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Blue Mountains Grammar School Newsletter Vol 3, 24 th February, 2017 FROM THE HEADMASTER Recognition of the Class of Year 12 2016 This week we welcomed back a considerable number of Year 12 2016 students and their parents to acknowledge the outstanding academic achievement of this year group and to celebrate their successes. That they had a most successful year academically is undeniable with close to 50% of the year group gaining an ATAR above 80, so around 2.5 times the state average in the top 20% of the State. 43% of the year group were recognised on the Sydney Morning Herald’s Honour Roll for results gained in particular subjects. That is one of the highest proportions of our students recognised over the past 10 years. It placed BMGS 84 th in the State out of more than 800 secondary schools. Last week we received our annual detailed report from the educational consultant used to examine the performance of last year’s Year 12. That report shows the performance and achievement of our students in each of their courses and reveals that on average around 70% made substantial ‘value added’ progress in their courses. In
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Blue Mountains Grammar School Newsletter Vol 3, 24th February, 2017


Recognition of the Class of Year 12 2016

This week we welcomed back a considerable number of Year 12 2016 students and their parents to

acknowledge the outstanding academic achievement of this year group and to celebrate their


That they had a most

successful year academically is

undeniable with close to 50% of

the year group gaining an ATAR

above 80, so around 2.5 times

the state average in the top

20% of the State.

43% of the year group were

recognised on the Sydney

Morning Herald’s Honour Roll

for results gained in particular

subjects. That is one of the

highest proportions of our

students recognised over the

past 10 years. It placed BMGS

84th in the State out of more

than 800 secondary schools.

Last week we received our

annual detailed report from the educational consultant used to examine the performance of last

year’s Year 12.

That report shows the performance and achievement of our students in each of their courses and

reveals that on average around 70% made substantial ‘value added’ progress in their courses. In

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fact in many courses, 100% of the students gained results above expectations. It also indicates that

every subject department at BMGS is pushing the boundaries and achieving results above

expectations or, at the minimum, in line with expectations. There are 12 subject departments at

BMGS. I like to think of each department as a cylinder in a V12 motor. Talented and inspirational

teaching is the engine of education. At BMGS all cylinders are firing. We are very fortunate in this

regard. This is most pleasing.

Whilst listening to the educational consultant giving her presentation last week there was one

comment that really struck a chord with me.

You may have heard in the media that girls commonly outperform boys at school, including in the

HSC exams. This is not the case at BMGS – we obtain great results with our girls, but our boys are

gaining similar results. It is very rare in a co-ed school that boys and girls gain performances similar

to one another. It is something that is great about BMGS – boys and girls working together,

supporting one another and gaining great results. These results provide favourable feedback on our

students’ work ethic, the strength of the Grammar curriculum, the culture within the School, and

most importantly, the expertise of staff. I acknowledge the enthusiasm and dedication of my

colleagues who have provided the inspiration, the encouragement, and the opportunities for our

young people to be challenged and extended to grow and to achieve.

At the same time we acknowledge that an equally important ingredient in allowing our students to

achieve is the love, care and guidance of parents who worked in partnership with us as we

encouraged Year 12 to achieve greater and greater heights. The support of your child and of the staff

is very much valued and appreciated.

In her address to those present, Brianna McClean, the dux of Year 12 2016, mentioned that “going

beyond expectations is what is required”. Clearly, Year 12 2016 have done this.

However, the other really pleasing feature of Year 12 2016 is that they did not just focus on

achieving excellent HSC results alone. They played an important part in the success of BMGS over

the past 6 or more years by participating in a multitude of other areas within the life of the school –

from drama, music, public speaking, and community service, to sport, outdoor pursuits, and as

leaders of the school. They were a great bunch of students. They did make the most of the

opportunities on offer, and as such, have left a very positive mark on the School community.

Congratulations must go to Year 12 2016 on gaining these fine results and for their contributions to

the School. The maturity, commitment, attitude and individual effort they have shown is to be

applauded and has allowed many of them to achieve well beyond their expectations. They have been

a great example to the rest of the School.

We wish the students from Year 12 2016 well as they begin the next exciting chapter of their lives.

T. Barman



On Thursday 9th February the School Captains and House Captains attended the Archbishop’s

Commissioning Service at St Andrew’s Cathedral. This was a great occasion and included a Question

& Answer session with the Archbishop. Many students commented positively about the Archbishop’s

answers and his willingness to deal sincerely and openly with the issues that were raised. In his talk,

the Archbishop reminded us that leadership is less about ruling and more about serving those whom

God has placed in our care.

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This is certainly the

sort of leadership

demonstrated by

Jesus, and the

Archbishop used the

example of Jesus

washing his disciples’

feet (John 13:1-17) to

highlight the attitude

we should aspire

towards. Perhaps most

significant, is the

realisation that when

Jesus humbled himself

in this manner, he was

also serving the man

who, later that

evening, betrayed

Jesus. Leadership,

then, should be an

expression of God’s love as well as an act of service.

