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Bluematter plan for SEO
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BHW Bluematter's Adsense $100 a Day Hi Guys, My name is Sam, I started using adsense back in 2008 and now It has become one of my main income source in IM. I have got quite a few adsense sites making me around $$$ on average per day. I started this thread after looking at so many people posting about their struggle with adsense and aint making anything out of it after putting so much effort in it, i just want to help them out through this journey and move them to the right direction. So here we go guys, Lets start this. I will use a brand new domain for this journey Find a profitable adsense niche Do some indepth keyword research Get some quality content ready for it Make sure my on page seo is perfect Will start with the off page seo than The goal of this journey to take a brand new site to $100+ per day. Trust me you dont need 10s of those micro niche sites to make decent money from adsense, If you locate a good niche 1 blog will do the job for you. I will try my best to prove those guys wrong who think money cant be made with adsense. I will update this thread every few days. I will share all the steps in the process I wont share my domain or exact niche for obvious reasons i wont lie about my earnings Desert this thread half way through I wont stop untill i reach my goal I will explain in my next post that how I go about my niche research. Kind Regards, Sam
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BHW Bluematter's Adsense $100 a Day

Hi Guys,

My name is Sam, I started using adsense back in 2008 and now It has become one of my main income source in IM.

I have got quite a few adsense sites making me around $$$ on average per day.

I started this thread after looking at so many people posting about their struggle with adsense and aint making anything out of it after putting so much effort in it, i just want to help them out through this journey and move them to the right direction.

So here we go guys, Lets start this.

• I will use a brand new domain for this journey• Find a profitable adsense niche• Do some indepth keyword research• Get some quality content ready for it• Make sure my on page seo is perfect• Will start with the off page seo than

The goal of this journey to take a brand new site to $100+ per day. Trust me you dont need 10s of those micro niche sites to make decent money from adsense, If you locate a good niche 1 blog will do the job for you.

I will try my best to prove those guys wrong who think money cant be made with adsense.

• I will update this thread every few days.• I will share all the steps in the process• I wont share my domain or exact niche for obvious reasons• i wont lie about my earnings• Desert this thread half way through• I wont stop untill i reach my goal

I will explain in my next post that how I go about my niche research.

Kind Regards,


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Step 1 - Niche Research

See Below the pointers of a profitable adsense niche.

1. Has high CPC associated with it.2. Has low competition.3. Has plenty of advertisers in adwords.4. Has plenty of searches in google.

I have got all the fancy niche/keyword research tools, but as I am aware masses do not have access to these tools, thats why I will be using a free tool which is Google Keyword tool.

I find it very accurate and has worked well for me in the past.

To give us a start point to do our niche research, we have to look for some topics which we think have high CPC.

Below our few topics which usually have high cpc asoociated with them. I have bit of interest in these topics as well and plus they have high cpc so thats a plus. Its better to go in a niche where you have some Interest it just makes your work easy and you wont feel bore doing it. So here we go than:-)

1. Legal2. Finance3. Web Hosting4. Medical5. Travel6. Career Training7. Health8. Home Care9 Security10 Online Degrees

I love travelling different places and getting to know different cultures so as I told you before select something you have interest in So i have chosen travel from the above list as my market.

I then go to http://ubersuggest.org/ or scrapebox keyword scraper and do a number of searches starting with travel and then tourism or vacation, This step will give me lots of related keywords to my main topic which is travel, i will than save all the keywords list in notepad to use it later.

After that i do the below step

1. Go to dmoz.org2. Enter your market term in the search box. e.g. "travel"3. Click on a category. e.g. "Specialty Travel"4. Here you will see a whole list of potential travel niches.. e.g. "backpacking", "camping", "cruises", "boat charters" "caving" "snow biking" "surfing" " monutain biking"5. List down all the niches that you are interested in.6. Go to http://dir.yahoo.com and follow the same tasks.

After that.

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1. Go to Google and search for your market keyword and append it with the word "forum". e.g. "travel + forum".2. Look for any forums in the results and click on them.3. Skim through the forums looking for more niche ideas.

After all the steps above now you must have quite a few niche ideas saved in your notepad.

Its time to use google keyword tool, open it and paste all the niche ideas you have saved and sort it by estimated cpc.

Below are the things we are looking for:

1. High CPC2. High Searches per month3. Consistent searches through the year make sure its not a seasonal keyword.

I also make sure that my "match type" is set to "exact". This should give an accurate result for each keyword.

