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Bob Frissell - Rebirthing-Breathwork.com 11 - Its Elemental Air 2013.pdf · How did you come to be...

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Bob Frissell http://bobfrissell.com/ In the Infinite, there is no time, no place, no divisions, no sense of “us” and “them”. Infinite Consciousness IS the only Truth. The heart only knows Unity and Oneness and is thus able to take us beyond the illusory walls of limited perception. The right brain is our connection to the “All That Is”; it is holistic, intuitive, experiential, and knows only momentary time, the eternal now. It is able to intuit the Oneness, like a four or five year old, looking up at the night sky. The left brain sees dots and does not connect them. It is logical, and is locked into linear time, so it is never in the Present Moment. We need both however, and we need them harmoniously working together. When the mind (left brain) truly sees Unity, the corpus callosom (neural fibres connecting the two hemispheres) opens up, communication happens, integration takes place, and a relaxation occurs. This opens the doorway to the heart. The Breath of Life facilitates this process; it is the art of expanding your sense of well-being, enjoyment, and benefit to include all of your Life Experience. It is an easy and enjoyable skill you can learn to do for yourself. What the Breath of Life Does The Breath of Life brings breath and focused awareness together to empower you to heal yourself on many levels. Breath of Life (BOL) enables you to produce superior outcomes by removing negative factors from your own subconscious. Yet BOL works at the feeling level in the body, it is not a mental process. You notice your feelings about what’s there, and you change your relationship to the feeling; and that’s the most efficient method for changing your relationship to what the feeling is about. Specifically, BOL causes integration. Everyone has a sense that certain things contribute to their well being. But they also think that there are other things that also detract from their well being. BOL is about focusing on something that you think has been detracting from your well being and by applying the process, you integrate it so that it is obvious to you that it does contribute to you. Integration means experiencing a feeling honestly and embracing it fully. Integration is the opposite of suppression. When you hide from a feeling or try to make it go away, you are suppressing it. When you face the feeling squarely and accept it, you are integrating it. Integration is physical as well as mental. It makes you happier about being human. It also makes you markedly more effective at getting what you truly want from life because it eliminates internal conflicts. This process then, is about harmonizing with the reality of your experience, whatever your experience is moment by moment.
Page 1: Bob Frissell - Rebirthing-Breathwork.com 11 - Its Elemental Air 2013.pdf · How did you come to be a rebirther? When I had my first born, Isaac, 20 years ago, I got cancer just 6

Bob Frissell http://bobfrissell.com/ In the Infinite, there is no time, no place, no divisions, no sense of “us” and “them”. Infinite Consciousness IS the only Truth. The heart only knows Unity and Oneness and is thus able to take us beyond the illusory walls of limited perception. The right brain is our connection to the “All That Is”; it is holistic, intuitive, experiential, and knows only momentary time, the eternal now. It is able to intuit the Oneness, like a four or five year old, looking up at the night sky. The left brain sees dots and does not connect them. It is logical, and is locked into linear time, so it is never in the Present Moment. We need both however, and we need them harmoniously working together. When the mind (left brain) truly sees Unity, the corpus callosom (neural fibres connecting the two hemispheres) opens up, communication happens, integration takes place, and a relaxation occurs. This opens the doorway to the heart. The Breath of Life facilitates this process; it is the art of expanding your sense of well-being, enjoyment, and benefit to include all of your Life Experience. It is an easy and enjoyable skill you can learn to do for yourself.

What the Breath of Life Does The Breath of Life brings breath and focused awareness together to empower you to heal yourself on many levels. Breath of Life (BOL) enables you to produce superior outcomes by removing negative factors from your own subconscious. Yet BOL works at the feeling level in the body, it is not a mental process. You notice your feelings about what’s there, and you change your relationship to the feeling; and that’s the most efficient method for changing your relationship to what the feeling is about. Specifically, BOL causes integration. Everyone has a sense that certain things contribute to their well being. But they also think that there are other things that also detract from their well being. BOL is about focusing on something that you think has been detracting from your well being and by applying the process, you integrate it so that it is obvious to you that it does contribute to you. Integration means experiencing a feeling honestly and embracing it fully. Integration is the opposite of suppression. When you hide from a feeling or try to make it go away, you are suppressing it. When you face the feeling squarely and accept it, you are integrating it. Integration is physical as well as mental. It makes you happier about being human. It also makes you markedly more effective at getting what you truly want from life because it eliminates internal conflicts. This process then, is about harmonizing with the reality of your experience, whatever your experience is moment by moment.

