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CHAPTER 11.1 INTRODUCTIONComputeranalysisof steadyflowinopenchannelsisavaluabletool for hydraulicengineers. It enablesdetailedpredictionsof flowcharacteristics (surface profiles most significantly) for a particular water course (in this case openchannels) under certainconditions; without theneedtotakefield measurementswhichcanbetimeconsuming, expensiveandsubject to instrumental and human errors.The demand for efficient and accurate software that can deal with problems faced by hydraulic engineers has lead to numerous hydraulic packages in the softwaremarket. Inthepast someof themoresophisticatedsoftware available required the use of powerful computers and long run times, as a result of the level of complexity involved. However this situation has improved with the advances in computer hardware. 1.2 OPEN CHANNEL HYDRAULICSAn open channel is a conduit in which water flows with a free surface usually under atmospheric pressure. The classification of open channel flow is made according to the change in flow depth with respect to time and space.The flow of water in an open channel is a familiar sight, whether in a natural channel like that of a river, or an artificial channel like that of an irrigation ditch. Its movement is a difficult problem when everything is considered, especially with the variability of natural channels, but in many cases the major features can be expressed in terms of only a few variables, whose behavior can be described adequately by a simple theory. The principalforces at work are those of inertia, gravity and viscosity, each of which plays an important role.Flow in an open channel is said to be "steady" if the depth of flow does not change or if it can be assumed to be constant during the time interval under consideration. The flow is "unsteady" if the depth changes with time.1Open channel flow is said to be "uniform" if the depth and velocity of flow is the same at every section of the channel. Hence it follows that uniform flow canonlyoccur inprismaticchannels.A uniformflowmaytheoretically be steady or unsteady, depending on whether or not the depth changes with time. Theestablishment of unsteadyuniformflowrequiresthat thewater surface fluctuate with time while remaining parallelto the channelbottom. Sinceit isimpossibleforthisconditiontooccur withinachannel, steady uniformflowis the fundamental type of flowtreated in open channel hydraulics.Flow is "varied" if the depth of flow changes along the length of the channel. Varied flow may be either steady or unsteady. Since unsteady uniform flow is rare, the term "unsteady flow"is used to designate unsteady varied flow exclusively.Variedflowmaybefurther classifiedaseither"rapidly"or"gradually" varied. Theflowisrapidlyvariedif thedepthchangesabruptlyover a comparatively short distance; otherwise, it is gradually varied. Rapidly varied flowisalsoknownasalocal phenomenon; anexampleof whichisthe hydraulic jump.With these varying conditions, open channel hydraulics can be very complex, encompassingmanydifferent flowconditionsfromsteadyuniformflowto unsteady rapidly varied flow. Most of the problems in storm water drainage involveuniform, graduallyvariedor rapidlyvariedflowsituations. Inthis project however computational procedures for uniform, gradually varied are presented.1.2.1 UNIFORM FLOW2For a given channelcondition of roughness, discharge and slope, there is onlyone(1) possibledepthformaintainingauniformflow. Thisdepthis referred to as normal depth.The Manning's Equation is used to determine the normal depth for a given discharge.And is given by the expression;Q = A R2/3 S1/2 /n, Where,Q = Total discharge, m3/sn = Roughness coefficientA = Cross-sectional area of channel, m2R = Hydraulic radius of channel, m (R=A/P)S = Slope of the frictional gradient, m/mP = Wetted perimeter, m1.2.2 GRADUALLY VARIED FLOWThemost commonexampleof gradually variedflowinurbandrainage systems occurs in the backwater of bridge openings, culverts, storm sewer inlets and channel constrictions.Under these conditions, gradually varied flow willbe created and the flow depth will be greater than normal depth in the channel (sub critical flow).1.2.3 RAPIDLY VARIED FLOWRapidly varied flow is characterized by abrupt changes in the water surface elevation for a constant flow. The change in elevation may become so abrupt that the flow profile is virtually broken (discontinuity), resulting in a state of highturbulence. Somecommoncauses of rapidly variedflowinurban drainage systems are side-spill weirs, weirs and spillways of detention basins.1.2.4 MANNINGS ROUGHNESS COEFFICIENT3Because several primary factors affect the roughness coefficient, a procedure has been developed to estimate this value, n. By this procedure, the value of n may be computed by:n = (n0+ n1+ n2+ n3+ n4) m The grain roughness component, n0 has a lower limit, which accounts for the smooth boundary condition. Its value isn0 = 0.015 dm1/6 Where;dm = d50which is the particle-diameter (mm) at which 50% (by mass) of the