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B'nai Review June/July

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June/July 2015
June/July 2015 Sivan 5775 - Av 5775 Volume 5775 Issue 11 Summer Sermonette Series: Glimpses Into Jewish History Page 10
Page 1: B'nai Review June/July

June/July 2015

Sivan 5775 - Av 5775 Volume 5775 Issue 11

Summer Sermonette Series:

Glimpses Into Jewish History

Page 10

Page 2: B'nai Review June/July



Jacob Luski, D.D.

727.381.4900 x1008

[email protected]


Jonathan Schultz

727.381.4900 x1005

[email protected]

Executive Director

Susan Goldstein


[email protected]

Pauline Rivkind Early Childhood

Education Center Director

Katherine Schaefer


[email protected]

Pauline Rivkind Talmud Torah

Education Coordinator

Ricki Lewis


[email protected]

Youth Advisor

Bianca Levi

727.381.4900 x1011

[email protected]

Community Engagement

Liz Sembler

727.381.4900 x1007

[email protected]

Torah Reader/Educator

Deborah Marmon

727.381.4900 x1017

[email protected]

Office Manager

Pam Askin


[email protected]

Communications Coordinator

Carolyn Moritz

727.381.4900 x1001

[email protected]


Denice Piller


[email protected]


Alice Ettinger

[email protected]

Men’s Club President Steve Feld

USY President Hannah Weiss

B’nai Israel REVIEW

June/July 2015

Contact Us

Our Mission Through our congregational life, our goal is to provide the opportunity for our

members and friends to experience Jewish life to its fullest. We want to transmit the

ideals of Conservative Judaism to our children and grandchildren, to enable them to be

knowledgeable and responsible participants in Jewish life, sensitive and ethical human

beings and reliable custodians of an enduring heritage. Through the synagogue, we

want to find strength and inspiration in worship and study, in the sharing of lifecycle

events, in acts of caring, in reaching out to the wide Jewish and non-Jewish

communities, and in concern and support for Israel.

Page 3: B'nai Review June/July


Rabbi Luski on Sabbatical

Rabbi Jacob Luski will be completing his Mini-Sabbatical,

May 4 - August 12, which was spaced out in short segments during

the fall, winter, and summer months to accommodate the needs of

the Congregation.


A child is born in my family? There is an engagement in my

family? There will be a wedding in my family?

Call the CBI office at 727.381.4900 to share the good news with

the Congregation.

There is a death in my family?

Call the CBI office at 727.381.4900 during business hours or, after

hours, call Susan Goldstein, Executive Director, on her cell

phone at 214.263.8464. A member of the staff will help you make

the necessary arrangements and will contact a Rabbi who will be in

touch with you to plan the funeral.

For those who are not members, we request that you consult with

David Gross or Michael Gross at

David C. Gross Funeral Homes, 727.381.4911, for assistance

with the funeral arrangements.

I have an emergency and need to talk to a staff member

during non-business hours?

Call Susan Goldstein, Executive Director, on her cell phone at


We wish Rabbi Jacob and Joanne a most enjoyable last segment of

their Mini-Sabbatical!



BUCS TICKETS You’re in luck! There are

still some Tampa Bay Bucs tickets available in

the Mitzvah Men’s Club block for the

upcoming season. These are great seats:

Section 135! Contact Mike Slomka at

727.458.6703 for more information.


Tower Foundation invites CBI congregants

who would like to join PBT residents for

Shabbat dinners. Dinner is $10 every Friday

at 4:45 pm. This is a great opportunity to

enjoy dinner and fellowship before walking

over to CBI for Shabbat services. CBI will

post each week’s menu to cbistpete.org on Monday afternoons. RSVP with payment and

entrée choice to Kelli Rolfe by Wednesdays

at 12:00 pm: 727.347.5191 or

[email protected].

BIKKUR HOLIM One of the most important

mitzvot in Judaism is bikkur holim: visiting

the sick. It is a responsibility that the clergy

of B’nai Israel take very seriously. When our

members are ill or hospitalized, we want to

know. In the interest of protecting

confidentiality, hospitals today are extremely

cautious about sharing patient names, even

with clergy. We need our congregants to

communicate directly with us and to inform

us of illness or hospitalization. Please call

Pam Askin at 727.381.4901 so that, as clergy

and the synagogue family, we can be helpful

in moments of difficulty or stress.

Cantor Schultz to sing National Anthem

What's summertime without a Rays game?

Our very own Cantor Schultz will be singing the National Anthem at Tropicana Field.

Come cheer for him on Monday, June 29, at 7:00 pm, and stay to watch the Rays face off

against the Cleveland Indians.

Michael Barth is the point person for getting group tickets! Anybody who is interested in game

tickets should contact him at [email protected] or 727.393.3467.

Page 4: B'nai Review June/July


From the Rabbi

The month of June means that we are rapidly approaching the end of the Jewish Year.

Summer is a good time for all of us to start the emotional, intellectual, and spiritual tune-up

for the New Year 5776 and the High Holy Day season. Take a look at this insightful quiz that

helps focus on the real priorities of life. Answering the questions helps serve to establish

some appropriate directions as to how our lives should move in the coming years. Answer the

questions and think about what you have to do, so that you can join the list of those individuals

who make a real difference in the lives of others.


1. Name the 5 wealthiest people in the world.

2. Name the last 5 Heisman trophy winners.

3. Name the last 5 winners of the Miss America contest.

4. Name 10 people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.

5. Name the last 6 Academy Award winners for best actor and actress.

6. Name the last decade’s worth of World Series winners.

How did you do? The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday. These are no second-rate

achievers. They are the best in their fields. But the applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten.

Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.


1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.