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How the Breath of Life Works BOL uses a profound breathing method known as Circular Breathing to give you the experience of coming more fully into present time. The result of this can be a very useful magnification of emotional feelings, physical sensations, and, for some people, spiritual feelings. When these feelings that arise from the unconscious are experienced thoroughly (which is not at all the same thing as intensely) and are embraced rather than pushed away, there is a profound sense of knowing oneself and loving oneself that makes all of life easier and more enjoyable. In general, the results are permanent. Learning to embrace these suppressed feelings is probably the most valuable tool of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual purification you could ever learn. It is a very direct way to extend your context of unconditional love to all parts of yourself, to other people, and indeed to all parts of your life experience. This learning to embrace is a process, however, and each person has a unique experience of learning to do it. In your first session, you learn ways to achieve this new loving relationship within; yet, this is a genuine self-improvement technique. You are the one who decides how much loving nurture, benefit, or pleasure you get from any of your experiences. Full responsibility for developing a loving relationship with your feelings can only rest upon you.

The Five Elements of the Breath of Life This process is about maximizing your enjoyment of the present moment. In the course of doing that, anything that is standing between you and enjoying each moment infinitely, will come to your attention. And you can apply the process to that. How it is done is through the application of the skills that are known as the Five Elements. The five elements then are ways of relating to the present moment. The five elements are: 1) Circular Breathing, 2) Complete relaxation, 3) Awareness in detail. 4) Integration into Unity, and 5) Do whatever you do, willingness is enough. Every moment feels like something. Another way to put that is in every moment, there is some pattern of energy in your body that is most prominent, so the five elements are;

#1, You breathe in the way that most enables you to have rapport with that feeling. Depending on what’s coming up, you breathe a little bit differently, or depending on your relationship to what’s coming up.

#2, You relax in the presence of the feeling, rather than taking action to make it go away.

#3, You tune the feeling in. It is asking for your attention, so you give it your attention. Awareness in detail is about how to tune the feeling in so you can integrate it at a subtle level, without having to totally hype it up with the breathing. If you don’t know about tuning in a feeling, you will have to wait until it becomes very intense before you will give it enough attention to integrate it. Integration does require having a through experience of the feeling. If you know how to tune it in, you can have a thorough experience of it at a very subtle level.

#4, You find a way to accept the feeling as it is, rather than insisting that something else should be your present moment experience.

#5, The fifth element is that whatever your response to the feeling, is alright. With your willingness, everything leads to integration anyway. So you don’t have to do the first four elements perfectly It is important to realize that the five elements are not steps that you do sequentially, instead you do them all simultaneously, because Breath of Life is just one process.

Master the Five Elements and You Master the Breath of Life Using the five elements helps people surrender faster to what they are experiencing in their breathwork sessions. The results are profound and immediate - without pain and drama - and with much more pleasure and much more results in fewer sessions than traditional breathwork and other techniques. It is important to realize that the five elements are skills; they are not a model of what happens naturally in the Breath of Life process. All of the five elements are skills that you have some degree of mastery over already, just because of your life experiences. At the same time, they are skills that you can keep getting better at forever.

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How did you come to be a rebirther? When I had my first born, Isaac, 20 years ago, I got cancer just 6 weeks after. About 4 months or so later we moved to Thailand. I got into Transcendental meditation, health and nutrition, wanting to understand and heal my body. I studied nutrition and naturopathy via correspondence and transcendental meditation with a master in Bangkok. Back then I also worked with children with intellectual and physical disabilities; I did that for many years. We returned home after 4 years in Asia. I studied at Chiara College in Sydney, a metaphysical, energy healing and psychic reading college. I then got divorced, by this time I had three kids (the last one a home birth). After the divorce I set up my practice working with people doing energy healings and psychic readings. I am 5th generation psychic and medium, so that’s something that has always been nurtured in my family system. It felt natural to me. I noticed that when I did a reading or a healing for someone I would often see their inner child. So when I saw a 3-day retreat called ‘core connection, inner child’ I knew I had to go, it was here I experienced my first breathwork, with Jonine Lee. I had my first memories around abuse at the inner child workshop, very unexpected, that is when the real healing journey started for me …oh it was horrific, I would say I was in spiritual emergency for a couple of years. I couldn’t even get out of bed at times and I had three little kids to look after. For the first time in my life lots started to make sense even though lots of what I discovered was not pretty! I kept going back for more; I kept going back for breathwork sessions and then committed to the training. Again explored and visited many deep dark nights in my soul. I already had my practice and began introducing breathwork, that’s about 8 years ago and I’ve worked with breathwork ever since. It seems to have organically unfolded that way. So how many people do you rebirth in a week? If I do monthly it’s probably easier, because I have weeks where I really slow down with good self-care. Twice a month I run a group, where I do a group breathe, they are 3 hours long. Normally on an average I would have 6 – 8 people in each group. I don’t like on my own to invite more than 8 because I don’t think that is responsible, if people are going to go into deep stuff I need to be able to hold the space. Then I have at least one day where I do a whole day of breathwork, I have one coming up next Sunday, that one is called ‘The Shadow and Breathwork’ – so we do a seminar first, have lunch and then back to back, so half will breathe and half will sit and then they swap. I learnt that I like to do no more than 3 breath sessions a day, individual sessions and on most weekdays I will do 2 sessions as I feel that is enough. I also have a six-day intensive retreat at the beginning of the year where we have breathwork sessions daily. If people come for a reading and are interested in going deeper I share that I don’t know any modality that offers more than breathwork. Especially because it’s self-responsible and it enables you to connect to your inner healer – some people just want one reading and that’s it but the majority come back for breathwork. Do people come to you for a series of sessions? I have many that come for at least 10 and some only for a few. I find that people come back because they want to, they want more and are committed. Lately I’m finding more people want 3 hour sessions because they feel they can go really deep and enjoy the healing and clarity it offers. It is nice to be able to offer the longer session times and they can do a mandala afterwards, I feel integration is really important. The people who come to your group sessions do they have solo sessions first? I suggest that people come for a solo session first but I do have people that will come for their first one in a group. It’s a real mixture, there is no set pattern.

