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  • Baseball

    Equipment: Different balls (tennis,

    football,baseball), some hoops, a

    baseball bat and a racket.

    Space: a playground.

    Number of participants: Two teams

    (9 kids in each team)

    Duration: Until we decide to

    change intensity.

    Task description:

    The first team has to hit the ball and the other has to catch the ball and

    avoid them to get to the finish line.


    The thrower has 4 chances, the batter has 3.

    If the opponent catch the ball before it falls, you must change the position.

    Alternatives: Intensity 1: Playing with a footballs ball and you hit the ball with your foot.

    Intensity 2: Playing with a tennis ball and you hit the ball with a racket. Intensity 3: Playing with a baseballs ball and you hit the ball with a baseball bat.

    Graphic explanation:


    Thrower Lanzador. Batter Bateador. Baseball bat Bate.

  • Tiro a los botes Materiales: El propio cuerpo, botes de plstico de diferentes colores y un frisby.

    Espacio: Unos 4m por participante

    N de participantes: 5-10 Duracin: 10 Min Descripcin del juego: Organizamos una fila de objetos (botes de plstico de diferentes colores) en el fondo del espacio y en grupos de cinco nos situamos al otro lado con un frisby cada grupo. La finalidad del juego es derribar los objetos mediante el lanzamiento del frisby. Los objetos derribados son recogidos por quien los ha tirado y se llevan al sitio desde donde se lanza el frisby. Gana quien ms objetos tiene en su posesin al final. Solo se puede avanzar para lanzar hasta la mitad del campo. Normas/reglas: -No se puede sobrepasar la distancia mnima. -No se puede interferir en los dems participantes. Variantes: -Aumentar la distancia entre el jugador los objetos. -Aumentar la distancia entre los objetos. Dibujo explicativo:

  • Big ball

    Equipment: Different balls of

    different shapes.

    Space: a playground.

    Number of participants: Two teams

    (10 kids per team)

    Duration: Until they make the big

    ball leave.

    Task description:

    Both team fight to chase out a big ball. They will be using balls from

    different shapes and they have to hit the big ball using them.

    The winner will be the team that gets the ball to the opponent teams path. Rules:

    You cant keep all the balls to yourself. Both team must have balls. Alternatives: Intensity 1: Playing with the smallest balls.

    Intensity 2: Playing with normal shaped balls.

    Graphic explanation:


    Shape Tamao. To chase out Echar. Path Campo.

  • Anger with hoops Equipment: A ball Number of participants: All the class Task description: All participants will be in a limited space, which will be the hula hoop, except the other team. At first one person will try to catch the ball, and everytime your team is getting the aim, it will be more difficult. Two or three people now will try to waste your time. The team will have to pass the ball between them until ten touches. However, the boy or the girl who will be on the center of the game will have to try to catch the ball to save time. The challenge of this game is to take the least time possible, but of course, the enemy always going to make the game more difficult. Rules: Not to go beyond your limit. Alternatives: You can not pass the ball twice in a row to the same person. Graphic explanation:

  • Colpbol

    Materiales: pelota gigante Espacio: campo de ftbol

    N de participantes: 20-24 Duracin: 10-12 minutos

    Descripcin del juego: Se divide la clase en dos grandes grupos y con un mximo de dos toques se intenta marcar e la portera del equipo contratio,el equipo que ms goles marque es el ganador. Normas/reglas: Si se le da ms de dos toques ser falta y la pelota pasar al equipo contrario. Variantes: Segn como se desenvuelvan jugando se cambiar el tamao de la pelota.

    Dibujo explicativo:

  • INDIAN FOOTBALL MATERIAL: 1 ball (another for the alternative)

    ORGANIZATION: Groups of 6-10 children. Depending of the number of children that are participating in the lesson.

    PART OF THE SESSION: Main part LENGTH OF THE GAME: 7 minutes DEVELOPMENT: Once the groups are done, they make a circle, opening their legs and having the each foot in contact with the feet of the next group mate.

    The objective of the game is to send the ball between the legs of one group mate, hitting the ball with the hands (hit, not catching)

    If someone scores the ball under our legs, we loose one hand. If some scores again, we turn with our back, and recover the hand that we

    loosed before. If someone scores another time, we recover the original position that we had

    with our two hands. Each time that we score the ball to someone, we get one point. The objective is to get the maximum number of points.

