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Blue Stars in the Sky

Date post: 07-Mar-2016
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At almost any time during the year, you can’t help but notice a variety of jets lined up alongside the dual runway at Nantucket Memorial Airport.
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”“ At almost any time during the year, you can’t help

but notice a variety of jets lined up alongside thedual runway at Nantucket Memorial Airport

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At almost any time duringthe year, you can’t help butnotice a variety of jets linedup alongside the dual runway at Nantucket Memorial Airport. This tinyisland stuck 30 miles out tosea is more than just grayshingles and cobblestoned

streets. It’s also the destination for a lot of those who are partof the “jet set,” that crowd that wings in on Gulfstreams andCitations. Despite the well-heeled associations you might havewith those who travel via private jet, the idea of saving a fewbucks has a pretty universal appeal. Those luxurious fliers areno exception, and there is a Nantucket summer resident who iscashing in on that appeal.

Ricky Sitomer, owner of Blue Star Jets, has summered on Nantucket for 20 years. He has fallen for Nantucket’s charm,like so many of his clients who own vacation homes here. Heloves the laid-back lifestyle the island affords him, a welcome change from his office in New York City. A typicalsummer day for this warrior of the corporate trenches involvespicking up a sandwich to eat while sitting on the beach, followed by a beer at Cisco Brewery.

Blue Stars in the SKY

Aby Kristen Kellogg

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What is itabout this

mode of travelthat makesBlue Star such a

successful business?

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Sporting diamond jet cufflinks with his tuxedo at his recentWhite Elephant wedding, Sitomer clearly always has flying onhis mind, but it wasn’t always that way. Ricky first worked inthe stock brokerage business, but when the market crashed atthe end of 2000, he decided to pioneer a new path in the sky:the private jet brokerage business. Ricky and his partner ToddRome found a niche and went for it.

Named after an airline in the classic 1987 film “Wall Street,”Blue Star Jets was born in 2001, the first of its kind developedon a large scale. Blue Star Jets essentially allows you the freedomof flying privatly for less, with the added flexibility to changeyour aircraft. In today’s changing economy, where people aredownsizing and getting rid of overhead costs, Blue Star Jetshas filled a niche in the market. You buy the time in the air, nota piece of a jet that is going to depreciate.

Flying in a private jet is, of course, luxurious. But surely thereis something more to it than just being able to tell your friendsthat you flew in on a private jet. What is it about this mode oftravel that makes Blue Star such a successful business?

For starters, when flying Blue Star, you are able to tailor youraircraft to your specific needs. “If you’re flying from New Yorkto Nantucket and you’re three or four people, you can take a

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In addition to flying people, Blue Star Jets offers cargo servicesfor businesses and medical facilities. With offices in New York,Los Angeles, Chicago, Boca Raton and London – and representatives stationed all over the world – Blue Star is accessible anywhere you might find yourself, and system-wide,their number one goal is client satisfaction. No matter your desire– in-flight facials, massages, Dr. Oz-prepared meals – they’llmake it happen for you. It is that focus on customer satisfaction that has helped Blue Star succeed – and expandtheir base of operations – despite the faltering economy. Andthere’s no end in sight for the company’s growth. Current plansinclude opening offices in Dubai, Hong Kong and other international hubs, which will allow them to expand their clientbase while still remaining competitive.

At the end of the day, the number one concern on the mind oftravelers today is safety, and the Blue Star team is well awareof that, and it’s something they take very seriously. “We’vebeen in business for 11 years, and people want to fly with thebrand,” said Sitomer. “They want to feel safe. They want tofeel secure, and Blue Star Jets gives them that. And on top ofthat, it’s a value play.”

turboprop,” said Sitomer. “If you’re 14 people and you wanta brand new Gulfstream 550 from New York to Paris, or ifyou’re a big group of 300 and need a 747s to China, that’swhat we get you.”

That ability to get clients the specific plane they need is a definite advantage for Sitomer. Blue Star brokers more than4,000 Jets and works with approximately 1,000 different aircraft carriers, offering clients anything from helicopter toturbo prop, private jets and up to 747s. The sky literally is thelimit with Blue Star.

Time is another consideration that makes flying privatly attractiveto clients. With airline delays at a recent high, private flightsallow you to bypass lengthy security lines with on-time arrivalto destinations. From weekend getaways to important business meetings, Blue Star Jets transports you there quicklyand comfortably, and with minimal effort on your part. Withthe click of a button on their website, you’ll be connected toone of Sitomer’s staff, who will discuss your needs with you todetermine the best option. From there, in as little as four hours,you can be buckled in and cruising comfortable at 35,000feet, on your way to your final destination.

Another offering from Blue Star is the “Share a Jet Exchange”program, a concept that enables two different parties goingto the same destination to save 40-50% on the flight. A popular program for people who want to save money and stillbe able to fly privatly, Share a Jet Exchange includes destinationssuch as New York City, Nantucket, Boston, Aspen and Palm Beach.

Sporting diamond jet cufflinks ...Sitomer clearly always has

flying on his mind, ...

Ricky and Jennifer Sitomer at theirNantucket wedding in 2011. Ro

n Lynch

Ron Lynch