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What support do you provide to people after completing a series of rebirthing sessions? Once per month I run a self-development course, we go through each chakra. They learn how to see an aura and how to do a psychic reading and they learn how to do an energy session. Most of those people end up coming to the breathwork because they want to learn more. So when I set that up at the beginning of the year they have the support of a group which works really well, they get homework too, so they are encouraged to share that and do it together, they are not alone. Also people can become practitioners at LotteLife in how to do an energy session and psychic reading. As the group breathes are monthly they also offer support, we always have a share first and completion circle at the end to intergrate. If I feel a person leaving after a session is still not integrated and ungrounded, I will offer food/ tea and have a room where they can have some time to be, if I have another session coming up. I will also ask a breather to give me a call later that day if there are any concerns. Especially if the breather released deep trauma, I will check in as well as make sure they have support at home. I always see people as being capable, at the same time because of the depth of healing breathwork offers, support and integration is very important. It is such an honour to witness people’s journeys and the benefits to their life after deep healing. If we work with deep trauma I recommend for the individual to also have other support, this can be women’s health centre, men’s group, women’s group or counselling through medicare via a doctor - it is important to find a counsellor the person feels can work with them and support this work. Any modalities really that offers supports for the individual on a physical, spiritual and emotional level like bodywork, herbalist, acupuncture etc… In my groups I talk a lot about self-care - each month we go over how each person has taken care of themselves and the wins: benefits in doing this and the cost if they have not… After a group breathe I also talk about self-care and suggest if anything comes up in the next few days to call me. Who do you have sessions with? Early on this year I committed to doing the GTT : Stan Grof Transpersonal Training -Holotropic Breathwork. I had two amazing healing weeks at the Joshua Retreat centre in California. I learnt much as well as a lot of deep healing from this beautiful work. I like to have a smorgasboard to offer clients and have found many styles of breathwork supportive on my own healing journey. One that comes to mind was a re-birth in Mexico in a big birthing pool – wow that will stay with me for ever! I have a GTT facilitator in Sydney with whom I have holotropic sessions, both group and individual. I use different people and styles of Breathwork depending on where I’m at. I have 4 day retreats with Breathwork coming up in Queensland and Tasmaina. I do love the group work as time just for me to learn and be filled up. I’ll be going to America again soon for more GTT it’s nice to be part of that community. What stood out for me most in my last GTT was the open heart of the community yet the boundaries each held in the group/community, I had not experienced this before to this level. Do you rebirth yourself? I do, I have always done that over the years, especially with the amount of trauma held in my body. If it’s something that’s deep or my body is in a lot of pain, then I know I need support and it is nice to have that. I am aware of my breath daily, literally breathwork has changed my life. I do believe I would not be here living in this body if not for breathwork. How often do you have sessions? I like to mix it up a bit, for example I just spent a day with Brene Brown, she studied vulnerability and shame for 8 years, and then I just booked into Mindfulness with Gay Hendricks, that’s a whole weekend I’m doing with him. I either do a whole weekend or I do a breathwork session, every fortnight. I have a counselling session which is counselling as well as supervision, and at the moment I’m doing Art Therapy 2 hours per week. Part of the HTT is also support and supervision. I receive continuous supervision and attend professional development workshops and retreats. I attend meditation courses, and learn from the preparation of courses and conference presentation. Who did you train with? I trained with Jonine Lee, Core Connection Breathwork, I also became a group facilitator and an Inner Child facilitator with Jonine.

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Every second year I go to the IBF (International Breathwork Foundation) conference, I just came back from India. In India I visited and stayed at the Babaji Ashram – an amazing beautiful experience. At the Ashram in Babaji’s cave I felt the presence of Babaji and the Divine mother, I did not expect that! I definitely have different respect now, a beautiful experience… Do you have any tips you could share about building a rebirthing business?

I don’t advertise much, I’ve tried it a few times but never really found it worthwhile, for me it’s definitely word of mouth, even with people from other states that come to my retreats and workshops.

I recently got a good eBook just $20 I now recommend to Participants of the Lottelife practitioner course – great info’ The Secrets of Spiritual Marketing A Complete Guide for Natural Therapists to Making Money Doing What they Love’ by Lawrence Ellyard Founder of the International Institute for Complementary Therapists

At the beginning I learnt a lot from attending Workshops, I assisted many times and didn’t get paid for it, but I learned a lot, as long as it’s with people whose work I like (that walk their talk). That has worked really well for me.

