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blogs.glowscotland.org.uk  · Web viewMake an information poster which explains homophones,...

Date post: 02-Jun-2020
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TROON PRIMARY SCHOOL & EARLY YEARS CENTRE Primary 6 Home Learning Week beginning 25 th May 2020 Literacy Reading Spelling Writing We are reading for enjoyment and in greater depth, We are learning to use the spelling rule -ship We are learning to share information, considering the impact that presentation and layout will make. Task 1: Read Chapters 11 and 12 (p133 – 157) Task 2: Read the instructions and cheats for the Roblox ICT task. Have we made things clear enough? Fingers crossed this works – unlike the Minecraft one last week! Even though there is no Demon Headmaster work this week, both Mrs Matthews and Mr McRae will be online at 11 o’clock on Thursday to answer any questions you may have about any of this weeks tasks. Task 1: Watch the video, try the quiz, think about the spelling words you’ve had so far and identify the root word and the prefix or suffix. https://www.brainpop.com/english/grammar/rootsprefixe sandsuffixes/ Task 2: -ship worksheet (attached below) If you can’t print, it’s fine to do the work in your jotter. Extension: Try the extension spelling worksheet. How many of your spelling words can you get into your piece of writing and other Literacy tasks? Task 1: Make an information poster which explains homophones, homographs and homonyms clearly to your reader. You should have examples of each type of word and illustrations. Your layout should make it easy for your reader to understand. This can be done in Word or on paper and the best examples will be used to help teach next year’s Primary 6 classes. Extension: Make another poster that explains synonyms and antonyms. Numeracy Mental Arithmetic Core Learning ICT Support We are learning to use different mental strategies for subtraction. We are learning to identify areas for development and work on achieving personal targets. Writing Task 1 support: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kbkH4y9iXg See Mathletics (3P Learning)Addition and Subtraction (written methods)worksheets below. Only four worksheets this week – remember this is mental practice even though you’re writing it down – don’t just do the sums, estimate your answers by rounding and make sure you’re thinking about your thinking! Ask for help if you need it. Think about your Maths target – something you would like to achieve or improve before the end of June. Tell your teacher what your target is and what you are doing to make sure you smash it by the end of P6! We are here to help if you can’t find good resources by yourself – and please share with us anything good that you find! Other Areas Health and Wellbeing We are learning across the curriculum. Choose at least two tasks – or do them all! We are learning to discuss mental and physical HWB and ways to keep ourselves and others healthy.
Page 1: blogs.glowscotland.org.uk  · Web viewMake an information poster which explains homophones, homographs and homonyms clearly to your reader. You should have examples of each type

TROON PRIMARY SCHOOL & EARLY YEARS CENTRE Primary 6 Home Learning Week beginning 25th May 2020

LiteracyReading Spelling Writing

We are reading for enjoyment and in greater depth, We are learning to use the spelling rule -ship

We are learning to share information, considering the impact that presentation and

layout will make.Task 1: Read Chapters 11 and 12 (p133 – 157)

Task 2: Read the instructions and cheats for the Roblox ICT task. Have we made things clear enough? Fingers crossed this works – unlike the Minecraft one last week!

Even though there is no Demon Headmaster work this week, both Mrs Matthews and Mr McRae will be online at 11 o’clock on Thursday to answer any questions you may have about any of this weeks tasks.

Task 1: Watch the video, try the quiz, think about the spelling words you’ve had so far and identify the root word and the prefix or suffix. https://www.brainpop.com/english/grammar/rootsprefixesandsuffixes/ Task 2: -ship worksheet (attached below) If you can’t print, it’s fine to do the work in your jotter.

Extension: Try the extension spelling worksheet.How many of your spelling words can you get into your piece of writing and other Literacy tasks?

Task 1: Make an information poster which explains homophones, homographs and homonyms clearly to your reader. You should have examples of each type of word and illustrations. Your layout should make it easy for your reader to understand. This can be done in Word or on paper and the best examples will be used to help teach next year’s Primary 6 classes.

Extension: Make another poster that explains synonyms and antonyms.

NumeracyMental Arithmetic Core Learning ICT Support

We are learning to use different mental strategies for subtraction.

We are learning to identify areas for development and work on achieving personal targets.