material is larger than that particle-diameter.The d50 value can be used provided that d50 > 0.05 mm. If d50 < 0.05 mm, a minimum value of 0.05 mm should be used.n0is a basic n value for a straight, uniform, smooth channel in the natural materials involved, n1 is a value added to n0 to correct for the effect of surface irregularities; n2is a value for variations in shape and size of the channel cross section; n3 is a value for obstructions; n4 is a value for vegetation and flow conditions; and m is a correction factor for meandering of the channel.The Mannings roughness coefficient is used in conjunction with the Manningsequationwhichthemost widelyusedequationfor calculating uniform flow in open channels. It was published in 1889, and later modified to read (in metric units),n S AR Q / ) (2 / 1 3 / 2 Where,Q= Total discharge, m3/sn= Roughness coefficientA = Cross-sectional area of channel, m2R = Hydraulic radius of channel, m (PAR )S = Slope of the frictional gradient, m/mP = Wetted perimeter, m4TheU.S. Bureauof Reclamation(1957) publishedagooddescriptionof channels, with their suitable n value, based on the work of Scobey. As shown below, this description gives good information if n remains below about 0.030n = 0.012.For surfaced, untreatedlumber flumes inexcellent condition; for short, straight, smooth flumes of unpainted metal; for hand-poured concrete of the highest gradeof workmanshipwithsurfaces as smoothas atroweled sidewalk with masked expansion joints; practically no moss, larvae, or gravel ravelings; alignment straight, tangents connected with long radius curves; field conditions seldom make this value applicable.n = 0.013Minimum conservative value of n for the design of long flumes of all materials of quality described under n = 0.012; provides for mild curvature or some sand; treated wood stave flumes; covered flumes built of surfaced lumber, with battens included in hydraulic computations and of high-class workmanship; metal flumes painted and with dead smooth interiors; concrete flumes with oiled forms, fins rubbed down with troweled bottom; shot concrete if steel troweled; conduits to be this class should probably attain n = 0.012 initially.n = 0.014Excellent value for conservatively designed structures of wood, painted metal, or concrete under usual conditions; cares for alignment about equal in curve and tangent length; conforms to surfaces as left by smooth-jointed forms or well-broomed shot concrete; will care for slight algae growth or slight deposits of silt or slight deterioration.n = 0.0155Rough, plank flumes of unsurfaced lumber with curves made by short length, angular shifts; for metal flumes with shallow compression member projecting into section but otherwise of class n = 0.013; for construction with first-class sides but roughly troweled bottom or for class n = 0.014 construction with noticeable silt or graveldeposits; value suitable for use with muddy gravel deposits; value suitable for use with muddy water for either poured or shot concrete; smooth concrete that is seasonally roughened by larvae or algae growths take value of n = 0.01 5 or higher; lowest value for highest class rubble and concrete combination.n = 0.016Forliningmadewithrough boardformsconveyingclearwaterwithsmall amount of debris; class n = 0.014 linings with reasonably heavy algae; or maximum larvae growth; or large amounts of cobble detritus; or old linings repaired with thin coat of cement mortar; or heavy lime encrustations; earth channels in best possible conditions, with slick deposit of silt, free of moss and nearly straight alignment; true to grade and section; not to be used for design of earth channels.n = 0.017For clear water on first-class bottom and excellent rubble sides or smooth rockbottomandwoodenplanksides; roughlycoated, pouredliningwith unevenexpansionjoints; basicvaluefor shot concreteagainst smoothly trimmed earth base; such a surface is distinctly rough and will scratch hand; undulations of the order of 0.025 m.n = 0.018About the upper limit for concrete construction in any workable condition; very rough concrete with sharp curves and deposits of gravel and moss; minimum design value for uniform rubble; or concrete sides and natural channel bed; for volcanic ash soils with no vegetation; minimum value for large high-class canals in very fine silt.6n = 0.020For tuberculated iron; ruined masonry; well-constructed canals in firm earth or fine packed gravel where velocities are such that the silt may fill the interstices in the gravel; alignment straight, banks clean; large canals of classes n = 0.0225.n = 0.0225For corrugated pipe with hydraulic functions computed from minimum internal diameter; average; well-constructedcanal inmaterial whichwill eventually have a medium smooth bottom with graded gravel, grass on the edges, and averagealignment withsilt depositsat bothsidesof thebedandafew scattered stones in the middle; hardpan in good condition; clay and lava-ash soil. For the largest of canals of this type a value of n = 0.020 will be originally applicable.n = 0.025For canals where moss, dense grass near edges, or scattered cobbles are noticeable. Earth channels with neglected maintenance have this value and up; a good value for small head ditches serving a couple of farms; for canals wholly in-cut and thus subject to rolling debris; minimum value for rock-cut smoothed up with shot concrete.n = 0.0275Cobble-bottom canals, typically occurring near mouths of canyons; value only applicable where cobbles are graded and well packed; can reach 0.040 for large boulders and heavy sand.n = 0.030Canalswithheavygrowthof moss, banksirregularandoverhangingwith denserootlets;bottomcoveredwithlarge fragmentsof rockorbedbadly pitted by erosion.7n = 0.035For medium large canals about 50 percent choked with moss growth and in bad order and regimen; small channels with considerable variation in wetted cross section an biennialmaintenance; for flood channels not continuously maintained; for untouchedrockcutsandtunnelsbasedonpaper cross section.n = 0.040For canals badly choked with moss, or heavy growth; large canals in which large cobbles and boulders collect, approaching a stream bed in character.n = 0.050 - 0.060Floodways poorly maintained; canals two-thirds choked with vegetation.n = 0.060-0.240Floodways without channels through timber and underbrush, hydraulic gradient 0.20 to 0.40 m per 1000 m.Artificial channelsareusuallytakentohaveuniformsectional roughness, while the roughness of natural channels is usually represented by a composite sectional roughness.1.3 STEADY FLOW IN OPEN CHANNELSAll computations will be based on the conservation of mass, momentum and energy (in the form of Bernoulli's theorem), and the Mannings formula for frictional resistance. Theassumptions, methodsandformulasthat arepresent hereworkfor problems of water flows on the usual engineering scale. The flows are long compared to their cross-sections, so that a single velocity can describe the situation adequately at any cross-section.81.4 ARBITRARY SECTIONSThe sectional geometry of an artificial channel is in most cases regular, while that of natural channelsvariesunder most circumstances; thesefactors contributegreatly tothecharacteristics of steady flowinbothtypes of channels.GivenS andQ, and the shape of the channel, depth y and velocity V can be found; therefore given S and y, we can findQ. If the given channel is one of arbitrary shape,Q(total discharge) must be used instead ofq (discharge/unit width), and y is usually the depth from the lowest point in the channel. The areaAoccupied by fluid and the wetted perimeter P are functions of y, andmay beexpressedanalytically for channels of any geometric shape. The value of y corresponding to a givenQand S is called the normal depth for those conditions.1.5 IMPORTANCE OF SURFACE PROFILE COMPUTATIONSThis program can be put into diverse use, typical instances where it can be applied include;i.Studies involving dam break failuresii.Flood alleviation schemesiii Elevations for;a. pumping plantsb. canal head worksc. Energy dissipatersiv. Sediment transport estimationv.River rehabilitation.vi.Tail water ratings for hydroelectric power plantsvii.Grade lines fora. Highwaysb. Bridges and culverts1.6 DEFINITION OF TERMS 9In order to understand the meaning of some important terms associated with steady flow in open channels, as applied in this project, a brief discussion of these basic terms is in order1.6.1 FROUDE NUMBER FrIt is defined as:Fr= V/(gDm)1/2The knowledge of the Froude number of an open channel flow gives the idea of the conditions of flow.When Fr>1, the resulting flow condition is as follows: Supercritical flow Water velocity > wave velocity Disturbances travel downstream Upstream water levels are unaffected by downstream controlWhen Fr = 1 critical flow resultsWhen Fr< 1, the resulting flow condition is as follows: Sub-critical flow Water velocity < wave velocity Disturbancesdont travel downstreamandupstreamwater levelsare affected by downstream control1.6.2 CONTROL SECTION The control of flow is the establishment of a definitive relationship between the stage(depth) andthedischargeof theflow. Whenthecontrol of flowis achieved at a section of the channel, this section said to be a control section.Thecontrol sectioncontrolstheflowinsuchawaythat it restrictsthe transmission of the effects of changes in flow condition either in the upstream 10direction or in a downstream direction, depending on the state of flow in the channel.1.6.3 PRISMATIC CHANNEL AND NON- PRISMATIC CHANNELSPrismatic channels are channels that do not change in section longitudinally. The computation of surface profiles in such channel is a function of the stage (flow depth).Fabricated channels are mostly prismatic. The non-prismatic channels on the other hand, are such channels that vary in section longitudinally. The computation of backwater in the non prismatic channels is a function of its sectional dimensions. Natural courses arecategorizedas nonprismatic channels.1.7 OBJECTIVE OF STUDYThis project is aimed at producing software that can compute