I think it is helpful to have some order in your business, boring as it is I need to have order and systems in place and it makes all the difference, I have learnt the hard way by not having that. Keep up the business side, keep your bookwork up to date, weekly or monthly, don’t leave it till the end of the year, I think it gets messy and ends up costing more energy.

I have never used credit cards, Clients either transfer or bring cheque or cash, it’s worked because that is just how it is, I think it works because I’m clear, with Credit cards there is another outlay. Some people would say you might get more clients, again I would say come back to what you want and then make it happen. Also I can only fit so many clients in and what I am doing is working.

There are really good accounting systems now that don’t cost much, about $10 per month, there is a new one I’m trying, Fresh Books, you get a month free trial, that has helped me. The same with Invoice2go.

Get an accountant that understands your business, and that is open to what you are doing. Does not have to be expensive, I pay no more than $300 to get my tax done.

With payment, I think in order to have a good business as with most things in life – it comes back to your core values around money, If you don’t value yourself, again just from my experience you are going to attract victims, we all have a victim part I believe, ( well so far I have not meet any one that had all their needs meet in childhood) but I want to attract people where the adult is willing to take care of the victim part. I would say be clear about what clients you want to attract because that is likely what you are going to get. Surprises of course in between for one’s learning…

If an individual has little income I offer a payment plan and as long as they are committed, I will offer some of my time for free or workshops at less cost (I see this as giving back to the community)

Stay up with the latest technology, so for me iPhone and laptop because it is the way the world’s going. The younger generation, I’m finding, are really open, they have been wired differently and they are all into technology so if I’m not, I’m likely to be losing out on working with the next generation.

Start the year, this has made such a difference for me, by committing to being clear about what you want to happen in that year as far as clientele, finances and how it all fits into your personal life. I don’t know anything better than a vision board, that’s what I find works, where attention goes energy goes.

I find it important to be involved in the community, that is why I go to workshops and I’m really pleased about the Grof community, and in the past, working by myself I have felt a bit lonely.

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If you can start off doing it from home, then do so, people might think that is not ideal but you can end up with a lot of outlay from the start, when you are not getting much in. Once your clientele has built, it is likely more options will come to you.

Look at mentors, look at elders, people you can see they walk their talk and learn… That’s another thing I think is important is to keep up with all the latest, there is so much research now on the mind,

mindfulness, psychic work, body work, I find that it is food for my soul. For my business it’s almost a must, it also keeps it interesting. Be enthusiastic, keep feeding yourself.

What role (if any) does Internet and Social Media play in building and/or maintaining your rebirthing business? Being dyslexic and English being my second language, Social Media/Internet hasn’t been easy for me, but I’ve known it was important. I’ve just sat on my bottom and kept doing what I do to learn how and asked for support when needed. I would absolutely recommend to people to get up a website. Facebook is good too because it doesn’t feel like work then, it’s kind of playing for most people. I put little quotes on, I’m out there being seen, I feel that people like that, people respond. I have clients come to me through the webpage and some through the facebook page, not heaps it’s still mostly word of mouth, I have a guy coming to my group on Monday from facebook. FB doesn’t cost anything – but time, the same with the website it doesn’t have to be expensive. Lotte’s Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/lottelifepage Lotte’s Web Page http://www.lottelife.com.au/ What do you do to avoid burnout? I use the shamanic work and I regularly clear the energy. I’ve just got a new smudge, I love it, from South America, it’s called Palo Santa wood, it works beautifully. Every morning I have a ritual, by my alter, I light a candle and do a prayer, I have on the alter a photo of my inner child, my kids and some special statues that have meaning to me. I also meditate, I’d like to say every day but that would be fibbing, it is my intention to, I’d like to get a bit more disciplined around that and I will make that happen. Another thing that just came to mind with self-care is to every day to do something for yourself; meditation, go out for a walk in nature, gardening, time with friends, just something is important because for me I can get ungrounded doing this work otherwise. My lovely kids are good for grounding as I want to be a present mother – on to it with conscious parenting…I learn so much from being a mother. I have learnt from the Grof training that we can say no if a breather is going somewhere in a session where we don’t feel that we can take them, hold the space. I think that is really honouring them. Knowing this feels like a relief even though I’ve never had to, but just to know that I could. I love Kylea Taylor work and her book- ‘the Ethics of caring, Honouring the web of life in our professional Healing Relationships’ is a great book and I am currently setting up a group of practitioners in the healing professions, getting together monthly to support each other. Kylea explains well in her book how to set this up. Thanks for the opportunity Joanne and for sharing, your time and effort with your newsletter. The world can do with many more Rebirthers- Breathwork practitioners… With love and heart Lotte

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. -Herman Cain

Thank you Lotte for sharing your wonderful pictures of Herakhan

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"Sometimes, all I want is the air that I breathe and to love you"

