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BOGOLIUBOV LABORATORY OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS Theoretical Physics at BLTP. Precision tests of the Standard Model at LHC



Theoret ical Physics at BLTP.

Precision tests of the Standard Model

at LHC

Dubna, Russia, July 1, 2008

Nikola i Nikolaevich Bogoliubov (19 0 9 – 199 2 )

is a dist inguished scient ist in the field of physics and

mathemat ics. His scient if ic act ivity began in Kyev

(1923 - 1947) and then cont inued in Moscow (since

1949) and Dubna (since 1956).

Main scient ific results in the fields:

� Nonlinear m echanics: asym pthot ic

m ethods, stability theory;

� Stat ict ical physics: kinet ic equat ions,

quasiaverages for system s with

spontaneously broken sym m etries;

� Quantum stat ist ics: m icroscopic theory

of Bose-gas superfluidity, m icroscopic

theory of superconduct iv ity;

� Quantum field theory: axiomat ic

scat tering matrix, general renormalizat ion

theory, proof of dispersion relat ions;

� Elementary pat icles theory: "quark bag"

model, quantum number "colour" ;

N.N. Bogoliubov's act ivity began at the age of

14-15. His major independent results were obtained

when he was 20-25. His scient ific act ivity is specified

by considerable mathem atical culture and directness

to solut ion of concrete problems of natural science.

Dm it r ii Ivanovich Blokhintsev (1908 –

1979) one of the pioneers of atom ic

science and technology in USSR, the

organizer and the first director of the JINR.

Main scient ific results in the fields:

- Quantum m echanics

- Acoust ics of an inhom ogeneous

m edium

- Neut ron physics

- Quantum field theory and Paritcle


1954 – the scient if ic supervisor of creat ion and put t ing into

operat ion of the world first atom ic power stat ion.

1956 – 1965 – JINR Director

During the 80-90s of the XX


Vict or Isaakovich Ogievet sky

with colleagues achieved essent ial

progress in understanding of the

m athem at ical st ructure of

supersym m etric theories.

They suggested and worked out

the harm onic superspace m ethod

which is now widely recognized as

an adequate approach to the

theories with extended

supersym m etry.

At the end of the f ift ies, at the

suggest ion of Nikolai Nikolaevich


Vadim Georgievich Soloviev

studied the propert ies of deform ed

nuclei in the fram ework of the m odel

of independent quasipart icles. These

invest igat ions culm inated at the end

of the sevent ies in the creat ion of

the quasipart icle-phonon nuclear

m odel.

Invest igat ions by the Soloviev 's

group st im ulated experim ental

studies in nuclear spectroscopy at

JINR in Dubna and in JINR Mem ber

States and are now widely used in

data analysis.

V.G. Kadyshevsky, A.N. Sissakian, A.T.Filippov, D.V. Shirkov

Directors of BLTP during the years 1987 - 2007



Scient ific personnel of the Bogoliubov Laboratory of

Theoret ical Physics has accum ulated extensive experience

of research in several fundam ental areas of theoret ical

physics: quantum field theory and elem entary part icle

physics, theory of atom ic nuclei, condensed m at ter physics

and m ethods of m athem at ical physics.

Dist inct ive features of research at BLTP are the

interdisciplinary character of invest igat ions, their direct

integrat ion into internat ional projects in cooperat ion with

scient ists from the world leading research centres, close

coordinat ion of theoret ical invest igat ions with

experim ental program s of JINR.

Tradit ionally, the Laboratory has also played the role of the

t raining cent re for young scient ists and students from m any

count ries. This act ivit y has becom e even m ore pronounced

during the last decade due to launching the scient if ic

and educat ional project «Dubna Internat ional Advanced

School of Theoret ical Physics» (DIAS-TH), as well as

opening the new departm ents of theoret ical physics at

Moscow Physical Technical University and Dubna

Internat ional University closely associated with the

Laboratory and JINR University Cent re.

The Laboratory has becom e a popular site for organizat ion

of internat ional conferences, workshops, schools for young

scient ists in various f ields of theoret ical physics.