Writing Task 1 support: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kbkH4y9iXg

See Mathletics (3P Learning)Addition and Subtraction (written methods)worksheets below.Only four worksheets this week – remember this is mental practice even though you’re writing it down – don’t just do the sums, estimate your answers by rounding and make sure you’re thinking about your thinking! Ask for help if you need it.

Think about your Maths target – something you would like to achieve or improve before the end of June. Tell your teacher what your target is and what you are doing to make sure you smash it by the end of P6! We are here to help if you can’t find good resources by yourself – and please share with us anything good that you find!

Other Areas Health and WellbeingWe are learning across the curriculum. Choose at least two tasks – or do them all!

We are learning to discuss mental and physical HWB and ways to keep ourselves and others


Music: Times Like These – see attached worksheet belowArt: The Little Art School has a Daily Draw every day at 11am – either join them live one day or catch up later. Here’s the link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjzIXK9CRttcA6i0shxjFng/videosCOAST topic: Make your own basking shark from a plastic bottle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbJhZzmXGVI Global Goal 14: Life Under Water. Find out more about basking sharks – if you were out in a boat near Troon you would probably see some!ICT: Roblox – game design – see the five pages attached belowMusic / Drama: Week 2 If you’re interested, this is a 5 week online project. If you choose to do this, it will replace the class Writing task each week and the Coast topic – we would love to see some of you taking part – and please share what you’re doing! https://www.scottishopera.org.uk/fever

Try to Watch and/or read Newsround at least once every week: https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround

Find a news story based on physical or mental wellbeing. Do you think either aspect of your health and wellbeing is more important than the other? How might people struggle / help themselves to stay mentally and physically well?

Try the worksheet for today: https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround#more-stories-5

Page 2: blogs.glowscotland.org.uk  · Web viewMake an information poster which explains homophones, homographs and homonyms clearly to your reader. You should have examples of each type

Spelling Chilli ChallengeFrom the word lists below, select the set that will challenge you at an appropriate level. Give yourself a spelling

test using the words before you start – words you get correct straight away may not need more work. If your spelling is great at the start of the week, your focus is on using the words correctly in sentences. Talisman

group – use your own lists but feel free to use these lists too!

Mild Medium Hotkinship partnership craftsmanshiphardship friendship leadershiplordship sponsorship championshipworship citizenship companionshipownership fellowship apprenticeshipmembership relationship censorship

Page 3: blogs.glowscotland.org.uk  · Web viewMake an information poster which explains homophones, homographs and homonyms clearly to your reader. You should have examples of each type

Spelling worksheet

Spelling extension worksheet

Page 4: blogs.glowscotland.org.uk  · Web viewMake an information poster which explains homophones, homographs and homonyms clearly to your reader. You should have examples of each type

Ask an adult to read these dictation sentences aloud for you to write them down in your jotter. Make sure you’re thinking about punctuation as well as spelling – especiallythe speech marks in the last sentence!

1. The tennis player was furious when he lost the championship.2. The ownership of the priceless painting is in question.3. The art expert exclaimed, “What fabulous craftsmanship!”

Homographs and homonyms

Page 5: blogs.glowscotland.org.uk  · Web viewMake an information poster which explains homophones, homographs and homonyms clearly to your reader. You should have examples of each type

Mini Greek lesson: “homos” means “same”….”graphos” means “writing” so homographs are words which look the same but have different meanings – like bow (in your hair) and bow (of a ship) or (take a bow) “phone” means “sound” or “voice” so homophones sound the same but look different – like right / write Homonym comes from the Greek words “homos” and “onoma”, which means “name” – words which look and sound the same, like fly (verb – I can fly!) and fly (noun – a fly in my soup!)

Page 6: blogs.glowscotland.org.uk  · Web viewMake an information poster which explains homophones, homographs and homonyms clearly to your reader. You should have examples of each type
Page 7: blogs.glowscotland.org.uk  · Web viewMake an information poster which explains homophones, homographs and homonyms clearly to your reader. You should have examples of each type

ICT: We are applying prior learning (Scratch) to code an obstacle course using Roblox. We will have to…

Manipulate 3D parts to create an obstacle course. Design and playtest a game, focusing on a fun user experience. Create scripts using variables and loops for in-game visual effects.

