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Bonsai Clippings Volume VI No 3 Mother Lode Bonsai Club...

Date post: 05-Sep-2020
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Next Meeting: Saturday, April 4, 2020 - 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM Place: San Andreas Public Library, 1299 Gold Hunter Road, San Andreas, CA 95249 Visitors Welcome - For more information call: Richard McKinstry at 209 288 2330 Clippings Volume VI No 3 Bonsai facebook.com/motherlodebonsai MLBC Newsletter March 2020 - 1 - www.MotherLodeBonsai.org - President’s Message - Members, there will always be challenges to us as individuals and as a group. These challenges can usually be worked through, or, at least, survived. Our club will survive these difficult days and come together again. Work on your plants and think about what will make our club stronger. Until we meet again, thanks, Richard. Editors Note: It has been announced that the San Andreas Public library will closed indefinitely. This MLBC Newsletter publication will try to remain up and running to keep you posted as to any upcoming public bonsai meetings and information. ~ Joan Scroggs Mother Lode Bonsai Club Monthly Newsletter March 2020 At our March 7th meeting, Doc Ward presented an informative lecture/demonstration around winter repotting of deciduous trees that he does in spring. Doc describes his style as the ancient technique of "clip and grow". He has a three point approach : 1 - Stump formation. - 2 - Structure of large tree branches. - 3 - Ramification of fine branches. - To achieve a desired compression, he regularly cuts back the foliage of each branch to the first set of leaf buds to encourage back budding and to there- in develop fine ramification. - March Meeting - Ward also demonstrated his new accelerated technique involving a root-over- rock composition, wherein he demonstrated how to tie the roots onto a selected stone then covering the entire rock, along with the roots, into soil to be later dug- up some years later when the tree & r o o t s h a v e matured. He also displayed several of his recently completed creations.
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Next Meeting: Saturday, April 4, 2020 - 9:30 AM to 12:30 PMPlace: San Andreas Public Library, 1299 Gold Hunter Road, San Andreas, CA 95249

Visitors Welcome - For more information call: Richard McKinstry at 209 288 2330

ClippingsVolume VI No 3

Bonsai facebook.com/motherlodebonsai

MLBC Newsletter March 2020 - 1 - www.MotherLodeBonsai.org

- President’s Message -Members, there will always be challenges to us as individuals and as a group. These challenges can usually be worked through, or, at least, survived. Our club will survive these difficult days and come together again. Work on your plants and think about what will make our club stronger. Until we meet again, thanks, Richard. Editors Note:It has been announced that the San Andreas Public library will closed indefinitely. This MLBC Newsletter publication will try to remain up and running to keep you posted as to any upcoming public bonsai meetings and information. ~ Joan Scroggs

Mother Lode Bonsai Club Monthly Newsletter March 2020

At our March 7th meeting, Doc Ward presented an informative lecture/demonstration around winter

repotting of deciduous trees   that he does in spring. Doc describes h i s s t y l e a s t h e ancient technique of "clip and grow".   He has a three point approach : 1 - Stump formation. - 2 - Structure of large  tree branches. -3 - Ramification of fine branches. - To achieve a desired c o m p r e s s i o n , he  regularly cuts back the foliage of each branch  to the first set

of leaf buds to encourage back budding and to there-in develop fine ramification.

- March Meeting -Ward a lso demons t ra ted h is new accelerated technique involving a root-over-

rock composition, w h e r e i n h e demonstrated how to tie the roots onto a selected stone then covering the entire rock, along with the roots, into soil to be later dug-

up some years later when the tree & r o o t s h a v e matured. He also displayed several o f h i s recen t l y c o m p l e t e d creations.

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Our Secretary’s position is still UNFILLED!


At our February meeting Doug Lau presented the Club’s clothing order sheets  for hats, aprons, polo shirts and at our March meeting, Doug handed out the orders. Did you get yours?


Please help!!

Our March meeting started at 10 AM due to a late opening of the library. .............First on the agenda was the announcement that members are encouraged to submit their annual dues to remain on the MLBC membership rolls. ... We are still looking for a secretary.... A discussion followed concerning our annual show and should it be extended into two days? A majority vote carried the motion for a two day show. The show will be held at the library on September 19th and 20th with set up on Friday, September 18th from 1 PM to 5 PM. All exhibit plants must be brought in on Friday, September 18th. Committees for the club are listed in the club bylaws and need volunteers to make our exhibit successful.Doug presented Joan's new book on Bonsai Basics. He broke down sections of the book for member assessment. The book will be on sale this summer with a discounted price to all MLBC members.