2. Name 3 friends who have helped you through a difficult time.

3. Name 5 people who have taught you something worthwhile.

4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special.

5. Think of 5 people you enjoy spending time with.

6. Name half dozen heroes whose stories have inspired you.

Easier? The lesson: The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the

most money, or the most awards. They are the ones who care. Pass this on to people who have made a difference

in your life.

Have a wonderful summer!


From the President What do I write when it is the last time I will be doing this? Do I get serious? Do I make

some funny comments? Each time I have written this column, I never know what to say.

But with this one, I just want to confirm my deepest love for CBI, even when there was

rough sledding. (You can take the girl out of New Jersey, but you can’t take the snow out of the girl!)

I want to confirm that the members of the Executive Committee and Board of Trustees are the smartest, most loyal,

most loving, supportive, and most brave people I have ever known. (That also applies to their spouses, partners,

friends, and families as well.) Words can never thank them enough for their dedication.

All of the employees of CBI deserve a special thank you for always being there with a smile and a helpful manner.

We would not be here without their love and dedication to CBI. Thank you for always making me look good and

feel good no matter what was going on.

To all of our members who have been supportive, made suggestions (complaints), volunteered, came out in support,

donated time and/or money and/or energy, prayed, laughed, cried, ate, cooked, schmoozed, and/or just plain

belonged, I thank you for what you have let me share with you.

I am honored and proud to have served.


Page 5: B'nai Review June/July


From the Cantor

I’m singing the National Anthem at a Tampa Bay Rays game on Monday, June 29, at 7:00 pm! If you’d like tickets to the game, please contact Michael Barth at

[email protected] or 727.393.3467.

And now, on a completely different note, let’s look ahead to the summer. We who live in the

21st Century tend to think of summer as a time for enjoyment and relaxation. I find it

interesting that the saddest day on the Jewish calendar – Tish’a b’Av – falls during this season

that we tend to think of as happy.

Tish’a b’Av is a day of mourning. According to tradition, both the First and Second Temples were destroyed on

Tish’a b’Av, and traditionally, the destruction of the Temples is the primary thing that we mourn on Tish’a b’Av.

Over time, this day came to be a day when we mourn all Jewish suffering, including the Bar Kochba rebellion, the

expulsion from Spain, and the Holocaust.

The liturgical highlight of Tish’a b’Av is the reading of Megillat Eicha, the Book of Lamentations. In Eicha, the prophet

Jeremiah describes and laments the destruction of the Temple. When we read Eicha, we create an atmosphere of

mourning by sitting on the floor and reading by candlelight or flashlight. Also, Eicha has a unique trope, which is a

hauntingly beautiful melody. When we hear the music of Eicha trope, we hear both deep sorrow and beauty at the

same time.

But our summertime period of mourning is not confined to Tish’a b’Av alone. We start three weeks earlier on 17

Tammuz, when we commemorate the breaching of the walls of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 CE. Between 17

Tammuz and Tish’a b’Av, we observe a period of semi-mourning, when weddings and other simchas are not held.

Also, on the three Shabbatot during this period, we read three special Haftarot of Admonition that warn us about the consequences of sin. After Tish’a b’Av, we then have seven weeks when we read Haftarot of Consolation.

Altogether, that makes ten straight weeks when the Haftarot are related to the calendar, and not to the parshiyot.


From the Executive Director

The Kiddush Lunch Bunch

“No eatin’; no meetin’!” Apparently that goes for Shabbat services, too!

Like many of you, I enjoy visiting with our members during the Shabbat Kiddush luncheons.

This practice has taken hold in the Conservative kehillot over the past few years. I remember

very well being on the executive committee at my home shul, Anshe Emet in Chicago, when

the rabbi came to us and announced that we NEEDED to have Kiddush lunch after Shabbat

services because it would help build community.

Well, it took us a few breaths to think about going from challah and brownies to lunch – and it took a few more

breaths to realize we had to find a way to fund it! You see, the kehilla was in transition. We were trying to move the

culture from formal and stiff to welcoming and inclusive. The rabbi was sure this investment would pay off. And it did.

We learned the importance of investing in community, not just food.

Over time, little groups of Kiddush Lunch Bunches developed. When I go “home” to Anshe Emet, I know I’ll be

having lunch with my chevre – friends – just as I have for years. The faces around the table may have changed over

time. Some have died; some have moved; some newcomers have become regulars; and some, like me, pop in from

time to time. Table hopping is welcomed and encouraged because, in the end, we’re all just one big

Kiddush Lunch Bunch!

If you enjoy catching up with friends and welcoming newcomers during Shabbat Kiddush lunch, I encourage you to

make a contribution to Women’s League to ensure that we’re able to continue to enjoy these times with our CBI

family. Tell us that you want to join the Kiddush Lunch Bunch!


Page 6: B'nai Review June/July


February 2014

Pauline Rivkind Early Childhood Education Center (PRECEC)

The 2014 - 2015 School Year has officially drawn to a close. As we bid our graduates farewell, we

celebrate all of their accomplishments as they begin their lower elementary school careers.

This year, our students scored in the top 98% for their academic achievements and we could not

be more proud!

As we gear up for Summer Camp Shalom, we will have a full house! We are all looking forward to

Water Days, Garden Time, and weekly themed pre-Shabbat celebrations every Friday morning.

Currently, we are looking for donations of water-play toys. If you would like to donate sprinklers,

water toys, and other outdoor equipment or would like to make a monetary donation to

Pauline Rivkind Early Childhood Education Center, please contact me at 727.302.9668!

This summer, our Summer Camp Shalom program will be adopting a dramatic play component to

really make our themes come to life. With themes such as Ocean Life and Superheroes, students will

be invited to dress up for our pre-Shabbat celebrations and learn through self-expression.