There are many occasions in life when we may be called upon to lead others. If our leadership taps

into the love that God has for those we lead, we will truly seek the best for them. Indeed the

management analyst Jim Collins, in his book Good to Great, identified a humble, servant-leadership

approach, as the hallmark of the most successful leaders of high performance companies. Perhaps

the business world has merely rediscovered the timeless relevance of what Jesus was teaching His


As we are in the early stages of our new school year, the Archbishop provides us with a timely

reminder of what it means to lead. Rather than seeking power and authority, rather than seeking

comfort and contentment, rather than seeking wealth and fame, let us seek to love and serve, with

God’s help.

“After He had finished washing their feet, He took his robe, put it back on, and went back to His

place at the table. Then he said, “Do you understand what I have done to you? You address me as

‘Teacher’ and ‘Master,’ and rightly so. That is what I am. So if I, the Master and Teacher, washed

your feet, you must now wash each other’s feet” (John 13:12-14).

A. Dane


2017 Blue Mountains Charleston Challenge

As you may be aware, the Hydro Majestic has been a tremendous supporter and sponsor of Parents’

and Friends’ Association functions over recent years.

Tomorrow, 25th February, the Hydro Majestic will be hosting the 2017 Charleston Challenge. This is

an annual challenge to break the world record for participants dancing the Charleston, which the

Blue Mountains community held for several years until 2015. If you would like to take part in this

year’s attempt to break the world record and return the title to the Blue Mountains, participants

must register online.

Parents are advised that this is a Blue Mountains community event; it is not a BMGS or Parents’ and

Friends’ Association event. Due to another School event taking place on that day, and various co-

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curricular commitments, there will be no members of staff in attendance in an official capacity.

Registrations to this event are independent of the School and all enquiries should be directed to the

organisers. To register to dance or find out more information on the Charleston world record attempt


www.roaring20s.com.au, and

www.charlestonchallenge.com.au, or


Save the Date:

Sunday, 19th March Fashions for the Perfect Afternoon Tea

Tuesday, 21st March, Annual General Meeting

Don’t miss the next Parents’ and

Friends’ Association fundraiser!

Fashions for the Perfect Afternoon Tea

promises to be a wonderful afternoon

and offers a rare opportunity to view

some of the exquisite fashion items from

the renowned Darnell Collection.

Curator of the Collection, Ms Charlotte

Smith, will present a stunning array of

outfits, whilst you enjoy a scrumptious

afternoon tea. The event will be held in

Cuff Hall, on Sunday, 19th March at


The entry fee is $35, $25 concession

and $15 student tickets. Bookings can

be made through Coorah Reception

(4757 9000).

We look forward to your company.

Charlotte will be co-ordinating the event

with Ms Carole Young, and they would

love to hear from any parents who are

able to assist them in setting up the

venue for the event. If you are able to

volunteer your assistance, please email

your availability to Charlotte at

[email protected], or

Carole at [email protected].

Lee Trew Returns to the Blue Mountains

Last year one of the speakers of the Parents’ and Friends’ Association Coorah Conversations series

was Lee Trew, who presented his talk, “ Rewild Your Child”, to an appreciative audience.

Lee is returning to the Blue Mountains and is bringing the amazing child-whispering tools he uses on

his Rewild camps to the Blue Mountains! Rapport Based Relating will open your eyes to how many of

our society’s ways of interacting with kids just don’t work, and why.

His workshop will run from 24th-26th March 24-26 in Lake Street (Kindlehill School), Wentworth Falls.

Workshop schedule:

Friday 24th March, 6:00pm to 7:30pm - Introductory talk (This talk is open to the public. Cost $20 -

free for workshop participants). Saturday 25th March: 10:00am to 5:00pm. Sunday 26th March:

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10:00am to 5:00pm. Cost: $300 ($475 for couples). To book, e-mail Vicky on:

[email protected]

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 21st March, in Coorah Gallery, at 7.30pm. The

AGM will be immediately followed by the first General Meeting of the year. One General Meeting is

held each term during the School year. Term 1 and Term 4 meetings are held in Coorah Gallery. The

Term 2 meeting is held at the Junior School and the Term 3 meeting is held at the Preparatory


At the Annual General Meeting, all positions on the current Parents’ and Friends’ Association

Executive Committee are vacated and an election will be held for the 2017/2018 Committee.

Nominations are therefore sought for the positions of Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Senior School

Representative, Junior School Representative and Preparatory School Representative. Current Office

Bearers may nominate for re-election. Parents may also nominate to be members of the Committee.

A nomination form can be downloaded from the P&F Page on the School’s Portal. Nominations can

be handed in at Senior, Junior and Preparatory School Receptions.

Nominations close Tuesday, 21st March, at 4.30pm.

All parents of Blue Mountains Grammar School automatically become members of the Parents’ and

Friends’ Association on the enrolment of their child at the School. All parents are welcome to attend

the General Meetings and we look forward to seeing you there.

Mr. Duncan Barrell Chair, BMGS Parents’ and Friends’ Association

[email protected]


Staying Connected

At this time in the school year the connections are really important. The connections that students

make with peers, teachers and lesson content are vital for the initiation and formation of healthy

learning habits to occur. We encourage all students to immerse themselves in different connections

over the term to engage with the culture of BMGS. The value of having daily tutor time helps

establish new friendships and reinforces the importance of growing together and belonging.

