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BNP Exeter and District Newsletter (February 2013)

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  • 7/29/2019 BNP Exeter and District Newsletter (February 2013)



    [email protected]

    Newsletter, February 2013

    The Exeter & District Branch of the British National Party held a meeting atTheTwisted Oak, Ide, near Exeter on Wednesday 30th February 2013, which commenced at19.30 hours. What follows are details of topics discussed at the meeting:

    1 Announcements

    Adrian Romilly, Cliff Jones, John Ings and John Irving recently attendedNick Griffins National Tour at a venue on the outskirts of Swindon. It was agood opportunity to meet other members in the SW region and talk with them

    about their local branches. Nick Griffin and Alwyn Deacon gave talks whichcovered the following topics:

    The State of the Economy. Nick spoke about the state of the economy,and the effect it will have on the Nations political system, and theconsequences for the BNP. On pages 10 and 11 of thisNewsletter is anedited version of the leaflet distributed at the meeting.

    The State of the Party. Nick gave a brief summary of the state of theparty with membership gradually increasing as ex-members drift back tothe BNP; and the finances now more secure then at anytime during thepast two years.

    Local Elections. Alwyn Deacon said that in the forthcoming CountyCouncil elections it is the BNPs intention to stand as many papercandidates as possible. This will give the BNP large coverage and letpeople know that the BNP are still in business, regardless of what is saidin the left-wing press.

    European Elections. Although the European elections are more that ayear away. The BNP will be looking to stand candidates in all EUconstituencies. The head office is currently seeking suitable candidatesto stand for election in these constituencies.

    Postal Votes. It was pointed out that a person with a postal vote wasmore than 8 times more likely to vote than one having to vote at thepolling station. Cliff pointed out to Nick the ease with which afraudulent postal vote can be obtained by pointing out he has obtained afraudulent vote in the name of Donald Teal (Duck). Cliff has sent Nicka copy of the letter sent to the Teignbridge MP, Anne Marie Morris, thatexplain how postal votes are used by Moslems to gain power in localelections.

    Lapsed Members. It was asked what the criteria for the re-instatementof members who had left the party to join other Nationalist groups?Nick indicated that in an overwhelming majority of cases there would be

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    no problem in them rejoining the BNP. However, those members wholeft with malicious intent will not be eligible to renew their BNPmembership.

    Cliff said that he had recently received a reply to a Freedom of Information

    (FofI) request that he had sent to Devon County Council concerninghatecrime within Devon. The information extracted from theFofI request can beviewed on pages 20 to 21 of thisNewsletter.

    John Coles had brought a colleague to the meeting, Sam Wakefield, whooffered to give an update on the current position concerning Johns dealingswith theSanctuary Careorganization. Sam said that she had been threatenedwith a court order, with her assets being seized if she persists in helping John whether this was legally enforceable was open to debate. Sam had beenmaking some investigations into theSanctuary Care Groupand found that itis a so-calledcharitable companywhich is involved in a variety of activities,including; property development, healthcare, and providing homes forimmigrants and asylum seekers. TheSanctuary Grouphas a lot of verywealthy people associated with it, who certainly dont work for charity itswhole operation appears fraudulent and needs to be investigated!

    Robin Bridge-Taylor pointed out that he had recently read an article thatstated that out of every 1000 immigrants that come into the country fromAfrica or Pakistan at least 500 are infected with TB (a disease that had been

    eradicated from the UK in the 1960s), and from this total more than 5% needurgent hospital treatment. These infected immigrants come into contact withother UK residents and infect them, so putting an additional burden on theNHS resources. It was, also, pointed out that 30% of immigrants are infectedwith gonorrhea, which is putting further strain on the HNS to the detriment ofthe indigenous population.

    2 Future Campaigns

    This coming May the Devon County Council elections will take place; it isour intention to field as many paper candidates as possible to broadcast themessage that the BNP are still around and mean business. A potentialcandidate does not have to stand in the council Ward in which he lives, butcan stand in any division throughout the county. No deposit is required tostand for election as a county councillor, so no financial outlay is required bythe candidate. If anybody is willing to stand as a paper candidate, then couldyou let us know as soon as possible so that the necessary arrangements can bemade.

    The focus of our Devon County Council election campaign will be on ChrisStone, as being a well known character within Exeter his prospects for gettingelected are promising.

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    Below are the areas covered by both the Priory and St. Leonard wards.

    Chriss election leaflet, as shown below, has been sent to BNP head officefor his approval:

    The time-table for the 2013 Devon County Council elections are:

    o 26th March: collection of candidates application documents.

    o Noon 5th April: cut-off time for receipt of candidates completedapplication documents.

    o 5:00pm 17th April: cut-off time for receipt of postal votes.

    o 2nd May: day of poll.