- Our March Club Raffle -

The March meeting Club Raffle had many very interesting items that were enjoyed by the ticket holders. There were several very nice shohin maple trees donated by Doc Ward, also included in the raffle were junipers, pines, suiseki, and pots. ~

Vince Owyoung stayed after the meeting to teach Mark how to do an arch graft onto his juniper from an Itiogawa Juniper. See next page for article and photos............

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Shimpaku juniper branch grafted onto a Itiogawa variety juniper. ~

The Shimpaku juniper branches and their length were selected for the location as to where to graft onto the secondary Juniper.

The two trees are wired onto a pallet for protection of the graft sites from any form of movement. This is an important step before any of the actual grafting begins.

After out March meeting had somewhat adjourned, Vince & Mark stayed behind for an impromptu demonstration on juniper grafting.

- March Post-Meeting Grafting Demo -

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- MLBC Bonsai Chat - Questions, Answers, Comments,

Items of Interest

What’s going on in your bonsai garden?Any subject you’d like to have discussed?

All members of the MLBC are invited to participate in this very informal Q & A

“Bonsai Chat”. Send your correspondence to -

Joan Scroggs at: [email protected]

Deadline for publication is the Third Monday of the Month.


Feed ME!!

Dear Mother Lode Bonsai Club Members:I would like to share with you a few words, or rather a brief quote from our past MLBC President, Bod Dean. Bob recently wrote to me in an e-mail note indicating in part, “It now seems like I'll have a lot of time on my hands”. Well yeah, so do I and most other people living in the state of California with this “Shelter in Place” order. So as Bob said, lets get out into our gardens and get to work with things we’ve all too long been too busy to do. ... and, that’s just what I've been doing this last week.

In-that spring is now somewhat upon us, it certainly can be a time of increased activity in our gardens, weather permitting, … and whether one lives on several acers or in a mobile home, even the smallest garden plot of perhaps only a few square feet can be a time consuming fun filled project. It’s really surprising just how nice things are starting to look around my garden. Besides that, I got a lot of exercise and fresh air, ... also took some time off at just sitting behind this computer all day writing my latest bonsai book.

Many retired people such as myself who no-longer have a large family at home to keep them busy during this time of “shelter-in-place”, can certainly keep themselves busy in the garden and also get a lot of needed of fresh air and exercise. Now is the time to work up the soil in your spring garden and work-over those long put aside bonsai plants. The ground is soft from recent spring showers, and there are many weeds to plow-under. In addition, If you really feel up to it, you might just call a friend or neighbor to see if perhaps you can do some grocery shopping for them or maybe even do some simple chores around their garden for them as well.

Take a look at the next page to see what Frank Garcia, a Sonora High School teacher, has been up to in getting some of his overgrown bonsai into beautiful shape, and to also keep his young daughter Miranda, busy doing something she surly seems to enjoy. ~ Joan scroggs

- Editor’s Comments -

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Shelter in place can m e a n m o r e t i m e , d e d i c a t i o n , a n d p a t i e n c e w i t h o u r bonsai trees. Miranda a n d F r a n k G a r c i a trimmed and styled this prostrata juniper on a cold rainy evening last week. Great detail was taken to expose the h o r i z o n t a l b r a n c h structure. Estimated age is 25 years old. ~

A picture story around Frank Garcia and daughter Miranda spending time catching up and attending to some of the many overdue chores and projects in their bonsai garden. ~ Photos & Commentary by Frank Garcia.......

- Restyling An Old Bonsai -

The old juniper before restyling

Miranda doing her part

During the styling operation

After the new styling

MLBC Newsletter March 2020 - 5 - www.MotherLodeBonsai.org

On display in the living room, then it goes outside where it will remain.

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6 - Propagating: Cuttings & Seeds -Now is the time for rooting some of your favorite cuttings for new spring growth, and, if you have access to a nice warm garden ‘hot house’, now would be agood time to plant those tomato seeds and alike.