  • Hockey Cancha Compartida

    Equipment: Hockey Stick Space: 91x54 metres

    Number of participants: 1 Duration: Unbound

    Task description: Hockey is a family of sports in which two teams play against each other by trying to maneuver a ball or a puck into the opponent's goal using a hockey stick. In many areas, one sport (typically field hockey or ice hockey is generally referred to simply as hockey. Games played with curved sticks and a ball can be found in the histories of many cultures. In Egypt, 4000-year-old carvings feature teams with sticks and a projectile, hurling dates to before 1272 BC in Ireland, and there is a depiction from approximately 600 BC because it was played with a horn or horn-like stick In Inner Mongolia, the Daur people have been playing beikou, a game similar to modern field hockey, for about 1,000 years.

    Most evidence of hockey-like games during the Middle Ages is found in legislation concerning sports and games. The Galway Statute enacted in Ireland in 1527 banned certain types of ball games, including games using hooked sticks

    Rules: Although floor hockey is made up of several different codes, there are some basic rules which are typically followed regardless of code.

    With the exception of gym ringette, games start with a face-off, where a player from each team have an equal chance to gain possession. The face-off is also used to resume play after goals, and to start each period

    A goal is scored when the entire puck or ball crosses the plane of the goal line, unless it is intentionally kicked in by the attacking team.

    The team with the most goals at the end of the game is declared the winner. If the game is tied, the games usually proceed into overtime in order to determine a winner. Overtime rules vary, but typically include extra time and/or penalty shootout.

    Penalties for illegal actions are enforced. A player committing a major infraction is required to sit out of the game for two minutes, resulting a power play, but a minor infraction may result in a free hit. Penalties are typically given for the following actions:

    Tripping Using the body or stick to intentionally cause a player to fall Hooking Using the curved end of the stick to impede a players forward

  • progress by pulling him or her back Slashing Using the stick to hit an opposing player's body or nothing Interference Using the body to move a player from his current position

    on the floor or preventing him from playing the ball or puck High Sticking Allowing the curved end of the stick to come above your

    waist Pushing Down Using the stick to push an opponent down

    Alternatives: Ice, Field and Roller

    Graphic explanation:

    Vocabulary: Hockey sobre patines en linea, penalty corner, puck, rondelle

  • Indiaca

    Equipment: A handmade ball called

    indiaca and a net.

    Space: a playground.

    Number of participants: Played in


    Duration: until a team reaches 21

    points or in 25 minutes.

    Task description:

    There are two different couples who throw the indiaca to the other couple

    only using both hands.


    The ball cant touch the net or the ground. You cant touch the indiaca twice. Alternatives: Intensity 1: A boy and a girl play together against another girl and boy.

    Intensity 2: Boy vs boy and girl vs girl (simple game).

    Intensity 3: Boy vs girl.

    Graphic explanation:



    Net red. Couple Pareja. To reach Alcanzar.

  • Korfbal Materiales: Cesta y Baln de ftbol Espacio: 75m N de participantes: Dos equipos de 8 Duracin: 10 Min Descripcin del juego: Dos hombres y dos mujeres de cada equipo estn en una zona, y los dems estn en la otra zona. Durante el partido no se pueden cambiar de zona. Los hombres y las mujeres juegan uno al lado del otro, pero los duelos son hombre a hombre y mujer a mujer. Sin embargo, se permite a un jugador para cambiar entre los oponentes que l/ella est defendiendo, siempre que sean del mismo gnero. Al comienzo de un partido un equipo elige la mitad de la cancha. Que la mitad ser su zona de defensa, con "su" canasta en ella. Los jugadores anotan lanzando la bola a travs de la canasta de los oponentes. Despus de dos goles, los atacantes se convierten en defensores y los defensores en atacantes, en ambos equipos. Entre esos cambios de zona, los atacantes no pueden poner un pie en su zona de defensa o viceversa. Normas/reglas: -Los equipos deben ser mixtos. -Solo podemos lanzar al korf cuando un jugador se desmarca de su defensor. Un atacante es defendido cuando un defensor est: o ms a cerca del korf que el atacante; o a la distancia de un brazo del atacante; o intentando tapar el tiro con el brazo. Un tiro realizado en posicin de defendido ser una falta a favor del equipo defensor. Variantes: -Reducir los jugadores para aumentar la intensidad. Dibujo explicativo:

  • Rugby tag

    Equipment: Rugbys ball and bib overalls.

    Space: a playground or a field.

    Number of participants: The whole

    class divided in two teams.

    Duration: Until we change the


    Task description:

    One team has the ball and the other one has to avoid them to get to the

    finish line.


    You must touch the person who has the ball.