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    3 Group Discussion: The Safer Devon Partnership Does it promoteinstitutional Anti-white racism?

    Cliff opened the group discussion by explaining the he had been given a bookletentitledThe Safer Devon Partnership. Inspection of the booklet revealed that it

    was an organization set up by Devon County Council solely for the benefit ofethnic minorities and other so-called disadvantaged groups. A small sample oftypical organization listed in the booklet includes:

    Amber InitiativesAnatolian Cultural AssociationPolso- Angielska OrganizacjaBlack South West NetworkCISCO Devon (Crediton International Social and Cultural Organisation)Cultural ChampionsDevon and Cornwall Refugee Support (DCRS)

    Devon United WomenEquality South West (ESW)Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau Migrant Worker Advice ProjectExeter Hindu Temple Cultural & Community CentreFata HeGlobal CentreHikmatImagineIslamic Centre of the South WestMOSAIC .Multilingua DevonThe Olive Tree AssociationOne World Clubs

    Planet RainbowPlymouth and Devon Racial Equality CouncilRefugee Action PlymouthRefugees FirstRefugee Housing Support Service - START and PATHRefugee Support Group DevonRejuve-NationThe Rural Racism ProjectSahara BME Mentoring Programme

    Cliff then posed the question: Is this list of organizations truly representative ofthe Devon people?

    The overwhelming response from the members was that it in no way represents Devon folk. Infact it was felt that it promotes ethnic minority culture and interests to the detriment ofindigenous values.

    Furthermore, it was felt that these organizations did not promote integration, but merelyencouraged immigrants to retain their own culture and values with the indigenous populationexpected to modify their culture and behaviour to suit the immigrant communities.

    Cliff then stated: If the indigenous population are not represented; then could the

    Safer Devon Partnershipbe deemed a racist organization?

    It was pointed out that apart from gypsies and single mothers there were no other organizationswithin the Safer Devon Partnership that represented the values, culture, interests andaspirations of the indigenous Anglo-Celtic peoples.

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    The consensus was that the Safer Devon Partnership was indeed a racist organization and thatsomeone should report them to the appropriate regulating authority. However, it was felt thatno appropriate action would be taken but it may be worth a try, just to see what the responsewould be.

    Cliff then went on to say that all of these organisations are either:

    directly funded by the tax-payer, be it by the Central Government, CountyCouncil or District Council;

    indirectly tax-payer funded by County Council or District Council by the freeuse of tax-payer funded facilities and resources;

    quasi-government funded by mean of the National Lottery or charitablestatus.

    This begged the question: Should these organizations be receiving tax-payerfunding?

    The general feeling was that too much of tax-payers money was squandered on programmesthat benefit immigrants who make little or no contribution to society; yet the indigenouspopulation were expected to pay for these programmes even though they didnt benefit fromthem.

    Cliff went on to say that in addition to the funding received by the various

    organizations, there was the additional cost to the various local authorities and thepolice providing these services specifically for the BME (Black Minority Ethnic)community. It is known that Teignbridge District Council has three employeesdedicated to the BME community even though they currently number less that 2%of the population within the councils area of responsibility. It is safe to assumethat throughout Devon more that 100 people are employed solely to cater for theneeds of the BME community.

    Clearly, the next question had to be: Should local tax-payers be paying for these

    employees, and can they be dispensed with?The general response from the members was that all employees associated with theseactivities should be immediately dismissed, and the Safer Devon Partnership and all associatedgroups should be disbanded. Why should immigrants get special tax-payer funded treatmentwhen indigenous folk are expected to pay for any specialist service. Immigrants should betreated just like the rest of us.

    Cliff then asked the question: DoesSafer Devon Partnershipachieve anythinguseful?

    It was felt that the Safer Devon Partnershiphad a negative effect on society as it encouragedimmigrants to retain their own cultural identity, and to play the race-cardif they had anygrievance.

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    Cliff terminated the discussion by asking the final question: Who gains from theSafer Devon Partnership?

    Apart from the immigrants themselves, it was pointed out that in the Safer Devon Partnershipbooklet three companies of solicitors are mentioned that specialize in: Immigration AccreditationScheme; Asylum Accreditation Scheme; Nationality & Citizenship; Appealing Removal and

    Deportation; Human Rights; Legal Aid. So clearly the real winners are the immigrants, lawyersand associated employees.

    4 Conclusion

    After a lively and enjoyable discussion the meeting finished at 9:25pm. Acollection raised 63:05 which will be used to off-set the debt incurred by thepurchase of inks for the Xerox printer.

    The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 27th

    March, details will be sent tomembers when the date has been confirmed.

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    Adrian Romillys Letters to the Plymouth Herald

    Keep prosperous city just the way it is

    Your correspondent Mr H Luscombe (WMN J an 5) writes that "Exeter is booming because

    we accept change and welcome immigrants". May one ask how he knows that Exonianswelcome, immigrants? I'm willing to believe some do, or think it prudent not to say otherwise- especially among Exeter's political class but is he willing to acknowledge, that manydon't?