Skills and Concepts:

Variable - A placeholder for information in code. String - A variable that can store whole sentences, written in

quotations. Loop- A set of code that repeats until told otherwise.

If you can’t use Roblox, or if you don’t have the equipment, let us know how you think you could change the task so that you can do something similar. Do NOT pay for anything in Roblox or anything else just to be able to do this task!This is a big task that could take between an hour and several days of your life!You will need:A Roblox accountRoblox Studio on your computerA mouse with a scroll wheel.1. First load the Obby template, then do the following tutorials: All links are available here: https://education.roblox.com/en-us/resources/intro-to-game-design-and-coding

Project Intro & File Setup Basics of Roblox Studio Parts and Platforms Colors and Materials

As you work, remember to rotate your camera view to get an accurate view of your project. Also look at the Explorer – this is a foundation skill in Roblox Studio2..Now you’re ready to begin coding. Do these tutorials next:

Creating a Script String Variables Properties and BrickColor Loops and BrickColor Reusing Code with script.Parent

Page 8: blogs.glowscotland.org.uk  · Web viewMake an information poster which explains homophones, homographs and homonyms clearly to your reader. You should have examples of each type

3.Work on your game until you are satisfied that…

A player can reach the end (with a reasonable level of difficulty). The game has a balance of easy and difficult jumps.

If you have spare time, you can go back and finish your obstacle course.

4.Ask a friend to road test your game and give you feedback.


1. Look again at what you have created. Are you comfortable with the vocabulary: variable, string, loop?

2. What would you add to your game to improve it? .For example, a more visually interesting endpoint or more challenging jumps.

The following three sheets may be helpful.


If this is too hard, or if something doesn’t work – don’t get upset by it! This is supposed to be a fun ICT task but not everyone finds this kind of

thing fun! This is harder than Mr McRae or Mrs Matthews are comfortable with but we’re hoping that some of you enjoy the challenge.

It’s OK not to do this piece of work!

Page 9: blogs.glowscotland.org.uk  · Web viewMake an information poster which explains homophones, homographs and homonyms clearly to your reader. You should have examples of each type

Times Like These

Times Like These is a song by the band Foo Fighters. You may have heard the recent cover of the song by Radio 1 featuring many different artists. A cover is a song by an singer that was originally performed by another singer.

Page 10: blogs.glowscotland.org.uk  · Web viewMake an information poster which explains homophones, homographs and homonyms clearly to your reader. You should have examples of each type

Listen to the original Foo Fighters version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhzmNRtIp8k

1. What type of genre is the song? (remember, when we talk about genre in literacy we taught about the type of book something is, in music it means the type of music the song is i.e rock, pop)

2. Is the song in a major or minor key? 3. What instruments feature in the song and what are their roles?

(Do the play the beat? Do they play the melody?)4. What type of voice does the singer have?

(male/female/high/low)5. What tempo (speed) is the song? What dynamic (how loud) is

the song?

Listen to the recent cover by Radio 1 All Stars:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GElP4YdrBE

1. Is the genre of the song different from the original version? If so, what genre is the song now?

2. Has the key of the song changed?3. Are the instruments the same? Have more instruments been added

to the song? 4. What are the types of voices in the song? 5. Has the speed of the song changed? Has the dynamic changed?

CHALLENGE Below are the lyrics for Times Like These. Are you able to learn the words and sing along with the song? If you really want to challenge yourself, you can even learn the song on an instrument. If you feel confident, video yourself performing the song and upload it to Teams.

Times Like TheseI, I’m a one way motorway

I’m the one that drives away then follows you back home. I, I’m street light shining

I’m a wild light blinding bright burning off alone

It’s times like these you learn to live againIt’s times like these you give and give again

Page 11: blogs.glowscotland.org.uk  · Web viewMake an information poster which explains homophones, homographs and homonyms clearly to your reader. You should have examples of each type

It’s times like these you learn to love againIt’s times like these time and time again

I, I’m a new day risingI’m a brand new sky to hang your stars upon tonight

I, I’m a little dividedDo I stay or run away and leave it all behind?

It’s times like these you learn to live againIt’s times like these you give and give againIt’s times like these you learn to love again

It’s times like these time and time again

It’s times like these you learn to live againIt’s times like these you give and give againIt’s times like these you learn to love again

It’s times like these time and time again