I than focused on a keyword which is "mountain biking" after digging it deep and going through so many related keywords i chose about 9 keywords which met my criteria of a profitable niche "high cpc" "high search volume"

Now the keywords which i have chosen "9" have to find out whats the competition like I do this by typing into google each niche keyword phrase in inverted commas ("). and see how many results it came up with, I usually go with keywords which has results under 800k (you can choose less than that like 500K results in google results for your searched keyword)

Now it is time to see what are the top 10 sites like.

• How many sites in top 10 have your exact match keyword in title?• What is the domain age?• What is their PR?• How many backlinks they have got?

OK I usually go for keywords where atleast 2 sites in top 10 does not have my exact match keyword in the title.

Atleast 2 domains are under 2 year old.

Atleast 3 sites with pr under 4.

(To check the above you can use a free firefox plugin "seoquake"

(To Check backlinks profile of your top 10 you can use ahrefs.com or majesticseo)

After doing all the above steps i have chosen my keyword which matches most of my above requirments.

So my chosen keyword has below stats

1. It has a CPC of $3.94 associated with it.

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2. It has 18,000 exact match searches per month.3. It is not a seasonal keyword.4. The competition is 681,000 in google.5. It matches all my competition analysis requirments.

Alright guys thats how I do my niche research.


If you dont understand anything from above please ask me and i will explain it to you.

Guys Just to make clear that "Low" competition in google keyword tool means that there are very few advertisers bidding for that, It has nothing to do with seo competition.

If advertising competition is low dont go for that keyword because if you do you will get alot of unrelated ads and that will affect your CTR.

Use http://www.spyfu.com/ to check how many advertisers are actually bidding on your selected keywords.

Kind Regards,


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Step 2 - Domain And Wp Theme

Alright guys I have chosen my domain name, it has got my main keyword in it with a prefix so its something like this "best********************.com" "best" is the prefix.

I only go for .com .net and .org domain Tlds.

Have Installed the wordpress and chosen a theme which is uncluttered, white background and black text, simple looking and low on graphics. Its a minimal wp theme. Try To keep the theme simple with less graphics so it doesnt distract the visitors from your ads.

Below is the list of some prefixes and suffixes to help you out choosing the domain name.

Common Suffixes


Other suffixes: nowresourcestoolssourcereviewsystem

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Classic prefixes: themyimewe

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Other prefixes: metaremetrourbanheadhitfronttechnoeverrushthinksoloradiovip

Adjectives that can be used as prefixes: hotsmartcoolhotfastfreshsleekfirstdailybestsharplightclassicfastgreatquick

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Step 3 - Wordpress Plugins Which I am Using

• All In One Seo• WP Super Cache• GOOGLE XML SITEMAPS• WP-DB-Backup• Quick Adsense Plugin

(This plugin keeps a backup of your wordpressdatabase in case for some reason your database is lost or becomescorrupted)


(Login lockdown is a great plugin for helping to prevent brute force attempts atlogging into your wordpress admin area)

Kind Regards,


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Step 4 - How Many Keywords/Articles I Need To Reach $100 Per Day.

This Is the question you guys have been asking in recent posts, so here you go guys lets do some maths:-)

Lets assume I get $0.50 per click from adsense (COULD BE MORE - COULD BE LESS)

To Reach $100 that would mean 100 diveded by 0.50 = 200 clicks per day on average to reach there.

I will aim for a CTR of atleast 10% which means I will need 200 x 10 = 2000 visitors per day to get there.

Now we have got a basic estimate how many visitors we might need to reach our goal.

I think i might be looking at about 80 articles to reach $100 so 2000 diveded by 80 = 25 visitors per page per day. I think this is quite achievable and later we can always add new content so thats not a problem.

Kind Regards,


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Step 5 - Deep Niche Analysis

Guys in the last step we found our niche now its time to do some deep niche analysis and try to find out everything possible for our chosen niche.

This is a very important step in the whole process so lets dig in and get all the ins and outs of our niches.

Ok to start up with I opened google and searched for my niche + forums.

Than I started going through the forums, what we are looking for is any questions people have, If there are any problems which needs solving in our niche, what people are talking about, If there are any hot debates going on, anything you find just note It down in a notepad.

Next go to yahoo answers and search for questions about your niche, see what people are asking frequently, anything you find just note it down.