    He further suggests that Exonians will watch the decline of their City if they hinder the influxof immigrants, to which I say better accept decline than see Exeter go the way of London,Birmingham and other English cities. During the 40 odd years that I have visited the city ithas always struck me as a prosperous and very agreeable place; don't, in anticipation of apromised economic advantage (uncertain) allow Exeter to be transformed from an oasis ofEnglishness into "a vibrant multi-cultural city" (of which many of us think we have already far

    too many) in which native Exonians will feel themselves outnumbered, uncomfortable andmarginalised. They owe it to their children to act as stewards, not owners of their fair City.

    Dear Sir,

    I write to register my opposition to the proposed redefinition of marriage and to point out that,although Christian Churches will not be obliged to conduct same sex 'marriages' there will beno safeguards for the many faithful Christians whose terms of employment will require them,on pain of dismissal, to accept the new definition - some teachers, social workers, doctors,registrars, lawyers, and members of our armed services, among others, fall into thiscategory. Christians of the main denominations will, as matter of religious conscience,regard the recognition of same sex marriages as wrong and they will find that, thanks to theproposed legislation, they will be confronted with Hobson's choice: heed their conscienceand in consequence lose their job, and perhaps earn a criminal conviction or, ignore theirconscience, and keep their job. What is presented to the public as simply another "inclusivemeasure" (don't we have too many already) in fact excludes many Christians and others whofind the new definition unacceptable. Is this fair? Is this what the people of this countryreally want? The more conscientious the Christian the less pliant he is likely to be and, inconsequence, the more likely to be dismissed. Is this what the colleagues of theseChristians really want to bring about? If they don't they'd better speak out soon. Clearly,

    a consequence of the redefinition will be that many people of integrity will be lost to thecaring professions - in much the same way as the well-respected Catholic adoption agencieswere lost - to the detriment of the children who would have benefited from them. Still, for thepoliticians, it was the "Equality Agenda" that really mattered, not the kids!

    Only an arrogant and wilful political class would dare treat decent people in this way.

    Since, as with so many policies harmful to Britain, the leaders of all three parties are agreedon the redefinition of marriage it will not help dissatisfied voters to switch from onemainstream party to another at the next election. Fortunately however, there are nowother parties that do not subscribe to these common policies. Why not give one of them a

    try the next time?

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    Surely the Prime Minister's response to the news (last week's Sunday Times p4) that his rival, MrAfriye is taking advice from Mr Phillips, the equalities expert, on wooing the black vote, should be towoo the white vote? Despite changing demographics there are still quite a lot of us white folk about.If asked, I suspect the historian David Starkey would be willing to offer the PM some constructiveadvice on how we might be wooed. Rather than being taken for granted, many of us in the white

    community would be agreeably surprised, even flattered, to be wooed by a senior politician from anyof the mainstream parties. The fact we aren't causes many of us to look elsewhere for a moresympathetic consideration ofourwishes,

    Received the Following Article from Stephen HopperA German's View on Islam - worth reading. This is by far the best explanation of the Muslim terroristsituation I have ever read. His references to past history are accurate and clear. Not long, easy tounderstand, and well worth the read. The author of this email is Dr. Emanuel Tanya, a well-known

    and well-respected psychiatrist. A man, whose family was German aristocracy prior to World War IIand owned a number of large industries and estates. When asked how many German people weretrue Nazis, the answer he gave can guide our attitude toward fanaticism.

    'Very few people were true Nazis,' he said, 'but many enjoyed the return of German pride, and manymore were too busy to care. I was one of those who just thought the Nazis were a bunch of fools.So, the majority just sat back and let it all happen. Then, before we knew it, they owned us, and wehad lost control, and the end of the world had come. My family lost everything. I ended up in aconcentration camp and the Allies destroyed my factories.'

    We are told again and again by 'experts' and 'talking heads' that Islam is the religion of peace andthat the vast majority of Muslims just want to live in peace. Although this unqualified assertion may

    be true, it is entirely irrelevant. It is meaningless fluff, meant to make us feel better, and meant tosomehow diminish the spectre of fanatics rampaging across the globe in the name of Islam.

    The fact is that the fanatics rule Islam at this moment in history. It is the fanatics who march. It isthe fanatics who wage any one of 50 shooting wars worldwide. It is the fanatics who systematicallyslaughter Christian or tribal groups throughout Africa and are gradually taking over the entirecontinent in an Islamic wave. It is the fanatics who bomb, behead, murder, or honour-kill. It is thefanatics who take over mosque after mosque. It is the fanatics who zealously spread the stoningand hanging of rape victims and homosexuals. It is the fanatics who teach their young to kill and tobecome suicide bombers.