These times will have a direct link and focus to our whole school wellbeing program that provides a

safe and secure environment to explore wellbeing as a necessary and important part of a student’s

development. This time also creates opportunities for Tutors to develop deeper connections with

each student in their care and work on specific challenges and affirm and celebrate the success of

students inside and outside the different learning environments.

Chapel is another of the vital connections we want students to establish each year. The ability for

Christian faith formation, exploration and experience to help guide each student is an important

aspect of educating the whole person. It is a time where students can reflect on and think critically

and deeply about their beliefs and values and how they will drive their behaviour now and into the

future. This is also a time for students to connect to the wonder and excitement of being human,

learning how they can care for one another well and learn skills in communication, establishing

healthy relationships and how to navigate conflict well.

The development of healthy online connections is as vitally important to academic and personal

success. We live in the most connected time in the history of the world and the influx of information

available to anyone, anywhere and anytime has never been seen before. This is a great opportunity

for the connections in students learning and life to be enriched. With this greater access to

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information comes the greater need to help young people navigate the pitfalls, the opportunities and

the summits that the online world can be.

The interesting fact is that most young people were not trained specifically in the ethics, morals and

values one might need to navigate the online world with safety and security. As an educational

leader and father of four, I understand the importance we must place on teaching young people to

understand how social media connections are made safely and train young people on how to avoid

and or minimise the risk of unwanted attention and or online bullying. Helping young people stay

safe online is very dynamic and fluid in nature because of the rapid pace and unsuspecting way the

online word changes. Over the course of the year we will implement different strategies to help

young people become well equipped in navigating the online world with clarity and purpose.

There are a selection of resources readily available to help students and parents in this growing and

demanding area and the ones selected below have proven to help;

Cyber safety and Digital Citizenship



Protecting yourself online




Cyber Safety and Security guide



How to speak to Teens about being online


It is our goal here at BMGS to create a culture where students flourish. This flourishing involves

helping students create strong, encouraging and enriching connections within the school community

and online. We hope and pray that each student will gain a sense of deep understanding of the

online world and how to navigate it, whilst developing connections and relationships that empower

them to achieve their personal best.

If you would like to delve deeper and conduct your own research in the arena of Cyber safety can I

recommend the following: Brookings research on ‘Technology Innovation: Youth Internet Safety;

Risks, Responses and Recommendations.


A. Osborne



Important Dates for Term 1:

Year 12 Parent Teacher Night Thursday, 9th March

Year 7 Parent Teacher Night Wednesday, 22nd March

Year 10 Parent Teacher Night Monday, 3rd April

Amended Year 12 Focus day schedule now available

An amended and updated Focus day schedule has been emailed to all students and families. Please

note that this Monday there is no Biology session in the afternoon as it is Legal Studies only.

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Words of wisdom from the young - The 2016 HSC Scholar’s Assembly

It was a great pleasure and delight that we welcomed back the 2016 HSC students, and their

parents and friends, who were recognised in the Board of Studies Honour Roll for receiving Band 6

results and/or an ATAR over 90. These students were recognised at a special Scholars’ assembly

this week.

All of the students present are excited, many of whom are commencing further studies this week,

some of whom are working, planning on travelling, all of whom were excited about the challenges

that lie ahead. On behalf of the School community, I wish them well with their future endeavours and

look forward to hearing their stories.

The real highlight of the Assembly for me was to hear Brianna McClean, Dux of the 2016 cohort,

speak. She was honest, inspiring and challenging. With her permission I have included an extract of

her speech:-

I have a hypothesis. Honestly I don’t know

whether it’s true or not, but it seems to be

at least applicable when I think back upon

my time at BMGS. That hypothesis is this:

The mark of success is going beyond what

others expect of you.

It is not about intelligence, popularity or

wealth. Those who succeed, not just in the

HSC but in all areas of life, put in 110%. I

mean this in two ways.

Firstly, I mean it in terms of the big things in

life. The goals you set, the achievements

you work towards, the identity you strive to

give yourself. Don’t let what other people

believe you can achieve, dictate what you

work towards. Whether this means that you

aim for a sporting achievement which seems impossible, or an ATAR which seems out of reach, or a career which

seems unlikely.

Secondly, when I say, ‘go beyond expectations’, I mean this in the way you look at the little things that make up

each day. Going beyond what is expected means that if you have an assessment to do, look beyond the marking

criteria and find ways to expand on your work. Put a little bit extra in. Spend 10 minutes making your bibliography

perfect. Find a creative way of presenting your work. Invest yourself into what you are doing, not just because you

have to do it, but because you want to.

This philosophy covers more than classroom expectations, it means putting 110% into everything you do. You’re

expected to be polite to the new kid, you’re not expected to befriend them - do it anyway. You’re expected to

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participate in co-curricular activities - you’re not expected to organise extra rehearsals or dedicate yourself to a

personal training regime or volunteer to help your coaches - do it anyway.