7 - Grafting - Start now with your grafting projects. Better hurry, ... you only have a week or two left for apple, pear and plum.

This Month’s Bonsai Calendar....

5 - Insect, disease, and, ... critter control - Maintain defensive treatments for fungus.... Watch for and treat insect and scale infestations. Cage all fruit bearing trees to protect them from night raiding raccoons, rabbits, possums, deer, and alike.

8 - The Sun - Rotate all trees at least once a month to insure even growth from all viewable angles of the tree, and too, so that they do not grow in just one direction, that is toward the sun’s rays only.

1 - Watering - So now we are starting to get some of the rain we should have had over the last two months. I would suggest that you adjust your watering schedule to a springtime schedule, however do not leave the watering of your fine bonsai up to Mother Nature entirely. Remember, check on your nice bonsai one-in-awhile. They may need just a quick drink or debris removal. They’ll love you for it.

2 - Fertilizing - It’s still just a bit too early to consider applying any fertilizers to your still dormant bonsai. Wait until all possibility of frost and cold weather has pasted. Do not use Epson Salts as a fertilizer just yet, as it is very high in nitrogen and could very well cause your plants to start a vigorous new growth cycle, which in-turn could cause serious frost damage to your bonsai. Do not apply fertilizers to recently repotted trees until at least one month after repotting.

3 - Repotting - Now is the time to bring your serious repotting and root pruning projects to a close for this season. Our next repotting season will start with the very first frost of fall weather in November or December.

4 - Pruning/Styling - As with most all trees, avoid very drastic pruning until January through mid March, however, you may lightly prune excessive growth as necessary most anytime. In-that there is less circulating sap in most plants during our winter months, now is the time to begin new creative styling for spring, as in these winter months limbs have a tendency to be just a wee bit more pliable. Be very sure to remove all old wire that may be starting to cut into tender bark and limbs.

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GSBF’s Bonsai and Suiseki Garden Museum - Lakeside Park, Oakland California - Open: Wed., Thurs., Fri. 11:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m., Sat. 10:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m., Sun. 12:00 noon– 4:00 p.m. Enter at garden gate across from the Boat House. www.gsbf-lakemerritt.org/

MLBC Newsletter March 2020 - 7 - www.MotherLodeBonsai.org

- Events By Others -

April 4 – 5, 2020 Sacramento, CABonsai Sekiyu Kai: 43rd Annual Show will be held at the Sacramento Buddhist Church, 2401 Riverside Blvd. Hours are 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM with demo at 2:00 PM, both days by Yuzo Maruyama. Free Admission. Amenities include refreshments, light snacks, door prizes, raffles, and silent auction. Member and vendor sales of plants and bonsai related items. For more information contact Bonsai Sekiyu Kai at [email protected].

April 11 - 12, 2020 Sacramento, CA American Bonsai Association, Sacramento: Annual Spring Show at the Shepard Garden & Arts Center in McKinley Park, 3330 McKinley Blvd. Show hours are Saturday, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM, & Sunday, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM, with demo by Dave De Groot at 1:30 PM, both days. Beginner workshop: Sunday morning from 10:00 AM to Noon. Large member sales and vendor areas, free admission & parking. Benefit drawings, both Saturday & Sunday, will include each day’s demo tree & many bonsai & bonsai related items. For addit ional information vis i t our websi te: www.abasbonsai.org or contact Renee Seely, 916-929-2106.

Schedule of MLBC Field Trips

The Mother Lode Bonsai Club will continue with news as to the rescheduling of all recently canceled field trips. Please contact Nikie Hobba for more information.

April 18, 2020 Modesto, CA Modesto Bonsai Club: 38th Annual Spring Show at the Stanislaus County Harvest Hall, 3800 Cornucopia Way. Show hours are Saturday, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM, with a demonstration at 1:00 PM by Sam Adina. Exhibits, sales, plants, pots, tools and more, multiple raffles. Free admission and parking. Benefit drawing Saturday, will include demonstration tree and many bonsai and bonsai related items. For additional information visit our Club Facebook Page Modesto Bonsai Club, or contact our Club President Peter Camarena, 2 0 9 - 5 2 9 - 1 7 5 9 o r e m a i l [email protected].

