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BLOOMBERG FOR A Bloomberg Professional …...Bloomberg is a daily, if not hourly, touchpoint for...

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A Bloomberg Professional Service Offering >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BLOOMBERG FOR EMERGING MARKETS POWER YOUR STRATEGY
Page 1: BLOOMBERG FOR A Bloomberg Professional …...Bloomberg is a daily, if not hourly, touchpoint for traders, advisors, portfolio managers, risk officers and corporate treasurers. From

A Bloomberg Professional Service Offering












Page 2: BLOOMBERG FOR A Bloomberg Professional …...Bloomberg is a daily, if not hourly, touchpoint for traders, advisors, portfolio managers, risk officers and corporate treasurers. From


EXPLORE THE POTENTIAL OF THE EMERGING MARKETS///////////// The emerging markets have grown tremendously over the past several decades, from less than 20% of world GDP in the 1960s to more than 40% today. In fact, as a percentage of world GDP, emerging markets are expected to pass the developed economies by 2014.* With a network of professionals on the ground throughout Latin America, Asia, the Middle East and Africa producing seamlessly integrated data, analytics, news and insight, Bloomberg understands the opportunities—and the risks—inherent in these exciting, albeit volatile, markets.

*Source: International Monetary Fund

Page 3: BLOOMBERG FOR A Bloomberg Professional …...Bloomberg is a daily, if not hourly, touchpoint for traders, advisors, portfolio managers, risk officers and corporate treasurers. From

A collaborative global community The BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONAL® service represents a single, comprehensive platform for investors looking to navigate the emerging markets. Our network connects a community of 300,000+ global users, providing a dynamic forum to share ideas, participate in timely events and interact with specialists. You will benefit from direct access to the critical real-time data and analytics you need to successfully manage foreign exchange exposure, optimize cash management and gain greater insight into the sovereign debt, interest rate and credit environments.

SEAMLESS INTEGRATION OF DATA, ANALYTICS AND NEWS The BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONAL service, the world’s leading provider of real-time and historical data, analytics, news and insight for professional market participants, arms you with the tools you need to independently price trades, perform currency analysis and structure hedges. Most important, we will help you to better understand and assess the unique risks associated with the strategies you are employing today or considering for the future. And, you can use our portfolio system for valuation, monitoring and mark-to-market reporting post-execution.

SOPHISTICATED RESOURCES TO STREAMLINE YOUR WORKFLOW Bloomberg is a daily, if not hourly, touchpoint for traders, advisors, portfolio managers, risk officers and corporate treasurers. From gaining greater insight into and understanding of prevailing market conditions, to improving price discovery and trade execution, to evaluating hedging strategies, the BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONAL service places you at the vanguard of the emerging markets.

Bloomberg has extended its reach from the Americas to Eastern Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia. Fueled by the industry’s leading data, analytics and news, Bloomberg can help you identify, evaluate and price investment opportunities in the emerging markets across all asset classes.

Bloomberg leverages its deep understanding of the emerging markets to deliver a broad set of solutions. Our platform enables you to quickly:

• Rankthetopperformersbytheireconomicvalueandgrowth, chart various fundamental stats and check currency trends.

• Tracknewsfeedsinthelocallanguageorsearchforstories from local sources published on Bloomberg.

• Stayontopoflocalelectionswithin-depthnewscoverage and special reports exclusively from Bloomberg News.

• Useourtropicalstormtrackertoseehowtheweathermay impact trade.

• Monitorthephysicallocationofprotests/unrestandsee how they may impact nearby oil refineries.

• ConvenientlycomparekeycontributedFXand fixed-income rates all in one place.