Have you liked our Facebook page? Check out upcoming events, photos

from past events, and see all the fun that is happening at PRECEC.

Like us at facebook.com/PaulineRivkind!

Katherine Schaefer, PRECEC Director

VPK Star Graduation

Mazal Tov Class of 2015!

Graduates: Riley Calahan, Dov Cicco, Hunter Colton, Joel Douglass, Baela Comfort, Benjamin Hally, Savannah Hayko,

Parker Ninis, Natalie Palms, Christopher Rhubottom, and Sydni VanKoevering. Photograph courtesy of Michael Frye.

Page 7: B'nai Review June/July


Hey CBI!

I am sad that I will no longer be

serving as SPUSY's Chapter

President, but am extremely

honored to be serving the HaNegev

region of USY as Social Action/

Tikun Olam VP!

I'll be bringing lots of social

action back to the 'Burg, so look

out for me and my projects!

Hannah Weiss,

SPUSY Chapter President 2014-2015

HaNagev Social Action/Tikun Olam

Vice President 2015-2016

USY Summer Experience

Registration is still open for

USY Summer Experience 2015!

Visit usy.org/escape

for registration and brochure infor-


Page 8: B'nai Review June/July


Page 9: B'nai Review June/July


Advocacy for Israel Committee

Anti-Semitism in Europe: A series by Dr. Leslie Pearlstein

Since the Holocaust, Germany has measured its progress by how the country treats Jews. For

example, the government provided generous funding to rebuild Jewish communities and allowed

Jews from the former Soviet Union to relocate to Germany. But with a rising tide of anti-Semitism,

there are now questions about how significant the culture of Holocaust remembrance has been in

preventing hatred of Jews. The wave of modern anti-Semitic rhetoric and violence that inundated

Germany in 2014 jolted Chancellor Angela Merkel and religious and political leaders to participate

in a "Stand-Up: Jew-Hatred-Never Again!" rally organized on September 14, 2014 not far from the

country’s national Holocaust memorial.

A long list of anti-Semitic incidents occurred between July and early September of 2014. Protests

against Israel’s Operation Protective Edge in Gaza led seamlessly to Molotov cocktails tossed at a

synagogue in Wuppertal, a city in western Germany, on July 29 — the first torching of a Wuppertal

synagogue was during the Hitler era in 1938. Anti-Israel protesters attacked Jews for wearing kippot

on the streets of Berlin in July. German authorities recorded 184 anti-Semitic incidents in June and

July of 2014. According to a study by German human rights NGO Amadeu Antonio Foundation,

there were 25 anti-Semitic incidents in August of 2014.

Merkel, who has cultivated German-Jewish life and fostered a robust relationship with Israel,

delivered a tough speech at the rally. "It is our national and civic duty to fight anti-Semitism," the

chancellor declared in front of the Brandenburg Gate — a symbol of German unification and

democracy. "There is a startling indifference in the German public to the current display of

anti-Semitism," said Samuel Salzborn, a leading expert on anti-Semitism at the University of

Göttingen. Merkel’s rally on September 14 produced a mere 5,000 people. In comparison, after a

firebombing of a synagogue in Düsseldorf in 2000, then-Chancellor Gerhard Schröder called for a

nationwide protest against racism and anti-Semitism. Some 200,000 people marched in a procession

through Berlin, and tens of thousands protested in other cities across Germany.

The apathy of today has many people wondering what’s gone wrong. In a commentary, Kirsten

Serup-Bilfeldt, a journalist and author who writes about German-Christian relations, went as far as

to argue that the "confrontation with Germany’s National Socialist past has failed." In a country that

takes pride in its ability to confront the Nazis’ crimes, Serup-Bilfeldt issued a death certificate to

illusions that remembrance of the Holocaust will alone be enough to stop anti-Semitism.

For Jews to feel comfortable in 21st-century Germany, rising anti-Jewish and anti-Israel sentiments

will need to be blunted. Merkel’s appearance at the rally shows that she understands this. "Young

Jewish parents are asking if it safe to raise their children here," she said to the small crowd in

attendance. The pressing question is whether Merkel will match her characteristically tough speech

against anti-Semitism with policy prescriptions — and whether Germans are listening.


Page 10: B'nai Review June/July


Adult Studies

Glimpses into Jewish History: Summer Sermonette Series

Get a glimpse into summer history during summer Shabbat evening services or be inspired by our

speakers with a D’var Torah during summer Shabbat morning services. If you would like to present

a message on Shabbat evening or morning from June through August, please contact Lou Bader at

727.867.4913 or [email protected].

Support your friends and family by coming out to hear them speak!

Friday Summer Musical Kabbalat Shabbat, 7:30 pm Shabbat Morning Services, 9:00 am

June 5 Alan Gross June 6 Morry Bornstein

June 12 Janet Augenbraun June 13 Valerie Hyman

June 19 Naomi Berg June 20 Larry Green

June 26 Mali Feld June 27 TBD

July 3 TBD July 4 Jesse Rodman

July 10 TBD July 11 Leslie Pearlstein

July 17 Gail Frye July 18 TBD

July 24 Mary Ann Marger July 25 TBD

July 31 TBD August 1 Cantor Schultz

August 7 TBD August 8 Oren Adelson

August 14 Joan Epstein August 15 Rabbi Luski

August 21 TBD August 22 Rabbi Luski

CBI is proud to be partnering

with TOP and the Grinspoon

Foundation in the

Life & Legacy Program.

Page 11: B'nai Review June/July


Adult Studies

Summer Reading List for 2015-2016 Book Club Meetings

The Girl from Human Street: Ghosts of memory in a Jewish family

Roger Cohen

At the heart of The Girl from Human Street is the powerful and touching relationship between Cohen and his

mother. Tortured by the upheavals in her life yet stoic in her struggle, she embodies her son’s complex inheritance.