Next step go to amazon/ebay and look for best selling products or books in your niche (If any)note down everything you find useful in your notepad.

Next go to Technorati.com or do a search on google your niche + blogs and search related blogs about your niche, go through some posts and see If you can find something interesting, make notes on how they have structered their blog, what are the topics people are making comments on. make notes of everything useful you find.

Guys I want you to spend some time on this step, without this we wont be able to make a high quality site.

Remember we are making a site which is helpful and insightful for the visitor.

Please post below if you have any questions and i will try my best to answer them.

Kind Regards,


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Step 6 - Keyword Research

Guys so we are all ready to do are keyword research so lets find some good keywords for our categories and articles.

In last step we did some deep niche analysis, trying to find any problems, questions, proudcts or other stuff in our niche.

So now I am looking at my deep niche analysis sheet and what I am trying to do here is turn these questions, problems or other stuff into seed keywords.

For Example:- When you were doing your niche analysis lets suppose your niche is web hosting.

When you dig deep into forums and yahoo answers lets suppose you found a question that "Which is the best web hosting" "Can any body tell me about cheapest web hosting" "If there is any free web hosting" "Who knows about best hosting plans"

So from above questions we already have got seed keywords which are below:-

• best web hosting• cheapest web hosting• best hosting plans• free web hosting

So basically brainstorm as much as you can come up with seed keywords, turn those questions, problems in your deep niche analysis into seed keywords, and try to keep your keywords short like 2 to 3 words we want them pretty broad, later we going to find long tail keywords.

Now that I have my completed seed keyword list, the next job is to plug these into Google’s keyword tool to dig up some more good potential keywords and also check the numbers to see which ones are getting searches.

To do this I enter them into Google’s keyword tool, set all my parameters as in the image below and then let it do all the work.

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Once the results got returned i downloaded them all in a csv file

So have you guys seen what i just did there?

By the help of my deep niche analysis, I found my seed keywords.

Than i throwed them In the keyword tool and got bunch loads of related keywords.

I have set the criteria to only show me keywords that get over 1000 searches a month and have a high competition in terms of numbers of advertisers. High numbers of advertisers = more ads = more income.

So now we have got quite a few of good keywords which we know are highly searched and are highly competitive upon advertisers so well done guys:-)

So now what we need is a proper structure for our site, we need a well organized and themed site so lets find some categories.

So now to choose them what I did is opened my keywords csv from recent step and checked what are some higly searched keywords in that list.

Than I looked at my competitors site’s on Google’s top 10 for the keyword “web hosting” and looked for patterns in their site structure and categorisation.

So If you follow these steps you will end up having some killer category keywords:-)

Ok Now! we are all ready to find keywords for articles aka long tails.

So what I am doing now is I have opened my keywords CSV and I am just categorising everything under my chosen main categaroies.

For example 1 of my category is "Cheap Web Hosting"

So what I am gonna do is open a excel file names "Category Cheap Web Hosting" and under it I am gonna put each and every keyword which relates to this category from google keywords csv file.

i will do this for all my categories so all related topics go into related categories. It takes time to do it but its worth it guys.

So now what i am gonna do is open market samurai, copy all the keywords from "Category Cheap Web Hosting" and paste it into add keywords box in market samurai.

Below are the settings I am gonna use.

1. Set Phrase to Broad to a minimum setting of 5.2. Set SEO Traffic to a minimum of 50.3. Click the generate keywords button.4. After the results returned than click analyze keywords.5. Set Phrase to Broad to a minimum setting of 15.6. Set SEO Traffic to a minimum of 50.7. Set the match type to "Phrase".8. Click on the "Analyze Keywords" button

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Now the tool has returned quite a few potential keywords for you to go for which all has what we need.

Now go to seo competition tab in market samurai and check all these keywords based on my previous competition factors which i mentioned in a earlier post.

Whew! So at last we are done with the research part of our site creation now and got the best of the best keywords.

Any questions just post below and I will answer them.

Kind Regards,


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Step 7 - Creating Visitor Pages

I know most of you guys already know that you need visitor pages for adsense sites but still there might be few who don't know about it so its for them.

You will have to creat below pages:

• About Us• Privacy Policy (essential)• Contact Us

About Us

For the About Us page I am simply going to create a quick page about where my interest in this niche started from, what information my site provides, how it going to help the visitor.