Wherever you invest, Bloomberg is there





Page 4: BLOOMBERG FOR A Bloomberg Professional …...Bloomberg is a daily, if not hourly, touchpoint for traders, advisors, portfolio managers, risk officers and corporate treasurers. From





Bloomberg helps you to maximize return by providing: - Local News for Global Markets -RegionalMacroeconomicandCross-AssetData - Local Market Pricing and Analytics - Market Transparency::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Developing markets have produced attractive long-term relative investment performance. However, this return comes with a price: significant volatility. Bloomberg understands the financial, sovereign and policy risk factors inherent in the emerging markets. We’re confident you’ll find our deep analytics, powered by an unrivaled collection of data across the developing economies, to be indispensable when conducting your emerging markets due diligence.

Bloomberg keeps you current with global financial news, analyst coverage, technical commentary and market data. On the same platform, see what’s happening in the emerging equity and debt markets, listen to what decision makers are saying and get up-to-the-minute news on FX flows, commodities, interest rates, elections and military conflicts—anything and everything that can influence your positions and trades. Bloomberg provides definitive coverage of companies, markets, industries, economies and governments in more than 160 countries, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

TOP EM <GO> Browse more than 125 emerging markets-related newswires, including country focus, emerging markets debt, country risk and economic news. Access scores of Bloomberg proprietary and third-party emerging markets stories every day and a deep archive of relevant multimedia interviews and news events. Stay informed using news stories in native languages published in local newspapers. Increase your understanding of local markets using newswiresinChinese,Portuguese,Russian and Korean.

TREND <GO> See on one page Bloomberg’s suite of news trending analytics, from news correlation charts based on suggested news trend studies to snapshots of companies ranking in readership, publication and sentiment over the past 24 hours. You can directly access additional functionality for in-depth emerging markets analysis.

FX/Currency Risk

Country Risk

Market Risk

Interest Rate Risk

Political Risk

Credit Risk

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REGIONAL INDICATORS Monitor key regional inflation indicators to compare headline inflation rates with central bank targets and analyst forecasts. Track one inflation indicator across selected countries in the region.

EQUITY INVESTMENT FLOWS See inflows and outflows of foreign investment capitalinUSdollarsacrosscountries. Displays the amount of money invested in the equity cash markets on day, week, month and year-to-date bases.

IFMO <GO> Follow relevant inflation stories around the globe. WFII <GO> Monitor and analyze trends in hot money flow.

EMMV <GO> Stay on top of major economic releases and customize your own economic calendar. DDIS <GO> Analyze an issuer’s ability to meet obligations to debt holders.

CROSS-SECTOR PERFORMANCE Monitor performance for a customized list of regions and countries in a single view. Track the real-time performance for emerging markets as a whole or select a country to view each indicator in a comparative chart.

DEBT DISTRIBUTION See the amount of debt a country has outstanding, the cost to purchase credit protection, credit ratings, currency exchange rates, interest rates and the most recent GDP figures.

See key regional pricing data, forecasts, central bank policy and other pertinent economic data and charts. This knowledge enables you to make more informed decisions about the direction of the developing economies you are working with, as well as revealing the implications for future strategic moves.

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REAL-TIME MARKET DATA Easy access to market prices and rates for more than 45 countries and sectors—in real time and across multipleassetclasses.FindkeyFX,equity, volatility, money market, swaps and fixed-income rates specific to emerging markets.

Success in emerging markets requires an uncompromising commitment to strong data. Bloomberg helps you work smarter and faster by enabling you to monitor real-time pricing data across virtually any country within Asia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East or Africa. You can display and update data tables and graphics that track performance, access market-related news and drill deeper into specific countries.

THE MACRO PICTURE Comparecurrenciesagainst your base and use short-, medium- and long-term metrics for greater clarity. See currency performance rankings for returns, interest rates, volatility, purchasing power parity, carry trade and credit default swaps.

ISLAMIC FINANCE DATA A comprehensive set of Islamic finance data, analytics and proprietary news. Access pre-customized searches for approved money markets, Sukuk, loans, Shariah-compliant equities and funds.

OTC <GO> The data is updated on intraday or daily basis.