April 18 - 19, 2020 Santa Cruz, CA Santa Cruz Bonsai Kai: 31st Annual Bonsai Show at the Museum of Art & History, 705 Front Street. Show hours are from 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM with demonstrations at 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM. Saturday’s demonstrators are Enrique Castano. at 11:00 AM and Gordon Deeg at 2:00 PM and Sunday’s demonstrators are Enrique Castano at 11:00 AM and Scott Chadd at 2:00 PM. Demonstration trees and trees prepared by club members will be part of the raffle after each day’s demonstration. Sales area will include quality vendor and member trees, pots, and other related bonsai items. Come and enjoy the Museum of Art & History, over 100 bonsai trees on display, and demonstrations on how to create bonsai from nursery stock. In addition, enjoy the Watsonville Taiko Drummers, a hang drum demonstration, and other Japanese cultural events in the recently revitalized Abbott Square next to the Museum. For this weekend only, admission price is $5.00 for both the Museum and the Bonsai Show (Half off the normal Museum entrance fee). For more i n f o r m a t i o n , c o n t a c t S a r a h T i l l e r a t [email protected] or Robert Potts at [email protected]

April 25 - 26, 2020 Palo Alto, CA Kusamura Bonsai Club: 60th Annual Show, Lucie Stern Community Center, 1305 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto. Show hours are Saturday, Noon – 4 PM, Sunday 11 AM – 4 PM. Free admission. Bonsai trees, pots, and other bonsai related items

- Events By Others -

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May 30 - 31, 2020 Oakland, CABay Area Satsuki Aikokai: presents their annual Satsuki Azalea Bonsai Show at the Lakeside Park Garden Center, 666 Bellevue Ave., Lake Merritt. Hours are on Saturday from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM and on Sunday from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Featuring bonsai Satsuki azaleas in full flower bloom. Expert demonstration and raffle on Saturday from 1:00 to 3:00 PM. Educational forums all day. Member sales with beginner and Japan imported material. Vendor sales. Free admission. For more information, contact George Haas at [email protected]. Visit our website at satsukiazaleabonsai.org.

June 6 - 7, 2020 San Mateo, CASei Boku Bonsai Kai: 37th Anniversary Bonsai Show located at the San Mateo Garden Center, 605 Parkside Way (at Beresford Park). Hours are 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM, both days. Saturday demonstration performed by Gordon Deeg from 1:00 to 3:00 PM. Sunday demonstration performed by Valerie Monroe from 1:00 to 3:00 PM. Demo trees for raffles! Also, there will be door prizes, tree clinic, vendor sales, plant sales. Free Admission. Contact Marsha Mekisich for more information at [email protected]. V i s i t o u r w e b s i t e a t h t t p : / /www.seibokubonsai.org/?sec=show.

June 13 - 14, 2020 Oakland, CASuiseki Societies of Northern California, Bay Area Shohin Society and the California Shohin Society: present an Exhibit of San Francisco Bay Area Suiseki and Shohin Bonsai at the Lakeside Park Garden Center, 666 Bellevue Avenue. Members of all Bay Area Bonsai and Suiseki Clubs are invited to exhibit. Vendors welcome. For further information, contact Lisa Harper at 510-220-3339 or [email protected]. June 20 - 21, 2020 Livermore, CAValley Bonsai Society: 12th Annual Show at Alden Lane Nursery, 981 Alden Lane. Show hours are 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM with a demonstration at 1:00 PM on both days. The finished tree will be raffled off at the end of the demonstrations. Bonsai pots, soil, etc., available for purchase. Admission is free.

will be for sale. Bring your tree to our Bonsai Clinic for advice on care and development. Tours of the show will be held starting at 1:30 PM, each day. For more information contact Charlene Fischer at [email protected] or visit www.kusamurabonsai.org.