Contact Us

I am going to use a plugin to help with this and it is called the Contact form 7 plugin.Get it from here


Privacy Policy

The privacy policy is the most important visitor page as it is required by Adsense to have one and there are certain things that need to be included in the policy including information about the doubleclick dart cookie.

Here is the easiest way to create it


Kind Regards,


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Step 8 - All About Writing Content

Alright guys our sites are ready now to have some content on them so lets do it. First thing most important are your titles you have to grab searchers attention, below are the best techniques to do that.

Question Format to make people curious for the answer e.g. "Just Why my site is so slow?"Use a problem-solution format to first trigger the attention of theperson with a problem and then offer them asolution if they readfurther. e.g. "Is your site slow? Learn how to make It fast".The old school trick of course is the "how to" format. This is a veryeffective way of grabbing attention. e.g. "How To make your site fast".One of the best though is the list format. "Top 10 tips to make your site faster or "7 ways to write good articles.

Article Structure:-

The big secret to writing articles is that they always have an introduction, middle and a summary at the end. The introduction tells the reader what the article is going to be about. The middle bit gives the reader all the information and the summary reminds them about the main points they just read. It really is as simple as that to structure an article

Keyword Density:-

I will keep my keyword density always under 3% for my main keyword to avoid any sort of over optimization penalty, and It doesnt read good aswell If you go overboard with it. But I do use related keywords and lsi keywords in my articles.

Keyword Stemming:-

Keyword stemming is a good technique to use to add variations to your main keyword. Keyword stemming is where you take your main keyword and add a prefix or a suffix to it.Using the example "garden" you could create a few stem variations like"gardner", "gardening" etc..

It is a good way of not only adding variation to your main keywords but also for emphasising the theme of the article.

Keyword Prominence:-

Keyword prominence refers to how close to the beginning of the body text your main keyword appears. It isa good idea to use your main keyword withinthe first few sentences.

ALT Tags:-

The purpose of using the ALT tag is when you have images within your content. The ALT tag is used as a brief description of the actual image.Make your ALT tags brief, descriptive and to the point.

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Originally Posted by unikbit View Post@bluematter can this strategy be applied to an affiliate website?I'm in the same niche travel but for hotel reservation. before penguin update with an emd domain and 50 links (link exchange) I could outrank any of Expedia Priceline Booking etc and never looked at the first 10 competitors, I knew if I get a EMD and the keyword has at least 1000 Global searches would be fine. Now I can not make more then 2nd page in G with the same strategy so I think I need to change and to look at the first page competitors and to choose more careful the keywords.

Also Google is already in this market and any keyword with hotel/s list a block with hotels and their prices served by Google which take a big slice of the market

I have almost 500 websites (small websites,5 pages) and need to change the strategy

I would like to add you on skype to exchange some ideas.


The niche research we did here is for adsense, we chosen our niches based on CPC and other metrics related to adsense, but with a little twist and tweak It can work well with finding affiliate niches.

And yeah i know about what google doing in travel niche, but still there are many many keywords you can still go for.

I am still outranking Expedia and other big guns but Its not easy like before, It takes quite a bit of time to out rank them but in the end its still worth It.

Quote Originally Posted by lietuvis002 View PostBM,Is this a good strategy for ranking 2,000 monthly usa searches kwrd. I will create web 2.0 with few articles. I will use senuke for all tier 1 backlinks. Maybe I will give my tier 1 some wikies. What do you think?


I think I gave you few pointers In a pm aswell, have you followed it? but anyway.

To start off with build some manual high pr social bookmarks to your site, after that build some web 2.0s, than before blasting your web 2.0s with senuke build some HIGH PR do follow blog comments to your web 2.0s, make sure comments have low OBL Ideally under 20.

The logic behind this is Do Follow blog comments are the most easiest way to increase PR, as your web 2.0s root domains are already authority In next PR update your web 2.0s will easily get upto PR 3, by doing this you will have a small network of actual high pr pages pointing to your money site that will give it some proper boost.

For low competition keywords you will rank easy and long term with this strategy.


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Step 9 - Bluematter's Link Building Guide

Hi Guys,

So we are all ready to start some link building now, so lets do it!

Why Do We Even Need SEO?

"Because SEO gives you the most laser-targeted, and the often highest converting traffic that you can get."

Few Benefits Of Seo Below:-

Building an Asset:- The search terms that your website ranks for and the number of visitors that it receives from the search engines are a tangible asset that you can build and develop.

