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Body Confident eBook

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Body Confident: Secrets To Loving The Body You Were Born WithSimple and easy-to-follow guide to loving your bodyLearn The Secrets To Improving Your Body-Image 7-easy steps You can Follow to Get Results Today Increase Your Confidence with 3 Simple Techniques How to love yourself from the inside out no matter your past You'll Discover How to finally Feel Good about Your Bodyhttp://nickritchielive.com
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    Just a couple of quick words

    I created this book with the intention to add value to those who are on the same

    journey I was on, or who are exploring ways to build on the breakthroughs

    theyve already had, and help any others that they may come who are on a similar

    path. Any income I derive from this book is secondary, and most certainly a latter


    If you decided to buy this book from me Thank you for supporting my work!

    When you decide to support my work it helps me to produce more content like

    this, so I can go onto help many more people. Every book sold gets me one step

    closer to a happier world, where many more people are introduced to the idea

    that happiness around your body doesnt come from changing how you look on

    the outside, but from changing how you think about yourself on the inside. This is

    the primary message Im delivering.

    If you did not buy this book I hope that you get a lot of value from it, and that

    you really enjoy reading and applying it as much as I enjoyed creating it. If it really

    helps you to breakthrough, please consider paying for the book retrospectively by

    buying a physical or electronic copy from http://nickritchielive.com and going on

    to share it with your friends.

    Please feel free to share this book with your friends.


    The quality of our lives are based upon the

    quality of our thoughts. ~Nick Ritchie

    The Body-Image Issue

    Poor body-confidence and body-image is one of the most prevalent stressors in

    the 21st century, yet because many people across society have a rather low body-

    image or a body-image thats linked to their ego (materialism), this issue goes

    relatively unnoticed.

    Body-Image refers to how a person feels about their physical body, and this is

    broken down into how they feel about the level of aesthetics and sexual

    attractiveness they think they possess. Aesthetics encompassing the shape,

    weight and proportions of the body, and sexual attractiveness referring to how

    sexy they think they are (or are not) to the opposite sex (or same sex if one is


    From the moment we are born as a (mostly) clean slate, there are many factors in

    our environment both inside and outside of us that can create poor body-image

    from cultural and social ideals, to past personal experiences along with what

    some say are biological predispositions. Biological predispositions in my opinion,

    are misguided in that we are all predisposed to the elements around us, yet how

    we respond to those elements determines the result we get. We know for a fact,

    that poor nutrition leads to a lack of function in the brain which can result in

    various symptoms such as depression and anxiety, but as with everything we

    experience, the power lies within ourselves to create the changes we want.

    Poor Body-Image is also not something we are born with, therefore it is

    something that is gradually developed over-time. For many people, poor body-


    image is perpetuated through a series of frequent comparisons. Comparing their

    hips to that person, their arms to that person, their waist and legs to that person,

    and their butt and shoulders to that other person do you notice where this is

    going? The more comparisons you make, the worse your body-image becomes.

    Some comparisons were made at a very early age, through a childs impression of

    the world, and thus, tend to be much more distorted and deluded than a

    comparison made as an adult. Sometimes that requires us to dig into our past and

    turn over a new leaf with that memory (so to speak), and other times it doesnt.

    As with everything, the approach to therapy varies depending on the individual.

    History shows us that in many cultures there has existed ideals among society of

    the way the perfect body should look, which the people have always struggled to

    live up to. To show how far reaching these ideals are in our own western culture

    we only need to look around to see how prevalent the emphasis on beauty truly

    is. In fact, a large study was recently completed by the American Psychological

    Association finding that the sexualization of women was contributing to increased

    anxiety associated with body-image.

    In fact, body-image has become such a problem in our western culture that we

    dont even notice it exists; because almost everyone has the same issues! In one

    of the largest international studies on body-image conducted (which spanned

    over 10 countries), 3200 women were interviewed and the researchers found that

    only 2% considered themselves beautiful, and nearly 50% believed they were too


    There are many factors associated with developing a poor body-image, and so

    awareness around what causes it, and how it is perpetuated helps provide us with

    a launching pad to breakthrough it.

    Much of body-image is unconscious, meaning we are not consciously (on the

    surface level) always aware of the thoughts that are running through our minds,

    and as such, The Perfect Body Mindset program is a powerful tool in modifying

    our unconscious thinking habits to create a completely different conscious



    Although in some people, negative body-image can lead to mental illnesses such

    as eating disorders, depression or anorexia, this is not always the case for


    But do keep in mind that men are not exempt from negative body-image; Recent

    research suggests that many men wish to become leaner and more muscular like

    they see on the covers of mens magazine covers, or what they perceived as

    children when playing with action figurines or watching cartoons of muscular

    heroes. In a recent study, western men, compared to their Asian counter-parts,

    wished to gain an additional 30 pounds of muscle mass than they perceived they

    currently had. In a survey completed by Psychology Today, researchers found that

    56% of women and 40% of men were dissatisfied with their overall appearance.