Theory of Elementary Particles


•Standard Model and Its Extension

•QCD Parton Distributions for Modern and Future Colliders

•Physics of Heavy and Exotic Hadrons

•Mixed Phase in Heavy-Ion Collisions

Nuclear St ruct ure and Dynam ics

Projects: •Nuclear Structure far from Stability Valley

•Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions and Nuclear Properties

• at the Low Energies at the Low Energies

• Exotic Few-Body Systems

• Nuclear Structure and Dynamics at the Relativistic Energies

Main themes of research and projects in BLTP

Theory of Condensed M at t er and New

M at erials


•Physical properties of complex materials and


•Mathematical problems of many-particle systems

M odern M at hem t ical Physics


•Quantum groups and integrable systems


•Quantum gravity, cosmology and strings

Research and Educat ion Project “ Dubna

Internat ional School of Theoret ical

Physics (DIAS-TH)”

Summary of results

Publications 2003-2008 (2003-2009, preliminary)Monographs – 17 (19) Journals -- 1581 (1850) Total -- 2660 (3100)

International Conferences, Workshops, Schools 2003-2009Total - 93DIAS-TH Schools for young scientists - 23

Research in these fields refers to fundamental theoretical and mathematical problems of modern physics

as well as applied problems closely connected with experimental investigations as is illustrated by few recent

results to be presented at the next slides.

Fields and Particles D.Kazakov, O.Teryaev

Nuclear Theory V.Voronov, A.Vdovin

Theory of Condensed Matter V.Priezzhev, V.Osipov,


Modern Mathematical Physics A.Sorin, A.Isaev

Dubna InternationalAdvanced School

of Theoretical Physics (DIAS-TH) A.Filippov, A.Sorin,


Scientific Personnel







Comment: D - doctor, C - candidate, O - without degree, S - postgraduate student + student

40 81415Theory of Condensed Matter

61121625Nuclear Theory


29 5 911Modern Mathematical Physics

67122425Fields and Particles


Certain enhancem ent of the work in nuclear and part icle

ast rophysics, hadron physics under ext rem e condit ions (in

connect ion with experim ental program s of the NICA/MPD

project at JINR, current and future experim ents at RHIC, LHC

and FAIR), lat t ice QCD calculat ions is planned. to be

intensified. Research in condensed m at ter physics will cohere

m ore direct ly with the requirem ents of m odern

nanotechnology developm ent .

Quant um Fie ld Theory and Part icle Physics: priorit ies will

be determ ined by the physics program m es of m ajor

internat ional projects (LHC, RHIC, FAIR, K2K, etc.) and t he

NICA/M PD project a t JINR.

Nuclear Theory. The m ain st ream of nuclear studies at low-

energies will be the propert ies of nuclei far from the valley of

stability . The JINR project DRIBS as well as several already

established or planned experim ental projects in Europe, United

States and Japan have as their m ain goal the study of unstable


M ilest ones in theoret ical physics at JINR for next seven years

Theory of Condensed M at t er. The m ajor focus of the

program is the analysis of the st rongly correlated elect ron

system s – novel cooperat ive phenom ena, new form s of order,

low-dim ensional m agnet ism and quantum crit icalit y.

Extensive experim ental invest igat ions of these m aterials

perform ed by neut ron scat tering m ethods at the Laboratory of

Neutron Physics at JINR st rongly m ot ivate the developm ent of

theoret ical invest igat ions.

M odern M at hem at ica l Physics. Superst ring Theory will be

the cent ral topic in the m athem at ical physics studies. Further

developm ent of the theory of classical and quantum integrable

system s, quantum groups and supergroups, noncom m utat ive

geom etry, quantum gravity will play a crucial role.

DIAS-TH. The overall object ive of the project «Dubna

Internat ional School of Theoret ical Physics (DIAS-TH) » will be

a prom ot ion of educat iona l and t ra ining program s at

JINR in the field of t heore t ica l physics.

Fields and Particles(projects)

• Standard Model and its extensions

Leaders: D.Kazakov, E.Kuraev

• QCD parton distributions for modern and future colliders

Leaders: D.Shirkov, A.Efremov, O.Teryaev,

• Hadron Structure: QFT models and phenomenology

Leaders: A. Dorokhov, M.Ivanov 

• Mixed phase in heavy-ion collisions

Leaders: A.Sissakian, D.Blaschke, A.Sorin


more than 500 journal publications,

more than 400 talks published in the Proceedings of international conferences


– Developm ent of QFT form alism in applicat ion to m odern part icle physics

– Calculat ions of various processes in the Standard Model and its extensions (SUSY)

– Invest igat ion of hadron st ructure, spin effets, polarizat ion effects and the st ructure of QCD vacuum

– Study of flavour physics and heavy quark physics and invest igat ion of hadron propert ies at high densit ies and tem perature

– Theoret ical support of current and future experim ents at JINR, CERN, DESY, FNAL, JLab, BNL, IHEP

Main Topics

Astropart icle physics (Dark Mat ter)

Neut rino physics (Interact ion with hadrons)

Heavy ion physics (NICA)