the depths of flow at selected sections in an open channel and thus display the surface profile of the channel of concern. This would be carried out with particular emphasis on arbitrary sectioned and non prismatic open channels.Theprogramwill bewrittenwiththeaidof MATLAB, myreasonforthis selection being that;i, it is a proficient programming environment, this allows for less voluminous programs and thus enables faster development of the required program.ii, it is an excellent means for production of programs where the display of graphics is required.11CHAPTER 22.1 LITERATURE REVIEWThis chapter contains an overview of background information and scientific literature relevant to this research.2.2 BACKGROUND OF BACKWATER ANALYSISThis aspect of hydraulics has been researched upon by a lot of scientists in the past, this is evidently due to the fact that it was discovered that a thorough insight of the backwater phenomenon enabled a good prediction to be made of the flow pattern in most open channels. The fact that a good knowledge of the backwater equations serves as a great tool in the analysis of gradually varied steady flow in open channels cannot therefore be overemphasized. Many hydraulicians (mostly inthe18thcentury) inthelikes of Bresse, Ruhlmann, Tolkmitts, Schaffernak, Francis, Saint-venant, and so many others have contributed immensely to the development of better techniques in the analysis of gradually varied flow in open channels.The theories developed follow the basic assumption that, the head loss at any particular section is identical as for a uniform flow having identical flow velocity and hydraulic radius as the section.The computation of backwater curves based on this hypothesis has been proven satisfactory by many experiments. The experimental verification indicates the validity of the 12assumption for practical purposes and has been proven to be a reliable basis for design.The basic assumption has been extensively applied in the dynamic equation of gradually varied flow. However, the computation of gradually varied flow profiles involves basically the solution of the dynamic equation of gradually varied flow. This equation here is developed and its methods of application are also discussed. The solution methods of the dynamic equation include;(i) Graphical integration method(ii) Direct integration method(iii) Numerical methods2.3 ASSUMPTIONS FOR GRADUALLY VARIED FLOWImportant assumptions made in the analysis of gradually varying flow include: The flow is steady Streamlines are virtually parallel ensuring hydrostatic pressures Friction losses at a section for gradually varied flow is the same as those for uniform flow Channel bed slope is small There is no air entrainment Depth of flow is equivalent to depth of section The channel is prismatic with constant alignment and slope Velocity distribution coefficient equals one (1) The Mannings roughness coefficient is independent of the depth or length of the channel considered.2.4 THE EQUATIONS OF GRADUALLY VARIED FLOWThe basic assumption in the derivation of this equation is that the change in energy with distance is equal to the friction losses.fSdxdH 13The Bernoulli equation is:H zgVy + +22Differentiating and equating to the frictionfSdxdzgVydxd


+22orf oS SdxdE 2.1Where oS represents the bed slope andfS represents the friction slope of the channel under considerationThe equation below represents the change in specific energy with depth2321 1 FrgAB QdydE 2.2Where B represents the surface width of the channel under consideration;The combinations of equations 2.1 and 2.2 yields21 FrS Sdxdyf o 2.3This is the basic equation of gradually varied flow. It describes how the depth,y, changes with distance x, in terms of the bed slope,oSfriction slopefSand the discharge, Q, and the channels shape (encompassed inFrand fS )2.5 METHODS OF ANALYSISAs already stated, therearethreemajor ways inwhichthebackwater equation i.e. equation 2.3 can be analyzedThese three methods will be discussed in more details,They include;14i) Graphical integration methodii) Direct integration methodiii) Numerical methods2.5.1 THE GRAPHICAL INTEGRATION METHODThis method integrates the back water equation graphically. The method is applicabletobothprismaticandnonprismaticchannels. Consideringtwo channelsections at distances1L and2L respectively, from a chosen origin andthecorrespondingdepthsof flowy1andy2, thedistancealongthe channel floor can be given by 212 1yydydydxL L L2.41516practically impossible. Many attempts have been made to solve the equation for a few special cases or to introduce assumptions that make amenable to 8mathematical integration. Most earlymethodsusedChezysformula, but have been dropped in favor of the Mannings formula in more recent times.Among the early contributors of Bakhmeteff (1932), who carried out integration by short by short range steps with the varied flow function. He considered the critical slope in the small range of the varying depth in each reach to be constant. This is true only for prismatic channels.Monodobe (1938) made an effort to improve Bakhmeteffs method. He took the effects of velocity change and friction head into account integrally without the necessity of dividing the channelinto successive reaches. His method affords a more direct and accurate computation procedure where by results canbeobtainedwithout recoursetosuccessivesteps. Ademerit of this methodliesinthedifficultyof usingaccompanyingcharts, whicharenot sufficiently accurate for practical purpose.Later, Lee(1947) andVonSeggern(1950) suggestednewassumptions, which resulted in more satisfactory solutions. Von introduced a new varied flow function in addition to that of Bakhmettef, hence, an additional table for the new function is necessary in the method unlike that of Lee.Combiningprecedingconsiderationsforadirectsolutiontothebackwater equation, Vent TeChow(1955) cameupwithaprocedureforthedirect solution of the equation.Nn ny C K12 2.5Ny C K122.6Mc cy C Z22 2.7My C Z222.8Where;17N and M are hydraulic exponents for critical flow and uniform flow;1Cand 2Care coefficients.T A Z /3 2.9Z representsthesectionfactorforflowcomputationfordischargeQat depth y222ZZFrc2.1022KQSf 2.1122noKQS 2.1222KK SSn of2.13Krepresents the conveyance for flow Q at depth yIf these expressions are substituted into equation 2.3, the gradually varied flow equation becomes( )( ) McNnoy yy ySdxdy/ 1/ 1 2.14Equation 2.14 can be manipulated to yieldconst J v FNJyyN u F u A xMnc+11]1


+ ) , ( ) , (2.15WhereonSyA 2.16NJyyBMnc


2.17nyyu 2.19J Nu v/ 2.2011+ M NJ 2.2118uNuduN u F01) , (2.22vJvdvJ u F01) , (2.23Where ) , ( N u Fand ) , ( J v Fare varied flow functions.According of him the length of flow profile between two consecutive sections 1 and 2 is given as)]} , ( ) , ( [ )] , ( ) , ( [ ) {(1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1J v F J v F B N u F N u F u u A x x L + 2.24The solution of the equation 2.24 can be simplified by the use of the varied flow function table. The table gives us the value of ) , ( N u Fand ) , ( J v Ffor given values of N .2.5.3 NUMERICAL METHODSAs earlier stated a direct solution of differential equation 2.3 for all sections is practically impossible. The solution method developed by Chow is difficult to model for computer programming. At best direct integration is only applicable to prismatic channels. However, numerical techniques are available to proffer an approximate solution of acceptable accuracy. By utilizing simple numerical methods all types of gradually varied flow may be quickly and easily solved using a microcomputer.When equation 2.3 is applied to prismatic channels, the flow gradient is a function of the flow depth y, since the section is uniform through out the length of the channel; the equation is therefore in the form;) ( y fdxdy 2.25When the equation is applied to a non prismatic channel, the flow gradient becomes a function of x and y, since the channel width and flow depth varies along the length of the channel. The equation is in the form;19) , ( y x fdxdy 2.26In this research equation 2.26 is of special concern.There are two basic numerical methods that can be used i. Direct step method (distance from depth) ii. Standard step method (depth from distance) THE DIRECT STEP METHOD (DISTANCE FROM DEPTH)This method will calculate a distance for a given change in the surface height. It involves the solving the reciprocal of equation THE STANDARD STEP METHOD (DEPTH FROM DISTANCE)The method will calculate a depth for a given distance up or down stream by solving equation 2.32.6 CLASSIFICATION OF PROFILESBefore attempting to solve the backwater equation, a great deal of insight is required of the profiles possible;For a given discharge,fSand 2Fr are functions of depth( )3 / 10 3 / 4 2 2/ A P Q n Sf2.27( )3 2 2/ gA B Q Fr 2.28A quick examination of these two expressions reveal that they both decrease with increase in A i.e. increase in yAlso for uniform flow,fS = oSandy =nySofS > oSwhen y < nyfS < oSwhen y > nyAnd 202Fr >1 when y < cy2Fr cyFrom these inequalities it can be seen how the sign of dx dy /i.e. the surface slope changes for different slopes and Froude numbers.Taking an example of a mild slope, treating the flow as to be in three zonesi. Zone 1, above the normal depthii. Zone 2, between the normal and critical depthiii. Zone 3, below critical depthThe directions of the surface inclination may thus be determinedZone 1y >ny>cyfS < oS2Fr < 1 dx dy /is positive, surface risingZone 2ny > y > cyfS > oS2Fr < 1 dx dy /is negative, surface fallingZone 3ny > cy > yfS > oS2Fr > 1 dx dy /is positive, surface risingTheconditionat theboundaryof thegraduallyvariedflowmayalsobe determined in a similar mannerZone 1As y thenfS and 2Fr0 and dx dy / oSHence water surface is asymptotic to a horizontal line for its maximumAs yny thenfS oS 0 and dx dy / 0Hence the water surface is asymptotic to the line y = ny i.e. uniform flowZone 2As for zone 1 as y approaches the normal depth:21As yny thenfS oS 0 and dx dy / 0Hence the water surface is asymptotic to the line y = nyBut a problem occurs when y