    To the modern western man, it appears as though a link between the amount of

    muscle mass and their level of masculinity has been created, which is in my

    opinion, a false expectation.

    In a recent survey women were asked, what was the first thing they noticed about

    other woman when out with friends, and the majority of the respondents replied,

    How fat she is. Continuing, the researchers found that women had an average

    of 13 negative things to say about themselves each day such as, I hate my

    stomach, I hate my thighs or Im ugly. In an even larger international survey,

    researchers found that 90% of women aged 15 to 64 want to change at least one

    thing about their body, most of all their body weight. So we understand that the

    majority of people are affected in some way by poor body-image, its just that

    because this way of thinking about ourselves is so widely accepted amongst

    society, its difficult for many people to realize they have a problem, or could even

    do something about it if they knew they were struggling.

    Body-Image is so emphasized throughout our culture that even girls as young as

    five have strong ideas about weight, such as fat is bad and skinny is good.

    These perceptions around the body are created so early for most people that we

    tend to accept them as truth, and thus, live our lives according to that truth (or

    world-view). When in actual reality, those perceptions are completely false


    because ideals are subjective, and that means we are living our lives according to

    a false sense of reality, in much the same way that a person with depression

    believes that the world is an unhappy place to live in, when in actual reality, the

    world is what we make of it.

    Body-Image can be measured by comparing yourself to images of what you think

    the ideal body should look like. When making the comparisons, the difference

    between how you perceive your body, and the ideal body is what determines

    the level of dissatisfaction (if any). Researchers have found a link between body

    dissatisfaction and women who smoke cigarettes, along with a discomfort around

    engaging in behaviors associated with intimate relationships, such as being able

    to express their sexuality fully.

    Secrets To Loving The Body

    You Were Born With

    Its no coincidence that some people genuinely appear to feel amazing about their

    bodies, ooze with total confidence and love listening to their own inner voice.

    These people have developed a highly acute sense of awareness around their

    thoughts, and as a result, have learned to redirect the focus of their attention at

    will, onto thoughts that make them feel good, rather than ones that dont.

    How often have you been standing in front of the mirror, or about to go out with

    friends, and found yourself nitpicking body-parts? If you havent, Im sure you

    know others who certainly do, right?

    Perhaps youve been out with friends and reached for that piece of chocolate

    cake, only to remember what a friend said about your body earlier in the evening,

    or maybe you wanted to go to that pool party, but those thoughts in your head

    told you to stay home because you didnt have a bikini that fitted right, right?


    I remember waking up one morning and sleepily making my way into the

    bathroom only to begin brushing my teeth, and as I did, I looked down at my body

    and heard theres something wrong with your arms and I felt that negative

    voice burry me once again in that familiar old rug of doom for the day.

    Know what I mean? Like you just wake up and almost instantly feel bad for no

    reason? You know how you want to feel about your body, but somehow you just

    kept getting pulled back into those old thinking habits?

    The difference between where you are now, and how you think about your body,

    versus how people who successfully love their bodies (and themselves) inside and

    out, is in your focus.

    After I began working with an incredible coach, I discovered that over 70,000

    thoughts are running through every human-beings mind every single day!


    Thats quite a lot of thoughts, dont you think?

    Thats what I thought! Luckily, most of those thoughts are unconscious thoughts.

    Meaning, they are thoughts that run our body, such as the thought to beat your

    heart in your chest, to move your left foot in front of the right while walking, and

    to focus and de-focus your eyes as needed.

    But then theres also many of those thoughts that are constantly popping in and

    out of our conscious awareness. Some of those thoughts are ones that we pay

    attention to, and others are not.

    I used to get caught up in all of those negative thoughts, and I would literally

    revisit them over and over again, replaying them in my mind until I had

    completely tied my body up in knots.

    My stomach was twisted, my chest throbbed painfully, and my head was swelling!

    Or so it felt!

    I would look in the mirror, and those thoughts would distort my reflection to the

    point where I couldnt even see what was in front of me. All that was left standing

    was a twisted deluded version of me. All of my self-perceived imperfections were

    magnified with lethal precision.


    I heard that familiar voice stir up and begin screaming angry hateful thoughts at

    me. Before long I found it difficult to distinguish between voices in my head, and

    the voices outside my head. Both felt equally as real to me.

    Perhaps you can relate on some level to how I used to focus? Maybe you too visit

    negative thoughts repetitively like I used to? Can I assume that as you read these

    words that you believe its time to make a real change to the way you think?

    That youve had enough of feeling this unconfident and poorly about your body?

    That youre tired of hearing the empty promises from gyms, personal trainers,

    infomercial exercise equipment and diet program gurus... And all of those people

    who are selling you on the dream, but living the nightmare?