    The hard, quantifiable fact is that the peaceful majority, the 'silent majority,' is cowed and extraneous.

    Communist Russia was comprised of Russians who just wanted to live in peace, yet the RussianCommunists were responsible for the murder of about 20 million people. The peaceful majoritywere irrelevant. China's huge population was peaceful as well, but Chinese Communists managed tokill a staggering 70 million people.

    The average J apanese individual prior to World War II was not a warmongering sadist. Yet, J apanmurdered and slaughtered its way across South East Asia in an orgy of killing that included thesystematic murder of 12 million Chinese civilians; most killed by sword, shovel, and bayonet.

    And who can forget Rwanda, which collapsed into butchery. Could it not be said that the majority ofRwandans were 'peace loving'?

    History lessons are often incredibly simple and blunt, yet for all our powers of reason, we often missthe most basic and uncomplicated of points: Peace-loving Muslims have been made irrelevant bytheir silence.

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    Peace-loving Muslims will become our enemy if they don't speak up, because like my friend fromGermany, they will awaken one day and find that the fanatics own them, and the end of their worldwill have begun..

    Peace-loving Germans, J apanese, Chinese, Russians, Rwandans, Serbs, Afghans, Iraqis,Palestinians, Somalis, Nigerians, Algerians, and many others have died because the peacefulmajority did not speak up until it was too late.

    As for us who watch it all unfold, we must pay attention to the only group that counts--the fanaticswho threaten our way of life.

    Lastly, anyone who doubts that the issue is serious and just deletes this email without sending it on,is contributing to the passiveness that allows the problems to expand. So, extend yourself a bit andsend this on and on and on!Let us hope that thousands, world-wide, read this and think about it, and send it on - before it's toolate.

    Now Islamic prayers have been introduced into Toronto and other public schools in Ontario, and, yes,in Ottawa too while the Lord's Prayer was removed (due to being so offensive?). The Islamic waymay be peaceful for the time being in our country until the fanatics move in.

    And we are silent.......

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    The End of Britain?

    Below is a leaflet that was circulated during the meeting with Nick Griffin held aSwindon on Sunday 10th February 2013. It is interesting reading.


    Money Weekis now the UK's best-selling financial magazine, and serves tensof thousands of subscribers in more than 60 countries.

    We cite our success and experience with the crises of the past because there is aneven bigger crisis looming - something that we believe will destabilise the veryfoundations of Britain.

    For the size of our economy, Britain is now one of the most heavily indebted countries

    in the Western world. That's official. Our total debts stand at more than FIVE TIMESwhat our entire economy is worth.

    Proportionally, that's more debt than ltaly. . . Portugal. . . Spain. . . and almost twiceas much debt as Greece. Those are four countries already in the throes of financialcrisis. We're the odd one out because we haven't collapsed - yet. But things can'tstay that way for long.

    In fact, our debts tower above almost every other nation's - here are the figures thatshow the true picture.

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    Because when you add in all of Britain's "unfunded obligations" - promises theGovernment has made on things like public sector pensions - our debts swell to 900%of our economy. When you add everything up, we owe NINE TIMES what our entireeconomy is worth.

    In 2012, the government will spend roughly 120 billion more than it collects in taxes.

    Government over-spending = B0RR0WING

    It's simple maths. If interest rates moved back towards the normal 5% level, our costof borrowing would triple. Britain would change radically.

    The problem facing everyone in Britain

    When these events unfold, very few people will have any idea how to respond. Mostwill see the assets they have worked all their life to secure begin to lose value,rapidly.

    The most horrible feeling will be the loss of control and the confusion.

    It's essential you prepare for these events.

    An even bigger crisis looming.

    Britain's huge accumulation of debt means its fate has already been sealed. We areabout to pay for what we have borrowed, and in the worst possible way.

    Escape is impossibleIn recorded economic history, every single country with debts as big as ours - everysingle one - has suffered a devastating economic collapse. There are NO exceptions.

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    When is a Murder Deemed a Racially AggravatedHate Crime?

    According to reports in the media, in more than 50% of inter-racial murders the victim

    is non-white and the aggressor is white. In less than 50% of racial murders the victim iswhite and the aggressor non-white. As non-whites only make up 10% of the populationit is safe to conclude that a black or other non-white immigrant is more than 9 timesmore likely to commit an inter-racial murder than an indigenous white person.

    However, if a white person kills a black or other non-white it is always recorded as aracially aggravated hate crime. Yet if a Negro or Asian murders a white it is veryrarely, if ever, classed as a racially aggravated hate crime.

    The difference in which a Caucasian and Negro victim of murder is treated can beillustrated in the Stephen Lawrence and Charlene Downes cases, as detailed below.