approaches the critical depth:As y cy then 2Fr 1 and dx dy / This is practically impossible but may be explained by pointing out that in this region the gradually varied flow equation is not applicable because at this point the fluid is in rapidly flowing regime.Zone 3As for zone 2 a problem occurs when y approaches the critical depth:As y cy then 2Fr 1 and dx dy / Again the same physical impossibility holds with the same explanation and again in reality a very steep surface slope will occur.As y0 then dx dy / oS the slope of the bed of the channelThe gradually varied flow does not hold here because it is clear what occursIn general, normal depth is approached asymptotically and critical depth at right angles to the channel bed. The possible surface profiles within each zone can be drawn from the above considerations.All possiblesurfaceprofilesforall thepossibleslopesof thechannel are shown in the figure below.22Figure 123Figure 22.7 VELOCITY DISTRIBUTION IN OPEN CHANNELS Themeasuredvelocityintheopenchannel will alwaysvaryacrossthe channel cross section because of friction along the boundary. Neither is the 24velocity axisymmetric (as in pipe flow) due to the existence of the free surface. It might be expected to find the maximum velocity at the free surface where theshearforceisequal tozero, but thisisnot thecase. Themaximum velocity is usually found just below the surface. The explanation for this is the presenceofsecondary currents whichare circulatingfrom theboundaries towards the section center and the resistance of air/water interface. These have both been found in both laboratory measurements and three dimensional (3D) numerical simulations of turbulence.Thefigurebelowshowstypical velocitydistributionacrossarectangular channel cross section. Figure 325CHAPTER 3SOLUTION TECHNIQUES3.1 FOREWORDThis chapter deals with the numerical methods employed for the computer analysisof surfaceprofileof graduallyvariedflow. Therearevarietiesof numerical methods for solvingthedifferential equations, whichgoverns backwater flow. Each of these methods must be critically studied in order to arrive at the selection of the most suitable solution method.In addition, the numerical computation of critical and normal depths is also discussed. Thedeterminationof critical andnormal depthsservesasthe mean of knowing when flow approaches the critical and normal depths. This knowledge helps in recognizing the condition at which the gradually varied flow equation becomes unstable as earlier pointed out in chapter two, so that necessary steps may be taken to forestall inaccurate computation.Computer analysis of backwater involves adynamic exchangeof data resulting from different computations, such that if these data are not properly handled it may lead to accumulation of errors, which invariably will affect the final output. It is therefore important at this juncture to highlight various errors associated with the numerical solution of backwater equation.3.2 INACCURACIES IN NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF STEADY FLOW IN OPEN-CHANNELFinal results of numerical computations of unknown quantities are mostly by approximations. They are exact but involve errors. Sources of errors include machine round-off, experimental, truncating (local or global) and data-entry (human error). Round-off errors result from the discarding of all decimals from some decimal on, while the experimental errors are inherent in given data. Truncating errors result from premature of breaking off. This is common when double-precision data are treated as single-precision data. Truncating error is 26local when it is related to the values of successive steps and global when it is related to the true value. It is also possible to make mistake by supplying wrong data to the computer from the input device. This is human error, and it is almost inevitable in time shearing program.Furthermore, methods of computation adopted for the analysis can as well contribute to the error, which exists in the finalresults. Method associated errors must therefore be taken into consideration in the selection of numerical methodof analysis andalgorithm. Thefollowingaresomeerror terms associated with numerical solutions: ABSOLUTE ERROR, |E0|:This refers to the absolute value of errors that exists either between consecutive terms or between a term and the exact value. Theknowledgeof thelaterhelpsindeterminingacriterionforthe stopping of iteration, especially when a method, which converges very slowly, is used. ERROR OF THE APPROXIMATION, EO: This is the value of the difference between the exact value and the approximate value. This is mostly as a result of the approximate nature of the physicallaw or principalupon which the solution is based. RELATIVE ERROR, RO: It is the error derived from dividing the error of the approximation by the actual value. Relative error gives the percentage error, andcanbeadaptedtodeterminethenumber of significant digitsinthe approximation. ERRORDUETOLOSSOFSIGNIFICANCE:Therecanbealoss of significant digits