    What dream?

    That dream that once you get that toned hot body that youll finally feel happy.

    Happy with your body, and yourself in general.

    But if youre anything like me, then youve tried that, and it didnt work.

    Youve realized it didnt work, because feeling good comes from changing the way

    you focus. The way you focus on your thoughts, and whats going on outside of


    And everyone else (including the personal trainers) are waking up to this, just like

    you are now.

    If youre ready to feel really good about your body, and literally retrain your brain,

    then head over to http://nickritchielive.com and check out The Perfect Body

    Mindset program.

    It contains my simple 5-step process to changing the way you think about your

    body, so you can finally love yourself from the inside out.

    Complete with eBook, video and audio programs designed to help you get the

    most from your time, watch at home, read beach-side, or listen in the car.

    Even if you dont click the buy now button, at least youll have the secrets to

    loving the body you were born with. Heres secret #1


    SECRET #1: Each day, find one non-physical

    attribute about yourself that you like

    You are a unique individual with a range of different attributes. Place your

    awareness on one of those attributes and thank yourself for having the ability to

    recognize it. Be grateful that you can see positive traits inside yourself. Some of

    those traits could be, that you are a loyal friend, a caring mother, or a reliable

    employee or business owner.

    SECRET #2: Each day, remind yourself that there

    is divinity in everyone

    From the CEO to the homeless man on the street, infinite divinity exists. You see,

    what we project onto others, what we see, hear and feel in others, is a projection

    of what we see, hear and feel in ourselves. If we see everyone as dark and

    negative, we see ourselves as capable of dark and negative behaviors. If we see

    everyone as divine and capable of infinite creativity, we see ourselves as divine

    and capable of infinite creativity.

    SECRET #3: Each day, focus on being your best,

    rather than being the best

    Instead of competing with others, realize that competing with others is only

    competing against yourself, for others are merely a reflection of you. When it

    comes to how you look, you dont have to look better than anyone else, just look

    your best. Wear clothes that fit you well, attend to your own personal grooming,

    and keep clean and fresh (unless youre at a mud fight!)


    SECRET #4: Reframe other peoples negative

    body-image complaints

    No doubt during your journey you will come across people who are still behaving

    the way you were about their bodies. When you do hear a complaint, find

    something you like about them thats non-physical related and genuinely share it

    with them. It may or may not change the way they are looking at their current

    complaint on the surface, but you can be sure in knowing it will have a positive

    impact on some level inside them.

    SECRET #5: Notice the negative and replace it

    with positive self-talk

    As your thinking habits are adjusting to the new patterns of thinking, there may

    be occasions where negative thoughts crop up, just stop, notice them, and then

    redirect your focus onto positive thoughts about yourself. Practice breaking state,

    and talk to yourself as if you are your own best friend.

    SECRET #6: Explore the mind-body connection

    The mind-body-spirit complex is just that a complex. One part cannot exist

    without the other, and each part is uniquely interdependent upon the other for

    maintaining health of the whole. This is why practices such as Yoga, Tai Chi,

    Meditation and dance help people to feel more at peace and whole. Explore

    various practices of bringing the mind, body and spirit together and find what you

    feel at the time creates the most connection and enjoyment for you. Over time,

    you may change from one practice to another, and that is okay too. The key

    message here, is that you are consciously exploring ways to care for the whole

    complex, of that which you are.


    SECRET #7: Notice which positive traits you

    appreciate in others

    The positive and admirable traits that you notice in others, you have in yourself.

    You just may not have noticed them yet. Of those same people, its most probably

    whats on the inside that counts, rather than whats on the outside through

    physical appearance. Make a list of the positive traits you value in them, and then

    search within to discover times in your life when youve displayed those same

    traits yourself. You may be surprised at just how similar you are to those people

    whose traits you value so much.

    SECRET #8: Become aware of media


    Become aware of just how much the media manipulates images and videos. Realize that 100% of the images found in magazines have been manipulated using imaging software to such a degree that they might as well be cartoons. Yes, thats just how far they literally stretch people out of humanly proportions. The same goes for any other media such as movies, television, adverts and billboards. You wouldnt compare yourself to a character in the kids cartoon shows, so dont do the same with any other form of media.

    About Nick Ritchie

    Nick is genuinely passionate about making peoples lives better through sharing his own experience of breaking through poor body-image, and providing tools and strategies that he has not only used to improve his own body-image, but also many other people whom hes worked with world-wide.


    Nick is originally from Christchurch, New Zealand and now resides in Perth, Australia. He began his personal development journey in 2000 as he started teaching himself about new ways of thinking and behaving through the many online magazines and websites that were available at the time. By 2004 Nick had dropped out of high school and had hit an all-time low of self-esteem, but in the end of that year he was suddenly exposed to a self-development concept that caused him to think differently; about how he was more than his past, and his present And how in rather than just living a life, he could design a future and create any way of being he wished. Since then, Nick has gone on to speak publicly in the areas of personal development, health, wellness, and through sharing his own personal breakthrough story, has become a leader in the body-image empowerment movement.