The people who achieve good things in this life are not those who sit passively and wait for opportunities to come to

them, they are those strive to do more than what is expected of them. They go a little bit further, push a little bit


I don’t mean to say you have to be a super-human, who does everything and never makes a mistake. Drop a

subject if you really feel you can’t do it, quietly step out of a toxic friendship, don’t overcommit yourself with too

many co-curriculas, have an emotional breakdown the week that all three of your major works are due (I know I

did). But in everything you do, seek help and act out of integrity - not laziness.

To use a well-worn cliché – high school is a crazy rollercoaster. But you can confidently know that while you are at

BMGS, you are in the best position to not only cope with it, but to thrive. The teachers at this school are

outstanding, realise how lucky you are to be growing up alongside these people. I may not be able to predict where

you all will end up in a few years but I know that if you work hard, and embrace the opportunities before you, you

can achieve far more than what you expect of yourself. Who knows maybe one day you’ll be the one standing up

here. Let me tell you, it’s a pretty good view.

We wish our entire 2016 HSC cohort a wonderful start to the year. Many are commencing further

studies, some taking a break. Whatever comes next we encourage them to, do as Brianna said – go

beyond expectations – do it anyway!

M. Hastie


‘Celebrate the Season - Summer’

BMGS percussion and reed tutor Mr Neill Duncan was guest host at the Blue Mountains Music

Academy’s Celebrate the Season concert held in the Baroque room of the Carrington hotel last

Thursday. Neill performed “Angel Eyes” on the world’s only one handed tenor saxophone.

Term 1

There are a number of events in which our musicians have been invited to participate this term. This

is a wonderful opportunity for our musicians to be showcased in the wider Blue Mountains

community therefore it is essential that students attend all rehearsals and ensure that they have the

appropriate permission note for forthcoming events. Please check the diary dates below.

Assembly Performers

If you are interested in presenting the musical item at assembly on a Wednesday in Week B, please

come and see us in the Music Office.

Mountains Youth Band

This group is a friendly youth concert band based in the lower Mountains and welcomes anyone who

has been playing for a year or more. The band is holding an Open Rehearsal on Tuesday, 28th

February at the Uniting Church Hall, Lucasville Road, Glenbrook from 5:15pm-7:00pm. Young

people up to the age of 19 are invited to attend with instrument and join the rehearsal. For more

information contact [email protected]

Diary Dates

Friday, 24th February: Icebreakers, 7:00pm to 9:00pm (Chamber Ensemble)

Monday, 20th March: HSC Encore Concert, 7:00pm, Sydney Opera House, (Years 11 and 12 Music

Elective students)

Thursday, 23rd March: Soiree No. 1, 7:00pm, PAC Recital Room

Sunday, 30th April: Music Amongst the Autumn Leaves, Springwood Rotary (Stage Band)

D. Smith

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After-school tutoring is starting up again

and will be in the Library Resource Centre

(LRC) every Thursday afternoon from


After-school tutoring can help with

completing assessment tasks and doing

some extra work in literacy and numeracy.

This afterschool assistance can also

include help in organising a study plan or

just general assistance in organising your


If you are interested in attending, it is a

great idea to contact me on email [email protected] so that I can prepare best for our

time spent together.

A. Michielsen



Careers information for students is available on the BMGS Careers FROG Learning Management

website. This website is accessible by all students and staff in the Senior School. Here you will find

the link to the MHSCareers website, which provides an extensive careers information service.

Library Resource Centre (LRC)

In the LRC there is a self-serve Careers Corner for your use. Here you can find the Handbooks from

the various local universities. You are welcome to take these books home.

In the Mail

For Year 12 students, there is information regarding seminars to help you prepare for the half yearly

examinations. These are run at Macquarie University and UTS. Leaflets about these seminars can

also be found on the main desk in the LRC. We also have information on a number of University

Open Days and Information Evenings including Engineering and Medicine at UNSW. Notre Dame has

an evening for you to Get to Know Nursing. Year 10 students and parents may be interested in the

University of Sydney evenings which are designed to help you make the right subject choices for

senior years at school. Interested in TAFE? There are free taster courses and pre-apprenticeship


Investigate the FROG Careers webpage under “Week 4 Materials” for more information on these and

other current opportunities.

Discussing your Options

Careers discussions are available in the LRC every Tuesday afternoon between 3:15 and 4:45pm

during term time.

J. Madgwick

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Photograph Day – Senior School – Thursday 9th March

The envelopes will be distributed to the students this week. Please complete the online orders as per

the instructions on the envelopes. To view different packages please visit the relevant website

detailed on the same envelopes. If you have any questions regarding the photographs themselves,

please contact the photographers. Please limit your questions to me to inquiries regarding the

structure of the day at School.

J. Haines


A very successful Working Bee was carried out at the School’s Outdoor Education Centre

(Bungawarra) last weekend.

Thank you to Mr. Troy Palmer and Elliot Palmer, Ms Carole Young, Mrs. Sarah Dunstan, Mrs. Katrina

Molla and Ellie Molla, Ms Josephine Pennicott, Mr. David Levell and Daisy Levell for their fantastic

work on the weekend.