    Stephen Lawrence was a known drug pusherand supporter of the racist Black Power

    organization hence the clenched fist black

    supremacist salute shown in the picture.

    Stephen is often portrayed as a dedicated Alevel student and a pillar of the community,

    Charlene Downes was an innocent vulnerableschoolgirl living with her parents in Blackpool

    when she was approached by a gang of

    Moslem men of Pakistani origin who flatteredher into accepting them as her friends inreality she was being groomed for sexual


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    yet this is not based on any factual evidence.It is suggested that he was studying to

    become an architect, but there is no evidenceto support this. Clearly, this has been

    fabricated to enhance his reputation; when inreality he was part of the racist black

    gangland culture that prevails around theEltham area of London.

    Stephen was murdered by a rival gang; therewas NO racial motive it was purely a caseof gang warfare for the control of the local


    She was repeated raped and used forprostitution by her groomers; but she felt tooashamed and afraid to tell her parents of the

    abuse she had subjected to. Afraid thatCharlene would expose the Moslem gang fortheir sexual exploitation, the groomers (after

    group raping her) murdered her in the roomabove their kebab shop.

    To dispose of her body the gang cut her intopieces and passed her parts through an

    industrial meat mincing machine. Her mincedbody meat was then sold to the general public

    in the kebabs cooked on their premises.

    For both of these crimes extensive police investigations were undertaken with the result

    that the following suspects were arrested, and subsequently committed to trail.

    In 1996 Gary Dobson and David Norris(Shown above) together with J amie Acourt,Neil Acourt and Luke Knight were committedto trial for the murder of Stephen Lawrence

    under a private prosecution.

    Charges against J amie Acourt and DavidNorris were dismissed due to insufficient

    evidence. The evidence submitted byDuwayne Brooks is found to be inadmissible(dishonest), consequently the case collapsed

    with Neil Acourt, Luke

    Knight and Gary Dobson being formallyacquitted; and under the double jeopardy rulescannot be charged for the same crime again.

    The defendants received no compensation forwrongful arrest.

    Mohammed Reveshi and Iyad Albettikhl (shownabove) were put on trail at Preston Crown Court

    in 2007 for the murder of Charlene Downes.

    The jury could not reach a decision (Almostcertainly because the jury comprised of

    Moslems who would not convict one of theirown religion), as a consequence a retrial was


    It is believed that the Crown ProsecutionService decided that due to the ethnic make-up

    of Lancashire, there was little likelihood ofgetting a jury to convict the Moslem defendants.Consequently the retrial was cancelled and the

    defendants formally acquitted.

    These two murderers have been awarded up to250,000 compensation for wrongful arrest.

    Now, one would have thought that this was the end for both of these cases. Not so; theLabour government under the arch-traitor Tony Blair saw an opportunity to increaseLabours share of the ethnic vote. To do this they implemented a judicial inquiry into

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    the Stephen Lawrence case headed by a retired High Court Judge Sir WilliamMacpherson. The Macpherson Report proved to be the most dishonest piece ofpolitically-correct dogma ever produced. It was clearly produced at the behest of theLabour government to maliciously slur the police force with fabricated accusations ofinstitutional racism although in the report he failed to give specific examples. The

    most controversial aspects of the report was for the introduction of a new offence thatof ahate crime. The Macpherson Report defined ahate crimeas:

    Any hate incident, which constitutes a criminaloffence, perceived by the victim or any other person,

    as being motivated by prejudice or hate.The very fact that the word perceived is used to define ahate crimemeans that for the

    first time in British judicial history the truth and actual proof of a crime beingcommitted is of no consequence; as an alleged victimsperception of being subjected tohateful treatment takes precedence over factual evidence. The Labour governmentaccepted the report in its entirety without questioning any of its findings, regardless ofthe numerous flaws high-lighted by many prominent people. The most obvious flawwas the fact that its findings only related to ethnic minorities it assumed thatindigenous white Britons would never be the victims of hate crimes inflicted on themby the newly empowered immigrant communities, and that only white peoplecommitted hate crimes. The Labour governments rash acceptance of the report and its

    subsequent changes to the law did not eliminateinstitutional racism; it vastly promotedit in the form ofinstitutional anti-white racism.

    The Macpherson report resulted in the birth of institutional anti-white racistorganizations such as the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) whose solepurpose is to promote the interests of the ethnic minorities, and demonize theindigenous population as bigoted racist thugs. Some parts of the report that has nowbeen embodied within our law including the requirement for organisations to implementa policy ofpositive discriminationandaffirmative action in the recruitment andpromotion of their employees. This has resulted in the over-representation of ethnicminorities in government organizations, with the standard of competence being loweredto accommodate the less qualified and less able immigrant candidates. In organizationslike the BBC it is now hard to spot the white, male, hetero-sexual presenter as womenand ethnic minorities overwhelmingly dominate the scene. Another change in the lawas a result of this report was the repeal of the double-jeopardy law that prevented aperson being tried more than once for the same offence.

