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Bodybuilders vs Crossfitters "Cant we all just get along!?!"

Date post: 19-Jun-2015
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Both are after the same result... A better YOU!
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Bodybuilding and CrossFit: Let’s just be friends Crossfit, Entertainment Crossfitters. Bodybuilders. Man, do they love to hate each other. But in the same way that the grunge kids of the ‘90s would never admit to hanging out with the sports- jacket-wearing Oasis indy crowd, bodybuilders and Crossfitters actually have much more in common then they’d ever admit to online. So, Crossfitters may say ‘tomato’, while bodybuilders say ‘tomata’…. but let’s not call the whole thing off just yet. Here’s why it’s time for us all to kiss and make up: believe it or not, bodybuilding and Crossfit actually share more similarities than differences… They both suffer from inaccurate and extreme stereotyping. Just as not all bodybuilders are jacked up knuckleheads, not all Crossfitters are social media- obsessed, acronym-loving yuppies. And sadly, as ridiculous as these negative portrayals are, the worst thing about them is that they are coming from other fitness enthusiasts. Only in the fitness industry would you get such divide between people working towards essentially the same shared goals and aspirations. It’s like Jenson Button refusing to talk to Sébastien Loeb because “my single-seater is better than your dirty rally car, ner-ner-ner-ner- ner”, never mind the fact that they share the same passion for extreme driving and fast cars. They both appear elitist to outsiders. We all know how passionate and inclusive the Crossfit community is but I’ve been in many local bodybuilding gyms and, trust me, to outsiders, bodybuilding is no less clique than Crossfit. It has just as strong a support network with just as many acronyms, buzzwords and nomenclature. But unlike the bodybuilding community which enjoyed its biggest boom in popularity before the dawn of the internet, Crossfit was born into the much smaller and more well-connected world of Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, with the resources to build a community in lightning speed. If bodybuilding had access to the same online tools in its heyday, it would have attracted just as much internet rage as Crossfit does today. It’s just that bodybuilders have been doing their thing for years like a loyal, laidback and obedient Labrador settling into his old age comfortably. Crossfit is the new puppy you’ve just brought home from the rescue center: hyperactive, not yet house- broken, yapping and licking your guests to death. It will settle down with maturity. You hope. http://www.savagestrength.co.uk
Page 1: Bodybuilders vs Crossfitters "Cant we all just get along!?!"

Bodybuilding and CrossFit: Let’s just be friends Crossfit, Entertainment

Crossfitters. Bodybuilders. Man, do they love to hate each other. But in the same way that the grunge kids of the ‘90s would never admit to hanging out with the sports-jacket-wearing Oasis indy crowd, bodybuilders and Crossfitters actually have much more in common then they’d ever admit to online.So, Crossfitters may say ‘tomato’, while bodybuilders say ‘tomata’…. but let’s not call the whole thing off just yet.Here’s why it’s time for us all to kiss and make up: believe it or not, bodybuilding and Crossfit actually share more similarities than differences…

They both suffer from inaccurate and extreme stereotyping.

Just as not all bodybuilders are jacked up knuckleheads, not all Crossfitters are social media-obsessed, acronym-loving yuppies. And sadly, as ridiculous as these negative portrayals are, the worst thing about them is that they are coming from other fitness enthusiasts.Only in the fitness industry would you get such divide between people working towards essentially the same shared goals and aspirations.It’s like Jenson Button refusing to talk to Sébastien Loeb because “my single-seater is better than your dirty rally car, ner-ner-ner-ner-ner”, never mind the fact that they share the same passion for extreme driving and fast cars.

They both appear elitist to outsiders.

We all know how passionate and inclusive the Crossfit community is but I’ve been in many local bodybuilding gyms and, trust me, to outsiders, bodybuilding is no less clique than Crossfit. It has just as strong a support network with just as many acronyms, buzzwords and nomenclature.But unlike the bodybuilding community which enjoyed its biggest boom in popularity before the dawn of the internet, Crossfit was born into the much smaller and more well-connected world of Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, with the resources to build a community in lightning speed.If bodybuilding had access to the same online tools in its heyday, it would have attracted just as much internet rage as Crossfit does today. It’s just that bodybuilders have been doing their thing for years like a loyal, laidback and obedient Labrador settling into his old age comfortably.Crossfit is the new puppy you’ve just brought home from the rescue center: hyperactive, not yet house-broken, yapping and licking your guests to death. It will settle down with maturity. You hope.