A long list of jobs were completed, including:

In the Kitchen

Cleaning fridges, cupboards, plates, bowls, cups, cutlery, utensils, counters, table stove, sink;

Rinsing water drums; Hooking up gas; Testing the stove and oven; Sweeping and mopping

In the Bathrooms

Sweeping, mopping, cleaning toilets and sinks; installing a hand sanitizer, restocking toilet

paper and lining the bins.

In the Shower Block

Sweeping and mopping; adding chair in each cubicle;

In the Hall

Sweeping and mopping; wiping down surfaces and tables; de-cobwebbing corners and the

wood heater; cleaning the chalk board

General Maintenance

Trimming blackberry bushes near bathrooms, near the pump location at river and walking

track to swimming hole; mowing and slashing grass; create new wood pile; cleaning up the

grounds around the site; raking; readying BBQs

I also thank Ms Carole Young for purchasing replacement cups and pitchers on behalf of the

Parents’ and Friends’ Association.

We had an enjoyable day together and we were very productive. It would be difficult to prepare

Bungawarra for the upcoming Year 7 Camp without the assistance of these volunteers.

P. Robbins

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The Mid-Mountains Rotary Club and Michael’s Coffee Cart are kindly donating all profits from the

food and drink sold at the Cross Country Carnival on Tuesday, 7th March, to the Pitt House

Compassion Project which supports a Child Survival Project in Indonesia.

Food and Drinks Available at the Cross Country Carnival

Please note that the canteen will NOT be open on this day.

*Students may purchase food/drinks anytime throughout the morning as long as they are not

needed for their event.

A Coffee Cart will be open from 8:00am

(Parents, students and teachers are welcome to purchase a coffee from 8:00am and throughout the

morning of the carnival)

Hot Drinks:

Coffee (flat white, latte, cappuccino)

Hot chocolate and chai lattes

All hot drinks $3.50/$4 (regular/large)

Cold Drinks:

$2 (soft drinks, juice or water)


Snacks/cakes from $2

The Rotary BBQ van will be at the Carnival for the whole

morning with the following items for sale:

Sausage sizzle $3.50

Bacon and egg rolls $4.50

Vegetarian options – egg/onion roll or vegetarian

pattie $3.50/$4

(Gluten free bread also available)

Sauce and/or onion no extra cost


2017 Senior Swimming Carnival

Last Friday, the Senior School Swimming Carnival was held at Lawson pool. The morning went

smoothly and then the storm clouds started to build. It was pleasing to see that, as the skies

opened, the enthusiasm of the students did not wane. Despite the changeable weather we did have

high participation in many Houses which was pleasing to see.

It is important that students have the mindset that their contribution is to support their House. You

don’t have to be a champion to compete as every point counts and they all make a difference to the

final outcome.

The results of the Carnival will be posted in the Newsletter once they have been announced on


I would like to thank all the parents who helped out at the carnival, their expertise was greatly

appreciated. Thanks must also go to the staff members who helped, in a variety of areas, to ensure

that all events were completed on the day.

The ISA team will be posted on the sports noticeboard next week.

ISA 2017 Winter Season Registrations

Registrations are now open for the 2016 Winter Sport season. Forms have been emailed to all

parents and students. If you did not receive an email could you please check via the School Portal

that your email address is correct on the School database. These forms can also be accessed via the

School Portal.

Remember if you unsure of which choice to make, talk to your Tutor or the MIC of the sport:

Rugby – Mr Webb [email protected]

Boys’ Football – Mr Singh [email protected]

Girls’ Football – Mrs Anagnostopoulos [email protected]

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Netball – Mrs O’Doherty [email protected]

Hockey – Mrs Hyslop [email protected]

Cross Country Carnival

The Senior School Cross Country carnival will be held on Tuesday, 7th March. Those students who are

keen to compete at an ISA level should have started training.

The distances for all age groups were published in last week’s newsletter.

This year at the Cross Country Carnival, Compassion will be holding a fundraiser. They have arranged

for both a coffee cart and a BBQ. This is a very worthy cause and all students are encouraged to

support Compassion. The prices for the day have been published under Compassion in this


Summer Sport

This week is the final round for our summer sports before we move into the Final Series. We have

both Boys’ Basketball and the First XI cricket at home so it would be good to see a crowd, especially

for the Year 12 students who may be finishing their summer sport contributions to BMGS.

Next weekend for Basketball all semi-finals will be held at Penrith Sports Stadium at Cambridge

Park. All parents and friends are encouraged to come along and cheer on the BMGS players. Please

wear school colours where possible.