Discussion Group: Wednesday, September 16

The Difficult Saint

Sharan Newman

Catherine’s estranged younger sister, Agnes, is the prime suspect in her new husband’s apparent murder by

poisoning. In spite of their differences, Catherine believes in Agnes’ innocence, and knows that she must do

everything she can to save her sister’s life.

Discussion Group: Wednesday, October 21

The Zone of Interest

Martin Amis

Can we meet each other’s eye after we have seen who we really are? In a novel powered by both wit and pathos,

Martin Amis excavates the depths and contradictions of the human soul.

Discussion Group: Wednesday, November 18

The Boston Girl

Anita Diamant

From the one-room apartment she shared with her family, to the library group for girls she joins, to her first,

disastrous love affair, Addie recalls her adventures with compassion for the naive girl she was and a wicked sense

of humor.

Discussion Group: Wednesday, December 16

An American Bride in Kabul: A memoir

Phylis Chesler

In 1961, when Phylis Chesler arrived in Kabul with her Afghan bridegroom, authorities took away her American

passport. Drawing upon her personal diaries, Chesler recounts her ordeal, the nature of gender apartheid, and her

longing to explore this beautiful, ancient, and exotic country and culture.

Discussion Group: Wednesday, January 20

Suddenly, Love

Aharon Appelfeld

Ernst is a gruff seventy-year-old Red Army veteran from Ukraine who landed, almost by accident, in Israel after

World War II. Irena is the unmarried thirty-six-year-old daughter of Holocaust survivors who has been taking care

of Ernst since his surgery two years ago. As she becomes an increasingly important part of his life, Ernst not only

regains his sense of self but realizes, to his amazement, that Irena is in love with him. Even more astonishing, he

discovers that he is in love with her.

Discussion Group: Wednesday, February 17

Future 2016 discussion dates (books to be announced):

Wednesdays, March 16, April 13 (one week earlier than usual), and May 18.

Page 12: B'nai Review June/July



Minyan Followed by


Sunday: 9:00 am

Monday - Friday:

7:45 am



Sunday -


6:30 pm

Sivan - Tammuz 5775

June 2015

Sun Mon Tue

1 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

7:00pm SSP Priority Setting

2 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

7 9:00am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

8 First Day of Camp:

Session 1 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

9 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

14 9:00am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

15 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

16 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

21 FATHER’S DAY 9:00am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

22 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

7:30pm Behind the Scenes with

AIPAC Lobbyists Part 2

Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay

23 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

7:00pm Board of Trustees

28 9:00am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

29 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

30 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

Page 13: B'nai Review June/July


Wed Thu Fri Sat

3 Preschool Last Day 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

4 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

10:00am Library Committee

6:30pm Minyan

6:45pm Choir Rehearsal

5 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

7:30pm Summer Musical

Kabbalat Shabbat

8:06pm Candlelighting

6 Parasha B’halalot’kha 9:00am Shabbat Services,


10 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

7:00pm Annual Meeting

11 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

10:00am Library Committee

6:30pm Minyan

6:45pm Choir Rehearsal

12 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

7:30pm Summer Musical

Kabbalat Shabbat

8:00pm Candlelighting

13 Parasha Sh’lah L’kha 9:00am Shabbat Services,

June-July Simha

Shabbat, Kiddush*

17 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

18 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

10:00am Library Committee

6:30pm Minyan

6:45pm Choir Rehearsal

19 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

7:30pm Summer Musical

Kabbalat Shabbat

8:11pm Candlelighting

20 Parasha Korah 9:00am Shabbat Services,


24 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

25 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

10:00am Library Committee

6:30pm Minyan

6:45pm Choir Rehearsal

26 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

7:30pm Summer Musical

Kabbalat Shabbat

8:12pm Candlelighting

27 Parasha Hukkat 9:00am Shabbat Services,


* Shabbat Minha service

will begin approximately

45 minutes after the

conclusion of

morning services.

Page 14: B'nai Review June/July



Minyan Followed by


Sunday: 9:00 am

Monday - Friday:

7:45 am



Sunday -


6:30 pm

Tammuz - Av 5775

July 2015

Sun Mon Tue

5 9:00am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

6 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

7 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

12 9:00am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

13 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

14 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

19 9:00am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

20 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

21 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

26 9:00am Tisha B’av Service

1:00pm Tisha B’av Service

8:15pm Tisha B’av Service

27 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

28 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

Page 15: B'nai Review June/July


Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

2 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

10:00am Library Committee

6:30pm Minyan

6:45pm Choir Rehearsal

3 OFFICE CLOSED 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

7:30pm Summer Musical

Kabbalat Shabbat

8:13pm Candlelighting

4 INDEPENDENCE DAY Parasha Balak 9:00am Shabbat Services,


8 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

9 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

10:00am Library Committee

6:30pm Minyan

10 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

7:30pm Summer Musical

Kabbalat Shabbat

8:12pm Candlelighting

11 Parasha Pinhas 9:00am Shabbat Services,


15 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

16 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

10:00am Library Committee

6:30pm Minyan

17 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

7:30pm Summer Musical

Kabbalat Shabbat

8:10pm Candlelighting

18 Parasha Mattot-Mas’ei 9:00am Shabbat Services,


22 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

23 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

10:00am Library Committee

6:30pm Minyan

24 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

7:30pm Summer Musical

Kabbalat Shabbat

8:07pm Candlelighting

25 Parasha D’varim 9:00am Shabbat Services,


8:30pm Erev Tisha B’av


29 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

6:30pm Minyan

30 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

10:00am Library Committee

6:30pm Minyan

31 7:45am Minyan, breakfast

7:30pm Summer Musical

Kabbalat Shabbat

8:03pm Candlelighting

* Shabbat Minha service

will begin approximately

45 minutes after the

conclusion of

morning services.

