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Boaz EMR Thesis

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Identifying information needs of primary care physicians using electronic medical records to provide continuity of care across visits. Masters thesis by Boaz Gurdin, UC Irvine School of Information and Computer Science, 2012.
From Visit to Visit: Information needs of primary care physicians providing continuity of care Boaz Gurdin Master’s Thesis Defense July 25, 2012
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From Visit to Visit: Information needs of primary care physicians providing continuity of care

Boaz GurdinMaster’s Thesis DefenseJuly 25, 2012

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Welcome to Primary Care

• Doctors provide care for patients• Patients keep coming back• How do doctors pick up where they left off?

…and where the patient’s other doctors left off?…on each of the patient’s multiple health issues?

“Continuity of Care”

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Continuity of Care

Patient X



lth Is



Visit Follow-up Visit

high blood pressure



sprained ankle

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Coordination Across Visits

Visit n Visit n+1

Exam Note

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Problem-Oriented Medical Records

Problem-oriented medical records (Weed 1968) organize information by health problem

Problem List Exam Note

Patient: ______________ Date: _____Reason for Visit: __________________

Subjective (S): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Objective (O): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Assessment/Plan (A/P): _____________Problem1 – work done at visit; plan___Problem2 – work done at visit; plan___Problem3 – work done at visit; plan__

Health Problem 1Health Problem 2…Health Problem N

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Exam Note

Coordination Across Visits

Visit n Visit n+1

Exam Note

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Research QuestionHow can electronic medical records (EMRs) help primary care physicians (PCPs) provide more efficient and effective continuity of care?

Visit n Visit n+1


What are their current practices for reading and writing the information?

What are their information needs?

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Research Goal

Visit n + 2 Visit n + 3Visit n Visit n + 1

Improved EMRs Improved Work Practices Improved Continuity of Care

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1. Illness and wellness trajectories across visits2. Mapping trajectories to visits3. Information needs for mapping trajectories

to visits

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Research Methods and Setting

• >50 hours of observation• 68 patient-visits• 6 primary care physicians + 2 medical students• 2 primary care clinics associated with the

same university hospital healthcare system (Campus Clinic and Low-Income Clinic)

• Mix of paper and electronic medical records

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Data Collection and Analysis

• Fieldnotes (including dialog and physical interactions, use of technology and space)

• Grounded theory coding (Strauss and Corbin 1998)

• Taxonomic grouping of codes (Lofland et al. 2005)

• Grouping patterns of visits• Information needs analysis of fieldnotes• Design brainstorming reframed as breakdowns• Writing, presenting, and feedback cycles

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• Small sample, one hospital system• Lack of design prototyping and evaluation• Not all aspects of continuity of care– Focused on needs of primary care physicians not

coordination across specialties– Focused on continuity of care in agenda-setting

not in clinical decision-making– Focused on continuity of care at visits not

between visits

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1. Illness and wellness trajectories across visits2. Mapping trajectories to visits3. Information needs for mapping trajectories

to visits

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Illness and Wellness Trajectories

Patient X



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Illness trajectories (Strauss et al. 1985)

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Illness and Wellness Trajectories


1. Discovery phase Scheduling a visit Health maintenance screenings Comprehensive history and physical exam Patient questions during visit

2. Diagnosis phase Differential diagnosis Labs to “work up” diagnosis Updating the problem list

3. Treatment phase Negotiating plan Researching treatment options Writing medication prescriptions, referrals to specialists, lab orders Counseling Scheduling follow-up

4. Monitoring phase Review changes since the last visit (symptoms, medications, labs, consults) Adjust the plan or refill without change Schedule follow-up Chart Evaluate labs in inbox

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Sequences of Visits

Patient X



lth Is


Visit n Visit n+1

? ? ? ?

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1. Illness and wellness trajectories across visits2. Mapping trajectories to visits3. Information needs for mapping trajectories

to visits

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Day in the Life9am


12pmExam notes



Physical – adult

Follow-up – generalFollow-up on a chronic health issueFollow-up on an acute issue

Follow-up on lab results

Physical – new patient

Physical – well child

Referral request / rx refill request

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Visit Agendas

History-taking: recent acute issue

History-taking: reason for visit

Review medication regimen: all health issues

History-taking: chronic health issue

0 min

20 min

Physical examination: all health issues

Inform patient of lab results: all health issues

Negotiate plans: each health issue

“Anything else?” Patient requests and concerns

recently fell and injured ribs

referral to ophthalmology

meds for BP, diabetes, injury pain

labs for diabetes

symptoms and lifestyle for diabetes

physical exam of ribs, eyes, general

plan for ribs, BP, diabetes, eyes

patient concerned about heartburn

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Planning What to Work On9am



VisitsExam note(old)