M. Harris


Team Opponent Venue Time Court/field Bus INFO



1st V Barker Barker 10:00 am 1 Depart BMGS 7:30am

Hazelbrook 7:40 am

Buttenshaw 7:55 am

Glenbrook 8:05am

Inter B Oxley Oxley 10:00 am 1

Depart BMGS 6:15am

Hazelbrook 6:25 am

Buttenshaw 6:40am

Glenbrook 6:50am

Junior B Oxley Oxley 9:00 am 2

Junior A Chevalier Moss Vale

Stadium 12:00 pm 2

Junior C Chevalier Moss Vale

Stadium 11:00 am 2

Open B Oxley Oxley 10:00 am 1

Open D Oxley Oxley 9:00 am 1


BASKETBALL 1st V St Patrick’s BMGS 10:00 am 1

17s St Patrick’s BMGS 11:30 am 1

15s St Patrick’s BMGS 9:00 am 1

14s St Patrick’s BMGS 10:00 am 2

13sG St Patrick’s BMGS 9:00 am 2

13sB St Patrick’s BMGS 11:00 am 2

CRICKET 1st XI Oakhill BMGS 10:00am

2nd XI St Paul’s St Paul’s 10:00am

Depart BMGS 8:00am

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Match Reports – Saturday, 18th February, 2017


BMGS 1st XI v St. Gregory’s

Arriving at St Gregory’s Campbelltown on a pleasant Saturday morning, the boys inspected the pitch and

were hoping the coin toss would fall our way. Campbell Ferguson, as acting Captain for the injured Joe

O’Doherty, called correctly and elected to bowl first. Callum Simpson (2/33) and Jude Danta (1/26)

opened the session well, keeping the scoring rate down with St Gregory’s being 1/33 at the first drinks

break. There was good support from Xavier Logan (1/15), Christian Wright (1/35), Adrian Ma (1/23)

and Paddy Trihey (2/18) in the middle session and the Opposition was 5/113 at the 37-over mark.

When BMGS had finished the allotted 50 overs, the score was 9/169 which meant a good batting

performance was needed but one that was very possible. Unfortunately, due to a number of dropped

catches the St Gregory’s score was higher than it should have been. Simpson and Trihey, 34, got us off

to a steady start, on a pitch that was quite variable in pace and bounce. As has been the case in a

number of games this season, the batting has been brittle with no value being placed on the wicket.

Paddy Trihey was the exception with a very good innings, using soft hands, taking the occasional ball on

the body and using aggression when possible. The final score of 61 was disappointing, especially in a

game where good batting could have got us home. This week we take on Oakhill College at home with a

number of Year 12 boys playing their final ISA cricket game for BMGS.

S. Collins – MIC Cricket

Girls’ Basketball

BMGS First V were defeated by Redlands, 49-38

Although the First V lost against Redlands on the weekend, they played their most enthusiastic game of

the season. It was a slow first quarter as we struggled to get points on the board, but the girls turned

the game around to score the most baskets in the second half of the game. It was unfortunately not

enough to come back and win the game. Great job, Laura Williamson, who was our top scorer for the

week, but the whole team should be very proud of their effort.

BMGS Open B were defeated by Oakhill College, 23-13

The girls played a tough game against Oakhill College. They started off really well, working as a team to

smoothly transition the ball through the mid court and convert baskets at the other end. It took some

time for them to adapt to Oakhill's different style of offence and defence but the girls hung in there and

remained confident in their ability. Unfortunately, the girls could not hold the opposition down the entire

game but they should all be proud of their outstanding performance.

BMGS Intermediate B were defeated by Redlands, 29-28 (First game of a double header)

BMGS Intermediate B defeated Redlands, 38-14 (Second game of a double-header)

The Intermediate Girls played a double-header on the weekend. Their first game was against a very

strong opponent. Throughout the first half, Redlands held the lead for the majority of the time, being

able to finish at the rim more consistently than our girls. However, during the second half, our girls were

able to make a comeback and even take the lead. The second half brought a lot of lead changes and

unfortunately, in the dying seconds of the game, one of the Redlands girls was able to make a free

throw to take the game by one point.

The second game saw our girls come out much harder, establishing a strong lead early on. While

Redlands made a few attempts to bring the score closer, each time our girls were able to stem the flow

of baskets and score their own down the other end. Their tight defence a constant communication

helped them to win their second game of the day by a very solid margin. They should be commended on

their effort this week!

BMGS Junior A were defeated by Redlands, 35-8

It was a tough game for the team with bumps, scrapes and even throwing up, but these girls kept

coming back for more. Redlands ran away with the game early but the girls showed great spirit and

never gave in. There was much improvement in the second half, with the team limiting Redlands’

opportunities and sinking some baskets of their own.

BMGS Junior B defeated Redlands, 37-4

This was a fantastic team effort. The girls showcased their passing skills, moving the ball around in

offence to find the open player. The brilliant passing and positional play meant all the girls made it onto

the scoresheet during the game. The defence was resolute, with Redlands only allowed to score a single

basket in each half. Despite a few knocks, the girls kept the game up to the opposition, shutting down

almost all attacking raids.