    The politically-correct bigots of the liberal left-wing establishment used the StephenLawrence affair as a means of promoting their political agenda of venerating the ethnic

    minorities at the expense of denigrating the indigenous populations traditions, moralsand culture. The media has devoted so much publicity to the Stephen Lawrencegangland killing that other genuine racist murders, such as Kriss Donald, Christopher

    Yates and Ben Kinsela, have never been mentioned. The liberal establishment even

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    placed a memorial plaque at the location where Stephen Lawrence was supposed tohave died.

    The Stephen Lawrence murder has witnessed afrenzied outpouring by the main stream mediato establish their politically-correct credentialsby comparing this small-time gangland drug-pusher to that of a paragon of virtue, whos

    every deed was portrayed as an act of selflessbenevolence. Such was the establishments

    desire to promote diversity and multi-culturalismthat it allowed Stephen Lawrence to be elevatedto the status of a national hero - a Saint even!

    To commemorate his virtual beautification aplaque has been place at the location where hewas killed. The site is monitored by CCTV sothat it will not be vandalized by people who aredisgusted by this over-reaction to an allegedracist murder, particularly when a multitude ofwhite victims of hate crimes are not officially

    acknowledged as such.

    The top picture shows the Moslem take-away, Funny Boyz, where Charlene Downes

    was raped, murdered, dissected, minced andsold as kebabs. It has since changed itsname to Mr Beanzin an attempt to conceal

    its infamous past.

    No memorial to Charlene exists at thelocation, and any attempt by friends and

    family to hold a vigil and place a wreath atthe site in her memory has been met with

    police harassment and accusations of incitingracial hatred.

    Many people have jumped onto the Stephen Lawrence bandwagon to further their owninterests. The vast amount of racial discrimination laws and human rights legislationenabled theWicked WitchCherie Blair to set up the Matrix Chambers specializing inthe extraction of tax-payers money for the pursuit of questionable racial discriminationcases. The Human Rights industry, promoted by greedy lawyers and corrupt judges,extracts billions from the tax-payer and private companies each year and is seriouslydamaging Britains economic recovery as employers are bombarded with spuriousracial discrimination charges.

    How have the parents of these two murder victims fared? Below are the details of eachset of parents, and it is very apparent that they have not treated been equally.

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    The parents of Stephen Lawrence, Nevilleand Doreen Lawrence, have been given as

    much hero worship by the liberal-leftestablishment and politically-correct media

    as their murdered son.

    The liberal establishment had alwaysplaced the Lawrences at the centre of all

    their actions to further their goal ofinstitutional anti-white racism. They havealways been portrayed as hard-working,with wholesome family values and the

    pillars of society; but the victims of white

    racial harassment since their arrival fromJ amaica in the 1950s. The liberalestablishment used the Lawrences to found

    an organization called the StephenLawrence Trust a left-wing lottery funded

    charity to promote black people to theexclusion of indigenous white folk. For

    lending their names to this trust both Nevilleand Doreen were awarded the OBE.

    The Lawrences did not possess the high

    moral family values as portrayed in themedia, as they were to divorce in 1999.

    Doreen Lawrence has appeared often onthe BBC and other official boards of enquiryas the voice of black victims of racism. Shehas also appeared on Desert Island Discs,thought by the politically-correct BBC as

    worthy of public interest.

    The parents of Charlene Downes, Robert andKaren Downes, have been given no such heroworship by the liberal-left establishment, buthave instead been portrayed as white trash.

    Karen Downes has had no support from theliberal establishment in fact quite the

    opposite. When the two men accused ofCharlenes murder were acquitted. Karen was

    naturally distressed and tweetedthat theyshould have been sentenced to death. The

    extremist left-wing organization Unite AgainstFascism accused Karen of inciting people to

    murder, and orchestrated a campaign of hatetowards her. The venom directed towards theDowness was hateful to the extreme, callingthem benefit scum and lazy work-shy trash.

    Naturally, the police made no effort toapprehend these hateful liberal bigots.

    When Karen endeavoured to hold a protestoutside of the kebab shop where Charlene met

    her death, she was threatened by the policefor committing a hate crime and has

    subsequently been banned from approachingthe shop and handing out literature explainingcircumstances surrounding Charlenes murder.

    Karen has not been invited onto the BBC tostate her case, nor has any charity been set inmemory to Charlene or other girls groomed byMoslems to satisfy their sexual perversions.

    With the repeal of the double jeopardy law, the police managed to get enough DNAevidence to re-open the trail; and with the Crown Prosecution Service managing toselect a compliant jury, David Norris and Gary Dobson were put on trial for racial

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    aggravated murder. The basis for re-opening the trial was based on flimsy DNAevidence; furthermore, there was no evidence to suggest it was racially motivated.Below is a review of the DNA evidence written while the jury were out deliberating ontheir verdict.