    You cant run if youre holding the ball. Alternatives:

    Intensity 1: You can throw the ball forward but you still cant run. Intensity 2: You can NOT throw the ball forward, you must hurl it

    backward and the person who has the ball DO CAN move.

    Intensity 3: If we have the chance to use a field, each team could tackle the

    person who has the ball.

    Graphic explanation:


    Bib overalls Petos. To tackle Placar. To hurl Lanzar.

  • Ultimate Materiales: Frisbee de plstico Espacio: 75m N de participantes: dos equipos de 7 jugadores (o 5 en la modalidad de playa)

    Duracin: 14 Min (dividido en dos partes de 7min)

    Descripcin del juego: El objetivo es obtener puntos capturando el disco en una zona de anotacin situada al lado opuesto del campo, de modo similar al ftbol americano. Los jugadores no pueden caminar ni correr mientras tienen el disco en las manos. El ultimate se distingue por su principio de "espritu de juego" (o principio del juego justo), por su alto rendimiento y alegra. Se podra decir que rene elementos del ftbol, del baloncesto y del ftbol americano, sustituyendo el baln por un disco volador (frisbee). Otra de sus caractersticas ms llamativas es la ausencia de un rbitro, el deporte se regula por el espritu deportivo de cada jugador y equipo. Normas/reglas: -Un punto es anotado cuando se recibe un pase dentro del rea de anotacin y hay contacto de cualquier parte del cuerpo dentro del rea que se est atacando. -El Disco Volador o "Frisbee" es movido nicamente mediante pases o lanzamientos, pues al tirador no le es permitido caminar o correr con el disco. -Cuando un pase es incompleto, interceptado, bloqueado, tirado al suelo o hace contacto con una de las reas fuera del terreno hay un cambio de posesin. -Para iniciar un partido uno de los dos equipos pone el disco en juego, lanzndolo lo ms lejos posible, sin que ste abandone los lmites del campo. -Los equipos deben ser mixtos. Variantes: -Reducir el tamao de la pista. Dibujo explicativo:

  • Futbol tenis Materiales: Red de bdminton, baln de vley. Espacio: Pista de badminton N de participantes: 4 vs 4 Duracin: Descripcin del juego: El futbol-tenis es un juego o ejercicio deportivo que combina aspectos de los dos deportes que forman su nombre. Se juega con una pelota de ftbol, utilizando cualquier parte del cuerpo a excepcin de las manos y brazos, al igual que en el ftbol. El objetivo es pasar el baln al rea contraria hasta que el rival no pueda devolverlo correctamente, obteniendo un punto favorable. El baln puede dar un bote en el campo contrario antes de tocarlo un jugador. Normas/reglas: La pelota debe votar antes de sacar El saque debe ser cruzado Si la pelota toca la red el punto va para el otro equipo Si la pelota sale de los lmites punto para el otro equipo Si la pelota pega en la linea el punto sigue normalmente Si el equipo que saca marca sigue sacando Variantes: Aadir 2 balones. Dibujo explicativo:

  • Matar en parejas

    Materiales: pelota Espacio: similar a campo de ftbol

    N de participantes: 20-24 Duracin: 10-11 minutos

    Descripcin del juego: Se divide la clase en dos grandes grupos, cada participante deber de buscar una pareja, y debern de darle con la pelota a las parejas del otro equipo, el equipo que se quede con ms parejas ser el ganador. Normas/reglas: las parejas no se pueden separar, sino el baln pasar al otro equipo. Variantes: si no consiguen matar, se aadirn ms pelotas.

    Dibujo explicativo:

  • Sitting Volleyball Equipment: One net, one ball the volleyball.

    Space: volleyball pitch or any field.

    Number of participants: five people in two teams.

    Duration: 15-20 min.

    Task description: It is divided into two groups of five. The game is like volleyball, but players must remain seated. They can use any part of your body and the team that reach 20 points wins the game. Rules: The teams must be mixed and the ball has to be touched by a girl at least once. Graphic explanation:

  • Toallaball: - El juego consiste en coger el baln lanzado por el equipo rival a travs de una toalla y lanzarlo hasta que a algn equipo se le caiga, al equipo que ha conseguido que sus contrincantes no cojan el baln se les sumar 1 punto. Cada equipo tendr 2 miembros. Para hacerlo ms fcil se utilizar una pelota que sea ms fcil de atrapar

  • Ultimate man ball

    Equipment: different kinds of balls and


    Space: a playground (with sand

    or snow).