C. Ingold – MIC Girls’ Basketball

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Boys’ Basketball

BMGS First V defeated St Pius, 34-20

The Firsts dominated in the first 17 minutes of the game, drawing ahead on the scoreboard with some

impressive plays. However, in the three minutes remaining in the first half, St Pius went on a 14-0 run

bringing the game within two points. In the second half, the boys responded well to their coach’s

instructions and came back ready to win. At the start of the second half the boys found their feet and

again began to dominate the St Pius team. The boys managed to regain their lead within the first five

minutes while keeping St Pius scoreless. This lead was maintained for the remainder of the game, and

BMGS went on to win by 13 points. A special mention must be made of our Year 12s who put in a solid

performance in their last away game for BMGS.

BMGS 17 Years Boys were defeated by St. Pius, 36-24

The boys came in to this round fresh and confident that they could push for a good result. They started

the game strongly, showing good ball movement and team work to take an early lead. However, the

team became unstuck when the opposition switched to a full-court press defence, which led to simple

mistakes that allowed the opposition to gain easy baskets and take the lead as half-time approached.

BMGS regrouped and came out strongly to start the second half and pushed St Pius with strong team

defence, coming as close as six points with six minutes to go. In the end, small errors throughout the

game piled up, and made it too difficult for our boys to bridge the gap. The team will be looking to

secure the win at home in the last round next week.

BMGS 15 Years Boys defeated St Pius, 44-20

This week the 15s came up against St Pius X College. The boys started the match well, demonstrating

quality defence early on to jump out to an early lead. The boys used good team work throughout the

game to force multiple turnovers and converted them into quick points at the other end of the floor. The

win continues their good form in the second half of the season, keeping BMGS in a good position

leading in to the Finals.

BMGS 14 Years Boys were defeated by St Pius X, 48-9

Our boys came into this game down two players, so we were on the back foot at the start. However, the

boys treated this game in the true style that Basketball should be played and that is to have FUN. The

boys smiled throughout the whole game, showing resilience and sportsmanship. BMGS may not have

picked up the win but the team won in their own hearts and they all went home with positive memories

of the game. The team is looking forward to their next game this weekend, against an opposition

against which they could earn a win.

BMGS 13 Gold defeated St Pius, 28-27

The boys had a shocking start to the game, which continued on through the first half, from missing open

shots to struggling for rebounds. All these factors contributed to the team being down on the

scoreboard at half time. The boys regrouped at half time to start the second half in a new light and they

worked hard to draw the scores closer and closer. With two minutes left in the game, the boys gave

everything they had on the court. Being down by 14 points at this mark was a tough deficit to recover

from, but the boys showed true heart bringing the game back in their favour, winning with 20 seconds

to go. It was a great game for the boys and they should be proud of their performance.

BMGS 13 B were defeated by Redlands, 36-15

Last weekend’s game was a great improvement with a much better focus on defence. The boys made a

concerted effort to contest for rebounds and this is reflected in the score. A stronger performance saw

more baskets scored by the boys and a greater challenge to their opponents. The score doesn’t reflect

the significant development displayed.

Mrs. V. Morgan-Hort – MIC Boys’ Basketball


It was wonderful to see so many parents attend our Parent Information sessions last week. There

was a really positive vibe and hum around the school and the teachers certainly put a lot of

preparation into their presentations. We all hope you found the experience informative and valuable.

The teachers and I are looking forward to meeting parents of children who are new to the School at

Icebreakers this Friday evening from 7:15pm at Coorah. This is a great opportunity to meet and

mingle with other new families and chat to the teachers in a less formal atmosphere.

Remember that next Friday, 3rd March is School Photograph Day. Please ensure your child attends

school in full school uniform on this day, including blazers, with polished shoes and tidy hair.

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Children may bring their sports clothes to change into following their photographs. A reminder that if

your family is having a family photograph and there are siblings in Senior School, then it is up to

them to come and meet their younger brothers and sisters in our Hall at lunchtime.

A reminder also to parents of Year 6 children that next Monday is our Prefects’ Induction Service

from 12:00pm in Coote Hall. The children, teachers and I look forward to welcoming many of you to

this special occasion for your sons and daughters.

N. Cockington

Student Awards

This week at Assembly the following awards were presented:

Bronze – Jack Lord (2K), Liam Mackie (2K), Vengili Selverasa (1B)


5/6 Boys’ Blue team played Mighty Minions. The Blue team won 48 to 0.

5/6 Boys’ Gold team had a bye.

5/6 Girls’ White played Wildfire. The White team lost 16 to 26.

5/6 Girls’ White played 5/6 Girls’ Gold. The Gold team won 26 to 18.

3/4 Girls’ Blue played The Superstars. The Blue Team won 19 to 18.

L. Gerrard


2017 Blue Mountains Charleston Challenge

As you may be aware, the Hydro Majestic has been a tremendous supporter and sponsor of Parents’

and Friends’ Association functions over recent years.

Tomorrow, 25th February, the Hydro Majestic will be hosting the 2017 Charleston Challenge. This is

an annual challenge to break the world record for participants dancing the Charleston, which the

Blue Mountains community held for several years until 2015. If you would like to take part in this

year’s attempt to break the world record and return the title to the Blue Mountains, participants

must register online.

Parents are advised that this is a Blue Mountains community event; it is not a BMGS or Parents’ and

Friends’ Association event. Due to another School event taking place on that day, and various co-

curricular commitments, there will be no members of staff in attendance in an official capacity.