WCRS <GO> Create,assessandrankcurrencybaskets. ISLM <GO> Maximize investment performance in the Islamic finance sector.

TOTAL PRICE DISCOVERY See pricing from every conceivable angle. Graph all quotes, trades and the inside market to quickly synthesize the information you need and make quick, informed decisions. You can manually refresh the function to display the latest pricing.

FIPX <GO> Access the full power of our fixed-income solutions from one screen, enabling you to make better decisions more quickly.

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FIRV <GO> Review information on which bonds have offered the most liquidity historically.

SPLC <GO> Analyze customer, supplier and competitor relationship data by chart or table.FXFA <GO> Calculateforwardarbitrageopportunities.

One of the greatest challenges of emerging markets investing is the lack of transparency. Although these economies continue to develop, corporate and financial disclosure remains sparse. From pricing to forecasting and trend analysis, Bloomberg offers the resources for informed decision making.

ARBITRAGE ANALYSIS Analyze relationships between spot, forward, domestic and off shore interest rates.Useyourowncustomratestocalculate break even levels and arbitrage free prices. Analysis includes regular, non-deliverable and onshore forwards and deposit rates.

DETERMINE RELATIVE VALUE An integrated platform for relative value that compares a bond’s current and historical yield and spreads with peers and benchmarks, providing crucial valuation perspective.

IDEAS FROM THE SUPPLY CHAIN Supply-chain conditions provide crucial insights into a company’s future. Take a unique look at supply-chain fundamentals, mapping business relationships for more than 35,000 companies globally.


WORK FASTER, WORK SMARTER The emerging markets can be quite volatile, with the quality of economic data questionable and the frequency of financial data sporadic. Bloomberg will keep you on top of the politics, socioeconomic developments and environmental factors impacting these markets.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

FIXED-INCOME HEDGING Comparemultiplehedgingoptionsandanalyze residual hedge risk and historical hedge performance. Identify appropriate hedges to hedge rate, curve, credit risk and hedge combinations for a reference security and calculate relevant hedge ratios.Changetherepurchaseratetocalculate the daily cost of the hedge.

FIHG <GO> A convenient, new one-stop platform for hedging single fixed-income securities.

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A DYNAMIC MULTI-ASSET MONITOR• DraganddroplistsfromExceltopopulateyourmonitor.• Seeportfolioperformanceupdatedynamicallyinapiechart.• Groupsecuritiesbysectororsortbyperformancetoquickly

determine what’s driving the markets.• Integrateanydatapointacrossassetclassesintoa

single monitor.• Createcustomfieldsandcomplexformulas.• LinkyourmonitortootherLAUNCHPADapplicationsand

click on any security in the list to update all other tools instantly.

• UseourMOSB<GO>functioninLAUNCHPADtoquicklyview the most active bonds by volume for a selected country andexchange/sourceanddeterminewhichbondshaveoffered the most liquidity historically.

• UseourCommoditiesPlaybook,CPLY<GO>,inLAUNCHPADtodisplaythetop20perennialcommodityplays for oil, agriculture and metals.

POWERFUL ALERTS• SetupalertswithmultiplecriteriaforanyLAUNCHPADtool.• Customizealertstoautomaticallyopenapplicationsof

your choice, such as a trading platform or fundamental analysis screen.

• Createclient-specificchatsessionstriggeredbyanalert.• Setalertstoshowunusualnewsflow,technicalevents

and any other data point available on Bloomberg.

SOPHISTICATED CHARTING• Accessadatabaseof20millionsecuritiesandhundredsof

data fields per instrument.• Applytechnicalindicatorsandchoosefrommorethan

150 events.• Drawyourownannotationsandsetalertsonthemwithout

navigating away from the screen.• Linkyourchartstonewsandpre-builtmonitorssothey

update whenever a new security is selected from the monitor.