    Number of participants: 10 kids (2

    teams of 5 kids)

    Duration: until a team reaches

    10 points

    Task description:

    There are two teams of five kids in each part of the net. A kid throws the

    ball to the other side and the other team has to catch the ball before it

    touches the ground.


    The ball cant touch the net. You get 3 steps to either shoot, pass, or give up because the ball just hit a

    part of your body.


    Intensity 1: Using the foam rubbers ball. Intensity 2: Using the volleyballs ball. Intensity 3: Using the pilates ball. Intensity 4: Using the medicines ball.

    Graphic explanation:



    Net red. Foam rubber Goma-espuma. Medicines ball Baln medicinal.

  • Caballeria

    Materiales: Ninguno Espacio: Un campo de futbol

    N de participantes:20-24 Duracin: 10 min

    Descripcin del juego: Un chico se pone en el medio del campo de futbol y todos los dems compaeros puestos ya en el otro extremo de el patio tienen que correr hacia el otro lado del patio mientras que el chico de el medio tiene que intentar pillarlos y si pilla a alguien deber quedarse en el medio del campo para pillar a los dems y as poco a poco se va dificultando el juego. Normas/reglas: si el alumno se quedase intentando pasar al otro lado ms de 2 min quedar eliminado y tendr que quedar con el otro chico pillando a los dems. Variantes: Si vemos que tiene mucha dificultad el solo para atrapar a los compaeros se dificultara poniendo a ms alumnos en el medio.

    Dibujo explicativo:

  • Persecucin Nombre del juego: El comecocos

    Materiales: petos o conos. N de participantes: tantos como personas haya Descripcin del juego: Si eres t mismo el que lleva el peto, debes pillar tantas personas como puedas, sin salirte de la lnea del campo. Normas/reglas: No puedes salirte del campo, quedaras eliminado. Tienes que agarrar y unirte a las personas que has pillado. Variantes: Algunas personas que puedan salvar a aquellas que han sido pilladas. Dibujo explicativo:

  • Handkerchief. Equipment: a Handkerchief.

    Space: any field.

    Number of participants: All the class.

    Duration: 15-20 min.

    Task description: Two teams, no matter the number of people. We will assign an animal to each person, and when we say the name of the animal, the student of both teams (that have that animal) will have to run and take the handkerchief and go back to his/her place. Rules: For more punctuation, players will have to go through the handkerchief imitating the animal they have. A student can't run to take the handkerchief if we don't say their animal. Graphic explanation:

  • Frozen

    Equipment: You dont need any equipment Space: The playground

    Number of participants: The whole class Duration: 5-10 minutes

    Task description:

    There are two different teams, one who catches and the other has to avoid to get caught.


    You must catch, not just touch the person.


    Intensity 1: If one person gets caught, he cant move until another person of his team touches him.

    Intensity 2: If one person gets caught, he has to open his legs and another person of his team

    must pass through them.

    Intensity 3: If one person gets caught, he has to get down and another person of his team has

    to jump over him.

    Graphic explanation:


    Whole class Clase entera. To get caught Ser pillado. To get down Agacharse.

  • Persecucin

    Nombre del juego: La fruta prohibida

    Materiales: petos

    N de participantes: dependiendo de las personas que haya

    Descripcin del juego: Se trata de elegir una fruta prohibida que no debe decir nadie. Tienes que pillar a uno, que no diga alguna otra fruta o, que haya dicho la misma que t.


    Para salvar al que est pillado debes meterte por debajo de sus piernas sin que te pillen.

    Debes dar 5 segundos libres para que les d tiempo a salir corriendo, antes de que los pilles.

    Variante: Se pondrn una o dos personas que pillen, y se har ms grande o pequeo el espacio en el que se encuentren.

    Dibujo explicativo:

  • Mancha-Puente Materiales: Ninguno Espacio: Similar al de una

    cancha de baloncesto N de participantes: 15 Duracin: 7m en la dificultad

    estndar (sin variantes) Descripcin del juego: El que hace de mancha debe tocar al resto del grupo, el que es tocado debe quedarse parado (''manchado'') con las piernas abiertas, este puede ser liberado si un compaero pasa por debajo del puente. Normas/reglas: Antes de poder liberar a un participante debe haber estado mnimo 5 segundos ''manchado. Variantes: -Aadir ms jugadores que hagan de mancha. -Reducir el espacio disponible.

