council Meeting

The Knights of Lithuania Council will be meeting next Sunday, April 17 in the Parish Center Offices, 205 Washington Street, parking lot side door, following the 7:30am Mass. All are welcome.

Page 7: Blessed Sacrament ParishGear up for an over the top, under the ground adven-ture! We will ground kids in the rock-solid foundation of God’s love, a love that takes us through life’s

Matthew 13 Catholic Collaborative April 10, 2016____________ ____________________


A Parishioner’s Mission Michael St. Germain, a dedicated, young parishioner and former staff member from St. Mary Parish solicit-ed funds for a college spring break mission trip to Mexico City that took place last month. He wrote to the Collaborative, expressing his gratitude for our support and also to share some amazing experiences that he had on his trip. We would like to share with you two of his stories. “…One of the first days in Mexico, we traveled to this remote community of homeless people living in the median between a major highway and an exit ramp. While there, I saw a man who was breaking bottles into small shards of glass. Admittedly, I didn’t want to talk with him at all, but I’m glad I did. It turns out he was the nicest man I’ve ever met. He told me that he was breaking glass because the only way he could get money in this society was to go to the subway and fall onto the glass cutting himself until someone paid him to stop. I wanted to tell him there were other ways, but I just didn’t understand his situation. For over two hours we talked and shared our stories about our lives and cultures. I will never forget his experi-ences. A few days later, we traveled to the Villa Mujeres, a state-run yet rundown shelter for women. These for-gotten women are cast aside from society, because they are handicapped and deemed incapable of living in the Mexican society. They have lost all of their family, or their family decided they didn’t want to care for the women any longer. There, I met a woman named Carmen. Carmen was an elderly woman with a bad foot who used a walker. I walked with her from her dormitory to the doctor’s office and back again at an exceptionally slow pace. To put it into perspective, we walked less than 100 yards in almost an hour and a half. When we made it to the doctor’s they sent her away to return the next day. She was hungry then, but she was so drained from the walk that she could only manage to return to her bed. I ran to get her fruit so she could eat. During my time with Carmen, no one stopped to help her. People walked by back and forth without even acknowledging her. I could not imagine living my life one excruciatingly long hour at a time without anyone giving me the time of day as I walk in slow motion.

This mission trip has blessed me with the virtue of perspective on human life. I realize that I have been blessed with an incredible life, yet not all have been so lucky. That, though, does not mean that their lives are any less significant. It is our duty as Catholics and children of God to love all people to the highest extent possible. I can’t wait for the next time I am able to travel and continue learning about different cultures and different experiences of humanity. Thank you all for helping to raise me and I’ll see you when I return to Walpole. God Bless, Michael St. Germain”

This picture is an authentic replica version of a portrait of Our Lady of Guadalupe, given to Michael by the late photographer’s wife. Michael has given the print as a gift to St. Mary parishioners.

Page 8: Blessed Sacrament ParishGear up for an over the top, under the ground adven-ture! We will ground kids in the rock-solid foundation of God’s love, a love that takes us through life’s

Matthew 13 Catholic Collaborative April 10, 2016____________ ____________________


Blessed Sacrament School Collaborative News

Knights of Columbus Grant The Walpole Council Knights of Columbus will award a grant of $500 to a Walpole resident who is completing the eighth grade in 2016 and will be attending a Catho-lic high school during the 2016 academic year. The award will be based on the applicant’s academic per-formance, leadership, extracurricular activities, and their involvement in family, church, and community activities. For an applications contact Jim Cappelletti at [email protected] or 508-668-0642. The deadline is April 22.

Blessed Sacrament School Open Registration

Blessed Sacrament School is currently registering all grades -- Preschool (age 3) through Grade 8 -- for the 2016-2017 school year. Come visit to learn more about the immeasurable value of a Catholic educa-tion and to see the amazing things happening every day at BSS. Contact: Holly Shaughnessy - [email protected] or 508-668-2336

Collaborative Communications Commission

With the elimination of the Director of Communica-tion’s position, the staff of the parishes and collabo-rative will be assuming as many of the communica-tion functions as possible. We’d like to seek the input and advice of our parishioners in helping us move forward with delivering the important message of the New Evangelization here in Walpole. We are seeking a handful of volunteers who will agree to meet quar-terly to assist the staff in developing our message and identifying the best practices for sharing that message with the parishes and our community. We seek the insight of parishioners with experience in marketing, writing, social media and website devel-opment. If you are interested in sharing your gifts through the Collaborative Communications Commis-sion, please email an expression of your interest to [email protected] .

Weddings To schedule a wedding at either Blessed Sacrament or St. Mary Parish, please call the parish office at least 6 months prior to your intended wedding date.

The Passion Story What an amazing job the 8th graders from Blessed Sacrament school did as they brought the Passion story to life so powerfully and prayerfully at their re-cent school Mass. Truly beautiful!