Page 16: B'nai Review June/July


Women’s League To the members of

Women’s League

We must have a program

committee in order to have

vibrant programs for our group.

This letter is a plea for people

to come forward and help plan

our meetings.

We will have 4 meetings

next year:

✡ Tuesday, October 13,

7:00 pm

✡ Tuesday, December 8,

7:00 pm (Chanukah)

✡ Tuesday, February 9,

1:00 pm

✡ Tuesday, April 5,

7:00 pm

You only have to volunteer to

take one meeting. You can ask

your friends to help you plan!

If we don’t get volunteers, we

will not have any meetings -

it’s that simple.

If you are willing to step up and

volunteer, or have any questions,

please contact me:


[email protected]


Barbara Noonberg

Programming Chair


Torah Fund Dinner honoring Esta Blaxberg

a huge success

On April 29 we gathered to honor the Jewish Theological

Seminary and Esta Blaxberg, CBI Sisterhood's 2015 Jackie

Jacobs Woman of Achievement. Mazel tov to Esta for receiving

this prestigious award. With Marilyn LeVine’s efforts as Special

Gifts Chair, our Women’s League boasts 2 Patrons, 11

Guardians, and 46 Benefactors. We've surpassed our quota for

Torah Fund once again.

I encourage all of you to schedule a visit to the seminary.

When you go, please note the plaque on the "Wall of Honor"

outside the Women's League synagogue, and the several shelves

in the library dedicated by CBI’s Women’s League.

Thank you to those who made the Torah Fund dinner such a


✡ Head Chefs Sandy Brasch and Sheryl Sutton for a delicious


✡ Setup: Susie Berman, Millie Gelfond, Linda Grau, Vicki

Greenfield, Karen Kauffman, Vivian Lurie, Chandaye Pastman,

Eileen Richman, Jennifer Sternberg, Phyllis Werner,

and Jackie Wertel

✡ Cleanup: Janet Augenbraun, Susie Berman, Carol Marger,

Chandaye Pastman, Dr. Starr Silver, Byron Kolitz,

and Jackie Wertel

✡ Edible Centerpieces: Sandy Brasch and Sheryl Sutton

✡ Program and Place Cards: Lorri Helfand

✡ Invitations, Reservations, and Seating: Anita Helfand &

Lorri Helfand

✡ Torah Fund Cards: Jennifer Sternberg

✡ Special Gifts Chair: Marilyn LeVine

✡ Anthems: Debbie Marmon

✡ Birkat Hamazon: Cantor Jonathan Schultz

✡ CBI Office Assistance: Pam Askin and Carolyn Moritz

✡ Guest Speakers: Carolyn Cantor

✡ Speaker Introduction: Liz Sembler

✡ D’var Torah: Rabbi Jacob Luski

Joanne Luski

Torah Fund Vice President


Page 17: B'nai Review June/July


Mitzvah Men’s Club

The following is a letter from the Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs (FJMC) regarding CBI’s very own Jeff Litt.

Dear Friends,

Jeffrey Litt has been chosen by the FJMC Florida Region to receive the prestigious 2015

Ma’asim Tovim (Doer of Good Deeds) honor. The recognition will be made to Jeff by the region

during the FJMC Biennial Convention, which will be held from July 8 thru July 12, at the

Deauville Hotel and Resort, Miami Beach.

This honor is the highest and most cherished that any region of the FJMC can bestow upon one of

its members. The honor recognizes significant accomplishments the honoree has made to his club,

his synagogue, and the Jewish community. Jeff joins a small, but growing, fraternity of dedicated

volunteers whose efforts and actions have helped to improve our lives and the world we live in.

Jeff’s biography, along with a summary of his accomplishments, will be published in the 2015 FJMC

Virtual Convention Journal; a printed copy will be presented to Jeff as a memento of his honor. The

journal is the vehicle we use to pay tribute to Jeff and the many other volunteers within the

Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs and its affiliated regions and member clubs.

We encourage you to pay tribute to Jeff via the purchase of an ad in the 2015 FJMC Convention

Journal in Jeff’s honor. Tribute price categories range from $54 for a listing, up to $5,000 for a

Platinum Sponsorship. All tribute categories and prices are defined in the FJMC web site

www.fjmc.org. Revenue from the convention journal helps the FJMC to continue to fund new

initiatives and provide essential services to the member clubs.

We have known Jeff for many years and he is well deserving of this honor. Please join us in paying

tribute to Jeff and his volunteerism by purchasing a tribute in Jeff’s honor. Tributes can be placed at


Thank you for your generous support.