    Dibujo explicativo:

  • Police battle against thieves Equipment: Handkerchiefs Number of participants: All the class Task description: Each team will be in a different part of the field. Some will be police, other thieves. Each of the participants will carry a handkerchief hooked. On the count of three they will have to steal the handkerchief between them (cops and robbers), and we will decide when the game is over. The aim is to get the maximum number of handkerchiefs as possible of the opposing team. Rules: Start again every time the ball falls. Graphic explanation:

  • Cancha Compartida Nombre del juego: Pollito ingls

    Materiales: N de participantes: unos 8 Descripcin del juego: Uno se la queda y debe contar hasta 3 en la pared, y al darse la vuelta los dems deben haber adelantado, pero no puede verlos moverse Normas/reglas: No se puede hacer trampas Variantes: Quedarse quietos con alguna pose especfica Dibujo explicativo:

  • Relevo

    Materiales: Un palo, cono y aros. Espacio: Patio

    N de participantes: 5 por grupo Duracin: 10 minutos

    Descripcin del juego: Se forman grupos de cuatro personas y se colocan a una cierta distancia cada uno, el primero lleva un objeto hacia el segundo cuando lo coja debe salir corriendo por un circuito que haremos. Normas/reglas: No puede salir a correr hasta que su compaero no le pase el palo y debern de hacer correctamente el circuito. Variantes: Dificultad el terreno con obstculos.

    Dibujo explicativo:

  • Unions game

    Equipment: Some ropes Space: A playground

    Number of participants: The whole class divided in two teams

    Duration: Until everyone gets caught

    Task description:

    A kid has to catch the other kids.


    You cant stop running. Alternatives:

    Intensity 1: If someone gets caught, he has to stop playing.

    Intensity 2: If someone gets caught, he has to help catching.

    Intensity 3: If someone gets caught, he has to tie up the rope on his hand, which joins him

    with another kid that its caught.

    Graphic explanation:


    Caught: Pillado.

    Ropes Cuerdas o pauelos para atar. To tie up Atar. To join Unir.

  • Skip the rope.

    Equipment: A long rope. Space: a playground.

    Number of participants: More than

    2 kids.

    Duration: Until we decide to

    change intensity.

    Task description:

    Two kids hold the end of a rope and move it side to side, while another one

    jumps over it.


    The kid who is jumping cant stop jumping. The rope cant be stepped on. Alternatives: Intensity 1: The rope wont move until the person who has to jump is ready next to the rope.

    Intensity 2: Another person joins and there will be two people jumping on

    the same rope.

    Intensity 3: The rope will move faster.

    Intensity 4: Double rope.

    Graphic explanation:


    Rope Cuerda, comba.

  • Catch with your ball

    Equipment: Space: Open air

    Number of participants: 4 or more

    Duration: 10/15 min

    Task description: Form a circle with the participants and gets a ball in which have to go through all of them in the clockwise direction and after a while gets another and they have to do to be reach, so they can win.

    Rules: The ball must not be stopped so that they can win and should pass through all members without stop by any.

    Alternatives: You can get more balls up the intensity.

  • Football without the ball

    Equipment: Space: Open air

    Number of participants: 6 Duration: 10/15 min

    Task description: Two teams are formed in which one or more of the members need to reach the other side of the field while the challenger caught him, although rings will be divided by the soil and that would be a house

    Rules: If you get caught, you will have to begin in the starting point but you will not be removed.

    Alternatives: Intensity up the rings that are situated on the ground will be by removing.

  • The three corners

    Equipment: Scarf Space: Open air

    Number of participants: 4 Duration: 10/15 min

    Task description: They are three teams of at least 4 members and they are try to catch each other but order triangular. Each team must have a different color, in this case, blue, red and green. The aim of the game is to run away from the color of the team that will try to catch you and your classmates.

    Rules: You should catch only the team that you.

    Alternatives: You can exchange with geometric shapes such as square, Octagon,...

    01 - BASEBALL-KICK AND RUN01B - KICK AND RUN03 - STICK BOWLING04 - TIRO A LOS BOTES05 - BIG BALL06 - ANGER WITH HOOPS07 - COLPBOL08 - INDIAN FOOTBALL09 - HOCKEY10 - INDIACA11 - KORFBALL13 - RUGBY TAG14- ULTIMATE16 - Ftbol Tenis-ficha17 - MATAR EN PAREJAS19 - SITTING VOLLEYBALL20 - toallaball21 - ULTIMATE MANBALL22 - CABALLERA23 - COMECOCOS24 - Handkerchief25 - Frozen26 - FRUTA PROHIBIDA27 - Hens and chickens28 - Manchapuente-ficha29 - Police battle against thieves30 - pollito ingls31 - RELEVO32 - Union's game33 - skip the rope34 - EXTRA GAMES