Page 9: Blessed Sacrament ParishGear up for an over the top, under the ground adven-ture! We will ground kids in the rock-solid foundation of God’s love, a love that takes us through life’s

Matthew 13 Catholic Collaborative April 10, 2016____________ ____________________


Matthew 13 Catholic Collaborative

[email protected]


Weekly Calendar Sunday, April 10 10am STM Faith Formation Classes Grades 1-5 11am BSP Faith Formation Classes Grades 1-5 1pm STM Group Baptism 1:30pm BSP Liturgical Ministry Reflection (BSS Café) 6pm BSP Faith Formation Classes Grades 6-8 7pm BSP Handbell Rehearsal Monday, April 11 10:30am Bible Study “Ignatius Catholic Bible”, BSP

Community Room 4:15pm STM Faith Formation Classes Grades 4-8 7pm STM Faith Formation Classes Grades 5-8 Tuesday, April 12 4:15pm BSP Faith Formation Classes Grades 1-5 7:30pm BSP Book Club, Community Room Wednesday, April 13 9:30am Morning Prayer Group, BSP Community

Room 4pm Adoration, BSP Chapel 6:30pm Adult Bible Study, STM Parish Office Meeting

Room 7:30pm Divorced Group Step II, BSP Community

Room Thursday, April 14 9:45am Praying the Scriptures, BSP Community

Room 3:30pm Faith Formation Event with Fr. Chip, STM

Parish Hall 5pm BSP Youth Choir Rehearsal 6pm BSP Handbell Rehearsal 7pm BSP Adult Choir Rehearsal 7pm STM Senior Choir Rehearsal Friday, April 15 No public events Saturday, April 16 3pm BSP & STM Confession

Mass Intentions Sunday, April 10 9:30am BSP Riordan Family 11am BSP Catherine Garner 11:30am STM Benigna DeSousa Thursday, April 14 9am BSP Laura Deveau Friday, April 15 9am BSP Celia Davino Saturday, April 16 4pm BSP Mary Puopolo Ambrozaitis and Doris & Carmen Puopolo 4pm STM John Carey

Prayers for our Service Members Zachary Bannon Frank L. Brunetta Peter Conroy Michael McKay Matthew McKay Robert Dunne, Jr. Caitlin Brunetta Kyle Bradbury Timothy Merrigan Al Goetz Kevin Day Francesco Carpeno (Lamperti) Richard Veno Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for their selfless service to us and our country. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen. Please remember our military in your prayers. To add or remove a name, call Margaret Manning, [email protected] or 508-668-4700 x1007.

BSP Blessed Sacrament Church BSS Blessed Sacrament School STM St. Mary Parish

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Page 10: Blessed Sacrament ParishGear up for an over the top, under the ground adven-ture! We will ground kids in the rock-solid foundation of God’s love, a love that takes us through life’s

Matthew 13 Catholic Collaborative April 10, 2016____________ ____________________


Staff Rev. George “Chip” Hines Pastor [email protected] Rev. Joseph Diem Parochial Vicar [email protected] Margaret Manning Pastoral Associate [email protected] James Spillman School Principal [email protected] Martin Murphy Dir. of Finance &

Operations [email protected] Lee Smolinsky Business Manager [email protected] Karen Brady Dir. of Faith Formation [email protected] Debbie LaFleur Faith Formation Assoc. [email protected] Kate Hinton Faith Formation Assoc. [email protected] Tara Hartley Faith Formation Assoc. [email protected] Margaret Kelly Assistant to the Pastor [email protected]

Blessed Sacrament Staff Deacon Reynold Spadoni Deacon [email protected] Dr. Erica Johnson Dir. of Pastoral Music [email protected] Susan Glancy Dir. of Youth Music Mike Lamperti Facilities Manager [email protected] Janet Neubecker Office Manager [email protected]

St. Mary Staff Kerry Pitman Office Manager [email protected] Pat Chitvanni Office Administrator [email protected] Tom Whearty Facilities Manager [email protected] Kevin DiLorenzo Dir. of Liturgical Music [email protected] Ray Lane Facilities Staff

Blessed Sacrament Parish St. Mary Parish 10 Diamond St., Walpole, MA 02081 176 Washington St., E. Walpole, MA 02032 Tel. # 508-668-4700 Tel. # 508-668-4974 BlessedSacramentWalpole.org StMaryWalpole.com

Mass Times

Saturday Vigil:

4:00pm Blessed Sacrament & St. Mary


7:30am St. Mary

8:00am Blessed Sacrament

9:00am St. Mary

9:30am Blessed Sacrament

11:00am Blessed Sacrament

11:30am St. Mary

Daily Mass:

Monday 8am St. Mary

Tuesday 8am St. Mary

Wednesday 8am St. Mary; 9am Blessed Sacra-ment

Thursday 9am Blessed Sacrament

Friday 8am St. Mary, 9am Blessed Sacrament

Saturday 9am Blessed Sacrament

Confession Times Saturday: 3pm St. Mary & Blessed Sacrament

Or by appointment

Page 11: Blessed Sacrament ParishGear up for an over the top, under the ground adven-ture! We will ground kids in the rock-solid foundation of God’s love, a love that takes us through life’s


Page 12: Blessed Sacrament ParishGear up for an over the top, under the ground adven-ture! We will ground kids in the rock-solid foundation of God’s love, a love that takes us through life’s