Respectfully yours in Brotherhood,

Philip Redisch

Florida Region Ad Chairman

Ken Turkewitz

FJMC Ma’asim Tovim Awards Chair

Mark Druy

FJMC Convention 2015 Chair


Page 18: B'nai Review June/July


Life Cycle

June & July Anniversaries


Joel & Betty Sue Shane 4

Richard & Barbara Karpay 4

Dr. Michael & Ilene Worman 5 Leonard & Millie Gelfond 6

Mark & Ricki Lewis 8

Ira & Suzie Berman 9

David & Erica Benstock 10

Michael & Mandi Gross 12

Ralph & Ruth Ann Mizrahi 12

Dr. Larry & Sheryl Feinman 13

Marshall & Lea Seiden 13

Joel & Ellen Goetz 15

Michael & Mavis Wallace 15

Dr. Mike & Sandy Slomka 16

Dr. Irwin & Hannah Ayes 16

Meni & Malina Kanner 17

Jack & Irma Mayer 18

Ben & Helen Pertcheck 18

Joseph & Sally Cohen 19

David & Sheila Hutman 19

Keyvan & Stephanie Kohan-Shohet 20

Capt. Allan & Nancy Lonschein 22

Ben & Randi Rabin 22

Joel & Gaye Taller 24

Sidney & Phyllis Werner 24

Dr. Steven & Susan LeVine 25

Eric & Judy Ludin 29


Dr. Morrie & Marilyn LeVine 2

Jerome & Selma Rosenberg 4

Sam & Sherri Cohen 4

Moe & Pamela LeCompte 5 Seymour & Susan Gordon 7

Moshe & Sharon Gershuny 8

Dr. Richard & Deborah Blanchard 16

Dr. David & Arline Dresdner 19

Asher & Patzi Gil 19

Dr. George & Alison Hitzel 21

Dr. Hugh & Susie van Gelder 24

Dr. Brian & Susan Kagan 27

Dr. Mark & Debbie Sokolov 30

Mazal Tov!

Joel & Shoshana Blaiss

Birth of son

Noam Avraham Blaiss:

Grandson of Karen &

Jay Kauffman,

Michael & Terry Blaiss;

Great-grandson of

Ellen Bernstein

Sheryl & Larry Feinman Graduation of daughter

Michaela Feinman from

Florida State University with a

Bachelor of Arts in Political

Science; Graduation of son

Alex Feinman from the

University of Central Florida

with a Master of Business

Administration; Graduation of

son Matthew Feinman

from the University of

Pittsburgh Law School

Mali Schantz-Feld &

Fred Feld

Graduation of son

Forrest Feld from the

University of South Florida

with a Master of Business


Dr. David & Janice LeVine

Graduation of daughter

Shoshana LeVine from

Dixie Hollins High School and

acceptance into Florida Gulf

Coast University

Bev Sherman

Graduation of grandson

Ethan Sherman from the University of South California

Thornton School of Music

with a Bachelor of Arts in

Music: Studio/Jazz Guitar

In Memoriam

Jerry Gilbert

Husband of Thelma Gilbert

Father of Mark Gilbert,

Scott Gilbert

Grandfather of

Kimberly Gilbert,

Candace Gilbert

Claudette Kobin

Mother of Cynthia Baldree,

Stephanie Wilkerson,

Greg Kobin

Phylis Lapidus

Sister of

Helen (Aaron) Applefield

William Osborne

Son of Blanche Tuinakauvadra

Stepson of Pei Tuinakauvadra

Arlene Reiskind

Wife of

Edwin “Woody” Reiskind, Jr.

Mother of Jodi Reiskind,

Dr. Marc (Laurie) Reiskind, Steven (Abby) Reiskind,

Andrew (Stanton) Reiskind

Grandmother of Elissa Reiskind,

Jeremy Reiskind,

Danyelle Reiskind,

Michael Reiskind

Janet Shapiro

Wife of Edwin Shapiro

Sister of Beverly Weinstein Mother of

Lauren (Scott) Zimmerman,

Susan Haskel.

David (Robin) Shapiro

May God comfort the

families among the

mourners of Zion and


Page 19: B'nai Review June/July



June & July Birthdays


Adam Goldstein 2

Harold Seder 2

Harris Meltzer 3

Richard Blanchard 4

Jack Goldfarb 4

Nick Benjacob 5

Abraham Luski 5

Dr. Bernardo Stein 5

Ari Weisberg 5

Rivy Chapman 6

Mussie Eidelman 6

Carol Marger 6

Andrew Catalfina 7 Alan Gross 9

Robert Jacobs 9

Arlene Moss 9

Ronald Weissman 9

Jackie Kanner 10

Stephen Cantor 10

Susan Goldstein 10

Tom Silverberg 11

Shoshana David 12

Lee Leibson 12

Rose Luski 12

Sam Cohen 13

Joan Epstein 14

Gail Frye 15

Frank Moss 15

Leo Lang 15

Susan Kagan 16 David Benstock 17

Mali Feld 18

Marvin Leibson 18

Mavis Wallace 18

William Walters 19

Jackie Catalfina 20

Ilana Dayan 20

Fred Buns 21

Linda Diamond 21

Lea Seiden 21

Judy Buns 22

Linda Goldfarb 23

Joseph Gross 24

Dr. Pat Cottrille 25

Beth Figard 25

Miriam Tambor 25

Gary Levine 26

Dr. Leslie Pearlstein 27

Myra Gross 28

Shelly Kamins 28

Greg Sembler 28

Margot Benstock 29

Gaye Taller 29


Gerald Colen 1

David Gross 1

Diane Sembler-Kamins 1

Debbie Kobernick 1

Arlene Ludin 1

Rita Thomas 1

Marvin Freeman 2

Dr. Frank Mendelblatt 2

Amy Piper 2

Ellen Bernstein 3

Marietta Drucker 3

Steven Grau 3

Amnon Abayov 4 Blanka Benjacob 4

Ira Berman 8

Sherrie Carroll 8

Debbie Marmon 8

Dr. Steven Bloom 9

Jack Goldberg 11

Ben Rabin 12

Rhoda Bader 13

Dr. Ben-Ami Braun 13

Michael Henry 14

Michael Pastreich 14

Robin Post 14

Dr. David Wein 14

Dr. Ira Azneer 15

Allison Shenofsky 15 Dr. Richard Karpay 17

Jack Buns 19

Sharon Gershuny 19

Anita Pollack 19

Lucile Urvater 19

Jesse Rodman 20

Dr. Jerome Rubin 20

Morry Bornstein 21

Larry Figard 21

Helen Freid 21

Chandaye Pastman 22

Robyn Greenberg 22

Ben Alpert 23

Aaron Applefield 23

Pati Gross 23

Byron Kolitz 23

Don Silverberg 23

Sylvia Cantor 25

Judy Ludin 26

Louisa Benjamin 30

Marshall Seiden 30

Life Cycle

Join us in wishing Mazal Tov! to members celebrating their birthdays, anniversaries, and B’nai Mitzvah.

