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BON VIVANT PINOT NOIR - Flâneur Wines...2016 BON VIVANT PINOT NOIR Pronounced aromas of muddled...

Date post: 18-Mar-2021
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201 6 BON VIVANT PINOT NOIR Pronounced aromas of muddled cherry, dried rose petal and exotic spice. The palate follows through, layered with flavors of black cherry, black raspberry, spice, tobacco and florals. The whole cluster driven structure provides a firm backbone, however is approachable in it's youth. This wine was crafted in the cellar from a selection of barrels that all underwent various styles of whole cluster fermentation. 25 % FLANERIE VINEYARD Ribbon Ridge AVA 200-350' Elevation | Eastern Exposure Marine Sedimentary Soils (Willakenzie Series) Planted to Wadenswil, 667, 777 & Pommard Clones Dry Farmed Using Organic Principles The Flanerie Vineyard, planted in 2003 sits facing due east on the southern edge of the Ribbon Ridge AVA. The terrain is comprised of a thin layer of topsoil over a deep seam of marine sedimentary motherock. These dry farmed vines produce intense wines with dark fruit and unique meaty/savory signature. 122 cases | Bottle d September 201 7 1 00 % Whole Cluster | 3. 79 pH | 5. 5 g/L TA | 14.2% ABV 1 2 M onths in Oak Barrels ( 25 % New) | $ 5 0 SRP 75% LA BELLE PROMENADE VINEYARD Chehalem Mountains AVA 700-820 ' Elevation | Northeastern/Southwestern Exposure Volcanic Soils (Jory / Nekia) Planted to Mixed Pinot Noir Clones Dry farmed Using Organic Principles La Belle Promenade is 33 acres of volcanic soils, with the western portion of the site consisting of a thick layer of fractured basalt. The vineyard was planted in 2014 to 26 acres of Pinot Noir, 5 acres of Chardonnay and 2 acres of Pinot Meunier. Due in part to its high elevation, this site allows for great diversity in concert with our other estate vineyard, Flanerie.
Page 1: BON VIVANT PINOT NOIR - Flâneur Wines...2016 BON VIVANT PINOT NOIR Pronounced aromas of muddled cherry, dried rose petal and exotic spice. The palate follows through, layered with

2 0 1 6 B O N V I V A N T P I N O T N O I R Pronounced aromas of muddled cherry, dried rose petal and exot ic spice .

The palate fo l lows through, layered with f lavors of black cherry, black raspberry, spice , tobacco and f lorals . The whole c luster driven s tructure

provides a f i rm backbone, however is approachable in i t ' s youth. This wine was craf ted in the ce l lar from a se lec t ion of barre ls that al l

underwent various s tyles of whole c luster fermentat ion.

2 5 % F L A N E R I E V I N E Y A R D Ribbon Ridge AVA

200-350' Elevat ion | Easte rn ExposureMarine Sedimentary Soi l s (Wil lakenzie Ser i e s)

Planted to Wadenswil , 667, 777 & Pommard ClonesDry Farmed Using Organic Pr inc ip l es

The Flaner i e Vineyard, p lanted in 2003 s i t s fac ing due eas t on the southern edge o f the Ribbon Ridge AVA. The t e r ra in i s comprised o f a

th in layer o f topso i l over a deep seam of marine sedimentary motherock . These dry farmed v ines produce in t ense wines wi th dark

f ru i t and unique meaty/savory s ignature .

122 cases | Bot t l ed September 2017 100% Whole Clus t e r | 3.79 pH | 5.5 g/L TA | 14.2% ABV

12 Months in Oak Barre l s (25% New) | $50 SRP

7 5 % L A B E L L E P R O M E N A D E V I N E Y A RD

Chehalem Mountains AVA700-820 ' Elevat ion | Northeas t e rn/Southwes t e rn Exposure

Volcanic So i l s (Jory/Nekia) Planted to Mixed Pinot Noir ClonesDry farmed Using Organic Pr inc ip l es

La Bel l e Promenade i s 33 acres o f vo lcanic so i l s , wi th the wes t e rn por t ion o f the s i t e cons i s t ing o f a th ick layer o f f rac tured basal t . The v ineyard was p lanted in 2014 to 26 acres o f Pinot Noir , 5 acres o f Chardonnay and 2

acres o f Pinot Meunier . Due in par t to i t s h igh e l evat ion, th i s s i t e a l lows for grea t d ive rs i ty in concer t wi th our o ther e s ta t e v ineyard, Flaner i e .