Exam note(new)


Physical – adult

Follow-up – generalFollow-up on a chronic health issueFollow-up on an acute issue

Follow-up on lab results

Physical – new patient

Physical – well child

Referral request / rx refill request

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Planning What to Work On


Visit• Raise issues in priority order*• History-taking*• Clinical reasoning/assessment

(out-of-scope)• Make plans*

Preparation• Review history to plan what to work on• Copy key info to upcoming exam note to

present to patient

Charting• Finish exam note• Fill out forms for referrals, lab orders, billing

Exam note(old)

Exam note(new)

*includes patient interaction

0 min

20 min

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1. Illness and wellness trajectories across visits2. Mapping trajectories to visits3. Information needs for mapping trajectories

to visits– Active Issues– History of Present Illness– Health Maintenance History– Work Items

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Active Issues

Primary Complaint/Reason for Visit

Previous exam notes

Medication list & labs imply health issues

Memory recall What are Active Issues?• Acute issues• Chronic conditions• Patient-raised concerns

Patient or caregiver raises issue during visit

Problem Listactive issues ≠ major issues

Missing n


acute iss


Only one per visit

PCP can’t prepare for these issues before the visit

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History of Present IllnessWhat is the History of Present Illness?• Recent history (symptoms, labs, medication

regimen, evaluations from specialists)• Long-term history for chronic conditions

Previous exam notes

Only plan is problem-oriented in SOAP notes;missing lab results, etc.

EMR labs, medication list, specialist reports

No unified problem-oriented view

Patient story of symptoms, encounters with specialists

Patient report of medication regimen

Lack of specific information about medication regimen

Paper reports from external labs and specialists

Not integrated with EMR; don’t always arrive

Not available at mobile prep

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Health Maintenance HistoryWhat is Health Maintenance?• Screenings, vaccines, psycho-social questions• For preventative care and early detection

Patient memory

Labs in the old computer system

Significant Events List in the EMR

Paper chart-flipping

Lack of population-level views or workflows

Missing psycho-social questionsMissing old screenings and vaccinesAbsence of new screenings and vaccines isn’t visible

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Work Items

What are Work Items?• Health issues discussed in non-

problem-oriented order e.g. review of medication, review of labs

• Work deferred due to lack of time• Work deferred due to patient

preference for fewer shots

Previous exam note

Doctor’s memory

Patient or caregiver’s memory

Single reason for visit doesn’t capture multiple work items, making them more likely to be forgotten

Reason for Visit

Not every deferred work item clearly documented in the exam note

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Previous exam note

Doctor’s memory

Patient or caregiver’s memory

Reason for VisitPatient memory

Labs in the old computer system

Significant Events List in the EMR

Paper chart-flipping

Previous exam notes

EMR labs, medication list, specialist reports

Patient story of symptoms, encounters with specialists

Patient report of medication regimen

Paper reports from external labs and specialists

Primary Complaint/Reason for Visit

Previous exam notes

Medication list & labs imply health issues Memory recall

Patient or caregiver raises issue during visit

Problem List

Active Issues

History of Present Illness

Work ItemsHealth Maintenance History

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Future EMR Design Opportunities

Active Issues

History of Present Illness

Work Items

Health Maintenance History

Active Issues List

To Do List

Problem-oriented view of history including exam notes, labs, medications, reports from specialists

Significant Events List showing missing vaccines and screenings expected for demographic

Prioritize and add items across all types of info to plan visit agenda


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Patient X



lth Is



1. Active Issues2. History of Present Illness3. Health Maintenance History4. Work Items





0 min

20 min

Faster and more thorough preparation

0 min

20 min

Better visit agendas(better mapping from illness and wellness trajectories)

More efficient and effective continuity of care

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Thank You

• To my committee– Gillian Hayes– Yunan Chen– Melissa Mazmanian

• To the doctors who participated in the study• To my professors and fellow graduate students

who have given me advice and feedback

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Q & A

1. Active Issues2. History of Present Illness3. Health Maintenance History4. Work Items





0 min

20 min

Faster and more thorough preparation

0 min

20 min

Better visit agendas(better mapping from illness and wellness trajectories)

More efficient and effective continuity of care

Patient X



lth Is