April 26, 2020 Watsonville, CA Watsonville Bonsai Club: 47th Annual Bonsai Exhibit held at the Watsonville Buddhist Temple, 423 Bridge Street. Show hours are 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM, with a demonstration by award winning Bonsai Master Katsumi Kinoshita at 1:30 PM. Over 50 outstanding bonsai, large and small, young and old, will be on display. A raffle of bonsai items, plants and the demo tree will follow. Tea & cookies will be served. Plenty of parking for vehicles of all sizes; even for group outings. A vendor will be available to sate your plant appetite for bonsai or otherwise. For more information contact Michael Anderson at (831)247-9028 or [email protected]

May 2 - 3 2020 Sacramento, CASacramento Bonsai Club: 74th Annual Bonsai and Suiseki Show at the Sacramento Buddhist Church, 2401 Riverside Blvd. Show hours Saturday 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM and Sunday 12:00 Noon to 4:00 PM. Demonstration both days at at 1:30 PM by Sam Adina. Refreshments, benefit drawings and sales of plants and bonsai related items. For more information, contact Lucy Sakaishi-Judd at (916) 300-8103 or email [email protected].

May 16 - 17, 2020 Sacramento, CASatsuki Aikokai Association of Sacramento: Hosts our Annual show of flowering Satsuki azalea bonsai at the Shepard Garden Center, 3330 McKinley Blvd. Hours are Saturday 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM, and Sunday 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM, with demonstrations at 1:00 PM on both days. Satsuki information booth, vendors, raffles, etc. For more information contact Ronn Pigram at 9 1 6 - 4 2 8 - 8 5 0 5 o r e m a i l [email protected].

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Mother Lode


MLBC Newsletter March 2020 Made on a Mac www.MotherLodeBonsai.org

August 22 - 23, 2020 Santa Rosa, CA Redwood Empire Bonsai Society: 37th Annual Bonsai Show at the Santa Rosa Veterans Memorial Building, 1351 Maple Ave. Hours are Saturday 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM and Sunday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Featuring Kathy Shaner bonsai demonstration, both days from 1:00 to 3:00 PM. Demo trees to be raffled. See largest bonsai exhibit, San Francisco Suiseki Kai stone exhibit, large vendor area, large member sales, and exciting silent auctions. Free admission and parking. Free refreshments. Contact Bob Shimon for additional information [email protected] or v is i t our websi te www.rebsbonsai.org.

September 19, 2020 Modesto, CA Modesto Bonsai Club: 38th Annual Spring Show at the Stanislaus County Harvest Hall, 3800 Cornucopia Way. Show hours are Saturday, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM, with a demonstration at 1:00 PM by Sam Adina. Exhibits, sales, plants, pots, tools and more, multiple raffles. Free admission and parking. Benefit drawing Saturday, wi l l include demonstration tree and many bonsai and bonsai related items. For additional information visit our Club Facebook Page Modesto Bonsai Club, or contact our Club President Peter Camarena, 2 0 9 - 5 2 9 - 1 7 5 9 o r e m a i l [email protected].

Oct 30 - Nov 1, 2020 Santa Nella, CAGolden State Bonsai Federation (GSBF): 2020 Convention 43 "MISSION: BONSAI" to be held at the Hotel Mission De Oro, 13070 S. Highway 33. Hotel rooms $121 + tax (two night minimum). Featuring headliner Yasuo Mitsuya of Japan. A full slate of workshops, seminars and critiques. There will be two banquet dinners, Friday and Saturday evenings with live auction and raffle. Vendors from northern and southern California in one huge location. Online Registration Date: July 1, 2020. Reduced convention price of $199.00 (watch for early bird and club bundle registration discounts). For further information, contact Bob Hilvers at [email protected].

Mother Lode Bonsai Club Officers: President - Richard McKinstry [email protected] 209 288 2330 Vice President - Joan Scroggs [email protected] Corresponding Secretary - Shirley Ulm [email protected] Recording Secretary - None Treasurer - Bob Dean [email protected] President Ex-Officio: Bob Dean

The Mother Lode Bonsai Club Newsletter is a monthly publication intended for the enjoyment and educational use for all those persons interested in the art of bonsai. Editor/Publisher - Joan Scroggs [email protected]

MLBC Newsletter Contributors:

Copyright © 2020

Doug Lau, Nikie Hobba, Kathy Owyoung, Frank Garcia

BOARD OF DIRECTORS:Sonny CozzoNikie Hobba + Club coordinator of monthly demos.David ThoenyPattie Thoeny WEBMASTERDave Thoeny NEWSLETTER EDITORJoan Scroggs PUBLICITYDoug Lau