    The Stephen Lawrence stabbing murder case verdict was expected to be not-guilty due to unreliable DNAevidence seems certain. It soon became evident that the new case has been built on unreliable DNA evidence, as

    there is a very good chance that cross-contamination has occurred

    It has emerged that a bag containing Stephen Lawrences blood-stained jacket had been put in a bag containing asuspects clothing prior the crucial evidence being put into storage for a number of years. In addition, clothes which

    had been recovered from the home of one of the two men accused of killing him, individually bagged to avoidforensic cross-contamination, had been placed into the same plastic sack when the investigation ground to a virtual

    halt back in the 90s.

    Evidence was placed into storage in 1995, following the unsolved 1993 investigation. One of the most crucial bitsof evidence, the black LA Raiders jacket, which Stephen Lawrence was wearing when he was attacked, may nothave been handled and stored in the ideal way, and contaminated other evidence, such as the clothing from the

    defendants. The stabbing in Eltham, South-East London shocked the nation at the time of the offence.

    One of the plastic sacks had also been discovered with a missing seal, which was supposed to keep contents freefrom contamination. The main prosecution argument suggests that blood, hair and microscopic fibres on the

    clothes taken from homes of the two suspects, Gary Dobson and David Norris appear to have been put into thesame bag, further complicating the situation, and seriously undermining any plausibility of DNA evidence being

    reliable in the case. Although DNA evidence is now very reliable if well handled; flawed, and some say primitive,police systems in the 1990s arguably may make it impossible to rule out whether forensic evidence had been

    inadvertently transferred between clothing items belonging to victim and suspects during the handling and storage


    Christopher Bower, who was in charge of storage of exhibits at a Metropolitan Police lab has confirmed that therewas no system to separate victim and suspect items after they had been forensically examined, which appears tobe a massive blow for the prosecutions case. The brown paper bags containing individual items were placed at

    random in clear plastic over-bags, mixing up individual clothing evidence.

    When being questioned by Timothy Roberts QC, who is representing Dobson, Mr Bower confirmed that no specificsegregation instructions for dealing with the bags, and also nothing to prevent the contents being mingled, and no

    system of keeping them separate for further examination, such as the cold case review which later followed.Remarkably gloves were not always used when presenting evidence which was produced at a private prosecutionbrought by Stephens parents in 1996. The items had to be moved and stored again before a cold case review in

    2007 and 2008, which discovered the forensic evidence now at the heart of the prosecution case.

    Kent Police had taken possession of key exhibits in 1997 while they were looking into complaints about the conductof Met officers during the first murder investigation. They had been returned in 1998, which was prior to the official

    Lawrence Inquiry.

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    In spite of the overwhelming evidence that the DNA evidence was unreliable, which inany other trail the Judge would have declared as inadmissible, the jury returned a guiltyverdict on both defendants. Clearly, this was a show trial set up by the liberalestablishment to appease the ethnic minority claim that they are the victims of racial

    persecution by the majority indigenous British population. The vicious witch-huntagainst both Gary Dobson and David Norris instigated by the Labour Government ofTony Blair, the liberal/left-wing press and the BBC meant that the jury had beensubjected to biased reporting for over twenty years; so is it any wonder that with thelevel of negative reporting about the defendants, the jury were brain-washed intofinding them guilty.

    Why do the racial discrimination laws only seem to apply in the case of white-on-blackoffences but never in cases of black-on-white crime? A short rsum of officialstatistics reveals the following:

    Blacks are 5 times more likely to commit violence against the person.

    Blacks are 4 times more likely to commit sexual offences. Blacks are fifteen times more likely to commit robbery. Blacks are over six times more likely to commit fraud and forgery. Blacks are over twice as likely to commit criminal damage. Black are five times more likely to commit drugs offences.

    A preliminary analysis of official crime data shows:

    Violence against the person is 5 times more prevalent in the black community, than in the whitecommunity.

    Drugs offences are 16 times more prevalent in the black community, and 3 times more prevalent inthe Asian community, than in the white community.

    Robbery is over 9 times more prevalent in the black community, than in the white community. Committing homicide is 6 times more prevalent in the black community, and twice as prevalent in

    the Asian community, than it is in the white community. The homicidal killing of white people is 90 times more prevalent in the black community, than the

    homicidal killing of black people in the white community. The homicidal killing of white people is 30 times more prevalent in the Asian community, than the

    homicidal killing of Asian people in the white community. The number of white victims of inter-racial homicide is approximately 40 times greater than

    expected, when compared to the number of such victims in the minority (BME) community. The white community suffers more victims of inter-racial and racially motivated homicide than all of

    the minority (BME) communities put together despite the BME communities being less than 10per cent of the total population.