Your good wishes can be part of their memories, while at the same time supporting B’nai Israel’s

commitment to help our schools, youth groups, and Synagogue through your donations to our

Mitzvah Fund.

Celebrate your June & July Birthday and Anniversary Shabbat at Simha Shabbat

on Saturday, June 13, at 9:00 am.

Do a Mitzvah on your birthday or anniversary, and attend one of our daily Minyan services!

Page 20: B'nai Review June/July



Adult Education Fund In Memory Of

Adele Morris Bessie K Weisman

Don & Annette Weinshank Miriam Barshefsky

Buns Technology Fund In Honor Of

Susan Goldstein Forrest Feld's


In Memory Of

Fred & Kathleen Buns Lillian Smith

Dr. Allan A. Smith

Leon Smith

Cantor's Discretionary Fund In Memory Of

Eileen Richman Arlene Reiskind

Gail Warren Leadership Fund In Honor Of

Jack & Linda Goldfarb David Wein

Sara Fuchs’ Engagement

Dr. Mike & Sandy Slomka Dr. Steven Warren's

Speedy Recovery

In Memory Of

Jack & Linda Goldfarb Arlene Reiskind

Annette Eichenbaum Arlene Reiskind

Dr. Mike & Sandy Slomka Murray Citrin

Dr. Stanley & Nancy Rosenberg Arlene Reiskind

Howie & Andrea Slomka Arlene Reiskind

Jacobs Beautification Fund In Memory Of

Dr. Richard & Debbie Blanchard William Osborne

Jerry Gilbert

Julius Green Scholarship Fund In Memory Of

Alan Gross Diane Green Shnider

Judith D. Komer Diane Green Shnider

Beth Gail Resnick Diane Green Shnider

Mark & Abby Green Diane Green Shnider

Dr. Mike & Sandy Slomka Diane Green Shnider

Library Fund In Honor Of

Ruth Lebowitz Birth of

Noah Abraham Blaiss

Anita Sher Teddy Robbins’


Bev Sherman Samantha Haber's


In Memory Of

Esta Blaxberg Elaine Elman

Ruth Lebowitz Jerry Gilbert

Dr. Ed & Vivian Lurie Rose Lurie

Annette Rosch Lee Rosch

Maller Education Fund In Memory Of

Henry Maller Allan Maller

Mitzvah Fund In Honor Of

Akif Agayev In Appreciation

Mitzvah Fund (cont’d.) In Honor Of

Dr. Richard & Debbie Blanchard Fred & Mali Feld’s


Naomi Berg’s Birthday

Greg & Liz Sembler’s


Liz Sembler’s Birthday

Joyce Seder

Joanne Luski's Birthday

Rachel Luski's Engagement

Rose Sutton In Appreciation

Dale Tessler In Appreciation

Marilyn Benjamin Lilly Salcman’s JNF Lifetime

Achievement Award

Esta Blaxberg Birth of

Noam Avraham Blaiss

Lenny & Millie Gelfond Jesse Rodman's Speedy


Thelma Gilbert's Speedy


Larry & Vera Green Susan Turner's Birthday

Naomi Berg's Birthday

Joanne Luski's Birthday

Helen Kahan Esta Blaxberg's Torah Fund


Dr. Ed & Vivian Lurie Helen Kahan's Birthday

Kitty Jacobs' Birthday

Dr. Arthur & Bebby Marlin Gail Swartz's Speedy


Norman & Ilene Sholk Torah Aliyah

Dr. Marc & Laurie Reiskind Jeff Litt

Jesse Rodman's Speedy


Hebrew High School


Dr. Steve Warren's Speedy


Milton & Evelyn Smolowitz Helen Kahan's Birthday

Susan Turner Birth of

Noam Avraham Blaiss

In Memory Of

Michael Bender & Robin Perlman Martin Perlman

Brian & Sherrie Carroll Judith Banks

Jerry & Barbara Colen Jerry Gilbert

Dr. Pat Cottrille Jerry Gilbert

Lenny & Millie Gelfond Jack Rosenberg

Anschel Gelfond

Jerry Gilbert

Harold & Charlotte Goldberg Jerry Gilbert

Susan Goldstein Jerry Gilbert

Arlene Reiskind

Sharon Koenig Abe Scott

Wally Loebenberg Edith Loebenberg

Bruce & Mary Ann Marger Jerry Gilbert

Dr. Frank & Kathy Mendelblatt Isaac Blacker

Page 21: B'nai Review June/July


Mitzvah Fund (cont’d.) In Memory Of

Arlene Rothman Jerry Gilbert

Harold & Anita Pollack Sol Pollack

Bennett & Randi Rabin Anne Miller

Dr. Marc & Laurie Reiskind Jerry Gilbert

Annette Rosch Regina Brescher

Jerry & Selma Rosenberg Jack Wolfson

Susan Scheinert Benjamin Scheinert

Alan & Susie Schwartz Jerry Gilbert

Warren & Rebecca Simmons John Simmons

Dr. Mike & Sandy Slomka Jerry Gilbert

Bob Warsaw Janine Warsaw

Sylvia Warsaw

PRTT Fund In Honor Of

Eileen Richman Jerry Gilbert

Rabbi's Discretionary Fund In Honor Of

Shirley Sommella In Appreciation of

Rabbi Luski

Cindy Cummins'