- The Hollies, circa 1970s Our air

Our life-force

Our lifeline to spirit

To all existence


With the trees and the leaves

And all friends and foes and enemies

Remove the pathway

And exist no more

Remove food, drink, shelter ... and our bodies adjust, as it can, for weeks if not


Yet remove our oxygen - our air, our lifeline - for mere minutes, and see the

scene go dark

Our air

Our precious air

Held tight as our thoughts grow tight

Held still when fear approaches like predator

Held long until aches appear in shoulders, head and limbs

Held ... until we are free again

To breathe

To breathe the air

Freely flowing the life-force through passageways that illumine this body alive

Freely moving energy, like the rivers move water across landscapes of forest

Like blood moves throughout the system, carrying nutrients of vibrancy

Like thoughts that move without judgement bringing purity of thought and


Freely moving the life


To all existence

Our life-line to spirit

Our life-force

Our air

James Anthony Ellis is a writer and filmmaker living in San Diego.

More at www.LegacyProductions.org.

After a divorce and a sea change to northern nsw I am beginning to practise breath work again after having 12 months of rebirthing sessions with a colleague trained by myself and Pauline Win and a 12 month break from practising. I am placed in Alstonville about 30 mins from Byron Bay and Lismore and will be conducting intro workshops and private sessions. I have a couple of trained supporters here to help me out :) Janine Emerson and Ingrid Tonen. So it will be fun and games, can't wait to start the next chapter of Breathwork here in Alstonville, New South Wales. Lots of love, Cacey Blackburn Dip. Couns. Cacey is holding a One day workshop

‘Introduction to Breathwork’

Saturday the 7th of September , 10 am – 5pm. For more info Ph: 0431 598 989 Email: [email protected] Facebook https://www.facebook.com/CounsellingwithCacey

From Leonards Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/LenRaja

‘It is not possible to have relaxation and disease in the same place at the same time. We have to choose one or the other. Every breath induces relaxation. Therefore breathing is the basic healer.’

‘Breathing is the bridge between the visible and the invisible. Our invisible Source is eternal - ever young and healthy. Our visible body is always rejuvenating, purifying, and expressing the Infinite invisible source. Intuitive Breathing constantly merges our body with its Source - its life-giving and life renewing Source’

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1. Where do you live and who do you live with? I live in Hamilton, New Zealand with my husband of seventeen years, who is also a Rebirther.

2. Who or what inspired you to become a Rebirther/Breathworker? My first Rebirther was a psychologist. I had been very sick, physically as well as mentally. From the age of twelve years

old, I had seen many specialists and doctors and had spent many times in hospital. The medical answer was always to

fill me up with more and more drugs so that I was a numbed-off zombie and less of a problem and so that I never got to really ask the question, "What is wrong with me?" Needless to say, I got no help whatsoever from the medical

profession. When I was healed within a few Rebirthing sessions, I was so inspired. It felt like I had been in a prison with no doors,

and then my Rebirther opened the door and showed me how to heal. It wasn't long before I realised that I had found my purpose in this life and that was to become a Rebirther and to perform the miracles for other people just like he (my

psychologist friend) had performed on me, purely by using a simple breathing technique.

3. Who have you done Rebirther/Breathwork training with? My professional training took place in Auckland with a husband-and-wife team Dr Darag and Margaret Rennie who had qualified as Rebirthing trainers with the founder of Rebirthing, Leonard Orr. I have also done training with Leonard Orr

as well as training in Primal therapy with Australian psychiatrist Dr Graeme Farrant and, over the years, I have married the two processes together with enormous success.

My style of Rebirthing is “anything goes” and tends to be a lot more boisterous than passive nose-breathing. Both my husband and I have gained a reputation for being able to

reach hidden depths in people. 4. What benefits have you and your family received from Rebirthing/Breathwork?

I would need to write a book to tell you of all the benefits I have received from Rebirthing. All you need to do is to take a look at my two profile photos to see what it has done for

me. The “before” photo was when I was a fat and very sick thirty-year-old, and the “after” photo was taken this year at age sixty six years young. Rebirthing has changed my life to such a degree that the old “me” is no longer in existence. It has not only benefitted me - I can also see the growth I have done reflected back to me in my children. Rebirthing has

delivered to me everything that I could have ever dreamed of and more. It is my soulmate and my divine tool, and I was very blessed indeed the day that I was introduced to it by

John Priest, to whom I am forever grateful. He not only saved my life but presented me with a life and body that I am so proud to be living and having.

5. Does Rebirthing/Breathwork present any challenges for you and/or your family in daily life? To me, Rebirthing represents truth; I am a truth seeker because I have learned that only the truth can heal us so I never find Rebirthing challenging. I feel that holding on to

underlying lies is much more challenging.