due to round-off error. In this case the function value p(xk) and the correction term p(xk) / p(xk)in Newtons method can failto have enough accuracy to make xk+1closer to the root than xk.27 ERROR DUE TO INSTABILITY: A problem is said to be unstable when small changes in a parameter results in large changes in the computed root.This instability relates to the particular way in which the calculation is made. In essence it is dependent on the stability of the numerical method and algorithm adopted.In the case of algorithm stability an algorithm is admitted to be stable when it terminates after a number of sequences of operation, otherwise it is unstable. The general idea is that the accuracy of the answer increase with the number of steps performed.In the case of the stability of numerical methods, it is important to note that there exist many stable problems that have unstable numerical solutions. This arises from a solution involving auxiliary intermediate number calculated for distance or depth, as the case may serve, which become input numbers for subsequent steps in the calculation. 3.3 NUMERICAL SOLUTIONTECHNIQUES FOR FIRST-ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONTheequationthat governstheanalysisof graduallyvaryingflowinnon-prismatic open channels is a first-order differential equation, as shown before. It is of the form:) , ( y x fdxdyOwing to the fact that the channel properties (geometry and roughness) and flowconditionsareexpectedtovaryalongthechannels, adirect model solutionfor thisequationisdifficult. However, thereaboundanumber of numerical methods, which evolve fairly accurate solutions. These techniques include:I. Taylors Method,28II. Eulers Method,III. Heuns MethodIV. Runge-Kutta Methods, andV. Predictor-corrector Methods.One of these methods is required to develop a model computer program for the solution of the differential equation. Since each of these methods has its peculiar weaknesses and merits as regards the present area of application, there is need for a critical analysis of these methods. This analysis must be based on the following key considerations:i. Computational efforts required for each methodii. The desired precision of computationiii Program run-time, which also bears adequate check on speed of convergenceiv. Applicability of the method of non-prismatic channels of varying characteristicsv. Stability of solution method vi. Compatibility of the method and its algorithm with other parts of the same program3.4 ANALYSIS OF SOLUTION TECHNIQUESThe purpose of this analysis is to reveal the merits and the demerits of each numerical method listed above as regards arriving at a satisfactory solution of the gradually varied flow differentialequation. This willresult in the proper selection of the solution method to apply.3.4.1 TAYLORS METHODThe method of Taylor is of general applicability and it gives a way to compare the accuracy of various numerical methods for solving Initial Value Problem (I.V.P.). It is of the form:y(x+h) = y(x) + y (x)h + y(x)h2 / 2! + y(x)h3 / 3! +Fornumerical purposesafiniteseriesof orderNisfixedtoapproximate y(x+h). This gives:29y(x+h) = y(x) + y (x)h + y(x)h2 / 2! +y(N) (x)hN /N!The method can be constructed to have a high degree of accuracy, depending on the value of N. if the order N is fixed; it is possible to determine athestepsizeh, sothat theglobal truncatingerror will beassmall as desired.However,an N-ordersolution requires anN-degree ofdifferential equation. In the present case it is difficult to have a general model solution when N>1. Therefore, for this method to be of any use here, it is required that only the first two terms where N 0.02yDOWNSTREAM FINAL LOCATION REACHED?DISPLAY PROFILEDISPLAY PROFILEPLOT CROSS SECTIONDISPLAY NUMERICALLY AND GRAPHICALLY yn & ycSTOPSTARTNONOYESSTOPFIGURE 5. ALGORITHM FOR PRISMATIC CHANNELSNOYES44STARTINPUT X & Y COORDINATES FOR SECTION 1PLOT CROSS SECTION 1INPUT X & Y COORDINATES FOR SECTION 2PLOT CROSS SECTION 2INPUT X & Y COORDINATES FOR SECTION 3PLOT CROSS SECTION 3COMPUTE yn+1 = yn +hf(x, y)COMPUTE Sm and FmCOMPUTE y(n+1)m = yn +hf(xm, ym)xm= (xn+ xn+1)/2ym= (yn+ yn+1)/2|y(n+1)m+1- y(n+1)m |< eCOMPUTATION BETWEEN SECTION 1& 2SET FINAL y(n+1)m =ynYESNOYESFIGURE 6. ALGORITHM FOR NON-PRISMATIC CHANNELSCHAPTER 5SELECTED EXAMPLES45PLOT PROFILESTOPCOMPUTATION BETWEEN SECTION 2 & 3NOYESFigure 7: The MATLAB command window46Figure 8:The MATLABEditor windowFigure 9: Open Channel Application GUI (Graphical user interface)QUESTIONS471) Plotsuper critical flow and sub critical flow profiles (below normal depth) of a prismatic channel with coordinates (0,2),(0.5,0.75),(1,0.5),(1.5,0),(3.5,0),(4,0.5),(4.5,0.75),(5,2);Flow rate =8 m3-/s, bed slope=0.001, Mannings roughness Coefficient=0.03Also detect the normal and critical depths for the flow. AnswersNormal Depth=1.9243m Critical Depth=0.96615m 48Figure 10: Profile plot for super critical flowFigure 11: Profile plot for sub critical flow (below normal depth)2) Plot a sub critical flow profile (above normal depth) of a prismatic