Page 2: Bodybuilders vs Crossfitters "Cant we all just get along!?!"

Injuries are caused by bad form. End of.

Entire YouTube channels exist and make money solely out of ripping on Crossfit and the “bad form” argument, but the truth is that pretty much all exercise programmed share the same risk of injury.Using poor form, overtraining or ignoring mobility and flexibility issues will result in injury, whether you’re doing bench press supersets or kipping pull ups in a WOD.Go to any local bodybuilding gym and you’ll see as many examples of bad form as you do in Crossfit, but because Crossfit is the baby of the two disciplines it makes an easy target.Bodybuilders may like to come across as the wise old owls of the industry but the fact is that, perpetuated by bioscience, mistakes in bodybuilding technique are just as common as they are in Crossfit.

They share the same goals.

Obviously, bodybuilding is focused on aesthetics. But as much as Crossfitters dismiss bodybuilding as pure vanity, insisting that Crossfit is instead about “being fit in all permutations of the word”, the fact is that the majority of people who train in either discipline are driven by ego, whether that is purely to look a certain way or to achieve some other physical goal.Bodybuilding and Crossfit are both strength and conditioning programs, they both result in strength gains and aesthetic changes. And while Crossfit loves to push the idea that “everyone is an athlete”, the bodybuilding industry has had the same exact outlook for years.Competitive bodybuilding was created and popularized on the foundation that anyone could join the gym, change their physique and compete at an amateur level. Crossfit just gave that concept a name.

They both follow the same principles……of hard work, determination and healthy living.

Okay, okay, pre-comp bodybuilding diets and body fat levels may be far from healthy, but whether it’s the strict Paleo diet and training plans of your average Crossfitter or the typical novice bodybuilding lifestyle, there’s no doubt that an immense amount of discipline, commitment and dedication is involved.Both schools of training will get you fit, both will get you strong and both will make you look awesome. It’s not that one is the right way to train and the other is wrong, it’s just different strokes for different folks.Look at it this way. The thought of doing a Zumba class to me sounds like a complete waste of an hour of my life. Does that mean I need to rant about it, post videos of people dancing about and argue with them about how much better my training is than theirs?Of course not. They are different, they appeal to different people, they achieve different things. But they do have one important thing in common: they both help people to get fit.

So what if a Zumba class isn’t the most effective kind of training for me? Your aunty Jane and her best friend, Liz, can’t get enough of it. And the fact is that Zumba gets them off the couch and moving. It means they’re exercising and socializing instead of sitting on the couch watching “Reality TV” every night.

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Photo Credit: dotpolka via Compfight cc

Page 3: Bodybuilders vs Crossfitters "Cant we all just get along!?!"

And just like Zumba gets people who otherwise might not step foot in a gym off their assess and sweating in a workout studio, Crossfit has got thousands of people lifting weights who would never have dreamt of walking into a bodybuilding gym.Last year, British Weightlifting celebrated a 45% increase in the number of people lifting, and, thanks to Crossfit, more and more women are trying it than ever before.In fact, Crossfit has been the best thing to happen to lifting since Arnold Schwarzenegger.There are even programs cropping up combining Crossfit, bodybuilding and powerlifting principles (check out SwoleFit, for example, and their Snatchasaurus Flex. Rahhh). There really is a lot of crossover between these disciplines and so much they can learn from each other.When it comes down to it, who cares whether you’re lifting this way or that way, as long as you’re LIFTING?!We’re all part of the same community. All lifters are Savage in their own unique way, so how about we celebrate our commonalities and lift each other up instead of beating each other down?Feel free to keep on bitching about each other like school girls if you like, but as far as I’m concerned, as long as you’re lifting, you’re my friend.

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