6. How do you use Rebirthing/Breathwork to add value to your life and the lives of your clients? I myself do three full hours breathing a day: one hour dry in the morning, either sitting in the chair or laying on a mattress, plus two one-hour breathes in the spa pool. Because of

this, my body is constantly in a very high state of energy and is vibrating and buzzing constantly all day and every day. This adds enormous consciousness to my everyday life.

Over the years I have worked with thousands of people, both in one-on-one breathwork sessions and in training courses. I have taught seventeen nine-month Rebirther Training courses, multiple five-day workshops, plus numerous two-day seminars in packed halls all over Australia.

I have facilitated many healings of so-called medically incurable illnesses and, along with Leonard Orr, made a nationwide TV documentary (TV1, November 1991) after a Medical doctor who was dying of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma did Rebirthing sessions with me and healed after a few short weeks. This doctor, like me, had tried everything else to heal

himself, but nothing had worked until Rebirthing entered his life and, hey presto, like magic the lymphoma was gone. I have facilitated and witnessed many such miracles over the

thirty-five years, using this process that I can only describe as a gift from God.

7. Your 60 second plug for Rebirthing/Breathwork is ……………………………………………… In promotion of Rebirthing, I would say that if you are looking for change and looking for a miracle you will not have to look any further than this profound and dynamic breathing

technique known as Rebirthing. It goes beyond anything that you have ever tried, or will ever try. It is humanity’s answer to all their prayers and, even after thirty five years of using it on myself and others, its power still blows me away and never ceases to amaze me.

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8. Your dreams and vision for your future and the future of Rebirthing/ Breathwork are…………. My dreams and visions for the future of Rebirthing are, first and foremost, that it needs to be made part of

the medical training curriculum, offered in hospitals and prisons, and taught to children in schools and in the psychology departments in universities. Politicians desperately need to do it. It needs to be practiced by

managers and staff of companies large and small. It also needs to be taken to Hollywood and offered to movie stars to help sort out their lives out for the better, especially ailing stars such as Michael J Fox. Michael

Jackson, Elizabeth Taylor, Whitney Houston and too many young singers and actors have needlessly lost their

lives, because not one of them was fortunate enough like me or one of my colleagues to say “Hey this is how you can heal yourself and your life - JUST LAY BACK AND BREATHE!!!!”

9. What is the element you are most comfortable with and how does this manifest in your life? I am comfortable with all four of the primal elements. EARTH – As part of my morning ritual I practice the The Tibetan 5 rites of regeneration and rejuvenation and exercise for an hour most days, in which I include

weights plus I skip rope 1000 turns a day. Also, I live on a raw vegan diet and I fast every day from after

lunch until the next morning. I also do home colonic irrigation on a regular basis. WATER - I bathe in hot water for an hour twice a day. I have the water nice and hot, even over 41degC (106 Fahrenheit) to sweat

out toxins from my body. AIR - as I have mentioned before, I breathe for an hour, three times a day, every day, to keep my energy up and clean. FIRE - I sit by fire (an open flame) for at least an hour a day. I always

find that the fire intensifies the vibrating and buzzing in my body.

10. What is your understanding & opinion of Leonard’s hypothesis of Physical Immortality and its antithesis - the death urge and EEP?

I see myself as an immortal yogi, and physical immortality is the only thing that makes total sense to me. Why else would we keep coming back and reincarnating if it wasn't to learn how NOT to die and evolve as

immortal beings? I have a somewhat different point of view of the death urge to that of Leonard Orr. I see

the death urge as my friend, because without it we could not rid ourselves of our old worn-out and no longer needed fragments of ourselves. Immortal yogis will all tell you, ”I die every day.” A lesser-known form of

dying - repeatedly releasing the body but staying in it - has enormous benefits for both youthing and our spiritual and physical evolution.

The “unconscious death urge” pushes up all that is unlike life, so that we can let it go and our bodies can be rejuvenated and renewed, and this is how we get death working for us instead of against us. It is when we

refuse to allow the unconscious death urge to do its right work, and when we keep riding over the top, that

our bodies rot from under us. I often say to David “It's okay, Darling, I'm just going through another death”, and at other times, he says the same to me. We just accept the death urge as something that is assisting us

along our evolutionary path. GOD BLESS THE DEATH URGE!

11. What is your favourite quote from a book/person/poem/etc you admire? This is one of my favourite quotes, by Osho:

“Unless you love the body and unless you understand the body you cannot grow spiritually. The body is

the temple of the spirit”

12. a one paragraph testimonial from a client about your work with them Lastly, the following testimonial was made by one of our past students, and a present client, our dear friend

Kerry Harper: “Actually there are no words or lists or anything that could explain what Rebirthing has done for me

but it has given me ME and because I am limitless I can not be measured and nor can Rebirthing” Blessings in Truth Simplicity and Love

Pauline McNab www.rebirthing.co.nz

Breathe on Me

Oh breathe on me breath of God Fill me with life anew That I may love as thou doest love And do what thou wouldst do

Oh breathe on me breath of God Until my heart is pure Until with thee I have one will To do and to endure