Registrations to this event are independent of the School and all enquiries should be directed to the

organisers. To register to dance or find out more information on the 2017 Charleston World Record

Attempt visit:

www.roaring20s.com.au, and

www.charlestonchallenge.com.au, or


Save the Date:

Sunday, 19th March Fashions for the Perfect Afternoon Tea

Tuesday, 21st March, Annual General Meeting

Don’t miss the next Parents’ and Friends’ Association fundraiser! Fashions for the Perfect Afternoon

Tea promises to be a wonderful afternoon and offers a rare opportunity to view some of the exquisite

fashion items from the renowned Darnell Collection. Curator of the Collection, Ms Charlotte Smith,

will present a stunning array of outfits, whilst you enjoy a scrumptious afternoon tea. The event will

be held in Cuff Hall, on Sunday, 19th March at 3:00pm.

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The entry fee is $35, $25 concession and $15

student tickets

Bookings can be made through Coorah Reception

(4757 9000). We look forward to your company.

Charlotte will be co-ordinating the event with Ms

Carole Young, and they would love to hear from any

parents who are able to assist them in setting up the

venue for the event. If you are able to volunteer your

assistance, please email your availability to Charlotte

at [email protected], or Carole at

[email protected].

Lee Trew Returns to the Blue Mountains

Last year one of the speakers of the Parents’ and

Friends’ Association Coorah Conversations series was

Lee Trew, who presented his talk, “ Rewild Your

Child”, to an appreciative audience.

Lee is returning to the Blue Mountains and is bringing

the amazing child-whispering tools he uses on his

Rewild camps to the Blue Mountains! Rapport Based

Relating will open your eyes to how many of our

society’s ways of interacting with kids just don’t work,

and why.

His workshop will run from 24th-26th March 24-26 in Lake Street (Kindlehill School), Wentworth Falls.

Workshop schedule:

Friday 24th March, 6:00pm to 7:30pm - Introductory talk (This talk is open to the public. Cost $20 -

free for workshop participants). Saturday 25th March: 10:00am to 5:00pm. Sunday 26th March:

10:00am to 5:00pm. Cost: $300 ($475 for couples). To book, e-mail Vicky on:

[email protected]

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 21st March, in Coorah Gallery, at 7.30pm. The

AGM will be immediately followed by the first General Meeting of the year. One General Meeting is

held each term during the School year. Term 1 and Term 4 meetings are held in Coorah Gallery. The

Term 2 meeting is held at the Junior School and the Term 3 meeting is held at the Preparatory


At the Annual General Meeting, all positions on the current Parents’ and Friends’ Association

Executive Committee are vacated and an election will be held for the 2017/2018 Committee.

Nominations are therefore sought for the positions of Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Senior School

Representative, Junior School Representative and Preparatory School Representative. Current Office

Bearers may nominate for re-election. Parents may also nominate to be members of the Committee.

A nomination form can be downloaded from the Parents’ and Friends’ Page on the School’s Portal.

Nominations can be handed in at Senior, Junior and Preparatory School Receptions. Nominations

close Tuesday, 21st March, at 4.30pm.

All parents of Blue Mountains Grammar School automatically become members of the Parents’ and

Friends’ Association on the enrolment of their child at the School. All parents are welcome to attend

the General Meetings and we look forward to seeing you there.

Mr. Duncan Barrell Chair, BMGS Parents’ and Friends’ Association

[email protected]

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Congratulations to Bella Commins, Charlotte James, Finley Snedden, Flynn Nicholls, Haylee Diskin,

James Reynolds and Neil Geikie on their selection to the WAS and HICES Swimming Carnivals. These

students will represent Blue Mountains Grammar School with their Junior School peers at a regional


Schools’ Clean Up Day

On Friday, 3rd March, staff and students from Pre K to Year 4 at the Preparatory School will

participate in “cleaning up” our local area within and around our school grounds.

The children will need to wear their sports uniform and hat and bring gardening or rubber gloves to

school for the rubbish collection.

E. Flett

Student Awards

Pre-Kindergarten: Eden Batcock

Kindergarten: Carlia Diskin

Stage 1: Zarah Snedden and Ally Commins

Stage 2: Chiara Reeves, Bella Commins, Isabel Dolbel and James Reynolds

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY – FEBRUARY/MARCH 2017 Friday, 24th February – Icebreakers Evening

Saturday, 25th February – Senior School Open Morning

Monday, 27th February to Friday, 3rd March – Year 7 Camp

Monday, 27th February – Junior School Captains’ and Prefects’ Induction

Tuesday, 28th February – Year 11 and Year 12 Visual Arts Excursion, ArtExpress NSW Art Gallery

Tuesday, 28th February – HICES Debating Round 1

Wednesday, 29th February – Year 11 Geography Field Trip, Jamison Creek Catchment

Thursday, 1st March – HICES Leadership Day

Friday, 3rd March – Junior School Photo Day

Friday, 3rd March – Preparatory School Clean Up Our School Day