    Nick has researched and studied a wide area of subjects including NLP, Hypnosis, Psychology, Personal Development, Exercise, and Nutrition, where he combines all of these highly sought after skill-sets into his coaching programs to provide a unique and individualized approach when working with clients. This has led Nick over his career to work as a Personal Trainer, Nutrition Adviser, Business Coach, Life Coach, NLP Practitioner & Hypnotherapist.

    He has created several books, including audio and video programs and has plans to create additional products that are designed to increase the quality of peoples lives worldwide.

    Heres a little from Nick

    I just wanted to say that I appreciate you taking the time to learn a little bit more about me.

    Firstly, I have to say that I absolutely love my wife!

    And secondly, that Im continuously looking for new ways to expand my knowledge, awareness and consciousness

    Theres something I really enjoy about reading those mind-stretching books, speaking with out-of-the-box thinkers, and just generally learning from the lessons that life throws at me, because I just know theyre all designed to help me grow spiritually as a person, and thats a pretty cool thing!


    I also love going to the movies, listening to music and chilling beach-side where I reside in Perth, Australia.

    But I wasnt always healthy, in mind or body.

    I was born two months early as a premature baby where almost from the get-go my life had always felt like a constant struggle for me

    I struggled to make friends at school and was constantly bullied.

    I struggled to do well in my classes, and would get held back.

    In high school I struggled with low self-worth, self-esteem, confidence and poor body-image

    Until I eventually dropped out of high school and I found myself finishing up after a long day of farm work milking cows, I was sitting on my bed covered in cow dung and as I looked down at my hands, I had a moment of realization and of decision.

    In that moment, I made the decision that I was going to be, do and have more than I had ever had in the past.

    I was no longer going to be a prisoner to my past.

    I had never been the person I needed to be to get the results I wanted in my life, but in that moment something inside me snapped, and I just knew that I could break-free of the limitations of my mind.

    From that moment on, I set the sails for a new destination in my life, and started a journey that has gone on to create more happiness and fulfillment in my life than I ever thought possible.

    Later I went on to completely transform my body, and in the process, I created an entirely new set of issues around eating and my body that never existed in the same way before. In fact, transforming my body in the gym only perpetuated the issues I already had!


    Sure, I had issues about the way I looked, but never in the way I did after I began to see results in the gym.

    I became obsessed with my body, and wanted to look the best.

    I looked at food as either good or bad, and this only perpetuated unbalanced feelings and actions towards food. I would beat myself up mentally if I ate something that I thought was bad, and feel guilty if I ate something I thought was good. I couldnt win. I would binge and then restrict my intake. This wasnt making me happy at all, and there came a point when I was ready to breakthrough. Similar to the point youre at right now, reading this book.

    Throughout my journey, Ive learned and overcome a lot (including these issues, where Im now completely free from them Whoo hoo!) and I still continue to learn, because I believe theres always something to learn

    Fast tracking, Ive now spent almost a full decade immersed in the fields of NLP, Hypnosis, Psychology, Exercise, Personal Development and Nutrition successfully implementing this knowledge on myself and with clients to produce the type of results theyve always wanted, and thats how my programs were created (like the one your reading right now)

    And Ive now coached hundreds of people worldwide on how to feel happy in their own skin by changing the way they think including in Australia, New Zealand, USA and Europe (so my knowledge has been tested by the best)

    And Ive appeared on radio, magazine and newspaper because of my work in these areas.

    I dont share this with you to impress you, but to impress upon you that anyone can achieve the results they want if theyre willing to take consistent massive action.

    Upon writing this short book I started with the intention to help you gain

    awareness around the key contributor to poor body-image, and Im happy to say

    that upon the completion of this book I believe I have done just that. One of the

    most challenging areas of life for many people, is getting started, and then

    following all the way through to completion selecting the right program or


    coach to improve your body-confidence can progress to years of freedom around

    the way you feel about yourself, whereas not choosing a good coach or resource

    could mean you dont gain the level of results you were originally looking for. I

    just hope that youve enjoyed the value Ive provided in this book and the secrets

    to loving the body you were born with


    Nick Ritchie



    This program is designed for educational use by the consumer only. It is not a

    substitute for psychological advice, and shouldnt be considered so. There are a

    variety of decisions one can make when it comes to educating themselves on

    areas they most wish to improve in their lives. It is recommend that consumers of

    this program always seek the advice of professionals, even if you find the

    contents of this program has helped you in some way. Never avoid, disregard or

    put off working with a licensed professional counselor if something in this

    program affects your behavior in an adverse way.