Oh breathe on me breath of God Till I am wholy thine Until this earthly part of me Glows with thy fire divine

Oh breathe on me breath of God So shall I never die But live with thee the perfect life Of thine eternity The best thing, (as far as I can see) about being raised a catholic was learning this song…. I like Ruby Hunter’s version in the movie ‘One Night the Moon’ nne

Page 10: Bob Frissell - Rebirthing-Breathwork.com 11 - Its Elemental Air 2013.pdf · How did you come to be a rebirther? When I had my first born, Isaac, 20 years ago, I got cancer just 6

Our Dhunni Experiment How to build a comfortable, inexpensive Winter Dhunni. We live full time in our dhunni. We have an open fire in the bedroom and a wood burner with glass door in

the lounge. The kitchen, office and bathroom with shower and bath is in the caravan. The whole lounge

and bedroom is actually what’s called in Australia a “hard awning” or “mining camp awning” Very often seen

in caravan parks attached to caravans that are permanently parked as holiday homes. Now for the

inexpensive part – these hard awnings are available on ebay or in camping/caravan magazines at very low

prices. A 20 foot long x 10 foot wide one can be as low as $1000 or even cheaper. Ours is 33 feet. Peter

has added to it and changed the glass sliding door to the centre – usually the door is at the end. We have

the wood burner there now. The hard awning is attached by a c-channelling system which would come with

the awning. This channelling system could be attached to almost anything – for example your shed, back of

the house, or anywhere you can get a stable attachment. It is removable at any time because it comes in

sections of insulated sandwich panel, roof and flooring.

You put it up, put an open fire in and whamo you have an all weather dhunni, which, if you are renting or

moving around, you can take with you. The photos really don’t do justice to the fabulous job Peter has

done. We are so comfortable – can watch a bit of TV, DVD, have the glass door open or closed and sleep

with the open fire. We have painted the inside and put beautiful tiles on the floor, but all this fuss is

unnecessary for a simple dhunni which can be easily erected and have spiritual purification almost


To prevent smoke inhalation from our open fire, Pete has put in a long chimney, but any kind of open

outdoor fire would do the trick as long as you put some form of chimney, ventilation. Pete’s in the process

of putting a beautiful big roof over our entire caravan/annex to provide cooling and to collect more rain

water for our 46000 litre tanks. We have the American barn roof but this will double the collection

capacity. He is also in the process of building the “Bogan solar heated” hot water. Plastic piping tightly

coiled on the roof which heats major amounts of water for bathing in a glorious climate like ours. You

could also do the same on the roof of the hard awning and put a bath tub in for water purification. . Even

in the middle of winter the sun here in NSW is very strong. The sunrise and sunsets here have to be seen

to be believed. The night sky is completely without light pollution so every star is visible. It’s amazing.

There are no neighbours, no street lights and no noise. It’s so silent except for birds and other wildlife –

kangaroos, wallabies, echidnas, emus, brumbies, deer, possums, beautiful parrots and galahs. We are

completely surrounded by National Parks and a river on our property. It’s paradise.

In love and friendship

Pauline Win & Peter Bell We plan to live forever – So far So good.


Have invited Elvi & Leonard in November 2014 – He has replied “It’s possible.” The Physical Immortality

Centre will be ready by then for a Physical Immortality Purification Retreat with Fire, Water, Earth, Air

and Leonard.

Page 11: Bob Frissell - Rebirthing-Breathwork.com 11 - Its Elemental Air 2013.pdf · How did you come to be a rebirther? When I had my first born, Isaac, 20 years ago, I got cancer just 6

Here is my filling of the bucket at this time...

o Remain present in the now moment with gratitude

o Enjoy time with those I love

o Continue bringing the understanding of physical

immortality philosophy to all humanity

o Meet others who are living, speaking and sharing

physical immortality philosophy

o Share my love of writing and reading

o Sing and dance

o Write

o Be involved in creating an Immortality CD

o Connect with nature, the earth and people in many

parts of the world

o Be involved in creating movies on physical

immortality philosophy http://www.lulu.com/shop/janni-lloyd/the-fun-way-of-physical-immortality-philosophy/paperback/product-20315922.html