    The number of white victims of racially motivated homicide is approximately 50 times greater thanexpected, when compared to the number of such victims in the minority (BME) community.

    In spite of these statistics very few (if any) ethnic minorities are actually charged withracially aggravated crime, yet an indigenous white person would be chargedaccordingly for the most trivial of incidents. Why do the indigenous British people putup with this injustice, when it is clear from government statistics that they are not themain instigators of hate crime? White Britons have been brainwashed since the 1950sinto believing that they are intrinsically racist and must make amends for the perceived

    past sins of empire. This self-flagellation has got to stop; indigenous Britons mustagain take pride in their forefathers past achievements and stand up against the constantinstitutionalized demonization that is directed against them by the liberal eliteestablishment.

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    To answer the question at the head of this article: When is a Murder Deemed aRacially Aggravated Hate Crime?

    Only when it is committed by a white person.

  • 7/29/2019 BNP Exeter and District Newsletter (February 2013)




    Hate Crimes in Devon

    Below is a table detailing the incidences of reportedHatecrime within Devon for theyear 2012, as compiled by Devon County Council in response to aFofI request. Mycomments are shown in red.

    Ethnicity ofVictim

    Ethnicity ofPerpetrator

    Nature ofCrime/Incident

    Action Taken Comments

    Asian White British Verbal Abuse Referred to Police

    Asian White British Harassment Victim requested policeinvolvement. Met andsignposted to communitysupport.

    Why no action?Was the victimhere illegally?

    Chinese Unknown WorkplaceDiscrimination

    Met and advised onoptions. Signposted tolegal advice and to

    option of free counselling

    Who paid for freecounselling? Thetax-payer of

    course.Asian White British Verbal Abuse Referred to police.

    Asian White British Verbal Abuse Victim requested noaction.

    Why no action?Was the victimhere illegally?

    Black British Unknown Workplace Bullying Met and discussedoptions. Signposted tolegal advice and tooption of free counselling

    Who paid for freecounselling? Thetax-payer ofcourse.

    Gypsy/Traveller Unknown Property Damage No action Requested also reported directly topolice.

    Since when hasproperty damagebeen a hate

    crime?Asian White British Harassment Also reported to police.Met with communityadvocate and liaised withpolice.

    White Other White British Verbal Abuse Met with victim.Signposted tocounselling, communitysupport group andencouraged to talk topolice. Eventuallyagreed to meet CPSO

    for informal talk.White British Unknown Verbal Abuse/

    HarassmentVictim Requested noaction. Meetingarranged, but victimfailed to show.

    Clearly, the whitevictim thought itpointless pursuingthe case.

    Gypsy/Traveller Unknown Property Damage No action Requested also reported directly topolice.

    No actionrequested?Probably aninsurance fraud.

    White British Unknown Allegation ofracism againstinstitution.

    Allegation Discussedwith police. Policeadvice passed and

    mediation offered.

    Sounds like thevictim ofinstitutional ant-


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    White Other White British Workplace Bullying Met. Contactedemployment solicitor onvictims behalf andadvised on options.

    Its clear that thelawyers aremaking a fortuneout of so calledhate crime.

    Black British Assault Reported to police

    previously, but victim notsatisfied with policeaction. Met at victimsrequest, liaised withpolice to reviewinvestigation and reportback.

    What; no ethnicityof the perpetrator!

    White Other Unknown Workplace Bullying Met. Contactedemployer on victimsbehalf. Referred tocounselling andcommunity support

    group.Asian Asian Verbal Threats Victim involved in on-

    going police case.Liaising with police toensure aware ofdevelopments andprotection and re-assurance measures inplace.

    Asian is a verywide term. Dothey mean Indian,Paki, or Chinese?

    Asian White British Verbal Abuse No action requested.

    Mixed Heritage White British Racist Bullying atSchool

    Contacted school andschool welfare officer atparents request. Familysignposted to localcommunity supportgroup.

    White Other Unknown Harassment andVerbal Abuse

    Already reported topolice. Signposted tocommunity support.

    It is the police who are primarily responsible for investigating hate crime. However,

    Devon County Council Social Services Department are responsible for providingsupport from the alleged victim. In fact throughout Devon there is a vast workforce(numbering more than 100) employed by local councils, health authorities andeducation authorities whose sole responsibility is to monitor, investigate and attempt toresolve issues ofhateand racial discord within the community.

    Looking at the list of so calledhatecrimes throughout Devon during 2013, it very short 19 in total. So clearly we dont have a problem with this type of behaviour in Devon so why are their so many people employed to service this activity? It is apparent thatthese arenon-jobshave been created to satisfy the politically-correct diktats of ourliberal-left governments of the past 20 years. Savings to our council tax bills can beimplemented immediately by sacking all of these parasitical employees.