Super Targeted Traffic:- Think about it. For every person visiting your website through the search engines, they are pre-qualifying themselves as to what they are looking for.

For example, if your website is ranking for "online degrees" and someone clicks from the SERPS onto your website, you know exactly what they are looking for and can construct your website and content in such a way as to meet that need.

Free Traffic:- That's the beauty of SEO. Once your site is ranking for a specific keyword, you just need to maintain your position a little. As for the alternative, if you were to use CPC or another form of paid traffic, the moment you stop paying for traffic - you guessed it - your site has 0 visitors.But once you're ranking in SEO, you can relax a bit and enjoy the ride.

Alright guys above content is for new members who are wondering what are the benefits of seo and why they should be doing It.

Tier 1

Step 1:- Intro

First of all what I am going to do Is get some articles written for my backlinks campaign, To start of with I will go with 15 unique articles, the length will be around 400 words, the article should be some what at readable quality.You can use spun content aswell but If you can afford It its best to use unique content for your tier 1 links. If you are looking to spin them do It manually and make sure they are atleast readable, for article spinning the best tool is The Best Spinner, that's what i use but there are many other options available aswell so look around.

Step 2:-Creating Web 2.0s

In this step I am going to make some web 2.0 blogs on some of the high pr platforms, like blogger, wordpress, tumblr, weebly. I will atleast make 6 to 8 web 2.0s to start with, these blogs will atleast have 3 pages each on them, 1 post will be about my niche with a link pointing to my site, 1 will be a about us or me page with no links and 1 short post will be random which will link to an authority site like wikipedia etc, or some authority site in your niche.Basically what we are doing here is to look as natural as we can so google can't detect that it's actually us who are making these blogs. you

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have to treat these blogs as small micro niche sites so make sure they look nice and on page optimization is good on them.

Step 3:-Article Directory Links:-

In this step I will post my article to some of the high page rank article directories with my link in the resource box, If you are spinning the content for this make sure It reads ok other wise they won't accept It.

Step 4:- Social Bookmarks

I will write about 25 unique descriptions about my site first, the length should be around 15 to 25 words no need to write long descriptions. After that i will register to some of the high pr social bookmarking sites with different usernames and post my links there.

Step 5:-Doc Sharing Links

I will convert 1 article into a pdf file and add my link in the footer and submit it to all those high pr doc sharing sites.

Step 6:-Social Signals

Now we will be needing atleast 20 facebook likes, 20 twitter tweets and 20 stumple upon submits to our site.

Tier 2

(This will be semi automated and we will be using some tools for this)

• 100+ Do Follow Blog Comments To Web 2.0s• 300+ Social Network Posts To All Tier 1• 5000 Wiki Links To All Tier 1

Some Of The Tools Which I Will Be Using Are Below:-

• Scrapebox• Senuke• GSA• Wiki Robot/Bomber

After everything is ready submit all the links to linklicious or lindexed, If you don't have access to these sites look for a free mass pinging site and ping all your links so they can be crawled and Indexed by google.

Alright guys above Is my personal method to rank in medium to tough niches, works after any google update like a charm. Just make sure you diversify your anchor text 60% should be your targeted money keywords, 20% lsi keywords and last 20% should be generic keywords and naked url.

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I Understand few of the above stuff is bit advance for few new members but I am here to help so ask any questions you have below and I will try my best to answer them.

Kind Regards,



High PR Web 2.0 List


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High PR Social bookmarking List


Doc Share Sites


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• Tier 2 links should be with 50% generic anchors 30% lsi anchors and 20% your money anchors going to your tier 1.

• 100 do follow comments will go to the web 2.0s not the nofollow, all should be do follow.• For social networks you can scrape a article and mass spin it, for wikis yes you will need

links with anchors.• For tier 1 links you will hardly need any tools as all can be done manually, but It's gonna

take some time.• For tier 2 you can outsource and even can go to fiverr for mass quantity links.• Be carefull with your tier 1 links, in tier 2 links you can experiment a bit• I would prefer 5 high pr backlinks rather then a 5k blast on any day

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Bonus – Motivational Video

My site has 36 articles now and is getting 100+ visitors a day, earnings are increasing day by day and now the average is $5 to $8 per day. I am pretty confident It gonna shoot up in next couple of weeks as my main keyword is ranked #13 now and 2 other sub kws are #11 so about to hit page 1.

So keep working guys, keep pushing it, have a look below It's one of my fav


Don't Give Up!