Mother Brings Baby Back to Life With Two Hours of Loving Cuddles After Doctors Pronounce Him Dead It was a final chance to say goodbye for grieving mother Kate Ogg after doctors gave up hope of saving her premature baby. She tearfully told her lifeless son - born at 27 weeks weighing 2lb - how much she loved him and cuddled him tightly, not wanting to let him go. Although little Jamie's twin sister Emily had been delivered successfully, doctors had given Mrs Ogg the news all mothers dread - that after 20 minutes of battling to get her son to breathe, they had declared him dead. Having given up on a miracle, Mrs Ogg unwrapped the baby from his blanket and held him against her skin. And then an extraordinary thing happened. After two hours of being hugged, touched and spoken to by his mother, the little boy began showing signs of life. At first, it was just a gasp for air that was dismissed by doctors as a reflex action. But then the startled mother fed him a little breast milk on her finger and he started breathing normally. 'I thought, "Oh my God, what's going on",' said Mrs Ogg. 'A short time later he opened his eyes. It was a miracle. Then he held out his hand and grabbed my finger. 'He opened his eyes and moved his head from side to side. The doctor kept shaking his head saying, "I don't believe it, I don't believe it".' The Australian mother spoke publicly for the first time yesterday to highlight the importance of skin-on-skin care for sick babies, which is being used at an increasing number of British hospitals. In most cases, babies are rushed off to intensive care if there is a serious problem during the birth. But the 'kangaroo care' technique, named after the way kangaroos hold their young in a pouch next to their bodies, allows the mother to act as a human incubator to keep babies warm, stimulated and fed. Pre-term and low birth-weight babies treated with the skin-to-skin method have also been shown to have lower infection rates, less severe illness, improved sleep patterns and are at reduced risk of hypothermia. Mrs Ogg and her husband David told how doctors gave up on saving their son after a three-hour labour in a Sydney hospital in March. The doctor asked me had we chosen a name for our son,' said Mrs Ogg. 'I said, "Jamie", and he turned around with my son already wrapped up and said, "We've lost Jamie, he didn't make it, sorry". 'It was the worse feeling I've ever felt. I unwrapped Jamie from his blanket. He was very limp. 'I took my gown off and arranged him on my chest with his head over my arm and just held him. He wasn't moving at all and we just started talking to him. 'We told him what his name was and that he had a sister. We told him the things we wanted to do with him throughout his life.' Jamie occasionally gasped for air, which doctors said was a reflex action. But then I felt him move as if he were startled, then he started gasping more and more regularly. 'I gave Jamie some breast milk on my finger, he took it and started regular breathing.' Mrs Ogg held her son, now five months old and fully recovered, as she spoke on the Australian TV show Today Tonight. Her husband added: 'Luckily I've got a very strong, very smart wife. 'She instinctively did what she did. If she hadn't done that, Jamie probably wouldn't be here.'

Janni Lloyd

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Rebirthing a Horse? We have a little horse called TP. She has been with us a few years. TP has always been a nervous horse, keen to please but nervous. When ridden she was always in a rush and it took a long time for her to relax. Sometimes, if taken too far over her edge she would lose the plot altogether and try to ditch me, which luckily she is not too good at otherwise I probably would have given up riding by now. I noticed that sometimes when standing still while being ridden she would go into a rapid breathing cycle. One day I decided to experiment with this. I got on her back and just sat there. After a minute or so she started breathing rapidly, the cycle lasted a few minutes and I felt her relax a little, then another rapid breathing cycle came up, then a little more relaxation then another, then she began to chew ( a sign of surrender in horses) I got off her back and let her go back to her mates. The next time I got on her I noticed that she was breathing into her belly and realized (with some sadness) that I had never felt her breathe in her belly while on her back before. She began chewing straight away but if I moved on her back she would return to her mistrust of me and shorten her breath considerably. I noticed that I was holding some tension too (those attempted ditchings) and that if I relaxed completely it was much easier for her to relax. The tensions in her body continued to surface, I sat there breathing with her until the next level of relaxation was felt then I would get off. For the next 6 rides we didn’t move a step. I haven’t had much opportunity to work with her lately because the weather has been wild, but I had a nice confirmation of the work I have done with her when my daughter came to visit recently. Cherrie hadn’t seen TP for about 6 months, she visited her in her paddock and noticed the difference in her straight away, she said ‘what has happened to TP? She is not nervous anymore’….

Horses Healing Humans? I saw a program on TV recently about a program in Victoria called ‘Horses for Hope’. It is based on the work of Monty Roberts a famous American ‘Natural Horseman’ who discovered a way of getting horses to choose to be with a human rather than being coerced, he calls it ‘Join Up’. ‘Horses for Hope’ takes the ‘Join Up’ method and applies it to traumatized humans, the program managers realised that horses will only ‘Join Up’ with humans who are coming from their centre. They use horses to teach people how to relax and operate from their centre rather than their anxieties. The horse acts as an indicator to let them know when they are getting it right. It is quite beautiful to watch, especially if you like horses. I found the most extraordinary part of the work they are doing was with groups of prisoners preparing for release from prison. They ask a group of four prisoners to ‘act as one’ and take a horse around an obstacle course. The horse will only stay with them while they are being and acting in unison, amazing. Goodness knows why they only do that sort of work with prisoners, it seems to me most of us could do with a bit of that sort of training ……..

http://www.mediafire.com/?lowd25zoxrbw6ja If you are interested you can download the full program (166mb) here http://www.mediafire.com/?e0jud89myj622oa Or just the bit with the prisoners (37mb) here

Joanne Eisemann

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[email protected] the next edition of IT’S ELEMENTAL will be FIRE, please share your stories, ideas, events and pictures by emailing them to

[email protected] by November 16th 2013 Many thanks to all those who contributed to this AIR edition