channelwith coordinates (0,3),(0.5,0.75),(1,0.5),(1.5,0),(3.5,0),(4,0.5),(4.5,0.75),(5,3);Flow rate =10 m3/s, bed slope=0.001, Mannings roughness Coefficient=0.03Also detect the normal and critical depths for the flow49AnswerNormal Depth=2.2658m Critical Depth=1.0835mFigure 12: Profile plot for sub critical flow (above normal depth)3) Computation Time TestsComparecomputationtimesfor Euler, HeunsandRungeKuttamethodsusinga prismatic channel with the following co-ordinates. (0, 6), (3, 0), (5, 0), (8, 6).Flow rate= 20m3/s Slope = 0.001Mannings roughness=0.02y (1) = 3.2mx (1) = 0mx (last) =3000mAnswers:50FOR RUNGE KUTTAN = 21y (last) = 4.67771mRuntime = 0.015625secsFOR HEUNSN = 559y (last) = 4.67771mRuntime = 0.078125secs51FOR EULERN = 350000Y (last) 4.67771mRuntime = 7323.32secsOBSERVATIONTheRungeKuttamethodconverges after 20steps withacomputationtimeof 0.015625 seconds.The Heuns method converges after 558 steps with a computation time of 0.078125 seconds.The Euler method converges after 349999 steps with a computation time of 7323.32seconds.From the above stated results it is easy to conclude that the Runge Kutta method offers thebest meansfor thecomputationof flowprofilesinprismaticchannels; asit convergeswiththeleast numberof stepsforagivenreachunderthesameflow conditions with the shortest computation time.524) Compute the flow profile for a non prismatic channel whose cross sectional co-ordinates at 5 reaches are given below, using Euler, Heuns and Runge Kutta methods and compare the results obtained.Data for the channel properties are stated below;CO-ORDINATESReach 1 X Y0 1550 1050 3150 0250 0600 31000 102500 15Reach 2 X Y0 1440 1055 3120 0500 0600 31000 102500 14Reach 3 X Y0 1545 1042 2120 0250 0500 21200 102400 15Reach 4 X Y0 1545 1045 2120 0250 0500 21200 102400 15Reach 5 X Y0 1545 1045 3120 0250 0500 31000 102500 15n(1) = 0.02 So(1) = 0.001 h(1) = 100m53n(2) = 0.02 So(2) = 0.001 h(2) = 100mn(3) = 0.025 So(3) = 0.001 h(3) = 100mn(4) = 0.026 So(4) = 0.001 h(4) = 100mn(5) = 0.026 So(5) = 0.001 h(5) = 100mProfile obtained using Euler Method y end = 10.2674 m x end = 400mProfile obtained using Heuns Method y end = 10.2637 m x end = 400m54Profile obtained using Runge-Kutta Method y end = 10.2636 m x end = 400mComparison of ResultsThis would be difficult to carry out because it would involve the inputting of a very large number of reach data, which the written program cannot handle.55CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONCONCLUSIONComputer analysis of the surface profile of steady flow in open-channels has been the main focus in this work. A computer program has been developed to compute and plot backwater curves using MATLAB. Unquestionably, writing a precision-sensitiveprogram ofthissort is ratherchallenging. On the other hand, the hurdles encountered in the process of creating the program have increased my interests in programming and hydraulics in general.The major difficulty of the project lies in the proper arrangement and handling of the geometric properties of the channel sections to achieve programmable computations. For computational purposes natural courses are represented approximately with smooth side lines of trapezoids and the irregularities of sectional shapes are compensated for by adequate selection of Mannings roughness coefficient. The program developedcan handleirregular (prismatic andnonprismatic sections (linearly and gradually varying)) channels provided horizontal coincidingYcoordinatesandequivalent Manningsroughnesscoefficients can be provided.The fourth order Runge Kutta method provides accuracy sufficient enough for this project (prismatic channels, page 50).56MATLABenabled a comparatively easier development of the required software thanks to more sophisticated functions like the solve function which was very useful in the computation of normal and critical depths.Finally, this project has proven that the computation of the surface profile of flow from a reach of known depth in both prismatic and non prismatic sections can be done with good speed, ease and precision with the aid of a computer program that is executable on a micro-computer.RECOMMENDATIONThis research deserves more probing, there is still a lot more to be done on it.If given the opportunity I would love to explore all the possible conditions and develop software that would be capable of handling these possibilities.Datafeedingwasreducedtotheminimum, futureresearchcanhelpin discovering better ways of entering data (e.g. through satellite connections) to provide more a flexible and efficient programIt is a project that is worthy of government sponsorship, as stated earlier on in the write up it is useful in flood alleviation planning which is a major problem we face in various locations of the country, development of software of this nature will go along way in contributing to solving of this problem.57BIBLIOGRAPHY Aiyesimoju.K.O.: River Engineering Lecture Notes, CEG 519, University of Lagos, Akoka, Yaba, 2006. 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