Speedy Recovery

Jesse Rodman's

Speedy Recovery

In Memory Of

Irwin & Hannah Ayes Evelyn M. Gold

Hymie & Judy Bader Shirley Bulkin

Lou Bader Shirley Bulkin

Ed Bailey & Dr. Nancy Landfish Joyce Bailey

Moshe & Sharon Gershuny Edna Sonkin

Steve & Linda Grau Jerry Gilbert

Jay & Terri Gross Evelyn Goldman

Anita Helfand & Lorri Helfand Jerry Gilbert

Moe & Pam LeCompte Sylvia Heller Wittner

Yvette Lew Jerry Gilbert

Allan & Nancy Lonschein Claire & Leon Lonschein

Marian Lustigman-Rooth Murray Lustigman

Anita Sher Elsie Weiskopf

Don & Jane Silverberg Evelyn Goldman

Helen Silverberg

Fred Silverman Jerry Gilbert

Milton & Evelyn Smolowitz Mary & Isadore Smolowitz

Susan Turner Rosa Halpern

USY Fund In Honor Of

“The Sher Girls” In Appreciation

In Memory Of

Bruce & Mary Ann Marger Theresa Baum

Dr. Mark & Debbie Sokolov Arlene Reiskind

USY Pilgrimage Fund In Honor Of

Anonymous Jesse Rodman's Speedy


Lisa Grove Raider Laurie Reiskind's Birthday

USY Pilgrimage Fund (cont’d.) In Memory Of

Ellen Bernstein Siegfried Herschmann

Jerry Gilbert

Pearl Brook Irving Nevetsky

Frances Stone

Florence Nevetsky

Larry & Vera Green Paula Green

Michael & Barbara Noonberg Arlene Reiskind

Harriet Stein Selma Stein



Lou Bader

Marilyn Benjamin

Gerald & Joan Benstock

Ira & Susie Berman

Ellen Bernstein

Esta Blaxberg

Drs. Steven Bloom &

Charlene Wygodski

Brian & Sherrie Carroll

Dolores Diamond

Jeremy & Rebecca Douglass

Dr. Larry & Alice Ettinger

Dr. Larry & Sheryl Feinman

Andrew & Amy Giskin Joel & Ellen Goetz

Harold &

Charlotte Goldberg

Jack & Marilyn Goldberg

Jack & Linda Goldfarb

Susan Goldstein

Steve & Linda Grau

Larry & Vera Green

Anita Helfand

Robert & Carolyn Isakson

Robert & Deborah Jacobs

Sam & Sandy Janofksy

Helen Kahan

Barry & Jackie Kanner

Meni & Melina Kanner

Frank & Carol Katz

Byron Kolitz &

Dr. Starr Silver

Audrey Kopelman

Hannah Krassner

Mirla Kremer

Leo Lang

Dr. Morrie &

Marilyn LeVine

Arlene Ludin

Dr. Ed & Vivian Lurie

Shelley Lynn

Bruce & Mary Ann Marger

Dr. Arthur & Bebby Marlin

Debbie Marmon

Ruth Mauer

Adele Morris

Michael &

Barbara Noonberg

Bennett & Randi Rabin

Phil & Joan Redisch Dr. Marc & Laurie Reiskind

Jerome & Selma Rosenberg

Rhoda Ross

Howard & Elaine Rothstein

Murray & Myrna Rubin

Dr. Sheldon &

Susan Scheinert

Alan & Susie Schwartz

Dr. Harold & Joyce Seder

Dr. Maury & Rachel Seldin

Greg & Liz Sembler

Joel & Betty Sue Shane

Lee Shenofsky

Beverly Sherman

Shirley Sommella

Dr. Robert &

Jennifer Sternberg

Lucille Urvater

Claire Weinstein

Linda Weiss

Mary Wygodski

Yom HaShoah Yellow Candle Fund

Page 22: B'nai Review June/July


Our sponsors make the B’nai Review possible.

Please support them too!

Page 23: B'nai Review June/July



Page 24: B'nai Review June/July


Women’s League needs YOU

To help bake your own recipes/cake mixes to be used for Kiddushim.

If interested, please contact Ruth Ann Mizrahi at 727.347.6688 or [email protected]


Women’s League Catering is Special Trust us with your simcha and you’ll discover that in addition to the delicious food, the great attention to

detail, and the unbeatable value, there’s one thing that separates us from the rest. With everything we do, from

the first phone call to the serving of each carefully prepared dish, we do it with all our heart.

Give us a call and see for yourself. Contact Livia Wein at

727.393.3289 or [email protected]

Page 25: B'nai Review June/July



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Page 28: B'nai Review June/July


Congregation B’nai Israel

B’nai Israel Review

300 -58th Street North

St. Petersburg, FL 33710-7889

Tel: 727.381.4900

Fax: 727.344.1307

Website: www.cbistpete.org

24 Hour Telephone Voice Mail

Change Service


Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage

PAID St. Petersburg, Fl.

Permit # 618

Support Shabbat Kiddush Lunch

Our Shabbat Kiddush luncheons have become a staple of the past year.

Rather than rushing home to eat lunch, the CBI community has enjoyed

additional time after Shabbat morning services to socialize with friends

and make new acquaintances.

These lunches have encouraged the mitzvah of participation in the

Shabbat Mincha Minyan. They have provided an additional opportunity for

those saying Kaddish.

Please help your kehilla continue what has become a beloved part of the

CBI Shabbat experience. To contribute to or sponsor a kiddush luncheon,

please contact:

Carolyn Moritz: 727.381.4900 | [email protected]

Livia Wein: 727.393.3289 | [email protected]

Todah rabah!