UNIQUE FEATURES THAT ONLY LAUNCHPAD OFFERS• Integrated Workflow: Any Bloomberg analytic can be

added into a single LAUNCHPAD view to create a seamless workflow across asset classes.

• Integrated Desktop: LAUNCHPAD can be built in any size or shape to fit the desktop real estate you have available. Shape individual LAUNCHPAD components around Excel or other important programs so you can monitor markets without losing access to applications important to you.

• Portfolio Tools: Track portfolio aggregates and share lists with colleagues using the cross-asset securities monitor.

• Execution Management: Set up an order ticket with a single click on our broker-neutral, no-fee trading platform.

• Collaboration: Share any screen or data set with others through an IB chat for a quick and efficient discussion of real-time information.

• Live Multimedia: Include Bloomberg TV in your view with audio or live transcripts and stay on top of market news.

• Presentation Tools: Import LAUNCHPAD tools and images into your Microsoft Office applications and Adobe® PDF.

NEWS THAT MOVES MARKETS• NootherplatformcompareswithBloomberg’s

ability to aggregate news and research.• Determinewhichstoriesarehavingamajorimpact

on the market intraday with our innovative heat map.• Quicklynarrowsearchresultswiththeadvancednews

search function.• Getpersonalizedviewsoftopheadlines;setthe

categories you want to monitor by industry, company, country and more.

• Quicklybroadenyourquestforinformationbyaccessingrelevant search tabs in each news window.

• Draganddroptickersfromotherapplicationstorun a news search.




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TRADE ALL Bloomberg enables you to trade commodities, foreign exchange, fixed income, equities and derivatives. For the investment professional who has decided, for example, to trade both oil futures and a currency pair, doing both on the same platform creates a profitable, efficient workflow.

DYNAMIC CUSTOM TEMPLATES Maximize the full power of Bloomberg by conveniently exporting the exact datasets you need into Excel or PowerPointwithourAPItool.Quicklycreatecompelling,results-oriented client presentations with charts featuring dynamic, real-time links to our robust data. View your current strategy, compare it to historical trends and layer it with other relevant information, such as yield curve and cash flow data.

BUILD YOUR NETWORK Bloomberg maintains a database of approximately 1.5 million individuals with detailed contact information. Keep in touch using Bloomberg’s superior communications platform that combines traditional e-mail with INSTANT BLOOMBERG®.

STAY CONNECTED Experience the power of the BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONAL service anytime and anywhere on your Blackberry®, iPhone® or other mobile device with BLOOMBERG AnywhereSM. Access the same information you have in your office no matter what time it is or where you are.

ONESOURCE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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Real Service from Real People When You Need It. Our24/7industry-leadingcustomerserviceteamsin160countriesaround the world will help you fully leverage the analytics and data on the BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONAL service.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

The founding vision in 1981 was to create an information services, news and media company that provides business and financial professionals with the tools and data they need on a single, all-inclusive platform. The success of Bloomberg is due to our commitment to keep our products at the forefront of innovation, unrivaled dedication to customer service and our consistent and rapid adaptations to an ever-changing marketplace. The BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONAL service is a powerful and flexible tool for financial professionals–whatever their needs–in cash and derivatives markets as diverse as equities, currencies, commodities, money markets, government and municipal securities, mortgages, indices, insurance and legal information. The BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONAL service seamlessly integrates the very best in real-time data, news and analytics.

In addition, Bloomberg users benefit from on-demand multimedia content, extensive electronic trading capabilities and a superior communications platform. Bloomberg customers include influential decision makers in finance, business and government. By offering all of this assistance and functionality to users on a single platform for a single price, business and financial professionals recognize the BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONAL service as the essential tool for achieving their goals.

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BEIjING +86 10 6649 7500

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NEW YORK +1 212 318 2000

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TOKYO +81 3 3201 8900

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

To learn more about how the BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONAL service can impact your emerging markets strategy, contact your regional sales representative.

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

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